#The reason why I said this is because everytime I see her on my feed she just starts COMPLAINING
sublieu · 1 year
I used to like this person and now I'mma need them to shut the fuck up.
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They're getting on my nerves.
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femsolid · 6 months
Had a little exchange with a client that started fine, she was sorry to see me go because I'm quitting my job. I thanked her and said I enjoyed working for her too, but the work was causing me health issues and was not doable with my disabilities. I said I was starting a new job right away, a desk job which will be a nice rest for me. And then she said "oh I understand, I too realized that health is really important and need to be protected when I had children. It's such hard work, you need to be physically prepared. Do you have children?" And I said no. The usual awkward silence happened. My concerns for my own health and comfort suddenly appearing selfish and unjustified. She said "oh well, you still have time, how old are you?" They always say that because they think I'm 25 or something. I said "I'm 34." Another awkward silence. "Well uh, you never know, you'll probably want to have children someday and you'll need all the preparation you can get right?" Why? Why can't a woman prioritise her health for the sake of it? Why does it have to be in anticipation of mandatory motherhood, the great martyrdom? Feels like being prepared for a ritual sacrifice. Rest, eat, be beautiful and adorned before they chop your head off. In some culture they literally force-feed the bride to fatten her up before the wedding. They'll make foie gras out of you. Made me think of that post saying the most feminist thing a woman can do is refuse to suffer. I'm quitting because I refuse to suffer any longer. The end goal is not to be better at suffering later on. It's not to suffer at all. And somehow they'll make you feel selfish for it.
And one last thing, it's the awkward pause everytime I say I don't have kids. A lot of women try to bond with other women not by talking about common interests, opinions, hobbies, it's just "do you have kids?" and the expectant "yes" which prompts the following script "how many? What age? Boy or girl? Which school?" And on and on. And you can understand why, their kids are central to their lives and it's a sacrifice they expect, even wish to share with other women. So when the answer is no they don't know what to say next. They say nothing. I used to justify myself "no, I never wanted it for some reason, I'm fine with them I've worked with children, I just never wanted to have any." Now I just say "no :)" and it's a conversation killer.
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sparkleofpizza · 1 year
Emails I can’t send - Spencer Reid x reader
Summary: There's no us in us when I'm lacking trust. Inspired by the song Emails I can't Send by Sabrina Carpenter.
Word count: 2.2k
Paring: Spencer Reid x  fem!Reader
Warnings: slightly AU, no happy ending, cursing, angst
You stared as Spencer smiled upon looking at his ringing phone, but averted your eyes before anyone could catch you looking. It had been like this for a while now and you knew he was talking to a woman because you overheard him the other day whispering her name as he answered the phone.
It was a pretty name, and she probably had a pretty face too.
It made you wonder if the last time you asked him to go on a date and he said he was tired and had a headache was true. If you could  go back in time and I find out what he was doing on October 13th, if he was lying to you or not.
The situation was making it hard to focus on usual tasks at work because you kept wondering if your boyfriend is cheating on you. But you knew you were being foolish, a part of you knew the truth and the other part didn’t want to accept it because it didn’t seem right that someone like him would do something like this to you.
You opened a new e-mail on your computer.
I know what you're doing. I don't know for how long it has been going on or what I did wrong for you to seek someone else. I wish you at least had the guts to call it ends with me before getting together with someone else. I thought you were better than this, but maybe it is my own fault for putting you too high on a pedestal, instead of seeing the truth. Maybe what they say is truth, love does blind people.
You stared at what you've written, but you knew you couldn't send it.
It was killing you on the inside, as the days went by and you still couldn't bring yourself to say something to him. Everytime Spencer would look at you and smile, hold your hand while walking, put his arms around you and kissed you, you knew he was thinking about someone else.
You wanted to cuss him out. Yell at him and tell him to never speak to you again. But you were holding onto the crumbs he was feeding you. And it was honestly tiring.
But you knew a conversation was coming and that it was long overdue. So it wasn't really a surprise when he showed up at your apartment in the middle of the night, holding out a bouquet of flowers and a sheepish smile upon his handsome face.
"Spence, did something happen?" You managed to say in between yaws. It was three am, after all.
"I-I couldn't sleep, and I kept thinking about you. So I thought I should come and see you."
You nodded, rubbing your eyes and letting him inside your apartment. You closed the door behind him.
"These are for you." He handed you the flowers.
A fresh bouquet of daisy, your favorite flowers.
"Thank you." You smiled, going to the kitchen to fetch a vase.
He trailed behind you, watching you as you filled the vase with water and placed the flowers inside.
"Where did you find a flower shop open at three in the morning?" You asked, turning around to look at him as you decided where to place the flowers.
"I, uh, went wandering around."
You nodded, walking past him to place them on top of the dinner table.
"Did I forget about some important milestone in our relationship or…?"
"What? No."
You looked at him over your shoulder "Then why the flowers?"
"Can't I just bring flowers to my girlfriend out of love and no other reason?"
You forced a smile, coming up to wrap your arms around him.
"Of course you can. Thank you, I loved them."
Spencer kissed the top of your head, caressing your hair.
You opened your mouth, ready to say something, but he was holding you so tight and he did bring you flowers. You didn't want to ruin the moment, you didn't know how many more you had left. So you closed your mouth and closed your eyes, enjoining his warmth.
You'd have to talk to him eventually, but now wasn't the right time.
That night you spent in his arms, watching as he slept peacefully, but you couldn’t bring yourself to close your eyes, because everytime you did, you kept picturing him with the faceless woman.
When you finally managed to fall asleep, you woke up in what felt like minutes later. Spencer’s side of the bed dipped and you instantly missed his warmth. You pretended to still be asleep as he rummaged through the room and left the bedroom.
You stayed quiet for a while until you hear him whisper hello. You furrowed your brows, is he really talking to her while at your place after spending the night tangled in your body?
You quietly left the bed and crept behind the hallway wall, where you could listen to him talking on the phone while brewing coffee.
“I just wanted to hear your voice before I fully start my day.” He said, and you could tell there was a smile on his face. “And to wish a good morning and an amazing day.”
There was a pause, she was probably talking. You heard him giggle. Giggle. Like a school girl with a crush, he giggled because of someone else. You felt your heart squeeze in your chest.
Deciding enough is enough, you decided to make your presence known by loudly wishing him good morning.
He had his back turned to you when you rounded the corner and place his phone in a hurry inside his sweatpants pocket.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” There was a smile on his face and you wondered how he could lie to you so well. “I just started to brew us coffee.”
“Were you talking to someone?” You asked absently, opening the fridge to get some eggs.
“No.” He lied. “There are only us here.”
There’s no us in us when I’m lacking trust.
“It must have been the neighbors then.”
“They sure know how to make noise.” He laughed.
Spencer started rumbling about the things you two could get done on your day off next wednesday. He was telling you about this new coffee shop that just opened up downtown and how he was excited to take you there. But all you could hear was: She will be there and I want to see her, but since I can’t I am going to take you to see her with me and you won’t know I’m seeing her, but I’m only there because of her.
He kept talking and talking and talking, but all you could think was that he would rather make these plans with her. How he liked her more. How she was better than you.
“I know you’re cheating on me.” You blurted out.
There was a moment of silence. Your back was turned to him while you plated your omelets, so couldn’t see his reaction.
“W-What?” He asked after way too many minutes of silence.
You turned around. Spencer was sitting on your kitchen counter, he used to belong there, but now it didn’t feel like it. His ears were red, which meant his is flustered.
“I know about Maeve.” You simply said.
“I. There is nothing going on between me and Maeve.”
“If there’s nothing going on between you two then why are you hiding her from me?” You questioned. “You know about all fo my friends and I thought I knew about all of yours too.”
He pursed his lips. “You know I don’t have friends aside from you and our coworkers.”
“Well, you’ve got to make up your mind, Spence. If she’s not your friend then what is she? Why do you need to call her to hear her voice first thing in the morning?”
You watched as he visibly gulped.
“She’s just a girl I’ve been talking to.”
“You don’t talk to other people while in a relationship.”
“It’s different. She understands me.”
“And I don’t?” You fired back.
“It’s… different. It’s just different.” He repeated
There was another moment of silence. The fact that he wasn’t trying to explain it further or tell you that you were crazy… He was just looking at you with pure sad eyes. That’s when you knew it was already over.  
“I think we’re done here.” You said, hoping your voice didn’t sound as small as you felt “You should go.”
He stood up.
“What do you mean we’re done?” He asked in an ever smaller voice.
You choked up a laugh.
“It means you and I are done. I hope she makes you happy.”
You started to walk away, but you heard him call out your name. You paused in the hallway, not daring to look at him.
“Close the door on your way out.” Was the last thing you said before retreating to the bedroom.
The days that followed were dull and full of ache. Seeing him everyday was pure torture.
You’d watch as Spencer opened his mouth every time you were close to each other, but on better look at you and he’d look away. You wondered if you were looking as bad as you felt. You were trying your best to not let your emotions cloud your judgment and show off how you were really feeling. You’d already deflected all of the attempted conversation from your coworkers, but you knew they weren’t dumb and had already caught up on what happened. You knew it was only a matter of time before they finally corner you and get you to talk.
“Hotch, good morning, sir.” You knocked on your boss’ office door. He looked up from the computer and motioned for you to come in. “I was wondering if I could take a few days off to visit my family in New York.”
He nodded.
“This doesn’t have anything to do with agent Reid, does it?”
You internally cringed at being called out by your boss.
“No sir.” You cleared your throat. “My uh sister just gave birth and I would like to meet my niece.”
“Of course. Take a few days off, I’ll call you if you're needed.”  
“Thank you.”
We were supposed to be aunt and uncle together, yet here I am being an aunt all alone because you decided to throw our relationship away. You suck.
Spending a week in New York was actually what you really needed to try and not focus on your heartbreak. Helping your sister with her newborn was the perfect distraction.
The moment you arrived home without Spencer by your side, your family instantly knew there was something wrong. You’ve been together for a very long time and he was practically part of the family already, every time you visited your parents he would go with you. His presence is known and his absence felt weird.
You told them superficially what happened. Weirdly you didn’t want to ruin his relationship with your family. You simply told them you two broke up because you wanted different things in life at the moment, that wasn’t a complete lie, you wanted him and he wanted someone else - different things.
That week you were at your parent's house, you met a guy. He was nice, one of the nicest people you've ever met. You two were talking all the time, texting and texting, and you kind of felt like a teenager with a crush. But you thought Spencer was a nice guy too.
You kept imagining that he had a wife hidden away somewhere, a family too. He was just lying to you, and you'd be part of a love affair you weren't aware of.
I get nice guys and villainize them
When you returned home after a week away, you were in shock standing in the hallway. Your doorstep was covered in all kinds of flowers, chocolates and literally anything you have ever mentioned to taking a liking to.
You knew who they were from, there was only ever one person who could've ever done something like this. For a moment you let yourself imagine that there was still hope. Maybe you've gotten it all wrong, he did say it was just different with her. You could get over emotional cheating, couldn't you? Well, for him you'd do just about anything.
Tears gathered into your eyes. Spencer could still be yours. Maybe you should give him a chance to explain it all to him.
Your phone rang inside your purse. You answered with a smile on your face.
"Hey, Spencer."
He said your name so heartbrokenly, he was suffering just like you. He missed you as well.
"I need your help. It's Maeve, she's in danger. I… I can't lose her."
And just like that your little bubble of hope was shattered into a million pieces, just like your heart.
Spencer, I love you but you’re such a dipshit.
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stormblessed95 · 5 months
I don't think I can think of Jikook as special anymore when JK literally acts same with everyone especially JM and Tae. I saw jikookers overjoyed when some restaurant aunt said JK looked older blowing Jimin his hot food but we didn't knew on other side another aunt said even nicer things about tkk... we didn't even saw it while JK treating Tae at a restaurant footage is literally out. There are few exclusive things to Jikook I agree but who knows whether JK did the same things with others which wasn't caught on cam ? He might have bitten their ears too. Someone else has bit his neck and it made a bruise too. I'm glad I checked why tkk was trending only to see Tae and JK stuck with each other in whole LA and LV concerts.. even in beach while JM was alone by himself. Now what they used to say make sense because HYBE successfully hidden all these clips in memories but included in documentary. I understood whatever jikookers i follow was giving a vague idea of whatever happening.. always explaining away what others does as just friendship while what jkk does is some fairytale love story shit when it's really not. How can one be love story while other moment which is same as jkk is just friendship? If jkk are real then so is Tkk and jinkook or whatever and if all those are just friendships then so is Jkk. Simple. Now jkkrs will highlight and overhype JK cooking for JM in Jimin's apartment as if JK havent done the same for Tae and Jin especially Tae who said many times already that JK cooks for him while JM said he haven't cooked ramen for him yet.. but jkkrs ignore that and call JK 'Jimin's personal cook' yeah cook who cooks for all his hyungs including Jimin 😑. There's a reason why jkkrs always complain how Fandom ignores jkk... well what's special to highlight with them ? JK treating Jimin just like how he treat everyone else ? He speaks very highly of RM everytime thus even they are highlighted more than Jkk. Now I'm inclined to believe he definitely have a gf because all those 'if I was JK's gf and see Jkk....' is just BS because why she should be even mad ? That her bf treats his hyungs all the same and with love especially JM and Tae whom he grew up with ? Sorry but I don't think Jikook is real.. as in Romantic relationship, it's absurd to think it that way anymore.
How new are you to watching BTS content? Lmao how new are you to my blog? JK feeding Tae is what put you over the edge? When they've been doing that for years? All of them? I guess then you REALLY should have followed me much sooner. I had a whole series of BTS feeding each other I posted.... I could've helped you come to your new conclusions MUCH sooner! Saved you a ton of time and saved me the effort of trying to read your exit speech no one asked for. You can stop shipping at ANY point freely, I even encourage it. But I really don't need or care to know about it. Thanks anyway!
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
Shaz i Just realized something today. Pple really need to start taking you more seriously when u say certain things. I remember months ago, you mentioned a few times that you know Jk would very much like to go Live with Jimin but maybe Jimin is the one who doesn’t want to. I remember saying to myself “nah Shaz is probably talking outta her ass and being very taekookerish rn” lol. But u were vindicated cuz we came to find out that Jk does indeed want to do a live with Jimin but Jimin is playing hard to get. I also remember you talking about how Jk hates the vermin but I personally had not seen any reason to believe he hated them cuz he still hung out with Tae and stuff but i guess these last few months or weeks have proved you right again because the whole world can clearly see that Jk has a problem with those pple. Let’s start with him looking almost disgusted at the mere thought of living with Tae, or how visibly uncomfortable he looked when he kept getting questioned about Tae on that Live, and also how everytime he does stuff for Jimin, the cult start manifesting he does the same for Tae and he just doesn’t. And now after liking that Jin video from a tk page, he went ahead to (probably) delete the comment prolly cus his algorithm got messed up with tk stuff. My point is, I won’t be completely closed minded to certain theories u come up with cuz u’ve actually been proven right quite a few times. Cuz who would hv thought we would see an almost desperate Jk insisting for Jimin to let him come over and do a live? I never thought i’d live to see a day like that lol.
Let’s be honest, pple wanna be like shippers this shippers that, but the truth is, Jk has never shown any discomfort at pple thinking he is fucking Jimin. Not even once, hell he is the only one feeding us jokers now cuz Jimin aint giving us shit to eat. Without Jk alot of us might have thought they broke up and gone about our lives but everyone can see clearly that Jk is the one still keeping us grounded in our Jikook belief. He does all these but doesn’t care to feed tkkrs at all. The only thing he does which feeds them is basically hanging out with his friend Tae. That’s literally it! He doesn’t go out of his way to do anything that might feed the vermin and that is why now, they are claiming Jk is Tae’s washing machine and Tae is Jk’s refrigerator lmaoo. That is why now they are getting hit tweets by claiming that old sounding hacking and coughing we heard from Tae’s live was Jk lmaoo. That is why now they are photoshopping blurry af pic to claim that tk went on a restaurant date and a beach date😂😂😂😂. Tae used to feed them alot b4 but for some reason he stopped so they basically hv nothing these days. Plus taennie gets one step closer to getting properly confirmed everyday and they are losing it. Now they are planning to hit us with “Jikook is fake love” everytime we have something to celebrate lmaooo.
Anyways, i respect you my dear. I’ve learned my lesson. From today i’ll be more open minded even when some of ur theories sound a lil taekookerish lol.
How I'm I supposed to take this ask?
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I have said this a milli times; i go by history. My theories and conclusions depend on history. Has JK done this before? Have Jikook behaved like this before? The number one reason why Jikook stand out to alot of people is CONSISTENCY. This is why people like me who are convinced they're together believe this to be the truth. Because they are sooooo fucking consistent. Yeah after year after year they act the same, they are the same. Their behaviour towards eo has remained the same.
So no, I'm not all knowing or a Jikook professional but I am quite good at remembering useless things that will not help me IRL in any way shape or form. I will have dated my fiance for 4 years in October and I still mistake his year of birth. Thats right, I keep forgetting my fiancé's year of birth. But I know that when Jimin had his foot on JK's crotch, that took place in Bon Voyage season 1 episode 6, but we only see it in episode 8 the finale at 38 minutes in.
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That's my mind ladies and gentlemen. 🤦🏽‍♀️
JK has been debunking tkkrs for years. Its not new. He genuinely does not like them. We know this because he goes above and beyond to correct anything that may be construed as him and V being a couple. But u will never catch him doing this for Jimin/ to Jikookers. And yes, this is fact.
We don't get debunked, we get fed.
I've consumed enough BTS content to see it happen so me drawing to this conclusion stems from HISTORY. (And talking with a bunch of great friends who love to analyse) All year we had seen JK be defiant and go against the company and be unapologetic about it. While we had Jimin telling him to stop drinking on live, making fun of JK for singing unholy (a sexual song) on live. So it only made sense to conclude Jimin was the hesitant one. Not JK. Jungkook aint scared to blow shit up but his boyfriend sure is.
If you work with the belief that Jimin and JK are a couple, all that's left is to observe. And u will come to the same conclusions that i (and my pals) do.
When Jikookers make delulu theories I believe we are allowed to. Because Jikook is real and because of this, we are most likely correct. Jikook have done some crazy shit over the years, u can't blame us for coming up with some crazy theories.
Thanks anon, I guess? 😳😳
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20 Random Personnel HCs no one asked for but I'm giving it here anyway because why not.
I'm bored and I want to think about the clowns. I also want to talk about the clowns.
Glass doesn't like it when he comes to work and sees something wearing the same shirt as he is. That being said, he keeps a few extra sweaters in his office to change into when someone does wear the same shirt as him
Bright has a collection of different types and designs of canes. She invests in it a lot because it's the one familiar thing- aside from 963 which she actively hates, in her body hopping problem. Her favourite is the hotpink offset cane with spikes.
Kondraki carries condiment packets in his pockets all the time. No one knows why. No one sees him restock it. He just always have it. "That bastard Clef always need them," is his answer everytime he's asked.
Gears carries an antique watch in his pocket. You can see the chain from his labcoat. He wants to give it to Alison one day.
Yoric also has a pocket watch given by Jack. It doesn't work anymore but he still keep it on him at all times. Says it's his lucky charm.
Jack completely disowned Yoric's parents. They're no longer part of the official Bright family tree too. Most the family shuns them. They're wary of Yoric most the time because of that.
The pocket watches were definitely matching for Gears and Jack as a sign of their friendship. It's also viewed as an heirloom.
Yoric can play the guitar and sing. He's also knows how to tap dance. No one knows where he learned it or when.
Clef's hawaiian shirt are all special and unique. Some even had extra stuff added to it- much like Mabel's sweaters from Gravity Falls. He definitely has one hawaiian shirt with led-lights sewn into the pattern.
In case of a blackout, Clef is a really good glowstick/source of light because for some reason all his shirts glow in the dark.
Diogenes definitely has tampons and pads at their desk/bag/pocket at all times and will whip them out when someone starts bleeding (not from injury).
Diogenes and Lament are pretty close and they have lunch a lot together to bitch about stuff and gossip. They're also drinking buddies. Also, they're up to date with the latest workplace drama and tea.
Iceberg met Lament once and they had an office chair race down the hallway. There was a really big betting pool on who would win. Jack was the one who started it.
Cimmerian hates store-bought butter and makes his own butter. Yes, it's more expensive. No, he doesn't care.
Finding Iceberg in summer clothing is very common during the winter months as he does not get cold. Hot Girl Summer got delayed. It's Depressing Incel Winter for Iceberg. Also he wears crop tops. I will not change my mind
Jack and Gears are childhood friends. Gears is almost as old as Jack is- if not perhaps a year or two older.
Jack is surprisingly a good cook. In fact, she enjoys cooking a lot. It's one of the things that they like to do to shift their focus away from depressing thoughts.
No one really notices but Gears' love language is feeding people. If he likes you, he buys you lunch and brings you snacks a lot.
Glass definitely once tried baking pot brownies. He says it's for the science but it was actually beacuse he lost a bet with Jack and Clef and had to bake it for them.
Clef smokes weed and definitely has a stash in his office, car and home. Kondraki joined him once. Never again.
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ampasmen · 1 year
Hello I gave you another fanfic! This time is short and fluff, so enjoy!!
Crazy cat man
If there's one thing that paleman loves the most in this world is definitely a cat. He loves and adores cats, he likes to pet them, cuddle them, feed them food, heck he even likes to play with cats all the time. And don't even start that he adopted a few of the cats in his apartment, that's why the other elemental likes to call him "crazy cat man" because he really loves to bring cats whenever he sees them. And whenever there's a meeting between the ninja and the elemental master, he always brings them to the meeting. That's the reason they have a cat room whenever Paleman comes and brings his herd of cats.
"And this is Ms. Nibbles, she really likes belly rubs. Oh! And this is perrywinkle, he is a sassy cat I tell you"
"Dude as much as we love to hear you ramble about your children, we have a lot of things to discuss" tox said to her bestie as she was about to begin the meeting with the others as paleman continued his rambling. "Well karlof likes paleman stories about his felines friends" karlof said enjoying the story a little bit too much
"Please don't encourage him more karlof…" Griffin facepalm his head as he is already tired with the all child-cat story he hears. As much as he loves to hear the story, it was really becoming more endless than before, "Oh comeon guys! My story is not done yet, I have a lot of stories of my children to tell!" He said happily as the others groaned hearing this. This is such an endless one.
Paleman also really loves stray cats, whenever he sees them his first instinct is to kidnap them and bring them to his apartment. But the others always said no more cats in his apartment, and another reason is they don't want to babysit his cats. Paleman really has bad habits there.
"Here kitty kitty… I brought some treats"
"Come here now psst psst, let me cuddle with you~"
"Aren't you a cute one? You are my child now"
"DUDE STOP ADOPTING EVERY CAT YOU SEE!" Chamille scream at him as she tried to stop him to pet every cat he saw in street
"Elijah, you have so much cats in your apartment better stop that now" Ash called him as he tried to stop too from adopting every cat he walk through
Right now the others are trying to restrain paleman from everytime there's a cat in their way, with paleman trying really hard to free himself from his friend's hold. "LET ME GO! I HAVE TO PET IT!!"
"Is he always like this whenever there's a cat in our way?" Seliel asks the ninja as she witnesses something random in front of her eyes.
"Yeah, you're going to get used to it" Cole explained to her as he was enjoying the riot infront of him as he was eating some popcorn in his arms.
"Ninjago people are really… unique in some way," Bentho said as he didn't know how to process this new information he got with his own eyes.
"Well that's a normal thing in ninjago. You've seen so many villains in here and that's normal for the people here" pixal explain to the others as they agreed with her, seeing it was maybe the most normal things that happen to them in life.
You expect normal from ninjago city, well this is normal per say.
Well that was a normal thing in ninjago.
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eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
let's see here....more headcannons? I HAVE THEM ALL!!
you might not be interested but I'll drop my headcannons for their zodiac signs!
Hanako and Tsukasa are canonly Sagittarius but shushsyhsgsys Hanako is my eyes screams such Leo I can't, and Tsukasa says Gemini, I know this hc is impossible but....🥹
I have a hard time deciding but Aoi is either pisces or Taurus, she could also be a Scorpio for.....self indulgent reasons....
ah yes, Akane is 100% our Taurus, loved the idea of the the Aoi's being tauruses but Aoi is hard to decide
Teru ah Teru... he is our Capricorn
Kou is like an Aries ykkk
I know it's funny but Nene is a Sagittarius to me always, the funny part is Nene and the Yugi brothers share a birthday month(sorta)
hear me out, Fake Mitsuba is Scorpio and real Mitsuba is Cancer
Natsuhiko you sly Virgo
okay okay I'm done I shall commence, MORE HEADCANNONS!!
fuckkk I can't remember if I've mentioned this hc but ykw it's very precious to me so I will put it here in case
AKANE OWNS A DESERT SPINY LIZARD!!! he loves his lizard and takes good care of him, his name is Aoi, after his lovely Ao chan, who is in fact scared of the lizard
Natsuhiko brings soup and snacks ect to have with Mitsuba and Tsukasa (sometimes Sakura) and they just watch television together (yes there is a tv in kamome idk why but it's canon)
Natsuhiko is fearless, except when it comes to mice! he can't stand them!! so scary
Teru used to be left handed but was taught to use his right because it was traditionally still seen as devilish by the priests, so now he uses his right and can't use his left for shit, he also has the worst most ugly and uncomfortable looking hand posture when holding a pencil but he somehow knows how to force better beautiful hand posture in front of people. it's terrifies Akane every time
Teru bites his nails....sad truth, he gets very self conscious of them in public
Kou accidentally adorned Teru's biting nail habit, he tries his best not to though...
Kou is dislexic okay?!??!? it's so true.... @teruwasright was the one who brought it up awhile ago can't stop thinking of it
in early mornings Tiara likes to sit at the corner to the kitchen and listen to Kou talk to himself, it's one of the only ways she's able to know how her brother feels.
Tiara steals and plays on Kou's switch (it's fine because Kou isn't much of a gamer) and loves to run around and catch Pokemon so her brothers got her let's go!Eevee (they had to fight over which one she would like Kou said Pikachu and Teru said Eevee) and she can't stop playing with them! she nearly cries everytime a Pokemon faints so Teru battles for her (and secretly plays some for her character to go farther also he's a game addict) her favorite type is Fairy!
Sakura barely gives a shit whether her skirts flair up in the wind but she does make sure they don't just to be modest, also it comes naturally for nature to never ruin her hair or clothes idk...
Amane used to feed a stray cat and thought of the cat as his only other company, the cat went missing though
okay I'm done for today
WAHHHH THESE ARE LOVELY i love the broadcasting club one i feel like someone would bring in a gaming console or something too and theyd watch tv and play video games together
AND the one where kou talks to himself and tiara listens i love that so much it works so well
i love all of these so much theyre very canon
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barbieharveyx · 17 days
Everytime Freya posts anons run to this one blog to ask if it’s mason related “is that masons kitchen” “is she in masons car” 🤣😭
Yes! It makes me so angry as the anons who send it in are serious ‘Freya’s posted against a white wall, mason has white walls in his house, is she at his house?’ 🥴 they are not joking.
I sometimes think that tumblr should come with a minimum age as they’re clearly kids who do not understand that people can just shag around and have no strings attached.
Jess gets anons from kids sitting GCSE exams and every time I read them I firstly have to read them twice to try and understand what they’re saying through the grammatical errors (which is all the more reason for them to focus on their exams and not be on tumblr) and secondly it’s the most stupid trivial stuff that I seriously hope Jess is being paid for the babysitting she does with them.
Anyway, this escalated 😂 Thank you for listening to my Ted talk 😭
It’s just so odd since all we have gotten is some pap pictures a few weeks ago? Like if he was flying her out and taking her on holidays/ family meals etc that we have seen like Claire then I can sorta see why they’re so invested but still like respect privacy 😂😂
Yeahhh no I agree there is a lot of under 18s on here and like you said you can tell just by how they react to these girls etc. that’s why I don’t follow any Mason blogs or tbh many popular football blogs in general as I feel uncomfortable reading some of the things as you can just tell they’re literally children and I don’t wanna sound to harsh when replying but I also can’t feed their delulu
Listen Jess gets some right interesting anons that’s for sure 🤣😅😂 what a kind baby sitter she is because I’d of lost it by now 😂
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heyyitslindsay · 4 months
This snippet pretty much sums it all up.
You were the ride past midnight that I never knew I needed.
It was the 26th of November and it was my brother's birthday. I was at home alone. Your flight's tomorrow and by the time you entered my life, I had already made a rule that I would no longer linger in the talking stage. So there we were! Haha. I never really made an effort to date before you since I was exhausted from my previous rel. But the connection we had that night was real. :) We ate and laughed and enjoyed the night. You drove me home safely, as you promised. You asked for a hug, but hahaha! As you told me on our 3rd, I just made weird hand gestures. You asked me out again and you had already been planning our next.
The only concert I've ever attended—if you could even call it that—was the Disciple Conference we had for Central Luzon. It was when I realized that being a Christian ain't boring. We can party and jump around to worship songs too! ✨
I never really thought of attending any other concert. But your ticket seemed to be really intended for me lol. You kept on asking me to come. And even said that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. So... Yep.
I eventually attended. And dude, it was magical. 🥺✨ it's one of the best things I've ever experienced in my life so far.
I still thank the Lord everytime I remember. ☺️
It was so fun. And you lead me. I held on to you shirt always lest I be lost.
After the concert, you tried holding my hand but I thwarted your attempt 😆 and you laughed.
It was so fun though. I was bitchin' earlier that day because I was so uncomfortable of your touches. Just around my arms, yes, not sexual. But I still felt uncomfortable. There were tens of thousands of people and my only way out of that crowd was you. 😆
But you're really fun to be with. You fed me and took care of me. ☺️
As Chris Martin said, traffic in the PH is the worst in the globe. So we were able to drop your friend in her house past midnight.
You asked me whether I wanted to go to your place first but I automatically said NO.
We stopped by to grab some food and I bought you coffee. The name I had for that cup was "men." And you smiled ear to ear after seeing it. We even joked you'd have it framed 😆
It was such a small gesture after being treated to a concert, fed, and driven home. But you appreciated it. ☺️
Your flight actually got delayed so you were still in the PH but you'll be off tomorrow.
I wasn't at peace. I always assess how I feel after every interaction with a person and with yours... I was feeling that something was off. That the Lord was telling me that you aren't the one and I needed to communicate this as early as possible since you'll be back mooonths after and I couldn't really wait. I can't feed on the happy moments we had on our first and second dates.
It was sudden. And good thing, the voice note I left you made you want to see me. ☺️ HAHA. I just said I wanted to see you. I wanted to meet in the middle since I just want to break the news that this ain't going any further. But you insisted to drive me home, still.
I was so afraid since someone told me that you might react violently. I was so afraid I called a friend to pray for me. 😆
And that's when I prayed "Lord, pauwiin mo lang ako ng safe, di na po muna ako makikipagdate." 😆😆😆
You were actually harmless 😆 I was worried because you grew up in domestic abuse. But yeah... a lot of people whose fathers were abusive can still end up as kind human beings.
I treated you to dinner and you were against it but could do nothing about it. We played sungka w/ the traditional rules and just made other rules up along the way 😆
We parked where I usually parked...
We talked until around 3am. Gosh! And that's when God revealed to me why you aren't really the one and why I needed to stand by the very reason I wanted to meet.
So... yep. It wasn't meant to be.
Though that served as a great lesson and caution. I'm grateful that I had that intuition. It was really God's leading & protection! ☺️🤍
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unizzizizi · 7 months
Year 2022 - 2023
This 2 years for me, had some of the most tragic events in my life. Let's start with 2022, it all starts with my body which always collapse and after that first collapse. I have been always sick, like I was sick more frequently, maybe not everytime but you know that it became more frequent. My old strong body is now gone due to this, as a little heavy load of doing things can cause me to collapse, and it's a tragic for me since it stops me for doing some things. And while this happens to me, my cat is suffering from blood cancer, more specifically Leukaemia. Everyday I'm the one who feeds him his maintenance, and it is quite tiring as he is always resisting once he sees the syringe that I am holding. And I need to do it with 4-7 medicines everyday, I do it in the morning, afternoon and dinner, sometimes I need to do it even on dawn. I really love my cat that's why even if it's quite tiring, I don't give up as his life depended on me. But even after all that hard work and battles my cat fought, he died after almost 1 year of finding out that he has Leukaemia. But before my cat died, my childhood pets also died with 2 days gap with each other. Let's start with my older cat, he's the reason why my family loves cats now as he is the one who softened and open the heart of my family to pets. We are all shocked when suddenly we see him being so weaked, that's why even it's in middle of the night where all the vets are close, we rush him to emergency vet clinic. While I'm carrying him to his carrier, he looked at me and then meowed. After a few seconds he died in my arms.
While I am mourning with my childhood cat who is gone, after 2 days my childhood dog also died suddenly, they said it's because of old age as we have the same age. This year, we have a bird called Martie, I'm the one who takes care of it. I'm with him when he was still a baby so it considered me as its mom. I trained him to fly around and then comeback when I call it even we're out in the house. When I sing or there's music, it dances with me and sing. When suddenly, one afternoon while I'm watching my grandma, I checked on my bird to found it dead. It's so sudden that I collapsed. Now after a few months, my dachshund gave birth to five puppies which I'm the one who also takes care. One by one, each of them died and it makes my dog depressed that she doesn't wanna eat, drink or do anything at all. As this was happening, I decided that I should go to the vet with her and do a check up so I know what can i do for her. But sadly even after all the medications and everything, she really missed her puppies so she followed them on the paradise.
Now onto the year 2023, one day suddenly there's a news about my auntie, which I called Nanay Perla, she was there even when I was a child, a part of my fashion sense and humor comes from her. Now, the news that I found out is that she only has few months left to live, I was really shocked and devastated, I didn't believe it as she was a strong person. But sadly after a few months of fighting and being always back and forth, from hospital to house, house to hospital, she died. Now, this one is just recently. It happened this month. When my another childhood cat died due to old age and after a few days our another oldest dog which is also the most big one died suddenly. They said it's also because of old age, after all this events I'm doubting myself if I'm doing it right, it left me a traumatic experience.
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swornpromises · 2 years
I can’t wait till I get my place I really fucking can’t man. Sick of little ass bitches what the fuck is family when u allowed your sister to sleep in a fucjing car with her kid yet u let everyone else live up in your house and only charged someone 70 for rent then let your friend live up in the house for two weeks with no money no nothing bumming and eating the food I pay for. Yet when your around people and I try to speak what I say goes in one ear and out the other but when no one is around you wanna be nice to me. Not one single bitch in this house or people around could afford a god damn thing for my son everything is from me and me only and including every broke ass bitch that did not buy shit I had to buy the shit and gonna watch my son opening it knowing I paid for it all but you’re taking credit for the shit in the gift bags that I got cause your nephew don’t come first. Then wanna bitch and cry about your fucking child when all u do is run the fucking streets and have your baby dad take care of the kid more then u do and while he works complain how the baby is on your nerves but yet u wanna have another fucking child like for what yo u can’t even afford the one u got let alone a second fucking baby. I hate bitches or anyone that think just because u got no place to go that they can treat you how ever the fuck they want or use you and anytime you don’t give them what they ask for they wanna threaten you or slam the door almost breaking it yet I slam the door just shutting it and I get talked to like shit or being asked if I’m being loud. I don’t need a fucjing person in this house or family I may not have anywhere to live but I choose to be here but it’s gonna come a time when I go back to sleeping in my truck I can’t fucking stand the disrespectful as shit or the way fucking children live because their so spoiled and need gas or give bucks let me call my grandma grandma this grandma that and still lying to her about me living here. I really just wanna walk tf away I don’t care anymore what the fuck happens cause not a fucking soul out here gives a flying fuck I’m only enough for people if I got something to offer I spent hella money on my sons party food his gifts I wrapped shit I did every god damn thing and I never wanted to have the party and I said pizza instend of spending 200 on food for people to show up tomorrow with no gifts just to feed their lazy fucking sets and have them look at me cause not a single fucking person likes me cause I ain’t afraid to open my mouth and say shit when I disagree or I know something ain’t right. I been on my fucking own my hole life and u wanna sit and bitch cause all u get for your birthday is 100 bucks from your grandma like are u fucking serious I never get shit and since my wife left she is the only fucking person who has did anything for my birthday why should I buy someone a fucking gift when they blew they money for food and gas and weed but could not even afford to buy me a pack of socks and that was all I fucking said I wanted cause they were cheap and could not even watch my son and had a problem when I fucjing asked watch how iam when I get my place watch who don’t answer the phone no one gave a fuck about me when I lived three hours away no one called or came to fucjing see me and only reason I called me in Missouri is cause I kept sending you hella money everytime I asked or cause u wanna to cry about being pregnant cause u wanted to sneak a bum ass dude into your grandmas house I truly see why no one likes Shirley yeah I got a fucking mouth yeah I don’t shut the fuck up but 98 percent of what the fuck I say is the truth and no one ever wants to hear my words either I’m mean or causing drama or I just don’t think about someone’s else’s feelings well guess what I act how I’m treated either from fucking lies or being used and in pain or hurt in ways no person should ever feel family friends I been thru so much shit in my life no wonder I’m always bitchy and pissed cause nothing I do is right for anyone I’m always in the wrong
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Dad/Family headconons
Aizawa, Taishiro, Toshinori, Sir Nighteye, and Hawks
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Despite him being that kind of nonchalant, I don’t give a shit about anything kind of person.....he’s a family guy
Loves kids
He just wants you to have a huge army of kids following alongside you hand in hand to visit him at work.
Looks forward to being able to relate to someone else with his quirk
Doesn’t care if they are all girls, all boys, a mixture of both, or even fostering or adopting, he’s for everything
Was kind of afraid to open up about that side of himself when you two got married, but you are all for it too
Feels that he can handle it with your help thanks to having some experience with dealing with his students
Is slapped in the face with shock when you two have your first 2 or 3 kids because infants are, you guessed it, nothing like teens who are all emotional about becoming a prohero
Guess he would be prepared for whenever they would get to their teenage years
Except for periods because he didn’t know anything about them but he’ll probably take the time to learn about it from you
Still happy over his growing army though
Still loves the chaos of it all, plus it’s good to have Aizawa to control their quirks when they start to develop
The chaos also reminds him of his own time in school with his few friends he had....they were always so vibrant and loud unlike him and he kind of envied it (secretly)
Yamada and Kayama (Present Mic and Midnight) loves to visit his little army and spoil them with toys and snacks even if Aizawa disapproved of it
You helped hand out the toys and snacks.....Aizawa could suck it up
Napping piles are normal in this household, so don’t be freaked when you see all of your children curled up or around Aizawa under a pillow fort in the living room.
It breaks his heart everytime though when his kids beg to take a stray cat home and he has to say no....but he’ll end up going back on patrol to feed it and then probably cave in and bring it home anyway
He’ll just shrug off his children’s accusations of him being a ‘hypocrite’ for saying no to their pleas earlier and say something like ‘Well I said you couldn’t do it, nothing about me though’
The tea parties are lit and he’ll crush anyone at a video game
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Taishiro Toyomistu/Fatgum
Really never thought about having his own kids until meeting Kirishima and Tamaki
Life was changed FOREVER since meeting them, now he would like to have his own family
It was kind of confusing to finally have the talk of having kids a couple of years into your marriage, but your views on having kids were changed too after meeting the two UA students
He let you on thinking just one or two kids were great, but you didn’t know if you should have been surprised that you were in the hospital room pushing out your 5th child
It was kind of funny to see Taishiro freaking out even if it was his 5th time next to you in labor
Your kids were so use to it they just sat out in the hallway doing their schoolwork or playing games on their iPads as Kirishima and Tamaki watched over them (your labor would always catch them while they were out on patrol)
I picture that all his kids are girls
He uses the excuse “just one more kid, maybe this time it’ll be a boy”, It’s NEVER a boy
I feel that he’s the dad to sneak home McDonald’s fries or ice cream to his kids despite you not liking it
Will take the blame when you catch one of your daughters munching on fries on the way back to her room (daughters will also try to take the blame, but how the heck could girls 13 and younger sneak out all the way to McDonalds)
He’ll also get all his daughters together to bake a cake and also decorate it. The creativity shown by his daughters will always amaze him.
He and his daughters would even clean up the kitchen together...mostly so that you wouldn’t get mad upon seeing the kitchen as a disaster
Gets way into watching Barbie’s Life in the Dream House and secretly really loves our queen Raquelle
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All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Just wants one little girl
To spoil her ROTTEN!
Seeing his friend David Sheild’s daughter Melissa grow up and look so happy always made him envious. Young Midoriya also played a huge role in his desire for at least one kid
One child was enough for the two of you and thankfully your first and only child was a girl
Gran Torino will also spoil her rotten along with Sir Nighteye
Will not be embarrassed to be caught sprawled out on the ground with your daughter playing with dolls
He’s actually quite proud of the fact that he doesn’t mind getting down and dirty when it comes to playing with ‘girly’ things with his young daughter unlike other dads
Loves to play Studio Ghibli movies for your daughter.....but Yagi is way more into it
I say this because Toshinori will try to hide his tears while watching My Neighbor Totoro as your daughter is fast asleep on his lap.
He will also sneak in a rated pg-13 hero movie from the United States in when your gone too....and then he’ll act surprise when your daughter would repeat the fowl language she heard in the movie
He would and WILL spend hours on YouTube to learn how to braid hair and put bows in and ribbons
He would bring her to work a lot too to see class 1A in action
Daughter will forever be his ‘baby’, so he HATES the thought of her starting to date and get married.
So when she admitted that the boy ‘Todoroki’ in his class was handsome while heading home one day from his work, he swore off boys....
He wasn’t surprised though, she was always managing to get Todoroki to hold her hand while Toshinori would have class 1A doing scenarios in teams and showing off her hair to him and asking if he noticed anything different.
Todoroki is a good sport, he held her hand and always complimented her hair...
Yeah she was mad at Toshinori and you made him unswear off boys, especially Todoroki
Brings your daughter to work just to brag about how he did her hair to EVERYONE
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Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye
Eh....he didn’t want kids, never had the desire tbh
Though something about UA students’ charming personalities making these heroes want families. Mirio got him thinking one kid couldn’t be so bad
You were shocked when he asked to have a kid, but you agreed....after discussing it for awhile to make sure he wanted this
I picture him having one cute, little shy boy
Like the cute little boy with glasses who wears those cute shorts with a bug related shirt that just wants to search for roly-poly in the dirt and grass in the back yard
Very quiet and a bit shy around new people, but is literally the most polite little boy in the WORLD
Nighteye will use his quirk on his son when out looking for bugs to just see if he missed something in the grass or dirt, but that’s as far as he’ll use it
The reason why Nighteye thinks he’s so funny is because your son (and you of course along with mirio) are the only ones who laugh at his jokes, especially your son
Your son finds ANYTHING his dad says or does hilarious. His dad made a gasp of excitement along side his son upon finding a millipede? Instant laughter will follow
Those bouts of laughter from his son is the best feeling in the world to him
Tried to make your son an expert on All Might, but gave up when he came to his conclusion that your son just wasn’t into it.
It was kind of weird at first to find out his son was just simply NOT into heroes, but now he just loves the fact that his son likes what he likes and doesn’t let himself get swayed by others, even his own mom and dad
If you can’t make his little boy, his pride and joy, laugh? Sorry, but don’t talk to Nighteye or his son ever again
He will sit and listen to his little boy go on and on and on and ON about anything and never get bored (or show it). He will sit and listen intently about the cool facts about the bug he found or a plant.
He’d even listen to the longest explanation about a tiny little squiggle on a piece of paper that he drew on if it was being told by his little boy.
Will even put a meeting on hold just to answer a FaceTime from his son from your phone just to listen to him talk about a leaf he made a pressing of....and will sit there with the volume all the way up on his phone too so the others in the room can hear as well.
Will spend all night pinning bugs to a board to frame and label just for your son
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Keigo Takami/Hawks
He didn’t even want to date tbh
Though when he met you? The cliche ‘love at first sight’ happened and soon the two of you were married pretty quickly and boy was he a happy man
He didn’t really even want kids either. He just didn’t want to have kids and somehow they end up with a childhood like his that’s not the greatest or most normal, plus he was happy with the little domestic life with you.
But then IT happened. You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much and poof, a baby? Yeah....
He was TERRIFIED, but once your first child came into the world, a new sense of happiness sparked within him, like his own eyes opened for the first time to the world
This happened twice more, ending up with his happy family consisting of you, his two boys, and his little girl.
He’s the kind of dad to have his wallet FILLED with pictures of his kids and you. He will shamelessly show them off to fans while on patrol and also to Endeavor....even if he’s seen them a trillion times. Also his office is filled with framed pictures too
He also gets in trouble a lot along with his two boys for playing to rough and loudly within the house by you, especially for flying and being too competitive with video games and ANY activity he would take part in with them.
What can he say? His sons were like the best friends he was never able to have as a kid, he wanted to take in the beauties of having an energetic family
He doesn’t play favorites, but when it comes to his little girl? Sometimes he’ll catch a feeling of her feeling like she’s the odd one out when it comes to her two older brothers and he can relate to that feeling.
So he’ll set aside some dad and daughter time to do the things she likes, like read, color, and draw
He would even let her do his hair with tiny braids and color pieces of clip in hair and many butterfly clips. Keigo would also then wear it out proudly on patrol and check his reflection MULTIPLE times to make sure everything was in place.
He would then shout to the press and paparazzi that his daughter did his hair, showing it off in the process
When the picture would come out with the headliner ‘Hawks’ New Look Thanks to Daughter’ for the news the next day, the look of pride and awe on your daughters face upon looking at the front cover of the magazines and newspapers at the store you and his family would shop at would absolutely melt his heart melt
He’s the first one to pull back the covers to let his children climb in when scared by a thunderstorm or the spooky shadow in their room even if they may be getting ‘too old’ to be doing that...according to Endeavor however, so that information might be wrong
Bribes his kids not to tell you that he entered the house through the window and not the front door
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 |h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 20th feb 2021 | part 2
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pairing : bakugou and todoroki x gn!reader
genre : fluffy
themes : secret relationships, ‘mutual pining’, jealousy
request : HIHI!! uh uh ok idrk how to do this so bare w me, but can i request maybe like denki, kirishima, bakugou, and todoroki a secret relationship and how they get found out sjjsjs uh thats all!! have a good day, drink some water and eat some food bc ur body deserves it 😊 kk bye!!
notes : thank you love :( i’ll do denki and kiri in a part 2!!
! : also here you are all mights niece, you live with him and he raised you.
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[ bakugou ]
> he wanted to keep it secret because the bakusquad are annoying as hell and you probably wouldn’t get a minutes peace
> he isn’t interested in you because you’re all mights neice
> truthfully he couldn’t care less, you were just some extra like everyone else at first
> but he noticed you staring at him and sneaking glances at him so he got curious
> he loves watching you fight you never fail to mesmerise him when fighting especially when using combat as well not just your quirk
> when you started dating it was easy to keep it a secret because you’re both in the bakusquad
> your relationship would include sneaking out of eachothers dorms at 5am
> sneaking kisses became easier after months of practise and routine
> it’s exciting especially watching bakugou frantically grasping at straws trying to make up an excuse for you being alone together
> the way they find out is because of bakugous jealousy
> your friends are slowly catching on, they notice how he’s a little softer with you especially when you game together
> ‘Y/N CREEPER BEHIND YOU’ *insert bakugou laughing at you screaming*
> you emit couple energy even if you don’t mean to 
> which lead to the bakusquad trying to find out for themselves
-> scenario
> its movie night with the bakusquad and you’re sat inbetween bakugou and denki as usual
> denki always puts his head on your shoulder or someones lap usually he’s sprawled over you bakugou and kiri on the sofa
> he yawned a little placing his head in your lap 
> bakugou eyeing him before rolling his eyes jealous blasty boi
> after a couple minutes he was starting to get comfy and placed your hand on his head hinting at you to play with his hair
> you rolled your eyes at his puppy eyes and just played with his hair
> mina saw you and squealed ‘YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER’
> okay to say bakugou didnt get that mad is a horrible lie
> man was trying so hard not to yell, you could practically see the fumes coming from his nose
> you decided to ignore her because if you were to look over at bakugou it’d be a dead giveaway
> so denki is shifting around the rest of his body is in kiri’s lap and he’s just shamelessly flirting with you
> but usually he wouldn’t be so forward
> ‘y/nn since we’re both single do you wanna go out together’
> man was winking and getting closer to your face so you thought he was joking
> ‘you’re so fucking dumb denki’ and you’re about to throw him into kiris lap but bakugou finally snaps
> ‘you’re not going fucking anywhere with them sparky!’
> *everyone watching him like ?;£2*
> ‘why’s that bakugou?’ you basically face palmed internally as soon as that question was asked
> ‘because they’re My fucking s/o extras’
> yeah the bakusquad has suspicions of you and knew that if you’re dating then bakugou wouldn’t let anyone flirt with you
> jealous bakugou supremacy <3
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[ todoroki ]
> honestly you probably manage to keep it a secret for like 11 months to a year
> like todoroki doesn’t talk to people outside of his friendship group unless he’s being talked to
> the only reason he wanted it to be a secret is because of his father, he didn’t know how he’d react to his ‘prized quirk experiment’ dating his rivals neice
> frankly he didn’t want to find out
> he wanted to be able to hold your hand at least and he hated not being able to go out to eat
> being the niece and son of two of the top pro-hero’s meant you were basically never left alone in public so being together is public was a fat no
> midoriya and iida often come around to shoto’s so he invited you over multiple times before you started dating and when you started dating it was a lot more frequent
> fuyumi and natsuo knew only because of the way he looks at you and it’s kinda the only time you get completely alone away from your class so he’s a lot more affectionate at home and his siblings knowing wasn’t an issue to him
> he was a little worried since endeavor knows what you look like so he tried to dance around his schedule to avoid the inevitable interaction between you and his father
> endeavor noticed todoroki being a lot more calm and focused during the interning and he had no clue why uNTIL he came home to you and todoroki laughing until your stomach hurts at a terrible cheesy movie while sho is trying to feed you soba
> he didn’t say anything he was just grateful that after all the pain he put todoroki through he has someone to let him forget about that even if it’s for a second
> next time todoroki went to endeavors agency he asked about you
> ‘shoto are you dating y/n l/n’
> he didn’t see the point in lying so he just said yes
> to his surprise his father didn’t pry any further he just nodded and everything went on normally
> since his fear of his dad finding out was now gone he didn’t see a point in hiding your relationship anymore
> so you’re just joining the others for movie night and he sits next to and plays with your hand before getting a little sleepy and laying his head on your shoulder
> cue everyone yelling at you both
> ‘you guys are a little late it’s been almost a year’ youre laughing at them while they’re just like :0?:£:
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A/N :
sorry for being a little inactive but it seems like everytime i want to write i either have to do something else or i get distracted </3
send me requests loves !
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taglist :
@todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gaysimpsstuff
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blackcatfromthevoid · 3 years
Hi, I'm new to your blog and really love it!
Could you with a headcanon about a predator trying to court a S/O that is trying to court them as well? Like he gives her a skull and she makes him food?
Hi! And thank you so much! I'll try my best with these headcannons
(Sorry this took so long I had to get my creative juices flowing)
You courting your Yautja and them courting you at the same time:
Confusion- At first the both of you are aware of your feelings however neither of you are entirely aware of the others courting methods
At first things started off small. Your Yautja friend would hunt game animals from earth and gift them to you. It wasn't uncommon for you to see the polished skulls of deer, moose, etc, placed nicely as a centerpiece in your living room. You were uncertain as to why they started to give you such gifts. You knew it ment something important in Yautja culture though. Little did you know, they were trying to court you.
You knew how you felt about them so eventually you return affections in your own way. You couldn't hunt like they could but there was perhaps something else you could do? You settle on the idea of fixing meals for them. I mean they were a big alien warrior and they have to eat, right? So everytime when they returned to your home you always had something nice and hot for them to eat. You were happy they always accepted the meals you made.
Your Yautja friend enjoyed these meals and was thankful for them of course. They were confused as too why you started feeding them though as they usually found their own food. This made them wonder, was this a form of human courting? The thought made them very excited and determined to bring you only the best trophies.
Things went on like this for a while. More trophies appeared around your home and more meals were being made. Things naturally escalated. The trophies and meals got more elaborate and grand. Soon it was like you were becoming a chef and your yautja was making a museum out of your home.
The both of you realize what was going on rather quickly after things picked up. One day the both of you confess that each other needs to have a talk. So the both of you take a seat in the living room ready for the big discussion.
Your Yautja friend speaks first. They explain very directly that all those trophies was because they wanted you as a mate. They got all those various different skulls and such to impress you of course. Only the best for who they're courting. Since you didn't reject their gifts they just kept on giving. They do admit to being unsure whether you felt the same way or not.
You confess that you suspected that might the reason why they'd started but wasn't entirely sure. But you also admit all those delicious meals you prepared for them was your own way of flirting back. You were aware receiving these kind of gifts from a Yautja was very important so you wanted to give back you said. But you had no idea what to give so you defaulted to something everything needs, food.
There was a brief moment of silence after you both confessed. The air was awkward until it was broken up by your Yautja friend laughing. You were pretty surprised since you've never heard or seen them laugh, so you just sat there stunned.
After they stopped laughing they explained that the both of you were courting the other but neither was totally sure. They compared this to one of those "movies" you told them about. You began to laugh too.
It was funny the both of you tried courting the other without words. Both of you picked up on the others actions and both of you had uncertainty about each other. But now that you've both chatted about it, the air was clear. Now you both had that nagging question in mind. Will you be my mate?
You blurted out the question. You ask, "So are we going to be lovers now or..." It was pretty frank but both you were dying to know. It doesn't take long for your friend to reply with a trilling yes.
Ecstatic, you jump up and hug your now mate. At first they're a little surprised at first but they wrap their big strong arms around you too. You both share a long warm embrace, with deep purrs bellowing from your mate.
After you both let go, your mate asks what that if that's a common way for humans to show affection. You say yes, you're curious as well so you ask how do Yautja commonly show affection. They simply say, "Like this." Next thing you know your small face is being cupped in their giant hands. They lean in and gently rest the crest of their head upon your forehead. You lean your head towards theirs too. After a while you both pull away from each other.
"Wanna know one more common form of affection? " you ask them. They're eager to learn so they quickly say yes. "Lean a little closer to me," you tell them. They do that and you put you hands on their broad shoulders. Despite them leaning over for you they're still super tall. Standing on your tippy toes you manage to place a kiss on their crest. They look a bit confused by this at first. But it quickly turns into enjoyment.
"What is this action called?" Your mate questions. "A kiss," you reply. "I like this kiss gesture...will you give me another?" They say. "Of course! As my mate you are granted with infinite kisses!" You say going in to smooch them again.
Hope you enjoyed reading this!
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helion-ism · 2 years
What's with El/riels coming off on Eluciens, saying "Lucien didn't do anything and even tried to get Feyre back to her abuser!!"
First of all, Lucien did try, but everytime he would try, Tamlin would abuse him too. There was a scene where Lucien just LOOKED wrong at Tamlin and he lost it. How can you be able to help someone when you need the same help?
Then there are 2 reasons of why he tried to bring Feyre back:
1. Feyre's POV is not everyone's POV. Everyone outside the NC saw Rhys as the bad guy and he made himself look like the bad guy. Everyone knows what he had done UTM for Amarantha (the children from the winter court for example) . Lucien had to WATCH Feyre be sexually abused by Rhys and she fricking cried. Lucien knows what Rhys and his father have done to Tamlin and his family (he most likely doesn't know of the whole story since he probably heard it from Tamlin) Rhys also threatened him to hurt Lucien's mother so what do y'all expect? Rhys and the NC isn't the better option.
2. He did it to prevent Tamlin from making a deal with the Hybern King. If he brought Feyre back, Tamlin would've got no reason to make a deal with the King and everyone's fate, especially the people from Spring court wouldn't be in danger.
Still he apologized to her and made it up to her by finding Vassa.
Also, Feyre knows that Lucien got and still gets abused as well. You know what she did? She let him deal with Tamlin when Tamlin caught them hugging in that room. She just left and thought she did some badass sh*t when all she really did is let her friend get abused. She saw that blue eye and still is all fine with sending him to the spring court and letting him deal with Tamlin. Why is that okay? Why isn't she getting blamed as well?
Then, let's also not forget the fact that Elain let her little sister go into the woods and do the hunting to feed the family. She also let Nesta deal with her trauma alone, even Nesta was there every minute when Elain dealt with trauma. Elain wasn't and isn't a good sister. She apologized to Feyre at least and I forgive Elain because I do like her and there is no character in that series who's just perfect anyway (Well, except for Gwyn and Emerie for now). I'm sure that like Nesta, she had a reason and feels guilty.
They really should shut the hell up and read the books carefully. They just read it once, remember half of it and then spread misinformation. For example saying that Lucien hadn't done anything the day Elain and Nesta went into the cauldron and only yelled at the king to stop it all when it's not true. Only after Elain came out was Lucien able to break the King's magic that was leashed on him and immediatly run to her and put his cloak on her to shild her nudity from everyone who could see. Not to forget that everyone else, especially Azriel, didn't do anything as well. Azriel was bleeding on the ground and yet he threatened the King when the King talked to Mor. He hadn't said anything when he talked about Elain and let her go into the cauldron.
it’s literally so funny to me how they ignore that azriel doesn’t give a fuck about elain in that scene lol
it’s also funny to me how lucien was able to move and break those spells and everyone in that room just … moved on, but I suppose they had other problems
yeah Idk *their* problems tbh. I feel like we’re always moving in circles. the things they criticize lucien for have just been discussed so much and if they still choose to ignore that then that’s on them
they just see the guy as a threat to their ship and that won’t change. Idk if I’m dreading or looking forward to the day elucien is confirmed endgame. like I’ll be happy for myself and my mutuals but also the schadenfreude … yeah
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