#The skrulls deserved better.
loremori · 6 months
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Martin Freeman (84/366)
Secret Invasion (2023)
TV miniseries
Directed Ali Selim
Created Kyle Bradstreet
Written Kyle Bradstreet Beto Dantas Jonathan Hirschbein Matt McRee Haleema Mirza Jennifer Muro Jovan Robinson Brian Tucker Michael Bhim Brant Englestein Roxanne Paredes
*I can't help but consider the inclusion of MF and Cobie Smulders (in the promotional material) as clickbait. **How did Kyle Bradstreet do this and also be involved in Mr. Robot? ***You can look at the resume of these writers and understand why things turned out the way they did.
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 year
So, Secret Invasion....it sucked.
Not since She-Hulk have I been so disappointed and frustrated on an MCU show. This could've been epic, but it wasn't. And, the ending, the finale just felt so off. Like, they give this hopeful ending to Fury while so much killing is happening. I've pointed out a lot of what's wrong with the show. Killing off Maria in the first episode, killing off Talos, a terrible character for a villain, stupid decisions characters have made, and many questions and plotholes left unanswered.
The best parts were Sonya, Talos, Fury, Varra, but the writing in this show was bad. This should've been a longer series, or even a movie that had more characters involved. Secret Invasion shouldn't be limited to a small group of characters. And, I hate that the writers told the director to not bother with the source material cause that's not what they're intentions were of this show. Why can't we just do proper adaptations to comic storylines with changes that makes sense and improve on the story?!
Honestly, this was the worst in Phase 5 so far. All the actors and the characters they portrayed deserved better. But, if you wanna watch a show that has Skrulls in it, I recommend the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated show. I wonder if the people of Agents of Shield would do Secret Invasion better. Hell, I'm sure Agents of Shield had something similar and did it better. I haven't seen all of AoS so I don't know.
Anyway, that's my thoughts/rant on Secret Invasion. This deserved better. But, we still got Loki season 2, Echo, and the Marvels left this year. Hopefully, they'll be better than this, but I'll keep expectations low for now.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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Because the characters not knowing who they can trust, and people believing Rhodey might be a Skrull didn't do that!?
If they thought Maria Hill dying was essential to the story? Fine. If Cobie Smulders wanted out? Fine. Why couldn't she just die in Episode 4 alongside Talos? And wouldn't a better death be for her to take a bullet for Fury and tell him to keep going while she dies in his arms? Yeah, I like Fury and Talos acting like they're married, too. But Maria's not some one-off, she's Fury's right hand woman and best friend! A position she's held since the first Avengers film. She deserved a much better death than what she was given.
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marvsgirl · 10 months
Here’s a little scene I wrote and decided to publish on here for anyone who may like it. Set after Valkyrie leaves the ship with the Skrull. Please note I don’t usually write any fanfic, but The Marvels have really got me invested, so it’s definitely not perfect!
Carol turned her back as soon as the bifrost beamed Val and the Skrulls back to New Asgard. Sombrely making her way back to her “unintentional team”
Kamala squealed. “So who was that?” Asking in a sing songy voice to Carol.
Monica sighed
Carol looked up very seriously. “The king of New Asgard.” She said matter of factly.
Monica laughed as Kamala scrunched up her face. “No I know who she is. I mean WHOOOO is she?” Kamala ensured she put a great emphasis on who. Hoping the great Captain Marvel would get the hint.
“Valkyrie. The King of New Asgard.” Carol said still not understanding Kamala’s undertone.
Kamala smacked her forehead. “No, I know her name and occupation. Who is she?” The super teen decided to wink really hard on the who.
“I’m going to bed.” Monica announced. Kamala watched her climb into the single bed ensuring her back was facing the other two.
“Well I call her Val…” Carol said while taking a seat at the table in the center of the ship.
“UGH” Kamala exclaimed “but who is she?” Kamala knew better than to ask point blank the relationship status of two people. Her parents would be ashamed. Especially if it was about someone she’s looked up to for years and years. Someone who is so amazing she deserves to have someone to love and be loved …
“The last Valkyrie of the Asgard Court.”
It went on like this for sometime until a deep sigh is heard from the woman on the bed. “Kamala is asking, who she is to you.” Monica said. She knew this game would never end. Her Aunt Carol maybe earth’s mightiest hero, but she does not pick up on subtile hints.
“Oh.” Carol exclaimed. “A friend.”
Kamala falls to the floor ever so dramatically. “It didn’t look like you were just friends. Seemed like you had a history?” She peered up at Carol from her position on the floor.
“Well we figured we were better off as friends.” Carol picked up a newspaper off the table she was sitting at and flipped through its pages.
How could she be so nonchalant about this! The Captain Marvel just admitting to having a past fling with The King of Asgard! “I’ve never had a moment like that with anyone I’m just friends with.” Kamala scooted herself closer to Carol using her feet to move her body up. It was too late Carol was enthralled in her newspaper and she could hear Monica’s light snores from the bed. “Ugh never mind. I can just write about it.”
“Yeah you do that.” Carol said who really didn’t hear what the young girl said. Just wanted to have some alone time.
Kamala’s mouth dropped open. “Permission from THE Captain Marvel!” She squealed in delight quickly pulling out her phone. “This is gonna get so many hits!”
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
Does beast resent the X-Men?
"What a funny question. What's to resent?"
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So, funny thing - I'm pretty sure that Hank has never really wanted to be an X-Man. He's found meaning in it, of course; he's made some good friends; he met one of the loves of his life through the X-Men; he's been able to do a massive amount of good in the world by being the right X-Man in the right place at the right time.
But it's not a life that's really good or healthy for him, and this dates all the way back to the 60s, if you can believe it.
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This is from Uncanny X-Men #5, in 1964. We haven't even hit double digits yet!
Five issues in, and he already doesn't really want to be there! And it's kind of not hard to see why - his powers are easy to control, he can pass for a human with ease, his genius intellect means he can have his pick of any research project he wants, he has a family that loves him and accepts him, he had a girlfriend before he joined the X-Men. Honestly, Hank's life was pretty good!
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He was made a promise that he'd get to change the world in a way that his normal life wouldn't afford him.
It's just that Professor X didn't really tell him that there'd be days like this.
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It's one thing to have to fight a magnetic maniac who's going to throw missiles at you and try to nuke a small country. Fine, whatever, that may well have been in the brochure. But did the Professor ever tell them that they were going to be attacked by the people they were trying to save? Because here's the thing, there are universes where Hank isn't so lucky when things like this happen.
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But hey, this is all part and parcel of being a superhero, right?
Uh, well.
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No. No, this is specifically an X-Men problem.
It fucking sucks being an X-Man, dude. It fucking sucks. You work hard, you nearly get killed, nobody appreciates you, and yeah, you and your friends know that it's unfair and that you deserve better, but that doesn't magically make it change, does it?
So, does Hank resent the X-Men, in so far as the actual concept? Yeah, a little bit. He recognises there's a need for them, of course, but actually having to be one fucking sucks! He can do just as much good with the Avengers or the Defenders as he can with the X-Men, maybe even more, so why should he be with the X-Men?
Because they need him.
Because without Hank McCoy, the X-Men would have been absolutely fucked in the following situations (list is not exhaustive):
The Dark Phoenix Saga (he stopped the police from answering the Hellfire Club calls for assistance, and created the psionic scrambler that gave them a fighting chance against her in their second fight).
Finishing the cure for the Legacy Virus (other geneticists might well have been closing in on solving it, like Kavita Rao, but how many more mutants would have died in the time it took for them to match Hank's speed?)
Stopping Unus the Untouchable from joining the Brotherhood of Mutants and fucking rolling the X-Men way, way back in the day.
Creating the Skrull Legacy Virus bioweapon, which may well have been morally repugnant, but who knows how many more casualties the world and the remaining X-Men would have sustained in a protracted conflict with the Skrulls?
Negotiating peace with Hydra Cap to create New Tian; giving the X-Men time to regroup and save mutants from the Terrigen Clouds; and hey, do you know what Hank's actual most underrated achievements are?
Oh yeah, that time he saved humanity! Solo!
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And that time he saved the Inhumans!
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Like. The X-Men need Hank. They always need him. Hell, you know what I find really fucking funny? Krakoa's very happy to shit all over him, but guess what?
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The flowers that create those lovely miracle drugs that gives Krakoa economic bargaining power? Hank's creation.
Not Sinister's.
Not Moira's. Not Xavier's, not Magneto's, not Storm's, not Cyclops'.
They need him.
Hell, they can't even kill Hank without Hank!
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But at least they treat him right, yeah?
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"Hey, Hank, I know we got you fired from Harvard University because we turned up to your place of work for your help and shit went down, like, instantly, but . . . uhh, not gonna say sorry!"
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"Hey, so, I know that we made you move to Attilan to try and come up with a solution to M-Pox, but since you can't deliver, we're just going to thunderbolt you in the back and lock you in a cage, mmkay?"
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"Have you just tried not having PTSD, Hank? Can you do that for us? I know you're upset that your claws and fur fell out, but, like, the whining's getting to just be a bit much."
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"Hey, so, like, we know you recently lost a finger, got telepathically fucked in the head by Charles' evil twin, and are basically dealing with the mother of all body dysmorphia episodes right now, but have you considered fuck you, we need a poster boy that says it's okay to be a mutant? Because the rest of us are all really pretty supermodels with easily hidden powers and that kinda sends the wrong message, you know?"
There's a moment, that I'm not going to cap, because it comes from Uncanny X-Men #600, during the intervention, where Hank turns around, sees the time displaced X-Men, his fellow teaching staff, his friends (allegedly), and they're all telling him that he's unstable. That he's causing them problems.
Ororo tells him, either you listen to us, or we call SHIELD and have them put you in a box for crimes against nature and science.
And he says, verbatim, "After everything I've done for you - "
The narrative paints him as furious. Obstinate. An asshole.
Except, he's right. He's given them everything he has. And it's not enough for them. He's in obvious pain, he's lashing out, he's emotionally unstable, he's acting irrationally. But they can't even do this right, because this is not how you help Hank. Hank doesn't respond to this, and you'd know that if you fucking cared.
What does Hank respond to?
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Even if you don't read this moment romantically, is it not just fucking startling the difference in Hank's character? All of his 'friends' in a room, he walks out, he leaves, he's furious, because fuck you all, you want to humiliate me like this?
But Simon just. Asks him out for drinks, and he talks, and he talks, and he talks, and he smiles.
Your question was, does Beast resent the X-Men?
I ask you in return - how could he not?
His life would be better if he'd never joined them. And he knows that.
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the-other-art-blog · 1 year
I’m going to rant. I’m going to rant so much because Secret Invasion was so awful.
I really was hoping this would be a grounded, Winter-Soldier-style show. I mean, they keep getting these A-list actors to do this! They got Olivia Coleman! After she got an Oscar! I understand if five years ago, every actor in Hollywood wanted in, but now? Honestly, if I were one of them, I would get as far away as possible. This is a sinking ship. Especially because the MCU gives almost no information about the characters before hiring them. But what ends up happenning is that once they’re committed, they realize the shitty script they have to do. Isn’t one of SAG-AFTRA proposals is to let actors have information about a role/project at the time of audition? And it was rejected?
I saw an interview from the actor who plays Gravik and I was very upset because he was very apathetic. But after seeing what he had to work with, I get him. Again, he probably had no idea of the script but trust Marvel and he shouldn’t have. His evil monologue at the end! 😖 And it’s so frustrating because in the Barbie movie, he’s lovely! He could have been a very charismatic villain with a good script and director.
Olivia did a great job. But I doubt we’re going to see her again. She said she wanted to be in the MCU no matter what, but she deserved a better project.
Unfortunately, Giah has no personality. Even in the show, who cared about her? Talos loved her of course, but she turned against him for an organization who didn’t give a shit about her. She had no authority there. When she got killed, who cared? And she’s a terrtorist. She didn’t stop the explosions, which no one ever mentioned again, btw. Let’s pray, the low ratings make Marvel forget about her. Don’t tell me Emilia Clarke didn’t think this was worse that s8 of GOT? At least that one had 7 good seasons before that. This was bad from start to end.
AND, she stole those superpowers. Didn’t we have a whole Agent Carter season about Howard Stark keeping Steve’s blood and how inmoral that was? And now Nick Fury did the same to everyone!!! What the hell was his plan? Clone them? Are the avengers ever gonna learn about this? What about the Black Panther. It was on the list. But those powers are attached to Wakanda. Like, what did we have Wakanda Forever for? T’Challa and Shuri had to go through a whole ritual, they went to see their ancestors!!! The powers are not the most important part of the character. There can be ten heroes with superstrength, but it is the backstory and the personality what makes each of them special.
I get a similar feeling from the revelation that Rhodey has been a Skrull since Civil War. Because now, all those heartfell moments mean absolutely nothing. 
Does Feige honestly believe that people are going to be happy with the show just because of that final fight scene? I really think so. At this point, Marvel thinks that of they make a CGI fight with lots of superpowers, everyone will love a show/movie, even if they promised something else. Talk about being in denial.
I don’t even think Maria was fridged because no one cared. Her death meant nothing to the overall plot and to the characters.
Fury being married was an interesting idea (actually I think this is the kind of attention that Clint and Laura should have had in Hawkeye), but it’s not enough to save the show. And, I want to believe Clint knew about them. But the MCU doesn’t keep relationships anymore. And then I remember that Fury turned out to be a horrible person whose morals are all fucked up. He uses people, literally takes their blood for his own plans, abandons his wife, doesn’t keep his word, leaves his friend’s corpse behind, and now he’s not even a good spy.
Also, how are all those people not dying of radiation poisoning? I have no scientific knowledge on this, but they spent years in Chernobyl. Surely they should have cancer in the near future, at least. They showed how dangerous it still is!
And I’m not even going to get too deep into the budget, but someone is definitely doing some serious money laudering there. GOT had only $15 million per episode in the last season and the had dragons and White Walkers. How is a 212 million budget not enough to give a realistic depiction of an attack on the US president! I had no idea that their economy was so bad that the president can’t even afford a proper security team. His gabinet is somewhere? Seeing how the female secretary was treated, I’m not suprised if no one showed up!
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Okay, just got back from The Marvels. Super spoilery review under the cut. Just one mid-credit scene, no post-credits.
First of all........... VALKYRIE!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, I had no idea she was going to show up so to say that I was shocked is the understatement of the year. I love her and they're friends and I'm the happiest girl alive (I'm like Kamala but for Val. Well, what the hell... I'm like Kamala for Carol too). So the Skrulls go back to Earth? So... screw Secret Invasion then?
So... the best way I can sum this up is: sigh. So many lost opportunities. So many character beats are okay but nothing is done with them. They're just mentioned, we have at most 2 or 3 lines of the characters saying them but the movie moves along immediately after.
If the three are entangled, Carol could have relied on her wits to fight instead of her powers. Show that she's a hero not because of her powers, but because of who she is, of her core, she's a good woman. We have lots of scenes with Steve that are focused on that, so why not do the same with Carol?
She got her revenge by destroying the Supreme Intelligence but she destined Hala to be completely ruined. It backfired on her. That's a GREAT story! Why not focus on that? On her guilt, her need for revenge, her solitude, the fact that the Kree took her bodily autonomy... Her revelation is merely two or three lines that are followed by Monica "Oh, we're family, it doesn't matter". Uh... no! Don't do that! Dig into that guilt, make us get to know Carol better!
This is not a Captain Marvel sequel at all, this movie is not about Carol. Don't get me wrong, her chemistry with Monica and Kamala is wonderful and their interactions are the best thing in the movie but she's not the title character. And it pisses me off. Her first movie earned $1b, Carol DESERVED a sequel.
I liked the villain (forgot her name already), her motivation was interesting but once again... she was not fleshed out. She could have been a sympathetic one with terrible methods but she comes out as very basic. Which sucks! Carol got her revenge and it backfired on her, this villain was happy to destroy everything to save Hala... are these writers and Feige seriously telling me they couldn't have made them meet in the middle? Still hero and villain but somewhat close in certain things... that's an interesting story!
But mostly, one of the biggest problems I have with this movie is the way they treat the Kree. Of course, I'm not saying Hala deserved to be destroyed, they needed to be saved, that's cool. But the Kree were an empire, far worse than anything Asgard ever did (which is saying a lot) but they're mostly presented here as not that bad? I got the feeling that they were saying those on top were bad guys but in the first movie we hear what the Kree have been doing for eons and dunno... it bothers me.
And the biggest issue with this movie is a problem I've had with Marvel for years, but especially in the new phases. They want to put the heroes to the test, their actions are questioned and we're shown they make mistakes sometimes. That's good, I like it. BUT in order to make that work you have to REALLY dive into their actions, otherwise it feels like you just want to blame them.
Not to forget that if you do that with only some heroes (not all of them) and some characters are perpetually protected by the narrative, that disconnect makes these movies really hard to watch.
Oh, and this is a silly nitpick but that summary of the first movie at the beginning? It bothered me a little. As if we need a summary. That movie earned one billion, Feige, we've seen it.
Another big issue. That singing planet. What...the...fuck...was...that? Am I the only one who thought they were trying waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to imitate the GoTG movies? (And failing miserably)
Wow, this is getting long. Okay, positive things. The trio are wonderful. The flerkens eating the crew was pretty funny. The scene where all three are learning how to switch is super fun. Monica trying to reach out to the villain reminded me of WandaVision, my girl is kind and she's just so good, I really like Monica.
Just two more things. One problematic and the other that I LOVED.
The first is the powers range is all over the place and I find it to be slightly confusing. Carol can fix suns now? And she just fixes Hala that way and she goes back to Earth, nothing more? And Monica... she knows the villain opened a tear in time-space continuum just by looking at it? What do we need Stephen for anymore, eh? Not a fan. I like characters with powers but if they're not limited and kept small despite how great they might be, they just feel hollow.
The second is that scene of Carol in Tarnax when they're on the ship and Kamala wants to stay in order to save everybody but Carol yells at her "We save as many as we can!" to convince her that they have to leave. I loved that as it reminded me of Steve's chat with Wanda in CW when he tells her "We try to save as many people as we can, sometimes that doesn't mean everybody". I really liked that Carol said that but they never talked about it and it's truly a shame, I would have loved to hear it from her, it would have shown how mature and what a great leader and Captain she is.
Overall, I did enjoy watching the movie but it's not a good one. It's way too superficial, the story is too basic and, most importantly, Carol DESERVED a sequel. One focused on her and her only. I'm gonna give it a 5/10 and only because Carol, Monica and Kamala are lovely together.
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bi-astolfo · 1 month
Secret Invasion was actually good… until the last episode. The whole show had been built up as this big Nick Fury thing. The penultimate episode even had him state that some things are personal and he can’t just call in a superpowered friend to ride in and save the day every time. Then he has a superpowered friend ride in and save the day in the literal next episode while he just talks to the president. That’s just bad writing.
I also couldn’t find myself caring for Gi’ah too much. She was just kinda meh in terms of character. Boring overall. If they wanted to build her up as the hero then they should have done better with her character. “Killing her off” at the end of an episode only to reveal she took the super skrull thing in the next one was cheap. Honestly, it would have been more interesting to kill her off instead of Talos. We spent more time with his character and he had more meaning behind fighting Gravik. While her fight was more personal, his was also for his beliefs. Would have been more interesting and her death would have drove home the dangers of spy craft.
Nick Fury having a skrull wife was my favorite part of the show. I honestly wish they had that dramatic reveal at the end of episode one and built up the rift between them throughout the series. You could see her struggle with wanting to follow Gravik for the good of her people but conflicted because of her love. Put more emphasis on her finding a home with Fury instead of a place. Then had their confrontation in the penultimate episode. It felt a little rushed otherwise and deserved more screen time. I also loved their standoff. Where both were willing to die because they couldn’t bring themselves to kill the other. It was cute.
The main gripe is that I wanted Fury to fight Gravik. That was his whole reason for coming back to earth. He felt responsible for this kid he brought into their life. They could have given him a suit similar to what he used in his Civil War II tie-in comic. He was a kinda best that enhanced strength, speed and reaction time (the usual), but it ran the risk of cardiac arrest with continued sustained use. They could have teased it throughout the season and had him use it as a last resort when he had to fight Gravik. Utilizing his skills over the skrull’s powers.
Other gripe: it made no sense as to why G’iah gave Gravik the vial. They had the same level of super skrull powers before. If anything, that just made him a much bigger threat if she failed to kill him. And since that was her goal it just doesn’t make sense. Just included so they can imitate more powers for the big fight I guess.
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grntdmp · 1 year
Maria Hill
Secret Invasion spoilers
I am so damn angry right now. Maria Hill is an amazing character, but they never gave her any development. She was always the source, means to an end and now we're supposed to accept that she was killed by a skrull who took on Fury's face and just shot her.
Of course now Fury will (most likely) find his footing because of her death. And she was just left there. We know nothing about her from the MCU. I realized today that the person that for me is Maria Hill was created by dozens of amazing people and their fanfictions on AO3. She appeared in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., several movies and 'all' she was was provider of information.
I am very possilbly incorrect, but given the anger I am inclined to not care right now. I wanted to see her get a plot, even smaller one, but something other than the tool would be something.
I really hope that somehow she'll come back, but not everyone can pull several Coulsons. Let's hope I'll be able to delete this in few weeks time and this was tool used on us and not in the show itself.
Here's to hoping.
Maria Hill deserved better. Heck, she deserves better.
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Home Calling
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Talos x Original Female Character/Keller x Original Female Character
Chapter 7
I was confused. Talos had gone into the meeting without giving me much to go on, I hoped I could still be useful, I wanted to have some use after everything he’d done for me. He defended me to Fury and Hill who, quite rightly, treated me like a traitor.
     I knew there were memories buried so deeply that I could only trust my instinct. Something told me I had done something horrendous and deserved to be punished for it. I wasn’t going to deny it either.
     Talos had changed since I woke up, he was warm and caring beforehand, but now he seemed intent on keeping me safe at all costs. I had no idea why he would bother.
     ‘I’ve found the bomber.’ Talos said, quietly over comms.
     ‘Drive round back.’ Fury said, preparing his gun.
     It was a moment before we heard some kind of altercation, but the noise was muffled and incoherent. Suddenly Talos in his true form came bursting out of the back door, he had another Skrull over his shoulder and Hill immediately opened the boot for Talos to throw him in.
     ‘One more.’ He said and wandered back into the warehouse.
     ‘Did he say one more?’ Fury glanced around the car. What was Talos doing?
     He emerged once again with another Skrull over his shoulder, this one wasn’t as unconscious, but enough that Talos could dump her body next to the bomber and get into the car.
     ‘We’re good.’ He panted a little.
     Everyone just gave him a look before Hill started up the car again, driving to another safe house.
     It was quiet for the longest time.
     ‘Um…’ I swallowed, turning to Talos.
     ‘Don’t worry about it.’ He said immediately.
     I didn’t bother attempting to ask anything, it wasn’t my business.
     It was a slightly awkward car ride back to the warehouse where we were going to interrogate the Skrulls, but Talos just sat calmly as ever. I wanted to look over at him, his true form was so… intriguing to me.
     I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about him seemed familiar, maybe it was just relief from not seeing Keller’s face anymore, something else to focus on, but I couldn’t be sure.
     We made it back to the warehouse in relative silence. Talos was the first out of the car, putting the female Skrull in one room and the bomber in the other. Again, no one was asking the obvious question.
     I could feel the pain in my shoulder starting to worsen, I knew Talos would be annoyed if I didn’t rest, so I sat in the main room between the two interrogation rooms, trying to keep myself busy.
     It didn’t seem to take very long for the bomber to give Talos the information needed to stop the attacks. In fact, Fury was on the phone and Hill was looking at satellite footage before long.
     ‘You look tired.’ Talos said, sitting opposite me while the other two worked.
     I scoffed. ‘You’re one to talk.’
     Talos smiled gently, nodding. ‘It’s been a long few days.’ He admitted. ‘Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll wake you when it’s time to leave again.’
     ‘I can still be useful.’ I sat forward. ‘I can help with any intel gathering you need.’
     ‘I know.’ Talos leaned forward, almost reaching out to touch my arm before thinking better of it. ‘But you don’t need to. I’ve got it from here.’
     I frowned slightly. ‘If I’m not here to help you, then why don’t you just dump me back in my flat?’
     Talos almost looked offended, but his gaze dropped for a moment. ‘Look, this isn’t the best time to talk about this.’ He said, cryptically.
     ‘Well, you can hardly just leave it there.’ I breathed out a laugh, but I wasn’t amused in the slightest.
     Talos closed his eyes smiling. ‘I know, but I’m not ready to talk about it.’
     I could tell that he was struggling with whatever was going on inside his head, more so than I probably imagined, but something was nagging at me in the back of my mind. A flash of a memory, one I automatically felt I needed to move away from, but something important all the same.
     ‘You okay?’ Talos asked, concerned.
     ‘I think so.’ I suddenly realised I was panting. ‘Yeah, I just… sometimes the memories are hard to keep buried.’
     Talos blinked. ‘You mean Keller?’
     I felt my heart drop, he couldn’t have known that.
     ‘You wanna talk about it?’
     ‘No.’ I said it immediately, as if it was rehearsed. Maybe it was.
     ‘Look, I’m not going to presume to know what you’re going through,’ Talos shifted closer, keeping his voice low. ‘But I do know that if you don’t stop running away from what happened, you’ll never be happy.’
     ‘I don’t deserve to be happy.’ Again, it sounded rehearsed. I was so used to things like that slipping out of my mouth.
     Talos just nodded, disappointed, but not wanting to push me for a response any time soon.
     ‘Get some rest, Anya.’ He said and stood up to enter into the other interrogation room.
     I supposed I didn’t have much choice, Hill and Fury wouldn’t talk to me even if they weren’t busy and my shoulder was starting to ache a little more. I may as well have gotten some rest.
It was a familiar feeling, walking down the corridor inside the labs, like every office space was already mapped out in my head. I knew the names of everyone who worked there as well. I continued on towards an office at the end of the corridor, swiping my name badge to allow myself inside.
     He was illuminated by a single lamp on his desk, it was late and the rest of the office was in darkness. Talos’s blue eyes found mine and we smiled gently at each other.
     ‘It’s late.’ He said.
     ‘I know.’ I said.
     ‘Do you?’ He asked.
     ‘I do.’ I answered.
     Talos let a small laugh escape his lips. He stood up and I could see it had been a long day for him. His shirt and tie were loose, his glasses tossed to one side on the desk. He came around to stand opposite me and the smell of day old aftershave ignited my senses.
     ‘Was there something I can help you with?’ Talos asked, his voice was low, quiet.
     ‘I just wanted to make sure you were going home at some point this evening.’
     Our eyes locked for a moment. If I’d been anyone else, if he had been someone I didn’t care for, I would have kissed him. I would have begged him to know my body, I would have begged again and again.
     Talos stepped forward just a little, closing the little space between us.
     ‘Anya.’ He whispered, quietly. ‘You know how important you are to me, right?’
     I said nothing, but I swallowed thickly.
     ‘One day, I’ll find the cure for your abilities.’ It was almost a growl, I loved these late night moment we spent together.
     ‘I get the impression you’re saying it with an ulterior motive, Director.’ I tried not to make it obvious what he was doing to me.
     It was like the entire room rippled. It changed.
     Talos was sitting back at his desk for a moment, then he was in front of me, both hands either side of my body, his face so close to mine, but not daring to touch me even for a second.
     I was back in the cold corridor, a scream echoed from the end. I ran towards it. Talos came darting out of one of the labs, panting, panicked. Suddenly I couldn’t move. My legs were held in place.
     I could feel his breath against my lips, I could taste the coffee he’d been drinking.
     Talos cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. Another scream.
     His thumb dragged over the fabric of my lab coat, slowly down my arm, his eyes watching himself every step of the way, making sure he didn’t find my skin. I so wished he would.
     He shook his head, not daring turn around. He removed his glasses and took out a small cloth, cleaning them. Composing himself.
     ‘Sir?’ A technician called from inside the lab.
     ‘Anya.’ He whispered so close to my lips, I could taste the need inside us both.
     Talos held his hand up to stop the technician from saying anything else before he was ready to hear it.
     ‘Anya.’ Another wave of coffee hit my lips, why did it taste so good?
     He slid his glasses back on, moving his hands towards his tie again.
     Talos sucked in a deep breath and turned around.
     ‘Okay, let’s try this again.’ He said, striding back inside the lab.
     A sharp pain ran through my shoulder, my eyes flew open as my hand went to grab it. Talos moved his hand before I could touch him accidentally.
     ‘Are you okay?’
     ‘I’m fine.’ I mumbled, starting to find myself again. I was still in the warehouse.
     ‘You were screaming.’ Talos frowned. Even Hill and Fury were curious enough to stop what they were doing.
     ‘I’m fine.’ I said again.
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wasted-women · 9 months
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Causes of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Karen Page
Cause of Death: Murdered by the main villain
She has a lot of potential that had been just thrown away. Honestly most DD love interests have been done dirty, which sucks since it's my favourite comic. At least the show didn't kill her
Holly Granger / Hawk
Cause of Death: Murdered by the zombie of her predecessor
Her existence is a retcon, her powers are a retcon- the comics can't even agree if she's the older or younger Granger sister. She largely existed to hit on muscley comic men and take sexy shower scenes. Her death is even implied to be given the cosmic "Okay!" as her attempt to rise from the dead (for real this time) is thwarted by an angelic manifestation of another character laying her back to rest. All of this to say that she's a fantastic idea that was mishandled over and over again until they decided to fridge her in favor of just bringing the first Hawk back, but they still want all of the drama and sadness of killing her off in the end.
Antalya / Mary-Jo Altman
Cause of Death: Burned to death in front of her son
Mary-Jo Altman didn't initially have a name. She was just Mrs Altman, the mom of Young Avenger Hulkling (human name: Theodore "Teddy" Altman. Given name: Prince Dorrek). In the original comic run she dies without a name, within the same issue she's introduced, after something like nine speaking lines (one time I counted). She's barely mourned: Teddy cries at the end of the initial Young Avengers run, but that lasts about a page before our heroes run off to pursue further adventures. In further comics, such as Young Avengers Presents, Teddy's focus is on his biological father he never knew (the Kree Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel). Mrs Altman didn't get a name until 2020, a decade and a half after her first appearance.
But without her, Teddy Altman wouldn't be the character he is. Teddy Altman is kind, and gentle, and compassionate, and while he's willing to resort to violence (he is a superhero) he does try diplomacy first. The Kree and the Skrull are two alien races known in Marvel canon as being predisposed to war, and it would have been very easy to make Teddy, who is both, personify that - but he's doesn't. He loves. He loves his husband. He loves his friends. He loves Earth. And he wouldn't be this way without Mary-Jo Altman, who also chose love. Writer Anthony Oliveira spotlighted her character repeatedly in his work for Marvel and under his pen she is exactly the kind of person who would raise someone as remarkable as Teddy. Antalya was an elite Skrull warrior tasked with guarding a secret royal Skrull baby that was never meant to be, and she loved him. She loved Earth. She chose to become a real estate agent. She adored all the silly little mundanities of Earth - and she taught that love to her son. "Be brave enough to be kind," she told him. And he is.
Mary-Jo Altman deserved better. I'm glad later writers made sure she got it.
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 year
Y'know, I'm glad that everyone was freed, but I do hope they get checked out for radiation poisoning. They're still in a power plant after all. But, where the hell are the rest of the Skrulls? Gravik said they've been locked away, but we don't know if they're in the same hideout or somewhere else. However, when Rhodey and Ross were freed, it raises some very concerning questions that might open up some major plotholes in the MCU timeline.
First, with Everett Ross. Last time we saw Ross, he was rescued by Okoye in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Was that the real Ross or was that a Skrull? And, if Ross was a Skrull, does that mean there are Skrulls in Wakanda? Cause that'd be REALLY bad if that's true. Now, I don't even know if the Ross we've seen in that movie was a Skrull or the real Ross!
But, the worst is Rhodey. Real Rhodey is in a hospital gown when he was freed. G'iah said that he was held hostage for a long time, and Ross asked how long he was in there. The last time we saw Rhodey in a hospital gown was after he was severely injured in Civial War. That was about 10 years ago. So, from after Civil War to now....was he a Skrull all this time?! Cause I don't want this to be true! I still believe that Rhodey was a Skrull after FATWS cause of the crutches, and him being in that gown was probably for a checkup or something.
Until there's any sort of confirmation, I REFUSE to believe that he was Skrull since Civil War. Cause that is f***ed up! He wouldn't have known that Tony is dead, he wouldn't have known about Tony and Pepper getting married and having a daughter, he wouldn't have known about everything that happened after Civil War all the way to Secret Invasion! That is f***ing insulting to his character! So, this BETTER not be true, MCU! Don't do this to Rhodey, he doesn't deserve this!
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Final Thoughts on Captain Marvel
This was an extremely controversial movie when it released. And by "controversial", I mean it went over pretty well with critics and made $1.1 billion in theaters but there were also some people whining about it on the internet.
(If you aren't sure what to make of $1.1 billion in theaters, let me put it this way: The only solo heroes to outdo her are Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Black Panther. That's the league Carol's in.)
Much like Black Panther, Captain Marvel was a cultural event. The first leading lady in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, years later, does the film still hold up? I'd say so, yeah.
I think Captain Marvel has a lot to say about the insidious nature of control. The ways it works to try and sound reasonable, to make you seem unreasonable for even questioning it. The deceitful language meant to sow self-doubt, to make you feel stupid so that you stay in line with the people who "know better". Never relenting, never ceding ground, always sidestepping any objection to keep pushing.
It has a message that applies on both the personal and political levels, and it applies that message on both the personal and political levels through Carol's and the Skrulls' respective relationships with the Kree.
And it minces no words about it. There are no efforts to manufacture sympathy for the abusers. The film's final statement on Yon-Rogg and the Kree? Don't play by their rules. Don't care what they think. Punch them. Fight them. Resist them by whatever means you have. These people are scum and their opinions do not define you. Break free.
That's honestly very empowering. I'm not even a woman and I feel empowered by it. This movie deserved $1.1 billion.
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yocalio · 1 year
Ugh I know you don’t post about this anymore but I’ve followed you since GoT season 7 came out and ik you loved Emilia so I just wanted to share some of the reviews about her from her new show. I’m so proud of her and she seems so excited about it 😭😭
“The standout of the series by a wide margin is Game of Thrones icon Emilia Clarke, who plays G’iah. Making her MCU debut in line with a stacked cast of seasoned veterans, Clarke elevates above all the rest into an echelon of her own.”
“The standout for me is Emilia Clarke, who is making her MCU debut! She’s a fantastic addition to this beyond talented cast"
“Emilia Clarke is great. Love how nuanced the writing is for her, and how layered her performance is."
“The casting of Emilia Clarke as a dangerously intense figure with conflicting impulses toward her own rise to power is hardly imaginative, but Clarke is good at her job and the kind of actor Marvel is lucky to get.” - Variety on Emilia Clarke’s performance
“Emilia Clarke and Ben Mendelsohn also put on engaging performances as Skrulls caught between the ambitions of their people and their dreams of a better world.” - Collider on Emilia Clarke’s performance
“Sam Jackson is great as usual but Kingsley Ben-Adir and Emilia Clarke are clear standouts."
"Emilia Clarke absolutely steals every scene she's in."
"I'm loving Emilia Clarke. She’s cunning, misunderstood, but morally questionable."
“To work with Emilia Clarke, you know I watch Game of Thrones…to work with the Queen… Mother of Dragons, it was great too.” - Samuel L. Jackson on working with Emilia Clarke in Marvel’s Secret Invasion.
Ugh the love she’s receiving is just so amazing to me! The way people still call her The Queen and are just so honored to be working with someone like her. She’s been speaking more positively about the set for secret invasion than she ever did about working with the game of thrones cast. Don’t know if you’ll be watching but I’m watching for her!
This is so awesome. She deserves this. I might have to check this out after all.
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myhahnestopinion · 8 months
THE AARONS 2023 - Best TV Performance
If a Skrull is revealed on Disney+ and no one is around to see it, does it even get expounded? Here is The Aaron for Best TV Performance:
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WINNER: Elle Fanning as Catherine the Great - The Great
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After garnering two prior nominations in this category for her role in The Great, Elle Fanning finally takes the crown. Catherine, confronted by a popular uprising and other unexpected hurdles to her reign, really came into her own over the course of the third season. Meanwhile, Fanning has never been less than flawless as the literate and libidinous leader; her mastery of wordplay made her the finest of the court’s jesters. For any in denial of Fanning’s acting prowess, look no further than her grace during the Great’s mental break in the season’s second half. Better yet, skip to the end of the show for a grand exhibition guaranteed to leave viewers shook. 
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Sarah Snook as Siobhan Roy - Succession
Snook snuck in over her similarly sensational co-stars thanks to her diverse portfolio of standout scenes. 
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Natasha Lyonne as Charlie Cale - Poker Face
Across every episode, Lyonne’s hard-boiled human-lie-detector was Poker’s ace in the hole. 
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Juno Temple as Dorothy Lyon - Fargo
You betcha Temple deserves praise for her magnificent turn as a Minnesota-nice mother.
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Jharrel Jerome as Cootie - I’m a Virgo
Jerome can stand tall after his vulnerable performance as Virgo’s 13-foot protagonist. 
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
The Phoenix Protocol - 3
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Summary: No one else but Tony thought anything was off about Sharon. Investigating on his own, he discovered and brought down her Skrull impersonator and when he found the real Sharon near death, he made a choice that would change both of their lives.
AO3 Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Extremis, Extremis Tony Stark, Extremis Sharon Carter, Skrull Species, A Skrull Impersonates Sharon Carter, Canon-Typical Violence, Recreational Drug Use, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Childhood Memories, Team Cap Critical, SHIELD Critical, BAMF Sharon Carter, Sharon Carter Deserves the World, Tony Stark Has a Heart, more or less canon compliant up until civil war
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Chapter 3
The next week was filled with more testing, more binge-watching television (They'd moved on to Criminal Minds after finishing The X-Files - it wasn't like either needed more than a few hours' sleep.), more time down in Tony's labs, and best of all, blowing off any overtures Steve, Natasha, and the others tried to make.
("Tell them they can just stay upstate at the Compound," Tony said to FRIDAY after they'd shown up yet again. "They're neither needed nor wanted here.")
Slowly, but surely, Sharon was adjusting. One of her biggest accomplishments was when she was finally able to catch the uncooked eggs Tony tossed her without crushing them. She was also feeling pretty proud when she managed to dress in non-reinforced clothing without ripping it. She didn't mind the special fabrics Tony used to have clothing made, but sometimes a gal just wanted a super-soft hoodie and flannel pants.
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It was a Tuesday when they were in the lab. Tony was bound and determined to make her a tactical suit.
"I'm not an Avenger, Tony."
"Not at the moment, no, but you will be," he said confidently. "We're kinda skewed on the number of members we can trust at the moment and you've got the skills and then some."
"What makes you think I'd even want to? The hero life is a joke."
He scoffed. "Please. You'll go out of your mind with boredom, doing nothing. And it'll be a really great way to give the DoD and certain other people the middle finger. Win-win."
Sharon scowled but really couldn't argue with that. "It better look really cool."
"The coolest," Tony promised.
Boss, there appears to be an unregistered guest in the Penthouse.
"Oh, does there?" Tony asked with a frown. "How the hell did Romanoff break in? She's biometrically locked out!" He sighed and glanced at Sharon. "Ready to face the music?"
"Might as well," she said. "It's not as if I can just stay shut away in here forever."
They went up to the Penthouse, Tony forming a gauntlet and Sharon pulling a knife to have at the ready. (Where the hell did she keep a knife? Tony wondered. Her workout clothes were skin-tight!)
When they arrived, it wasn't Natasha - or any of the others - waiting for them at all.
"So, Share-Bear, how's life treating you as someone formerly accused of committing treason? And I have to say, Stark, that was a brilliant defense you argued. I almost shed a tear."
Bartholomew "Barty" Dugan was lounging on one of Tony's sofas, one long leg crossed over the other as if he were the one who owned the Tower. He wore his usual smirk and oh, she wanted to smack it off of his face. In her defense, he had a smack-able face; he himself owned up to that fact.
Sharon rolled her eyes but Tony immediately switched from looking angry at the intrusion to looking delighted.
"Listen, Break-and-Enter, I'm going to ignore for a minute that you somehow found a way to bypass all of my security for the time being, because I have something much more pressing to ask." He retracted the gauntlet and turned to Sharon. "Share-Bear? That's your nickname?"
"No," she said firmly just as Barty said "Yes! Yes, it is and she loves it."
"Dugan, I hate you," she said to him with a glare.
"She doesn't," Barty assured Tony, standing up and wrapping an arm around Sharon's shoulders. "I'm one of her favorite people and she adores me, I promise you."
"Stark, listen to me. Do not call me that. Ever." She shrugged Dugan's arm off. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be skulking around the Louvre or Tate Modern?"
"What? I can't visit one of my oldest friends after learning she'd been held captive by aliens?" Barty asked. His expression softened. "The others are worried sick and I'm currently the closest one here without a traditional 9-5ish type job. It's not like Kai can leave the students or Bailey leave the number-crunching to her colleagues."
"And just what is it you do, Mr. Dugan, it it?" Tony asked.
"Oh, this and that," he said airily.
"And how exactly did you crack my security when the Black Widow herself can't?" Tony asked. "I'm impressed."
Sharon snorted out a laugh. "Tony, meet Barty Dugan. When comes to bypassing security, he can run circles around Natasha Romanoff."
"It's a gift," Barty said modestly. "But seriously, Sharon, how are you?"
"Physically, never better," she answered. "All the rest? To be determined."
"And do you have anything to do with that?" Dugan asked Stark.
"Which part?" Tony asked back with all the maturity of a toddler.
"Barty, he saved my life. Stand down, Iisus Hristos."
"Ah, now that was Share-Bear here swearing in another language, which is a great way to tell how annoyed she is," Dugan explained to Tony, eyes glittering with mischief. "Latvian?" he asked Sharon.
"Romanian," she ground out.
"You should hear her go off in French; it's beautiful."
Tony wasn't sure what to make of this man. Even through his teasing it was obvious that he cared about Sharon deeply and given that Sharon hadn't stabbed him, she felt the same. He'd have to have FRIDAY run a check on him. And see if she could figure out who "the others" were, given that he had two other names: Kai and Bailey, along with a general idea of their professions.
"I need to get back down to my labs before Dum-E decides to clean the prototype we were working on with acetone. Are you good up here?" he asked Sharon.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Barty won't hurt me; he knows I'll kick his ass up and down this room."
"And I know that from painful experience," Barty added with a sheepish grin.
"You had it coming," Sharon said, unrepentant.
"I did," he admitted. "Then again, so did Martin and Kai, though I think Kai grew out of it. Bailey and Tripp always seemed to know better."
"Go on, Tony," Sharon encouraged. "If I feel like I'm about to explode I'll let you know."
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Down in the lab, Tony had FRIDAY pull up the camera feed from the penthouse.
"Get me everything you can on our new friend Barty. And try to figure out who the others are."
He pulled up the specs for Sharon's new tactical suit and finished kitting them out. At the same time, he kept an eye on the feed.
Before long FRIDAY had a basic dossier put together on Dugan.
He was the grandson of Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, one of his father's old friends and one of Cap's original sycophants. Barty was pushing forty and had a masters degree in art history and a bachelors in security management. He freelanced as a security consultant for various companies and museums. Also of note was that he'd turned down recruitment attempts by SHIELD four different times.
"Dig deeper."
Already on it, Boss.
Another dossier popped up, this one on Falsworth, Bailey, who was the granddaughter of another of his old man's crowd, James Falsworth. She was an accountant for Alchemax and apparently spoke no less than five languages. She, too, had given SHIELD the cold shoulder.
"So the Commandos' grand kids all know each other," he mused aloud. "Hey, FRI, any of them other than Sharon join SHIELD?"
Only one, Boss.
The obituary for Triplett, Agent Antoine displayed. His grandfather had been Gabe Jones.
Tony read through the hacked classified files Tripp had had a good record with SHIELD up to and after it's roots in HYDRA were uncovered. He'd died while on a mission with the formerly-assumed dead Agent Coulson's team.
There were two others: Jim Morita's grandson, Kai Morita, who was actually the principle of Peter's school, and Jacques Dernier's great nephew, Martin Dernier, who worked as a paramedic. The two of them had also said no when SHIELD had called.
"They talking about anything interesting?" he asked, watching the feed.
Audio started.
"So what, you're a super soldier now?" Dugan asked.
"Please, that's the last thing I am," Sharon said with a scoff.
"I mean, if you can regrow a limb that kind of makes you super, you know?"
"I'm not a soldier," she said tightly.
"Then what are you, because given that you were on the run for treason and the Merchant of Death himself had to argue your way out of a one-way ticket to the Raft - which I know nothing about - you're sure as hell not a CIA agent and we both know it'll be a cold day in hell before you go back to the evil empire."
"Honestly, I don't have a damn clue, Barty. I was maybe an hour away from death and then Stark showed up to save me and now I'm just... something more."
"At least the security here is good," Dugan said.
"Not good enough to keep you out."
Dugan smiled smugly. "Nothing ever is." He brightened. "Think he'll hire me for a consult?"
"You're not conning Tony Stark, Dugan," she said sternly. "Not when you're an anomaly."
"I'm just using the gift SHIELD's Project Legacy gave me," he said.
"Dugan!" Sharon hissed. "Shut up!"
"FRIDAY, get me everything on Project Legacy," Tony said. "And look into Dugan's consulting rates."
"Look, if Stark used something like Extremis - which again, I know nothing about - then I highly doubt he's going to come at me for my little... quirk."
"How are the others?"
"Martin's still burying himself in his work with as many shifts as he's legally able to take, Kai is too busy molding young minds to even consider having a social life, and Bailey is one request to turn an email into a PDF away from burning the entire place to the ground."
"In other words, they're doing great," Sharon said.
"They are. They'll be doing even better once I let them know you're okay and not on death's door."
"You should go report to them," Sharon said. "I'm fine. Right now this is the safest place for me to be while I get used to all of the changes."
Tony watched Sharon hugged Dugan tightly before he nodded and then disappeared.
"That would explain it," he said.
Sharon looked directly at the camera. How she knew where it was, he didn't know.
"Okay, you know now. Are we watching more Criminal Minds, or what?"
He pressed a button to answer, "Coming, Share-Bear."
Giving instructions to FRIDAY to keep compiling information on Sharon's friends, he went up so he could join her watch the BAU track down their latest unsub.
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