#The way akito is the one looking back at the end... and ena is just pasively moving forward. this is Correct to me
https-immotmari · 9 months
❝ Crush na crush na crush kita! ❞ ─── pjsk boys!
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Just from the title, y'all should have a thought of where I come from lmao <(^-^)>! Anyways, third request came in and I hope you don't mind the reader's gender being neutral, thank you!~
fandom! .project sekai character(s) used! .akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, tsukasa tenma and rui kamishiro gender of reader! .gn!reader however, implied fem!reader implied in toya's and tsukasa's sections head start! .reader, in both akito's and toya's, is a senior, reader in toya's section is tsukasa's older (by one minute) twin sibling, light angst in toya's section, rui's reader is a foregnier and doesn't understand nor speak japanese very well however, they can understand english
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. . .akito shinonome!
❝ Di mo ba nadarama? (Don't you feel?) ❞
what in the H E double hockey sticks is he feeling?!
he doesn't know why his heart goes crazy just the mere sight of you he doesn't know why he suddenly stutters his words when talking to you, he just doesn't understand why his mind wants to see you every day.
well, to everyone, it's no surprised you've captured the hearts of majority of the student population in kamiyama high. you're literally the IT girl/boy/person of kamiyama and you aren't even aware of it.
you're even a great senior! he met you through toya, who was trying to find tsukasa since he wanted to confirm something and they found him talking to you, and he was instantly whipped! though, he denies it.
toya lightly teases him that he acts like a mess when you're around him and akito just barks back with lies, just to save his pride.
"I'm telling the truth, toya. I don't act weird whenever (last name)-san is around." akito denied his best friend's, toya, accusation. him? having a crush on the school's heartthrob? that's stupid. he would never-
"excuse me?" akito suddenly froze on the spot as toya twirled his head only to see you carrying a bunch of test papers. "oh? toya? and uhm.." you squinted your eyes, trying to recall the name of the frozen ginger beside toya, "oh right! akito, right? you're ena's cute little brother, hm?" you tilt your head forward a bit, smiling in his way.
in the end, toya had the last laugh as he watches his best friend being completely different around their senior, "I told you so." as akito clutches his chest, where his heart is at.
just innocently dropping hints to toya that he 'needs' help with a difficult math problem, that's probably a year above them level, and that he needs a reliable and amazing senior to help him.
he ends up having tsukasa and sometimes rui, it's rare having you to 'help' him since you're quite busy as well.
but, that doesn't stop him! he often has toya delivers his little gifts, after a long time convincing toya that it was his older sister's, ena, request to deliver 'her' gifts, to your desk when you're not around, some students may have thought that toya has a crush on you.
his little gifts consist of key chains of (favorite things), sometimes flowers and pins with your favorite series/anime/manga/etc.
how he knew this? he actually got information from one of ena's conversation with you and your post from your social medias, in which he secretly hearts everything on an alternative account.
he turns into a lovesick puppy the moment you walk in, if he were a puppy, his tail would be going crazy all the while his face would be a hot mess.
during the sport event, you were one of the mc's and it made akito's motivation in winning increased TO THE MAX!
he was running faster than ever, even ena was suprised to see her little brother like that, poor tsukasa who was on his back, tsukasa was holding onto akito's shoulders for dear life.
"shinonome-san is running as fast as ever! it seems like he's eager to win, don'tcha think, partner?" the other mc look at you, waiting for your commentary.
you chuckled, smiling as you watch the intense match between your juniors, mizuki and akito. "I couldn't agree more, partner! even poor tenma-san is holding on for dear life~" both you and your partner snickered.
after he won that match, he was congratulated by you over the mic and no one can image the furious blush appearing on his cheeks, like, YOU, out of all people, were to congratulate him first before toya can?????
he was on cloud nine that even toya had a difficult time in getting him back to his senses till they were in their band practice, an hand to shake him back to life.
he denies this for a long time but, on valentine's day, instead of the classic chocolates and flower, he actually got you special and that he's proud of but, never admit it was him.
he got the valentine's day special chocolate pancake with (favorite fruit) on the side from the place where he usually buys his pancakes, he bought it using his hard-earned money. he also made oragami flowers, bouquet of flowers actually, the flowers being all of your favorite kinds. he actually spent a lot of time and dedication on the oragami flowers and learned them from a lot of youtube videos.
of course, he remained anonymously.
out all the gifts you've received that day, his gift stand out the most due to his effort in making it perfect. you gushed about it to your friends and one of them was ena. she had a gut feeling that it was her little brother, akito, but never got confirmation.
he doesn't know why his heart goes crazy just the mere sight of you, he doesn't know why he suddenly stutters his words when talking to you, he just doesn't understand why his mind wants to see you everyday. Don't you feel it?
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. . .toya aoyagi!
❝ Crush mo rin kaya ako? (Do you have a crush on me too?) ❞
you're actually tsukasa's older, by one-minute, twin sibling so, he's known you very well.
though, he wasn't able to have a lot of conversation with you back then since you were more focused on your youngest sibling's, saki, health and was always in the hospital, in which he couldn't go, fearing that it upset his father.
despite not often having to chat with you, toya can see you as the loving and caring older tenma sibling, within the three tenma siblings, you're the matured and calm one, one of the reasons why toya and you got along pretty well.
him crushing on you came when you caught him tearing up a bit after an argument he had with his father, he was a little kid at the time, and instead of degrading him for crying, you sat beside him and comforted him, whispering nothing but sweet things to him as he cried in your shoulder. you comforted him like how you comforted tsukasa whenever he has his episode due to him thinking he wasn't a great enough brother for saki.
after comforting him, you gave him a small smile and encouraged him to go after what he loves the most, and at that moment, the thing, or person, he loves the most at the moment, till now, is you. he just doesn't realize it till his unitmates told him he was, in fact, has a crush on you.
he felt the warm and loving aura coming out of you that you always give to your family, especially to your younger siblings. something he had craved from his father ever since he was born and yet he never received.
after that day, this little kid was always following you around like a little duckling, except in the hospital, in which you find it to be amusing and adorable since you've ever known toya to be the quiet yet blunt stoic kid and seeing him following you around whenever him and you are inside your house.
toya, at the time, didn't know why his cheeks felt warm and his heart going slightly faster than before whenever he encounters you. it makes him space out sometimes.
one time, he made a claw machine empty because he wanted to give you plushies like he gives to saki, through tsukasa, as well! you were surprised to see a lot of stuff toys in your room when you got back home from the hospital.
it made your face brighten up and as a thank you, you gave toya one of your beloved books in which you cherished the most so, image the shock expression he had once tsukasa told him that it was one of your cherished books you held dearly, and you gave it to HIM??
upon knowing that fact, the book you gave to him now has its very own section in his bedroom shelf, it even has its own clear protection case to keep the dust away if he's not reading it at the moment.
nobody is allowed to touch the book besides him and you.
now that you two, alongside tsukasa and saki, have grown into teenagers, you two have more screen time with each other now that saki is finally out of the hospital!
since you and tsukasa are the same age, meaning when toya was a freshman in kamiyama, you were a senior at miyamasuzaka, the same all-girls school saki is in.
despite being in different schools, you two interacted a lot! especially when all four of you hangout after school!
his feelings for you were rather obvious, at least to tsukasa and saki, he was so different from his quiet and stoic self.
whenever you're around, he smiles more often all the while talking to you, toya can't help it! you're just a beautiful scenery, it's a crime to not admire you. saki even called him out-
"(n/n) sure does look beautiful, right, toya-kun?" saki innocently teased the blue haired individual, who was admiring her older sibling as they baked a bunch of cookies for the four of them.
toya immediately snapped out of his daydreaming upon being called out, "o-oh.. yes, of course they are." he shyly nodded, feeling his cheeks warming up. saki simply chuckles, knowing damn well that she'll be the matchmaker alongside her older brother.
when vivid bad squad was formed, he immediately rushed to you and told you about it, you smiled at him, he was finally doing what he wanted and not what his father wanted, and you were proud of him.
whenever he's at band practice, he often unconsciously rambles about you to his bandmates, an and akito teases him about it, telling him that they didn't know toya has a crush.
that's when he furrows his brows, crush?
due to his oblivious self, an and akito, mostly an, explained to him that he has a crush on you, and he was like "oh...oh!"
now with this newfound information, he felt even more nervous around you, sometimes stuttering his words as if he's malfunctioning robot.
his heart just goes crazy and with the way you acted around him these couple of years, thanks to an explaining how most women acted when they have a crush on you, he wonders if you also have a crush on him too?
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. . .tsukasa tenma!
❝ Cross my heart, P.S. I love you ❞
he met you first in phoenix wonderland, you were a guest invited by one of your friends.
he, alongside his troupe members, was greeting the guests ever-so loudly and cheerfully and when his orange-yellow eyes set on you, his world just stopped right there and then.
your (h/c) was shining, complimenting your sparkling eyes and dazzling sweet smile, he felt his heart was racing, racing fast.
he was so stunned that when you and your friends came up to him and his troupe members, he was fumbling with his words all the while his troupe members cheerfully, mostly emu, greeted you and your friends. tsukasa's eyes were mostly on you, though he did try to act normal and tried to look at your friends as well but, his eyes kept glancing over you.
rui, who noticed this, teased him after you and your friends went away. tsukasa denied it, saying you look 'familiar' to him though, rui didn't seem convinced.
over the time your there, his eyes were trying to find you again, wanting to see if he was daydreaming that time but yet every time he sees you, he malfunctions again.
on the other hand, you caught him spying you from afar and whenever he quickly hides, you find it amusing.
he didn't know why he wanted to find out more about you, though you were a random guest, you can be EVERYWHERE!
but, I guess lady luck blessed him after a couple of weeks, he was in front of saki's school, miyamasuzaka, and while waiting, he saw you again! alongside your friends.
his eyes went wide, and my dude just stood there like 🧍‍♂️
once he and saki were back at home, he immediately bombarded her with a lot of questions about you.
"hey, saki, do you perhaps know somebody in your school with (h/c) hair and (uniform style/details about your uniform)?"
"oh, well there a lot of people with (h/c) hair in my school but, with the way you describe certain details uniform, I think you're referring to (last name)-san!"
that's where he learned about you as he watched saki talking about you gleefully, you were an assistant and close friend to the MORE MORE JUMP! members, no wonder why saki seems happier to talk about you to her older brother.
and no wonder he recognized you, he once saw you in shizuku's social media, in which he follows since they are good acquaintance with each other.
he thought about messaging you since shizuku tagged you in that one post. he wanted to formally apologize for weirding you out on that day.
and that's how you basically meet the blonde weirdo yet cutie from the theme park you visited a few weeks ago again. he firstly messaged you by introducing himself before apologizing for his behavior a couple of weeks ago, you honestly find it amusing and adorable. you two chatted with each other all day, and then the next day, and the next day-
after that, he invited you to hangout after school whenever your free, sometimes he brings along saki and toya, since you two bonded within the private messages you two have been sending each other.
honestly, he hasn't moved on from your first encounter, he still acts like a silly idiot around you. tsukasa doesn't even know why like, you're like everyone else, average yet has a certain charm around you making tsukasa even more invested into you.
whenever he's around you, he feels like very different that has him questioning himself about it. like, why does he feel funny around you but not to others? why does he feel the urge to impress you more with his charms and talents? why does he stutter his words out like a fool whenever it's you? WHY DOES HIS HEART YEARNS FOR YOU?!
I feel like he's seen a various of romance theaters, movies, dramas, etc (thanks to saki) so, he caught up with what's happening to him, it went like this;
"I'm in love..." the blonde muttered, finally knowing the reasons why he's acting differently to a certain someone. he had finally solved the mystery of his strange behavior whenever you're around!
"I'M IN LOVE- HAHHHHHHHHHH?!" tsukasa immediately stops himself upon seeing in the corner of his eyes, his troupe members all can be seen in the doorway, spying on their leader while rui was recording it with his signature smug cat-like smile plastered on his face.
in the end, let's just say rui, maybe emu and nene, got their blackmail for tsukasa.
he was quite shy at first but, he warms up since in his thoughts, he NEEDS to impress his crush, aka you, because the only way your crush is gonna notice you and wants to talk to you is to impress them! (tsukasa's words, not mine)
expects him to be a very, very, VERY gentleman towards you such as carrying your things, bringing you little snacks, escorting you to your house to your school along with saki, and many more that I can't possibly list down.
when he heard you were a fan of phenny-kun, he just has to impress you with his voice imitation of phenny-kun, he just had to. I mean, it IS his job, alongside his troupe members, to make people smile. his day brightens up whenever you enjoy his imitation of phenny-kun! doesn't he love you too much?
he probably made a play dedicated to you and have scenarios where you, the main character, and he as the love interest, he's too busy daydreaming he didn't notice that one of rui's inventions is coming straight to him-
he became a simp, your simp to be exact.
doesn't he love you so much? Cross his heart, he'll love you wholeheartedly that's for sure!
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. . .rui kamishiro!
❝ 'Di ko alam ang nangyayari (I don't know what's happening) ❞
he honestly didn't expect himself to be having a crush on somebody, especially when his crush is oblivious foreigner such as yourself.
you were the infamous transfer student he had heard about from the juniors; it was quite obvious due to your appearance alone, so you stick out like a sore thumb. if that wasn't bad enough, you also had a hard time understanding and speaking their language. you usually kept quiet as you feared that you might sound like an idiot when speaking japanese.
so now, picture this, a transfer student from (country) that has a hard time understanding and speaking japanese in a japanese high school, seated next to the well-known troublemaker of kamiyama high, now surely it won't be chaotic? spoilers, it did.
rui honestly finds you amusing, he would chuckle whenever he would ask for something to you, and you would completely give him another thing instead what he asks for.
it was another day in class in this new high school of yours, if the lectures make your head dizzy because it's difficult in understanding the teachers a bit, the purple head boy next to you makes it more difficult.
"psst.. mind letting me borrow your eraser for a moment?" he whispered to you, not wanting to get caught by the teacher. rui watched as you confusedly scanning your desk, trying to understand what he wanted from you.
'okay, he clearly wanted to borrow something... but, what??' you were thinking a bit too hard that the lecture from the teacher is mentally blocked from your head, now focusing on the given task by your seat mate.
"um.. t..t..this?" you tried pronouncing the said word in japanese but, it only sounded broken a bit, all the while showing rui a sharpener.
and that moment, rui kamishiro knew, he'll be going to enjoy this year.
you being shy reminds him a lot about nene but, in your reason, you were afraid of sounding stupid while speaking his country's language. though, he'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you were learning how to speak the language.
he teases you even though you mostly don't understand all he just said, which amused him more while you were determined to learn about the language more to know what rui is saying to you most of the time.
eventually, it was one of your daily routines to have rui tease you every day, even though you don't understand half of it but, hey! you're at least getting better with your japanese.
and with that, rui and your friendship began to develop as time went by, the purplenette introduced his unitmates to you and you were thankful that they introduced themselves in english. p.s rui rambles about you to them.
sometimes rui say english words to help you understand what he or other people are saying. though, if someone was mocking or insulting you, rui wouldn't even try to tell you what they are saying instead, he just guides you away from them by wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder and distracts you, though you had a gut feeling that the person was saying bad stuffs to you, you pick up some of their words and understand soe.
I think rui having a crush will take a long time since he's more on focusing on his inventions and his performances with his unitmates so, catching his attention in you, romantically, it's going to be a long ride. though, if you did, in which is going to happen, congratulations then.
though, he did start to feel whenever your around as the days goes by, and honestly, dude was confused. I feel like he has no grasp of like love and crushes since he's probably more focus on his works and his unit's performances that he doesn't have the time to think about anything else like love.
so yeah, it took him a long time to solve this difficult equation on why he feels weird whenever you are around/mentioned. he doesn't know what's happening to him.
with that, he went to nene and intentionally drop a topic like "what if somebody feels weird whenever somebody's around them, like something's making your heart beats faster?" and nene just look at him with a blank expression of hers, already knowing what's up with her childhood (best) friend however, she won't say it just for fun.
even with his newfound feelings, he acted the same but, once you come closer to his chest area where his heart is at, you'll hear his heartbeat. his teasing is still the same though he increased it to the max, anything for you<3
within school/lunch breaks, he'll teach you japanese words and how you pronounce them while you teach him english/(native language) words and how you pronounce it. though, that doesn't mean he'll stop teasing you just because him and you are teaching each other different languages, from time to time, he says to you compliments in japanese and when you try to pronounce it, his smug cat-like smile widens even more.
but, he'll only get scolded by you after you search about the phrases back at home, he'll do it again and again even if he's going to get scolded by you and he'll probably get the silent treatment by you<3
although jokes asides, he'll calm you down whenever you're feeling really anxious about speaking japanese, especially in front of the class whenever a teacher calls you out for recitation. he's one good listener and advice giver, so any problems you have, please go to him and he'll make it better, especially for you.
fast forward to summer holidays and school was ending, with all the moments and days you've spent with rui, you finally made a decision, something you'll feel embarrassed about but, hey! rui someone that is dear to you. as rui finished packing
up his things and mostly every one of your classmates were outside now, you approach rui very differently unlike the way you've approached him before this.
"rui.." you muttered out, loud enough for the said person to hear and make his head turn towards you.
"hmm, yes?" his eyes went immediately towards you, seeing a letter in your hands, your gaze shyer than ever, and some sort of red tint in your cheeks.
"I.. uhm.. I.." you stuttered out, trying to find the words you wanted to say to him. rui, noticing it, gives you a pat on the head as a sign of encouragement as what he always did to you whenever you feel nervous/anxious.
eventually, you finally did as what you have planned the day before, "I.. just want-ted.. togiveyouthis..!" you quickly finished yourself, saying it all in japanese, while handing the letter to him before quickly rushing out, leaving rui with a dumbfounded with a letter in his hand.
the mad sciencetist, I mean, the purplenette boy stared at the letter the rest of the time as he walks home, wondering what you wrote in this. though once he had opened and read it, he lets out a smile, not his usual smug cat-like smile but, a genuine and gleeful smile.
with his heart beating crazily as he only thought about what you wrote in that letter, his thoughts filled to the brim with you, he honestly doesn't know what's happening right now.
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Apologies for the long wait! school just recently started and this january I'm filled to the brim with projects and performance task >︿<!
and also, I had writer's block with rui's section though special thanks to one of my lomls @liqis-postoffice for the ideas &lt;3
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rules! + masterlist!
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Thoughts on ena? Feel free to yap as much as you did in three shizuku one!
so, fun fact about me! i was an ena oshi from like. On This Blank Canvas, I Paint ensekai release to about Say Goodbye to Masked Me jpsekai release, when kanade took the crown (it's since ended up in airi's hands, if not obvious). so i have an absolute ton of stuff i could say about ena and figuring out where to even begin is always the hardest part of all of this. i won't even give myself a direction here i'm just gonna stream of consciousness this.
shinonome ena was probably the first character i got genuinely attached to among the cast, and while most of my thoughts and attention have strayed to other characters, she still remains someone i get incredibly insane about (frankly the entire cast does this to me, but ena is one of the highlight characters of this). and a lot of it comes from my reading of On This Blank Canvas, I Paint when it released on ensekai, because that event not only changed ena for me, but how i view the entire game and its story. that event changed my brain chemistry and nothing deserves the claim more than it.
prior to that event, i looked at ena like i do most "mean" characters, with a sort of dismissive attitude due to generally not being a fan of the archetype and the way many pieces of media write them (other fandoms i was part of before prsk largely ruined it for me). but that event, and ena herself completely changed my entire perspective on the character archetype as a whole, and while i still wouldn't say it's my favourite, i am far from dismissive of the character type and many of my favourites from other medias exist within it because i'm actually paying attention to why they're like this. On This Blank Canvas, I Paint was my first exposure to the why, and i've never been able to look away since.
while there's arguments to be made of this factor for every person in it, i personally stand at the opinion that ena is the representation of everything the solid heart class stands for. akito is really close, and he's in contention, but i'll get more into akito later on because there's so much i need to say about their relationship, their parallels, the roles they have in each other's lives and the reflection of these roles onto the people around them. but with solid heart in general, i think that ena exists as an epitome of everything they are, and the fact everyone except ena in-world is able to recognise that only further pushes my point. because unlike akito, ena believes herself a coward on top of being inadequate. she doesn't recognise the strength it requires to keep pushing forward through all this pain, she thinks herself weak for even experiencing it at all. while akito believes himself (at least up to BURN MY SOUL) inferior to his peers, there's not really a moment where he looks at himself as weak for struggling. he simply pushes forward, and Find a Way Out and BURN MY SOUL is the recognition that that is what gives him his power. ena doesn't even consider that possibility until Knowing the Unseen, when she learns about what her father went through.
solid heart is defined by its determination and unflinching will to improve and chase their dreams no matter who or what gets in their way. shiho continuing to practice and search for a band after convincing herself she's better off solo; airi's constant drive to be a better idol and reach the heights she set for herself; akito's refusal to back down from the unbreakable wall of rad weekend despite the entire town telling him he can't do it; nene's constant push through her story to be an actress worthy of the dreams she has. ena is just part of this, chasing the dream that is her art and the desire to garner a following from it, make a career out of it like her father has. she doesn't attach her name to the works of 25ji because she doesn't want its popularity to be the reason her artwork succeeds, she wants the effort and beauty she captures on the canvas to speak for itself. everyone in solid heart carries that wish, for their work to speak for itself, to not take shortcuts on the path to their dreams. most of them aren't offered many opportunities for it to happen, it's really just shiho and ena who have that chance; shiho with the entire event of Resonate with You and ena's combination of being the daughter of a famous artist and the illustrator for a growing musical group. but both of them turn down those short-cuts in the end, because it wouldn't be their dream as they wish it. shiho wouldn't be standing by the sides of those they made that promise with, and ena wouldn't feel like the success is actually hers at all, but rather the success of whatever name she's leaning on.
you can actually see this part of ena in a scene unrelated to her artwork, in Someday, This Wish will Transcend the Morning Sky. when mafuyu gets a call from her mother and ena decides to take over the conversation, there's a moment in it where ena thinks how she'd rather not bring him into the equation right before mentioning her father's name. she doesn't want to be associated with him, for any reason; both because of her problems with shin'ei as a person and her reservations with using the benefits she has through nepotism. she's fully aware she has that advantage, and does whatever she can to separate herself from her father to avoid having it. because it wouldn't feel like it's actually her success. it would feel like her father's success rubbing off on her.
yet, to bring this back to solid heart, despite the struggle she's facing to make a name for herself as an artist and the immense pain she faces trying to improve herself as an artist and a person, she doesn't quit. she nearly has, plenty of times; it's mentioned several times in early stories how often akito would have to step in to stop ena from throwing away and/or breaking all her art supplies and tools during her fits of anger, because he understands how important this venture is to her. he's solid heart too, his equivalent is the music he makes and performs in vivid street. he knows, firsthand, how precious the passion she has for art is, because he's been given that same drive and purpose for a different artform. ena didn't let him give up when he quit soccer, so he won't let her give up. however he can manage to do that.
there's a specifc moment in the stories of solid heart where you can see the moment they decided that giving up and backing away simply isn't an option anymore. shiho is a slight exception to this rule; there was never a moment in their story where they felt they should give up on their dream to become a professional bassist in a band, not once did they ever stop chasing that dream, for even a moment. shiho's shifts were always about how they chase that dream, with Resonate with You being the decision to not leave leo/need's side, and Don't lose faith! being the change of heart to stop holding back for the sake of the band, to let them catch up by knowing what to chase. but for airi, this happened in the more more jump main story; the recognition of minori's potential as an idol because of her refusal to simply give up, mixed with the mistake of her lashing out at shizuku when she shares the news that she'll be quitting her idol work, kicks airi back to a point of realisation of just how important to her being an idol is, and that she can't afford to just leave it behind. for akito, this happens during rad weekend; after having abandoned sports due to believing he's not dedicated enough, and ena introducing him to the world of music at the summer festival, his entire body and purpose is lit up by the emotional weight of rad weekend, giving him something to strive for and a reason to endure the constant loss that will come with chasing that dream. for nene, pieces of this occur in the wxs main story, but she's truly pushed into the unrelenting determination of solid heart with On a Holy Night, with This Singing Voice and the recognition of her potential from sakurako managing to grab at her competitive spirit and give her something to fight for; something brought to an extreme with The Canary Sings in a Quagmire as nene pushes herself harder than ever before to break down a barrier in her skill.
for ena, this moment was On This Blank Canvas, I Paint. while she never completely gave up on art before this moment, and Insatiable Pale Colour shows how much she wants to fight for her art and gives us a taste of her willingness to keep going, it pales in comparison to the scene captured in the On This Blank Canvas, I Paint untrained ena card. that moment is the decision that completely pivots the direction of ena's entire story into what she's become in modern project sekai. the decision to not look away—to stop looking away. ena is facing her art in a way she was never willing to before, a way she depicted herself in the art piece being critiqued avoiding. the ena of the past would've run away after hearing the harsh words yukihira had to say. we see, in the event, what happened the last time yukihira was harsh about ena's work: she completely broke down and it was the final straw to the shattering of her fragile self-esteem. but during the return to her art classes, which itself is a monumental step due to the pain attached to them, ena made the decision to stop running away. to take whatever yukihira had to say about her art and make it matter, make it have an impact on her growth as an artist. so she sits there, all the memories of the suffering she's gone through fresh on her mind and burning into her, and takes in the criticism. she doesn't fight back like she always had with 25ji, she doesn't look away like she did the last time. these are her failures, and she needs to take responsibility for them. because that's the only way to fix them.
On This Blank Canvas, I Paint also gives us a lot of insight into ena's relationship with shin'ei. not necessarily as much as Insatiable Pale Colour does, since that's a proper introduction to and exploration of their dynamic as both father and daughter and from artist to artist, but On This Blank Canvas, I Paint gives us the invaluable context around the moment that broke their relationship. how much ena had been going through already, how excited she was to continue chasing art, the way shin'ei completely shot her down from the high of being praised by yukihira—something we learn in that event is exceptionally rare—and the actions the next day of yukihira unintentionally confirming for ena everything shin'ei said. that, as she was then, she would never survive or succeed as an artist.
something i don't see really any recognition or mention of is just how much of a part yukihira had to play in ena's collapsed mental health. he was the one to convince her that she could make it by giving her praise, something that ena has always been attached and attracted to because of the lifelong emotional neglect of shin'ei. her receiving that praise from someone she looked up to as a professional and understood that the praise itself is a rarity from him resulted in a complete overblowing of ena's ego, the instant belief that she has what it takes and would be able to make it into and survive art schools with ease. that bubble is popped by shin'ei's words, the outright disapproval of her dream and doubt in her ability to chase that dream (at least, that's how ena takes it; we learn later on that isn't what shin'ei intended to happen). then, the following day, during a very fragile moment where she's reliant on the approval of a professional, yukihira continues to tear ena down with the statement that she'd never make it as an artist if all she looks for is praise. an echoed, if more specific, sentiment to shin'ei's own words. it breaks her. ena would probably be in a much better mental state, though still fragile, were it just shin'ei that knocked her down. but yukihira kicked her while she was down. and that proved to be too much.
i understand why yukihira gets less attention from the fandom, since ena's own story has a stronger focus on what shin'ei did to her than what yukihira did, and what shin'ei did is ultimately the one ena's mind has attached to as evident by the constant flashes to his words in her earlier stories and the entire nightmare sequence of And Now, This Ribbon is Tied, which i can hardly blame her for finding shin'ei's actions more damaging. despite the evidently bad parenting shin'ei has done for either shinonome, even before The SceneTM (akito had it is in his mind that success is impossible without talent even before finding music, and there's a lot of little details across side-stories that imply shin'ei has never been the most attentive father: my favourite of which being ena pushing him into a lake during a camping trip because he wasn't paying enough attention to her. the shinonomes appear to be really bad at communicating and even processing their own feelings, even before the moment ena and shin'ei's relationship fully collapsed, and i think a lot of it comes down to shin'ei being a neglectful and borderline absent father for both of them), ena clearly trusted and believed in shin'ei opinions as both her father and a professional artist by the way she used to study his work to improve her own, the way she went to him for advice on what art school to pick. shin'ei's action was ultimately a betrayal of all of that trust, and i personally believe their relationship is impossible to mend after that, at least to a degree that the shinonome household will be a safe space for either child again (unfortunately, i'm speaking from experience).
i had more to say and if it comes back to me i might reblog with even more yapping but i've completely lost my train of thought due to being distracted and cannot bring it back for the life of me. so i'm just posting this now. have fun ena fans
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
April Fools Year 3: Past and Future
TL;DR: Everyone has been transported into one of two mysterious, seemingly inescapable SEKAI: a prehistoric forest with ruins and dinosaurs, or a futuristic city with tech and aliens. They split up into groups to survive and find a way home.
In the Past? SEKAI,
Team Survival Masters consists of Shiho, Airi, Nene, Kanade, and MMJ Len. They set up base camp and prepare delicious meals for the others.
Team Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest consists of Ichika, An, Ena, and L/n MEIKO. They brave the wilderness to collect materials and food.
Team We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! consists of Minori, Toya, Tsukasa, and MMJ Miku. As long as they keep high spirits, nothing will stop them from finding the way back home.
In the Future? SEKAI,
Team Relief Space Cafe consists of Honami, Shizuku, Mafuyu, and n25 Luka. They serve coffee at the place where everyone can rest.
Team NicoNico☆Food Search consists of Saki, Kohane, Emu, Mizuki, and WxS Rin. They try and find food while befriending aliens.
Team Here and There in the Futuristic City consists of Haruka, Akito, Rui, and VBS KAITO. This chaotic yet responsible team searches for the way back home.
Full fan translation (Project Sekai in English)
This summary is currently a work in progress. Area conversations will be added periodically.
Upon login, Miku asks you to join her in exploring two special SEKAI of the past and the future.
None of those transported to the Past? SEKAI know how they got there. The same happens in the Future? SEKAI. All the units cross each others soon after arriving and decide to team up to survive together. They'd decided to split into base camp/rest, food searching, and exit-searching teams.
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Survival Masters Cover: Setsuna Trip
Kanade and Nene greet VBS Rin, MMJ Len, and n25 KAITO. Nene's extremely intimidated by KAITO's harsh demeanor. She questions if she did something wrong, but Kanade explains he's just like that.
Shiho greets Airi, WxS MEIKO, and L/n Luka. Airi leads the group based on her past variety show experience. Luka divides up material gathering roles, impressing MEIKO and Airi. Neither of them are used to a reliable Luka. Luka offers her lap when MEIKO expresses loneliness without her sleepy one.
Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest Cover: Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story
An, Ena, and Ichika make a fishing rod out of sticks and strings. Ichika realizes they need bugs or worms as bait, but all three are too scared to look. n25 Miku finds a bunch of worms under a rock and picks them up without hesitation.
L/n MEIKO leads Ena, MMJ KAITO and VBS Luka search for water. Ena's a bit frustrated by how easy-going Luka is in such a strange scenario. KAITO explains how it's cool to get to experience nature, and Ena reluctantly agrees that it would be great for references. She's also extremely thrown off by how nice these Virtual Singers are.
We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! Cover: Booo!
Tsukasa prepares the members of the Pegasus Exploration Party. L/n Rin wants them all to get cool nicknames and form an adventure huddle. Minori tries her best to get n25 MEIKO to join. She's forced to put her hand in the middle, but doesn't cheer.
The Pegasus Exploration Team has been searching for some time now. WxS Luka had fallen asleep, so Tsukasa yells for her to wake up. The scream ended up startling a dinosaur, who begins to chase them. Toya leads them to hide in an ancient ruin.
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Relief Space Cafe Cover: Meru
Shizuku suggests checking out a place she'd seen earlier. She tries backtracking based on the signs she'd seen, but Mafuyu points out they change color. MMJ Rin asks Shizuku to hold her hand, pretending she's nervous. She just doesn't want Shizuku to get lost.
Mafuyu finds a malfunctioning robot. Shizuku tries to help it out by clicking a button, accidentally triggering a self-defense mode. Everyone panics, but Mafuyu calmly tells it to stop. WxS KAITO notices something off in her demeanor when she said it, though.
Honami, L/n Miku, VBS MEIKO, and n25 Luka explore the back alleys. Luka teases Miku about being a senpai figure, but only MEIKO realizes the intent. Honami praises Miku.
NicoNico☆Food Search Cover: Alien Alien
Emu, Mizuki, and MMJ MEIKO head off on their food search with a wonderhoy, but n25 Len isn't quite sure what to do. Mizuki and Emu teach him how to do it. They do it one more time, this time with Len.
The group finds an octopus-like alien. Emu tries copying the alien speech, but it comes out like nonsense. The alien responds, to everyone's surprise. The alien then copies back Emu's wonderhoy.
Here and There in the Futuristic City Cover: Devil's Manner
Akito wants to leave the Future? SEKAI as soon as possible, but Rui and WxS Miku are too distracted by the futuristic technology. Miku keeps getting the number of "no"s in Akito's name wrong.
VBS KAITO thinks he saw an alien, but L/n Len and n25 Rin don't belive him. KAITO's thrown off by how different the two are here.
Haruka uses her idol charm on an alien. (There's likely more to this interaction, but the translation was cut off.)
Rui explains his exploration drone to L/n Len. He offers over the controller. Akito asks if n25 Rin wants to join since she looks curious, but she denies it since that's "just playing around". Akito asks for the controller for the spare drone and explains how it would help. Rin caves and takes the controller.
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Hi! Saw ur requests are open! :] So, can I request Akito, Toya, and Ena with a younger sibling that's around preschool age or something? I think the dynamic would be adorable in here! How would they treat or act around this ball of energy and imagination?? I also saw how long ur list of requests are, so I'm sorry if this puts more pressure on to u!! Please take care and I love❤️ ur writing so much
Don't worry! I made sure not to overwork myself in the end so that's good~ And yes! This is such a cute idea!! And I literally enjoyed writing this so much so I hope you'll like this too!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Akito, Toya, Ena with a younger sibling!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @yulikesminori @qxmmi @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @bl4cktourmaline @modyuki
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✧ now Akito is the one who'll teach you how to protect yourself, if you're at late kindergarten age, trust me
✧ he may come off as irresponsible for teaching a child some verbal and physical self defence at such a young age but in reality, he just wants to make sure you won't ever get hurt
"Alright, but remember... we don't start fights. But if someone starts it, feel free to hit them back."
✧ moving onwards, he's much nicer to you but still stays with his tsundere mask
✧ when it comes to your creativity, he doesn't have a heart to tell you something is impossible or doesn't exist so he just plays along
✧ if you ask him to play pretend in private, he'll go along. But if you're asking of him to do so in public, he might come as a bit salty... he makes it up to you by treating you to pancakes later!
✧ now your energy... that's surprisingly something he likes!
✧ he'll do any sport or play any game with you, all you need to do is suggest something or tell him you're bored and he'll give you suggestions
✧ and let me tell you, if he hears someone talking badly about you, he will beat them up so... you may want to close your eyes or listen to Toya when he suddenly wants to treat nyou to some ice cream-
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✧ Toya will do his best to take proper care of you and not let your father break your innocence and dreams in any way
✧ he'll also be the one picking you up from kindergarten and the one who'll always agree to play whatever game you find. he also agrees to give you piggyback rides on your way back
✧ you probably spend most of your time hanging around with his group since he'd just feel bad if he was to leave you alone in the house... but if that's what you want, he'll let you do so!
"Yes, An does have starts in her hair. No, don't pull on it, it's not nice. An you don't have to agree-"
✧ he'll agree on any idea of yours that isn't dangerous. You want to play hide and seek? He's ready to leave the house at 6am. You want to do his make up and tie his hair in ponytails? He'll sit still.
✧ he also has the patience, you can make his life harder, babble or just be extremely energetic all the time and he'll still sit there with a smile, eventually scolding you if you lead to dangerous situation
✧ and finally, he'll ready you a story before bed, scare the bed monsters away and so on!
✧ he'll never say no to your imagination and if he'll have to, he'll fight imaginary dragon in the middle of a street
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✧ Ena was absolutely CHARMED by you, she loves almost every single thing about you
✧ she actually felt the need to protect you and surprisingly wasn't hiding it, untill people around her started teasing her... she just slowed down for some time but don't worry! Because soon she was back at her normal self again
✧ she loves how creative you are and will never bring you down! She even borrows you some of her art supplies!
✧ but if art isn't your fortee? Don't worry! She'll be the one who'll introduce you to make-up and music!
"Would you look at that! It seems that the idea you gave me for my art turned out fantastically!"
✧ somehow it's just hard for her to get mad at you when you're just so pure
✧ now remember how I said she loves ALMOST every single thing about you? The exception would be your energy...
✧ now don't get her wrong, she's happy your excited about life and all but not when you're too excited...
✧ she's just trying to get some rest during day and not deal with you running around house or babbling her ear of...
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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shikishake · 9 months
How to emotionally abuse your child: comparing and contrasting Mafuyu Asahina and Toya Aoyagi.
There are two actively abusive parents in Project Sekai, and both of them are emotionally abusive in similar ways and for similar reasons. But the treatment and development of Toya’s father and Mafuyu’s mother has been very distinctly different over the course of the story so far. Why has Toya’s relationship with his father stabilised and even marginally improved over the course of his events, while Mafuyu’s relationship with her mother hasn’t just deteriorated but actively crashed and burned?
I believe the difference lies in intent and perspective. (Before we begin in earnest, I want to note that, at the end, I’ll briefly touch upon some other parents, specifically the ones who might also be worthy of criticism. Most notably, I’ll discuss Ena and Akito’s father and the (many) flaws in how he has treated both of his children. Refer to that if you’re interested.)
Toya and Mafuyu have a lot of similarities. They’re both emotionally repressed, they’re both exceptionally skilled (Toya more specifically being a musical prodigy, while Mafuyu has a more general kind of exceptional competence), and they both have very difficult relationships with their parents (their father and mother, respectively). They’ve both slowly but surely come out of their shells and recovered thanks to the help of their groups (VBS and Niigo, with an emphasis on Akito and Kanade, respectively). Because of the connections they’ve made, both of them have received the support needed to directly confront their parents and choose a new path for themselves, regardless of what their parents think.
Toya’s father and Mafuyu’s mother also have a lot of similarities. They’re both overbearing, controlling parents who pile pressure and expectations on the shoulders of their children, both have isolated their children in an attempt to focus their attention on the things they deemed important, and they’ve both rejected the paths their children have decided to walk in the end. 
Both of them have claimed that their behaviour was motivated by good intentions, that they truly want the best for their children and want them to be happy, and that everything they’ve done has been in service of making life easier for their children.
Both of them have failed, but only Mafuyu’s mother is lying (including to herself).
Toya’s father.
Toya’s father has been a successful classically trained musician his entire life, and has raised two other boys to be successful classically trained musicians. Neither of Toya’s brothers live in Shibuya, but small mentions of them reveal that, though they might have shared Toya’s current attitude in the past, both of them have told Toya they now agree with their father, despite going through the same kind of upbringing by the same man, with all the horrible things that implies.
Because Toya’s father, more than anything, loves classical music. It makes him happier than virtually anything else in the world. Toya’s father loves classical music, and has loved classical music for his entire life, as much as the most passionate characters in this story love music. Toya’s father loves classical music as much as (or maybe more than) Toya loves street music. Toya’s father loves classical music as much as Akito loves street music.
Both of Toya’s brothers have claimed to share this love. The reason Toya’s brothers can now look back and say that their father was right is because classical music has made both of Toya’s brothers happier than virtually anything else in the world, too (or, at least, that’s what they told Toya).
The reason Toya’s father raised Toya the way that he did is because, from his point of view, there is nothing that will make an Aoyagi happier than classical music. He has made the mistake a lot of parents make. He has assumed his sons are the same as him. He has assumed what would make him happy, would make his sons happy. And nothing has given him any indication that this is false. Not Toya’s brothers, and not even Toya.
Toya has also loved classical music his entire life. The reason Toya rebelled and quit classical music isn’t because he doesn’t like it, or doesn’t like playing it. Toya rebelled because his father was suffocating him, isolating him and controlling him, and the association with that suffocation made Toya’s relationship with classical music strained, but it has been stated again and again that the reason Toya has avoided classical music for a while now is because it brings up unpleasant memories, not because he doesn’t actually like the music.
The crucial difference between Toya and his father is that classical music does not make Toya happier than anything in the world. He might enjoy it, and he might even love it, but Toya will, and would, never be able to look back on the trauma and isolation he endured and believe it was worth it. Toya would never have willingly sacrificed his childhood, his social life, his freedom for classical music. Not when he was a child, not now, and according to everything we know about him, not in the future either.
But Toya’s father would have. Toya’s father believes the suffering he endured was worth the happiness he now feels. Toya’s brothers have both told him that they believe the suffering they endured was worth the happiness they now feel. And Toya’s father thinks the suffering Toya has endured and would have needed to continue to endure would be worth the happiness he’s convinced he would feel in the future.
He does not understand Toya’s switch to street music. Or, well, he does; Toya switched to street music specifically because he knew his father would hate it more than any other type of music, and Toya’s father is aware of this. Toya didn’t have it in him to quit music entirely, but the reason he chose this type of music specifically is for no reason other than “my dad would hate it”.
The thing that Toya’s father doesn’t understand is that Toya may have started street music to spite his father, but that’s not why he does it now. Toya fell in love with street music, to the same extent that his father fell in love with classical music, and it shows when he performs. That’s why, when Toya’s father went to see Toya perform for the first time at the end of his first event, their relationship changed for the better. Because Toya’s father wants his son to be happy, and the reason he’s been such a bad father is because he’s stubbornly convinced that classical music would make Toya happy, despite all evidence to the contrary. And when he saw his son on that stage, Toya was happier than classical music had ever made him.
His father may despise the music Toya makes, and there may be a pretty big part of him that thinks Toya would, someday, be able to fall in love with classical music in the same way he has, and maybe he even believes that Toya would be happier in the long run if he stuck to classical music. But first and foremost, Toya’s father wants Toya to be happy, and that performance showed him that street music made Toya happy. Their relationship softened because Toya’s father was able to understand, in some tiny way, that Toya wasn’t ruining his own life out of spite. Even if he thinks Toya would be happier in the long run, that performance showed Toya’s father that, if nothing else, Toya wasn’t going to be unhappy.
He still wants Toya to quit street music and return to classical. But the dynamic has changed because the stakes have changed. Previously, from Toya’s father’s perspective, it was either “continue performing this drivel and be miserable for the rest of your life” or “return to classical, push through the hardship and be happy”. Now, it’s “continue performing this drivel and be happy” or “return to classical, push through the hardship and be happier”. Those are entirely different stakes.
Mafuyu’s mother.
Now let’s talk about Mafuyu’s mother. What makes her different? Why does nothing get through to her? Why is Mafuyu’s mother portrayed so much harsher and so much more negatively?
It’s difficult to really pinpoint Mafuyu’s mother’s perspective and intentions, because Mafuyu’s mother is a manipulator first and foremost. Almost nothing she says can be taken at face value. But there’s a couple of possible interpretations, some more charitable than others.
Right off the bat, I don’t believe the most charitable explanation: that she genuinely wants what is best for her daughter and is simply misguided. If this was true, she wouldn’t have constantly invaded her privacy to snoop on whether or not she was still making music or talking to her friends. If this was true, she wouldn’t have thrown her synthesiser away behind her back. If this was true, seeing Mafuyu break down into tears and beg her mother to allow her even the tiniest amount of agency would have made her do more than blink. If this was true, she would have been rightly horrified that Mafuyu said she’s been unbelievably miserable for years instead of being mildly nonplussed, then immediately trying to guilt trip her by crying and repeating her spiel that this is all for the best. More than that, she wouldn’t have stopped crying immediately when she noticed her guilt tripping wasn’t working.
On the other hand, there’s the least charitable interpretation of Mafuyu’s mother: that she’s a narcissist who wants to live vicariously through her daughter’s success. She wants Mafuyu to be a successful doctor, not because she wants her to be happy, but because being able to say that she raised a successful doctor would make her feel successful by proxy. This isn’t impossible, or even improbable. There’s a not insignificant amount of parents who do, genuinely, feel this way, and the consequences of that are often severely traumatic for the children. 
However, I don’t think this is accurate either. She’s too often portrayed as insisting everything is for Mafuyu’s sake for it to be entirely a lie, or at least a lie that she’s aware of. Instead, I think what’s happening is a little more insidious.
I believe Mafuyu’s mother has, at some point, decided who Mafuyu is, and that is the Mafuyu that she loves. And she does love that Mafuyu. But she loves only that Mafuyu, and a version of Mafuyu that deviates from the Mafuyu that she has decided to love isn’t the true Mafuyu.
Mafuyu’s mother has created a cardboard cutout of her daughter in her own mind, and when Mafuyu doesn’t fit it, it’s not the cutout that’s wrong, it’s Mafuyu that has somehow been altered.
This is why, when Mafuyu’s mother says her actions are for the sake of Mafuyu’s happiness, it’s simultaneously completely honest and entirely wrong. Because Mafuyu’s mother does genuinely believe that studying hard, getting into a good school, and becoming a successful doctor and a respectable adult who makes a lot of money would make her Mafuyu happy. She’s completely honest when she says it, which is also part of why she’s so good at manipulating Mafuyu.
The problem is that her Mafuyu doesn’t exist. And she has never existed. Her Mafuyu was, from the very beginning, an act that Mafuyu performed to make herself fit the shape of the cardboard cutout in her mother’s mind. The cardboard cutout was never real. It was a fake, a fake that Mafuyu tried desperately to pretend was real because she loves her mother and wanted to make her smile.
Why does her mother constantly deny Mafuyu’s real feelings? Why does she fail to understand anything, even when Mafuyu herself breaks down crying and shouts it out loud? Because the person Mafuyu’s mother loves is the cardboard cutout in her mind. Because the person telling her that she’s miserable isn’t her Mafuyu. That's a deviation that needs to be corrected, a corruption that needs to be removed, an infection that needs to be excised. The real Mafuyu would never say these things. The real Mafuyu is a good, kind girl who works hard, studies diligently, is always polite and does whatever her mom tells her to do.
The version of Mafuyu in her mind isn’t miserable, so Mafuyu can’t be miserable. If Mafuyu is miserable, then something must have changed her. Because her Mafuyu can’t be miserable.
This is why she so consistently blames Kanade and the rest of Niigo. It’s why she’s so insistent on Mafuyu quitting Niigo. It’s why she says things like “if Mafuyu wants to make music, she can, but she should prioritise studying first, and come back to it once she’s secure and stable”. It’s why she’s all for her being a member of the archery club, but constantly tells Mafuyu to stop making music.
It’s not about the activity. It’s about the people, putting ideas in her head, corrupting her, making her deviate from her real self. It’s about the discrepancy between the Mafuyu she sees and her Mafuyu.
If Mafuyu isn’t behaving like what she expects, it’s not her expectations that are wrong, it’s Mafuyu that’s wrong.
If the cardboard cutout doesn’t match reality, then reality is wrong.
Mafuyu’s mother loves a fantasy. More than that, she chooses to love a fantasy. The reason Mafuyu’s mother is portrayed so negatively, and never receives any of the positive development that any of the other parents do, is because she’s denying reality.
Project Sekai is about embracing your true feelings. Toya’s father didn’t understand Toya’s true feelings for a long time. When he eventually did understand them, though, he acknowledged them. He didn’t agree with them, but he acknowledged them. He understood, at the very least, that street music made Toya happy.
Mafuyu’s mother doesn’t just not understand Mafuyu’s true feelings, she denies them outright. She wants to kill them, in Kaito’s words. There is no reality where these are Mafuyu’s true feelings. There is no version of Mafuyu that isn’t her Mafuyu. She has one daughter, and she loves that daughter, and only that daughter.
Nevermind that that daughter isn’t real. Nevermind that her real daughter is absolutely miserable, begging for love and affection that isn’t predicated on her putting on a mask and playing a character that she can barely recognize herself in.
That is the difference between Toya’s father and Mafuyu’s mother. Toya’s father, for all his flaws and abuse and self-centred outlook, actually loves Toya. Mafuyu’s mother only loves the version of Mafuyu she created in her own head.
Other parents.
Alright, to cap this off, let’s look at a couple of other characters who are, in some way, questionably effective at being parents.
Ena and Akito’s father.
There’s probably a not-insignificant amount of people that were surprised when I said that only Toya’s father and Mafuyu’s mother were actively abusive. Ena and Akito’s father is also an almost exclusively negative influence in his childrens’ lives, so what makes him different?
What makes Ena and Akito’s father different is that I don’t think he’s actively abusive. I think he’s incredibly neglectful.
There is a massive difference in how often Ena and Akito’s father shows up and how often Toya’s father or Mafuyu’s mother show up. He appears very rarely in Ena’s events and barely has any lines even though the few lines he does have are incredibly important for Ena’s character. He doesn’t show up in Akito’s events at all. The only thing he consistently does is be a constant shadow hanging over Ena’s head, and he doesn’t need to be present to do that.
Ena and Akito’s father is barely a part of their family. He doesn’t try to control his children, or isolate them, or even criticise them outside of the rare instances he bothers talking to them. He’s a presence that sets Ena on edge constantly when she has to leave her room, but the amount of times Ena actually talks to her father can be counted on one hand. He’s profoundly and exclusively unsupportive, entirely emotionally (and often physically) distant and basically fully absent from Ena’s life outside of the two or three times he tells her to give up on her dreams because she has no talent and will never be successful.
And yet, in a weird way, Ena somehow has the better relationship with their father out of the two of them, because Ena has any relationship with their father at all. It’s very much negative, but they do very rarely interact. Akito’s only, only, conversation with the man is in Ena’s first event, where he tries to make their father understand that he’s, well, being a fucking terrible father to Ena. I scoured through every event story, every card story available in English. Nothing. There’s not even a mention of him talking to his father offscreen. Please correct me if I’m wrong, maybe the JP events/stories have something.
The only time he talks about his father is in the first side story of his card for Toya’s second event. He talks about a camping trip his family went on, and -- surprise surprise -- he paid barely any attention to his family, mostly just sitting there and painting the landscape. The closest he came was when he painted his family, until Ena pushed him in the river for not paying attention to her.
So yeah. No less of a bad dad than the other parents. Pretty terrible person. Just not in the same category as Toya’s father and Mafuyu’s mother, even if the influence he had on his daughter in particular ended up being just as negative and scarring. Also, thank god Akito met Ken because by all accounts that boy has spent most of his pre-RAD WEEKEND life without a father.
Tsukasa and Saki’s parents.
Saki was in the hospital for most of her early teens. In hindsight, their parents could have spent more time with Tsukasa, but it’s entirely understandable that they prioritised their sick, hospitalised daughter, even if it was the wrong choice. There are no bad guys here. 
Tsukasa spent a fair chunk of his childhood lonelier than other kids, and in an ideal world, with perfect parents, that wouldn’t have happened. We don’t live in an ideal world. There are no perfect parents. I genuinely believe they did the best you could reasonably expect. That’s it.
Kanade’s father.
The man had what was probably a stroke from overwork and stress. Normally, telling your incredibly musically gifted daughter that she should keep creating her own music and that a lot of people will enjoy her music is nothing but good parenting.
What happened was tragic in practically every way, but it would have been tragic regardless of what he said. Whether or not he emphasised that Kanade should continue composing her own music, Kanade was severely traumatised and would have spiralled into something unhealthy anyway. That it became this particular brand of unhealthy isn’t something I can blame him for.
(I can, however, blame child protective services and mental health care in Japan, who dropped the ball so fucking hard by letting a girl barely into her teens not only live by herself with no actual support because her grandmother continued to pay for the house but have consistently neglected to, y’know, actually check up on her. Ever. Even when she’s literally in the hospital. The closest they ever came is some of the random nurses being mildly concerned about the grieving 14-15 year old crying next to her comatose father’s hospital bed.)
Kanade’s saviour complex is a result of what her father said to her, yes. I don’t think that’s on him.
Mizuki’s parents and sister are fantastic, I just wanna shout them out for being the only healthy family in Niigo.
I suck at ending things.
Anyway that’s it. Stand by for other stuff at some point in the future. There’s the beginnings of an idea about contrasting Mafuyu and Haruka, but take that with a grain of salt. It’s just a thing I noticed after finally getting around to reading some of Haruka’s event stories.
I think about characters other than Mafuyu, I promise. This is just a coincidence. Really.
So yeah. Bye.
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proseka-headcanons · 7 months
kamikou second years hcs!! because i think they are the sillest:
- they have lunch together c: 3/4 vbs already do, mizuki and nene join them whenever tsukasa and rui's schedules don't match (and whenever mizuki comes to school in the first place)
- both an and akito will ration off their tomatoes/carrots to whoever will take them (usually toya) (mizuki will sometimes take akito's carrots in the same way they do for ena whenever they go out together)
- they have a nightcord server for the five of them (mizuki's nickname in it is 'vbs hater' because they argue that a benchmark to getting famous is having haters)
- an and akito pass notes during class ("your stupid" "youre* stupider" "stupider isnt a word, stupid" "idc youre stupidest" or "describe kohane in 3 words without using hamster GO" "tiny adorable creature. now do toya" "tall pretty boy")
- toya is in contact with nene to make sure his two idiots are actually keeping up with schoolwork. nene is aware of toya and kohane's 7 step plan that has not progressed past step 2 for almost a month now
- toya starts 2-B break time completely as per usual, ends break time with 10387362 ribbon accessories in his hair courtesy of mizuki. it makes him feel pretty
- similarly nene starts finding stars in her hair for no reason
- akito sits behind an in class and will fidget with her hair when he's bored. once he tried to remove all the stars in her hair to see what an looks like without them. he ends the school day with a pile of stars on his table and an still looks exactly the same
- the five of them have a combined calendar tracker app used to track homework and test dates (started back in 1-B with toya and nene, the other three got added in the second year)
- mizuki, upon finding out tsukasa is in the disciplinary committee, enlisted the help of akito to help break rules without being caught for fun (nothing serious, just minor inconveniences). mizuki's slyness and akito's ability to run the fuck away has caused many troubles for tsukasa on top of rui's existing shenaniganry
- whenever emu shows up to visit nene, the other four get unwittingly dragged into hiding her while searching for nene (who has mysteriously disappeared). emu ends up wearing akito's jacket with the hood up shoved behind toya while an distracts anyone who looks at them. mizuki, upon seeing this, initially assumed the three of them have finally snapped and decided to smuggle kohane into kamikou (they end up helping out by getting rui in on it) (tsukasa found out eventually but didn't have the heart to actually turn her in)
apologies for long ask i just love these five a lot and their adjacent friends :)
I LOVE THEM also somehow them managing to make emu more suspicious than just her normally walking 💀ALSO HELP, THE RULE BREAKING?? poor tsukasa, man. - 🥞
LMAOO i can see them doing that last one genuinely. very specific amount of ribbon accessories but he will look very pretty <3 (i am normal about toya) "tiny adorable creature" and "tall pretty boy" are very good descriptions from very gay people 👍 - 🎀
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period-of-nocturne · 4 months
just wanted to say i loved your tags on the shinonome siblings post you just reblogged. so insightful! these two make each other better in their own backwards ways—akito who doesn’t want to end up like ena, beaten down and lost without her passion, and ena who wants to be a better sister for him…
i think there’s something to be said for how ena is the eldest, and also the “problem child” of the family. akito has learned to mediate and protect because of her, and i think in a perfect world where we actually focus on the shinofamily dynamic in-canon, there would be some guilt there. both of them were forced to grow up fast, but akito especially, since ena was stuck in the same place for Years without maturing. aghhh
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thanks ! I haven't touched pjsk in months but somehow those two still live in my brain it's worse than a disease
And definitely. She's the older sibling but it's like Akito tried to become his older sister's older brother at some point. Or maybe he didn't really tried and it just kind of happened. But in both case Ena would hate this with all her heart because 'How Dare He I'm Supposed To Be The Older One Here! Anyway bring me cheesecake thanks' or something like that.
It's funny to think it happened around the time Akito has his growth spurt too. And also terrible for Ena because it makes it worse. One day he was just her baby brother and the next he's taller than her. And on top of that he's stealing her bigger sibling role and handle her while she's being a messy capricious mess who snaps on him when he didn't deserved it.
I frame it as Ena being upset at Akito because it's probably how I'd pretend to react in her situation - And she could do the same too - but we all know she'd just be pissed at herself in reality. She'd just hate being stuck here as a total mess, snapping on her baby brother who never did anything wrong and never refuses her anything despite how much he can complain about her, and looking at him becoming the responsible one, taking care of her instead of the opposite and progressing towards his own dream. And he probably didn't told her what's going on in Vivid Street, too. And she probably saw his frustration build up more and more each day without knowing why. And in the state she was in where you don't think rationally and hate yourself so much, when someone is upset and you don't know why and you already feel like you failed them so much you then to think it's all your fault. Granted, she probably added onto it when snapping on him, but it wasn't just that. There was much more going on than just that.
Anyway I'm not sure where I'm going. I think I read the word 'guilt' and thought of Ena immediately because of course she must feel terribly guilty for everything she did back then even if she'll never outright say it or not before another year manifesting for Shinonome event 2 if it still hasn't dropped.
Oh and yeah the way her father and teacher talked to her at the time, implying she wasn't ready yet or not serious enough, or too emotional (ofc men had to put down a girl for being too emotional too. Of course.) to become an artist and actually improve when she was just a TEENAGER. tiskkzkalktkfjabnt'tlzkdkgkfkek. Stupid teacher blaming a 14 years old for seeking attention. As if it was an extremely weird, uncommon and unacceptable teenager behaviour. As if she wouldn't grow out of it later without all of your stupids inputs of jaded depressed old artists. Arrrrgh.
I start rambling again. Never get me started on the Shinonome I'm unstoppable. I could even keep going but I'll stop here and shorten it to : You're so right you totally get it
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revelry-in-severity · 10 months
Daemon Sanrio AU!! (From someone who doesn't know anything other than names and appearances of the sanrio characters)
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Miku owns the nice fancy restaurant in town where Tsukasa and Mafuyu work at as waiters, though Tsukasa usually takes over most of the work and leaves Mafuyu with seating people which is fine by her as that doesn't involve much most of the time. She does have to push him around a little if he's thinking to much about Rui though. Haruka and Nene rotate on who's going to be the show at Miku's restaurant. It's a very good night if the three of them decide to perform together.
Almost everyone ends up here anyway due to it being in the center of town and a nice meet up place
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Kaito is Rui's first mate despite being older and owning the ship they all work on and Rui often returns to the city when they are running low on supplies. Minori had joined thinking it would be easier to possibly see some of Haruka's shows if she were traveling. Until Haruka decided to station herself, but Minori sticks around on the ship because it's fun.
Kaito's main job is supposes to be cargo delivery but if most of the cargo actually belongs to Rui and is mostly parts, then that's neither here nor there. Minori works as a waitress, but mostly sticks to Kaito and Rui as she's very slow due to not wanting her clumsiness to get the better of her due to the waves
Rui also returns often to see Tsukasa and the others. It's always a big scene between Rui and Tsukasa when they are reunited or saying goodbye
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Airi, Ena, Mizuki, and An all work at a boutique shop with Airi and Mizuki on the clothing side and the other two on the accessory side. An mostly joined as a way to get back at Akito and poke fun at Ena liking her more than him. Ena did it to see who would get more customers, while the others are just a bonus for her
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Emu and Shiho work at a bakery and Honami often stops by to buy food. Shiho does have to be on the look out sometimes as Emu likes to be experimental if she can. Honami also has her own apple orchard and she'll drop off fresh apples for them to use.
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Luka is actually the owner of the boutique, but Airi is the one who usually ends up doing more of the business work for her as she would likely ends up losing the papers. Meiko used to help her out, but now she mostly roams around and helps any of the stray animals she sees. It doesn't matter how dangerous. Everyone has to hold Shizuku's hand when she's out making deliveries and they often wonder who's bright idea it is to let her keep the job. They usually get a nice walk out of it though
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The three who never leave their houses. Kanade still likes composing music as often as she can. She still needs to be check in on as she doesn't leave the house. Meanwhile, Rin and Len are often working on their art projects. Rin likes writing while Len likes experimenting with 3d builds
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Touya skates around town to make his dad angry and Akito joins him every chance he can. It's because Touya didn't actually know how to skateboard beforehand and Akito needed to be the one to teach him how after he wondered if he would be able to jump down the stairs with the board because he knew the physics of the jump
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Saki is a frequent visitor to any and all places. She'll make Ichika and Kohane join her and they'll often just sit around and talk. Ichika has been learning photography from Kohane and Kohane uses the chance to take care of all the flowers in town as they walk around. They've been putting together a scrapbook for everyone
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fyodoro · 2 years
Hi! Sorry, for requesting on holiday, hope you’re having the finest Christmas!💖
I have a very goofy idea about Shinonome siblings asking their younger sibling! reader about which one of them they like more and when the reader says “I don’t know”, they get competitive.
Idk, it’s really goofy, but I feel like this is something Shinonomes would do.
Just Pick One!
Featuring Akito Shinonome & Ena Shinonome
This is a rlly fun idea anon, had fun writing this but sorry it’s shorter than u may have liked
Cw) cursing (like one bad word), akito and ena are little shits but we love them, plot twist at the end 🙀(it’s not that cool)
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Being the youngest Shinonome can be very… interesting… sometimes. Of course, it’s a regular family at the end of the day. But days like these made you question how normal your siblings were. If they were normal to begin with, that is.
“(Name), tell us, who’s your favorite? I promise Akito won’t get mad if you say me!”
It was a random question from Ena, there was no build up nor expectation for her to ask that, making you spit out the water you were drinking. Akito looked annoyed at you and his older sister, wanting to finish his dinner before this could escalate.
“That’s random- uh- I don’t have a favorite? You’re both just… there. My siblings.”
Now Akito was intrigued, what did you mean you don’t have a favorite? You had to have one! And it had to be him, he thought. After all, in his eyes, all Ena does is treat you like her personal fashion doll and art reference, you had to have been annoyed at this, right?
Ena, however, thought it had to be her, and you were only trying to spare Akito’s feelings. She wouldn’t believe for a second you actually enjoy Akito teaching you all about these different street musicians and watching clips with him. You had to be bored around him. Besides, his personality is too aggravating!
“Well- you gotta have a preference at least. Who do you like spending more time around? Me, or Akito…”
The way ‘Akito’ rolled off her tongue with annoyance made you aware this was definitely a competition between the two of them, and not just a fun question. But you weren’t letting either of them win- not without seeing a good fight.
“Ena, clearly it’s me. I bring back clothes I see at my work that (Name) may like all the time, and I teach them all about street music. I’m expanding their interests and giving them crap, it’s me!”
“Or maybe they’re just trying to pare your feelings! Unlike you, I try to spend quality time with (Name), they’ll be my reference for a drawing and they appreciate it! Also, the clothes you bring back for them look like shit.”
“What did you say bi-“
You took that as your cue to slip out of the dining room. Neither of them were your favorite- intact, you’re favorite isn’t even your biological sibling. And if you told them you’re favorite was Toya, you’d never hear the end of Akito’s frustration.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
anyway so while it HAS to be a kanade focus bc just look at it, out of the 6 characters left that need focuses, only 2 (rui and ena) need 2dmvs. the tsukasa event song rn is a 3dmv and toya's is a 3dmv bc the teaser said so, but the n25 teaser didn't say "3dmv new stage!" or anything like that. so is it a possibility that the n25 event is an ena focus bc she needs a 2dmv and they can't do three 3dmvs in a row, or that it is a kanade focus but they're giving her another 2dmv, or the teaser doesn't actually mean anything and it's a kanade focus with a 3dmv. and either way how are they gonna handle the focus event lineup if more characters need 3dmvs than 2dmvs and they can't alternate
oh it's definitely kanade and definitely 3DMV. for starters, like yeah just look at the PV; Carnations, Kanzaki Iori saying it's about nostalgia, no way it's not Kanade. and for the MV, they've been evening out how many of each type every character has, so that they will have 2 of each as of their 4th event (obviously this is not the case for Toya due to Mirai, and they're giving out both types to all 3DMVs now but you get the point). Kanade only has 1 3DMV so she'll be getting one with this event.
The reason Kanade's teaser didn't say "new stage" was because the new N25 stage was added with Twilight Light, niigo's song from the 3rd anni image song campaign. also the VBS teaser isn't for Toya's event, it was for their entry in the campaign, and will later be used as the song for their World Link event. Toya isn't getting an event next month.
To be honest, now I think about it, Kanade 3DMV being the sole event next month actually does balance things out. earlier this year they did two 2DMVs back to back for plot reasons (Light Up the Fire and STEP by STEP + Minori and An coincidentally both needing 2DMVs), so b2b 3DMVs was going to happen eventually (also they get 2DMVs now so does it matter?).
so kanade 3dmv leaves you with honami, toya and haruka for 3DMVs and Rui and Ena for 2DMVs, pair Rui and Ena with two of the 3DMV charas and then the leftover one will pair with whoever kicks off 5th rotation. However.
My assumption is that they're gonna try and end the rotation at the event before the half anniversary again, and this almost works but it does require at least one unit lim banner, otherwise you end up going over by 1 event. as someone pointed out to me in a comment earlier the next one isn't really due until april/may but the only way you can get this to work is by having one out of the december/january/february lim slots be a unit lim event. due to vday and wday coming as a pair i think new years might be the one to go (considering the L/n plot new years could work for them. yknow changes and new beginnings).
as an example something like
December: N25 Kanade (3D) -> Minori perm mixed -> L/n Honami lims (3D)
January: VBS WL -> WxS Rui (2D) -> Mizuki Vday lims
February: VBS Toya (3D) -> N25 Ena (2D) -> Akito White Day lims
March: WxS WL -> MMJ Haruka (3D) -> Kanade 3.5th Anni lims
then you have idk saki and an to kick off the 5th rotation
this is by no means accurate i just threw this together as an example and didn't really put any thought into it
this probably doesn't make sense but. kanade 3dmv event in december.
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Hello! this is my first time requesting after lurking for a while.
Could you do Akito, Ena, and Minori (separately) with someone who is secretly a werewolf ?(it can be romantic or platonic)
hihi!! and ofc, u can interpret it either way, i went w a werewolf that can shift into a wolf so.. i hope u like this !! <3
♡ WEREWOLF - Akito Shinonome, Ena Shinonome and Minori Hanasato x Reader
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The way Akito finds out dictates his reaction, in all honesty-
If you simply tell him, he'll think that you're faking at first. He'll believe you when you show him your wolf traits, although he's still weirded out-
But, the much funnier and more dramatic reaction is if he finds you fully shifted as a wolf
He is scared out of his mind, screaming and running and not understanding why this wolf, which is like a bigger dog, is yipping at him
You tackle him and shift back, and the look of absolute shock and betrayal on his face is probably the most hilarious thing in the world-
He helps you continue hiding your werewolf side, even if he still gets horrendously scared whenever you're a wolf in front of him-
"Hey, I-" He freezes when he sees you in your wolf form, and immediately turns around, "Nope-" You just end up tackling him anyway <3
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Ena is similar to Akito, although her reaction is only a little less dramatic
If you confess it to her, she also doesn't believe you. When you show her your wolf traits, she immediately asks to take pictures
If she finds out because she stumbles across you fully shifted? It also does not go too well-
She's scrambling backward with her phone in hand, recording you because you were very different from most wolves, for some reason...
You eventually just shift back in front of her, and she stares at you in complete and utter bewilderment. She asks how any of that is even possible-
She helps you hide your werewolf side, although she probably asks if she can take videos and pictures of you and also use your wolf form as drawing practice!
"Oi, stay still and stop jumping at me!" She grumbles at you as you give her a sheepish grin in your wolf form. She sighs, patting your head. "At least you're cute."
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Minori is the only one out of these three who will have a positive first reaction-
If you decide to just tell her, she'll give you a confused look but believe you nonetheless. Showing her your wolf traits makes her eyes sparkle!
If she discovers you while you're shifted as a wolf, it honestly turns into a really adorable scene between you both!
She knows she shouldn't get too close to wolves, but you looked so cute! And you weren't being at all aggressive either...
You end up shifting back way later, mostly because she started treating you like Samo, and she apologizes profusely for all of the belly rubs she was giving you-
She helps you hide your werewolf side, but begs to at least be allowed to give you head pats and belly rubs! She thinks it's really adorable!
"Aww, who's a cute wolfie??" She giggles as she pats your head, causing your tail to start wagging. She really couldn't get enough of you in your wolf form <3
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chiricat · 1 year
another ramble about art again so i’m hiding it all under a ‘keep reading’ thingy so as to not clog ur feeds :]
aka thoughts about imposter syndrome, fanart, and what it means to draw stuff loosely disguised as a ‘ramble’. maybe a bit of akito almost-kinnie-isms (and probably ena) in there too because why not. also sorry this gets a lot less coherent as it goes on (i lost my train of thought near the end. it’ll come back someday)
i want to keep getting better. i want to keep growing and improving, so that i can convey the ideas in my head to others. i’m afraid to stagnate for too long, because what if it means i’ve hit my limit? what if i’ll never get better than i am right now? an irrational thought, really, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. hell, i felt like i hadn’t improved all that much from a year ago, when i tried to redraw a few of my older posts.
part of this stems from the question ‘how do people see my art? what kind of artist am i to them?’ which comes from when i got into fanart and fandom spaces, a long time ago. i would categorize the people i looked up to, my idols, my role models. there was the one that made comics that felt like home with your friends, and there was the one that made pieces that felt like i was sitting in a café in the middle of a busy city, and there was the one that made renders that felt like i was looking at liquid gold. i was fascinated by the effects of all these different artstyles, and decided that i wanted to do the same. i wanted to make art that made people feel at home, like a fic that you keep coming back to, or art that conveyed how i felt well enough that others felt the same way, or could understand it at the very least. 
naturally, as i continued to draw and admire these artists from afar, i wondered why exactly their art appealed to me. at first, the answer was simple: i like looking at it. but that wasn’t good enough - what about the things i didn’t really care to look at, then? what made this piece any different?
so i tried to understand, why i liked something, or why others liked something. after studying art for a little (yay classes) i understood more, i understood why those artists made the choices they did. for one, it was their powerful composition, and how they wanted to pull the viewer in with the characters. for another, it was their color palettes, which were always balanced yet strong and guaranteed to catch your eye because of it. other times, it would be the lighting, angled to present the characters in such a way that it made you feel like you were there too, or linework that made you feel just how much the artist cherished the characters. there were other, less technical things too, but i was trying to build a foundation before diving into things that were harder to learn.
in short, there was so, so much more to everything than i had realized as a kid.
so i asked myself the same question. why do people like my art? why is my art appealing and worthy of your time? and where did i fit in, if i were to categorize myself? 
these questions got a little worse. incredibly irrational. imposter syndrome was kicking in when i saw that more people were liking my art, especially when i compared it to myself from a year ago. or when my favorite artists were following me back. (it was weird, somewhat. i had always seen them as worlds away from my own space, artists that i had admired from afar and thus never believed that they would turn around and see me.)
‘do people actually like my art? is my art actually worth anyone’s time?’ i wonder. ‘do i deserve these nice comments, or even these likes?’ 
‘am i even getting better at all?’
these are a bit foolish of me to think. it shouldn’t matter, really. as long as i’m enjoying drawing and having a fun time, then why should it matter whether others like it or not? i don’t have to be doing my best, giving it 110% all the time, i’m allowed to make goofy art or self-indulgent art. this is my motto, for the most part. as long as you’re enjoying the craft, then it’s worth it.
but with the goal of improvement, i don’t always want to stay in my comfort zone. i want to keep pushing my limits, even if its just a little at a time, so i can make something impressive, something that really resonates as much as i want it to, as much as certain pieces resonated with me when i was younger. the same way that i kept coming back to certain pieces (and still do), i want to be able to do that too. i don’t want to feel like a kid playing at an adult’s game, like someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and it shows.
it’s a tricky balance. i’m not sure if i’ll ever truly feel like i’ve ‘finally done it’. i think that most artists are never truly content with their work as a whole, anyways, and that’s okay. that’s something i should be more okay with. i can make art just for fun, and i can also make art with the intent of solely improving or practicing. i can even combine the two, and most of the time, i try to anyways.
(sorry, i lost my train of thought after writing the last few paragraphs... i dunno where i wanted to go with this exactly HHH.
tldr; i’m always stuck between ‘i’m happy making this art even if its bad’ and ‘i need to get better and leave people in awe to feel like i deserve the love and nice comments i receive’.
if you somehow managed to get to the end of this, ty for reading, even if it was a hot dumpster fire LMAO)
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dreamysekai · 2 years
Hello!!! I had an idea that popped into my head, but it’s kinda angsty.
So how about Akito and Rui with their younger sibling!reader shouting something like: “I wish [name] was my brother and not you!”, but immediately regretting it and trying to apologise. (The [name] could be Tsukasa for Rui and Toya for Akito, but that’s just a suggestion)
A/N: YOU ARE REAL FOR THIS (it's me i'm a younger sibling!!) anyway yes i imagine this will be fun to write >:)
something something sibling fights, the kids are lowkey mean sometimes, angst, it gets resolved at the end, younger sibling!reader, neutral reader
warnings: relative getting upset/angry at you, it's short-lived and resolved but still present
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You two had been bickering for quite some time
Nothing out of the usual in this house, honestly speaking
But this one was getting fairly heated
It started small- you'd figured Ena had taken your leftovers, something she was notorious for, but finding Akito eating them casually just caused something to spill over
The fight had escalated beyond the trivial slight, of course
Akito, defensive as always when it came to his siblings
"Y'know, I wish I had someone who'd get off my back every now and then!"
He was definitely getting more heated than anticipated
The exchanges increased in extremity, until it came to a head when your older brother finally snapped
"Y'know what, I wish Toya were my brother instead of you!"
The silence that followed was thick in the air as the both of you faced off, eerie silence following the noise you two were making just moments before
It wasn't until Akito tried to say something that you turned and ran to your room, slamming the door and collapsing to your bed before giving him a chance to explain himself
The thought that Akito had some other type of stress going on in his life briefly crossed your mind, but you couldn't bring yourself to care right now
'Why would someone say that to their own sibling?'
A little over an hour passes while you cool off
You decide to get up despite your exhaustion from the events from earlier
You weren't sure how to go about talking to Akito past this point, but you did know that you were feeling something from the kitchen
Maybe water
That would help
As you open your door, though, you notice something on the floor
Your favorite dessert from your favorite bakery, with a note on the plate
You gently pick it up, recognizing your brother's handwriting almost immediately
It was an apology, in the most 'Akito' way of apologizing ever
"Hey. I didn't mean what I said. It came out wrong, but that doesn't make it right. So I'm sorry. I'd never want to replace you, even if you get on my nerves sometimes. You deserve better than what I gave you, so I hope this earns me some points back. We'll talk more when I get home, if you want. -Akito"
It was short, simple, straight to the point, yet it oozed of genuinity
Maybe you'd take him up on that talking offer, you decided, walking to store the dessert he gifted you away so you two could instead share it together later tonight
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It was a normal day
Calm and quiet, per usual
The two of you were in Rui's workshop, you handing him tools and holding up a light as he requested it
You has fallen into a rhythm, zoning out slightly from the mediocrity of the task
Until he asked you for something and you slipped up, accidentally handing him the wrong tool
He used it without thinking, something within the machine crunching harshly as he turned
Rui froze at the sound, staring at the spot he had just broken
You froze, too, but you were watching him instead
He gently placed the tool at the ground, his eyes glued to his robot
And quietly, with frustration and disappointment clear in his voice,
"I wish Nene was my sibling instead of you."
He immediately looked up to you after he spoke, panic clear in his eyes
"No, wait, I didn't mean that-"
But you were already burned by his remark, meeting his gaze as he fell quiet
You turned and ran to your room, hearing Rui call for you once again
You ignored him, shutting your door and sitting on your bed while you tried to calm the stinging pain in your heart from the comment
After a while of sitting on your feelings about it, you could hear faint sounds coming from Rui's workshop
'He's probably fixing whatever it was,' you figured.
As more minutes passed, you finally got up
Because, who would say that to their sibling? Over something so small?
It wasn't like Rui couldn't fix it, or that his machines haven't been through worse
You were going to confront him, tell him that big brothers don't say those things even if they "didn't mean them"
Until you opened your door, meeting a shocked Rui on the other side with his hand up to knock
He was holding something behind his back, and you both stood in an awkward silence
Until Rui broke it
"I would like to apologize for what I said. I was simply... frustrated with what had happened. It was my fault for not looking, not yours for handing me the wrong thing. You're less experienced with this than I am, and I hope you don't want to stop being my lab partner over this. I said it in the moment, it wasn't my true thoughts. Please forgive me."
And from behind his back, he pulled out a small robot of your favorite animal in your favorite colors
It whirred to life, and he carefully handed it to you
As it moved in your hand, you couldn't help a smile
"As long as you don't do it again... I'll forgive you, just this once, okay?"
"But of course. Care to help me with a new project?"
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l1nghuarchive · 2 years
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request. [@akiitos] hihi............. winks ok can i req that prompt of urs thats like "one kiss is never enough" with akito shinonome 😁😁😁😁😁 like fluff plspls and thank yijjyoyoyoy
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prompt. Number three
"One kiss is never enough"
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prompt list. 100 followers event!!
warnings. Fluff, ermmm can't think of anything else ngl or probs ooc akito?
word count. 701
notes. Hello~! Tysm for the req, this took a while because I'm brain dead but i hope this is to your liking! Enjoy ^0^!
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Weekends are always the best especially if you get to hangout with your boyfriend who tends to overwork himself in practise just so he can catch up with his unit.
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Weekends are always the best aren't they? No school, no homework nor anyone being able to disturb you. You sighed as you laid your head on Akito's shoulder both of you were at his house as Ena was out shopping with Mizuki, despite him usually having practices with Toya and the others today was cancelled when An said she couldn't make it since she had to help her father at the cafe of course you weren't complaining with the amount of time you spent in school and Akito with his training both of you rarely had moments to talk to each other face to face. Most of the conversation both of you had were through texts or hallways. Barely you or Akito could schedule a date where you could relax in each other's arms.
Silence filled the atmosphere but it wasn't awkward at all, both you and Akito enjoyed the atmosphere as both of you cuddled in silence. It was times like this that both of you could really relax and enjoy each other's affection, unknowingly a smile crept onto your face as you were about to doze off on Akito's shoulder you slightly jumped when your phone buzzed in your pocket hitting Akito's cheek in the process. You quickly apologised to him before looking at your phone in annoyance, why did it have to ruin such a perfect moment? You saw the notification and it was from your mother asking you to buy some groceries due to her having to take care of your younger siblings. You frowned before sighing as you turn off and looked at a rather confused Akito who was rubbing his now sore cheek in hopes to soothe the pain.
"My mom said I have to go and get some groceries since she is busy with my siblings…" You mumbled as you stood up from Akito's bed, you were rather disappointed that you couldn't spend the day with your boyfriend and though you would ignore your mother's request seeing her angry is the last thing you want… You saw that Akito was rather surprised when you got up to leave at the corner of your eye but before you could make your way towards the door you quickly backtrack to Akito, and quickly gave a kiss on his swollen cheek. "Sorry again for that…" You said while scratching your neck awkwardly, screaming in your head why did you have to hit his cheek of all places.
Though before you could walk away, Akito grabbed hold of your arm before crashing his lips onto yours before pulling away with a red hue clearly present on his face though perhaps it couldn't match how red face was compared to his. "One kiss from you is never enough, ya'know?" Akito said, a genuine smile present on his face of course after hearing his words your face exploded as you immediately ran out of the shinonome household shouting a goodbye to Akito and Ena after seeing she was in the living room presumably back from her hangout with Mizuki.
"Gee, good going Akito you scared your little lover away from our house."
Ena mumbled while staring at the television screen with a sigh, she really wondered how someone like Akito could have such an amazing person like you. Of course though she mumbled it under her breath, Akito heard her comment and there started the never ending quarrelling of the two shinonome siblings.
While the shinonome household was filled with arguing, you were outside holding your rather red cheeks with your hands as you tried to calm down both your beating heart and breath though you slightly smiled to yourself when you recalled how Akito genuinely smiled you knew about his fake personality with other people he doesn't know so seeing a genuine smile once in a while coming from him always somehow make you feel all happy perhaps its because seeing him being happy without faking it is somehow a big improvement? You weren't sure… Though as you recalled Akito's words after his smile, you quickly sped walk to the grocery store hoping to forget what had just happened even though you knew Akito would be teasing you at school.
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All works belong to @astrididi do not steal nor copy!
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proseka-headcanons · 7 months
PRSK HC Speed Round Go!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
• Akito and An have a friendly rivalry going on where they compete in the smallest of things (opening the door for the other, racing to Weekend Garage when they get out of school, who comes up with the best date night idea, etc.)
• Honami, Emu, and Ena still get together to make art. Honami has slowly been improving because of this, but she still only really feels comfortable doing it with them.
• Anytime he knows Tsukasa will end up home alone, Rui will stay over. He knows it bothers Tsukasa more than he'll ever admit.
• Emu can easily lift and carry Nene, but when it comes to Rui and Tsukasa she can lift them, but due to their height difference, both of them can still touch the floor (Tsukasa's shoes will be grazing the floor, while Rui will just be on his tip toes). Carrying them is awkward since they're also walking. The only time she can lift (and potentially carry) them up is either: when she arches her back backwards or whenever she's holding them bridal style.
• Minori admitted that the show she put on with Airi, Shizuku, Miku and Rin (from the main storyline) was not only meant to get Haruka to consider becoming an idol again, and potentially serve as a last look from the stage as everyone's light sticks turned blue if she decided not to, but an actual confession of her feelings for Haruka. They started dating immediately after that.
• Everyone assumed Akito and Toya were dating since before VBS formed, they weren't.
• Rui and Nene have the keys for each other's houses.
• Rui was not happy when he was outvoted when it came to deciding whether or not WxS should cover PoPiPo (yes, this is me manifesting it, as 3DMV specifically, I think it'd be funny)
• Tsukasa leads his fellow unit leaders in a mandatory Arts and Crafts day. No one knows why it's mandatory, he just said it was.
• Anytime a dog is their path, Akito will use Toya as a shield until it passes them or they pass it. Toya allows it to happen.
• Emu made Nene a wonky Robo Nene out of clay. In return, Nene made Emu wonky WxS figurines out of clay. Emu uses the clay figures whenever she's visually sharing an idea for a show.
• Rui has definitely tried to reverse Uno his way out of punishment whenever An caught him. An carries around her own Uno reverse card because of this.
• it's commonly agreed that, if any combination of the units go the PXL, they won't go on a ride if Tsukasa, Rui and Emu are all going on it together. Lesson learned from the time someone joined them on the teacup ride and they insisted on going faster. Individually, it's fine, but together they tend to form a mind link and share a single brain cell. Nene is the safest option (or so they think, she's just waiting for the right time to strike :))
this is so cool… i’m gonna leave this in drafts for the other mods to add onto as well cause this is too interesting to not have everyone see — 🎈
THESE ARE ALL SO REAL I LOVE THEM SM!!! I will join you in manifesting Rui WxW Popipo cover I need it right now - mod ena
REAL REAL REAL. i can just imagine rui pulling out a red uno reverse card and then an pulls one out too - mod mizuki
LOVE THIS SO MUCH manifest Popipo with Rui looking miserable the whole time and Tsukasa walking around the table loudly proclaiming how wonderful everyone's art is ends up giving Ichika flashbacks to when she was a kid at the Tenma house and Tsukasa did the same thing HFJXJG -🦈
jumping up and down at all of these theyre so funny n i love them<3 - 🥞
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thedandelionthief · 1 year
okay project sekai appearance headcanons time. friendly reminder that i’m always right and if you have any complaints, you should reevaluate yourself. also this is a Long post
ichika looks. mostly how she does in canon to me. i do think she’s a bit gangly, just without the height. the way she carries herself is pretty awkward, and she has bad posture.
saki is a part-time mobility aid user. i’m not sure which one specifically she would use, but either way it’s decked out in all kinds of stickers. also i don’t like how ambiguous her being a gyaru is in canon, but she is one. also all three tenmas have dimples and yes i’m including toya
honami is fat why is she not fat in canon. also, she straightens her bangs, but stops doing that going into her 2nd year once she’s gained more confidence in herself. her hair is naturally super wavy. freckle haver
shiho has really broad shoulders, and also she has a septum piercing and a bunch of ear piercings.
minori has So Many Freckles, and her teeth are a bit crooked. she’s mixed japanese-mexican
haruka also looks mostly how she does in canon, but i think she starts to dress a lot more masc over time, and gets her hair cut shorter too. a big reason she dresses so plain and feminine is because she thinks it’s how she should dress as an idol
airi’s hair is thick in the like. getting the brush stuck in it way, and is also a lot wavier than it is in canon to me. mixed hispanic/japanese, but i don’t have a specific ethnicity i headcanon her as
shizuku, like shiho, has broad shoulders. she’s also 5’10 because tall girls pretty and she deserves to be taller. has more moles than in canon
kohane is mixed korean-japanese, and she is freckly. good for her. also chubby. good for her
an is filipino-japanese. ken is my favorite filipino single dad of all time (i am ignoring the fact that an has a mother. ken is a single father). also maybe she’s taller than she is in canon because i think it’d be funny if she was taller than akito in heels
akito is hispanic/japanese and shorter than he is in canon (he’s like 5’5) and he eventually grows his hair out into a mullet and he has piercings and his hair is not naturally orange. i will not accept it until they show shinomom on-screen and she is a ginger. my good mutual zip has converted me to fat akito as well so there’s that. i’ve just been playing dress up with him and now canon akito looks wrong to me
toya… i decided this just now he is a person with albinism. good for him. and dimples because tenma
tsukasa like i said earlier also has dimples. also he should be allowed to grow out his hair but he has not yet.
i confess i have nothing for emu. i tend to draw her with freckles though sometimes. and actually i take that back i like the hc of her being blasian. she has beaded braids a lot. i can see her getting wxs colors :)
nene is blasian as well. also chubby. why is there no body type variation in proseka (i know why don’t try to explain it to me) make some of them fat i’m begging you
rui has the most fucked up teeth. his canines are like fangs vampire style. had braces as a kid and they did not work. also has heterochromia. one blue eye and one yellow. he is so extremely lanky and i don’t believe for a second he is 5’10 this guy is like 6’0
kanade is so frail and i don’t know why she is drawn like almost the same as the others when she is literally like ghostly pale and sickly but that’s besides the point. the worst eyebags you’ve ever seen.
mafuyu is like. i think she starts to lose weight during her 2nd year at the height of all her stress, but begins to gain back what she lost in her 3rd. she is fat. also cuts her hair shorter
ena is mixed hispanic/japanese obvi and she has naturally wavier hair. also has horrible dark circles. is naturally chubbier and she is once she gains a healthier relationship with food. it’s the good ending guys gaining weight as a sign of healing.
mizuki mizuki mizuki. taller than she is in canon by kind of a lot. like 5’7-5’8. mostly because mizuena height difference is good. also has streaks of lighter and darker pink throughout her hair because it’s natural and that’s how hair works (it’s especially prominent with her though).
all 4 of them get gray hairs early because of stress. ena and mizuki dye them and the other two do not care enough.
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