#Then he calls me unhealthy and mentally unstable for nothing and eventually admits he was only talking to our other friend abt many things
hiiragikirai · 1 year
missing this one guy so much even though he was so bad to me -.-
0 notes
tentacletherapissed · 5 years
Public Callout: Paradox, Blue, Jay, Bird
This is a public callout post for users Paradox (@rushifaas -- previously @mournins ; @beliisms), Blue (@divinebetrayed ; @halcyonfought), Jay (@loyalbetrayed) and Bird (@soulsbetrayed). They are active in the fandoms Persona, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Danganronpa, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, Sentai, Power Rangers, and Kamen Rider. 
Never in my 15 years of roleplaying have I met a group of abusers and enablers so toxic, and this post is a PSA so that I can hopefully keep others from falling into their hands. Please blacklist them ALL for your own safety, however, DO NOT ENGAGE THEM WITH HARASSMENT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 
Keep in mind, Paradox’s actions are so egregious, he is already getting charges pressed against him by two different people he abused so far, and more may be on the horizon. The rest all enable this behavior and defend him despite all that he’s done to harm them and people they previously called friends. While this callout has snapshots of receipts proving our claims sprinkled in at the mention of them, for full transparency, the full comment chains will be uploaded at the end so that context for everything will be supplied, with censoring only provided for those who have nothing to do with the conflict and wish to be left out of it.
Strong trigger warning for mob mentality, mental and emotional manipulation, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, transphobia, pedophilia, ableism, and a lot more. Details under the cut.  (7,300+ words, be mindful) 
[Gdoc link in case Tumblr’s formatting is unreadable]
Note: Paradox claims to have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and claims to have many alters which are sometimes go by the names of Abel, Vic, Nikki, Hebel, Cain, and Ana in some of these screencaps. I will not be arguing the veracity of such claims in this callout, but for simplicity’s sake, I will be referring to everyone in his system solely by the name of “Paradox” since there is a considerable amount of confusion based on who said what and it’s not entirely clear who’s supposed to be talking in a lot of these screenshots. He also claims to have several other mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and BPD, but regardless of anyone’s mental illness, they should treat those around them with respect and kindness, which is why this callout has been made.
MAIN EVENT - Early September 2018 / June 10th
Paradox is the ringleader of this little cult. A few months ago, he was dating my friend Nael (occasionally called Arin, Ciel, Naoya or Hevel in some of these screens). I first got alarmed about the health of their relationship during an incident in early September 2018 where Paradox threatened to commit suicide over a conflict having to do with RPing and prioritizing one blog over one he liked. [September Break Up: Singles] They broke up, but after a lot of guilt tripping from Paradox and others in his group, my friend Nael decided to get back together with him. Even though I had a lot of misgivings about the situation, I told Nael that I respected their decision and wouldn’t pressure them either way. [Scout and Nael: 12, 13]
Months went by, and I didn’t hear much due to specifically asking Nael not to tell me about their significant other and that group of friends, but things were going downhill. There were many more fights over roleplaying and shipping, some of which Blue and Jay expressed concern about privately, especially since it seemed Paradox himself was ignoring his other lover Kieran for Nael. [For Me: 13, 15, 16] 
Paradox’s behavior continued worsening until it came to a head in mid March 2019. Blue and Nael were getting invested in an rp campaign I was running on a private server. When Nael showed off a picture they drew portraying their character, Paradox became extremely upset at them. After a solid week of enduring abuse from their lover [Abel Suicide: 1, 2, 6], it eventually culminated in Paradox apparently trying to take his own life after Nael attempted to break off their relationship. [Abel Suicide: 22, 23, 24] Nael was able to contact their mutual partner Kieran (sometimes called Kie or Vampy in screens) so that he could send the police to Paradox’s home and he would be rushed to the hospital. [Nael: 11]
Nael has multiple health issues that include heart disease and problems with their brain, and was so traumatized by the experience, they had to go to the hospital themselves [Nael: 19, 20 ; Before / After Suicide: 43]. Because I was terrified at the possibility of Nael dying from the escalating nature of their toxic relationship, I urged them to go through with the breakup. Nael decided to take my advice and broke up with Paradox and Kieran on a group chat while on a screenshared call with me and another friend who wishes to remain nameless. [Before / After Suicide: 46]
Blue was at first on board for the breakup and supportive of Nael’s decision [Blue Agrees: Singles] but at the persuasion of Jay decided to believe Paradox’s story when he said Nael had misrepresented what he said when he told Nael he would probably drop Blue due to the breakup. [Copy of Group DM: Full] Keep in mind, we have the FULL attempted suicide dropbox [Abel Suicide: Full], and the breakup conversation including Paradox’s abusive behavior before the attempted suicide attempt. [Before/After Suicide: Full] Much of what Paradox says are blatant falsehoods. In addition, Kieran (Vampy) no longer agrees with the things he has said to support Paradox’s argument and says he was pressured to agree with everything, even if it didn’t feel right.
So instead of making it clear to either of us that Blue no longer considered us friends, she instead gave us the silent treatment and leaked what I vented to her in confidence to Paradox behind my back. She only admitted to doing this when I confronted her after finding a vague post Paradox made that used the exact same wording. [Scout vs Blue: 1, 3, 4] I was extra furious with her because Paradox was making it sound as if it was Nael saying those words when in fact they had no idea what I said to her and was highly distraught when they found out about the vague post. Her excuse was that she didn’t think we would find out. [Scout vs Blue: 7, 9]
This is a common theme with their relationship that shows the extent of how complicit Blue is with Paradox’s abusive behavior. Due to her once close relationship with Nael, she often served as the “bait” to bring Nael back, agreeing that the relationship is unhealthy at first [With Blue: 12] only to go back to heaping abuse on Nael for leaving and trying to persuade them to come back [Nael’s Last Conversation with Blue: Full].
By then, Nael had already blocked everyone else in the cult-like group except Blue due to a promise they’d made to her, and she abused this trust right away by pulling Nael into a group chat so that everyone could yell at them. [Scout vs Blue: 10, 11] IF YOU BECOME A PART OF THIS GROUP, THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN LOOK FORWARD TO. If you do anything to provoke Paradox’s ire, you will be subjected to a firing squad full of people yelling at you for whatever you did. You will not have a chance to defend yourself, only grovel for forgiveness until they decide they’re through with you. Nael and other members of the group have been subjected to it many times.
Unfortunately, there are no surviving screencaps of this particular dispute, but I do have the one I was involved with. More on that later.
Eventually Nael left and blocked Blue so that they couldn’t be added back to get yelled at more. For the sake of our RP, we agreed upon a peaceable way to continue the server RP [Scout vs Blue: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] but Blue eventually exited that too [Scout vs Blue: 17]. During the three or so weeks they were split apart, Paradox vagued continuously about us, copied our behavior and prior ships he had with Nael with others currently in his cult, and sent Nael threatening and unstable messages [“Goodbye, Nael”: Single]. While behind their back, he was privately making light of the situation and even made bets with his stooges about when Nael would return [Betting: Singles].
Here’s where I have to put an important disclaimer: During Nael’s time away from the main cult, we both would snoop on his and Blue’s blogs to see if they had mentioned us. Also, during the period immediately after Blue sold me out to Paradox, I became enraged and sent him a pretty angry message [Scout Loses Their Mind: Single], commented on one of his posts, and indirectly threatened them with my popularity compared to theirs in the community I was in. All of those things were the direct result of piss poor decision making and I apologize for my behavior, because it was simply not right to do, no matter who I thought I was defending. Though the blog snooping continued, I thankfully sent no more harassing messages to anyone from the group once Blue indicated she wanted a clean break from us, and no vaguing messages were made on either of our blogs.
Worse still, I privately speculated if this latest suicide attempt Paradox had gone through was “real” or not, which is totally unacceptable. Though I was just concerned about my friend and worried that this might have been another attempt to manipulate them, all threats of suicide should be treated seriously and the proper authorities contacted, PERIOD, regardless of how “serious” the threat might seem. I definitely agree with Nael’s decision to contact the authorities as it was happening, and I’m relieved to know another life wasn’t tragically lost, no matter what my situation is with Paradox after the fact.
Now, with that out of the way… Eventually, Paradox was able to get through to Nael by convincing them that I had lied about a certain mental disorder he was assumed to have. This is all despite me never having said he didn’t have it as I do NOT have the medical condition described and am NOT a medical professional. Paradox willingly passed medical records through a mutual friend [Consent: Single] that Nael initially found convincing but has recently come to doubt. Note: PLEASE NEVER DO THIS, OBVIOUSLY.
Paradox then convinced Nael to pretend to be my friend for a little longer so that he could lure me into a groupchat under the impression that I was defending him from all his former friends. Here is the entire chat almost in its entirety (a few glitches in captures results in a few repeats and nearly 4 minutes straight of lost content), with screenshots proudly taken by BLUE [Her Discord Drop: Single], who played an instrumental role in helping it happen. While I would encourage everyone to read it in its entirety, please be warned that the amount of abuse I endured is very troubling. [Scout Trap: Full] 
Please note that Nael (Hevel), Kieran (Ghostie), and Dave have all come to me and personally apologized to me for their role participating in that group chat and we are friends now. But at the time due to this traumatic experience, my friendship with Nael was officially ended. Even though I was worried sick about them, I knew they couldn’t be saved until they saw Paradox’s abusive behavior for what it was on their own. And of course, after a brief honeymoon period, the abuse started again. (Keep in mind, I wasn’t in contact with Nael or anyone else for most of these, so I’m not as familiar about what happened and when.)
The first sign of trouble started on April 16th, not even two full weeks after I had been "defeated". Once again, it was over RP drama, where Paradox became upset at his two lovers Nael and Kieran for shipping with anyone besides him [Initial Ship Drama: 6], even though he usually continues multishipping on his blog with certain people when he pleases. [With Blue: 2] He complained about this endlessly. [Random Paradox Screen]
He continuously gaslit Kieran for about a week, cycling between saying he was going to leave forever [Initial Ship Drama: 9], telling the Kieran to take care of Nael [Initial Ship Drama: 10, 27], giving conflicting directions [Initial Ship Drama: 22, 38], putting himself down so Kieran would feel compelled to console him [Initial Ship Drama: 30, 41, 58], and asking them not to try to pursue romance with him [Initial Ship Drama: 12, 13, 32, 63], only to flip around and say that the idea of romancing them makes him feel “happy”, so he will [Initial Ship Drama: 45, 46], then become upset when either one of them indicated they might need space to either think or just live life like normal. [Initial Ship Drama: 53] Really, the entire thing has to be seen to be believed. [Initial Ship Drama: Full]
Eventually, Paradox’s behavior got so bad that once again, Blue expressed dissatisfaction with his behavior [With Blue: 4], but apparently it wasn’t enough to dissuade her from luring Nael into yet another trap to be yelled at barely a month later on May 17th. [May 17th: Full] 
Confusingly, the reason behind this collective thrashing was that Nael actually overcorrected too much and tried to do more stuff with Paradox, only to be called clingy and possessive when they did. Then, when Paradox told Nael he didn’t want to RP with them anymore, Nael tried to respect his decision and not get involved with group RPs that Paradox was involved with so there would be no pressure either way. This was then held up as an example as to why they were “isolating” themselves from the group. Paradox showed the screencaps to others in the group with very little context to get them riled up and angry at Nael so that they’d be on board to yell at them, again showing his willingness to twist someone’s words to make them a convenient villain, no matter what they do to try to appease him.
Then on May 24th, there was the supposed “death” of the alter “Abel”, (who has since returned yet again). [Paradox: 2] The source of all this drama was that Blue simply mentioned a ship that she was continuing with Nael during a period of time Paradox wasn’t at all receptive to the idea of them interacting. Blue freely admitted to being the source of this conflict in private [With Blue: 21], but had no problem letting Nael take the brunt of the abuse. Once again, she is complicit for enabling actions she knows are wrong and hurtful, judging by the way she expresses concern about them, as long as she’s not the one in the eye of the storm.
Following this conflict, Nael started having serious second thoughts. After getting yelled at yet again about something they didn’t even cause, they had to go to the hospital for a near suicide attempt due to all the stress of being repeatedly attacked by someone they thought they could trust. 
After they got out again, they were pulled into a smaller group chat with the newly formed “Paradox” alter as well as Jay, where it was demanded he answer for the wrongful death of an alter that has since returned. Multiple times, Paradox held up the incident from September, (which was over 9 months prior!) as to why Nael was to blame for Blue’s actions this time. [Paradox: 8, 10] Paradox even told Nael, someone who had been in the hospital just a few short hours ago [Paradox: 5], that their “suicide held no meaning to him”. [Paradox: 32] All of this despite the fact that they had talked about the very same ship on May 6th! [Proof Abel Knew: 10 total]
This was also supposed to serve as yet another “My heart is telling me not to get in a relationship with you” conversation -- a breakup convo, and one their third lover, Kieran, hadn’t even initially been invited to. [Paradox: 59] It was mostly just Paradox yelling at Nael with Jay usually only chiming in to agree with or heap praise on Paradox. [Paradox: 67] Several times, Paradox made confusing reversals, at one point musing “another alter might come and love you again” [Paradox: 49] to going back to insisting they could never be together again [Paradox: 70], then accusing Nael of saying they don’t love him [Paradox: 45, 46]. You might remember this erratic pattern from his conversation with Kieran back in April. This is gaslighting in its purest and ugliest form.
Clearly after this, Nael was rattled and eventually decided to leave. Instead of making any sort of formal goodbye, they just decided to delete their old Discord and make a clean break so there was no way they could be dragged into another group chat and yelled at. The group quickly fell into chaos once again. Paradox quickly began pumping out venting vague posts on his personal and RP blogs, sometimes pitying himself over the way Nael had apparently treated him [Single: Singles], and sometimes outright wishing death on them. [Paradox die: Single] Before long, he cracked and started sending desperate messages to Nael directly despite Nael obviously not wanting to talk. [Paradox Desperation: Singles] And when that didn’t work, of course Blue was deployed to try to persuade them to come back. [Last Convo w/ Blue: 22 pages] Luckily Dave warned them beforehand. [Thanks, Dave!: Single]
To try to convince others in the group that Nael was the bad guy and needed to be stopped, Paradox began feeding lies to his followers about bad stuff Nael was apparently doing. Paradox told Dave that Nael had been badmouthing him behind his back. But when Dave went to confront Nael about their behavior, Nael provided proof that was in fact Blue saying bad things about Dave. That’s when Dave decided to leave, too.
More chaos happened within the group. Soon after, Kieran the supposed third in their relationship got tired of Paradox constantly saying how Nael was “the only person he could ever love” as well as the constant torrent of irrational behavior and abuse. [Paradox Flipping Out: Single] So he left, as well. Aside from many, many more aggressive venting and vague posts, nothing much new has happened as far as group dynamics.
So far Paradox has been mostly fixated on Nael’s absence, but without the contributions of everyone who left, this callout wouldn’t be possible, and they should all be commended for their efforts and their courage for coming to me to apologize personally for their part in the abuse I and others have suffered.
As terrible as Paradox’s behavior has been in this retelling of events, mostly centered around Nael’s situation, it’s really only scratching the surface of how toxic this group is. There are many smaller details and other people he’s hurt that couldn’t fit in this brief recap, so here are a few more things you should know about that will hopefully keep you from this toxic group of friends. 
First I’ll talk about the accounts of people who used to be in the group and go into detail about all the people who are still backing Paradox up despite everything he’s done.
- Other victims -
While Nael took the lion’s share of the abuse from Paradox, it’s important to remember that he was involved with two different people and treated them both badly. Paradox is an outstanding example of what NOT to do when in a polyamorous relationship. 
While there was a brief month long period where everything seemed fine after they started dating on October 23rd, Paradox began heavily playing favorites towards Nael, a pattern that only seemed to get worse over time. Kieran was subjected to long periods of neglect from his lover with Paradox only seeming to remember he existed when he was trying to use Kieran against Nael. Even Blue and Jay noticed this when the relationship was just starting out and rightfully called it out, though only in the safety of a private chat. [For Me: 13, 15, 16] 
Several times during their relationship, when Nael would mess up or try to leave, Paradox would say that Nael was “the only person he could love” (he even wrote a diary about it!) [Copy of Journal: 2 pages] and break things off with Kieran as well. Most of the time without even telling him. However whenever he was trying to condemn Nael about something, he would hold up Kieran to say “What you’re doing is hurting US”, often without Kieran’s consent.
Of course, Kieran was still subjected to the same amount of lies, gaslighting, emotional blackmail, and mental instability from Paradox that Nael had to endure, but the fact is that he was also basically used as a weapon against someone he cared about by someone who was supposed to care about them both EQUALLY.
Ruby is someone who’s been fighting a personal battle with Paradox for years, starting with a dispute that happened, of course, because of an argument about a fictional character. For the past year and a half as of writing this (the harassment started Nov 2017, it is currently July 2019), Paradox has been stalking her blogs and harassing her over this perceived slight. He lied about her to all her friends in an attempt to alienate her from the public, and we have a confession from Nael that says not only was Paradox guilty of sending tons of anon hate towards Ruby even after they had each other blocked, he would send other people (Nael included) to send anon hate after her.
I briefly intervened during this dispute on Nael’s behalf in November 2018 because during that time we were both lead to believe that Ruby was targeting both Paradox and Nael. This is despite the fact that the post Paradox was upset about wasn’t even about him and she barely even knew Nael even existed. Thanks to my help, I was able to negotiate a brief ceasefire that lasted a few months up until Nael’s separation from Paradox in March.
The stalking and harassment started up again as soon as I had been branded an enemy, and eventually it got so bad that Ruby was the first (but not the only) one to announce she is going to try to press charges against everyone still remaining in the group. Although we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, and she’s done and said things that were unintentionally hurtful, she has been very receptive to feedback and has made great pains to change for the better. I support Ruby wholeheartedly in her endeavors to make the ones abusing her pay for what they’ve done. If you want to know a little more about her conflict with Paradox from her perspective, visit her page. [Ruby’s page of Receipts: Full]
- Part of Paradox’s group -
Out of all the people on this list, Blue is the most disappointing aspect of all this, seeing as I considered her my friend even before Nael came along. We’d been friends for more than a year by the time the March Madness started, meeting somewhere around February 2018. She was the one who introduced me to Nael in the first place, and Nael was so close to her they called each other their long lost siblings. 
Unfortunately for all of us, Blue can’t stand up to a bully who insults and abuses her friends, even if she knows what he’s doing is wrong. We have multiple screenshots showing instances where she admits that Paradox is in the wrong or being annoying or excessively guilt tripping others based on trivial matters. However, whenever she’s personally on the hook for getting targeted by the ones she calls her “friends”, she quickly falls into line. 
The second Paradox asks her to jump, she asks “How high?” She’s been willingly used as bait to rope Nael back into situations she knows and has even admitted are super unhealthy for them, all because she’s too afraid of being the next one everyone turns on. The only time she shows any semblance of “courage” is when she’s backed up by the rest of the hivemind. She’s too afraid to speak for herself, often parroting what others have already written in a desperate attempt to show external strength and total fealty for her master. 
I have to wonder what exactly it is that keeps bringing Blue back to him, even though we have an entire folder showing times where she has come to her own conclusions that Paradox is unhealthy to be around [With Blue: 24 total] and has a penchant for blaming her whenever his relationship with his two lovers ever took a downwards turn. [Paradox blaming Blue: Singles] It’s not my place to speculate, but it’s safe to say that with all the times she’s personally let me, Nael, and others in our group down, there’s no way in hell we’re giving her another chance. She has made her choice to stay with someone she knew to be an abuser and emotional manipulator -- someone who hurt her and her friends -- and she will have to live with that decision.
Ruby’s situation with Bird is very much like my situation with Blue, made all the worse by the fact that they were actually dating at the time. Bird purposefully sold Ruby out to Paradox while claiming they weren’t in contact, all the while she was feeding all of Ruby’s words and private thoughts to him. This is a common theme with this group and why you can’t be friends with just one of them if you don’t want to be involved with the cult as a whole. 
Eventually she was found out and hasn’t really bothered to hide the fact that she’s on Paradox’s team ever since. We also have screenshots of her calling Nael a brat and useless during conflicts Paradox started, like the shipping drama in September. [Misc Bird Folder: 9 total] [Ruby and Bird’s Breakup: 16 total]
Now we get to the biggest sycophant of the entire group, Jay. She’s been the one by his side the longest -- for a whopping 4 years -- and one of his most ardent supporters and biggest enablers. While I didn’t know much about her at first, seeing as she was largely absent from what I affectionately call the “six-person beat down”, she’s an invaluable member of Paradox’s cult and basically functions as his right arm and messenger.
If you have a problem with Paradox and want to talk things over with him, he’ll usually insist upon bringing Jay as an “impartial judge”. Not surprisingly, she usually just ends up agreeing with whatever he says and pushing his narrative, all the while insisting she’s being unbiased. She will lie for him, rope cult members attempting to leave back with excuses for his inexcusable behavior, and always swallows whatever lie he has to say wholeheartedly. If he needs a message from Abel passed on to someone trying to persuade them to come back, she’ll deliver it gladly. But if you need her to send a message to him, she’ll curtly tell you not to have her “fight your battles.”
She tried to send an entire drop box of “evidence” to Dave attempting to prove Nael was manipulative and evidence of the alter “Hebel's” existence. In it, Paradox (or rather, his alter Hebel) admitted to trying to spur Nael to kill themselves so that “Hebel” could apparently take over and get Kieran all to himself. [Potential Manslaughter: Singles] All of this was sent as proof that NAEL was the bad guy BY Jay, which is truly mind boggling and shows how far gone she is with regards to him. 
There is a woman in prison the very moment that I’m writing this for spurring her suicidal boyfriend to take his own life [Article], and yet Jay thinks this behavior is okay? And before anyone tries to say that Hebel is “technically” to blame for attempting to push Nael to suicide, this argument hasn’t worked in the courtroom since the 1970s! [Article] IF PARADOX’S ALTER IS A DANGER TO NAEL AND CAN’T BE CONTROLLED, PARADOX HIMSELF IS ALSO DANGEROUS. PERIOD.
This isn’t even mentioning the multiple times she’s seen Paradox himself or his other various "good" alters (everyone in the group has seen, in fact) tell Nael outright that he “wishes [they] would die” [Abel Vent: Single] and that their suicide “holds no meaning to him” [Paradox: 32]. Jay was supposed to be “mediating” the very conversation where Paradox -- not “Hebel” or anyone else -- said that to Nael! And she said NOTHING. Her silence is complicity and she should take the blame for being such an ardent supporter of his abusive behavior. 
Amazingly, there’s even MORE awful things that this group (particularly, but not exclusively Paradox) that I didn’t have any space to discuss in the callout itself, but they can’t go unmentioned. I know this is already super long, so I’ll try to run through them all as quickly as possible, and then we can get to the large wealth of screenshots we have linked at the end, where everything is in context for you to browse at your convenience.
Transphobia: Paradox is a terf, and there’s not much else to say. [For Me: 2] Ironically he said this in a group chat with one of the only two people who identify as trans in their group, his then-boyfriend Kieran. Here’s him heavily fetishizing a failed attempted Corrin muse that he described as intersex, too. [FE Abel Problems: 5 pages] (In parenthesis is a user attempting to check their work. He makes a bit of an error concerning outrealms and dragon gates and whatnot, but please forgive him for those small errors considering how much he had on his hands.)
Abuse victim blaming: Paradox would often tell his two lovers, who are survivors of various types of abuse, ranging from mental, physical, and even sexual, how it’s their fault for letting their past traumas affect them. [Victim Blaming: Singles] Please note that these screenshots were taken in May, nearly a month before they separated from him fully, so they would have no reason to lie to each other about the things he said or needlessly malign his character before they left.
Promoting infighting: Paradox enjoyed watching his underlings tear each other apart for his amusement or to influence their behavior by saying their actions affected “everyone” despite him using false pretenses to get them to fight in the first place. He lied to Dave about Nael comparing him to a user that he wasn’t fond of when it was really Paradox and Blue that had done it. He also lied to Kieran and the entire group to get them all to yell at Nael in a group chat about Nael trying to isolate themselves from everyone when it was really done to please Paradox.
Ableism: Nael is unwell and has brain conditions they don’t feel comfortable with sharing. Instead of being understanding and supportive of them occasionally not understanding things or forgetting things, Paradox would immediately use it as a weapon against them. When “Paradox” first surfaced, Nael claimed that it wasn’t fair to them that the “Abel” alter yelled at them for forgetting about their ship with Blue. Paradox immediately countered that he Nael would no longer be allowed to use the excuse that they forgot things to AVOID being yelled at for minor things. [Paradox: 21, 22] He would constantly do things like this while they were together.
Copying and stealing OCs: Besides stalking the people that left and that he’s grown to hate, Paradox also has a peculiar habit of copying their activities on his blog with the few remaining people in his circle. For example, back in March when Nael’s Grima muse began interacting with a Reyson rper I introduced them to, Paradox made Kieran pick up his abandoned Reyson muse so that he could ship him with his Robin. (This hasn’t been linked to protect the identity of the second Reyson.) Worse still, Paradox has even outright stolen characters and backstories from those that leave. Here Kieran tries to ask Jay to tell Paradox to stop using some of his stolen OCs and she questions why it “would matter” to Kieran before promptly telling him to basically take a hike and blocking him. [Jay: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Racism: This group seems to relish in their own ignorance when it comes to matters of race. Here are screenshots Dave took where he discussed Paradox saying that Japanese people are white. [No, seriously: Singles] (Please note the dates -- it was back in December, so he has no reason to lie.) Here’s Nael recounting a time Paradox told them that, because they were partially North African, they had to distance themselves from people of their race because other people would only see them as a terrorist. (No caps of that since it was in a call, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt.) Here’s Blue telling me, a black fan, that unintentional racism in a game I enjoyed but was put off by “didn’t matter” and that there was no need for me to “get so salty about it”. [Scout vs Blue: 19, 20] While I don’t think they’re going to any Klan meetings over the weekend, it’s still a bit concerning and something POC muns should be aware of because they can be startlingly insensitive at times. 
Pedophilia: Probably the hardest one to talk about for me personally, but definitely one of the most serious. While I must stress that we haven’t noticed any sort of untoward behavior with underaged USERS thus far, Paradox shows an almost unhealthy fascination with underage MUSES that might be off putting to some people and may spell danger. This actually isn’t the first callout someone has made about his behavior. In 2018 while he went by the name “Vic” and was in the Pokemon fandom, he wrote a disturbing post where a 14 year old girl was killed by a literal penis monster that was saying “penetrate” as it ran her through the middle. 
Though the mun was fine with their muse dying, the obvious sexual connotations of the post left them feeling uneasy. When they went to approach him about this, instead of apologizing, he got defensive and said that because it was fictional, it didn’t matter. Later he made a bizarre case arguing that because the girl was 14 and thus had presumably experienced puberty, it couldn’t TECHNICALLY be considered pedophilia. [WTF: Single] Which, while correct on only the most technical of terms, flies in the face of all reason. Here’s the full PSA about him back then [Paradox PSA], and screenshots he was booted out of for his terrible behavior. [Paradox Booted: Singles] (His then-lover initially tried to defend him, but his abusive behavior eventually drove them away as well, so care was taken to keep them anonymous.)
Most disturbing of all, though, is a smut drabble that he made this year concerning one of his newer muses, Momo. On his blog, he describes Momo as someone who is “physically” 18 but “actually” seven due to the circumstances of his creation. That would be fine, except he will often portray Momo as also being mentally seven years old even though he continues to write him lewdly. In the smut drabble, he even goes a step further and constantly refers to him as a “child” and constantly fixates on his underdeveloped genitals. 
DUE TO THE HIGHLY GRAPHIC AND POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING NATURE OF THIS DRABBLE, DO NO CLICK UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED. It’s honestly not for the faint of the heart and makes me queasy from the first sentence, but there’s no other way to describe the severity of his awful nature unless you experience it for yourself. [To Endure a Fiend’s Heat: full 6 page drabble]
While some would say it’s okay to experience triggering material in a safe environment to potentially help ease the pain of past trauma, Paradox has already shown himself to be unreliable when it comes to respecting the mental health and safety of others, and though we don’t have any screenshots of this, Nael has recounted several times where Paradox said he was sexually excited by RPing his childlike muses having sex with the adult muses of others in the cult. Here's him once again emphasizing the child like element with one and then drawing them in a suggestive "pin up" pose immediately after. [Vector: Singles]
Finally we are at our end. Once again, my purpose behind this callout is not to shame anyone with a particular mental illness or unique set of challenges. Paradox is dangerous to any community he’s in because of his view of other people as simple playthings that he can use and throw away as he pleases. He treats life as an RP, living people as muses, and his apparent mental illnesses as an excuse to do away with any sort of accountability for his actions, and it is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE. Please protect yourself and others by reblogging this -- I feel as though Nael is very lucky to have escaped this situation with his life. Informing others might save another’s.
Complete, unedited list of references, roughly in the order of mention: 
(Please note that anything labeled “Single(s)” will not have an entry here, as those are the only screenshots we have about them. We got better about capping things as time went on.)
[Scout and Nael Convo: 13 total] When Nael decided to get back together with Paradox the first time in September 2018, I let them know my concerns, but told them I respected their decision, no matter if I agreed with it or not. Looking back, parts of this conversation feel almost prophetic. 
[Didn’t Feel Like…: 9 total] One of Kieran’s first conversations with Paradox. Watch closely how he characterizes the incident in September. He also mentions that his trauma and BPD makes him a sexual fiend, which… idk how others in the community would feel about that.
[For me: 16 total] A loose collection of screenshots Kieran took that shows quite a few odd moments during his time in the cult. That includes Paradox being a terf, Paradox insisting that Kieran to stay with Nael if they broke up (which is something he criticized Nael for suggesting in the March break up, even though Nael only said it once), and Jay and Blue expressing concern for Kieran when Paradox was starting to neglect him back in January. PLEASE MIND THE DATES! They vary page to page sometimes!
[Before/After Suicide: 88 total] A few screenshots showing the tumultuous times immediately before and after the Paradox suicide attempt in March 2019. Afterwards, Nael breaks up with both Paradox and Kieran in no uncertain terms due to the trauma he faced.
[Abel Suicide: 33 total] Paradox’s infamous suicide attempt.
[Nael: 34 total] Nael and Kieran talk as Paradox’s suicide attempt is in progress, and Nael tells Kieran to get the police. Sensitive information blotted out for obvious reasons.
[Scout vs Blue: 25 total] A collection of the conflicts I’ve dealt with in regards to Blue since the incident in March. Also includes her racial insensitivity and back when she agreed with me and Nael before Paradox lied to her.
[Initial Ship Drama: 93 total] Kieran endures like 5 days of nonstop gaslighting from Paradox. At the end (Around page 88) he manipulates Kieran into sparking a confrontation with Nael, telling him to “be assertive” about fixing a problem Paradox caused with his erratic behavior.
[Proof Abel Knew: 10 total] On May 6th, Nael discussed with Paradox or one of his alters about the ship that triggered the May 24th meltdown. Paradox also says that having any ships, including ones that he doesn’t even have to see is unacceptable simply because they exist. He then blames Nael for something Blue brought up. Again. While asking Nael not to blame him for something Blue has done.
[With Blue: 24 total] Kieran talks with Blue about the aforementioned shipping drama, and she immediately expresses frustration and anger with Paradox blowing the whole thing out of proportion. Later she also expresses annoyance with the May 24th incident of the alter “Abel” “dying” due to even more ship drama.
[May 17th: 13 total] Once again, Paradox whips his followers up into a frenzy over Nael, who’s really just trying to do what they were told and prioritize their lover. When they’re told the amount of attention Paradox literally asked for is stifling, they back off, only to be yelled at for it once again. It’s not shown here, but Blue once again acted as a lure to bring Nael into a public flogging.
[Paradox: 72 total] Nael is blamed for the “death” of an alter that has since returned because the alter “wasn’t around” for something they discussed on the 6th of May. This is the introduction to the “Paradox” alter, that I’m assuming now has assumed a fronting role. I don’t really care if that situation has changed since I started writing this.
[Jay: 12 total] Just some screens of Jay kind of being a jerk (mostly in the first set). She won’t tell Paradox to stop stealing someone else’s OCs and stop improperly using Nael’s last name, which is considered legitimate identity theft in France, where he lives! Mind the dates.
[Last Convo w/ Blue: 22 pages] Blue reprises her role as the bait to try to drag Nael back, but they’ve wised up to her game by now. It’s not going to ever work again.
[Jay’s “Evidence” Folder: 122 total] All of the things Jay sent to Dave in order to convince him that Nael was the bad guy. None of it accomplishes that goal. In it there’s a lot of doting between Nael’s alter “Naoya” and Paradox’s alter “Abel”, before Paradox showed the exact same abusive behavior and drove Naoya away as well. Then Paradox’s alter “Hebel” tries to explain his existence. He also admits to attempted manslaughter. So. (Please note: some of these are out of order, and we’re very sorry about this, but it’s not our doing, sorry!)
[Ruby and Bird’s Breakup: 16 total] Ruby tried to get Bird to intervene on her behalf to get Paradox to stop harassing her after she tried making an apology post. Bird totally flaked out, probably due to her dual loyalties to Paradox himself. This spurred a messy breakup between them both.
[Misc Bird Folder: 9 total] Some more random stuff showing Bird and Ruby’s relationship, including her take on Paradox and Nael’s September breakup, where she calls him a “brat”. The entire time during these screenshots, Bird was secretly feeding information to Paradox against Ruby’s will, breaking her trust when she found out. She even told Paradox, Ruby’s abuser, about the new blog Ruby made in order to escape him. That’s why she’s on this callout.
[Discord Server Chat with Blue: 23 pages] The complete chat about the Fire Emblem Heroes event that left me feeling upset about the handling of race in Book 2. While the rest in the server try to be respectful or change the subject, Blue insisted on devaluing my feelings and saying I was accusing her of racism, which was, of course, untrue at the time. Currently, I’m not feeling so generous. (Note: My apologies to fans of Heroes’ Nifl -- I say some strongly worded things here which may be unflattering, but I felt it was important to get the entire conversation down.)
BONUS: [Paradox Guilt Tripping on his birthday: 16 total] In case you needed more evidence of Paradox’s gaslighting behavior, here is him guilt tripping them because Nael, who is not a native English speaker, didn’t understand one video he sent. If this is all it takes to trigger a breakdown, he is probably not ready for a relationship.
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infinitepurity · 5 years
So basically I’m gonna explain everything that’s happened.
Mental health has always been an issue in my life. I’ve struggled from it for years but it finally came to a head when I met my ex-boyfriend. I was at the lowest point in my life and was looking to have anything bring my life up. He and I were both very mentally ill and in denial of our respective illnesses. We had our bumps in the road throughout our relationship and it was very unhealthy. I talked it over with him multiple times and tried to reason that it would be healthier to break things off.
In September, the 3rd semester of college, I was having a mental breakdown. I couldn’t handle being alone and I was completely isolated from everyone and from my friends and I wasn’t eating or taking care of myself. I was hospitalized for a night after Campus Police was called on me for concerns. I asked my parents to drive me home and they took me to Children’s Hospital as I was 17. They recommended me medications and my primary care physician put me on Zoloft and Metropolol for depression and anxiety. I went back to school and the whole time I’ve been considering overdosing. I was cutting and it was just bad.
Swing to my birthday on September 27th, I filled out the official paperwork to withdraw. This wasn’t as impulse of a decision as I make it out to be. I was seeing a therapist on campus and was working with the Assistant Dean of Students and my advisors in the school of engineering. They all advised me to take a break from school or decrease my courseload. As an engineering student, decreasing the courseload was impossible because all of my classes were co-requisites. So I took matters into my own hands after being advised and I filled out medical withdrawal papers. The Assistant Dean of Students was like I wish there was more I could do to help you as you look like you’ve given up and you have no hope. 
Now, this was an impossible decision for me because school has been my only successful portion of my life and giving that up willingly was terrifying. I gave it up though. By Oct 3rd I was home and withdrawn. All the while this ex-boyfriend was filling my head with the idea that he was going to take care of me and help me out. He even suggested getting married. And at this point, I was so unstable and out of it that I agreed. We went to Dayton to get the rest of my stuff and turn in my keys and we drove to the courthouse and filled out a marriage license. My family still didn’t know I was home and I showed up to the house with a marriage license. That didn’t go well. 
My parents were out of town and were out of the loop and when the confrontation started when they came home I was ready to throw the towel in. I had previously stolen medication from my mom; she’s prescribed Xanax. So in total I had leftover Zoloft, my new rx Lexapro, Metropolol, and Xanax. I had a bottle of Zoloft, Lexapro, and Metropolol and half of Xanax. My parents came home on their flight, we fought and I went upstairs and overdosed. I fell asleep on my bed and then my parents came up to get me to dinner and we went out to dinner. I don’t remember anything. When we got home I passed out on the couch and then my parents were asking me what I did and I pointed to the pill bottles and then I was in the hospital. Apparently, I was screaming in the ICU how I was gonna keep trying until I was successful. I spent 3 days in the ICU and my heart almost stopped. 
To this day, I still have permanent heart damage. I signed myself into a mental institution and I was transported 3 days later. My ex-boyfriend was in the waiting room when I showed up and we were separated because we knew each other and I was put onto the addiction/schizophrenia floor. I was terrified out of my mind, coming down with withdrawals and I was losing my mind. The psychiatrist admitted that none of my stay with the schizophrenics and addicts was in any way helpful or productive on my recovery. I was there for 9 days. Then I was sent to court for a 60 day hold into the state hospital. I know have that on my record. I was at the state hospital for 8 days. I got out on Halloween. 
I switched meds to Prozac and Zyprexa. I went home and worked with police social workers to get through this. I was about to start a new therapist and I had enough of my parents and hit the road. The police picked me up and because they had been working with me they let my parents choose the hospital i was going to and they moved me to Ohio (I lived in KY.) I was in that hospital for 7 days. My ex-boyfriend all the while was promising to pick me up from the hospital and getting me away from my awful parents. But as most things in our relationships, it fell through. 
I was released from the hospital to my mom and she put me in a hotel room because she wanted nothing to do with me. So I called my friends and begged for help. My friend from high school said her mom would take me in. I lived with her for a month. She took care of me, fed me, housed me, babied me, and loved me. She gave me so much life advice and so much love I’ll never forget it. I spent all of November until right before Christmas with her. I went home to my parents’ for Christmas. 
All the while my ex had attempted suicide and I was talking to him and was trying to talk him out of it. He wasn’t listening and ended up hospsitalized with over 100 cuts to one arm. And his parents filed a protective order against me saying that I was the cause behind his issues. And the court gives victim’s the benefit of the doubt and I was court ordered to stay away from him and no communications which wasn’t a problem for me, but he was stalking me. He was making fake phone numbers to text me and call me. He was leaving me voicemails while he was in the hospital. He was skype messaging me and skype calling me. He wouldn’t leave me alone and his mom was all but harassing me as well to the point I was fearful for my life and wellbeing and I got a lawyer who got the case closed due to insufficient evidence against me. But I was terrified out of my mind worried one of them was gonna get me thrown in jail or worse. But things slowly made it upwards. 
I made it to February. I had a new job and everything and it was going well but my parents were too much. I overdosed again and was in the hospital for 3 days. I got threatened to be kicked out when I came back home and I had to find a job stat, but finding jobs is actually hard and it takes forever for employers to get back. I managed to convince them to let me stay, and eventually, I was kicked out for staying out with a friend too late. I spent that night wondering the streets and freezing. I went to the library and posted on Facebook and begged for help or anyone’s floor to crash on.
My friend from high school saved me from spending the night in a homeless shelter. She picked me up and immediately fed me and took me home and her mom and her tried to reason with my parents to give me my medications. At this point I was on Cymbalta, Lithium, Latuda, Ativan. They were refusing to give it to me and were very rude to both my friend and her mom. I called my friend from Indianapolis and asked if he would help me. I moved up there with him.
For two weeks I lived on his floor and worked for a hotel cleaning rooms.My dad agreed to let me back on the premise that I’d be moving out within two weeks and that’s what happened. I found a place on my own in Cincinnati, OH and I paid rent and my deposit and moved out. Since then it’s been smooth sailing. I feel so good and happy and I have a new job and I’m away from my parents and siblings and I am thriving. I might be bored and lonely but I’m so thankful for life and everything that’s going on. I’m so grateful for the second chance I’ve been given and the life that I can live and I just wanted to get all of this out there somewhere.  
I’m officially diagnosed with an eating disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder and ADD. 
But anyway if anyone reads this, I hope you’re doing well and are getting to a better place in your life and a happier life and things do get better.
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lilacnestor-blog · 7 years
The Difficult Concept of Caring
Ship: antiaverage (anti and chase) 
(platonic? romantic? you decide cause i sure can’t)
TW: talk about suicide attempts, mentions of depression, talk about abusive relationships, talk about panic attacks/mental breakdowns, self-hate
Words: 2488
Anti and Chase talk about Yanderiplier’s obsession with Anti, and things get heated. People get angry, backstories are talked about, and demons have issues.
Anti knew about Yanderiplier’s unhealthy obsession with him. Whenever he and the rest of the Septic Egos would have meetings with the Egoipliers, he could feel Yan’s eyes on him, boring into his skin. He tried to avoid making eye contact with her, but he was always uncomfortable at those meetings, especially because she’d always try to corner him afterwards. She was in love with him, she told him, and he was in love with her, she claimed. He just “needed time to see that.” She creeped him the fuck out, and he’d never admit it, but she scared him more than Darkiplier. Dark was an evil, ruthless megalomaniac, who was prone to fits of rage when things didn’t go his way. But Yan was insane. She knew she was insane, and she embraced it. She was unpredictable, and her rage could rival that of Dark’s. There was nothing you could do to keep her stable, you had to walk on eggshells around her, because the smallest thing could set her off.
When the Septic Egos came back from the latest meeting, Anti was equal parts exhausted and enraged. “I can’t keep dealing with her bullshit. I mean, I don’t want to set her off, I don’t need any new scars, but I can’t keep doing this.”
He collapsed on the couch in the home that the seven egos shared, and Chase sat down beside him as the other egos dispersed to their rooms, this being a common occurrence for Anti. “Hey, it’s going to be alright. At least the next meeting isn’t for a month and you don’t have to see her until then. I know what it’s like to have toxic people in your life, and even if you want to, it can be hard to cut them out. Believe me, I don’t like her either. The way she looks at you, it’s like she wants to kill you, but then she spouts her love confessions? You don’t do that if you really love someone. Even if they don’t love you back, you should never try to make them feel uncomfortable, especially that’s your way of trying to make them love you. I almost feel bad for her, because she truly doesn’t know how to love someone healthily. And something tells me that no matter how many people try to teach her what love should be, she’ll never learn. It’s just her personality.”
“Yeah, that was real comforting, now I feel bad for the little shit.”
“Sorry, I’m not good at comforting people. It’s usually you comforting me, because I’m usually the one who breaks down in the middle of a conversation for no good reason.”
“Stop putting yourself down. You have a perfectly good reason for your breakdowns. One, you work yourself too damn hard on your tv show, and two, you have depression, which we’re trying to treat. It’s perfectly normal for it to get to be too much for you every now and then.”
“Shut up, this is supposed to be about you, not me.”
“Well I’m sorry that I like talking about you.”
“Look, let’s just get back to the whole situation with you and Yan, okay? I think the reason this keeps going on is that because you aren’t denying her “love confessions”, she thinks it’s okay to keep trying.”
“I’m not denying the fucking things because I don’t want to set her off! I’ve already got a scar on my neck, I don’t need any more from her. I’ve seen her with that fucking katana. I don’t like saying this, but she scares the hell out of me. I don’t want her to go crazy and hurt me, or any of you guys. Especially you. I see the way she fucking glares at you whenever you go to speak in front of everyone at meetings. Maybe it’s because I’m closer to you than I am to the others, maybe she just doesn’t like you, but if she got herself into a rage, I could see her going off on you. She could seriously hurt you.”
“Anti, I can take care of myself-“
“I don’t care if you can or can’t. As an ego, she’s more powerful than you are. She’s a horror ego like me and Dark are, you’re a comedy ego, like Bim Trimmer or King of the Squirrels. Yes, you have a little horror in you, but that’s just because you needed to fuck with your audience a little bit. She’s insane, unstable, and carries a weapon on her pretty much 24/7. You’re relatively sane, emotional, and the closest thing you have to a weapon is a nerf gun.”
“Yeah, but that’s only because *someone* won’t let me have guns in the house anymore.”
“Don’t try to joke with me about that. I was scared. You almost died that day, okay? And we still don’t know if you’re a regenerative ego like I am. We don’t know if you can die for good, so I took precautions so that we wouldn’t fucking find out.”
“I’m sorry I was just trying make light of the situation. I know you’re worried about me and all that, but if I’m the one who almost died, then I’m the one who can make whatever jokes I want about the situation. Or do you want me to be so sheltered that I cry every time suicide is mentioned?”
“What the fuck has gotten into you?”
“Maybe I just don’t like the fact that you’re always calling me weak. Always thinking I need to be protected. You’re almost as bad as the fandom. I’m not some stupid fucking cinnamon roll, Anti. I’m an adult. I went through hell and back before you met me, and I’ve survived this long. I don’t need your help.”
“You don’t need MY help? I’m sorry, but who was the person who helped you through becoming an ego when you first got here? Who learned how to deal with your mental breakdowns and your panic attacks and help you through them? Who built your confidence up enough to face your abusive ex-wife in court? Who helped you through months of hearings and lies and breakdowns? Who was there at your bedside for hours after you attempted suicide and Schneep was trying to bring you back? Who got you on medication for your depression? Face it, Chase, if it wasn’t for me, you’d be dead, alone, or both.”
He knew he shouldn’t have said that. Oh god, what had he done. He had always been a person of violent words, that was what he was created for. But he thought he was getting better. He just got carried away, he was so frustrated that Chase lashed out at him, when really it was his fault for telling him not to joke about the damn thing. What he should’ve said was that he didn’t think Chase was weak, or needed to be protected. He just cared about him, but didn’t want to say it. Because things didn’t go well if it was a demon who cared about you. And Anti really was a demon; he’d just proved it with his biting words. And now Chase was crying, with that hurt look in his eyes that told him that he’d fucked up badly. Because if Chase was so hurt that he didn’t even have it in him to be angry, then he’d crossed a line that he didn’t want to.
“I see how you feel about me then. I’m just dependent on you, like, like a fucking parasite. You’re right that I’d be dead or alone without you, but maybe I’d be better off that way. If you don’t want me to need you, then I don’t want to need you. Maybe I should just leave. I’ll be forgotten by the community eventually if I’m not used for videos, and I can’t be used for videos if I’m not here. You’ll be better off without me hanging off you all the time.” Chase said the words chokingly, between sobs, with eyes that were dull with hurt, almost even betrayal.
And Antisepticeye, feared demon, horror ego, the most powerful of the Septic Egos, who didn’t feel pain or death, started to cry. He’d only cried one other time, and no one had seen it. He’d cried after he heard that Chase was dying, that he’d put a bullet through his head after the final verdict had made him pay copious amounts of money to his emotionally abusive ex-wife in child support, and had lost all visitation rights to his children because she’d said that he’d been making everything up about the abuse, and was a compulsive liar who couldn’t be trusted with children. Except Anti hadn’t known that until after Chase was in the hospital; it was the one hearing he hadn’t gone to because Dark and Wil had pulled him into a meeting for just the three of them. He’d told Chase that he’d ditch them to come, but Chase had insisted that he’d be okay, that it looked like everything was coming out fine. But everything was not fine, and Anti had cried that day, thinking that the last words he would ever hear Chase say would be, “Everything’s going to be okay, go to your big shot meeting. I’ll be fine with this one.” Schneep had seen him with puffy eyes when he walked into the hospital room after he’d finished operating, but didn’t say anything, because Anti looked like he would’ve slit the doctor’s throat. When Chase woke up, it had been one of the few true good things that had ever happened in Anti’s life. And he was so grateful that fate, luck, or whatever higher power had let him have Chase back.
And now here he was, months later, saying things that had killed the spirit inside Chase’s eyes, knowing so fundamentally that he’d fucked up, that he would do anything to make the situation better, being faced head on with the fact that he cared so much about Chase, that he couldn’t handle it. He started to cry, and he cried inky black tears that showed the world that he was inhuman, a demon to be feared, even at his weakest moments.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry that the word doesn’t even make sense anymore. You are not a parasite, you don’t cling to me, and you are not defined by what I’ve done. You were so brave through everything you went through, and I was just on the sidelines. I twisted it so that it seemed like you were defined by me, that you were nothing without me, but you aren’t. You’re everything, with or without me. I’m just scared, and that doesn’t excuse a single fucking thing I said. I’m just a scared little demon who can’t stand up to some bitch with an obsession with me because I’m too afraid someone’s going to get hurt. I never wanted to treat you like you’re weak, or needed protecting. I just cared about you and didn’t know how to show it, so I became overprotective of you. I was manipulative and horrible and convinced you that you needed protecting, and when you realized you didn’t, that you were your own person, I lashed out at you and tried to break you.
I really am just as bad as Yan. You would be better off without me. I speak without thinking and then hold my regrets in because I don’t want to say I was wrong but I am saying it, everything about how I treat you is wrong. I’ve got so many issues with myself and how I treat others, and even when I’m trying to play nice it all leaks out. You don’t deserve to have to be around me, when all I do is tear you down and make you cry and break your spirit. If it’s anyone who should be leaving, it’s me, but I can’t, because I’m rooted to this fucking place, to the channel, to Jack, and to being an ego. I can’t exist in the real world because I’m not human, but I shouldn’t exist here, because I shouldn’t exist at all. I’m a heartless demon whose only purpose is to be violent and over the top, I should’ve known that trying to get close to people would only hurt them, but fuck, I care about you, and even though I shouldn’t, even though it’s not good for you, and that I’ll just end up hurting you again and again, I can’t seem to stop caring.”
Anti closed his eyes as black tears still leaked our of them. He put his head down on the couch and just sobbed because he’d never known a pain like this. He’d felt pain the day that Chase had almost died, but that was different. That was loss. This was heartbreak and self loathing and the scared feeling of pouring your heart out to someone, hoping they’ll accept your apology and that they won’t just leave. But then he felt a soft, warm feeling, a slight pressure on his right hand, which rested on the couch cushion. He opened his eyes and saw that Chase was still crying, but he was smiling too, and he had his hand on top of Anti’s. He looked at Chase in confusion, unsure of what this meant.
“Anti. You are manipulative and violent sometimes, but it’s in your nature. It’s how you were created to be. But every time you realize what you’re doing is hurting someone, you stop. You apologize to them, and you try to make the situation and your behavior better. You don’t know how to express your emotions safely, without manipulating or hurting someone, but you’re trying to learn. It’s not that you want to be a bad person, it’s just your preset. The fact that you are trying, truly trying to be good, tells me you deserve to be here. Yes you’re manipulative and violent, but you’re also caring and supportive. You’ve helped me through so much. You’ve always been at my side every step of the way, making sure I’m doing alright. And I care about you so much. You have your issues, but you’re fixing them. Me, I’m just selfish and weak. I don’t know why you’d ever care about someone like me.”
“You’re not selfish or weak. You’re the bravest person I know. You’ve gone through everything that life has thrown at you and you haven’t complained. You’ve been all smiles even on your worst days. Even when it’s been unhealthy and I’ve had to pry the mask or happiness off your face to help you through things, you just want to make other people happy. You’re not selfish or weak, you’re brave and loving. And that is why I care about you.”
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