#Thena kicks him right off the side of the tower
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey loved the thenamesh lifeguard au! Would you write some cute fluff stuff like for example thena putting sunscreen on Gil’s back?
Thena looked down as she felt Kingo pat the side of the tower chair. "You are not supposed to climb this thing. We tell people not to all day."
He gave her a grin and a shrug, "just thought you'd wanna know that your break is in five--if you wanted to go early I'll cover for you."
Thena raised a brow at him, "and why would you do that?"
Kingo tipped his sunglasses down, "because I'm a good friend, Thena."
No dice.
Kingo chuckled, pushing them up again and climbing even higher, all but pushing Thena out of his way, "because your boyfriend keeps looking over here to see if you're done yet."
"He's not-"
"He is," Kingo rolled his eyes. It wasn't as if it was any secret at all. "Now, go!"
Thena huffed, on her way over to Gil while looking around her at the rest of the beach goers. It was easier than looking right at Gil on her way over to him.
"Hey," she smiled marginally, ending up beside him under the shade of his umbrella.
"How was your morning?" he asked genially, folding up his legs out of the sun as she curled up next to him.
"Uneventful, I suppose," she answered while staring out at the water. "I mostly had to watch the early morning kids and make sure they weren't being hooligans."
Gil chuckled at her word choice, pulling out a bottle of water for the both of them.
"Thanks," Thena murmured, accepting it and definitely not thinking about the very simple brush of their fingers as she did. "What have you been up to?"
"Mm," Gil hummed between sips. "Haven't been here long. But I did get in a quick dip before it got too crowded."
Oh, she had seen. It was impossible to miss a wall of muscle, after all. And in the binoculars, soaking wet...
"I just have to reapply my sunscreen."
Thena blinked, suddenly feeling as if she was being caught up in something. She looked over at him.
"I got most of me already," he promised, as if anticipating her concern. "It's, uh, just my back, really."
Thena could see why he might have trouble reaching it, with those arms, those shoulders, even just the muscles in his back...
"I don't suppose you'd, um," Gil trailed off, blushing cutely as he struggled to suggest the cliche.
Thena smiled at his shyness, "did you wait for me to go on break in hopes that I could help you?"
"Well," he semi-admitted, shifting on his towel. "If you didn't want to, I just wouldn't go swimming again. Or I'd put on a shirt, I guess."
And they couldn't have that.
Thena rolled her eyes, taking the squeeze tube from him, "turn."
Gil acquiesced, not making a big deal out of it, because he was sweet like that. In fact, he was the one with the tips of his ears gone red.
Thena inhaled, rubbing the cream in her palms and staring down the broad expanse of his back. She was hesitant, reaching out slowly before pressing her palms to his back.
The longer she took, the more flustered she felt. Thena blushed as she moved her hands over every bend and curve of his muscles, both strong and wiry but also with a pleasant layer of softness over them. She was a lifeguard, it wasn't like she was a stranger to the average human body.
But Gil was far from average, and she was starting to wonder if he was human.
Gil shivered as she reached the center of his back, along his spine. She withdrew her hand, letting out a soft sound of surprise (some might call it a squeak, which she would deny). "Sorry."
Thena didn't trust herself to get out proper words, instead just resuming her work of making sure Gilgamesh didn't get a sunburn. She moved her hand over his spine, from the base of his neck down, down...down as far as she could dare.
Gil blushed from the neck up as she swiped her palms around the plump over his hip bones. "D-Done?"
"Hm," Thena replied, handing the tube of sunscreen back to him.
"Th-Thanks," he smiled sheepishly at his...at Thena. He wasn't entirely sure what they were or where exactly they stood. But so long as it was beside her, he didn't have any complaints.
"Don't mention it," Thena muttered, fidgeting with the sleeves of her track jacket she threw on over her uniform suit.
Gil cleared his throat. "What, uh, what're you doing after your shift?"
"Today?" she asked, and he nodded. "Well, I'm off by 1 today. Kingo and Ikaris have the afternoon shift."
"So," Gil smiled, "you could, maybe, have lunch with me?--if you want?"
Thena smiled at the very sweet man beside her. She was so used to being hit on by absolute pigs, but Gilgamesh was so completely different from all the meatheads she had to deal with on a daily basis. "That'd be nice."
"Okay!" he brightened, and Thena looked away again. "I'll, uh, I'll just be here, I guess."
"I'll come find you," Thena murmured, standing up to go back to the lifeguard tower.
"Oh, hey," Gil shot to his feet. He pressed the tube of sunscreen into her palm.
Thena tilted her head at him; she had plenty at the guard station.
"You look like you're getting a little too much sun already," he shrugged with a gentle smile. He tapped his own cheek, "just a little."
Thena turned around, eager to escape as she felt her cheeks become even more flushed (which Gil had taken as signs of sunburn). "Thanks--see you later!"
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
Hear me out, imainge Techno raiseing a little girl and she just brings home her first boy friend or something. Techno being Techno just reacts to this in a "hurt her and i'll kick your ass" kinda way.
This idea wont leave my head and I have no idea why.---
Also hope you have a great rest of the weekend!! :D
Oh my god he would be the best/worst dad ever. Best because he would be so loving and supportive. But worst because he was so terrifying.
Also! Apologies before hand I got a little carried away (I love domestic dad techno, what can I say)
Athena- Technoblade
Warning: none, maybe protective dad Techno?
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   When you first had children Techno was pretty hesitant. He wasn't sure if the child would like him or despise him. He also wasn't sure if he would even be a decent father. Of course being his loving and supportive wife, you already knew Techno was utterly amazing with children. So when you announced you were pregnant, you swiftly eased Techno's nerves about fatherhood.
   When your baby was born he cried, he was so over joyed at the sight of your little darling within his arms. Phil, having known the lengths and dangers of pregnancies, was glad that you had safely delivered a healthy baby girl. Almost a exact replica of you to be precise. With little ruby eyes she looked at you both with wonder. Quickly finding comfort with her Mother, Father and Uncle. Techno upon seeing her, knew she would grow to be strong. Whether she choose to be delicate as a flower, or as fierce as a warrior. He would be there to support his little girl. With that said, he only found one name, perfect enough to fit his little darling.
   Like her name foretold, she became a elegant warrior. From a young age she was driven to make her father forever proud. Of course he was naturally proud of her. But that didn't stop her from picking a bow, and sword up to challenge her father.
   When she was a toddler, she found amusement and love for the little things. Athena and Steve had even become inseparable. Her father was gushing over the idea that his daughter had a love for large animals similarly to him.
   Of course you were also close to her. She was your daughter, made of your flesh and blood. While Techno taught her everything about combat, you often shown her the gentle side of things.
   Between You and Techno- and the rather occasional help from Phil- you guys had taught Athena to be fierce, yet gentle and loving. Something you were all very proud of.
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   As Athena aged she became rather beautiful, growing to look a lot more like Techno then you first had perceived. With her father's strong gaze and jawline she became a heartbreaker without even knowing it.
   You and Techno both knew she was gentle and loving. But due to Technoblade being her father, many boys and women alike tended to shy away from her. Fearing of upsetting her or her father.
   Techno felt bad at the idea of his daughter being alone. He knew what it was like to be shunned by most people. It wasn't something he wished his little girl to face.
   You, having been the more positive person in the marriage, knew that it would just take time for her to find the right person. Sure enough, you were right.
   Athena had found friendship with a hybrid Ender boy named Nathaniel. Although rather tall he was in fact timid. Athena waisted no time in telling you about her long adventures with Nathan by her side. Soon the name "Nathan" and “Nate” had become a house hold name for your family.
   Of course you had met Nathan occasionally. Having seen him when you would walk with Athena to the nearby village. He was a kind and loving boy towards you, and all those he encountered. When he started bringing Athena flowers, you had more then a well known hunch of where it would lead to. As always, you were indeed right again.
   One morning Athena was a bit restless in her seat at breakfast. While you fed your young toddler, you couldn't help but wonder if she was ok. You were the type of mom to let your children come to you with their issues on their own terms. Figuring to wait until they were comfortable with bringing things up, then being pushed to tell you. It worked with your sixteen year old daughter and your twelve year old son. So you planned to roll with that for your soon two year old son as well.
   Soon enough she did budge. "Mom?" She asked softly. You turned to her, showing she had your full attention. She cleared her throat and poked at her egg a bit. "I invited Nathan over for today... I hope that's ok..." she asked a bit shy. Something was up, but you weren't about to pry.
   "Of course that's ok Thena, he’s your friend" you smiled softly to her wanting her to feel at ease. Her brother narrowed his eyes a bit. You watched your son from the corner of your eye. He knew something. Your middle child took after Techno expression wise. The look he was currently giving his sister, was the same look Techno gave you when he knew you weren't telling the full story. With your youngest in front of you asking for more food, you slowly moved your attention away from the eldest children.
   "Will dad be coming home today?" Your son asked curiously. You herd the bemusement lace his tone. You hummed and put a spoonful of oatmeal into the toddlers mouth.
   "I believe so. Phil and Your Father said they wouldn't be long with the Mansion run" you said looking over to him. With your youngest now almost two Techno started up his usual runs again. When you had a baby in the house he was always hesitant to leave for too long. Of course you always told him you would be fine. Thankfully your children were well behaved and easy to keep track of- that is unless your oldest son felt the urge to annoy his sister of course.
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   It was about a little after noon before Techno and Phil had returned home. Your toddler was the first to see them from the window of course. Calling out "daddy" and insisting that you all go out to meet him. With no hesitation you scooped up your baby and wondered out with your kids. Athena was smiling brightly. But you could also tell she was on edge.
   When Techno rode up to the house your toddler was thrashing for him. Only easing up when he was handed to Techno. Your husband had the largest smile as he took his son in his hands. Asking if he was missed. You gave Phil a warm welcoming smile. Hugging him when he dismounted from his horse.
   While you stood by Phil talking about the trip, your youngest children were hugging there father when he came down. Happy to have him home once again.
   Athena, although overjoyed that her dad was home. Found her attention drawn to the young Ender boy approaching from the tree line. The two hugged happily when he met up with her.
   Techno had traded your toddler to Phil. Making room within his arms for you. With your body pressed up to his, you turned your head to give him a warm welcoming kiss. But instead paused to see Nathan and your daughter hugging. Techno, expecting a nice kiss started to pout. But he soon stopped when he saw a unfamiliar boy with his little girl.
   You had previously met Nathaniel, however, Techno has not. He’s only herd about this boy. So he was a bit skeptical.
   Athena didn't hesitate to bring Nathan over to your little family. With Techno and Phil in full armor, you felt a bit bad that shy Nathan had to meet them this way. Your sons stood with Phil, your youngest within his arms. You stood in front of Techno, your husband towering over you with only his hand on your shoulder.
   "Who is this?" Techno asked, his eyebrow slightly raised in question. Athena smiled hesitantly. Nathan quietly looking Techno over.
   "Dad... This is Nathaniel... That boy I always talk about" you smiled warmly at the boy. Saying it was nice to see him again. He gave you a shy, but warm smile in return. Techno's eyes lingered over Nathaniel. Almost summing him up. "Nate.. this is my Dad and Uncle..." she said pointing. Nathan stepped away from Athena's side. Slowly stepping up to you and Techno. With a hesitant arm he held his hand out to Techno for a handshake. When Techno shook Nathan's hand, the size difference was easy to spot. Where Techno had strong calloused hands, Nathans were limber, long, and soft. Easily one of his Enderman traits he possessed.
   Techno didn't make direct eye contact. Having remembered when Ranboo stayed with you two years previously. Ranboo had off hand mentioned making eye contact was seen as a hostile move to Enderman.
   "Its very nice to meet you finally, sir..." Nathan said rather quietly. Techno although on the fence. Didn't choose to try and be intimidating. Instead he kept his normal monotone voice.
   "It's nice to meet you too"
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   Nathan ended up staying for dinner that night. Athena and Nathan mostly stuck together, but both were a bit nervous you could tell. But again you didn't push it.
   After dinner Phil took the kids outside for a late night walk. Figuring he would leave you and Techno alone for a bit. Of course you weren't fully alone. Athena and Nathan stuck about. With the two sat together on the couch, Athena ended up falling asleep on Nathans shoulder.
   Well you and Techno talked in the other room at the table, the last person you expected to see was Nathan. He quietly walked in and waited for you two to finish talking before he began. "I... I uhm, have something to ask you s-sir" Nathan began uncertain. You gave him a kind smile and motioned for him to sit.
   When he sat he looked between you two. Mostly looking for reassurance from you so he could address Techno. Techno didn't push, he just calmly waited for the boy to speak. "A..Athena really cares about your opinion... And.. I... I know I want to do this right..." he was stumbling over his words. You could tell he was nervous. Quietly you just told him to take a deep breath. He nodded and did so. Waiting a moment before continuing. "W...with your permission as her Father... Could I please date your daughter?... S-she means the world to me... all I want is her happy..." Nathan was shying away from Techno. Almost expecting him to yell or something.
   Techno watched a bit and thought on his words. Truthfully Techno was proud of this boy. Everyone was terrified to date his daughter, yet a shy Ender boy had purposefully stepped aside to ask him for permission. "I suppose I'll let you..." Techno said slowly. Nathaniel's shoulders visibly relaxed at Techno's words. Of course techno narrowed his eyes after, becoming serious "just know I was your age. If she ends up pregnant anytime soon, I'm coming for you" Techno meant it. Nathaniel went red and swallowed thickly before slowly nodding.
"Y-yes sir...."
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #248: “To Save the ETERNALS!”
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October, 1984
Scarlet Witch: “It’s raining ETERNALS!”
This is a pretty striking cover. The white background is what sells it. Having an actual background would busify the cover too much.
So last times on Avengers: Bored after giving the chairman role to Vision, Wasp takes Starfox’s invitation to crash a party hosted by Sersi, a truant Eternal. Some other Eternals come to fetch Sersi for a Big, Important Eternal Thing and Wasp and Starfox end up getting dragged along when they try to stop the kidnapping.
After Sersi and Ikaris recap the Eternals’ ENTIRE HISTORY, Starfox realizes hey he’s an Eternal too! So he gets invited to the big, important Eternal Thing. Which is turning into a giant flying brain. As ya do.
But jerk fiend and eventual Great Lakes Avengers punchline Maelstrom takes advantage of all the Eternals being a giant brain and attacks, knocking out spectating Avengers Wasp and Captain Monica Marvel.
So thats a lot.
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Vision and Scarlet Witch arrive in Greece after seeing Maelstrom on the video phone.
While Vision flies off in a big hurry, Scarlet Witch goes back into the Quinjet for some good exposition.
She continues to be worried about how Vision has been acting lately. Because after seeing Maelstrom, Vision barely said a word during the flight to Greece and kept pushing the engines until Wanda was afraid they’d blow up. But since he just took off and she can’t fly, she calls up what files the Avengers have on Maelstrom.
Which is Benn Grimm, the Thing, reporting on Marvel Two-in-One #72, where he teamed up with Black Bolt to fight Maelstrom who claimed to be the son of a renegade Inhuman. In the end, the Thing tossed a tube of anti-terrigen gas in his face and then Maelstrom appeared to die in an underwater cave-in.
Vision returns from his reconnaissance and does Wanda a startle so she finally unloads on him for how he’s been acting.
Scarlet Witch: “You don’t seem to be thinking at all these days! We haven’t had a real conversation since you became Avengers chairman! Half of our trip to Washington was taken up by a private meeting you had with the president! Afterwards, you didn’t even have the decency to tell me what you talked about! I had to hear from a reported that you’d discussed making the Avengers chairmanship a cabinet level post! We used to be so open with one another! What is happening to us? What is the matter? Is it me?”
Vision says ‘its not you, its me’ although in the context of him being at fault and not breaking up with her.
But he promises to do better and that she’s important to him.
Which would be heart-warming and romantic if he wasn’t making this face over her shoulder.
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Anyway, with uh whatever that is handled, Vision reports what he found on his scouting nyoom.
He found the Eternal city on the side of Mount Olympus because of course its there.
Although. Wait. Where do the Olympians live? Are they neighbors? Do the Olympians live in another dimension or something? I vaguely remember something like that.
And Vision found Maelstrom who’s wearing a silly techno-harness connected to a big machine and has Captain Marvel and Wasp chained up at his feet.
You have problems, Maelstrom.
Not least of which is that his big scheme is to absorb the giant brain to make himself more powerful.
He blabs his plan to the Wasp who woke up when she sensed the opportunity to sass.
Wasp: “You seem awfully sure of yourself, Maelstrom.”
Maelstrom: “Ah, the Wasp! Back among the conscious, I see! Yes, I am quite confident... Supremely confident, you might say.”
Wasp: “But not so confident that you felt you could keep us here untied!”
Maelstrom: “If you are trying to shame me, it will not work. I am quite without shame!”
Curses, he’s immune to petty ego games.
Wasp also assumes he’s an Eternal which he’s quick to correct. No, see, his mom was a Deviant. And I guess his dad was an Inhuman, based on the Thing’s report on him. But its not like he wants revenge for all the Deviants being compressed into a giant cube.
After all, the Deviants killed his mom and raised Maelstrom in their slave pits.
In fact, after Maelstrom absorbs the giant brain, his next plan is to release the Deviants from the giant Deviant cube one by one and then do harm to them.
But, yeah, no. He does look like an Eternal. Easy mistake to make. The Eternals have been making that mistake as Maelstrom has just been hanging around for days with all the Eternals assuming he’s just some Eternal.
He’s actually maybe a little bit regretful that he has to kill them all to absorb the giant brain since the Eternals have actually been nice to him?
Maelstrom: “But power belongs to those who are willing to seize it!”
Interesting guy, Maelstrom.
He starts absorbing the Uni-Mind and totally spaces out doing that. But unfortunately, Wasp is in no position to capitalize on it because he put some leech manacles on her which are preventing her from shrinking. And Captain Marvel is completely out cold.
But Vision sneaks up intangible through the ground as he do like to do and intangibles his fingers into Maelstrom’s harness, shorting it out.
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The energy discharge knocks Vision on his ass unconscious but Maelstrom just has to take a knee.
He yells up at an ominous figure standing up on a tower for not telling him that Vision was sneakign up on him. Maelstrom obviously thinks that this Deathurge is his minion but Deathurge has differing opinions.
Deathurge: For so long have I been with Maelstrom, yet still he does not understand! Still he thinks of me as his lackey! When will he learn... it is a darker power I truly serve!
Kinda wonder why he’s here. He doesn’t seem to be helping Maelstrom’s great brain heist and mostly just seems to... stand on a tower and look ominous.
But while Maelstrom was distracted yelling at a guy, the Uni-Mind breaks free of Maelstrom’s siphon and then explodes into a bunch of Eternals again.
Because it would be very improbable if that happened.
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Your plan scheme just got Wanda’d, Maelstrom.
Huh. When I saw the cover, I wouldn’t have guessed that Wanda is the reason why its raining Eternals, hallelujah.
Goes to shows.
But since it was very improbable indeed that the Uni-Mind would explode into peoples, Wanda is wiped out.
Captain Marvel starts waking up and Wasp orders her to bust the chains, don’t even think about just go go go.
And Monica Marvel CHOOOMs the leech manacles.
It’s probably a testament to her power that she can bust right through the power dampening handcuffs but Maelstrom immediately hits her with some pink with kirby krackle which apparently is an energy field for sapping strength and down goes Captain Marvel again.
Wasp dodges the pink energy and gets out of the way so Vision can shoot his forehead laser at Maelstrom.
I sometimes forget he has that thing.
Vision: “Yes, Maelstrom, I have found your weakness! you are vulnerable to energy that is not purely kinetic! That is why you required the power siphon to absorb the psionic energy of the Uni-Mind!”
Maelstrom insists that he’ll still kick Vision’s ass except we’ll never know if he was talking out his ass or not.
Starfox wakes up from being a giant brain and decides to go punch the bad guy.
Except except except.
Punches is kinetic energy. Fool that he is, Starfox just recharged Maelstrom.
Starfox: “I am Eros, called the Starfox... son of Mentor! The blood of the Eternals flows in my veins... and I am an Avenger! Thus I have the greatest stake in seeing you fall!”
Maelstrom: “No doubt! But you’ll not accomplish it this way!”
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And then suddenly giant Maelstrom just picks up Starfox and hurls him at Vision who is forced to super-dense catch Starfox instead of intangible out of the way and let the idiot hit a wall head first.
Hm. Guy absorbs kinetic energy and gets beefier? So he’s like a less stylish Sebastian Shaw?
That’s not a flattering comparison for you, Maelstrom.
Makarri, Thena, and Ikaris of the Eternals wake up and also try to jump on and pummel Maelstrom.
... God, its like they weren’t even paying attention.
Good thing they’re immortal because they have no survival instinct among them.
Maelstrom throws them off and then whips out the pink bio-kinetic energy again, using it to crowd control the Eternals.
Then he announces that yeah, sure, the brain thing was foiled. But he absorbed enough information while he was draining the Uni-Mind that he has an even cooler plan for even greater power now.
So his new plan is to just leave. And go do something else.
‘Walk away with no further conflict you say? Nuts to that!’ - Scarlet Witch, presumably.
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In fairness. This isn’t really a no harm, no foul situation.
I wouldn’t give Maelstrom over to the Eternals to add to the Deviant cube but he’s just going to do more asshole things if he walks away.
Starfox wants to go over and start punching Maelstrom again because. I DUNNO! The man is supposed to be smarter than this!
Vision stops him and tells him that instead he’ll need to use his pleasure power on Vision’s mark.
Starfox is startled that Vision knows about his secret weirdo power but this isn’t the time for a conversation.
Instead its time for microwaves.
Vision signals Captain Marvel to do her thing and she flies at Maelstrom, turning into infrared and microwave radiation, toasting Maelstrom up.
Then Wasp pew pews with her pew pew, while staying ten feet away so he can’t absorb any kinetic energy. That’s apparently why her stings sucked when she tried shooting him before. She got too close.
Well, her stings are bio-electrical so him absorbing her bio-kinetic energy would probably weaken them? Probably?
Maelstrom actually panics a little because the Avengers aren’t being dumb. They’re pelting him with energy attacks from a distance, wearing him down and not giving him a chance to build up his energy stores again.
I’m proud of you, guys. I knew you could fight smart if you put your minds to it.
Then with Maelstrom weakened, Starfox tries to use his PLEASURE BEAMS and tells him that actually we’re all friends here, won’t you be our friend?
Starfox: “The others will tell you I’m not one to hold a grudge! Besides, you really don’t want to hurt anyone! You’ll be much happier giving yourself up!”
Maelstrom: “Giving... up? Y-yes, that does sound nice. I... No!! What are you doing to me?!?”
So since Maelstrom succeeds his will save against the persuasion check, or something, Scarlet Witch just casts a spell of ‘on your knees, asshole’ and makes Maelstrom fall to his knees.
Realizing that he might actually be defeated, in the city of his mother’s enemies no less!, Maelstrom calls out for Deathurge to attend him.
Deathurge: “At last, the call I have longed for!”
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Hmmmm. Maybe Maelstrom should have been more specific.
I admit that its very possible that this is exactly what Maelstrom wanted Deathurge hanging around for. But having a guy standing by to kill you so you don’t have to tally an L sure is an interesting way of going about things.
Also, the narration says spear but Deathurge’s weapon is clearly a very anime scythe. A dude in Bleach had two of this exact weapon.
Captain Marvel, as the nyoomiest of the Avengers, flies at Deathurge as the “spear” returns to his hand. He tries to hit her with the “spear” but it goes right through her and then she goes right through him when she tries to tackle him.
Since they can both be intangible, Deathurge declares this a stalemate and drops down into the ground. Captain Marvel tries to follow as x-rays but loses the ominous weirdo.
So that was a thing that happened.
Maelstrom sure folded like nothing once people who knew how his powers work actually started fighting back.
And I can’t even ding him for explaining his powers because he didn’t. Vision just did his research.
Anyway, even though the Uni-Mind ritual was interrupted, the Eternals still learned what they should be doing. Since the Eternals have grown stagnant on Earth, THEY’RE GOING TO SPAAAAACE!
Most of them anyway.
Ikaris, Sersi, Thena, Valkin... Lets just say the main Eternals are going to stay on Earth.
The Eternals chosen to go out into space form a Uni-Mind again, grabs the Deviant cube, hurls it out of the solar system, and then takes off into space.
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“So does the Uni-Mind, in all its wisdom, protect its native world from the Deviant menace.”
I thought squeezing them all into a cube was bad enough, now you’re sending them into space forever? You couldn’t find a planet where they can’t hurt anyone and just dunk them there?
Back down on Earth, the Avengers and Eternals watch a giant brain fly into space.
Wasp: “To think, this all started with Starfox and me crashing Sersi’s party! I certainly never expected to be in Greece at day’s end, watching the Eternals leave Earth!”
Really makes you think. That its a good thing that most Avengers’ day job is being an Avenger.
Captain Marvel asks Starfox if he’s sorry that he didn’t go with the giant brain and he says participating in one Uni-Mind thing was an incredible experience that he wouldn’t have missed but he’s a free spirit and there’s a bunch of stuff he still wants to do on Earth.
Which Sersi certainly agrees with.
The Avengers offer her a lift back home and she has perhaps the greatest of attitudes about everything that went down.
Sersi: “I hope my friends in the city have kept the party going! If they haven’t... well, we’ll just have to start one of our own!”
That’s the spirit!
But meanwhile, halfway around the world in a secret underground lair, Deathurge pops out of the floor.
Villains are villainous and all but you can’t beat the class of “secret underground lair.” Step up, heroes.
Deathurge struts over to some tubes and goes Everything Has Transpired According to Plan.
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Because inside one of the tubes (or maybe all of the tubes??) is a fresh new Maelstrom body!
Deathurge: If all goes as you have planned, you shall soon awaken within this newly prepared body, ready to live again. And, as ever, I will stand by... ready to attend... Until all your lives have been lived!
No wonder Maelstrom has a dude standing by to pop him. He’s got extra lives!
Anyway, that was the unexpected Eternals three-parter nobody called for. But Avengers is the place to go to tie up loose ends from other books and concepts.
Avengers’ll accommodate you, they have room in their hearts and publishing schedule.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because there’s more Maelstrom coming! Wait, is that anything people want? There’s also Hercules! I know people like Hercules! He gives the best hugs! Also like and reblog if you like to reblog.
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