#There's many more but there's a tag limit yk
trincketbox · 3 months
From the creators of "she would not have tits" and "he would not have abs"
I present to you:
They would not have a straight nose / button nose
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vamptastic · 2 years
i feel like the internet has made me so intimately familiar with exactly why and how people hate me for existing. it is sometimes comforting to know that most people don't know, most people get to live in blissful ignorance. i wish i didn't know exactly where the hatred people throw at me is coming from, sometimes. it just frustrates me, because i know i can't do anything to change it.
#sometimes when i talk to my mom about trans stuff#it is nice to see that she is genuinely shocked by the shit i deal with#like. yeah. this isn't normal. most people don't deal w this. and i'm right to be upset that they do#being online and being exposed to people who virulently hate you irl and on here takes a toll yk#it's nice to remember that most people ARENT steeped so deeply in t/rf ideology or conservatism that you can never convince them#to respect you.#most people are just ignorant. most people will change a little bit if you say the right things. most people i am around right now#are uneducated teenagers who have been taught by their parents and government not to think. and many of them will grow out of it.#most people crumble when you confront their hatred. i need to stand up for myself more i think#not convince myself that nobody will follow through with my report or nobody will back me up when i call someone out#i'll never blame myself for not knowing how to convince someone to not hate me simply for being myself. it's just not productive. i am 17.#what i WILL do is try to learn more and eventually be able to recognize when defending myself is productive and when its not#i throw myself so fervently against people who hate me and they act like my outrage and upset is completely meaningless#it gets frustrating. but i have also spoken to people who DID learn and grow from me. you know? just gotta get better at gauging it#ahhh im gonna shut up it's embarrassing to hit tag limit
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caramelstarlight · 10 months
So like this isn't specific but what about certain stoic genshin men with a reader whoa incredibly bubbly and happy all the time.
"Someone is going to die."
"Of fun!"
sorry for not doing anything the past week and two (haha two.)
(FUTURE ME BY LIKE 2 MINS I FORGOT THE ✅/⭐️ Your prayer is accepted friendo) (other two in progresss.)
I was going to animate the “Hey Two!” Video bc I am a fan of bfdi. (Have been ever since I was little!)
But don’t worry everything will be out today and tomorrow! (Most likely.)
if you follow me on wattpad you would’ve saw the post I put 3 days ago most likely. There’s also 6 options for me to animate on there! Feel free to look at my acc and vote. (You can also vote for one by sending a message.)
Also holy so many frames 😭
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I forgot Diluc existed sorry :d
cough cough Two worlds one heart next part tomorrow cough cough (aka part 4)
*cough cough ignore that it’s coming Friday bc I forgot about picture taking cough cough*
Stoic x Bubbly
(Alhaitham, Xiao, Wanderer, Cyno (in work mode) Tighnari (He’s stoic when he’s working like Cyno) I forgot Diluc existed mb.
And my limit for requests is 4 and I decided to add Tighnari bc I realized it. (No more than 4) (No part two. Sorry for those who thought Diluc would be here :d)
under cut r the stories. : D
“Alhaitham” you said as he read his book forgetting about the noise canceling stuff he had. You continued to call out his name as kaveh watched. Softly laughing at you.
Alhaitham sent a glare towards kaveh and his gaze went back towards his book. “Alhaitham isn’t fun.” He pouted as you nodded. Eventually leaving his side to go outside with kaveh. Trying to bait him into becoming more fun.
“Kaveh I don’t think this will work.” “It might but prob not.” He replied as you both waited. He didn’t come out soon and you both came up with another idea. “We should make him mad about something…”
“Like Tighnari at cynos jokes?” “Exactly. I know you make him mad but maybe it should be something about knowledge?” “Wh-hey!” He bonked you on the head as you hit him lightly. “You do have a point though.” Kaveh said afterwards.
“Where would we find a dummy in all of sumeru?” You asked knowing majority of sumeru are smart fellows.
“We just need to get lucky.” “Maybe you should try make him mad again.” “Whyyy?!” “Because you make him mad numbskull!” Hitting him again lightly as he thought about it.
“I heard you two were trying to make me mad?” You both jumped slightly as both of you turned your head to see Alhaitham. Both of you becoming nervous by the second.
“I uhhmm.” You said trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t sound stupid to him. His gaze turned to kaveh shortly after.
“Well I accept your challenge.” “Wait what?!”
“Someone is going to die.” Both of you panicked becoming more confused.
“Of fun?” You thought out loud as he nodded. Both of you partying slightly. Finally doing something other than work and reading.
Xiao (During lantern rite)
“Xiao!” You called as he appeared by your side. Sitting at a table with Zhongli and a few adepti. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly composed himself and sat next to Zhongli.
Playing a few games to pass the time after having lunch with everyone. Xiao managed to smile and become more happier.
When it was time to play tag (yes tag.) he was not like his usual self but still tried. “Someone is going to die.” He said as a joke. Watching people be tagged from a distance. He though someone might fall and trip.
“Of fun!” You said afterwards. Tagging yaoyao as you ran away. Watching her touch xiao as she ran. He was caught off guard and teleported to someone randomly touching cloud retainer.
“Why must one be touched for a silly game?” She said as she used her beak to touch mountain shaper. He stayed silent and ran after Moon carver.
Xiao returned to yours and Zhongli s side as you started to lose the adrenaline in your heart. Drinking water as you watched them all finish.
(HAHHAHAHAHHAHA MY SISTER LOST HER 50/50 TO MONAAA) (I have won none of my 50/50s *crying* (I’m serious all 5 that I had I LOST, 3 to qiqi once to Mona and once to jean. Keqing was on standard)
He watched you come inside not expecting you to be crying. He rushed to your side and asked why and who (or what) caused it.
“Someone almost poisoned me…” You told him. “And do you know who? I’ll gladly make them cry louder than you and regret their life.” (Get it?????? I’m not funny :D) “what-?” “Nothing.”
“Someone is going to die today Y/N. Just tell me their name.” “Of fun right wanderer…?” It stayed silent for a few moments as you became more nervous then sad.
“Of fun right?” You asked again clasping your hands together worrying for the person who did it to you. “Let’s put it that way…” he said as he asked you. Looking for that individual after he spent some time with you.
He was always so interested in how you were always trying to see positive sides of anything. He has witnessed cruel and unjust acts and behavior.
“Do you wanna pull a prank on them?” Someone asked gesturing to you. “Dude are you crazy?? Almost anyone and you choose them??!” They said calming down as they drank their water after the spat it out.
“What’s wrong with them?” They asked kind of nervous of them freaking out. “That’s the General Mahamatras Partner! AKA Cyno.” Cyno listened closely as he strained his ears. Behind a wall as you talked to a friend. Unknowingly cyno was going to pull a prank on them in return.
“Pssht! He’s prob on a mission it’s not like he’s hearing us right now.” “I guess you’re right but be careful.” They replied as they began to talk. Cynos prank wasn’t going to be good but it would jump them. That’s how pranks are.
They pulled the prank and scare you from behind. Telling how they got you good. Before you smirked and stocked your tongue out. Cyno was right behind them with his usual cold gaze and activated spirit. (Basically his idol animation, the one with the polearm)
“Someone will perish for their actions against Y/N.” They both froze up and turned slightly scared and worried. “Of fun!” You perked in. They both got caught off guard as cyno laughed off the joke before giving both of them a slight cut on their bodies.
“Run.” You suggested as cyno chased them away. Coming back toward you after he had his fun. “That’s fun to you? Chasing innocent beings cyno?” You asked jokingly. “Yes. Think of it as tag but it doesn’t end as quickly as tag does.”
“Fair enough.”
“I swear I am going insane if one more person consumes a fungi that’s poisonous or has dangerous side effects.” Tighnari stated as you tried to calm the agitated fennec down.
“Nari it will be okay. On the bright side it teaches not too and can help you improve on your methods of healing them.” You watched as his ears and tail perked up slightly motivated him. His tail wagged slowly as he stopped his rant.
“Someone will die.” He said and caught you off guard. “What-?! Of fun I hope!” You said as he nodded. “I’m going insane I need some days offff.” He told you as he buried his face into the pillow on the couch.
“Don’t worry the others can take at least 2 or 3 days off I’m sure of it!” You played with his ears as he felt calmer. “Thank you…” He got up and sat next to you. Waiting for your hand. You placed it on his head as he melted into your touch. His tail swishing ecstatically. Finally getting a well deserved break.
You scratched behind his ears as he spoke. “I really needed this.” Beginning to become sleepy due to the amount of comfort. Soon after you heard light snores.
Laughing to yourself as you got up and gave him a blanket. Going to go help the others with their tasks and to tell them what would be planned.
(I need a two plush. Omg it looks amazing. My birthday is in November tho 😭)
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reilikeslifting · 6 months
This is the person who just did their first lift, I totally forgot to ask but, do you have any tips for new lifters ^^
of course! and congrats!!!
new l!fting tip #1: tumblr 101
no tags!!! do not tag ur posts, it makes it easier for non-l!fters to find and report l!fters
censor out brands and l!fting terms!! such as dn@, 3B, etc. (dn@ is did not arrive and 3B is empty box!!! different l!fting methods)
never ever put any defining objects in your photos if you are gonna post! make sure its the haul and ONLY the haul.
remove exif data from your photos so they can’t be traced, personally i dont do think bc im lazy but you should!
don’t put your total in your bio! i used to do this bc i liked to tell ppl i saved $20k-$30k over the year but it’s not smart to flaunt that you’re over the felony limit!
next, #2: how to lyft
so you’ve already completed your first lyft (woohoo proud of u!!) but how can you go about being safer and smarter?
my first tip is always scan the school for cameras! be sneaky tho don’t like just stare at the ceiling, but yk get a feel for how many cameras, what type, and what direction they’re facing. most places are gonna have the dome cameras, those are the worst because they see in every direction. always always try to body block if possible. either get someone else to block you or duck behind something while you’re concealing. better to not be caught on cam!!
nobody in that store is your friend, remember that. always assume that customers are plain clothes LP (disguised security) and always assume that sales associates WILL rat you out. don’t think “oh well it’s just me and one other person in the aisle it’ll be fine” because it’s gonna be the one time it’s not fine.
on that note, be kind to everyone. this isn’t just a lyfting tip it’s a rule i live by but just be kind. they’re gonna suspect you much less if you smile and answer questions and compliment them if you feel so inclined, just be a nice person. i believe this is one of the reasons i’ve never been caught, i’m just very friendly.
concealing!!! where to conceal? i personally like using my bag most often. your bag is important too!!! i use one off amazon (you can type like kawaii heart school bag and it’ll pop up, its black and has a big heart cut out for pins) but i dont have any pins because i dont want it to be too identifiable. its purse enough for people not to tell me to take it off (a lot of places don’t allow backpacks) but big enough to fit a LOT of stuff. structured bags are always a good idea too! that way people won’t be able to tell if you’ve put anything in there. i like to conceal in aisles without cameras most often, but if i have to body block sometimes i’ll put stuff up my sleeves first! another idea is to use a shopping bag from another store. this way people will think you’ve just already bought stuff! the target ones are my favorite since they’re opaque<3
onto the next section, #3: all about tags
de-tagging is definitely a more experienced lyfting practice but you can definitely start with rfids!!
rfids are gonna be the little metal wires in plastic, paper, or sticker tags. these are very common and you’ll see them at places like w4lmart or t4rget. these are easily removable by either cutting them off or disabling them with a magnet. you don’t NEED any tools while lyfting, but some of them can come in handy. if you do find yourself with a magnet, to disable rfids you just need to swipe your magnet against the tag. if you don’t have one, simply cut the metal wire in half. you can use scissors or nail clippers or cuticle nippers or whatever you might have!! if you can’t cut them, simply remove them and i personally stick the tag in the pocket of a really ugly item on clearance so that it hopefully goes unfound for a while!
hard tags! hard tags are any tag from the solid tags you find usually on clothes to spider tags you find on electronics or wire tags on jewelry at hot topic, etc. these all require tools to remove. some will require a magnet, others will require hooks, but it’s definitely worth looking into if you decide to branch out on your journey.
brief mention, #3.5: booster bags!
booster bags are small bags lined with many layers of foil to prevent signals from reaching the towers. just in case you didn’t know, towers are the tall sensors by the front door when you walk in! with a booster bag, you can put any kind of tagged item you want, zip it up, and walk out without beeping. you need many layers however!! the way to test if your bag works it by putting your cell phone in there and asking someone to call you. if the call goes through, there aren’t enough layers!! once the call doesn’t go through you’re set! this however is a more advanced trick so please be careful if you’re gonna try this!
lastly, #4 online “shopping”!
so you’ve heard of dn4ing or empty boxes, well lemme tell you what it all means! did not arrive is when you purchase an item, wait for it to arrive, and then message the carrier and tell them it never arrived. typically our goal here is to get a refund, but any times they wont be as easily persuaded and you’ll end up with a replacement instead. however it’s not impossible and many places are easier others. if you think you wanna try this, she!n or am4zon are a good place to start!! if she!n opens an investigation, it’s just a bluff, go with it!
empty box is another form of online lyfting, it’s when you tell the carrier that your item arrived with nothing in it. the process is similar to the first one, message the carrier etc. however just claim that it’s an empty box!
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A little collection of fun things Judd does
Tags: fem! Reader, mentions of drugs, alcohol, pyromania?, just Judd things yk, maybe he should be a warning in himself, there’s like one brief mention of sex, generally creepy behavior, Judd being an unironic edge lord, author was sleep deprived
Playlist: I made him a fun little playlist, I tried very hard not to be biased and add songs I actually think he’d listen to instead of just songs I like lol
But! if you’d like to listen to some of Judd’s jams, you can do so HERE
Summary: part 2 to my Judd hc’s, read part one HERE
Author’s note: this,, just came to me. I’ve been taking random thoughts I had about Judd and added them to a docs document, and would you look at that! These hc’s wrote themselves! I think I babygirlyfied him a little bit, but yk what? He is my baby girl 💪
Just Judd things
Word count; 1,9K
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Judd birch is known for many things, one of them being his smell
He always smells a bit.. funny
Not bad, just kinda like raccoons and alcohol, it’s an interesting smell
Often he also smells like some kinda polish, either because he’s been polishing his car or his knives
I’m sorry if I ruin y’all’s illusion, but he DOES NOT shower unless absolutely necessary
He only really showers if someone (probably you or his mom lol) tells him to, or if he had a particularly sweaty workout
Also, he would never admit this but sometimes he showers just to impress you
Always carries that certain Judd musk yk
He’s also one of those guys who washes their face like once every full moon but somehow still has flawless skin
If you ever convinced him to let you do his eyeliner, he would also not wash it off, just let it sit there and bake unless you washed it off for him
Judd is mean as hell, a gaping asshole in his own words
But, he does respect his family somewhat
Even loves them a bit, if he’s being completely honest
Especially Diane
He holds a strong sense of respect for his mom, way more than his dad
It’s not like he’s gonna stop making low key misogynistic jokes for shits and giggles, but he often tries to dial back the cursing in front of her
Like he values her opinions and praise of him the most out of his family
He’s also super protective, mostly of his younger siblings
Like I mentioned before, he definitely has that kinda “edgy” humour
The guy probably says a lot of controversial stuff just to get a reaction
He literally pretends not to be a feminist just to piss off leah
(In reality, he genuinely doesn’t give one single shit about feminism)
Likewise he also just disagrees with whatever his family says just because they said it
But he will not hesitate to physically or verbally beat anyone who starts shit with his siblings
Forget all about is asshole-ness and such, he will obliterate anyone who hurt his siblings
Only he’s allowed to fuck with them lol
When he told Nick “you’ll die when I say you die” he really meant it
He actually also values the raccoons quite a bit
When he goes on his drunken rambles, they’re always there to listen yk
He has friends,, kinda, like he has people he tolerates more than others but he honestly doesn’t mind doing things alone
He enjoys his own company
But also the raccoons
It’s like a mentally unstable girl and her support cat, Judd just has his gang of raccoons
(He tells them all his secrets)
I feel like he would genuinely enjoy the company of an animal way more than people, not limited to raccoons
But he’s not nice to them, he’s never nice to anyone he cares about
He’s just doesn’t grasp the idea, being nice verbally means nothing to him
He’s a man of physical and action-based affirmations
It’s the little things that counts for him
Unless he knows someone who values affirming words, ect his family or girlfriend, he will very rarely go out of his comfort zone to grant them such
He’s so awkward verbally stating his feelings too omg,,
“Dad.. I.. love you..?” He’s like that each time he tries to come across as sincere, it’s like he’s questioning it as he’s speaking lol
He was like that as a kid too, he’s always just enjoyed creeping people out
He takes pride in his weirdness
The guy is very morally grey, the only thing he truly wants ever is the cause chaos
Or inflicting stress/pain on his siblings somehow
He doesn’t rough Leah up like he would with Nick, but he knows just how to get into her head
That’s another thing, he knows everyone’s business
Between hiding in the vents, being the designated dealer in town and generally the quiet kid in school, he knows what everyone’s up to
Even Nick and Leah’s friends
Knows all their names too
His parents definitely took him to a psychiatrist when he was younger, he was a very difficult child to deal with
Think gremlin meets Chucky
That’s baby Judd
His parents supported him though, and still do
Elliot especially tries to take interest in whatever Judd likes, bands, movies, setting things on fire, ect
Also, music wise, I think he’d really like the misfits
Probably also three days grace and oooh, definitely rob zombie
He just strikes me as that kinda guy
But also, he doesn’t know shit about the hands he listens to
He doesn't care enough to get into the people behind the music, you could literally ask him who’s in the band who wrote his favourite song and he wouldn’t know
Takes the term “separate the art from the artist” to a whole new level
If he doesn’t listen to music, he’s the type of dude to literally put “horror movie ambience” or “pov you’re getting murdered asmr” on or whatever the fuck
Also, he’s the type to strictly listen to music on YouTube, with adds because he doesn’t want to pay
He only has burner phones anyways, so he has to listen to music on his computer or whatever, he has a shit ton of obscure cd’s in his car though that he listens to as well
And on the topic of phones, because of his less than usual choice, literally no one has his number
Probably only Leah has his number? I feel like he’d only give it to her and maybe his girlfriend if you’re lucky
Leah has to text him like “mom says dinner is ready in 10” or “dad told me to text you to please come home soon” stuff like that, and she’s so done with it
He somehow has everyone’s number though
You’ll randomly get a text if he needs you, and he never tells you who it’s from
He will literally text you “I’m in your house” without any disclosure
Maybe he’ll add a few blurry pictures of something in your house as well
Oh but if he’s actually trying to scare you, expect pictures he took of rotting roadkill or a bloody ziplock back or something he found
He just loves gore and violence <3
Another thing he really, really, enjoys is scaring people
He deliberately hides behind doors or curtains to scare his family, he’s also really good at just being super silent?
If he doesn’t want to be found, you’re not gonna find him
If you sleep over at his house and use the bathroom by his room to brush your teeth, the fucker will be standing behind you in the mirror when you come up from rinsing your mouth
He scares those he cares about, what can I say
Well he also scares everyone else, he’s kinda feral
As I said before, it’s not like he doesn’t socialise at all, bc like, he’s literally everyone’s dealer
Idek where he gets his stuff from, but everyone knows Leah and Nick as Judd’s little siblings because they have bought from him one time or another
Not only limited to drugs, he also always has alcohol
(He robbed a liquor store)
Somehow they never found out it was him?? Even though it’s exceedingly obvious and he keeps doing it every other week or so
Some of your dates casually turns into “hey let’s rob a store” and it’s actually so chill
As a consequence of his never ending supply of Jack Daniel’s, he’s like chronically hung over
Always kinda tired and complaining that his head hurts
Literally has a hangover 6 out of 7 days of the week
He also has a bit of a pyromaniac streak
Sometimes buildings in town just sorta,, burn down
I feel like people in town know it’s Judd, but the police force is actually useless so again, he never gets caught
Actually he got caught once, because he was high and accidentally left a lighter at the crime scene
It was before he turned 18 though, so he got no major consequences besides like a night in jail and being grounded for a really long time
I imagine that might have been why he ran away? Man’s didn’t want to deal with the aftermath of his own consequences
He actually really likes consequences of things, just not when it actually turns out to be inconvenient for him
But like, he’s really fascinated by watching things slowly unfold if yk what I mean
He’s quite a patient guy, he literally had the patience to train a whole ass battalion of raccoons
But my point is, he can wait a long periods of time while plotting his sinister plans
He’s a supervillain at heart fr
And as I said before, he exists to cause chaos
I feel like he would literally worship the chaos theory, and he would definitely mansplain it to you
Judd doesn’t believe in god, but he believes in the chaos theory
That’s probably why he’s so into horror, but like a certain kind
He doesn’t really care too much about paranormal or psychological horror
He still watches it, but it’s just not his favourite
What he really loves, is the gorefests
Murderporn if you will
He lives and breathes bloody slasher movies, where people get pointlessly murdered left and right
Literally the more gritty the better
Especially if it’s one of those where all the women gets murdered with their tits out
Horror movies makes him horny help—
No but actually, he’s so annoying to watch them with, because even if it’s a movie he likes HE WILL NOT STOP COMMENTING
starts muttering every other minute about how that flesh wound is not realistic and how it would actually look
How does he know this? You don’t want to ask
But back to the horny part, if you’re dating him, you almost always fuck to horror movies instead of music
If Judd puts on a horror movie, yk what he’s initiating
It’s either that, or he lets you choose the music in his car
Two very subtle, but yet very clear demands of what he wants
Another thing, he loves when you scratch him up
On his chest, on his back, anywhere
Just having those long, red nail marks on his skin does stuff to him
The same with leaving marks on you, he’s so into it
He needs you to be absolutely as bitten and bruised up as you can possibly be
And it doesn’t limit to you, no, no please, bite him back
He’ll love it
(People around you are slightly concerned)
Now I’ve just listed a bunch of things he likes, but like whatever he’s doing, he’s gonna seem super indifferent
He’s just,,, always scowling
My man’s not coded to show joy
Wait okay no, but like he can smile, it just looks unnatural lol
Sometimes, he even laughs (mainly when others are in misery)
But generally, he’s just pretty stoic
And also, he doesn’t truly have that many opinions on stuff
He literally doesn’t care, but that’s kinda expected for someone who’s biggest wish is to go permanently off the grid
Like, he could be delivered the deadliest insult ever, or see a house burning down or something and he would still be like ._.
It takes quite a lot to get him to move his face muscles, is what I’m saying
Generally, it’s gonna take a lot to get him to care about anything
Wow 🤩 more judd headcannons
These were a bit pointless ig, but I enjoyed making them haha, I hope you enjoyed it! And if you listened to the playlist, I hope that was alright too 💪
Tags: @dlfvrr @bxbyyyjocelyn
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serene-sun · 2 years
*I will do papas at some point, I also love that you have no fucking clue what I’m talking about. BUT ITS MY HYPERFIXATION so you are legally obligated to listen to me rant about these beautiful people
18+ for very obvious sexual themes
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𝔰𝖔𝔡𝖔 | 𝔡𝔢𝔴𝔡𝔯𝖔𝔭
Would say he is the most popular, bc well…I mean…he is humping a guitar in the third image…
SHORT, my man is so little, but yk what isn’t little…ANYWAYS
Fire ghoul
Angry 24/7
When on stage he is always touching someone or doing horney shit with his hands
Loves people’s personal space
Lead guitarist, electric white jaguar guitar (I think)
My man is always on the move
Outside of the stage he is very much innocent
Named sodo because he has “sodomizer” tatted across his abdomen, but trust me he is just a little baby fool
Angry tiny goblin
*• 𝔞𝖊𝖙𝖍𝔢𝖗 •*
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Mr. Father of father issued children
Always has his sleeves rolled up
V jumpy
Most energy (yes even more than sodo)
THEM ARMS AND THIGHS can do anything
Have you seen those titties?
Black guitar, white rims, rhythm guitarist
Always jumping
Always fooling around
Always playing around with the other ghouls
Loves to take papas spotlight
Everyone loves him, I mean, come on it’s aether
Something tells me he listens to lady Gaga
Cat man
Loves to play around with sodo, but I think he needs a break from that ever since sodo grabbed his dong on stage, revenge I assume
This guy is just a big teddy bear
This guy loves you no matter what you look like, love, identify as, and he will support you no matter what
I think him and copia have good chemistry
Bros with the ghouletts
Did I mention she jumps?
{ - 𝖘𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖘 - }
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Also known as multi ghoul
Swiss as In Swiss Army knife
Shimmy shimmy
Always on his stage of shame
Someone needs to contain him
Has actually lost his mind
Romantic bastard
ALWAYS smiling
Biggest smile
Older brother figure
Grabbed sodos dong on stage
Plays acoustic guitar, tambourine, and many other things
Multi ghouls bc he does multi things
Shimmy hurt papa?
ALWAYS dancing
Best vocals, let’s be honest, did you hear him in little sunshine and Mary on a cross?? 🦋
You better always be watching, he is either on his knees, dancing inappropriately, doing things, smoking into someone’s mouth, bc if you don’t look he will escape the stage of shame
Handsome boy
He’s allot at once
Best snuggle buddy
Smells like roses
He’s also a liberal, not joking, have you seen his Twitter?
My love flower, I will be back with more, I reached the 10 image limit 😭 this is just a teaser for the real shitz
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Can I request a second time?- if I can't just ignore this.
Baby! scarlet enrolling and first day in bungou preschools. Yk how in the wan! there was a preschool. Dazai the teacher the others preschoolers.
At first, she ignored everyone in school incuding the staff and principal fukuzawa- but after she found out that the school she was in was full of gifted with abilities she had fun with her new school.
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scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader enrolls at bungo stray dogs preschool
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): bsd wan w/ scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader content (scenario + headcanons), possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs, mentions of scarlet witch's powers, and major themes of fluff,
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x reader, dad! gojo satoru x child! reader
hi there, kie :D there isn't really a limit when it comes to requesting, so as long as requests are open, you can request as many as you like! also, thank you so much for requesting and being patient, as well as for tagging me on where i can read bsd wan!! been needing free therapy, but nevermind that, this ain't abt me :P anyway, this is will be the first time im writing for bsd wan, enjoy reading!! ♡
before you read: this is a jjk x bsd crossover, if you're new and interested about knowing more, kindly check the masterlist of the oneshot series above, as well as my pinned post to see what i write about and such!!
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bsd scenario !
"everyone, gather around!"
the preschoolers instantly gathered as per instructed by their dazai-sensei, the junior caretaker of the nursery they each go to. 
"what is it, dazai-sensei?" atsushi was the first one to ask, "are we getting ice cream?"
"are we having juice for lunch?" the other preschoolers held hopeful gazes as kenji inquired next.
"oh, no, no, no." dazai shook his head, softly chuckling, causing the kids to make a sad noise, but that changed when he said, "someone new will be joining us from now on!"
the brunet took a step back and motioned to you, who had been standing behind him since earlier. as their dazai-sensei introduced you, all of the children looked at you with interest and curiosity. you, too, were dressed in the nursery uniform, but yours was scarlet, and you were wearing black shorts, knee-high socks, and school shoes.
"everyone, meet fushiguro [name]-chan!" dazai happily introduced you.
"wah! a new kid!" atsushi exclaimed excitedly along with the other children.
as you stood still, you were inundated with greetings such as friendly "hi's" and "hello's".
"nice to meet you, [name]-chan!" kenji extended his hand for you to shake, but much to his and everyone's dismay, you simply stared at him and his hand, blinking as you maintained a stoic expression; it reminded them of akutagawa as well.
"e-eh? what's wrong [name]-chan? don't you wanna shake kenji-kun's hand?" dazai looked at you with concern, scratching his chin. you simply stared back before averting your gaze, shaking your head 'no' and fiddling with the hem of your nursery uniform.
"[name]-chan seems like a shy kid." chuuya, the older kid of the group, pointed out something that all of the other kids agreed on.
"hmm, it's okay! you don't have to shake my hand if you don't want to!" kenji smiled at you either way as he drew back his hand.
"do you wanna play with us instead, [name]-chan?" atsushi offered, showing you a ball he, kunikida, ranpo, and kyouka had planned to play with before you and dazai arrived.
you simply stared before shaking your head, earning a frown from him and the rest of the kids. after their attempts to get you to talk and play with them, you left to read a storybook from the shelves by yourself in a corner.
"she's not mute, is she, dazai-sensei?" akutagawa tugged on the apron of the caretaker before pointing at you.
"she hasn't said a word since she got here." kyouka said in addition, "is she okay?"
kunikida stated before folding his arms across his chest, "she's kind of like ranpo-kun when he first came here."
"[name]-chan can speak, i assure you. she just spoke to her father a little while ago," dazai replied to the children, recalling how you and gojo said your goodbyes before he left you with him. the brunet's frown deepened as he muttered so quietly that the kids barely heard him. "but when gojo-kun said [name]-chan has trouble with kids her age, i didn't expect it to be this serious."
dazai remembered being approached by gojo satoru, a close friend of his who he likes to think is a "variant" of him due to how similar they are, before you were enrolled and brought to the bungo stray dogs nursery. according to gojo, you are a child he has had custody of for a long time. although you had no problems with gojo, your older brother, and the rest of your family-figures, you become an entirely different person around kids your age, which is quite concerning because you need to interact in order to improve your social interaction with other people and independence.
"then, why isn't she talking or playing with us?" kyouka tipped her head to the side. "does she not like us?"
"what? no! that isn't the case at all. [name]-chan just needs some time adjusting. this is her first preschool, that's all." dazai assured them all with a smile. "which is why i need all of your help. i want you all to be nice to [name]-chan and make her feel like she's just at home, okay?"
"okay, dazai-sensei!" they all chimed.
as time passed, you continued to ignore the other kids, and not just the other kids, but all of the nursery staff, including the principal fukuzawa himself, despite the fact that everyone adored him. when you had to sit with them, you simply sat in the corner or remained completely silent.
the poor kids thought they were talking to a wall around you and almost thought you were mute because you just stared and shook your head 'no' the majority of the time they initiated to do something with you. 
"how's [name]?" yosano, one of the caretakers of the nursery, approached dazai to see him frowning as he stared at you, who was simply sitting on a swing all by yourself while the others were playing in groups of twos and threes. apparently, everyone, including you, was outside in the playground.
"still no luck, yosano-sensei." dazai sighed and ran his fingers through his brown hair.
"i see. the principal is concerned. he hasn't met a kid like [name] before." yosano shook her head, "did her father tell you anything that could help us help her?"
"all gojo-kun said is that she has difficulty mingling with other kids her age; he doesn't know why, but [name] just tells him she doesn't like them," dazai explained briefly.
"there must be a reason." yosano's gaze shifted towards you afterwards before shaking her head.
you were sitting alone on a swing, enjoying the calmness of the wind and the peace of being alone, still ignoring everyone else, when a ball literally flew towards you.
just as you panickedly raised your head in the direction of the voice. when you saw how close the ball was to you, you immediately closed your eyes, deciding to accept your fate instead, but nothing happened. the impact of the ball striking you never arrived. you slowly opened your eyes, puzzled, and found yourself in shock. a white tiger cub was right in front of you, and riding on top of him was that akutagawa-kid, with black tendrils shooting out from his back, completely slicing up the ball intended to hit you.
"akutagawa and atsushi worked together to save [name]-chan?!" the kids were in awe, knowing how the two don't get along very well, and so were dazai and yosano as they ran to get you were just as surprised, but paused to see you interact with the children for the first time (cue yosano pulling dazai by the collar to prevent him for intervening).
"[name]-chan, are you okay?" atsushi, who had just transformed into a white tiger cub, inquired, turning his head to face you only to become concerned. "ahh! did you get hurt?!"
"you have powers too?" you spoke to them for the first time, blinking as tears welled up in your eyes. "you saved me with them too.."
"of course we did. all of us have abilities. dazai-sensei is worried about you, you know." akutagawa scoffed, his gaze averted, but his tone of voice wasn't as harsh. his voice was indeed soft-spoken, as evidenced by the way his next words rolled off quietly. "you shouldn't make him even more worried with you getting hurt."
"h-hey, why are you crying?" chuuya, the older kid, can't help but feel empathy when he sees you, a kid younger than him and the rest of the kids, crying.
you shook your head, frowning. "i didn't know you guys were like me too."
"you're a gifted too, [name]-chan?" kyouka asked, eyes widening.
"mhm," you nodded, a small smile on your lips, as you showed them your hands, which were covered in sanguine red vapors that trailed from your fingertips, eliciting looks of awe from them.
"i have wiggly-woos magic." you said while allowing your red psionics to carry leaves that had fallen from a nearby tree and magically swirl them around you and everyone as you made yourself levitate in mid-air, but you quickly dissipated your chaos magic as you hung your head and landed back on your feet. "kids told me i was weird because of my powers. they think i'm a monster for seeing things that aren't there too."
"what? but, you're so cool!" chuuya exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with interest. "your ability is kind of like mine too! see? see!" as a similar red glow surrounded him, the older kid used his gravity manipulation ability to make himself stick to a branch upside down.
"i agree with chuuya-kun, [name]-chan!" atsushi nodded as turned back into his human-form, "you're not a monster! you're special just like all of us!"
when everyone praised and asked your abilities, you realized you had finally found people who would not judge you, but rather accept you for who and what you truly are, and you had also found a place to belong.
"[name]-chan, show us your magic again!!"
"how do you twitch your fingers like that?"
"can you make me float too?!"
is this why gojo enrolled you to this preschool? to show you how you weren't alone? it must be fate you think as a smile—a genuine smile—had finally broke through your face.
bsd headcanons !
you had finally stepped out of your comfort zone after nearly being hit by a ball while kunikida, ranpo, and atsushi were playing and discovering that everyone has powers like you. you weren't as quiet and ignorant as before, and atsushi and everyone else, including dazai and the rest of the nursery staff, got to see a whole new side of you—the real you.
you were a sweet and bubbly child who always smiled, laughed, and talked a lot. you were a little chaotic, especially with how you liked to zoom and teleport with your chaos magic, but they adored you, your true self. you were enjoyable to be around, just as you found them fun to be with.
you became very close to chuuya, with atsushi coming in second. chuuya was amazed by how similar your and his abilities were. athough dazai and the children thought it was strange for him to be so nice, it did reassure them that the menace older kid does have a kind heart. you and chuuya enjoy demonstrating each other's abilities, and you even made the room anti-gravity once by combining both of your abilities.
atsushi was an absolute sweetheart, always chatting with you and making you feel included by constantly inviting you to join him, kyouka, ranpo, kenji, and kunikida. you and ranpo enjoy reading mystery storybooks; you and kenji love bonding over food and napping together; you and kunikida enjoy drawing; you and kyouka like making animal cut-outs and origamis; and you and atsushi enjoy bonding over odasaku man and stuffies and playing ball with the others.
you might think of naomi and junichiro as a strange sibling pair, but they're nice. naomi enjoys braiding and styling your hair, or at least tries to, but it's all good because you do the same with hers. junichiro enjoys seeing his sister get along with you because naomi is constantly clinging to him. he watches out for you two, making sure you and naomi don't trip while playing.
you found akutagawa difficult to be around, but he's nice to you. at least he's nicer to you than he is to atsushi; he was the one who saved you earlier from being hit by the ball, yanking atsushi along with him to get to you faster. he may not appear to care about you, but he does.
because motojiro is quite chaotic, you actually pair up quite well with him. he enjoys causing havoc with his lemon bombs, and you enjoy causing havoc with your wiggly-woos. you also found higuchi and tachihara fun to play with and talk with, just like you did with atsushi and his friends.
at the end of the day, you were able to make very good progress, and dazai and staff loved to see it, as well for gojo to hear it.
ending / bonus bsd scenario !
after spending hours at the preschool, it was time for you and the children to be picked up by your parents and return home, and as gojo was on his way to get you after finishing his work at jujutsu tech, he couldn't help but smile from afar as he saw you smile and wave goodbye to the other children as they were picked up by their own parent or guardian.
"kikufuku!" gojo yelled and ran up to you, to which you quickly responded by meeting him in the middle and leaving dazai's side. the limitless sorcerer picked you into his arms, twirling you in the air for a few moments before kissing your forehead. "how was your first day?"
"it was fun! i made tons of friends!" you giggled as you wrapped your tiny arms around gojo's neck.
"really? you did?!" he gasped softly.
"indeed, [name]-chan has, gojo-kun." dazai said as he sauntered towards you two, smiling. "she and the kids did a lot of playing and talking today."
"i wanna go here tomorrow again, and again, and again!" you drew away to throw your hands in the air to exaggerate your desire. "i like it here, no, i love it here already!"
gojo is extremely proud of you. you told him not long ago that you didn't want to go to bungo stray dogs preschool and that you didn't want him to leave you there. not only were you able to mingle and make friends with the kids, but seeing you happy and be genuine yourself was all gojo could ask for.
it was more than enough for him.
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rashomonss · 1 year
As I was reading through the movie event, since when I had gotten back into it that was the event I did part of and I wanted to see what happened, I now have a bit more to add for possessive Satan.
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LIKE shbbdwnvddnbs
This isn’t so much a request as it is just me wanting to add more evidence of Satan’s possessiveness on top of the already heaping amount that is already there. LIKE THERE ARE SO MANY INSTANCES.
(Sadly because of the mobile app’s 10 image limit, I will be continuing my simping in my next ask.)
(Also also, like I said earlier this isn’t quite a request as it is an invitation to simp over Satan together.)
he’s so possessive in some events and I live for it, for example the recent star event, like he literally lost his shit and yelled when everyone kept bothering us. meanwhile i was twirling my hair around my finger and giggling
omg and don’t even get me stared on his devilgram cards, please i could talk about them for hours ESPECIALLY his ‘Dressing for the Occasion’ card
at the end when he says he yearns for us body and soul and wants to kiss us to the end of time!? PLEASE I LOST IT I LOVE HIM SM I CAN’T STAND IT
yk what I’ll post some screenshots of that card and tag you bc possessive satan needs to be shared with the world (─ ‿ ─)
also don’t even get me stared on the lvl 20 intimacy call…. I’m not joking I literally combusted
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 7 months
yk, it kind of annoys me when people rag on shinso for "coasting through life with his quirk". like, there are plenty of other valid criticisms of his character in canon (though admittedly i love his fanon characterization a lot bc of my own biases) but that one always gets under my skin. because that's,,, something basically every canon character does? if you have a quirk, youre going to use it, and the metric for which people use to identify a character as "relying on their quirk too much" seem inconsistent at best. even our very own main character midoriya starts relying on his quirk for everything basically as soon as he can use it without hurting himself, and we stop getting those fun moments where he gets to show his intelligence and creativity nearly as often as theyre replaced with "who can punch harder" contests.
also people who claim shinso did no physical training before the entrance exam, or before aizawa picked him up. because as far as im aware,,, thats never stated in canon? i think people are assuming that if he did any physical training, he would've automatically gotten into the hero course, but that's just not true. even if he trained as hard as he physically could, its gonna be basically impossible for a 15 year old who doesnt have a quirk that gives them an advantage to win against enough robots to pass... which is the literal point of the test. and before anyone brings up hagakure or ojiro, ojiro has an extra limb which canonically helps with his destructive power (he uses his tail to destroy things his punches/kicks couldnt multiple times) and professional martial arts training that shinso clearly doesnt have based on how he flailed during his fight with midoriya, and hagakure is invisible so she can easily sneak up on the robots and take the time to find their weaknesses without being attacked. clear advantages.
and even if he did absolutely no combat training, that could easily be a result of the whole quirk-centric society brainwashing everyone that their quirk makes them who they are. that they have to rely on it, and use it as their guide on who/what to become. so the fact that people are so quick to chalk it up to stupidity and arrogance, when it could easily be just a teenager who isnt immune to propaganda being bitter (and admittedly cruel, like i said not a fan of his canon characterization) when he tries to do something good with his "evil" quirk and it doesnt work, or hell any number of hundreds of other explanations, annoys me a bit. (i realize this is probably coming off as more of an angry rant than im intending, but im not actually that upset about it, im just trying to communicate my thoughts clearly.) ultimately, i dont think we have enough info on shinso's character to decide things like that, you know? and i dont think its productive to just decide that one interpretation of the very limited information we have on his thoughts and actions is the canon one, and then bash/praise him for that interpretation.
i think that's also why tagging things as OOC isnt really done anymore unless its egregious, because there are so many interpretations of characters that are close enough to canon that that version of them can be argued, and a lot of times the person who holds that interpretation is truly convinced that version in their heads is canon, to the point that anyone saying it isnt is automatically deemed an idiot who can't read. so its easy to say "people should tag more things as OOC", but it takes a lot to be aware that how you read a character may not be what is actually displayed in the text or what the author intended, and a lot of people only think about how they read the story due to their own biases or creativeness or pet peeves, not the literal reading of the text. its especially hard in manga, when drawings of facial expressions can sometimes be argued to display a number of emotions, thoughts, etc.
and that one post where someone said that shinso would die immediately if he had to fight someone with a weapon, when he wasnt trained, and they were genetically physically immune to his quirk?? like, yeah, obviously??? so would anyone! these hypotheticals are meaningless, because you could easily say "well, what is hagakure had to fight someone with a gun who had heat vision on day one, she'd probably die" or any other random character and scenario. it means nothing, especially since shinso was actively training to get into a school where he would be trained to both use his quirk and what to do when he cant use it. just saying "well he wasnt good at fighting before he got in" is a terrible argument. i agree with a lot of the rest of the post, but that one part baffled and irritated me.
I think Hitoshi’s biggest flaw is that the world building around him sucks. Had he been shown to train and still failed and had we actually been showed that he’s been bullied, his anger would’ve been justified or at least understandable/sympathetic. Instead we have… nothing, which makes him seem like he’s throwing a temper tantrum and/or comes off as entitled. On paper, he’s not a bad character whatsoever, and the same goes for Shota. The main issue with both characters comes from how they’re executed and how they mesh with the world they’re in.
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aechii · 1 year
₍⁠₍ SPEAK NO EViL ₎⁠₎ ~ CH. 2
[ a kylian mbappe series ]
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SYNOPSiS ! it's summer break, where, yes, academic freedom ensues, but for stellar, upcoming young football stars, an unmissable opportunity springs. bondy elite summer academy prepares its youth for the professional world, and inevitably, everybody is hungry to succeed. girl or boy. life isn't kind to 18 year old kylian mbappe, and being mute seems to be a limiting factor of his progress. but once he's accepted into the football camp, he's determined to prove that his football speaks for itself. yet, in the midst of fatal determination and apathetic competitiveness, he doesn't expect to grow intrigue for [y/n], a profound player in the camp's feminine unit, whose kindness and exquisite skill awakens a visceral feeling within kylian, showing him someone else that he could love in a world filled with hate.
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PAiRiNG ! mute!kylian x fem!reader | fem!reader x oc!boyfriend
A/N !  i would like to first sincerely apologise for the super long wait. life's been 🫨 but we move. i just love how i’ve written kylian and ethan’s relationship here 😭 like im over here shitting tears and scraping paints off walls cos they’re honestly too wholesome and the best brothers to exist (canonically and prbly irl but who knows?). brice and kylian’s bromance is BROMANCING, lemme just say; im very proud of the characterisation i’ve established for everyone tbh. anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! things get a little bit more yk 👀 so im very excited for you lot to read this hehehe. tell me your thoughts in my askbox, i’m very eager to know 🤍
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TAGLiST ! [ ask here, those in bold i couldn't tag ] @sad1esgf @ts1mp0ne @fezlvr @ippid @kyksgirl @user6373738 @kenjekwownwjn @lalunaenamoradasworld @mywhimsyjournal @imagesthatlive @heli991113 @cinderellawithashoe
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the moment kylian exits the car, he’s encompassed by a wave of thick disbelief. his eyes seem stitched to the grandeur building that stands before him; it’s all glass, glittering in the sunlight that bleeds incinerating heat upon the earth below, and it sends the boy into a frenzy. hasn’t seen infrastructure that screams money to such an extent.
he flaps a hand in front of his face, fanning himself, although rather futile. brice, from the other side of the vehicle, walks up beside him, crossing his arms as he leans on the door.
“wow… just wow.”
kylian turns to face him, arching an eyebrow, as he signs, “haven’t you been here before? moreover, many, many times?”
they’re in public, and as usual, kylian finds his throat go stagnant and brain go blank, so decides to use his hands instead. he’s ever so grateful for brice’s present at that moment.
“yeah, but,” brice exhales, almost wistfully, “it’s always better in person.”
“you’re right about that.”
kylian’s father rolls his suitcase towards him, dumping his duffel bag on top. a smile, a proud one, is ever present on his face, akin to kylian’s. he knows his father sees himself in him, has so much faith in him, and it’s a driving force of his purpose here. not just for him, but his whole family; a referral is the only thing that gleams in his conscience, knows that he mustn’t let the 5 weeks be in vain.
wilfried puts a gentle, fatherly hand on his son’s shoulder, a grounding gesture that speaks much to kylian’s mind. 
“do well, hm?”
“you mean, like i always do?” a cheshire grin fills his face, and it makes his father laugh.
“yes,” wilfried nods and chuckles, “like you always do, kylian mbappe.”
ethan materialises out of nowhere, hooking an arm over his brother’s shoulder. kylian almost pushes him off, but for the sake of goodbyes and farewells (for only 5 weeks, yes, but he’s never been away from ethan for even half of that), he tolerates his sudden attachment. 
“that hurt, you know?” kylian brusquely signs. ethan removes his arm as he returns a sheepish, “sorry,” before resting his head upon his brother’s shoulder. 
kylian exhales, then limply signs, “i’ll miss you bad.”
“it’s only 5 weeks?”
he looks at ethan incredulously, “only 5 weeks, you say? okay then. don’t call or text me at all.”
“you did not need to go there,” ethan’s response is deadpanned and immediate, making his older brother grin widely. kylian would definitely miss this. life will feel slightly sloped and discrepant without ethan’s constant antics, but kylian knows that his career comes with sacrifices, the most obvious one being stepping out of his comfort zone: the restricting boundaries that sees him remaining inert within the lines of local club football. 
bondy is the light at the end of the tunnel, and kylian just hopes that the journey would be worth it.
ethan snaps him out of his mental dally with a tight side hug, then he realises that it’s time for him to depart and register himself in. beyond a certain point, marked out by a blue roped barrier hanging from gold posts (a colour combination kylian would need to get used to for the next month and more, all in the name of bondy patriarchy), family members are prohibited, and so last words are to be said within the parking lot. 
“i will miss you,” ethan mumbles. evokes a smile out of kylian as he notices ethan’s hesitation, “believe me, i know.”
from behind him, his father urges him to go as a line of participants accumulate, and begins to feel the trepidation press against his heart.
“love you, bro.” ethan signs. his mind screams, ‘don’t go, don’t go, don’t go.’
kylian’s mind shrieks, ‘don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.’
“that referral is yours.”
masks a pained smile behind a light-hearted one, ruffling ethan’s hair as he received a glare back. god, he’ll miss ethan more than he fathomed.
“it is.”
then they fistbump, for the last time.
inside is cool and dry, differing from the hot, humid, sticky air outside that had clung feverishly to skin. the interior structure of the academy puts its external counterpart to utter shame. high ceilings, suspending blue-jewel-embezzled chandeliers, ribbons of gold and royal blue traced in half-wave curves along the walls that seem to be the only thing in this unfathomable-acred campus that don't  abide by the fervid colour scheme. kylian has never seen as many trophies in one glass cabinet (or, rather, walk-in closet; it is massive) as what just stood in the far corner of the foyer. 
“close your mouth, ky,” brice leans in and whispers, snickering. they are unlucky, having to join the right foot of the queue after spending a few extra minutes receiving last minute warnings and advice from their mothers especially. nothing with ill intentions, but rather harsh loving concern. 
kylian immediately shuts his mouth, flushed. brice grins wider, shoving a hand atop kylian’s hair and rubbing it roughly. he’s immediately slapped away and sent on his way with a pointed glare. 
“you're a heathen."
brice snickers, albeit loudly, "right back at you."
they're both taken aback as two boys right in front of them, identical twins they suppose because they look eerily akin, glance behind with looks of confused judgement. the exchange is swift and they turn to face ahead no more than a second later, before huddling close to the other, and swapping whispers. 
their thoughts, though internal, are vehemently blatant to kylian. from a retrospective point of view, he understands– it's as if brice had talked to thin air. he nudges his friend beside, and dejectedly gestures, "sign, please."
brice's understanding is immediate, and rather apologetically, he responds, "okay, sorry." 
"don't be."
they stand and shuffle down the line in silence. it's unlike brice to be wordless for such an extended period of time, but as for kylian, it's second nature. an hour passes, they've only progressed by half of the queue, and its obvious that brice is becoming restless. they haven't sat once, and although kylian had suggested he sit on his suitcase (it was undoubtedly big enough), he refused, saying that it wasn't strong enough to bear his weight. 
"you good, b?"
brice catches him a second too late in his peripheral vision, and asks him to repeat.
"i said, are you good?"
"it's like you're asking me to fight," brice signs humourously, "but yeah, i'm good. just… buzzing with every feeling you could think of."
kylian nods, but brice's words simmer properly, and he then realises what he had said, "every feeling? so you feel… angry, con-"
"why wouldn't i be?"
kylian's delirious, "why… would you be?"
he watches as brice glares at the boys in front of them, and he sighs, "i thought you would've gotten used to it by now, brice."
"you're my best friend— practically practically a brother to me. why would i just let it go, moreover, get 'used to it'?"
kylian notices how his signs get more rapid and hard to decipher. he has a habit of merging two words- subconsciously, he doesn't blame him- or missing out words entirely when he's angry. he stares more intently to understand his friend. 
"i get you. but you're doing more harm than good when you retaliate."
brice doesn't sign back, and huffs begrudgingly. they fall into a prolonged silence once again, and it takes another half an hour before the reach the front counter. 
"welcome to bondy academy! can i please have your names and factions?"
the receptionist is a young woman, probably only 3-4 years older than the two, with honey skin and honey skin and a frizzy afro. kylian looks at her gold-and-blue name tag and sees the name 'genevieve' written in bold black. 
brice gives her a friendy smile, "my name is brice tchaga and his," he points at his friend, "is kylian mbappé. we're both in elite. we’re both in elite."
she nods, typing their names into the computer before again, nodding affirmatively again. she slides a clipboard upon the counter with a pen, and asks them to write their signature next to their name. brice does so, and slides it to kylian, who looks at him and discreetly signs, "i don't have a signature."
"you don't?" brice's face morphs into one of subtle surprise as kylian nods his head. 
"just… make up one. or just write your name fancily, it's not that important here."
kylian is acquiescent, and as brice waits for him to finish writing, he looks up to see genevieve looking at them. her eyes, however, hold no malice, and rather watches them, smiling. 
"you both sign?"
brice's mouth falls agape, "you sign?"
genevieve chuckles, "yeah. my mother is deaf so i had to learn early."
by now, kylian's noticed the exchange between the two, brice turning to him for permission to share his reason. he gives him a look, and brice knows that kylian can handle himself. he's probably happy that he's found a common ground with someone who's not brice, even though she may only be the receptionist. 
"i've been selectively mute for a while, so i talk mostly by signing. brice here is my translator, i guess— wow, now i'm trauma dumping."
kylian is ever-glad that it's practically just the three of them in the foyer, save a couple of bustling workers who are too busy to notice them. 
genevieve laughs heartily, grabbing two gold lanyards from beside her before handing it to the both of them. 
"don't worry, you're good. those are your id and keycards by the way. you lose them, you have no access into your room for the next 24 hours."
kylian scrutinises his and makes a face when he notices the rather unflattering photo they had used. 
"you two are running late now, so i'll let you go," genvieve says. her face suddenly turns stoic, "my only advice is to keep your head down, not everyone here is as nice as i am."
"i did come here expecting the worst, to be honest."
"i'm being practical, brice."
genvieve intervenes, "it's not all that bad. arguably the best football experience you'll ever have before going professional."
she glances at her watch, alarmed, "okay, i really have to let you go now. the conference room is through those doors, down the stairs, and then the first door on your right."
kylian smiles at her, and expresses his gratitude as brice does the same. she dismisses it with a graceful wave of her hand.
"i'll be rooting for the both of you," genevieve chides, then signs, "good luck."
hopeful and with spirits elevated, brice and kylian amble to the conference room. it’s capacity is just as expected, if not larger, occupied by gold-rimmed blue chairs which accommodate several other competitors, in 6 rows of ten. their entrance alerts those already seated, and a few turn around to take a glance. he wasn’t expecting to see all factions congregating simultaneously, observing the range of ages situated around the room. kylian feels the heat of anxiety nip at his skin, and as he and brice stroll to take their seats, he begins to feel nauseous. 
it’s only a few seconds later when a man, with salt and pepper hair and clad in a suit of a colour that quite frankly, kylian is absolutely tired of seeing and it’s only his first day, walks in. his aura of assertiveness is palpable, and as he, along with a few other adults, take their stand on the pulpit before them, the whole room falls silent.
a lean man, dressed in casual sporting gear and first born trainers steps forward, "all rise.'
a ripple of shuffling bodies and chairs permeates around the room. kylian observes his surroundings, analyses how he, along with brice, are one of the shortest boys in the elite faction. he grumbles internally at that. 
the same voice tells them to sit, and the audience obeys, then the room slithers into another deafening quietude. it feels as if it's prohibited to even breathe and kylian can sense his hands gathering with sweat. 
"good morning bondy," the same distinguished man from earlier pronounces, voice detailed with bass, "my name is jacob dubois and it is an utmost pleasure to have all 60 of you here; i hope the appreciation is reciprocated."
a few nods come from the kids around him and slight relief washes over kylian as he realises that they are free to move. 
"you all have been selectively chosen to come here. we didn't choose random aspirants, but ones who show passion, determination and most of all, potential." 
kylian's fingers tingle with excitement. he's here for a reason. 
"thus, we expect all of you to follow our ethos with pride."
formalities extend for more than half an hour, kylian feels his buttcheeks ache and has had to nudge brice awake numerous times. 
"did you not sleep?"
"i did," he signs back sluggishly, "this talk is always boring."
kylian can't deny that, shaking his head with a small grin. 
as the clock strikes 11am, an hour since they had entered the room, the director finally graces them with the technicalities of the regime itself. 
"your 5 weeks here will be filled with training, educational trips, end-of-week assessments and, most importantly, improvement. you're expected to be up at 5am everyday-"
murmurs erupt, mostly by the younger factions, and mr dubois brings a palm up to silence them. 
"-and curfew is at 9pm. anybody who is seen outside of their accommodation past this hour will be punished."
he waits for any objections, doesn't get any, and proceeds. 
"today is your first day of training. you'll first be taken to your rooms where your kit will be, then receive a tour of the campus. all factions will congregate in their designated parlour where their head coach will give itineraries, and tell you what to do next."
"who's ours?" kylian asks brice, and he shrugs, "dunno. i was asleep at that part."
rolling his eyes, kylian shifts his focus back to the man behind the pulpit. 
"i wish all of you the best, and may the best 3 get their referrals."
a round of applause ensues as the line of coaches upfront move towards where they were sat, and, kylian guesses she's the junior faction's head coach, a tall woman with blond hair orders the kids sat right at the front to stand. they leave the room with their rolling luggages and the rest move into hushed, murmuring chatter. 
"that was long for no reason," brice stretches his neck as he signs, yawning. 
"i know, but sleeping? i thought you said you got 8 hours."
"well, i could barely sleep for 5. my aim was 8."
kylian brings a hand to brice's head, pushing it down to his shoulder. 
"sleep for a bit, something's telling me we'll be here a while."
the boy snuggles in immediately, whispering a 'thank you', in which kylian just pats his knee in response. 
by the time they're summoned, it's been another half hour. kylian taps brice awake, signalling at the suitcase, grateful that brice catches on quickly. his stomach churns in hunger, yet knows they won't be eating for while. 
their head coach, kylian comes to learn, is coach moreau; dark-skinned, averagely talk with dark facial hair. he's not as intimidating as mr dubois, but both kylian and brice can smell his sternness from a mile away. 
"your rooms are on the other side of campus so we'll have to walk to get there. at the lobby, i'll give you your door numbers and you can find your way. please keep your keycards safe, you hear?"
they all nod, and some verbally express their affirmatives.
"good. let's go."
their amble is a good 5 minutes, and both boys, at the end, don't see the need of having a tour. they had passed everything they could think of, and they wonder just what more bondy could have. 
the accommodation is a sleek mini apartment complex, in kylian's words, and seeing as though it only seemed to have one floor, he's unsure if it'll fit all 20 of them. the main door is cut from space grey tempered glass and two security men stand mightily at the entrance, greeting coach moreau, shaking hands.
he then turns towards them again, "feminine and masculine units are separated. this building is for the boys and the girls' complex is behind this one."
kylian ignores the defeated sighs that come from a few boys in front of them as brice glances at him.
"get settled and dressed in your kits by," he checks his watch and gives a reasonable time, "12.15. do not wear your boots indoors, at all, so please keep them in the string bag we've provided for you. let's start rooming you lot."
pairs of names are stated with their room number and little by little, the group breaks off. kylian and brice's names come last, and they are given the number 5b.
they move towards the elevator, waiting for it to come back down. the metal doors slide open and they shuffle inside, kylian just about catching the sight of the girls leaving as the doors shut again. 
brice releases an exaggerated sigh, "i need sleep."
"we've got a whole day ahead of us, if you're able to, you should buy some lucozade at lunch."
brice shakes his head, "i stay clear of those things, mr addicted-to-energy-drinks."
kylian huffs, throwing his hands in the air, "i'm not addicted, i just have one a day."
"have or need?"
kylian throws him a deadpanned look as the elevator opens, giving him the middle finger. brice snickers and follows him out, both looking at the doors they pass for their room. they reach the end of the corridor before finding it, and brice uses his card to open the door. 
"holy. fucking. shit."
brice drops the handle of his suitcase, rushing in like a child gone feral at a candy shop. kylian rolls his eyes as he picks it up, but then freezes when he notices the interior. 
the entire space as soon as they enter, is an enormous area of the living room. it's just about bigger than brice's own bedroom back at home (which, in turn, is much larger than kylian's) and everything feels too fresh to touch. a colour scheme of dark grey and white occupies the space, a large bondy logo  stuck on an empty wall in dark blue. 
"i'm surprised they didn't dump a bright gold sofa here," brice teases, and kylian hums in agreement, "with you on that one. i'm getting tired of seeing those colours, i swear."
brice opens one of the doors, notices that it's the bathroom, then closes it again. 
brice goes to the one not far from the one he had just opened and storms inside screaming, "dibs this one!"
that triggers kylian, who runs to the room, completely astonished at the size. there's no way in hell that the other one's bigger. 
brice jumps back first upon the bed, closing his eyes in bliss, " 've missed these beds."
kylian leans on the door frame, watching his friend in faux disdain, "didn't even give me a chance to fight for this room."
"it doesn't work like that, ky."
"you're sick."
he moves back upright, walking to the room beside brice's, and is succumbed by shock. 
just what more surprises does bondy have?
his room is marginally larger than his friend's, a large king sized bed, protruding outwards from the wall situated to his right. a white desk sits near the window, which overlooks the bondy campus, and beside that, a white-washed timber wardrobe. 
he grants brice the peace of mind at the moment, smirking to himself, and shuts the door quietly as he moves into the room. on the bed is a navy blue string bag, and kylian picks it up. the material is light yet sturdy, feeling the thin material of his kit inside, then he tugs it open. 
the attire is navy blue, with one thick gold stripe running vertically on the left, the crest sitting right on top. he smiles warmly as he turns it around and sees his surname etched in gold as well. there's no number. he's the number 7 in his club, and knows he needs to prove that he's worthy of it here. 
he changes into his kit and glances at the clock. it reads 12pm, and kylian exits his room to retrieve his case just his friend does the same. 
"i feel expensive," brice chides, kylian agreeing. he's also clad in his kit, everything completely identical apart from the name scribbled on his back. 
"we only have 15 minutes to unpack," kylian informs as brice wheels his suitcase into the room. 
"i probably won't do all of it– only half."
they both sort out their wardrobe, almost getting carried away as brice barges into kylian's room telling him that they have 2 minutes to spare. they decide to take the stairs this time, woe betide them they leave their keycards, and reach the lobby just as coach moreau gets there too. 
through the glass door awaits the feminine half of their faction, already socialising as a group, and kylian feels his chest dip. he tries not to think about it too much, afterall, he has brice, and it'll be very unlike his friend to ditch him for someone else during their say. 
coach moreau moves them outside before talking, "we'll begin the tour down the south wing- here- before moving towards north. i hope all of you are ready because this campus is big."
brice leans into kylian and whispers, "you don't say." kylian breaks into a smile, pushing his friend gently. 
during the hour the spend walking- walking!- around bondy's grounds, kylian's brain overspills with information that flies into his ear and out the other. salvages as little as the fact that south wing consists of their dorms, from junior to elite, and leisure spaces whereas its north counterpart inhabits the main and training pitches, every type of hall you could think of, separate parlours for factions to bask in and the canteen. 
brices legs are completely spent, kylian's no different, and once they make their way into their designated space, brice wastes no time to sit on the blue settee. 
"okay everybody, take a seat," coach moreau's voice comes from behind the bunch. they all find a place to sit as the man stands at the front. 
“since i’m sure not everyone knows each other here, we’ll do short introductions. you can state your full name if you want, and what club you currently play for,” his eyes scan the room. the passion is definitely there, that’s undeniable, and coach moreau can see more potential than he ever has. “football is not just about skill and playing, but forming relationships with your teammates, as well. remember, bondy is competitive, but do not let it get to your heads, okay?”
a chorus of ‘yes coach’ follows, and he smiles at the teenagers before him. kylian’s brain seems to go stagnant and he feels scorched all over. he hadn’t planned for this, isn’t prepared. brice looks at him, silently asking if he’s okay, but he doesn’t find it in him to respond. before brice could initiate his concern, verbally, their coach is speaking again.
“alright, we’ll go clockwise, i’ll start; i’m coach moreau and i’ve been coaching here for about 20 years now. i’m normally accompanied by coach lambert, who teaches the feminine unit, but she’s been off for the past few hours. she should be back for training later today.”
the next boy starts to speak. he’s tan skinned, with dark brown hair that’s completely shaved into a buzzcut, “i’m zion saez and i play for l’aigles.” 
the girl beside him shoots him a grin, and he returns it. if anyone present was any dumber, it would be unknown that they’re a couple. they try to be discreet, but their fleeting, prolonged touches sell them out. 
“i’m [y/n], and i also play for l’aigles,” zion’s girlfriend states after. a girl beside her begins her introduction, and before kylian could fathom, it’s his turn. he doesn’t speak- for god’s sake he can’t- and the silence is nibbling at his ears. 
“boy, it’s your turn,” coach moreau’s voice penetrates into the room. everyone’s staring, their eyes dig into his skin, and he brings his hands up to sign. he’s shaking, but hopes that brice can determine it good enough.
“i’m kylian, and i play for loc.”
no one makes a sound afterwards, and his heart collapses in on itself. coach moreau looks at him, his eyes speak of something he cannot understand, then a voice comes from his far left. 
“can you not speak?” his tone is almost degrading, and the humiliation that permeates through kylian is an understatement. 
“he’s mute,” brice seethes, “there’s no reason to be rude about it.”
the boy doesn’t respond, staring at brice with his face crumpled in scorn, and kylian nudges him to let it go. an expectant, yet awkward silence commences, and kylian has to nudge brice again, knowing that in his state of anger, his self-awareness is absent. 
“brice. i play for toc too.”
coach moreau’s gaze interchanges between zion and brice, then he says, “what i said before isn’t a joke. football is about respect, and you’re taught that from early, or am i lying?”
there’s no reply, and he repeats himself, louder and miffed, “am i lying?! zion? brice?”
a collective, murmured ‘no coach’ comes from the both of them, and coach moreau hums. 
“i’m glad i’m being heard. let’s go to lunch.”
their first training session succeeds after their lunch break, in which the meal was a simple plate of pasta, but kylian had to get seconds. the more bondy surprises him, the more he thinks there’s a catch. privilege cannot come so effortlessly and also have him running scot-free; he leaves that thought for his future self, though. 
coach moreau has gathered them at the centre of one of the training pitches, with the feminine unit on another with coach lambert, after an exertive warm-up and drills ensemble. 
“i feel like i’ve played a full 90,” brice complains to kylian as he stands beside him. his friend pats his shoulder apologetically.
“since it’s your first day, i think a good game of 5-a-side will really establish the skill we have in this team, don’t you think?”
a cacophony of excited cheers and hollers come from the boys and adrenaline finally pumps within kylian. 
“team one will have…” he scans his clipboard, “brice, joel, kylian, rafael and kody. the rest of you on team two, get yourself some green bibs, you’ll be shooting to the goal on my right. let’s get going boys.”
kylian and brice get in position as they wait for the opposing team to situate themselves. once they do, the game begins with the shrill sound of coach moreau’s whistle, and kylian is already dashing for the ball. it’s passed to someone else on the green-bib team before he can reach it, and as brice is closer, he’s able to tackle it off the boy. he passes it back to kylian, who makes a run for the goal.
his speed gives coach moreau whiplash, he has never seen such like it; it’s almost an art to watch, elegantly swift and gets faster with every metre he runs. he circles kylian’s name and goes back to watching the game, just quick enough to notice zion barge into kylian with such vigour that he tumbles out of the pitch. he pushes his whistle between his lips and blows it forcefully. 
everything happens with hastened velocity. kylian is quick to regenerate himself, standing up and immediately shoves zion’s back with all his strength. his sides throbs with a dull ache from the collision prior, yet all he sees is red as zion’s face comes uncomfortably close to his, lips stretched in a sickening smile as he taunts kylian. 
“what are you gonna do, huh? you can’t even talk, you fucking freak.”
then he’s dragged away by coach moreau before his fist can even come close to zion’s cheek.
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cosmobrain00 · 6 months
ok pt.1 of the official time travel break it insanity post tht will only be slightly coherent: GO!!
(n bf we start, this is going off of the assumption its a single person traveling back in time, bc it would be a whole other discussion w multiple ppl)
first off, as I said in my tags, I see sm ppl think its going to be a true “solution" when a v fallible character, who usually can only know So Much of their own experience goes back to "fix things", when in reality, most times the potential for it to be way WORSE is like. Right There. ESP when they keep this fun fact to themselves n will Not say anything to anyone for guilt reasons, pride reasons, or bc they simply think its for the “best”, etc, bc we all know the best way to “fix smthing” is to keep it to ourselves n only allow our biased view of smthing to direct our actions, right?
(also side note to this, but its ironic how smtimes trying to avoid things is the best way to literally make it Worse, but I digress)
anyways, maybe this isnt wht ppl were expecting, but I think a rlly under explored element of time travel “fix its”, it the absolute memory fuckery tht could arise due to it. u think a character who’s probs been thru smthing awful enough tht it requires time travel to fix it is going to be at their best? haha no. definitely not. no matter how many notebooks they keep, no matter how many things they try to retain, how r they going to rmber evrything? will they be able to step outside of themselves n see tht harmless butterfly effect tht screwed evrything ovr in the first place? probably not, esp if they go at it alone. n yk, just bc a character has gotten "older" n possibly "more mature", doesn't mean they'd come at this level headed a lot of the time, esp depending on how severe evrything ended up- n also btw, wouldnt it be hard to keep both timelines "straight"? wht has/ hasn't happened yet? stuff like tht
(also ik its a “situation to situation” thing but for now this is simply a general post ok? ok.)
n this, ofc, can lead to two of the biggest elements: paranoia n the fear of being “too late” once again, which. wow. perfect combo to absolutely ruin evrything once again, huh?
paranoia could be abt their own mental state, could be abt the ppl arnd them (even if they r, in fact, doing this all for them), could be even abt the smallest things tht end up snowballing into an actual Thing, n ofc, paranoia tht they r going to fail again n tht they r ultimately running a race against time itself, which is true, but also, best way to fuck evrything ovr again or worse is to pressure urself w a deadline, even if in a way, its unavoidable.
I have a LOT more to say, but, tldr for this section: most characters r ultimately human w limited knowledge, even if they r aware of events from the future, causing them to act on their biases, possibly regress back into bad habits, break their relationships even further due to their fear, paranoia, etc, as well as pressure themselves to “make a move” bf its too late, which ultimately could lead them into fucking things up even further/ sooner n making an even bigger mess of the situation. n I havent even dived into the inaction bit of this, among several other things yet. LMAO
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yutaleks · 3 months
weirdly enough, gojo is like sasuke to me .-.
i don't mean personality wise, it's just a very personal thing where i would dislike sasuke because everyone and their mother would cream over him and write fanfics where... idk i just thought he was a douche yk (<- the reason why that didn't happen with naruto is because i had a childhood crush on him + literally the first scene i saw with sasuke was him trying to kill naruto so.. that wasn't a good meet cute for sauce gay and me yk) (<- <- the reason that didn't happen with kakashi (who also has that gojo effect thing imo when it comes to how the fandom thinks/interacts with his character) is bc i was 10 so i had the chance of not living the Kakashi Experience first hand)
and that's honestly the same thing with gojo, he irritates me so much somehow DHSHAD but also i think he's like sasuke to me in the way that, once i was "forced" to roleplay as sasuke (long story), i decided "well imma still be in character since i'm a GOOD roleplayer" yk? so i started thinking more and more about how he'd feel and think, his life etc, and that made me portray a sasuke that was accurate and well-liked (from what i gathered at least, and i really hope that was the case), but also that helped me separate him from the vision the fanworks i had consumed had made of him, idk if it's clear?
i mean if people wanna make sasuke ooc they should go for it, it just made me hate him as a character so that's just me LOL
and anyway i was thinking "hmmm i really wanna write a satosugu" when... tbf i don't really care about geto (he's interesting as a character but i don't care much about ANY jjk character tbh dshdhs except toge and maybe noritoshi), and honestly i just highly dislike gojo because of all the noise there is around him (Underrated Character Fan Behaviour 101 ik ik)
i just really like the dynamic and story of stsg, it's tragic lovers 101, especially with the last line gojo tells geto, that we don't hear but ykw i've read so many posts about it being "i love you" and how it's a curse/not a curse depending on the pov, it's driving me insane (/pos)
but yeah i was thinking i wanted to write a stsg and usually my fics dive more into the psychological aspect of things than just some light-hearted shit, and even if it's light hearted i need me some character analysis yk? and anyway that made me think "wait. that's basically what happened with sasuke. so... i don't hate gojo (i knew i didn't hate HIM tho), i just hate how the fandom loves him and i just wanna play with my new barbie on my own" LOL
tldr i'm a hater
LOL that’s funny to come to a realization that way!! Tbh the way that these popular characters are written is often time off-putting and will turn you off from them. I love Sasuke to bits but I don’t dare step into the fic tags lest I be subjected to toxic and abusive relationships 💀 I think Sasuke’s written a lot better in sns ship fic (tho maybe I’m just biased haha). I think I’d say the same for gojo tho I haven’t read a lot of reader insert fic I just see a lot of it in passing / hear about it from gojo-loving moots. Maybe for characters such as these it’s better to form your own opinion and not take into account the fandom perception of the character… like I love gojo but I don’t really interact with the greater gojo fans yk? Same with s*susaku oriented Sasuke fans, since they are always dead wrong about him 💀
I’m definitely very protective of Sasuke in my mind like. Only people who are right about him can play with the Sasuke doll. To everyone else he’s off limits. LOL
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thesalemwitchtries · 7 months
Daredevil WIP Snippet
Alright, so I've written a few fics in the past, and only ever posted one, but I've been working on a Daredevil idea for a little bit, and I've never posted anything here, but I want to just go for it. Like, it's fun, also who cares, yk?
I mean objectively the idea is fairly self-indulgent to my interests lately, but that's also why I like it so much. There's a technopath reader character, who will be given a name and conditionally uses they/them pronouns. There will be some awkwardness from her as she was raised in isolation, and also occasional themes of depersonalization due to her powers, I'll tag all of that to be safe.
Hopefully I'll do it, I'm gonna post this snippet just to like, create something to hold myself accountable with later.
But also that means I'll have to actually figure out how to use tumblr... huh. Mostly idk how to format text at all.
Snippet below, feedback encouraged and appreciated <3
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Charlotte called it Syncing: taking an imaginary leash off of her consciousness and allowing it to float away, dissolving from physical sensation, from her emotion and identity, she became it, more than Charlotte and less than human. 
There was no real feeling to it at all. She was, then it was, and together they were, no pause or breath between states, but Syncing seemed like the closest anyone could come to knowing what death felt like. The body stayed behind, just enough electricity to keep the meat fresh and responsive, cardio-vascular systems operating at a typical resting capacity. 
The soul though, transformed, ascended into Cyberspace and stretched itself wide and far, the way they were meant to be. 
World Wide Web was a shockingly apt name to come from people who couldn’t see this dimension the way that they could. Beams of light flashed the binary patterns of ones and zeros, altogether making up the vastness of human existence as it could be known so far.
Governments, banks, every old lady posting photos of their grandchildren on Facebook, it all was there, tangled together through pathways like wires, data connections forming junctions in a large spider's web. 
For the most part, Charlie experienced the Cyberspace as a place beyond both tangibility and sense, there wasn’t anything to see or hear unless they traveled to a connection that represented a camera or microphone in the Real world. Instead they operated through feeling, a superior knowing that they had always had within the Cyberspace. 
In the Real, it took Charlie years to learn code, here they wove it together like Arachne, no doubt or struggle, chains of code and subroutines molded exactly as they wished. They were the sole inhabitant and queen of an entire universe, this dimension of information, where they could create and do without limit. 
It was here, a place of life beyond breath, that they had found it. 
Charlotte had wanted a copy of some schematics, so she Synced and they began to search through data connections of the inventor, routing the plans away to her own meticulously guarded network to study back in the Real. Just as they were about to De-sync, they found it— a data connection that felt wrong. 
Hastily tied and weak, like it didn’t belong and was ready to disappear without a trace at a moment’s notice. 
Wires, strands, and connections often reflected the way that they were created outside of the Cyberspace, viruses and bugs had a particular way that they were knotted and attached to the main web, and this wire was a classic Shadow. Shadows were fairly common, almost every system had a few things locked further away from the Main Web than usual. They required caution though, as many belonged to the Law, and others to people operating Illegally.
Creating a subroutine to follow the strand of information to its other possible connections, they found it was something illegal, leading to various husks and shells— empty connections that were meant to fool anyone searching. That would work for others, accessing the Cyberspace from the Real, but they couldn’t be fooled, not here. 
More subroutines spun from their fingers, traveling down the strands and across numerous connections, dipping through security feeds and into microphones. They found empty offices, an upscale apartment, warehouses with people all in rows, a group of women screaming by the docks. 
While they couldn’t feel or sense while Synced, the part of them that was her identified what was as close to a sinking sensation as could exist outside of the Real. This was bad, evil, rotten. This Shadow was just one fragile part of a larger section of the Web, one that twisted and decayed, spreading flesh-viruses across the Real. 
Charlotte had to stay hidden, couldn’t let others notice that she was here, that they could do so much. Still, they could do so much, they could help, and so they must help. They refused to be like others that they had known, who looked at her with pity and remorse and yet never helped.
They would do something, just a little at first, and then keep an eye on things. 
Searching through the Shadow they dissolved the extra subroutines, coming across the perfect piece of bait. One file, loosely tethered but linked to all of the wrongness built here. They made a copy, innocuous, and tacked it to an email from one of the flesh-viruses to an account that was unconnected to all the wrongness. The date and time were modified, all traces of their tampering erased, and they De-synced, returning to the weary body.
The next morning, Karen Page checked her email, and opened the attached file labeled ‘Pension_Master’.
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wallywestwonderer · 11 months
Since Twitter seems to be flocking over here I’ve decided to post the Twitter thread I posted on here to help the small lost birb children navigate this app.
So this is a thread on how Tumblr works!!
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First off, download Tumblr and create a Tumblr account with an email/phone number.
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Once created, your page will appear like this. More plain and generic than mine, but this is the view of it on a phone.
The top of your screen there is three options, basically the equivalent of a timeline on Twitter.
- Following is the TL for accounts you follow (self-explanatory)
- For you is a mix of tags you interact with often/Tumblr recommends
- Your tags is posts from tags you follow.
“What is a tag? How do you follow one?”
A tag is just a normal hashtag you add onto a post. If you search a tag as shown below (no need to add the #), you can find it on the Your tags TL.
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This feature is very good for when you don’t want to interact with content you dont like!
“How do you write posts?”
Click the blue pen button on the bottom right if your screen. When you’re done creating a post, just click the Post button. You can edit your posts btw (for free). There are many features that help you customise your post:
- “Add tags” is for #’s. Make a new tag by doing a comma or just doing the return button.
-The letters allows you to tweak the size/typography of your blog.
-GIF and images are self explanatory
- The headphones allow you to add audio to your posts.
- Check list button is for polls
- The next feature can be called the “page break” feature. When you add this feature to a post, whatever you put after it will not be shown and can only be seen if you click the “Keep Reading” button picture like shown below.
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It’s very helpful for long blogs (as Tumblr does not have a character limit) and for spoilered content you wanna post.
- the last button is how you display the post, if it’s for everyone/mature audiences.
“How do you interact with a post/account you like?”
You can forward, comment, reblog (equivalent of retweet/quote retweet) and like a blog.
The number of notes is the number of likes, comments, and reblogs with and without comments combined. Click on the notes button to read them all.
Reblogging is fairly simple, all you do is click the reblog button next to the comment button and you can add on words/images/tags etc or simply just hit the “Reblog” button.
To clarify, a reblog is just like retweeting. A reblog with “comment” on it, is a quote retweet. Yk?
When you click the notes button, you can scroll through the likes and comments, and order the comments from oldest to newest. You can also scroll through reblogs and sort them from reblogs with comments and tags, just comments, or just a normal reblog.
“How do I customise my profile?”
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This is your profile page. My username is wallywestwonderer, but my “title” is Cece.
A title does not have to be your name, it can be anything. A title will appear in a lighter font under your username when you like/reblog something. Not when you comment tho.
At the top of your profile you’ll see this.
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- Where your username is, you can switch in between accounts/blogs.
- Where the paint holder is, you can edit your profile’s layout, such as it’s pfp, background, fonts and even colours. Way more customisable than Twitter iwl.
In Settings you can edit your account, and make your whole account, likes and following private or public!
You can also see these at the bottom of your screen.
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Most of these are self explanatory, Home is Home page, search is search function, the middle is Tumblr Live (… don’t trust it.), speech bubble face is your inbox, shoulder bust head is profile.
Your inbox includes a notifs section you can sort out and a DMs section where you can ignore and block all of the weird bots.
“What does the Ask me Anything button do?”
That is the ask submission feature of Tumblr!! Ask submissions are basically the built curiouscat/google form. If someone has this on their account page, they have allowed anyone to ask them something and they can reply to it as a regular post!
You can click the button, ask a question, and even submit it anonymously by selecting the button at the bottom of the ask.
To activate your own asks, go to Settings and edit the two highlighted options to your liking. Ignore the Blaze thing tho it’s not relevant to the asks.
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Anyways, I think I’m done. There’s this great post by @lastoneout about Tumblr etiquette and it sums it up pretty well. We’re a very toxic free environment so it’s very fun and relaxing to interact with everyone, especially when it’s so easy to only see what you wanna see.
But yeah, uh follow me I need more moots and welcome to the better fandom hellscape!
21 notes · View notes
thegamingcatmom · 4 days
Hello, I've been reading a lot of your stuff about the Denali sisters and also read your first chapter too (Very good btw) I have to say I love the Denali sisters, Tanya especially but I am conflicted because I feel as if the way people see them is very different from how I imagine them, and hey that is alright because to each their own and in the end we write/read many times to comfort ourselves. Thing is, when are we crossing a line here? I love what you're doing, love their wild side, their more predatory way of seducing reader (who in my mind is their mate, weather we believe in mate stuff or not is a whole diff story but thats my reasoning behind choosing reader) but we're facing stuff ehre like kidnapping, abducting and only the writer knows what more is in store for poor reader, and that in my eyes is not a healthy relationship, is making them (my fav characters in this case) to be hella toxic and shit and though I'm loving all your HC's and loving the chapte, even wanting to read more to see where it leads as I said I can't help but feel sad because falling in love is one thing but this is just pure idk, instinct? I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma of sorts, like ofc I know this is fiction ands tuff but yk I think way too much over things that I shouldn't. Idk if that made any sense because it's hard to put into words what I mean and I suck at explaining stuff, a clsoed book would be easier to read than me lol. I understand vampires are intense,a re possessive and jealous but to what extent? ANYWAY i'm sorry for this long ass ask and I hope it doesn't bother you the things I said? if it did I'm really sorry I didn't ask any of this with ill intention, I'm honestly curious. Have a good day <3
Hello there!
First of all: Thanks a lot for your very honest opinion on this and that you felt comfortable enough to reach out to me. Critisism is important and always very much appreciated. 🫶
I also wanna thank you for complimenting the stuff I´ve done so far, I´m really happy you like it! <3
I agree with you that ppl view them differently, and that´s absolutely alright. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and, sometimes, that opinion vastly differs from ours or how we´ve come to understand someone else´s view on them. Which, again, that´s absolutely alright.
Now to the story I´m writing:
You correctly stated that it´s not a healthy relationship, at all. (Not at its current stage, at least.) However, this was entirely my intention when I started writing it. I want the sisters to come across as these feral, instinct-driven beings who more or less turn a blind eye to MC´s struggles (at first). That´s the great thing about fanfiction: You´re not bound/limited to canon. You can go absolutely wild and try out things and storylines you´ve always wanted to see playing out. This is me going absolutely wild.
Does that mean I see the Denali sisters solely as masochistic, sadistic beings who only have their own interests at heart? Absolutely not. (Something that becomes more clear as we progress further with the story.) This is merely a different take on them. I still very much see them as your loving girlfriends/mates/wives who´d do absolutely anything for you...in an alternate universe. (At least with how things currently stand.) 😅
I´ve always been drawn to darker topics that really question the morality of it all. I´m aware that this is not for everyone, and that´s totally fine. But that´s what tags and warnings are for. If you feel like this story isn´t for you, then I kindly ask you to skip this one. I´d be very sad to lose you as a reader, but I´d absolutely understand your reasoning for it. ❤️
"I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma"
You hit the nail right on its head here, actually. This is exactly what I had in mind right from the start when it comes to MC. Reader will NOT be this naive, foolish girl easily brainwashed into doing the sisters´ biddings. I myself don´t find such a storyline appealing either. I love MCs who fight back, who come out on top despite everything they´ve been put through. Reader won´t fall in love with any of them for a long, long, long time. Which also means there won´t be anything physical going on, aside from Tanya´s pesky advances, lol.
Speaking of: No matter how persistent any of the sisters get, there won´t be any non-con stuff. Not in a way that causes MC harm *points to Tanya´s unwanted advances*. This is a line I don´t wanna cross. Any advances towards MC will be written in a way that (hopefully) comes across as both spicy AND hilarious. Something like Tanya getting a book thrown in her face for trying to steal a kiss, lmao. (Which is very likely to happen btw. MC is a lil spitfire.)
So, what I’m really asking is for you to have a bit of faith in me and my writing, and to wait for the next chapter, where the sisters will officially be introduced, before you give up on this story. It will get feral and instinct-driven at times, yes. But there´s more to it and to the sisters.
Next chapter might just give an insight into that already. ;3
To sum it up: This story will be less about falling in love and more about becoming a better/the best version of yourself.
This is what we´re aiming for:
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Fingers crossed we gonna make it there! 🤞🤞🤞
Thanks again for your very elaborate and valid ask. ❤️
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astronomical-bagel · 5 months
what are your favourite things to see in dragon designs, or in worlds that feature drsgons? im curious :}
!! Well my friend gave me the new wof ‘guid to the dragon world’ book for Christmas so I am PREPARED for this question!!
one of my favorite things ever is just to see how a dragon is suited to its environment— not just wof, but all brands!! Drakes that have no wings but are expert runners, tundra dragons with different ways of dealing with the cold— with either fur or other methods which are barely (if at all) scientifically plausible. I just like the different types and learning them all!! As of right now I’m really biased towards tundra dragons bc i really like ice wings lmao, but I also love the variety possible with dragons living in the ocean— I mean, there are so many different kinds of fish to base them on!!
Mainly in dragon designs I like to see a mishmash of different animals combined with maybe a little bit of camouflage to their environment— for instance, if I were to make my own design for ice wings I might their talons a bit more like polar bear paws, while other ice wings might have tails like seals for markings like orcas. I like variety within a species of dragon, if you couldn’t tell.
and in worlds that feature dragons, I really like it when they go over their relationship to other animals or humans!! Are other animals of the same mental caliber to dragons? Can they have conversations with with a snake or perhaps a crocodile? Do the dragons discover any methods of communicating with humans? Do they become friends? I would love it if they became friends 🥺
(in fifth grade I obsessively read the equivalent of horse girl books but for dragons. Yk, girl meets wild creature, they understand each other, girls family says NO WAY but in the end the girl and the dragon’s bond is tested in some way and the family is like NVM it can stay) (I just realized I could have shorted this my like 100 words if I just said “you know, like how to train your dragon” but WHATEBER)
And of course, I love dragon culture. How do dragons dance? What do their instruments look like? I saw someone create a design for dragon puppets that I ADORED (can’t remember the name but if you loo through my ‘bagel loves dragons’ tag you should find it somewhere bc I went on a ramble in the tags LMAO). And what sorts of religions do they have as well, and how is it affected by their environment? In Wof, the Pantalans worshipped Clearsight bc of her prophecies, but in other worlds like totk (or going to a real religion like the Buddhist pantheon) the dragons are servants to a higher power! and oh I just like dragons so much. Sometimes it gets dicey bc there aren’t too many limits on what a dragon is (me and a friend of mine once got in an argument over whether something could have a dragon or dinosaur (not smth real, just art) because we have differing autisms and we both had to just sit down away from each other bc we were so unnerved by what the other thought), but anyways I just love anything dragons and it’s so hard to define what my favorite things on dragons are because I like them ALL!! It’s more easy to say what I don’t like (overly cartoony, implausible proportions, ugly colors. Also lots of cartoonists give dragons an insane underbite for some reason?? That one isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker but it confuses me)
also a little bit ago someone asked my about my hc wof au AND I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET I just got nervous ❤️❤️ I will talk about it more later and hopefully I’ll have art but I want to practice other dragons first bc it’s been a hot minute
thank you so much for the ask, taco, I had so much fun thinking about dragons and I need everyone to know that I love them sososo much and they are always on my mind for ever and ever
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