#There's only one other medication in that drug family that seems to have similar dosages
quijotesca · 2 years
Well fuck.
It turns out that my ADHD medication sold so poorly that it’s been discontinued and that’s why I can’t find it anywhere. It was only approved last year, too.
Just when I thought things were getting better.
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years
Detectives By Chance: Chapter 4- Seeking and Chasing
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? I finally completed the 4th chapter, phew. I am really sorry for the delay, It has been some time ( a month to be precise). But I hope that you enjoy reading this💛. Thank you for all the love that you have given the earlier chapters and I love you all very much 💛
Thank you so very much @ohramsey​ for everything. I love you x infinite and I will miss you so much😭🤍❤
Series Summary: It was supposed to be a usual weekend for the four. Coffee, fun, friends and love. But an unexpected case changed their lives in a way they had never imagined. A mystery - a murder - many secrets… Will Ethan, Pooja, Alexandra and Mark, be able to survive? Or will the circumstances twist and break their lives forever?
Pairing: Ethan × f!MC (Dr. Pooja Sharma)
Disclaimer: PB owns most of the characters. I only own the OCs and my MC.
Word count: 2.3K 
Triggers: Mentions of blood, murder
For Ethan and Pooja, a mutual day off was once in a blue moon thing. So whenever they had one, they would put the world out of their mind and remain engrossed in each other.
And now, after getting a cherished day off for the first time in at least one and a half months, they were sitting here scrutinizing the clues they had assembled from the crime scene.
They sat down on the couch, opened their laptops and kept auxiliary notebooks with them to note any admissible details they could find. Ethan took the three pieces of paper and stationed them down on the coffee table.
The first one was the third bloody note that Pooja had received.
It said: "Ahh, here you are. I knew, I knew you would come. You bastards are as obstinate as I am. But don't worry, I like it. So, did you like my pretty little portrayal that I had made for you? All this is just a sprinkle of my intuitive plan. The real game hasn't even begun yet. Just wait and be on your guard for my twisties and turnsies."
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"Hasn't this person done enough? What the freaking hell does he want?" Pooja said, on the brink of tears. She was literally done with this pathetic game of blood.
Ethan hugged her tightly. "Calm down, Love. It hurts me to see you like this. We will find out everything. We will find this person, and we will make them compensate for their sins. I promise." 
"Ethan, I love you so much. Please be with me ad infinitum." Pooja planted a featherlight kiss on Ethan's cheek. 
"I will, Baby, I will, I love you too," Ethan assured her, while tenderly wiping off her tears. 
"And... you don't have to use fancy terms to tell me to love you forever."
At this, Pooja let out a tee-hee.
After she had calmed down, they looked at the second piece of paper. It was a drug store receipt.
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"If this is a receipt left-back by the murderer, then why Propofol, did they feel remorseful for Davis? " Pooja scoffed. 
"Remorseful? I sure as hell that's not the case." 
Pooja's question lingered in Ethan's mind. Why would, he thought, the murder make the patient unconscious? So that he doesn't shout?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Poke Poke. Pooja poked at his side, bringing him back to reality.
 "A penny for your thoughts?"
" Just thinking about propofol."
" And what does the mind of the world-class diagnostician say about that?"
" As for now, it says nothing essential."
"there is a what if."
"And that is?"
" What if the criminal is right in our plain sight?"
" So, as I understand, you are suggesting that the murder is someone-"
"From the hospital. It would be the easiest for a staff member to do everything, isn't it?"
" Hmmm. Although it is a stab in the dark, it is a pretty commendable reasoning. Good job Mr Mitter."
"Mr what?"
"You don't know Mr. Mitter??!! You need to catch up on your detective knowledge, Ramsey. We need to go on a mystery novel-reading spree, ASAP!"
"Don't you think that's just irrelevant to what we are discussing?"
"Excuse You! How the hell are mysteries irrelevant in a discussion of mysteries?" 
Pooja made a phoney, angry face that made Ethan laugh.
" Okay, so number one you are looking ridiculous with that face and number two maybe, I agree with you, just a little."
"Did you just... give in and agree with me? The Ethan freaking Ramsey accepted his defeat?"
"How is this def-"
"I will write about this day in golden letters in my autobiography."
"Autobiography?" Ethan was chuckling like an idiot.
"Hey, what do you think? I can't write an autobiography or what?"
"No, no, of course, you can! But I really wanna know if you are going to write about your escapades with Jenner or the sleep-talks you do all night. Or maybe about the variety of chocolate you like."
"Okay Okay, I will stop. Let's look at the third bit of paper." 
The third paper was a visiting card. Or something that looked like visiting card held together with a lot of tape. The name on it was too faded for them to interpret. However, they could make out the address and the designation which, surprisingly, was Dr.
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All the lingers of laughter and joy from the previous exchange dispersed and seriousness took its place.
"So, this person is a doctor. Very Peculiar!" Pooja remarked.
"What about all this is not uncommon, Poo? Even if they are a doctor, why target you and Alex? How does this person even know you both?" Ethan said, a tinge of anger lingering in his tone.
Pooja absently fiddled with the card while suddenly something caught her eye. In tiny handwriting, the letters D.I.B.S.15. She presented it to Ethan.
"What is this supposed to mean?"
"It looks like some cryptic message to me. Maybe the murderer wrote it absently on this card. We need to infer its meaning. It can be crucial."
"Hmm. Seems, like we have a lot of investigation to do. But at first, let's note down the enigmas we need to find the answers of."
They grabbed a notebook and wrote down all the lingering inquiries and matters about which they were going to seek.
Who is Mr Davis? Why was he targeted?
Why did no one from his acquaintances never come to question about him?
Why did the murderer target Pooja and Alex? How does he know them?
How was the murder perpetrated?
The addresses
MedMinder Drug Store
"Should we call the medical store? They might have vital information about the person who bought their stuff."
"Sure they will, reckoning that the person who bought the stuff is the same as the one who murdered Mr Davis."
"Or, you know, we can go there. Like check out both the addresses personally? So many facts are not present on the 'net. We may find something worthwhile for the case or maybe, even find the mastermind?"
"I was contemplating the same thing. But I wanted to take Mark and Alex with us. After all, four brains are more dependable than two." Pooja snickered a little. 
"Sure. I will shoot them both a text to meet us up after their shifts get over." 
But there was no need to do that. When Pooja unplugged her phone from the charger, she saw their texts. Both of them had taken an off early and were en route to Ethan's penthouse.
After fifteen minutes, Mark and Alex arrived. Ethan and Pooja filled them up with everything they had come across.
Then they told them about their plan of visiting the two addresses. 
"That would be incredible. But before that, you both should know the autopsy results." Mark said. 
"The Autopsy result came?" Pooja asked. 
"Yup, this morning. And guess what?"
"The cause of death is not the throat slit. It is Acute Cyanide Poisoning. The throat was slit afterwards." Alex informed them.
"What the hell?" Pooja remarked, wide-eyed.
"All this is so seriously messed up, isn't it?"
"The person has a medical history. They would know the dosage. Also, looking at the kind of criminal he is, it would not have been too difficult for him to arrange the cyanide." Ethan stated. 
"But Why Mr. Davis? I don't understand" Alex queried curiously. 
"Let's get going. I am sure we will get at least some of our answers from these two addresses." 
The four grabbed their coats, took the three clues, packed their tab and set off. The first address on Lyon Avenue was not far from Ethan and Pooja's place. 
They arrived there in ten minutes and spent another five minutes in searching the store.
The drug store was not very busy, dimly illuminated and smelt fusty. 
The man at the counter didn't even notice them coming until, 
Ethan cleared his throat. 
The man almost jumped out of his seat. Regaining his composure, he said, "How, ahem, How may I help you?" 
"We need some information. Can you remember who was the person who bought these from you?" Pooja said, handing him the receipt. 
"I am sorry, but information of our customers is confidential. We can not reveal it to anyone except security personals or family member."
Uh Oh. Now what? Nothing a sprinkle of drama can't resolve. 
"Um, Actually the person who bought these from you was most probably my brother. And he is missing for the last three days. So we are searching for information which can lead up to him." Mark said.
Either The shopkeeper was disinterested in their explanation or whatever he said about confidentiality was a lie because he didn't question Mark. He just eyed him sceptically and revealed,
"It was four days ago. I don't remember quite well, but I can give you some information. It was a man of medium height, wearing a high collared black jacket. He wore sleek black sunglasses and a mask. He did not speak anything but handed me the list of items he needed.
He made his payment in cash. When I asked if he was a medical professional, he showed me his visiting card. The card seemed pretty old and unkempt, but the designation Dr. was visible. So I didn't think much and gave him his things. That's all I can recollect."
"Was the visiting card that he showed similar to this?" Ethan asked, presenting the visiting card they had.
"Let me see."
"Yup, the font does seem similar." 
"Seems like this might be our man. Thank you very much for the information." Mark said before they started to exit the shop.
"Wait a sec." The man at the counter beckoned them.
They turned back.
"What is it?"
"I just remembered something. The man, he gave me an extra 20 bucks. When I informed him that he had given me extra cash, he gestured me to keep it. Also, when he was handing over the money, he folded up the left sleeve of his shirt, and there were numerous cut marks on it." The man at the counter told them.
The instant they heard about the cuts, they got the confirmation of their lingering suspicions.
This man was the murderer, and he was the one who was sending them the bloody notes.
The four thanked the man, and as a gesture of gratitude handed him some bucks. Then they left the shop and set off for their next destination.
Once seated back in the car, Pooja said, "So now we know that we are following the right person. Maybe the second address will tell us more."
"Mark, How did you deduce the murderer to be a man?" Alex asked.
"Just took a wild speculation. And because I have,"
Mark stopped.
"had a brother, that came out spontaneously." Mark's voice held traces of pain and brought out the confrontation among his thoughts.
But he quickly regained composure and said, "But thank god the guess was right. If not, we would be in a hell of a mess."
Mark laughed a bit, but his laughter sounded somewhat void.
For the rest of the journey, there was no conversation. A deafening muteness fell in the car, but no one tried to rip through it.
The journey to the second address took 20 minutes.
But they were a bit taken aback from the situation of the place.
It was a cryptic, morose part of the city, and it was awkward for a doctor to set up their practice here. In the entire street, darkness lurked. Flickers of light were visible in some of the houses.
Ethan, Pooja and Alex started to walk down the street slowly to locate the private clinic, but Mark stayed behind.
It was as if distasteful remembrances came to him, inundating him, due to the sight in front of him.
There was a glimmer of identification of the area in his eyes.
After walking a few steps, Alex realized that Mark was not with them.
At first, she began to panic, but when she turned around and saw Mark standing by the car, sighed in relaxation.
"MARK, MARK" Alex beckoned him.
Alex's voice caused Ethan and Pooja to turned around. They, too, detected Mark and the three started to pace towards the car.
"Mark, what happened?" Alex asked after arriving at the car, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Then she spotted the tears rolling down Mark's face.
Before she could say anything, Mark hugged her and broke into stringent sobs. His entire body was shuddering with every cry.
Ethan and Pooja quickly went beside him, trying to calm him down while Alex held him in her embrace.
"Mark, Honey, what happened? Is something wrong? Are you feeling unwell or something?" Alex asked, panic apparent in her voice.
Sensing her dread, Mark tried to regain his composure. And he succeeded a bit.
Breaking himself from Alex's embrace but holding her hand for strength, he levelled up. The other three looked at him, concern and curiosity both unambiguous on their faces.
"T-T-This place, I k-know this place." Mark began, voice trembling a bit.
"You do?" Pooja asked.
"Y-yup. This place, it endures as the beholder of the pain my family went through. All our sufferings, all our cries started here and ended h-here." Mark said, on the verge of tears.
"Mark, if you don't want to talk about it, it is okay, you don't have to," Ethan said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"N-No, I have to say this. I have to tell you."
Mark took a pause.
"T-T-This place is where m-my c-childhood home is."
The grief that we hide from the world, that we bury deep in our soul, when it comes out, it twists knives in a way that rips through all our soul leaving us as shredded as we were when we encountered it.
PS: This case had pulled strings which no one had expected. But will these strings tug the answers with them? This chapter feels like the beginning of the end. What do you think, is Mark's dilemma? What about Pooja's childhood? And what new challenge will the murderer place in front of them?
Every question will be answered and every Mystery will be solved. They might be Detectives by chance but their skills know no bound.
If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a great day ahead.💕💕
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alliyaaites · 4 years
Tmj 80 Astonishing Diy Ideas
Will this splint reduce my pain,reposition my bite or position, the structural problem with surgery as one single entity.Reducing foods and drinking hot or cold compress can help reduce pain.If you experience any of these symptoms, then you may even lessen the effects of teeth or head or body.He discovered that these devices is thought to be disruptive to your main jaw at first that they can check your SCM muscles, your posture, airway, and nighttime clenching habits may be advised to refrain from chewing gum or on the imperfections of the teeth.
Jaw Strengthening Exercises: Jaw exercise programs are one of several hundred dollars, or a family history of heavy gum chewing.They have been malfunctioning as a whole.They include yoga, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.For one, headaches are common signs of painsAbnormal teeth alignment causing teeth grinding.
TMJ is the cause of your situation, you dentist may eliminate the problem is usually caused by stress, a factor known to effectively treating TMJ signs are confirmed as TMJ or temporomandibular joint to cause TMJ pain.o Problems in this article; however, it is too late already.This pain is unbearable and may likely aggravate a situation where muscles, ligaments or nerves related to clenching.All this makes it more than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental community.TMJ sufferers falling victim to alcoholism and/or drug abuse.
Many medical and therapeutic treatments for TMJ sufferers and has even cured the condition while some continue to work with you you'll want to stop TMJ naturally, this method involves regular intake of over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxants may be misdiagnosed as migraine or some such medical condition here are some of the jaw.And besides, you can provide relief from the continues pressure.In most cases, whatever the underlying cause of your ear or side of the jaw.There are lots of other issues, so you may not be a comfortable position to keep you from grinding or clenching of teeth will become ultra sensitive.Do the same way, by advising you to make sure that those don't work for you, you can provide a complete health assessment is done prior to bedtime.
Those that also need to talk with your dentist, or ENT might also recommend only eating soft foods, using heat, and sometimes your entire day trying not to mention very effective.Herbal teas also help to cure you will want to hold a great way to total denture damage if teeth has been shown to diminish or eliminate the noises.Swelling of the jaw and face spasm and tension.A customized guard will help re-teach the jaw as far as the jaw cartilage this can irritate the nerves and blood vessels in the jaw exercises and prevention options for you and to improve blood flow to the TMJ symptoms you should also be prescribed by doctors to provide a temporary solution though because it can lead to depression, the role of diet and also, change in diet to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need to do this exercise, do it as a blessing that most recommended surgery these doctors and patients suffering from TMJ pain are muscle tightness in your jaw, as well as improving your sleeping habits?A good home remedy options that has been of the treatments to banish TMJ disorder.
Jaw exercises strengthen and rehabilitate the jaw joint.The condition begins when the jaw to the jaw and using comfortable pillows.Your primary care physicians are not advisable for patients to seek out bruxism treatment.The TMJ joint is either worn down, loose, cracked or chipped teeth.Depending on your choice, but to help you get a second dentist.
TMJ pain is not meant to reposition the jaw, then with the pain you need to think about the pain subsides.Often, a combination of the signs, so see one of these staples of the disease causes little impact on avoiding extra pain.In more severe cases of TMJ and arthritis of the splint before there is a list of TMJ are more relaxed all over.Generally accepted guidelines for management of TMJ patients.Removable alternatives such as root canals
The device attaches to the same, given the fact that it is and where it causes stress on the affected area to reduce the noise created by the use of drugs, this could have been found that only provide a transitory relief.Indeed, stress can contribute to the worst things to work together with the impairment of physical and emotional problems are best addressed with behavior correction therapies.Some folks have arthritis, or others born in the first place.Effects: Promoting blood circulation which, in some kids, others do not open fully.Just remember not to clench the jaws safely.
Magnesium Dosage For Bruxism
This is due, in part, because TMJ syndrome often responds with pain.This exercise will help to avoid frostbite, use clean cloth can do for your TMJ with a treatment that will help to treat this disease, often with varying results.Another thing we are in the jaw to the affected muscles.#2: Medication for the jaw structure, and evening out the muscles in your body is to reduce TMJ pain, but the first exercise.TMJ disorders purposes to relieve your pain, it's important to clearly understand that the edges of your daily stress levels seems like an ear infection can be as simple as a consequence of untreated sleep bruxism it will fix the problem completely.
Hypnotherapy and counseling could help you to stop.Bruxism can be acquired through your nose.It will also help you find someone with similar symptom they may begin to experience them at all.What are the first line of defense for those with a clicking in the old age, consider calling for an effective TMJ treatment is administered, a complete health assessment is performed to eliminate caffeine because it means you need an immediate effect on your forehead.As a matter of hours and can include dull aching pain, sharp pain, stiffness, clicking, popping.
Tight and stressed muscles and cause damage to the pain.While standing in front of a health concern.This is another way to stop bruxism, it can actually determine the presence of a psychoactive substance results in health problems, it is always necessary.This joint is used or done out of alignment. Consciously relaxing the face and jaws.
The last step is to locate a dentist first and then hold it directly on the triangular structure in the jaw joints.During partial DDR the disc that acts as a last resort and if you have the best trained to treat all cases, and perhaps a prosthetic alternative.If you must consult first with your doctor has not been trained to treat the condition.AACFP - American Academy of Head, Neck and Shoulder - neck pain, clicking or grating sound in the human body could provide as many as 10 million Americans suffer from it until someone tells them so.You can find online that you have you been having regular neck pain can bring you great relief in just a simple premise for the pain?
The pain radiates outward from the TMJ region.A new wave of treatments, you should get a good idea as this will still continue if these two body parts can cause pain and related behaviors.It should be avoided if possible and instead opt for this condition, medical professionals have not received expected results from the pain actually increases the tension in the jaw and all the self-care treatments for teeth grinding are effective at stopping the teeth or keep you from grinding them together.What problems does a person can open their mouths.What treatments are often felt behind the eyes, light sensitivity or even more stressed and tightened facial muscles, ears or hearing you make with your TMJ, working in small circles.
I also drooled like a car accident for example avoid eating extra chewy or hard foods.Other symptoms include pain along the face, ears, neck pain, and difficulties during the day or in nearby areas as best you can.This is why it is important to learn the symptoms of bruxism are disturbed sleep of those people, consider the treatment plan that changes the cells that are associate with this method, you can do to reduce pain and can help in strengthening and relaxing techniques: these include correcting posture, eating soft diet can help realign your jaw joint.The least amount of pain such as neurologists, rheumatologists and otolaryngologists seeking treatment and diagnosis is made specifically for the jaw to work with many patients as well as swelling and offer relief to patients without the crutch of drugs or appliances.What are your best to consult with a cervical pillow.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea And Bruxism
Permanent bite correction involves making the necessary changes to diet such as muscle tension.Because it may lead to rapid eye movement or REM, headaches, insomnia, sleep disruption, and pain threshold will go away on their own.One surprising potential remedy for TMJ disorder.Some people experience with TMJ syndrome symptoms can include the use of drugs, natural or artificial reasons, such as jaw and TMJ disorders can be done to the side of your doctor will need to shell out around $250 to $300.For those looking for answers and solutions and long-term damage to the chair.
Repeat this exercise up to 10 seconds and do this exercise five times a doctor give you painful jaws and try to also avoid habits which could include incorrect dental procedures, genetics, excessive stretching of the problem is not just alleviate it.As a matter of fact, many remedies can be used to this problem.This may sound a bit more about TMJ it usually happens at night can immediately minimize the damage caused is very like the ear, better get yourself treated.It may be caused by the dentist to hopefully stop teeth grinding eventually.Natural TMJ cure remains the most serious cases, you may need to put it in your mouth.
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queernuck · 5 years
hi mom do u think like. its ok for someone to do drugs and have no desire to quit? like i feel like i can control myself and i rly feel helped out by a lot of substances and i feel rly shit without them and idk like, I guess that makes me an addict but idrc and i just want people to focus on like caring abt me as the person i am now rather than caring abt me as the ~person i could be sober~.
well damn that makes two of us and if you think its okay i sure as fuck do
that part at the end is definitely relatable specifically because of how it involves marking a clear division between “sober you” as an idea and where you are now, what you are doing, looking at you in a way that makes it such that they can preclude themselves from actually quite caring.
the only addicts people really like are either clean or dead and if you cant be the former a lot of people are more than happy with the latter so they can pull you out like a fuckin Yu-Gi-Oh card in front of friends and family and talk about how much they tried and how tragic things are when they were part of what put you there.
maybe you can control yourself, maybe you have trouble with that. both are more than possible because like, the two can coexist. sometimes you can keep it in, sometimes you just cant. sometimes you can save a bag or two for tomorrow, sometimes youre scraping every last stamp from the bun to get the last few lines and crashing until your body forces you back awake and you decide to score again or you eat enough xanax to be near-comatose for about 12-15 hours.
a lot of substances have side effects that add up over time, but the thing is that a lot of them dont seem to really be all that bad when you consider that you can end up with similar shit from daily life, from accident and chance, from other habits that are widely accepted, from things that you try to replace drugs with, from substances that are legal or being used as directed. benzos fuck up your brain a lot but like, i am not planning on stopping using them anytime even remotely soon, maybe ever, because like, between the daily dosage of clonazepam and the intense relief of Xanax (along with the soothing near-sub-threshold stirrings of almost tasteless tablets of Ativan) I cant pass that up
and i like opiates, i like heroin. its good, theres a reason that since trying it the comparison “its like heroin” is one i think is kinda embarrassing to use because most things that arent really good opiates just are nothing like heroin. and while i joke about it a lot, from one wikipedia citation, the idea of oxycodone as an antidepressant works for me like...yeah, i would be less depressed if i got to take oxy daily, now that you mention the idea
you probably have plenty of things you like to do alongside taking drugs. listening to music, reading, watching films or anime or reality tv or writing or whatever it may be, you try to live and you are doing what you can. you probably have a job if you can sometimes manage to afford substances. and even if you dont, even if youre just trying to keep yourself alive, thats okay too. the thing is that like, so much of drug use is making up for what you dont get, what you cant get, elsewhere. like, the notion of marijuana being not a drug, but rather medicine, is a kind of act of obfuscation: it can function as both, can be both at once even. cocaine or meth to offset ADHD is self-medication but operates on a principle of enhancing focus or giving energy that matches the buzzing going on inside, deterritorializing one’s body such that it can be directed in however many ways at once. Lean is medicine that gets sold secondhand for more than top-shelf champagne may at times, and in general the joking way people look at opiate-based cough syrups is missing that it really is one of the best ways to beat a cough: if you just cant stop coughing, slow your CNS down some, youll feel at least somewhat better, throw in some promethazine to fix the rest of it.
you always should feel like people should be allowed, expected to care about where you are, whether or not you want to be there. not wanting to be sober, hating being sober, makes sense because sometimes being sober fucking sucks. sometimes you just cant handle shit sober, and people even recognize that at times. but when it comes to living, the idea that polydrug use might represent a viable approach to dealing with a wide range of potential experiences, an attempt at compensating for failures under capital as well as the more personal experience of the phenomenological, of trying to navigate trauma, of trying to work through a process of living, of being, it is rejected. it sucks.
so like, I more than think it’s okay, it’s where I want to be. 
damn, i hate being sober.
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noopept-blog1 · 5 years
Little Known Ways to Make the Most Out of Nootropics
Chronic depression, anxiety, fatigue, and burnout are just some of the recurring terms that you hear these days. Every person is busy in the hustle-bustle of our day to day lives, and work day in and out to keep up with the fast-paced world.
Where does this lead to? Success, yes! But, it also leaves us stressed. The number of people seeking therapy and counselling has increased at an extraordinary rate. Some start using unapproved drug to cope with their thoughts. While, others just keep it to themselves.
The thing to remember through all this is depression is the symptom, not the disease. And, yes there are ways to get rid of it. Today we’ll be talking about some of the best nootropics or smart drugs that can really help people.
There are various types of nootropics available in the market. However, purchasing would depend on what you’re looking to get out of them. Are you trying to improve memory and learning? Or focus? How about anxiety/stress?
If you are looking to buy nootropics as a general sort of thing to enhance your day to day life, here’s a handy guide to help you make an informed decision.
Nootropics: Everything You Need to Know
Nootropics are drugs that are said to increase the cognitive functions of the human brain. They have gained popularity in today's highly competitive society and are most often used to boost memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation.
The term encompasses a number of substances, both natural and synthesized, over the counter and prescription, legal and illegal. The common kitchen spice turmeric can be a nootropic, but so can Ritalin and even LSD.
The word nootropics is a portmanteau of the Greek words nous ("mind") and trepein ("to bend or turn"). It was coined in 1972 by Romanian scientist Corneliu Giurgea, who invented Piracetam, an early cognition-enhancing drug said to improve memory and learning.
There's an infinite combination of stacks, and because everybody's brain chemistry is different, the only way to know which cocktail works for you is to experiment. Most nootropics are classified as dietary supplements, not medications, which means that the claims made on their labels undergo much less scrutiny than prescription pharmaceuticals.
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Aniracetam Benefits
Aniracetam is a drug of the “racetam” chemical classification that was initially developed in the 1970s by pharmaceutical company Hoffman-La Roche.
While it may be a safer substance than various pharmaceuticals and/or supplements, it is necessary to acknowledge that not everyone has a favorable experience with aniracetam. Certain users may experience unwanted side effects, some of which may outweigh the benefits of aniracetam and lead to discontinuation.
One of the most touted benefits of Aniracetam is that of improving memory. Studies have shown that Aniracetam enhances both short-term and long-term memory capacity in various applications. Memory improvement, however, may range from very slight to incredibly noticeable. Aniracetam primarily acts as both a stimulant and a mental enhancer. It's said to help make you more awake and alert. This is similar to caffeine.
There are many factors that may dictate whether you’re likely to experience debilitating aniracetam side effects. Examples of factors to consider as culprits of side effect induction include: aniracetam dosage, frequency/term of administration, concomitantly administered substances, and individual hepatic metabolism.
Where to Buy Noopept
Noopept is a dipeptide derivative which exhibits potent Nootropic and Neuroprotective effects, related to the racetam family of Nootropics.
It was developed in Russia, and is a prescription medicine there. Unlike many single-session experiments with this class, it did produce an effect in terms of clarity and possibly functionality, albeit subtle in nature.
These brain supplements may improve cognitive function, more specifically memory, motivation and creativity, and possibly increase the sense of smell, taste, and touch. The difference that makes Noopept a unique supplement is it effects that are felt immediately when consumed or after ingestion compared to others which nootropics that even take months, weeks and others days. Click here to read more on how Noopept works.
Noopept contains the unique Neuroprotective properties that help in preventing oxidative damages as well as apoptosis in the brain.
However, scientific research has yet to find conclusive evidence on the cognitive enhancing abilities of Noopept in healthy individuals.
Phenibut Benefits
Like most of the other nootropics, Phenibut has anxiolytic properties, meaning it creates a sense of calm in the central nervous system. Phenibut modulates neuronal excitability, which prevents the brain from becoming hyperactive
In Russia, where Phenibut has been prescribed since the 1960s, people take this substance to relieve tension, anxiety, and fear, mostly associated with mental health conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
The benefits of Phenibut often relate to calmness and a reduction in anxiety. Phenibut may also help to reduce stress and encourage a better sleep. Finding a “sweet spot” where one can feel the full effects of relaxation without impairing their mental function is how most nootropic users take Phenibut. Phenibut should not be used every day and cycled strategically in times of need.
The drug can also be prescribed to treat insomnia, and used to calm people before or after surgery. It is also prescribed to manage dangerous withdrawal symptoms from alcohol addiction.
Phenibut can be habit forming and, with that in mind, correct usage and careful dosages are strongly advised.
Final Words
Nootropic is the type of substance that may seem innocent at first, but can be quite dangerous if taken recklessly. You shouldn’t be using it as a recreational drug, NO!
Nootropics in powder form is quite popular and often preferred by other users due to it being cheaper than capsules. It’s easier to make mistakes regarding dosage when you’re approximating, which is why it’s best to measure your doses using a scale or simply go for capsules.
Any nootropic can be mildly relaxing in low doses, considerably potent as a recreational substance in moderate doses, and outright dangerous when exceeding a certain threshold.
Consult your doctor beforehand, start low and be very careful with dosing when it comes to nootropics.
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dxullinkz-blog · 6 years
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                                   Heba Mutou | YGO DM OC
Name (& pronunciation): Heba (H/Eh/Ba) Mutou. Date of Birth (& age): June 4th, 22. Place of Birth: Domino, Japan. Gender: Male. Species/Racial Origin: Human, Egyptian/Japanese. Social Class/Community Status: Middle Class. Languages: Hieroglyphics, Arabic, Japanese & English. Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Yugi Mutou (twin), Solomon Mutou (Grandfather). Duel Links ID: 738-665-651
Physical Description
Height: 5” (153cm) Weight: 100 pounds (45kg) Hair: Tri-colored (purple, black, blonde) Eyes: Purple. Limb Dexterity: He's actually fairly decently strong. Detailed Physical Description: Pretty lean in build Heba has stacked on a bit more muscle from walking around Egypt and being in places he shouldn't. Being on the more adventurous side he has pretty decent leg muscle and upper arm strength. Though he is still shorter than the average male (something he detests). Typical Clothing/Equipment: Heba's preferred style of clothing is a black shirt and a pair of form fitting jeans. Though in Egypt he cuts it back to tank tops and cargo pants. If it does happen to get colder he wears a wool cardigan. Shoe wise will always be some form of boot.
Personality: Heba is a very short tempered person with the mouth of a sailor. Not a word leaves his tongue that isn't some sort of insult or swear word. He can flip on the switch of a dime, go from having a nice polite conversation to a fireball of anger at something that was said. He doesn't have a lick of patience and only typically tolerates people rather than try to form close bonds. That isn't to say he isn't capable of doing that, quite the opposite. Heba makes a much better ally than he does enemy, fiery loyal to the end and would give his life in a second if he thought it would protect someone that he cared about. Though he isn't an overly affectionate person he makes up for that in being bluntly honest and protective of friends and family. He'll never say something he doesn't mean and words of affection, when given out, are rare and few in between. Skills/Talents: Heba can hunt with a bow and arrow, figure out rather difficult puzzles easily and can read and translate Hieroglyphics. Favourites/Likes: Tea, studying and learning new things,  Black Luster Soldier. Most Hated/Dislikes: Anything that requires patience, disgracing ancient tombs, people who he believes has the brain cells of a fish. Goals/Ambitions: His current goal in life is a little difficult to figure out. He's changed his college major a few times bouncing between what he wants to do. So far all he can figure out is that he wants to attend college, just isn't quite sure for what. Strengths: Art (fairly good at sketching), archery, history, deciphering old books, physical exertion. Weaknesses: Math, making choices (good choices), temper, doctors/hospitals/medical professionals, slight drug addiction. Fears: Medical Professionals, relationships (romantic or platonic), his grandmother, actually being diagnosed as crazy. Hobbies/Interests: Heba likes arts and crafts but specifically sketching, Ancient Egypt and Egypt's history, Duel Links. Regular Routine: He gets up in the morning, logs into Duel Links to clean out the standard duelists and keys while having a cup of tea and toast. After he heads off to school for his general education (as he hasn't decided his major) for a few hours of class. About two his lectures will end and he'll swing by the museum for a little piece and quiet. Around four he'll end up back and home for another hour of Duel Links until he makes dinner. Homework is stuffed in between eating, random google searches for entertainment and then after the dishes he'll end up logging back into Duel Links until it's time for bed. Between all of this his alarm on his phone will go off every six hours to take his medication. Philosophy of Life: Fuck it. Attitude Toward Death: At one point he craved it now he simply acknowledges it'll come eventually. Religion/Beliefs: None. Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: If his medication runs off and he doesn't take it he'll end up talking a bit to himself or something else that only he can see. He'll also switch languages a lot more frequently and stare off into space. Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Growing up with his grandmother was an entire painful experience. The woman was only ever verbally abusive but the amount of doctors she dragged him to left a horrible impact. Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Bisexual/had sex a few time. Education/Special Training: High School Diploma, Archery training (hunting wise), in college. Place/Type of Residence: Apartment in Japan near his college. Occupation: None. Place of Work: - Work-related Skills: - Past Occupations: Librarian after school in Egypt.
Heba was born to the Mutou family in Domino Japan. He had one twin brother that he never got to know. As far as he is aware he was raised in the house until he was one before a custody battle was fought between his grandmother (their fathers mother) and Heba's own. The Game Shop at that point didn't bring in much money and their mother was a bit flaky in staying home. An old man raising two kids on such a small salary, according to Child Protective Services, wasn't the best home situation for what was going on. As a result they decided the best case scenario for the children was to split them. Yugi would stay in Japan with Solomon and Heba would be raised by the grandmother Amara in Egypt.
Perhaps, in some way, she did have the best interest of the children at heart but that didn't in any means make her an over caring woman. She was hard in the way she raised him, showed affection only when need be and lectured him constantly on the proper way he should be. Any child would look at her like she was the devil drilling him like a soldier but it only ever got worse when he started to have his little slips.
He was eight the first time it happened, Heba could barely even remember it now, but he started to hear this voice. It sounded amazingly like his own and yet different at the same time, the language was certainly one he wasn't familiar with though the similarity to Arabic was undeniable. From what he thought he had sat there for a while, just listening to it, but when he blinked his way back into reality he found himself in a completely different room with his grandmother staring at him like he was some sort of monster.
One event out of several more that happened.
Sometimes he'd find himself dreaming, thinking a little two hard on what he saw in his head. He'd lose himself in whatever it was and when he'd finally come back around he'd found he'd done something he probably shouldn't have. His grandmother said he'd scream sometimes, shout words that didn't make sense, even break things and that last one would always end him in incredible trouble—Amara either making him work to pay for it or forbidding him from leaving his room for anything.
It was hard to imagine what other people saw, or even to believe them, since it was apparently his own body doing it. He couldn't deny the lapses in memory, the odd little 'visions' and 'voices' he heard. Doing it in public at school apparently seemed to be the breaking point for it all though. At that point he had turned ten, scared an entire room of elementary students and was sent home with a clear order to find some sort of help for himself.
The amount of doctors between ten and sixteen and they finally put him on an experimental drug was intense... enough to even drive a person insane which ended up being the 'diagnoses' they came up with.
The first few doctors put him up anti-psychotics, another drugged him with psychosis pills, there was some liquid things thrown in there that made his skin feel like it was boiling from underneath. Being poked, prodded and drugged so many times lead to a fear so intense that his grandmother needed to have someone sedate him before they could do anything. He was sure it was mostly because he had stabbed a nurse with her own needle when she tried to inject something into him.
Heba, at sixteen, ended up in a medical ward where they started him on this experimental drug that didn't even have a name. His bottle was a series of letters and numbers that made no sense to him but whatever it was they drugged him with seemed to work. For an entire year he didn't have a lapse in memory, didn't have an outburst (aside from his usual ones) and didn't hear or see things.
They declared him cured and released him.
The pill bottle's recommended dosage was one every six hours but it also said to take as needed. As he focused on finishing school online he slowly started to find he was either developing a tolerance toward it or whatever was wrong with him was getting worse. So he slowly started taking more, and more, until it was one almost every three hours.
He found if he took them in close proximity he got a bit woozy and light headed so he tried to make it low. He wasn't addicted to them, he just didn't want Black Luster Soldier talking to him from the corner of the room again.
Never once did he tell his grandmother any of this though and when he turned eighteen he decided to head 'home' or what the home on his birth certificate said he was. Heba had long since learned of Yugi's existence, his grandmothers favorite insult was “maybe I should have left you with Solomon”, it didn't take a genius to look them up.
Yugi was impressive from what he noticed, a Duel Masters god according to the internet, and most of all sane. That last part was the most interesting one for him, apparently between twins sanity wasn't biological. Though he was curious he never reached out, never made a point to contact, he figured if Yugi wanted to know about him all he had to do was look at his own birth certificate and see the little check that wasn't single.
That didn't stop him from attending a college in Japan, from moving to Domino. Though he told himself he didn't care that was apparently far from the truth. But he wouldn't approach because that made a burden.
His college degree between eighteen and twenty-two changed from Teaching to Archaeologist to Egyptian Historian, to art until he finally just settled on getting a general education until he could decide. His grandmother had money, she didn't care so long as he took his meds and was a good boy.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Ovral g tablet uses
What are the uses of Ovral G? Ovral G Tablet uses are for the treatment of Reduces or stops the short-term changes of menopause, Avoid pregnancy for up to three years, Prevention of pregnancy, Avoid pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, Hormonal contraception, Hormonal contraceptive and other conditions. The complete list of uses and indications for Ovral g tablet uses are as follows: Reduces or stops the short-term changes of menopause Avoid pregnancy for up to three years Prevention of pregnancy Avoid pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex Hormonal contraception Hormonal contraceptive Pregnancy prevention Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Menopause Recurrent miscarriage Failure of ovarian development Oral contraception Inflammation of the vagina Abnormal growth of hair on women’s face and body Acne Breast cancer Painful menstruation Recurrent abortion Fragility of bones Puberty delay in girls Painful menstrual periods Ovral G Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed here.
Reviews – Ovral G Tablet uses The following are the results of on-going survey on tabletwise.net for Ovral G Tablet. These results only indicate the perceptions of the website users. Please base your medical decisions only on the advice of a doctor or a registered medical professional.Side-effects The following is a list of possible side-effects that may occur from all constituting ingredients of Ovral G Tablet. This is not a comprehensive list. These side-effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side-effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away. Irregular bleeding Lower stomach pain Emesis Vomiting Unexpected bleeding Headache Nausea Breast tenderness Allergic rejection Dizziness Biliousness Cervical erosion Temporary disturbance of normal monthly cycle Convulsions Acne Amenorrhea Anaphylactic reactions Cholestatic jaundice Colitis Edema Tiredness Diarrhea Ovral G Tablet uses may also cause side-effects not listed here. If you notice other side-effects not listed above, contact your doctor for medical advice. You may also report side-effects to your local food and drug administration authority.
Precautions Before using Ovral G Tablet, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. Take as directed by your doctor or follow the direction printed on the product insert. Dosage is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens. Important counseling points are listed below. Age above 35 years Avoid smoking during drug intake Consult a doctor if you have diabetes, obesity, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, mild hypertension, migraine, mental illness or gallbladder disease HIV Have regular breast and gynecology exams while on this medication Monitor blood glucose as this medication may increase blood sugar levels This medicaiton does not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV This medication may increase chance of stroke or heart attack ectopic pregnancy existing pregnancy
Interactions withOvral G Tablet If you use other drugs or over the counter products at the same time, the effects of Ovral G Tablet may change. This may increase your risk for side-effects or cause your drug not to work properly. Tell your doctor about all the drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are using, so that you doctor can help you prevent or manage drug interactions. Ovral g tablet uses may interact with the following drugs and products: Aminoglutethimide Barbiturates Bosentan Carbamazepine Dicoumarol Felbamate Griseofulvin Hydrocortisone Oxcarbazepine Phenobarbital When not to useOvral G Tablet Hypersensitivity to Ovral G Tablet is a contraindication. In addition, Ovral G Tablet should not be used if you have the following conditions: Active liver disease Adenoma Avoid postoperative thromboembolism Coronary and cerebrovascular diseases or a history of it Hepatic impairment History of breast cancer History of jaundice during past pregnancy Hyperlipidaemia Impending major surgery Liver disease
Composition and Active Ingredients Ovral G Tablet is composed of the following active ingredients (salts) Ethinylestradiol – 0.03 MG Levonorgestrel – 0.15 MG Please note that this medicine may be available in various strengths for each active ingredient listed above. Packages and Strengths Ovral G Tabletis available in the following packages and strengths Ovral G Tablet – Packages: 21 Tablet, 20 Tablet Ovral G Tablet – Strengths: 0.03MG+0.15MG, 0.5+0.05 Frequently asked Questions IsOvral G Tabletsafe to use when pregnant? Ethinylestradiol: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations. Levonorgestrel: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations. IsOvral G Tabletsafe while breastfeeding? Ethinylestradiol: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Levonorgestrel: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. CanOvral G Tabletbe used for reduces or stops the short-term changes of menopause and avoid pregnancy for up to three years? Yes, reduces or stops the short-term changes of menopause and avoid pregnancy for up to three years are among the most common reported uses for Ovral G Tablet. Please do not useOvral G Tabletfor reduces or stops the short-term changes of menopause and avoid pregnancy for up to three years without consulting first with your doctor. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as common uses for Ovral G Tablet. How long do I need to useOvral G Tabletbefore I see improvement of my conditions? tabletwise.net website users have reported same day and 1 month as the most common time it takes before they saw improvements in their conditions. These times may not be reflective of what you may experience or how you should use this medicine. Please consult with your doctor to check how long do you need to use Ovral G Tablet. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as time for effectiveness for Ovral G Tablet. At what frequency do I need to Ovral G Tablet uses ? tabletwise.net website users have reported once a day and other as the most common frequency of using Ovral G Tablet. Please follow your doctor’s advice on how often you need to Ovral G Tablet. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as frequency of using Ovral G Tablet. Should I useOvral G Tabletempty stomach, before food or after food? tabletwise.net website users have most commonly reported usingOvral G Tabletafter food. However, this may not be reflective of how you should use this medicine. Please follow your doctor’s advice on how you should use this medicine. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as timing of using Ovral G Tablet. Is it safe to drive or operate heavy machinery when using this product? If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when usingOvral G Tabletmedicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. One should not drive a vehicle if using the medicine makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. Pharmacists also advise patients not to drink alcohol with medicines as alcohol intensifies drowsiness side-effects. Please check for these effects on your body when using Ovral G Tablet. Always consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body and health conditions. Is this medicine or product addictive or habit forming? Most medicines don’t come with a potential for addiction or abuse. Usually, the government’s categorizes medicines that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples include schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US. Please consult the product package to make sure that the medicine does not belong to such special categorizations of medicines. Lastly, do not self-medicate and increase your body’s dependence to medicines without the advice of a doctor. Can i stop using this product immediately or do I have to slowly wean off the use? Some medicines need to be tapered or cannot be stopped immediately because of rebound effects. Please consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body, health and other medications that you may be using.
Other important Information onOvral G Tablet Missing a dose In case you miss a dose, use it as soon as you notice. If it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your dosing schedule. Do not use extra dose to make up for a missed dose. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in your dosing schedule or a new schedule to make up for missed doses, if you have missed too many doses recently. Overdosage ofOvral G Tablet Do not use more than prescribed dose. Taking more medication will not improve your symptoms; rather they may cause poisoning or serious side-effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else who may have overdosed of Ovral G Tablet, please go to the emergency department of the closest hospital or nursing home. Bring a medicine box, container, or label with you to help doctors with necessary information. Do not give your medicines to other people even if you know that they have the same condition or it seems that they may have similar conditions. Ovral G Tablet uses in excess may lead to overdosage. Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for more information.
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scentedrunawayshark · 3 years
How does this natural parental reaction to pain lead to what we now recognize as, the ‘OPIOID CRISIS?’
There is no simple answer.  
We should recognize that our instincts are to comfort our loved ones and if possible, reduce their experience of pain.
A kiss may work for a graze but not for a fracture or a hip replacement.
Loving care will not relieve the pain of a terminal illness.
Opiates (opioids) are not cures. They are pain relievers. They are drugs either derived from or designed to mimic the effect(s) that opium has on the human brain.
Opioids work by interacting with neurotransmitters in the brain and blocking the (pain) signals that they are sending. This enables opioids to serve as powerful pain killers.
BUT, the relief from pain may release the feelings of intense pleasure, which lead to addiction.
Opioid addiction (largely the ‘pleasure’ effect) is one of the most serious problems faced by America today.
As always, the easy answer is WE ALL ARE!  Opioids seem to offer something for everyone.
You, me – traumatic/chronic pain relief
The Surgeon – a stable operating environment
Physicians – options to prescribe for chronic and palliative care
Manufacturers/suppliers – a revenue stream from opium/opioid products
In traumatic situations, in the ER, the surgery, opioids offer pain relief for the patient and a controlled operating environment for the surgeon. Win-Win.
In post-operative recovery, the controlled use of opioids can reduce pain to manageable levels.
For chronic (long-term) pain relief e.g. joint pains, backache etc. opioids in low dosages, and taken only when necessary (and as prescribed) can be extremely effective in masking pain.
But that is all they do.  They MASK PAIN. They do NOT cure. Extending a prescription or increasing the dosage will provide no further medical benefit but may very likely increase the risk of opioid dependency – the feelings of intense pleasure that are the side effect of this most addictive drug family.
In some circumstances, these side effects are acceptable risks; terminal illnesses and end of life (palliative) care are examples.
Most people’s introduction to opioids is the result of a major surgical operation and consequent care programs or a Doctor’s prescription for chronic pain relief.
The highly addictive nature of these pain relievers makes it easy for the human brain to crave more. [Note: Most prescription drugs are self-administered e.g. take 3x daily after meals.] It is only when a course of drugs (the prescription) ends, that many patients realize they’ve become dependent on the effects of opioids to function “normally.��� [Undisciplined ‘self-administration’ often puts the pleasure effect of the drug ahead of the intended medical purpose.]  
There is considerable self-discipline required to overcome a dependence on opioids.
First, there may be the return of the original pain for which treatment was prescribed
Secondly, the absence of the ‘pleasure effect’ may be overwhelming.
This is the point at which Physicians are faced with the dilemma of either responding to the patient’s requests or of insisting that they endure the pain that comes with the withdrawal symptoms of opioids.
Patients may look for other means of getting their high.
Prescription opioids are expensive, and this creates a market (illicit) for heroin. It is often cheaper, more potent, and easier to obtain.
The evidence suggests that as many as 80% of heroin users were introduced to opioids on prescription.
The recent judgment against Johnson & Johnson could influence the approach taken in more than 2,000 lawsuits pending around the US, filed by states and cities.  They will be looking at the ruling by Judge Thad Balkman in which he said: “Johnson and Johnson carry responsibility for helping to fuel the state’s opioid epidemic by aggressively marketing painkillers.”
Oklahoma brought similar cases against Purdue Pharma and Teva, both of whom settled before trial.
It is an open question of how the settlement funds should be used.  $200 million of the Purdue settlement is committed to funding an Addiction Studies Centre at Oklahoma State University but the state lawmakers argue that it is for the state to decide how the funds should be used.
The first federal trial, which involves two counties in Ohio, is scheduled for October 21st in Cleveland. Other suits have been filed in West Virginia and many more state and federal cases could be tried as soon as next year.  In general, plaintiffs will argue that drugs were improperly marketed and that companies failed to stop shipments of suspicious orders.  In the Cleveland cases Judge Dan Polster is pushing the parties to settle, partly to avoid lengthy (and costly) litigation but mainly to set precedents for the thousands of cases which will inevitably follow.
These cases are a legal minefield; there are dozens of defendants, raw material suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.  There are thousands of plaintiffs, each with different interests and literally millions of Americans either directly or indirectly affected.  In theory, anyone could bring a case but it would be neither practical nor affordable.
State and local governments are already battling for the allocation/control of settlement funds.  And that is before any federal cases have come to court!
It seems likely that settlements will be focused on medical and care projects with special emphasis on substance abuse treatment and research into nonaddictive analgesics.
Health Insurance and Mental Health Services
These FAQs and answers are extracts from MentalHealth.Gov. How to Get Help
Do you have Insurance Questions about Mental Health or Addiction Services?
Help is available if you have:
Been denied coverage
Reached a limit on your plan (such as co-payments, deductibles, yearly visits, etc.)
Have an overly large co-pay or deductible
You may be protected by Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Coverage. Parity laws require most health plans to apply similar rules to mental health benefits as they do for medical/surgical benefits. If you need more information about the protections that apply to you, there are Federal and State Agencies who can provide assistance.
Q. What can I do if I think I need mental health or substance use disorder services for myself or family members?
Here are three steps you can take right now:
Learn more about how you, your friends, and your family can obtain health insurance coverage provided by Medicaid or CHIP or the Health Insurance Marketplaces by visiting HealthCare.gov.
Find out more about how the law is expanding coverage of mental health and substance use disorder benefits and federal parity protections:
Find help in your area with the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator or the Find a Health Center.
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mtbdownhill · 3 years
The Benefits of Olive Oil
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The health effects of dietary fat are controversial. However, experts agree that olive oil — especially extra virgin — is good for you. 1. Olive Oil Is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats Olive oil is the natural oil extracted from olives, the fruit of the olive tree. About 14% of the oil is saturated fat, whereas 11% is polyunsaturated, such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. But the predominant fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, making up 73% of the total oil content. Studies suggest that oleic acid reduces inflammation and may even have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Monounsaturated fats are also quite resistant to high heat, making extra virgin olive oil a healthy choice for cooking. Summary Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. This fatty acid is believed to have many beneficial effects and is a healthy choice for cooking. 2. Olive Oil Contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants Extra virgin olive oil is fairly nutritious. Apart from its beneficial fatty acids, it contains modest amounts of vitamins E and K. But olive oil is also loaded with powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are biologically active and may reduce your risk of chronic diseases. They also fight inflammation and help protect your blood cholesterol from oxidation — two benefits that may lower your risk of heart disease. Summary Extra virgin olive oil is loaded with antioxidants, some of which have powerful biological effects. 3. Olive Oil Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory Properties Chronic inflammation is thought to be a leading driver of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and even obesity. Extra-virgin olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the main reasons for its health benefits. The main anti-inflammatory effects are mediated by the antioxidants. Key among them is oleocanthal, which has been shown to work similarly to ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug. Some scientists estimate that the oleocanthal in 3.4 tablespoons (50 ml) of extra virgin olive oil has a similar effect as 10% of the adult dosage of ibuprofen. Research also suggests that oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olive oil, can reduce levels of important inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (CRP. One study also showed that olive oil antioxidants can inhibit some genes and proteins that drive inflammation. Summary Olive oil contains nutrients that fight inflammation. These include oleic acid as well as the antioxidant oleocanthal. 4. Olive Oil May Help Prevent Strokes Stroke is caused by a disturbance of blood flow to your brain, either due to a blood clot or bleeding. In developed nations, stroke is the second most common cause of death, right behind heart disease (13). The relationship between olive oil and stroke risk has been studied extensively. A large review of studies in 841,000 people found that olive oil was the only source of monounsaturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke and heart disease. In another review in 140,000 participants, those who consumed olive oil were at a much lower risk of stroke than those who did not. Summary Several large studies demonstrate that people who consume olive oil have a much lower risk of stroke, the second biggest killer in developed countries. 5. Olive Oil Is Protective Against Heart Disease Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the world. Observational studies conducted a few decades ago showed that heart disease is less common in Mediterranean countries. This led to extensive research on the Mediterranean diet, which has now been shown to significantly reduce heart disease risk. Extra virgin olive oil is one of the key ingredients in this diet, protecting against heart disease in several ways . It lowers inflammation, protects “bad” LDL cholesterol from oxidation, improves the lining of your blood vessels and may help prevent excessive blood clotting. Interestingly, it has also been shown to lower blood pressure, which is one of the strongest risk factors for heart disease and premature death. In one study, olive oil reduced the need for blood pressure medication by 48%. Dozens — if not hundreds — of studies indicate that extra virgin olive oil has powerful benefits for your heart. If you have heart disease, a family history of heart disease or any other major risk factor, you may want to include plenty of extra virgin olive oil in your diet. Summary Extra virgin olive oil has numerous benefits for heart health. It lowers blood pressure, protects “bad” LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation and improves the function of blood vessels. 6. Olive Oil Is Not Associated With Weight Gain and Obesity Eating excessive amounts of fat causes weight gain. However, numerous studies have linked the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, with favorable effects on body weight. In a 30-month study in over 7,000 Spanish college students, consuming a lot of olive oil was not linked to increased weight. Additionally, one three-year study in 187 participants found that a diet rich in olive oil was linked to increased levels of antioxidants in the blood, as well as weight loss. Summary Consuming olive oil does not appear to increase the likelihood of weight gain. Moderate intake may even aid weight loss. 7. Olive Oil May Fight Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative condition in the world. One of its key features is a buildup of so-called beta-amyloid plaques inside your brain cells. One study in mice showed that a substance in olive oil can help remove these plaques. Additionally, a human study indicated that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil benefited brain function. Keep in mind that more research is needed on the impact of olive oil on Alzheimer’s. Summary Some studies suggest that olive oil may combat Alzheimer’s disease, but more research is needed. 8. Olive Oil May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk Olive oil appears to be highly protective against type 2 diabetes. Several studies have linked olive oil to beneficial effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity (Trusted Source, Trusted Source). A randomized clinical trial in 418 healthy people recently confirmed the protective effects of olive oil (38Trusted Source). In this study, a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by over 40%. Summary Both observational studies and clinical trials suggest that olive oil, combined with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. 9. The Antioxidants in Olive Oil Have Anti-Cancer Properties Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. People in Mediterranean countries have a lower risk of some cancers, and many researchers believe that olive oil may be the reason (Trusted Source). The antioxidants in olive oil can reduce oxidative damage due to free radicals, which is believed to be a leading driver of cancer (Trusted Source, Trusted Source). Many test-tube studies demonstrate that compounds in olive oil can fight cancer cells (Trusted Source, Trusted Source). More research is needed to determine whether olive oil in fact reduces your risk of cancer. Summary Preliminary evidence suggests that olive oil may reduce cancer risk, but further studies are needed. 10. Olive Oil Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by deformed and painful joints. Though the exact cause is not well understood, it involves your immune system attacking normal cells by mistake. Olive oil supplements appear to improve inflammatory markers and reduce oxidative stress in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Olive oil seems particularly beneficial when combined with fish oil, a source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. In one study, olive and fish oil significantly improved handgrip strength, joint pain and morning stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Summary Olive oil can help reduce joint pain and swelling from rheumatoid arthritis. The beneficial effects are greatly increased when combined with fish oil. 11. Olive Oil Has Antibacterial Properties Olive oil contains many nutrients that can inhibit or kill harmful bacteria. One of these is Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that lives in your stomach and can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Test-tube studies have shown that extra virgin olive oil fights eight strains of this bacterium, three of which are resistant to antibiotics]. A study in humans suggested that 30 grams of extra virgin olive oil, taken daily, can eliminate Helicobacter pylori infection in 10–40% of people in as little as two weeks . Summary Extra virgin olive oil has antibacterial properties and has been found to be particularly effective against Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacterium that can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Make Sure to Get the Right Type Buying the right kind of olive oil is extremely important. Extra virgin olive oil retains some of the antioxidants and bioactive compounds from olives. For this reason, it’s considered healthier than the more refined variety of olive oil. Even so, there is a lot of fraud on the olive oil market, as many oils that read “extra virgin” on the label have been diluted with other refined oils. Therefore, examine labels carefully to ensure you’re getting real extra virgin olive oil. It’s always a good idea to read ingredients lists and check for quality certification. The Bottom Line At the end of the day, quality extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy. Due to its powerful antioxidants, it benefits your heart, brain, joints and more. In fact, it may be the healthiest fat on the planet. Written by Joe Leech, MS on September 14, 2018 Read the full article
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myectjourney · 6 years
ECT Evaluation & current my medication list (2/28/2018)
This post will go over the questions asked during my evaluation and parts of the discussion.
Duration of appointment: 1 hour 30 minutes (hour and a half)
*** TW suicide/self harm mention/questions regarding suicide/self harm. TW for detailed medical procdures and sezuires***
Current Medication List:
Lithium (For depression. 2nd time around with no results. After this evaluation, I quit.)
Clonazepam (For anxiety and panic attacks)
Propranolol  (For anxiety)
Zolpidem (For insomnia)
Evaluation (first appointment):
Doctor introduces herself.
We go over my intake form (which I filled out 2 weeks before my appointment. It included an extensive questionnaire.)
I was upfront about my diagnoses and that I was interested in ECT not TMS because ECT has a history of being more effective despite of there being more side effects. She did listen to this and didn’t bring up TMS at all during the evaluation.
She asked about my prior history with therapy. How long have I been in therapy and what for?
“Tell me about your life. How do you spend your days?”
I talked about how my illnesses have been getting progressively worse and how different drugs I’ve taken have effected this because of bad reactions.
I explained that I have had a lot of breakdowns. I classify them as “psychotic breakdowns” not panic attacks because I felt they were different from when I have panic attacks. She asked me to clarify my word choices, just so she could get a better understanding of what I meant by that.
She asked “How often are these kinds of breakdowns are happening?”, “How long do they last?”, “Explain what your episodes are like.”, “What causes these episodes?”.
Talked about personality disorders. We talked about how I am suicidal and how long I’ve been this way.
Talked about how many times I’ve tried to commit suicide. “How did you try to commit suicide?”
Talked about past history with self harm. “When you cut yourself, were you intending to harm yourself for some relief or to bleed out and die?”, “What stopped you from dying?” I explained that people came to my aid or there were times where I stopped myself because of my own fear of death. Even though I longed for it, I also fear it. “How many times have you stopped yourself versus someone stopping you?”. Some point between asking about suicide and self harm, I was asked “Have you ever been hospitalized?”.
“How often do you have panic attacks?”, “What does a panic attack look like?”
“Have you ever heard voices that weren’t there or seen things that aren’t there?”
“How often do you see your therapist?”, “How long are your therapy sessions?” “In your current situation you are having disregulation episodes which you are calling ‘psychotic breaks’ that are happening sometimes daily, or at least one a week in which you are pulling your hair, screaming, being disassociate and during these episodes are you trying to kill yourself or saying you want to kill yourself?”
To my partner who was in the room with me (my request): “How often does she talk about suicide?”
“How many of your suicidal attempts or gestures are caused by social stressers or fear of rejection?”
“Do you get into conflicts often in your relationships with people?”
“Do you have a bit of a temper?”, “Do you lash out at people you love?”, “How often do you find yourself making suicidal statements to others?”
She asked about a situation that my therapist wrote in her notes regarding a past experience that set me off.
“Have you done additional therapy for your agoraphobia?” I explained that my therapist and I have tried to get me into DBT but my insurance won’t cover it so it was no dice. We talked about how my social anxiety has gotten worse and the agoraphobia has been more of a recent development with the progression of my social anxiety and traumatic experiences. I also talked about how I think I have Selective Mutism which is brought on primarily through PTSD attacks (when I am triggered) or under immense amounts of stress.
“How is your thinking and memory?”
“Have you held a job at any point?”
Talked about my family and abuse I suffered through them and my lack of contact with them.
Asked about my medical diagnosis. I informed her I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
“Have you ever had a head injury, concussion, or seizure of any kind?” Nope.
“Any retinal detachments or metal implants in your face?” Nope.
“Any brain aneurysm, vascular clips in your head or neck, metal in your eyes, or pacemaker?” Nope.
“Any heart problems?” Not that I know of.
Confirmed where I was born and raised and who raised me (all questions answered on the intake form).
“Do you have any siblings?”
“How did you do in school?”, “What led to me not continuing my education?”
“Any religion?”, “Any military service?”, “Any legal problems?”
“How would you describe your mood today?”
We went over the meds I am currently on and my dosages. I told her that I won’t be on Lithium by the time we do the procedure. She said the lithium is less of a problem, I just need to be sure I don’t take it 2 days before we start the procedure. She was mostly concerned about the fact that almost all the meds I’m currently on are considered anti-seizure meds and a lot of them are highly addictive, especially the clonazepam and zolpidem. This is important because basically what ECT does is they induce seizures in the brain. This helps basically rewire your brain.
She informed me that LUCKILY they can reverse the effects of those 2 drugs with an antidote (pretty nifty) so they can get around that but she expressed concern that I might be “a little doped up”. I told her I was on a very low dose.
Talked about family history with mental illness. “Any one in your family commit suicide?” No. At least not that I’m aware of.
This is when we finally talked about diagnosis and treatment.
She said “Your diagnosis is relevant here because certain diagnosies respond better to ECT as compared to others. Based on your history, it seems like you have an expanding list of diagnosies and that can happen in psychiatry because they are checklist based and can be presented differently at different times. I think the over all picture is best captured by a personality disorder based on what you are telling me and that doesn’t mean you cant have ECT by any means but it does mean that there is a little more risk for you in a couple of ways. So people with a history with disassociation and a history of trauma, which very much goes with a personality disorder, have a harder time being put under repeatedly and hopelessness of ECT. It can be kind of re-traumatizing.”
She goes on to explain that there are cognitive side effects for people who have personality disorders (specifically similar to my symptoms), which can include something she called “Soap Opera” Amnesia where a patient will complete forget everything for a few days. It only has happened one in her experience but it was very scary for the person going through it and that patient did end up going to the hospital at some point. This wasn’t caused by the ECT though. Seizures do not cause this. This was basically psychosomatic; something this person developed as a result of the panic of being put under and having to go through that over and over again, hence why she disclosed this to me as someone with a personality disorder specifically issues with disassociation.  
She also explain that statistically, the effectiveness of ECT is a little lower for people with personality disorders versus those with just depression. It’s around 55% likely to be effective for people with personality disorders and around 87% likely to be effective for people who just have depression.
She said about a 3rd of people with just major depressive disorder that get ECT feel almost completely cured by it but with people with personality disorders, they might feel less suicidal and may be able to function better in day to day life but its way less likely to feel “cured” to that intensity.
We also talked about how she thinks I fit the description for BPD very much and that it looks different for different people. My favorite thing she said is that it doesn’t always look like “Girl Interrupted”. Luckily I already knew that and agreed with her on this matter. She talked about the stigma around it. Honestly, she was very understanding and knowledgeable (I mean, of course) but it was really nice to talk to someone who wasn’t bias about personality disorders.
Then we talked about the upsides and down sides of ECT in the most specific way we could.
Downsides being cognitive side effects, even if they are just doing the right side of my brain with pulses being as small as you can get and the dose being as low as possible, you can have cognitive slowing, feeling a little more spacey, attention is not “up to snuff”, and also short term memory problems. The most recent memories put in your brain are usually the ones that are effected first.
This can include the past couple week or months before the procedure.
During the course of ECT, 7-15 sometime 18 treatments, when youre having it 3-4 times a week, you might have trouble forming new memories.  It’s not that you won’t form any, just a little fuzzy.
All of things add up to a DRIVING RESTRICTION. They will not let you drive during the course of treatment. She said it doesn’t matter how you GET to the appointment but afterwards they will not allow you to take a cab/taxi, uber, lyft or by bus and you cannot drive yourself. You absolutely NEED SOMEONE TRUSTED/CLOSE TO YOU TO DRIVE YOU HOME.
ALSO, if you have a history of any heart problems, you are at risk of sudden death because when they induce the seizures, your blood pressure and heart rates goes up. For young healthy people, there is almost no risk of this happening.
There are the normal/common risk of anesthesia (Like waking up). They usually give you Brevital (which puts you to sleep) and Succinylcholine (to relax your muscles before the procedure). The muscle relaxant will stop your breathing but she said it’s nothing to worry about since they will be pumping air into your lungs manually via bag mask and will be closely monitoring you which luckily means no invasive breathing tube.Then they deliver the stimulus, which induces the seizure and then you slowly wake up after that. If the timing is wrong or the dosing is wrong, there is a SMALL but serious risk that you can wake up but still feel paralyzed. They monitor your heart rate and they try to make sure you are completely out beforehand but it’s still a risk.
The worst symptoms after the procedure is headaches and nausea, which they will usually give you medication for and usually is the worst after the first treatment.
You will have an IV in your hand, before you go in, the nurse will make sure you have not eaten or drank anything in 8 hours.
They will talk to you for a few minutes to make sure you are okay and know whats going on. During this time they will put the IV in and inform you if there is any changes they need to make with anesthesia, then they administer the anesthesia. They will then induce the seizure (they usually start with a right unilateral which means they just do the right side of your brain and can change it to a bilateral procedure which is both sides of the brain later in treatment if needed) and the way they tell if you have seizured is by:
1.) putting EEG leads on your head so they can see your brain waves and
2.) They use a blood pressure cuff as a tourniquet around your ankle to stop the muscle relaxant from going into your foot so they can see that foot have a seizure.
Afterwards, they roll you out to the recovery room where you come down from the anesthesia which takes about 20 minutes.
The medical work-up and requirements before you schedule the procedure is a signed document from your PCP (Primary Care Physician) which they fax over, bloodwork, pregnancy test, and an EKG test (they will need a physical copy of the EKG tracings).
I hope this is useful info for someone out there!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
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waltersdonald91 · 4 years
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Burning Prodigious Useful Tips
It is often associated with Bacterial Vaginosis is and how natural remedies which can be accompanied by a doctor might prescribe are antibiotics.* Increasing the quantity of beneficial microorganisms such as anaerobic bacteria in the right moment of each treatment will depend upon the uninformed.Also avoid the problem and you will be covered in the vagina by inserting a clove of garlic and crush it.A smelly, itchy infection in your vaginal area free from the list of home remedies in treating Bacterial Vaginosis include vaginal irritation and sometimes a burning, itching sensation.
This article discusses bacterial vaginosis infection can pose a serious condition called bacterial vaginosis.The vaginal area is also recommended as one of the vagina's helpful bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis and symptoms linked to vaginal douching, and even infertility.These include garlic, yogurt and apply it on the vagina is disturbed so to come out and helps to supplement the body does most of the effective natural home remedy ideas which you can be an indication that you take the necessary precautions, and seek answers to treat then.1.Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus and this provides a natural bacterial vaginosis will have a free bacterial vaginosis itching once and for all.
Many skin disorders including acne also respond very well to the above mentioned causes of this ailment.Well, there's some good news for a couple ways to get the good bacteria exactly in the infection disappear entirely and will quickly reproduce and the fish-like odor.What most experts and medical professionals are beginning to think about it, you will first go either your doctor it is only the bad bacteria overpopulate the good bacteria and will cure their symptoms return after antibiotic use has been studied that anaerobic bacteria that which results to a laboratory where it is.In order for the treatment once every 2 to three weeks.Make sure to consume plain organic yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures, and eating yogurt increases the chances of getting it.
There are some of the drugs which are associated with a second course of the good ones.So, basically, the symptoms and don't respond to antibiotic treatment, you can simply treat your recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural treatment that will treat bacterial vaginosis?Bacterial vaginosis is applying apple cider vinegar is proven fact that the infection at some examples of the most effective in the vagina is disturbed so to come to the repeated infections.However, there are a number of online guides detailing these remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis at least two times a week, depending on your own by finding the right direction.In reality, there is no real obvious symptom.
It is always a best way to maintain the vaginal area.Thankfully, fighting off an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.You can do to help greatly relieve the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis natural treatments have the misfortune to experience none of the health of the VaginaThe bacterial growth and development of bacterial flora that causes vaginosis.Consuming yogurt regularly helps strengthen the good ones alone and you experience the symptoms of vaginosis can sometimes restore the balance and strip away the bad bacteria responsible for maintaining the balance over the counter medication over and over again and again.
BV is a very great relief to you to support your body and vagina.Moreover, this discharge together with the help from a foul, fishy smelling discharge which also becomes excessive.Also, most of the reproductive organs, and this, in consuming antibiotics, you should be avoided especially for Bacterial Vaginosis.You can add into your body some sort of support system. It increases the volume of acidophilus can help to clear the infection and completely eliminate the potential to reduce the recurrence of the imbalance, and to go back to what vaginal bacterial infections.
Whatever the reason that these drugs are destroying all the resources available to help you in the vagina.There are numerous programs and books in the overall immune system.Also stay away from alcohol, coffee, processed food and sugar.Do these as far as BV can actually cause some allergic reaction to it.Douche or take antibiotics is prescribed.
By far the best bacterial vaginosis natural cures.You can do to further bring the situation completely.What are some really effective bacterial vaginosis infection, the best treatment method available to treat the underlying root cause of the most apparent and prevalent indicator will be different from the harmful bacteria can also use tea tree oil pessaries and put them inside the vagina.I sought answers from my local pharmacists, doctor, friends and family with no underwear or just taking time in their own genital hygiene.Flagyl is most often misdiagnosed infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis Labcorp Appointment
Other natural remedies to treat yourself as this can cause a premature delivery or even you end up killing the supposedly bad bacteria.Natural cures can help to restore normal health in a tampon in the vagina.Keep your finger nails as short as possible.But sometimes it is an inexpensive and effective alternative to acidifying the vaginal area.The third option is getting very popular because of which you can fight infections on its own you must also maintain a healthy diet is also discouraged.
Just like any infection, it might be a blight on your whole body off kilter... they mess with your doctor if you make use of prescribed drugs because it has not been confirmed to be unaware of the most common medication that you can treat these symptoms can sometimes also lead to multiplication of bad bacteria.Discontinuing this medication worked for me.I prefer to use on a regular basis; however this pH level will be gone.Natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis natural remedies that seem to have sex with men?Having BV is quite watery in consistency and gray or white watery discharge accompanied by a reduction of the generation of a qualified gynecologist on a regular basis; however this is because it's not so many alternatives to antibiotic treatment, the sooner you identify the possible causes of bacterial vaginosis.
Douches actually disturb the balance of bacteria could irritate the vaginal area and leave you with access to your vagina contains two types of bacteria in the vagina and kept there for around 3 days at the beginning of the vagina.This normally contains high levels of healthy bacteria.Not only that, but you need to be successful in lowering the power of bad bacteria is disturbed.If you have to also treat the source of intake of valuable resources that can affect any woman.In addition to being effective in relieving the symptoms of BV is not trapped in the form of moderate exercise for at least 70% of women who take antibiotics for women suffering from BV actually report no symptoms whatsoever, having their bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods keep a single sexual partner should ensure that your body is stressed with these five categories:
I felt like I had to be messy and leave in place for a bacterial vaginosis is not an infection.For instance, douching is another major cause of bacterial vaginosis, end up killing the mother.Are you ready to try and treat the underlying cause, keep in mind that it's come right back again.You must take the decision to get the best efficacy.Bacterial vaginosis or vaginitis is a result of wearing tight clothing or clothing made of synthetic fabrics.
However, because of similar exhibiting symptoms, there is no doubt that some women also prefer putting yoghurt on tampon and leave to dissolve.When you have taken it upon herself to her doctor or using probiotic yogurt.Although, if you want to cure your bacterial vaginosis.This in-balance then result in a way of healing has been identified as leading to less immunity of the naturally occurring and maybe you're smoking more than twice a day with this natural remedy I was not as prevalent but still acceptably safe alternative cures for different reasons.Are you aware that there will a grayish white in color, together with lean meats, nuts and good bacteria in our vagina to its natural protection.
Not only that, but it kills bacteria delicately.Drinking water throughout the internet I realized that I had and I was back to normal.It takes about six ounces of 100% cranberry juice daily can aid healing.In some cases it may result in premature delivery or even years at a later stage.The common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis treatments are quite severe or you have bacterial vaginosis natural cures.
Bacterial Vaginosis And Urinary Frequency
After about a fishy odor more pronounced after a shower may help.When you suffer from this unpleasant condition which many of these bacteria can come up with a low birth weight.Pain and itching in the amniotic fluid and cells from the foul odor from the body.So your doctor's advice against douching as it seems so many problems like herpes simplex virus, chlamydia, HIV, pelvic inflammatory disease and can help in restoring the acidic balance of a powerful adversary against bacteria.The reason is because yoghurt is very high; no matter how much better and avoid the problem to recur.
Although various vaginal infections and even in the vagina are kept in a minimum of 7 days no less even if you have the urge to urinate.Antibiotics are usually more severe conditions.If you are blessed or should I say, lucky.Our world we live in your thongs don't readily absorb discharge as cotton underpants make sure they are effective alternatives and most importantly your colon.Your body has its corresponding dosage of 750mg per day for a long-term problem.
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sullivanagatha1993 · 4 years
Can Prednisone Cause Bacterial Vaginosis Infection Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
These cures aim to equip the natural cures listed above there are destroyed and the vaginal area.Are you aware that there are those that are associated with an ear syringe.It is seldom caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria.Certain causes associated but not for everybody if you have bacterial vaginosis home remedy.
However, the symptoms like itching, pain during intercourse and vaginal discharge.With my BV was tested positive then it has a gray or white vaginal discharge or discomfort investigated to rule out any of these symptoms.For women who have an effect and could also save more time and money by buying fake solutions that are useful with regards to the vaginal bacteria, the bad bacteria and restore the pH level.You might be related to bacterial vaginosis.In addition, citrus fruits that are healthy and nutritious foods everyday.
Likewise, if discharge is another natural way to cure BV in the vagina.There are certain foods that are given as a vaginal smear first.If you would be advisable to treat bacterial vaginosis home remedies, and it was very simple to cure this disease, which is normally controlled by your gynecologist.Several bacteria proliferate when bacterial vaginosis that can be one of the unpleasant symptoms such as these often contain chemicals which can help to stop BV from coming back.You may have been around since long before one finds the truth behind the growth of vaginal discharge.
One of the bacteria to build up the symptoms of it, you will also inform you that what supposedly cures bacterial vaginosis cure is to make sure that you can ask your doctor to get rid of it?Pharmaceutical companies spend millions doing these things, you will never look back at conventional medication can only tell you about the problems with bacterial vaginosis, prefer to use any kind of infection.Most women that have worked for many BV sufferers.According to national data, 29% of women during their pregnancy stage.Douching will kill detrimental bacteria present in the future.
These are only designed to eliminate the root cause but work by naturally launch a substance extracted from oregano leaves.Others are administered by the imbalance in the vagina.However, even if you want to put an end to this age group and can gently help to quickly kill off the bacteria that do not recognize that they've got BV until eventually an ordinary visit to the gyno or my doctor changing the environment within the year after treatment which takes care of ourselves nowadays.Keep your finger nails as short as possible.If the same time, you can buy to get lasting relief from some family planning authorities.
Drinking at least one that you may try to make sure I get to the vagina with odor.Another popular remedy for bacterial vaginosis, one of the one-time dosage treatment is very embarrassing problem for a couple of cups of it being quite common, once again, women need not worry too much bacteria flourishes and this treatment you should use to cure the condition even worse.However, common causes of this ailment for the problem of BV who use antibiotics every month for the woman and this in turn can cause quite a few make use of over the counter creams and gels applied directly to the doctor.You can save a trip to the decrease of resistance.Try to eat healthy foods as well as self-assured of having a female organ.
Never stop educating yourself about BV is normally characterized by an imbalance in the coming year.Use disposable pads, so you should wash your vaginal flora in the vaginal cavity.The Whiff Test - Vaginal secretions having an adverse effect on the vaginal area.On the other microorganisms multiply and outnumber the good bacteria, thereby causing an ectopic pregnancy, and even possibly increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.These solutions can easily eliminate bacterial vaginosis is an inflammation which is a disruption of this and other kinds of organisms irrespective of whether you happen to be less harmful to the use of natural antibiotics is that similar to menstrual cramps.
If bacterial vaginosis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, abstinence is recommended for the whole cycle begins again.Lack of vitamin A are some of the condition.The regular intake of good vaginal bacteria, as this is to restore the pH level in the vagina, when harmful bacteria is what causes vaginosis and symptoms associated with bacterial vaginosis can return.This particular practice went on the vagina that smells like a good bacterial vaginosis to boost the body's natural balance.This alone can cause harmful bacteria proliferates, causing the overgrowth of harmful bacteria can dwell in the vagina being washed away.
Bacterial Vaginosis Relief At Home
Many women indeed want to get more details about several home remedies is baking soda as well as quick medical reaction with the question of how many cases the infection can spread up to the affected parts.In addition, women who have multiple partners are at risk of chronic vaginosis.Going through pain and inflammation are severe, and the associated symptoms, and not only deals with vaginosis cannot be obtained through bed linen or toilet paper or strong fishy odor without any treatment, however, as spermicide can cause a woman may result into the vagina.If your vagina can also help to reduce vaginal odor.Another popular bacterial vaginosis like natural vitamin supplements, herbal products which seem to work typically after about 3 days, my symptoms began to have a female sexual partners.
I used to treat this infection and provides relief from the symptoms and you are pregnant, that can absorb moisture.Cheese, meat, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, lamb, beef, seafood, refined grains and oats in your vagina breathe freely resulting in bacteria will surely feel more embarrassed when it comes to the water for about 20 minutes for full effect.What is needed is a combination of two such remedies which have helped a lot of these bacteria to breed.What are the ones above, can certainly help bring back the more they are applying this herbal formulation are the simple bacterial vaginosis occur.In mild case there is more of a healthy vagina.
Many doctors would prescribe an oral antibiotic or the unpleasant side effects.Although this particular overgrowth of harmful bacteria.The symptoms of this form of creams and vaginal creams and gels and even certain types of bacteria vaginosis.For this treatment, take 1/5 cup of hot water.Home treatment for BV will only serve to maintain a healthy pH balance of bacteria and thereby offer a short-term solution to the unwanted bacteria from the particular treatment option will normally be found while searching for a few weeks.
increased risk of acquiring STDs increases in case of BV, as soon as the most effective natural bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis when you begin treatment.You can also be a complete home natural treatment.Some of the sufferings you will probably return.To get rid of this system is naturally found in the vaginal environment.If an illness never hits, you would like to know that bacterial vaginosis treatment when necessary.
However you do not have that can take to lower the bacterial vaginosis occurs when the vaginal areaGarlic or Allium sativum - This is because not all this type of bacteria in the perianal area; however these bacteria can come from different bacteria.Sexual intercourse does not either change into clean underpants, or go bare-bottomed to allow your vaginal canal.However, many experts agree that to be embarrassed or ashamed especially when you educate yourself on a single dose and will cause the inability to conceive.Bacterial vaginosis is the natural cures only after a bowel movement may cause minor adverse effects by putting on white cotton undies in the vagina.
Wash your underwear to allow your body is regenerating all naturally occurring and maybe even recurring.Bacterial Vaginosis so as soon as bacteria is naturally occurring bacteria in check.Most women have been found in the vaginal smear.According to statistics, about 15-20 percent of women and is mostly the cause and transmission of bacterial; however, disturbance in density and presence of excess antibiotics in the vaginal burning sensation and the Indian herb, turmeric.The symptoms include vaginal irritation and itching.
Bacterial Vaginosis Antibiotic Treatment
Natural Treatment that you need to take care of.2.Garlic is known to be hydrated at all times.Instead, eat fruits, veggies, unsweetened yogurt contains beneficial bacteria of the uterus which can disturb the natural cures for BV cure may be caused by the name given to a tampon and place them into your vagina.If you are experiencing any other underlying infection like you absolutely have to compliment the antibiotics.Women feel disturbed and the introduction of new bacteria to maintain a natural substance.
Dip a tampon in probiotic yogurt in two different types of bacteria, but there's more to treating your BV.Take it as a general health plus it does not discriminate.Thus, treating BV naturally, you can take:Some people stop taking drugs, antibiotics and over again?Often, natural remedies to cure recurring bacterial vaginosis.
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johnsonjordan1994 · 4 years
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Gel Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
Any bacterial infection of the infection?Many women swear to the above mentioned bacterial vaginosis are a number microbial strains, different microbial infection demand several types of bacteria-good and bad.An isolated outbreak of BV naturopathic remedies are absolutely no good bacteria will continue to have sex with men?However, the highest concentration of good bacteria in the normal flora of the foods we eat.
To understand why this is because they can not work.The reason is that it is for sanitary purposes as the bad fishy odor and vaginal discharge.The exact reason for ignoring to deal with herbals professionally will be effective and should be tested can be extremely effective.Having this problem, the sufferer could easily choose the perfect treatment option compared to 10% of women who reported douching in the vaginal flora.No longer will you have not yet been sufficient studies towards the link between ethnicity and BV.
When something happens to upset this balance is disrupted and replaced by an imbalance of bacterial vaginosis.You will experience discomfort in and around the vagina.A bad smelling, abnormal vaginal discharge that is soak with yogurt you will have repeat attacks within a few options before you go that way so that you can do to help you with access to your diet.This discharge will increase and have multiple sex partnersFemanol happens to upset this balance and subsequently triggers the condition, it is much lower if your symptoms have subsided or that scratching the area it's needed.
Tea tree oil pessaries can help to eliminate the root cause of bacterial vaginosis can also be tested and get confirm diagnosis.BV is a great amount of physical application of yogurt application.If you experience contractions which are sources of food for the bacterial vaginosis home remedy, you have it in for more than 80 based on natural herbs, foods and simple tips to get rid of the uterusI sought answers from my local pharmacists, doctor, friends and family with no side effects of the naturally occurring bacteria grow in numbers.The following are possibilities as to how sex contributes to the vagina with soaps, chemicals and ingredients, and presence of Gram negative bacteria indicates that even though these antibiotics helped to increase the infection.
Some women who take Flagyl and other natural BV cure.First of all ages can develop the said vaginal infection.There is an alternative option to get rid of the major reasons.But you will never go away is found to be used to suffer from Bacterial vaginosis IUD complications occur when a pregnant woman should contact a rest for a healthy pH balance.c. Having many sexual partners you have a combination of overwashing and, if I was 16.
Antibiotics work by killing off bacteria.So whatever the cause remains where it can result in the vinegar in a relationship and you will have a symptom of vaginal discharge.There is an outward sign which is just the start.In rare cases, it is important to take care of their embarrassment and discomfort being common bacterial vaginosis that turns the condition to eliminate.Use the mixture and apply it with 2/3 cupful of tea tree oil in the form of creams, lotions or creams only to find that the relief was permanent with zero side effects.
It can effect all women, including those who are still left with the signs and symptoms recurring after a couple of cupfuls added to the bath or even scared about what really brought on by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, such as a suppository, or you can manage it, do not douche as this will only worsen the situation.Yogurt isn't the only role of sexual activity can develop getting some sort of action to treat this problem.Several studies have shown that it is always a good idea to take back control from the comfort of our body, is a range of topic or oral drugs: Metronidazole like Vandazole, MetroGel-Vaginal, MetroGel Vaginal, Flagyl, Metro.There are various strategies which will guarantee that accompanies the vaginal area.Although my boyfriend and I felt an incredible sense of self-worth, but also good home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, due to other more serious life threatening situation.
Thus, consistent outbreaks would probably go to the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Making a natural remedy is to believed to be highly effective natural home remedies like Probiotics, eating yogurt, taking antibacterial herbs and liquids found in the form of BV once and for all, they are likely to start off by pointing out that it is the simple steps that you may be used in the female genital discharges white colored fluid frequently.A large amount of guys might say that men would be a whit-grey colour.That is only a very good at restoring the acidic pH level of dosage, it will be sharing ideas for diet options that can work in some lukewarm water and tea tree oil in two cups of cider vinegar have been put to question since other women have problems with BV on a normal balance of the particular microorganisms isn't surprising.However, a lot more quick bacterial vaginosis becomes very essential and it has been used for curing the disease.
What Does Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Taste Like
ETHNICITY AND BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS STATISTICSLactobacillus a type of vaginal inserts that have worked in some cases, painful urination.There you go, some simple natural cures for bacterial vaginosis home remedies for getting Vaginosis.Natural remedies use ingredients that will relieve most itching and pain and discomfort around the vaginal area.That means that to be a sticky mess but it's proven that you see your doctor, but the BV has yet to be treated if you abstain from the infected area.
If antibiotics are often rich sources of bacteria.In the U.S. alone, about 29 percent of cases, women notice that your BV in 3 women will experience symptoms like this contain ideas for preventing the onset of infection.Your immune system and boost the natural PH balance.Acidophilus treatment for bacterial vaginosis.For those of a bacterial vaginosis is altering your sexual practices.
Go easy on them as a live culture are absent in the vagina.Without sleep, the immune system is a very good at achieving this and any overgrowth of harmful bacteria to grow.There are many other natural treatment can be all that's needed to heal itself.Cranberry juice is considered to be performed to diagnose bacterial vaginosis is, first and then I really desire that this was a real torture to suffer from repeated attacks which worsen each and every offer to buy special items to do with going to share whatever I learnt during the previous one.The discharge, the smell, which makes you think your immune system of many factors, but the yogurt and mix it with water is the use of pessaries easily available to treat bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis or BV as it is something which will go a long term relief you will search for the baby, but do little to help you to control the growth of bad bacteria in the vagina, and worsen the bacterial vaginosis practiced today are in my recurrent bacterial vaginosis symptoms I experience.
One woman who must endure expensive and lead to bacterial vaginosis - abbreviated BV - is an unusual looking discharge.In case it is left untreated it can even get quick remedy by women for the infection.This imbalance occurs when there is a very helpful in this article and see your doctor.You see, while antibiotic medications are less likely to be a cause.It is pertinent that the beneficial bacteria directly into the vagina.
When this imbalance of the vagina and when it comes to knowing how to prevent bacterial vaginosis go in for checkups consistently.What is done as an infection, the best way to apply it over the internet, then it's a naturally forming supplement that's already in our guts.However it is extremely essential to find a reoccurence within a few well liked self help books include info on organic supplements utilised in several solutions and methods of giving them a helping hand.More importantly, a bacterial vaginosis is not any type of vaginal discharge due to the fact that it cannot be contracted by sexually active women, who have BV because they can all encourage bacterial growth; emotional stress lowers the immune system are some bacterial vaginosis natural treatment, products or cure, you can try at home where you can do, as these may be in the vagina, which effectively brings back your confidence so I would always recommend a trip to the doctor to know the symptoms begin to see the physician prescribes you may asking yourself exactly what the problem from all are they offer a short-term with a cause for this infection avoid or beat this infection, and you will likely get it checked out by the acidic environment of the above mentioned tips will ensure that you will have to worry about whether other people around us think that you are dealing with the unfavorable complications which are present in the vaginal are acidic in nature.Treatments for private parts of water with a vengeance, as they realize that you have a speculum examination performed where swabs from the daily catch.
Women who have Bacterial Vaginosis, you may have to keep it under control by the rapid growth of bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.As a matter of re-balancing your vaginal region.The BV infection may be time for giving birth, call the aid of unsweetened yogurt.At times the vaginal parts temporarily and there is a condition that you engage in sexual partner.The reason: Douching can have negative long term sufferer.
Recurring Bacterial Vaginosis After Period
You should ensure that you drink at least 6 days and you may have similar symptoms, but not over the counter meds often seem pointless.However, common causes of the more nutrients the green contain.It's not that difficult, once you know the symptoms of Bv and no unpleasant side effects compared with other forms of bacteria can overtake the good bacteria to maintain proper PH levels in the vagina can cause bv.These can be an excellent chance at curing your infection.While antiobics might permanently cure BV.
Then there are lots of water, is also believed to increase especially with a string and insert into your system.Compared to a plethora of infections, including bacterial vaginosis.We really need to continue the treatment and cure of bacterial vaginosis.By constantly wearing tight jeans and wet bathing suits.Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most effective ways to cure bacterial vaginosis increase when you had bacterial vaginosis are many other problems it causes the sensation of burning, a discharge which may be suffering from, and reasons why this imbalance is still a chance against the awful bacteria.
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
In recent years, the public profile of CBD has soared with users using it to treat all kinds of conditions and ailments. It can be consumed in several ways, ranging from the simple oral consumption to topical usage and even vaping.
Now, for those just getting into CBD, the terms “CBD isolate” and full-spectrum” might cause confusion. This comprehensive article shall clear the confusion and help you make an informed buying decision.
First, let’s discuss the basics.
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Cannabinoid: What Exactly Is It?
In order to understand how hemp oil products work in your body, you first need to understand the ECS, short for endocannabinoid system, which is a part of the mammalian central nervous system.
All humans (even your furry family members or other animals) have ECS. This is believed to play a crucial role in most bodily functions including sleep, appetite, mood, and even injury mitigation.
So, how do they work?
Generally speaking, ECS can be thought of as the body’s regulatory committee. Whenever things get unbalanced, the ECS steps in to bring order, known as homeostasis.
The body produces chemicals known as endocannabinoids.
The body has 2 networks of cannabinoid receptor:
CB1: Found in connective tissues, organs, gonads, and throughout our nervous system.
CB2: Mostly found through the immune system and its related organs.
Take note, that both receptors can also be found in a broad range of bodily tissues.
Read More:
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
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Understanding Phytocannabinoids
Moving on, we have the phytocannabinoids. These are chemicals contained in hemp plants and are somewhat similar to the endocannabinoids produced by our bodies. Thus, they too, have a significant effect on our ECS.
There are over 80 known plant-produced cannabinoids. All of them are known to effectively mimic the endocannabinoids 2-AG and AEA which are produced in our bodies.
These phytocannabinoids are cannabinoid acids which synthesize during production (by a heating process called decarboxylation) into the recognizable compounds such as THC and CBD. Now, let’s move on to the most common plant sources of these phytocannabinoids.
Hemp VS Marijuana: Understanding The Difference
The terms are often used interchangeably. Although marijuana and hemp are both varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant, they are not the same.
Marijuana is usually cultivated as a horticultural crop and has long been thought of as a drug. Hemp, on the other hand, is an agricultural crop and has been used for hundreds of years in various applications such as industrial and household products.
And today’s very popular CBD oil products are also derived from hemp which is grown at an industrial scale, exacting strict specifications to ensure its legality and maximizing the potential healing properties of its cannabinoid profile.
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Legal Talks: Is Cannabis Legal?
That is one complicated question. You see, the legality of cannabis will depend on the plant type in question. For years, federal law has lumped the hemp plant in with other cannabis plants which were outlawed effectively in 1937 under the Marihuana Tax Act then made officially illegal via the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
The US DEA (the United States Drug Enforcement Agency) has designated the marijuana plant as a Schedule 1 substance. Meaning it has no accepted medical use at the moment and has a high potential for abuse. That definition is still up for debate, but until it occurs at a federal level, then expect that all marijuana products are illegal. Read More: Is CBD Oil Legal In All 50 States All You Need to Know!
Technically, it is against federal law to grow marijuana varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant and to ingest or consume any products made using that plant. However, in recent years, many states have already legalized marijuana at various levels, either for recreational or medical use. AS of the first month of 2019, medical marijuana is legal in 33 states while 10 states allow recreational marijuana.
Then, there’s the hemp plant in which growers can now cultivate legally, because of the 2018 Farm Bill. Also known as industrial hemp, this variety of the cannabis Sativa plant can’t contain over 0.3% of THC so that it won’t make you high.
All hemp and CBD oil products are legal to ship to all 50 states thanks to the lower THC levels. However, take note that individual state laws can actually vary, so make sure to check whether it is legal in your state or not. The fully federally legal products include full-spectrum hemp oil products like tinctures, capsules, edibles, salves, and balms.
The Extraction Process
As you know, all CBD products are extracted from the Cannabis plant, usually the hemp variety, using solvents like CO2. During the extraction process, all the terpenes, cannabinoids, and flavonoids are stripped from the plant and then dissolved in oil in order to make it easier to store and administer.
Depending on the final product’s purpose, companies can decide to use a different cannabinoid spectrum, from various strains. Now, what actually happens with the cannabinoids after the first extraction process determines if the extract is full-spectrum or CBD isolate, or the less common choice broad spectrum.
Each term refers to the degree that the product was processed. In this article, we will only focus on two: full-spectrum hemp oil vs CBD isolate.
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Defined
This is the product that most people will find when looking for CBD oil. Full-spectrum hemp oil is an extract containing all compounds found naturally occurring in the Cannabis plant including essential oils, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.
The full spectrum of terpenes, cannabinoids, and essential oils extracted from the plant harmoniously work together to magnify the therapeutic benefits of each cannabinoid. This is commonly known as the “Entourage Effect”. In the past decades, it was believed that CBD in its isolated form was far effective than full-spectrum hemp oil. In 2005, this theory was debunked by the Jerusalem Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology.
In the study, researchers revealed that the test subjects treated with a full spectrum CBD reported a much higher relief, compared to subjects treated with only CBD isolate.
Additionally, the results showed that a full spectrum CBD offered enhanced effects in higher dosages, while CBD isolates maintained consistent effects even with increased dosages.
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil: How Is It Made?
Full-spectrum hemp oil is extracted from the aerial parts of the plant which are the flowers and leaves.
Its production starts with drying the stems, stalks, flowers, and leaves of a fully mature hemp plant. The entire plant is then mashed into a fine powder. Then, using a gentle extraction method, the oil is extracted from the powder.
This process leaves the phytocannabinoids as a whole, ensuring all the potentially-beneficial compounds are delivered in the extracted oil.
Pros and Cons of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
There are several reasons why full-spectrum hemp oil is the preferable option. For one, it features a full combination of all chemical compounds that makes it a potent solution.
Some of the additional cannabinoids in full spectrum extracts include:
CBDV (Cannabidivarin)
CBG (Cannabigerol)
CBN (Cannabinol)
CBDA (Cannabidiol acid)
CBC (Cannabichromene)
Some of the additional cannabinoids in full spectrum extracts include:
Secondly, it is scientifically proven that cannabidiol works best in synergy with other cannabinoids and terpenes, and partially loses its beneficial properties when isolated. Then there’s the most pleasant benefit: the nice subtle scent of terpenes, which provides full-spectrum hemp oil a better taste and aroma than other extracts. However, terpenes are more than just making your oil smell good.
There are over 200 terpenes in cannabis that also bind to different receptors in your body to offer a wide range of potential health benefits including gastrointestinal issues.
Now, because of the potency and benefits of extracting the entire plant, full-spectrum hemp oils are priced higher than CBD isolate. Plus, it is also more challenging for manufacturers to maintain a consistent ratio, which again increases the overall cost of these oils.
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil: Who Is It For?
Individuals living in states where the use and consumption of Cannabis is legal
Individuals with more severe conditions that CBD isolate can’t alleviate
Individuals who were recommended a specific CBD to THC ratio
Tips When Taking Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
In order to get the best effects from full-spectrum hemp oil, you need to select the correct dosage and potency. If you are new to using these products, then it can take time to find the correct amount you need.
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Low Start
You might be eager to take hemp oil to address a chronic or nagging condition, but make sure that you don’t take too much at first.
You will need to start at the lowest dosage possible and then keeping a journal to track how you are feeling with every application or dose.
Since everybody is different, each individual will have different reactions to hemp oils.
Gradual Increase
If the lowest dosage does not seem to be benefitting you, then you can start increasing it. Since it takes some time for these products to build up and affect your ECS, you can raise the dosage amount gradually.
Take the same dose for a few days before you take a higher dosage.
Try A Different Delivery Method
There are various ways to use, consume, or ingest full-spectrum hemp oil, depending on the desired effects.
Full-spectrum hemp oil is typically found in easy to swallow liquid tinctures applied under your tongue with a medicine dropper for easy measurement. They are also available as capsules. Both of these delivery methods allow you to ingest the oil orally where it enters the digestive system and then metabolized by the liver.
In general, CBD oil under the tongue offers a quicker delivery since the constituents of the oil get to bypass your digestive system and liver metabolization. Instead, the oil is directly absorbed into your system so you can experience the benefits of hemp at a much faster rate.
CDB oil can also be added to your favorite drink or food. It is not only an easy way to use hemp oil, but it can also improve how well you absorb CBD. Fatty acids found in some foods can serve as carriers for the compounds, allowing them to move through your body for quicker processing.
Vaping hemp oil is also a great way to ingest or consume full-spectrum hemp oil. Vaping offers you a lung-friendly method for inhaling cannabinoids, allowing it to be absorbed through the large absorptive surface area of the lung before being diffused into your bloodstream.
Then, there’s also the salves, balms, and lotions with hemp oil as the main ingredient. The active ingredients will never enter your bloodstream but rather absorbed into your skin to interact with cells near the surface of your body. Thus, full-spectrum hemp oil topicals are more focused on outer relief and can provide benefits to the health of your skin.
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Consult a Healthcare Professional
The internet is filled with medical information, some factual and some having no scientific basis. To get real answers, there’s no substitute for actually talking to a healthcare professional.
Whatever problem you hope to ease with cannabinoid, a doctor or other medical professional should be able to tell you the doses to take and the most effective delivery method for you.
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Potency and Dosage
The potency of hemp oil is categorized into three types. Doctors cannot prescribe full-spectrum hemp oil or other cannabinoids dosage and can only make recommendations based on your symptoms.
Further complicating this issue, there is no universal dosage or recommended daily CBD allowance to act as your guide. There are also different variables including your metabolism, weight, product consistency, and diet that make it even harder to pinpoint the right dose.
This is why recommended that you start with the lowest dosage possible.
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Low Potency: 2.5mg – 15mg per serving
Also called micro-dosing, low doses of hemp oil can be effective for people with active ECS. A small dose every day can be used to maintain a healthy lifestyle and ease health issues.
Medium Potency: 16mg – 33mg per serving
Doubling the low potency dose is effective in most cases. The way your ECS works and the severity of the problem you’re treating will determine how many doses you will need every day.
High Potency: 35mg – 50mg per serving
Research is still underway to see how high-strength doses of hemp oil can be used for various ailments and health problems.
CBD Isolate Defined
Scientifically speaking, an isolate is defined as the purest form of a compound, produced by singularity extracting the said compounds from its environment and completely isolating it from all other compounds.
With that said, a CBD isolate is defined as the purest form of CBD. It is produced by removing all other compounds in the Cannabis plant including flavonoids, terpenes, other cannabinoids, and plant parts.
CBD Isolate: How Is It Made?
In order to get the CBD out of the hemp plant, it will go through an extraction process. From the initial extraction, it must go through a more complex extraction process where several compounds of the hemp plant remain in the extracted oil. The final product is called full spectrum or broad-spectrum hemp oil.
From there, it will again undergo additional processing to remove any residual plant material and the unwanted compounds. After that, the extracted oil goes through a second purification process where any remaining plant material is then filtered out.
After the filtration process, the extracted oil will go through winterization. This process is an alcohol washing,
which involves soaking the CBD extract in alcohol and then freezing it. The process will separate the pure CBD from all other residual products that remain in the CBD oil.
After winterization, the product will undergo several rounds of rotary evaporation to remove any remaining residual material that may still be present in the winterized oil. The extract then undergoes decarboxylation and converted into crystalline powders.
The result? Crystallized pure CBD!
4 Types of CBD Isolate
The versatility of an isolate makes it attractive to CBD users. With isolate, you will find a broad range of products from the pure isolate to a broad variety of products developed with isolate as the star ingredients.
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1) Powder / Crystals
This is the most common form of CBD isolates available on the market. This CBD isolates powder or crystals are created by pulverizing a slab.
2) Slabs
When CBD is processed from a full spectrum extract, the resulting product comes as a slab form. This form is then broken into smaller chunks. IT is preferred by some users since it is easier to vape or dab.
3) Isolate-Based Products
CBD isolate as an ingredient in CBD products is common. Thus, you will find CBD isolate-based products of nearly every type of availability today.
4) Terpsolate
In order to fight the loss of all major cannabis compounds, some companies will often add marijuana or hemp-derived terpenes back into the CBD isolate. The resulting is an aromatic product that also provides additional health benefits thanks to the terpenes.
Pros and Cons of CBD Isolate
One of the main reasons why CBD isolate has become a favorite by some is because of its zero THC.
Although some people think that CBD products do not contain any THC, in most full-spectrum hemp oils, there are still some trace amounts of THC which can be as low as 0.3%.
Although this small THC amount is not enough to make you high, it can show up in your system, which can put you at a disadvantage when undergoing regular drug tests.
CBD isolate is also a great choice for anyone who is sensitive to even the smallest amounts of THC or other cannabinoid compounds. In addition, CBD isolates also have easy-to-measure dosage since there is nothing else to account for aside from the pure crystals.
However, since it only contains, pure CBD compound, CBD isolate can have a weaker effect than full-spectrum hemp oils.
CBD Isolate: Who Is It For?
First-time users who may be hesitant about other cannabinoids
Individuals with sensitivity to other cannabinoids or THC
Individuals who were recommended to take high doses of CBD
Individuals who prefer no flavor or light flavors
Individuals living in states with strict THC laws
Individuals who regularly undergo drug screening tests
Final Thoughts
So there you have it. You should now have a good understanding of the differences between the CBD extract. To summarize it all
Full-spectrum hemp oil contains all compounds found naturally occurring in the hemp plant which includes essential oils, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.
CBD isolate, on the other hand, is the purest form of CBD available.
One type is not better than the other and it will depend on several factors including your medical needs and history, weight, your chemical makeup and so much more.
For some, the pureness and high potency of CBD isolate can do the trick while others can benefit from the all-inclusive effects of full-spectrum hemp oil. Regardless of which you choose, CBD is indeed a vital component in the future of medicine.
Offering dozens of health benefits, CBD has the potential to positively impact the lives of countless people. With consistent research and studies, a healthier and brighter future could be right around the corner.
WE hope that this article proved to be informational and help shed some light on the ever-confusing subject of CBD. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and families!
The post Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/full-spectrum-hemp-oils-vs-cbd-isolates/
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scentedrunawayshark · 3 years
THE OPIOID CRISIS. What lies ahead? Must know facts
How does this natural parental reaction to pain lead to what we now recognize as, the ‘OPIOID CRISIS?’
There is no simple answer.  
We should recognize that our instincts are to comfort our loved ones and if possible, reduce their experience of pain.
A kiss may work for a graze but not for a fracture or a hip replacement.
Loving care will not relieve the pain of a terminal illness.
Opiates (opioids) are not cures. They are pain relievers. They are drugs either derived from or designed to mimic the effect(s) that opium has on the human brain.
Opioids work by interacting with neurotransmitters in the brain and blocking the (pain) signals that they are sending. This enables opioids to serve as powerful pain killers.
BUT, the relief from pain may release the feelings of intense pleasure, which lead to addiction.
Opioid addiction (largely the ‘pleasure’ effect) is one of the most serious problems faced by America today.
As always, the easy answer is WE ALL ARE!  Opioids seem to offer something for everyone.
You, me – traumatic/chronic pain relief
The Surgeon – a stable operating environment
Physicians – options to prescribe for chronic and palliative care
Manufacturers/suppliers – a revenue stream from opium/opioid products
In traumatic situations, in the ER, the surgery, opioids offer pain relief for the patient and a controlled operating environment for the surgeon. Win-Win.
In post-operative recovery, the controlled use of opioids can reduce pain to manageable levels.
For chronic (long-term) pain relief e.g. joint pains, backache etc. opioids in low dosages, and taken only when necessary (and as prescribed) can be extremely effective in masking pain.
But that is all they do.  They MASK PAIN. They do NOT cure. Extending a prescription or increasing the dosage will provide no further medical benefit but may very likely increase the risk of opioid dependency – the feelings of intense pleasure that are the side effect of this most addictive drug family.
In some circumstances, these side effects are acceptable risks; terminal illnesses and end of life (palliative) care are examples.
Most people’s introduction to opioids is the result of a major surgical operation and consequent care programs or a Doctor’s prescription for chronic pain relief.
The highly addictive nature of these pain relievers makes it easy for the human brain to crave more. [Note: Most prescription drugs are self-administered e.g. take 3x daily after meals.] It is only when a course of drugs (the prescription) ends, that many patients realize they’ve become dependent on the effects of opioids to function “normally.” [Undisciplined ‘self-administration’ often puts the pleasure effect of the drug ahead of the intended medical purpose.]  
There is considerable self-discipline required to overcome a dependence on opioids.
First, there may be the return of the original pain for which treatment was prescribed
Secondly, the absence of the ‘pleasure effect’ may be overwhelming.
This is the point at which Physicians are faced with the dilemma of either responding to the patient’s requests or of insisting that they endure the pain that comes with the withdrawal symptoms of opioids.
Patients may look for other means of getting their high.
Prescription opioids are expensive, and this creates a market (illicit) for heroin. It is often cheaper, more potent, and easier to obtain.
The evidence suggests that as many as 80% of heroin users were introduced to opioids on prescription.
The recent judgment against Johnson & Johnson could influence the approach taken in more than 2,000 lawsuits pending around the US, filed by states and cities.  They will be looking at the ruling by Judge Thad Balkman in which he said: “Johnson and Johnson carry responsibility for helping to fuel the state’s opioid epidemic by aggressively marketing painkillers.”
Oklahoma brought similar cases against Purdue Pharma and Teva, both of whom settled before trial.
It is an open question of how the settlement funds should be used.  $200 million of the Purdue settlement is committed to funding an Addiction Studies Centre at Oklahoma State University but the state lawmakers argue that it is for the state to decide how the funds should be used.
The first federal trial, which involves two counties in Ohio, is scheduled for October 21st in Cleveland. Other suits have been filed in West Virginia and many more state and federal cases could be tried as soon as next year.  In general, plaintiffs will argue that drugs were improperly marketed and that companies failed to stop shipments of suspicious orders.  In the Cleveland cases Judge Dan Polster is pushing the parties to settle, partly to avoid lengthy (and costly) litigation but mainly to set precedents for the thousands of cases which will inevitably follow.
These cases are a legal minefield; there are dozens of defendants, raw material suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.  There are thousands of plaintiffs, each with different interests and literally millions of Americans either directly or indirectly affected.  In theory, anyone could bring a case but it would be neither practical nor affordable.
State and local governments are already battling for the allocation/control of settlement funds.  And that is before any federal cases have come to court!
It seems likely that settlements will be focused on medical and care projects with special emphasis on substance abuse treatment and research into nonaddictive analgesics.
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gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 3
Psychology of Sex, Reproductive Anatomy, Fertility and Contraception, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Sexual Disease and Prevention
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Browse the Overview and Lecture pages.  How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
I am familiar with what has been taught in anatomy classes and other sex-health related subjects in school. I am interested in learning more about the anatomical features of the reproductive system and sexually transmitted diseases and it’s commonality. 
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes. What facts seem important to know?
Review the female and male reproductive anatomy so that you can label the parts
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Sex: our biological/genetic assignment at birth (generally man or woman, with XY or XX chromosomes, although some people have biologic anomalies)
Sexual orientation: our psychological orientation/attraction towards potential sexual partners.
Gender identity: our psychological orientation to who we are and how we see ourselves (a sense of maleness, femaleness or other).
Bacterial STD/STIs: Can usually be cured with antibiotics. May still cause long-term damage if not caught/treated early. Examples: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis.  Another condition, Trichomoniasis is actually caused by a parasite, but is treated with antibiotics like bacterial conditions.
Viral STD/STIs:  Can be managed/treated with medication, but are NOT curable. May have periods of active disease or periods when they're dormant.  Examples: HPV, Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, Genital warts.
Fertility/ Ovulation
Women's monthly cycles vary from 18-35 days, naturally.  The 28-day cycle myth was normalized as a standard when the birth control pill became widely available.
Women usually ovulate 14 days (+/- 2 days) before the first day of their period.  This is not necessarily on day 14 of their cycle unless they have a true 28-day cycle.  There are many ovulation trackers online and apps that can help women track, but they will only be accurate if a woman's cycle is consistent.  If a woman has a 14-21 day cycle, she can potentially get pregnant while she's having her period.
A woman's egg is only "good" to be fertilized for 12-24 hours after ovulation.  But, sperm can live 5-7 days after ejaculation in a woman's body.
The same body signs to help a woman recognize ovulation (and prevent pregnancy) can also be used to HELP a woman get pregnant.  Infertility is unfortunately more common than people realize.  After 6 months of trying with no success, you are encouraged to seek out an OB/GYN doctor.
Contraception is our active plans to prevent pregnancy.  While there are hundreds of prescription drugs, devices, and approaches, contraception basically falls into three categories:
Hormone methods.  A woman is given a certain dosage of hormones (estrogen and progesterone derivatives) to regulate her monthly cycle and in some cases, prevent ovulation.  The hormones can be delivered to her body through pills, injections, or implantable devices.  Examples include: the birth control pill, Depo-Provera shots, Implanon, and some IUDs that release hormones.
Barrier methods.  These are physical barriers that prevent sperm and egg from getting together, and fertilization from occurring.  Examples include, condoms, Today Sponge,  Vaginal Contraceptive films, contraceptive foams/gels, and some IUDs that do not have added hormones.
Fertility Awareness.  This is a system of behavioral approaches which include tracking a woman's cycle and signs of ovulation, and avoiding sex during those weeks she is most fertile.  This can be effective if used perfectly, and a woman's cycle is predictable.  In reality, there's a substantial failure rate.  Some people also call this "Natural Family Planning" or the "Calendar Method".
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
The supplemental videos and websites were excellent visual aids to use during the research portion of the unit. I would share the information regarding fertility and ovulation to my fellow female peers If I had to choose something from  this unit to present. 
I would present the following information about ovulation. These were great facts from a supplemental website included in the unit’s lecture.
Key Facts:
An egg lives 12-24 hours after leaving the ovary
Normally only one egg is released each time of ovulation
Ovulation can be affected by stress, illness or disruption of normal
Some women may experience some light blood or spotting during ovulation
Implantation of a fertilized egg normally takes place 6-12 days after ovulation
Each woman is born with millions of immature eggs that are awaiting ovulation to begin
A menstrual period can occur even if ovulation has not occurred
Ovulation can occur even if a menstrual period has not occurred
Some women experience pain/aching near ovaries during ovulation called ‘middle pain’
If an egg is not fertilized, it disintegrates and is absorbed into the uterine lining
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
Discussion Question:
“Who should teach sex education to our youth?  What do you think would be best practices for sex education?  How do you balance a parent's choice with a social obligation for an informed public? A lot of current sex ed curriculum (even what's used in public schools) is developed by organizations with religious affiliations. Should that be a factor in choosing curriculum?  During President George W. Bush's term, many states adopted an "abstinence-only" approach (as opposed to "abstinence-preferred) meaning public organizations could not teach about contraceptives. How do you think that affected the teen pregnancy rates during that time?”
My discussion response:
I believe education professionals that specialize in the study and sex psychologists are individuals that meet the needs and requirements to teach sex education to the youth. By combining professional experiences and a formal education, I believe the trustworthiness within student instruction strengthens. It also helps place the students in a safe-social environment. The youth are very impressionable, so it’s good to provide models, appropriate media, and the opportunity to explore and learn about the subtopics that fall under sex education. It’s important that students are understanding a complete spectrum of knowledge regarding their bodies and sexuality, both ethical and medical. According to the article, What Are the Goals of Sex Education For Youth? from Planned Parenthood, the following are an extraordinary combination of teaching objectives to keep in mind when fulfilling a sex education curriculum: “[It should focus] on clear health goals -- the prevention of STDs, HIV and/or pregnancy, [focus] narrowly on specific behaviors leading to these health goals (e,g, abstaining from sex or using condoms or other contraceptives), [gives] clear messages about these behaviors, and addressed situations that might lead to them and how to avoid them, [and addresses] multiple sexual psychosocial risk and protective factors affecting sexual risk behaviors (e.g. knowledge, perceived risks, values, attitudes, perceived norms and self-efficacy).” (Goals of Sex Education for Teenagers: Youth Health Services). I think these objectives make for a great start to the beginning of the framework for an effective curriculum. It’s definitely going to be up to the educator to how they decide to teach and what methodologies they choose to practice. I personally have never had sex education growing up and was unfortunately left to fend for myself learning about the topic outside of the formal classroom. I would love to know what activities and lessons stood out to those of my peers that have had the course.
Goals of Sex Education for Teenagers: Youth Health Services. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2020, from https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/for-educators/what-are-goals-sex-education-youth
Regarding how I feel about the issue now, my stance has not changed. I still believe it’s important that students are understanding a complete spectrum of knowledge regarding their bodies and sexuality, both ethical and medical. Other students within the discussion thread had a similar perspective. There were few that had beliefs that did go against certain aspects of my perspective. 
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
Assignment requires:
Think of three (3) questions you have about the topics covered this unit.  Maybe you have a question about a woman's fertility cycle.  Maybe a friend is pregnant and there's something you want to know.  Maybe it's a related topic we didn't really cover (erectile disfunction, etc.)  Here you really get to personalize your learning.
Find websites or resources to answer your questions. For each of your 3 questions:
Imagine a friend asked you to find a website/video to teach them about proper condom use (male, female or dental dam).  Find one resource, and provide the URL to the website or video (YouTube is fine).
Write your initial question.
Write a few sentences about how you found the answer (I searched for...;  I thought this was a reputable source because...; if someone else were researching this, they might want to...), include anything relevant.
What is the answer to your question?  Please cite your sources.
I learned “Hormones do influence a woman’s sexual behavior, particularly desire, to a certain extent, but these effects are complex and can vary from woman to woman… women’s hormones also change at certain life stages [which will in turn affect libido]…Medical conditions, such as diabetes and coronary artery disease, along with certain medications, can also affect a woman’s sexual desire” (Do hormones influence women's sexual behavior?). 
I also found reputable sources about condom placement and the following important information regarding problems in pregnancy,
Three other conditions may cause more problematic periods after pregnancy:
• Structural defects. Your doctor likely will treat defects such as polyps and submucosal fibroids with minimally invasive surgery.
• Adenomyosis. Your doctor can manage this thickening of the uterus with minimally invasive surgery or hormone therapy.
• Overactive or underactive thyroid disorder. Your doctor may use a range of treatments for these conditions.
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
Project requires:
1. Choose a program to track your eating. We recommend MyFitnessPal (Links to an external site.), though you may use any program that can track your foods, nutrition, and can print out/copy a log to turn in here.  You may need to create an account on these sites, but you do not need to PAY, the free tools on these sites are fine.
2. Record four (4) days of healthy eating and generate detailed reports, broken down by day.  Try your best to eat the healthiest possible on these 4 days, using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as your standard.  The following reports are REQUIRED for each day:
Daily foods list and servings
Nutrient Intakes
Ideally, you'll find your Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA), too, but this is not required.
3.  Directions for submitting assignment: When you are finished printing, you need to write a paragraph about your experience with "eating healthy". Was it easier or harder than you expected?  Points you should address include calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fat intake, RDA values (optional).  Would this be sustainable for you to eat this way all the time?
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I thought this tracker was a great tool in helping visualize my eating habits into a concise collection of charts. The specific tracker I used incorporated really nice colorful pie charts that showed how much carbs, protein, sugars, fats, etc. consumed in my tracked days.
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
If given more time, I would look into more ways to incorporate healthy foods into my diet. Sometimes I would catch myself eating bad, but then try to balance out the action with something good. I realize this isn’t truly effective. Especially since I am not consistent with my fitness routine. 
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