#They’re just two silly guys man. I don’t know what to tell you!
whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
Me? Obsessed?? Nah man- you got the wrong guy 🙌 I ain’t obsessed with anything- PFF- yeah right-
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Okay maybe a bit-
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steventhusiast · 1 year
modern au where eddie and robin are roommates and steve is italian <3
eddie has always known that his roommate robin is in the US for college, but grew up in and is from italy. sure, sometimes he forgets, because she somehow has a near-perfect american accent and also speaks two other languages, but he’s always known.
and for the past year and a bit, he’s known how much robin wants her best friend stevie to come visit. she talks about them all the time, and ever since she and eddie moved out of the dorms and into an apartment together for their next year of university a month ago, he’s known stevie is going to come and visit.
he just kind of forgot the exact day stevie would be arriving.
so when he, clad in nothing but his garfield pyjama pants and a metallica t-shirt that’s falling apart, walks into the kitchen one morning and sees someone he doesn’t know at the kitchen counter fiddling with their instant coffee machine, he almost shits himself.
luckily, he doesn’t, because he remembers in that split second that stevie was due to arrive last night. but he still flinches pretty hard at the fright and grabs for the nearest grabbable thing, which turns out to be the doorframe. somehow, he makes a noise loud enough to get the mystery person’s attention, and they turn around.
holy shit. eddie did not know stevie is hot. or that stevie’s actually a guy. he kind of just assumed, with the nickname and all? but the man standing there looks like he could’ve been carved by the gods eddie doesn’t believe in, and- eddie realises he’s been staring at the guy for a few seconds now, and decides to talk like a normal human being. he first adjusts his position so he’s no longer holding onto the archway of the kitchen for support, and smiles at the guy.
“hi, you must be stevie?” he offers, and stevie takes a few seconds to process his words before nodding with a smile.
“my name is steve. robbie just is… hm, silly?”
eddie blinks a couple times, because steve has an accent. a thick one. he should’ve expected that, because- hello? they’re both literally from italy. but it catches him off guard, and adds to steve’s hot factor. why didn’t robin warn him about this.
“yeah, robin is very silly.” he agrees with a chuckle, and then realises steve might not know him, “i’m eddie. robin’s roommate. you probably knew that already though, so now i probably look like an idiot. well- more of an idiot than i already do in these clothes…”
he lets his words trail off as he realises steve is frowning at him in subtle confusion. he’s picked up robin’s rambling-when-nervous habit over their friendship, and hot guys tend to make him pretty nervous. but then he realises maybe steve isn’t as fluent in english as robin is, and even if he is eddie’s a fast talker that doesn’t always pronounce things fully.
“i am sorry,” steve looks embarrassed, “my english is not as good as robin.”
eddie feels so guilty at the pink that’s made itself known on steve’s cheeks, and shakes his head immediately.
“no! you don’t need to be sorry. i just talk a lot when i’m nervous.” he confesses. why did he say that? now steve knows he’s nervous. or does he? maybe he didn’t catch his full sentence.
steve raises one eyebrow at eddie though, and one side of his mouth quirks up into a smile as he turns around to keep trying to make himself a cup of coffee.
“i am making you nervous? why?” steve asks, his back still turned. now eddie’s the one with red cheeks. dammit.
“it’s because eddie here thinks you’re hot, stevie.”
eddie’s flinch at robin’s magical appearance behind him is somehow more spectacular than earlier, and he clutches dramatically at his heart and spins around to glare at robin.
“robin! what the fuck, man!” he yelps when he realises what she’s said. but robin isn’t listening, she’s too busy speaking to steve in italian about who knows what.
probably about how she knows all eddie’s tells for when he finds a guy attractive and how she knows eddie’s type and steve checks every single box. or, eddie squints at the pair as robin tsks at steve and takes over manning the coffee machine, maybe robin’s just telling steve how to make a coffee with the machine?
“you think i am…” steve starts as he spins around to look at eddie, and seems to be searching for a word for a few moments, “attractive?”
eddie’s eyes widen, and then he sighs and fixes a glare on robin. robin just shrugs and makes a very insincere ‘oopsie’ expression, and eddie is about to start denying like his life depends on it, but he looks back at steve.
and steve has that blush back on his face, and a tiny smile, and he’s looking eddie up and down even in his ridiculous outfit.
“um, yes.” eddie practically squeaks, not used to having someone’s eyes on him like this.
steve says something to robin in italian that sounds like it ends with a question mark, and robin rolls her eyes.
“steve wants me to translate a pick up line he wants to use on you, but i literally refuse to do that. google translate is free.”
and with that, she leaves the kitchen.
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borathae · 6 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #43 - Date Night]
"When you and Jungkook have your bi-monthly date night."
Genre: married life!AU, slice of life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: this is a two part story where one is a cute date and the other is them being kinky, a cute at-home dinner date, stargazing at the beach, i don’t think you guys understand. they’re in fucking love, cuddles, loving kisses, comforting intimacy, silly jokes and happy giggles, they share a blanket, he's a cutie, but also way too hot to handle, making out, neck kisses, the rest of the warnings are for the smut, rough but also soft Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, she's deep in safe subspace, he's so greedy for her orgasms, thigh humping, use of leather handcuffs, he is pierced & tattooed, lingerie kink, perfume kink, ass spanking, hole spanking with his cock, hair pulling, they use the traffic light system and he does something very sexy with it, besties i need him to run me over, he calls her princess & babygirl, praise, good girl kink, dirty talk, sexy possessive talk, oral in multiple positions (f.receiving) -> face sitting & propped up against pillows, vaginal fingering, strength kink, nipple sucking, he's both gentle & rough with her, multiple intense orgasms for her & him, he makes her squirt more than once, use of lube, he spits on her hole jjsj, passionate pronebone, rough doggy, he uses her handcuffs as leverage, the fact that he is both a head pusher and a hip puller, i need to be restrained, he's also an ass man, which means he will rub her hole as he fucks her and talks about fucking it, creampies, remember how i talked about wanting to include the Daddy kink at least once with this couple? this is the drabble, and as someone who normally has the Daddy kink on her no-no-list let me tell you that IT IS HOT, besties i'm losing it what is kook doing to me, cuddly & giggly aftercare, they're in love and kinky <3
Wordcount: 15.5k it's long but you sluts get a cute date AND kinky sex
a/n: you guys don't understand. you guys don't understand. jungkook consumes my every thought. fuck istfg it's so hard being a jungkook stan. i fucking blame him and his recent attidute. like, i always knew he is a greedy lover but it's escalating. this man doesn't need the sheets to be wet after, he needs them to be SOAKED and i know that i'm right. i fucking can't take it anymore i need to be put down like a rabid animal. enjoy besties 🧡 ps: i apologise for the long warnings hahaha i always wanna make sure you guys KNOW what happens in my smut
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You are genuinely obsessed with your husband. If there was ever a competition of wife most obsessed with her husband you would win it.
You love the way he looks when he just woke up, making breakfast in nothing but his briefs and his hair still a total mess. You love how he greets you in a groggy yet loving voice and how you always end up with him as your warm, toasty backpack as you listen to the morning radio and watch the sunlight catch in your window crystals. 
You love the way he looks when he comes straight out of the shower, hair still damp and lower body hidden behind a towel. You love when he wears a face mask and how he always smells especially good during those post-shower moments where you cuddle into him and smell his skin.
You love the way he looks when he leaves for work, all well-put together and you love how he looks when he comes home again, just a little less well-put together. You love that he always greets you with a hug-kiss-combination and that he says goodbye the same way.
You love how he looks when he comes back from a work out or swim and how he always greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a nonchalant “the workout was especially good today. I feel like I can do anything” and how on most days, he gives you a little cocky flex of his muscles.
You love how he looks when he works in the garden, how he mows the lawn and cuts the scrubs, how he renovates the decking or sweeps the driveway. 
You love how he looks when he works in the house, when he cleans or does laundry or cooks, when he does repairs and silly little tasks.
You love how he looks when he is relaxing next to you in nothing but scrubby sweats and a wrinkled shirt, when he is watching TV or sketching tattoos.
You love how he looks when he is cuddled up in bed ready for sleep. When his eyes are just a little droopier than usual and he takes ages to finish a sentence because he is so sleepy and yet he still wants to talk.
You love how he looks when he is eating and drinking and laughing and having fun. How he looks when he smiles, but also how he looks when he cries or gets angry.
You love him, you love him, you love how he is so perfectly himself in every single moment of life. 
And tonight you can’t wait to have him with you again.
It was your turn to cook tonight because you weren’t working today while Jungkook had been busy with responsibilities since the early morning. So early in fact, that you missed out on post-wake-up-Jungkook. You missed out on so much. 
Next to today being your free day, it was also a very special day. Bi-monthly date night. In theory, today’s theme would have been outdoor activities, but you and Jungkook agreed via text not to go out today and instead stay in. 
Which was perfectly fine with you because it meant that you could cook his favourite food and prepare a cozy evening. You love cooking for him. It brings you a lot of joy to prepare something yummy and to know that he finds happiness through delicious food. 
And tonight, you made it look especially pretty. You even decorated the dining table and slipped into one of Jungkook’s favourite dresses, wearing the jewellery he got for you throughout your years together.
You are just about to put the last finishing touches on the plating when the door to the garage opens and closes. 
“Sweetie! I’m home!”
“In the kitchen!” you tell him, feeling giddy in excitement.  
You work quickly to bring the food to the table, managing just in time before Jungkook already enters the kitchen.
He is smiling the second he lays eyes on you, looking dishevelled from a long day and carrying a bouquet of flowers and a box of cake from Seokjin’s diner.
“Wow look at you, you’re beautiful”, he says as he places the cake on the island counter. He meets you in the middle, allowing you to pull him down as you throw yourself around his neck. He snakes his arm around your waist, caressing your lower back as happy giggles leave him, “happy date night, sweetheart.”
“Happy date night, Kookie”, you are talking into the crook of his neck, swaying your bodies from side to side. He smells like outside and motor grease because he helped Hoseok in the garage today with some bike repairs, “how was your day?”
“Long and exhausting, but not bad. I’m happy to be home with you.”
“I’m proud of you, baby. You managed today”, you praise him which makes him giggle and squeeze you, “and I made you food because I love you.”
Jungkook sways with you, resting his chin on your shoulder while his eyes drink in everything you did. They lower more and more as your presence is relaxing him immensely. 
“You made my favourite”, he says, smiling. 
“Mhm yeah I did. It’s date night after all.”
“I love you, baby”, he says and tugs you closer, “mhm and you’re wearing my favourite dress. Sweetie, you’re looking too good to be true”, he says and runs his hand to your ass to grab it and squeeze. He doesn’t do it with an ulterior motive in mind. Grabbing, squeezing and slapping your butt is merely one of Jungkook’s love languages. It’s as normal with him as giving cheek kisses.
“I dressed up for you”, you say 
“I’m so blessed. Shit, I can’t believe I got lucky enough to marry you. You’re the most beautiful woman, ___”, he says and hums, wrapping you up in a strong hug as his lips attack your cheek with the biggest smooch in humankind. It makes you giggle and squeak because it feels so good to be adored by him. 
He steps back afterwards, keeping his hand on your hip as he guides the flowers into your vision.
“For my one true love.” 
“Gosh, Kookie. Thank you so much. I love them”, you accept them with a fluttering heart, inspecting them giddily, “oh my god, my favourites. There’s so many of my favourites in the bouquet!”
“Do you like it? The flower lady said that they’re one of the last of the season. I would have gotten more, but she didn’t have any more.”
“I love them. Oh, I love them so much. Thank you so, so much”, you say and lean in for a kiss. 
The kiss lasts around two seconds and then Jungkook breaks it again. He licks his lips, covering his mouth with his hand.
“I feel like I’ve got bad breath, sorry”, he says.
“No, it’s okay. You’ve had worse”, you assure him.
“Wow, that’s reassuring”, he jokes, breathing into his own hand to check, “it’s bad, isn’t it? Sorry, I didn’t eat or drink anything today.”
“You just taste hungry, it’s fine”, you tell him and giggle, “I gotta put the flowers into water. Get comfy and start eating already, sweetie.”
Jungkook smiles, “I will. Just gotta hop in the shower quickly. It’ll take five minutes. I hope you don’t mind. I feel really disgusting.”
“No, I don’t mind. I already planned  in your shower in my schedule”, you say, making him chuckle.
“Thank you, baby”, he says as he leaves the kitchen, “I got Seokjin’s cheesecake for dessert.”
“I know, I saw. Thank you so much”, you call after him as you store the cake box he put on the kitchen island in the fridge for now.
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Jungkook comes back looking as handsome as ever. He changed out of his work clothes into some jeans and a jeans shirt which he kept unbuttoned to show off the white t-shirt underneath. He also styled his hair a little and brushed his teeth. 
“Ooh look at you”, you say and whistle.
“Thank you, thank you”, Jungkook says, striking a pose, “I tried”, he says and turns to show off his butt, “look at my ass”, he says, looking over his shoulder. 
“Gadyam that ass is to die for”, you say in a funny accent, whistling passionately to really get the message across.
“Yeah, right?” he slaps his own ass.
“The real cake’s your ass, baby.”
Jungkook laughs, stumbling because of it. You snicker, scrunching your nose. 
“You look so handsome, Kookie”, you say.
“Yeah, heh”, he lets out a soft giggle, touching the side of his neck, “thanks.”
“Now look at the food please. I worked so hard on it”, you say, pushing him to the dining table gently.
“Uuuh show me pretty food”, he coos, doing a little dance as he gets shoved to the table. He lets you sit him down, looking at the food intently, “wow darling, this is the prettiest plate I ever saw. I don’t wanna touch it ‘cause I’ll ruin it.”
You give his shoulders a gentle massage, bouncing on the spot excitedly, “no try it. Try it.”
Jungkook cuts off a piece of the perfectly grilled meat, dips it in some sauce and guides it to his lips. He eats it deliciously, frowning the deepest frown instantly.
“Mhm”, he exhales, dropping against you in a dramatic faint. He keeps his eyes close, chewing deliciously as his frown lines grow. 
His reactions to good food will always make you snicker. He’s so adorable.
“Like it?”
Jungkook looks up at you, frowning at you. He nods his head.
“It’s amazing. Thank you baby, I love it”, he says with a full mouth.
“I’m happy to hear that”, you say, smooching his forehead. You give his shoulders one last squeeze and then hurry to your spot. You picked the chair at the end of the table and next to Jungkook so you could be close but still look at each other. 
You pull it out halfway and then Jungkook jumps up.
“Wait! Let me”, he exclaims, snatching the chair from you.
“Oh? Well, thank you good sir”, you snicker, letting him help you with sitting down.
“Of course my beautiful lady”, he says and fixes the chair for you. He touches your shoulders, running his hands down your arms as he leans in for a loving kiss to the side of your neck. 
You tilt your head, allowing him access. His lips are soft, his piercings tickle your skin, his content purr swirls over your neck. 
“You’re wearing perfume”, he rasps, dragging his nose up and down your neck while his fingers feel up your upper arms. 
“It’s date night.”
“Fuck baby, I feel like I gotta do more. You’re looking like a goddess and smelling like heaven and I’m over here looking like shit”, he says.
“No, you don’t. You look handsome.”
“I smell like grease. I washed my arms so thoroughly, but I still smell like it.”
“It’s a sexy smell. Don’t worry”, you say, “I like it when you work in Hobi’s garage. It’s hot.” 
“Mhm, you’re too good to me”, he says, kissing the shell of your ear, “if you let me, I’m gonna make you see stars later”, he whispers, biting your earlobe gently and sending shivers down your spine with it.
“Don’t talk like this”, you whisper.
Jungkook chuckles, “why not?”
“Because it’s making me shy.”
“You are not shy, come on baby”, he laughs, “you like it. Don’t pretend that you don’t.” 
“Whatever”, you murmur, “eat your food, you sweet talker.”
“Mhm, I will. Food’s amazing.”
Jungkook eats with a frown, humming and moaning in enjoyment. His reactions make cooking so worthwhile. Preparing food wouldn’t be the same without the aspect of Jungkook aggressively enjoying it afterwards. You can’t stop watching him, feeling your heart flutter. 
You are truly so obsessed with your husband. 
“Did you finish the bike today?” you ask him, fighting the urge to reach out and trace his features. 
“Yeah, we did. Wah baby, you have no idea what a struggle that was”, he says and purses his lips in a pout.
“Yeah? What happened?”
“The oil fuse acted up and we had to disassemble so much more than we initially planned. Wah and then the new one didn’t wanna fit, I seriously. Seriously”, he squeaks the last word to really pronounce how much he wanted to do it, “wanted to throw the whole bike.”
“Wah that sounds annoying. Did you fix the issue?”
“Mhm of course”, he is smirking cockily, lifting his brows, “your hubby knows what’s up with bikes, ‘course I fixed the issue.”
“You’re so cool”, you say, ruffling his hair gently, “I married a genius.”
He scrunches his nose, wiggling his shoulders happily, “yeah, heh”, he is talking cutely again, gazing at you with sparkling eyes. 
“And the tattoo? Did she really come?”
“Mh-hm yeah”, he nods his head, “she got it and then we even agreed on a second appointment for another tattoo.”
“Oh? That’s nice. In the same style?”
“Yup, she wants it to match. I already have ideas for it, but I can’t draw anymore today.”
“Course not, it’s date night”, you say, nudging his cheek. 
“Yeah obviously that’s the main reason”, he says, making you chuckle. He smiles and shoves a big bite of the amazing food into his mouth. He chews happily, washing it down with another bite. He really loves the food. He will never take it for granted when you cook. He feels so lucky to be yours, he really does. 
He swallows the food and takes a sip of the beer, then talks.
“What’s your plan for tonight?” he asks.
“I was thinking dinner first and then we take dessert down to the beach and do some stargazing.”
“I love it”, he says, smiling dreamily.
“You do?” 
“Mhm yeah”, he brushes the back of his hand down your cheek, ending it with a gentle touch to your upper lip.
“Don’t. I’m wearing lipstick.”
“Oop. Sorry”, he gasps, pulling his finger away, “baby don’t wear lipstick, I mean you look beautiful and it fits you so fucking good, but what about the kissies?” he whines, making you laugh.
“As if you ever cared about getting lipstick on yourself. You can still get your kissies.”
“Yeah true”, he grins, looking at your lips. He moves in for a kiss, teasing you just a little by nibbling on your lower lip. He gives you a playful smirk as he moves back, letting his eyes run over your face, “you’re so pretty”, he says and eats a big bite of the food, “mhm and food’s amazing. Wah, so good.”
“You make me happy, you know?” you say and eat as well. 
Jungkook smiles, “you make me happy too, baby.” 
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You clean the kitchen together before leaving for the beach. Jungkook is wiping the counters while you busy yourself with loading the dishwasher. Except that you get as far as loading the plates and one pot before Jungkook turns around at the noise of it.
“Baby, what are you doing?” 
“Loading the dishwasher. We’re quicker together.”
“But you already cooked. Baby, don’t do that”, he laughs and hurries to you so he could hug you from behind and walk you away from the dishwasher this way. He blows raspberries on your neck as he does, making you belt out a squeaky laugh. 
“Stop that, eek”, you squeal, fighting him with squirms. 
Ones Jungkook easily manages. It results in him attacking your neck once again and for you to almost choke on your laughter. 
He laughs, giving your neck a little bite to end it with. He twirls you in his arms and lifts you on top of the kitchen island. He runs his hands up your torso to cup your cheeks and squish them gently.
“That was so awful”, you laugh, wiping at your neck. 
“No, it wasn’t. It was fun.”
“Says that person who did the slobbering.”
“Excuse me? I didn’t slobber”, he laughs, squishing your cheeks more vigorously.
You snicker, giving him a look which lets him know that you were teasing him. His eyes soften.
“My cutie”, he says, pulling you in for a kiss. 
You sigh and touch his neck, hoping for so much more but getting nothing than a gentle peck. He puts distance between your faces, soothing over your face gently. His eyes spill over with adoration. 
“Come back”, you say, pulling him close by the front of his shirt.
Jungkook lets you, grabbing your hips. He is smirking, studying your face.
“I want you to kiss me properly”, you say as you touch his undercut, “not just a stupid peck.”
“Mhm, I can do that”, he says in a seductive voice, leaning in for a proper kiss.
You sigh happily, keeping him close with your legs around his waist, while Jungkook increases the closeness by grabbing your ass. His hands feel so warm, gripping you with a comfortable strength.
You break the kiss with a soft tug on his lower lip, eliciting a happy purr from him.
“That was better”, you whisper, watching in delight how Jungkook gazes at your lips.
“Mhm yeah”, he rasps quietly, “it was pretty fucking good.”
“Yeah”, you giggle sweetly, wiping the lipstick from his lips, “now let’s go eat cake by the beach.”
“Wah baby, you’re mean. Kissing me like that and then expecting me to be normal.”
“Mh-hm yep. I’ve got what I wanted.”
“So you were just using me?”
“Mhm, yeah.”
Jungkook chuckles, squeezing your ass. His eyes sparkle, showing how into the flirting he is.
“I’ve got something waiting for you on the beach. Do you wanna see?”
“Oh? Another surprise?”
You give him a wiggle of your brows and a mischievous grin. Jungkook squeezes your butt in reaction, looking excited.
“Fine”, he chuckles, “let’s go eat cake by the beach.”
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You hold hands as you walk through the garden, enjoying the mild night. You take the steps down to the beach, using the faint stair lights as your guidance. Jungkook holds your hand the entire way down, making you feel so much safer. 
Once you are almost down by the beach, you turn. You grab Jungkook’s small waist, beaming up at him. 
“Close your eyes.”
“Now? On the stairs?” 
 “But baby, what if I fall?” 
“Trust me. Imma keep you safe. Please Googie.” 
“Okay?” Jungkook says and closes his eyes, “baby, you gotta hold my hands now.”
“Here grab ‘em.”
“Where are you? Baby”, he whines  making you laugh.
“Right. Here”, you intertwine your fingers, “you doofus, stop panicking.” 
“It’s scary stuff, good ma’am”, he jokes, eliciting yet another laugh from you. You won’t ever stop laughing at his antics. He is truly the funniest person alive. 
“Just follow me. There are two more steps and then we’ll be in the sand. There we go, just keep walking. One more step, careful you’re at the edge, okay step down. And we’re down.”
“Can I open my eyes now?”
“No. Follow my voice, I’ll guide you.”
“You’re making it so dramatic. What did you prepare?”
“Something. Almost there. Aaand open your eyes.”
Jungkook obeys, letting out a loud gasp instantly. 
“Wow baby, this is beautiful!”
You set up a picnic blanket on the sand. You didn’t dare to go too close to the water because you know how high the ocean can rise overnight. Instead, you picked out a dry spot close to the steps, using fairylights to illuminate the night.
You pick up a vase of flowers from the blanket, presenting it to him.
“We had the same idea. Happy date night, baby”, you say.
“You got me flowers? Baby. Thank you”, Jungkook gasps in a breathy voice, accepting the flowers with gleaming eyes, “they’re beautiful, wow baby.”
“Do you like them?”
“Of course I do. Wow, thank you”, Jungkook drapes his arm around your waist to pull you in for a kiss. And another kiss on your cheek with a loud, “mwuah.”
You giggle, rubbing his chest gently.
“Thank you so much. Wah, my heart’s racing like crazy.”
“I know. I can feel it”, you scrunch your nose happily, “wanna eat the cake now?”
“Yeah. Wow, I still can’t believe you got me flowers. We can put our bouquets next to each other so they’re a couple too.”
“That would be so cute. Yes, let’s do that.” 
You and he get comfortable on the blanket. Jungkook places the vase in the sand  while you open the cake box, revealing two pieces of cake. Your fairylights and the stair lights give you enough vision. 
“Mhhm that looks amazing”, you say, handing Jungkook his fork. 
“Yeah, it looks yummy. Uh! Uh-uh”, he stops you from poking your cake, fighting off your fork gently.
“What’s with you?” you ask in a chuckle.
“Let me”, he says and breaks off a piece. 
“Fine. A woman can’t do anything here.”
“Exactly”, he says, making you snort and laugh in amusement.
You watch him with fond eyes. He lifts the piece to his lips and kisses it, before guiding it to your mouth. You accept it with giggles, looking deep into his eyes because he is enchanting you like crazy. Once the piece of cake is in your mouth, Jungkook leans closer and kisses your lips. 
You and he chuckle into it, ending it with a gentle nose rub. 
“Thanks”, you say, chewing the cake.
“Mhm ‘course. My queen shouldn’t have to work”, he says and pokes the cake with his fork. He breaks off a piece and eats it, furrowing his brows in approval. 
Your heart flutters. You can’t take it anymore. You love this man so much. You close the distance so you can fall into his side and rest your cheek on his shoulder, letting out an almost girly giggle as your eyes gaze up at him.
Jungkook cranes his neck to kiss your forehead, then rests his head against yours. He drapes his arm over you, rubbing your skin gently. 
“God baby, you’re freezing”, he gasps, “do you want my shirt?”
“It’s not that bad.”
“No. No, it’s not okay. Come on, take my shirt”, he says, scrambling to get it off. He gets on his knees behind you and drapes it over your shoulders, smoothing his hands down your arms.
The shirt smells like him. His warmth lingering in the jeans fabric seeps into your body. You weren’t even cold and yet it still feels so much better with his shirt hugging you.
“How’s that?”
You crane your neck to look at him.
“Better. Thank you.”
“Mhm”, he leans down to kiss your forehead.
You enjoy it with closed eyes and a racing heart. 
Jungkook sits down next to you again after the forehead kiss, breaking off a piece of cheesecake to eat.
“No”, you push it off his fork.
“Hey, not cool”, Jungkook laughs.
“Let me”, you say and pick up the piece. You guide it to your lips for a kiss before feeding it to Jungkook.
“You used my tricks. That’s cheating”, he giggles and gets his complains kissed away. Two kisses on his lips and one on his jawline. He leans into the jawline kiss, closing his eyes. 
“My king shouldn’t have to work”, you whisper and kiss his favourite spot on his jawline 
“Mhm, you feel good”, he purrs.
“Mhm and you smell good”, you whisper, giving him one last kiss before sitting back again. You break off a piece of the sweet cake and eat it.
Jungkook glances at you, shuddering visibly.
“You made tingles go down my back”, he confesses, ���that spot feels good.”
He nods his head, shoving a piece of cake into his mouth afterwards. He chews with his eyes just slightly widened.
“I liked it too.”
“Yeah, my sweetie”, Jungkook murmurs and relaxes with a sigh. He lets his eyes drift to the dark ocean, enjoying another piece of cake as he does.
You do the same, eating it while your heart is going haywire in your chest. You stay like this until you finish the cake. You can’t take the heart palpitations anymore. You glance at him. Jungkook notices and meets your eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Nothing, just making sure that you’re real.”
“And? Am I?” he is smiling.
“I don’t know yet”, you say, leaning closer, “I don’t know if I’ll ever really believe that I’m living my life. It’s so perfect.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty fucking epic.”
“And you’re so perfect.”
“Come on, I’m far from perfect”, he flusters.
“You’re perfect to me. Being with you just doesn’t lose its spark.”
“Yeah, I feel the same”, he says, draping his arm around you, “I think it’s really fucking amazing that we both put so much effort into our relationship. It means a lot to me because I want to put work into us, so it feels good that you reciprocate it.” 
“Of course I do. It’s a lot work, but I’m not exhausted by it at all and I enjoy it so much. It’s work I look forward to and I get the most joy out of.”
“I enjoy it as well, sweetie. It never feels exhausting. I actually really love it.”
“Yes, I love it too.”
You cuddle into him. He rests his head against yours.
“I love date nights. They’re the best.”
“They are”, he agrees, “I’ve already got ideas for outdoor date night.”
“You do?”
“Mh-hm. What do you think about burgers at Seokjin’s and then bowling down in Saint Marco?”
“Yes, I’d love that. But we gotta take pics at the photo booth this time around.”
“Yeah, right”, he chuckles, “still can’t believe that we didn’t do it last time.”
“Yeah we were idiots.”
“Yeah”, he chuckles and kisses the crown of your head.
You and he share a few snuggles and enjoy the quiet of the beach. The waves come and go in quiet gurgles. The far away road is louder than the ocean right now. The sound of a bike passes you by. You wonder if it was one of your friends. Maybe Taehyung is on his way home, maybe Jimin finished his shift at the club. Perhaps Yoongi is on his way to his husband, bringing flowers like you know him. Or maybe it was a stranger passing through town. Whoever it might have been, you hope that they arrive safely at their destination.
“I’m so obsessed with you Kook, it’s literally mental”, you break the silence and laugh, “you still manage to give me butterflies.”
“Good, cause you’re givin’ me butterflies too. Like, so many.” 
You smile, craning your neck to look at him. He meets your eyes and smiles, leaning in for a kiss. He tastes like cheesecake and smiles. You taste the same. The kiss is so nice. So perfect. So amazing. 
Being with each other is the best thing in the world. 
You stub each other’s noses to end the kiss, turning your attention to the dark ocean afterwards. The stars are bright tonight, courtesy of the moon missing as it is currently a new moon. 
You glance at him again. You thought that you can handle those tingles by now, but you can’t. You fall into him again, hugging his waist and nuzzling your nose into his upper arm as little giggles leave you. 
Jungkook lets it happen with a fluttering heart.
“You’re so touchy today”, he says, draping his arm over you.
“I just love you so much”, you say, swaying him from side to side aggressively.
“I love you too, sweetie”, Jungkook chuckles, letting it happen. It ends with you and him falling down onto the blanket. The cake box was thankfully empty because you sent it flying with a clumsy kick. 
“Careful”, Jungkook laughs.
“Sorry, god, lost balance”, you snicker. 
“I figured”, Jungkook giggles and rolls to his back, staring up into the dark sky with his hair tousled on the blanket. You do the same, reaching above your head to turn off the fairy lights. The automatic stair lights already turned off by now, so you and he find yourselves in total darkness 
“Woah, dark”, Jungkook gasps.
“Sorry, should have warned you. We can see the stars better this way.”
“Yeah right”, Jungkook settles into the blanket, “I love this”, he says and goes to hold your hand.
“Me too”, you answer him and hold his hand as tightly as possible. 
You don’t feel like you age with Jungkook. Of course you and he grow older and it’s the best feeling in the world to know that you do it together, but you don’t feel older with him. When you are with him, you will always feel young. And when you hold hands, you know that just for a short moment in history you and he can actually stop time. 
Only the moving stars and the singing ocean are proof that time never stops. It’s okay though, because you have Jungkook and Jungkook has you. A cool breeze swirls over your bodies. 
“Brrr”, Jungkook lets out and cuddles into you, “I’m cold. Gimme sum of that shirt”, he says as he tries to wiggle himself under it.
“Wait Kook, I’ve got a second blanket”, you laugh and sit up to snatch it.
“You really came prepared, didn’t you?” 
“Of course. It’s date night”, you say and unfold the blanket with the help of the wind, “and we need something to stay warm for stargazing”, you add as you lie back down.
You hand Jungkook one end of the blanket and together, you manage to cover your bodies with it. Jungkook wiggles happily, rolling to his side so he could drape his arm over your stomach and kiss your cheek.
“So cozy”, he mumbles, kissing your cheek again.
You nuzzle closer, “yeah, cozy and warm.”
“Mhm, yeah”, Jungkook is whispering as he can’t seem to stop kissing your cheek and jawline. He gives you a soft squeeze, exhaling against your neck, “you smell so good.”
You lean into his kisses, closing your eyes halfway. You reach up to run your hands along the arm he has around you, sharing in comfort this way. It feels so nice to be with each other.
“No but seriously, how do you smell so nice?” he whispers.
“I put on perfume.”
“I know, but it’s insane how good you smell like”, he nuzzles his nose into you to the point where it squishes, “I can’t get enough of it.”
You giggle, moving away just a little because the movement tickled. Jungkook soothes it with kisses.
“And you’re so pretty in your dress”, he continues to fanboy, caressing your side with his fingertips, “and the jewellery fits you so well and then your makeup looks flawless. Wah baby, you’re seriously making my heart race.”
You giggle, feeling like bursting in happiness. It feels so good to have your effort appreciated. You feel even prettier than you already did.
Jungkook sighs happily, cuddling closer.
“My wifey”, he whispers, squeezing you gently, “my lovely wifey.”
“Kookie oh god”, you squeal and overtaken by happiness, you roll over to attack his face with kisses. You squish his cheeks between your hands for it, making him giggle.
You have the upper hand for a second before Jungkook rolls you onto your back and scoops you up in his arms, attacking your face and neck with kisses and nuzzles. 
You squeak at first but soon end up cackling in a rather unflattering manner. To Jungkook, it is the sweetest sound ever. This is what your true happiness sounds like. You couldn’t fake this even if you tried to. 
“Mhm baby”, Jungkook stops his kisses, lifting his head. He’s got your hands pinned above your head, clutched tightly in his fingers. You gaze up at him, feeling so safe like this. Jungkook studies your features. They look so pretty, “fuck baby, you’ve got me wanting to act up. I love it when you laugh.”
“Koo”, you whisper, squeezing his hands.
This nickname. Jungkook knows that it only falls from your lips when he’s got you feeling submissive. It’s during those moments when he made you feel safe and giddy and taken care of. It won’t ever lose its spark for him. 
“Mhm, baby?” he asks, placing his elbows on each side of your head. Your arms stretch further above your head, his fingers tighten around your hands.
“I don’t know”, you breathe, looking at his pierced lips, “just wanted to say it.” 
“You’re so cute”, he whispers and steals a kiss. You make sure he doesn’t leave by chasing him. 
Jungkook allows you to kiss him and play with his lip piercings. You love to trace them with your tongue, suck them between your lips and gently tug on them with your teeth. He loves when you do that. It feels so good to him, getting him all riled up for you.
The blanket is keeping you warm. Jungkook is halfway on top of you, having one of his legs between yours. The ocean is rushing in the background, but the only sounds you really take in, are Jungkook’s little noises. He is such a vocal kisser, always letting you know that he loves it. His hands are pinning you down, his grip is so gentle yet strong.
You break the kiss because you needed to squirm and look at him, “Koo”, you keen quietly, rubbing your thighs against his leg. His jeans feel rough against your skin.
“Yes, princess?” Jungkook whispers in a raspy voice and his eyes gleaming in fondness.
You giggle, growing smaller in safe submission. Jungkook chuckles deeply, lowering his eyes halfway. 
“My princess”, he rasps, eliciting another giggle from you. 
You can’t explain what he makes you feel. It’s a sensation deep in your chest. Your heart races and you can genuinely sense a giddiness around it. Safety and comfort fills you as well. And the desire to be completely and utterly his’. All you know is that you love this feeling and that tonight it feels especially good. 
“Koo, I wanna kiss you.”
“I wanna kiss you too, princess”, Jungkook says and abandons your wrists for the sake of cradling your cheeks. You cup his face instantly, pulling him into a kiss.
Jungkook purrs happily, finding your rhythm without problems. He kissed you enough times by now that he knows exactly how you like it. 
Your hands slide to the back of his head, feeling up his prickly undercut. Jungkook moans softly, tracing your upper lip with his tongue to let you know that he likes the touch. You like it as well, repeating it over and over again.
You witnessed most of Jungkook’s hair phases. You witnessed his permed hair, his short hair, his long hair and every length in between. He currently keeps his hair short and with an undercut. You always help him keep it neat. It feels so good under your fingertips. Prickly when you dance them up and soft when you move them down again. 
Jungkook is moaning a lot which makes it feel even better. Bear in mind that his sounds aren’t of completely horny nature. No. Your husband also moans because of yummy food or a relaxing massage. His noises right now merely meant that he is enjoying this as much as he can. 
He rolls hips into your thigh, purring deeply. His knee rubs against your middle this way, sending warmth through you. Okay, perhaps there is also desire in his noises. 
“Fuck baby, you’re perfect”, Jungkook rasps and breaks the kiss for the sake of worshiping your neck, “my perfect princess. Mhm, babygirl. My babygirl”, he murmurs as his puffy lips dance over your neck and jawline.  
“Koo”, you sigh, “Koo, I wanna go back.”
You nod your head.
“If that’s so. Come, princess”, he says and sits back on his heels, pulling you up with him. Like this, your legs are around him and he can touch your upper arms.
He is so much taller than you in this position, keeping your eyes locked on his face by doing nothing but existing.
“My pretty girl”, he whispers, caressing your cheek. 
You giggle, “Koo, stop teasing. I wanna leave.” 
“Fine, okay”, he laughs, “let’s go.”
You and he pack up together and go back to your house, holding hands as you do. You leave the blanket outside, wiping off your feet before entering. Jungkook carries the empty cheesecake boxes while you carry the blanket you used to cover yourselves with. You discard it on the armchair by the glass door while Jungkook leaves for the kitchen.
You and he meet in the hallway.
“Come with me”, you say, taking his hands.
“More surprises?” he gasps.
“Yeah”, you turn so you are facing him as you walk, “in my room.”
“Baby, goddamn it. You’re doing too much. My heart can handle only that much”, he gushes, making your own heart flutter.
“You’ll love it.”
“Of course I will. God, com’ere you perfect woman you”, he says and sweeps you off your feet to kiss you.
You giggle into the kisses, squeezing your legs around his waist as he carries you to your room.
You left the door open so it’s easy for Jungkook to enter the room without accidentally knocking you into the door. He knows that you and he arrived because his feet know the layout of your home blindly. The floors in your room are softer because you have most of it covered with vintage rugs. He sets you down, snaking his arms around you as his right hand naturally grabs your ass and squeezes. He hums into the kiss, tingling like crazy when your fingers scratch his undercut greedily.
“We gotta stop”, you murmur into the kiss.
“Why?” he asks into the kiss.
“The surprise.”
“Mhm you gotta break it”, he says and goes to kiss your neck, “I can’t stop without your help. Mhm baby, my baby”, he adds as his lips suck spots of sensitivity onto your skin.
“Koo”, you sigh, melting in his arm. You don’t want him to stop. He feels so good. Your entire body tingles and feels electric at the same time. You don’t want to stop, but you have to. It will be worth it. You push at his chest gently, breaking the kisses this way.
Jungkook stumbles back, licking his puffy lips hungrily. He touches your waist, gazing at you longingly.
“Close your eyes please”, you tell him.
“Fuck, you’re messing with me”, he says in a deep chuckle, but obeys. He even covers them with his hands as he naturally begins to play with his own lip piercings.
You work quickly to get ready. You don’t want to stop kissing either, so being apart from him is just as torturous for you than it is for him. You take off your dress and the shirt he borrowed you, but keep the jewellery on. You check to see if the set of lingerie you picked out sits nicely on your body and then get on top of the mattress. He has his back turned to you
“Okay, open your eyes”, you tell him.
Jungkook obeys, “huh? where are you?” he asks and looks around the room.
He turns.
“Holy fuck baby”, he gasps, falling to his knees instantly, “look at you. What are you doing? Baby”, he asks in an enchanted laugh and his hands cradling your cheeks instantly.
You kneeled down on the mattress, presenting a pair of black leather handcuffs to him.
“Look at you. Holy fuck, look at you. Baby, fuck babygirl”, he babbles as he lets his hands run over your body hungrily, “is this a new set? I’ve never seen it before.”
“Yeah, it’s new. Do you like it?”
“I fucking love it. Holy shit, you’re so fucking beautiful. babygirl, please just”, he comes closer and squeezes your waist, “holy fuck, just holy fuck.”
He exhales shakily and finally looks at the handcuffs you present perfectly on the palms of your hands.
“What’s that?” he asks and picks them up.
You turn your back to him and present your wrists to him behind your back. You make sure to arch so he can have the perfect view of your ass and just how little fabric is covering it.
Jungkook growls hungrily, placing his big hand on your hip while his lips begin nipping on your shoulder desperately.
“Did you wear this under the dress?” he asks.
“Yeah”, you sigh, rolling your head back to rest it against him.
“Holy fuck and I had no idea. Oh my fucking god, I might pass out”, he gets out and rolls his crotch against your ass, “I’m gonna fuck you so fucking hard, babygirl. You’ve brought this upon yourself, I hope you’re aware of it.”
“Yeah”, you whimper, meeting his needy grinds, “Koo please tie me up. I need to be punished.”
“Yeah you do”, Jungkook rasps in his sexy Dom voice, biting your neck gently, “my sexy woman, fuck I could eat you up”, he adds and breaks away from you with a heavy heart. He wants to keep kissing you and grinding against you, but he has some hands to tie.
He works skillfully. Those handcuffs aren’t foreign to him. He tied you up with them a hundred times before and had the honour to be tied up with them just as many times. They’re a staple in your sexlife and up until now, they haven’t disappointed yet. He tightens them just enough that you feel pressure around your wrists, but not tight enough to cause pain. He checks the tightness with a finger asking you if you were feeling comfortable to which you said that you are.
He glides his hands to the back of your head. Your hair tangles with his fingers. He pushes, pressing you face first into the mattress. You let it happen with a needy moan and your ass chasing him in needy wiggles. He keeps his hand on your head while he undresses with his other hand. He makes sure that you can see it happening. His tattooed, bejeweled hand is working his belt open and later works on unbuttoning his jeans, all while his fingers are keeping a tight grip on your head. The aspect of power and feeling so vulnerable in his presence makes you dripping fucking wet. Jungkook slips his jeans down and somehow wiggles out of them.
“Stay down”, he orders in the end as he needs to use both hands to get them over his thighs. They’re huge thighs. No wonder he needs help.
You don’t even think about disobeying him. You rarely want to disobey him because you have such a great time being his sub that all you want is to receive, receive and receive all his attention. Jungkook is so smitten for you that he will be rough with you when you beg for it, so you don’t really feel like acting up. Not when you can simply beg for a punishment.
Jungkook keeps his briefs on. Tight Calvins, which seem so tiny now that his cock has grown so much. His bulge is huge, having grown all the way down his left leg as this is where he stuffed his cock. He takes off his shirt and throws it to the side.
Then he finally closes in on you again, connecting his crotch with your ass as he bends over. He buries his hand back in your hair, brushing his lips against the shell of your ear as he talks. His chest is pressed into your back, his nipple piercings are rubbing against you.
“You’re such a good girl. I didn’t even have to repeat my orders”, he rasps as he continuously grinds into your ass, “we’re gonna work with the traffic light system tonight ‘cause I need you to keep me in fucking check. Understood?”
“Yes”, you keen, wiggling your hands just to get a feel for his abs.
He tingles at your touch, rewarding you with a flex of his abs.
“Good girl. Let’s practice right now, okay?”
You nod your head as best as his tight grip allows you to.
“Good girl. I’ll ask you how you feel right now, then I’ll give you five spanks because you still need to get your punishment and then you’ll tell me again how you feel. Are we understood?”
“Yes”, your voice trembled as you spoke.
“Good girl. How do you-”
“Green”, you fall into his voice.
Jungkook chuckles, kissing your cheek, “fine, seven times. Naughty girl, falling into my question like that”, he rasps and straightens up. He runs his hand up and down your ass, holding you in place with his other hand on your hip.
You moan even if he is barely doing anything. You are so fucking needy for him. He knows exactly how to get your mind fucked. Making a play out of using the traffic light system is only something your husband could think of and it’s making you so needy that you want to keep chanting “green, green, green” over and over again. But you don’t. Instead you arch your back and wait for the first spank with your lungs barely wanting to work.
Jungkook lifts his hands and lands the first spank of seven.
“Ah”, you moan loudly and tremble. So much pressure released with this spank, but there is still so much left that it barely felt like relief.
Jungkook lifts his hand again. The connection is rough, forcing your ass to jiggle and you to moan. By the time Jungkook lands his third spank, you realise that he doesn’t relieve you of any of the pressure, on the contrary it is growing with each spank. With the fourth spank, you are fucking your hips back against nothing, moaning squeakily because the movement makes your panties grind against your clit and that feels so good right now.
“Stay still”, Jungkook orders, increasing his grip on your hip, “I didn’t tell you to squirm for me, did I?”
“Koo please”, you beg, arching your back.
“Yeah, that’s better. Keep arching your back, it makes your ass look so fucking perfect, babygirl”, he praises and rewards you with two consecutive spanks on your ass. Harsh and rough. Burning heat remains, pain crawls over your skin and stays because he keeps his hot palm pressed against you.
Only one more left. You wiggle your hands, spilling another moan. You are so sad that it’s almost over. He could spank you for the next hour and you wouldn’t grow bored.
Jungkook lifts his hand and lands the last spank, ending it by slipping his hand between your legs to rub your pussy over your panties. He does it with enough pressure to force your legs to tremble and for your voice to get incredibly squeaky as you moan.
“There we go. We did it”, he speaks as if he isn’t currently rubbing your pussy to a forced orgasm and making you shake like crazy in the process. His left hand still keeps gripping your hip to keep you in place. It’s like he isn’t even aware of what he is doing to you, “now tell me how you feel, babygirl.”
“Green”, you whine, “green, please Koo please.”
“There we go, such a good girl and so wet too”, he praises, slipping his hand away to instead grab your ass and part it for him. The fabric is small enough that he can see your hole this way. The most vulnerable part is still covered by your panties, but the pretty surrounding area is on full display just for him. You are clenching it needily, writhing in his hands.
“How was that for practice? Do you think you can do the traffic light system, babygirl?” he asks as he studies your hole. He is so obsessed with it, fighting the urge to lick you until you are soft enough that he can fill you with his cock. He shouldn’t be greedy. Not tonight.
“Yes, I can. Oh god, you’re hurting me”, you whine and sob softly.
“Needy?” he asks with a smirk.
“Yeah, please Koo please. Hurts. Wanna be fucked, please.”
He chuckles deeply and pushes your ass closed again slowly, “cute”, he says and gives your buttocks one last squeeze for good measures. He takes your panties off, making you moan with it. He doesn’t say anything to it however, which drives you so much more insane. It feels so nonchalantly to him while you are almost breaking apart. He places your soaked panties aside and studies you for a moment. Your pussy is wet and swollen and your hole is finally exposed to him completely.
“So pretty”, is all he says and then he breaks away from behind you to instead drop in the sheets beside you. You lift your head, looking at him with confusion. He wiggles to get comfortable and sighs once he is happy with his position, then he meets your eyes.
“Do you want me, mhm?” he taunts.
“Yes please”, you beg, sitting up so you can squeeze your legs together, “oh god, Koo. I feel so sensitive.”
“I know princess, I saw how you were shaking”, he taunts and smirks. He nods his head, “go sit on my face. I want you to.”
“Koo, oh god”, you get out. You love to obey this order even if it is hard to do so. You are so wobbly on your legs already and all he did was spank you and rub your clothed pussy. Yes, you are aware that he is doing so much more than that. The entire evening and the way he is taking control right now is adding to how wobbly you feel.
Thankfully for you, Jungkook helps you get on top of him, holding your hips safely.
“There we go”, he says, snuggling his head into the pillow as he helps you with those last few inches, “closer, babygirl.”
You obey, feeling your pussy throb in anticipation. You are pretty sure that you already dripped onto his face. Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind, on the contrary. He moans as he turns his head and buries his face in your inner thigh. He moans again, inhaling hungrily.
“Fuck baby, you smell so good”, he purrs, nuzzling his nose into your inner thigh deeper. He inhales and exhales, “did you put perfume there too?”
“I did, yeah.”
“Baby”, he growls, grabbing your hips to squeeze them desperately, “fuck, I’m gonna go insane. You perfect woman you. Fucking sit on my face, babygirl. I’m actually serious.”
You relax just enough that he can finally tug you on top of his face. He growls deeply, welcoming your sweet pussy with an eager mouth. He goes gentle on normal days, guiding you into the sensations with soft kisses and tender licks. Tonight he doesn’t care about etiquette. Tonight he forces you into the sensation with eager sucks and hungry, wet licks, sending shakes through your legs.
“Sensitive”, you squeak out, scrunching your face, “Koo, I’m sensitive.”
“I know”, he is growling, “try to breathe babygirl”, he orders and continues his starved licks. He knows that you can take them. You just like to whine for the sake of it. Of course you’re sensitive, but you’re his good girl. You can take it. You have to take it because Jungkook can’t go slow tonight. You’ve got him desperate in desire.
You put so much effort into tonight. Way much effort than he anticipated for and he doesn’t take it for granted. He feels overwhelmed in love for you, he wants to rile you up just to make you cum over and over again until you physically can’t have another orgasm again. Only feasting on you like a starved man helps with it.  
You squirm above him, tugging at the handcuffs.
“Koo, I’m sensitive”, you whimper breathily, scrunching your eyes closed, “ah, mhm, ah plea- ah.”
He growls hungrily, grabbing your waist to keep you down on his mouth. He loves it when you shake and he especially loves it when you’re sitting on him as it happens. Your thighs are squeezing his head, worsening his hearing because they are over his ears. You feel so soft and warm that Jungkook hopes you squeeze him even harder. Your weight is perfect on his face to give him a sense of disorientation. He knows that he’s on your mattress, but if he didn’t have visual confirmation beforehand, he would have no idea where he is because currently all he sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells is you. This is the best kind of sensory distortion he could wish for.
Jungkook sucks your clit between his lips and begins suckling on it with deep moans rumbling in his chest. Your thighs shake around his head, you keen desperately.
It feels like burning electricity to have him eat you out. It is hard to breathe and yet you do way too much of it. You are panting, moaning between your breaths because this is all you can do. He already messed you up so much beforehand. His spanks, his words, his attitude and he nonchalant pussy rubbing he did, everything already made you so sensitive that you could have orgasmed right then and there. So to have his hot, dripping mouth make angry love to your pussy feels like too much.
“Sensitive, oh god”, you get out and then another wave of pleasure shakes your body, “Koo, oh god…”
The truth is, you love when he’s like that. Of course you love when he eases you into the sensations, when he is gentle and takes his time. But there is something especially hot about Jungkook losing his composure and eating you out as if you were his last meal on earth. He gets so rough with it, so disrespectful and messy. He doesn’t care about how dirty he gets or how many marks of sensitivity he leaves on your body. He is stronger and during those moments he doesn’t shy away from showing you just how much stronger he is. And that he will use this strength to keep you pinned on top of his eager mouth until you give him what he wants.
“Oh god Koo”, you whimper, convulsing on top of his face as he finally releases your pulsating clit to lick it quickly. He managed to get her so swollen and engorged that each flick of his tongue rewrites your definition of pleasure. “I have to cum. I’m sorry, I can’t hold it.”
Jungkook moans into you. He doesn’t slow down. He doesn’t give you time to catch your footing. No, this man likes that you are losing yourself, making sure that you are losing yourself even quicker.
“You’re so unfair”, you choke out and fall over the edge, “Koo, ah! You’re so unfair, a-ah.”
You collapse into the pillows, bending over so you could reach them. But even in the new position, Jungkook makes sure to keep your pussy locked onto his mouth as to lick you through your orgasm, growling and moaning into you as his hands leave bruises deep under your skin.
“Koo please holy fuck, please”, you wail into the pillow, shaking uncontrollably.
He growls into you, gripping your hips tightly to make sure you don’t flee before he allows you. You need to know what kind of orgasms you get when you put so much effort into date night. He needs you to fucking know that the more work you put into it, the harder he’ll make you cum. This is your reward as much as it is your punishment because Jungkook is going crazy for you.
“Stop please”, you beg, “oh god, I can’t do that, ah!” you plead, writhing on top of his face when he doesn’t slow down even now that your orgasm became overstimulation. Your clit is throbbing. Each time he drags his wet tongue over it, you swear that you have to pass out.
Your legs shake for a few more moments and then strength genuinely forsakes you. You collapse onto him, sitting your full weight on his face.
“Mhmhm”, he lets out in surprise, lifting you off as best as possible.
“Sorry, ah”, you whimper, fleeing instantly. You sit down in the sheets next to him, looking at him with glassy eyes, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine”, his voice is rough in the sexiest way, “just squished my nose, it didn’t hurt. Are you okay?”
“No, I’m embarrassed. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Hey”, he sits up and cups your face to pull you into a kiss. He is covered in your orgasm, feeding you your taste with sloppy, addictive tongue kisses.
He kisses you until he can hear you whimper again. He knows that he’s got you distracted and so he breaks the kiss with a soft tug on your lower lip.
“Are you quiet, mhm?” he asks.
You nod your head, looking at him with glassy, but happy eyes.
“Good. Now get comfy in the pillows. I’m not done with you.”
“Koo, oh god” you say, obeying happily. You rest back against the heap of pillows, shuffling your cuffed arms into a comfortable position.
“Good girl”, Jungkook praises and takes your legs to prop them up on the sheets. He spreads them with his hands on your inner thighs, “don’t close them until I’m done. Understood?”
“Yeah”, you say, nodding your head. You are so exposed like this and you love it. Jungkook makes you feel so safe. And needy enough that the most comfortable position to be in, is having your legs spread open.
“Good girl”, he says and connects his right hand with your pussy. He rubs his fingers up and down your sensitive heat, parting your swollen lips this way.
You chase him instantly, letting out a soft moan. This is the kind of tenderness he normally shows.
“So soft and swollen for me”, he rasps, staring deep into your eyes, “can I feel up my good girl inside, mhm?”
“Please”, you beg, bucking your hips up.
“Thank you, babygirl. You’re making me so happy”, he says and massages your entrance with his two longest fingers. He inches closer, sliding his left hand to the back of your head. He grabs a bundle of your hair and uses it to gently tilt your head up.
“Koo”, you whimper, switching between staring into his eyes and gazing at his lips. You could kiss him if only he moved in a little bit more. Your heart is hammering in your chest, his touch becomes so much more intense.
“Who do you belong to, baby?” he rasps.
“Koo”, you moan, painting burning adoration onto his features.
“Yes baby, you do. You’re my perfect girl”, he praises and rewards you with his fingers.
The breach feels so intense that you move closer all on your own, seeking comfort by moaning his nickname against his lips and trying to suck on them afterwards. It doesn’t hurt, but it is difficult to handle being filled with him when he’s got you so deep in subspace. Being fingered is the most amazing, overwhelming reward he could give you. You feel so close to tears because of how good it makes you feel.
“Breathe baby, breathe”, he whispers, pumping them in and out of you slowly, “you’re so tight. Does it hurt?”
“No”, you squeak, closing your eyes, “it feels so good”, you whine desperately and let out a little sob, “Koo, please don’t stop, please p-please.”
“I’m not gonna stop, babygirl. I’m only just beginning”, he assures you and helps you lie back again with a guiding hand on the nape of your neck, “you know how fucking greedy I am. It’ll take a while till I’m done with you”, he adds and slides his thumb to your clit to rub circles on her.
You squeeze your eyes shut, arching your back.
“Thank you, Koo. Thank…you”, you get out and then you can’t possibly produce any more words. You have to make sounds. Whimpers, sighs, sobs and moans. This is all you can do. All you want to do. He makes you feel so good. His fingers are long and because he uses more than one, also girthy enough to truly fill you out. He knows just how to fuck them into you, knows where every one of your sensitive spots lies and knows exactly how to massage them to turn every second into a moment of mindblowing pleasure. This is the kind of fingering you couldn’t even do yourself. Only Jungkook can give it to you and you’re so perfectly happy to experience it right now.
“You’re taking me so well, princess”, he praises and leans in to pepper kisses along your jawline and neck. You roll your head to the side, allowing him better access. It feels so good. You can’t say more about how he makes you feel other than that it feels so good. He keeps a steady rhythm with his fingers and his lips are so soft against your skin. You can also feel the little breaths he releases and the honest moans he makes. It tickles so nicely, making you even more sensitive to him.
“Mhm princess”, he purrs, tugging at the strap of your bra with his teeth, “I know you wanna show off your new piece, but can I take it off? Wanna lick your pretty nipples.”
“Please”, you beg, arching your back.
“Thank you, princess. I swear it’s driving me crazy”, he says and begins to work. He has to slip his fingers out, but makes up for it by offering his thigh for you to grind against. You moan, getting lost in the sensation. You writhe and squirm just so you can fuck yourself on his hard thigh all while Jungkook works on getting your bra off. He needs to unhook the handcuff chain for it, but works so skillfully that you barely even notice. Just as you don’t notice that he ties your hands in the front this time around until he drags your arms up by the chain.
You peel your eyes open, meeting his eyes. They are dark in pleasure, his brows are tugged tight giving him such a masculine dominance. You spill wet desperation on his thigh, squeezing your legs around it.
“Koo”, you whimper, stretching your arms further above your head.
“Keep them there until I’m done with you. Understood?”
“Yes, Koo.”
“Good girl. Now tell me how you feel.”
“Green”, you whimper, throbbing on his thigh.
“Good girl, she remembers the system”, he says and pushes your legs apart again. He slips his soaked thigh from your pussy, replacing this pleasure with the pleasure his fingers give you by slipping his longest two back into your pussy. He presses his thumb against your clit and begins finger fucking you deeply and a lot quicker than he did the first time.
“Koo, ah”, you moan, dropping your head deep into the pillows as your legs begin to shake. You know that those shakes will only grow from now on.
“That’s my good girl. You got so wet on my thigh, it has me wanting to act up”, he rasps and drops his left hand over your wrists to pin them into place. Now pinned down, naked and with your pussy squeezing his tattooed fingers, Jungkook finally pays attention to your tits. He would go gentle on other days. Massage you first, give you kisses on your tender flesh before thinking of your nipples. Not tonight. He needs to have them in your mouth. Now.
Jungkook begins with your left nipple, takes it between his lips to lick and sucks it greedily. The pleasure is hot. You swear you can feel the path it takes as it goes straight to your pussy.
You writhe under him, fucking yourself on his fingers as he forces the neediest moans out of you. Jungkook only stops sucking on your left nipple when he can taste how sensitive he’s got you. You get all unbearably hot on his tongue when that happens. He leaves a sloppy trail of spit on your nipple and shifts his attention to your right nipple. He takes it between his lips and begins the eager feast anew.
He moans, furrowing his brows. It feels so much smaller in comparison to your left nipple. Fuck, he’s got you so swollen. Jungkook increases the pressure around your wrist and fucks his fingers deeper. His palm presses against your clit, his fingers reach your deeper spots. Judging by how you are gasping for air and moaning brokenly, he’s hit the jackpot.
You squirm under him, your legs shake, your arms desperately try to break free. You feel so broken. He’s going to make you cum again and it’s going to feel so hot.
“Koo, Koo, Koo pl-lease”, you get out, moaning desperately.
Jungkook lifts his puffy lips from your nipple just to see how he ruins you.
“Koo, aah”, you drag out your moan, feeling yourself fall when Jungkook moans right with you, nodding his head as if to tell you that it was okay for you to break.
Your eyes go out of focus and roll back, closing just in sync with your orgasm hitting you. You are moaning so much and Jungkook doesn’t make it easier by moaning right with you.
“Yes babygirl, yes there we go”, he moans, fucking his fingers into you quickly, “fucking cum for me, aah yes, baby.”
Your voice cuts off with a gasp, you arch your back and feel what he does to you. He is pressing down on where it feels the best. It happens if you want to or not. You squirt on his fingers, soiling the sheets and his thigh with it.
“Yes babygirl, don’t hold back. That’s my babygirl, squirt for me”, he encourages you, helping you through the orgasm with expert touches.
Something shifts inside you. Something primal and insatiable. He’s such a good Dom right now. He’s got you ruined, squirting and so deep in safe subspace that you can’t really regulate what comes out of your mouth next.
“Daddy please. Please, oh god please.”
Jungkook falters in his touches for a moment, “holy fuck, what did you just say?”
You have no idea what you just said because you’re not sane yet. But Jungkook knows. Jungkook heard it and he is losing his fucking mind.
“Holy fuck, yes”, he growls, frowning as if he was angry. But he wasn’t angry, he was just overtaken by fucking desire for you, “that’s right. You’re Daddy’s babygirl. Holy fuck, I’m gonna fucking ruin you”, he spits and drops into the sheets before you. He keeps you in place with his left hand pressed to your stomach, resulting in his long fingers to poke against your sensitive spots even better. And then, only then, he connects his mouth with your pussy to make the angriest love to it.
“Koo!” you scream, twisting his hair instantly.
He didn’t even properly let you finish squirting and he is already stimulating your clit again. You tense up and feel another wave coming over you. You try to warn him, but he just fucks his fingers deeper and opens his mouth wider. So you are destined to empty yourself all over his face, sobbing his name because he makes you see fucking heaven and hell at the same time. Heaven because nothing feels better than Jungkook and hell because he is torturing you as if he hated you.
But he doesn’t hate you. He loves you. He is fucking obsessed with you. He breathes for you. And right now he is drinking from your sweet, sweet squirting pussy until you are empty and he fucking swallows every single droplet he can catch.
“Fuck baby”, he growls against you, twisting his fingers deeper, “say it again. One more time, please.”
“W-what?” you stutter.
“Daddy”, he growls and moans. Clarity comes back to you. You remember. You called him this word as he had you on the highest peak. You shudder and clench around him.
“Daddy”, you moan.
“Holy fuck”, Jungkook presses out and fucks the mattress, “babygirl”, he growls and connects his mouth back with your pussy.
“Ah, oh god Koo”, you squeak out, shaking uncontrollably, “it hurts, oh god ple-please.”
“Green”, you sob, writhing on the sheets. They are so wet under you already and if Jungkook keeps this going, they’re going to get even wetter.
Jungkook growls and takes your clit between his lips again. Green means he can keep going. Green means you aren’t fucking done. Green means he is going to lick and finger you until he has you squirting again. Or pissing. Quite frankly, Jungkook doesn’t care about the difference. All he needs is for you to cum so fucking good that you wet yourself and feed him the sweetest liquid he ever tasted. He presses down on your tummy just so he can feel his own fingers rewrite your insides. Your stomach is so hard from all the tensing he is forcing you to do and Jungkook knows that the next one is going to be a good one. It has to be. You’re his good girl. You’re Daddy’s babygirl and if there is one thing he wants you to experience, it’s good fucking orgasms.
He didn’t even plan on eating you out again. He wanted to make you cum on his fingers and then take you missionary, but you twisted something in him. It’s not like he craved for you to call him like that, but rather that hearing this word from you shifted something inside him. He didn’t even know that he needed it until it left your lips and now he is going crazy. He needs you to orgasm one more time before he fills you with his cock. Jungkook curls his fingers in sync with his wet, sloppy tongue grinding against your clit.
“I have to cum, please”, you beg him, tugging at his hair because you know for a fact that you won’t be able to control yourself, “pl-please slow I- ah!”
Jungkook hears your begs and decides to use them as motivation. He knows that you are close and that you are currently trying to hold back in order not to squirt all over his face. He also knows that you’ve been married to him long enough that you are aware that he loves it when you do. So all this begging is just for show.
He fucks his fingers into you roughly, filling the air with the lewdest, wettest sounds.
“I’m sorry”, you sob and then it happens. Jungkook forces you to orgasm and with it, cover his face with your wetness. You twist his hair desperately, writhing in hot pleasure, “I’m sorry, I can’t stop it, ah!”
Jungkook growls, fucking the mattress angrily. This is it. This is his personal religion. The reason he fucking exists and the proof why he deserves such a title. He drinks you up until you have to pull him away from you.
“Please stop”, you beg him, dropping into the pillows while your body flinches as it recovers, “oh god. Ah fu-fuck.”
Jungkook slips his fingers out and kisses a path up your body. He doesn’t even care that he is leaving wet trails all over your skin, neither do you.
His hands cradle you, running along your sides until he can touch your upper back. 
“Breathe for me”, he orders you and sucks on your jawline, “breathe baby, breathe.”
You breathe just like he tells you to do. It makes the recovering a little easier. Especially because Jungkook holds you so close and kisses you. You are disoriented and dizzy, but it doesn’t feel uncomfortable because you’ve got Jungkook keeping you safe. 
“There we go, breathe.”
You inhale and exhale, letting out a trembling whimper while your handcuffed hands reach for him. You manage to brush them over his neck and chest before you grow too weak and drop them again.
“Good girl. Colour?”
“Green”, you whimper.
“That’s good. I’m not done with you”, he whispers against your jaw and kisses his way up to your neck, “Daddy’s not done with his babygirl”, he rasps and chuckles deeply, “holy fuck, you did something to me with this. Holy fuck, I’m insane for you.”
You gulp repeatedly as you try to recover from what he just did to you. You want to say something, but all you can get out is “angmh” and then your voice forsakes you.
“I know, babygirl. But I’m still not done with you. I’m so fucking greedy for more”, he tells you and caresses your cheek, “you’re gonna take my cock and cum one more time. Understood?”
“Mhmgm”, you let out, writhing on the sheets weakly.
“Look at me.”
You obey even if opening your eyes feels impossible at first. You moan, arching your back at the sight of him. He is wet and dripping from your orgasms, staring at you with dark eyes and a tight jaw.
“Are we understood?” he insists in a deep voice, shaking your head gently.
You nod your head.
“Speak up.”
“Yes”, you whimper and reach for his face, “Koo please.”
He gives you a soft smile and kisses your palm.
“Good girl”, he praises, then takes your wrists to open the chain again. He drags you into a sitting position, “turn around.”
You obey, allowing him to close the cuffs on your back again.
“Lie down on your tummy.”
You obey.
He lets you rest for a second, but judging by the noises, he is taking off his briefs and lubing up his cock. He nudges your legs apart with his knee and connects his lubed fingers with your pussy.
“You’re such a good girl for preparing lube”, he praises and fills you with two fingers to test how sensitive you are.
You writhe and squirm, but don’t seem to be in pain.
“Koo please”, you beg, clenching around his fingers. He takes them away from you, but makes up for it by rubbing his cock against your entrance. You squirm, trying to feel for him but Jungkook drags your hands away by the chain.
“Behave”, he warns and pushes inside.
“Ah”, you let out, squeezing your eyes shut as his cock fills you up. The stretch is intense in the best way possible. It doesn’t hurt, but Jungkook got you so deep in the mindspace of total submission that it feels sacrilegious to finally have his cock. Something missing finally returned and it’s leaving you breathless.
“Fuck baby, so tight”, he growls, furrowing his brows, “how are you doing? Hurts?”
“No”, you whimper, “no, please don’t stop.”
“I won’t. Daddy’s so greedy for your pussy”, he says and bottoms out, “fuck”, he moans, dropping his head as his strong fingers dimple your ass, “breathe baby, you’re tightening.”
“It feels so good”, you whimper, “I can’t help it. I’m Daddy’s cock slut”, you get out and sob needily, fucking back onto his cock.
“You’re driving me insane, holy shit”, Jungkook presses out through gritted teeth and meets you movement until he has you fucked back into obedience. It takes embarrassingly little time for you to stop pushing back to instead lie on the mattress and take him with needy moans.
Not that Jungkook minded you fucking your tight pussy on his cock, but he needs you to understand that tonight he is controlling the scene. That every second of pleasure you receive is because he wants it to happen exactly how it happens. And that means that he will make you squirt on his face as often as he wants to and it means that he will fuck your sweet, little pussy until he’s either spend or you genuinely can’t anymore. There is no in between, he will only stop once one of you is too ruined to keep going.
“That’s better. I want you obedient tonight, okay?”
“Yeah…” you keen and spill tears, “Koo, please don’t stop, please.” 
“Mhhhm so sweet…. my baby’s so sweet. Fuuck.”
Jungkook presses your legs together with his strong thighs and begins moving out of his hips. He is resting on top of your thighs, caging them in and feeling them shake each time he bottoms out. You moan so sweetly, presenting your pussy to him as he fills it with his cock. He can watch it shift and change as he fills you up. His cock gets wetter each time he pulls out again.
“You look so fucking pretty like this”, he rasps, pushing your hands aside so he could grab your ass and spread it apart. You tighten around him, Jungkook feels it and you feel it too.
“Koo! Ah, ah, ha”, you squeak out your moans, spilling tears of pleasure on the sheets. His cock goes so deep. Your hole is so tiny in this position. You don’t want him to stop. He is rubbing against you so good that you swear you could orgasm just from getting your pussy fucked. No stimulation of your clit or sensitive spots needed, all you need is the sensation of Jungkook’s veiny cock fucking past those first few inches of your wet pussy.
“Yeah keep moaning baby, keep fucking moaning for me”, he encourages you while his pleasure darkened eyes run over your body. There is a reason why he needs to part your ass. It exposes his two favourite holes to fuck. Your pussy, so so wet and stuffed with cock and your ass so so empty and slickened from all your orgasms. Jungkook growls deeply and develops such unbearable anger at your pretty hole for driving him so fucking mad that he has to spit on it.
“Ah!” you flinch and clench around nothing. His spit feels burning hot on your hole. Jungkook massages it into you with rough circles, basking in how much squirmier you get under him.
“Fuck, I’m going insane. Holy fuck”, he moans and picks up the lube. He opens it with his teeth and flips it just to squirt some all over your ass. He throws the opened bottle aside afterwards, rolling his hips deeper into you.
“Koo…what….is that?” you get out.
“Just something to make it slippery”, he rasps and begins spreading the lube all over your ass and lower back, “want you fucking wet and sticky, babygirl”, he says and rubs his wet fingers up and down your hole while his hips pick up speed.
To think that he is covering you in lube for the sole purpose of making you messy and to know that he gets pleasure out of the view, ruins you.
“Koo, Da-”, you manage to get out and then your body betrays you as you lose every sense of control.
“Argh fuck”, Jungkook spits angrily, scrunching his face as your orgasm not only surprises you but him as well, “holy fuck”, he laughs and drops his head, “you’re cumming again? Holy fuck baby, you’re such a good girl. Yeah, you keep shaking for me.”
You do exactly that. You shake for him. Cum for him. Cry for him. While he fucks you through it in the stickiest, hottest pronebone you ever found yourselves in.
He isn’t finished with you afterwards. He lets you know with a growl and his cock pulling out not for the purpose of stopping, but so he could pull you onto all fours. He twists the chain of the handcuffs between his tattooed fingers and rubs his cock between your buttocks. The lube makes it easy to do so. Despite how ruined he has you, you arch your back just so you can present yourself to him better. Jungkook lingers on your hole, rubbing his cockhead against it.
“You’re shaking so much. How pretty”, he taunts, giving your hole repeated spanks with his cock. 
“Koo”, is all you manage to get out. There are no other words in your brain right now. Only his title. You feel so fucked. Ruined. Broken. And you don’t want this to end yet. 
You nod your head, arching your back to get closer to him. 
“Mhhhm”, Jungkook purrs deeply and stops his spanks to instead rub his cock against your hole again, “you have no work tomorrow, do you?”
“No?” you get out.
“Good, means I have time to prepare you. I wanna fuck your ass tomorrow”, he says and applies just enough pressure that you feel a stretch without him slipping inside.
“A-ah”, you moan, curling your toes.
“Not tonight though, need to cream my babygirl’s pussy with my cum”, he says and fucks his cock into your pussy in one maddening stroke.
You whimper, feeling your knees buckle. Jungkook pulls you back onto him by your handcuffs, keeping you upright this way. It’s difficult to hold on. His fingers are so slippery from all the lube play he’s been doing. He still holds on, looking at how tied up and helpless he’s got you and loving every second of it. Your pussy is so wet and hot, squeezing his swollen cock and reminding him why he is so fucking obsessed with you. Why sex with you won’t ever get boring, even after all those years together.
“Koo”, you whimper, spilling tears on the sheets.
“Not long anymore. My cock’s so fucking sensitive for you, I’m close”, he encourages you, rolling his hips into you in slow strokes.
“Harder please”, you beg.
“Fuck”, he spits and speeds up instantly. He grips your hip with his slippery hand and twists the chains to the point where he tugs you off the mattress and you hang on by nothing but the cuffs. Like this, Jungkook watches your tits bounce, increasing his speed to the point where his heavy balls slap against your clit repeatedly. He can go so deep this way and he’s fucked you well enough that your pussy’s shaped for no one but him. You can fit him. From his sensitive tip all the way down to his girthy base. If he could, he would go even further, reminding your insides who owns them with animalistic thrusts.
“Fuck baby”, he is growling through gritted teeth, dimpling your hip, “you’re making me fucking angry. Ha!” he laughs squeakily, contorting his face in pleasure, “you feel so good. Holy shit. How is it for you?”
“Go-goo-good”, you he fucks the word out of you and fucks moans out of you right afterwards. They are squeaky and sound not at all like you. But Jungkook knows you and he knows that this is how you sound when you’ve hit the peak of pleasure. This is the rawest, most honest version you will ever show and only he gets to experience it.
“Yeah? It’s good?” he is panting, dripping sweat. He is fucking so goddamn hard and it’s stealing his strength. You keep clenching around him, his knees are so wobbly because of you, but he fucks through the weakness. You want it hard and if there is one thing he’s good at, it’s fucking you hard.
“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” you chant, writhing in his strong hold. His body is colliding with yours each time he bottoms out. The impact feels punishing and like ecstasy.
“Yeah urgh”, he growls, throwing his head back, “I have to cum soon. It’s too good.”
“Soon, ple-please”, you beg, clenching around him desperately. He will make you cum one more time. Then every single orgasm you could experience will have shook your body. You need it. You need it so bad. The thought that tomorrow you will experience how good he can make you cum with your ass as well, pushes you closer to the edge stroke by fucking stroke.
“Fuck, you’re torturing me”, Jungkook growls and buries his cock deep inside to paint patterns on your a-spot, “like that? Mhm, is Daddy fucking you how you need it?”
“Yes! Oh god”, your voice switches from squeaks to animalistic growls, “holy fuck, you’re making me cum”, you growl and convulse in the most uncontrollable and honest way possible, “Koo, Daddy…. fuuuck”, you moan deeply as your orgasm burns you from the inside out.
“___”, Jungkook moans and throws his head back. There is a lot he can handle, but what he can’t do is listen to you growl like that. It throws him over the edge instantly, forcing his hips to still because he cums so fucking hard that he sees black for a few seconds. You drop onto the sheets because his grip loosened around the handcuffs. It forces Jungkook to fall over. His sticky hand grips the back of your head, keeping you down as he pumps you full of cum and growls into your ear.
Three, two, one.
Jungkook whimpers and begins moaning squeakily, hugging you against his chest as he drags out his orgasm with slow rolls of his hips.
You collapse with the sheets. Jungkook follows, putting almost all of his weight on you as his twitchy hips fuck his cock into you. He doesn’t want his orgasm to stop. Not yet.
“You feel so good, oh god”, he whimpers, hugging you tightly as he tries to at least shift some of his weight onto his elbow, “please clench for me, please.”
You obey even if your energy is at a dangerously low level. You know that once Jungkook satisfied his needs, you won’t be able to go again. You are fucking spend.
“Thank you, ah baby”, he mewls and lets out a soft sob, “I love you so much. Oh god, again.”
Yes he is sensitive. Yes he will make it your problem. Yes he is going to fill you up until you can’t hold it in anymore.
And yes you love it, moaning with him as Jungkook brings himself over the edge a second time.
“I love you, I love you, I love you”, he chants.
“I love you too, Koo I love you too”, you answer him each time he does, healing with each confession of love you exchange.
Jungkook pulls out after his high dies down, fucking his still hard cock between your thighs so he could grow soft there. You are so wet and hot there, giving him the kind of pressure he currently needs. And as he feels your closeness a little longer with the help of your thighs, he begins kissing the side of your face. He brushes aside whatever strands of hair stuck to your face as he fucked you into a state of ruin and then it is already time for him to litter every inch he can reach with his love.
“Good job, my good girl. Holy fuck, good job”, he praises in a trembling voice, “you did so well. I love you so much. Good job, babygirl, good job.”
You enjoy his affection with a racing heart and a dizzy head. You can feel him throb between your legs while his warm cum slowly seeps out of you. His chest is wet and sticky and you can feel his heart racing. This is such a healing state to be in.
“Good job”, he whispers and exhales shakily, “shit, I’m ruined. How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Ruined too”, you murmur.
Jungkook shifts on top of you a little, propping himself up on his elbow so he could look at your face. You peel your eyes open, meeting his gaze. He looks as ruined as you feel.
“Are you in pain? I know I went at you quite hard”, he asks, caressing your cheek.
You shake your head, “it’s not uncomfortable.”
“So you’re in pain. Baby, I’m sor-”
“It’s not uncomfortable”, you interrupt him, “I’m just ruined, but I like it”, you assure him and give him a droopy smile, “also I’m having a uterus cramp ‘cause you made me cum too many times. Imma be sore tomorrow.”
Jungkook smiles awkwardly, “but you’re okay, yeah?”
You nod your head, “I’m okay. You’re the best fucking hubby ever.”
Jungkook finally smiles honestly, snuggling into you. He kisses the bridge of your nose, pressing his lips against your forehead as he talks.
“No, you are the best wifey. You took me so well”, he whispers.
“I had so much fun”, you say, “thank you for ruining me.”
He snickers, “you’re saying stuff”, he murmurs and hums almost cutely. He kisses your forehead, “also, can we talk about what you called me?”
“Yeah, I didn’t think I needed this, but I did.”
“Yeah, same. My heart’s fucking pounding.”
“I can feel that.”
You and he giggle together. He snuggles closer, kissing your forehead repeatedly.
“You can definitely keep surprising me with it when you feel like it”, he says.
“Dearly noted”, you say and snicker, “wow, I’m actually done for. How the fuck are you always doing this?”
“It’s ‘cause I’m basically insane”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Kook stop, don’t make me laugh” you whine, trying to clench.
“Why?” he laughs.
“Cause I’m leaking.”
“Baby, it’s a little too late to worry about your sheets”, he says, cracking you up again and therefore forcing more of his cum to drip out of you.
“You’re the worst, it’s happening again”, you whine as you laugh.
He cackles, wiggling on top of you as happiness overtakes him.
“You’re so cute, oh god”, he squeaks and squishes his cheek against yours as he hugs you tightly, “my booboo bebe baba baby”, he coos, rubbing his cheek against yours.
You giggle squeakily, enjoying his snuggles with a scrunched nose and crinkled eyes.
He lifts his head again, wiping his thumb under your eyes gently. You grin up at him, feeling goofily much in love with him.
“Your makeup’s ruined. It’s so smudged.”
“I know. I cried so much.”
“Hot. Mhhm baby”, he moves in for a soft cheek bite, “you’re so sexy, babygirl. You’re making me crazy.”
“Whatever doofus”, you murmur and huff out air, “god, I’m leaking again“, you whine, making him laugh.
“Wait, let me quickly untie you and then you can go to the toilet”, he says and sits up so he can undo the handcuffs.
He crawls off of you and watches you roll to your back. You make grabby hands at him and so he lowers himself until you can pull him into a hug. Your limbs tangle with each other, but you make it work because you hugged each other a million times before.
“I’m too dead to walk. I’ll go later”, you mumble into him, “I wanna cuddle.”
Jungkook melts with you. His thigh is between your legs. Your head is resting on his upper arm as you snuggle your face into his chest.
“Cuddling sounds perfect”, he says and sighs happily when you drape your leg over his hips just to get even closer, “you’re leaking more like this, you know?”
“Yeah, but you’re right. We’re already dirty as fuck”, you snicker, “the lube play was hot, by the way.”
“Mhm yeah and when you squirted on my face. Twice. Phew”, he exhales deeply, “that was hot.”
You snicker, feeling your heart race. Jungkook snickers as well, pulling you closer. Your arms know exactly where to lie so you and he can be as close as possible. You can fuck as hard and long as you want to and it will be okay in the end, because you know exactly how to cuddle to recover in the most comforting of ways.
“Did you actually mean it when you said you’ll fuck my ass tomorrow?” you ask him.
“Okay, first of all in my defense I was really horny and my whore side most definitely came out there”, he says, making you laugh. He speaks his next word with laughter on his lips, “but if you’re actually down, then I wouldn’t say no.”
“Mhm, I’d be down too”, you say, snuggling into him with a kiss to his sweaty chest, “you’re cute, you know? You always say the dirtiest things when we fuck and then you’re acting all cute about them afterwards.”
“Says the person who called me Daddy outta nowhere”, he defends himself, ripping yet another round of laughter out of you.
Jungkook laughs with you, holding you oh so close.
And so you and he find yourselves recovering from the intense sex with laughter and cuddles. You and he will continue talking about every single detail of this evening and you will do so with giggles and fluttering hearts. Later, you will both go to the toilet and then take a shower together to wash off the mess you made. Needless to say the night will end with cuddles and giggles in bed, with good conversation and too many inside jokes cracking the both of you up over and over again until you fall asleep with smiles on your lips.
Yeah, date night is definitely amazing.
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grimesgirll · 3 months
“are you guys coming to bed?”
you’re sitting up halfway, half lidded eyes fighting the hard fight to stay open.
blue eyes meet yours from the inside of the en-suite. “yes, one moment, sweetheart.”
your chest falls with your huffy breath. poised to pout, you splay yourself back onto the bedspread. what the fuck is taking so long? you’re about ready to bury your face in the pillow.
needy is the only word to describe you in the aftermath of nights like tonight.
fucked several times over, you couldn’t stand to be so far apart from your men. at least one of them should be on the satin blue sheets with their sinewy arms around you. their absence aches. you know someone has to throw away the condoms, fetch you a clean sleep shirt, toss the used towels in the hamper, etcetera. however, you’re too needy for them to just throw you one of rick’s oversized shirts and hang out in the bathroom without you.
you stretch your arms in an attempt to extinguish the last traces of energy in your system but you know you’d feel infinitely better in a pair of toned arms. head rolling to face the bathroom, you’re unlucky enough not to catch either of their gazes. it’s only your loud pouts that snap them out of whatever conversation they’re having.
“is someone in there whinin’?”
rick’s sultry smooth voice reignites something in you that has you responding with nothing but a hazed out moan. emphasizing the manner in which you flip yourself over to your stomach, sticking your ass up when you bury your face into the clean sheets in protest.
“don’t tell me she’s poutin’ again.”
“sounds like exactly that.”
you do your best to hide your snide smile when the bed lowers slightly right beside you.
“what do you need? a kiss?” the ex-sheriff plants an arm into the soft bed beside you to lean over and rotate you onto your back, caressing your hair and tonguing your mouth open - not that you gave up a fight.
“mhm,” you yowl into his mouth.
a matching groan rumbles from his throat as rick reaches down to inspect your panties. he chuckles. “just as i expected, two cocks and you’re still craving another release, silly girl.”
whenever he gets his fingers in your hair, you’re putty in rick’s hands. the simple sensation is satisfying enough to have you wincing when he withdraws his fingers, nearly kicking in desperation.
you can’t complain though because before you know it the man is moving his fingers from your hair to attack your entrance.
“shit,” you gasp into his mouth when two fingers pry you open.
“pretty girl need some lovin’ before she falls asleep?” daryl whispers into your ear and appears on your opposite side.
“just a little more.” rick concludes, lazily pumping a finger into you while you squirm beneath him. “i think we tuckered her out. maybe we give her one last release for being such a good girl and put her to bed.”
you nod eagerly and like that daryl is descending between your legs to lift up your rick’s oversized sleep shirt. still underwear free from when you’d first climbed in bed with them, daryl’s tongue lands on your sensitive center.
the redneck’s auburn locks are in your hands instantly as you pant, “daryl, fuck.”
“this how you like to wind down?” rick mocks with a mouth on your rosy right bud.
you muster enough energy to nod your head. “mhmm.”
“do the sounds of daryl lapping up your slutty pussy help you fall asleep before bed?”
your mouth falls open at the question. all you can do is babble, blubbering when rick bites down on your chest. “rick!”
“honey,” rick’s tone turns serious. blue eyes honing in on your cloudy stare. “awfully rude to be just callin’ my name when dear daryl’s the one fucking you with his tongue.” you can’t argue with that. “why don’t you give him some credit?”
crying out, a sob starts your apology. “sorry, daryl. your tongue feels so good,” you stutter through teary eyes, legs and lips quivering. “thank you for taking care of me before bed.”
daryl doesn’t respond; too focused on the task at hand.
rick’s face is still smug. “why don’t you ask daryl for permission to come, sweetheart?” rick muses with a hardened nipple between his fingers, painfully turning it over the pad of his forefinger and watching your face twist with wanton need.
“daryl!” you’re howling.
the man doesn’t stop.
rick snickers. “try again, honey,” he’s traveling up the bed to bestow a peck on your lips before they’re parting to plead at the man who’s taking you apart with his tongue.
“daryl, please,” you’re borderline wailing now, tempting rick with your fucked out tears and irregular breath. chest rising and falling with every respiration, you’re red with the need for release and the need for the redhead beneath you to spare you some grace. “please, i need to come, daryl. please, i want to come so bad, can i come? daryl!”
for the first moment in minutes, the archer briefly pops his vacuum of a mouth off of your weeping slit to give you the most serious look before granting you permission to, “make a mess, girl.”
leaning into daryl’s blessing, you ground your hips against his face and squeeze the hand that’s intertwined with rick’s as the pressure that had been heightening explodes.
the circles daryl’d paired with his unforgiving tongue do nothing but pulsate the pressure deeper throughout your sensitive bundle of nerves. the same nerves that were flaring and rocking you in galvanizing pangs of pleasure as if they’d also gotten that memo that daryl had given you permission to cum, encouraged by the warm tongue flat against you.
it’s only when your legs are about to collapse on top of his tawny head that daryl retreats, giving your spent cunt a light slap for good measure.
his face is glistening just as your cunt had been when he dove headfirst between your legs.
you’re bending forward towards him in an anxious effort to have him on your lips again. he’d been so close to you - you need him to be that close again. that’s why you’re about to sob when he gets up to head to the dresser. your tantrum is paused once you see that he’s bringing your water bottle to your lips.
the thoughtful man brings the straw to your lips, allowing you to take a long drink and signal for him to place the bottle on the nightstand. it’s not ten seconds before he’s grasping your face and giving you the long, drawn out good night kiss you’re always craving from him.
daryl’s flush against your left when your lips disconnect. if rick hadn’t caught you in his arms, daryl would’ve been closer but he’ll be rising early to hunt anyways, and he wouldn’t want to wake you.
rick’s arm lays atop your pillow and his head tucked on top of yours as you start to drift off, “night, sweet girl” being the last words you hear before you fall into the coziest slumber.
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soursturniolo · 8 months
Send Me Your Location
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Pairing - Matt Sturniolo/Reader
Summary: A girls night out goes south, and your boyfriend comes to your rescue.
Tags: angst while reader is alone, a creepy man being creepy (this doesn’t last long), Matt being a good bf, Nick and Chris being good bros, fluffy fluff at the end
TW: unwanted touching - (creepy man touches readers waist), unwanted attention
Word Count: written on my phone so I’m not sure
You found yourself outside, shivering from the cool breeze in downtown LA. You had been invited to club with by some friends, and decided to go pretty last minute. Matt hadn’t been able to come due to needing to film with his brothers.
So now, here you were, standing outside the club staring down at your phone, finger hovering over the call button near Matt’s contact. Matt always told you to call if you ever needed anything. You were still worried you’d upset him, knowing if you called now the boys were probably in the middle of a video. But it was dark and uncharacteristically chilly for LA tonight, and you were now alone after your friends insisted on moving to a club that you knew had a bad reputation and didn’t feel comfortable going to. Every Uber and Lyft had at least a two hour wait, and you were getting more scared and uncomfortable by the minute.
Sighing to yourself, hoping it wouldn’t upset Matt or his brothers too much, you decided to give your boyfriend a call.
It rang twice before he answered, and you smiled as you heard him yell at his brothers to shut up before he said anything to you.
“Hey, baby. How’s girls night going?” He asked, voice quiet but sounding happy.
You grimaced at the question before answering.
“Hi Matt, not so well. The girls wanted to go to another club but I didn’t feel comfortable going and now I’m kinda stranded,” you told him, voice soft and a bit shaky. It was scary being in this part of LA by yourself at night.
“They just left you?” Matt asked, sounding shocked as you heard the sound of his key turning in the ignition of his car and it come on.
“Yeah, I tried to get an Uber but they’re all over a two hour wait, so I was wondering if maybe you’d have time to-“ before you can even finish asking Matt is answering.
“Text me your location, baby, we’re on the way now,” he tells you as you also hear him talking to his now, very confused brothers.
“What is going on? Is she okay?” You hear Nick ask, sounding so worried. Chris speaks up and offers to take the phone so Matt can focus more on driving. You hear some rustling as you move to send your location to him, so you assume Matt took him up on the offer.
“I just shared my location with you,” you tell him.
“Chris, map us there,” Matt says.
“Already doing it. We are 15 minutes away,” Chris tells you both.
“We’re coming, babe. Just try to stay in a well lit area and stay on the phone with us,” Matt tells you, voice soft but serious.
“Okay, I’m sorry for interrupting you guys, I know you were probably trying to film,” you apologize, feeling bad for stopping them. Instantly your met with multiple assurances that there’s no need to be sorry.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s completely okay,” Chris tells you.
“Your safety matters more than us concluding a silly video,” Nick adds in.
“Baby, never apologize for calling me when you need me. There’s nothing to be sorry for in this situation,” Matt speaks up at the end, sweet and kind.
You stay on the phone talking to Matt and his brothers, their voices keeping you calm as they tell you about their day and ask about yours. Suddenly you feel a hand on your waist, making you jump and gasp.
“Baby?” Matt asks, voice worried through the phone as his brothers also call out to you.
“Hey sweet thing,” the creepy guy leers at you, eyeing you up and down in a way that makes your skin crawl. You take a couple steps back, making the creeps hand fall off you and your hand grips your phone a little tighter.
“Don’t touch me,” you tell the man. The boys all call to you again urgently, sounding more worried after hearing what you just said. You also hear Matt’s car accelerate in the background, meaning he was driving to you faster. Faster meant sooner, and sooner was good as you now felt paralyzed in fear as the man kept looking at you.
The man steps closer as you step back, continuing to follow you until your back is pressed against the cool brick of the club building. You’re shaking in fear as this man continues to approach you.
Suddenly, Matt’s black SUV rolls up quickly, jerking to a stop on the street. After throwing the car in park, you see Matt jump out of the drivers side, jogging over to you, making you sigh in relief.
“Matt!” You call out to him, so happy to see him. The creep turns around to face your boyfriend. Matt’s jaw is clenched in anger as he assesses the situation, his fears confirmed as he sees the situation he was coming up on.
“She’s not interested, fuck off,” Matt tells him gruffly, reaching out to grasp your hand and pull you away from the man who had been bothering you. You allowed yourself to be pulled away from your position against the wall. Matt moved you to stand behind him, shielding you from the man and his creepy gaze.
“You wanna go?” The creep asks angrily, trying to step up to your boyfriend but stumbling a bit.
You all hear two windows roll down from Matt’s car. Unbeknownst to you, they had already been cracked so Matt’s brothers could watch and hear what was going on.
“I don’t think you’d want to do that man. You mess with him, you mess with us too,” Nick calls out from the backseat. Chris just nods and raises an eyebrow at the man. Matt just smirks at the dumbfounded look on the creeps face.
The creep grumbles and stumbles away, shaking his head. You wrap your arms around Matt, hugging yourself to him tightly. His arms wrap around you as he releases a sigh, and you feel him press his lips to your head.
“Did he hurt you?” Matt asks you, concerned.
You shake your head, “No, just scared me mostly. He put his hand on my waist but I backed away so he’d stop,” you tell him in a whisper.
“I’m so sorry baby,” he tells you, kissing your head again. He held you for a moment before he began to gently lead you over to his car. While you both had been hugging, Chris had moved to the backseat with Nick so you could sit up front with your boyfriend.
Matt opens the passenger door for you and you get in. Before you can reach for it, he’s grabbing the seatbelt for you and buckling it for you, making you smile. He gently shuts your door and jogs around the car to his side, getting in and buckling up. As he adjusts and moves to put the car in drive, you turn to meet the gaze of his two brothers who look equally relieved to see you but still concerned.
“I’m okay, guys,” you assure them with a small smile.
They nod and return the smile.
As Matt pulls away from the club, one hand remains on the wheel as his other comes over to hold your hand. While your boyfriend isn’t always one for public displays of affection, he never was shy about holding your hand, and tonight you welcomed the comfort his hand in yours brought.
“Can you stay over at our place tonight? I’d feel better,” Matt asks you softly. You smile and nod, glad that he asked.
The ride home was quick and quiet, Matt’s brothers were on their phone. Chris played some songs that he knew you liked at a low volume. Once arriving to their place, you gave Nick and Chris a big hug before letting Matt lead you to his room.
“Come here, I just wanna hold you for a minute,” he whispers to you after he shuts his bedroom door. His room is cozy, dimly lit by the lights on his bedside tables. It’s warm and safe. Just like Matt. He pulls you into his arms, gently rocking you back and forth with your head resting near his collarbone.
“Thank you for getting me,” you whisper to him, before leaving a soft kiss on his jaw.
“You don’t have to thank me, baby. you can call me, day or night, no matter what I’m doing. I’ll drop it for you if you need me,” he tells you as he brushes a piece of your hair behind your ear.
You lean up and give him a gentle peck on the lips, and he kisses back just as softly. After you both reluctantly part, Matt walks over to his dresser. He grabs out a pair of sweats and a T-shirt for you to wear to bed. You thank him with a smile and you get changed while he also changes into a pair of flannel pj pants, opting out of wearing a shirt.
You sit down on his bed and watch as he takes off his chain and the couple rings he had worn that day. He surprises you when he turns around and walks over with a package in his hand.
Makeup removing wipes, the specific brand and scent you buy too. He’s always surprising you with his thoughtfulness.
“Here, let me get your makeup off baby,” he says as he comes to sit next to you. You smile as he begins to wipe your makeup off. He’s so gentle and thorough, his eyebrows creasing a little in the middle with focus. In a few moments he’s done, throwing away the used wipes in a nearby trash can and tossing the pack to land over on his desk.
You both pull the covers back and climb into his bed, you move to lay on your side as Matt rests behind you on his side as well. His arms snake their way around your waist, hand going under your shirt to rest on your bare tummy as he soothingly rubs the skin there. Your legs tangle together under the sheets and you feel a kiss pressed against the side of your head.
“Love you, baby,” Matt whispers to you, voice getting deeper as he gets sleepy.
“Love you too, Matty,” you whisper back, drifting off to sleep in the safety and comfort of his arms.
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Cuddling HCs
TF141, LVQ, Valeria, Graves, Alex, Farah, Laswell and Nikolai, again. These are the last batch of HCs I have written out for now. I do have two stories written out, one for Ghost and one for Graves, but I'm not sure I should post those. Anyway, for the most part these are sleepy cuddles, I suppose. Very self-indulgent, but that's what writing something like this is in general. SFW and gender neutral, as per usual.
Price: He’s a captain, so naturally he loves being the one to hold you, doesn’t matter if you’re spooning or you’re safely tucked away under his chin. Of course, he’s the big, strong man in whatever your relationship may be, so he just wants to protect you. He’s so used to taking care of others and making sure they’re alright, that it comes second nature to him to try and make you feel safe too. If you ever suggested him being the one to be held he’d smile, almost laugh, at the idea, thinking it to be rather silly. But when he’s in your arms for once? He gets very comfortable and sleepy, it never occurred to him that being cuddled would be so nice. He has no qualms about asking you to hold him either, he knows you understand.
Gaz: Such a cuddlebug, honestly. You wanna hold him? You wanna be held by him? Either is fine, as long as you switch it up from time to time. Becomes especially cuddly if he’s tired, that’s when he’d love to simply grab you and lie down for the night with you. Even just a nap is alright, in spite of him not taking them very often. Loves putting his head on your chest, something about hearing a loved one’s heartbeat is just so calming to him. Every time you’re cuddling he simply closes his eyes and there’s a chance he might just fall asleep. While he might be willing to engage in conversation while cuddling, don’t expect him to always respond with full sentences, sometimes he’ll barely even hear you with how relaxed he is. Doesn’t have an iron grip on you, but it will tighten for a moment when you try to get up. That’s when he snaps back to reality and needs to remember where he is for a moment.
Ghost: This guy is actually so touch-starved, but he’d rather do anything else than admit it as he’s afraid of becoming too much. Give him a taste of what a good cuddle session is like, he’ll think about it constantly. The first few times will be him holding you only. After that? You may request holding him, if you ask him a few times he’ll crumble eventually. It’s one thing to hold someone, because if you do it right then they can’t hurt you. But being held? Being spooned, cradled or given affection otherwise? He actually becomes so soft. If you gently rub his back or run your hand over his skin otherwise you can get him to fall asleep and snore softly. Doesn’t move in his sleep but good luck trying to get out of his grasp. If it’s you he’ll try to not have an iron grip and hurt you, but it’s not exactly something he can control either when he’s asleep.
Soap: Despite being open to either, he prefers being the one to hold you. It makes him feel more masculine, but that’s what he tells himself. In reality he simply sleeps more easily holding something, or someone. When he falls asleep holding you, you can actually watch his facial expression be relaxed, his mouth somewhat curving upwards too. Nuzzles into you like there’s no tomorrow, either that or he’s nestling into you like a dog or cat moving the blanket to make it just that bit more comfortable. Sleepy talks are a given for him, he loves hearing about anything and everything as he takes in your warmth. In return, he’ll tell you about how he convinced Gaz he stepped on a ladybug, when it was really just a red Skittles. If you’re spooning and he’s feeling a little bit mischievous he might graze your tummy with his hands to make you giggle.
Alejandro: He has a high rank, but he’s aware of how cathartic being held can be. Thus he’s not above asking you for some cuddles. If neither of you have anything important going on, he might just pick you up and carry you to the nearest soft surface. Loves gently scratching your scalp and feel you melt under his touch, especially if you only respond to him via humming after some time. He slightly prefers holding over being held, but on a bad day he loves nothing more than to have you run your fingers through his hair instead. If you’re lying on a bed together then he loves facing you, whoever moves first to hold the other gets to be the bigger person for the time being. Very much a talker before sleepy time, he has so much to tell you about. Besides, hearing your voice heals his soul just as much as being physically close to you.
Rodolfo: He’s more inclined to admit he’s touch-starved than Ghost, but he feels a bit embarrassed to do that. Likes holding you, but if he could choose, then he’d choose to be held every single time. There’s just something so nice about not having to worry about a thing, about being the one who gets protected for once. Trust me when I say that if something were to happen he’s the first one to jump into action, he can be quite ruthless, but putting your trust into someone else, difficult as it may be, really pays off when you have found the right person. However, even if you just hold his hand while you’re lying next to each other, he’s quite content. Not much of a talker, plus he gets a bit self-conscious as well. He’s a sergeant major, that’s not too low of a rank, should he really be the one to get treated like this? Pull him close to you and reassure him that you love any sort of cuddling with him from time to time and he’ll be very happy, though.
Valeria: Much like a hug from her, it’s hard to get her to cuddle you. She’s not entirely opposed to it after a lot of time has passed, but she will be cautious. Even then, she’ll, for the most part, only agree to spooning, but she will absolutely never be the smaller spoon. It doesn’t matter how awful she feels, she’ll never be comfortable in that position. She doesn’t have the most time for that sort of thing either, something always comes up and she can barely get any rest. While she likely won’t fall asleep cuddling someone, what you can do to ease her nerves is give her a plushie. She’ll scoff and make fun of it, but she appreciates it. Hell, from time to time she’ll fall asleep cuddling it and think of you. As much as she hates to admit it, if she’s had it for long enough she’ll grow a bit softer around you and give just the tiniest amount of more physical affection. Don’t mention it, though. She’s aware, but she can’t particularly help it.
Graves: Another guy who prefers holding. However, it’s much harder to get him to be the one being held. He has too much pride for that sort of thing. Yes, he dishes out physical affection like it’s nothing, but he’s rarely on the receiving end, especially for something along the lines of cuddling. And yes, that is because of his own doing. If you beg and plead enough, though, he might let you. Feels pretty indifferent to being held, but if it makes you truly happy he can indulge you once or twice. But be aware, the second he can, he will switch it around so you’re being held again. You can fight all you want, even when he’s tired it’ll likely be a losing battle for you. Not too much of a talker when he’s about to sleep, but he’s more than happy to listen to you talk about whatever is on your mind. Loves having you bury your face in your chest and fall asleep like that, like Soap, it makes him feel very manly and needed.
Alex: It doesn’t matter to him which way you want it, he’s happy with any position and any role. Hell, he’s a true switch at heart when it comes to something like this. Loves just coming up to you and putting his arms around you. And if either of you are tired the chances of that happening increase exponentially. Nuzzles into you, adjusts himself so both of you are comfortable, might hum a small melody as well. Latter is something he sort of just picked up from Farah, but he likes the idea of humming a small tune to make you relax. Not too much of a talker, he just gets sleepy when he gets to cuddle you. If it isn’t too hot then you can expect him to grab a fluffy blanket and put it over the two of you, even if he doesn’t want to let you go. Nothing beats holding a loved one and hearing them talk about anything and everything while under a comfortable blanket.
Farah: Gives off the impression that she prefers to do the holding, loves being held just as much. It grounds her and reminds her of her cause. As mentioned, she might hum a tune when she’s very comfortable, or when she wants to calm you down. During night time, there’s a chance she might become just a tad more melancholic, but it won’t deter her from sleeping. She does sleep especially well if the both of you are cuddling. If she trusts you enough she can go any way with cuddling as well. Her and Alex seem to influence each other quite a bit. While she may not have the most time to cuddle with you, she does like to do so whenever she can, it reminds her of some good, gone-by times. Despite not liking to dwell too much on the past, there’s nothing wrong with remembering the nice things that have happened. Life can’t always be suffering.
Laswell: Not always too big on cuddling, but she does like it from time to time. When she’s had a rough and exhausting day, nothing beats holding a loved one under the covers. It’s those days that she sort of does think about being held from time to time, putting her head on your chest. Her job is rough, so having someone and something to do to decompress is a pleasant change of pace. Cuddles are infrequent, mostly because of her job requiring her to be everywhere at once, but it’s worth it when she does have the time. Not much of a talker when she’s just about to fall asleep, but doesn’t mind you talking either. She especially loves it when you tell her a funny anecdote or a joke, it’s something soft and easy to drift off to sleep to. Her brain goes haywire, even in her sleep, but when she falls asleep cuddling you then she dreams about you very often too.
Nikolai: You’d need to be especially close for some cuddles, but once you are, then you can just go for it. As long as he isn’t busy and you aren’t in public you can just walk up to him and wrap your arms around him. If you drag him onto a couch, a bed or any other soft surface he’ll just let you. It’s a bit funny to him, he lets you do just about anything, you get away with so much, even though, if he really wanted to, he could eliminate you in just about every way possible. Loves cradling your head and pressing it to his chest. More of a cuddler, but if you ask to hold him, you may. Takes a while to fall asleep, but if you’re awake to hear it, you can hear him slip up from time to time. In the linguistic sense. He knows eight languages, it’s not gonna get more coherent when he’s about to doze off. His grip, however, does not falter when he’s asleep. Once you’re stuck, you’re stuck with him and you won’t get out of his grasp until he wakes up again.
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 2 months
dinner dates ! jjk x reader series pt .1
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
featuring: yuuji, gojo, megumi, inumaki
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yuuji itadori:
yuuji would defintely take you to a hibachi grill
you’re wearing a baby pink sundress with cherry blossoms on it and he’s wearing a white button down shirt and black slacks cause he wanted to dress up for his girl !!
he thinks it’s really cool how they cook the food in front of you and he likes the entertainment
definetly orders a bunch of other dishes for you guys to share (boy where tf are you getting that money from???)
actually. he saved up all his money so he can take you out for a really nice dinner 🥺 he loves you so much and he just wants you to feel special and beautiful
he orders pork gyoza and tempura shrimp for you guys to share 😈
if it’s your birthday yuuji would ABSOLUTELY tell the cook and have the restaurant sing you happy birthday
then he records it and posts it on his instagram story because he’s just so proud of his girl 💗
if the restaurant has a koi pond he will absolutely LOVE it
afterwards 90% of his camera roll will be pictures of the fish (the other 10% is you)
would be like ‘babe they’re so pretty 😚’ and y’all would spend like twenty minutes just looking at the fish
not that you mind because you love to see your sunshine boy happy and you like the fish too
he would definetly toss coins in the pond with you and be like ‘babe let’s make a wish to be together forever at the same time 🥰’
you would do it of course and he would be over the moon
makes you pose by the fountain and takes pictures of you because his girl is just so pretty, how could he not?? :)
afterwards you guys go get dessert at a cute lil cafe and he gushes about how much he loves you <333
gojo satoru:
you know this man would take you to the most fancy expensive restaurant just because he can
he forgot to tell you so one night at six thirty he’s just like get ready 😏 and you’re like wtf
he orders a taxi (read: nanami) because he can’t drive :/
when you get there there he tells the waiter the name and y’all go sit down at a private table in the back of the restaurant with a really pretty view of the city
the waiter brings out a bottle of red wine and pours it for you while you and satoru chat
when i tell you that he orders so much sushi-
the waiters have brought out a platter of (probably) every type of sushi that the restaurant serves
also his favorite type of sushi roll is shrimp tempura roll I don’t make the rules
he sees a plate of onigiri in front of him and he’s like ‘aww inumaki 🥺’
please he loves his students so much it’s so sweet
you both eat a bunch of it until you’re feeling super full
then he’s like ‘okay babe what do you want to order??’
and you’re like 🙂what
he’s like ‘baby that was just the hors d'oeuvres 😣’
he makes you order a main dish because ‘it’s okay you’ll be hungry again 😙’
you order some miso ramen and he gets a steak
it’s actually really food and you’re glad you had werem’t too full for it
satoru definetly feeds you some of his food from across the table
afterwards, the two of you walk around the streets for a little bit and get some matcha ice cream to finish the night off ✨
megumi fushiguro:
i think that, instead of a restaurant, megumi takes you around the city for street food because you’ve never really explored the city before
it’s absolutely lovely; the weather is nice, it’s not too busy, and it distracts the two of you from being jujutsu sorcerers
you find a street vendor that sells korokke so that’s what you eat first
you see a souvenir shop down the street, so you decide to go in there and get some cute little gifts for your friends 😌
megumi finds a silly pair of tourist sunglasses that he thinks itadori will like and you get nobara a blue scarf decorated with little animals
as you exit the shop, you start to feel hungry again so the two of you decide on yakisoba and it’s delicious 😈
the two of you walk for a while together, hand in hand until you see a stand that sells mochi
you insist to megumi that you have to bring some back for gojo: ‘come on megs, he would love it! especially from you’ ‘he can buy his own food 🙄‘
of course you eventually convince him and gojo loved the sentiment (and the food)
you guys end the night back in his room, cuddling and watching a movie 💜
toge inumaki:
okay so inumaki totally takes you to one of those cute animal restaurants
i’m gonna go with he takes you to a pig cafe <3 and omg they’re so adorable!!
he bought you guys matching hoodies when you started dating so y’all are wearing those 🥺
also i headcanon that inumaki has a really cute instagram that he keeps up with so of course he’d take you to a spot where he could take lots of pictures of his girl <3 and baby pigs ofc
you guys order ramen and sushi and the food is really good! :)
the restaurant has a huge glass wall so you get a really pretty view of the mountains
the vibe in the restaurant is also really nice, there’s chill ambient music playing in the background which reminds you of him 🥺
he thinks you look so cute (and you do ofc)
he can’t really talk about it with you because of his technique so he has his notes app open to type you messages 🥺
he gives you so many forehead and palm kisses so that he makes sure you know how much he loves you 🥺 poor boy it absolutely whipped for you
speaking of being whipped, he also tediously makes sure you’ve eaten enough and that you’re liking our food 
he’ll 100% share his food with you either way, he loves the feeling that he’s taking care of you 
afterwards you guys go get boba tea before you go back to jujutsu high and he walks you back to your room to kiss you goodnight 🥺
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ctrlchar · 5 months
Jake Webber NSFW alphabet
a/n: for the oral section i wrote about him making you watch a movie while he eats you out and I love that concept sm i can’t and also there is a Johnnie alphabet coming soon as well🙏
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
absolutely loves aftercare,he always asks you if you need anything and if you do he’ll do it in a instant. he also gets you one of his oversized shirts and some of his boxers to change into so you can be comfortable
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on himself it’s his waist,he loves his tattoos that lead down to his crotch and that’s really it tbh,he just thinks he has a nice waist
on you it is 1000% your tits,he talks about tits in literally every video. he doesn’t care what they look like as long as he can squeeze them and leave kisses on them during sex
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
if your back is to him he likes to cum on your back or inside of you,he lives for watching his cum drip out of you just for him to finger it back into you
if you’re facing him then it doesn’t matter too much although he does like to cum on your tits but he’s not too specific on it
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
seeing his hands around you will literally make him cum on the spot,he just loves how possessive it is to physically hold onto you with his hands both in a sexual and non sexual manor
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s a very experienced guy,this means that he can tell what you do and don’t like very easily
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
he absolutely loves when you ride him,however he doesn’t like reverse cowgirl at all because obviously he can’t see your tits
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
100% he’s a very silly person and I think that carries over into the bedroom as well like I think this man might even go out of his way to make a joke during sex rather then just joking about something awkward happening
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I don’t think he really does anything to it honestly,maybe whenever he dates you he trims it up a little but he genuinely could not care less and the same goes for you he doesn’t care if you have hair or don’t
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Intimacy is not his strong suit,yes he can be intimate and yes he will be intimate it’s just not something he’s amazing at
however he will make sure you know that he wants you and not your body,this meaning he’ll probably tell you how much he loves you and how good you treat him while he’s inside you
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I don’t think he jerks of regularly only whenever he’s doing something and you’re not there or you are there but you’re busy and he doesn’t wanna seem like a dick by making you stop what your doing just so you can have sex
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
overstimulation-he absolutely loves to see you begging for him to let up his assault on your clit
his fingers prodded your tight hole for now 15 minutes,you had came what you think was 10 minutes ago but you weren’t sure and didn’t care for that matter as Jake continued to push his fingers in and out of you at a rapid pace. your hands reaching up for his hands in attempt to slow him down which he does for a moment “aw my pretty girl. you don’t really want me to stop hm?” he asks knowing the answer already since the two of you have had this discussion before
daycraphillia- seeing you cry might be his biggest turn on during sex. just watching you come undone because of his cock boosts his ego through the roof. especially when you’re in doggy style and he’s practically fucking your tears into the pillow below you
photos- he would love to take photos during sex if you let him. but not just photos of you,he feels as if he’s taking photos of you there should also be photos of himself. so usually he’ll take photos of you giving him head or even just his hard cock cumming on you. his favorite photos have to be when he’s fucking you from behind and your ass is right against his cock
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
he really likes doing it in his car. like man will never turn you down if you ask him to lay back his seat and fuck you in his car
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you in JUST his shirt no shorts underwear absolutely nothing other then his shirt
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
nothing too extreme that would ever hurt you,his exception when it comes to impact play is choking and that’s about it.
he also doesn’t like the idea of sharing you,he doesn’t get jealous easily but the thought of someone seeing you do vulnerable is a huge turn off
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he gets super whiney and needy whenever you give him head. like bucking his hips down your throat needy
“f-fuck!” he moans arching his back against the wall. his hand now tightly gripping your hair as he tried to gain his composure and not start completely fucking your face. he starts to buck his hips up more and more subconsciously the closer he gets apologizing with each thrust “baby i’m sorry” “shit i can’t” “feels t-too good” he’d say bucking his hips into your mouth before eventually cumming down your throat
on the other hand he will give you head no matter what you’re doing. his favorite time to give you head is whenever you’re watching a movie with him and his head moves from resting on your chest from going to your clothed clit making you watch the movie as he eats you out
he also wraps his arms around your thighs when he goes down on you to make sure you’re as close to him as possible
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I think he keeps a moderate pace but if you ask for him to go faster or slower he will. I feel like he thrusts rlly hard too if that makes sense
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he likes them a little less then proper sex. only because there’s not much variety in quickies,like you have to work with what you have but during regular sex it’s up to you rather then your surroundings
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
this kinda goes back to N, the biggest risk he’ll take with you is having semi public sex but that’s it
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
he can last pretty long honestly maybe like 4-5 rounds or so
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I think he used to own a fleshlight when he was younger (early 20s) but other then that no,if he saw you using a toy he would make you continue whatever it was you were doing while he watched you and maybe if he was really horny he’d jerk off with you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
hugeeeee tease.
the two of you were sitting at a booth during dinner,with two of your friends on the other side. Jake had his hand resting on your thigh which to most people simply looked like he was doing just that,but you and him both knew what he was doing. he had been rubbing his fingers along your inner thighs where he knew he had left bite marks and bruises. this resulted in a dull pain which went straight to your heat.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
other then whenever he’s getting head I think he just grunts a lot. like loud grunts each time he thrusts into you
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
loves watching threesome porn but he knows he would never do one because of how possessive he can get over you
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I think he has an average looking cock which is average in both girth and height
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I think it was pretty low before he met you. like if the chance presented himself he wouldn’t say no but he wouldn’t go out of his way to have sex. now he probably has sex about 3 times a week give or take
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he will either go to sleep within a few minutes or he will do the exact opposite and after he’s done making sure you’re okay he’ll lay with you and watch a movie while you either watch it with him or fall asleep in his arms
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heartsteel-heartbeats · 7 months
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More dating Heartsteel Kayn HCs (Birthday + Halloween Edition! ft. Rhaast)
Brief mention of drinking, but doesn’t go into full detail.
(( Happy birthday to this silly guy!! 😚😚 )) ~ OBBY 💗
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You’ve known Kayn’s birthday was on the 30th and not the 31st thanks to a certain K/DA member texting him at a very unfortunate time, but you did enjoy the idea of celebrating both days in general. Kayn, on the other hand, prefers the 31st because that is what he says his birthday is. It doesn’t hurt to just simply indulge him. If he wants his birthday on the 31st, who the hell are you to say? Don’t let that stop you from doing something fun on the 30th though. Try to take advantage of the fact he has a habit of staying up very late. As long as you two aren’t caught, perhaps you could get away with a thing or two. Maybe a little spray paint to liven up this boring alley right?
Kayn might catch on to what your intentions are and he will tease you about it and telling you his birthday is tomorrow, but he truly does appreciate what you’re doing. Any moment he can spare just to be with you is everything to him.
“Is this for my birthday? You know that’s tomorrow.” “Whattt? Of course I know that.” “This is for my birthday, isn’t it?” “Totally not.” “It’s totally for my birthday!” “It’s past midnight anyway! It’s your birthday right now!”
On the 31st, do expect Rhaast to make an appearance. In fact, it may or may not have been his idea for you to dress up like him. He thinks it’d look cool, and luckily for both of you, some people seemed to have the same idea to dress up as him. Of course, it’d be obvious to tell which one was the real Rhaast, but you? The media can just say you were just a “mysterious talented artist” who practically nailed the costume. At least they never got a picture of your face or even your name, and they’ll never know that you actually got help from the man himself.
Rhaast does eventually escape from the crowd just to go to you and drag you onto a rooftop to watch everyone else. Does he make fun of other people’s attempts to dress up as him? Absolutely.
“[name]! Look at that one over there!” “A for effort, at least.” “No, that’s too high! Bump it down to C tier.” “Hah! That’s a little harsh, don’t you think? Not even low B tier?” “Not at all!” “Oh come on, look at that one. That one’s not that bad, right?” “Ugh, more like cheaply made.”
Rhaast himself is pretty anti-paparazzi. Not in the “literally blinding in the camera” kind of anti-paparazzi, but rather the one that tends to scare them away quite literally. Popping out of nowhere with a loud “BOO!” and a boisterous laugh. Although in general, Rhaast is just really hard to get a good picture of if it’s not during a show. I mean have you seen him? Look at him go.
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tbh he’d probably scare some kids too
Since we’re talking about Rhaast, let’s talk about your relationship with him. He loves you. In fact, he’s the one that pushed Kayn to approach you when he realized how Kayn felt about you. In a way, you could say this relationship is polyamorous. Rhaast still gets very jealous if he’s not let out to have time with you, though it’s not so different with Kayn. Both of them can get pretty jealous in general.
“You’re such a wimp! Just do it!!” “No..!” “Oh come on!! They’re perfect! You even thought it!” “Well-! Yes, I did! But-!” “They even love the way I work things! If you want them, you have to get them before someone else does! Have you seen how that other guy was looking at them earlier?!” “I am not doing it.” “What’s that saying? “The worst they can do is say no”? Just do it Kayn!!" “Ugh! Fine! Tomorrow." "Pussy."
Rhaast was Kayn's personal alarm that next morning. He wasn't going to let Kayn forget the plan. Let’s just say he was a bit of a mess when he finally came to you thanks to Rhaast, but when you said yes, he was ecstatic. Kayn struggled trying to keep a straight face when all he can hear is Rhaast yelling triumphantly. That was also the day you realized Rhaast wasn't just his "alter-ego," but rather a whole other person that only Kayn hears and lets out time to time. Well, you did like Kayn, and you did like "not simply an alter-ego" Rhaast, so it worked out.
He definitely tried scaring you a few times. Maybe he succeeded, maybe he didn’t, but he’s done a handful of things to you and others to try and get a reaction. Maybe you grew a resistance to it overtime and your reactions gradually changed.
Rhaast does let you snap some pretty cool photos of him which probably includes him doing dangerous stunts. Still, seeing him go do what he loves to do without anything to stop him was nice. That didn’t stop you from being worried if he’ll actually get hurt, though. He sometimes teases you on that. To be fair, he does this all the time and comes out unscathed.
Heading towards your next destination (which would be wherever they had agreed to celebrate his birthday) had to be done with the two of you doing in different routes so that attention wasn’t drawn to either of you, or to you specifically. Wouldn’t want too many speculations now, though it is fun to see the fans create their own thoughts on the matter. They were either entirely wrong, or they were so close to the truth. You were going to meet up again a few blocks from the location, and of course, he was there first waiting for you in a wall just to kind of surprise you. You were greeted by Kayn instead of Rhaast, and he lifts the mask on your face to give you a kiss.
“Hey there gorgeous~” “Hey yourself. Were you just standing in that wall the entire time?” “Guilty as charged. You’re so slow.” “Says the one who can walk in walls.” “Yeah, but you love it when I do it.”
Serves as good time to just walk and chat now that you’re away from the crowd. Most people, and kids, would be at home and maybe sleeping by now, so the streets are rather empty.
“Not that I’m complaining, but are you here because Rhaast is tired?” “If I let Rhaast drink to his heart’s content, none of us will be going home.” “Since when did that ever stop you?” “Yeah… But Yone won’t be letting me off the hook, so I’m unfortunately at a limit.” “And on your birthday. What a shame.”
Whether this is your first time meeting the rest of Heartsteel or not, it’s safe to say you get along with them fairly well. Ezreal wanted all the details, but gets cut off by Kayn who would pull you away from him. K’Sante and Alune are always fun to talk to, so if things get too rowdy, you can run to them and chat for a while.
You’ve spotted Aphelios taking pictures of some stuff happening, like how Kayn and Ezreal are still bickering which he’ll post somewhere later. He’ll probably go to you to show you some photos he took of the others a few days or weeks prior. There was even a photo of Aphelios and Kayn beating Sett with plushies and pillows (Ezreal took the photo). He’ll send it to you if you ask.
You know those little charms he has on his belt of Rhaast and his shadow assassin form? Your gift to him were matching charms of you and him. He wears the charm of you with so much pride, he loves it so much. You're even placed between the two he already had. No one would suspect a thing either if they see your little charm of Kayn. It's normal for people to have silly pins and charms of their favorite artist, and if anyone asks where you got it from, just say you made it yourself. It wasn't a lie after all.
It’s safe to say both Kayn and Rhaast had fun on their 48 hour birthday.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 3 months
Denim on Denim
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A Seams x Grays crossover
Summary: Joel tries to get a haircut - but it turns out he can’t do anything in the QZ without getting into a fistfight, and you’re lucky enough to be in the audience.
Warnings: Mildly spicy thoughts, two sexy men fighting, language, reader was a hairdresser prior to the outbreak and has a nickname related to her job, no use of Y/N, no physical descriptions of reader, very lightly edited.
This oneshot can be read independently of the two series, but for the full experience, I recommend reading at least Grays. This is a post-outbreak AU of Grays, and is set before Seams Joel leaves the QZ. Part of the Shiv's salon drabbles.
Word count: 2.7k
Notes: A whole year after my random thoughts about how Joel's hair looks that good in an apocalypse and a random notif on this post that reminded of it, we finally get Joel to Shiv's salon... or do we? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had a blast writing this oneshot - it's a bit silly, a bit spicy, I hope you enjoy it ❤️
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Joel swipes viciously at the curl hanging over eyes, like a boxer at a punchbag. Try as he might to slick it back, every time his shovel hits the dirt, the hair uncoils, bouncing obnoxiously in his field of vision.
He needs a fucking haircut. Tess usually does it for him every month or so, but she’s been in a mood - snapping at him, keeping him at arm’s length, she hasn’t even been to his apartment for two whole weeks.
This time of the year is hard for her. He knows all too well that he’s the same every September. They’re in each of their own time loops, a cage within the trappings of the QZ.
‘You look like you need a trim, bro.’
Joel barely glances up. He knows the guy, they share a surname after all. People call him Ben, or Benny, and even an old man like him knows he’s a good-looking son of a bitch.
They work the same shifts sometimes, and he knows Tess has crossed paths with him at the illegal fight nights. Joel has also seen him a few times at the bar, where he’s usually surrounded by even more good-looking motherfuckers.
Joel knows he’s a damn flirt too. He always has pretty words for Tess when he sees her. He’s harmless though, and he supposes that she deserves sweet nothings from at least one Miller since he’s no good at them.
Realising he hasn’t responded, Joel grunts noncommittally, self-consciousness prickling the back of his neck.
‘I know someone, she was a professional hairdresser before all this.’
Joel ignores him and keeps shovelling.
‘If you tell her you know me, she’ll give you a good rate.’
More shovelling.
‘Alright man, my shift’s up. See you ‘round.’
Five steps, and Joel sighs, digging the shovel into the dirt.
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Joel stands on the doorway, and stares.
There’s an actual backwash in the corner of the dingy living room - well, living space. There are no doors in the tenement apartments.
‘You waiting for it to say hello back, or what?’
His eyes snap to yours, a scowl drawing his brows together.
Not that you look at all intimidated, one eyebrow arched high and an amused smile sitting lopsided on your lips, which he will admit throws him just a bit. He’s not used to having to work for it.
Giving you a tight nod, he takes two steps into the apartment. He recognises the layout, a mirror of his own, which is a few blocks away.
Closing the door with a flourish behind him, you ask brightly, ‘You’re here for a haircut?’
He’s about to answer when something winks at him, and he looks up, momentarily blinded by the reflection of afternoon light in the cracked mirror that hangs over a battered styling station.
Your apartment has windows that don’t look directly onto the next building, and sun floods the space. Even light is a real rarity in the shithole of a QZ, where everything indoors is dingy. He idly wonders if you had to bribe someone -
Distracted, he catches the sliver of a shadow moving from the corner of his eye a split second later than he would if he was on high alert. On reflex, his fingers find the hilt of his knife and he whips it out in a wide arc, swinging to his left where gunmetal catches the afternoon light.
‘Drop it!’ he barks, the same moment as the other man growls, ‘The fuck are you doing in my home with a knife?’
To Joel’s bewilderment, you chuckle somewhere to his right, amused. ‘C’mon guys. Dramatic, much?’
‘He snuck up on me,’ Joel growls defensively.
‘Frankie, put your gun away, dude’s just here for a haircut - I’m assuming anyway, he never did answer my question.’
‘Yes, I’m here for a haircut,’ he snaps, resheathing his knife. ‘Fuck would I be doin’ here if not?’
‘Fuck should I know, dipshit?’ retorts Frankie, tucking his gun in the back of his jeans. ‘You always bring a knife to your haircuts?’
‘D’ya always threaten to shoot paying customers?’
‘No, we definitely do not.’ You step into the space between the two men in case they get snippy with each other again. ‘Who sent you?’
Your customer crosses his arms, and you can’t help noticing the fabric of his shirt stretching across those broad shoulders. ‘Blondie.’
‘Blondie?’ you frown, confused. ‘Oh wait, you mean Ben? I thought I recognised you. I’ve seen you at one of his fights, with your wife? What’s her name now -’
‘Tess,’ he replies, then promptly looks like he wishes he’d stopped himself before he answered. ‘She’s not my -’ he trails off, and it’s clear he doesn’t like how you’re reading him at the moment, grumbling, ‘None of your damn business.’
‘Hey, you watch your mouth around my lady, old man,’ warns Frankie, ratcheting up the tension again.
Squaring his shoulders, the man seems to grow two inches. ‘Or what?’
Suddenly aware of being caught in the crossfire between your protective husband on one side, and this gruff, silvered stranger on the other, heat bubbles unbidden under your skin, the unexpected reaction from your body catching you off guard.
Biting your lower lip, you clear your throat, and somehow you sound steadier than you feel when you dispense the orders. 
‘Ok, this is enough. Frankie, sit down over there,’ you say, pointing him in the direction of the couch on the other side of the room. ‘And you - since you’re Benny’s friend, two ration cards.’
‘’M not his friend,’ he almost spits out that last word, as if it tastes weird.
You give him a pointed look. ‘Three ration cards, then.’
He huffs, and hands you two from his back pocket. ‘Fine, I’m Benny’s friend.’
You grin. ‘If you’re besties, it’s one.’
‘Don’t push it.’
You back off with a chuckle. ‘Fine, not besties. Maybe next time. Now sit.’
Joel does as he’s told, awkwardly, in the styling chair, a relic from the pre-outbreak days. It creaks dangerously under his weight, and it wobbles, slightly off-kilter. The cracked leather is warm from the sun, which seeps into his skin, and he finds himself wondering when was the last time he went to a hair salon.
Sarah used to love cutting his hair. She always made an afternoon out of it on one of his rare days not working overtime, putting the music on, setting up her Barbie mirror on the dining room table, and having him pick out a hairstyle from a magazine (it never looked anywhere near like the photos). She’d even put a disposable raincoat over him like a hairdresser’s cape. She really wasn’t any good, there’s a reason why Tommy didn’t let her anywhere near his curls, but he always wore her handiwork with pride -
So lost in his thoughts, he reacts purely on instinct when, for the first time in decades, fingers other than his own find his hair.
Swivelling around, he’s out of the chair in a split second, fingers wrapped tight around your wrists. You yelp as he pushes you back against the wall, which he sees from the shape of your lips but doesn’t hear over the blood pounding in his ears.
Joel barely holds you there for a second before he’s yanked backwards by a hand on the back of his collar, and he stumbles, crashing into the adjacent wall. He barely misses the fist heading towards his face, ducking just in time to save himself what would undoubtedly have been a broken nose.
He barrels into the younger man with his shoulder, expecting him to tumble back, and is surprised when he doesn’t budge. Joel’s aware he’s got a few years on him, but he more than holds his own against punks that age on the daily. This guy clearly has a background in combat, and it’s taking Joel everything to stay on his feet.
In the meantime, you’re still plastered against the wall, dazed by your customer’s reaction. Heck, you haven’t even gotten his name yet before he literally jumped you. He’s a skittish one, that’s for sure. 
You smile at the memory of Frankie’s first time with you at the salon - he’d give this guy a good run for his money. Lucky for him, you’ve always been good at wrangling the nervous ones.
Speaking of, the two men are now literally wrestling in front of you. If you had to venture a guess by the grays in the hair, you reckon your customer is pushing fifty. He’s built like a fucking tank though, and he’s giving everything he’s got.
So you decide to watch for a little while. Boys will be boys, best leave them to let off some steam. Leaning against the wall, you get comfortable, and you think wistfully to yourself that Ashton would have loved this view.
You’re not sure how you missed that they’re both wearing denim on denim, and you would struggle to pick out which is your husband if not for the hat on his head. Yes, the damn cap survived the apocalypse with him.
They are remarkably similar in build, though your customer seems to stand just a couple of inches taller. His biceps flex and bulge through the shirt sleeves as he scuffles with Frankie, teeth bared; meanwhile, your husband plants his feet, jeans stretched tight over his adorable little ass, trying to hold the man back long enough to throw a punch.
If the room was warm when they were trading barbs, it’s positively sweltering right now.
All you can see are broad shoulders and fabric bursting at the seams, grappling fingers and clenched fists. Back muscles rippling through denim, teasing slivers of skin and soft bellies when shirttails ride up and jeans fall low. The cheerful afternoon sun kisses their skin golden, casting long shadows across the creaking wooden floor.
And they’re not quiet. Throaty grunts as they jostle, panted breath peppered with cusses, fuck’s and sons of bitches as they wrestle for control.
Suddenly, you’re the one who’s out of breath despite not moving a muscle.
As much as you would’ve loved to stand and watch, you can tell both men are starting to get winded. You don’t exactly want the show to end, entertainment is hard to come by in the QZ, let alone of such a visually stimulating variety, in your own living room. But you think you hear the older man wheeze, their shirts are now stained with sweat, and the frantic energy they started with turns heavy with lethargy.
With a rueful sigh, you speak up, ‘Frankie, come on, that’s enough now.’
He growls, ‘No fucking way. He tried to hurt you!’
‘He barely touched me. It was just his PTSD acting out.’
‘I don’t have PTSD,’ the man protests, shooting you a glare before dodging an elbow.
‘There’s no shame in having PTSD,’ you admonish him. ‘Or in getting help.’
‘Why don’t you give me a hand then?’ he scoffs, tipping his head at Frankie.
‘Yeah, looks like you can use it,’ your husband taunts him.
‘Sure you can’t, asshole? Can’t even take down an old man on your own?’
‘I hope you're hungry, 'cause you're gonna eat your words, asshole -’
Hands on hips, you roll your eyes at the exceedingly average trash talk. ‘You know what? I tried asking nicely - I’m going in.’
It’s a tight squeeze, but somehow, you find a space between the elbows and shoulders and knees, and you wedge yourself in. It’s hot and humid between the two men, who are still trying to get at each other, despite the fact that you now have one hand on each of their chests, trying to pry them apart. Trapped between the two solid walls of chest, their raw strength vibrates through you, through harsh panting breath, the musk of sweat and man, and denim rubs rough on your bare skin where you’re pressed up against them.
It’s not hard to imagine being in this position in an entirely different situation, with the axis tilted, on a softer surface. Heat prickles all over you like needles, and unbeknownst to you, your thighs press together, and your panties start to feel sticky -
‘What the fuck are you doing?’ asks Frankie, incredulous as he looms over you, still grabbing onto the other guy’s shirt.
You bat your eyelashes at him, then crane your neck over your shoulder to wink at the other man. A little spiral of a curl dangles over his eyes as he glares at you, puffs of warm air hitting the shell of your ear. 
Knowing that your best chance of breaking off this nonsense is to wildly offend both men, you purr, ‘Making a delicious sandwich ‘cause I’m famished -’
Frankie flushes bright red instantly, and he roars, ‘Get your filthy hands off my wife, son of a bitch!’
Not that his hands are anywhere near you (a tragedy), nonetheless, the man jumps five feet back, as if you burned him. He may deny Tess being his wife, but the look of absolute horror of being accused of touching you speaks volumes.
You can tell he would have doubled over catching his breath, hands on his knees, if not for his pride. Stubbornly, he stands tall, hands on hips, chest heaving.
‘Bit jumpy, are we?’ you quip.
‘You always that handsy?’ he retorts.
‘Can’t help myself with beautiful curls like yours,’ you wink, and your smile widens when he flushes.
Frankie throws up his hands in disbelief. ‘Shiv, I’m standing right here.’
‘You always are,’ you tease, pressing a kiss to his pinched lips. ‘Now, go take a walk, you've made enough of a scene.’
‘I’m not leaving you here with him -’
The older man scoffs. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not interested in your woman.’
You feign indignation. ‘Hey! That’s hurtful.’
‘You should be, jackass!’ Frankie gripes, and promptly looks as confused as the other man at his own pronouncement.
Taking his hand, you pull him towards the door. ‘Go on babe, you were going to have a drink with Pope anyway. I got everything under control.’
‘Alright,’ Frankie relents, but not before he points a menacing finger at your customer. ‘If he tries anything -’
‘I know where the gun is,’ you finish his sentence.
Pressing one final kiss to your lips and throwing a glare over your shoulder, Frankie turns and leaves - and you preen at the knowledge that he trusts you can take care of yourself.
Once the door closes, you smile. ‘So… should we start over?’
 The man snorts. ‘I’d say.’
‘I’m Shiv,’ you say, but you don’t offer him your hand. He doesn’t seem to be the handshaking type.
He picks up on your perception, studying you with curious eyes. ‘Joel.’
Pushing the swivel chair back to the styling station, you gesture at him to retake his seat, and this time, you make sure his eyes are on yours in the mirror while you stand over his shoulder.
‘Hair’s a bit long, huh?’ you remark, eyeing the ringlet over his eyes.
‘It’s drivin’ me nuts,’ he admits.
You hold up your hands this time, giving him plenty of notice. ‘May I?’
He nods, and you start small, wrapping the spiral around your index finger with a grin. ‘I wasn’t just saying it, y’know. You do have beautiful hair.’
He shifts awkwardly, the chair squeaking, obviously uncomfortable with compliments. ‘Dunno. I’m all gray and shit.’
‘As someone wise once said, grays are sexy as fuck,’ you assure him. Running your fingers through his curls, you study the texture critically, noting the blunt ends and uneven thickness. Nothing a professional haircut can’t fix. ‘Trust me, I’m very wise.’
He hums, unconvinced, but you can see the lines around his eyes crease in amusement. ‘If you say so.’
You wink at him in the mirror. ‘When I’m done with you, Tess will have the hardest time keeping her hands to herself.’
‘What makes you think she doesn’t already?’
It takes you a moment to unfreeze, stunned by his retort. At his arched eyebrow, you burst into laughter. ‘You’re a sassy one, aren’t you, Joel?’
He huffs, half-amused, and shakes his head. ‘It’s a haircut, not a miracle.’
You squeeze his shoulder, grinning when he doesn’t jump at the contact. ‘Trust me, I’m just that good at my job.’
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More notes: If you enjoyed this oneshot, I wrote a series of drabbles of Shiv giving other Pedro boys haircuts - you can find them in the Grays masterlist 🩶 I may write more for this universe and some point if inspiration strikes again, thank you for reading!
And if you wanted an inspo shot of Joel's hair, here you go ❤️
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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undying-love · 3 months
Paul being very secure about his sexuality: A compilation
"The reason why we didn’t do Up Against It wasn’t because it was too far out or anything. We didn’t do it because it was gay. We weren’t gay and really that was all there was to it. It was quite simple, really. Brian was gay…and so he and the gay crowd could appreciate it. Now, it wasn’t that we were anti-gay – just that we, The Beatles, weren’t gay."
“It was always obvious Brian was gay and we could talk to him about gay things, but he would never come out with, ‘Hello, Paul, you’re looking nice today.’ I was quite obviously un-gay, due to my hunting of the female hordes. I think we all gave that impression."
Q:  You must be very secure with yourself.
Paul: I think it is that. I'm OK with gay people, too, because I'm essentially comfortable with my sexuality. I can goof around with gay people. I sort of know who I am by now.  And it's about time.
"I imagine he heard it [Dear Friend]. I think he listened to my records, but he never responded directly. That wasn't his way. We were guys; it wasn't like a boy and a girl. In those days you didn't release much emotion with each other."
"One thing he told us was that one in every four men is homosexual. So we looked at the group! One in every four! It literally meant one of us is gay. Oh, fucking hell, it’s not me, is it? We had a lot of soul-searching to do over that little one."
"There's a song I do called Here Today which is specifically written for John. That sometimes catches me out. I realise I'm telling this man that I love him and it's like I'm publicly declaring this in front of all these people I don't know. I sometimes wonder what I'm doing.
Q: In “Here Today”, you talk about your love for John. Did you ever say that to him, in those days?" Paul: No. I'm sure we both felt it. But that is not something two boys use to say to each other. If they were gay, maybe. Otherwise it is rare that that happens."
"My view is that these things are there whether you want them or not, in your interior. You don't call up dreams, they happen, often the exact opposite of what you want. You can be heterosexual and be having a homosexual dream and wake up, and think, 'Shit, am I gay?' I like that you don't have control over it. But there is some control -- it is you dreaming, it is your mind it's all happening in."
"We were in New York before he [George] went to Los Angeles to die, and they were silly but important to me. And, I think, important to him. We were sitting there, and I was holding his hand, and it occurred to me — I’ve never told this — I don’t want to hold George’s hand. You don’t hold your mate’s hands. I mean, we didn’t anyway. "
"Yeah, I think he [John] did [love me], yeah. It wasn’t actually a spiky relationship at all. It was, uh, very warm, very close and very loving, I think. All The Beatles. We used to say, I think we were amongst the first sort of men to come out openly – and you remember, it was quite sort of strange in those days, we’re talking about a long time ago now when homosexuality was still sort of largely illegal."
"Because he [Robert Faser] was gay, it raised a few small-minded eyebrows, and funnily enough, one or two of them were from within the Beatles: ‘Hey, man, he’s gay, what you going off to Paris with him for? They’re gonna talk, you know. Tongues are going to wag.’ I said, ‘I know tongues are going to wag, but tough shit.’ I was secure about my sexuality. I always felt this is is fine. I can hang with whoever I want and it didn’t worry me. I mean, we didn’t share a room or anything."
"With Robert’s thing of course there would be gayness. But there was no open gayness. If there was to be gayness it would be a quiet phone call that Robert would go and take in the bedroom or something. That was one of the good things, actually, because I knew he was gay and he knew I wasn’t gay so we were quite safe in our own | sexuality. We could talk to each other. "
Lastly, there is this odd anecdote that may or may not mean anything, but here it is:
One of the strangest of these incidents came at the end of 1992 when Mark Featherstone-Witty attended the MPL Christmas lunch. Mark took an accountant friend to the meal, a McCartney fan he'd known for years, which led to a strange and unpleasant row. By Mark's recollection, Paul's manager Richard Ogden summoned him into the MPL office the next day where he read him the riot act for bringing an unwelcome guest to Paul's party. 'What do you mean by bringing someone who was so obviously gay to Paul's Christmas party? Have you any idea about the responsibility you carry in this project?' he allegedly asked. 'What are you talking about?' replied Featherstone-Witty, explaining who his friend was. 'But he was gay, you stupid fucker!' 'No, he isn't.' 'You've got to be careful. You can't do anything that would embarrass Paul...'"
Fab : An intimate Life of Paul McCartney by Howard Sounes
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
I love everything about dad!Eddie!!!!!! It’s the cutest thing ever!!! Are your requests open? If so could I request dad!eddie with pregnant wife!reader and they’re little boy who’s so excited to have a little sibling? Their boy is convinced it’s a girl and Wayne somewhat is too and just lots of sweet fluff and their day to day as a family and Eddie being so infatuated with his pregnant wife 🥰🖤🖤 I just love the thought of Eddie being a dad and loving all on his pregnant wife
Dad!Eddie is my weakness! I actually thought this was a perfect setup for a part two to this story about Eddie picking your son up from school! I hope you enjoy this little family 🩷
Words: 3.5k
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“Eddie, I can do it myself,” you say with a chuckle. 
“Don’t be silly,” Eddie says. A low grunt escapes his lips as he loads himself up with as many grocery bags as he can. It wasn’t enough that he wouldn’t let you go shopping for food on your own, now he had to risk hurting himself by carrying everything in one go so you don’t pick up a single bag. 
Jack hops out of the backseat and holds his arms out for one of the plastic bags his dad has. Eddie obliges and lets him take two light bags, one for each hand. Usually, you do the grocery shopping alone, but now that you’re in your second trimester, your husband insisted that you have some help. It came at a price though. Having both Eddie and Jack at the grocery store made the food bill go up by twenty bucks because they kept grabbing things off the shelves that they thought looked good. 
“I’m not useless, you know,” you lament as you follow the two boys into the house. Jack can’t reach to lift the bags up to the counter, so you assist him with that, managing not to get scolded by Eddie. 
“Of course not,” he replies as he unburdens himself of the packages. He walks over and rests his hands on your emerging bump. “You’re growing our second baby.”
“My sister!” Jack chimes in. You and Eddie watch as the five-year-old grabs a chair from the kitchen table and drags it over the counter. His little arms and legs push him up so he can see the bags on the counter.
“Still think the baby’s a girl, huh?” you ask, walking to stand next to him. He nods as you wrap your arm around his tiny shoulders.
“I know it,” Jack states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. That was interesting to both you and Eddie, seeing as you had both elected not to find out the sex of the baby. “Grampa Wayne knows it too.”
“Wayne says he thinks it’s a girl, bud,” Eddie reminds him. Jack shrugs this off like it means nothing to him. “And what’re you doing up here at the counter?”
“Gonna help,” the boy answers as he pulls a bunch of bananas out of a bag.
“Sweetie, you don’t have to do that,” you tell your son. 
“Wanna,” Jack says with a shrug. “I’ll help Daddy and you can relax.”
“Good man,” Eddie says, ruffling the kid’s brown curls. Your husband’s eyes widen in question when you arch an eyebrow at him. “What? Raising a little gentleman here.”
“We are,” you acquiesce, leaning in to kiss Jack’s head. “But I’m not some weakling, guys.”
“Nope,” Jack muses as he inspects a jar of peanut butter. “You’re super strong, Mommy.”
The praise from your son makes you want to wrap him up in your arms and spin him around—but you’re pretty sure that would give Eddie a heart attack. 
“The strongest,” your husband agrees. He saunters over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “The most beautiful.” He presses a kiss to your lips. “The sweetest.” Kiss. “The smartest.” Kiss. “The best.”
It doesn’t matter how long the two of you have been together, his words still cause heat in your face and butterflies in your belly. The way he stares into your eyes with such adoration and love has your knees feeling weak. You refuse to let them buckle though, or Eddie would have a cow. 
“Well, thank you, my studly charmer. But you might want to pay more attention to your son than me if you want to have any of the Oreos we bought.”
Eddie spins around to see chocolate crumbs dusted across Jack’s lips and cheeks, a sneaky smile on his face as he’s slowly pulling his hand out of the blue packaging. 
“Hey! Hands off my cookies, shortstuff!” 
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“How’s that feel, princess?” Eddie asks as you stretch the muscles of your torso out. There had been a cramp in your lower back that he just finished rubbing out. 
“So much better, thank you,” you say with a content sigh as you lean back against his chest. “If you keep calling me ‘princess,’ what’re you gonna call the baby if Jack is right and she’s a girl?”
Eddie hums as he wraps his arms around your body to rest them on your bump. “You underestimate the stash of pet names I have, baby. Angel? Little chick? Kitten?”
“You know I’m giving birth to a human, right?” you tease. Eddie slips his cold hands beneath your pajama top, making you let out a small yelp. Shoulders shaking with laughter, he reaches up and covers your mouth with one hand.
“Shhh, you’re gonna wake him up.”
Jack is fast asleep across the hall, but he’s always been a light sleeper. Neither you nor Eddie is looking forward to how cranky that will make the little boy once the new baby arrives and cries all night. 
“Have I ever told you how absolutely beautiful you are?” Eddie asks as he lays his head down on top of yours. 
“Mm,” you muse as you let your eyes slip closed. “Not in the last twenty minutes or so, no.”
Calloused hands rub softly over your bump, gentle and warm and relaxing enough to lull you to sleep. 
“You’re just s’perfect,” Eddie mumbles against your hair, more to himself than to you. His praise has your body flushing and you snuggle further back into his warmth. 
“Do you think the baby is a girl?” you ask, doing your best to push sleep off. 
“I don’t know. It’s what all those silly little tests we’ve tried have told us. So, I guess that’s what I’m leaning towards,” Eddie admits. “It’s no secret I want a daughter, but if we have another son, I’m going to love him every bit as much.” 
Nodding slowly, you lift one of his large hands to your mouth so you can press kisses on the rough skin there. 
“What about you?” Eddie asks. “Any motherly intuition telling you one way or another if Baby Munson Number 2 is a boy or girl?” 
“Nope,” you say. “Sorry to report that my body does not bring those findings to my brain. And what about you, huh? You’re the one who sent your swimmers to find my egg. You telling me that you don’t know if the best swimmer in your lineup is a boy or a girl?”
Eddie chuckles and presses a few quick kisses to the crown of your head. “We should get some sleep, babe.”
You’re already halfway there as Eddie leans over and flicks the lamp on the nightstand off. As your husband maneuvers himself below you, you let him move you how he needs to, far too tired to even let out a groan when his knee somehow knocks against your spine. 
Eddie lays his head down on his pillow and pulls you into his arms. You waste no time tucking your head below his chin and nuzzling into the warmth and security of his chest. 
“Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
After a few moments of heavy silence being all that responds to his words, Eddie cranes his neck to catch a glimpse of your sleeping face. There’s a peacefulness about you when you sleep and the way your lips part slightly has Eddie chuckling. 
Yep, he sure was right before. You are just so perfect in his eyes. 
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Sunday family dinners are something Eddie only saw in movies growing up. Sure, he and Wayne had dinner together most nights but there was no other family to have dinner with. No aunts or uncles to come over or no grandparents to visit. Ever since Jack was born though, most Sundays have been family dinner nights. Sometimes some of your family would come over or you’d go over to theirs, but most weekends it was Wayne coming over or the three of you traveling the few miles over to Forest Hills to have dinner at the trailer. This week, Wayne is dropping by, and Eddie has enlisted Jack to help him make dinner. 
“Okay, now a teaspoon—no, that’s a tablespoon. There ya go. Dump that into the bowl. Perfect!”
Jack beams with pride and does a little wiggle on the chair he’s standing on. 
“Now what?” Jack asks.
“Now,” Eddie says as he plucks his rings off his finger one by one. Your son’s eyebrows furrow together when Eddie even takes off his wedding ring—that’s not one he usually removes. “We get our hands in there and mix everything together.”
“No rings?” Jack asks, pushing his sleeves up his little arms.
“No rings,” Eddie affirms. “I don’t want stuff to get caked in them.”
“S’not cake,” Jack tells his father with a giggle. “It’s meatloaf!”
“Silly me,” Eddie says. “Ready?”
Jack nods and the two of them stick their hands in the large bowl, raw ground beef squishing between their fingers and cold ketchup and egg yolks squelching as they work in tandem to combine the ingredients. Little giggles travel out to you in the hallway as you make your way towards them. Both of your boys have their backs to you as you enter, and you lean against the archway and cross your arms over your chest as you watch them. Their heads are close together and murmurs of their conversation sound like a dull hum from the few feet away. Eddie tries to move his hair out of his face by shaking his head, but to no avail. Chuckling to yourself, you push off the wall and slip a scrunchie off your wrist as you make your way to him. 
Eddie startles, not knowing you were there as you collect his hair at the back of his head. He lets out a self-deprecating huff of laughter as you tie the hair at the nape of his neck. The right shoulder blade beneath his black t-shirt is too tempting as it moves back and forth with the motions of his arms; you just have to press a kiss to it. A soft smile curls at the corners of Eddie’s lips as he and Jack finish mashing all the ingredients together. 
“It’s gonna be delicious,” you say as you snake your arms around your husband’s waist from behind. Resting your cheek against his back, you feel the muscles flex and stretch beneath his skin as he wipes his hands off on a towel.
“What should we have with the meatloaf?” Eddie asks.
“Sweet potatoes!” Jack cheers as Eddie tosses him the towel.
“Ooh,” you croon, picking your head up from Eddie’s back. “That sounds really good. With cinnamon and butter.”
“Yum!” Jack hums as he wipes his little hands off. 
“Whatever my loves want,” Eddie says. He turns in your grip to wrap one arm around your shoulders. “Guessing baby Munson wants sweet potatoes too?”
“Good guess,” you tell him with a peck on the cheek.
Eddie ends up preparing the root vegetables by himself because you fall asleep on the couch with your son curled up to your side, snoozing as well. He hardly minds though, preferring to be the one doing any and all work and letting you and Jack rest. The clock above the oven keeps catching his eye, checking to see if the time Wayne said he’d be by is approaching any faster. As happy as he is to be seeing the closest person he ever had to a parent, he doesn’t want the doorbell to disturb your sleep. Jack? That would be fine because then the little boy would be more likely to sleep through the night. You were so tired though from pregnancy that you could nap for hours and still sleep all night long. 
Deciding he could go for a cold beer, Eddie pops open the fridge and pulls out a can. He nudges the door closed with his hip but knocks it a little too hard and sends the jars and bottles that are on the inside of the door sliding around. Eddie winces and cracks open the beer can as quietly as he can. The sound of footsteps has Eddie groaning, but then he hears how fast and light they are, and he realizes it’s Jack who woke up.
“Dinner ready?” the sleepy boy asks, rubbing his right eye with the heel of his hand. 
“Not yet,” Eddie replies before taking a long swig of beer. “Soon, though. And Grandpa Wayne should be here any minute.”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“Is the baby hurting Mommy?”
A deep frown creases Eddie’s face and he sets his beer down on the counter. 
“Of course not. Why would you think that?”
Jack shrugs and walks closer to his dad. Meeting him halfway through the kitchen, Eddie hefts the boy up and balances him on his hip.
“She’s always tired.” The five-year-old sighs and lays his head on his father’s shoulder. “She cries sometimes. An’ you don’t want her to do lots of stuff. Like when I get sick or hurted my leg.”
“Nah,” Eddie assures him with a shake of his head. “The baby isn’t hurting Mommy. It’s just that the baby is growing in her tummy and that takes a lot of Mommy’s energy. And it’s easier for her to cry because the baby growing makes her more emotional. Like when you’re tired, right? You get all cranky and whiny.” He tickles Jack’s belly, making the little boy giggle and squirm around in his arms.
“So, you don’t want Mommy to do stuff cause she’s tired?” Jack asks once he’s caught his breath. 
“That’s part of it. But it’s also because I love her so much. Mommy’s already doing so much just by growing a baby. That’s the most important job, so anything I do is to make things easier for her.”
“I wanna help. I love her too,” Jack says.
“I know.” Eddie presses a kiss into the boy’s curls. “You do help her.”
“How?” The adorable way he scrunches up his little face reminds Eddie of your expression when you get confused by something.
“By being you,” Eddie says, bouncing your son in his arms. “You make her happy and you make her laugh.”
“That helps?”
“So much!” Your voice has both of them turning to see you walking into the kitchen. The bright grin on your face tells Eddie that you heard enough of the conversation to know what’s going on. “I’m okay, sweet boy.” You rub the back of your fingers against his cheek, and he gives you a gap toothed smile. 
The ring of the doorbell has Jack’s head turning towards the front door and scrambling to get out of his dad’s arms. Eddie sets him down and the sound of little feet thumping down the hallway fades from the two of you. 
You expect Eddie to follow your son out of the room, but instead he wraps his arms around your waist and tugs your body up against his.
“How was your nap, beautiful?”
“Good,” you tell him as you slip your arms around his neck. “But I don’t like waking up without you there.”
“Mm,” Eddie hums. “Well, I would’ve been there if my little family didn’t want me to make sweet potatoes so badly.”
Playfully, you roll your eyes at him and lean up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “Not true. If you weren’t making food for dinner, you would’ve been doing something else so that I wouldn’t have to do it later. Throwing in a load of laundry or balancing the checkbook.”
“Don’t think you want me doing that last one again,” Eddie says, wrinkling up his nose in the way that you find utterly adorable. “I still don’t know where that seventy-five dollars went.”
“Guess you’re just going to have to let me handle some things,” you say with a shrug. 
Before Eddie gets the chance to respond, Jack’s booming footsteps run back into the kitchen, followed by a heavier gate approaching. 
“Grampa Wayne is here!”
You drop your arms from around Eddie’s neck, but he keeps his tight hold on your waist. 
“Tell him to take you out for pizza,” Eddie mumbles, too low for Jack to hear, as he lowers his head and presses a kiss to the side of your neck. 
“Down boy,” you mutter in reply and press your hands against his chest. Eddie groans and reluctantly drops his arms from around you. 
Wayne steps in the kitchen and ruffles Jack’s curls. “Hey, Ed. Hiya darlin’,” the older man says as approaches you. “How’re ya feeling?” 
“Feeling pretty good,” you tell him. “Your nephew is still treating me like I’m fragile, though.”
“Not fragile,” Eddie interjects. “Just precious.” 
The oven timer beeps, and your husband is immediately on it. He slips the oven mitts on and ushers Jack out of the way so he doesn’t get caught in the wave of heat that will escape.
Wayne steps up next to you and rests a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I know he can get a bit much,” the man says softly, “but he just wants to make sure his girls are taken care of.”
“Ah,” you hum, resting a hand on your bump. “Forgot you and Jack are both on Team Baby Girl.”
“What can I say? Kid is persuasive,” Wayne says with a playful look in his eye. 
“You’re telling me. All he has to do is look at me with those big brown Munson eyes and I almost cave and let him have that cookie before dinner that he’s begging me for. But I don’t think even Jack’s cuteness and coercion can determine the sex of a baby.”
“Maybe not,” Wayne says with a chuckle. “But he sure can make me wanna agree with him that the baby’s a girl.”
“She is!” Jack says, hopping over to stand in front of you. He leans in and presses a smacking kiss to your belly. “My sister. Can't wait to play with her.”
“You’re gonna be the best big brother ever,” you tell him, cupping his small chin in your hand. The way he smiles up at you fills your body with the warmth of love and affection. 
“Dinner is ready,” Eddie announces, dropping the oven mitts down on the counter. “Jacks, help me set the table.”
“I’ll grab the glasses,” you say. 
“Uh uh,” Eddie chides, stepping over and taking your hands in his. “I can handle—”
“Eddie,” you cut him off. “I can carry four cups.”
Heaving a sigh as if this is the world’s worst inconvenience, he acquiesces. “I guess that’s okay.”
“How kind of you,” you deadpan, arching an eyebrow at him. As you turn around to open the cabinet, Eddie watches you with an adoring smile. When you step into the dining room, Wayne lightly smacks his hand against his nephew’s back.
“She ain’t made of paper, ya know.”
“Oh, I know.” Eddie slips his hands into his pockets and cranes his head to watch you set down a glass at each place setting that Jack is organizing. “Part of me is amused by messing with her now. But mostly…” Eddie trails off, a shy smile curling the corners of his mouth. “I just wanna take care of my girls.”
“Team Baby Girl too, huh?” Wayne asks. 
“Oh yeah,” Eddie agrees with a laugh. “We’ve done all the old wives tale tests. She’s a girl.”
“Got a name?” Wayne asks.
Jack is still meticulously setting up the silverware at each seat at the table, but you make your way into the kitchen in time to hear Wayne’s question.
“We do,” you answer his query. “Wanna be the first to know?”
“Just don’t tell Jack,” Eddie adds.
“I’d be honored,” Wayne says.
Matching smiles on both your and Eddie’s faces, you nod at your husband for him to do the honors. Eddie’s face lights up and the childlike gleam in his eye makes him look like Jack’s twin. He takes a step closer to his uncle so the little one won’t overhear in the other room. Wayne leans in towards Eddie in anticipation. Your husband seems to notice this and takes enjoyment in keeping Wayne in suspense.
“Eddie, if you don’t tell him, I will.”
Grabbing a stack of napkins, you stroll past the two men and Eddie reaches out to swat at your ass.
“Come on and tell me, boy,” Wayne says, annoyance leaking into his tone.
“Fine, fine,” Eddie says, clearly enjoying himself. “Audrey. Audrey Munson.”
A little gasp has everyone turning their heads to see Jack standing in the doorway.
“Is that the baby’s name?” he asks.
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie says, clearing his throat. “If she’s a girl.” You hadn’t intended to let Jack know the name just in case you were all wrong and the baby was a boy—which you knew Jack would still love, but he’d be bummed he was wrong. But your son’s happiness has you and Eddie letting all of that go and enjoying his reaction.
Jack grins and starts jumping up and down in one spot, his little hands clenched into fists in his excitement. He runs over and cups your baby bump in his chubby hands.
“Hi, Audrey. I love you!”
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luvhughes43 · 5 months
love at first sight | jamie drysdale
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[luvhughes43 masterlist🌷]
request: jamie x hughes reader plz! :)
summary: you quickly fall for the looks of one of your brothers friends… friend.
note: this is very silly but i hope u guys like it!
word count: 0.5k
early june 
summers at your brother's lake house were all the same. 6 foot tall boys would flock to the house in droves, staying for weeks at a time under the guise of training when really they hung around the house playing pool and lounging on the boat. 
therefore, when your brothers friend trevor zegras said that he invited one of his friends to the house for a few weeks, you paid absolutely no mind to his statement. 
that was until you were bikini-clad on the boat - which was rocking each time a new hockey boy jumped on - that you became aware of said friend. 
you looked up from your book and to yours and everyone's surprise, you gasped. the dark haired man you had never seen before was standing a little ways away from you - shirtless. looking… well hot!
“did you just gasp?” trevor asked, not one to miss anything. 
“i-” you start, but are immediately cut off when trevor's friend catches your eye. bright blue met yours, and wow… jamie smiles at you awkwardly, not catching onto your reaction to his… physique. his awkward smile causes giggles to bubble up your throat and you quickly bring your hands up to your mouth to try and mask your smiles. 
“way to go jimmy! made her speechless!” trevor jokes, slapping jamie on the back who stumbles forward. 
“what’s going on?” jack asks, holding a heavy cooler in his hands. 
“it seems your sister has a little crus-”
“no i don’t!” you shout when you finally get yourself together. you shoot an almost pleading look to trevor - silently begging him to keep his mouth shut. so what if you thought jamie was insanely attractive! with all the men that were invited over to the house there was sure to be one that would catch your attention. 
your eyes shoot to jamie next, who was awkwardly shifting his weight from foot to foot. “well like… you are hot don’t get me wrong!” you try to amend your words but it all comes out wrong. 
luke groans loudly. 
“...thanks?” jamie says, his face flushing at all the newfound attention. 
trevor whistles annoyingly high pitched. “she’s never reacted that way to anybody. like she literally giggled when she saw you” trevors eyes crinkle as he speaks, one of his tell-tale signs that he’s about to either burst out into laughter or say something wildly inappropriate. 
possibility number two isn't acceptable and so you rush, “i’m sorry! you’re just soo…” you break out into a fit of giggles again, this time unable to stop. 
“there’s no damn way…” jack speaks up again, looking between his sister and jamie. “she’s usually normal,” jack turns to jamie who has a wide smile plastered across his face. 
“It’s okay, i think she’s pretty cute too,” jamie speaks smoothly and you swear your heart stops. luke groans again, and trevor falls into another fit of giggles. 
after the awkward–semi cute meeting, you and jamie spend the rest of the day getting to know each other. aside from your attraction to each other, you guys have a lot in common and by the end of the summer you guys are an exclusive couple. 
end of august
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liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, jackhughes, and 12 892 others
ynhughes it’s been an interesting summer for sure🌊💐
tagged: jamie.drysdale, _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and 3 others
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trevorzegras call me mr. matchmaker👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
jackhughes nobodys calling you that
trevorzegras HATER!! BOOO👎🍅
jamie.drysdale the best summer❤️
bestie love this for u
lhughes_06 yuck
colecaufield 😎😎
user1 JIMMY????
user2 yn hughes and jamie drysdale…. ohh we won
user3 they’re so cute wtff
user4 yn looking hot as always
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
energetic!reader going on long rants while grumpy old man aaron just sits and listens with a small smile. he lowkey loves being able to be silent for long bits of time.
“Mmm…you smell so heavenly,” you murmured against Aaron’s neck, curled up nicely on the couch, right by his side. His hair was still wet from the shower he had taken and you felt little drops of water falling on your cheek.
Your fingers pushed back his hair and ended up scratching his temples, causing him to close his eyes in bliss. “That’s nice,” he said.
You’d keep going forever if it meant Aaron would be happy.
“I missed you today,” you pouted. “I wish you had the same days off as me.”
“Me too, sweetheart.” He kissed the side of your head and spoke again. “Tell me about your day.”
‘Tell me about your day.’ That was a sentence you heard from your boyfriend almost daily, whether he was right next to you like he was at that moment, or in a hotel room away from you and whispering on his phone.
You suspected it was therapeutic for him, to listen to you talk about silly things and forget about his work problems, even for a moment or two.
“Well, first of all I went on this long walk in the morning, after you left,” you said, continuing to play with his hair. “And I tried those new headphones you got me!” You shifted from your comfortable position and sat on your knees in excitement. “They’re perfect.”
He smiled softly, and reached out for your face. His thumb stroked your cheek, gently, for a few seconds and then his hand was back on his lap.
“And then, on my way home, I went to this little coffee shop that I showed you last week I wanted to try. And the barista drew a little heart on my cup, how cute is that?”
Aaron chuckled, softly. “Very cute, honey.”
“Then I made lunch and watched TV for like two hours,” you laughed. “I liked being lazy.”
“You deserve it,” he answered.
“But then I got all motivated!”
“Oh?” he raised his eyebrow.
“Yeah! I cleaned out our closet. All your ties are organized by color now, so it’s easier for you to choose one every morning! Same with your suits and shirts."
"That's very thoughtful, baby."
"I stole some of your old sweatshirts, I hope you don't mind," you said acting guilty with your palm covering your mouth.
"I don't," he smiled.
"Then Jessica called and we facetimed for about an hour. Jack is so excited to come home tomorrow. He said he has some new projects to show us! Something, about Spider-man, apparently. I know, shocking," you said, laughing at your own joke.
Aaron joined you with a more quiet laughter, but genuine anyway.
“What else?" you paused, thinking. "Oh! Earlier in the evening I started reading this story.”
“What is it about?” he asked, always happy to hear about your interests. You adored him for it.
“It’s about this girl…she’s dating a really sweet guy, but then she falls for his older brother. It’s like a love triangle.”
“With two brothers?” he asked, intrigued.
“I know. But the older one is hot, so I kind of don’t blame her,” you giggled.
“Hmm…” he said.
“It’s only because he reminds me of you” you said, and pressed little kisses against his jaw.
He grinned and his hands went to your sides, bringing you to his lap and soon you were straddling him.
“Come here,” he whispered and you leaned in giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.
“How do you do it?” he asked.
“Do what?”
“Make my world so beautiful.”
You got flustered at his words and hid your face in the crook of his neck. “I love you, Aaron. I’m happy to have you back home.”
“I’m happy to have you here waiting for me, my love.”
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meguemii · 7 months
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Throwing Rocks at Your Window.
Synopsis- in which you and your boyfriend satoru gojo and you have a silly argument but you have to go home quickly before saying goodbye to him and you end up getting your phone taken away for a week. Satoru shows up at your window because you haven’t been responding to his texts and calls.
Warnings- A very small cut in your forehead, nothing crazy. FLUFF AND SILLY CRY BABY GOJO.
word count- 1.8k
navigation station🚉.
gojo satoru’s playlist🎧. (kinda angsty LOL)
Emi’s notes- you guys know i literally never proofread my works. this is such an american romcom LOL.
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You had been hanging out with everyone on a friday afternoon after school grabbing food and doing some shopping. It was pretty hot for a spring day and you had been talking with Shoko and Haibara about a show you guys watch. The other two were teasing Nanami about stupid stuff. After stuffing your face for 10 minutes and laughing you ass off, your throat started to get dry. Asking your oh so sweet and loving boyfriend to grab you a drink so you could keep talking with your friends. “Get it yourself you rat” he replied in a sassy tone because of course you HAD to date a sassy man. “Satoru Gojo, i’m literally be parched don’t be a jerk!” you retorted as crossed your arms with a ‘hmph’ “Yes Satoru, go get the love and light of your life a soda” Suguru mocked him. Nanami also chimed in telling Gojonto be a gentleman.Gojo rolled his eyes telling nanami to shut up and once again told you to get it yourself “stop being a lazy mole rat and get yourself a drink” he stuck his tongue out at you like a child and you rolled your eyes. “Screw you Satoru” you said slumping in your chair. “I can get you something to drink” Haibara offered and you turned him down with a smile saying it was okay.
Checking your phone as it buzzed notifying you that you had gotten a text. ‘Get your butt home!’ from your mother. “Oh here we go.” you huffed as you collected your things saying your goodbyes and that you had to go, quickly scurrying off to get home and see what your mom was mad at you for.
“Where’s she going?” Gojo asked as he watched you leave. “She’s pissed and said she didn’t want to be near you” Shoko chuckled evilly as she stirred the pot, out of love of course. Any chance to scare Gojo she would take in a heartbeat. He started to feel bad about it and texted you an apology quickly after.
You arrived home to find your parents at the kitchen table seeing a pack of smokes and a lighter laying on the table, mumbling a small “shit” under your breathe. “Y/N M/N L/N, Care to explain?” Your mother asked with a ticked off look on her face. Trying to find a million excuses in a matter of milliseconds, “They’re Ieri’s, she left them here the other day when she spent the night. I swear.” Crossing your heart hoping she’d believe your lie, as well as to try and prove your false innocence. “Grounded. Hand me your phone.” your father said flatly. “But I told you they weren’t mine!”you protested just as any teenager in trouble would. “Even if they are Ieri’s why would you let her leave them here?” your mother asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose in disappointment. “She was literally supposed to sleepover this weekend and said she’d grab them then!” another excuse, you were on a roll! “Give them back on monday. I never want to see another cigarette in this home unless it’s your father’s.” you grumbled in anger handing over your phone and retreating to your room. “I’m calling Ieri and tellingnl her your sleepover is canceled! You’re not going anywhere for a week!” you heard your mother shout from the kitchen. “Whatever!” you shouted back.
Great. Now you’d be bored all weekend without any human interaction besides speaking to your parents. Maybe you’d catch up on your actual schoolwork since you couldn’t train.
Entertaining yourself with music from your ipod, and reading all weekend. You couldn’t help but snort to yourself recalling friday afternoon and that stupid argument you had with Satoru, you wondered if he missed you or if he wondered where you’ve been all weekend as it was a sunday night.
Little did you know that he was panicked and distraught all weekend thinking you were ignoring him because you were actually mad. You guys had ‘fought’ and then you ran off and started ignoring his text messages and calls all going straight to voicemail. “C’mon Y/N pick up” he whined as he dragged out the ‘p’. “Hi this is Y/N! Can’t talk right now! Leave a message but only if it’s worth listening to!” That was literally the only thing he’s heard you say all weekend. A prerecorded message, he even called your house phone and your dad picked up saying to leave her alone which really scared him. Did you tell your parents you hated him?
He quicking dialled Suguru’s number, waiting forever for him to pick up. A groggy voice picked up the phone “Satoru it’s 11:45pm on a sunday night. what could you possibly need?” He said while yawning making it clear that he had been woken up. “Have you heard from
Y/N?” he frantically asked. “No? We never text or call, I don’t even think I have her number saved. Is that all you need? Because if so I am going back to sleep. Do not disturb my slumber again.” Satoru scoffed at Suguru’s attitude. “Okay for starters don’t be rude. Secondly she hasn’t been answering me at all this weekend and I called her home phone and her dad told me to leave her alone!” He whined, god he was such a baby. “She hates you man. Maybe you should have gotten her that drink.” he teased his crybaby friend. “Dude I’m being serious. What if she hates me and wants to break up? What do I do?” He cried out clearly scared his girlfriend *does* hate him. “I don’t know man, maybe she wants you to apologize in person. Girl’s like that romantic shit.” Gojo threw himself backwards into his bed as he sighed in frustration with himself. How could he be so stupid? All she wanted was a drink and he couldn’t even get that for her? what a joke. he thought to himself and thanked Suguru saying that was a good idea and saying a quick goodnight before hanging up and getting ready to leave.
It was around midnight and you were so close to falling asleep, to the point your music would cut out as you drifted only to snap back awake and started hearing it again and something else, sounded like something got knocked over in your room. Freaking out and sitting up while reaching to turn your lamp on, you heard it again. Something was hitting your window. Was it a curse?? Was there a curse outside of your house? You groaned in annoyance as you got up, tossing your ipod and headphones somewhere and scuffled over to check your window while pretty much tripping over your feet to see what was outside, pulling your curtains. Without actually checked you whipped your window open and yelled “are you serious right n-“ SMACK. A rock flew straight at your face and collided with your forehead. Stumbling backwards and rubbing your poor forehead, positive you had the indent of a rock there. An “Oh shit!” could be heard from outside. Of course It was your idiot boyfriend throwing rocks at your window.
Marching right back to where you were previously standing at your window. “Are you kidding me right now?!” Looking down to see the white haired teen looking up sheepishly at you. Staring down in disbelief, had he really walked to your house in the middle of the night to throw rocks at your face? “Can we talk?” he shouted up you, his face full of concern. “I wanted to apologize!” You laughed at him “You wanted to show up at my house in the middle of the night to throw a rock at my face only so you could say sorry?” you joked with him. You weren’t mad, more so amused.
“What? No! I wanted to apologize for making you hate me! I don’t want you to dump me! I should have gotten you a soda the other day, and I clearly upset you because you’re mad at me!” You paused and tried to stifle your laughter. He did this because he thought you were actually mad at him about that? ‘He’s such a poor soul’ you thought to yourself. He looked like he rushed over here, his hair was disheveled, his shoes were unlaced and he was wearing weird halloween pyjama pants. What a sight to see, if you had your phone, you’d take a photo.
“I don’t hate you and I don’t want to break up!— hold on let me come down and explain!” Quickly and quietly creeping through the halls of your home to get outside, passing your parents room you closed their door quietly. Throwing on your shoes and running outside to greet the boy, you were immediately met with a bear hug as he buried his head into the crook of your neck thanking you for not breaking up with him. You smiled and patted the back of his head while giggling. This was so funny to you.
He finally pulled away as you playfully smiled at him. “I got grounded and my parents took away my phone, that’s why I haven’t been answering you.” His mouth immediately falling into the shape of an ‘O’. “And I left because I got a text from my mom telling me to come home.” you finished your story, wasn’t a very long one but it cleared up the misunderstanding. “How long are you grounded for?” he asked, hoping you’d say only for the weekend. “A week” you sighed and hung your head low in a dramatic shame. Satoru groaned in annoyance and flicked your head. “Moron. Try not to get in trouble anymore.”
And that was that, the two of you talked as you sat in the front yard just talking and staring up at the stars. Satoru explained how he had been worried all weekend and what mental torture he had been going through. It was probably around 2am now and you had said your good nights and that you’d see each other in a few hours. “I love you Satoru.” You said as you hugged him goodnight, he kissed your forehead and said goodnight as well, adding a ‘rat’ at the end teasing you, and you stuck your tongue out watching him as he walked away waving bye to you. Smiling to yourself as you walked back into your house. Kicking your shoes off and quietly creeping back to your room, unaware your parent’s door was now open. Opening your own door to see your mother sitting on your bed with her arms crossed. “Make that 3 weeks.” you groaned and through your head back.
You walked into school late as you had gotten no sleep as you had gotten a lecture from your mom about sneaking out especially when you were already in trouble. The bags under your eyes looked like a literal black hole. You opened the classroom door being greeted by Yaga with a “you’re late L/N. Go sit down.” shuffling over to your seat and leaning over to Satoru’s desk you whispered “make that 3 weeks” which resulted in him standing up and frantically yelling about how that’s not fair.
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Silly gojo, what a meanie. (¬_¬) we stan him either way. I always hope my fics are good, i haven’t written anything for gojo in a long time and i crave silly blue eyes man constantly. lmk if you wanna see more of him >w<
reblogs and comments are vv appreciated ٩( 'ω' )و
much love, emi!🩷
tags- feel free to ask to be added ! :3
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dyaz-stories · 6 months
you took the words right out of my mouth || Kim Yeong-Hu x Reader
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word count: 1k
warnings & tags: mostly sweet and fluffy, implied sex but nothing explicit, just harmless flirtation
A/N: For @neohumanmonster's Born in Blood prompt! I don't know if I'll post the other prompts right away because I don't want to burn myself out, so I hope you'll enjoy that one in the meantime!
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“You do realize that there are two doctors in here, right?” you ask as you enter the room, not bothering to greet the man sitting on the examination table.
Sergeant Kim Young Hu’s eyes follow you as you walk to the sink to wash your hands. Around his bicep, a makeshift bandage seeped with red. By the looks of it, it isn’t the worst state you’ve seen him in.
“I’m not letting that lunatic touch me,” he answers, his voice calm, as it usually is, and you roll your eyes.
You’d be lying if you said you were a fan of Dr. Lim. You already had your issues with the man when you both worked for the government, before this all started. Once the Outbreak had begun, it had taken you forty-eight hours as his assistant before you had requested to start working out in the field. You’re well-aware of his shortcomings.
Unfortunately, and it stings to admit it, he’s one of the most competent doctors you’ve ever met. He’d be more than able to take care of the Sergeant.
“You do realize I have other things to do, right?”
“And I am deeply sorry to have taken you away from your fifth grade biology lessons.”
…Okay, he has a point. Finally done with your thorough handwashing — it’s not nearly as sanitizing as you’d like it to be, but it’s not like there’s a lot more you can do —, you come to stand in front of him.
“Does it hurt a lot?” you ask as you start undoing the bandage. At least working with the military means that the men all know what they’re doing in terms of first-aid.
“Could be worse. I think I just need stitches.”
You’d trust him, if it wasn’t for the fact that you’ve heard him say that about injuries that could have been fatal, had you not been there. In this case, though, you’re relieved to see it does look mostly fine. Whatever attacked him slashed through him, deep enough to be concerning but without actually damaging the muscle or hitting an important artery.
“What happened here?”
“One of the guys tried to take something from a monster,” the Sergeant Kim replies flatly. “I intervened.”
“Oh, it’s good it didn’t turn out worse, then?”
“Not really,” he says with a shrug. “The monster wasn’t violent until disturbed. This could have easily been avoided.”
“Sounds like your boys need a stern talking-to.”
While talking, you go fetch what you need. At least you’ve got everything required for something like stitching someone up, which you can’t say about most other ailments.
“I’ll handle that,” the Sergeant answers from behind you, and you smile. He exudes this quiet strength that you cannot help but be impressed by. His men would follow him to the end of the world and back, if he asked, and you can see why.
“Alright, well, you know the drill,” you tell him, coming back in front of him. “Think you’ll be okay?”
It’s silly to ask, with how often you’ve had to patch him or his men up. You’re well aware of his resistance to pain. Nonetheless, your training requires you ask, even if it’s no surprise when he nods in answer.
“Just go for it.”
You make quick and easy work of the wound. You focus on being fast and efficient rather than on lessening the pain, which you know is for the best with him. It’s not long before you’re setting your tools back down, done with your work. There are a few seconds during which the Sergeant takes the time to relax his jaw, to breathe in a couple of times, and then he nods at you.
“All done?” he asks.
“You’ll need to come back here so I can check on it,” you say. “And try not to put any strain yourself with that arm for a couple days, alright?”
He nods, but you don’t put much faith in that. As a soldier, you’d think he’d be good at following orders and, to be fair, you’ve heard he did an outstanding job most of the time. Unfortunately, your recommendations seemed to fall into deaf ears more often than not.
“Is that all?”
“Sure,” you say, even if his nonchalance exhausts you. “Hope I don’t see you here again for a good while.”
This, at least, brings a smile to his lips, and you try your best to suppress your shiver. He gets up from the table, and stands up, just inches from you. He’s so close, his torso almost brushes against your chest.
“Is that so, Doc?”
Damn that man.
“You know, if you keep this up, I’ll end up thinking you’re landing yourself in here on purpose,” you say.
The smile turns more amused.
“I would never endanger myself on purpose,” he tells you with disarming honesty. “But I’d be lying if I said I minded this kind of flesh wounds all that much these days.”
And before you can tell him just what you think of that, of course, he leans in to capture your lips. It’s not the first time. It doesn’t look like it will be the last time. And you’re in one of the very few rooms in the stadium that can actually lock.
Fuck it, you decide, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you. It doesn’t matter why the two of you play that game together, the people you shared a past with and that are long gone, the fact that this relationship was built on blood. What matters is that in his arms, for however long you get to have him, you forget that the world is doomed.
If him coming back for more over and over again is any indication, so does he.
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hope you liked this, it's a little sillier than what i've written for the fandom so far, so that was fun to play with. i don't know if i'll write for other soldiers because most of them... didn't leave me much of an impression as far as their personality goes, but i tried something for sergeant kim ^-^ please consider leaving a comment or reblogging if you're enjoying my writing, interactions are what keep me motivated to write for a fandom!
more writing for sweet home
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