#They're all gen bc you're absolutely right
melodic-haze · 1 month
It's been a while since I last asked you how your day has been. It's doesn't seem like it's going the best, but I hope it gets a lot better.
Just wondering are you familiar with Hi3 characters? Because there has been "dreams" about a new characters that might be an expy. I don't think I could share here because it's leaks, but I could dm you or put it in the doc if you want.
Also just as I was writing this I saw the Gamescom HSR trailer which teased the Fate collab at the end and thought. Who do you think is gonna be apart of the collab? And what do you think or hope their kits will be like? Just wrote this as a fun little question since you seem to really like Fate.
And as always may your week be blessed and your future pulls even more so (Because if leaks are right I'm absolutely COOKED in 2.5)
I usually don't like answering stuff out of order but I HOPE FOR DEAR FUCKING LIFE THEY DON'T BUTCHER THE FATE COLLAB LIKE THEY DID WITH HORIZON???? Dude genuinely the way Aloy could've had SUCH a sick kit if it weren't for Hoyo just genuinely not giving a shit. Anyway I wanted to get that off my chest rq
My day at the time was going horrendously. My day TODAY was fairly good :3c I had one of the last band rehearsals I'll ever have with the lot I'm with so. It's a bit bittersweet but also it's fine, I wasn't all that close compared to the rest of them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Yesss I'm very familiar with HI3 chrs....or at least the ones before the new gen. I only know Thelema and the yoyo girl with Elysia's eyes but otherwise MEI I LOVE YOU IN EVERY UNIVERSE......ANS ELYSIA MY LOML you'll have to tell me ab the dream though bc idk what you're on about
As for the collab though fr this time, I'm guessing if they're collabing with UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS then Archer being there is a GIGANTIC possibility....and REALLY fucking epic dude I HOPE his ult shows his noble phantasm in the same way Acheron's is displayed as well OHHHH PLEAAAAAASE.......and I HOPE they bring Rin in as well idc if she's just an NPC dude KANA UEDA PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAE GRACE ME WITH YOUR PRESENCE
Genuinely though if someone gets turned into a limited chr, it's GOING to be one of the servants.....but not Berserker, unless they do the thing for Clara with Illya but that. That just takes away Clara's thing. And UBW wasn't really that centred towards her anyway. Him and Gilgamesh would PROBABLY end up as bosses let's be real. If they wanna up the money grab, they'd probably put Saber in as another playable chr, though considering this isn't Stay Night then like idk they probably won't
Me personally tjough? I'm actually mildly disappointed it's UBW they're going with. Yk what I would've LOVED to see? Fate/Grand Order. Their whole thing is going through time and space to fix irregularities to prevent the world from ending, and HSR may as well be one of the places they can go to bc maybe it's a limited-time singularity or smth 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I'm not too fussed though!!! Alternate dimensions and realities are still a thing in UBW anyway (literally HOW would Lancer's spear work otherwise) soooooo......but GOD yeah I adore Fate tbh
I think we're all cooked for the next update though 😭😭😭 but thank you anyway :3c
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itchyeye · 7 months
@apocalypticsinn replied to your post “ok. i'm giving the first episode a shot.”:
Oh noooOOOO welcome to hell :,) Alice remains like this the entire series btw and it just. It doesn’t get better. The newest episode I wanted to strangle her- I’m VERY interested in hearing your full thoughts on even just this first episode-!
​whgau first thing's first i am touched to hear you're interested in my thoughts
ok so overall it was very bad. @socvinc is correct that the sound mixing is fantastic, especially contrasted against s1 of tma which was shoestring budget dogshit. but then again this new show was funded by a seemingly boundless supply of patreon dollars so it fucking better sound expensive!!
alice is absolutely insufferable. you could stick a classroom full of twelve year old bronies (and i mean the og 2010s bronies not the gen z post ironic queer reclamation kind) in front of a hundred typewriters for all of time and they would eventually produce every single thing that has ever come out of alice's mouth. sure, it seems like gwen and most other people are annoyed with her, so at least she isn't being treated as funny and charming in-universe!! but absolutely fucking impossible to listen to. will not be putting myself through more of that.
also, the general animosity and malaise is unearned. sure, we have all been at jobs where everyone is burnt out and nobody cares anymore. but there's a sort of creeping realization that comes with that. even if things are bad right off the bat, they still get worse as you familiarize yourself with your new surroundings.
to have your exposition be alice telling sam that nothing matters and there is no point to his job and everything is stupid and he shouldn't even be here just makes me hate her. it doesn't matter that she's doing it to give gwen a moment to shine and prove her diligence and dedication. it immediately makes alice a deeply unlikeable character. she is relentlessly negative and cynical and lazy and we have been given ZERO justification for why she would be so abbrasive to someone just starting a new career!! plus she's fucking annoying so the cards are REALLY stacked against her.
and the relentless gloomy bleakness of the Archives was so. so. so. earned. all of s1 had this slow slow sloooooow build up of tension and horror and false leads and red herrings and SUDDENLY WORMS. SASHA'S DEAD. TIDAL WAVE OF WORLD-ENDING WORMS. THREE DREAD POWERS AT ONCE. AND EVERYONE HAS PTSD AFTERWARDS AND STILL HAS TO COME IN TO WORK. JON'S GONE OFF THE FUCKING DEEP END. THEN S2. NO ONE CAN LEAVE. WE'RE ALL TRAPPED HERE LIKE RATS IN A SINKING SHIP.
the gloom and malaise and desperation is real and tangible and you are there with the characters as it builds. it's rewarding and dynamic. opening episode 1 with "everyone hates it here bc it's very spooky and bureucratic" is just a pale and unsuccessful immitation of the slowburn that MADE the archives what they were.
also the very first little mini statement was so lame??? no build up. no atmosphere. no character development. not even a short story, just a tumblr uquiz option. "i saw my husband but he was Shaped Wrong and also dead" jesus christ...
i might listen to episode 2 just because i have time to kill but being dropped into the middle of an office party gave me traumatic tma s5e1 flashbacks and i can't live through that again. one of my tmp anons who mentioned it was very office-banter based was SOOOO right. the majority of the episode felt like those incorrect-quotes accounts that clog up tumblr search results. just people i don't know and voices i don't recognize having weird try-hard conversations.
oh that's another glaring difference: the dialogue and voice acting in tma feels incredibly natural. the way conversations are written and the way they are performed feels believable, like listening to recordings of people who do not know they're being recorded. the conversations in tmp feel like watching f.r.i.e.n.d.s in that every line feels really rigidly scripted. no one talks over one another. no sounds overlap. there are no natural sounding pauses or stutters. just bad sitcom dialogue. BUT as i said to anon.... that's what the people want.
overall feels like an ogfic "inspired by" tma that i would have no interest in reading. a pale immitation of lightning in a bottle.
can't say i blame them. we all have bills to pay. but i can say i resent them.
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fanfictiongreenirises · 8 months
re: ur tags in that $10 food poll, why does the ethnicity of someone factor in to if you'll ask for reimbursement...???
this got really long lmao but in my defence the tl;dr version of it is literally "different cultures have different norms of how paying for food works regardless of amount" but if you're asking why ethnicity is a factor then i'd rather give more detail than leave it there
mmkay so first thing you need to know about me is im bengali, and culturally, there are many things that go into who pays when you're buying food and how reimbursement works. (second thing i'd like for you to know as a disclaimer is i'm 1.5 gen immigrant so my norms with paying might not necessarily reflect the current norms in bangladesh)
so if i'm out with another bengali or south asian person and they're younger than me, i'm paying for the food regardless of cost and absolutely not asking for reimbursement. if they're my age and we're friends and we're not paying for our own food for whatever reason, then we're going to fight about it and whoever loses will fight harder the next time we go out or reimburse in another way (e.g. buying other food, paying for smth else if we're shopping together - rly depends on the relationship, but it doesn't have to be a 1:1 reimbursement), but even if there is no next time and you both know it, there'll still be no "here have the exact amount back via cash/bank transfer" reimbursement over it bc you just wouldn't ask for the money back. if they're older than me, it'll take a pretty unique situation for me to be the one paying but depending on how much older, they'll likely repay me by buying something else, or paying next time. best example of this is my gujarati colleague who's about double my age - the first time we went to grab coffee together at work, it was spontaneous and she didn't have her wallet on her so i paid and refused to give her my bank details, and the next time we went for coffee she paid and specifically was like 'you paid last time' so i'd fight her less on it; every time after that we paid for our own even though she still tried to pay for mine (but fought significantly less, because the initial social dance was over).
however!! the norms in white australian culture (that i've experienced) are different!! if i pay and insist a little too strongly that they don't need to pay me back, then white australians get weird about it - because i'm not following the norms. (they'll either go to Lengths to pay me back, or they'll be like 'cool thx' and move on lmao there's no in between.) so i'll be like 'no you don't need to pay me back it's just $10' once (if at all) and then give in and accept monetary reimbursement. i don't believe anyone when they say i don't need to pay them back, unless i've known them for a v long time, so i'll still find a way to slip them money (or if i have friends who go to Lengths to pay me back, then i'll do the same for them, because that'll be their norm/expectation) (i've seen bengalis try to do this to other bengalis and the reaction ranges from being super offended to really confused/surprised lmaoo)
obviously, this is a super broad explanation and generalisation, and doesn't really take into consideration things like how my personal relationship with people also impacts this, or how different circles will have different norms within those circles that'd override other social and cultural cues that might exist, or how specific people will have preferences for paying you back that you'll respect and often mirror. and obligatory disclaimer: cultures aren't homogeneous and other people will have had different experiences with the ones i've mentioned that won't align with mine; and none of these norms are good/bad or right/wrong, they're just different norms and expectations and ways of doing things
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silenthillmutual · 2 months
3 & 18 for Alfred the Executioner, 24 & 25 for Artemy Burakh, and 10 & 48 for Heather Mason!
3. What first drew you to this character?
this is such a fun question for me because i've been asked this once or twice. i genuinely have no idea! i started playing bloodborne in like. uhm. 2022, i think? and i'd gotten far enough in the game to meet him. but i generally didn't think a whole lot about bloodborne at the time because so much else was going on in my life. i couldn't even tell you when or why my brain decided to fixate on bloodborne, much less on alfred. i just kind of woke up one day and my brain was like "yes alfred my best friend alfred!"
if i'm going to hazard a guess, i'd say it's because he's fucking crazy. i love it when a guy (or gal tbh) is covered in blood and laughing like a maniac. i am also admittedly quite fond of the voice acting. i wish all the characters in bloodborne got more screentime, but at the same time i think everyone does a great job with what they're given. the absolute snide turn in his voice when you give him the cainhurst summons is just so good.
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
i have a whole thing planned out of how i'll get him to interact w my oc and all but the peace lasts for... i don't know. a couple hours? maybe? the rest of it he is suffering. his natural state. even when i take him out and dust him off and put in him pathologic he is suffering. but that's bc i see him as someone who hasn't quite figured out yet that you're not meant to hinge your entire existence on a singular thing: a person, a goal, a label, an ideal. i don't know how to better explain it other than that i think he's got many things wrong with him and can't/won't look inward, but that's not something anyone else can make him do, so it doesn't particularly matter where he is. he's going to continue to suffer.
24. Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
i have had dreams about artemy in the past but i cannot for the life of me remember what happened in them! my dreams typically aren't all that memorable unless they're really, really bad. i haven't had one with him in it recently, though i think the first time i had artemy show up in a dream, i was daniil.
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not?
i went through a period where i was trying to read absolutely every pathologic fanfic. i got caught up a couple years ago, and then life caught up with me and i haven't really gotten back to the mines in that sense. now i tend to prioritize what my friends write before reading anything else... but i do like to read gen fic about artemy that focuses on him actually struggling with the outcome of the game. and i feel like this is sort of a rare thing to find. i'd be happy with reading a burakhovsky fic like this if, you know, more of them existed? because so many fics make it The Dankovsky Show. and i get that daniil is a very interesting and important character, but so is artemy! people tend to write artemy as being endlessly understanding and kind, and artemy (in patho 2 at least) is relatively quick to forgive people who have wronged him, it just doesn't sit right with me that people make him a doormat. so i do still read fics where artemy is present, but i don't... go looking for them necessarily, because it doesn't feel like a lot of people treat him very fairly. he gets a better deal than clara, granted, but not by much.
10. Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
hmmm... i think i probably saw myself in aspects of heather back when i was playing the game at like, 18 or 19 years old, but i think that was more with the heather we're presented in shattered memories, who is deeply hurt and grieving something she never got to have. it was something i could relate to, and the heather of silent hill 3 had something i never did, in having a loving father. i think i probably identified witht he rage she feels in the game, and the fear (since i was peak unmedicated for ocd, which itself is like being in a neverending hell) - but that was probably more of a 'heather lend me your strength' kind of way than in actually being able to see myself in her. though i did cosplay her!
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
i've always absolutely loved her outfit. i used to closet cosplay her all the time - my mother would never have let me bleach my hair, but i had the vest & the skirt & the boots. i actually always loved boots like that, though i don't have them anymore. i'm actually coming back around in the questions here - now that i'm older & harrier & fatter & vaguely more masculine, my cosplay lineup is looking more like travis grady (from silent hill: origins) and alfred.
honest fave character asks~
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daz4i · 1 year
Honestly I'm with you that it is pretty hard not to get jealous whenever a fic gets suuuuper popular like that. Like when they write a fic, they get an entire fan base and waves upon waves of fanart; when I write a fic I get like three single sentence comments and one person listing every single thing wrong with it.
I know they don't decide to have that happen but like... What am I doing wrong? I'm trying my absolute best, I'm rereading and rewriting like ten times to make sure it's as perfect as it could possibly be, but no matter what I try, nothing works. Meanwhile they're like "yeah sorry wasn't feeling too well lately so this chapters not as good" and they get hundreds of comments, playlists for the their fic and a whole gallery worth of fan art.
Maybe I'm just bitter but it really does just crush your motivation and self esteem after a while.
this is an understandable reaction tbh 😔
for what it's worth, i don't think you're doing anything wrong. i can't say for sure bc none of my fics ever reached wild popularity or smth but i assume in their case it's a combination of
popular ship in an already popular fandom (also, gen usually doesn't catch on unless you're VERY lucky)
existing following. i noticed a lot of popular fic writers usually have a bunch of followers from stuff like art already
luck. ofc
common tropes. easily digestible stuff that is kind of familiar
length and consistent long term updates usually help (like, spreading it out as multiple updates keeps you at the top of tags when ppl click them)
this isn't for all of them. but like. one thing i noticed. and i mean this nicely. is smth i wanna call wattpad-style writing? kind of an underlying edgy vibe like more swears and ppl reacting to things in kind of extreme ways at times. every most-popular-fic-in-the-fandom i read fit that description, so. (i assume it's bc a big part of any fandom is teenagers, and this, well, fits a teen mindset)
if you don't wanna fall into common tropes and stick only to popular ships, it's better to stick to writing for fun, as hard as it is sometimes with no external validation 😔
i see why this would be very discouraging. i think ik who you are off-anon, and if I'm right then i saw comments you got on fics before, and yeah i would definitely get discouraged by these too
i think if you don't gain any joy from writing, it may be good to find an additional hobby, or try a different type of writing for now maybe :? (like if fics aren't working, try original work. or dabble in poetry. or switch up the genres etc. doesn't even have to be a long term thing, just to scratch the creative itch for now, and maybe get inspired to write what you're used to again)
i imagine you're probably tired of hearing that you should write for you and don't have to post it. bc i get wanting to get validation. so instead I'll tell you this is an extremely valid feeling, including the jealousy part. this is a very normal reaction honestly, and i could never blame you for having it
i will say tho! you should channel that feeling somewhere. not for others, but for your own sake. don't let bitterness eat at you or you'll always be miserable, and you deserve better than that :(
finding a new hobby can help with self-esteem (like, for example, baking smth and enjoying how it tastes, and feeling proud of yourself for making smth that tastes good) and is a good way to let out creative energy! it will take time, but maybe slowly you'll be able to lay out building blocks that will eventually make you feel confident enough in your own creation to not need external validation :0!
(ofc, you don't have to listen to any of this. please make sure to go at your own pace as well! either way i hope things turn out well for you, and i thank you for sharing your honest feelings with me!!)
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lesbeet · 2 years
just wanted to say i really appreciate the way you talk about your students! ik teaching is HARD but you're always so positive and excited. it makes me sad to see the way millennials and older gen z (which i am also) talk about teenagers like they're all brainrotted tiktok idiots who don't want to learn. ): i work with teens too and yes they're obnoxious but mostly in funny ways and most of them are very curious and contemplative even if adults treat them like their concerns are silly
aw ty!! this is sweet :)
in all honesty i'm definitely not positive about my students all the time when i talk about them lmao i just try not to rant about them on here bc that feels mean since they're kids. but i absolutely do love them all and even on tough days i want what's best for them and try to remember what my own priorities were in high school bc i was going thru it™ and my classes were not always at the top of the list lol
but truly i wouldn't be able to get through my day if i didnt love and respect my students lmao i think the positive experiences 100% make the job worth it and i love what i do, but you're right that it's fucking hard! it's exhausting and sometimes it can even be disheartening, and i tend to be bit of an "acquired taste" for students in that it can take a bit of time for them to warm up to me and really figure out what i'm about and wrap their minds around that i simultaneously have high expectations for them AND am often incredibly chill and understanding about how/when they make it happen lol (ex: i'll grade a writing assignment p harshly, but i'll also let them revise it for full credit and won't take off points for it being late) but by this time of year most of them have come around and tend to enjoy being in my classroom even if the content isn't the most interesting to them bc i make an effort to interest them and give them agency in their learning etc. i don't understand how teachers who look down on their students as braindead shallow lost causes are able to make it through the week let alone a full school year it genuinely does not compute in my head
anyways this was a really nice message to read and i appreciate you sending it!! ♥️😊
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unbakehisbeans · 3 months
I hate all the nonsense of ppl complaining about "gen alpha" kids and how terrible they are and how it's all the fault of "gentle parenting" or ipads or the pandemic or whatever. Like I think a good chunk of this is that some of these ppl just haven't had all that much experience with kids of various ages bc they'll be like "I had to quit teaching after one year bc these kids are so bad," like idk have you ever just like... talked to a second grader before this?
And like why would "screen time" and ipads be the problem, like, can you explain the mechanism to me? "It's addictive, they're addicted to screens" that's just not true. Simply false. Prove it.
Like yeah, I'm sure that the pandemic has caused some behavioral issues and probably also some setbacks in learning the curriculum. Cuz of course, right. Like, they have to be socialized to behave a certain way in school and they had a couple years of not doing that. They'll probably learn, but also it'd probably help to switch up your tactics. And of course they know stuff, they learn stuff all the time. If they're not meeting grade level for the specific stuff you're testing them for I feel like it's worth finding out what they've been learning instead because it's not like they're learning nothing at all. Also like they can absolutely read but there's this crazy thing where you have to teach them how to read and then give them time to practice and really work on those skills.
Idk I just think it's a weird moral panic and the kids are probably more or less fine.
Ppl freak out about phonics and they're like the kids can't actually read they're just memorizing words. Yeah, actually memorizing words is definitely a big part of reading.... You mean... recognizing words by sight? Knowing sight words. That's... reading. They're reading.
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eelgutz · 5 months
omg you'll be amazing! i know it's dumb to say, but genuinely just be you. job interviews are chances for them to see what your vibe is, and for you to see if you vibe with theirs. the absolute best thing you can do is be yourself and see if you really are a good fit for them. obviously, that's assuming you're in a stable financial situation (not everyone has the privilege of saying no) but yes, you got this! and they're losers if they don't see how dang cool you are.
can't wait to hear how it goes! i'd even come off anon if you want to have a private chat about it (lmk)
for now, i will send you all the best vibes and wait for your return so we can debrief <3 you're not alone! i'm right here cheering you on!
Alas, I didn't get the job bc I don't have a drivers license :( Good thing though is I have another interview tomorrow!
If ur comfy w/ it I'd love to become friends off anon as well but if never force u to /gen
I appreciate your good vibes so much though it helped a lot knowing someone was rooting for me :>
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jacksallys · 1 year
Re: your Regulus as Draco rip-off post.. agree one thousand percent. Regulus is given so many traits that are outright stolen from other Slytherins in the story. And the thing is, I wouldn't even care so much if 1) the situations and traits they are ripping off weren't cheapened, flattened, and done poorly for the sake of babygirlifying Regulus and 2) they didn't look down on fans of the characters they are ripping off.
Fanon Regulus being "forced into being a Death Eater" Pfft OKAY. Fanon Regulus being a sarcastic mildly antagonistic Slytherin interested in a Gryffindor Potter. Do they not see that they're describing Drarry? Or fanon Regulus being an antisocial potions prodigy who spies on Voldemort to protect someone he loves and dies fighting for the light. Yeah no that's not Regulus's story.
Fanon Regulus is endowed with all of these compelling traits and arcs from other canon characters, with none of the nuance present in their originators, because idk they can't seem to handle it or something. And yet they dare to look down on fans of Draco, Drarry, or Snape? It's so brazenly hypocritical.
no bc i get what ur saying and ur right!! like. in canon we know absolutely fucking nothing about regulus black ok. like. we know his name. we know he started hogwarts in 72. he was a slytherin, he became a death eater at sixteen, he had a collage of death eater propaganda on his bedroom wall, sirius described him as quite naive and said he was reminded by his parents that regulus was a better son, and then he had his plot w/ voldemort and died at 17/18 and thats it!! obv our two sources on regulus's personality come from regulus and kreacher but they are both two VERY biased sources. we don't really know much about his personality other than that he was raised believing his parents bigotry unlike sirius, that he was pretty smart and what we can infer from him being sorted into slytherin. other than that literally allllll of it is pulled straight from draco malfoy, mainly draco in drarry fics. i haven't read many other fics ft. different draco ships, i don't love dramione but i'm assuming he is similarly characterised - maybe just more "oh feel sorry for me i am so tortured and mysterious - in them. and don't get me wrong, draco and regulus ARE similar. one of my favourite parts abt the golden trio vs. marauders eras is that characters seem to intentionally mirror each other? and also, they correct the 'mistakes' of the past gen's lives. like. sirius and harry are so fucking similar, but harry actually. survived? and hermione and lily are clear mirrors. even snape and luna, i admit i really don't like snape, but luna is so similar except the fact that... despite her getting teased and bullied she never became cruel? and neville, just like peter he lived in the shadow of ron, hermione and harry but he never resented them for it. however it's one thing to draw parallels between the characters and another to kinda just. blatantly rip off someone's entire personality but also??? try and make them a good person. like regulus black fans will do ANYTHING to insist he is not a bad person bc he's babygirl and he can do no wrong. which. babe. its fine if you're joking but like some of them are serious about it!!!
and like. the real infuriating part is that the average jegulus fan will shit on draco malfoy and drarry as a concept like. babe. you are sat there reading a DRARRY fic, basically. if you downloaded a jegulus fic or a drarry fic and reversed the names, ignored the chronological fuck ups and such, they would read exactly the same!!!!!
(i put it under the cut because i know i have a lot more to say!)
don't get me wrong, even if we strip away alllll of both of draco and regulus's fanon elements, they still have parallels. jkr probably created reg for the plot elements but also to mirror draco. she compared them in an interview one time, she said that they both got into the death eaters too deeply, they were attracted to it at first but that the reality of what it meant to be a death eater was way too much to handle. yeah. however even if regulus was freaked out by the concept of ritual sacrifices and brutal massacres and voldemort killing his house elf, he still hated muggleborns and believed in blood purity - which. is a thing that regulus fans commonly just cut out of fics? i've never read a drarry fic where draco didn't believe his parents were correct. but also their situations are a little different because whilst draco genuinely didn't have anyone in his life who didn't believe in blood purity, regulus did. sirius 100% tried to explain to him that their parents were liars and there wasn't anything wrong or different about muggleborns however he didn't listen. which jegulus fans seem to always coincidentally forget? and yeah okay, it's a fic. embellesh a little. break canon if you'd like. but the second you obsess over and love a character who is literally the wizard equivalent of a nazi and a canon blood purist despite having multiple opportunities for an out, you completely lose the ability to shit on any other character for doing the same thing. you can't shit on bellatrix for murder or evan and barty for being death eaters or anything. and it's insane to me because they dont!!!!!!! they dont shit on bellatrix OR evan and barty and its not even in the sense of like.... enjoying a morally grey nuanced character? the average regulus/jegulus stan strips away every single morally grey and. awful thing about reg and the slytherin skittles just to??? idk. validate it in their own mind. that it is ok to like and enjoy a bad person.
(on the topic of snape - i don't get how regulus fans can dump on him either? like. okay. i hate snape. however my reasons for hating snape are more so to do with the fact that his incel behaviour and obsession with lily genuinely freaks me out so fucking much, and there is absolutely no way you can defend a man who vindictively bullied an eleven year old just because that boy could have been the chosen one, and if he had been then maybe lily wouldn't have died, to the extent where when neville was thirteen snape was his BIGGEST fear. this boy was dropped out of a window by his own uncle, spent years terrified that he would be a squib, WHOSE OWN PARENTS WERE TORTURED TO THE POINT OF INSANITY BY BELLATRIX LESTRANGE and his TEACHER was his biggest fear. that's my issue with him. however. the average regulus fan doesn't give a shit about lily evans, the majority of them villainise her because james loves her - and god forbid that man loves a woman and ur no longer interested in fetishising his relationship!!!!!!!!! either that or they make her a lesbian and pair her off with usually either mary or pandora because they have to physically make her unattracted to men so she won't threaten jegulus. like. i like marylily. i like jegulus. i like jily. i lOVE pandora/lily. one of my favourite lily ships is her and marlene, i'm a sucker for the jock x nerd dynamic! but. you don't have to make her not romantic and sexually interested in MEN just so she isn't a threat to jegulus. that's misogynistic. it is actually possible to not want to fuck a certain man even if you like their general species! lily went six years not wanting to date that man, she can continue to do so in your fic whilst still being attracted to men. it's. odd? why not just make her bisexual?? ah, yeah, because you don't want james to be an option at ALL. anyway sorry i got distracted however my point stands.)
idk man i say all of this whilst Enjoying jegulus and regulus. i hate fics that write him as some sort of completely innocent in no way bad person, but the fics where he genuinely is... self serving and morally grey and only really cares about himself and the people he loves and values? yeah. theyre enjoyable. however that entire personality is just stolen from fucking draco. you can tell bc it came about in 2019/2020 when jegulus got super popular and im 99% sure it was just because all the draco malfoy/drarry stans got pissed off with dracotok and HIS morally grey personality and general... dickish cruel horrible behaviour being ripped away? and even jegulus's dynamic - it's JUST drarry. there is no other way around it. and it's so fucking frustrating when reg stans actively dump on drarry and draco as a character WHEN THEIR FAVE IS HIS CHARACTER.
tdlr: i don't hate regulus, i think he's interesting. i enjoy him in a lot of fics. however it's so fucking frustrating when people that love him a. strip away every single negative part of his character in an attempt to justify themselves liking him when... he isn't that guy. regulus black is a child who believed in his parents bigotry and got in too deep and then died making a last ditch attempt to kill voldemort Not because he genuinely didn't believe in his cause but because voldemort pissed him off by trying to kill kreacher! and b. that jegulus fans regularly shit on draco malfoy when... he's the original? and they hate drarry meanwhile almost every single version of jegulus's dynamic is just blatantly them, whether the authors are aware of it or not.
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rillette · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs about Hal 🥺🥺🥺 I feel like ship fics that include him aren’t even hal-centric it’s Upsetting :,(
I have a fic rec list for ya right here!! I went through and added two more today but I didnt make a whole new post bc I'm lazy <3
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ash-and-starlight · 3 years
HELLLO it’s that time of
the year again where I have come
to ask you of new fic recs since I devoured your previous list 🥺
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OKAY OKAY LET’S GO! Obligatory disclaimers again -> I’m trying to stick to one work per author but PLEASE extend the rec to every one of their works because it’s Worth It. Also im trying to rec works from authors that weren’t in my previous lists (here gen and here zukka) but again i’m sure i’m still missing out on great fics so PLEASE if someone wants to add more do it!! no longer asking!!
There is COVID in Ba Sing Se by Odae 17k words, rated T “The whole world is under lockdown, and Sokka and Zuko move in together.”
’Til the gravity’s too much by crosspin 8k words, rated T a zukka take on the Infamous Tent Scene. It’s just so sweet and tender these boys are in LOVE OK!! THEY ARE IN LOVE!! That’s it!! (Also don’t miss out the equally tender sequel “take my hand, wreck my plans” by zukkababey)
Syllables of debris by Onmyliteraturebullshitagain 51k words, rated M Edgy secret-poet!Zuko and angst with a happy ending. AND original poetry which is always a plus.
Wrong house, right decision by gaydaractivate04 4k words, rated G “The last thing Zuko had expected when he was woken by a crash downstairs was a gorgeous guy, all smiles and slurred words, drunk out of his mind, as he tried to sleep on Zuko's couch.”
Mass time acceleration by Haicrescendo 19k words, rated T AN ABSOLUTE ICON. A LEGEND. A MUST READ. Two bros on a road trip falling in love and confronting complicated feelings and buying silly souvenirs. (Obligatory shoutout to the vigilante au series fighting evil by moonlight by the same author bc i’s my latest obsession)
Zero to sixty by Carnavas 25k words, rated T Sokka has an accident, zuko freaks out, feelings ensue. So deep and well written (mind the tags!)
Invisible string by taotu 105k words, rated E ANOTHER CLASSIC!! INCREDIBLE SHOWSTOPPING SPECTACULAR!! Zukka fake dating my beloved!! (Don’t be afraid by the discontinued tag it ends on a happy note)
mastering the art of just going with it by thatsontrelevant 61k words, rated T "aka Zuko and Sokka decide to get fake married so Zuko doesn't get deported, but they have to go through a weekend in Sokka's hometown pretending to be a couple for his family before they can do it." The Proposal zukka au babyyy
if you're lonely by derekmaliknurse 5k words, rated G "A prince's meditations on a fool, and the other way around." beautifully written heart wrenching PINING AND YEARNING folks
Heart beat here by thefanagirlingdead 6k words, rated T "Zuko wants to marry his best friend. Sokka just wants to surprise his boyfriend with something nice. They're both idiots who are bad at lying."
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
thank YOU for responding to that unduly long ask! life has been interesting so far and I am very thankful for the people I met and the insights I have gained into other industries/countries through people that were immersed in them. I actually got into kpop that way - friend of a coworker of a friend who has personally worked for the p ost-production of this idol's MV and hey! check out this new single they put out! -
honestly I think kpop as an industry carries a bit of mysticism to it for fans (especially western ones) but actually if you talk to people inside it it is mostly just like any other creative industry. You are absolutely right the growth in behind the scenes will never match the output in stars/idols. This is true also for adjacent spaces like football interviews/sports content staff in SK.
Working in the ent. industry as any type of staff is brutal in SK (as it is in most places, to be fair, LA is looking grim) which is why those who have a say in calling the shots prefer idols who they know will get the job done and with a smile on their face. One of the guys I met had a very nice way of putting why more seasoned idols are preferred to 4th gen and that's because "any excessive pride has been snuffed out of them early on in their career". Fortunately if there's one thing I kept happily from the people I met it's that truly most 2nd gen and a lot of 3rd gen idols are very pleasant people to work with who know where they have come from and who they must pay dues to. I've heard so many good anecdotes and fun things other than the pure hardship of filming for godless hours in small rooms with temperatures matching that of heatwaves. And I'm sure the same is true for 4th gen, I just think they're not at a place yet where they're distinctive enough to have that place in variety.
tbh i don't think it's just the kpop industry, i think a lot of people view all arts ent industries with an air of mystery bc nobody teaches anything about them unless you specifically go to school for it or get involved in some way. i met a ton of people doing my masters (did my mfa in contemporary arts but my bfa in theatre) that had no clue what a theatre designer even did, let alone how many people were working behind the scenes, and that was IN an arts field.
and yes yes yes 100% agree about the 'having the ego beaten out of them early' point. about idols yes but also it's the same in theatre, especially on the small scale/fringe level. you work a lot of hours for shitty pay in horrible conditions and if you're an ass about it, good luck getting hired or recommended to a job by any person in that company. being kind, understanding, and respectful will get you everywhere.
and yes about your last point too, it does take time. you need experience to be good on shows and add to that the pandemic and it's put a bit of a damper on the progress for them. also i think i've said this before but i'm not sure than anyone is like. teaching them what they have to do, yanno? not that i think anyone was teaching second gen idols what to do but it was a lot more ruthless and they had to learn pretty quick. there's less stakes now and therefore there isn't as much pressure for fourth gens to develop interesting (for television) personalities. i think in a couple of years some of them might get there though
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
Mhm! I read a book where the main was one once and I was like : Parrot pog! | I'll make her a bracelet! Bracelets /pos Plus I have big beads so they're easy to make and stuff! I shall make hers purple! She likes purple! Actually that was a lie it will be red and white bc she wants to dress those colors! | I've heard that too! You would absolutely slay in that style /gen /pos. Like you would look so cool! | MHMH!!!! | No probably not! Health is still all wobbly robbly, exept now I'm rocking back and forth with my head and I don't remember when I started doing that???? Idk, confusion is me. Woe is I. | Whoooo! I have amazing opinions on shapes. Like, right triangles? Stunning. Amazing. Perfect. -⭐
that sounds really cool!! i love animal POV books. they slap.
that's a great idea!! what if you make her one that's purple and one that's red and white?? or one that's all three??
i hope i will!! because like... you can't be goth and not get made fun of. but you get made fun of way more if you look stupid.
you have awesome opinions on shapes!! that's like the one thing you're right about.
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mozukumi · 3 years
sakyo and homare always walking home together and they adopt guy when he decides to enroll himself in saint flora!! no outsider knows how a delinquent, rich kid, and mysterious kid get along so well!! they're besties!! also ueueuee what if they look for papa nishiki too ×%&÷;%?#^
i imagined mama furuichi always coming over to the shows and maybe even visiting on normal days at the dorms!! sakyo is a bit embarrassed but he eventually gets used with it and everyone does too!
masumi vocaloid producer and the itarufication beam on tsuzuru HELPP
i also think it's hilarious how juza's boss also joined the troupe too and omg... i can only imagine how tearful juza's reunion with muku and kumon is. i also think it's absolutely bonkers with 17 year old izumi teaching 32 (?) year old azami how to act
what about the first gen :0 im not sure if you're on that part of the main story yet soooo...
- 🌸
i'm running out of clever ways to say "as always anon i appreciate these" but!! i do!!
(mAnkAi swAp tag for context!)
YES absolutely. y'know when you're a kid and like, if somebody is even one year younger then you, you feel smug and superior and Mature? thats part of what sakyo and homare are like with guy theyre like. oh my god we are Soooo mature and old lol you'll understand when youre older xoxo <<< they are 16 at this point.
AND YES.... it's only been a few years in this AU, so I think they'd have a better chance of finding him. I think the entire winter troupe + citron + sakyo + izumi probably like. form a club to try and find him.
also AWW so true!!!! i've always wished that they had the parents visiting their kids in canon more... and this gives me Chances too. absolutely. i think it'd still be really funny if mama furuichi was still a juza oshi tho.
I AM LOOKING SOI HARD TOO. am i fully understanding NO but i am LOOKING. so much of the awkwardness of winter troupe comes from them all being adults and avoiding the conflict like Adults, but they just. dotn have that in this AU.
IM GOING TO BE HONEST HWEN I SAID MASUMI WAS A PRODUCER I MEANT LIKE. NORMAL. but imagining him as a vocaloid producer is so compelling to me now that ive made it canon bc like. Imagine. how funny it'd be that like. masumi produced some of itarus favorite vocaloid songs i bet he'd be sooo mad.
YEAH IT IS REALLY FUNNY. not gonna lie juza is having a bit of an awko taco moment. this is his fackign boss.
and YEAH. YEAH. i think about the hyodosakas a lot in this au. kumon goes "i idolized you!" and juza said "and this just proves why you shouldn't have, huh?" like. in the end theyre gonna make it and reform their bond but theres definitely gonna be a rockier road.
YEAH THAT IS A LITTLE FUNNY. youre right on the ages! or maybe ill forget that azami is supposed to be 31 in year 1 and accidentally make him 31 in year 2 as well. either way he's an oldhead.
ive read most of the first gen stuff, yeah! it pretty much is the same, except they only broke up 1 year ago, so like. all of that stuff about Those days are behind me...... like bro those days are 1 year ago. Also, Hiro is probably more easily swayed, because Misumi is somebody he literally knew.
ty ty!!
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crystu-cii · 4 years
I f e e l that pain in my soul-- my older sister uses cologne sometimes and it is sO STRONG AND WILL NOT STAY CONFINED TO HER ROOM-- AMD SOMETIMES SHED DO IT IN THE DOORWAY LIKE HELLO-- XDD
YES BABY JAIL, INTO THE UPSIDE DOWN LAUNDRY BASKET YOU KNIFE-WIELDING HEATHEN-- XDD oms XDD well I don't know them but I love them- YESSS THEYRE SO FLUFFY-- I'm actually curious what images pop up first imma check-- FLUFFY PUPPIES-- we've actually never owned ones that fluffy(those actually look more similar to shetland sheepdogs than the shelties we've had so far?? Very similar/similar enough where if someone doesn't know a sheltie we mention shetland sheepdogs), our current one is a purebred that we got for free(she was being given away bc her family never came back for her and the lady taking care of her couldn't afford the time to take care of a second dog long-term think) and she's got pretty short fur in comparison- still fluffy enough, but not quite so long of fur-- she's a blue merle(absolutely gorgeous fur, she's like 8 now with a lot of health problems but she's super loving still 💕💞) anyways about the fur, so long as you brush regularly you should mitigate most of that, and it mostly collects in corners- but like.. be prepared to eat and wear dog fur for the rest of your life-- (actually there's a thing called a fur zapper we bought recent that you put in with your clothes when you wash/dry them(I think it's dry but idk??) that's supposed to get a lot of hair off your clothes in that process? Also lint rollers are your best friend--) AND roombas are really helpful(we bought a knockoff one and rarely have to sweep ever so 👀) XDD WHEEZE I can't even imagine what you did-- but like you could ask for a budgie/parakeet /hj I mean, they aren't very expensive (actually they're pretty cheap) but they're very loud, need a lot of attention(especially if you want them to bond to you!) and you need to research into them a lot to make sure you're doing things right-- loads of vids online!! Loads of websites too!!! I'd know I have one- JUST A WARNING, FEATHERS AND SEED HULLS GET ALL OVER YOUR FLOOR XD p l u s like you have a friend who knows stuff about birbs :3 anyways ENOUGH RAMBLING FROM ME WOW THAT GOT LONG--
💕💕 I feel that XD OMS-- I WISH-- WHAT A D R E A M - s n a k - Awww but what a mood XD
H E A THEN-- XDD how cool of them to try tho :3 whEEZE Y 'A LL-- XDD
Right like wth???? I???? Okay but like December to February babies just fuckin DONT EXIST IN THIS GEN OR SOMETHIN-- CAUSE I FIND N O N E -- Maybe there are more December babies but there are definitely like NO January to February babies it is So Weird--
NEJFQOBGKW WOWW d an g like-p l e a se s t op over sp r aying-- xD and LEGITTTT LIKE- THAT WAS M Y ROLE TO STAY UP LATE- XDD
WHEHEHEZE- LAUNDRY BASKET TIME- G E T I N XDD anD YESS- any doggo is just such a cute doggo 😭💞💞 but for me- fLUFFY ONES ARE WHERE ITS A T- and ohhhh i see- FOR FREE?? W H A T A S T E A L XDD but awwww the poor doggg at least she's with you now ! ;0;; 💞💞😭 aaw such a lovable puppup 😭😭💞 and oHHH i see :00 but oh no- xD i also have a friend that has two dogs and whenever he would give me gifts- there would be dog hair on them no matter what- XDD and ooOhhh those sound really helpful! omg- i swear i dont have to have a pet for the need of a roomba- i already shed so much hair myself its so crazy-- xDD and oH MAN loud animals are really gon get my mom fired up- and OO birds just look so cuteee i always fantasize of having one- but then again- with the noise and all xD the more i think about it i dont think we are prepared to have a pet at all xD but i still dream of at least having one pet in my lifetime!
and OO that sounds awesome!! i have no clue if i even tried casserole before- man- sometimes i just eat food without even knowing wth it is XDDD but THAT SOUNDS so gooodddd :O
and LEGITT LIKE- TF IS HAPPENING WITH MY SCHOOL LIFE- XDD and oh my god- IT GETS WORSE- that year there was a FREAKINGG FIREEEEEEE- it wasnt that dangerous thank god- but it had to get a whole ass room renovated because of it- and guess what room it was- THE ORCHESTRA ROOM- AND GUESS WHAT M A D E I T W OR SE- that year- it was the first time the school replaced those 10+ year old instruments with new ones- NOW THEYRE B U R N T- and mind you that the school's budget isnt so- gr e a t- like oh my god i am still so bewildered over HOW MUCH chaos HAPPENED that year- and i thought that year was gon be the year- yknow? like UGH
and OHH MANN playing portal sounds awesome! but i just dont think the game would be worth my money cause i know the plot- and even with the mods and all my brain would be broken as i would possibly have no clue what to do- xDDD
and HOOOO MANNN game fan songs are just so AWESOMEEE- and those sound pretty cool! :OO and HOLY SHIT FUCK YEAH- GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY RIGHTS Y A LL- now im gonna look that up and let my ears be blessed by such words- XDDD and DONT WORRY BOUT SCREAMING ALOT- i scream a whole dam lot too XDD
and LEGITTT- finding someone's b-day in january and feb is so rare all of a sudden like wh a t - XDD
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buoyantsaturn · 6 years
ok i have lots of submissions!! smol!will and tall!nico ; pianist!will and artist!nico ; ice cream parlour worker!will and punk!nico ; depressed!will and punk!nico ; will and bianca being besties?? ; loves space!will and star eyes!nico ; ghost hunter!nico and scared!will ; ocd!will ; bookworm!will ; science nerds ; okok and one where they're in high school and the school is separated into four (4) groups (nerd, punk, jock, and preps) and if you cross into one category you're disowned by your g-
leo-atthedisco said: you’re disowned by your group (which means dating is offlimits!!) but then prep!will gets this huge ass crush on punk!nico and he’s like “so… i like you?? type-thing??” and nico’s like “shIT ME TOO” so then they start to date in secret and they’re super gr8 at it but then will’s ex friend (drew?) finds out and threatens to tell the school!! whoopsies she does but then the school accepts them and like 12 other couples come out?? (percabeth, jasper, frazel, etc..)
ok wow so you’ve got a whole lot of requests here but i cant answer all of them in the same ask??? bc thatll literally be like 20 pages worth of text in one ask???? so im gonna hold onto all those requests except for this last one that u described in detail so i hope u dont mind and heres your list!!
so the dynamic goes so far that you’re pretty much placed in like your gen ed classes based on your status like nerds are in all the AP classes, preps are in advanced classes, and jocks/punks are split between the basic level or remedial classes. on rare occasions a jock might end up in an advanced math class or a prep will end up in remedial english
nico, a well known punk, ends up in the same prep english class as will and piper and everyone refuses to speak with him or partner with him on assignments and nobody ever even wants to sit next to him
Will’s never been a fan of the whole dynamic the school has but he cant speak out against it or he’ll lose his status and all of his friends, and hes so afraid that he’s gonna get disowned when his teacher partners him and nico for a big project
they have to get together a lot after school to work on this project but they can’t do it in public in case somebody sees them and wills mom doesnt want some punk in her house so they go to nicos all the time
after like,, the first hour of just hanging out and doing homework, theyve both developed some giant crushes on each other but theyre both afraid to say anything so when will leaves the goodbye is very long and tense and kinda awkward but theyre gonna see each other again the next day so its fine
when theyre together again a few days later will cant focus on the project at ALL bc nicos hair is tied back and he keeps tapping the end of his pencil against his lips and wills just like “hey nico i think i like you. like a lot” and nico stares at him for a minute and will panics and goes “sorry forget i said anything please dont tell anyone i dont wanna lose all my friends” and nicos like “wait no i like you too” and they don’t get anymore work done that day bc they make out on nicos bed instead
so about a week later wills hanging out with piper who asks how working with nico is going and will like eases into it to gauge pipers reaction and soon enough hes like “and we’ve been– well not really dating but we’ve been kissing each other instead of doing homework for the last week” and hes terrified about what pipers about to say but shes like “holy cow thats GREAT im so glad somebody else is against the whole dynamic!! this is perfect you have to go public!! you could fix the whole school!!” and wills like whoa wait hold on a second
the next day between classes will and nico sneak a kiss under the stairs where they dont think anyone can see but drew is walking by right then and sees it and waits around the corner for nico to leave and then traps will and tells him that she saw everything and that he’ll have to beg for forgiveness for breaking the dynamic and wills a little terrified but hes like “beg for forgiveness?? who r u the pope??” and leaves for class
He texts nico that drew caught them so nico replies “so i guess ur fun is over right and youre gonna break up with me” and wills like “no!! absolutely not i really really like you and i’d rather lose my status than break up with you!!” so nico asks if he wants to go public bc hes ok with it if thats what will wants and will says he wants to think about it
English is their last class of the day so when will walks in he sits down right next to nico and mitchell looks back at him from the front of the room and hes like “will what are you doing” and will leans over and kisses nico square on the lips and nicos a little surprised but he goes “oh so we’re going public then” and kisses will back
word gets out super quick and by the end of the day theres a bunch more couples that broke the dynamic that are publicly dating and its all thanks to will and nico
thanks for the ((many many)) suggestions!! i’ll get around to the rest of them when i get a chance and i’ll be sure to tag you in them so you see them!!
buy me a coffee
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