#Things to do in Czech Republic
dvarkocean · 2 months
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• Najlepszy czas na wizytę w tym kraju jest pomiędzy kwietniem, a październikiem. Jednakże Czechy w zimowym wydaniu, także mają swój niesamowity klimat.
• Na terenie Czech nie obowiązuje zakaz handlu w niedziele, dlatego w większości, sklepy będą wtedy otwarte.
• Zwiedzać, polecam popołudniami, ponieważ wtedy temperatura jest najprzyjemniejsza, jest dużo mniej ludzi, a także wiele atrakcji oraz parkingów jest darmowych po godzinie 17:00.
• Komunikacja miejska (szczególnie w Pradze) jest bardzo rozwinięta, co daje możliwość poruszania się nią praktycznie wszędzie.
• Język angielski jest tam powszechnie znany, jednak fajnie, jeśli nauczysz się kilku podstawowych wyrażeń w języku czeskim.
• Noś ze sobą gotówkę (najlepiej korony czeskie), ponieważ być może, będziesz chciał kupić sobie pamiątkę lub zjeść coś na mieście, a niestety często, płatność kartą w takich miejscach jest niemożliwa.
• Jeśli chcesz zaoszczędzić pieniądze, to płać w koronach (najlepiej wymień je jeszcze w Polsce, ponieważ w większości kantorów w Czechach pobierane jest nawet do 30% prowizji za wymianę waluty). Dodatkowo, jeśli płacisz euro, to Czesi przeliczają je bardzo nieopłacalnym kursem (przeważnie dużo gorszym niż w Polsce), przez co możesz stracić mnóstwo pieniędzy. Dlatego warto płacić wcześniej wymienionymi koronami czeskimi.
• Mimo tego, że atrakcje, które tutaj Ci przedstawię, są stosunkowo blisko siebie, to wierz mi, trochę się nachodzisz. Dlatego zadbaj o wygodne obuwie.
• Przejść się Mostem Karola podczas zachodu słońca i nocą
Most Karola zlokalizowany jest w samym sercu Pragi. Łączy on Stare Miasto z dzielnicą Mala Strana.
Przechadzając się nim można napawać się wspaniałym widokiem na Wełtawę, a także podziwiać artystów i ich sztukę. Obowiązkowym elementem spaceru Mostem Karola, jest dotknięcie figury św. Jana Nepomucena, co według legendy, przynosi szczęście.
Warto przejść się tym mostem podczas zachodu, nocą, a nawet za dnia, ponieważ czuć wtedy zupełnie inny klimat.
• Wybrać się na rejs po Wełtawie
Jeśli nie kupiłeś wcześniej biletów w internecie, to wystarczy, że udasz się pod bramę, prowadzącą na Most Karola, a po chwili zobaczysz, stojących nieopodal, marynarzy, którzy zapraszają na rejsy.
Ja płynęłam 45-minutowym historycznym rejsem. Tradycyjną łodzią, z poczęstunkiem i z audioprzewodnikiem w dziewiętnastu językach (również w języku polskim).
Podczas płynięcia łódką, można zobaczyć Pragę od innej strony, a także poznać jej historię. Zdecydowanie warto.
• Podziwiać Praski zegar astronomiczny o pełnej godzinie
Praski zegar astronomiczny znajduje się na południowej ścianie Ratusza Staromiejskiego. Tak samo jak Most Karola, jest symbolem Pragi.
Co godzinę, o pełnej godzinie, można zobaczyć jak wybija zegar i maszerują mechaniczne figury.
Warto zobaczyć to zjawisko, ponieważ druga taka okazja może nadarzyć się dopiero w Korei Południowej. Jest to jedyny kraj, w którym znajduje się dokładna replika tego zegara.
• Zajrzeć do niekończącej się wieży z książek
Przy wejściu do Praskiej Biblioteki Miejskiej znajduje się imponująca, około 5 metrowa wieża z książek. Do jej budowy wykorzystano 8 tysięcy książek.
Zaglądając do środka konstrukcji, można odnieść wrażenie (przez lustra zamontowane na górze i na dole), jakby wieża nie miała końca. Po przyjrzeniu się jej, można zajrzeć do pięknej biblioteki, tuż za wieżą.
Warto zobaczyć to dzieło sztuki, zwłaszcza, że nie ma żadnej opłaty za wstęp.
• Zwiedzić Klementinum
W centrum Pragi znajduje się dawne kolegium jezuickie, w stylu barokowym.
Zwiedzanie tego miejsca odbywa się z przewodnikiem i trwa około 50 minut. W tym czasie można poznać historię tego budynku, zajrzeć do jednej z najpiękniejszych bibliotek w Europie, a także wejść na punkt widokowy (po schodach o nachyleniu 87 stopni), mieszczący się w wieży astronomicznej, na wysokości 68 metrów.
Z początku byłam sceptycznie nastawiona do tej atrakcji, ale okazała się naprawdę świetna. Polecam kupić bilety na jedną z ostatnich tur, ponieważ uważam, że to właśnie wtedy, widoki z wieży są najbardziej magiczne (które swoją drogą, totalnie mnie urzekły i uważam, że jest to punkt z najpiękniejszym widokiem w całych Czechach).
• Zobaczyć Tańczący Dom
Na prawym brzegu Wełtawy znajduje się pewien budynek, nazywany Tańczącym Domem. Dzięki temu, że jest to rzucający się w oczy budynek i dodatkowo stoi w dość reprezentatywnym miejscu, jest duże prawdopodobieństwo, że zauważysz go bez dłuższych poszukiwań.
Dzięki najnowszym technikom architektonicznym, można zaobserwować, zniekształcający perspektywę kształt budynku. Na samej górze domu, znajduje się bar oraz punkt widokowy z panoramicznym widokiem na Wełtawę i Zamek Praski.
Nawet jeśli ma być to tylko przejazd obok niego, to naprawdę warto.
• Zobaczyć obrót głowy Franza Kafki
Obrotowa głowa Franza Kafki znajduje się w często uczęszczanym miejscu, tuż przy centrum handlowym, na dzielnicy Nowe Miasto.
Dwa razy na godzinę, można zobaczyć obracającą się 45 tonową, lustrzaną rzeźbę. Tuż obok, w centrum handlowym, znajduje się miniatura głowy.
Polecam zobaczyć pokaz wieczorem. Osobiście uważam, że to właśnie wtedy głowa robi największe wrażenie.
• Udać się na Plac Wacława i przejść się deptakiem
Najważniejszy plac w Czechach, czyli Plac Wacława, znajduje się w centrum Pragi (niedaleko obrotowej głowy Franza Kafki).
Będąc w tym miejscu można zobaczyć historyczne miejsce kultu, zjeść coś pysznego (do wyboru jest naprawdę wiele restauracji i kawiarni) oraz podziwiać piękno kamienic, podczas spaceru deptakiem.
Warto udać się w to miejsce, również ze względu na to, że jest ono potocznie nazywane "Praską Piotrkowską" (ulica Piotrkowska znajduje się w Łodzi i posiada najdłuższy deptak w Polsce).
• Zwiedzić Hradczany
Hradczany, to obszar, zwany też królewską dzielnicą, leżący po lewej stronie Wełtawy. Leży tam największy kompleks zamkowy na świecie.
Wybierając się tam, polecam: zobaczyć monumentalną Katedrę Św. Wita, przejść się Złotą Uliczką, spojrzeć na Stary Pałac Królewski, a także podziwiać panoramę Pragi z tarasu widokowego przy ulicy Ke Hradu, obok Pałacu Schwarzenbergów oraz Schodów Zamkowych.
Ja nie zwiedzałam tych zabytków w środku i nie żałuję, ponieważ samo przechadzanie się wokół, zrobiło na mnie przeogromne wrażenie. Jeśli udasz się w to miejsce po godzinie 17, to unikniesz tłumów turystów, a także bezpłatnie wejdziesz na Złotą Uliczkę.
• Wjechać kolejką na Wzgórze Petrin
Również po lewej stronie Wełtawy, leży, pełne atrakcji, Wzgórze Petrin.
Na szczyt polecam wjechać kolejką linową. Na górze, można przespacerować się licznymi trasami spacerowymi, odwiedzić zapierające dech w piersiach ogrody, a także wejść na Wieżę Petrin i podziwiać przepiękne widoki z najwyższego punktu widokowego w Pradze (wieża ma 66 metrów i leży na 130 metrowym wzgórzu). Wieża Petrin została zbudowana na wzór paryskiej wieży Eiffla. Aby znaleźć się na najwyższym punkcie widokowym, należy pokonać 299 schodów. Zejść polecam zdecydowanie na pieszo. Nie pożałujesz.
Nie ukrywam, że jest to jedna z moich ulubionych atrakcji w Pradze. Gorąco polecam to miejsce.
• Namalować graffiti na Ścianie Johna Lennona
W dzielnicy Mala Strana, znajduje się słynna ściana Johna Lennona.
Ściana jest zapełniona przepięknymi graffiti, którymi można nacieszyć oczy. Za pomocą farby w sprayu, można namalować własne dzieło. Po lewej stronie muralu, znajduje się wejście do ogrodu oraz sklep (jego wnętrze wygląda cudnie), w którym można znaleźć akcesoria związane z Johnem Lennonem i jego ścianą.
Nie spodziewałam się, że namalowanie graffiti, sprawi mi tyle frajdy. Gorąco zachęcam, do stworzenia własnego (jeśli nie zaopatrzyłeś się w farbę w sprayu, to w sklepiku, możesz kupić specjalną naklejkę i przykleić ją na mural.
Mam nadzieję, że była to wartościowa publikacja i Twoja wycieczka do Czech będzie niesamowita.
Zapraszam na moje media społecznościowe po więcej takich treści.
Xoxo, dvarkocean
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ukulelegodparent · 8 months
Heartbreaking: This German almost died bc they had to manually select Germany as their location on a German-language website, bc the default was Switzerland or Austria bc that's where the company is from
#jk but also I am always like. surprised by how surprised I am when this happens#like ok swing kitchen I get it you're fancy and from vienna however *I* wanted to order from your new store location#which you didn't let me do anyways bc you're a lying fucking bitch! >:c#I just wanna know how much their fucking burgers cost 🥲#I genuinely can't remember the last time I came across an instance of like. mindlessly browsing the web and reaching a moment#of like 'oh right Austria exists'#I mean it happens a lot with like seeing czech people talk about stuff related to the German language#which is so funny like earlier today I read an article by some radio in prague idk it was like an international intercultural thing#and it was an article in relation to a czech learning program they have for German speakers#and it was about like how to say where you're from etc. I was looking it up bc I needed the name of the castle that#'Rakousko' comes from. But like even having actively searched for the etymology of the czech word for Austria I had a short moment of like#'ah yeah Austria exists'. I think it might've even had it as the first option which would've been stunning!#Sometimes I feel like Austria is more relevant to the Czech Republic than it is to Germany#Jesus Christ we're terrible neighbours I understand why they hate us#Especially like watching Austrian broadcasts it's like. I get the feeling that Germany does get mentioned quite a bit more#than the other way around even on mundane topics#The dynamic is very much 'I hate you' - 'I don't think about you at all'
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bublinko · 2 years
Paloma Faith - The Architect drawing size: A4 #palomafaith #infinitethings #thearchitect #aperfectcontradiction #doyouwantthetruthorsomethingbeautiful hluboká castle
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gnometrotting · 3 months
Traveling to Karlovy Vary with a dog
If you’re traveling to Karlovy Vary with a dog, you’ll have no trouble enjoying most of what the city has to offer.
Karlovy Vary is one of the Czech Republic’s most renowned spa towns. Known for its thermal springs and hosting the Karlovy Vary Film Festival, it’s an excellent place to visit to decompress for a couple of days whether you happen to be in Prague or across the border in Germany. And what better way to decompress than to spend some time in nature with your dog? If you’re traveling to Karlovy Vary…
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wideworldtrips · 10 months
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
Lovefool [dark!Konig x fem!Reader]
Konig gets to secure a little trophy from the battlefield. Hope you're in for a ride.
!TW! Kidnapping, Yandere themes, Dub-con, dark!Konig
Tags: Yandere, Dark Romance, colonel!Konig, dark!Konig, Size kink, Age gap(Konig in his thirties and Reader is in her twenties), Stockholm syndrome speedrun, Konig is a huge pervert, submissive Reader
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You never knew who he was before he attacked.
Your teammates did – whisperers about KorTac getting on their tails, stories about their crazy psycho commander who could barely pass a word to his subordinates while smacking heads off trained men in full armor. Spooky tails for the recruits who refuse to train in their free time – something about “If you aren’t getting in shape by the end of the month, König is going to get you”.
You never knew who he was – you barely knew the organization you worked in.
Cyber security, lowly private military. They are hiring based on CV alone and didn’t ask for a fancy college and a few degrees in hacking that you could never get. They wanted experience, and you had at least a bit of it – you passed through basic training, never serving in the military before, but fine with promises of never actually going out in the field since you would be giving them intel and cyber support from the sidelines.
Well, they never told you that “the sidelines” would be 100 meters away from the actual battlefield.
You don’t even remember what the mission was about – something important, you guess, because they asked you to be here, on sight, computer in hand, and your comrades, with whom you barely talked outside of work, alongside you. Something about weapon smuggling, though you never actually understood if you were stopping it or doing it. Working in the middle of the European Union pays a lot, and it sort of counts as free travel – you’re somewhere in Germany, maybe on the border with Poland or Austria or Czech Republic. Nothing but fields of grass and occasional mountains. They gave you a riffle, a sidearm, and instructions to try not to get too wounded since they wouldn’t be dragging your body out of the field. S[read sheet with intel opened on your computer – you’re not their secretary, but at least they don’t want you to hack the Pentagon.
You heard screams from your tent: “KorTac”, “Compromised”
What was the weirdest thing – he was alone. A single man shouldn’t be able to take on a team of trained mercs, even as lowly as your company was. You all had weapons, armor, and means of at least taking him down as a group – and you were like a bunch of babies with toy guns on the playground when a pitbull came in.
Your leader fell first – you saw his head explode with a perfect shot right between his eyes. no one screamed sniper, but you still ducked under the field table, hoping that it would save you a few minutes of peace before you’d manage to delete all of the important files from your laptop. This was the protocol – if you are in the middle of dying, you need to first make sure that the enemy won’t get a hold of precious company correspondence and deeply personal photos of your cat.
You leaned forward to see what was happening on the field – you heard screams, you heard gunshots, you heard…
Deep, loud, the laugh that sounded both malicious and cheerful at the same time. It sounded like the man had a field day of breaking necks and stabbing his teammates. You've never seen so much blood on someone. You wish you never had.
Your teammates are falling like porcelain dolls when the elephant hits the kitchen, and you are trying your best to be a good little hacker and not let your company down before your inevitable demise. Turning on your laptop, waiting for whatever ancient version of Windows you had since the budget was mostly going into flashy guns and cool night vision headsets, you are getting ready to format all the disks when….
“The Windows update is in the process. Please, wait approximately 9 hours to complete”
Oh, hell no. You are not going to wait another 9 hours, you could barely survive for the next 9 minutes! Of course, naturally, obviously, you can just turn off the computer and get it off work because the files will get fried up and it won’t turn on again, ever. Which would still complete your goals, so…
— Come on, please…f-fuck, please, just let me…
“As a method of complete data loss prevention, Windows has disabled the ability to manually turn off your computer. Please, wait approximately 9 hours to complete”
— Found you, Maus.
Something – a hand, big, covered in the type of protection you never saw on your fellow soldiers – yanked your ankle, dragging you from under the table you were hiding under. The air stinks of blood and you involuntarily whimper, hands are going to grab the laptop. You need to smash it, destroy it, maybe just drop it hard enough on the floor, push it against the wall, and try your best to kick it enough to damage the disk and prevent KorTac from accessing the files.
The guy steps on your hand, taking the laptop away. You swear to god you hear a crack – you prayed that he would accidentally smash the laptop, but it was your hand under his boot.
— Hurts? Good.
You whimper as he carefully puts the laptop away, checking if it’s still working. He then returns to you – laying on the floor, fingers still shaking in pain, and attempts to grasp for the computer that was snatched away. There is nothing you can do – you have a gun, yes, and he has at least three guns and deadly man-bear hands, so even if you were fast enough to draw a gun before he would, he can just kick you like a puppy.
König – it’s him, it must be him, your teammates were screaming his callsign and talking about a devil who wears a sniper hood and has the height of a not very small tree – kicks you in the ribs, turning you from the side to your back, facing him. If you were stronger, you would do something cool – bite his ankles, for example. Or spit in his face as the last remaining tip of your dignity, before he would kill you or torture you or feast on your flesh.
— Verdammte Feiglinge, can’t even face your death like a man. Look at me, ja?
Crying isn’t a shameful thing to do. So, you cry. Soft little whimpers, sniffles, you are probably looking wet and disgusting, but you hurt, scared, and fucking tired and you want out of here, and you never actually wanted to be a soldier, and they all lied to you while promising to keep you out of the field, and this uniform is horrible, and you feel your tears soaking the half of bandana you were using as a face mask and…
He snatches the mask from your face. Look you in the eyes for long enough to make your whimpers even more audible. You can swear to god that his pupils were dilated. That his hands were shaking. You could see his eyes getting scrunched in that particular way that their owner is smiling – sincerely, openly, from the bottom of his heart.
— Please…p-please, be fast, I don’t know anything, I will…I won’t, I…
Rough, calloused hand goes to cup your face. The material of his glove is tough and soaked in blood as he smears it on your cheek, your fingers are going to wipe away the tears – you don’t understand what’s happening and you are even more scared, and your mouth is twitching in a terrified grimace. He pushes the tip of his finger into your mouth, making you suck on the blood and dirt of the fabric. You think you are going to throw up.
— Quiet.
You don’t understand why he didn’t kill you yet. He is touching your face, slowly, his one hand is enough to cover your entire head and you’re sure that if he’d want to just squish your brain like a rotten cabbage, he could just fine. He pushes his finger even deeper in your mouth and you lick it involuntarily because this is an intrusion and you have the brain of a two-year-old who sees the world through their ability to devour things, and his pupils dilate even more. He looks at your frown, your tears, and your lips wrapped around his finger.
He yanks you on your feet embarrassingly easy.
— You’re a hacker?
You blink a few times. Now, the protocol is that no, you can’t state who you are, If he knows that you are a hacker, he can take you away for interrogation, maybe torture you for passwords and the intel on your company, and being tortured isn’t something on your monthly calendar. Now, the protocol also states that you have to be able to die for your company, and…
He grabs your neck, lifting you – surprisingly gently, softly even, a hand supports your waist so you won’t be able to either kick him or get choked to death because of his grip.
— Answer me, Maus. I might have a reason to let you live.
You do want to live. Maybe not long, definitely not until you’re 100 years old with dozens of grandchildren, but being able to live past the next few hours and then days and then weeks does sound incredible.
— Y…yes. I’m a cyber security specialist.
He squeezes your neck more. Pushes you up, making you cough in your grip. You never experienced anything like this before – never had a guy strong enough to handle you like this. It would look cool from the side, probably – like something from a videogame. It would look hot in the porn, probably, if it was consensual and happening between two passionate lovers.
But you are his enemy, and he is yours – cold blue eyes peering right into yours. He is looking at you like a piece of meat, and not even in the lustful, hungry way. He looks like a butcher in front of a very good beef cut, thinking about where should he sink his knife to get the best steaks. A hunter standing over the wounded deer, thinking if he wants your head above his fireplace or taxidermy your whole body as a wicked trophy.
— Didn’t know they’d allowed someone so fucking small in the field.
You can swear to god that you saw him smile, under this hood. You can’t see his face, obviously, only the blood-soaked fabric and his eyes, but something still tells you that he is smiling. Enjoying your attempts to escape, maybe – you tried to kick him a few times, producing a deep, amused chuckle from his lips. He holds you so easily like you are nothing but a sweet little kitten. You might not be as big as him, but he still shouldn’t be able to lift a grown woman in full gear with just one hand. Right?
— I’m not…not s-small.
You don’t have much fight left in you. You are on the verge of just asking him to kill you, to be honest, your neck hurts and the pain spreading from your fingers pulsates and transforms. You hope they are not broken – even though you understand that your chances to live past these few minutes are very slim. Even your usual snark is lost, forbidden in the hands of a giant who likes to play with his food.
You do feel like a mouse – in a way that you would die under his boot very soon.
He – König, monster, colonel, fucking deadly mercenary – chuckles again. You can get used to this sound. Melodic almost, in a way that most alarms are melodic while telling you about inevitable catastrophe.
— Kleine verfickte Maus. Ich wette, dass du auch ganz eng bist.
He is laughing, again. Laughing and chuckling and you can’t take it anymore because he is so obviously stronger than you, it’s not fair. You want to put your foot on the ground and tap it like a spoiled brat, like a baby on the playground whining for their mom to take them home because other kids don’t want to play by their rules. The difference in skill is so obvious, that you aren’t even able to put on some sort of fight.
— Wh…I don’t speak German.
Your other hand – the one that didn’t get squished under his boot – goes to scratch his arm. Maybe put up enough struggle that he would accidentally let you fall right from his grasp. He doesn’t react and you feel hopeless. Weak, useless, you remember all the times you decided to miss training so you could just chill in the lounge with other rookies or do something on your computer.
— You will, Maus.
Then, there is only darkness.
You woke up…somewhere.
Come to think of it, it wasn’t the first time you woke up. You remember opening your eyes, feeling the vibrations under your cheek, hearing the noises of a car or other vehicle moving fast. Too fast for your already spinning head and stomach – you don’t remember if you were coughing or vomiting, but the movement wasn’t stopping to ever let you breathe. You were being transported somewhere, without a chance of knowing where you were heading. At least now, when you get to the final, as you think at least, destination, you’re clean.
As much as someone tied up to a chair somewhere that reminds you of a basement can be.
You’re stripped of your weapons obviously – not like you had a chance to use them anyway. Your hands are tied behind your back, your legs are bound to a chair, and your tragic lack of clothes is…more evident than you wanted it to be. At least you still have your underwear on – it still didn’t make the situation better. He saw you naked, completely, and he might do god knows what with you now.
Although you have some feelings about what he can do with a weak enemy hacker, half-naked and tied up in a secure place.
You would panic, but it requires energy. A resource that you don’t have right now.
— You woke up. Gut. Started to think I went too much again.
His accent is weird, you think. The thought only occurs to you now, when you can hear him more clearly while not being that afraid of getting out of this alive. His voice is weirdly calm for someone of his size – you want to think of gentle giants but this man is far from gentle and is almost too big to even be called a giant. A colossus, you want to say.
— Again?
Your voice is raspy, both from your sleep and from lack of water. When was the last time you drank anything? Probably more than a few hours – your throat is dry as sandpaper, and your head is dizzy from both your trauma – he either strangled you to unconsciousness or beat you hard enough – and the dehydration. You don’t want to spend another minute in this basement – you think this is a basement, at least, the high humidity on the walls and some garbage tossed to the corner is fairly evident. It’s large, too – you never saw anything like this. It might be a KorTac prison, but the remains of a bike and a few shelves of canned foods tossed to the other side of the room tell otherwise.
— We’re allowed to take trophies home. Sometimes I get…impatient.
You’re in his house? Does a monster like him even need a house?
“A trophy”
Funny how you don’t even feel that dehumanized. He didn’t kill you, you don’t feel the evidence of violation on your body – you are clean, neat even, your stomach and private parts aren’t hurting, and, as much as you hate to say this while tied up to a chair, you are as comfortable as a person in your position can be.
— What are you going to do with me?
You shake like a leaf. He finally steps closer to you, coming from the ladder – you can hear the lock and a heavy door being closed, setting your hopes of escape. Not like you could, in your position – the bruises already forming on your legs and hands, a numbed pain in your head and fingers. You feel shitty and comfortable at the same time, trying to tune off the discomfort and just concentrate on talking to him.
He didn’t kill you – this is good, you can work with this.
He left you alive – this is bad, he is going to torture you, he is going to do a million terrible things with you and you are not a part of a regular army, You didn’t get the torture resistance training. Maybe, if it was some of your friends, other girls in the group who got through military school and never missed gym to sit on their computers, they would have survived. You never felt so weak before – not even on the battlefield.
God, you’re scared.
— Your computer. My employer needs the info you had on it.
It’s not personal, at least. He is here for the information, not to take advantage of your weak, fragile body. It made you almost feel at peace, almost made you forget about your lack of clothing and the damp basement you’re being put in.
— What sort of info do you need?
You slowly start to wiggle your hands in your binds – he used plastic locks, those stupid unremovable things that are slowly cutting the soft flesh of your wrists. You can’t untie them, but you can try at least tear them on the metal of your chair. You can try to, just to say that you did, and not feel bad about not resisting him at all.
— Your last mission. You were trying to smuggle weapons into the EU border.
— We were trying to stop the smuggling of weapons.
At least, you think you were – your head hurts, your memories are dizzy, and they never actually told you what kind of job you had. Come to think of it, actually, you never asked whether you were the good guys or the bad guys – it was always about money, paychecks, getting your job done and not dying from lack of nutrition because most tech-jokey jobs are already filled with uninspired chatbots and graduates from fancy colleges with a dick between their legs. Not reserved for tired women like you – so you turn to, ironically, paramilitary organizations. How the tables have turned.
— That’s not what our intel says, Maus. Do you want to lie to me?
You don’t. You just don’t know if you are telling the truth or lying because you are too fucking tired to even think straight.
He comes closer, and you whimper involuntarily. His breath hitches.
— Scheisse…they knew who to hire.
He grabs you by the neck again, and you can finally see him fully – towering over you, cold blue eyes staring right into you. You sob, not able to handle your emotions because, oh god, he is going to rape you, torture you, and then put a giant burning stick right in your ass because everyone knows that this is the best way to hack a computer – you just need to find the person who put the password in the first place.
— Can’t you just hack the computer yourself?
He chuckles – you’re getting tired of that sound. You hate that you found his voice attractive, you hate the fact he is keeping you down here. You want to destroy that part of your body that likes the attention – how his eyes are only kept on you. Never had a guy kidnapping you before, and you fight the feeling of disappointment that strikes you when you remember that he is here because he needs the intel. Not because he wants you.
— It wasn’t a…conventional operation. Can’t waste manpower on breaking the walls you installed.
His hand goes to cup your face again – you frown, breathing stops because he is so close and he takes off his gloves, allowing his rough, calloused fingers to linger on your cheeks. He squeezes your face in an almost adorable manner and steps back again. You lick your dry lips again, trying hard to keep at least one part of your body moisturized, and his breath hitches again.
He goes behind you, ruffles through shelves – you can hear something falling, his awkward grunt as he had to pick it up. He is more clumsy than you though – more nervous also, hands are jittering and fingers twitching every time you look at him. Adorable, really, how this huge mess of a man can look so innocent and almost nervous in front of you.
König returns after a minute or two, holding…a water bottle. Closed, lid still on, little plastic wrapping in place. You have half a mind about just drinking it, even though he doesn’t offer it to you. Not like you could open it yourself, with how your hands are still tied up behind your back.
— You don’t speak German.
It’s not a question – it’s a statement. you watch him opening the bottle with ease, large hands are working on something so fragile and delicate. You can’t remember the last time you had sex, not with how fast your head is spinning and memories still foggy, but you think it was a long time ago – because you feel your cheeks heated from the simple actions of his large fingers ripping through soft plastic.
God, you don’t really remember what was happening before you got here, not in detail, but you know that you needed to get laid like, a year ago.
— No.
— You will.
— Wh…what do you mean?
Is he going to make you install Duolingo? Is this what it all was about? Some elaborate prank, a marketing campaign, a tough lesson for silly girls who think that knowing just your native language is enough to live your life and…
— When you want something, Maus, you have to say “bitte”.
If you were a strong and cool soldier, you would use this moment to jump from your chair, using the weight of your body to fall on him and make him lose balance, and then spit in his face as your last remaining blast of human dignity.
But you aren’t a cool and strong soldier, and you really need to drink.
— B…bitte. What does this mean?
— Please.
He is almost whispering, the water bottle tanging in his hands in front of you. You take your time, considering the possibilities – you can play like a good little prisoner and allow him to take your pride and just toss it aside. You can play like an obedient hostage and ask him nicely, hoping that it would be enough.
You don’t know what to do – appearing too shy and soft can give him…ideas. And you don’t want this crazed giant who is keeping you bound in his basement to get ideas. You can…you probably can spend more time without water. Or food. Or shower and change of position.
You take your time answering, and his demeanor seems almost…anxious. His eyes are darting between the water bottle and your face, between his hands and your body – like he can barely keep a calm facade and not force you into doing something nasty. Like he is almost afraid that you are not going to cooperate and he would really have to hurt you in a meaningful way.
— Can I have water, bitte?
— Gutes Kätzchen. Drink, you’ll need it.
In the end, you broke down first. Not because you are this weak, but because being a brat won’t save you in a situation like this. You don’t want to die over something as trivial as your pride.
König seems…at ease. He takes off the bottle cap and brings water to your lips, allowing you to drink as much as you want. You lick the remaining drops from your lips and he puts a half-empty bottle aside.
— I won’t tell you the password.
You mumble under your breath, barely audible. He chuckles.
— I count on it, liebe.
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alexia's post-match analysis:
"there are things to improve, but regardless of the result, there are always things to improve. when we beat belgium 7-0, i think we found things to improve. today when we lost there are also things to improve. and in the end, i think we are not just a results-oriented team but are always looking for improvement, and obviously today we have to analyse, self-criticise and continue. and, in the end, because of the way the fifa dates are going, we started much earlier. it is a preparation for the olympic games. that's the way it is. we've been working hard these two weeks to be in good shape for the olympics."
"we have to have personality and we work for it every day. personality for us is to control the rhythm of the game, to take the game to where we want it to go. it's true that it's much more difficult when we're a man down, but the team is capable of doing that. we had some clear chances, i would say, but as i said, the result is obvious that this is football and we all want to win. but for the moment we are in, obviously the important thing is the olympic games. and when we train and when we compete, we do it with that in mind. also, of course, congratulations and credit to the czech republic for winning, of course."
source: @teledeporte on twitter
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adyathemoongoddess · 5 months
I pity the people that don't live in Czech Republic or at least Slovakia (sorry, I had to), they're missing out on so many things.
Does your "America's got talent" or "Britain's got talent" have an award for the most bizzare number the judges have seen??
Because in "Česko-Slovensko má talent" (our rendition of the show) we do.
It's an award of Golden Pátrovič. Named after the man, the legend Josef Pátrovič, who was so determined, to come back every year to win over the judges hearts, yet fail every time.
Rest in peace Josef Pátrovič, you made a name for yourself and you will forever be known as the legend you are.
You are now the patron of all the bizzare moments we had honor witnessing in our television, and by god, were there far too many.
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izzabela · 1 month
Hello!! Soo the most interesting part of my day today is that I got my pants caught on something which ripped my pants so it gave me an idea of what would each of the Lin Kuei brothers would do if their girlfriend/wife approached the embarrassment that their pants were ripped? 😂😂
Apple Bottom Jeans - Lin Kuei x fem!reader (headcanons)
in which you rip your pants in front of each of the boys
ship[s]: bi han, tomas & kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): ripped pants, post-story kanon
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Bi Han
- i genuinely believe he would be the one laughing out loud. why? have you seen him?
- if it takes a lot for him to give praises, i believe it takes a lot more for him to laugh- this seals the deal
- "Bi Han! Help!" you'd cry out, and he'd come running to find your knees touching each other as they face inwards. His eyes would find your hands covering the huge rip on your bum, and your pretty, cotton, everyday panties peeking through
- he'd then trail to the bits of thread that come off your pants, then to the nail that holds the rest of the fabric that came off your butt
- i think he'd have a comic book moment. the moment where the character looks at the other character, back to the problem, then back to the character
- Bi Han would have the deepest, yet whole-hearted laugh of all his brothers. you want to be mad at him, really, you do. how can you with the sound of his timbre voice reverberating in your body with joy? you'd roll your eyes for sure, chuckling with him too
- i think it would make you sad, though. not the situation you were in, but the fact Bi Han doesn't laugh often. not when his only family has left him, and you're the only thing he has left from that bygone time
- after the laugh, though, he'd definitely scold you. something along the lines of "i told you that you wore those bottoms out", or "you missed an opportunity to replace them"
- if you, reader, don't care about the pants, he'd listen to you and toss them out in a heartbeat. if you did like those pants, he'd do his best to get a servant to fix them
- worst case scenario is that he'd have to find the exact brand of pants you wore
- still, he'd go great lengths to cover you up so you'd have some dignity left. he'd take off that outer layer of his uniform and drape it over you, and it'd do the job well because he's two heads taller than you
- if you try to remind him that he laughed, he'd literally deny it til his death
- still, even as he denies it all, you know he's thinking about it when he looks away from you and his left eyebrow (yes, you studied his facial expressions) is quirked up roughly ten degrees
- he'd be the most flustered out of the three
- raised in cultures that regard women to a high standard (slavic traditions of the Czech Republic and the Lin Kuei), he'd put you first for sure. not without feeling embarrassed, if not more, for you
- "Tomas!" you screech from your shared room of Harumi's compound. "Tomas, you get here this instant!"
- he'd show up from a fissure of smoke, face scrunched up in worry as he assesses the situation. you're panicked, and he needs to remain calm or else you'll panic more
- he'd actually find the piece of fabric that ripped off. it'd probably be hooked on a splintered piece of wood from the side-wall of the tatami door. taking it, he'd foolishly look around your bum and leg area to find the rip
- "Hey!" you'd giggle-screech. "Don't be a perv!"
- i think Tomas would be very sad and borderline offended you'd think of him like that. he'd give you a look, that's for sure, and he'd continue to quietly assess your circumstance
- only when he finds the little frills of your lacy undies will he turn the deepest shade of pink possible on the human body. he'd flail around like a fish out of water, stuttering and finding something to cover you
- he'd drape you in a blanket, the one on your bed. then he'd pick you up and toss you right back into the pillowy mattress. he'd rush out and find one of Harumi's handmaidens (or Harumi herself) and discreetly tell her about the situation
- your replacement clothes for the meanwhile would be a kimono, similar to Harumi's. as you'd get changed, Tomas doesn't look at you one bit
- "I am ashamed to have looked..." Tomas pouts from behind the dressing screen. "I apologize, feather..."
- even as he tries to get you new pants, he can't help but think about the situation he was in. he would associate those specific pants to that situation- always
- and unlike Bi Han, you'd hold this shit over his head until the day he dies
- you'd egg him like "remember when my pants ripped and you were hiding from me?" or "remember when you threw me into bed because of my pants?"
- yeah, he would be the one more embarrassed than you. he wouldn't be living it down, either, until the day he died
Kuai Liang
- Kuai might be the most normal in terms of reaction, unfortunately. not without a good chuckle, though
- "Kuai Liang! A little help here, please!" you'd call for him from the living room of Harumi's compound. he'd rush to you almost instantly, definitely wondering why you remain sitting there when there was nothing or no one to be hosted
- "You are just... sitting..." Kuai Liang obviously notes. So much for a seasoned warrior, then again you were really just sitting
- it isn't until he walks behind you a bit, realizing that there is a reason why you're not getting up
- he'd see your hands failing to cover a hole that was right over the middle of your pants
- then, he'd see the bit of fabric that's being held by a splinter in the wooden floor of the room. he'd catch a glimpse of your panties, the color not all too difficult to miss
- "Do you think we can salvage this?" you'd ask him. Kuai Liang would give it to you straight
- "I do not believe I can, dove..." Kuai Liang says softly, kissing your forehead as an additional apology
- this is probably the most awkward situation in your life. since the pants were stuck to the ground, and you didn't want to rip it anymore, Kuai Liang basically carries you out of your pants
- with the help of a handmaid that held your pants legs down, Kuai Liang carries you by your armpits as he gently guides you to shimmy, shake, and maneuver out of your pants
- he'd praise you, a lot. things like "good job" and "thank you for listening to me" or "you did a great job listening", it'd make you very happy despite the loss of a good piece of clothing
- Kuai Liang would also order you new pants. you didn't even get to mention it before Kuai Liang had sent another handmaiden out to a nearby village to find similar, if not, the exact same pants as the ones you ripped
- and the gentleman he is, he would not speak of this day ever again. however, every time he sees you in those pants, he will chuckle to himself
- so in reality, he was speaking about it, just nonverbally
so easy that i finished this in thirty minutes
also update! i got a new job and actually love it there. everyone is so kind and helps me out
also, i love the headcanon ideas you guys are giving me, keep it up! you might see more of those get published first before i do actual fics
see y'all in the next fic!
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starsainzjr · 11 months
Old Money
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz x show jumper!reader Faceclaim: Jessica Springsteen
A/N: This one is incredibly INCREDIBLY self indulgent. Carlos is my favorite driver and I'm a show jumper and I'm projecting super hard
yourusername Madrid, Spain
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Liked by teamkpf, usajumping, carlossainz55 and 12,745 others
yourusername That jump off 😮‍💨 Never a dull moment in Madrid!
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usajumping Yet another thrilling win!
teamkpf The Padawan becomes the Master
yourusername Never! You'll be world number 1 long after I'm dead
carlossainz55 Thank you for your hospitality! I hope to get you to a race sometime soon
yourusername My pleasure! Consider it a professional courtesy 😉
chiliwilicarlos Carlos??? What are you doing here????
jumpingtoconclusions Our QUEEN! Her rule of the ring will last a long, long time @/teamkpf you did a good job with this one
carlossainz55 Madrid, Spain
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Liked by f1, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 427,745 others
carlossainz55 Bit of a different look this weekend. Thank you to @/yourusername and @/usajumping for hosting me!
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yourusername Thank you for coming! My favorite cheerleader all season ☺️
carlossainz55 Come out to a race and take a turn!
yourusername Give me a time and a place and I'll be there!
usajumping Show jumping meets F1!
f1 Now this is a team up we can get behind!
chiliwilicarlos Stop that horse reminds me so much of Carlos why are they actually twins
blackfireproofs HELP WHY ARE YOU RIGHT
blackfireproofs Carlos and his old money era is continuous
yourusername Barcelona, Spain
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Liked by usajumping, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 11,982 others
yourusername I think I did the cheerleading thing pretty well! Thank you @/carlossainz55 and @/scuderiaferrari for the invite!
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carlossainz55 Red looks good on you! Glad to return the favor
yourusername You should see me in the Team USA jacket 😉
chiliwilicarlos The flirting is killing me
scuderiaferrari Swapping out horseshoes for tyres!
usajumping Are we going to need to figure out a shared custody schedule for our athletes?
jumpingtoconclusions ...I'm gonna have to get into F1 aren't I....
chiliwilicarlos I can become a show jumping fan. I can be a show jumping fan for them
scuderiaferrari Spruce Meadows
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Liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, yourusername and 825,374 others
scuderiaferrari Different kind of paddock for C² this weekend! Thank you @/usajumping and @/yourusername for being the best hosts!
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usajumping Did we just become best friends???
scuderiaferrari Give us the name of your catering and you've got a deal
yourusername Glad I could put on a show for you! Thank you for coming! ☺️
charles_leclerc Never seen Carlos that invested in a sporting event before
carlossainz55 Try being more interesting on the track if you want me to pay attention to you
yourusername Them's fightin' words 🥊
chiliwilicarlos I'm calling it now, these two will be dating by the start of next season
blackfireproofs Wait why is this actually so adorable I love this matchup
justaninchident Charles third wheeled hard this weekend
yourusername Prague, Czech Republic
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Liked by usajumping, carlossainz55, brainmoggre and 14,468 others
yourusername Couldn't bring it home this time, but we'll go again harder next year. Thank you Prague for such an amazing opportunity!
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teamkpf Keep your head up, kid!
yourusername Thanks, dad ☺️
carlossainz55 Good company in second place in the meantime
yourusername Little too much crying on the kiss n' cry for my liking
chiliwilicarlos 👀
usajumping An all USA podium is nothing to bat an eye at!
jumpingtoconclusions Calling it now, Yn will be the Max Verstappen of show jumping next year
blackfireproofs You've been doing your research!
chiliwilicarlos I've never watched show jumping before this but I can see why Carlos loves it! Yn is a powerhouse and even my inexperienced eye can tell that
carlossainz55 Prague, Czech Republic
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 614,194 others
carlossainz55 Nice to get a quick break, but it's back to the grind 💪
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charles_leclerc Carlos, call me.
blackfireproofs Ooooooh someone's in troubleeeeee
landonorris CARLOS. CALL ME.
chiliwilicarlos I would kill to be a fly on this wall
chiliwilicarlos Okay, I'm revising my bet. By Christmas.
jumpingtoconclusions So this is the man that has my idol's heart
blackfireproofs The way that I am dying for these two to get together
scuderiaferrari @/usajumping Our driver is in the wrong paddock
chiliwilicarlos ADMIN WHAT DO YOU KNOW
yourusername Yas Marina
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Liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, usajumping and 31,037 others
yourusername Second place is the best place
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carlossainz55 Next year is our year, chula
yourusername Gonna kick some ass, lindo
charles_leclerc You're partying with us tonight tho right????
yourusername You couldn't get rid of me if you tried 😉
blackfireproofs Okay but the old money vibes with these two...
chiliwilicarlos The way she unabashedly posts him 😭 Girl is head over heels
blackfireproofs If I were this close to Carlos I would post him all the time too tbh
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yourusername Mallorca, Spain
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Liked by carlossainz55, teamkpf, charles_leclerc and 32,089 others
yourusername Rest and Recharge
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charles_leclerc Why wasn't I invited
carlossainz55 We were lost without our professional third wheel
yourusername I'll come spend a week in Monaco to make it up
teamkpf Kid, you don't tell me anything anymore
yourusername Sorry, dad
jumpingtoconclusions Oh she's gonna be unstoppable
justaninchident Charles is gonna become their kid mark my words
chiliwilicarlos I will protect them with my life
blackfireproofs Relationship confirmation 👀👀👀
chiliwilicarlos Even if they're not dating their friendship is enough to make me believe in love again
carlossainz55 Wellington, Florida
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Liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc and 582,946 others
carlossainz55 Today we discovered that I'm allergic to hay
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yourusername I really am so sorry
carlossainz55 I will brave it for you, chula
charles_leclerc I wanna meet the ponies 😭
yourusername I'll give Carlos' next ticket to you
carlossainz55 HEY
chiliwilicarlos I can see Carlos being a horsey boyfriend
blackfireproofs He would carry her ring bag with reverence
jumpingtoconclusions Our king and queen
usajumping Paris, France
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Liked by yourusername, teamkpf, carlossainz55 and 3,183 others
usajumping Presenting Team USA for the 2024 Summer Olympics! These riders are heading to Paris! Kent Farrington, Laura Kraut, and Yn Yln will be the main team while Natalie Dean and Bliss Heers act as substitutes.
Let's cheer Team USA on to gold!
View all 491 comments
yourusername Let's go! See you in Paris!
teamkpf Get the countdown started!
carlossainz55 @/maxverstappen1 Can I borrow your jet?
maxverstappen1 You kidding??? I'm coming with!
chiliwilicarlos Yn won over Max too 😭
jumpingtoconclusions This is going to be the most star studded kiss n' cry ever
jumpingtoconclusions The sheer power in this team announcement 😮‍💨
yourusername Paris, France
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Liked by carlossainz55, teamkpf, usajumping and 50,745 others
yourusername What a dream! Silver in the individual and gold in the team event! Could not be more grateful ☺️
View all 3,038 comments
teamkpf No one else I would rather share the podium with! You'll be kicking me off the top step soon
yourusername Still a long way to go to catch you! Best mentor ever
usajumping Now that's how it's done!
scuderiaferrari A member of the Tifosi is a gold medalist! Congratulazioni from everyone here at Scuderia Ferrari!
yourusername Grazie mille!
carlossainz55 So so proud! Cannot be happier to call you mi amor this weekend!
yourusername My biggest fan! Could not have done this without you mi vida!
chiliwilicarlos She called him her life 😭 I'll be sleeping on the train tracks tonight
carlossainz55 Paris, France
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 718,364 others
carlossainz55 Mi campeona
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yourusername Mi amor ❤️ I love you
carlossainz55 Never been more proud ❤️
landonorris Damn, someone stole my bitch
yourusername I can share
carlossainz55 No, Lando needs to learn to share
charles_leclerc Professional third wheel reporting for duty
yourusername Thank you for your service 🫡
blackfireproofs Oh he's in LOVE love
jumpingtoconclusions But can we discuss the picture of her in front of the Eiffel Tower? Proud boyfriend moment
yourusername Zandvoort
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Liked by carlossainz55, teamkpf, scuderiaferrari and 40,467 others
yourusername Proud doesn't even begin to cover it! The trophy shelf is getting crowded
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carlossainz55 Mine can go in the closet, your gold medal takes priority
yourusername ABSOLUTELY NOT
carlossainz55 Mi amor ❤️
yourusername Mi vida ❤️
scuderiaferrari Our biggest flex is having a power couple like this in our garage
usajumping Ferrari garage 🤝 Team USA barn
chiliwilicarlos They love each other so much it's so damn cute
blackfireproofs The power couple we didn't know we needed
All photos from Pinterest, Instagram, or Google Images
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half-a-life · 9 months
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Loving yourself is not an easy thing to do. Some days will be better than others while some days will be much worse. try to be kind to yourself. It takes time.
Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿
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sillygoosealert · 6 months
how about Smoke x Reader on their honeymoon?
Only one thing happens on honey moons.. sex
Only one thing happens on honey moons..٩(๑´3‘๑)۶
Tomas NSFW, AFAB reader, you were a dress for one sentence.
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Muffled giggles and laughs can be heard as Tomas rolls around on your bed, with you trapped in his arms
You're in the Czech Republic- a sex hotel, in the Czech Republic
You both thought it be fun to try out something new
And what better time than now?
He doesn't get to see you nearly as often as he would like, he's a busy man
So when he can finally feel you up, he’s ecstatic
When he lays you on the bed he bites and sucks and kisses every part of your face he can
You giggle for him to stop- that it tickles but he only continues with a smile
His hands seem to make their way up your dress and takes it off
Then he just stares at your semi-nude body
‘What, is something wrong?’
‘No no, you’re just- really pretty’
You quirk your eyebrow
‘No just- I can't believe that you're letting me see you like this, I feel special’
‘You are special, to me’
He smiles at you while laying his head on your chest
You interlock hands and he starts to kiss your chest, sucking on your Breast slightly while mainly focusing on your nipples
He's grinding into you, rubbing himself on your inner thigh
He hurriedly takes off his pants while you finish taking off your panties
Then he cups your face while staring at you
‘Can I try something new?’
You're a bit hesitant and he knows, but he gives you a little slap on your thigh before placing his head in between them
He gives you a long lick up your cunt, feeling you grip his hair with your freehand
Going to your clit, he sucks on it and pops off with a loud noise
‘Was that good, did you like it?’
‘Yes Tomas, it felt good..’
He always makes sure you like what’s he doing- you enjoying how he makes you feel is one of the hottest things to him
He thinks you are wet enough for him, and he thinks he's ready to progress further
After spitting on your cunt, he lines himself up
Then he slowly slides in
‘You can move whenever you think you're ready’
He starts to hump into you, burying his head in your shoulder
You run your clit and hum into his hair, your other hand running along his back
He cups your face with one of his hands and kisses you roughly
Grunting into your mouth, he picks up the pace and whispers filthy things into your ear
You're both close and with a bite on your shoulder you both finish
‘I’m sorry about the bite baby, are you okay?’
‘It’s okay, I'm alright. Are you fine?’
He nods and very slowly peels off of you
Pulling you on top of him and wrapping his arms around you, the thought of another round or a bath is long forgotten
You are just enjoying each other, at peace with each other
You fall asleep, and what you do when you up doesn't matter as of now
Nothing matters, everything is still and you both are comfortable
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Weak pull-out game fr 🎀
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ukulelegodparent · 2 years
It's insane the amount of skill I have at sniffing out people who speak some amount of Czech. Like for a while I while I thought it was just the circumstances of my course of study or something but like I'll randomly hang out with some compsci person and after 30min of conversation they'll go 'oh yeah I spent the past 2 years living in Prague' like shit's insane how tf do I do that? I even got actively trained by my Czech friend to have heavy stereotypes against Pražáci and I got trained by myself to have heavy stereotypes against expats and still this happens to me on a monthly basis
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multilingualpotato · 25 days
Are Czech People… Cold?
One of the things that foreigners seem to struggle with in the Czech Republic, is that Czech people can appear to be quite cold and distant. You might even think that they look at you like they have something against you.
Do not worry, this is simply the “Czech public spaces resting bitch face” (as I like to call it). When you walk on a street or take public transportation do not expect Czech people to smile. Most won't and are not fond of small talk with absolute strangers either. However, this is nothing personal against you. Czech people are actually very warm and welcoming, once you get to interact with them on a deeper level. It’s just that we do not waste our smiles on strangers, but reserve them for people we hold dear.
So the next time a Czech person looks like they have a personal vendetta against you when you say hi to them in an elevator, just remember, they are probably thinking about how many rohlíky they should buy in Lidl.
Sincerely, a Czech person
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GIF: Czech fairy tale movie Pyšná princezna (Proud princess) from 1952 aka the perfect example of facial expressions of Czech people in public
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More Czech regional weirdness
After the sudden popularity of my Brno weirdness masterpost and on popular demand I decided to make another masterpost, this time featuring the third largest city of the republic, Ostrava, and associated regions.
Everyone who lives in or around Ostrava or who has ever visited is very much welcome and encouraged to add on to this post, let's make this the ultimate Cursed Place Account
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(a pologies, I had to, the message is just literally perfect for this place)
Originally, Ostrava was a pretty regular small village on the northeasternmost edge of the region of Moravia, and it was only sometime in the mid-1800s when some pretty big black coal deposits were discovered. After that, Ostrava rapidly grew like an all-consuming beast, absorbing all the surrounding villages into one huge patchwork of semi-villages, miner collonies and massive fuck-off mining areas and factories.
Let's say the word 'clusterfuck' would be a fitting description of Ostrava.
Because of the heavy industry, the entire region became the most polluted area in the entire country and one of the most polluted places in Europe.
We would actually get smog warnings urging us to close our windows and go outside as little as possible because the pollution was too severe that day and it was just a normal part of my life growing up
The weird thing is - we actually have a surprisingly low percentage of lung cancer diagnoses compared to the rest of the country! There is an ongoing rumor that the habitants of Ostrava evolved a special gene that starts showing up after the third generation living here. This gene allegedly helps people's bodies to handle the everpresent pollution.
Mining was and kinda still is the defining aspect of this place
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The blue marks are all the mines in the Ostrava-Karviná area
Here we actually have one of the first proofs of humans using black coal! Remains of mammoth hunter settlements from the Paleolithic were found, with remains of black coal in campfires
It's difficult to get large new buildings built because the soil is unstable. This is also why we can never have metro. Occasional mine collapses cause minor earthquakes sometimes. There is also a risk during floods that the mines could collapse and sink half the city. This has already happened in the nearby Karviná and Orlová
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The leaning church of Karviná, which started sinking because of the collapsing mines underneath.
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Halda Ema, beloved by locals, also sometimes called the Vesuvius of Ostrava, is not actually a hill! It's a gigantic pile of mined-out soil with coal residue that is still burning inside after decades.
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That smoke you see is toxic methane fumes. The hill is a popular spot for the locals to go on walks and picnics, even in winter as the heat from the fire inside the hill is enough to melt the snow on the hill. The only requirement is that you don't light a cigarette too close to the smoke
We also used to have oil lagoons where factories were pumping tons of garbage. When they finally (partly) got rid of the lagoons, they found hundreds of bird skeletons sunk on the bottom.
After 1989 industry started rapidly declining here, which led to many, many, MANY abandoned industrial and industry-related buildings
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Behold - an abandoned chemical plant. My father says that there's still pools of toxic sludge that you'll sink into like in a swamp and there won't be any leftovers to find after you
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Vítkovice train station, possibly the biggest train station in the city, now all but abandoned after the nearby steelworks closed. You Do Not Want To Be There. Trust me.
Another train station has what I call the Seizure Walk
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(photo by @hidden-but)
When you walk there at a particular speed the black and white stripes can cause you some pretty darn severe nausea
The walk also ends in The Limbo
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(from @kohoutek-lucni)
There's also a tiny church on a street lamp
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The fun thing is that you can always find the area on a map at least in terms of maps depicting pollution, carcinogens, or election results
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Please do add more stuff!
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incognitobobcat · 5 months
Headcanon Tomáš
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Photo Source: @jojogreg8441 on Twitter
Name: Tomáš Vrbada
Birthday: July 11, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Prague, Czech Republic
Languages: Czech, English, Chinese (dialect unknown), learning Japanese
Fighting Style: Ninjitsu and Pencak Silat
Weapon: Karambit
Religion: formerly Catholic
Favorite Colors: Silver and light shades of blue
Favorite Foods: Svíčková, Řízek, Rajská omáčka, Madam Bo’s cooking, homecooked meals, Gyoza, and food from the Osaka night markets (ie. Kuromon), enjoys food in general
Favorite Beverages: Water, Pilsner, milkshakes, and some juices
Favorite Pastimes: movies and tv shows, music, walks in nature, traveling, enjoying various foods from restaurants and night markets
Favorite Actor: Johnny Cage
Favorite Movie Genres: Action, adventure, suspense, psychological thrillers, comedy, and whatever else from other genres that appeal to him.
Favorite Music: Contemporary music, alternative metal, classical and soothing instrumental music.
Favorite Dating/Hangout Spots: Osaka night markets, cozy and casual and cozy restaurants, and romantic and peaceful natural spots.
Personality: He is stern, intimidating, and quiet on the outside. He is able to command the respect from his subordinates. He is assertive in a firm and confident way. As a trained assassin under two established clans, he is true to his oaths and never backs down from kombat. He is loyal, courageous and deadly in his profession. As a person, he is kind, gentle, soft-spoken, eager to help and caretake others. He is intelligent and kind. He enjoys favorite past times with people he likes to hang out with and a woman he’s interested. He can be funny and is a good actor.
Ideal Woman: Tomáš likes a soft and gentle personality who can really connect with him on an emotional level. He values kindness, compassion, and empathy. He needs a partner who can give him the emotional safety and space to be vulnerable. Being a giver himself, he loves it when a woman graciously and enthusiastically accepts his gifts and chivalrous gestures. He also wants a woman who can handle his constant need for reassurance and appreciation, so constant attention and physical touch are very important to him.
Turnoffs In A Woman He Dates: Abrasive, angry, negative, careless with how she words things (straightforwardness is a gray area as it varies from individual to individual), blunt to harsh, overall oné who isn’t “feminine” in behavior. Fiercely independent women are frustrating for him to deal with. He may not be aware of this: even though he has fought alongside strong women who are fierce warriors, he has traditional views of how his woman should be and prefers her to be meek and dependent on him, as it feeds his masculine ego and need to look after someone who is weaker.
Deepest fears: To expand on the last point mentioned above, Tomas’ need to look after someone weaker stems from his past traumas of losing loved ones. He has a fear of abandonment. Subconsciously, this is his way of being in control of what he views as his and those who he sees are in need of his help. This brings him alot of gratification and allows him to feel like he is in control, sometimes in an intrusive way.
Furthermore, When Tomas feels he is not being seen and recognized for his acts of kindness, this will further fuel his fear. When someone can do for themselves what he desires to do for them, he interprets this as a message that he is no longer needed, and therefore discarded.
Turn Off For A Potential Partner: Once Tomas has decided that you are the woman that he wants because you check all of his boxes and meet his needs, he will physically and emotionally latch onto his partner. He would want to be with her as much as he can. Tomas is a very physically affectionate person and will want to cuddle, hold hands and make out as much as possible. He loves frequently having sex as a way to pour himself into his partner and bond with her, and it helps him de-stress, so he will make sure that he gets this as much as possible. This may drain the woman, especially when she is tired or not in the mood.
If the woman isn’t on the same level as Tomas is regarding falling in love at his pace or is more reserved regarding his physical and emotional needs, is not ready to open up about the details of her life, or cannot be emotionally present for reasons ranging from business to tiredness to being with girlfriends, he can get frustrated, insecure, and extremely jealous, to which he will verbally express this making him come across as whiny. If she is careful with her body and not want to have sex during certain times of the month out of fear of unwanted pregnancy, Tomas may eventually accuse her of making excuses to not want to be intimate. In his mind, there must be something wrong with him or she may be falling out of love that she’s distancing herself from him. Repeated reassurances may fall on deaf ears as he may shut down and walk away, or argue her points in such a way to make her feel guilty. The woman may feel obligated to give in to soothe his fears and build resentment over time or she may have to end the relationship.
Tomas expects his partner to be able to pick up on what he is feeling and can’t shut down when his partner doesn’t. Because he fears abandonment, he can be emotionally selfish where he will emotionally manipulate his partner with guilt trips on how much he has done for her, her not appreciating him, and playing the victim to get reassurance and physical affection from her. This may make the woman feel like her efforts are not good enough, which affects her self-esteem, she may feel abused and and be emotionally drained to the point of apathy. Her pulling away from him will further trigger his fears and Tomas may cry and beg, promising to change. If she chooses to stay, things may get comfortable for the old habits to come back. If she walks away, Tomas may double down on his efforts, making it even harder for her to leave.
These behaviours only manifest behind closed doors when you are his person. Outside of that, things are normal to untrained eyes.
Healthy Tomas: If he is healthy and secure in himself and his partner, Tomas is the most giving to her beyond the physical. He will make her feel like she is his priority and she will feel emotionally safe and contained by him. He is empathetic and is attuned to her moods and needs. He also knows when he needs his space and can communicate clearly with his partner, and vice versa. He is also able to walk away from a toxic relationship or once he feels that a relationship has run its course while holding on to the good memories. Tomas is respectful of his partner’s refusal to be intimate for her reasons and will make sure that her needs are taken care of when she is tired or stressed while putting his feelings aside. He is a great friend and lover, and wants to build a family with his future wife when she is the one. He will make an excellent father and husband and would die to protect his family.
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