#This does have consequences due to the events that transpire.
grey-eyed-menace · 1 year
"...I don't want to go."
It's said with such earnest fear, and quiet resignation, the first years small frame trembling under his gaze, it's as if Brodeur expects to be struck for voicing this thought, or punished in some other way.
"Please don't make me go, I know it's... I know it's not proper," she confessed, eyes trained on the dark stone beneath their feet, hands ringing the hem of her dorm uniforms skirt, "I know it's an insult to Noble Bell, to Rollo, to their student council, to Night Raven, and everything Diasmonja stands for, to you, but please don't make me go, please."
She expects to be denied.
Malleus feels it with every word she speaks, with every breath she wheezes, eyes clenched shut, and fingers fraying her skirt.
He can all but taste her fear, of this boy, Flamm, she says, saw the way she shrunk under his gaze, the way she flinched when he touched her, the memories that danced behind her eyes for hours afterward...
The invitation sent for her, she knows, was addressed to an Azalea Flamm, as stated by the representative of Noble Bell.
There is no Azalea Flamm present within the halls of Diasmonia, only this girl, fearful and small, but brave nonetheless.
Thorne Brodeur, what an odd name to chose for one's self, to be able to connect with it so deeply you can cast away the one given at birth...
[He thinks he has an inkling as to why Lilia seems so taken with the girl, now.]
"...what would you like to be done with the dress? And the invitation itself, I suppose."
The suprise that paints itself across her face is only second to the positively dazzling smile that appears only moments later.
"The extra invitation means you can also bring along Mx. Adelram, right?" Her smile dims just a touch, and she very nearly twirls in excitement, "And... I'll make them a dress or suit as needed for the Masque myself, if need be, I swear!"
And then she curtsies, shallow and far from proper, but the origin in it's genuine respect is not lost on him.
"Of course."
Thorne is off in the next moment, a positively delirious giggle on her lips as she disappears around a corner.
Malleus hums, thoughts straying to the dress she made no mention of disposing of.
[Vaguely, he was aware what the accesories and cut of the dress, and the clasp, symbolized.
To label your own cousin a whore, all for the fact that she did not attend the college of her families choice, what sort of man was Rollo Flamm?]
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thatartiststudios999 · 2 months
Another fic update for y'all
The group settled around the table, the glow of the magical lamps casting an ambient light over the deck. After a hearty dinner and a moment of shared silence, they collectively decided it was time to address the unsettling events that had transpired.
Callum took a deep breath and began, “So, Rayla and I were in Xadia when something spooked our shadowpaw. We ended up tumbling off a cleft.”
Carter raised an eyebrow, noting the similarity, “That’s weirdly similar to how our gryphon, Freak, got startled, causing Sadie and me to fall out of the reed boat.” The eerie parallel didn’t escape anyone’s notice, and they exchanged thoughtful glances.
Rayla spoke up, “Are these events orchestrated, or is it just a strange coincidence?”
The conversation then shifted to The Collector’s cryptic words and the ominous threats made towards Leo. Piper voiced her concern, “He mentioned ‘His Champions.’ What does that even mean?”
Jason added, “And what about ‘The Game’? Why is it so specific about who enters?”
Callum leaned forward, his expression grave, “And Leo, what did he mean by ‘collateral damage’? We need to understand what we’re dealing with here.”
Just as Leo was about to speak, the holographic device, left unattended on the table, whirred to life. The Collector’s image materialized, shorter this time due to the device being on the table instead of the deck.
Sadie’s temper flared as she addressed the holographic image of The Collector, “Is this just some sick game to you?”
The Collector chuckled, “Oh, was it too much for you? I thought it was wonderful!”
Sadie’s eyes narrowed, “Wonderful?”
The Collector continued, seemingly unfazed, “Yes, I’ve always been one for dramatic flair. But, anyway, you’re ready for your next clue, are you not? ‘A Colossus of past entertainment’ in Rome. I wish you good luck!”
The hologram flickered off, leaving the group in an uneasy silence. The hologram flickered, and The Collector disappeared. The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of the encounter sinking in. Leo was the first to break the silence.
“That dude gives me the creeps,” Leo muttered, his eyes fixated on the dormant hologram device.
Piper frowned, “A Colossus of past entertainment in Rome? What’s that supposed to mean?”
Rayla shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve never heard of Rome, let alone been there.”
Carter leaned back, his expression contemplative, “Maybe The Colosseum?”
Piper nodded slowly, “That sounds like it’d fit the bill.”
Callum sighed, “I just hope it doesn’t involve more illusions. That was... unsettling.”
Sadie nodded, still fuming a bit from their encounter with The Collector, “Agreed. Let’s be prepared for anything, though. This ‘Game’ of his seems to have a twisted sense of entertainment.”
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” Rayla started, “but didn’t he say that we would all have to face a past trial in each of our places? I think that means that this won’t be the last time you use that spell during this.”
Callum winced, realizing she was right, “Yeah, forgot about that.”
Jason, who had been quiet for most of the discussion, finally spoke up, “And what about Leo? The Collector made it clear that he’s not part of the chosen Champions. What does that mean for him?”
Leo scratched his head, “I’m just here to fly the ship, man. I didn’t sign up for any Champion business.”
Callum looked at Leo sympathetically, “He mentioned something about The Game not liking it when others enter. We should be careful.”
Piper glanced at the hologram device, “And what if we decide not to play this Game of his?”
The device flickered, and The Collector’s voice echoed, “You can try, but remember, there are consequences for defying the rules. I wouldn’t recommend it.”
Sadie muttered under her breath, “Consequences my foot.”
With a collective sigh, they realized they were in too deep. The hologram device remained silent, its eerie glow a constant reminder of the challenges they faced.
The heroes dispersed, heading to their rooms to rest before their next destination. Callum and Rayla strolled side by side, the ship’s gentle rocking beneath them.
“Hey, you’ll be okay with traveling over water, right?” Callum asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
Rayla smiled softly, “Callum, it’s not like I haven’t been on a boat before. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Callum nodded, “I know, but I just want to make sure. If you need anything, just tell me, alright?”
Rayla rolled her eyes playfully, “I’m not helpless, you know. But, sure, I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
Callum grinned, “Good enough for me. But, you know I’ll worry anyway.”
Rayla chuckled, “Stubborn mage. Fine, worry all you want.” She leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Good night, Callum.”
“Good night, Rayla,” Callum replied, a warm smile on his face as they headed to their respective rooms. The Argo II continued its journey, sailing across the night-shrouded sea toward Rome, and the looming challenge that awaited them in The Colosseum.
The next morning unfolded in a rather uneventful manner, with the team casually mingling on deck and deepening their camaraderie. This continued until Jason, positioned at the top of the steps leading to the stern, noticed a peculiar sight in the distance.
“Hey, guys?” Jason gestured towards a growing speck on the horizon, “I think we’re being followed.”
Piper joined him, squinting to get a better view of the approaching vessel. “That doesn’t look like any ship we’ve seen around here. What do you think?”
Jason shook his head, “Definitely not a Greek or Roman warship. And it doesn’t fit the profile of a modern ship either.”
“Nor does it resemble any Egyptian vessels,” added Carter, who had joined them at the back railing, squinting as the ship approached, “It’s not like anything we’re accustomed to.”
The mysterious ship cut through the waves, its tattered sails appearing to function despite extensive damage. An eerie fog enveloped its deck, obscuring any sight of the crew.
“It’s not sitting well with me,” admitted Rayla, her unease palpable, “Something feels off.”
Leo, ever mischievous, eyed approaching rock formations with a grin, “Let’s try some evasive maneuvers. Maybe we can lose our uninvited guests.”
Leo expertly guided the Argo II through intricate maneuvers, attempting to shake off the pursuing ship. However, the ghostly vessel remained relentless, undeterred by Leo’s skillful navigation.
As the ship continued its pursuit, the agile movements of the Argo II jostled its passengers. Sadie, recovering from a slide into the railing, winced at the pain in her side. Rayla, struggling with seasickness, sought support from Callum.
“Is all this moving really necessary?” Rayla asked, her voice queasy.
Despite Leo’s evasive actions, the ghostly ship persisted, a haunting specter on the horizon, steadily closing the gap between them.
After a moment of thought, a spell came to Callum’s mind.
“Hey, Leo, you think you could steady the ship? I have an idea.”
Leo halted their maneuvers, responding to Callum’s request. As he released Rayla, Callum stood, clutching his staff with determination. He drew a swirling blue rune in the air and uttered, “Lapis Caeli,” inhaling a massive gust of air from the pursuing ship like a vacuum.
With a swift closure of his mouth, he ended the spell, sending a shockwave of air echoing from his staff. The sails of the ghost ship rippled once before freezing in stillness, bringing it to an abrupt stop.
Exhaling sharply as a thick wisp of air exited from his mouth, Callum collapsed, his staff slipping from his grasp. Rayla moved swiftly, catching him as he slumped back. Kneeling beside him, she braced his back, his arm around her shoulder as Callum took quick and worryingly shallow breaths. Rayla placed her free hand on Callum’s chest, feeling the rapid thud of his heart. The others exchanged worried glances, not that Rayla noticed, Callum being her sole center of attention and concern.
Piper, breaking the silence, voiced the question on everyone’s mind, “Is… he going to be okay?”
Rayla, with a confidence that seemed more for herself than the others, responded, “Yeah, he’ll be fine.”
Leo, scratching his head, looked at the now still ship, gradually fading from view. “I… I don’t understand. What did he do?” Puzzled, he turned his gaze back to Rayla and Callum. As Callum’s breathing slowed to a more manageable rate, Rayla explained with evident concern, “He took their wind away.”
The others glanced at each other in astonishment as they realized the true extent of what Callum had done. As the tension lifted, Callum’s breathing gradually slowed, and with Rayla’s support, he managed to stand. His eyes opened, the first question on his lips directed at Rayla, “Did it work?”
Rayla, her hand drifting from his chest to his face, couldn’t help but scoff. The onlookers wisely chose to give them some space.
“That’s what you’re worried about?” she retorted.
Callum pressed on, “Well?”
“Yes, dumb mage, it worked, but that’s not my point,” Rayla replied, her voice soft but carrying an underlying concern. As Callum looked into her eyes, he sensed that the fear for him hadn’t fully dissipated.
“I’m sorry, I worried you,” he admitted, releasing his arm from around her to hold both of her hands.
Rayla’s response was equally soft, “It hurts me to see you like that.”
Callum gently rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles, “I know. I’m sorry. I won’t do anything like that for the rest of this. I promise you, Ray. I-” His words were interrupted by her lips on his.
When she pulled away, she said, “We always catch each other, don’t we?”
Callum smiled at her, “Yeah, we do.”
Rayla found herself on the dark and foreboding deck of Sea Legs, the cursed ship that bore witness to the trials and tribulations of their journey to find Aaravos’s prison. The air was thick with tension, reminiscent of the haunting memories that clung to every plank of the vessel. In her dream, she had successfully picked the lock on her cuffs, a fleeting sense of triumph giving her courage.
Armed with two stolen spears, Rayla prepared to confront Finnegrin. The malevolent elf captain stood before her, his presence emanating a sinister aura that sent shivers down her spine. As she lunged at him, determination etched on her face, he anticipated her every move with an eerie precision.
Finnegrin swiftly drew a mysterious rune in the air, uttering an incantation that echoed through the night, “Veinus Frigardis.”
A cold, blue wave crawled across Rayla’s skin, and her blood turned to an unnatural chill in her veins. The once triumphant spirit of rebellion now screamed in searing pain, dropping the stolen weapons as her body convulsed on the unforgiving deck.
But the nightmare took a sinister turn. Where she expected Callum’s reassuring presence, there was only an eerie silence. The anguish in his eyes, the warmth of his touch—absent. Rayla writhed in pain, her pleas for rescue echoing unheard in the hollow night.
As the spell tightened its grip, she awoke with a gasp, the phantom pain still lingering. The dream had left her breathless, a chilling reminder of the trials they had faced, and a harbinger of the darkness that continued to shadow their every step.
Callum jolted awake at the sound of Rayla’s distressed voice echoing through the ship. Worry etched across his face, he hurriedly made his way to her room, driven by the urgency of her call.
“Rayla! What’s wrong?” Callum burst into her room, finding her tangled in the remnants of her nightmare. Without hesitation, he rushed to her side, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.
“Did... did I say something?” she asked, slightly confused.
“You called out my name. I was worried,” Callum reassured her, his voice a soothing balm.
Rayla’s eyes widened with embarrassment, “Oh no, I didn’t wake anyone else, did I?”
Callum gently stroked her back, “Shh, don’t worry about it. I just told them you had nightmares, and they understood.”
“But-” Rayla attempted to voice her worry, yet Callum shushed her gently once more.
“Just breathe, Ray. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” It was only then that Rayla realized she had been crying. She buried her face in the crook of Callum’s neck, in the soft knit of his scarf, clutching the back of his jacket as if he might vanish from her grip at any moment.
“Shh, shh, I’m here, A mhuirnín.” he repeated, his voice a steady anchor in the sea of her emotions, “I’m always here.” In the cocoon of his comforting presence, the remnants of the nightmare began to fade, replaced by the reassurance that she was not alone in facing the shadows that haunted her dreams.
After a few moments of soothing, Callum gently pulled back enough to look at Rayla’s face. Concern filled his eyes as he asked, “What was your dream about?”
Rayla’s words faltered as she began to describe the haunting vision that had gripped her during sleep, reaching its peak with his unexpected absence.
As she spoke, Callum’s eyes widened, and a pained expression crossed his face. Without hesitation, he put his forehead against hers, a silent reassurance that he was there and would always be there for her. Rayla felt the warmth of his presence and the steady beat of his heart against her own, grounding her in the reality that the nightmare was just a fleeting shadow in the night.
“I’m here, Rayla,” Callum whispered, his voice a gentle murmur. “I won’t leave you, not in dreams or in reality. You’re not alone.” The intimacy of their connection lingered in the quiet room, a shared understanding that transcended words.
And that wraps up Chapter 5! Stay tuned for Chapter 6!
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shacchou · 6 months
Do you think Kaiba sees himself as a fatherly figure to Mokuba?
That's an interesting question, anon. Especially because there is no simple answer in the sense that there's a difference between what Seto believes he is to Mokuba, to what their relationship actually is like. That said, I am aware that in the Japanese dub, Seto does refer to himself as Mokuba's father. But the fact can't be ignored that the events of the anime differ from those of the manga, particularly considering that in the manga, when we are first introduced to Seto and Mokuba, we see that their relationship is very much fractured ( from Seto's part, at least ). We also do not have Noa's Arc to give us more insight into the brothers' life under Gozaburo's tutelage. Not to mention that Gozaburo in the anime is quite a different man from Gozaburo in the manga ( both are still monsters, of course ). And the same can be said about Seto. Seto is portrayed in a much darker light in the manga, while his general personality is 'softened' to some degree in the Japanese dub.
So do I think manga Seto sees himself as Mokuba's father ? Not really. Is he aware that he has something that resembles a fatherly role in Mokuba's life ? Most likely. I think this is probably something he was aware of from the very moment they became orphans, when he promised he would fight to give Mokuba and himself a good life. But that awareness waned in Seto's mind due to Gozaburo's abuse, to the point where his bond with Mokuba became almost a dead weight to him. This is very much described by Seto himself when he said that he had been feeling Mokuba's "pitiful, clingy" gaze on his back for years, which hints that Mokuba constantly leaning on him through all those years was something Seto eventually grew resentful of. I personally don't find this fact surprising at all given the circumstances that surrounded Seto at the time, not to mention that I wouldn't put it past Gozaburo to have used Mokuba as a bargaining chip, further adding to Seto's anger. The fact that Seto was willing to put Mokuba through the experience of death ( knowing well the terrible effects this would have on the kid's mind, considering that Seto himself had already experienced this and it had severe consequences on him that could almost be described as PTSD episodes ), and referred to "love between siblings" as a frivolous thing, very much cemented his position. At that time, he wasn't taking on a sibling role, much less a fatherly one.
Things changed after the mind crush though. And again, this is very openly portrayed, when we see Seto being guided to Mokuba again by a younger version of himself. In a way, we can say he 'reconnected' with that part of himself, and he once again takes on the role of Mokuba's protector.
That said, I do think Seto is prone to overlooking the role he has in Mokuba's life. And yes, I'm talking about what transpired in DSOD. One might say that Seto was merely so into dueling Atem here ( I'm over-simplifying Seto's motives, yes, but since this is a post about the bond between Seto and Mokuba and not Seto and Atem, I'm not going to address the latter in detail here ) that he did not care for anything else. But even though I do think Seto is an overall selfish person, I think saying that he 'abandoned Mokuba' simply because he was blinded by his own selfish pursuits is incorrect. By saying this, we would be erasing everything we saw of Seto in Duelist Kingdom and assuming that this entire arc and Seto's concomitant character development simply did not exist.
Unlike the anime, in the manga Seto did not leave out of his own accord after he lost to Yugi. He was in a coma, meaning he was physically incapable of preventing Mokuba from getting kidnapped after he swallowed the key to the safe. But Seto's entire actions throughout Duelist Kingdom were for Mokuba. Kaiba Corporation, the very company Seto worked so hard to seize control of, took a second place. When he realized he was about to lose the duel against Atem and therefore be unable to face Pegasus and rescue Mokuba, he threatened to jump to his death. There is even a theory going around amongst fans that says that Seto could have defeated Atem fair and square at Duelist Kingdom, because the manga shows that he did have a card in his hand that he could have used to win the duel, but because he was undergoing such emotional stress to the point of having hallucinations about being unable to save Mokuba, he overlooked it. I'm of course taking this with a grain of salt because at that time the cards and their effects were still something Takahashi was working on. But all the same, if that were actually the case, it wouldn't surprise me.
So, what changed between Duelist Kingdom and DSOD ? Pretty much everything. Kaiba Corporation went from having one of its worst crises to literally ruling over an entire city. And Mokuba has involved himself heavily with the company. In other words, Mokuba has matured and become self-sufficient. And therefore, I do not believe Seto sees himself as essential in Mokuba's life. Not anymore. He promised to give Mokuba a good life, and he delivered on that promise. Thus Mokuba can now handle himself without him. Let's not forget that Seto's emotional range is limited, and while he feels emotions such as anger, frustration, ambition and determination intensely, there are others he still struggles with and some others he cannot even fully understand. Seto's trauma was not resolved in the manga, and whether it did —at least partially— in DSOD is anyone's guess. So I don't think he fully grasps the concept of Mokuba needing him not because of what Seto can provide to him or do to protect him, but simply because he loves him.
So honestly ? It's not exactly shocking that Seto left Mokuba behind in DSOD. Mokuba wasn't in any danger, and Seto more than believes his brother can manage the company and look after himself in his absence. The whole emotionality aspect is something he does not deem essential. Which, in itself, may be a manifestation of his selfishness as he's unable to put himself in Mokuba's shoes in this situation, but rather assumes that his brother would be fine without him. Also, I do not believe Seto thought he was 'abandoning' Mokuba, by any means. And honestly ? I doubt Mokuba would even hold it against him, at least not to the point where it would cause a rift in their relationship after Seto's return ( as proved by Takahashi's post-DSOD illustration ). Mokuba is, after all, Seto's biggest supporter. The kid always defends his brother and tries to justify pretty much anything Seto does, even when there's no true justification for it. I'm certain he, better than anyone, understood how important this was to Seto, even if, of course, he would still worry sick over him and wait every day for his return ( if we're to assume Seto was gone for days and not the mere hours it took for him to duel Atem, which, to me, is actually the most obvious scenario. I don't see any reason for Seto to have prolonged his stay in the underworld once he got that symbolic duel that allowed him to "put the last nail in Atem's coffin", as he himself said. Of course, there's also the possibility that the passage of time is different in the underworld from the modern world, where an hour in the underworld is a day in the modern world, for example ).
Now, is Seto's assessment of Mokuba correct here ? Was it right of him to leave like that knowing there was a possibility he would not even return and could die ? Of course not, starting with the fact that Mokuba is still a child, legally and mentally. But we cannot ask someone to understand this, when said person was already taking on adult responsibilities at 10, and by 15 had already become the head of a major corporation.
So, do I think Seto sees himself as a fatherly figure to Mokuba ? Not quite. He sees himself as Mokuba's brother. But I do think he was aware that by protecting and looking after Mokuba he was also taking over responsibilities that correlated to that of a father. But, as Mokuba grew older and Kaiba Corporation became what it is today, Seto, too, grew prone to overlooking this.
That's how I believe Seto sees it. Now, in practice and from an objective perspective, do I think their relationship is more that of a father and son than that of siblings ? Absolutely. We could argue that in Japanese society it is normal for younger siblings to respect their older siblings just for the fact that they're older, not to mention that the older sibling is expected to become the head of the family should the parents ever be absent, and therefore this could explain why Mokuba looks up to Seto and sees him as an authority figure. But first of all, I do not see Seto as having taken the role of Mokuba's protector merely out of an obligation that society imposed on him ( such a thing seems entirely anti-Seto, to begin with ). Also, there are aspects of their relationship that can only be compared to that of parents with their children. Starting with something as basic as discipline. Don't get me wrong, I do not believe Seto to be particularly great at setting rules for Mokuba ( hardly unexpected, considering that the example Seto had of a disciplinary figure was Gozaburo, who is obviously an example he does not want to follow ), and I do believe he gives Mokuba a lot of freedom to do as he pleases. But when the time does come to draw a limit and apply disciplinary measures, who exerts them ? Seto. When Mokuba, for example, wants to spend the night at a friend's house, who does he ask permission from ? Seto. Who looked after Mokuba when he was sick, or when he woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare when he was younger ? Seto. Who provided for them both until Mokuba was old enough ? Seto. Seto is the parental figure here; has been so since Mokuba was extremely young. So, beyond how Seto sees it, I do believe that in practical terms, their relationship is a lot like that of a father and son.
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allycatexplainsthings · 9 months
Earth 9221 Spider-Man Interview
[Access Granted] [Log Number 1] [Date: July 22, 2023]
"Okay, let's begin this overstuffed story again; you hear me?"
"My name is Harris Huntsman, and I am a scientist at Alchemax in quarter 92-21 with the research to learn and understand more about the people who became creatures dubbed Mutants."
"Sadly, most of our investigation is not for the public eye, yet some of our fellow researchers have fallen into this web and become these beasts. I am one of them."
"However, that does not mean they are not associated with who they became. Still, they are aware and often become into a panic frenzy, and that's where our team comes in to comprehend that transformation and find a treatment."
"But moving back to me, because of an experiment that went wrong, I was bitten by a radioactive spider named J-25 or Jeffery and began to have law-breaking effects, becoming more similar to a wolf spider or even a Huntsman Spider."
"The next day, I woke with the worse headache, experienced sudden loud noises that were precise in location and person, had a lighting reaction to things I didn't know, dubbed Spider-Sense, my hands and feet sticking to objects with great force, sharper teeth-like fangs and retractable claws."
"But the more sinister consequence had gone and still is an ongoing concern: I frequently shift in different sizes and heights, including my weight being affected too. Subject J-25 experienced this problem similarly, and due to the bite, that side effect affected me in everyday life. Regular clothing doesn't often fit me anymore and does not go with my new height, and I don't keep on expanding; I'm more to like a scale and slider and can become the size of a spider myself or a giant."
"I created my suit so it could shift to any size I require it to be."
“Sadly, I can not control this result well, and the first time it occurred, I woke up to the size of an average child and freaked out and required major assistance. I was in my apartment and shortly called my department (Pun not intended) about the situation, not desiring to lie because people could soon discover it. It worsened as I kept shrinking more miniature to a plaything until one of my co-workers could come in and see the outcome that transpired and carry my body into further examination.”
“Docter Otto was that co-worker and knew me well adequately to support my new condition. He is an intelligent fellow who is a mutant, being a part octopus and requiring mechanical components to regulate.” 
“We also had Peter Parker, a spider mutant, and we are usually paired together to see any anonymous details on Subject J-25 and to an actual natural mutant.”
"We all quickly discover that it goes both ways as suddenly my body increased in height, which was painful when I was tiny of a doll to the size of the whole room in under two minutes. If I weren't uncomfortable with that shift, I would have laughed about their reactions. The human body should not be able to survive that change, but because of becoming a Mutant, the spider bite altered my DNA and bone structure significantly."
“I’m not your ordinary Spider-Man. I solely desire things to be ordinary again…”
“Anyways, where was I? Oh, right, the synopsis. I could not save my Uncle; I lost him to a wild Lizard Mutant. My dad died from a falling building later on as the captain of the police force, and Mom… Well, I have no one left. It took me years to discover that this was all arranged by something called ‘Canon Events.’ 
“Spiderman 2099 or Miguel O’hara did hire me into the Spider Society after dealing with anomalies from a different earth, but I despise the concept of ‘Canon Events.’ Miguel doesn’t appreciate me because I’m not Peter Parker, but it was Canon, and he had to get used to me with the unfortunate circumstance I sustained. Plus, Peter Parker was already lucky to be alive… I don’t know why my universe chose me to be the fill-in Spiderman.”
“But it’s a position I must accomplish to resume.”
“And that’s how I got here since; end of story and interview.” 
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yama951 · 2 years
Site 204, Sinnoh Region, 2022 AC
It took a moment to process what Giratina has stated.
“What do you mean by that?” Cynthia asked.
Giratina sighed.
It was a throw away comment but I couldn’t help but return to it. There is no reality where the Original Dragon did not land in Unova. There is no reality where the meteor crash that brought the Original Dragon was weaker or stronger. There is no reality where the Original Dragon did not split apart into three aspects.
Giratina then glanced at Emmet.
There is no reality, in my memory, where the Original Dragon arrived before I was given the Shattered Shell. I can only guess, but what if I was given rule over the Shattered Shell and All That Is Not simply due to the original ruler abdicating, leaving an empty throne in need of being filled? Despite the separation, the two sides still need each other to exist, supporting each other. The Distortion World is where all the paradox that would have broken this world is sent to. Of course there’s also the great number of redundancies that the fractalization of the Sacred Reality gave as a consequence, can’t have a Grandfather’s Paradox if there’s two timelines than one, let alone an infinity of pasts, and infinity of presents, and an infinity of futures. Such events could transpire that a change in the past resulted in no change in the present even if it were nonsensical at a first glance, for when one rolled a set of dice infinite times, the likelihood for the exact order of numbers happening again is no longer a miniscule chance.
“So, statistically, there should have been realities where the Original Dragon of Unova ended up in Kalos, for example.” Director Dante of the ICRS’ Legendary Division said with a nod of agreement from Giratina.
The Missing Number called the Original Dragon, the Dragon of Self-Evident Will. Said being is the only thing that the Original One did not make by their own hands. Evidently, the Dragon type exists because of its strength of will, forcing itself to exist, and if their words are to be taken as truth, then that act inspired other things that shouldn’t exist to fight their way into existence. Though the pattern screamers are more likely to destroy the local reality than to go through the birth pains of coming into being…
“I am Emmet. I am dealing with my brother’s disappearance, the revelation that I am the progenitor Zekrom’s human incarnation, now you’re telling me that the progenitor Zekrom might have been part of some God-King of the Non-Existent?” Emmet said as he stood up from his seat to walk back and forth a bit to think. He then stopped and faced Giratina.
“I do not care.” he stated. “You can keep the Distortion World. I do not remember it, neither does the progenitor Zekrom. You can rule over the things that should not be and do what thou wilt. All I care for is my brother, my friends, my family, my pokemon, my job, my colleagues, MY trains and MY life.”
Elesa grabbed his arm and silently grounded him from the ripples of Will he was roaring out.
“Take a deep breath there Em. You’re starting to go all possessive again.”
Emmet simply nodded as he panted, forcing himself back from fully roaring at Giratina, at another Dragon. He soon began repeating his mantra to help refocus himself, that he was the human and not the dragon.
“Uh, should we get Drayden and I guess Kyurem as well?” Elesa suggested. “They seem to know a lot more about the Original Dragon than any of us.”
That made Director Dante cough, shifting everyone’s attention to him.
“Yes, well, the ICRS decided to look into Drayden and we noticed some incongruities with him, enough that we had to get our ontokinetic and ontokinetic immune agents to look into him. What we found is… anomalous to say the least.” he said as he placed a file on the desk. “Legally speaking, Drayden has no family name and has been the mayor of Opelucid City since the mid 1800’s. No one seemed to notice due to the Opelucid Distortion shifting things around, even we thought he was someone greatly affected by the distortion until we connect a painting from the 1750’s to him.” he then pulled out two photos, one of Drayden and another of an old painting of what looks like a younger version of Drayden without a beard and with light brown hair in what looked like old nobility wear before the Unovan Revolution. “It was posted on Commit‘s relative or reincarnation subcommit. The painting is of Ignatius Rex, the last member of the Lacunosa’s Noble House of Rex, said to have disappeared when he went off to slay a dragon that was terrorizing his town for centuries.”
Elesa blinked at that as the name seemed to feel ephemeral, as if she could forget it like it was a dream.
“Ignatius Rex…” Magister Verdant Expanse of the Prismatic Order interjected, rubbing his beard. “That Name feels weak.”
“It is a name nearly Devoured in its entirety.” Willroarer Red Claw of the Heralds of Pride nodded in agreement. “It is mostly dissolved into the Dragon that devoured him, be it Name, Form, Will, Memory, or Legacy.” she then glanced at Emmet. Emmet himself looked a bit ill at the concept. “Such is the power of a Dragon, that it could roar at reality to make it so that what they devoured will, shall, and must be devoured.”
“But, I had tea with Drayden ages ago. He was begging me to keep Emmet under control.” Elesa countered, to the Herald’s shock.
“The Ahamkara begged.” she muttered, face paling. “It prostrated itself before you?”
“Yeah… bowed his head before me and everything. Then again, given what Emmet did to the free will of Nimbasa City’s residents to keep up with an ideal world…”
“I am Emmet. I am sorry about that. Zekrom isn’t sorry though.” Emmet said with a wince. “The difference between my human and dragon sides hurt at times.”
“Be careful with the strain, oh Lord Zekrom.” the herald began. “To go against your ideal is painful to yourself and to reality. The power of the Self-Evident Will still exist within you on some level and to go against it has consequences.”
“Ingo doesn’t lie, doesn’t like to lie, him being Reshiram Incarnate would explain that, but he is also human and thus should be able to lie.”
“I’m pretty sure he lied when you accidentally used salt instead of sugar in cooking dinner once and said it was good.” Elesa added.
“As long as he doesn’t lie while having the progenitor Reshiram’s power flowing through him, perhaps.” the herald relented. “Or he could force the Truth onto reality instead…”
The door to the meeting room then opened as an agent gulped at the sight of everyone, particularly Giratina, before he walked to Director Chronos.
“Sir, the porygon found something unusual. We could only do basic online checks but it seems that Dawn’s online accounts pinged that she was online a couple times after her disappearance. We tried to trace it back but it took using the space-time analyzer to give us a result.” he then gulped. “She’s in 1804 Sinnoh, sir.”
Cynthia stood up and walked to the agent.
“She’s in the Hisui Era!?” she shouted as she grabbed the agent’s shoulders, shaking him. “Why is she in the Hisui Era!?”
“I don’t know ma’am! I’m just a messenger!”
“Thank you, Doctor Dorian. You can go back to your work.” Director Chronos said as Cynthia let go of the man and he quickly walked away.
Cynthia pulled out her phone and tried to call Lucas, even Barry.
“Come on… come on… pick up…” she muttered before sighing and stopping. “Great, the first time I got a lead on Dawn and they’re not even picking up their phones.”
“Is something the matter?” Director Dante asked.
“Dawn’s a friend to the Sinnoh champions Barry and Lucas. She vanished under mysterious circumstances in Alola during their vacation. Last I heard, Barry and Dawn’s mothers told me that Barry and Lucas might be going to call upon Palkia and Dialga to get Dawn back…” she then faced Giratina. “Nothing bad is going to happen once they call them right?”
Palkia would be open to help, though Dialga would only do things when they deemed it the right time to do it.
“So they won’t end up being tossed off Mount Coronet in still living shattered pieces or with a body with aged and de-aged areas to die during the Hisui Era and end up being excavated by the ICRS just to be shown off to their younger selves as a warning not to mess with things beyond human ken, unlike the ICRS?” Cynthia asked with dripping sarcasm.
Hmm, that brings back memories… This Dawn individual, what does she look like?
Cynthia went back on her phone.
“Oh right, I forgot that you never actually met Dawn face to face due to how busy I am.” she said as she soon showed a picture of Dawn, Barry, and Lucas after an event at Alamos Town. Giratina blinked, mouth open in shock.
That can not be a coincidence.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Back in my past, when I was recently given the Distortion World and thus saw the once singular Sacred Reality split apart fractally, I fell into a rage at the injustice of it all. I used that rage to look for the weakest point in the multiverse, Hisui Era Sinnoh, and convinced my acolyte to break reality, to enrage my siblings and thus prove to the Original One that I should return to my former position and prune the fractal chaos back into a perfect singular symmetry that was the Sacred Reality.
Giratina then glanced back at the picture.
She stopped us. She appeared in 1804 under mysterious circumstances and became a member of the original Galaxy Team. I assumed that she fell through the space-time distortions that rippled through the past and future from the initial shattering over Mount Coronet, the same with Ingo who appeared years earlier and was adopted into the Pearl Clan.
Emmet began to see red at the statement, only for Elesa to hold him back.
“Let him finish explaining, Em.” she whispered.
Of course, given my partly paradoxical status, I assumed that was a different Ingo but now the timelines are clearly looping upon itself rather than being spliced through. The complexities of time are not my domain, however.
Floating crystal screens formed around Giratina by an act of pure Will.
I don’t like calling forth my observation mirrors on this side but I feel like the situation warrants it.
Everyone watched various lines forming on the screens.
Let’s see… present time period with given universal laws, these elemental types…
Cynthia blinked at the mention of a Wood type on the screen before she wondered how she understood the words.
Sinnoh Region-Hisui Era Reality Break… Reshiram-Ingo pulled back into the Hisui Era…
“Reality Break?” the magister muttered out.
Giratina soon sighed as the screens were basically full of various lines.
Too many probabilities to shift through. I could use the Distortion World’s broken space-time to speed up the search but the disconnect would make it harder to return here, in this space-time.
“So what does that mean? That Ingo is lost in the infinite?” Emmet nearly growled out. Giratina glanced at Emmet for a moment before looking away.
It’s a bit worse than that. Ingo fell through Ultra Space so he lost his memories. Dawn helped him recover. I was watching through the eyes of my acolyte Volo and he managed to remember you and your friend through her divinely blessed smartphone, but…
Giratina then glanced at Emmet, who was struggling not to hyperventilate from the whiplash of terror and elation at the news. Elesa glanced at Ingo’s arceus themed smartphone still on the table.
If this timeline flows exactly like my past, which I doubt given my partly paradoxical nature and the nature of reality breaks but if he also has the effect of self-evidence… the contradictions might explain why the Sinnoh Region-Hisui Era Reality Break was a lot stronger compared to Team Galactic’s reality break…
“Reality break?” Director Dante asked.
Giratina simply moved a screen, clearing the lines until it showed lines entering a circle and lines exiting it.
A reality break is an area of broken space-time in the multiverse, where anything could happen, and I truly mean anything.
An entering line from the right future side was highlighted.
For example, this one was a timeline of an Emmet Tamadensha, completely human at that, that went back in time to find his Ingo, only to find him too late. Madden with grief and rage, he went to dethrone the Original One under the belief that he could save his brother and the timeline ended after his success. It’s debated where that timeline went among the celebi. I heard one celebi theorizing that the Rite of Amaranth happened and that the change to the very central being to All That Is meant that it resulted into a new and different multiverse set.
Giratina glanced back at Emmet. In fact, everyone else glanced at Emmet. Only Elesa, Looker, and Chronos didn’t look pale from that.
“I am Emmet. That is a completely understandable choice by that Emmet to do.” he said, sparks jumping around him as he made a rage filled grin. “Fortunately, I have a fraction of the Original Dragon’s power. I will Proclaim my Ideal upon reality should anything happen to my brother.” Emmet’s eyes then narrowed at Giratina. “You and your acolyte Volo are on thin ice if your actions in the past have resulted in the situation my brother is in.”
“Emmet, please don’t fight a god in a pokemon battle.”
“I make no promises, Elesa, and who said anything about a pokemon battle?” Emmet said as he clenched and unclenched his draconic hand.
“Emmet, don’t go fist fight a god!”
“I am Emmet. I am technically sorta a god. Giratina might have caused Ingo’s disappearance.” he then gave a mischievous grin at Elesa. “Can I have one fist to Giratina’s face for good luck?”
Fortunately, Director Chronos cleared his throat.
“We are currently in a meeting. Though I suggest a break so we can contact Drayden and perhaps Kyurem as well. If you wish to punch Giratina in the face, you can do that outside.”
“Honestly, a break is something everyone needs. Meanwhile, I have a relative to contact.” Cynthia said as she headed out, passing by the herald who seemed to be star struck at either the notion of two primordial and primeval Dragons fighting it out or the coming of the progenitor Kyurem.
Once she’s far enough away, she pulled out her phone and tried calling Volus.
“Come on… come on… pick up…”
“Hey! It’s Volus! Sorry I can’t pick up right now but I’ll try to call back as soon as I can! Leave a message after the beep!”
“Volo Caligulus! You have a lot of explaining to do once I find and get you!” she shouted at her phone before stopping herself as she noticed Doctor Dorian carrying a giant oran berry with both arms walking nearby. “Oh, sorry about that. That’s a huge oran berry.”
“Thanks. My spacial resizing research is bearing fruit.” Doctor Dorian joked. “Hopefully the finicky details are solved this time. The first try resulted in the atoms collapsing in on themselves. Too bad growing and shrinking stuff doesn’t work entirely like the shows and cartoons do.”
“I see, galar particles?”
“Oh no. Galar particles was the second attempt. Too temporary and ultimately unfeasible to work with. Let’s just say this oran berry got through a special rind.” he chuckled to himself.
“I am so sorry about before.”
“It’s alright. Good luck with what you’re doing at least.” he said as he seemingly entered a broom closet.
“Uh, sir, that’s not-” the broom closet was empty of people when she opened up the door. She blinked a few times and shrugged. “More ICRS secrets I guess.” she said to herself as she saw Emmet and Elesa exiting the meeting room.
“Ah, Cynthia, please help me convince Emmet not to fight Giratina.”
“I am Emmet. I need some way to discharge somehow.”
“I mean, you could just have a pokemon battle with me.”
Emmet paused and glanced at her.
“That sounds fun. Sure. A pokemon battle against you, and a battle against Giratina.”
“Emmet, punching the only guide we have to Ingo is counterproductive.” Cynthia reasoned out.
“... Fine… I’ll punch Giratina after we get Ingo back.”
“Honestly, I might as well watch that.”
“Thank you.” Elesa groaned out. “Ugh, we should get something to eat and process everything properly.”
Cynthia and Emmet ultimately agreed and headed to the cafeteria to eat, after Cynthia recalled Giratina.
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archer-world · 2 years
Cykopath birth au thinkin again, more psychology/traumas focused and relationships
cyko prolly doesn’t hook up with anyone in this one- he is bi, but opening up to anyone will be real hard going until much later in life, if at all. I think he’ll be able to understand closeness as something human to want/need, but won’t understand how to get it beyond social interaction. at some point there might be someone he gets close to, but unsure how far I’m gonna let this be. he’d probably be more receptive to being a parental figure, but not a parent like my original redesigned version is. he’s had enough parenting young kids lol
that being said, since phantom is not even mentioned in Birth (from my memory), he’s probably off doing his own thing as depicted by GW canon lore, which is the classical DJ angle instead of what I lean more into (‘reaping’ souls and cleaning out corrupted/outdated data in game updates*). due to the differing natures of cyko’s and the other neon lunatics’ personalities to the rest of the cast through Birth, I can get away with thinking that the DJs will hardly interact with the NLs at all. sad for me, but eh gotta be different somehow
Magy will get close to cyko by proxy of having gone through a lot, but she will ultimately probably hook up with someone else (tela??). I would almost argue that she develops some disorder re: her scythes telepathically talking to her as a delusion, but it’s 1am and I can’t definitively say what that would be without further research. I like the idea of her always having that sort of ‘other voice’ that wasnt able to manifest until she obtained her scythes, and the voice was more clear as there became a tangible form. I imagine several other dissociative disorders came up from the high numbers of young children exposed to immediate, sudden trauma (though in Magy’s case, trauma does not always correlate to the development of dissociative disorders). anger issues, definitely, and also indecisiveness will be very common, since they were never allowed to make their own decisions in life and in general (pulling from my own case). i think having realistic consequences to the events transpired in Birth will make for an interesting interaction with Luni’s Corruption Event in GW in a way that’s different from my standard ‘redesigned’ version of canon
Along with the fight/flight/freeze coping mechanisms for trauma, there’s also issues of separation anxiety, especially between those who shared cells in Birth, among other defenses that lunime won’t discuss because its demographic is children and it wants to keep pretending it’s rated E.
sexual developments when they get older to have those types of relationships are not going to be discussed on this blog or ever, and people who pressure for that type of content will be blocked. mentioning this to lay down ground rules.
*more on this later. realized i still havent completely solidified my redesigned presences for most of the characters yet lol
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financestrats · 8 months
premarket futures Unveiling the Intricacies of : An In- Exploration
premarket futures Introduction:
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In the premarket futures vast and multifaceted world of finance, a plethora of mechanisms and instruments exist. Among these, one that frequently piques the interest of investors globally Consequently, this blog post aims to elucidate what are,
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elucidating their workings and significance for both individual investors and the wider market.
Understanding Premarket Futures:
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Firstly, let's define futures. They are financial contracts obligating the buyer to purchase an asset or compelling the seller to sell an asset at a predetermined future date and price. By extension, - as indicated by their name - involve trading these contracts during premarket hours – before regular stock market trading commences.
The Functioning:
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So how do they work? Trading in premarket futures kicks off at 6 p.m. Eastern Time on the previous day and continues right up until the opening bell rings for regular market hours at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Investors exploit this window to respond to news events transpiring outside normal trading hours that could have significant implications for supply and demand.
Significance of Premarket Futures:
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Now onto why they matter. The movements in premarket futures provide early indications about how markets may perform when they open for regular trading sessions. For instance, if are trending significantly upwards or downwards, it's likely that this trajectory will persist into normal trading hours – although this isn't always a certainty.
Implications for Individual Investors:
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From an individual investor's perspective who is willing to shoulder more risk for potentially higher returns, present an opportunity to capitalize on price movements based on overnight news or developments in foreign markets.
Associated Risks:
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However, it's vital to note that participating in premarket futures trading involves substantial risk due its highly speculative nature coupled with lower liquidity than during regular hours which can lead larger price swings or "gaps."
Wrapping Up:
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In conclusion, while investing in premarket futures can prove profitable for those well-versed with them; it's crucial not only have comprehensive knowledge about these instruments but also carefully consider one’s risk tolerance level before delving into this domain.
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Having a clear understanding of how different facets of financial markets operate – including instruments like – can equip individuals with valuable insights enabling them make more informed decisions regarding their investment strategies.
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Please bear in mind that this article does not constitute investment advice; it merely provides information about how operate. For more detailed information, visit CNBC. "Explore various investment strategies and optimize your portfolio." "Share Market the Demystifying : An Essential Guide for Beginners" Read the full article
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b12deficient · 1 year
Book Review: The Liberation of Sita by Volga (translated by T. Vijay Kumar and C. Vijayasree)
I wanted to read something translated from Telugu and Volga was one of the artists that I happened to come across first. Initially, I thought, wow, what an exotic pseudonym she has chosen for herself. It was the name of her elder sister who died when the author was sixteen.
It’s a lovely little book. The author highlights the problematic instances of the Ramayana, imagines how Sita’s conversations with the characters might have taken place, and traces her subsequent personal growth to liberation. Mild spoilers ahead, but the story itself if not inherently important here, but it’s themes and the way the author has tackled the concept that carry the book.
You’ll find Surpanakha, who had her face disfigured because she was a little horny. She’s now living her life to the full, with a magnificent garden and a handsome boyfriend. There’s Renuka, whose husband ordered his kids to kill her because she got horny (I’m sensing a pattern here). One of the kids, an avatar of Vishnu called Parshuram, decided to obey his father. There’s also some resurrection involved after though. The author imagines what Urmila, Lakshmana’s wife might have gone through, seeing her husband go into exile due to his unwavering allegiance to his brother. Without sparing any thought for her. She gets depressed, locks herself up, and consequently achieves enlightenment. And then there’s Ahalya. Wife of a sage, Indra haves sex with her while disguised as her sage husband, shenanigans and punishments follow. Volga focuses on her treatment, and how it does not matter whether she knew that it was Indra or not, with respect to the harsh judgement that she faced from society.
All of this is framed in the context of Sita and her devotion to Rama. The novella, despite being a fairly short read, covers all the beats of the Ramayana, from the beginning to the end. We see all the hardships that Sita had to endure, and how all the women above helped her cope with it. While vast sections of the society continue to push the dominant narrative, it is refreshing to see the other side of these “epics”. Only in recent times. I have come across works that highlight the various instances of misogyny and casteism in these works. The Ramayana, as told to most kids, tends to end at Diwali, with “good” triumphing over “evil”. When I read an abridged English translation with the complete story, I was shocked to learn about the events that transpire after the war is over, and how terribly Sita is treated by Rama and the society.
Amid all this, I have only one criticism, a major one at that. The translation has not been done properly, and hence the prose is sterile. So while I am thankful to the translators for introducing this gem of a work to a wider audience, I wish there was a better translation that perhaps captured more of the original Telugu prose, which I would like to assume is more lyrical. At least it isn’t in first person. I read it during the Diwali weekend, and would recommend that you do the same.
Tata, bye-bye, shubratri.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
Inspired by @tolkienfeels’ post [edit: actually a reblog, post is by @frodo-with-glasses] quoting Aragorn at the start of The Two Towers:
Aragorn: “An ill fate is one me today, and all I do goes amiss.”
Later in the chapter, after Boromir’s death, he repeats this:
“You give the choice [of what to do next] to an ill chooser. Since we left Lothlórien [my note: or passed Sarn Gebir? my separation from my books is causing problems] my choices have gone amiss.”
What goes amiss?
1) The Fellowship is broken. Frodo tries to go to Mordor alone; Sam goes with him.
2) Boromir is killed.
3) Merry and Pippin are captured.
The death of Boromir is undoubtedly tragic. The separation from Frodo and Sam, and the capture of Merry and Pippin, also seem like a severe ill fate on that day. But as it transpires, Frodo could not have built the rapport with Gollum that is crucial to all later events, permits him and Sam to find an (albeit very dangerous, and treacherous on Gollum’s part) way into a Mordor, and ultimately leads to the destruction of the Ring, if Aragorn had gone with them. Gollum’s hostility to Aragorn (and the fact that Aragorn rather than Frodo would in practice have been the leader of the group, due to having greater experience and being more used to leadership) would have prevented it. Plus Aragorn wouldn’t have been able to aid in the defence of Minas Tirith.
And the capture of Merry and Pippin by the Orcs, while horrible for them in the short term, is what (as Gandalf later observes) brings them to Fangorn with extraordinary rapidity, leading to their meeting with Treebeard, the rousing of the Ents, and the march on Isengard, without which Saruman would have retained his fortress and the armies of Rohan might well have been destroyed at Helm’s Deep.
And Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli’s pursuit of the hobbits, though it does not find them, is successful in bringing them to Fangorn at exactly the right time to meet Gandalf. (Gandalf says something to this effect to Aragorn when he first meets them again.)
So what seems, rationally, very mich like an ill fate at the time, in the end works out to more good than any purposeful plan of Aragorn’s, even if executed perfectly, could have accomplished.
This ties in with the section on “Fate and Free Will” on The Nature of Middle-earth. The gist of the passage, as far as I can tell, is that people’s purposeful, deliberate decisions and goals are through their own free will. But Fate (or Providence) can operate through ‘chance,’ things that seem like coincidence at the time, actions that are taken with no especial knowledge or purpose. Bilbo going on the Quest of Erebor is his own free will (strongly nudged by Gandalf, as a consequence of a chance/Providential meeting with Thorin); him finding the Ring is Fate/Providence. Éomer choosing to pursue the Orcs, which speeds up their pace, is free will; Merry and Pippin and Treebeard all happening to go to the right part of Fangorn to meet each other is Fate/Providence.
The other element that I think the NoME section is drawing in, is that when we make decisions based on good values and with good goals (such as Aragorn choosing to place rescuing Merry and Pippin above other practical considerations - above either following Frodo or going to Minas Tirith) we leave space for the operation of Fate to good ends, even if those ends are not the ones we have foreseen.
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togalovesdeku · 3 years
So I have a theory about this latest development and it goes like this:
Izuku is a time traveler!
Allow me to explain.
After the latest battle, (that happens around February) izuku has continuously wrecked his limbs far beyond their breaking point.
Remember how the doctor said that after the muscular fight that he would lose the use of his limbs if he kept breaking them. Well in the last fight he did, a lot.
So much so that even after every other non dead hero has recovered izuku is still in a coma
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And then the next time we see him (outside of his introspection with OFA) is on top of a skyscraper.
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This is a massive time skip with very little information provided about the the In-between. These are just some of the details that nag me:
1: The Costume; the last time we saw izuku wearing this, there wasn't as much damage to it as there is now, the legs, shoulders and hood all have tears on them, showing that it's gone a long time without repairs.
2: His gloves; the last time we saw them they were the Wolverine-esk ones that allowed him to use black whip, these ones could potentially be his old ones after he wrecked the others or these could be new and izukus decided not to use black whip.
3: His scarf; this ensemble appears to be a replica of Nana's Cape, where he would find such a thing and why he would add it to his image is still unknown.
4: his backpack; izuku is now wearing his classic yellow sack as part of his hero attire, I think the only reason someone would do this is because it hold all of his belongings, meaning he has no where to go.
5: his mask; in the entire time we've seen izuku there is only one instant of izuku donning his mask. That was all the way back in the first battle training, the one where he wears the jumpsuit his mother gave him. The only other time his mask has been put on was when togata casually flipped it over izukus head after overhaul had already seen his face.
Izuku has never hidden his identity as a hero, so why start now.
6: the licence; izuku by this time has only earned a provisional hero licence which means he can use his quirk publicly in a heroic capacity with supervision. It does not allow him to go gung hoe and turn vigilante.
The only reason izuku would Don his mask and go fight was if he had a full hero licence.
7: his injuries; so he's just healed now? After horikoshi set up serious repercussions there's no consequences? Sure you can say that eri healed him but why would that be told and not shown.
8: the goodbye; izuku as he has been portrayed would not give such an impersonal farewell as a letter with a minimum of information as a goodbye. His letter to his supposed best friend doesn't include that he's sorry for leaving or that he will miss her, just a my powers all mights. Strange.
And so here is the proposition:
The izuku we see at the end of 306 is not the 16 year old boy that was in the hospital but a 18/19 year old hero deku who has been sent back in time. This would account for what we are shown in the last panel
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It is logical to assume that all izuku had when he was sent back was his hero outfit and his backpack.
The damage to his suit is explainable if he has never had it repaired due to it being dangerous to be recognized.
His body is completely healed, which at the moment can only realistically be achieved via eri or overhaul. Eri isn't ready yet and chisaki isnt helping anytime soon.
The dead look in his eye is also explanable. He's been sent to the past, however he cannot change anything, otherwise the events that transpired to send him to the past won't happen.
The hero deku has had to stand by and let people get hurt, had to let all for one run terror into the people. And for izuku, the boy who for his entire life has only wanted to help others, being forced to stand and watch as people die must have broken him.
Now though, with his younger self unconscious in the hospital he can finally be a hero again.
Now a lot of you will say 'how can he be from the future if he looks young?' and good question, my answer is that eri has healed him, and while trying to fix him accidentally set izukus body back to the entrance exam, to before he used OFA. And potentially more than once, this is how he can have a full hero licence yet still look young.
'then how did he get to the past?' I don't know, either a quirk we don't know of yet or the classic fanfic of Eris power not being rewinding biomatter but rewinding time takes effect. And she's run izuku through time rather than time through izuku.
The fact that the letters seemed so impersonal, that his mother or all might didn't get one and that we didn't see a letter of withdrawal sent to nedzu. It would make more sense if the older izuku was protecting his younger unconscious self by distancing himself from everyone. That way the traitor (probably Vlad king) would report to AFO that izuku isn't at yuuei, leaving the future hero deku to catch his eye while the current izuku is recovering in a hospital.
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vorta-whore · 3 years
Personal Log of First Ridok’tala
Notes from the personal log of one Jem’Hadar First in the early days of his species’ initiation into the Dominion, detailing his dealings with a particular Vorta by the name of Weyoun.
Weyoun 1 x Jem’Hadar OC
Entries 1-5 | Entry 6 | Interlude | Entry 7 | Audio File Review
First’s log, personal. Stardate 01.651.7.
It is not my place to question the will of the Founders in any capacity. But I have found myself irritated lately at every turn due to this most recent change. Each rotation of our crew seems to be ordered just as we had begun to develop the efficiency of a cohesive unit. It seems every other week I am staring into a room full of unfamiliar faces. How am I to maintain trust and respect within my unit – loyalty among my men – if they are perpetually strangers among the ship? Moreover, how am I to develop an understanding of how best to serve my field supervisor if I am given no time to establish a working relationship with them before I am whisked away to another assignment?
It has been an acceptable-enough series of reviews from each supervisor so far – I would not be First if they did not recognize my ambition – but I am not given enough time to develop to the best of my abilities. I do not think this current system is conducive to allowing me to serve my Founders adequately. But there is no channel for me to voice these thoughts; it is the will of the Founders and so it is done. I will endeavor to do my best regardless of the circumstances.
First’s log, personal. Stardate 01.653.4.
Field Supervisor Keevan, to my great relief, was promoted to Sixth Fleet Overseer and so we were reassigned once more. It is jarring to be shuffled around so much, but I am happy to be free of that ship. I and my new unit have been placed under the command of a Vorta named Weyoun.
Over the course of my five years of life I have known many Vorta. They do not differ very much from one another. They display cunning, pettiness, manipulation. Their dealings with us are tinged with disdain and contempt. Some, like Overseer Keevan, even tend toward outright abuse.
This Vorta is very different.
He greeted my men kindly and in his voice I detected none of the usual hints of sarcasm. He has so far been patient as the crew has spent time becoming acquainted with the new ship over the past several days. He has not leveraged the White as punishment, which by this point into an assignment would usually have transpired at least twice.
I am not used to such...soft leadership. None of us are. The men don’t quite know how to respond and nor do I. But to say this is an unwelcome change would be a lie. I look forward to seeing how the situation develops.
First’s log, personal. Stardate 01.662.8.
My men try their best. They really do. We are all still trying to adjust to this new order of things, Vorta and Jem’Hadar alike; it will take time for the road to become smooth of obstacles. Remnants of our previous life in Jem’Hadarian society, before the Uplifting, still linger in the fringes of our species’ subconscious. We had no need to forge alliances; matters were handled simply, with action rather than with words. And when words were required, they were not tempered with tact or subtlety. But now, before the elegant, intellectual Vorta, my people appear clumsy, uncertain. They interrupt at inconvenient times. They convey rudeness and disrespect where none was intended. They respond to every conflict with violence. It is no wonder the Vorta perceive us as nothing more than feral beasts.
Weyoun does not seem to hold this opinion. It is difficult to tell exactly what opinion he holds of us, but I do not think it is negative. There is a degree of...respect in our interactions. He does not pry for details when I assure him I will see to a matter, looking for holes to poke as the other Vorta have. He has allowed me to handle all disciplinary actions and to my knowledge has not been unsatisfied by the results. He welcomes my input in combat situations and, on one occasion, even thanked me for it.
The men are appreciative as well. He is endlessly patient with their social fumblings. He has not threatened to withhold the White at any point and does not treat the ritual as a burden. I have made it clear to my crew that we are to reciprocate this respect by striving to improve ourselves and our conduct as much as possible. For their part, they have shown progress. I caught two of them yesterday practicing conversational skills. This morning I overheard my Fourth advising the Fifth on techniques he utilizes to quell his anger in inappropriate situations. I have every confidence my people can grow to become something more than the dogs at the Vorta’s heel; if only there existed more supervisors like Weyoun to encourage this development to foster.
First’s log, personal. Stardate 01.670.1.
I have been steeling myself for some time for another reassignment, but our orders have not changed since we boarded this vessel. This afternoon, while discussing tactics with Supervisor Weyoun, I made an offhand comment about the matter – another small luxury afforded by the supervisor’s lenient attitude – and he responded with nonchalance that he had personally requested he be allowed to keep his current crew, at least until the next rotation cycle. I wished to know his reasons for doing so, but out of fear of impoliteness I did not press the matter. Still, I remain curious. Perhaps it is related in some way to the recent change in his mannerisms; I have noticed his smiling growing more frequent as well as a tendency to hold eye contact with me for lengthier periods of time. Perhaps he is simply becoming comfortable with my company.
First’s log, personal. Stardate 01.673.9.
My men and I underwent an exercise in patience today. Weyoun found himself engaged in animated discussion with a foreign dignitary at the usual time of the White distribution. I do not know if he had mistimed his communication or simply did not plan for it to take quite so long, but it does not matter; we needed the White. No matter how anxious my men grew, however, I did not allow them to interrupt the proceedings. After several hours the Vorta finally stepped away and I immediately made him aware of our need, which he wasted no time addressing.
However, there was an...incident.
Some malfunction caused the lockbox containing our White to fail to open. After several unsuccessful tries, Weyoun admitted with apprehension that he could not produce the White, and my Fifth lost his patience.
The Fifth has had a difficult time adjusting. More so than the others. I was unfortunate enough to serve beside him under Keevan’s command and I witnessed firsthand the injustices he’d suffered as the Vorta’s “favorite.” The experience has left him scarred and he refuses to accept that Weyoun’s kindness is genuine. He can see only snakes in the grass.
This happenstance seemed, to him, evidence to justify his mistrust. He accused the Vorta of toying with us purposely just before he lunged. I caught him easily and no harm was done – moreover I do not believe he was aiming to actually attack the supervisor. But such a display of threat was still unacceptable. I punished him by denying him today’s supply of White, since it was the cause of his unruliness. He will have to learn to deal with his emotions when they are not easily controlled.
Perhaps it was a soft punishment, but I do not feel the need to tarnish the admiration my men are beginning to develop for me with unnecessarily severe consequences. Time will tell if it is a successful tactic. I am only grateful to be able to serve on a ship that tolerates such experimental leadership methodology.
Weyoun, for his part, was sufficiently grateful for my interjection. He did not say as much but it was clear in his eyes. Times such as those remind the Vorta of their nature as prey animals, alone on a ship of predators, and though it is rare for Jem’Hadar to utilize violence against their superiors, it is not unheard of. Sometimes I pity them for this.
Weyoun was able to get the lockbox operational again and he delegated out the White. As I was leaving we had a strange interaction. He stopped me – first to ask if he could speak to me about a personal subject, a qualifier with which most would not be deigned to bother – and upon my approval, asked me to describe what it feels like to crave Ketracel White.
At first I did not know how to answer. The feeling is intrinsic to a Jem’Hadar warrior, and no other race has ever had interest in the process. I have never had need to put it into words. But I found some that I believe did the concept justice. I described to him the anxiety that fills us when we are without it. The thirst that becomes, eventually, overwhelming. The inability to focus on anything else. These things he seemed to understand. But I do not know if he truly appreciated the extent to which I emphasized the sensation of a hit of White. How it rushes one’s veins – fills one with warmth, with clarity, with life. There is no feeling like it in the world. Not even killing.
He seemed distracted as he considered my words. Then, inexplicably, he approached me and touched a hand upon my abdomen. I allowed it, but did not understand the gesture, and when I asked for clarification upon its significance he withdrew, apologized, and dismissed me.
I do not understand Weyoun in the slightest. I wonder if perhaps he is abnormal in some way. But I am finding more every day that my curiosity outweighs my apprehension. I am eager to see how these events will continue to unfold.
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thatartiststudios999 · 4 months
Another regular fic update!
   The group settled around the table, the glow of the magical lamps casting an ambient light over the deck. After a hearty dinner and a moment of shared silence, they collectively decided it was time to address the unsettling events that had transpired.
   Callum took a deep breath and began, “So, Rayla and I were in Xadia when something spooked our shadowpaw. We ended up tumbling off a cleft.”
   Carter raised an eyebrow, noting the similarity, “That’s weirdly similar to how our gryphon, Freak, got startled, causing Sadie and me to fall out of the reed boat.” The eerie parallel didn’t escape anyone’s notice, and they exchanged thoughtful glances. 
   Rayla spoke up, “Are these events orchestrated, or is it just a strange coincidence?”
   The conversation then shifted to The Collector’s cryptic words and the ominous threats made towards Leo. Piper voiced her concern, “He mentioned ‘His Champions.’ What does that even mean?”
   Jason added, “And what about ‘The Game’? Why is it so specific about who enters?”
   Callum leaned forward, his expression grave, “And Leo, what did he mean by ‘collateral damage’? We need to understand what we’re dealing with here.”
   Just as Leo was about to speak, the holographic device, left unattended on the table, whirred to life. The Collector’s image materialized, shorter this time due to the device being on the table instead of the deck.
   Sadie’s temper flared as she addressed the holographic image of The Collector, “Is this just some sick game to you?”
   The Collector chuckled, “Oh, was it too much for you? I thought it was wonderful!”
   Sadie’s eyes narrowed, “Wonderful?”
   The Collector continued, seemingly unfazed, “Yes, I’ve always been one for dramatic flair. But, anyway, you’re ready for your next clue, are you not? ‘A Colossus of past entertainment’ in Rome. I wish you good luck!”
   The hologram flickered off, leaving the group in an uneasy silence. The hologram flickered, and The Collector disappeared. The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of the encounter sinking in. Leo was the first to break the silence.
   “That dude gives me the creeps,” Leo muttered, his eyes fixated on the dormant hologram device.
   Piper frowned, “A Colossus of past entertainment in Rome? What’s that supposed to mean?”
   Rayla shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve never heard of Rome, let alone been there.”
   Carter leaned back, his expression contemplative, “Maybe The Colosseum?”
   Piper nodded slowly, “That sounds like it’d fit the bill.”
   Callum sighed, “I just hope it doesn’t involve more illusions. That was... unsettling.”
   Sadie nodded, still fuming a bit from their encounter with The Collector, “Agreed. Let’s be prepared for anything, though. This ‘Game’ of his seems to have a twisted sense of entertainment.”
   “I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” Rayla started, “but didn’t he say that we would all have to face a past trial in each of our places? I think that means that this won’t be the last time you use that spell during this.” 
   Callum winced, realizing she was right, “Yeah, forgot about that.”
   Jason, who had been quiet for most of the discussion, finally spoke up, “And what about Leo? The Collector made it clear that he’s not part of the chosen Champions. What does that mean for him?”
   Leo scratched his head, “I’m just here to fly the ship, man. I didn’t sign up for any Champion business.”
   Callum looked at Leo sympathetically, “He mentioned something about The Game not liking it when others enter. We should be careful.”
   Piper glanced at the hologram device, “And what if we decide not to play this Game of his?”
   The device flickered, and The Collector’s voice echoed, “You can try, but remember, there are consequences for defying the rules. I wouldn’t recommend it.”
   Sadie muttered under her breath, “Consequences my foot.”
   With a collective sigh, they realized they were in too deep. The hologram device remained silent, its eerie glow a constant reminder of the challenges they faced.
   The heroes dispersed, heading to their rooms to rest before their next destination. Callum and Rayla strolled side by side, the ship’s gentle rocking beneath them.
   “Hey, you’ll be okay with traveling over water, right?” Callum asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
   Rayla smiled softly, “Callum, it’s not like I haven’t been on a boat before. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
   Callum nodded, “I know, but I just want to make sure. If you need anything, just tell me, alright?”
   Rayla rolled her eyes playfully, “I’m not helpless, you know. But, sure, I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
   Callum grinned, “Good enough for me. But, you know I’ll worry anyway.”
   Rayla chuckled, “Stubborn mage. Fine, worry all you want.” She leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Good night, Callum.”
   “Good night, Rayla,” Callum replied, a warm smile on his face as they headed to their respective rooms. The Argo II continued its journey, sailing across the night-shrouded sea toward Rome, and the looming challenge that awaited them in The Colosseum.
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conradfranco22 · 3 years
Suggestions about how to Choose the most beneficial Rug Vacuum then Plotter Help
Do you think you're assuming of push to your new component of Poland afterward renting a plan of home? Exactly what? are the most most likely path to take about this? https://foto-frankfurt-mallorca.eu/serwis-ploterow-tak-zyskasz-serwis-ploterow/ By using a plotter program you could find the perfect spot to am in this world while preventing any difficulty with strategy the acreage. So as to produce the most from a plot of land connected with secure, it is extremely crucial to manage a specialist who is able to provide boundless passage on the sort of plotters along with other softwares that will anyone may not need. Contemplate with this, does one uniform get a household without having characteristic homeowner's assurance? Of course not! A belongings is perhaps ones chief financial asset and so you need it healthy obtain counter to any possible intimidation. A plotter service bestows anyone with the satisfaction to facilitate originates from seeing you are saved from harm. A plotter support provides anyone with a great deal associated with do good to due to the fact they may peep of course the kept cover possibilities. They will perform practice renovates as well as maintenance work with your own section regarding place within the community vicinity. This specific ameliorates to keep downstairs the fee to your account, making certain you receive price used for funds. You'll find numerous singular types of substances as a consequence outcomes utilized to look after your house. You need to produce reassurance once you end up being wishing what exactly is finest for the poverties. You will find a pair of principal groups associated with plotters and maybe they are furthermore the 2 central categories connected with plotter renovation support - hydraulic afterward electronic. Hydraulic plotters utilized over the sum total of the UK along with uniquely in the field of coast quarters. Most of these hydraulic plotters become designed to tolerate the most horrible wear away problems. As you resolve learn for those who have a multitude of plotters, the price involving maintaining them is now progressively posh. Electric plotters am real becoming further favorite because they're considerably easier to maintain. Many of the automated plotters remain mindlessly helped every month or two, letting you to accomplish juvenile renovations without having in the direction of call the crowd. Another payment befalls that the mending prices have become squat. A number of troupes possibly will arraign as little to be a not many batters on behalf of a sequence exchange. These types of machineries in addition have a predisposition to help carry on longer than Hydraulic plotters next the purchase price involving power in place of them is quite little. They are also especially eco warm and friendly. In case you concede a great automated plotter, you might learn how a good deal of an impediment electrical energy could be. Electrical power send the bill to preserve control spinning out of control and yes it sees to brook a long time before an individual break into the string. In the event you friend a plotter repair sacrament ahead of the idea too too late at that moment you might hoard gigantic additions of funds without a break power charges each year. You'll be able to choose the sort of upkeep with the intention of you wants executed, no matter if this regular fortnightly or maybe monthly. If you're undecided no matter whether the device people am the owner of ends up being approximately abrasion at that time request the supplier or check with the owner's manual. You will find lots of mass service provider of which specialise inside hydraulic, power as well as metal plotters and even those created from aluminum. Much like each and every one machines it is always smart to locate a theater company with the aim of specialises inwards that particular type of android. The amount of cut-in with the purpose of are needed to try and do the task is among the most critical parts any time pick a bringer. Request a dysfunction in the rituals they bid as a consequence the various tariff imposed. Inside modern day earth it's insufferable to perform anything so that it is way better to settle on an organization so as to offers you servicing as a consequence renovation for plotters and also laser copier. Some of the less significant, localised plotters never have the identical rite as a consequence renovation choices which the better, extra reliable circles solves. For those who have a laser printer or perhaps plotter with the purpose of occurs bad subsequently thises advisable to get that used beside a big shot with the aim of transpires modified to carry unconscious through the years of masterpiece.
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boelboel86 · 3 years
Acoustic Fences - The Basics
Acoustic kennel area remain a terrific strategy to guard ones garden, property, as well as other acreage. There are a selection of kennel area vacant to do truthful this specific plus more. They ensue sound-absorbing and several of these end up being invented specially to meet up with certain indigence. You'll find lots of poles apart natures to settle on beginning incorporating ornamental fencings, privacy, disturbance limitation and much added. In case you have nationals or else many kind of unwanted blast origins as part of your plot, acoustic fences bottle make easier. You possibly can grouped one nearly inhibit saver as well as other rodents which wound workshops next surroundings. That is worked out via physique an subterranean energy wall by having an acoustic screen. The beasts can certainly go by through this, for the reason that they may defeat the close. Miser along with other rodents easily become disinterested indoors ever coming back straight into your own garden when they can not gain access to your current garden. Coppice is often one of the most desirable alternative in terms of soundproof kennel area. However, very easy supply the top warmth in contradiction of firm. As a rule acoustic fences become made out of a lumber amalgamated so as to possesses larger cabals in favor of a lot more sound-absorbing faculty next slighter differences to scale back the number of exposed declare. The largest predicament with acoustic wall transpires with the intention of it does not exertion efficiently at home regions of excessive din carbon dioxide. The clatter carbon dioxide stays attributable to boulevard, manufacturing area, dominance yards plus much more. In the event you have a home in a region of which suffers driving test carbon dioxide, a acoustic fencing might not be the best opportunity. It is crucial with the purpose of a person fetch the many environmental noises carbon dioxide in thoughtfulness what time vote for the correct fencing for you along with your variety. You can find many kinds of acoustic kennel area incorporating a single in which slab announces says. They end up being accessible throughout both tall furthermore plane types. These containment system am real commonly obtained in the gardens regarding address which remain secluded beginning different fatherland or maybe arrived in demand highways also blocks. Various other prevalent location to utilize these walls bring in supervision constructions moreover exclusive subjects. The answer why soundproof buffer containment system survive well-known is really because they give you a strategy to stop outside thud commencing crossing the threshold your home. Several homeowners pick out these walls since they be able to nip in the bud otherwise control how much slim blare with the purpose of draw closer finished their particular flaps before transoms. These types of hurdles exist efficient on prohibiting noises via rebound off of the ground or else opportunities afterward planning to the room you want slabbed. The largest part acoustic kennel area survive not far off from 12 moves slowly climax next half a dozen edge your way large. If you are trying to find a chic way to plug up unwanted guests then check clatters carbon dioxide through your plot, a kindling acoustic filter fence could be the just right remedy. You'll be able to invest in these walls in the selection of sorts. You will discover them created from vinyl, false, steel or maybe normal substances this sort of seeing that wicker. Many groups like the physical air associated with timber kennel area and also wish this sort involving kennel area designed for privacy next clatters discount. In case you are looking for a kennel area for the yard, an individual may possibly plus want to deem the increased good thing about which has a lumber detector. Fixing blare reduction equipment keen on your property is usually an investment decision used for seem cut moreover safety. Loads of homeowners who operated these sorts of containment system make out a change bearing in mind installing the consequences. They impression a lot more steady, safeguarded afterward a reduced amount of stung from the past noises. The first thing you have to achieves prior to deciding to put money into a fresh kennel area is always to get more info around the various perfects cutback technologies unfilled. It doesn't matter what form of fencing you might be seeking, you'll find various notable preferences to choose starting with pro-acoustic containment system inventions. In case you prefer the style of an far more usual lumber containment system, you can find a lot of striking alternatives to select by. These fencings might be wholly resilient because of the data serviced. It's important of which anyone look after this water supply been adamant next brushed to take care of it's beauty. You don't have to colour it, enlarge it as well as lower that because it won't keep up extended. These kennel area tend to be long lasting due to things brought into play. A number of people moreover tend to go with vinyl kinds of kennel area. https://odzyskiwanie-danych.it/ekrany-akustyczne-z-panele-dzwiekochlonne/ Vinyl is really a prevalent array because it ensues fairly easy on the pocket. What's more, it cling to way up well on the way to different sorts of temperature which is what's more tough to help decay. It will be possible to locate poles apart approaches of this kind of produce which embrace frenziedly, strict plus plastic uncontrollably. Noistop containment system am alive created from forest which has been specially picked up the tab in order that it pray withstand getting rotten. Rigorous without layovers are an alternative selection people may well wish to mull over. These fencings am alive immense in favor of built-up themes because they're constructed from stout woodland and they are certainly not susceptible en route for getting rotten. They offer a person with the ceiling sum connected with privacy, that is come again? many people need representing when indicating a simply no normal kennel area information. You will discover some other kinds of refusal channel wall textile presented and some individuals would rather shape their own. You can find chart regarding manufacture your kennel area since abandon on the net and then cotton on the directions to build your own fence.
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The Sparrow Academy AU
So how do our superpowered children fall into the hands of vegetable harjeebs? Well imagine this as post season 2, except Ben is still with us as a ghost because fuck you I have a soul despite the amount of angst in this cannon. Our OCs are replacement Sparrows. This AU is a bit self indulgent, but it is very very angsty. There is a bit of hurt and comfort, but mostly just hurt lol Let’s give a summary of the characters :D
Number One - Casper: The ghost Casper’s power is to phase through anything. He can control how phased in or out he is making him either practically non existent, or like a thick fog. At 15 years old Vegetable forced him to phase out as much as he could. Even when he hit his limit Veggie forced him to go further, spread himself thinner. And when Casper stopped, too strained from the effort, he couldn’t phase back. He was completely out of energy and now roams around as a ghost. Still visible, but silent to those of the living, having to communicate with ASL [American Sign Language]. Though Casper does have some company. He’s on the same pseudo-plane of existence as ghosts. He can see, hear, and touch them. Ghosts can also hear him when he speaks.
Number Two - Zelda: The Static Sadly Zelda is one of the least developed characters. Her ability is technopathy. She can psychically control and manipulate electronics and their signals. Due to self esteem issues power related stuff she constantly wears a large TV-like helmet. It has a screen as a face which frequently displays emoticons, but can be connected to television networks.
Number Three - Daniel: The mutant Daniel’s power was once the ability to breathe underwater. When he was 7 years old Reginald sent him down to explore a wreck at the bottom of a lake. He found the mangled corpse of an old man, and parasite. Parasite latched onto Daniel, taking him as its host, but in the process stripped Danny of his power. Ever since the incident Daniel has lived with parasite in his body. Parasite can extend from Daniel’s body to create limbs, pseudo-pods, protective shields, the possibilities are endless. But parasite requires animal meat to sustain itself. Human is the most nourishing for it.
Number Four - Autumn: The Nova Autumn’s power is to harness any and all friction to form electricity. It’s stored in her body like a battery and is always constantly building up. Reggie frequently uses her like a battery for his experiments and machines. She’s had a history of anxiety and self-harm from an early age. When the energy inside her builds up it can be extremely painful causing a restless buzzing feeling.
Number Five - Jack: The Voice Jack’s power is telepathy. He has the ability to read and enter the minds of those within a 500-600 meter radius. Sometimes he just ‘hears’ people’s thoughts as if they were spoken aloud. This leads to many an awkward sputtering of, “I never said anything about that.” It’s easier for him to communicate with someone if they make skin to skin contact, but he can still create a mental link between himself and a few others without issue. Jack’s training and punishments often involve being in crowded places, hospitals, schools, or places of large distress. Regilald forces him to both try and block out every single voice, and then try and hear all of them at once, and understand what is being ‘said’. For a time Veggie also used Jack as a living baby monitor. He’d make Jack snitch on his siblings with threats of being locked in the mental hospital for hours or days. For a while Jack complied, but when after Six disappeared Reginald stopped making him do it. Also Jack is trans. poor child is afab :’)
Number Six - Six: The boy Y’all know who it is. BUT a bunch of angst writers are making this AU so the poor boy goes through even more :D Six’s power is space-time manipulation. Six is this universe’s Five Hargreeves. Six’s training is pretty much the same as his doppelganger. When Six is 13 he runs away. In about the same manner as his counterpart, but the apocalypse he arrives in is very, very different. In this universe Jack causes the apocalypse. All his pent up frustrations, anxieties, and guilt come to a head when he finds out how much his siblings truly lied to him. He has a complete meltdown and in the process scrambles the brains of humanity. Some died due to the damage, but most were left as soulless husks. Barely human lying in a vegetative state on the ground. Six arrives in the disastrous nightmare to find his siblings, alive and yet already gone. The only one that is somewhat normal is Daniel, but it’s not actually Daniel anymore. Daniel’s brain was rendered thoughtless and parasite took over the vessel. They just lost their best friend and now have to live in his husk. A couple days after Six arrived, Casper wandered back to the academy. He saw Six, but couldn’t talk to him so he followed him around. Six assumed Casper to be a hallucination, but went along with it, chatting to his not-dead brother. Six does everything he can to take care of his dying siblings, but slowly each of them starve to death within the first year. Parasite survives with Six for a while longer, but even they can’t hold on forever. Parasite dies when Six is 22. A few days after parasite’s death a commission agent offers Six a deal. Work for the commission and escape this hell. Six takes the deal and works for the commission for 14 years. All throughout his time there he worked tirelessly on his math. And then he did it! He time traveled back to March 22 2019, but landed in the courtyard in his 13 year old body. His siblings all ran to give him a hug and suffice it to say, the boy cried. A lot.
Number Seven - Sage: The prophet Sage’s power is to see into the future. She’s able to see the outcomes of situations, but only if the outcome is bad. Her training had a lot to do with premeditated events that Sage had to describe. Regineld pushed her to look farther, to see more than just a few seconds. This did work, but not without consequence. Sage has seen many gruesome events that never transpired. Many deaths narrowly avoided.  Sorry for how sloppily written this is, it’s 1am lol
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
NEW ORDER - Review
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SYNOPSIS:  There are protests and rage in the streets of Mexico. Set against this backdrop, Marianne’s high society family is holding a gathering of their elite friends as they prepare for her wedding. At first, only splatters of green paint begin to appear in and around the event. A former employee, Rolando, appears at the celebration seeking emergency medical funds for his wife, who also worked for the family. The party is unable to keep the civil unrest outside their walls and what follows is a swift disintegration of law and order defined first by class lines, then by disastrous government recapitulation.
REVIEW: Given all the issues the pandemic has brought to light and the reactions to other tragic events, Michel Franco’s NEW ORDER is a horrifying tale set twenty minutes into the future. It is a cautionary tale of what could happen, and what makes it so shocking is that it does not seem outside the realm of possibilities or limited to the setting of Mexico. This is a necessary, uncomfortable film to watch.
What makes NEW ORDER so compelling is that Franco shows the consequences of societal neglect from several points of view and there is an internal logic to the film that seems within the confines of possible outcomes. The party sets the stage for the chasm between the upper class and the working class. He offers up potential actions by the government, the military, and how those most impoverished clash. In addition to how that would impact public services he offers a speculative reaction of the medical industry. What makes it more frightening is seeing what is transpiring in India due to the pandemic.
Franco offers the viewer many well grounded characters, they are not black or white, but truly shades of gray. Marianne and her family offer a wide spectrum of empathy in their reactions to what is transpiring and how they react to Rolando’s appearance. He shows how the nightmare can spread and impact even Rolando’s family and how they are not immune from the horrors implemented by the government and the military. He paints a clear picture of how these events, once set in motion, take their toll on the cost of human lives.
NEW ORDER has an amazing cast. They offer the viewer to sympathize, empathize, and be horrified by this emotional roller coaster ride through a house of horrors. The film is a rich tapestry of locations, cinematography, productions designs, and special effects that engage the viewer as they embark on this terrifying tale. The score by Cormac Roth does an excellent job of supporting the emotional undercurrent of the film and framing the violence and action.
We may be informed about what is transpiring outside our homes through various news outlets, but they are often presented in a way that makes us feel safe in our homes. Or if we watch a horror film in a theater we know that we will survive and leave the horrors behind in the darkness of the theater. NEW ORDER is an emotional ordeal that connects the view with the complexity of our relationship to the world around us. My father used to call it a “belly-button view of life” when we are blind to everything that is going on around us and in the world. Ignorance is not bliss, it has consequences. And when the world comes knocking on our door why should we be so shocked by the horrors that have come calling when we could have addressed them before they’ve gotten out of hand. Lately we’ve been hearing about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Maybe we need to sit both sides down to watch this film. I don’t believe they would have an epiphany, but maybe, just maybe, they would consider a ceasefire given the inevitable cost of lives. Then again I may just be wrong given the closing remark of the film about survivors.
CAST: Naian González Norvind, Diego Boneta, Mónica Del Carmen, Fernando Cuautle, Eligio Meléndez, Darío Yazbek, Roberto Medina, Lisa Owen, & Gustavo Sánchez Parra. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Producer/Editor - Michel Franco; Producers - Cristina Velasco L., & Eréndira Núñez Larios; Cinematographer - Yves Cape; Score - Cormac Roth; Editor - Oscar Figueroa Jara; Production Designer - Claudio Ramírez Castelli; Costume Designer - Gabriela Fernández; Make Up Designer - Adam Zoller Duplán; VFX Supervisors - Hughes Namur & Edgardo Mejía OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: twitter.com/nuevoord3n?lang=en  |  @nuevoord3n TRAILER: https://youtu.be/0_02DYXXGYg RELEASE DATE: In Theaters May 21st, 2021
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike) Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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