#This is a bit different from what I usually draw
escapismmaxing · 2 days
rainwing headcanons!! + history rewrite and canon tweaks
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physical headcanons!!
they’re kind of small i think, mid sized. very long certainly, i imagine them lounging around in trees like jaguars
maybe THIS is my most canon compliant design actually
manes of long hair aren’t uncommon, but not every dragon has them and very VERY rarely a rainwing will have hair trailing down their spine and ending in a fluffy little tail,, rare but possible
speaking of their tail, it doesn’t really get “thinner” or taper off at the end simply because that’s reallyyy not how prehensile tails work, so while rainwings don’t have thick tails per se, their tails do have a semi consistent thickness
their horns are long and slender, they’re considered very elegant and they usually stay close to the head/neck of the rainwing to not get caught while tree gliding
their frills are HUUUUUGE i'm always disappointed when i remember how small they are in the canon drawings
like NO their frill obscures their neck most of the time, also covers their ears, and it is very prone to being very expressive
the membranes connecting the spines of the frills also come in different shapes!
their frills also sometimes have butterfly like tails where part of the frill near the face hangs really long and thin? if that makes sense. like a swallowtails tail, but on their frills
i also shrunk their wings a little,, still long for gliding purposes but not necessarily wide/tall since those would just get unnecessarily tangled in trees
their little fangs stick out of their mouth,, oh so little
social/family structure,,, 
more communal living!! we love it
rainwings are very communal and lack the family structure of sibs, so they’re comparatively more communal than mudwings
monogamy is slightlyyyy more common, but it’s still not necessarily the norm. rainwings and their polycules,,,
i think they keep track of who their kids are!! sorry but that’s just my belief. i think parents (even if they’re not committed or mates or whatever) will somewhat co parent their kids
they’re incubated all together, but parents keep track of where there egg is and how far along it is and when it will hatch etc, and then they will be there when the egg hatches to make sure nothing goes wrong
even if the parents aren’t there, it is someone’s job to be there and make sure the dragonets hatch successfully, and then they are safely transported to the dragon equivalent of daycare
childcare is such a big job market in the rainwing queendom,,,,
i think depending on the parents, they will raise their dragonets in their home, but these dragonets still spend a LOOOOT of time in the daycare. i think dragonets are just very widely cared for by basically everyone, some pairs of parents just spend a bit of extra time with their dragonets, but they’re never raised 100% secluded from the town
grown dragons will divide the dragonets into age groups and teach them stuff
tree gliding, fruit finding and identification, flower identification, flower drying, leaf weaving/thatching, etc
also oral storytime! very important
grown dragons stay very communal, they don’t really couple off and move into their own “houses”
they have couples and polycules and just kind of go into the next generation, raising the new dragonets in the same communal way
and a history rewrite,,,,
basically i wanted to give them a reason they were so exclusionary in the original five books and this is what came from that
i didn’t like the rainwing racism was like,,, right? obviously some rainwings can be “lazy” or whatever, but the fact that all of them were + not the smartest + not really empathetic was just like,,, not the move imo
maybe about a century before the sandwing war of succession, the rainwings experienced their OWN war of succession, except they didn’t drag other tribes into it and it was kept within the queendom
a queen died and had many daughters who could take the throne, and then the daughters started fighting over this
(this is where it’s somewhat necessary for me to input just a general dragon headcanon,, i think they live for sooo fucking long. like 150 years easy. they don’t mature at 6 they mature at like 25-30. so these wars of succession last for SO LONG because the daughters won’t fuckin die (from old age)!)
so the rainwings fought with each other for ages, and during this war (with a deadly biochemical weapon like their venom) a lot of things like literacy, written history, math, etc, don’t seem as important, so they’re somewhat forgotten because parents are more focused on keeping their dragonets alive and safe
also a lot of scrolls and stuff are literally destroyed
and then this is also the reason for really low literacy rates
post their war of succession, they establish the “court of queens” which is kind of like a voting ruling body, but they don’t always like each other a whole lot and are prone to argue more. also being queen actually DOES mean something (a bit more than a tie breaker)
i’ll align with the book here again that i do think anyone can be on this council, but then queen is chosen from the council members and by the council
and each newly coming in council member does have to prove themselves in their rainwing skills
again, following this war, there was a lot of focus on internal repair rather than fixing relationships with other tribes, so they became very exclusionist as the other tribes saw them
so the stereotype of the rainwing ranges a bit more,, paranoid, exclusionist, lazy, etc
somewhat soon after their own war of succession, the sandwing war of succession breaks out, and they go FUCK NO and hide in their rainforest just trying to recuperate
this is why they’re so self contained when the DoD encounter them
they’re aware of the disappearances, and they’re worried, and they’re putting in measures to try and prevent them,,, but also they do NOT want to fuck with another tribe. please. just let them rest
and they were aware that glory’s egg went missing, but they were like “FUCK one of those snakes got in here” and changed the designs of the hatcheries or something
fitting this into canon
i think it fits pretty neatly?
the general vibe of the rainwings is that they’re all a whole lot more scared/paranoid, but we still see a lot of the chilled out moments where they’re at peace
the council (again) isn’t lazy (at least not all of them)
they kind of exist along a spectrum where different members kind of have different vibes
it’s the same queens from the book, now just on a council
some of them care a lot about the disappearances, but they’re still scared/too cautious to get involved
some of them don’t reallyyy care, and they would rather just focus on the rainwings that are still here, tighten up the border to reduce disappearances and just hunker down
also they don’t have an army, and they consider themselves pacifists and really don’t want to fight anyone or organize an army considering their history
glory becomes apart of the council rather than directly becoming the queen, and grandeur is the official queen
a turnover of the council happens because glory is PISSED and grandeur just lets it happen lol
this is where the group competition fits in like it fits in in the book
so basically glory + the rainwing gang is challenging the council members because she thinks they’re so incompetent
not saying that kinkajou (a child) or tamarin (a child) STAYS on the council, but it’s just the start of the turnover for the council to get more proactive rainwings involved
grandeur takes a shining to glory and lets her lead the invasion as it happens in the book
fashion and jewelry!
although in modern days, rainwings incorporate some very gauzy, light, see through fabrics into their fashion as shawls and such, this wasn’t always the case
for a long looong while, the main components of rainwing fashion was stringing plants across and around horns, wings, tails, necks, etc
the main fashion was the changing scale color and pattern, which still holds up, but now with a little extra flair
rainwings grow exotic flowers and trade these with other tribes! with tribes that are farther away, trading dried or otherwise preserved flowers is more common since the flowers are indeed prone to dying
rainwings also make perfumes from flowers,,,, like that one fuckass queen she was onto something
their expanse of flowers and fruits also give them access to the most dyes! so any other tribe that produces a fiber frequently works with rainwings to get them dyed pretty colors
also also, rainwings make paints and trade these to other tribes 
rainwings are pretty advanced healers, despite seeming a bit uh,, confused in the books. they just didn’t know how to treat a sandwing stab bc they haven’t dealt with sandwings in ages! but when it comes to other aches and pains and illnesses they have a wide amount of remedies
they also focus a lot on the mind especially after the rainwings are gotten back from the nightwing island
they study the effects of the no sunlight vs sunlight,, they see a lot of mental effects,,, basically they become wellness influencers.. KIDDING but they do start a “mental health matters” type thing lol
along with the healing, lots of potions and elixirs are created for healing purposes, and rainwing small magics (related to my animus magic rewrite, dw abt it, but basically a lot of dragons have the ability to do “small magic”) relates to potions and elixirs and such
rainwings are incredibly good mimics! so after they come out of their shells, they learn other tribe’s languages super easily and therefore are great verbal translators! 
it’s very common for rainwings to work with other tribes on a queen’s counsel as a translator for foreign and inter tribal affairs
history researchers? like of their own internal history trying to recover stuff from pre their war,,
there’s also a lot of biologists/naturalists/dragons who are studying the animals and plants of the forest just for the sake of science
“royalty” and commoners
so, this “council of queens” is established after this war of the queen’s remaining daughters
i truly think this war was devastating, so they start on rebuilding their queendom right away
internal focus, accidentally icing out other tribes
they want to avoid the war happening again, so they stop passing down the throne through daughters, rather any female dragon can petition to join the council
and any GROUP of dragons can petition to remove a queen from the council
it’s a very,,, democratic? system
but it boils down to their being only a little bit of separation between royalty and commoners,, and it kind of doesn’t exist tbh
this along with the really intense communal feelings and being raised communally and raising dragonets with one another,, very close knit tribe
not a whole lot of class strife like icewings or seawings or something
there’s a lot of beliefs surrounding different flowers, kind of similar to victorian messaging around flowers
i’m not really sure how superstitious/religious they are tbh,, again maybe a lot of this fell away during the war as more cautionary tales were told rather than superstitious fables or anything
but there is definitely a system of flower messaging
i think they hold all animals in high regard, and think they all have high intelligence (they just favor sloths)
some animals do have certain beliefs surrounding them
seeing an increase of frogs means the rainy season is coming soon, when they start decreasing the rainy season is ending
sightings of pods of dolphins around the coasts means generally good tidings and a positive short term future
i think they do have a lot of pet superstitions?
sloths are pretty common, so nothing super crazy there
but if a dragon has a big, jungle cat, other dragons will view them as very charming/caring, as it takes a lot of work to get a big cat to trust you
small amphibians or reptiles means that a dragon is detail oriented
snails and insects and mollusks are considered like an “old dragon’s” pets
so yeah! rainwings. this still feels weirdly,, incomplete? maybe it’s just because of how much i like them i just want to make them fully fleshed out which they aren’t really here. but i think they’re really cool, i just don’t love their canon all the time. yeah! idk. complex feelings. as always, hit me UP with your ideas anywhere you please i love hearing feedback :)
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steam-beasts · 2 days
The Conductor's Popper
The Conductor's Popper is a disciplinary railway tool used from the early 1830s to the early 1940s before being banned in 1941 as it was considered abusive and too harsh towards sentient machinery.
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This whip was made in Tywyn, Wales, by railway engineer, Max Macintyre in 1838 as a way to deal with unruly and undisciplined sentient railway vehicles. The whip itself was quite different from standard whips, as instead of a cracking noise, it made popping sounds when used, hence the "Popper" bit in the name. The tool was mostly at use in Wales and was legal to use on engines at the time, though, it found most use when dealing with narrow guage engines.
The whip when in use has enough force to create a 'whip mark' shaped dent in steam engines. Light enough to not fully cut through iron, but was ensured to be strong enough to leave a, as crews heard their engines describe it, "a horrible stinging pain". It started drawing out more concern as time went on, with people debating whether or not it was too cruel or a good disciplinary tool.
A certain railway that once used this type of discipline was the Talyllyn, who used the tool on No 1 and No 2 back in 1865 to 1938. Unlike the rest of the UK, Poppers weren't used on Sodor. As quoted from the NWR Director, Richard Topham Hatt;
"I'm never getting a single one of those cheapskate contraptions to use on my engines. I aim to treat my engines fairly and with respect, not like slaves. If an engine steps out of line, I reprimand them verbally, not physically, I'll even keep them in the shed as punishment if it depends. If I see a single man with a Popper, he'll be sacked the moment I find out!"
This was the same for the Talyllyn's counterpart, the Skarloey Railway.
On the Talyllyn, the engines did not have faces, and in that case were considered blind. Talyllyn and Dolgoch's translators helped them describe what their experiences were like with Poppers. It is up to you to decide if they are truly disciplinary or abusive:
Talyllyn; "When me and Dolly were still young and fresh, the manager and the workers were skittish and unsettled by us. They were used to seeing engines with faces. But unfortunately, me and my sister, along with our friends were cursed by Lady and Proteus alike..."
Dolgoch; "...when an engine, steam or diesel, is built, a face usually appears on their smokebox doors or radiators. For some reason, our faces never appeared, rendering us nearly completely blind and unable to speak through words. We were discriminated by workers, and treated like soulless beings, while our twins were given so much adoration and attention. It made me and Tally a bit jealous, if I must be honest..."
Talyllyn; "...While Sir Hayden Brown was owner of our railway, Mr Max handled operations and observed us. He had one of those nasty whips on him. He'd constantly whip us, or make us hear that popping noise as a warning. Though, he was more short tempered, and while nobody was around, would intimidate or hit me with the Popper. I've got 89 welding marks altogether, some on my boiler and buffers, and a couple on my funnel. Most of them were afflicted on me when I was still a 'bucking bronco'...thankfully, the overhauls and liveries made them fade a bit... most of those marks would just...reappear, even if I got a new, fresh part put on me...I've gotten used to it, it's fine...."
Dolgoch; "...I've got 56 welding marks, a few on my boiler, a few on my buffers and a few near my cab windows. Much like Tally's, they've faded but they're somehow still there. Sometimes, I wish our lives starting out was more like Skarloey and Rheneas's. At least they didn't get whipped if they were being too slow with slate or misbehaving...though, I wouldn't wish our experiences upon them...even despite our sentiments. Thankfully, the Poppers were made illegal by the time Sir Hayden and Edward Thomas arrived...I would dread the thought of young engines having to face discipline like that"
What do you think? Was it right to ban this tool?
(Decided to do a little bit of lore on the ttte version of the Talyllyn railway considering its basically the irl SKR and on a banned weapon used)
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strangegutz · 20 hours
Apologies if you've answered an ask like this before, but I've noticed that your drawing style and your dollmaking are very different, with your dolls being more stylized. Would you say that developing an art style for your dolls was easier/harder/different than finding a drawing style, and is there a reason you gravitate towards a 3D art style so different from your 2D one? I ask because I've always drawn in a semi-realistic style but want to make dolls, and I was wondering what it's like to make the jump. Personally, I feel like I struggle to unlearn/make myself get over the rules of proportions and anatomy in order to make more stylized stuff. Sorry for rambling a bit!
I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out a good way to answer the first part of your question, about developing the separate art styles- I might get back to you on that if I can think of anything later (particularly difficult bc theyre both styles ive had for a Long Time that have just evolved over time so it's hard to pinpoint feelings on the development)
As for why they're so different, it's mostly because most dolls you see are pretty realistic, to a degree. I think it's more fun, visually striking, and just all around easier on my brain to make them styled out of a bunch of cobbled together shapes- it tickles something in my brain, and it feels like I'm making something fresh. That being said, it's also my skill level, I couldn't make a 3D version of my usual 2D art style if I tried- drawing noses at all angles is hard enough, sculpting them? I'd explode.
Also with them having bendy wire for bodies, it feels more fitting to be extra stylized, rather than something realistic with rubberhose arms
I'll also add that I can/have drawn 2D work in my 3D style, but haven't in a while- it's easier to jump around to different styles on paper than it is with full on sculptures, haha
I do want to make dolls of a couple of my cowboy characters, it'll be interesting to compare the two styles side by side!
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thewebcomicsreview · 19 hours
Disregard this message if you don’t do this sort of thing, but i was wondering if there would be any feedback i could get in regards to my comic? I am almost finished drawing the entire backlogue, so if feedback is received it will probably be applied towards the sequel. Feedback or not, I love your page very much, it’s introduced me to saffron and sage(of which i am very fond of the character designs and humour) and out of placers(weird creatures my beloved!)
Thank you for your work!
Hey, thanks!
So, lessee. Your comic is called "Piebald Dove Plea". Bit of a weird name, for a bit of a weird comic. It's dreamlike, and to be honest I'm having a lot of trouble following it.
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Some of that is that it's literally difficult to read. None of the dialogue is appropriately sized for the word balloon it's in here, and panel three has some (black) text escape the balloon into the (dark) background, so I literally can not tell what this dude is saying.
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And I can see that this is something you're working on, there's a notable improvement between pages ten and page fifty-one (I like the "feathery" word balloon in the fourth panel here!), but even on the later pages there's a lot of issues and even some words escaping the balloons again. And it's pretty clear why this is happening: These word balloons don't fit the shape of the dialogue well at all. I spent some time trying to fix them, and while I'm not a letterer and I'm sure someone else could've done better, it was rough trying to get that text to fit nicely.
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I think this does look a bit better, but that's mostly just because I'm using a better comics font (Anime Ace 2.0 BB from Blambot. It's free!), and maybe that I split "to sink them into cockerels" a bit from the rest of the monologue to make it hit a bit different, but I'm fighting to squeeze the square text into the round balloon. I cropped out Panel 4 because I was too scared to even try.
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My own lettering is actually pretty trash, to be honest, and I'm sure all the real artists in the audience are tittering to themselves at those fucked balloons, but I think this is still enough to illustrate my point. I typed the words, then I drew the bubbles, then I drew the little rabbit doodle, and everything fits so much nicer and I can properly draw the rabbit there because I know where it fits. It's way easier because you'll see balloon/dialogue issues when it's easy to fix and not when the whole goddamn page is done being drawn and you can't change it. For the first panel in the example, simply moving Dorcas a bit to the left would've made it way easier for you to fit the dialogue in, but it's a huge pain to do that now.
For newer artists, it's usually best to focus on fixing on thing at a time, and fixing up that lettering is the think you should focus your energy into before moving on to other things. It's a small thing that's relatively easy to learn and makes such a difference.
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almondartowo · 4 months
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Bedman! 🛏️
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martuzzio · 3 months
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Be nice to him or else. He knows the nuke launch codes
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rhahatl · 5 months
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quit staring at me with them big ol eyes
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whump-side · 5 months
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Commission for @x-i-l-verify 🗡🩸🩸🩸
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coldasicecream · 3 months
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last weeks prompt for the go study club was to recreate a movie poster or album cover so i obviously choose to make something David Bowie related
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evanezco · 6 months
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I painted some crows today with my friends. I love the last one
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shepards-folly · 8 months
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he’s like a beedle or somethin
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muppenthings · 2 years
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A floof was requested. Patton found a pretty leaf and he's going to show it to the others! :3
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gmalaart · 2 months
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lack of artistic identity
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a-north-flower · 5 months
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Maid dress Gray should be canon I think
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sparticus2000art · 8 months
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I was messing around with some new brushes and ended up drawing this!
I like how the colours came out.
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unknownarmageddon · 29 days
Squishes you
UH i do not. really know
#answering asks#anon asks#if you want a genuine explanation what i do is like. sketch out the general outline of what i want#mostly to get perspective and layout down#and then i either line or paint the base colors#i usually try to keep things fairly simplified and not include a lot of unnecessary detail#and utilize what brushes i can (like for leaves or grass or whatever) ((and the box and line tools))#and then i slap down a lot of texture with other brushes and overlays and lowering opacity#usually that’s a lot of going over the whole thing with a lot of different layers#and then i do the rendering with is just. putting in shadows and light sources with the airbrush brush#i’m not as precise with the rendering for backgrounds so it’s not as detailed both to#draw attention more to the main subject (the characters) and to have it be less work for me#and that’s the same kinda thing as the texturing it’s just a lot of layering on the darker shadow color#with varying opacities and intensities focused on various spots#and then i put a blur over the whole thing to draw attention away from it and toward the subject#and usually at the end when i’ve drawn the characters i’ll go back over the WHOLE piece. meaning it includes the characters and background#layers#and do a bit more finally rendering that includes both the characters and background#like subtle highlights and shadows with the air brush#emphasizing certain things etc#so that it ties the whole thing together more and more coherently#uh. anyway. that’s the process. thumbs up emoji
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