#This is actually a start of a story idea I have
cy-cyborg · 1 day
It's been confirmed that there are 3 amputees in the main cast of Dragon Age: the veilguard - Neve (leg amputee), Bellara (arm amputee) and your inquisitor (arm amputee). So as an amputee myself, here are some things I'd like to see.
Note: these aren't predictions, just things I'd really like to be included.
The inquisitor doesn't use a prosthetic (I already talked about this in its own post but with 3 amputees, and 2 of them already being shown to use prosthetics that, lets be honest, do look like "perfect replacement" prosthetics, it would be nice to see at least one who doesn't)
We will get to customise our inquisitor in chatacter creation, so I would love, if they do use a prosthetic, for there to be some customisability to it (im not holding my breath there but still).
Neve and Bellara's prosthetics aren't perfect prosthetics, and they are actually acknowledged as being disabled while still being active members of your party.
There's some kind of party banter between Neve and Bellara about some of the downsides/problems with their prosthetics, not necessarily in a "poor them" way, but in a "ugh, don't you just hate it when you can't get the stupid thing on in the morning" kind of way.
I get a kind of jokey/adventurous vibe from Bellara, I hope they aren't affraid to let her use her prosthetic for pranks or jokes. I don't think neve would, but I can see bellara having a blast with it.
I hope the prosthetics come off during down time. No amputee wears their prosthetics 24/7, it's uncomfortable, and they get heavy and sore after using them all day.
I hope we see Neve express some frustration or see her alter her walk animation on rough terrain. It's hard to get a clear look because the trailers she's been shown in are so dark, but her foot doesn't look articulated, which is going to change how she walks, even just a little bit.
I hope the prosthetics don't break - this is a trope I'm starting to notice more and more, where someone has a perfect prosthetic that is only not a perfect replacement when it breaks, usually for plot reasons, at which point the character in question is forced out of the action until its fixed. DA has forced companions out of your party for story reasons before (e.g. solas after you free his spirit friend and he needs to cool off) so I can see this being used for plot, and I really hope it's not.
The inquisitor, Neve and Bellara compair prosthetists (the maker of the prosthetic) and maker techniques.
I really doubt they'll do this but I'd love it if random NPC's approach you if you have any of the amputees in your party to ask what happened and/or make weird comments at them ("but cy, that would be so annoying and inconvenient!" That's the point. So many people do that to irl amputees, and it's never at a convenient or even safe time, and I've never seen it happen in media. A game is arguably the best place to have it happen, in, say, a random event similar to the ones that could happen in origins)
In that same vein, I'd love to see a scene where someone approaches the inquisitor to call them an inspiration- you and the inquisitor assume it's for, you know, beating corripheus (I know I spelled it wrong lol) and saving the world, but it's revealed the chatacter has no idea who the hell the inquisitor is and just means it's inspiring that they're out in public "like that" - referring to their arm. This also happens to me all the time, and you can't tell me some snooty orlesean or tevinter noble wouldn't make those back-handed compliments, lol. You also can't convince me that any version of the inquisitor would just accept that
I hope none of the chatacters are used as inspiration porn ("don't you worry Rook! I can still pull my own weight on the team despite being an amputee, you just have to give me a chance to prove myself!")
At least one of the chatacter's stories of how they lost their limb is left untold in game (we don't always need to know how it happened if it's not relevent to the plot).
Like I said, these aren't predictions, just my hopes. I wouldn't hold my breath for any of these to be honest (bioware has not been the best in term of disability rep in the past) but A lot of them wouldn't be hard to implement and could take the representation from hardly even acknowledging their disability to something actually pretty decent disability rep-wise. It's also pretty rare to have so many characters with the same kind of disability in the cast of such a mainstream piece of media, and I really, really hope they do something with that because you can have a lot of fun with that.
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catmask · 1 day
genuine question – and i hope it doesn't come as weird – but how do get into...pokemon? </3
pokemon universe feels so big and there are so many games and i really like their designs – both for pokemons and trainers – making ocs in this setting would be so cool but i have no idea how to. begin!
could you give some advice?
ps leaving compliments for your comic and art in general!! i really like how your pieces are so colorful! gives the vibes of some small but cozy and fun town in a videogame..
no worries!! it seriously depends on what you are interested in - gamewise, region wise, and story wise.
heres what i can say. if you like typical top-down style pixel art rpg games where you solve tile puzzles and build a little team of monsters, any of the games before x and y is a good choice. platinum is a great introduction to the series because it doesn't baby you but is still decently difficult, heartgold/soulsilver are the 'coziest' games imo but may spoil you because of how much content there is, black/white and black/white 2 are the most story-driven of the games and bw2 is probably the longest play of all the games. emerald is also great, but its genuinely a hard game even as someone whos been a fan of the series for years. i would say to start with hgss because they're my favorites, but they're so good it might raise the bar too high for all the other games pixel-art games.
if you prefer 3D graphics, but still like the 'run around catching guys and solving tile puzzles', i think sun and moon are the best of the 3D games! the story is engaging and a little more modernized so that there are actual cut scenes, i think the pokemon available are cute and the region is really pretty. i thikn after that, x and y is pretty cute! the story is less strong in comparison to sun/moon. importantly; every game in the 3D era has a new type that was not present in the pixel art era - the fairy type, so if you want to learn the MODERN type chart and balances, the 3D games are where you'd need to start.
finally, if you're not a fan of the 'catch pokemon run around region' type games, pokemon has a LOT of really awesome spin off games. my favorites are as follows...
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky. its the strongest story the pokemon company has ever written, and im a big fan of the mystery dungeon style gameplay.
pokemon ranger (any ranger game!) the story and graphics are cute, and it focuses on rescuing/rehabilitating pokemon more than capturing them. really lovely expansion of the pokemon universe.
pokemon go, because its free! so if you dont want to download a rom, or sink money into a new franchise, its an easy way to get into it.
pokemon snap - this was actually my very first pokemon game i ever played! (never owned it though heha) but there was just a remake for the switch, if you've got a switch that is. the game focuses on photographing pokemon in their natural habitat, and its really quite cute. slow paced and fun if you're not sure about battling yet.
finally... if you weren't looking to get into games at all, pokemon art + fan creations are personally my favorite things in the entire fandom! artists and writers and fangame devs are the people who hold this fandom up, engaging with their creations is a great and typically free way to involve yourself... im sorry this is so long, i hope this helps!! and ppl are free to add on to this hehe
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lambment · 2 hours
I want to make my own comics of cotl, I have an idea, I have a story. But I don't know where to start, how to introduce because I struggle with my art style
Any suggestions?
honestly drawing is like the last thing im thinking of when im making a comic. Im not sure what your process looks like, everyone’s is different, but I'll share mine.
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take a slice of that story: usually a minor conflict or a piece of dialogue you'd like to explore, something thats manageble, and begin by sketching out the main storybeats.
dont worry about the quality of your drawings until near the end of the comic. theres a reason why storyboards are so loose, they scrap so many drawings bcuz theyre trying to get a point across to serve a story, not make illustrations. I wouldnt clean up your drawings until you’re near certain no other changes will be made.
my focus when making a comic goes in this order:
composition/staging (placement of characters/setting/camera)
actually drawing
If it’s mainly because of “art style” I prommy you, the main thing that people will be paying attention to is the story. You gotta start somewhere, look at the one punch man og manga for example.
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ao3commentoftheday · 19 hours
Hi! I hope this question makes sense, but: a while back, you recommended that instead of writers feeling like they have to write thousands of words of build-up in order to write the fic idea of their heart, they should do a fanfic speed run and just write the parts they want to write. And if something doesn’t make sense without context, they can always explain the details in an author’s note.
I really want to try out this advice, but . . . I don’t know how? I know that sounds weird, but I’m always worried any emotional impact of my fic is going to be lost if I don’t include the build-up, especially if it’s an AU of any kind. Maybe it’s because I always feel like my fic has to be completely outlined before writing, but IDK. No pressure, but if you feel like it, could you go back and talk about your fic speed run advice again?
Speedrunning fic is my favourite way to write. I love to jump to "the good bits" or start off in media res and then hit all the highlights as I write my way through. Sometimes, I'll get so excited about the part that I'm going to write next that I actually skip parts that I would also love to write, but they just aren't making my brain sing.
There are a lot of different ways to do this, and it will depend on what kind of story you want to write.
The first common trick I use in ship fic, is to start at the point where at least one of my characters is already aware of their feelings and pining and then write how the other one falls in love too. You can pack a lot of emotional tension into that one character trying desperately not to show how they feel and the other character gradually (or suddenly) realizing they feel the same way.
Another way to get people together faster is to use a plot device that forces them to realize how they feel. Stuck in an elevator. Snowed in in an abandoned cabin in the remote woods. Quarantined after exposure to an alien virus (bonus points if they have to shower together Because Science (tm) ). Again, you can create a lot of tension and that cathartic release without needing the story to occupy months or years of time before you get there.
Other great ways of just writing the fun bits are to make use of the series function on AO3. You have a universe that you want to build out but you just want to write this one tiny corner of it right now? It's the first fic in a series, and the next fic can be some completely different part of that world.
You can also do a classic 5+1 story (which have the added bonus of providing you with a title too). 5 Times They Didn't Kiss and 1 Time They Did. 5 Times the Bad Guy Got Away and 1 Time They Didn't. 5 Times There Weren't Any Chips in the Cupboard and 1 Time There Were. These fics are usually written with 1 chapter per "time" so you can time skip as much as you want in between and even be super vague about when and where things are happening at all.
The most important thing to remember is that your audience already knows these characters. They already love them. They already clicked into your story wanting to know about the thing that you said you're going to write. You don't have to spend time convincing anyone that your story is allowed to exist in this AU or with this ship or in this time period or with this ending. The permission was there as soon as you decided to write it.
If you're worried about whether a story can have impact even if it's short, then I recommend you spend some time reading shorter fics and oneshots. People can absolutely devastate you in 500 words or less or fill you with joy in 300 words. It's not about how many words you use to do it, it's about how you use the words you've got.
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vidavalor · 1 day
Perfectly Safe
Ok, I might have read one too many 'Aziraphale doesn't love Crowley because he wants him to be an angel'-type posts and I'm at risk of grinding my teeth into oblivion over here. This is short defense of why Aziraphale is tempted by the idea of being able to offer Crowley a way out of Hell and how that makes him pretty lovely, actually, and not villainous in any way.
In honor of @badaziraphaletakes, who is doing The Lord's Work out here. Lemme know how I did when you have a chance. 😇
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Aziraphale being tempted by "The Metatron's" offer is not about him needing Crowley to be an angel. It's about the hell that Crowley has been living being tied to Hell for the last six thousand plus years.
Aziraphale does not need Crowley to become an angel again to love him. He already loves him. He does not think that Crowley is "lesser" because he's a demon. That's lunacy. Aziraphale is furious with God, whom he thinks made a mistake in casting Crowley to Hell because Crowley is lovely and Aziraphale thinks nothing less. Aziraphale loves Crowley so much that he actually just willingly accepted a scheme he didn't really 100% believe was true just because even if there was a .02% chance that it was real, he had to take it.
Aziraphale is tempted... quite. literally. tempted... into accepting an offer that includes the power to restore Crowley's angelic status because he believes that Crowley becoming an angel again is the only way that Crowley would ever be safe from Satan and Aziraphale will do anything to keep him safe.
That angel will give up their life together on Earth. He will give up his own freedom and his own happiness and, largely, he and Crowley's ability to have a functioning relationship, to do the worst job imaginable for all of eternity if doing that job means that it gives him the power to protect Crowley in the one way for which he has always been powerless.
What do you think it's done to Aziraphale for it to have always been dangerous for them to be together all this time? Not just in the sense that they can't get caught or they could be killed but in the sense that because they can't get caught or they could be killed, they can't just live together easily and that actually would only partially solve the problem? Every time Crowley goes out the door, neither of them know what horrors await him on the outside.
Every. Single. Time. For thousands of years...
Aziraphale has always done everything he could to protect Crowley, as best as he could in whatever time they were in. He built the bookshop for Crowley. Yes, he wanted a place of his own and he came up with the bookshop embassy to con Heaven into letting him have material objects and a house but it was always really for both of them. It was to give Crowley a place to which he could escape from Hell. It was so that there was one place where demons and Satan couldn't find him because, out there in the world? Even in the places where Crowley was living? Crowley has never been safe from them.
One of the first scenes of Crowley in the series is him being attacked by Satan--while driving his car, a symbol of autonomy and control over himself-- while he was supposed to be having dinner with Aziraphale. This is basically the intro summary of their relationship that we are given at the start of the story and that carries through the rest of it in different scenes. If you were Aziraphale by 2.06 and thousand years deep into this hell you and Crowley had been living together, wouldn't you sign on the dotted line for even the slimmest-as-all-fuck, hope-and-a-prayer chance that you might be able to get the kind of power that could stop the love of your life from potentially being stalked, tormented, threatened or attacked any time he wasn't near you?
Imagine being head-over-heels in love with a person who is your best friend and your lover and your partner in life and he's safe with you, of course, but you can't be together all of the time because being together at all is risky and could kill you if you get caught but when he's not with you? He could be being raped on the side of the road by the literal fucking Devil because that's actually canonically happened before. What do you think it did to Aziraphale to feel like he was powerless to protect the person he loves for so long?
In Aziraphale's mind, he's been able to do little more than watch as Crowley suffered with no way to stop it.
Until the offer from "The Metatron":
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Then, along comes a situation that seems way too good to be true-- and is. That it is, though, doesn't matter to Aziraphale much at this point. It's not remotely ideal and it's not on their terms but it's something... it's more than Aziraphale felt he had to offer Crowley before he was given it.
Aziraphale does not want power for power's sake; he doesn't want to run Heaven. He rejected that when it was all that was offered.
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What tempted him was the power to protect Crowley.
It doesn't matter how unlikely it is that this is a genuine offer-- and Aziraphale does have doubts that it is genuine. This is the only offer that Aziraphale cannot refuse. He will never reject the possibility of freeing his partner from literal Hell because it would be freeing him from the mental, physical and emotional hell he's been going through for thousands of years.
That is how much Aziraphale loves Crowley.
How does Aziraphale fall? Well, Mr. Fell really actually fell long ago because he fell in love. He falls to Hell, though, when he cannot resist the temptation to take for himself the kind of power that he thinks would protect Crowley. He's tempted by the very devil that has been torturing them both and, worse, he knows he probably was, but it's still an offer he cannot ever refuse.
Aziraphale doesn't want Crowley to become an angel again because he can't love him if he's a demon; he wants Crowley to be an angel again because then he'd be safe from Satan. Then, he'd have a chance to heal more and be free. It's Aziraphale's unconditional love for Crowley that leads him to fall.
I think Aziraphale feels like he has nothing to offer Crowley if he can't protect him more than he already does. He has a lot of pain, anger and shame over a situation that isn't really within his control and that he'd kill to fix. No amount of Crowley's reassurance over the years has been able to fundamentally change how Aziraphale feels about this because both of them already do everything in their power to manage the situation as best as they can and, throughout all of this time, there has not ever been any way to fundamentally change it.
Don't think this angel hasn't thought long and hard about how he wants to marry that demon but he's not sure how he'd ever stand there and take a vow because, in his mind, a failure to protect him would be to break that vow. He doesn't actually think he's a good enough partner to Crowley as it is, let alone the husband to him he'd love to be. (Crowley very much begs to differ on that.)
That angel who gives his flaming sword and his money and time and his love to any being that needs what he can give them? The one that took Gabriel in and comforted Muriel and saved Job and Sitis' kids and gave Elspeth and Maggie a way out of despair?
That same angel has spent millennia unable to save his beloved partner from the worst horrors imaginable and that's how The Devil got this kind, pure-of-heart person-- the anger, shame, frustration and pain over thousands of years of telling himself that he's not good in general and he's definitely not good enough for Crowley.
Go right ahead and make him the bad guy if you want but know that his own negative thoughts about himself will out do yours any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
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So, a friend of mine on Discord said something interesting, and I feel like you might have thoughts on it. So. What do you think of the idea of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as being "The Shaw Brothers for kids", a sort of gateway drug for "the kung fu genre"?
Not the Shaw Brothers, but Golden Harvest. Let me explain: 
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I’m going to sound like a conspiracy theorist when I say this, but I believe the New Line Cinema “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (1990) movie was actually a money laundering scheme by the Chinese Mafia, specifically, the Sun Yee On Triad. 
Looking into the role of organized crime in martial arts cinema is a rabbit hole that goes very, very, very deep...and comes out somewhere very shocking at the end.
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You mention the Shaw Brothers, but there was another Hong Kong Producer who was the only credible rival to the Shaw Brothers (and who eventually surpassed the Shaws) in martial arts movies: Golden Harvest’s Raymond Chow….a man who started off as the Shaw Brothers’ talent division, but who eventually founded his own rival studio to the Shaws (with rumored triad financial backing), and who made Bruce Lee, Angela Mao and Jackie Chan stars. Raymond Chow is widely, and extremely credibly, believed to be a middleman for the Hong Kong Triad, the Sun Yee On, who used Golden Harvest as a front facing money laundering scheme, as claimed by Frederic Dannen in "Hong Kong Babylon," and Yiu Kong Chiu in "The Triads as Business," books I recommend if you are at all interested in the topic of organized crime in the Hong Kong film industry.
Raymond Chow was also the producer and primary funder of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. I mean, what does it mean when your movie is entirely produced and funded by a guy well known for being a triad middleman and money launderer?
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And all of this happened at New Line Cinema, a borderline independent film company…one known for having dodgy financials it’s entire existence, no less, which ultimately doomed it? One of the most extraordinary things about the 1990 Ninja Turtles movie is that it was, essentially, an independent film. New Line would later become a powerhouse as a studio and created Lord of the Rings, but at the time, it was a mainly low rent operation, rather like Cannon films, known for the success of the slasher series “Nightmare on Elm Street.” So yes, I do believe "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (1990) was a money laundering scheme by the Chinese Mafia.
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The triads in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan take enormous interest in financing martial arts movies for the same reason that they take a tremendous interest in financing porn movies: they’re quick, cheap, dirty, and can be used as a mechanism for laundering money, and a way to claim money from illegal sources (say, heroin) comes from a clean and legal source that can be claimed on taxes, like say, a movie studio. In addition, Hong Kong’s strict rating system, the Category III (equivalent to a far stricter R-rating) meant that very violent movies were handled in ways that were outside the law in ways similar to pornography. And according to several Senate investigations in 1991 ("Hearings on Asian Organized Crime"), the triads were actively involved in money laundering as well outside of Hong Kong, including currency trading and real estate, and the idea they could back a studio is entirely possible.
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Everyone working in Hong Kong cinema has a story of dealing with the triads, who are interwoven into the city. Anita Mui's manager was was shot dead by mafiosos. Jimmy Wang Yu, the first Kung Fu star, was a suspected member of the Bamboo Union triad, and once borrowed money from one triad to pay another....and may have used his reported connections with the Triads to get Jackie Chan out of his initial contract with Golden Harvest, a favor Jackie repaid. Golden Harvest studios were actually firebombed in 1984, an event suspected to be due to Triad activity. Raymond Chow’s fellow producer and good friend who discovered Steven Chow, film producer Charles Heung, is well known to be the son of Heung Chin, who founded the Sun Yee On Triad, the largest in Hong Kong with over 25,000 members. And you don’t have to take my word for it; a US Senate Committee in 1991 on Asian Organized Crime identified Cheung as a leader of the Sun Yee On along with his brothers. Because of his association with Charles Heung and the Sun Yee On, Steven Chow, director of Kung Fu Hustle, cannot enter Canada legally.
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Jackie Chan asserted Raymond Chow’s triad connections in his autobiography, and also claimed that he only hired triad members and other people who were mobbed up at Golden Harvest. One example would be producer Ng See Yuen, who produced Once Upon a Time in China for Golden Harvest, and who Jet Li refused to work with ever again after his manager was assassinated by triad gunmen (Jet Li blamed Ng See Yuen for his manager's death).
There's also Lo Wei, a Shaw Brothers director and known “Red Pole” enforcer of the Sun Yee On Triad, who came over to Golden Harvest, where he directed Bruce Lee’s Chinese Connection and Big Boss, and also directed Jackie Chan’s earliest “period” historical movies for GH. Jackie Chan, in his autobiography, stated that the reason he initially left Hong Kong to go to the United States for an American career was because Lo Wei, his director on Laughing Hyena, put a hit out on him for refusing to make Laughing Hyena 2, and Jackie had to flee the city when Lo Wei sent gunmen to his house to abduct him. When arriving in the United States, he had to avoid some men with machine guns at the airport. To this day, whenever possible, Jackie Chan goes out in public armed for fear of gangsters. 
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Even Jackie Chan though, never made the assertion that Raymond Chow and the Sun Yee On had Bruce Lee killed. This is important to mention because if you talk to any Chinese person, nearly all of them believe with unshakable, absolute certainty that the Chinese Mafia killed Bruce Lee, which is literally the plot of Game of Death (which, incidentally, Raymond Chow produced). Everyone around Bruce was mobbed up, because everyone in the Hong Kong film industry was mobbed up; in fact, it’s an open question how much it existed for its own sake. It’s notable Bruce Lee died at the home of Betty Lo Ting Pei, Golden Harvest actress, and his known mistress…who was married to a triad gangster. It’s also known that the first person that Betty Lo Ting Pei called when Bruce died was not medical services but Raymond Chow, something that to this day, she has not attempted to explain. 
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It can be hard to imagine what the motive is for Raymond Chow and the triads to kill Bruce Lee. After all, wouldn’t Bruce Lee be more useful to Raymond Chow alive than dead? I never saw the angle, here. But then, you consider that in the last few months of his life, Bruce Lee started to set the stage for his transition to behind the scenes roles like producer, and was assembling a lot of stunt talent around him (a lot of productions down the pipeline intended to have Bruce Lee in producer roles, like Circle of Iron). The rumor among the stunt players, as recounted by Sammo Hung, was that Bruce was attempting to form his own stunt and film production company (as Chiba later did successfully in Japan) and that would involve organizing and peeling off half the talent in Hong Kong….in a deeply triad controlled industry, no less. There was also a story recounted by witnesses that Bruce Lee, a temperamental and explosively violent man, physically assaulted Raymond Chow in his office with punches and kicks when he heard Chow had two sets of books in their shared production company, as Bruce was always keen to keep the triads out of his films. Ten days later, Bruce Lee was dead. And for weeks before his death, Lee told his friends "Hong Kong is getting too hot, I have to get out."
And you know something? A Ninja Turtles movie from 1990 is probably the least of it. In 2020, a few documents were declassified by the Taiwanese government that showed that the members of the Bamboo Union Triad had 19 top governmental positions in Taiwan from 1955-1984 (the era when Taiwan was in a complete state of military rule), including the National Security Bureau and all branches of the armed forces. In other words, Taiwan during the military rule era wasn't just corrupted by the triads, the triads were the government.
I never cease to be amazed at the incuriousness of the journalistic professions. Governments don't declassify documents - especially something as damning as triad involvement in government - unless they have to. So why would the Tsai Ing-Wen government reveal this now in 2020, especially when anti-corruption is the driving force of Taiwanese politics, and anti-corruption sentiment pushed the KMT out of power since the 90s? Outsiders believe that the single biggest question in Taiwanese politics is their relationship with the mainland. Kinda...the status quo is more or less a settled question. It's actually anti-corruption and anti-triad infiltration, which is why the DPP are the ruling party now.
The answer, I suspect, is that the triads are no longer working with the Taiwanese government, but with the mainland government. In the 1980s, Wong Man Fong, editor of the Xinhua paper of Hong Kong, said in several interviews he was asked by the People's Republic of China to reach out to the triads to help make a deal: no government interference in their activities, if they pledge to keep order in the city after the handover in 1997. I strongly suspect the mainland now has a similar arrangement with the Bamboo Union, Green Gang, and the Si Hai Bang they did in Hong Kong, especially since so much money is going back and forth with the release of trade to the mainland. In other words, the triads in Taiwan are active agents of the PRC.
Backdoor deals between government and the mob aren't out of the question, just ask the CIA, who used Giancana Crime Family assassins sent to kill Castro as a key plank of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the role of the mafia in the Kennedy Assassination, or how control of opium was a key under-the-table reason for the invasion of Afghanistan.
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What I suspect happened is, the Taipei government is turning on organized crime now after decades and decades of ludicrous and obvious corruption, because to the triads, the money to be made with the mainland and unification is far more lucrative. It's no coincidence that the largest pro-unification party in Taiwan is led by a triad gangster who spent time in jail for racketeering, Chang An Lo, nicknamed "the White Wolf." Like John Gotti, everyone knows he's a mobster and that's even part of the White Wolf's coolness and appeal (if you could vote for Tony "Scarface" Montana, boy, I bet a lot of guys would), but nobody can touch him. In fact, combined with how the "light world" financial institutions are intertwined along with the underworld, there's an argument to be made that the reason the PRC hasn't tried to take Taiwan is that for all intents and purposes, they already have it.
In other words, the triads have gone from using the Ninja Turtles to money launder to essentially setting global geopolitics.
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the-moon-files · 2 days
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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sixosix · 3 days
a little love letter to my readers
to start off, i know that the series is based off the entire reputation album, but i like to think that this whole series was written around call it what you want.
how it started LMFAOOO
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This was previously titled ‘melt’ before i was like ‘nah ill make it, like, thaw” and earthtooz went, “Thawed?” little did earth know,, that name would literally take over my docs,,, my tags,,, my ENTIRE account
A message to my readers: From the bottomest bottom of my heart, if you have reached this series until the very end, thank you so, so much for reading. Read that sentence again. And again, until you realize how grateful I truly am as a writer. Thawed is such a big project that I still can’t believe I was able to even start. I genuinely never thought it would garner this much attention, and in all honestly, I was intimidated by it, because I had no idea what I was doing, and I was afraid I would disappoint.
This entire project was intimidating, and I considered so many times to just drop it and end it on chapter five. I struggled so badly to write after I introduced the characters, and I thought: “well, that’s it. I guess it was fun.” I even told my friends that I would do that; and yet 14 chapters later, look at where we are now 😭
Writing it was so exhausting. Working on a series while studying as a student really makes it difficult to remember details about my own story T__T I had to reread Thawed so many times to the point where I don’t even like it anymore.
But I know the reason why I decided to continue it! It sounds so horribly cliche, but it’s true. It’s thanks to all your overwhelming support :( Each ask, comment, reblog—they all fueled me more than you think. All those replies of even incoherent gibberish made me realize that, ‘hey, someone read it and liked it enough to send an ask about it. Maybe I am doing something right!!!!’
some thawed extras for readers who are interested
If you haven’t noticed, the chapter titles aren’t actually accurately about the chapter. Those titles were taken from the songs in the Reputation album, in order. And the chapters are loosely based around them!
reputation is, like, widely known as the edgy album from taylor, but in reality its such a big love letter and i know that other people noticed that, too! i think it’s very fitting to the story of thawed: it’s dark and messy, but at the end of the day, it’s a love story. do you get what i mean hehe. i hope that’s how the series came across…
im sorry if aether doesnt appear in the last chapter :( in my head, mc is coming home. and by then i dont think aether would be in fontaine at all! but rest assured they definitely have met up twice or thrice while in the other regions heehee. Also aether will ofc be there for their weeding. 🙏
i have nothing much else to say aside from thank you for reading! i hope u enjoyed thawed as much as i did
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elbdot · 2 hours
Have you ever make some comics of El and Guzma First meeting?
Or you know their relantioship when he was still the team Skull leader?
It may sound strange to some, but I actually have ZERO comics of their first ever interactions! 😂 But given how many people read EAA by now with absolutely ZERO knowledge of Pokemon SM, it would probably be a good idea to give them some context someday, especially on Team Skull.
It just wouldn't be my main priority right now, I'd have to plan it in first - believe it or not, while their history is fully detailed in my head, I have given no thought yet to where to include a possible flashback in the webcomic 😅😂 All I will say is that their relationship started out on a REALLY BAD First Impression, ABSOLUTELY terrible
Also to all my wonderful readers who never played Sun and Moon: I'm amazed you came this far and sTAYED despite knowing nOTHING about the games OG storyline I applaud you, some of the stories must be SO CONFUSING
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( I actually added a Alola-crash-course-summary to my homepage ages ago, boiled down to the most crucial bits of information to get a basic understanding of the story but man. It of course leaves out A LOT of characters )
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lee-laurent · 4 hours
Scheiße - Luke Hughes
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Summary: In which Luke falls for Nico's friend despite the language barrier. Or in which Sofia dates an American boy even though she barely understands him... at first.
Content: fluff, a tiny bit of angst (sort of), implied sex but no smut, making out
also this fic is formatted a bit different! it's kinda like a timeline of Luke and Sofia's relationship!
notes: everything in italics is in swiss german. easier than having to translate everything!! this one is for all my other multilingual queens/kings :) i tried my best to represent the struggle that i felt trying to learn english, but obviously everyone's experience is going to be different. the squirrel scene is very much taken from an actual experience i had haha
"Stop picking at your nails, Sof. Everyone is going to love you," Nico attempted to calm his best friend.
"You don't know that. They could hate me," she argued, continuing to pick at her cuticles.
"Well... I'm their captain. So, if they do anything that makes you upset..."
"Don't threaten your team for me, Neeks."
"Just trying to reassure you, love."
The Devils were having a little pre-season get together with all the players and their significant others. Nico's best friend, Sofia, had recently made the move to America in hopes to improve her English; so, naturally he had decided to bring her along to help her make some friends in New Jersey.
Nervously, she followed behind Nico as they walked onto the roof of Nicole and Jesper's building. He placed a comforting hand on her back, leading her towards a group of WAGs.
"Nico! Hi!" Nicole smiled, "And you must be Sofia! Nico talks about you all the time."
"Hi," Sofia smiled sheepishly, playing with the hem of her skirt.
"Would you like a drink?" the blonde asked.
"Oh, sure. Thank you."
"I'll be with the boys. Let me know if you need anything," Nico smiled, walking off towards a group of hollering men.
Sofia fell into a steady flow of conversation with the Devils' significant others. Well, as steady as it could be with her limited knowledge of English.
"How long have you been seeing Nico?" one of the girls asked, taking a sip from her cocktail.
Sofia choked on her drink, giggling at the idea of being with Nico. "He is my best friend. We are not toether."
"Omg! I'm so sorry," the other girl blushed.
"It is fine! No stress," Sof smiled proudly at the use of the expression that Nico had recently taught her.
"So, anyone special back in Switzerland?" Nicole questioned.
"Oh, um, no. I... too focused on work. No time," she explained.
"Omg! We could set you up with one of the single guys on the team!"
"Oh... it's okay," Sofia giggled, taking a long sip of her drink.
"Let us know if you change your mind," Nicole winked, before starting a story about something that had happened at work earlier in the week.
"Sofia! Come here!" Nico beckoned her over to where he stood with a few players.
"Coming! It was nice meeting you all," she smiled politely at the girls.
"Wait! Give me your number! I'll add you to our group chat," Simon's girlfriend exclaimed. Sofia was giddy as she typed her number into her newly found friend's phone.
"Guys, meet Sofia," Nico smiled, placing his hand on her back once again. "Sof, meet Luke, Jack, Timo, and Dawson."
"Hi," Jack smiled widely.
"Nico always talks of you guys. Nice to meet you," the girl smiled, scooting closer into Nico's side. She was not a fan of all the eyes on her at the moment.
"Nice to see you again," Timo grinned. They'd met over the summer when Nico was training.
Luke could see her shoulders untense at the sound of her native language.
"You as well. It's crazy to meet everyone Nico talks about all the time. Like, sometimes I was convinced they were all in his head," she giggled, earning a glare from her best friend.
Luke, Jack, and Dawson chuckled awkwardly, completely unaware of what the conversation in front of them was about. They could be shit talking for all they knew.
"So... what do you do for work?" Dawson asked.
"Oh, fashion photography!"
"Ever tried sports photography?"
"I'm not as good at it," she nodded.
"She's being humble. She just prefers fashion," Nico laughed. While Nico talked to the boys, Sofia couldn't help but notice that the tallest boy in the group had yet to speak to her. Did he not like her? She was trying her best. She caught his eyes for a moment, but he quickly looked down at the beer in his hands. She was upset that one of Nico's close friends didn't like her, but she couldn't win them all.
It was the third or fourth time that Sofia had hungout with the WAGs. This time she'd invited them to have their wine night at her and Nico's apartment. The girls were sat in the living room, chatting animatedly about the upcoming season.
"I know that Simon is so excited for his rookie season! He told me that Luke is feeling the same way," Simon's girlfriend smiled.
"I- I don't think Luke likes me," Sofia spoke up, swishing her wine around in the glass.
"What?!" Nicole exclaimed, "Why do you think that?"
"He never talks to me. And when I go to stand with Neeks, he walks away."
"That's funny because Curtis told me something completely different," Reanne smiled cheekily.
"What did he say?" Sofia asked, chugging the rest of her wine, before pouring herself some more.
"That Luke has a biiiiiig crush on a certain someone."
"Ooo! Sofia!" the girls cheered.
"But... he doesn't talk to me."
"Luke has no play, girl. He's probably just wayyy too nervous to talk you cause you're so stunning."
"He thinks I'm cute?" Sofia blushed.
"Duh! Who wouldn't? Do you think he's cute?" Nicole pressed.
Sofia pressed her lips together in an attempt to hide her growing smile, "He is like... how do I say it? My..."
"Yes! He's my type."
"Can I tell Curtis? Maybe he can talk some sense into Luke."
"We should let them come together naturally, Reanne," Nicole giggled.
"Okay, well... next game you're talking to him. Sound good?"
Sofia nodded happily. She couldn't believe that Luke had a crush on her! She felt like a high schooler writing in her diary about the cute boy in her class.
First Date
Sofia stood in the bathroom mirror, fixing her hair for the 15th time. She hadn't gone on a date in over a year and she was shitting herself. Luke had asked her out after their most recent win against the Rangers. She hadn't exactly told Nico who were date was with, but he knew she was going on one.
"You look beautiful, Sof," Nico smiled as she walked into the kitchen.
"It's not too much?" she asked, pulling at the bottom of her top.
"Are you going to wear a jacket?"
"Yeah, my jean one."
"I think that's perfect. Where are you guys going?"
"Some pizza place. Then we're going on a walk, I think."
"Cute. How'd you meet?"
"Oh, at the Rangers game. He came up to me when I was waiting for you."
"He wasn't a Rangers fan... was he?"
"No," she giggled, "He was wearing a Devils' jersery."
"Good. Have fun! You'll be back tonight?"
"Yes, Neeks. I'm not going to his on the first date," she giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Stay safe! I love you!"
"Love you too," she grabbed her purse, blowing him one last kiss before disappearing out the door.
"Hi," Luke smiled, "I like your outfit."
"Thank you, Luke. You look nice too," she admired the way his chest looked in the blue polo shirt he was wearing.
The walk to the pizza place was full of laughter. Sofia wasn't sure she'd ever felt so confident in her English as when she was around Luke. He wasn't condescending at all, helping her when she asked and waiting when she didn't.
"Have you ever played hockey?" Luke asked, cutting himself a slice of pizza.
"No. That is not really... my thing?"
Luke nodded in understanding.
"But I love watching. You are very good."
"Thanks, Sofia. I have seen the outfits you've helped Nico make. Do you think you could help me?"
"You always wear same two suits," she giggled, covering her mouth.
"Don't bully me!"
"Sorry. I would love to help you, Luke."
"I, uh, wanted to apologize for ignoring you when we first met. I was under the impression that you were with Nico, so I was trying to push my attraction away."
"Nico is like a brother. I never think of him other ways. Promise."
"It's fine, Sof. No worries. I just being dumb."
"Maybe you are always dumb, Lukey."
Luke cackled, reaching out and holding her hand across the table.
"I'll just pretend that was your lack of English and not you bullying my again."
"I would never bully you," she smirked.
First Kiss
Sofia was cuddled up into Luke's side on the sofa, his hand holding tightly onto the dip of her waist.
"I can put the German captions on," Luke offered, as he watched Sofia's face scrunch up for umpteenth time.
"But maybe that would distract you."
"It won't, babe. I'll turn them on."
Sofia blushed at the pet name. Luke grabbed the remote, clicking on the German caption option on the film they were watching.
"What the hell is Eichhörnchen?" Luke asked, butchering the pronunciation.
"Eichhörnchen?" she giggled, correcting him, "It's squirrel."
"Say that again?"
"You say it so funny. I'm sorry."
"The 'skw' sound... that is not in German. Stop hating."
"Sorry, love," Luke giggled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Sofia looked up at him as he pulled away. She placed a gentle hand on the side of his face, leading him back down.
"What're you doing?" he whispered.
"Can we kiss?"
"Wha- what?"
"Can we kiss?" she asked just as confidently as before.
Luke nodded, running his tongue over his bottom lip. He leaned forward, capturing her top lip between his. He smiled into the kiss, ultimately breaking it. Sofia pouted, pulling him back in for more.
Wearing His Jersey/Becoming His Girlfriend
"Do a spin for me?" Luke smiled from his spot on his bed. Sofia was dressed in her panties and a jersey with 'Hughes 43' plastered on the back. She spun around giggling as he got off the bed, picking her up.
"You. Are. So. Fucking. Beautiful," he said between kisses, hands sneaking under the jersey to give her exposed ass a small squeeze. She gasped, smacking his chest.
"Jack will be home soon, I should go."
"Do you have to?" he whined, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap.
"Yes, Lukey. I'll be at the game, wearing my new jersey," she giggled, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He attempted to lay down and bring her with him, but she was quick to stand up. She walked over to the side of the bed, hopping into her jeans. The vintage bell bottoms looked amazing on her and Luke made sure to let her know, letting out a low whistle as she walked out the door.
"A Hughes' jersey?" Nico questioned after the game, pulling her into a hug.
"Thought I'd switch it up. Can't always be repping the Hischier one."
"Where'd you get it?"
"Luke let me borrow it."
"I'm glad you two have become friends. I was worrying you weren't going to befriend any of the guys."
"We're the same age. It just made sense," she shrugged.
"You never told me how that date you went on was."
"Oh, didn't really work out. He just wanted to use me to get free tickets," she lied.
"Sounds about right. You'll find someone, Sof. Don't worry."
"And if I don't?"
"You've got me," he winked, making her laugh. "Need a ride home?"
"Yes! Let me say thanks to Luke again."
"I'll meet you at the car," he smiled, kissing her cheek as he headed out.
"Look at you," Luke whispered as he pulled her into a 'friendly' hug. "Look so good in my jersey."
"Stop being so horny," she giggled, pulling away from him.
"Can't help it when my girlfriend looks sooooo fine."
"Sorry, I- uh, I just assumed because we spend all this time together. But if you don't want to be my girlfriend, I understand. I shouldn't have-"
"I'd love to be your girlfriend."
She pulled him into one more quick hug, before skipping off to meet Nico.
Nico Finding Out
Luke hummed as Sofia straddled his lap, running her hands through his hair. He pressed a kiss to her jaw, another on her neck, then one on her collarbone before connecting their lips again.
"I missed you," he mumbled.
"Missed you too."
The boys had been on a week long roadie, and now Sofia and Luke couldn't keep their hands off each other.
"Mmm, I love this perfume. Is it new?" he asked, kissing her neck again.
"Yeah," her voice was shaky, gasping when he nipped at her jaw.
"God, Sofia. You're perfect."
"Kiss me."
His hands gripped her waist as their lips met in another passionate kiss. They laid down on the couch, Luke holding himself up as his girlfriend giggled below him.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. I just missed this."
"Me too, babe."
Sofia's hands moved under his top, feeling the smooth skin of his chest. Just as Luke was going to ask if he could do the same, a new voice echoed through the apartment.
"Sofia? Who's here?"
"Who's here? There's some white sneakers at the door. Not mine."
"Oh, Luke's here! We're watching TV."
The couple scrambled to sit up and fix their dishevled looks.
"Hey, Luke! How's it going, man?" Nico entered the living room, dapping up his teammate.
"Good, good. How're you?"
"Good. You didn't tell me he was coming over," Nico turned to his roommate.
"Yeah... spur of the moment."
"Is that a hickey?" Nico asked in German, as not to embarass Sofia.
"What? No."
"It totally is! Who gave you a hickey?"
"It's not a hickey, Nico."
"Was it him?!" Nico gasped.
"What?! No!"
"It was! You're such a shit liar! How long?"
"Beginning of the season," she sighed, finally giving in.
"This is so funny! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I'm not a shit liar, for the record. You had no idea until now."
"Was that date with him?!"
"I'm right here... if you're talking about me," Luke scratched the back of his neck.
"One second, Luke," Sofia smiled. "It was, yeah. I... I was nervous to tell you. Was worried you'd think I was using you to get with him."
"That's funny, Sof. I couldn't care less. As long as you're happy."
Sofia stood up, pulling her best friend into a tight hug.
"I'm watching you though, Rusty. Hurt her and I'll hurt you," Nico threatened, heading to his bedroom.
"He knows?!" Luke gasped.
Guess Sofia had some explaining to do.
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thefangirlfever · 2 days
Stress Relief (part 3, a Miguel O'hara fanfic), 18+, Minors Do not Interact
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Summary: a date night with Miguel turns heated when you bring out a special board-game...
Tags: F/M, established relationship, Smut, spanking, dirty talk, mention of masturbation (M), mention of kinks, nipple and breast play, cunnilingus, doggy-style, aftercare,
Word count: 3560
Disclaimer: English is not my first language.
I took inspiration from a real game to write this story. The idea of the game is not mine but some of the bets and cards are.
This one is going to be horny.
After the last presents Miguel gave you, you felt like you had to offer him something, to thank him properly. He didn’t ask you for anything, but you actually liked this little game and you wanted to reciprocate. Because, yes, this has turned into a little game. These last months, you both had found the way to spice things up in the bedroom, an expression that would have made you cringe years ago but there was no other way to describe it. It could be something as simple as lighting up some candles or things a bit more elaborate like using toys. Either way it always ended up well.
But after a few months like this, things you couldn’t accept to fall back into a routine. That’s why you were on your way to find something else for your couple nights.
And as soon as your eyes landed on the red box in the middle of the sex shop, you knew you had found what you needed…
“What are you up to?”
It didn’t take Miguel long to sense that something had changed within you today. He just barely made it back home and just after taking his shoes off, he rushed by your side on the couch to kiss your cheek tenderly. Ever since he came back home from that business trip, he has been even more clingy and affectionate than he has ever been.
You know he is going to love his surprise. It was easy for him to guess how excited you were under that calm and composed facade you were trying to hold onto. But he knew you too well to be fooled by it. As soon as he mentioned it, you faced him with a marge grin.
“I may have gotten you a little something today…”
Miguel grunts. He is still not used to getting presents from you, or anyone else for that matter. And you made it your mission to get him used to small attentions like this. There’s no reason he got to always be the one gifting you things when you could do the same...especially when the said present could profit both of you.
“Honey...I appreciate but it is not necessary-”
You grab the bag hidden behind the back of the couch and hand it to him with a wide grin. How is he supposed to tell you no when you look at him this way? He huffs and with a resigned shrug he grabs the bag. His cheeks are already tinted with a soft pink hue. It’s obvious he feels flustered from the mere fact you took your time to gift him something. You can’t wait to see his reaction to the gift if he already blushes like that…
You’re not disappointed when he takes the box in his hands and an incredulous look washes over his face. His brows pool together and he suddenly starts laughing, almost nervously. When he finally catches his breath, he asks, still in that incredulous voice:
“A board-game? You brought me a sexy board-game?”
He thought he had already seen everything from you since the day you introduced him to the joys of the shower head, but this...This was different. This was probably one of the tamest things you gifted each other and somehow one of the most intriguing. He heard a lot about people surprising their partners with lingerie and such things...but a board game. That was new.
“How are we even supposed to use this?”
“There’s a rulebook inside the box…” After a short pause, during which he carefully opens the bright red box, you ask: “You don’t like it?”
“What? Of course no...I like it. It’s just...unexpected…” Miguel replies while chuckling. He finally opens the red box and grabs the rulebook, his eyes scanning the document quickly.
“It can’t be that hard to play…”
One thing you had forgotten was how competitive Miguel actually was. The rules were indeed quite easy to follow. It was a classical goose game but with extra cards and bets to spice up the game. After half an hour of game and probably too many glasses of wine, you had a very loose way of following the game. But it wasn’t Miguel’s case.
“You have to draw a card there.”, he exclaims while pointing at the pile of remaining cards. You groan, the last time you had to pick up a card you ended up with the bet of massaging his shoulders. Miguel had picked up the Stripping card. Therefore he was sitting down the couch, only dressed in his briefs. He didn’t seem very bothered by it and even refused putting on a blanket because game is game and one has to follow the rule.
It’s not like you would complain.
After taking one last sip of wine, you picked up a card and made a giggling sound. Miguel’s interest was suddenly piqued by your reaction.
“What did you got?”
“What have you been fantasizing to? Text your partner your latest fantasy.”
“Ooohh that one is going to be interesting…”, Miguel grins while giving you your phone. You didn’t even realize you had left it so far away from you. He watched you typing with a satisfied smile on your lips. The way your eyes shine and your carmine lips had tainted the glass, how you were sitting down the couch, your skirt slightly riding up your thighs...he could admire you like this for hours. Just when he was about to wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you closer, his phone vibrated with your message and from the self-satisfied look on your face, he didn’t know hat to expect.
You watched in delight his face turn red just a shade darker as he took in the message. After a few seconds, he asked with his expression now shifting to amusement:
“You do know that there are cameras in most places like this, huh?”
“That’s where lies the fun.” He was clearly not expecting such an answer from you and decided to put it on the account of the wine you had. You surprised yourself with your boldness but it was worth it for the look on his face alone.
“Jesus, you’re something else you know that?” He asked with a chuckle. The only response he got from you was a slight shrug of your shoulders and a sultry look. Miguel cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, trying to hide the strain he was feeling in his boxers.
The dices rolled on the coffee table and Miguel moved his piece across the board from three boxes. He groaned as soon as he recognized the purple box but still drew a card. You didn’t think it was possible and yet, his cheeks grew even more flushed.
“Show me what you got.”
With the sudden movement of your body in his direction, Miguel almost dropped the card. You were suddenly much closer, leaning over his shoulder to look at the card...and maybe at something else. His legs crossed as a reflex, trying to hide the shape of his arousal. Your alcohol ridden breath, your musky scent and the closeness of your body didn’t hide the situation down there at all. Neither did your adorable giggle. You finally read the card out loud:
“Where was the most unconventional place you’ve ever had sex at?”
Miguel felt his cheeks grow more heated under your curious gaze as he recalled an infamous moment of his early life. He swallowed hard before confessing in a small voice:
“My office.”
Your eyes opened wide at his confession. In his office? That was unexpected. You couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy as he remembered this memory. He just told you that he found it weird to do it in public spaces and yet, he already indulged in it with someone else in the past. Your hips drew into a thin line as you asked as nonchalantly as possible:
“With who?”
He replied without even lifting his head up to look at you:
“No one. I was...alone…”
You took an other sip of wine to make the information pass. The image of Miguel alone in his office, in one of most refined tailor-suit, furiously pumping his cock while trying to muffle his moans and groans flashed through your mind. No way you two would finish this game tonight…
“I was...thinking of you…”
This new confession almost got a moan out of you and you asked quietly:
“Did it happen...only once?”
He bashfully nodded: “Yeah...I...almost got caught so I didn’t feel like trying again.”
The new image popping through your mind definitely didn’t help your own arousal. Miguel pinning you down his desk, spreading you out for him to pounce into, the rocking of the desk, the shadows of passer-by behind the closed curtains of the office… You squeezed your thighs together and tried your best to compose yourself.
“My turn.”
You put down your glass and rolled the dice. You sighed of relief when you moved your piece and didn’t have to draw a card. Miguel feigned frustration at your luck:
“How come you always avoid these traps and I’m here, almost naked?”
“Guess I’m just lucky.”, you replied with a cocky smile.
Miguel rolled his eyes but a smirk betrayed his own amusement. The dice rolled and he moved his piece onto a bright red box. You had never picked a box like this one. This would be fun.
Miguel read the card out loud this time: “Your partner has been a very naughty boy/ girl. Spank them ten times or they have to move back from five boxes… Oh I think I like this one…”
“Of course, you do…”, you rolled your eyes while crawling toward him. Miguel quickly takes hold of your shoulders and pulls you closer until you lie flat on his lap. He usually didn’t make you stand this way and the position was quite...unexpected.
Miguel’s palm took in the curve of your ass, offered to his view and his delight with a low, satisfied hum.
“May I?” You nodded quickly and his hand slipped under the fabric of your skirt, wrapping around your leg and sliding up. When his fingers sank into the plush flesh of your thighs an other low hum slipped through his lips. You were growing impatient and started squirming on his laps, which he stopped with the strong hold of his hand:
“Now, don’t get impatient, sweetheart…”
His fingers hiked up higher on your thighs, feeling the heat from your core and yet he chose to not act upon it. Instead his hand lifted up your skirt, exposing your backside, only covered in a blue, lacy thong. He only gave it a pretty uninterested look, given that the real prize he was looking for laid underneath. In a swift movement of his wrist, he pulled the underwear down to your thighs exposing your skin to the cool air of the night.
Coolness washed over your skin, that pebbled into goosebumps, and over your aching sex. You squeezed your thighs tightly before he rose his hand and gave you the first slap. It wasn’t as hard as what he could do but your body still jumped at the sensation.
“Stop squeezing your legs like that, honey...And let me see…”
An other slap eased you into obedience you relaxed a bit, just when his fingers slipped down the curve of your ass, and then lower, lower until they reached your puffy lips. He parted them slowly, relishing in the way his fingers slipped over the moisture and your soft skin. A bit of your arousal coated his fingers and he watched with awe the glistening of your juice over his skin.
“You’re already so wet…”
Despite your obvious arousal, he didn’t act upon it. The rules didn’t allow him to touch you further and he was a rule-abiding player. No matter how much you were pleading for him to touch you, to ease the ache between your legs, Miguel only gave you an other smack.
“Patience, baby...Patience…”
When you finally sat down, your buttcheeks stung slightly and the red marks were a testimony of Miguel’s ministrations. God, how did he love seeing those marks on you…
“Your turn.”, he purred with a sultry tone. You rolled the dice and ended up on pink box. You groaned and begrudgingly took the card Miguel handed you.
“Is it chilly out there? Or is it just your partner getting heated? Your partner gets to stimulate your nipples for two minutes however he wants.” You grumbled: “That’s...what kind of bet is this?”
Miguel was practically beaming when he hear the bet and he already had plenty ideas on how to make it a reality.
“Come on, princess… You’re the one who chose it.” You could tell he was getting bolder the more you both played the game. He looked at your shirt, already undressing you with his searing gaze.
“Come on, shirt off…” With each button that popped open, Miguel could feel the straining in his boxers getting more intense. But that wasn’t enough for him. Sure, you were looking delectable, undressing slowly with your flushed cheeks and plush curves on display, gracefully outlined by the same blue lace than the one on your thong...But he had other appetites tonight.
“The bra too…”, he almost groaned. You tried to reach for the clasp in the back and after fumbling a bit with it, the garment finally dropped down your lap. Miguel hummed in contentment when he finally got to see your breasts free and it took all his will to resist the urge to just draw the outline of them with his hands, to worship them like he usually did… Instead he would have to focus on your nipples exclusively.
He grabbed his empty, if not for a few ice cubes, whiskey glass and scouted a bit closer to you.
“We should put on a timer…”, you breathed out, looking with anticipation at his fingers grasping the ice cube.
“Just relax…”, he whispered. And then the ice cube made contact with the tips of your breasts. The cold sensation sent a jolt straight toward your core and you clenched your thighs. Without any panties on, the moist sensation between your legs was more tangible and seemed heightened. You were actually very aware of every new sensation occurring on your body, from the pebble of your skin, the dampness of your core, the tightening of your nipples… After rubbing the areolas minutely and watching them puff out, Miguel let the ice cube melt against your flushed skin. Time was running out and he didn’t waste any more time; he leaned forward but instead of sucking on the hardened nubs he gently blew on them.
The stark contrast made your breath hitch and a gasp slipped your lips. Your core practically clenched, thirsty for something to grip on while your tender nipples swelled. Miguel’s hands held you firmly, one of them on your hips and the other on your shoulder, his fingers mindlessly toying with a few strands of your hair.
When he finally pulls back, he watches with a contented smile the way your nipples poke out, red and swollen. He did this. And you’re already a whimpering mess, flushed and needy. He can’t resist it and he nuzzles his face between your cleavage for a few seconds, taking the musky scent of your sweat gathered between the slope of your curves. You don’t have the will to push him away despite the rules of the game. His hands roam your back, following the curve of your spine and he whispers in a husky voice:
“Don’t put it back on, please…”
Without realizing it, your bodies start rocking slowly on top of the couch while his lips follow trace the curve of your breasts. Their pliable flesh pulls him in and he can’t resist the temptation of brushing his face against them, rubbing his stubble of a beard across them, watching in awe your every reaction.
“Miguel...we haven’t finished the game…”, you weakly protested while simultaneously lying back on the couch. He simply shrugged his shoulders and looked up, his gaze greedy:
“I think I’ve found something better than the game…”
You were spread out on the coffee table among the last remains of the board game, most of it tossed neglectfully on the floor. Your hair fanned around your face and your shoulders while you whimpered, each sound a response to Miguel’s expert licks. His nose was buried deep between your folds as he licked and lapped greedily at your cunt, eating you out like a starved man with your legs wrapped around his neck.
He would alternate between kissing your clitoris and lapping at your slit, all while giving playful tweaks to your nipples. This was not your first orgasm of the night and you were starting to feel dizzy from his endless devotion. When he felt that you were close once again, he gave one last playful lick on your clitoris, twisting the bud with his tongue and watched you unravel under him.
“You’re so fucking beautiful like this…”, he rasped out while kissing your feverish skin all around your mid-section despite the tremor of your body.
“Miguel...I need you…”
“I know...I need you too… Let me just…”, he stuttered while looking for a condom. You always had some in your purse but...his eyes feel on the opened box of the board game and the single bag of a condom inside. He internally smile, thinking that the designer of the game really thought about everything.
He didn’t know how he managed to not come undone but as soon as his fingers rolled the condom over his length, he knew he wouldn’t last long. And you knew it too by the way he would grunt and groan.
“Turn around, please...Wanna see the marks while I fuck you…”
Miguel took a hold of your thighs and carefully helped you roll on your stomach. The two of you were kneeling in front of the coffee table, him behind you, massaging your soft side, trying to ease you into this:
“You’re feeling alright, sweetheart? Feeling good?”
Seeing you nod to all his questions made his heart swell in appreciation. He didn’t deserve you… He placed a rain of kisses down your shoulder blade while fondling your rosy butt, still adorning the marks of his spanking. The sight only could get him going for hours…
“I’m going to move, honey, okay?”
The next minutes, the two of you rocked back and forth against the coffee table. With each new thrust, you couldn’t help but wonder if the piece of furniture would keep holding you any longer. Miguel’s grip on your hips tightened, almost bruising you as he keeps dragging his length down your walls, feeling you clench and call back for him every time he tried to pull out. He couldn’t help the words of praise that escaped his lips as he kept thrusting into you:
“You’re...so...perfect…Keep it like that...Just a bit more and I’m going to…”
His words got cut by a deep groan on his side and you could feel his pace quickening. You’d never seen him like this, so eager and rough although he tried his best to not hurt you given your size difference. Little did you know that the game you both played earlier had gotten him riled up, so much that he couldn’t stop thinking about what you said on doing it in his office. Those were the only images playing in his mind as he pounded into you with harder thrusts, his hands firmly pining you against the table.
When his body finally fell limp on top of yours, he couldn’t hold back the groan of satisfaction that flew through his lips. He had never felt so...empty, strained after a moment like this. His body wrapped around you, not letting go for now as he breathed deeply into your hair, trying to calm himself down.
You wrapped an arm around his neck as best of your ability and breathed out: “You alright, over there?”
He was glad to not that there was not an ounce of irony in your question but rather genuine concern. Miguel placed a soft kiss over your shoulder and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck while his hand caressed the curve of your backside:
“I’m fine...I’m more than fine. But you…”
“Hey...it’s okay, Miguel. It’s not going to stay here for long. Just a bit of ointment and it’ll be gone.”
His fingers still gingerly traced the outline of the red marks and he couldn’t help but feel bad for displaying too much strength on you, even if you both agreed on it. His lips slowly trailed down your back until they landed on the plump of your butt.
“Yeah...you’re right…”
You could be sure he would not leave you alone for the rest of the night, making sure you were okay and taken care of as soon as he scooped you up in his arms, guiding you toward the bedroom. His lips placed a tender kiss on your forehead and he whispered against the crown of your head:
“Thanks for the present, it was amazing. You were amazing...”
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
< Part 2/ Part 4 >
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Thoughts on Inside Out 2
Also known as Pixar Showing Off Their CGI Again
Pretty sick how you can see multi-color memories in the first scene as a follow-up to the end of the first movie where they discover that memories can be associated with multiple emotions.
It only took a few seconds in the pit for me to remember that Bing Bong is fucking gone.
"I'm Brie." "I'm Grace." "I'm gay." "You're purple." -Me, too quietly for anyone to hear (in case you can't tell, I still think about IF sometimes)
Maybe adding a "We're Blasting Off Again" chute wasn't the best idea.
In the scene right before they pull into the high school parking lot, you can already see orange buttons on the console.
The shot of Joy being like "There's nothing to worry about" while there's literally a wrecking ball in the window should be a meme.
It's very fitting that they made Anxiety just a creature.
Embarrassment might be big, but he's just a lil guy.
Then there's Envy, who actually is little but not in a cute way. More like an Aquamarine from Steven Universe way. In fact, she might just be Aquamarine.
Le Console App
They have an old lady living in the closet.
Biggest jumpscare of 2024: 2D animation in a Pixar movie.
Second biggest jumpscare of 2024: PlayStation graphics in a Pixar movie.
Anger just said, "FUCK DA POLICE."
I wanted Sadness to show up in headquarters and say "Surprise, motherfucker."
I was the first person to laugh at the Sar-chasm, and then everyone else started laughing. I feel like that happened multiple times, actually.
After Anger called Joy delusional, I fully expected her to say "what the fuck did you just say to me?"
Let Joy say fuck.
How self-aware of Disney to include a scene in an animation sweatshop.
I was wondering how they were going to top Riley running away in the first movie. Turns out the answer is breaking and entering.
Why does a fanny pack from a preschool kids' show have that much dynamite in it?
Anxiety? Did you mean Sonic the Hedgehog?
So what I'm getting is that the moral of the story is I Am All of Me.
You wanna talk anxiety? Let's make Inside Out 3 about Riley getting her driver's license.
Overall, 9/10 movie. Pouchy <<<<< Toodles
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arewedoneyet · 1 day
men's folio article via mens-folio.com/my
With buttery vocals, princely features and the penmanship of a lovelorn poet, Jeff Satur is about to sing his way into your heart — one story at a time.
What makes a good story? And what makes a good storyteller? For music savant Jeff Worakamol Satur, these are the two questions that have kept him on his feet the past decade, fuelling his fearless desire to know, love and showcase his most authentic self to the world.
Magnetic in look, sound and craft, Jeff has managed to dabble in multiple genres of music — and play various instruments — without losing his signature, velvety sound. While he did skyrocket to fame portraying Kim on the TV show KinnPorsche: The Series in 2022, Jeff singing its theme song, “Why Don’t You Stay,” was what converted many casual onlookers into full-time Jeff fans (or SATURDAYs). They are now hooked onto his buttery vocals — which not only eloquently and evocatively sing in Thai, English and Chinese — but Jeff is also the very person who produced and wrote the stories in these tracks.
With ancestral roots tracing back to China, India and Italy, it is no wonder that the Phuket native navigates expression and interaction in these vastly different languages without losing their nuances. It is the openness to embrace diversity in cultures and ideas that his fans continue to grow in numbers from all corners of the world.
Since starting his personal studio — Studio On Saturn — at the end of 2022, Jeff has held concerts all over the region, most recently completing his Space Shuttle No. 8 Asia Tour in April to celebrate the release of his first full album. His appearances on music variety shows like China’s Call Me By Fire Season 3 and, most recently, Chuang Asia: Thailand — a Thai idol survival show spin-off based on the Chuang franchise in China — have also appealed to fans in a new way. His hold over both seniors and juniors in the music industry is a testament to the piercing allure he has that transcends age and gender.
Then there is his relationship with Valentino, which comes to a surging point in this interview’s accompanying visuals — each party egging one another in their courageous pursuit of new, creative frontiers.
This is not the end. There is still so much more power that Jeff has yet to harness from stories — which communicate and entertain without the boundaries of time and space, and have decidedly become a grand purpose that he is working to fulfil. From music, the big screen, and finally the horizon, Men’s Folio sits down with the prodigious artiste to discover what makes him tick and perhaps what kind of tale he would charm us into next.
Hi Jeff! How have you been?
I’ve been very good. Fantastic, actually.
We noticed you have said goodbye to your signature long hair. Why did you decide to cut it?
I had to change my hairstyle for a movie I was filming. I also had to change many other things about myself, including how I spoke, reacted and moved — so much so that I had to attend workshops. So, I thought changing my image would help me immerse myself in the role.
Congratulations on completing the Space Shuttle No.8 Asia tour! You have mentioned before that going on a solo tour has been your dream for the longest time — now that both your debut album and solo tour are done, how are you feeling?
It’s a pretty weird feeling — I just want to do more and more. I wanted to tour more and create more songs. It’s a strange feeling to me. It’s more fun to me now, especially since I’ve completed it. It’s like the end of one dream is leading to the start of another.
What is something new about yourself as an artiste or person you learned from going on tour? It must’ve been tiring, but seeing all that support (from guest artistes or close friends attending) must have been very empowering too.
What I’ve learned along the way is to be present with the audience. They give you so many different experiences and learnings from place to place. The show is never the same, even if the song and setting are. Everything is different. For me, I like to be there with them; I give my all and soak in the moment from my fans. Being in the moment without a script really pushed me to be a better artiste, and I believe it made me a better human being.
We have to talk about about your first on-screen mentoring stint on Chuang Asia, especially after that “Dum Dum” performance. How was it like mentoring so many aspiring artistes-to-be at once?
Guiding and mentoring new artistes is a dream that I only just recently realised (I had). It means a lot to be there, to guide and watch these artistes where they are now, doing things they previously couldn’t. I just have so many feelings. I’m so proud. There are many things in the industry that might break you along the way. While I don’t know it all, I hope what I’ve experienced in my career can be, in some way, helpful to them in their journeys. I hope that with my stories, they can break their boundaries and avoid the same traps they might find along the way. I hope that they not only become great artistes but also become better humans, stay positive in the industry, and are able to create and find themselves along the way.
Did this experience help you reflect — in any way — on your artiste career so far? In retrospect, would you redo anything?
It reminded me of my childhood. It was a time when I had so much passion for music, and seeing all the high-intensity passion in them brought me back to that time. It freshened me up. I wouldn’t change anything because I love the way things are now. Changing the past would mean changing the present, and I love where I’m at and what I’m doing right now.
What do you feel is the most important trait that any aspiring performing artiste should have?
Every artiste is different, but all artistes should try to be themselves. For me, I want to be true to myself, to be able to discover my own direction, create my own work, and be brave enough to show that to the world.
What about in a song? Everyone likes to ask questions about your views on music because your personal touch does not escape any part of your music’s creative process — from melody-making, lyric-writing to the final performance. What is your definition of a good song?
“Good” in itself is a subjective word, and a good song, to me, can mean something very different to another. You can love jazz; you can love metal. So long as you’re satisfied with what you have released, be able to listen to it back and forth, and even enjoy that track after 10 years — that’s what I define as a good song.
Regardless of shape or form, good music should always capture the essence of a story, one’s feelings, or who the artiste is at their core.
Does any existing song come to mind? Either one you are proud of or one from an artiste you look up to.
The first song that comes to mind is “Endless Rain” by Yoshiki Hayashi. I’m not too sure if he wrote it when his mom or dad passed away. But it’s a song written with lots of emotion, and it very clearly shows his style of music. It’s just very Yoshiki.
I have many songs that I am proud of — actually, every song. But if I had to pick one, it might be “Dum Dum”. I had a lot of bad feelings bottled inside me when I wrote the song, and I really wanted to release that toxicity from inside of me. It sounds as angry as I felt when I wrote it, so listening back and feeling that anger gives me satisfaction. I think I wrote it in an honest and heartfelt manner that was true to my emotions at the time.
In your previous interview with us, you talked about the different charms (and challenges) that come with writing lyrics in Thai and English. Your debut album has both English originals and English translations of your Thai songs — which song’s story or specific lyrics are you most proud of putting together, and why?
Like I said, I love and am proud of all my songs. But if I had to pick one, it would be “Black Tie”. In that track, I had to relive many memories and feelings. Honestly, even at 29, I still feel like a kid. Until today, I still address everyone around me with “P” — how people in Thailand show respect to those older than them — because l feel I have a lot more growing up to do, and that spirit to learn is still alive inside me.
As a kid, I was always told to do this and that, learn this and study that. In retrospect, those who ended up following these instructions all somehow turned out the same. I really don’t like that. I don’t want all these rules and boundaries to limit who we can be, and who I could be. That’s why I chose to sing about this in “Black Tie”, using the concept of the suit to talk about breaking those boundaries, tying in with the freedom and individuality that the Valentino collection at the time championed and empowered its wearers to embody.
Are there any stories you are looking to tell with your next music release?
It’s a secret. You’ll know when you know.
More on your love for story-telling — which seems to be a common thread that links all the creative works you have released so far together — what do you think makes a good story?
All stories are worth telling, even those without a happy ending. What makes a good story is how you tell it. Capturing the essence or feeling of the story and delivering that to the listeners is more important. You know it’s good if the listeners can experience the story with you,
You mentioned in an interview that if you were not an artiste today, you would be a writer. These days, it is hard to have an original voice, yet yours (both literal and figurative) is quite luminous in its own way. How do you maintain that voice despite all the noise?
I don’t think an original voice is something that can be created. An original voice can only come from trusting your instincts, being honest in your work, and staying truthful to your feelings. Only then can you create work that represents you. You should never lie to yourself.
And more importantly, never lose that kid inside of you. That’s who is creating the all the art, instead of you.
More importantly, how do you rest? Are there any go-to activities (or non-activities) you like to do to return to yourself and rest your voice?
I actually have a lot of time to rest. Then again, I also don’t feel like my work encompasses “working”. It’s also my vacation. Sure, even when I’m actually on vacation, I have to think about work. But I don’t mind it; I love what I do.
If we’re talking about physical rest, I prioritise resting my voice. I used to sing during my free time, but I try not to use it that often now to be ready when I actually have to sing. I think it’s important to know how to control and use my voice in the right way.
For those who are only discovering your music today, can you compile a three-track introduction to Jeff Satur’s playlist and explain why?
“Dum Dum”, “Fade”, and “Loop”. “Dum Dum” shows my darker side because it’s a release of some pent-up frustration and anger. “Fade” is more romantic — it shows you how I experience love and what I am like in a relationship, and I try to tell that story in a more emotional and evocative manner. Then we have “Loop”, a more introspective exploration of who I am. Listening to these three songs will give you a good idea of the breadth of my personality and style as an artiste.
In recent years, you have been bolder with your style. How would you describe your current relationship with fashion? Has it changed over the years?
I think fashion is about doing what you love, wearing what you love, and enjoying what you see in the mirror. Every morning before I go out, I feel like I should love what I see in the mirror — regardless of what other people think. Your body is a canvas, and whatever colour or pattern you choose to put on yourself that day is a form of self-expression you should enjoy.
Over the years, I’ve definitely become more confident about trying on things out of my comfort zone. I used to be scared of wearing certain things because of what others might think, but I’m no longer as shy. I’m just breaking one boundary at a time.
What values of Maison Valentino does Jeff Satur — the artiste — embody?
I think Valentino and I have many things in common. Fundamentally, we both embrace the act of constant reinvention and enjoy the challenge of finding new ground, and there’s no better expression of this chemistry and kindred spirit than the soundtrack I created with and for Valentino. The brand is quite sentimental and romantic, and my body of work doesn’t stray far from these sensibilities — especially if you listen to the three tracks I mentioned earlier. A valiant kind of courage persists throughout, and I feel like that syncs up nicely with what Valentino stands for as a brand.
What is next on your cards? Will we get to sees Jeff Satur, the actor again soon?
Without a doubt. In fact, more and more because actor Jeff Satur is an important part of me, and there are a lot of upcoming projects that I’m passionate about and very excited to share with the world.
Last but not least, you have said before that any interaction or activities you do for SATURDAYs feels like an everlasting dream. Is there anything you want to say to your fans right now?
Always be happy. Yes, sometimes it’s hard, and sometimes the world isn’t as beautiful as the ones we read about in our favourite fairytales. Focus on the good and avoid the bad. Surround yourself with good people. Never give up on yourself. You’re beautiful, you’re great, and you’re you — and no one else can do what you do. Even I can’t do what you do. Everybody has something unique they can do. Appreciate and love what you do. Follow your dreams, and I’ll follow mine. Someday, we’ll sing together again.
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flymetosnarryland · 2 days
My Snarry WIPs' list.
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I would like to share something. My Snarry WIPs' list, yup. Why? I always felt weird writing about myself and stuff I do, but I'm processing changes and thought I can share not only art, lol.
How many project are you working on? I'll dive into couple of mine:
Date with a Star - a Post-War romantic comedy. Harry is in love with Severus, Severus secretly loves Harry. Both are too scared to say what they feel to not lose their friendship. A friend in need asks Harry for help and this is where the wild ride with dumb dating TV-show starts. Especially because Harry don't know that the same friend-in-need blackmailed Severus to get him into the same show too. This is actually a second Snarry fic I ever started to write, inspired by dating TV-show from 1992. I remember that when the idea for this one hit me, I was laughing for a good hour (that TV-show was absolutely ridiculous). And I still feel a pinch of positive embarrassment when think about what's going on there. In fact this story made me want to learn how to translate my wiritngs into English. It's half written and translated too. I really have to finish second part.
Infraction - my first monster fic. My baby. Crime (serial killer), slow burn, Muggle AU featuring Marauders and Death Eaters, political sheananigans and Severus' old flame. I have entire story written out from beginning to the end. What's more... with an ending that allows me to dive into second book (I'm excited lika a child) including the initial idea for it, ahh. Every time I think about Infraction, I feel butterflies in my stomach and a tear comes to my eye, damn. However, the entire project requires a huge amount of work. And a few modifications that I finally have to do to complete the first stage. It's not simple, though. I regret a bit that I released the cover, prologue and first chapter. I was prematurely carried away by the joy of creation, but that's okay. Going to fix it all in time.
In the Moonlight - working title. Something I planned to write for last year's Snarry AUctoberfest, but the beast got bigger, lol. Crime (kidnapping), Muggle AU - my great weakness and, most importantly, inspired by the movie Bodyguard (the one with Whitney Huston). Much like Infraction, this fic is fully planned and scripted. I can't believe I managed to do it. I wrote 1/4 of the whole thing and even have the lyrics of original song that Harry dedicates to Severus, although I don't know anything about music at all (an elephant stepped on my ear).
In between - a drawing series. Harry and Severus in a cute/fluff version. Post-War and happy life, because that's what they deserve!
First time - Drama/Romance, Muggle AU (gosh, yeah, again!). This is a project I want to do 50/50 as a fic/comic. A few works and dirty sketches have already landed here. I have a little dream of writing something that includes e-mails/text messages. In general, a romance that started online. Aren't Harry and Severus purfect for this? (Plus doing art in colour for this project was a test I wanted to start before 3B.)
3B - a Vampire fic, yessss. Can you believe that once I said, I'll never ever write or do anything connected to vampires? Hehe, now I'm in the middle of it, fully commited and over the moon. A bit dark/angsty story with a bonus: illustrations. Crime (more like, cri-me a river, lol; I mean, again? Yup xD), Post-War, a few intrigues, even a SnarryWedding o_0 gosh. That is another thing I said: "No, that's not going to happen." I guess, I fell on my head since now I do everything I promised to myself not to. But it's fun. And bloody, mhaha. I also created my own Vampire Villains and I kinda fell in love with them. Going to sneak into this fic a bit of blood magic mechanics that I created for my fantasy book, too. The picture at the top is one version of the cover sketches ɷ◡ɷ
Adrenaline - working title. Post-War/Drama/Romance and slow burn, a bit of Hogwarts, a bit of Quidditch and for a change Severus will have to show that he wants something more. I mean, I always writing/thinking about Harry chasing Severus. So here the dynamic will change a little. Can't wait for it! The idea for this one was accidentaly born last week and I can't stop it anymore. The inspiration comes from the cover art for Witch Weekly that I did, lol. I had no idea that at the stage of brainstorming, it would turn into another monster. It supposed to be a short story, but, apparently, I'm not good at short stories and it's time to come to terms with it xD I won't cry either because I like Harry and Severus pairing up in different ways/AU's, hehe. And most importantly - creating all these things, even if they don't fully see the world outside my drawer, still gives me great joy!
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otomiyaa · 2 days
Survival of the Ticklish
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[Fic Reupload] - Old fic from 2017 (!!!) requested by @buggertkle ❤️ Thank you for remembering this one! ^^ Retrieved thanks to @wertzunge as always, you're the best.
It was based on a random BNHA-Facebook chat edit thingie I made back then, but I think that one is lost forever.
Summary: All Might has come with the craziest class activity ever, and thanks to a random Facebook survey it’s one with Deku in the center of it: Labeled most ticklish person in class and ready to get wrecked! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.6K
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Deku entered the class on shaking legs. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but he could literally feel the eyes on him the moment he made his appearance.
“Hey hey! Deku-kun! Morning!” Deku flinched when Uraraka happily patted his shoulder, and he nodded awkwardly.
“M-Morning...” he said with a stiff smile, and just as Uraraka cocked her head in confusion, Deku noticed Bakugou who stepped into the room with the same terrifying vibe around him as always. His glaring eyes were piercing right through him, and he was walking his way.
“Ka-Kaha-Kacchan, p-please-” Deku wasn’t sure why he thought Bakugou was about to do something else since all that happened was that he got roughly pushed to the side as Bakugou snapped angrily: “Out of the way Deku!” 
Deku stumbled against Kirishima’s table and jumped when the table’s owner poked him in the side.
“Yo. You alright bro?” Deku made panicky noises, nodded frantically and jumped into his own seat as he continued nodding.
“Totally fine!” Phew. Seems as if everyone had forgotten about it. How. How could he have been so lucky.
Yesterday, All Might had to share this random thing on Facebook. He was asking Class 1-A who was most ticklish in this class?
He had no idea why everyone - or well, most - felt the need to vote his name. Deku sighed. Yes he had been born unbearably ticklish and he didn’t actually mind since he enjoyed a good laugh. But it was embarrassing and frightening now that it was all over Facebook and everyone probably saw it. 
“Good morning class!” All Might finally made his entrance, and Deku froze right on the spot.
Right… Why did he ask for such unnecessary information again? 
“Plus Ultra!” All Might made a pose in front of the blackboard that was just as unnecessary as asking everyone on Facebook who was the most ticklish person in class.
He then grinned and blinded everyone with his charming smile. “For today’s class I asked you guys something on Facebook yesterday,” All Might started, and Deku felt his stomach flip in shock.
Shit. It was with a purpose after all. He already started to shrink in his chair before All Might even finished his story.
“Who...” All Might wiggled his eyebrows and then pointed at Deku “…is the most ticklish? Most of you voted for young Midoriya.”
This was unbelievable. All heads turned and Deku never wanted to sink in the floor this fast. 
“Because I don’t want to use violence, I am using this strategy. Midoriya, stand here boy!”
Deku felt how his shaking legs took him to the front of the class where All Might was standing, and he trembled when his teacher grabbed both his shoulders and turned him back around to face the class. 
“Today we’re gonna use whatever is needed once you guys are active heroes in the working field,” All Might announced, and Deku spasmed a little when All Might’s big hands squeezed his shoulders with fingers ticklishly digging near his collarbones.
“Teamwork, strategy, strength-” with each word All Might added another squeeze, and Deku was fighting his giggles already. Owww this wasn’t looking good.
“Us all? Against Deku!?” Bakugou asked, expressing probably everyone’s confusion, and Deku wanted to cry so hard when All Might - consciously or unconsciously - tickled him again.
“That’s right. This guy’s your little villain. I’m gonna whisper a codeword in his ear, and you guys are gonna get it out of him. No violence, but you are allowed to use tickling,” All Might said, and Deku yelped when he pierced a thick finger in his side and wiggled it playfully.
“…As you can see this guy’s indeed quite ticklish,” All Might laughed, and Deku snorted helplessly.
“Fifteen minutes is all you’re gonna get. You guys get the codeword, you win. If you don’t, it’ll be the ticklish villain’s win. The prize you’re going after is worth a million.”
The class lost their minds.
“What! A million!” 
“That can’t be!” 
“But it’s so easy!?” 
Deku continued to giggle softly as All Might bent down and tickled his ear with whispers no one else could hear:
“Codeword’s ‘United States of Smash’. Now go!” He patted Deku’s butt who immediately knew he had to run, and he sprinted out of the class.
“The schoolground’s your battlefield, now catch him first! Get me that codeword!”
Deku panicked when he heard his classmates fanatic roars as he dashed through the school building. A first-year hero-stampede came after him, and Deku screeched when Iida used his Quirk to immediately catch up with him.
“No! Nonono aaaahh!”
Deku was about to tumble down the stairs he was running down from when Iida grabbed his collar and shoved him into the nearest wall. 
“Tell me, Midoriya. Tell me the cooode,” Iida said with teasy wiggling fingers at him, and Deku cringed and tried to wiggle away.
“Nooo!” he gasped, but before Iida could even touch him, he was launched into air back towards the top of the stairs, and Uraraka came into view.
“Deku-kun! Come here boy!” She jabbed his sides a few times and Deku squealed as he was pulled back into her grip.
“U-Urahahaka please nohaha!”
Before the tickles could escalate he heard Uraraka let out a soft cry and the gentle fingers were replaced by one…two…three…four pairs of hands?!
“Give here! I had him first!” 
“No I was first! Get the fuck away!”
Deku gasped as he was being pulled apart from all sides. Denki was pulling one arm, Sero was holding the other arm, Kirishima and Aoyama were each holding a leg, nearly spreading him wide apart as they all fought over him. 
“You guys are all such idiots! Here, hold him still!” Deku froze and looked up to see Bakugou walking towards him with a devilish smile on his face.
He immediately felt the adrenaline rush through his veins as he made desperate and pathetic attempts to escape.
“No! Nohoho let me go! Let me goaaAAAahh! Naahahah!”
Deku was soon laughing for his dear life as Bakugou tickled his sides and ribs so roughly that it almost hurt.
“Now be nice Deku and tell me that friggin’ code or I’ll blast your head off and tickle you to fucking death!”
Bakugou’s threat was useless since Deku found no chance to talk. Not that he was planning to give up already, but Bakugou was now tickling him with enthusiasm usually reserved for combat only, and his other classmates were being hyperactive and fighting each other to join in getting at least a body part to tickle.
“GYaahhahaha!” Tears were pricking in his eyes already and he wheezed tiredly, but with his four classmates holding him up - spread wide - and Bakugou awakening his ticklish childhood memories while more tickly fingers decided to join in…. it was all a bit much.
“Say the cooode Midoriya,” said a sneaky voice from under him, and Deku realized then that Mineta had crawled underneath him and attacked his sides and back with wiggling and scratching fingers.
“EEehhee!” Deku arched his back and tried to bite his lip to prevent more noises to come out. A truly failed attempt.
Bakugou clearly grew very irritated when Mineta’s fingers clashed with his own as they fought over territory to tickle, and Bakugou then literally exploded with a “Leave me the fuck alone!” and Deku was sent flying.
Blown away by the power of Bakugou’s Quirk, Deku got on wobbly legs and tried to make it for a run, and he yelped when he ran into something but saw… nothing?
“Gotcha! Tiiickle tickle tickle!” he heard a voice chant as fingers pinched at his sides and poked at his tummy, and Deku wriggled himself free as he giggled helplessly and he backed away.
“I-Invisible Girl!? You’re naked?!” Backing away wasn’t a good thing to do because he bumped into someone behind him and one pair… two pairs!? - of arms tightly wrapped around him. Shoji.
“AAahahah!” Deku was absolutely hysterical and as if it wasn’t hysterical enough to hear all other Class 1-A peeps roaring and yelling at each other as they fought for the spotlights as tickle monsters, he was now under attack by probably the scariest tickler of his nightmares. 
“Give it up Midoriya Izuku. Tell me the codeword,” Shoji commanded, but before his killer arms could go any further in completely wrecking Deku, he was pulled out of his grip by his ankle.
It was a very long tongue that carried him into the air and tugged him out of Shoji’s reach before an enthusiastic frog-girl jumped on top of him and chose an interesting yet killer spot to tickle: His neck.
“Hehehe it will be me to hear that codeword first won’t it Midoriya?” Tsuyu teased, and Deku scrunched up his shoulders and shook his head heavily.
“Neehehehe dooon’t!” he giggled, and his eyes widened when Tsuyu used her tongue to pin his arm above his head while she tickled his armpit with one hand and his neck with the other.
“GAAHaha!” Deku bucked and screamed for his dear life, but again the torture barely lasted before Tsuyu was blown away by Bakugou-monster who had caught up, along with Iida and Uraraka, Deku’s very own buddies who accepted the battle.
While Deku dashed away with super-speed, he heard the others fight each other, and he smirked.
They were so failing at teamwo- “WAhh!” he ran straight into someone who had not mingled with the 1-A crowd, and he gasped when said person pulled him into an empty classroom.
“T-Todoroki-kumphffffh!” Todoroki covered his mouth with one hand as he pinned him against him from behind, and Deku struggled and panicked when ice began to circle around his body. A cold feeling surrounded his legs and eventually left him immobile.
He remained unfrozen from his waist up until his head, and Todoroki who stood behind him chuckled in his ear and said in a low voice:
“Now tell me that codeword or I may have to use force.” Well, this guy was into his… role?
Deku felt the urge to grin but he chose a defiant look instead and growled: “Do your worst!” Maybe he shouldn’t have, just maybe. If he even cared about his poor sensitive body at all.
Todoroki crept five cold fingers first over his shirt, then under his shirt and wiggled them around Deku’s bare stomach, making tingles overpower him and laughter bubble up his throat.
“Ahhfffff – mphphhhh!” Todoroki kept one hand tightly over his mouth and probably just made very sure no one else would disturb him and his precious moment with the villain.
“Nod at me if you’re ready to spill the code, and I will stop.”
Deku squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head instead of nodding as he tried to suck in his stomach, but Todoroki’s cold fingers were now squeezing his tummy fat in a way that made him want to break out of his ice. One For All wasn’t even cooperating.
The tickles were taking such control of every muscle and nerve, and with the ice trapping him and Todoroki’s hand muffling his noises this only made him more helpless and more sensitive. How much longer did he need to hold out!?
“Five more minutes. Five more minutes Class 1-A!” All Might’s voice roared through the speakers as if he was reading his mind, followed by Present Mic who announced excitedly: 
“Someone getting tickled to death today!? It’s all happening in Class 1-A!” 
Except Class 1-A was running around wildly. Deku could especially hear Bakugou’s angry cries of protest, but here he was stuck in an abandoned classroom with Todoroki choosing to torture him in private.
Errr… Deku’s arms were suddenly raised and more ice appeared on his body, trapping his arms above his head and leaving his torso open and vulnerable.
“Tell me!” Todoroki seemed to grow impatient and now removed his hand from his mouth and tickled both his armpits and ribs until Deku screamed.
“EEehehe! Staahahahaap!”
Triggered by the sound of his laughter, the others came barging into the classroom with so much force that the door collapsed and tables and chairs were sent flying as they all rushed through the classroom.
“Woah!” Iida seemed to have lost control over the ‘brakes’ and he ran straight into Todoroki, knocking him down while the others gathered around a stuck and panicking Deku.
“Todoroki-kuhuhun hehehelp!” He wasn’t sure why he was calling for his previous attacker, but the ice was still there and now multiple classmates were tickling him. 
“Time is uuuup!”
That was All Might’s voice. Why weren’t they stopping!? 
“Give me the code!” Mineta used his tiny body to climb over him and tickled his waist and sides mercilessly. Bakugou was replacing Todoroki’s earlier assault with armpit tickles that made Deku wanna die.
Uraraka was floating somewhere and tickling his neck, and he had no idea who those people were that were going after his knees that stuck out above the ice.
“STaahahahap!” he cried, but they weren’t stopping.
“TIME IS UP!” This time it was Present Mic again, and they did hear this voice, so they stopped and looked up in confusion.
“Already?” Everyone mumbled and whispered softly while they caught their breaths, Deku in particular, and they watched how All Might entered the classroom with a smile that didn’t even look a little bit genuine. He looked at his watch and then tsk-tsk’ed at the Class 1-A students that were gathered in the classroom Todoroki had kidnapped Deku into.
“You guys fail. Young Todoroki,” he only had to say his name and Todoroki made the ice melt, releasing Deku who coughed and caught his breath while his body suffered from after tingles.
“Teamwork. Strategy. Strength. You lacked all of them,” All Might said strictly to everyone while he walked over to a shakey Deku and grabbed his arm for support. 
“Fifteen minutes just wasn’t enough time!” Bakugou yelled angrily. “I didn’t even touch him!” Momo protested. 
“And that’s where you all went wrong! What did those guys waste most of their time on?” All Might directed this question at Deku who blushed, feeling shy and a bit scared to feel all those eyes on him again.
“They fought o-over who could t…tickle…me,” he muttered with a red face.
“Right. Are you guys deaf? Are you?” All Might asked and he was still smiling, making this situation more hilarious than it was probably intended. Several heads were shaking ‘no’.
“I didn’t say a single person could win. I said you as a group could win. Young Todoroki, your strategy of restraint was good but you failed when you took the villain into a separate room. Never go off on your own. Young Bakugou, you can hand me a paper next week about the definition of teamwork.”
“Why only me!?!?” All Might ignored Bakugou and then turned to all the others.
“And everyone of you, forget about thinking just of yourself and start thinking as a group. If you would’ve all been up against a real villain, that villain wouldn’t even need to destroy you. You do.” Bam.
Deku never knew All Might had such serious intentions with this… giggly exercise.
“Ufufu,” he giggled sheepishly when All Might poked his side.
“And young Midoriya here wins the prize worth a million...” he said, and the others held their breaths and Deku’s heart thumped in excitement.
“A selfie with me!”
All Might took out his phone and made a peace sign while Deku stood there with the same stiff smile, silently wondering what the hell was going on as the picture was made. 
All Might really was something else, but hey, even though his silly classmates had wasted most of their time, Deku was still proud he managed to deal with a bunch of tickle monsters at once, without even thinking of giving up the codeword.
He had to modestly agree with All Might, he was indeed today’s winner!
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I'm sorry if this has been asked but I seen your favorite kink to like and I was wondering, in all of your Tony stories of him having that kink i don't think it was ever said on how he discovered he had that kink?
Do you have an idea of how he found out he had a lactation kink?
Hi, Nonnie! 🤍
I think you're right, and I never actually explained it! For me, it's been a headcanon for as long as I can remember, so I always tend to slip it in wherever possible without saying how he discovered it. I figured I'd make a little story under the cut, which will take place inside my young!Tony Stark AU, as - in my head, at least - he has the biggest lactation kink of all! 👀
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GIF: Source | 18+ Divider: @cafekitsune
PAIRING || Boyfriend!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Pregnant!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 450 words
WARNINGS || Use of nicknames. Pregnancy. Lactation kink. Breastfeeding (sexual). Fingering.
It all starts on a beautiful Sunday morning in Tony's college dorm, and you're nearing the 6-month mark of your pregnancy as you're carrying fraternal twins. They're growing at a healthy rate, and he has been enjoying seeing your body change during it all, but most of all, how your belly and breasts swelled after he got you pregnant.
However, he has noticed a more significant difference lately, especially since your milk has started coming in, making your breasts larger than usual and more sensitive.
Now, you're lying in his bed in nothing but one of his shirts, as it's one of the only things you can wear comfortably, and the sun shines down on you as your boyfriend can't take his eyes off you. You look like an angel, and he can't help but tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, which wakes you up a bit.
"G'morning, Sunshine," he whispers, and you smile as you look at your boyfriend through your eyelashes - his heart going about a mile a minute as he takes in your appearance. You're practically glowing as you progress throughout your pregnancy, and a few days ago, your milk started to come in as well, which piqued your boyfriend's interest immensely.
"Mornin', My Love," you whisper before leaning in and pecking his lips a few times. As his hands wander over your belly, you can feel the butterflies going wild, but you gasp softly when he reaches your sensitive breasts, your lip now pulled between your teeth as he works his magic.
"What do you think, Sunshine? Will you let me drink from you? God, I've been dying to get a taste for so long, and I can't stop thinking about what it will be like," he nearly begs, but you're not one to say no to him, especially when your hormones are going wild.
And that's how you find yourself comfortably lying on your side as you're entirely bare, your boyfriend's hands between your legs as he takes his time to work you open on his fingers, and his soft lips wrapped around your very sensitive nipple as he does. The combined feeling makes you feel like you're floating and never want him to stop—not that he'd like to, especially after tasting it. From the first moment he tasted your sweet milk, he's been hooked, and ever since then, Tony drinks from you every chance he gets.
Not only during sex but also in moments of stress. He has learned it's very soothing for you both, though he must tone it down after the twins are born. But he doesn't mind sharing as long as he gets his taste every once in a while.
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