#This is my first meme woooo
0-kuki-0 · 2 years
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While I was making this the phantom of the opera started playing
And now I’m listening to Celine dion
This is not my playlist
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blu-ish · 8 months
the fact this is literally what happened today.
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sparklingspite · 2 years
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no-dick-no-balls · 2 years
(cover pic to save your eyes, from a discord server I'm in lol)
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eye-of-yelough · 2 years
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Hello. Babe images ⤴️
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no-man-no-woman · 7 months
👕8, 🌤️18, 💓19, and 🎲1
For any character of your choice
I think i'm going to do one question for each character.
Does your character have a physical trait that they're known for? (Eliza)
Eliza is actually the most fun to draw of my ocs because of this, she has her hair eternally dyed, but always in diferent colors a la Ramona Flowers.
How willing would your character be to nap outside? (Lucía)
Lucía is like a snake or a cat, if she's tired and she finds a big enought rock under the sun, she will nap on it. I have a ridicuolus amount of scenes where she's just draped over some warm rocks or sunbathing.
Are there scents your character dislikes? (Sandy)
Sandy's truly the victorian child among them, the smell of gasoline gives her headache, too-strong perfumes make her want to throw up and smell of sweat will make her naseous.
What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing? (Alex)
Alex likes card or chance games… especially if he can cheat at them. He also enjoys bowling quite a lot.
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big-nerd-boi · 9 months
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First art post to this account! Woooo!
A meme about Wukong, lmao.
Just a sneak peak of my own design for him, trying to make him look original and stuff.
There’s so many designs out there y’all, and they’re all so beautifUL AUGH-
I love this monkey an unhealthy amount.
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captainnait · 6 months
Well, I'm in my peak of Headrush fixation, so. . . Yeah, first two references of characters from it, the main ones, of course - Bob and Baby Diva 💥
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Below are headcanons for the two of them (and also a silly meme ig) woooo:
• They're cousins! Not too close, but know each other pretty well. Bob used to babysit Diva quite a lot before he moved to other state.
• They are almost the exact same height (Baby Diva is a few centimeters taller than Bob. She teases him about it sometimes)
• Share a lot of jewelry and accessories with each other. (bracelets, hair pins, glasses - all that stuff)
• Baby Diva made herself and Bob named/friendship bracelets back when she was very little. She still wears hers sometimes. (Bob too, he just doesn't wear much jewelry outside of home,,)
• Watched and rewatched Sailor Moon lots of times together. (Bob forced Baby Diva to 💥)
• Both are very talented musically - Diva is a great singer and Bob plays drums in his band.
• Baby Diva doesn't have license and Bob has to pick her up sometimes, which is pretty embarrassing to her,,
Aaaand that's it. For now. 💥
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asknarashikari · 3 months
One of my Headcanons. (Interview Style)
Me: These are the bunch of kids that are always 100% keeping it real with me.
Manobu Kiba: First son and child of Yuji Kiba and Random. Dad... help me with the dry cleaners. No. I'm not the only child on this branch.
Masao Kurenai: First son and child of Kurenai Wataru and Random. I'm his number 1 son who's always 100% keeping it real with him.
Weston Yamato Daimonji: 2nd child and 1st son. And that's the truth of what Masao oniisan said. Masao is always the realest person I know. Which we all got from our old man.
Yanagi Daimonji: 3rd child and second daughter. Dad's a bit goofy, cringy, and horny. Yet he puts most of his strength into raising all of us. His real godly powers... mostly restrained and rarely uses them.
Asari: First daughter and child of Ziin and Random. Mom loves dad way too much, especially when they get intimate. But I know they do care about us. It's just that me and full-siblings flew out of the nest to find ourselves. Thanks, dad, for the courage.
Atsuhiko Ozu: 1st child and son. Woooo... Heck yeah. I get to learn some of dad's powerful magics. Also, our relationship with our dad... is similar to Goofy and his son Max.
Freya: 1st daughter of Agri and Random. I do know mom loves him very much just by the way they look at each other and interact.
Irisu: Iwasaki: I'm the only daughter and 2nd child from Ryuuji Iwasaki and a primordial god. And yes, I do have an Onii-san who's named is the same as my mother. Ryuji Iwasaki II.
Marika Igasaki: Just turned 14, 2 months ago. And yes, I am younger than Yoshiharu by 2 years. And dad... *gets hyper excited* I love dad buying me all the science-y stuff, so me and Auntie Kasumi and I can go do science experiments! Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. Besides that... *breathes, then calm and slow down* Dad... Dad genuinely loves mom very much. I can tell just about how they interact.
Me: *worried dog face meme here* I hope you never meet Science Squad, Mari-chan...
Rhion Ashena Gast: I'm Rhion Ashena Gast, and I'm an 8 years old genius prodigy. Heir-elect to N'Kosopa. As of now... my full 4 siblings, my 5 Husty siblings, and my 3 Brasieri siblings are the biggest group to by in the category of "We are the biggest daddy's boys and girls." That does include my 3 siblings from Akka Radwav.
...I'll take your word for it Random
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breezy-cheezy · 1 year
My Friends Enjoy Reminding Me of My Many WIPs: The Tag Game
Another tag game! I prommy I worked on the fics from the last tag meme/game I've just been....school hell. :/ (Same thing for Whumptober, I'm just doing at least one a week now woooo)
Anyway finishing off my latest reblog spam with responding to this! Thank you @pencilofawesomeness for tagging me! :D
- rules: share the first line (or two or more!) of every current wip you have (that you feel comfortable sharing) and tag some writer friends! feel free to add the titles of your documents if you see fit
I'll tag others up here so y'all don't have to go through the wips yourselves if you don't wanna lol: @insertsomthinawesome , @x-i-l-verify, @wandererriha, @forwantofacalling
YALL DON'T HAVE TO it's just a fun thing <333
Whumptober 2023: Day 13, Infection (Trigun: Twin Swap AU, Zazie POV)
(in an ideal world I woulda finished this today but hhhhsdgjkfsd nope)
There is something…strange, piercing the night-moon-dark air. We lift our head, looking through the eyes of a drone to the dark sky-sands above. Normally, those sands would glint with the eyes of Monarchs passed before us, and if it were Brood Season, the expanse would be alight with the drifting eggs of yet-to-be-hatched grubs. Yet this Moon-pass...eggs much bigger than we’ve ever seen in all our many cycles are falling down down down-
Bright. Blinding. Hot.
Whumptober 2023: Day 9, "You're a Liar" (Trigun: Stampede)
There’s an illness rolling through the orphanage- Toma-pox, they call it. Nicholas prowls the halls, gathering up the sick kids one by one. He needs to make sure all the kids are piled into one area so they can be taken care of. And q. Cuar. Ant-eened. He thinks that's how you say it.
Miss Melanie was really tired and taking a break, so Nicholas can help with this. Sisters Clara and Beth were busy making stew for everyone. He’d already been looking for Livio, what's a couple more kids?
They tell him to be careful or he might catch it too. He just huffs and rolls his eyes. He’s too strong to get sick like everyone else.
Whumptober 2023: Day 7, "Can you hear me?" (One Piece)
They’d stopped on an island, something-something island with a name Zoro didn’t bother to remember. They’d stopped there to restock on some supplies, since according to their Cook and Doctor, they were getting pretty low. 
Which is all well and good; Luffy in particular is always excited for someplace new to explore; their Captain needed somewhere to work off his pent up energy. Normally Zoro would go with him, but he’d somehow gotten roped into pack-mule duty for the crap Cook, while Nami helped Chopper carry his purchased supplies. He's not sure why the roles can't be switched. Random fruits and vegetables weren’t that much heavier than bandages in his opinion really…
He got angrier the more he thought about it, but not for the usual reasons.
My Mind, My Body, My Soul, Chapter 5: Father's Lament (Genshin Impact, Daemon AU)
Today was supposed to be a good day. It was supposed to be bright, filled with joy and happy memories to be made. 
In a happier world, a safer world, maybe the Ragnvindr family would have had a wonderful party, full of smiles and cake and food and love and safety and warmth. Perhaps some drinking, since Diluc would then have been of age, and the only tragedy would be the young master of Mondstadt’s wine industry discovering how much he dislikes alcohol.
A small semi-formal dance was to be had, followed by a sweet musical number performed by the youngest Gunhildr sister. Some embarrassment, but genuine awe and excitement as that would have been the first gift given on the celebration of Diluc’s birth.
Whumptober 2023: Day 30, Borrowed clothing, bridal carry (Twisted Wonderland)
“There! The mirror!” Divus says, relief plain in his voice. Mozus Trein looks up from the mirror in his grip, towards the Dark Mirror all their students had leapt through hours before, its surface rippling with voices coming from as if underwater. 
“OH thank goodness! We won't be sued after all-” Crowley sighs, stepping forward only to be pulled back by one of Divus’s hands on his feathered shoulder. 
Whumptober 2023: Day 23, Shadows, "Who's there?" (Honkai Star Rail)
(tip toeing around spoilers so I'm not sharing the FIRST first lines haha)
They both look over to their friend to catch him staring back at them, golden eyes wide, his fingers near his mouth. He swallows on reflex, and they can tell it's more than just saliva going down his throat.
Welt's face goes pale, and he shoves the journal to the side, which March quietly takes. Welt rushes to Orion's side, cane clicking, free hand fluttering nervously about the box. “Please tell me you did not just take one of those medicine pellets.”
Orion blinks, then looks down at the box. One small object, one pill is clearly missing.
”I uh. Can tell you I did not...not take one....“ the young trailblazer says sheepishly. Welt sucks in a breath through his teeth.
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Ask meme! 5 and 18 :)
Sorry for the delay, I thought very hard about these two. 🥰🥰
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
> I'll be honest, I don't usually go back and reread my works mostly because I think I'm cringe but if I had to pick one it would probably be Havoc's Neighbor, Depression because I think it's unique. It's the only story I've ever written that was completely written backwards. You can read it the way it was written or start at the last chapter and read it back and it would make sense like a normal story (?) I'm describing it wrong. Anyways I'm happy I wrote it.
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
> I want you to know I'm chuckling to myself while I write this but I'm going to say (out of all of my stories that have done horribly) Cosmic Law. Now, hang with me here. I wrote this story for me and just me, in a fandom that loaths me so I knew it wouldn't do well heck I didn't even want it to but lol for the first 8 chapter I had 5 hits. Woooo! Idk how it bumped up since I left that fandom but two people are subscribed and I feel so bad for those two people.
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knighteclipsed · 1 year
(o・・o)/ !!! (staring at mister valter von Fódlan tea meme)
muse opinions!! (still accepting)
Okay, so get this:
Valter doesn’t dislike Maria!!!!! (woooo!! clapping and cheering!!) Part of it is just him by default having a slightly more positive disposition............. less negative disposition?
He’s less likely to be mean towards kids in comparison to adults (what being small and harmless does to the Bully Meter). That’s the first part.
But also Maria has only ever been pleasant for him to be around! So like. yeah. Whatever that measures up to is where Maria is.
tl;dr - When Cadros asked him during the ball if there was a single person he would not want to upset, he didn’t think of Maria but she’s about the closest person to attaining that rank. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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pjunicornart · 1 year
Back at it again with more PJ's Daycare shit! WOOOO! This time with more of a focus on PJ and... Hudson~
OKAY. So. First image here... more focused on PJ. With Hudson's very early concept design. I threw in some of the other daycare employees (Melon and Cali) as little cameos, and I even did a scene of them reenacting that one funny video of the kid because I was watching a meme comp. and I thought it would be funny. Plus, let's be honest... PJ's new addiction to coffee definitely has... side effects.
Yes, I believe PJ has an "addictive personality". Which basically means it's really easy for him to get addicted to things. Well, hey... at least coffee is better than alcohol.
Plus, PJ's sudden bisexual awakening!
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Second image, more focused on Hudson and PJ. I tweaked his design a bit, but I still wasn't quite happy with it. You'll see that later. But here I established these things: - PJ has a son with his previous partner, Omni. Unfortunately, shit happened, Omni was fed up, and they got a divorce. His son's name is Monochrome, and due to current circumstances, PJ cannot see him until he is cleared by the program he is in. In order to get a sense of how PJ might feel about this, I would listen to "My Little Love" by Adele. - Both Hudson and PJ are tall. But Hudson is only slightly taller than PJ. - Hudson has a daughter named Elaine, and he drops her off at the daycare PJ is assigned to do community service in. Hudson probably works a very demanding day job, hence the nachos. I'm thinking this day job is something within the medical field. - Hudson having a daughter means he also has a previous partner. His previous partner, in Hudson's words: "He was very controlling. Had to have everything a certain way, including me." They got a divorce two years ago. - Hudson's daughter is biological to both him and his ex. This is because Seedling (his species) anatomy is VASTLY different compared to other species, making this possible. I would delve into it, but that's a bit NSFW for this post. - PJ is head over heels for Hudson. But due to past and current trauma, he is having trouble letting Hudson inside. I mean that he's afraid to let Hudson in on his... whole world, so to speak. - PJ probably has a fear of abandonment, as well as issues with intimacy. (Again, caused by his past trauma.) - Hudson, on the other hand, is very chill. He goes to therapy and is actively trying to better himself. He also works out. It's part of his self love campaign. - They probably have one night stands a lot, but because PJ is not fully healed, he's afraid to make it something more. Hudson probably wants to be more, but PJ isn't ready/scared to.
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Third and final image! Woo! And here we see Hudson's final, official design! Isn't he cute? Yeah...
So I mentioned that he's a Seedling, yeah? Well, to be more specific - he's a type of Seedling called a "Clover Seedling". No duh, right? Now, all Seedlings are characterized by having skin like soil, moss on their bodies in areas, hair like grass, and three to five "tails" or "sprouts" coming from their tail bones. Different Seedling types have different flora growing from their person naturally. Clover Seedlings have clovers, Apple Seedlings have apples, Buttercup Seedlings have buttercups... you get the gist.
Seedlings are a plant based Monster. Meaning... long walks in the rain or Sun are Hudson's cup of tea! Hudson can even make clovers grow around him by touching the earth. Isn't that cool? Also... no. The blue tipped clover on his chest is not a layering mistake. That's because Seedlings have a sprout on their chest that senses the moods of others. When Hudson is around PJ, it's either an intense pink (passion, lust, love) or varying shades of blue (sadness, depression). Sometimes, it will be purple (fear, anxiety, uncertainty).
Anyways... this image basically solidifies that PJ is holding back a lot with Hudson. Almost like he's not allowing himself to be happy.
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WOW THAT WAS A LOT OF INFORMATION. But I hope you enjoyed it somewhat. At this point I might as well just start a Rebooted PJ's Daycare comic.
Hm... we'll see. If I get enough people yelling at me then I guess I'll do it...
(Just an FYI, Seedlings are a closed species of mine.)
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darishima · 2 months
yap about yr favorite season also!!!!!! (:
YAAAY WOOOO !!!! i <3 u anon okay so. so so.
once again. just like the last one. my answer is unfortunately generic. season 12 is my favorite and not only is it my favorite i fully stand by the belief that its objectively the best season including international seasons. all stars 2 WOULD be my favorite and it would be my objective best pick if not for the riggery and bullshittery (COUGH COUGH ROXXXY ANDREWS) but even with that, i would consider it a close number two
season 12 is the least overly edited+produced season since like s3 because of the sherry pie bullshit (google that if you dont know. idk if you actually know anything about drag race or if youre just humoring me) seemingly forcing the producers to scrap all the manufactured storylines they'd built up. the only thing wrong with the entire season is the zoom finale and ofc the sherry pie situation but even that was handled surprisingly well by WOW (in comparison to how they handled other similar situations... cough cough shangela and plane jane). every single queen on it is incredibly talented, even the early outs (i mean when the FIRST OUT is a [former] haus of aja member that says a lot about the talent of the people who made it further) and it has some of the most underrated queens ever imo-- nicky doll and rock m sakura, specifically. it spawned SOOO many iconic moments-- jan's face crack, "look over there," feel the beat in the rhythm of the night, "i hate hate haaate your hair and makeup today" etc you get my point i could go on. it has some of the best music ever (the madonna rusical! im that bitch! uhh whatever that finale number was called which i somehow cant recall the name of but still know all the lyrics to!), i mean nicki fucking minaj was the guest on the first episode like it honestly just doesnt get better than 12. you get my point by now. 12 solos every other season EASY
as2 is like i said my number two. going into detail about as2 is pointless. read u wrote u, the mirror scene, all the lipsyncs (ALYSSA V TATIANNA HELLOOO??) the same parts, "party," all of it is just so fucking good. the only thing that bumps this slightly down for me, personally, is how alaska consistently won over katya in the lipsycs (and the crown obviously) when i fully believe katya deserved most of those wins. fym alaska won cherry bomb JUST CAUSE OF HER FUCKASS WIG FLAG?? FUCK YOU RUPAUL WHAT ABOUT THAT!! again NOT saying this just because i love katya im being as objective as i can be i just think she frequently loses lipsyncs she doesnt deserve to lose (kennedy v katya s7.... who said that!) and because im such a katya fan its infuriating to witness. im not a roxxxy hater per se,, just a roxxxy criticizer. so overall if those couple small things had been different it'd take number 1
number 3 belongs to my sweetheart season 13. this one is objectively not nearly as good as the first two and also worse than ones like s6 or 5 because of all the stupid ass twists that the producers pulled out just to try and top 12 (impossible) but there are SO many queens that i love to death that i just cant put it any lower. gottmik, of course, and denali and rose and symone and utica... it is dragged down by evil bitches like elliott with three k's and tina+ tamisha who i personally cant stand but those 3 are soo outweighed by the talents of the others that idec. also once again the music slaps (LUCKY <3) and the memes are incredible . season 13 they could never make me hate you
after those three i think the rest of my favs would go 4. season 6 5. UK season 2 6. season 5 7. all stars 3 8. season 7 9. all stars 6 10. season 9
oh and my least favorite season is 11 by far if that matters which is funny because 11's winner is in my like top 15 favorite queens also i have not yet watched s14 and s15 fully but im sure those will both enter my top ten easily when i do
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irregulardiaryposts · 7 months
01:37 16/02/2023
Well... its obvs been a while since i updated huh. reading back on some of those .. some of its nice ig and some of it is quite articulate but looking back on some of it with my perspective now, idk its sad but also a little cringe lol. but thats the point of a diary to keep it cringe and truthful to how im feeling in the moment. well anyway
its 2023 woooo im in my second year of uni and things are pretty okay i guess. im still a litlte lonely dont get me wrong but im sure things will get better. um. ive got an essay due at midnight on the 16th (technically today) and im like a third through it? but the first 1/3 is the easiest part cos its just explaining the concepts. anyway im behind on a lot of uni work. for no reason. at all. like theres no good reason behind it other than i need medicated i guess. maybe i really should get meds im an adult now so im hoping they can. its genuinely really affecting my uni performance i cant get out of bed most days during the winter cos its so so cold. why is the world so so cold. my feet are also so so cold. can you tell im procrastinating :P unis still lonely but also i barely go anyway so what would i know anyway. i got some hobbies i guess. anime has revived my want for a tumblr blog so in november i made a new blog for anime ToT. its fun tho i really do enjoy it its so fun and silly and i can be as insane as i want to over fictional characters. better than twitter by a mile cos well yeah. it has also reignited my want to make art, cos then i can post it and other people who are also insane about the same characters can enjoy it too. even if its kinda bad idgaf. the whole 'oh shit two cakes' meme constantly runs through my head.
ahh anyway i also like playing video games too, or ig the difference is i have the money to buy them and a decent laptop to run them on. so that helps fill the void of community im missing. i really miss people. and im a huge introvert for the most part (unless im drunk but shhhh) but i miss not being in my room 24/7. i guess the theme of this update is i need meds ToT. not that it will necessarily be a perfect solution sometimes theyre not but ig it doesnt hurt to talk to a doctor about it. that depends on if i can actually get an appt ahhhhh. i dont have too much to talk about ig just that im alive and barely staying afloat but not actively suicidal so *thumbs up*. i really do need to write this essay i would dislike to get an extension because then i would just put it off again until next week lol. im such a good procrastinator :D this definitely isnt detrimental to my non-existent work ethic.
maybe i can talk about something thats itching at me from my philosophy course. my essay isnt exactly on this topic but i rlly wanna formulate some thoughts on it lol.
so we're talking about what exists in the world right? things people would easily say exist are things like tables, chairs, frogs, dogs, atoms and molecules. things that are a little harder to figure out if they exist are things like love, morality, goodness, numbers, gender. the lists are not exhaustive but that kind of thing. and there's this concept of Ordinary Objects(OO) and Extraordinary Objects(EO). the first list has almost all OO, which are defined as being highly visible objects right before our eyes (that do not escape our notice). the atoms and molecules make things tricky in philosophy as nothing can ever, ever, be simple in this subject. anyway. EO are objects that are also highly visible objects that do escape our notice. you're thinking how can an object, a physical object, that is so obviously in front of us, escape our notice??? well you're not alone in thinking philosophy just makes up things along with justifications of said things just for shits and giggles, and calls it a day, cos that's exactly what i thought when i heard this the first time. and genuinely so much of philosophy is just postulating and theorising about this thing and that thing but its done with such earnestness and sincerity that i get endeared by these stupid dead guys. ANYWAY. the existence of EO are obviously controversial (of course) and even OO are argued too. but yes what are EO exactly? the example given in the reading was a Trog - an object that is composed of a dog and a tree trunk. no, they are not connected in any way, and no they don't even have to be near each other but they can compose this object called a Trog. this is what you can call an EO. it is highly visible (assuming the dog isn't microscopic and the tree is not invisible) and it is right before our eyes yet we never notice it. well of course, who would? but the question is do EO really exist or is it a baseless theory. well...
another example of an
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pamiiap · 1 year
YEAH CONVERGENCE ALASTYR IS IN PD!!! It’s extra fun bc Vyncent’s, one of the PD player characters, whole Gimmick is that he’s basically a DND character who showed up in a modern superhero setting. So it’s fuckin Spider-Man pointing meme of two out-of-place elves just Staring BFKSNDNMDM
He’s admittedly a semi-minor NPC (similarly to how Grizzly put Kasper in Riptide) and doesn’t even Appear in s1, BUT he is there!! And he’s unhinged <3 plus there’s some nice commissioned art of his PD appearance !!
i havent been caught up on the series, ive only had my patreon subscription for a bit and i only watched the first season since the second one wasnt out yet but YEAH WOOOO ALASYR!!!!!! i love the image of the spiderman pointing meme w alastyr and vyncent omg
tysm for telling me and sending in the ask!!
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