#This lowkey turned into a bit of a trauma dump my bad
shinsouslightningbug · 7 months
Every year I am reminded why I absolutely despise Thanksgiving
#Deviled egg mix is not SOUR#There is NOTHING in there that is SOUR#I would know because I made it myself#My sister WATCHED ME MAKE THE DEVILED EGGS (while getting underfoot the whole time and making me almost cut her twice)#She saw me put in the eggs yolks the mayo the mustard the paprika the egg whites she “accidentally” made me cut open so they can't hold any#And a little bit of garlic powder and salt#And this bitch still has the audacity to say that the mix I made is SOUR#I'm sorry you don't have taste buds bitch but this is not SOUR it is PERFECT deviled egg mix#ignore if you want#sparky speaks#Brought to you by one of several arguments I've had with my various family members today#This one just happened to be the one that made me have to leave the room before I slapped a bitch#Other topics of argument include:#The fact that I am still single (I'm trying but nobody wants to date me)#The fact that I am not attending college yet (I'm broke and can't afford to right now)#And the fact that I haven't talked to my father in months (I'm traumatized from years of emotional abuse from him)#But I still talk to my mother on a regular basis (because she didn't traumatize me by trying to gaslight me into thinking I was straight)#(and she didn't blame me for making my sister think she was queer while simultaneously trying to gaslight me into thinking I was straight)#(and she never tried to gaslight me into thinking that she never tried to gaslight me in the first place)#This lowkey turned into a bit of a trauma dump my bad
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gloomykizwrites · 5 months
Angela pleasant headcanons because I love her💚
-Angela doesn't really hang out much with people, the only person she regularly speaks to is her childhood friend, meadow thayer. 
-but even then, meadow wishes they were closer, because for as long as they've known each other, Angela never really opens up.
More under cut!
-angela always turns down any invitation to hang out from meadow's friends, because she needs to "study" 
-so it leads to them thinking angela is a bit weird
-like i Said she never opens up, she never tells anyone about her problems, her hobbies, never tells anyone about herself
-angela might be a "popular" girl in school, but not in the way you'd think? She's known for having good grades, getting along with teachers and everyone always wants to take her notes she wrote down in class 
-this is actually based off of my own friend from high school, but Angela does not like sharing her class notes to other people, because of how much time she spends organizing them, she's scared someone might ruin it lol. 
-this girl is a PERFECTIONIST, everything she does must be tidy and perfect! 
-this is a trait she picked up from her mother
-speaking of family, angela always saw lilith getting yelled at whenever her sister did a mistake or something "bad" 
-she got scared when her parents yelled and didn't want to be treated the same way so as a child she thought "if I want mom and dad to treat me good, then I must be good myself" 
-so she did everything to be seen as "good" 
-she doesn't even realize it herself, but she is under extreme pressure because of this. 
-she needs love, emotional support, affection
-but Mary sue is too busy working 
-and Daniel is… Well he's daniel… I
I imagine he's also an overachiever and that also impacted angela
-now onto her relationship with lilith: I think that angela does not understand why lilith does not just act "good" to get proper treatment from their parents
-I think Lilith saw Angela getting "more love" (even though that love was pretty shallow) and decided to take it out on her. She probably kicked her or smth and angela just fought back and it created a rift between the two, which led us to their current relationship in the game
-I really love reconciling the two
-they still kinda swear at each other but like in an affectionate way lol
-lowkey enjoys it when lilith blasts her music in her room
-and lowkey gets disappointed when Mary sue yells at lilith to turn it down
-but she'll never admit it, she does not want to get looked down upon by her mom
-Angela is not really in tune with her own emotions? 
-like someone asks her what is wrong while she's LITERALLY crying
-and she'd be like "what do you mean? Everything's fine" 
-she is so, so lonely
-yet she doesn't even realize it
-and when she does start to realize this loneliness, she is confused, very sad and confused
-she does not know why she feels the way she does, it's like a big gap in her heart. 
-same girl, same 😞
-she is very in tune however, with nature and the sea/ocean! 
-she loves animals and plants, she likes them better than people
-probably has a cactus and other plants in her room :3
-I think her favorite animal would be deers :o
-she loves, and i mean LOVES researching anything related to the ocean, sea creatures etc… 
-she has information stored in her brain just for it
-if someone asks her anything about it, you can be sure she'll go crazy and info dump for HOURS
-unfortunately she does not really have anyone to do that with other then meadow and maaaaybeeee
-dustin :3
-dustin is her other childhood friend! 
-he always likes getting her into trouble lol
-she does enjoy it though hehehe and tries to rebel a bit
-immediately regrets it though (Trauma-I mean what???) 
-and again she isn't very in tune with her emotions and probably only realizes she had a crush on him after she goes to university or something 😭
-dustin had to make all the moves but she was pretty dense at the time/or just not interested . 
-everytime she sees dustin with his little brother she gets an ache in her heart (girl you live in a dysfunctional family pls accept that) 
-she def gets along with beau!! She def babysits him sometimes, she loves pinching his cheeks 
-she probably has freckles too hehehe
-unlike lilith who is very sporty, she sucks at sports!!! 
-girl cannot run 2 minutes without getting tired!!! AND IT'S HONESTLY A MOOD
-I have a fanfic idea where angela goes to a boarding school in simcity and has mercutio as her seatmate
-and mercutio actually manages to somehow make her open up a bit
-they go to an arcade and also omfg angela is so bad at video games but GETS SO INVESTED
-mercutio is like "damm!!!" 
-they legit slowly become besties (i actually ship them PLS DO NOT KILL MEEEEE) 
-the first time they met, mercutio had music blasting off his headphones, so angela, who is his seatmate like i said, was like "hey I know *insert band here* is good, but could you turn it down a bit?" 
-mercutio is legit suprised like "how tf do u know this band" 
-angela just says she has a sister that likes the band (she actually likes the band too like i said earlier) 
-since I do ship them, i think their first date would go like Denji and asa's from the anime/manga chainsaw man 😭
-basically they're at an aquarium and she just infodumps a WHOLE ESSAAY ON A CERTAIN TYPE OF JELLYFISH
-and mercutio, much like Denji, is like "what…" 
-angela is like "wtf how is he not impressed by the fact i know so many things abt this jellyfish??" 
-girl I love you so much omfg 😭
-I want to say she's honestly mid at cooking 💀💀
-like eventually lilith learns how to cook and is lowkey better then angela at it, angela is just a girl failure 😌
-angela just cooks to cook tbh she doesn't wanna starve yknow
-omg maybe mercutio cooks for angela (okay i'll stop 😓) 
-I don't think she listens to much music but she gets more into it over the years 
-probably loves bjork! And mitski or smth 😭
-she's the kind of girl to fake her confidence, take it all away and you get a really insecure girl, she deserves all the love in my heart!
-all in all I love her 💚
Pls let me know if you'd like to see more headcanons from me!!
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sttoru · 10 months
💭&😠 with gojo :)
ANONNN ^_^!! thank u for asking angel mwahmwah gnna be rambling for a bit bye i answered these like i was on facetime w u telling me all abt my selfship lore w gojo. if u dont wanna read my stupid ramblings, scroll 🙏🏽🙏🏽
💭: where did you two meet?
OKUAOKAY its a loooong story which includes trauma and stuff on my part but i wont tell u , im gonna TRY and keep it short ! basically, satoru met me when he was on a solo mission >_< the school sent him out to an abandoned place where i was left @, fighting curses . now how did i end up there ? no cursed energy & nothin’ & still fightin’ these imaginary things (why dis lowkey reminding me of toji’s backstory) ? basically due to family . LAWLLL wont go into details since its a lot of explaining and lore but i got dumped there w the only weapon being a stick bcs those mfs loathed my ass bye ANYWAYS satoru found me , all messed up , and got me outta there & took me straight to shoko to get fixed up bcs i looked v BAD (as in wounds & stuff) && HE WAS SOWW WORRIED THE WHOLE TIMEEEE, muttering stuff like ‘please be all right,’ WHILE PACING AROUND THE ROOM BACK N FORTH 😋😋 anyways thas how we met and also how i got taken in by the school since i had no one lookin after me blahblahblah (insert more selfship lore) and satoru was kinda like my guardian during that time !! :3 he helped me find my way through the school, took me out to the city to explore, stuck up 4 me when i needed it, dragged me everywhere w him, let me train w him—yk just being super caring & also trying to light up my mood every time . especially when he sensed i wasnt feeling well. thas how he got me to warm up to him (rare occurrence) lol but the last thing is completely me irl … my rbf is so bad smh , ppl r always tellin me that i look mad or think m giving them looks 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️ also ion like talking to ppl much & prefer to stay in my own bubble but if i had someone like satoru (literally the complete opposite of me) id def wouldn’t mind becoming a extrovert heheeee anyhow yes eventually ended up friends to lovers :D !! sorry this turned so long bye mind u this is the shortest i could keep my rambling at oooops
😠: what's the worst fight you've had? (if applicable)
UHHHMM well . LMAO i feel like im the one that starts almost all arguments w him t_t but most arguments get solved p easily since we r both adults and act like adults & talk things out like adults ! satoru’s always patient & never yells & asks me for my part of the story before he continues so we both understand each others feelings . but theres this one time i was fed up and stressed out, to the point i wasn’t trying to listen to anything he had to say. i was staying over at his apartment, he was being clingy whilst i told him that i wasn’t in the mood at the moment (was working on a project i desperately needed to get done for the night) . satoru gives me my space, but then comes back around every half an hour or 15 minutes, asking me to take a break since i was like overworking myself and taking no tjme to rest. but yk when you’re determined to do smth, theres no stopping u (like when u r in that hyper focused state). so at one point i literally snapped and raised my voice, asking him to f off and leave me be, called him annoying (😞😞) and outed all my frustrations in a fit of rage . i felt so BADDDDD right afterwards but couldn’t bring myself to apologise since i also partially felt like i needed to be left alone at the moment.
satoru was stunned and just.. nodded and said smth among the lines of ‘okay, all right. i understand. i’m sorry for bothering you, baby. however, please take a break.’ like that man didn’t even argue back, just stayed calm & collected before leaving me be without refuting anything bad i said abt him. okay so i finished my project peacefully that night (abt 5 am when i finished) . i went to his bedroom, ready to sleep, only to not find him there. THIS MAN WAS SLEEPING ON THE COUCH . IN HIS OWN HOUSE HELLO i didnt even tell him to, but okay, 😖 i went back to the living room to apologise and tell him to sleep on the comfy bed instead of on the couch with a measly blanket he found somewhere (which didnt even cover his entire 6’4 body)., he didn’t answer me so i turned him over to look at me and ……. this man. had cried himself to SLEEEEEP 🚶🏽‍♀️ he was already sleepin & the skin surrounding his eyes was red , cheeks stained w tears i was so mad @ myself actually. DAAASHDJSN he didnt show his hurt to me bcs he knew it would only distract me more from the work i had to, therefore he let me be & dealt with his own feelings alone. YALLLL this makes me sob every time
anyways i woke him up eventually and this man wasn’t even fully awake before he pulled me down on the couch with him and hugged me tightly to his chest like he was afraid i was boutta disappear 🙍🏽‍♀️🙍🏽‍♀️ he was talkin’ abt sum ‘sorry, ‘m sorry for disrupting you earlier. are you mad at me?’ BRAHHHHH. felt so bad i didn’t sleep the entire day, apologised to him & comforted him & just held him in my arms while he slept . NEVA AGAINNNN NEVAAAAAA
selfship ask game
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I am never been so close to anti-stan then I am right now. Dreams Twitter fanbase started the biggest hate train on him because they themselves:
1. Took his inital tweet with the drugs comment as a race issue, like it was obvious that was not the intent or even the focus.
2. Got mad at his completely rational reply to a toxic Stan that used both white and adhd as an isult - the toxic Stan was saying his fanbase will dogpile them, well if you didn’t phrase your concerns in a toxic way in a public place maybe you wouldn’t be concerned about it. Like he empasised he had no intent to relate it to rap - and they see him say rap and fucking ran with it.
3. Got mad at him for disagreeing with someone generalizing his 23 million fans as anti-black, like even his stance on stans is entirely anti-generalizing, he literally denounced any that are in the same comment.
4. Bullied him into unprivating his account because they can’t share screenshots apparently.
5. Got mad a him for tweeting a fucking heart.
Then they turn around and blame the entire thing on the antis, like no. You blew it out of proportion and reacted like shit to everything he did. You are the problem. All the responses to his last tweet are “educate yourself and reflect” and “come back with a better apology” like no. He apologized when he shouldn’t have and you cyber bullied him. They are bloody proud of theirselves for “holding him accountable“ for something they misconstrued.
He needs to delete that stan video because they aren’t worth it.
First thing i want to say is that this post is going to be joint answered as evangeline is white so this is going to be answered by her and me as im half african half american. Normally evanageline would be voicing her opinions and adding ours in if we had any but as its a racism issue she didnt feel comfortable to voice only her opinions. However shes the one writing the post apart from this bit to keep up the consistentcy of the blog page. -Trinity (Basically Trin gave her thoughts using a voice note and I slightly edited it so the sentences were a bit more coherent and added both mine and the other admins opinions as Trin doesn't really use twitter unless it's through my priv account - Evangeline)
I will say that a lot of the fan drama that you see are a smaller group that is known to attack and harass Dream and anyone who disagrees with anything. Eventhough they are a small group they mass reply to everything and make themselves look bigger than they are. Not only that but the only thing they end up doing is overshadowing the original issue at hand which is fans harassing and being racist to eachother. So a lot of what I'm about to say is mainly what this group is doing and isn't at all a reflection of a lot of fans but it is something that needs to be talked about especially since a bunch of this groups members are either white or white passing but get mad on black people's behalf and is basically setting them up.
I don't mean to be rude or dismissive but a lot of people used this as an opportunity to trauma dump. Like I know going into horrible details about what you have to deal with is the only way to get the point across sometimes however harassing Dream and spamming him with stuff like "I was harassed because I'm gay" "I was doxxed because I was Asian" is lowkey weird. Like why are you telling this random guy on the internet that you were doxxed? What is he going to be able to do about it? Also not to defend Dream but how are you going to sit there and break one of his few boundaries whilst trying to educate him.
On top of that the issue was originally how racist some of the fandom are to black people but then other minority groups started talking about how they were also being stereotyped and attacked but all this is doing is talking over other minorities. For example a large group of fans started off talking about how they were being attacked by other stans because of their skin colour but then immediately started to harass and threaten others. Like some were clearly not being serious but dming people and update accounts to retweet and spread awareness isn't the move you think it is. Obviously a lot of them were genuinely trying to spread awareness and were trying to get the respect and treatment they deserve but all of that was being overshadowed by the few that were attacking and harassing creators and fans. Then a lot of it turned into minorites fighting each other over who was more oppressed which just makes the whole thing seem like petty drama.
I will say a lot of them were lovely. I am pretty uneducated on race based issues and how certain things effect people and can be racist so I was asking a lot of questions and most of them were nice. However I also got a lot of snarky ones like "google it" to questions that weren't general like "Is it mocking to call white people crackers and token white boy if you are a white person" or "is ______ considered micro aggressions"
However as usual it went from trying to educate your creators to who is the most oppressed and who can bring up more past drama that has already been addressed multiple times. I'm not being funny but the fact that some well known Dream antis were defending Dream and shitting on stans should really tell you how non productive this is. It went from "Hey Dream this comment is a bit weird can you delete it please" to "Dream you should stop being friends with this person and you should follow this person otherwise your racist" Like that's not helping anyone. The only thing that it's doing is breaking Dreams boundaries, setting Dream up and making stans look bad.
Like people were @ing Sapnap and George telling them to "collect the racist friend" like how is that spreading awareness. The whole thing went from being a good chance to educate to a big fucking joke that just made a lot of people upset and anxious.
Honestly the whole thing was pretty fucking hypocritical like you can't talk about being harassed whilst harassing people into hearing you out. A lot of the issues seemed really gatekeepy to me as well. One that I saw constantly get brought up was that the only people allowed to say dy*e were black lesbians as they created the word. Like a big topic was a misuse of aave but not a single person actual explained what it was or gave examples all I saw was "mcyttwt needs to stop using aave language it's offensive" like you can't claim to be educating people if you don't explain. Not everyone can access websites and caards that get linked because of regions or web rescrictions so they're not helpful either.
HOWEVER I will agree that a lot of their points were completely valid like the whole thing of "Feral Feb" over shadowing BHM and whenever Dream listens to rap people complain and call it bad music are two really good examples. I listened to a few twitter spaces to learn a bit more and things that were said in there was all good info that would be genuinely helpful to know and it really did help edcuate me however not a single tweet said any of it and that's why people don't understand what they're doing is wrong because nobody explains it.
A lot of the issues that people had with Dream were so weird as well like a lot of them were self oppression and turning normal things into racism. A lot of the issues had the same energy as the 404twt fans who were genuinely mad at Dream for having a colour that George couldn't see and they were harassing him and claiming that he was purposely excluding diasbilities.
Usually we would add more but Trinity got a bit upset and stressed so she had to stop answering various asks and the other admins are all white or white passing and don't feel like it's our place to put our own opinions. We will try to answer other asks with similar thoughts later - Evangeline
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90s-belladonna · 5 years
Omg i need some headcanons of taking care of Overhaul after shigaraki beats the fresh fuck out of him and removes his fucking arms. Just some angst and whatever you have to give me because i read the chapter and i saw him after getting beat up and i just- i must smooch upon his cheeks and pet his hair and hug him and just- give him so much fucking physical affection and warm cooked meals he dies of love overdoes. *finally breaths after ranting.* also i love you so fucking much Thankyou- Thankyou
Hi yesss I’m going to let you give Kai all the love in the world! He’s baby🖤 btw I love you too and I’m sorry this took so long I was behind on requests + I always get a bit of writer’s block when it comes to kai since he’s soo... different. Btw Kai is like lowkey down in the dumps and that’s the only reason he won’t bite you for touching him, that and the dummy is a germaphobe so he wouldn’t bite you either way... well not at first at least.
Melancholic Bliss: Overhaul x Reader
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Kai Chisaki was never one for words, he never had to use very many of them unless it was to show his distaste for something or to close a business deal, oh and of course the occasional threat. Although lately he’d found himself going quite for different reasons other than for his own choice. Trauma was a hell of an incentive for him, who would have guessed.
He had been in Tartarus for a few days, in and out of surgeries with little time to let the shock of what had just happened actually settle. By the time it dawned on him that he had truly lost everything and failed he was sent further into his state of shock. The abusive and rude nurses didn’t do much to help either, he was a villain, the worst of the worst after all, and in their minds he deserved to be treated like crap, that’s all they saw him as.
All Kai felt was utter numbness now, everything was stolen from him. He didn’t care about his quirk, but his arms would have been pretty fucking useful in a place like Tartarus Prison. It’s not that he needed them to fight or anything, none of the other prisoners bothered him since most were in solitary confinement and the rest feared him despite his lack of limbs, mainly once they heard the craziness that took for him to actually be brought down, but it wasn’t enough fear to be able to rally them together behind him and plan a prison break, how were they supposed to rally behind someone they couldn’t depend on, much less trust to actually want to keep them alive? Despite him clearly being the smartest out of all the prisoners and most of the staff, but that’s what made him so dangerous, that’s what Shigaraki failed to see. It wasn’t Kai’s quirk that made him a threat, it was his brain. Sure his overpowered quirk helped a bit but even without it Kai would have eventually reached his goals.
“Hey my name’s Doctor (last name), I’ll be your physical therapist from now on.” A soft voice, smooth as silk, greeted as the glass door to his cell opened. Kai snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at the doe eyed doctor standing by the entrance of the, surprisingly big, cell. He examined the face attached to the voice and surprisingly it was someone fairly young, about his age if not younger which was surprising for someone claiming to be a doctor given the fact that Kai himself was only twenty years old. He couldn’t help but note that their cheeks held a blush, not an artificial one from make up, or a sudden one from embarrassment, but a natural one that seemed to never waiver. The next thing he noticed was the small, timid smile on their face, something no one else in the prison adorned, well not directed at him anyway. When he caught himself starring for too long he rolled his eyes and turned back to face the ceiling. Like the typical tsundere he is.
“I Umm... I wanted to introduce myself since our sessions will begin tomorrow and I didn’t want you to be too confused when the guards brought you to my office. I was also hoping to see how bad the damage is on you if you don’t mind?” The timid doctor asked. Kai hated being touched but he figured he had no choice since he was a prisoner and lacked the means to defend himself, yet part of him still appreciated the fact that (last name) asked, as opposed to the others who just grabbed him. He nodded and stood up from his bed in order to let the doctor examine him. (Name) warily approached the gold eyed villain, not because they feared him but because they didn’t want to startle him. Loosing one’s arms could be a specially traumatic event, (name) was well aware that Chisaki had yet to speak in the week he’d been imprisoned and the other doctors had informed them that his vocal chords weren’t damaged so (name) knew this was either trauma induced silence or Chisaki was just a brat, maybe even both.
“I um, I’m going to have to remove your shirt so I can properly remove the bandages, are you okay with that?” (Name) asked the brunette, their (color) eyes meeting his golden ones for the first time since they entered the cell. Kai nodded as he tried to fight back a blush, not because of (name)’s beauty but because of the kindness their eyes held, kindness had never once been directed his way so the young yakuza boss couldn’t help but feel a bit flustered. (Name) gently removed his shirt and tried to keep their eyes off of Chisaki’s extremely toned body at the same time, something which was nearly impossible. Although with their wondering eyes they noticed fresh wounds ranging from bruises to scratches that couldn’t be older than a day or two. Kai noticed the concern grow in their features but he didn’t dwell on it, he figured it was sympathy or something for his arms being gone, not that he was used to receiving sympathy either but he figured (name) was one of those people who were very in tune with their emotions.
“Chisaki, um. Are the nurses here mistreating you?” (Name) asked in an almost inaudible disgusted tone but Kai could sense the concern in their voice. Mistreating? I thought their behavior was normal he thought to himself. He just shrugged which caused (name)’s heart to break. They took an oath to protect. No matter what this man did it’s their job to treat him as they would any other patient. (Name) thought. “I think I’ll be handling all of your care from now on.” The young doctor spoke out loud as they took a note on their tablet. Is that even allowed? Don’t they have to go home? The nurses change my bandages like three times a day. Kai thought again as he looked at the doctor skeptically as they took their notes.
The next day he woke up with clean bandages and no new wounds or pain on his skin. They must have changed them as I slept. He thought to himself. As he checked their handiwork, these bandages definitely felt more secure than the ones the nurses would place on him. Before he had time to dwell on it the guards were already entering his room. “Chisaki Kai, you have an appointment.” One of them announced as she led him outside. They didn’t even bother putting any sort of restraints on him, they figured he was practically harmless. Idiots. All of them. They should be wary of me. He thought to himself as he was led to one of the upper floors of the large building where all the offices for the doctors as well as the clinics were located. When he entered the office he couldn’t help but admire the decor. It was full of shiny dark wood tones and black furniture, the wall was filled with diplomas that all read (full name). There was also a few pictures of the good doctor from their graduation, Kai couldn’t help but grin and playfully roll his eyes as he noticed the wide smile (name) had in the pictures as they held up their led school diploma. He’d never encountered someone so full of positivity and bliss.
“Hey! sorry I’m late, my previous appointment took longer than usual. That stain dude sure is talkative.” (Name) jokingly complained as they applied hand sanitizer to their hands and changed their medical mask. “Would you like one? I looked over your file and saw you’re not too fond of germs.” (Name) asked as they blissfully batted their lashes and pointed towards the medical mask box. Kai just hummed in agreement which caused (name) to giggle at the lengths he’d go just to refused to talk. Kai couldn’t help but find the young doctor endearing as they placed the medical mask on him. So gentle and thoughtful. This world is going to ruin them. He thought to himself as he inspected their every move. I almost. I almost wish to protect them. He thought once more, they were like no one else he had encountered. They treated him as an equal, not out of fear either but out of kindness, something he’d never really experienced other than with Hari, but his loyalty could be chucked up to respect rather than kindness.
“Aren’t you a little young to be a doctor.” He spoke out of nowhere, an action which caught (name) off guard. Despite that their eyes filled with joy, something Kai was well aware of, and somewhat enjoyed. I have to shut this down immediately, I don’t like it one bit. He lied to himself as he felt his heart thump against his chest. “Physical therapy degrees don’t take as long, especially if you’re in a medical studies program since high school, which I was.” (Name) explained, never once letting their eyes leave Kai’s, an action which further flustered the young mob boss. “Oh. So you’re not a real doctor.” He teased, a smirk quickly forming as he noticed (name) begin to pout through their medical mask. “That’s a bit mean. I worked for my degree.” They defended as they crossed their arms. Even when angry.... they’re utterly adorable kai thought once more, his quickened heartbeat almost undeniable at this point.
“I think I’m having a heart attack.” He spoke in a confused tone as he took a seat on the brown leather couch in the large office. “What!” (Name) exclaimed as they rushed over over with their stethoscope to check Chisaki’s heart beat. Once the young doctor realized it was just his heart beating extremely fast, but nothing to worry about they began to chuckle. “Am I a joke to you?” Chisaki asked in his most threatening voice which only caused the doctor to laugh harder. “I- um. S-sorry n-no. It’s just, that’s normal. You’re fine.” (Name) explained as they tried to calm themselves down. “That’s not possible. Perhaps a real doctor should examine me.” Kai demanded. “Trust me, if you were having a heart attack you wouldn’t even be able to hold this conversation. Tell me Chisaki, have you ever been nervous before?” (Name) asked as they bit their bottom lip in order to try and stifle yet another fit of laughter. “That’s ridiculous.” The snooty man stated as he rolled his eyes.
“You’re such a hoot! Come on, we have to go get your measurements taken.” (Name) stated with a smile as they stood back up and headed towards their desk to take out some measuring tape, Kai willingly followed them as he carefully overlooked their every move. Once they had what they needed (name) turned around to face Kai with a nervous smile. “I uh, I’m going to need to remove your shirt again, it’s um kind of necessary.” They stated as they looked up to meet his golden eyes. Kai just batted his long eyelashes and nodded. As they removed his shirt (name) couldn’t help but let out a breath they didn’t realize they were holding. It has to be a crime to be this beautiful. They thought to themselves as their eyes traced every inch of his body. Kai definitely noticed but decided against calling them out and embarrassing them, at least that’s what he told himself, in reality part of him liked the attention, not that he’d ever admit it.
“what exactly are the measurements for anyway? I assure you my arms won’t be growing back.” Kai sarcastically stated as he watched (name) use the measuring tape on one of his stumps. (Name) giggled at the sadistic joke. “no it’s for prosthetics, I figured you’re tired of others having to dress you and stuff. You seem like a man who values his independence.” They informed him. “Well aren’t you the observant type.” He complimented his a grin. “I try. I was wondering if maybe you wanted me to help you rework your quirk? I know how you feel about quirks... I read your file, but I figured yours would come in handy with all the rude people here.” (Name) timidly spoke. “why would you care about all that?” Kai asked a bit taken back, no one ever did anything kind for him unless they wanted something in return.
“I just. I’m sorry this happened to you.” (Name) spoke candidly as they traced some of the scarring forming in the stump where his arm should continue. “You don’t think I deserved it? Everyone else certainly seems to think so.” Kai asked a bit confused as he looked down to meet (name)’s eyes. As much as he hated being touched... when they did it, he couldn’t help but enjoy it. “I don’t think anyone deserves to feel such pain. A-And I just don’t want anyone hurting you anymore.” They whispered. “Why?” He couldn’t believe anyone would actually willingly look out for him, especially in a place like this. “Because you don’t deserve that.” They replied almost instantly, Kai could feel his heart begin to race once more. “And what do you think I deserve?” He asked the timid doctor as he absentmindedly inches closer to them. “I- I think...” they trailed on as they too began to close the gap between the two of them, but right before their masked lips could touch there was a knock on the door. “Doctor (Last name), I have a delivery for you.” A voice said from the other side of the door causing (name) to anxiously smile and Kai to grin at how flustered the doctor was, although inside he too was burning up.
As their sessions went on they grew closer. By the time Kai finally got prosthetics his attraction to the young doctor was undeniable to the point where he couldn’t keep his new robotic hands off of them. “I wish I could have my hands back for just a minute, if only to really feel you.” He whispered in their ear as he hovered above their naked body as the two of them laid on the brown leather couch in (name)’s office, having just finished getting to know each other’s bodies a bit better. “You don’t need hands to feel. You can easily do that with your heart.” They mumbled against his neck before beginning to suck on the supple skin. (Name) let their hands run through his soft brown hair, gently tugging at it as he began to thrust inside of them once more. Kai couldn’t help but let out a grunt from the pleasure.
As December came (name) had managed to help Kai rework his quirk so that he could use it with his feet and hips at will. “You’re not afraid I’ll overhaul you now that you’ve fulfilled your purpose.” He asked them as he caressed their cheek with his gloved prosthetic. “I have faith in you kai. I always have. Since the moment I laid eyes on you.” They softly spoke as they leaned in to his touch. “You know.... when you kiss me I almost forget of all that’s wrong in the word. You make me want to break you out of here and run away. Do you realize how crazy that sounds?” They asked him in a whisper. Kai’s heart began to burn at their words, part of him refused to believer they would sacrifice everything for him. “I lost my dream, my life’s work. I would never ask you to give up yours for me, you’re my new dream (name). I just want you to succeed. I want to protect you.” He spoke in a huff as he pulled them in for a kiss. He was at ease the moment their hands reached for his hair, a feeling he’d grown to love over the few months they’d shared together. He still hated being touched by others, but when (name) did it... it was like everything was right in the world, even if it was just for a few seconds. They didn’t fear him, they loved him for him, and little did he know that a love like that was what his heart truly longed for in his twenty years of life, everything else seemed insignificant compared to (name)’s affection. For once in his life all he felt was utter bliss, despite being imprisoned, despite having his arms gone, despite having lived in melancholy for so long... he was finally at peace.
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system-of-a-feather · 4 years
That ask game you rbed, how bout 3 lol
“3. Rant. Just do it.“ - The Other Anon
(tw; positive cursing, bloodborne images so moderate gore)
OKAY HERE WE GO. I GOT ANOTHER THING TO RANT ABOUT. It took me time to get the topic and info dumping / rambling urges for something that I was comfortable posting here. So anyways
Our system has a bit of a thing with gaming and between our system, we have a pretty wide taste that includes a lot of things other than MMORPGs and those multiplayer stuff (Battlefield and COD); so we have like everything from Stardew and Harvest Moon, to Souls-borne, to Management Simulators, to Stealth Games, to Casual Garden / Plant / Animal Sims to Visual Novels to RPGs to some Horror to Minecraft and all that.
Me, Ray, and another part we don’t talk about here really take an affinity to gaming. I typically prefer more story-driven, management games, and more casual farming games. Ray on prefers a lot more AAA action titles. You know those games you bank hours and hours into and BARELY finish the main story - yeah those, I can’t play those for the life of me XD
But anyways, I usually REALLY love me some Bugsnax (lowkey a slight obsession lately), Stardew Valley, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Hakuoki, Amnesia: Memories (even though they have a problematic “DID character”, its a guilty nostalgic like), and all that but like....
My absolute favorite is probably Bloodborne. A lot of the other ones have a nostalgic pull and/or I REALLY like them, but I think at this point Bloodborne and similar games have become my genuine favorite genre even though it stands out because firstly, they tend to have legit music, secondly, they tend to have legit aesthetic, and thirdly, they are so frustrating and well managed in combat that it is so much fun to just analyze it all and try to figure out the best way to go about doing things.
So like, lets start with Bloodborne in this - because believe it or not the original intent of this rant was not it, but I really do have to establish this. 
Reason Bloodborne is Awesome, lets go
One, the story - if you can follow it - is really interesting and well scattered, but I very very much particularly love the theme / question / moral of “Would you rather return to a world blissfully unaware of all the horrors you have seen and learned and live innocently unaware” or “Live in the horrors and be aware of the rest of eternity but at least you know the truth” cause honest to god, if that aint a fucking mood I don’t know what is. 
Secondly, GOD do they have the aesthetic down on point. Theres another ask below this asking about my aesthetic, and part of that answer is just fucking Bloodborne now. Like at one point I went “Man I would look cool in Bloodborne aesthetic clothing and shit” and I guess I accidentally ended up with bloodborne armor in the inner world and at first I didn’t know how to revert back to whatever I was wearing (I don’t even remember at this point) and I was like “Uhhh” but HONESTLY I don’t want to change it? I have not found something that is such a solid aesthetic that I love that makes me feel cooler when I’m running around in the inner world so why drop it? And also lowkey now I want to actually adopt that into my IRL life if I ever get the time and money so..??? I mean I’ll go more into that on the aesthetics post but dude look
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Are you really going to tell me that isn’t a solid dark aesthetic? And then the bosses are legit af?
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And then the clothing and Lady Maria???
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Okay and then say all of that is just average or not selling you. Okay okay thats fine.
Like there is also how absolutely frustrating, meticulous and well planned the game is yeah yeah we all know that its Souls-borne genre, but sure - give that number three as a reason.
But number four, oh god NUMBER FOUR. I don’t know how much this has been made apparent on our blog, but our system is VERY in love with music as an art. We were raised with musical instruments (both older siblings played instruments from elementary to highschool, we still continue into college), growing up we were exposed to a lot of instrumental music, and we developed an EXTREME reliance on music to deal with both our abusive family / trauma, to help regulate our own mind, emotions and all, and to also deal with how uncomfortable silence is for us. 
So music has been a HUGE developmental factor in our life and we REALLY love and appreciate it and its sometimes painful. But the composition of Bloodborne music - it is BEYOND words for me. I could probably write pages and pages of appreciation for how masterly crafted, perfect and well put together almost EVERY SINGLE piece of the game is and how - after years of listening to them on repeat - I can still find new aspects of it and a new technique or aspect I hadn’t noticed or thought much about to still adore.
I legitamently have screamed over how certain parts just click together perfectly. I can get so much positive overflowing joy and excitement from how well the parts interact and how perfectly dramatic the music flows and how active and physical the experience is that I feel the need to SCREAM internally and sometimes externally. 
I obsess over orchestral music and OSTS and film music and trailer music and video game music and all of that and I have to say with almost complete confidence that I’m pretty sure Bloodborne is - in my opinion - one of the best crafted orchestrated units.
Even from my own source, one that I love, have they only recently been able to produce a SINGLE track that echoes similarly in the intensity and amazement that I would consider it around par.
I will DIE internally everytime I hear it and sometimes I have actually had to turn it off because it was TOO overstimulating to listen to because of how much UGH it brings me. 
More than it is fun to play, Bloodborne is AMAZING to listen to and I can’t state that enough ugh XD
But anyways, before I go on THAT too much, I love Bloodborne. Joke is that as a fictive it is my “second source” even though it makes no sense. I have adopted it, I have claimed it. I love it and I will die for Bloodborne
So LATELY I’ve started a new game I just bought called Code: Vein and its apparently Anime Bloodborne or something like that and so far its really legit and while the music will never compare to Bloodborne - at least from what I’ve seen - I’ve REALLY been enjoying it and its music isn’t half bad itself
It also hilariously talks about “hearts” and loosing them and also memory issues and I’m dying cause they legitamently took Bloodborne’s Aesthetic, put anime on it, gave it a dark story with memories and indepth characters and served it on a platter for me?
And like dude I love games that comment on memory and emotions and stuff like that and I love the aesthetic and that I can kind of look like myself AND wear cool clothes like? 
Man I’m enjoying it and I’m realizing that Souls-borne is probably my favorite genre officially and I’m embracing it. Good game play, good aesthetics, good fighting, and good stories. I love it.
Anyways to finish this rant, here is the first photo I took of my avatar.
-Riku (Host)
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ziracona · 4 years
hi can we pls have some uhhhh 🅱️uentin Smith headcanons, and some killers hcs if you want! I also lowkey hc Jake and Claudette to both be some degree of autistic, I imprint like a baby bird on my fav characters so I hc both Jake AND Quentin to be trans, and Quentin and Meg are ADHD infodump pals. Literally sitting around the cabin taking turns talking about something they love while the other is sitting there... no thoughts... head empty... they r supporting each other
Nice! And Claudette is canonically autistic according to her archives description as far as I can tell, and I’m so glad! You should check out @askthedreamwalker if you’re interested in Quentin art bc their Quentin is trans and they have really nice art! Also u right as hell about Quentin and Meg. He gets v excited and Meg and he can special-interest back and forth for hours One person is pitcher, pouring information into empty pitcher2, then the other takes a turn and pours back into first pitcher. Info dump support friends. Heaven.
And hells yeah, I love son boy! Idk if you mean ILM headcanons or general, so I’m just gonna go with gen. 
Quentin’s got a big sense of justice. Not okay with people getting away with terrible shit, which makes the realms extra unbearable (somewhere in the distance Yui and Tapp are like ‘cheers mate’). Holds people very accountable. Boy is very fair and got upstanding character. Expects people to operate with like bare minimum decency and ain’t about to let that shit go if someone wants to be a bastard. Last person ever to let a killer get a pass for going around murdering people in-realm and would hold them extremely accountable and be v willing to kill one in a fight and view them with disgust and righteous anger, but also be one of the first people willing to forgive a killer if they genuinely reformed, or got thrown to the survivor side by the Entity and actually chose to shape up and proved they meant it. He has a huge sense of justice and righteous anger, but also believes in forgiveness and second chances. (Within reason. If any of the particularly bastard killers like GF or Nightmare or Clown showed up with a completely ooc change of heart they will never have anyway, Quentin would be like “…listen. …There are some things only God can forgive…U gotta take this one to him…and away from me. Forever…”. Boy got those high-quality standards 👌
Used to be kinda high-strung, but then his life was a living hell for so long that he ran out of energy entirely and now he has no choice but to be mostly chill. If he gets a burst of energy, the old excitement power switch flips back on and he is both way more talkative and active, and happier. Unfortunately he is usually so worn out he’s about to drop.
Got a bit of a martyr complex. The fact that literally locking himself in hell with his worst nightmare worked does not help. Feels massive guilt over the fact that the Nightmare is in the realm bc of him, but is still kind of glad bc it means he’s not out there murdering his family. Hates that he feels that way because he thinks it’s kind of wrong. Views being stuck in the realm as sort of penance for having brought Krueger unintentionally. Afraid to tell other people it’s his fault because he’s scared they would never talk to him again, and the idea of losing his friends and complete isolation here is unbearable. Feels guilt over that choice, because he feels like he’s in a way lying to them, and that if they would hate him if they knew the truth, they have a right to. Boy loves his friends hard, but does not trust them to forgive him, or to trust in him, so he’s not always completely honest about not just that but anything he’s struggling with. Very sad dumbass. Suffers alone because he’s afraid to ask for help, and/or does not think he deserves it.
Really loves the other survivors and would do anything he could to protect them. Dies in the majority of his trials because he battles endlessly trying to keep the others from being the ones who die. In a way, he’s trying to make things up to them, but he would absolutely do the same just because he loves them, and did for a long time before he ever figured out Krueger and him being taken was his fault (not that I personally think that’s a fair way for the boy to view it). Optimistic externally, struggling internally. Absolutely refuses, ever, to give up, but is always right on the threshold of having a breakdown. Pushes the others to find a way to escape and tries to give them hope. Takes a lot of shit. Will not fight back much if teased just be like -__- and moves on. Doesn’t let people boss him around though, and will always do what he thinks personally is the right thing. Extremely forgiving. (Except to himself.)  Snark boy if opportunity presents itself. Can I offer you a shot of adrenaline in this trying time boy? the rest of the time.
Gives people the benefit of the doubt. Not a hoe. Would commit to a s/o very dedicatedly. Also not the kind of asshole who would cut down on time w friends when in a relationship. Boy’s love is not a zero sum game. Would die or kill for Laurie. Loves Claudette and learning botany tips from her. Thinks she is pretty and admires her kindness and skill and refusal to let the world change who she is, and wishes he was more like her. Has not told her that. Is a lot more like her in that regard than he thinks he is. Pretty damn good in a fight bc he always gets back up. Determinator. Still in love with Nancy and loyal af. Misses her a lot. Does not open up about himself as much as people think he does. Misses his dad and Nancy and his dead friends a lot, especially Jesse. Doesn’t actually talk about his problems much. Just suffers in silence because he doesn’t think he can ask for help.
Takes his faith seriously. Prays a lot, and struggles with feeling completely abandoned by God, but won’t give up on that either. Tries hard to believe he cares and things will change. Dedicated to trying to make sure that regardless of what his friends believe in, they are okay. Very sad and alone but tries to not think about that. Tries to help friends stay hopeful. Is both baby and badass sass boy in one package. Fight hard, love hard, someday will get to sleep for a whole year. 
If you are nice to him once, will assume that means you are friends now. Genuinely cares deeply for every single survivor at the campfire. Wants to protect people. Constantly suffering bc that’s impossible here. Really just wants everyone to be okay someday, including himself, and simultaneously kind of feels like he no longer deserves to be okay in the end at all. Tries not to think about that. Massive guilt issues. Bottles it up. Loyal as hell. Would die for his friends so much it actively worries them and they’re like “Quentin…please. Quentin-stop—stop. You’ll die again. I swear to god Quentin! I can die this time! Quentin!!! Come back here right now!” But he never comes back. Big sibling energy. Regularly people be like “Damn u could make a pretty fine lil brother out of this” and then they do. He loves so hard. Please be nice to him. He’s always trying so hard and never thinks it’s enough. He works so hard.
Triggers include being grabbed by his hair and jerked around, losing his necklace, the cave, and the Nightmare within 15 feet of someone he loves, so homeboy has just, a lot of bad days. Is playing a fun game called ‘I will absorb trauma forever and not get help for it and then one day it will kill me’. Needs to learn to depend on his friends.
Good sense of humor, enjoys reading and music. Will talk way too much about things he likes and not notice he’s done it and then feel bad. Dumbass sweetheart, will think he’s doing a great job flirting and be proud of himself when he did not, in fact, do a suave job, but it’s cute. Tries hard. All the time. At everything. God he tries.
I would do killer hcs too but this already so long and I cut like half of what I initially wrote rip. I have too many thoughts. Head full. : ( Here’s just a few little ones:
Myers does not like working for the Entity. It tried to pull a fast one and be like, “Yes tis I, another voice in your head,” and Michael was like “Bitch it’s my head. I don’t know you!” and that did not work. While Michael very much would love to kill Laurie and get inner peace, working for the entity provides 0% daily Michael needs, and he hates it. Sometimes he just does what the fuck he wants and gets in trouble (homeslice is the only killer who can kill survivors with no mori and no perk for it. Michael cannot be controlled). Does not like being here at all. He doesn’t cause the Entity a lot of trouble like Krueger does, so it doesn’t consider him a problem killer, but they do not have a ‘Ah yes my favorite killer’ kind of thing going. Michael hates the spider-monster. He is so tired of everything at this point. Boy is suffering. Would fight the Entity if he knew how. Has been hurt by it before, and does not like that, because it takes longer to heal than he is used to.
Myers has a few times had his home area be close enough to the campfire that he could see it in the distance, and he watches them when that happens. For hours. He is lonely, but does not realize that, and probably never will. He does stand there and watch them, being sad and not realizing he’s sad at all. It’s the closest he ever gets to human interaction aside from killing people in trials.
The Entity hurts Max sometimes, not because he has done anything wrong, but because injuring him without providing even a way to prevent it keeps him peak feral and afraid, just like it wants. No time to recover or learn or grow. Just anger and pain and fear.
The Entity promises Rin a lot of things. Not because it has to, but because it enjoys the taste of her suffering. One of her addons is paper cranes, one of 1000 to make a wish, as the description says. I’ve always interpreted that to mean it likes to screw with her and offer her things like that she can do between trials, in the moments of lucidity she occasionally has when completely alone. ‘Make 1000, get your wish,’ but every time she hits 999, it blows the ones she’s made away, and she has to start over. Unclimbable hill. Just to watch her struggle. That kind of thing. Intentionally tends to send survivors her way it knows she would dislike killing the most, just to watch her have to do it against her will and bask in the horror of what she cannot make herself not do.
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