#Time Team
katebeckets · 3 months
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Every Episode of Timeless ⤷ 1x06 “The Watergate Tape”
When you find Flynn, maybe you can blind him with that suit.
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satellitespeirs · 9 months
"well I would offer to help but..."
"how very webster of you"
absolutely screaming at the time team archaeologists dragging our boy webster during their easy company excavation in aldbourne
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i was watching time team (thanks for the rec) and was wondering if its tv magic or are there really people who can look at something like a tiny brown sherd and instantly go "mmhm yup its from *insert culture here* in the mid Xth century*"
Those people with incredibly specific knowledge do exist, although they're not incredibly common. But I've worked with an expert who could look at a piece of rock and go "oh yeah it's X material, probably from Y rock formation."
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cogentranting · 4 months
Timeless's trio is superior because they said one nerd is not enough, we need both a humanities nerd and a STEM nerd, for balance.
And their emotional support soldier for protection.
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thinking about prof. mick aston’s sweater collection today
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buckets-of-dirt · 6 months
It's so fun rewatching the Llygadwy episode of Time Team already knowing that it's all been faked* because this time it was a lot easier to spot how early they already knew and pick up on the knowing looks every time something's Not Quite Right. Great educational and comedic potential. 10/10 viewing experience the barbed wire bit gets me every time
Tony showing a handful of artifacts to the camera and essentially saying they're useless now because they're out of context is so important
*Minor note that while it's definitely not a prehistoric or Roman site, I don't think they made it quite clear enough that the 19th century elements mean it still IS a site (albeit a heavily disturbed one)
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hollyevolving · 3 months
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Aw, Mick.
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thevagabondexpress · 17 days
the most important question you can ask yourself when doing shades of magic fanon worldbuilding is, what will mick aston and carenza lewis do with this when they find it?
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 months
American archeology: "We dug a two foot-deep hole and found a potsherd from the 1600s! Nobody move!" *spend the next 4 years digging down another two feet to find another potsherd*
British archeology: "...Only 3 meters? Get the JCB in here and scrape this stupid decorated medieval tile floor out of the way! There's probably a Bronze Age ditch under there, filled with sheep bones!" *they fill it back in at the end of the season, move on to another of 8,000 active sites*
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katebeckets · 3 months
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Every Episode of Timeless ⤷ 1x02 “The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”
The present isn't perfect, but it's ours.
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saintartemis · 7 months
Today, I was delighted to learn that there is a Time Team Drinking game and it is everything I thought it would be.
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tivajunkie · 6 months
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Can’t believe we’ve already reached the future…2023 felt like a million years away when the show first aired.
Happy Timeless Day, Clockblockers!! Here’s hoping we get more Timeless sometime soon.
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I was looking up pictures of trowels for... reasons.. and I found this one.
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Its like 45 pounds but Limited Edition Time Team Trowel
Okay, I know this seems like something I would like. I love Time Team! I love archaeology! And yet... I am not a fan of this trowel.
A trowel is a tool. It is meant to be used. Do you know how quickly that commemorative etching is going to wear off if you were actually using it to do archaeology???
You can get a perfectly respectable Marshalltown trowel for $16.82. That's $40 (USD) cheaper than the swanky Time Team limited edition one.
I get the appeal of the Triple T (Time Team Trowel) but it's needlessly expensive, especially when archaeologists don't make a lot of money in the first place. The people who buy this are probably rich enthusiasts who will put it on a mantel somewhere, and it'll never taste the dirt.
Also, take a look at that hand model... way too clean. Where is the dirt underneath the fingernails? The ugly callouses? The bandaids over blisters??? ARCHAEOLOGY IS DIRTY!!!
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justmeemawthings · 2 months
Can we please start administering a strong electric shock to archaeologists who claim things were "ritual" or "spiritual" without a lick of evidence other than their own smug assumptions?
"This skull shows this person was killed by several blows to the head and then placed in this hill fort ditch. Clearly this was a human sacrifice!" Orrrrrr maybe they died when someone attacked the settlement. Or a house collapsed on them. Or maybe they were just murdered by an asshole and thrown in a ditch.
"The doors of all these houses faced the rising sun, they must have worshiped it, felt a spiritual connection to it!" Yeah no they wanted some fucking sunlight when they got up at the asscrack of dawn to feed the fucking goats.
It was exasperating watching an episode of Time Team and hearing someone wax poetic about how a particularly scenic spot must have been ritual, and described how the journey up the path must have held great spiritual significance etc etc. And I'm just sitting there like "Or it was just a nice place to sit and do some fucking mending or something!"
For all their blah blah blah about appreciating historic cultures they still don't see the people of the past as people. Not everything had to be a fucking ritual! They could just have nice or convenient things! Stop projecting your own fucking superstitions onto them!
... why yes I'm watching Time Team while darning socks and angrily muttering to myself, why do you ask
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nerd6log · 8 months
Robin and Pat's way of bonding would be watching Time Team or something
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Hello everyone
I just saw this video on YouTube by Time Team, narrated by sir Tony Robinson. Works are on the way to build a replica of the Sutton Hoo ship. A crowdfunding has been set up to raise the necessary money.
I am by no means affiliated with the project, but my Germanic archaeology heart is screaming with joy.
The presentational video is here
Funding can be done here
You can submit any amount you are willing to spend, or you can “buy” a gift. They have really fun things on there, be sure to check it out!
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