#Time to dust that badboy off
insertisfruity · 1 year
I'm trying to sleep but ugh this game is plaguing me [Affectionate]
I'm just thinking abt the fanfic-ability of Intertwine. Bc like. Every instance you write, every change in the world, every individual story, au/canon divergence or a story that embraces the story's canon and original story lines, all are possible lives they could have lived/might live. Anything is possible when you have an eternity of lifetimes together. Yeah, maybe they all follow similar lives for a while, maybe minor changes set them on different paths. But imagine au fics, those could absolutely be worked into that. There could be a whole MULTIVERSE of worlds, all in which MC and Van are destined to meet at some point or another. Maybe it isn't one timeline, maybe its just the concept. Whatever the fuck you want, go ham. Write corny fanfic. They're Intertwined afterall.
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scekrex · 7 months
I had an idea for a adam xm!reader and its like reader became in a way a sort of friends with the main cast of the demons (Charlie, Vaggie angel ect.) and adam finds out about it when he finds reader with fat nuggets in hel for funzies idk im not so great at English its absolutely not my first language nor the second so if its a complicated idea you can just scrap it dww!!
Furthermore i hope you have a great rest of you’re day 🫶🫶
Sup hun, I simply assumed you mean angel!reader bc it makes the most sense (and it's what I've written) hope ya like it xoxo/p
Forbidden fruits cause damage
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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You knew you weren't allowed to, you knew that if Sera or the other seraphims were to find out, they wouldn't let you come back, that you would only see Adam once a year during extermination day and it really messed with your head to be constantly reminded of how tight heaven's rules were.
And yet you came back over and over again.
At first it had been to visit Charlie's hotel, to make sure she wasn't violating any rules heaven had made - that had been an order from Sera. But when Charlie had greeted you so warmly as if she was one of your closest friends and Niffty had dubbed you 'totally hot not-badboy' you couldn't resist when it came to visiting these shitheads.
At first your visits had been rare, they had been a once every couple month kinda deal, you needed to be careful not to draw any attention to you after all. But soon every couple months turned into once a month, once a month became once every two weeks and every two weeks quickly switched to every week.
And while heaven seemed to either not notice or not care enough - maybe they thought you were doing business with Lucifer, who knew - Adam noticed. Of course your boyfriend would notice that every week you'd suddenly disappear for an entire day. You always made sure to leave early in the morning to be back for dinner. However, whenever you left during the early morning hours Adam woke up due to the lack of warmth that you took with you when you left. He was a cuddly guy, even if he would never admit it so of course he would notice his beloved boyfriend’s absence.
Today was yet another day to visit hell. So you went down to hell early, you had left Adam a note that stated something along the lines of 'visiting Ma & Pa, see ya tonight, big guy'. He however wasn't buying any of it. You had once lied to him by telling him you were hanging out with a friend of yours and when Adam had left the apartment for a walk he had seen said friend alone. The same thing happened a couple weeks later again.
He crumbled the little note in his hand and threw it onto the bed. He trusted you, he really did, but then there were his insecurities. His first and second wife had both decided to cheat on him and leave him. What prevented you from doing so too? He didn't know and the thoughts of you fucking another guy were eating him alive.
What if you disappeared once a week to enjoy time with someone who was more charming and loving than him? With someone who'd constantly tell you how much he loves you instead of jokingly insulting you? He couldn't stand his mind for fucking him up so badly, he wanted to crash his head against a wall until it would split open, but he didn't.
Instead he snapped his fingers to let a small orb appear in front of him. The scene the orb showed him was fogged up at first but the picture got clearer only seconds later. He felt disgusting for spying on you, wanted to scratch the skin off of his bones and claw out his eyes but it was the only thing that quieted down his mind at least a little bit.
The orb showed you a bright smile on your face as you held a little pig, petting the small animal lovingly. Next to you stood Angel Dust.
Angel Dust?
“Fat Nuggets really loves you, y’know, poor baby always gets sad when you have to leave,” the pornstar explained with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing. You were in hell, even worse: you were in hell to hang out with the demon scum like it was the most normal thing to do for an angel as pure as you were. The brunette was so overwhelmed by his feelings that he didn't even recognize it when the orb disappeared again, the only thing that was on his mind was why you didn't tell him.
You were apparently regularly hanging out in hell and instead of telling him you always made up some sad excuses why you were gone for the day. Did you not feel comfortable sharing such a big secret? Adam's mind went crazy, the wildest trains of thoughts were running through his head and there was not a single thing the first man was able to do about it, the only thing that was possible in a situation such as his was to take it.
When you got home that evening Adam was walking up and down in the living room. “You okay, babes?” you casually asked, your voice didn't indicate that you had been lying to him for months, it didn't indicate that you had just gotten back to heaven after spending the entire day with some demon fuck-ups. “You wanna explain me where the fuck you were?” Adam asked instead of answering your question and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes gave away that he was pissed about something yet they were glued onto your body leaning against the door frame. “I wrote you a note, I was-” you were about to explain but the first man to ever be created didn't let you finish, “Fuck you and fuck your lies. You weren't visiting your parents bitch, you were in hell visiting the demon fuck-ups who think redemption is possible.”
You frowned at his words - yes that was true but how the fuck did Adam know about that? “What? So you were spying on me?” you questioned his behavior and stepped towards Adam. The brunette seemed to be close to crying yet his body was ready for a fist fight. “After I figured out you lied to me twice about hanging out with friends? Duh,” he made a hand movement that was supposed to symbolize something along the lines ‘obviously I did’.
You let out a deep sigh. He was right. And that was way too fucking hard to actually admit. But you swallowed your pride and gave in. You walked past him, your hand reached out for him but he flinched away from your touch which resulted in you sitting on the couch alone. He didn't move an inch from the spot he was standing on, the only thing he did was to turn around in order to look at you. “I’m sorry.” A look of surprise washed over the brunette's face and his body language visibly softened. He had expected many things but an apology without a fight hadn't been one of them. “What?” he dumbly asked as he blinked at you in confusion. His wings, which had been fluffed up to make him seem bigger than he already was, dropped until they were pressed against his sides again. His beautiful golden eyes which had been full of anger only moments ago had softened too, they reflected empathy.
You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you continued to speak so you stared at the floor instead, “I’m sorry that I lied to you, that I visited hell without telling you, I know I should have but -” you shook your head as you paused for a moment. “No. No excuses. I was afraid of your reaction to it, I know you hate them, I know you hate their project but they're actually so sweet and caring and- and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about all of it. I should have shared this with you.”
Now it was Adam who sighed as he flopped down onto the couch next to you, he kept his distance though, “I don't fucking like that you're visiting them, what if one day you'll get locked out of heaven? The fuck am I supposed to do without you?” You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. “I honestly don't fucking care who you're friends with and what they are. That's your fucking life, I won't control that shit, that's yours to decide. Just promise me to be fucking careful ‘n’ stop fucking lying to me about it.” You nodded silently, it was the only response that felt right in that moment.
“N remember, if I have to go to fucking hell just to fuck your juicy little ass, I fucking will. You're not safe from me, not even down there,” the grin in Adam's voice was audible and you peeked up a little only to see the taller man grinning down at you. That made you smile a little.
It was the next day that you called Charlie to inform her that you wouldn't be able to visit as regularly anymore. You weren't willing to risk everything, especially Adam. She being the supportive girl she was obviously understood. “Who are we talking to?” Adam asked sleepily as he entered the kitchen, the poor man had just woken up and followed your voice immediately. “Charlie,” you cheered at him, “You wanna say hi?” You held your phone in front of his face, his mimic was a mix between annoyance and sleepiness as he spoke, “Sup, bitch.” Then he went to make himself a coffee. “You want one too, babes?” he offered to you and you nodded before giving him a quick ‘thank you’ kiss. “Was that Adam?” Charlie asked in surprise over the phone. “Yeah, y’know how I told ya that we're dating?” Your words made pride bloom in Adam's chest, you had been talking to your new friends about him and you weren't hiding that he was your boyfriend even though Charlie and Adam weren't exactly on good terms. “Well yeah you mentioned that but I didn't think- nevermind. I hope you two have a wonderful morning, I assume we'll see each other in two months?” Lucifer's daughter seemed eager to get off the phone now that she knew that Adam was with you. You chuckled at that, “Yeah, sure, see ya then.”
Once the call ended Adam turned around with a sharp grin on his lips, “So, how's hell reacting to a pure babes like you dating me?”
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howdidsoundwavefly · 3 years
Uh oh my transformers brainrot has become strong enough for me to want to write a fic
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stuckonmain · 2 years
An Oath to Keep
TOH Hunter/The Golden Guard x reader
I used two of the angsty writing prompts- I have more oneshots in the making with the others >:)
Word Count: 4.1k
“Aw, need some help?” I cooed, hovering above the fight.
“(Y/N)! What the heck are you doing here?!” Yelled my best friend, shoving another guard away.
“Hmm…maybe because I heard trouble. Or maybe it’s because you screamed my name dramatically while saying ‘I’m DYING!’.”
“You actually weren’t supposed to hear that.” He huffed, aiming another punch at the guards that surrounded him.
“It was pretty funny, so I’m glad I did.” I chuckled, landing next to him. I dodged a punch and tripped a guard, slapped a fire glyph onto someone, and watched Hunter knock out the last guard.
“Woah, we made quick work of them.” Hunter chuckled.
“I know- what would you do without me?” I laughed and ruffled his hair.
“I’d have a much easier life, that’s for sure.”
“And a very boring one. But I’ve gotta fly, so unless you want to spend the night helping me make potions, I’ll bid you adieu.” I waved, hopping onto my staff again.
“Wait! Can I help you make potions, actually? I’m free tonight, and I’m bored. And…making potions sounds fun.”
“Well…It’d be your first time, right?” I said, raising my eyebrows.
Hunter turned red. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Your first sleepover! What’d you think?” I said innocently. “Get your mind out of the gutter, darling!”
He somehow turned redder. “Titan, you’re gonna make me regret this.” He groaned and sat behind me on the staff.
“What’d you do to start that fight anyways?” I asked, looking over my shoulder.
“I-uh…I just…got caught with something I wasn’t supposed to have.”
“Ah, underage apple blood consumption?”
“N-no! Of course not, that’s just looking for trouble.” He stuttered.
“Right, you’re too straightlaced for that. Fair enough, I’m not into underage drinking either.”
“Oh come on, I’m not that straightlaced.” He scoffed. “I’m actually rebelling right now, I’ll have you know- if my uncle knew I was here, he’d literally kill me.”
“Wow, you’re so bad.” I snorted.
“I know, I’m practically a delinquent.”
“Yeah, you oughta be in the conformatorium.”
“I’m such a danger to society.”
“Oh hey, we’re here. Try not to burn down the house Mr. Badboy.” I said dryly.
He had been to my house before, and knew it was…unorthodox. The place was an abandoned teahouse I discovered a few years ago, and I’d fixed it up- but I had left a lot of things untouched, like the sign that read ‘New Salem Tearoom’ on the door, the parlor that still looked like a restaurant, and the smell of tea that lingered no matter how many times I tried to cover it. It was annoying at first, but I had grown to appreciate it.
Hunter sat in one of the booths, drawing little pictures in the dust.
“Why don’t you ever clean this place?!” He coughed- he had accidentally created a dust cloud.
“I do, but the dust always comes back. It’s like this place doesn’t want to change. Which is fair, although slightly inconvenient.”
He sneezed. “Right. Slightly inconvenient…I’m never gonna get this dust off of my gloves…ugh.”
“It’s like a curse. BEWARE THE EVIL DUST…” I chuckled. “Now c’mon, let’s go upstairs. This section is gloomy.”
It had been a long night for me, but Hunter had fallen asleep immediately. He needed the rest- his dark circles were so extreme that they could be mistaken for bruises.
I worried about him, to be honest. I didn’t know a lot about Hunter’s personal life, only that he was homeschooled and raised by his uncle, who seemed to be very strict…but I never pried. It was none of my business, though I was still curious. But he was usually tired and battered, as though he was used to physical wear and tear- much more so than the average sixteen-year-old. I had theories as to why, but again, I didn’t pry.
I had been working on potions for hours now- I had to restock my shop tomorrow, and I was still missing a few popular options.
There was a yawn from the couch.
“Hey…(Y/N)? What time is it?” Hunter mumbled.
I shrugged. “Midnight?”
He hauled himself off the couch and walked towards me.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” He murmured.
“My roof, my rules… But…thanks for the care.” I said, smiling lightly.
“Of course… Is there anything I can do to help with your potions?”
“Mm…can you read a book? Like..out loud? That’d make this less boring…”
He shrugged and flipped open the book on the desk- Journal three, a book I found on an excursion to the human realm with my friend Eda.
“Uh… ‘I can hardly believe it’s been six years since I began studying the mysteries of Gravity Falls, Oregon’...” He closed the book. “Actually, my voice is kind of annoying. Maybe we should watch a show or something.”
“I mean…if you want. But your voice isn’t annoying. It’s actually really nice, but do what you want I guess.”
“Oh, uh…it’s not?” He blushed, looking sort of flustered. I looked away- Nope, that was definitely not cute (Y/n), shut up shut up shut up-
I interrupted my own thoughts. “Nope. It’s one of my favorite voices, but of course I’m kind of biased…after all, you’re one of my favorites.” I said, blushing lightly.
“Thanks. I..I needed to hear that. Um…you’re one of my favorites too…” He said, touching my hand.
I stared at him, trying to ignore my sweaty palms. This is fine, this is fine, fuck you Hunter stop being cute!
“..and that’s why I’m forcing you to go to sleep.” He said, grinning impishly as his grip on my hand tightened.
“Wait, what?!” I screeched as he dragged me towards my bedroom. “This is a BETRAYAL! I thought you were my FRIEND, Hunter!”
“Nope! I’m busy evilly forcing you to be healthy- take THAT!” He cackled.
“Yeah, well you’re one to talk- I can tell you have insomnia just looking at you!”
“See, I care more about your health.” He shrugged.
“No, if I’m sleeping, then you are too.” I said sternly.
“Fine, but we’re watching stuff on the crystal ball first.”
“Deal.” I nodded, setting it up. With another wave of my hand, I had created a smaller bed on the ground next to mine for Hunter to sleep in, but in the meantime he would sit with me on the big bed.
….I woke up a bit later to the show still going and Hunter asleep on my shoulder. We were both still on top of the blankets, and he was still in his armor. That’s probably uncomfortable.
I blushed as he wrapped his arms around my waist, still asleep. I tried to ignore it and close my eyes again…but I guess it wasn’t too bad, really…it was actually sort of pleasant…
Hunter was gone when I woke up. He had work in the early morning, and rarely had days off. But he did leave a note, which was sort of nice. I glanced over it.
Sorry, I have an early shift again- thanks for letting me come over! Uncle had better not find out though, or I’m totally dead- nonetheless, we should do this again sometime maybe?
I smiled. I hoped so.
But I had work today too. There was an ingredient I had been needing, but it was only sold at the Lost Threads Bazaar in Latissa- a night market of chaos, crowds, and the finest array of scientific and arcane contraband the Boiling isles had to offer. It was magic untethered by law, no longer held back by covens- it was wild. Wild magic at its strongest, in the catacombs deep beneath the city. The higher classes would never know of its grandeur- they sometimes caught the scent wafting through the vents or clinging to their skirts, but they would never really know it. The tingle of wildness coursing through you, burning you to the core, dancing through your veins until it reaches your fingertips…The feeling of running freely, unbound from expectations or reason. I loved it.
But the Bazaar was only there twice a year. So I had to make it count.
I landed in Latissa by dusk. There was always a challenge in getting past the guards, but once I reached the little yarn shop, I knew I was safe. No one would suspect a yarn shop of hiding the entrance to the catacombs, but looks can be deceiving…and the Emperor’s guards can be very stupid.
“Good-day dear, what can I get’cha?” Croaked the old demon at the register.
“Well, you see…I seem to have a few lost threads.” I answered, emphasizing the lost threads.
“Ah, of course.” She said, a glint in her eyes. “Try the back room.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” I smiled, tossing her a snail. I opened the door to the back room, where there was a disgustingly moist trapdoor that was probably made of some kind of flesh. I swung it open to see the ladder to the catacombs- perfect…
The Lost Thread Bazaar assaults one’s senses, like a tidal wave of stimulation. I was immediately hit by scents, sounds, sights….The smell of illegal substances and chemicals, merging with the sweet smell of bakery and other food vendors, the sounds of people, talking, fighting, screaming…and the sights of a giant crowd, golden lights from torches and spells, somehow illogically illuminating the underground cavern…It was chaotic and definitely overwhelming to those who weren’t used to it, but this wasn’t my first rodeo. I had a goal in mind, and if I could manage to override my childlike curiosity, I might just achieve it.
I shoved through the crowd, trying to reach the stand I had in mind- It was always in the same place, and despite the pure chaos around me, I knew the place well enough to find the stand that sold rivetraptor scales. Rivetraptors were rarely seen, and their scales were illegal because they were commonly used as drugs.
I preferred to use them for what Hunter dubbed ‘(Y/N)’s simple twisted science.’
I called it experimenting. All the best potions were made through experimentation and wild magic, so why shouldn’t I make my own recipes? Contrary to popular belief, it didn’t have to be dangerous!
Speaking of Hunter, I…weirdly kinda wished he were here. I liked being around Hunter- although, logically it didn’t make a lot of sense. I was a wanted wild witch with snarky comments and sarcasm as my main weapons, while he was from some weird strict household that he didn’t talk about much. He liked rules- and not just the rules that worked in his favor!-And again…I was a criminal! I liked to stay up late and sleep in, and Hunter talked about his sleep schedule of staying up late and waking up early as enviable…
But there were things I loved-sorry, liked- about him. I appreciated and related to his passion for knowledge, and wholeheartedly loved the fact that he helped me with my ‘simple twisted science’. I thoroughly enjoyed making him flustered- it was fun and fairly easy, making it a wonderful source of serotonin. And despite not having any real magical powers, he was strong. He had a palisman who was his main source of magic, and they worked off each other brilliantly. Honestly, I could hardly believe he was called half-a-witch-Hunter as a kid, but again, I really didn’t trust his uncle. And it was so cute that he cared about my sleeping habits and wellbeing- I mean it was so nice. It was nice. Hunter was an appreciated member of my social circle, and I wished he were here because when I’m around him I feel nice. And that’s it.
But he would hate it here. I already knew he would hate it- he may love theories and experimentation, but again, he also loved order and authority. The chaos would drive him mad.
….though, on the other end of the argument, I hated it here at first too. The noise, the crowds, the angry drunks and on-the-run criminals…but I had grown to love it, so maybe there was a possibility for Hunter to love it too.
“Hey you!” A deep voice shouted. “You’re the one on that poster over there, eh?”
Heh, sucks for whoever's getting yelled at- I recognized that voice as the voice of a bounty hunter that had tried to catch me a few times.
Oh wait.
“(Y/N) (L/N)! We meet again!” Chuckled the robed figure menacingly.
“See, it’s been a lovely chat, but for some reason I plan on retiring for the night a bit early.” I said, waving dramatically.
“Not this time kid-”
I turned and ran. Stuid bounty hunters, always ruining my night…
Oh BLAST IT! There was a new vendor in front of my main exit! I turned tail and dove into the crowd, heart racing. The bounty hunter was onto me- why ME?! There’s like a million criminals here!
I clambered up one of the many ladders, kicking off a little demon that had caught my boot. I sensed someone on the ladder beneath me- I sqeaked as I took a look- he was a lot closer than expected! I aimed a kick at his head and climbed faster. By the time I reached the sewer grate, I had put a healthy distance between us.
I hopped out in the middle of the road, and threw my cloak on in hopes of being unrecognized.
Well, there goes my night at Lost Threads... I thought mournfully.
Maybe I could still manage to have fun. Latissa might be a boring place for boring people, but maybe- oh my titan-
The bounty hunter had caught up to me! I froze. Nonononono- even with my hood up, he recognized me. His eyes narrowed.
“Well, this has been fun, but I seem to be needed elsewhere.” I said, giving him a two-fingered salute- and I was off.
I peeked over my shoulder, too aware of how close he was. No-
I hit the ground hard. Shoot- I looked up, trying to scramble away, but it was too late.
“I’m needed elsewhere too, wild witch. So we’ll make this quick.” He smirked.
I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. I’ll talk my way out of this later. I’ll be fine. I can escape the conformatorium. Luz and Eda will help me, I’ll be fine-
The blow never came. There was a thump of boots hitting the ground, and the sound of a familiar voice.
“Get away from (Y/N).”
I slowly opened my eyes. There was a silhouette blocking the light, someone standing in front of me...Hunter?
“Gold-Golden Guard!” Stuttered the bounty hunter.
The Golden Guard? How does he know my name?!
I watched as the still-blurry silhouette stepped towards the bounty hunter.
“Hiiiii~” The Golden Guard waved obnoxiously at my captor. “You should probably leave, that is unless you want to face...oh, let’s see. Conformatorium charges, fines for disturbing the peace, ooh! Maybe I can even refer you to petrification- make an example of you, y’know?”
What the heck- why is the Golden Guard saving me?!
“Forgive me sir, but your ‘(Y/N)’ is a wanted criminal!” Said the bounty hunter nervously.
“Is ‘my (Y/N)’ currently doing anything to you?” ‘My (Y/N)’- I’ve heard that before, in that exact voice-
“I mean-” He was cut short.
“Nope! So I think you’d be best pretending this never happened. The Emperor is not a merciful man, so don’t stand in my way if you wanna get out of here in one piece.”
“...yes sir.” He mumbled. The bounty hunter turned and left the alleyway, leaving me alone with...the Golden Guard.
“You’re welcome!” He said after a beat of silence.
“How...how do you know my name? Why’d you save me?!” I gaped.
“Oh. Well...I guess you might as well know...” He slid off the gold mask. “Ta-da!”
There was a mix of emotions pounding through my head, merging with the adrenaline that hadn't quite worn off yet. Ashy blonde hair, magenta eyes, scar, nicked ear, that adorable bit of hair that’s always in his face…
“Hunter?” I murmured. Something felt wrong. This isn’t right this isn’t right this isn’t right-
I took a deep breath, trying to calm down and think logically. Hunter was in Latissa, wearing the Golden Guard’s sigil.
He raised an eyebrow. The pounding in my head returned, and I felt rooted to the ground. I hardly even noticed him stepping closer to me.
“(Y/N)?” He said softly.
“This- this isn’t real. You can’t be…. You’re the Golden Guard-” I stammered. “You can’t be him…”
He looked pale, as if he was realizing something was wrong. “See, I didn’t quite mean for you to find out like this…I thought you were in Bonesborough tonight.”
“So you’re not even gonna try to deny it, huh.” I chuckled. “I can’t believe I was so stupid!” I grinned, more to myself than to the liar in front of me.
“Hey, you weren’t being stupid- I’m just a pretty good liar!” He said as if it was reassurance.
“Yes I was being bloody stupid! Eda warned me about not trusting the wrong people, and I thought I was doing great! I thought I was friends with a really awesome person named Hunter- if that’s even your real name- and now you show up, allied with the person I’ve spent my whole life working against! And we’ve been hanging out for months- maybe even years by this point, I haven’t counted- and I trusted you!” I paused for air, trying to calm down. “Hunter…I like you. Maybe I even love you.” I sighed, turning back to him as calmly as I could muster. He met me with confusion. “So forgive me, but this isn’t quite ideal.” I finished.
He looked down guiltily.
“...Why do you think my coven is so bad, anyways?” He mumbled.
“Well.” I sighed, standing up. “Possibly because it forces us to limit our magic. Or maybe because the Emperor tried to petrify my friend Eda, and took Luz’s only way home. Oh…and the fact that the current coven head lied to me really isn’t helping your case too much for some reason.” I said flatly.
“But we’re friends! Friends lie to each other all the time, right?” He said desperately.
Right. Hunter….is still Hunter. He isn’t being malicious…
I breathed in sharply. “I don’t know what they’re teaching you at that coven, but that is literally the opposite of what good friends do. I don’t think you meant to do anything wrong- I know you well enough for that- but nonetheless, this…..you being the Golden Guard….it changes things, Hunter.”
“It doesn’t need to! You- you could come with me, join the Emperor’s Coven! You could be like- the Silver Guard or something- you’re powerful enough, easily-”
“Hunter. I’m not joining the Emperor’s coven. And if you force me, I will hate you forever. I’m a wild witch, and being around you puts me in danger.” I sighed.
“B-but I just saved you! Isn’t that…like, a good thing? Can’t you just trust that I won’t sell you out?” He whispered.
“I’d really like to. Believe me, I wish I could.” I muttered, pulling my hood back on. “But you’re loyal to your uncle, and he seems to be loyal to the Emperor to get you such a high position. Maybe you’re more loyal to me than you are to your coven, but it’s not a risk I’m willing to take….” I looked back at him.
“Wait!” He said, thrusting his hand out awkwardly. “An everlasting oath!” He grinned. "I…ah…wasn’t lying about not having any magic, so you have to do that part, but….you know…that way I can’t sell you out. Even if Belos threatened me. So….is that trustworthy?”
I stared at his outstretched hand, barely registering his words for a few seconds. Hunter…I fucking love you.
“Please. I don’t want to lose you…” He whispered.
“Well…looks like you won’t.” I smiled and drew a spell circle.
He grinned and shook my hand, sealing the everlasting oath.
In retrospect, it was too easy. I really should have foreseen that it was just too easy. But I didn’t, so at least for a while, things were back to normal with Hunter and I. I was slightly more on my guard, and he was a bit shyer, but it wasn’t anything really noteworthy. However….Of course, problems would arise- they always do. This one was inevitable.
But the day started out normal enough. I did my usual potion-selling rounds, bought a new pair of boots…y’know, everyday stuff. The trouble came at nightfall, when I heard a pounding on the door.
I sighed and peered out the window to see Hunter- a fairly normal sight at my house. The slightly less normal part was how he looked pale and panicked.
I swung the door open.
“(Y/N), you’re in danger.” He said shakily, stepping into the house.
“Wait, how?” I frowned, but he was already headed upstairs. I darted after him to see he had dragged out my duffle bag and was shoving random things into it.
“There isn’t much time- do you need these?” He said, holding up a pair of goggles.
I shrugged. “Ma-maybe. But again, what’s going on? Why do you look sick?”
“Uncle is punishing me.” He muttered. “Scrying potion.” He said louder. “I swear, I didn’t say anything…but Uncle noticed I was…I was getting lazy, not waking up as early, coming in later- he…” -Hunter swallowed hard- “He made a scrying potion.”
…And he found me.
“No. This is- this is great! Ha- brilliant.” I laughed sarcastically. I slowed though, noticing that Hunter stiffened as though bracing himself for impact….what’s that about?
He deflated as he realized I wasn’t going to hurt him- why would he even think that?!
“I’m so sorry.” He said solemnly. “You were right- being around me put you in danger.”
“Yeah. It did.” I said lamely. There wasn’t much else to say. I sighed and took the bag from Hunter, trying not to make eye contact.
“What are you gonna do?” He whispered.
“Oh, it’s simple really- I’m going to disappear, Hunter. I’m gonna vanish off the face of the Isles, never to be seen again.”
He hung his head. “...Oh. …That makes sense.”
“Oh, cheer up. I’ll write you letters.” I said with a weak smile, and finished packing.
He froze, staring me in the eyes. “You…will? You mean…you aren’t mad at me?”
“You kept your promise.” I answered simply. “You’re a good friend, Hunter…one of the best I could ever have.”
“Oh…thanks.” He swallowed. “But (Y/N)....listen, my uncle is extra mad…because of me. He’ll hurt you more than usual because…because I’m stupid.”
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“I…Well…He found out that…I like you. You know…butterflies, blushing kind of like you….I swear I didn’t know I did! But…the main character of my book felt that way about her girlfriend, so I just…”
I blushed, waiting for him to continue.
“...the- the feelings themselves are irrelevant. The point is, my uncle found out and wants to capture you even more now. Because of me.”
I smiled despite everything- bad timing, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t cute. “Hey…I’m the one in danger, quit making it about you.” I teased.
“Uh- sorry! I-”
I took his hand. “Listen. Like you said, I don’t have a lot of time. But before I go, I need to make sure you know a few things, okay?”
He nodded.
“Cool. Number one: I won’t really even leave Bonesborough- I’ll just stay low-profile and change locations. If you need me, I won’t be far. Two: Someone needs to take care of this old teahouse- keep the demons from taking it, right? So if you want to just hang out here between missions, that’d be helpful. Three: Butterflies and blushing usually comes from a crush- you have a crush on me. That’s fair, I’m very hot. Luckily for you, the feeling is mutual, but we don’t have time for that. And lastly…I’m gonna miss you, Hunter. I’m gonna miss you a lot.”
He held my hand tighter, blushing. “I’m gonna miss you too, (Y/N). Promise you’ll send letters?”
“I promise.” I said, and pulled him into a hug.
“Stay safe, okay?” He mumbled into my shoulder.
“Same goes for you.” I chuckled.
There was a knock on the door downstairs. He stiffened. “The scouts are here.”
I hopped onto my staff and swung the window open. “In that case, I’d better get going. I’ll see you again- someday. I promise.” I smiled bittersweetly.
“See you then, I guess!” He said, leaning out the window as I flew off.
I had a location in mind, obviously…ever heard of the Owl House?
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Lee Jaehyun (Hyunjae) - Intoxicated [Requested]
Request: dom Hyunjae + overstimulation
badboy! ceo! Hyunjae x PA! fem! reader
Warnings: petnames, dirty talk, slight degradation, a lot of grinding lol, some choking, Hyunjae is a narcissist here
Finally finished this one for @jaepocket ! Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it 💕hope you don't mind that I made Hyunjae an asshole lol
Work parties have taken a toll on your boss, and as the best personal assistant in the world, you help him home.
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You kept a watchful eye over your boss throughout the Christmas party. Year-end parties were lined up back-to-back for the most influential entrepreneur under 30 in Seoul. Jaehyun was being extra charming tonight, wooing men and women alike with his dazzling smile, charisma, and powerful aura. He knew he was untouchable, and it showed in his walk. Long legs that could rival any model, perfectly coiffed light brown hair, and a designer tailored suit hugging him in all the right places, showing off his broad shoulders. He glances over to you, and shoots you a wry smile from across the room. No one else might have noticed, despite the fact that everyone who spoke to him couldn't take their eyes off him, but a subtle flush dusted his cheeks and there was a slight glassiness in his eyes that alerted you. Jaehyun has definitely had too much to drink. You stride over to him, and he politely excuses himself from the flock of older women giggling and sidling up to him, and meets you halfway on the dance floor.
He walks to you with a slight wobble, and reaches out to steady himself... by grabbing your hips. "Hey you," he grins, thumbs softly rubbing your waist through the thin material of your dress. You resist the shiver that runs down your spine, the warmth emanating from his hands a welcome sensation since the place was freezing. A mansion full of people and it was still cold? The hosts hadn't bothered to turn the heaters on. That's probably how the rich stay rich, you supposed. It definitely didn't help that you were wearing a skin-tight cocktail dress, with a little slit up the thigh. "Sir, I think you've had enough to drink tonight," you murmur, gently tucking a lock of golden hair back into place. Jaehyun grimaced. He had a glass of wine with every group that approached him that night, and he wasn't feeling too well now, considering everyone wanted to meet with the Lee Jaehyun™, one of Seoul's most prominent and eligible bachelors.
"Let's get you home then, sir, you really need some rest. Or rather, your liver does," you sigh, offering your arm for him to hold on to so he doesn't fall flat on his face in public, possibly ruining his reputation. He lets out a hearty laugh, and intertwines his arm with yours, trying to maintain a power walk out of the place, nodding at other party-goers that greet him in passing. He gratefully gulps the fresh air outside as you wait for his chauffeur to pull up in his stupidly expensive limousine, helping him to clamber gracefully into the backseat once it arrives. You're about to shut the door to book a ride home for yourself when he tugs on your arm, a blazing fire in his eyes as he looks up at you, and you know he wants you to come home with him tonight.
You glance around quickly, making sure no one is watching you get into the car with him, but really, who would question a PA ensuring that her drunken boss gets home safely? You quietly slip into the plush leather seats, leaving a space between you two just in case he feels stuffy or nauseous. Jaehyun roughly loosens his tie, and you can't help but stare at his large, veiny hands. Before you can snap out of it, he catches your eye and smirks, using those very hands to yank you closer, almost sitting on his lap. You yelp in surprise, your hands flying up to his broad shoulders. He smashes his lips onto yours, messy with tongue and teeth and a moan escapes you when you taste the sweet alcohol on his tongue. His warm hands roam all over your body, deftly pulling up the hem of your short dress so he can run his hands up your thighs and grope your plump behind. "Been staring at your ass all night, who said you could wear a dress like this?" he growls against your lips, squeezing the flesh tightly to prove his point.
You weakly push him away, and he stares at you, offended that you don't seem to want him, when you're usually so pliant and obedient for him. "I don't think we should do this, sir, you're not thinking straight," you stutter. Jaehyun barks out a laugh, startling you. "Am I? I'm not drunk, kitten, I only spoke and acted like that so we could get out of that damned party. And maybe I'm not thinking straight, because all I've been thinking about the whole time is ripping that fucking dress off your body, you fucking minx," he snarls, grabbing you again and manhandling you to straddle his lap, sounding completely clear and level-headed. He had everyone fooled; even you, and a crushing disappointment engulfs your heart.
You don't get to feel sorry for yourself though, because Jaehyun is pulling you close, grinding the obvious bulge in his slacks against your clothed pussy as he makes out with you again. You let him run his hands all over you, feeling his lips trail down the side of your lips and down your neck, smudging your lipstick everywhere. Jaehyun doesn't care, clearly, he just wants to make a mess out of you, and you gladly let him, both of you so absorbed in each other that you didn't feel the car roll to a stop. You hadn't even noticed the opaque partition had been pulled up until you heard the electronic buzz of it being lowered, and the indifferent voice of the chauffeur came through. "We've arrived at your destination, sir and miss."
Without so much as a thank you, Jaehyun flings the door open and tugs you into the building's lobby. He owns the whole building obviously, but he lives in the penthouse suite, swiping his keycard to unlock his private elevator. He wastes no time attaching his lips to the back of your neck as he presses you up against the walls of the elevator, grinding on your ass the whole way up. He leaves you panting when the doors open, and he goes to punch in his keycode. The lock beeps, and Jaehyun snarls when he's halfway through the door and you're still lagging behind, knees too wobbly to walk properly thanks to his earlier ministrations. "What are you waiting for kitten?" You shake your head, embarrassed that sloppy make-outs and grinding like lovesick teenagers is enough to make your head spin.
Jaehyun strides towards the bedroom, stripping his expensive clothes as he went, but instead of making a right turn to the master bedroom as he usually does, he makes a left to the guest bedroom. You don't have time to ponder, because he's pulling you in and shoving you onto the bed, dark eyes staring you down as he fumbles with his belt. The intensity of his gaze makes you tremble. Is it from fear, excitement, or a morbid combination of both? He finally gets all his clothes off, and his hard cock is swinging heavily with every step he takes towards the bed. He prowls, like a predator, and you're too petrified to even strip or prepare yourself, but apparently that didn't matter to him.
"You still on the pill?" Jaehyun demands, and you nod feverishly. "Good." And with that he rips your lacy panties off in one fluid motion, and hikes your dress up to bunch up around your waist. You hear the material rip, but before you could bemoan the hefty price tag, Jaehyun slides his throbbing cock inside you, making you arch your back as you moan loudly at the intrusion. He gives you barely any time to adjust, knowing how much you like taking it raw, and starts thrusting harshly. You can't help but moan loudly, almost going cross-eyed from the mixture of pain and pleasure. You clamp a hand over your mouth when a particularly shrill moan slips from your lips, but Jaehyun tugs it away, wanting to hear how good he makes you feel. It's nothing more than an ego boost for him, but you comply.
Jaehyun gets sick of missionary fairly quickly. He does enjoy seeing your pretty face contort with pleasure, and watch your makeup run. But he likes fucking you from the back even more, loves the way you get on all fours for him, loves the way your ass jiggles when he spanks you, and loves how your legs give way when he's done making you see stars. He pulls out for a moment, flipping you over onto your hands and knees easily, ignoring the surprised gasp you make when he shoves his cock back into you. He picks up the pace, hitting your g-spot dead-on with this new angle. He wraps a hand around your throat, the expensive gold bands adorning his fingers pressing delightfully into your windpipe. He squeezes lightly as he slams into your core, and you scream, climaxing without warning.
The sudden clench around Jaehyun's dick has him swearing lowly. "Did I say you could cum, kitten? You know you have to ask for permission," he grunts, fucking you through your orgasm, maintaining his relentless pace. Your head is foggy, and you try to apologize, but every sharp thrust Jaehyun makes cuts your words off. He doesn't let up, using you to chase his own climax, slightly aggravated by yours. He presses down the middle of your shoulder blades, pushing you down further into the sheets so you're not holding yourself up with your hands anymore. You're grateful, because you can barely support yourself anymore, and you need a break. Except he doesn't give you one, hoisting you up by the hips to pummel even faster and harder into you, and your upper half is practically dragging along the sheets with every snap of his hips.
The delightfully torturous graze of silk sheets against your raw nipples, and the rough pads of Jaehyun's fingers relentlessly abusing your swollen clit sends you teteering close to the edge again. You can't cum, no, you won't cum until he tells you to. You want to be good for him, even though you're so close to climax again that it hurts. You hold out, gripping the sheets so hard that your knuckles turn white, when a particularly hard press against your clit and a low growl of "Cum for me now, kitten" sends you screaming once more, vision turning white as your searing-hot orgasm rips through your body.
You barely register Jaehyun's groan as he continues grinding into your g-spot, your pussy clenching almost painfully tightly around him, milking his cock dry as he blows his load deep into your warmth. You collapse forward onto the bed, trembling from exhaustion, chest heaving desperately to replenish your lungs with oxygen. Your whole body is sore and you know it's probably going to be worse tomorrow, and dark fingerprints are going to decorate your skin too. Above you, Jaehyun is still holding your hips up, pulling out of you with a grunt, cock hanging limply as he pants harshly. He watches idly as his cum drips out of your abused cunt, trickling down your legs, and drops your legs unceremoniously.
He stretches his legs, and gathers his sweat-drenched, possibly cum-stained designer clothing off the floor as he walks towards the door. "Clean yourself up, you know where everything is. I need you in the office early tomorrow morning." Jaehyun utters without so much as a glance back at your naked body, and the door shuts behind him with a loud click that echoes through the suddenly cold room. You hear him humming to himself and drawing a bath, and you shut your eyes, trying to suppress a sob at how horrible you feel, both physically and emotionally. Sex with Jaehyun was always hot, rough and mind-blowing, but recently you realize you always felt empty afterwards. Because he'll immediately turn cold once he's gotten his fix, leaving you to clean up after yourself and sometimes even make you hail a cab to go home afterwards. At least tonight he let you stay over, even though it's in the cum-stained bed in the guest room, without any post-coital care.
As you lay there, fresh hot tears stream down your cheeks, and you wonder if all the alcohol in the world could wash away the pain you felt of being used as Jaehyun's personal fucktoy; manipulating you into catering to his every whim and then carelessly throwing you aside once he's done.
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ idk you yet ❞ - p.js
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park jisung x reader | angsty, fluff | 1.6k words 
WARNINGS | TW: mentions blood, abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, lowercase au, non-idol au, high school au, badboy!jisung, mature language/cursing, reader is like an angel sent from heaven for him, jisungie just in need of love :(
SUMMARY | being an outcast has him wondering if he’ll ever be happy. cue you, the new girl, stumbling into his life (literally).
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “idk you yet” by alexander23! also AHHH this is my 100 followers special fic :) THANK U LOVES FOR 100 IM SO SHOCKED CJSBFKEJD <33 the writing is a little crappy because i’m currently on my period and my patience for sitting down and writing this went down halfway through lol but I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, ENJOY THIS JISUNG FIC BC JISUNG MY BABIE AND SO ARE YOU GUYS!
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whenever anybody thinks of park jisung, they think of the chains and dark clothing he wears. they think about the faint smell of smoke and men’s cologne that follows him wherever he goes. 
they think of the boy who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. 
but what they don’t think about are bruises on his face he fails to hide whenever he walks into school, the dejected look on his face whenever random people give him disapproving looks, the way his smile slowly faded into a permanent frown wherever he went. 
jisung quickly accepted his reputation at school and in their little town, not having enough energy to feel insecure about it like before.
the only group of people that even remotely cared about the boy were his best friends in the whole entire world, nct dream.
they were outcasts just like him, the most “fucked up group of boys” in their town (the people’s words, not theirs).
see, they were your typical bad boy group straight out of your typical fanfic. bad grades, smoking in their free time, getting into fights, always being late to class; not a single person had hope in them.
but behind their scary and intimidating facade, all seven boys were big softies with misunderstood hearts and difficult backgrounds.
people were just too dense to look into it, only judging them based on their looks and personality on the outside. 
❝ how can you miss someone you’ve never met ❞
love was a foreign thing to jisung, the only form of love he’s ever felt being from his friends. his parents were… interesting to say the least. 
jisung’s father was a hard-core alcoholic, his mother being a major druggie. with no siblings in the house, jisung was usually their main target to push around and beat up.
and so because of this at a young age jisung learned to distance himself from other people and found different ways to release stress.
he started smoking when he was 14, the warm and hazy feeling of the smoke entering his lungs comforting him.
if jisung humored himself enough, maybe smoking could count as his first love. it was always there for him, never leaving him alone even if he wanted to quit. 
he relied on it knowing it was the only constant in his life. 
now of course the boy has heard of proper love, love like in the movies or shitty romance songs he hears on the radio.
and he won’t lie, there were moments he thought about what it felt like to be in love. but he knew that would never happen, at least not in their small town anyways. 
he just wanted to be loved. 
jisung would never admit it but sometimes he’d be jealous of the old couples walking down the street in their own world like it was just them two against the universe. he was jealous of the happy kids running around, their mother’s and father’s fondly smiling at their child. he was jealous of all the “normal” kids in his neighborhood. 
jisung wanted that, craved that. 
but most importantly, the boy wanted love.
❝ cause i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
everything hurt. 
his head, his body, his mind, his heart; everything was in pain.
jisung walked down the empty streets of their city, a trail of blood following behind him as he accepted his fate. the boy was 99% sure he had a concussion and at the very least had a few broken ribs. 
he felt like this was the end, and he was ready.
wandering aimlessly around town, you decided to take a late night walk to familiarize yourself around the area. you had just moved into the city a week ago, spending all seven days trying to help your family unpack and rearrange your cozy new home. 
now that you were finally free of the smell of tape and the dust of the boxes, you decided it was best to get to know the place you were living in. 
the autumn air seemed to settle at night as you shivered, cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket of some sort. the sight of a convenience store up ahead of you brought you relief as you rummaged through your pockets wondering if you had enough money for ramen.
your steps became excited as you found a couple dollars, fondly thinking about what type of ramen you should buy. you became so lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice the poor boy who was staggering in front of you, or the trail of blood he left behind. 
jisung pushed himself to reach the convenience store a couple feet away from him, in desperate need of supplies to at least try and fix himself. 
if it didn’t help in any way then oh well, maybe death was indeed an option. 
grinding his teeth though the pain, he did not expect to feel a small body bump into him. had he been at his regular health, jisung would’ve easily been able to keep still but because of how much blood he was losing the boy was knocked down like a bowling pin.
“holy fuck.” jisung cursed the feeling of the concrete floor colliding with his ribs. he didn’t even notice the girl who had bumped into him sitting on the floor dumbfounded, freaking out over his state.
“oh my fucking god.” the girl said, capturing his attention. jisung glared at the stranger, mentally acknowledging the fact she was pretty. 
but her being pretty won’t get you anywhere, he scolded himself. she’ll leave you just like everyone else.
“a-are you okay?” she said, eyes glancing at his black eye. jisung rolled his eyes, already annoyed. “does it look like i’m okay?” he replied, his deep voice catching the girl off guard. 
“just, fuck off.” jisung said closing his eyes as he laid back down on the floor, knowing he couldn’t force himself to get up anymore. he didn’t even have to open his eyes to know she left, hearing the sound of her footsteps walk away.
the boy sighed as he laid idly on the floor, wondering what sin he committed to lead him to where he is now. not even she wanted to stay, the tears threatening to fall as his thoughts buried him alive.
“why can’t i just die?” jisung said out loud, asking no one but himself.
“because i won’t let you.” a voice replied as jisung forced himself to sit up in confusion. it was the same girl he had bumped into, but this time she had a first aid kit with her. he gave her a lost look despite knowing what she was here to do. 
jisung’s mind just couldn’t wrap around the fact that a total stranger would even bother to help him. 
“now sit up.” she said softly as she bent down to open the box, the boy slowly followed her instructions. “i’m sorry this might sting.” she said though jisung didn’t mind because she was much prettier up close.
the next ten minutes were you trying to fix his wounds against the shitty chairs outside the convenience store.
jisung didn’t even bother mentioning his broken ribs, not wanting you to freak out. you cleaned up what you could and the boy was beyond grateful for that.
you subconsciously rubbed his back in a comforting way whenever you’d apply alcohol to his open wounds, trying to ease the sting. you held his hand for him to hold and though he was a big boy and had a high pain tolerance, he still gave it a squeeze just to keep your hand there.  what the actual fuck is this feeling, jisung asked himself as he watched your determined figure work on him.
it was cold and in order to better work on his wounds, the boy offered to give you his hoodie which strangely had no traces of blood on it. you gladly accepted, the faint smell of blood and his cologne engulfing you up. 
the sight of you in something so big and so him made his chest swell in pride.
jisung couldn’t even formulate a sentence as you cursed at the time once you finished patching him up, fleeing the scene before he could say anything with a small smile, his hoodie still on. 
❝ and can you find me soon because i’m in my head ❞
the thought of your soft hands on his, your voice, your whole presence; everything about you couldn’t seem to leave the poor boy’s mind. it was now monday, and waiting for his class to start already made him want to go home.
if only i got her name, jisung daydreamed with his head resting on the palm of his hand. the classroom was loud and bright, people occasionally giving him looks but the boy didn’t mind. 
“jisungie~ did you hear we have a new kid?” jaemin asked, poking the boy’s cheeks. the boy only gave him a pointed look before sighing. 
“hyung i don’t really care.” jisung replied, looking back out the window. 
jaemin only gave him an offended look before grumbling a bit. “i don’t know maybe you will.” he muttered under his breath as their teacher walked into the room. 
❝ yeah i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
their homeroom teacher stood in front of the class, jisung tuning out his voice. the boy once again sighed as his teacher called for their attention, explaining they had a new girl in their class. “now make her feel welcomed,” he said before turning towards the door.
“y/n, please come in.” the teacher said and jisung almost fell out of his seat when he saw you walking through the door with the same smile you gave him a couple days ago.
“hi i’m y/n and i hope we can get along.” you bowed to the class, a familiar hoodie you were wearing catching his attention. 
isn’t that mine, jisung thought to himself as he bit back a smile knowing you kept it all along. 
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lee--felix · 3 years
Baby, You Can Bite Me | Masterlist | Pairing: skater!Yeosang x fem!reader x Badboy!Wooyoung Word Count: 4.4k Genre: Fluff, some angst Warnings: Use of she/her pronouns, profanity, infidelity (don’t do that), use of the word ‘brat’ in a non-sexual way, destruction of property (don’t do that either), suggestive scene A/n: If you’re enjoying the story, please like and reblog to increase visibility so others can enjoy it too! I hate writing Wooyoung in a negative light because he’s such a good bean, but here we are. Also, yes, I will do anything to avoid writing smut lmao. Inspired by the song Bite Me by Avril Lavigne. tags: @hopexclouds @wooyoungsbae @yunhoflrtz @yungisstar1117 @hwxnghyunjin @yunhomocide @yunkiwii @nymeriaaa @troy-on-sea @hjsraccoon @dazzling-lightzzz @sanraes @baguette-atiny @strawberryjoongiee @wooyoung-a @mongsangga @abiaswreck @gay-for-gaon (please message me to be added/removed from this list at any time) --------------- He was late... again. You had been waiting for him at the park for over an hour now, was he going to ditch you again? Of course he was, why wouldn’t he? He had stood you up four times this week already. Why was he even still with you? “Hey, baby.” You jumped, hearing his voice directly in your ear. He had come from the other side of the block this time, which was a bit unusual. You knew the route he walked and coming from that way would just be a hassle, completely out of his way. Questioning it, of course, would definitely get you an ear-full that you didn’t want to deal with. You could smell the cigarettes and alcohol on his breath even though it was only mid-afternoon. “Wooyoung, you’re late. Again. Do you even still like me?” You complained, turning around with your arms crossed. He tried to kiss your cheek but you pulled away. You knew his history with his other girlfriends. Fun at first, loving and sweet, but once he had you it was over. Once he had you hooked, he’d stop texting you, stop answering your calls, stand you up constantly, cheat on you... but you thought you’d be different. It had to be the other women, they had to have been doing something to make him act like that. He made you feel special, for all of two months. Then you were sternly reminded that it was definitely him, not everyone else. You had feelings for him though, and you couldn’t understand why that wasn’t enough. If he didn’t like you, why didn’t he just break up with you? Why string you along and torment you?
“Watch out!” A deeper voice called as you could hear the wood of a skateboard skidding down the rail of the stairs you were standing next to. You jumped out of the way, while Wooyoung seemed to take a minute to process what was going on. A minute that would prove to be too long as the blonde skater crashed right into him, sending them both to the ground. Against your better judgement, you let out a snort when your boyfriend’s face collided with the pavement. Sweet, sweet payback. You offered your hand out to the blonde boy, helping him to his feet. You didn’t offer the same kindness to Wooyoung. “I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have been standing-” You started to apologize when Wooyoung cut you off, roughly shoving you behind him. That was the quickest you had ever seen him stand up before. “Watch where you’re going, asshole!” He started to scold the boy, who just picked up his skateboard and dusted himself off. “Watch where you’re standing!” The blonde retorted. “You’re here every damn day, you know we skate here. Why would you stand in front of the rail?” He shifted his weight from one foot to another as Wooyoung stepped closer to him. They were standing practically nose to nose and it caused you to tense your jaw in fear. Please don’t start a fight, please just this once, let it go. “Wooyoung, please...” You pleaded, grabbing his arm and trying to tug him away. The blonde scoffed, shaking his head and walking back to his group of friends at the top of the concrete stairs. “Let’s just go.” You sighed, knowing today had already been ruined. “I’m sorry I was late, but you didn’t need to laugh at me falling.” Wooyoung scoffed, taking your hand as you both walked. He had his moments, there was still some good in there somewhere. But your interest in this relationship was faltering every time he fucked up... and he fucked up a lot. ----- “Just say something to her!” Yeosang’s friends insisted as he sat down with his skateboard, examining it closely for any damage. He had told them countless times how much he hated the way Wooyoung treated you. He’d watch you standing there from afar, knowing you were waiting on someone that would show up hours later or not at all. It broke his heart how you stood there every day like a loyal puppy, just to be left out in the cold. He wondered how you could stay so faithful knowing his history and the way he treated you. “In front of her boyfriend? That’s a death wish. You remember how bad Wooyoung’s temper is. I’d get my ass beat.” Yeosang replied, running his fingers through his hair and trying to come up with a better excuse because he already knew what they were going to say. “She’s alone all the time. Go talk to her then. If you’re lucky, she’ll ditch him for once and go on a date with you. But you won’t know until you ask.” They were right. Yeosang barely knew you aside from the few idle conversations you two would have while you were waiting on Wooyoung. But that didn’t change the fact that you left his chest feeling warm and whole, your voice burned into his brain. He thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen when he first laid eyes on you, but you were with someone else. Off limits. Yeosang sighed, hiding his face in his hands as he realized his friends were right. The worst you could do is reject him. Well, no, the worst you could do is reject him and tell Wooyoung. “Alright, fine. I’ll say something if she’s here tomorrow. But you guys have to promise not to listen in, it’s weird.” ----- Again you waited, this time your eyes fixed on Wooyoung’s car that was sitting empty in the parking lot. He had been here, where was he now? Two hours had passed and still no sign of him. You could hear the skaters yelling and laughing on the other side of the park and your heart sank. Everyone came to the park to have fun except you. You came here every day just to be disappointed. “(your name).” A familiar deep voice caused you to turn around. “If you’re looking for Wooyoung, he left. He was too drunk to drive so his uh, friend... made him walk home. I’m sorry.” You knew exactly what he meant by that, but the news didn’t surprise you. He was late every day because he was cheating on you, it’s not like you didn’t know. You just didn’t want to admit it to yourself. “That doesn’t surprise me. But thank you for telling me.” You sighed as the stunning blonde skater boy took a seat next to you on the steps. He seemed nervous, maybe stressed out about something. His eyes didn’t quite want to meet yours and he kept adjusting his beanie even though it hadn’t moved an inch. “You’re really sweet.” His cheeks lit up with a pink hue at the comment. “So uh... this is gonna sound really stupid and I’m sorry. Has Wooyoung ever taken you on a date?” The words stung as they left his lips. What a horrible way to phrase the question, of course he would fuck up this one simple thing. You thought about the question for a moment, trying to come up with any kind of date you would’ve had. Your dates seemed to always be at his apartment, on the couch. He never really took you anywhere but early on you didn’t care. You were just happy to have his attention and it never crossed your mind that it was your first red flag. “Well actually, no.” You answered, looking down at your feet. You were ashamed of the answer, ashamed that you had allowed someone to treat you this way. “So if I offered to take you to lunch-” “Absolutely.” “Right now?” He raised an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised at your answer. With a smile, you nodded and stood up, offering Yeosang your hand. Without hesitation, he laced his fingers between yours, leading you through the park and across the street. His heart was racing, he never thought you’d say yes. ----- He chose a casual burger place for lunch, which was more than okay with you. You could eat french fries for every meal, every day. The building was decorated with antique signs and posters. Across from your table there was a rusty, tattered mirror that you kept avoiding. You didn’t want to see yourself betraying your boyfriend, but you weren’t even sure if he was your boyfriend anymore. “You okay?” Yeosang had caught you staring at your food, lost in thought about the whole situation. His face was filled with concern, signaling that you must have missed something he said or worse, mumbled something out loud without noticing it. “Yeah, sorry.” You shook your head, a smile taking over your face once more. “I just zoned out for a minute. It happens a lot more than I’d like to admit.” You joked, knowing your space cadet moments were way too common these days. “Sorry, did I miss something you said?” “I asked if you’ve ever been on a skateboard before.” He pointed his piece of fried chicken at you. “I could see you as a skater girl. You know, before Wooyoung came along.” He had one of his legs draped slightly off the booth, rolling his skateboard back and forth underneath his foot. You figured this place must be used to skateboards in the building because you saw a lot of them around as you surveyed the people around you. “Yeah, my older brother used to skate and he taught me a few things when I was younger. I kept the fashion but I’ve probably lost all the skills by now.” You chuckled, looking over at the mirror. You two looked perfect together, the different styles of punk blending together like a work of art. His oversized hoodie, your slim-fit top with fishnets, unintentionally matching Converse... it was like it was meant to be. In that moment, you made a very important decision that you should’ve made a long time ago. You were dumping your boyfriend, tonight. ----- You didn’t want to go back to the park, but you didn’t want to go home. Pouting at Yeosang, you begged for more time with him. There was no hesitation in his voice when he agreed to spend the rest of the day with you. You had him wrapped around your finger twice over, he’d do anything to make you smile and make you feel special in the way that Wooyoung should’ve been doing all along. A town over, there was a small skate park near the beach. You had been to the beach a few times, but you promised Yeosang you would go to the skate park with him first. On the bus, he couldn’t stop smiling, often trying to hide his face in his hands or his hood. The shyness made you giggle as you grabbed his arm and lifted it over your shoulders. Slightly surprised by your boldness, he froze for a moment before pulling you close and letting you snuggle up to his chest. “I’m just going to go in and grab a couple spare wheels, mine are going bad.” He insisted, lightly tapping your nose with his finger when he saw you pout. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” You sat down on the curb outside the skate shop, looking across the street at the park. There were so many people flying up and down ramps, gliding down rails, and of course some were wiping out in the bowl below. You remembered being barely 13, your brother by your side as you nervously dipped down into a bowl for the first time. You had it, you definitely had it... until you didn’t. You went flying straight onto your face, but you didn’t cry. You just yelled and threw your board, cursing every deity you could think of as your brother cleaned up your cuts and scrapes. You heard the chime of the shop door behind you and turned around to see Yeosang now with two skateboards and not an extra wheel in sight. At first you wanted to scold him for buying another board when his was clearly in great condition, but then it dawned on you. The shorter length, brightly colored wheels... this was yours. He grinned when your face lit up in excitement. “I thought you’d like it. I had to guess on the length but I think it’ll work.” He blushed, handing you the board and watching you look it over like you were studying for a very important exam. “I even got some paint so you can personalize it later. You seem like the kind of person that wants to personalize everything.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. He stood closely by you as you started to get your footing on the board, rolling up and down the sidewalk a couple times to make sure you wouldn’t fall. You still had a bit of a knack for it, figuring your brain had long since filed the skill away somewhere in case it was ever needed again. “I think I can make it across the street without help.” You assured him with a smile, wheels dipping off the curb and into the street. You could hear his wheels clacking closely behind yours as you both made your way to the park. At the skate park... he was fascinated by the way you could still glide so easily through some of the tricks. Like you had been beating this skill down with everything you had, only to have someone let it out of its cage once more. On opposite sides of the bowl, you both dropped down at the same time, trying to grab the other during the split second you crossed paths. Instead of a grab, Yeosang leaned in and tried to kiss your head, causing his board to wobble and throw him off. On his way down, he grabbed your arm and caused you to wobble off as well, though a bit more gently. You both laughed, your boards slowly rolling back down the incline to you. “You’re a dick, I’ll get you back for it.” You insisted, climbing up the side again. You dropped down a second time, both in unison. This time though, you reached out and shoved him straight off his board and onto his back. When he looked up, you were rolling by with your tongue sticking out. He let out an almost uncontrollable laugh at your confident, bratty attitude starting to shine through. “If you don’t like it, you better catch me!” You called, hopping over the side of the concrete and running off. Before you could turn around to see if he was following you, you were tackled to the ground and attacked with cheek kisses. You giggled wildly, trying to shove him off of you but he was a lot stronger than you thought he would be. Once he felt like you had been ‘punished’ enough, he let you sit up. “You’re a brat, and I got you back for it.” He laughed, cheeks burning red from the sudden public display of affection. Pulling his sleeves over his hands, he dipped his face behind the fabric in an attempt to hide. This only made you giggle more, grabbing at his hands and pulling them down into yours. There was a pause, as if you could feel the world turning beneath your weight. Your eyes met for only a brief second before you leaned in to place your lips on his, taking him by complete surprise. At first he hesitated, but quickly leaned into the kiss, placing his hand on the side of your arm. “Can we go to the beach now? You promised.” You whined playfully, making him melt inside from how sweet and adorable you could be. It was a stark contrast to your usual bratty attitude. “Of course, anything you want.” His voice was low and soft, almost dazed. Had you really kissed him so well that it made him a little dizzy or was he just nervous? At the beach... he had bought you both ice cream when you insisted that you needed something sweet. You walked along the shoreline, skateboards tucked under your arms. Every now and then, your hips would bump together as you walked and the skateboards would clack together due to the way you were holding them. When you had reached a quieter part of the beach, you both settled onto the soft sand to watch the waves. “Why aren’t you and Wooyoung friends anymore? He never told me what happened.” You were the first to break the peaceful silence. Yeosang shifted in place, trying to figure out the best way to answer. The mention of your boyfriend had put a sour taste in his mouth. “He uh... well, it’s a long story. I guess the shortest way to put it is that he got into a lot of stuff that we didn’t want to be involved with. He used to skate with us all the time, but then he started shit talking us. He started drinking a lot, hanging around questionable people, and cheated on his first girlfriend after happily being with her for years. He broke her heart and didn’t even seem to care. We told him we didn’t want anything to do with him after that.” His gaze shifted from the setting sun to you, stretching his arms out before dropping onto his back. The sand felt warm and soft, reminding him of his empty bed at home. A bed that had been empty for years, thanks to Wooyoung stealing every girl he had ever been interested in. But he wasn’t about to admit that to you. “How did you meet him?” The question caused your brow to furrow. You struggled to remember, but the memory that returned was one you were almost ashamed to admit. “A mutual friend introduced us at a party.” You turned away, hiding the embarrassment. “I was a drunken one night stand, I never thought I’d see him again. But then I ran into him at the park. At first he acted like I didn’t exist... I don’t know what made him turn around and ask me on a date but he did.” Yeosang’s heart dropped. The was the first time he had seen you, and Wooyoung must’ve caught him staring at you. God damnit, he wouldn’t let Yeosang have a damn thing, not even once. “He probably saw someone else looking at you and decided to ruin their day.” He spat, trying not to make the comment sound as personal as it did. “Would explain why he insists on meeting you at the park every day.” The last part was mumbled, though a bit louder than he had intended. Wooyoung was just throwing it in Yeosang’s face every day that he wasn’t allowed to have anything. “I have a better idea for that paint.” You chimed in suddenly, looking down at the sand becoming tangled into Yeosang’s hair as he turned his head. He looked so pretty in the vanishing sunlight, as if he belonged in a museum. His confused expression prompted you to speak again, having gotten lost in the moment. “He takes everything from you, let’s take something precious of his.” ----- It was well after dark when you both got off the bus. With one hand holding his skateboard and the other securely wrapped around your shoulders, Yeosang led you back to the park where Wooyoung’s car sat alone in the parking lot. “This is illegal.” He chuckled, knowing full well that legality wasn’t something on your mind right now. You were hurt, you were angry, but you were ready to replace him as quickly as he had replaced you. “That’s the fun of it.” You replied, approaching the car and sizing it up under the dim streetlight. Taking a deep breath, you picked up the large rock you had collected and flung it through the driver side window. “This is for blowing me off everyday!” You called out, feeling the anger leaving your body and falling to bits with the broken glass. This time you picked up your skateboard, using it to bash the windshield until it started to crack. “And this is for cheating on me!” The adrenaline rush was so intoxicating you felt like you couldn’t stop. Pulling out a sharp pocket knife you always kept with you for self defense, you looked over the metal point before making your way to the tires. “And this is for every time you told me I was lucky to have you because nobody else would want me.” With that, you proceeded to stab at the tires, ten times on each one. You had counted. You always counted. Something in you felt the need to keep track. Yeosang could feel a single tear sting his eye as he counted the punctures, knowing that your heart had broken every time those words left Wooyoung’s mouth. How anyone could say that to someone, let alone someone they claim to love, was beyond him. He took a deep breath, grabbing his own skateboard. “This is for every girlfriend you ever stole from me because you couldn’t stand to see your friends be happy.” With all the strength he could muster, he smashed the wheels through every remaining window. There weren’t enough windows, there never would be. Countless times he had proven that he only cared for himself. You grabbed the paint and the brush attached to the bottle, slathering the bright red pigment all over the car. ‘Cheater, cheater’ on one side ‘liar, liar’ on the other. You both were sweaty and covered in red paint by the time you felt satisfied with the destruction. You both began to kick the broken glass off your skateboards, making sure they hadn’t been damaged beyond repair. Luckily there was nothing major, just a few dings and cracks that could be easily glued. But you felt better... you both felt so much better. “W-would you... like to spend the night with me?” Yeosang’s voice was shaky, distant, almost trance-like. It’s as though he didn’t even realize he was speaking out loud. Something about the adrenaline high had you both feeling disconnected from to world, yet completely in sync with each other. ----- Snap! Snap! The small polaroid camera proved to be quite the source of entertainment. You assumed different goofy poses on Yeosang’s bed and he snapped picture after picture of you, delighted to even see you in his apartment, let alone in his bed. Grabbing the camera from him, you snapped a picture of his surprised expression, then another of him trying to hide himself. “Sangie... so cute.” You mused, shaking the pictures to make them develop faster. He sat on the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms as he grazed your neck with soft kisses. The feeling of his lips on your neck caused you to arch your back just a bit, involuntarily. He stopped, watching your body language suddenly change. Sweet spot, noted. Upon realizing what just happened, you quickly relaxed down again, cheeks burning red. “Ah, sorry... that spot’s a bit sensitive...” He breathed a silent laugh against your skin, the warmth daring to set off those same nerves again. Feeling you tense in his grip, he gently grazed you with his teeth this time. A choked and stifled noise left your lips, causing a devilish smirk to appear on his face. Your face was turning redder still as you tried to calm yourself, you didn’t want to seem that easy. He felt your body language shifting again and began to run his fingers lightly along your arm. “I won’t throw you aside after this, I’m not like him.” His voice was barely above a whisper, his low register causing goosebumps to prick up along your skin. “I wouldn’t have let my guard down like this if I thought you were.” ----- “That’s my girl!” Yeosang said, voice filled with excitement as he caught you at the bottom of the railing and pulled you into a hug, your skateboard drifting off down the pavement without you. “I told you it was easy, you didn’t even wobble.” “Your girl?” Wooyoung’s voice rang out over the laughter and yelling from your friends. Oh, that’s right... you had forgotten to tell him that you were breaking up with him. Oops? “Sorry, who are you again?” You called sarcastically, kicking your board up and catching it. “What are you talking about, (your name)? C’mon, get in the car. You know I hate you hanging out with these skater nerds.” He gave you a glare, trying to intimidate you back into his grasp once more. “I don’t get into cars with strangers. But also... um, what car?” You laughed, pointing to his destroyed vehicle in the parking lot. Wooyoung’s face turned white, a piercing scream emitting from him as he rushed over to assess the damage. “What the fuck did you do to my car?” He yelled, punching the hood and causing broken glass to rattle against the metal. “Who, me? Nothing. I don’t even know you.” You shrugged, turning to walk back to your friends with Yeosang very close by. He walked behind you this time rather than in front of you. He knew you could hold your own but something about the situation didn’t sit right with him. At the top of the stairs, your friends surrounded you protectively as Yeosang took his place beside you. He pulled you close, kissing the top of your head before making very purposeful and direct eye contact with Wooyoung. As if to say ‘How does it feel to have something stolen from you?’ Wooyoung made his way over to the bottom of the stairs, looking up at you as your friends tensed, waiting to jump up at any moment. He was still angry, still absolutely seething and you could tell. But he was trying to contort his face into something resembling regret, though you could see right through it. Even if he did have regrets, even if he was sorry... it was a little late for that now. “C’mon babe, give me another chance? Please? I’m really sorry, I should’ve treated you so much better-” “Aww, baby...” You started, your voice sickeningly sweet but very much laced with venom. You held up your middle finger, stretching to reach over your tallest friend that was sitting in front of you and your tone immediately changed. “You can fucking bite me, asshole.”
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yslkook · 3 years
TiO (8)
mind of mine masterlist
summary: jungkook is a man of mystery and you take him on a date.
pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc
warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, a shitty relationship, unprotected sex (pls use protection, these two are being foolish) , some choking, grinding, making out, oral
word count: ~6.3k
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz. would love to hear your thoughts. a big thank you to @cutechim for creating the texts for me lmao<33
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Jungkook remains tight-lipped about what it was he had done over the weekend, when he had gone with Jin and Mina to a tattoo convention a few hours away. They had ended up staying the night there, and while Jungkook wanted to ask you to come with him, he wondered if it was too soon to ask. After all, you were both still enjoying each other’s company at your own sweet pace.
Eventually his little secret gets put on the back burner for the rest of the week. You were supposed to get bubble tea with him on Tuesday, but unfortunately a last minute work issue with your client and your application came up. You’d ended up working late, your eyes screaming in fatigue and went straight to bed that evening. He had understood, of course he did.
On Thursday, he was supposed to grab lunch with you at a cafe that he thought you might like, but this time it was him who had a conflict. His older sister had showed up to the tattoo parlor without any prior notice. She does this every so often, when things aren’t going well with her on again, off again shitty “boyfriend”.
Jungkook had sighed, cancelling on lunch with you to spend time with Jooyeon and comfort her with fried chicken and ice cream. You had sent an understanding thumbs up and a promise to call him later and end up having lunch with your work wife, Kira instead.
Kira who doesn’t fail to point out the glow in your cheeks and your general aura, even though it’s been nearly a week and a half since you saw Jungkook last. You roll your eyes and ignore the flames in your cheeks (and her laughter), and change the subject to your work projects. She tells you about some of the coding issues and compliance issues she’s been having with her software, and you tell her about the hours you’ve been pouring into your application for your client.
It doesn’t bother you that Jungkook hadn’t asked if you wanted to meet his sister. After all, he’d told you bits and pieces about her and her relationship. And in the last few weeks, your relationship has blossomed so beautifully. There was no reason to rush, you think. You’ll meet her hopefully under better circumstances for her.
Jungkook spends most of the evening with Jooyeon, letting her cry herself to sleep in his bed. His sister hardly ever cries like this, with sobs full of pain and hurt because of another man. But it’s been happening too much lately, too many fights and too much of Joo losing herself. It makes Jungkook see red more often than not. He knows what you’d say- that she needs him more than anything else and to not be so impulsive.
He makes sure Joo eats a warm meal before she falls asleep and he shoots you a text:
Jungkook: baby
You: hi
You: everything ok?
Jungkook: no, joo’s bf is a fkin asshole
Jungkook: she’s sleeping
Jungkook: miss u
You: im sorry baby :( can i call you?
He jumps at the chance, the sound of your voice and sight of your pretty face on video call instantly calming him. Jungkook is sure to wear a beanie to hide his surprise for you (but you don’t question it. After all, you’ve seen him in beanies plenty of times before and it’s dim in the apartment.) He moves to the couch, asking softly for you to tell him about your day. You recount every single detail from memory, shifting under your covers to tell him about how you had nearly stumbled down the stairs in front of your manager’s manager because you had missed a step.
It pulls a soft laugh from him.
“Jungkook,” You say quietly, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t even know what to say,” Jungkook sighs, “She’s just… Byung-woo and her have had this on and off thing for years now. He won’t commit to her and she just refuses to see him for what he is. Like, when it’s good, it’s really good. But when it’s bad, it’s awful. I wish she’d fucking see it for herself. I don’t know what to do anymore, baby.”
“Oh, baby,” You murmur, wishing you could hug him, “All you can do is be there for her but be honest with her. She’ll come around soon, hopefully. It’s hard to see past a shitty person sometimes, when all you want is for them to love you.”
“I hope so, too,” Jungkook says, “She’d love you, you know?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Don’t get a big head,” Jungkook chuckles, “Maybe you can meet her someday. Under better circumstances, I mean.”
“Really? You want me to meet your older sister?” You ask softly, feeling a little flustered, “That’s serious.”
“I told you, baby,” Jungkook soothes, “I’m serious about you.”
“Yeah. Seriously crazy about me,” You giggle to yourself. You know if Jungkook was with you, he’d flick your forehead.
“It’s true,” He murmurs, “Maybe I can see you this weekend?”
“Yeah, you still have to show me what you did over the weekend! Take care of Jooyeon first,” You reply, “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll drop stuff off, just tell me.”
“I will,” Jungkook promises, “Sleep well, I miss you.”
“Sleep well. I miss you.”
Jooyeon ends up leaving on Saturday morning after a lecture from Jungkook and with determined resolve in her eyes. You jump at the chance to take him out tonight, knowing how stressed he’s been the last few days.
You: be ready at 6:30 tn, im taking u out. and dress slutty
Jungkook doesn’t know how to interpret your text when he reads it. He considers asking Mina and Mei what this means, but ultimately leaves it alone. Replying to your message with a quick thumbs up, he busies himself with getting ready to see you (and surprising you, finally after a full week of wanting to show you what he had done.)
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Once you parallel park your car (which takes far too long than you’d like to admit), you grab the small bouquet of purple roses that you had gotten for Jungkook and text him saying that you’ll be up in a few minutes.
Taehyung had caught you struggling to parallel park, and had told Jungkook with a snicker. Which earned him a punch to the arm.
There wasn’t a particular reason that you had chosen to get purple roses for him, other than the fact that they reminded you of him. You hope he likes them.
Jungkook hears a soft knock at the door, and can already envision you behind it. He hopes you like his surprise, the one he’s been teasing you for a week about. You had given no hints of what you would be wearing- you had only sent him one selfie that didn’t give much of a hint into your outfit. He has no doubt that you’ll look gorgeous, but still.
Maybe Jungkook’s nerves shouldn’t be this intense, but he can’t help it. He swings the front door open, only to be greeted by you swaying on your feet with your hands held behind your back. His heart throbs when you pull your hands apart and present him with a beautiful bouquet of purple roses.
How ironic.
“Hello,” You say with a small smile, suddenly feeling a little shy and gasping when your eyes land on his hair, “Wow. You weren’t kidding…”
His hair is tied back into a ponytail, but it’s unmistakably elegant and so violet. Two neat pieces of his newly dyed hair fall into his face effortlessly, but then your gaze reaches the piercing on his left eyebrow. Your lips remain parted in surprise and without thinking, you reach up to touch his hair. It’s still soft, as it always is.
“Come in, baby,” Jungkook says, taking the roses from you, “You must really like me, huh? Got me flowers and everything?”
“Shut up,” You mutter, cheeks heating up, “Don’t get a big head.”
Jungkook only grins wolfishly at you and winks at you, eyes unashamedly glued to your ass. You roll your eyes, and swat his shoulder as you watch him put the rose in a vase and place it in the center of the dining table.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been in his shared apartment (that he lives with Taehyung and Jimin in) but you somehow feel shy in his presence again, as if it was the first time. The first time you had been here with him had been the first time you had spent the night at his apartment several weeks ago, after a night out with your friends.
You let your gaze wander, curious eyes settling on the subtle matching of the furniture and the cleanliness of the apartment. There’s not a stray speck of dust in sight, but maybe you’re distracting yourself from addressing the pretty purple of his hair. Your mouth is dry, and you’re probably drooling a little. You wonder if Jungkook prepared for this, the same way you did (in that you had washed your car, cleaned every inch of it and gotten a new car freshener).
A faint scent of fresh laundry and lavender sits in the spaces of his home. It calms you and gives you the boost to turn your eyes to him.
“Thanks for the roses, baby,” Jungkook says, giving you a smile and starry eyes. He pulls you into his arms, your back against the counter. “Surprise. Do you like it?”
“Uh,” You mumble, brain deciding to short-circuit with the way he looks at you. His smile turns into a smirk, deciding to further render you speechless by pressing himself closer to you and cradling your neck. He’s careful not to touch your face. He doesn’t want to mess your makeup up terribly, at least not yet.
“I know you like my hair. Your face says it all, baby,” Jungkook continues and ducks his head for a quick kiss, “You’re pretty.” He does quite like this dress, light blue and dotted in small flowers with thin straps. His eyes are instantly drawn to the drawstring at the center of your chest and he quells the urge to pull at it.
Jungkook’s mouth waters when he sees the side split of the dress but you want more from him immediately, but he pulls away to your chagrin. Even with the simple kiss, the burgundy color of your lipstick stains his plump bottom lip.
You shiver. It appears that he tried to take your words via text to heart- to dress slutty. He’s wearing a loose animal print button up, with the top three buttons undone. It gives you a delectable view of his pecs, his collarbones and a hint of the tattoo on his right side. As if you weren’t already weak in the knees for him as it was, he wears a black coat and tight, leather pants.
Jungkook pulls it off, like he pulls everything off and the purple hair blends seamlessly with his look. Tonight, he’d opted for two silver hoops in each ear and a thin silver necklace to match.
Your knees are weak, they’ve been weak since you had seen him in this offensive outfit and his hair, his new piercing that was clearly an attack on your entire existence.
The purple hair. The piercing. He’ll be the death of you tonight, you know it. Your legs are wobbly, panties already probably a little wet just from seeing him and from a few of his kisses. But you can’t help it. Without thinking, you press your lips to his, drawing your tongue into his mouth eagerly. You are so hungry, so eager to devour him and drink up anything that he offers you. Jungkook tugs you closer to him lightly by your waist but-
“Seriously? Right in front of my dinner?” Comes an amused voice from behind Jungkook and you nearly screech at the familiar sound of Jimin’s voice.
“I- I didn’t-You-” You stammer, feeling your face heat up to a degree that it’s definitely never heated up to before. You hide behind Jungkook to fix your surely wrecked lipstick. You’re certain his own lips are probably comically smudged with your lipstick as well. “Sorry Jimin, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know, we’ll leave-”
Jungkook only rolls his eyes at Jimin’s wide smirk and knowing eyes. He hears you scolding Jungkook for not telling him that anyone was home, to which he promptly responds “well, you didn’t ask!”
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Despite the very natural and easy flow of conversation between you and Jungkook in your car, you still feel overheated and jumpy, your fingers incessantly tapping on the steering wheel. It’s not Jungkook, it’s you and your own nerves. It’s not the first time you’ve gone out to dinner with him and it’s certainly not the first time you’ve had him in your car. If Jungkook notices, he says nothing.
“Where are we going, baby?” Jungkook asks, looking at you. You don’t meet his eyes, choosing instead to focus on the road despite being at a red light.
“Umm, that place you mentioned the other day. The one we talked about trying together,” You say softly. Jungkook can only wonder why you’re a little quiet, but he thinks he knows. You slip into your head so easily and he doesn’t mind gently tugging you out of your thought cloud and into reality with him.
“Can you help me park,” You mumble sheepishly, “I get nervous parking in such tight spaces.”
“Yeah, pull over here before it’s impossible to,” Jungkook murmurs. You nod and do so, hopping out of the driver’s seat to switch places with him. But before you can get in the passenger’s seat, Jungkook grips your wrist loosely. You look at him curiously, with wide eyes and he drops a kiss to your lips, swallowing your surprise.
“You’re so pretty,” Jungkook murmurs, “So fucking pretty, baby. I love this dress on you.” You preen at his praise, leaning forward for another kiss with a shy smile. He subtly squeezes your left tit before letting his hand travel downward.
“You look really good, Jungkook,” You murmur before he kisses you, “I-I really, really like it. A lot.”
He gently caresses your thigh from under your dress, the heat of his hand shooting straight up your core. Jungkook slips his tongue into your mouth quickly, coaxing your endearing nervousness away. As if you both aren’t pulled over to the side of the street where cars are passing you by (and surely wondering why you both were making out like this in public).
“Are we gonna be those people who have a roadside quickie,” You laugh, gently pushing his shoulder when you pull away.
“Roadside quickie? Get your mind out of the gutter,” Jungkook says but his lips twist into a wicked smirk, “But hey, if you wanna give me road head, I’m not going to complain about it-”
“Ha, you would be so lucky,” You scoff, feeling your nerves beginning to ease out of you, “C’mon, our reservation is soon. And then we can talk about road head.”
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Dinner goes perfectly and after a glass of wine you feel those inexplicable nerves wash away. What did you have to be nervous for anyway? It was Jungkook- Jungkook who you’ve known for years. Your friend before any of this. He asks you about work, how your application is going-
“Your client sounds pretty demanding,” Jungkook muses, “You keeping up with it okay?”
“Yeah, but I’m not even an application engineer so I’m just learning as I go. My true roots are data and data science but I get to see all of it. Which is cool. But also time consuming, like the other evening, I had to read up on the compliance regulations. But my favorite thing is creating modeling and programs for this app, it’s really cool because it’s healthcare specific. So I’m learning about that sector as well, it’s mostly python but we’ve been doing testing with different healthcare providers in the area and they’re all responding really well to it-” You’re rambling, you know it, but your passion for your career knows no bounds and Jungkook makes no move to stop you. He only smiles at you, eyes crinkling and nose scrunching, gesturing for you to continue.
It’s funny. Not even a few months ago, you would have cut yourself off from your own rambling. In an attempt to convince yourself that the other person didn’t need to hear about it. Maybe that was Sora’s subconscious influence on you. Today, you don’t think twice about it, glowing and shimmering under the dim, blue lights of the restaurant as you tell Jungkook more about your job.
He makes your heart race and he’s sitting right in front of you. Your chin is in your hands as you listen to the pretty words slipping out of his lips. He’s so dreamy, and you struggle to not let your gaze stray from his eyes and linger on his exposed tattoos and chest. You don’t even know where to look, deciding to settle on the way his newly purple locks fall to his forehead just perfectly.
“What do you wanna eat for dessert?” You murmur, looking at the menu and cautiously allowing your foot to brush against his.
In hindsight, you should’ve seen it coming-
“You,” Jungkook says easily, as if he’s talking about the weather.
“Corny,” You roll your eyes, but nudge his foot again. You end up deciding on sharing a slice of decadent, chocolate mousse cake. Which Jungkook ends up finishing off when you satisfy your sweet tooth after a few big bites.
He leans over without a second thought, thumbing away stray cream from the corner of your mouth. Your tongue darts out to lick the tip of his thumb and he looks at you with wide eyes before grinning roguishly.
“Wanna get outta here, baby?”
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“Should I take you home, Jungkook?” You ask, finding the courage somewhere in the remnants of the glass of wine currently evaporating from your system to take his hand in your lap once you’re both settled in your car.
“Do you want to take me home?” Jungkook asks with a quirked eyebrow.
“I have some wine I think you’d like at my place. I just got it,” You say a little breathlessly, “And I have to inspect something, I might need your help.” Jungkook laughs, a little derisively and you pout.
“You don’t have to bribe me with wine, baby. You know I would’ve been down regardless,” Jungkook says, squeezing your hand, “What do you need to inspect? Do you have a leak or something?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a leak alright,” You say under your breath, thinking about the growing wetness in your panties, “My man just showed up here with purple hair and an eyebrow piercing, looking like a damn model after one whole week. I have to inspect him.”
“Oh, is that so? In that case, I would love to be your lab rat. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen the inside of your bedroom before-”
“Who said you’d get that far?”
“I already did, baby. Did you forget?” Jungkook’s smirk widens, eyes sparkling with mischief. He gently cups your face, thumb on your chin and hovers just over your lips. You think he’s about to kiss you, so you close your eyes in anticipation of his lips on yours.
But it never comes. Instead, his breath fans over your cheeks and he lets out a low laugh. “I sure didn’t forget, and I know you didn’t either.”
You roll your eyes and swat his hand away, ignoring (but letting out a smile) when he chuckles. You decide to hold his hand for as much of the drive back home you can.
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Jungkook’s hands are on your hips even as you’re fumbling with the keys to your front door. He’s a distraction, his warm heat plastered against your back and the simple act of opening your damn door feels like too much of a chore. When Jungkook’s lips glaze over the back of your neck, his fingers roaming your waist, it’s difficult for you to focus.
So Jungkook scoffs and turns the key for you. “Can’t open the door, baby?” Jungkook taunts and you level him with a glare.
“It’s not my fault you can’t keep your hands to yourself in front of my door!”
“You like it,” Jungkook says, shutting the door behind him and hugging you as you try to walk away from him to wash up. You escape his grip with a giggle and lock yourself in your bathroom, while Jungkook waits with a disgruntled pout.
When you come out, you head into the kitchen to pour out two glasses of wine and bring some snacks out. You’re not particularly hungry, though you wouldn’t mind eating and you’re sure Jungkook wouldn’t mind either.
Your train of thought is of course interrupted by the man himself and he wraps his arms around you from behind, pushing you into the counter. One might say that Jungkook is being clingy, but you know this is how he shows his affections. Through physical touch more than anything else. And you quite like it, you like the reassurance of his body close to yours. It’s what you’ve always wanted and never known that you needed.
“Missed you,” He breathes into your hair. Even if he’s been with you for the last few hours… You understand him. It feels like you’re both making up for lost time. For time that you could’ve spent together, rather than apart.
“Me too,” You murmur, “Can you take this to the couch, honey? I’ll bring the glasses and the wine.”
Jungkook hums and kisses your temple, squeezing your ass before heeding your soft demand. You sit next to him, thighs touching, and pour out a glass for both of you to enjoy. You lean against his shoulder, wrapping an arm around his bicep and turn the television on. But neither of you are really paying attention.
“Hey,” Jungkook murmurs, “I had a good time tonight, baby.”
“Don’t I know it,” You say smugly, “It’s not everyday a pretty girl takes you out for din-” He cuts your words off by pulling you into his lap, somehow not spilling even a single drop of wine in the movement. You would’ve killed him if even a hint of a wine stain appeared on your velvet couch.
You press your hand into his shoulder, the hint of his tattoo and the glint of his piercing catching your eye. You swirl your glass of wine with your other hand. “What a precarious position to be in,” You say dryly, even grinding your hips into his playfully. He gives you a look, and stills your movements with one hand on your waist. Jungkook sets his glass on the coffee table behind you and cradles your neck, pulling you down for a sharp kiss. It’s almost desperate and needy, nothing like his kisses from before.
You slip your tongue into his honeyed mouth, tasting seeds of his desperation with your tongue. But then, you remember your wine glass and pull away from his lips with a lewd smack to reach behind you and place it on the coffee table as well.
“So pretty,” Jungkook moans, pushing the straps of your dress to the side and dotting your shoulders in wine-stained kisses, “Pretty girl, my pretty baby-”
You tilt his cheek towards you for a kiss, whining into his mouth at his praise. It shoots down your spine in a delicious hum and his hands roaming the expanse of your back makes you feel warm and powerful.
The way your hips move in time with his, the way you fit into the crevices of his thighs and his chest- he just wants to give you everything. He wants to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Jungkook will give you everything, if you let him.
“And what about you?” You rasp with swollen lips and wild eyes when you finally pull away. You press your fingers into the exposed, inky part of his chest, where his shirt is unbuttoned for your eyes. “You look so fucking good all the time, but-but I told you to dress slutty and you did this for me, huh? You did this for me, bunny?”
Jungkook’s cock jumps in his tight pants and his throat goes dry. Your eyes are devious, filled with mischief and sin and he gives himself to you fully and wholly.
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods eagerly, “Yeah, I wanted to look nice for you, baby.”
“A-and your hair,” You mumble, feeling a little lovesick, “I love it, I love it, I love it-I just wanna- wanna make you feel good. Can I do that, bunny? Make you feel good?”
Jungkook nods with wide, doe eyes, wondering how the tables were turned so quickly.
“Take me to my bedroom,” You demand softly. The glasses of wine and snacks on the tray are left forgotten as Jungkook easily scoops you up in his arms. Even with your lips soft and slow against his neck, he somehow makes it to your bed.
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It’s definitely not the first time you’ve had Jungkook in your bed (or that you’ve been in his bed). It’s not the first time you’ve peeled his shirt off meticulously and licked your way down his chest, to unbutton his tight pants. It’s not the first time he’s seen you on your knees on your bed (to alleviate the strain on your knees if you were on the floor).
By now, the shock of your impatience has worn off. Jungkook frequently reminds you to slow down, that you both have nowhere to be except with each other.
It looks like his pants are glued to his legs, and while you can appreciate the visual, you want to appreciate the real thing. You groan in frustration and Jungkook does the work for you, pushing the offending fabric away and breathing a sigh of relief. You crawl closer to him, nails featherlight against his taut thighs.
He’s golden, his body taut and spilling with swirls of color in the divots of his muscles. Your mouth waters.
But Jungkook moves your hands away when you start inching closer, wanting to palm his cock. He joins you on the bed, pushing your back to the bed and hiking the skirt of your dress up to your hips. His hands are tight and warm and welcome on your hips, a flare of desire shooting down your spine and straight to your pussy. You buck your hips up towards him with a pout but he only squeezes.
“What did I tell you,” Jungkook murmurs, swatting your thigh lightly.
“You’ll have to remind me,” You breathe.
“Told you to slow down, baby,” Jungkook says, letting his fingers trail up your thighs and slip under your panties. His hand is warm in contrast to the rings on his fingers. They do little to cool your skin, though. “Impatient girl.”
“You say that like a bad thing-”
“And you talk so fucking much,” Jungkook drawls, hovering over you and dropping his weight on top of you, nudging your cheek to kiss you. You reach upwards to thread your hands through his hair but he’s quick, so much quicker than you. Jungkook pins your wrists with just one hand, and the mere action, the mere display of strength has you sighing and your pussy fluttering.
“Lift your hips,” Jungkook says thickly, and you do so immediately. It’s easy for him to pull your black lace panties off to the side. But before he does so he gives you a small smile of approval, knowing that you wore them specifically for him to see.
“I really do love this dress, baby,” He says, “Makes your tits and your ass look amazing.”
“Take it off, then. And see the goods up close,” You say, wiggling against his grip.
“I will,” Jungkook says lazily, “Don’t you worry your pretty head about it.” Without a single warning, he lifts you up easily into his lap. Your bare pussy brushes against his bare cock deliciously, your hips moving of their own accord. He stills you again, and carefully unzips your dress and pulls it off of you. His fingers on you are soft but firm, leaving your head spinning and hazy.
You haven’t even had his cock yet, and you’re about ready to combust. Jungkook pushes you on the bed, your tits bouncing with the force of your back hitting the mattress and hovers over you. You pull at his hair a little impatiently and he groans, the sound reverberating across the walls only to ring in your head. You want to hear it again, and again and again.
“Jungkook,” You whine, “Please, bunny, do something. Look at me, look at my pussy, come clean me up-”
“So needy,” Jungkook murmurs and ignores you in favor of kissing your tits, rubbing your nipples with his fingers, “‘M needy for you too, baby.”
“You’re so hard, so big,” You babble, “Please, want your cock, baby.”
Impatient. Jungkook kisses your chest, your belly, your hips and makes you cum on his tongue twice (while you tear up and cry a little bit, gripping his purple locks fiercely and holding onto his shoulder) before letting you stroke his cock. You’re about to push him on his back to blow him with determined eyes, but he stops you.
It appears he’s impatient too, and he wants to see you cream his cock before cumming all over your tits (which has become his favorite place to).
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“Jungkook,” You breathe sharply, “There, baby, right there-” You cut yourself off with a groan, stilling your hips and pushing his face into your chest. Jungkook’s groans are muffled against your tits, but you feel the wetness of his lips and the warmth of his tongue over your nipples.
“Shit,” You mumble, “Feels so good-”
“So pretty, baby,” Jungkook coos, pulling away from your tits to look up at you with lust in his eyes, “I’m yours, all yours-”
You groan, bouncing on his cock even harder as a flare of possessiveness flashes across your belly. “Move back,” You say softly, “Lay down. I’m gonna ride you so good, baby.”
Jungkook barely has a chance to catch his breath before your nails are on his chest, trying to hold yourself steady as you push yourself down onto his cock, pulling a deep moan of your name from his lips. His hands are tight on your hips, watching with wide eyes- he doesn’t know where to look, what to do.
He squeezes when one of your hands drifts over his and rests on top of his hand.
“I’m yours, I’m yours,” Jungkook mumbles, “Whatever you want baby, I’m yours-”
“You talk so much,” You say hoarsely, with a wicked smile, “It’s cute.” Your free hand floats upward, resting loosely at the base of his neck. His chain is cold against his heated skin but all he can focus on is the glide of your hand over his neck.
His cock twitches inside you and your smile widens. “Is this okay?” You whisper, “This okay, bunny?”
“Harder,” Jungkook groans, “Fuck, harder, baby.”
“Like this?” You ask innocently, closing your hand around the sensitive spots of his neck. His pretty eyes flutter as he nods, a quiet moan slipping out into the air.
“You’re pretty like this,” You say softly, “Shit, you’re pretty like this…”
He lets out a choked laugh at that. You lean forward, pressing your lips to his hastily. Jungkook thrusts upward, hips meeting your ass but your hand doesn’t leave his neck. Not just yet. You breathe into his mouth, allowing him to swallow your soft whimpers.
You wet your lips with a loud smack and cradle his cheek gently. Jungkook is mesmerized by the heat in your eyes, smoldering and burning through his skin. You let your fingers glide over your clit, gathering wetness and before Jungkook can ask what you're doing-
“Open,” You mumble hoarsely, “Open, bunny.”
Pushing a finger past his chapped lips, you gasp at the sight of him below you with your fingers in his mouth.
You could cum just from watching him. His tongue swirls over your finger before sucking lightly with a pretty flush covering his cheeks. Your eyes widen, another gasp brushing over his cheeks.
“Fuck,” You mumble dreamily, “You’re so good, bunny.”
Your body is burning, jaw slack and the feeling of Jungkook’s bare cock inside of you almost too much to handle. It was wildly irresponsible- he wasn’t wearing a condom and you weren’t on birth control, and it was a conversation for later. But you can’t think, not when it feels this good, not when you’ve had a taste of his cock in this way. Besides, he always pulls out just in time. But still, you both should know better.
“Oh, Jungkook,” You whine, “‘m close, I’m so fucking close, make me cum, bunny-”
“Baby,” Jungkook rasps, “My pretty baby looks so good on my cock like this. My smart, kind, b-beautiful girl, my angel-”
Tears prick your eyes- it’s easy for you to become overwhelmed like this. You tug your hands away and thread your fingers through his, dipping your head for a kiss.
“You like that, angel? You like being mine?” Jungkook murmurs, slowing your hips so he can take over. But he knows you’re close.
“Only yours,” You mumble. Jungkook pulls you into his chest swiftly and flips you so that you’re on your back. He places your legs over his shoulders and brackets your head with his forearms, his necklace just above your nose and his hair tickling your face. But you're mesmerized by the determination and adoration in his eyes.
“Jungkook,” You murmur brokenly, “O-oh, y-yeah, baby, there, mmmf-” You squeeze his biceps with a gasp, watching his face closely. Pushing his hair behind his ears, you cradle his cheek and pull him down for a sweet, long kiss.
His fingers dance across your thighs and rub your clit in slow circles and murmuring soft words of praise in your ear. You’re vaguely aware that your body erupts in a tidal wave of flames, warming you from inside out. You don’t hear anything except for your cries of his name, you don’t see anything but him through your blurry eyes.
“Baby,” Jungkook says through clenched teeth, “O-open your mouth, baby. Fuck, baby, this pussy- I’m gonna cum, baby, fuck-”
You open your mouth with hooded eyes and your tongue lolling out and Jungkook pulls out of you abruptly with a series of curses. He’s not fast enough to get all of his cum in your mouth, some of it landing on your cheek. You swallow his cum with a dopey smile and open your arms for him to bury his face in your tits.
“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook says breathlessly, rolling off of you and pulling you into his side, “This pussy’s gonna be the death of me. Where’d you learn to ride dick like that, huh?”
“I’ll never tell,” You mumble, “Gimme a kiss.”
And so he does, tasting himself on your lips. He kisses you nice and slow, just how you both like after a night like this. Eventually he cleans you up and you do the same for him.
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Under the covers with only the shared warmth between your sheets to keep you company, you rest your head on Jungkook’s bicep and look up at him. Your fingers continue tracing patterns on his chest, tracing the swirls and curves of ink as they appear.
Jungkook dips his head to nudge your nose and you softly laugh as his hair falls into your face. “What are you thinking about, baby?” He murmurs, lazily draping an arm over you. By now, you’ve realized that Jungkook is possibly the most vulnerable with you in moments like this. When you’re both bare and basking in a post-sex haze.
That’s not to say that he’s not vulnerable at other times. But it’s just different like this.
You take his hand and thread your fingers through his. His fingers are bare, as you had taken his rings off and they’re currently sitting in your jewelry dish on your dresser.
“We just,” You murmur, “We spent so long being apart. When we should’ve been together. All because I…”
“Stop,” Jungkook says firmly but gently, “Don’t do that. You’re where you’re supposed to be. We’re where we’re supposed to be.”
“But we wasted so much time not being together because of me,” You mumble forlornly, feeling your throat getting a little dry, “Because I listened to Sora and didn’t-”
“Oh, baby,” Jungkook says, pulling you in for a hug and a forehead kiss, “That’s not true at all. We’re together now, and we both had some growing to do. That’s what matters.”
“Okay,” You reply in a strained voice. You don’t quite sound like you believe him, and Jungkook makes a mental note of that. “Do you feel like… we have lost time to make up for?”
“Do you feel like that?” Jungkook counters, making your heart skip a beat, “Because I don’t. I know it’s hard, baby, but you can’t beat yourself up for that. It’s in the past, baby. Forgive yourself. There’s nothing to race against, it’s just me and you.”
“I’ll try,” You say a little meekly. Jungkook nods and pulls you in for a soft kiss, one that has your toes curling and your belly flipping. He shifts so that you’re tucked into his side, surrounded by him and his hands on your skin. He kisses you until your previous thoughts don’t feel so loud in your head, he whispers to you and pulls sweet laughs from your throat until you can detach from the strange cloud that had suddenly appeared.
He’s your safe place.
MoM TAGS: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse @hordanhearsawhooo @anonymous2505 @dreadity @mysugarkoo @ULTRAANONYMOUSEY @moonchild1 @fan-ati--c
TAGS: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
499 notes · View notes
channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
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p : beomgyu × fem!reader | g : high school!au (kinda idk), e2l!au | w : swearing but like yes that's it
a/n : suddenly in obsessed with the school's badboy™ beomgyu AHAHAH I watched the boy in luv cover and my bias list said BEOMGYU.
— [13 : 43 HRS] "oh, look, who do we have here? it's the bitch with the butterfingers!"
y/n rolled her eyes as she stood on the ladder at the bookshelf and sighed, going through the books and not even looking behind her.
"fuck off, beomgyu."
"calm down, Satan," he scoffed, standing next to her and looking up. "can you, uh, find me a book?"
"you want my help? Hah!" y/n pulled a book from a shelf and dusted it, opening the first page, "you're such a comedic genius, beomgyu!"
he pressed his fingers against his temples, groaning, "shut up for a second! my ears, goddammit!"
"should have thought of that before you came to talk to me."
he placed his hand on the ladder and shook it a little as a warning, finally making y/n look down for the first time. "I'm serious, I need this book."
she sighed, snapping the book shut and slid it back in the shelf. She climbed down, pushing the ladder towards the other shelf, "what is it, then?"
"uhm," he looked down on a little piece of paper, "Shakespeare by Hamlet."
she paused, narrowing her eyes to him. "give me that," she snatched the paper out of his eyes, and tearing it in half.
"hey! what was that for?"
"did you seriously just say Shakespeare by Hamlet!?"
"or was it Shakespeare by William? I don't know!"
"you're a lost case," she climbed the ladder, looking through the shelf and pulling out a book, "it's Hamlet by William Shakespeare, you fucking blockhead!"
"yeah, that!" he hid his burning face behind his hand, watching her from the gap between his fingers.
the ladder shook as she stood on her tip toes, muttering something about finding her book around that shelf too. "careful," he warned, placing a hand on the ladder as she reached up to get a book.
"I'm fine."
she took a step down, and the corner of her shoe came in between a plank, causing her to squeal and loose her balance, and fall right down against beomgyu's chest.
beomgyu had a firm grip on her, eyes wide as she had her arms on his shoulders, blinking a bit. he chuckled silently at her expression, blowing the strand of loose hair off her face.
"bitch with the butterfingers, huh?"
she felt herself going red, not being able to form words at what he just did. she watched him, startled eyes skimming over his entire face, his challenging eyes, his nose, his lips curled in a smirk. Slowly, she placed her feet on the ground, feeling his arms go from her back down to her waist.
"awe," he grinned, tapping her nose, "she fell into my arms."
"fuck you, choi beomgyu!"
"and she told me to fuck me! what Netflix romcom is this!?"
"you're so— you're so— ugh!"
she pushed him away and turned, almost running out the library as beomgyu stood there and watched her before snapping himself to reality, clicking his tongue.
he slapped himself between the eyes, picking his book and taking a seat near a library window.
he chuckled again at the thought of his face so close to hers, noses so close, her loose hair tickling his cheeks. he bit his tongue, little butterflies hatching in his stomach.
"oh, shit."
is he falling for her?
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main taglist (hmu to get added!) : @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @yunntext  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou  @coffeevddict @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @hyuckefi  @jenoly-simp  @cafe-jeno @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @chaoticdreaminisode
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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swinterr · 4 years
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
695 notes · View notes
deja-vux · 4 years
Devil In Disguise (M)
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BadBoy!Johnny x Reader Word Count: 2.3k+ MINORS DNI🔞 A/N:This is my first full on smut so please bare with me anyways after this I start posting ATEEZ one shots before moving onto other groups. This can be read as a solo fic or as a part of Bandoleros as kinda of a prequel either or really. Enjoy :) KPOP Masterlist
        It was finally the end of the first year of college and Y/N and her friends were already looking forward to the summer break. Already her friend Mark had bought tickets to the local drive-in for them to watch a screening of Nightmare on Elm Street. Friday night had finally come and they all piled up into two different cars being Mark’s jeep and Layla’s truck Y/N opting for Mark’s jeep. As they made their way over to the drive-in she noticed a very familiar group of cars speed by. The cars belonged to Johnny Suh and his crew. They were known on campus as the most popular boys in school, their popularity hailing from their illegal street racing careers. If people weren’t talking about his skill behind the wheel then they were definitely discussing his skill in the bedroom. It was no secret that Johnny likes to get around just to leave girls hanging in the dust. Girls on campus would brag about how they were sore for days or couldn’t properly walk after boasting about how he had been the best they ever had which spread quickly especially considering he never denied the rumors. He was bold, confident, and always knew just what to say to get a girl to bend at his will. Y/N like many was curious to see if the rumors were true. She never made an attempt to get at him though, because he was a third-year making him 2 years her senior but just the thought of it happening caused her to squeeze her thighs together. Soon though Mark pulled her out of her trance-like state waving his hand in front of her face, “Hello Earth to Y/N,” he said.
“Hm sorry I wasn’t paying attention,” she responded to her friend who looked just about down with her.
“I asked if you could help me set up before the movie started,” he repeated holding up the blanket and pillows.
“Yeah for sure,” she replied unbuckling her seatbelt. 
       As Y/N helped Mark set up the Jeep to make it as comfy as possible for the movie, Johnny and his friends were not too far away, smoking cigarettes and talking about the up and coming race wars. They talked about the modifications they had been working on for the occasion bragging about it. The movie was about to start as the sky darkened and people were rushing to get snacks and food for the movie so they wouldn’t have to leave during the film. Mark had come back with burgers and fries for the both of them, a vanilla milkshake for him, and a Sprite for Y/N. As they ate Y/N stared off into the distance seeing Johnny and his crew before turning away as soon as Johnny looked at her making eye contact with her a blush creeping up her cheeks. Mark noting her weird behavior followed her gaze spotting the group of boys which caused her to roll his eyes. “Really Y/N don’t tell me you’ve fallen for him too. It’s enough I already have to listen to Layla drool over him every day back in the dorm,” Mark whined.
“What I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Y/N replied, taking another bite of her food.
“It’s not worth getting your heart broken over Y/N he’s a player and a fuckboy. I mean he’s basically the devil in disguise,” he nagged.
“You know you’re starting to sound a lot like your dad right now,” Y/N teased causing Mark to cringe.
“Please don’t ever say that again,” he replied, finishing his food as the movie started.
         They both collected their trash Y/N offering to throw it away on the way to the snack bar as it was her time to pay for snacks. Mark simply nodded as she began making her way over his attention too focused on the movie. She dumped the trash in the bin before standing in the line for snacks. She was waiting patiently when Vince O’ Connor, Johnny’s friend, walked up to her hitting on her with a shitty pickup line. She denied his advances by ignoring him but he continued anyway until someone called him, “Ayo don’t you have anything better to do the lady clearly isn’t interested,” the stranger said. Vincent simply rolled his eyes walking off as the stranger approached making it clear that it was Johnny. Y/N immediately felt butterflies form in her stomach as he approached her apologizing for his friend’s behavior, “Sorry about my friend there hopefully he wasn’t bothering you too much,” Johnny said his voice causing her stomach to do flips.
“I-Its okay. I-I was ignoring him anyways,” she stumbled over her words.
“Oh is that so? Is it because you were too tongue-tied,” he teased getting closer to her.
“Huh ye- I mean no. He just isn’t really my type,” she fumbled feeling her cheeks betraying her as she felt them heat up Johnny taking note.
“ Oh yeah?” he smirked, raising an eyebrow, “Then what is your type, good boy pastor’s son like Lee,” he said having taken note of who she was with.
“Ew no he’s like my brother, don’t get me wrong he’s sweet but I could never see him in that way,” she replied being pulled out of haze despite it quickly returning once she noticed the closed space between them causing her to gulp.
         Before she knew it she was with him behind the snack shop pinned against the wall making out with Johnny. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, her hands tangled in his hair as his hands were roaming her waist and thighs. His kisses alone were enough to get her breath hitching as he began to rile her up, her panties beginning to get soaked with her juices. Needing more she bucked her hips slightly toward him feeling his hard-on causing them to moan in each other’s mouth enjoying the friction. Taking a hint Johnny raked a hand up her skirt slipping it into panties running his fingers across her already slick folds the feeling causing Y/N to whine and move her hips craving more friction. Johnny simply chuckled, slipping a finger into her rubbing her clit with his thumb as he slipped in another, “Such a needy girl aren’t you?” he teased before moving to kiss her neck hitting a sweet spot causing her to moan softly, “Careful doll we don’t want anyone finding us now do we?” he smirked against her neck as he felt her clench around his fingers. He slowly began to pump her fingers in and out her slowly before slowly picking up the pace causing her to gasp softly before biting her lip. Johnny continued to attack her neck as he slipped in a third finger, her grip on his shoulder tightening as she got used to the sensation. Y/N threw her head back as she felt his finger hit that special spot as he curled them in her causing her to bite her lip in order to muffle her moan. She began to feel hazy as her walls clenched around his digits, a familiar sensation forming in her lower region. “Johnny I’m gonna cu-um. I n-need you,” she said, choking on her words.
“Soon enough doll just cum for me right now,” he encouraged her as he picked up the pace while he rubbed her nub once again.
          That was enough to send her over the edge and lean her head against his shoulder as she came all over his fingers, her juices covering them. She whined softly as she felt him pull them out. He held them up to her juices glistening under the neon lights of the drive-in sign. Without him having to ask she opened her mouth taking his fingers in her mouth as she sucked his fingers clean her head still heavy from riding out her high. He pulled them out before lifting her chin to kiss her reverently causing her to see stars. He eventually pulled away, rubbing her side gently as he asked, “You still want me, doll?” Y/N softly nodded as her breathing began to turn to normal. “Then ditch you friend and come back with me to my place,” he offered. Although she would feel bad about ditching Mark she also really wanted to put the rumors to the test. She ultimately decided on taking his offer letting him lead her back to his car as she texted Mark she was leaving early cause she wasn’t feeling well. The ride to his house wasn’t long luckily but the memory of him having just fingered her behind the snack bar got her thighs clenching together around nothing. Once they managed to get to his house without touching each other Johnny wasted no time getting to business. He pinned her against the front door after closing it behind her whispering in her ear for her to jump.
         She quickly obliged, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he carried her to his room. Once inside he kicked the door close before laying Y/N down on his bed pulling her shirt off before pinning her arms above her head revealing her pink lace bra. Johnny smirked at the sight of the innocent garment slipping his hand under reaching in and groping her breast as he kissed her. He slowly began moving down her neck to her collar bone undoing her bra and throwing it to the side before attacking her breast. She moaned, tangling her hand in his long blonde hair, his actions causing her to arch her back to his body was pressed against his. She moaned out his name as he continued playing with her mounds, her heat craving attention. She bucked her hips up as she managed to pull his shirt off him. Johnny smirked at her needy state teasingly pulling her skirt and soiled panties off of her. He once again ran his fingers across her slit the gesture sending goosebumps through her as she whined for contact. Without hesitation, Johnny replaced his fingers with his tongue running it through her slit flattening his tongue as it ran over her sensitive nub sending a chill up her spine. Y/N began to tug on her hair as he began to eat her out as if she were his last meal. She rolled her hips against him moaning and cursing as he continued and slipped to fingers in her, “Fuck you taste so good,” he mumbled against her causing her to buck her hips.
“Please Johnny,” she begged, wanting more than his mouth.
“Please what doll? Use your words,” he teased as he continued picking up the pace.
“Please I want your cock,” she moaned, throwing her head back as she felt her second orgasm of the night her brain becoming foggy as she rode down her high.
           Johnny quickly pulled his fingers out, licking them clean before pulling his pants down as she rode down her second high. Johnny pulled off his boxers revealing his hard on the tip already leaking precum. Y/N bit her lip at the sight if anything the rumors were inaccurate as he was longer and wider than others had described. He teasingly ran his member over her fold causing her to slightly twitch at the overstimulation Y/N slightly bucked her hips up letting his member slip in which brought out a moan from both of them. He bottomed out in her letting her adjust as he felt her walls wrap around his. After getting the okay from her he began to pick up the pace sparing no mercy on his tempo causing her eyes to roll back at the sensation. Johnny, on the other hand, was enjoying the view of the outline of his cock moving in her. “Look at you taking my cock so well doll I’m impressed,” He said pressing against the bulge in her stomach, “How does that feel,” he asked.
“Amazing,” she moaned out her breath hitching.
“Good,” he said, pulling out causing her to whine at the loss of contact.
         That was until he flipped her over on all fours with ease. Without warning, he slammed into her causing her to arch her back as she gripped the sheets. Johnny kept his quick pace feeling motivated to continue every time she moaned, gasped, or whined in pleasure. Grabbed her hair pulling her up so her back was arched against his front, the position causing Y/N’s walls to clench tightly around him, her vision hazy as he hit all the right spots. “F-f-f-fuck I’m c-close,” she mumbled out. Johnny let go of her hair holding his hand against her neck applying pressure causing her to roll her eyes. “Oh no you’re not from now on you don’t get to cum without permission,” he threatened, causing her walls to clench against him tighter than ever as she attempted to stop herself from reaching her high.  Y/N turned her face towards him kissing him her hands holding onto his arm and torso as nails dug into him. Feeling the overstimulation she leaned her head back against his shoulder thankful for his grip holding her up. Soon enough she began to feel him twitch inside her signaling he was close. As he was about to cum he gave  Y/N permission, the two ripping through their orgasms at the same time his cock painting her walls white. The two stayed there as they rolled down from their high Y/N’s vision white due to the best orgasm in her life which caused her to see stars.
        Once composed Johnny slowly pulled out causing a few whines from Y/N before getting up and slipping on his boxers walking to the bathroom grabbing a wet towel to clean her off with. She laid there purring softly here and there whenever he reached a sensitive spot. After he finished he threw the towel in his hamper before laying down next to her kissing her before the two ended up asleep next to each other completely wiped out.
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serendipityunho · 5 years
Choker (M)
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❀ Genre: smut - literal smutty smut ❀ Pairing: badboy!Yunho x Reader (fem.) ❀ Word Count: 4.3k ❀ Warnings: explicit language, oral, hickeys, hand kink, teasing, mutual masturbation, fingering, begging, praising, choking, spanking, dirty talk, overstimulation, pull-out method, explicit sex
❀ Synopsis: It all started with a BuzzFeed quiz. From tutoring the school's bad boy, Yunho, to yelling his name like a record on repeat. For him, it was worth failing a class or two. 
a/n: this fic is by far one of the dirtiest, so please, take caution. 
main masterlist // yunho’s masterlist
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“So they gave me you huh?” It was the first thing Yunho had said after silently putting books back in their places with you. The two of you were fortunate enough to be placed on book duty for detention rather than sitting in a smelly room with the teacher doing god knows what on his phone.
“Disappointed you couldn’t get the innocent smart girl you wanted?” The only good thing you got out of tutoring Yunho was that you’d get to leave detention earlier than usual for the rest of the week. 
“I’m actually glad I got partnered with you” Yunho slid the last book from the cart into its slot before patting the dust residue off his hands. 
“Why is that?”
“We can both just say you tutored me and then go home, no time wasted!” He really thought you didn’t think of that before. If only it were that simple.
“You do realise they’re going to record your improvements in tests, right? If there aren’t any changes, you and I both are in deep shit” 
“I can always cheat” This idiot. 
“Let’s not take that risk” You turn on your heels, stepping out from the shelves before sitting at a desk where your bag was fixated.
“You look like you’d take a lot of risks” Yunho pulled a chair out from next to you, sitting down with a huff before resting his elbow on the table with his chin in the palm of his hand.
“You look like you take one too many,” You pulled out a booklet from your bag, flipping through the pages before handing it over to Yunho who took it without hesitation “, here, read this and answer those-”.
“You kids know the library is closing, right?” Both your heads snapped back to the librarian throwing a glaring look at you with a prominent frown on her face.
“We were just about to leave” You hurriedly shove the booklet back into your bag after taking it from Yunho’s grasp, zipping your bag as you headed for the exit with Yunho following closely behind.
“And where to?” Yunho jogged up beside you, shoving a hand in the pocket of his leather jacket as the older gripped his bag strapped tightly.
“My house” 
“Your parents won’t mind?” Yunho shot you a questioning look, cocking a brow as he shoved his other hand in his pocket.
“They’re not home” It was a perk to have both parents overly obsessed with their jobs, you’ve grown accustomed to it. 
“Oh, kinky- ow! What was that for?” You threw a warning punch at Yunho’s shoulder, glaring at him as he rubbed the spot you punched.
“We’re just studying, remember?” 
“You could’ve just said that instead of punching me,” You faced the front again, biting down on your lip as you try to hide a grin “, what was that?”.
“What was what?”
“You smiled” Suddenly, Yunho’s face lurched forward right in front of you, literally staring deep into your eyes as you couldn’t help but break out into a laugh as he goggled at you.
“What the hell are you doing?” You pressed a hand against Yunho’s chest, pushing him back to the side as you kept walking.
“It’s nice to see you smile” 
“It’s the last time you’ll see it” 
“I doubt that”
Not a single word was muttered as you walked in the cold, hands fidgeting as throats cleared from time to time. As odd as it sounds, the longer you were with Yunho the more you grew lenient to him. 
“Where are you going?” Yunho walked a little too far ahead of you, not realising you had already stopped in front of your house. 
He turned around in an instant, a clueless look washing over his face as he came to a realisation. You couldn’t help chuckle at the look on his face as he quickly jogged over.
“Why didn’t you say anything until I was all the way over there?” 
“I didn’t want to”
You fiddle with the keys before sliding one in, turning it before the door unlocked with a click. It felt relieving to finally be encased in the warmth of your home after walking in the chilly air for a while. Yunho kicked off his shoes to the side, placing it neatly on the rack beside the door. 
As much as you wanted to fall right on to your bed and drift off to sleep, you still had one job. And that was to get all this crap into Yunho’s brain so both of you can be done for the day. 
“Okay, let’s see- oh my god, what the fuck? Fifteen percent?” Your eyes widened at the paper Yunho pulled out, it was his recent test in biology class and you’ve never seen a score so low.
“You were expecting a solid three percent weren’t you?” Yunho smirked, falling on to your bed with his arms stretched back behind his head. 
“No! I thought you got like at least a seventy or something, not this!” It was shocking to see Yunho barely budging at the fact that he had gotten one of the lowest results. 
“Nucleus is the powerhouse of the cell” Jesus fucking christ. 
“Mitochondria, Yunho, the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell...” 
“I was just kidding, I knew that,” Yunho chuckled, sitting up from his position with his hands on the edge of the bed as you sat across from him at your desk “, I just have trouble memorising content, that’s all”. 
“I can’t believe I’m actually going to be productive with you all week” You hang your head back against your chair with a groan as a hand runs through your hair, sighing before turning back to Yunho.
“I can study myself if it’s going to bother you” 
“No, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. It’s just, I can’t believe I have to actually do work again” 
“Then don’t, let’s take this day off, start another day” 
“Then what do we do now?”
“Let’s do BuzzFeed quizzes”
“What the fuck is that?”
“You’ve seriously never heard of them?” Yunho seriously looked offended at your response, eyes slightly widening as his jaw dropped. 
“Pull up your laptop”
Oh, BuzzFeed, of course. The sight every person stumbles upon to waste their time. You never knew what was so special about it until you saw the selection of quizzes on their page.
“‘Build your dream house and we’ll tell you when you’re getting married’?” Most of these outcomes for these quizzes seemed ridiculous, but you wanted to see.
“Oh wait, here, do this one”
‘Plan your dream holiday and we’ll give you the first initial of your s/o’
“Alright,” You huffed before clicking the link, grabbing your laptop before moving onto the bed “, move over, big guy”.
Yunho shuffled over on your bed, swinging an arm over your shoulder as you laid next to him with your laptop. Most of these questions were so stupid, but yet you were so eager to answer more.
“Vanilla? Really?” It seems like Yunho didn’t like your ice cream preference for dessert at a local restaurant in Tokyo, but that didn’t bother you.
“Yes, really” It was the final question before your results showed up, you were surprised, to say the least.
“S, W, M, Y, H, J” Those were the initials you were given, initials of your ‘significant other’.
“I can’t think of any guys with those initials” Or maybe you were just mind blank. When it came to boys, you were always mind blank.
“Literally, my entire group has those initials. San, Jongho, Wooyoung, Mingi, Yeosang, Hongjoong, Seonghwa- me” Yunho forced a chuckle, awkwardly scratching his head as he narrowed his eyes at the screen.
“I doubt I’ll date any of them” Sure they were good-looking, friendly even. But you didn’t think much about relationships, not for now at least.
“Boys are a waste of time” Literally. Nothing but a distraction when you want them to be. A poor choice of a distraction.
“But a lot of guys want to date you”
“A lot of guys want to fuck me, there’s a difference” 
“What about both?” Your head snapped to the side, coming face to face with Yunho’s as a small smirk crept onto his face.
“Huh?” A brow cocked as you shot a questioning look over, scoffing as you shut your laptop close.
“What if they want to fuck you and date you?” Yunho’s eyes avoided yours as he looked anywhere but you. It was quite amusing witnessing this sort of behaviour from him, usually, he’d be confident and cocky looking. Now he’s fidgeting and biting the inside of his cheek like he was about to get embarrassed.
“Why? Do you know someone who wants to fuck me and date me?” You smirked, folding your arms across your chest as you turn your body slightly to face him, knees brushing against his legs.
“Maybe” Yunho’s eyes finally met yours as you gazed at him gnawing at his lips before stopping. 
“Who is this ‘maybe’?” Your lips curve into a smirk as you wait for Yunho to respond. He doesn’t.
Instead, he just blatantly gazes at you with his dark eyes, tilting his head to the side as he does so. Yunho’s eyes landed everywhere, from your lips to all sorts of features on your face.
Neither of you muttered anything, waiting for this deafening silence to be broken. You were interested in what he had told you. No one ever had the time or patience to date nowadays, so it surprised you.
“You’re looking right at him” It was a mere husky whisper, but you heard him like it was loud and clear. 
This was something you’ve never expected. The two of you were always so different yet so similar. You couldn’t put a finger on exactly how the two of you were.
In all seriousness, you couldn’t exactly tell if he was joking or not. A part of you wishes he wasn’t. More like all of you. 
“You’re joking, right?” Your words came out just as soft and gentle as his, still gaping at his face frozen in your spot insanely close next to him.
“Does it sound like I’m joking?” It was unclear whether he was smirking at how loud your heart was beating or how you were staring at him droopy-eyed shocked like a newborn.
“Anything that comes out of your mouth could be a lie” 
“Anything could be a lie if you want it to be” You were taken by surprise when Yunho’s arm around your shoulder drew you closer to him, hand caressing your shoulder as his other hand flies up to cup your face.
“Tell me, is this a lie?” There it was again, the feeling of your heart threatening to jump right out of your chest and into his hands as you felt his lips press against yours.
It was almost as if he was starved for weeks, kissing you hungrily like he’d finally been given something to eat. Your hands fly up to Yunho’s head like they have a mind of their own, gripping his hair as your lips move back with his in anticipation.
Everything felt so right. As if it had all fallen into place the moment Yunho’s arm hugged your waist, pushing himself on top of you with your legs sliding out to wrap around his torso. There was nothing better than this moment, with Yunho’s body pressed between your legs, lips moving with yours and hands caressing every inch of your body from your thighs to your neck.
His hands, oh god, his hands. They were calloused but yet so soft, it felt like heaven the moment he wrapped his fingers around your throat. You were even shocked at the lewd moan that you made when slight pressure was applied against the sides of your neck.
“You sound so fucking beautiful” Yunho’s lips hovered over your own, forehead resting gently on yours as he kept his fingers wrapped around your throat, waiting for a reply.
“More” If your panties weren’t soaked before, they were now as you grind your hips upwards against Yunho’s crotch, aching from the absence of mere friction against his bulge.
Yunho locked his lips back onto yours, rubbing the side of your neck with his thumb before gliding his lips down your jawline with delicate kisses. His lips only sucked onto your skin harder the moment he reached your neck with his hand now slipped under your shirt, squeezing your waist as your moans filled his ear.
You couldn’t help but run your legs up and down on his, hand falling onto his shoulder as you feel his flexed muscles. It was such a sight to see the outline of his muscles through the thin fabric of his shirt, making your cunt sopping wet as you gush over the slightest touches he made all over your body.
“You like that? You like the way I touch you?” Yunho groaned against your neck, sliding his arms up making the bottom of your shirt scrunch at the top of your breasts. 
“Fuck, give me more, please” You whined in desperation, grinding your throbbing cunt harder against his bulge. 
“Say my name, baby” Yunho’s voice turned husky, deeper, demanding. It made you almost want to push him off to get on your knees and pull his pants down yourself.
“Fuck me, Yunho” It almost hurt from how hard you furrowed your brows, shooting desperate glances at Yunho smirking at you from below.
“You’re driving me insane” It was a near animalistic growl that left Yunho’s lips, eyes clouding in darkness as he pulled off his shirt to the floor.
You were left gawking at Yunho’s well-defined figure, from his abs to his broad shoulders before he had dipped back down to your body again with his sloppy kisses covering your entire chest. He could probably feel how hard your nipples were over your bra as his hand grasped a breast, squeezing it in his hand before taking the edge of your shirt and throwing it over your head.
“Yunho, please” There was no patience left in your body as Yunho continues to admire your body, finger and thumb one pinch away from exposing your hard nipples to the cold air.
“You just look so fucking pretty like this, so so pretty” You gasped as your bra went flying to the floor, nipples hardening even more as the cold air surfaced your breasts. 
Yunho immediately dived back down against your chest, tongue swirling around your hard nipple with his mouth wrapped around your breast, grinding his painfully hard crotch against your needy pussy with your arousal probably already seeping through your tights. 
There was nothing to clench around, making you grow frustrated even more with your fingers gripping Yunho’s hair tightly. A low groan rumbled from Yunho as his veiny hand trickled down your stomach to your lower body, fingers hovering the spot right over your throbbing clit.
It was an instinct to buck your needy cunt on his fingers, you need them. You swear you could cry right at this moment when Yunho pressed the pad of his fingers down on your clit without moving them an inch, just focusing on sucking your breasts like it was his last. 
“I swear to fucking god, Yunho” You huffed, running a frustrated hand through your hair as Yunho smirked against your skin, eyes rolling up to you as he takes pleasure in your suffering.
“What are you waiting for? Move, baby” Oh jesus fucking christ, the way your pet name rolled off his tongue so smoothly only made you even more dripping wet as your hips slowly start to grind on his fingers, already feeling them dampening from your wetness dripping through your panties to your tights. 
“Mhm fuck” Your head rolled back as your thighs tremble from the way your hips were lifting off the bed to grind on Yunho’s fingers. 
“Look at you, so fucking needy for me,” Yunho groaned, brows furrowing as he admires the way your face scrunches in immense pleasure “, I haven’t even taken off your panties and you’re already so wet I can feel it”.
“Yunho, I-I’m ohmyfuckinggod” Your hands slap onto Yunho’s shoulders as your body moves with a mind of its own, grinding so hard onto Yunho’s fingers as if you were riding your pillow on lonely nights.
“I bet you rub yourself like this every night,” A cocky smirked crawled its way on to Yunho’s face as he stared down at your aching pussy grinding on the entire length of his fingers shamelessly “, wishing you had a big cock filling your perfect little hole, don’t you?”.
“Yes ohmygod fuck yes-” The bed was near squeaking from how fast you were rolling your pussy against Yunho’s fingers, eyes rolling back as your lips part for sharp breaths.
“If only you knew I was waiting for you, you’d hop on my dick in an instant huh?” Yunho leaned up, awing at the sight of your hips convulsing to give you the stimulation you grew addicted to. 
“I would’ve let you fucked me so bad” You weren’t even sure if the words coming out of your mouth actually really meant anything, but who the fuck cares. You’re so close to cumming all over your panties and on Yunho’s hand to give a single shit about what you were saying. 
“Yeah? You want me to fuck that pussy of yours?” His words spewed out of his mouth so aggressively, making your head roll back as your hands slap over Yunho’s forearm, tightly holding it in place for you to get off on his fingers.
“I want you to fuck me so bad ohmygod sososo so bad- nnnghaaYunho!” Your mind just went on a whole rollercoaster when Yunho detached his fingers from your pulsating clit, moving his body to the side before hooking his fingers underneath the waistband of your tights, ripping the material apart to expose your squelching wet pussy to the air as the remainder of your panties and tights discard to the floor.
“Keep going, baby,” Yunho licked his fingers before pushing your knees apart, slapping your inner thigh before planting his fingers onto your clit again “, don’t fucking stop until I say so” Yunho grunted through his gritted teeth, pushing down on your clit harder as your hips roll against them again.
“Oh fuuuuck- Yunhommmhph ohmygod yesyesyes” One hand slammed onto the mattress, gripping the bedsheet with all your might as the other slapped onto Yunho’s shoulder, nails digging into his skin as your eyes shut close.
“That’s right, keep going,” Yunho kept his hand in place steadily as he fumbled with his belt, slinging it off like it was nothing before pushing his jeans down along with his boxers which had a stain from his leaking pre-cum “, I can’t wait to fucking taste you”.
Your clit grew even more sensitive the more Yunho’s fingers touched and rolled against it, causing your vision to frame with murky blindness as your abdomen tensed with each spark of nerve balling into one big firework ready to combust. Breathing was almost difficult as you were growing tired but still concentrated to reach your climax.
“Hhhhhuh- fuck! Mhmmmphhh fuckfuckfuck” The way your body convulsed and your thighs trembled only made Yunho pump himself faster with his smear of pre-cum as nerves exploded left and right, glimmering throughout your entire body.
“Did I say stop?” Yunho growled, pushing your back flat against the bed when you slowed down your grinding before easily digging two of his fingers into your gushing wet pussy. 
“Jesus fuck, Yunho- oh fuck” You lurched forward the moment Yunho palmed your clit while pumping his fingers deep inside you. 
It was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. The way Yunho’s arm flexed and veins bulged prominently with every pump only made a staggering breathy moan fall from your lips.
“You probably fuck yourself with your fingers like this too, huh?” Yunho leaned back down, pushing your hair out of your face before cupping your cheek for a long breath-taking kiss.
“Every night” You whined against his lips, broken bits of moans leaving your mouth every now and then as you weren’t given time to recover from your first orgasm before Yunho’s palm was rubbing on your clit.
“And are your hands as good as mine, baby?,” Yunho crawled between your legs with his fingers still buried deep in you, pushing your legs further apart, earning a lewd moan from you “, I don’t think so”.
“Please, just fuck me, Yunho” 
“I love the way you say my name” Another gasp was taken when Yunho slipped his fingers out of your hole, diving headfirst between your legs before flattening his tongue against your dripping wet pussy and sliding his tongue up to your clit, sucking on it only to make your thighs convulse from the pleasure of his warm breath surfacing your lower region.
“Yunho, I fucking need you” You’ve had enough, lurching forward and slinging an arm around his neck, you kiss him harshly before flipping him onto his back with your lips still on him.
Your wet cunt slides up and down Yunho’s throbbing cock, smearing your release and wetness all over his length before sinking down with a breathy moan. Fuck. He was so big.
“Oh fucking christ” It felt like forever before you finally sunk all the way down, too overwhelmed by his size to even move. That was until Yunho took the liberty too.
“You get needy, I’ll fucking give it to you” Yunho landed a hard spank on both your ass cheeks before cupping them with a squeeze, thrusting his hips up to send you lurching forward with your chest over his face.
“Fuck-” Your face scrunches in absolute pleasure as Yunho groans against your breasts, snapping his hips briskly into you. This was so much more than you ever expected, it felt like a dream. A dream you never wanted to wake up from.
The air was literally getting knocked out of your lungs with each hard thrust. You couldn’t sit straight on his dick any longer, face falling into the crook of Yunho’s neck as your hands grip the headboard with white knuckles. 
Yunho’s hands smoothed over your ass again before landing down another spank, making you whimper as you fill Yunho’s ear with your breathy moans. It was so much to take in, from the way his large hands cherished your body to the power of his hips pounding into you. 
“This is what you get for being so fucking needy, baby” Yunho lands another hard spank on your stinging red ass, kissing your shoulder as you struggle to take control over your body.
“F-Faster” Regret never washed over you so fast in your life.
“As you wish” Yunho grunted loudly against your chest as his thrusts quicken rapidly, making you hug his head to your chest as you were left with your mouth hanging wide open unable to make out any noise from the immense pleasure.
“Oh my god, yes, right there right there” Your moans turn into near squeals as Yunho held onto your waist, slamming his hips into you so fast you could mistake him for a trampoline.
“I want you to cum all over my cock like the bad girl you are” 
The familiar ball in your stomach floats again, this time heavier and denser as Yunho’s cock rolled in and out of your squelching wet cunt. Your moans were inaudible at this point, mouth left gaping as your walls clench tightly around Yunho’s cock, making him release a breathy moan against your chest.
“Ohmyygodd yesyesyes” Your head falls back as your eyes flutter half-opened, hand slamming against either side of Yunho’s head onto the pillow underneath him. 
Wet squelches fill the cold room as the ball in your stomach drops to the pit, breaking into a million pieces of sparking nerves the moment Yunho pulled a hand back up to your neck before flipping both of you over with your back on the mattress. The pressure on the side of your neck was enough to have you gushing out your release in seconds as Yunho cocked out hard thrusts into you.
Your hand flies up over Yunho’s on your neck, tracing over the small details as your lips part for a kiss. Yunho leaned down instantly, kissing you so lazy yet so passionately with his tongue lapping at yours. 
“Oh god, fuck yes-” Yunho harshly groaned against your lips before taking his hand off your throat, grabbing your breast as he leaned back up. You gasped once again at the emptiness when Yunho slide out of you, wrapping his other hand around his cock before milking himself ferally.
A staggered moan came from Yunho as his cum spewed all over your stomach, squeezing your breast before sliding over to your thighs. A faint coat of sweat glistens over Yunho’s forehead as he swiped his hair back with his fingers, jaw hanging as he watches the rest of his cum spill from his twitching cock. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I just really wanted to see y-” 
“It’s okay,” You cupped Yunho’s cheek, his face was hot, and so was yours. His eyes definitely softened the moment he took a glance at you “, it’s okay”.
An unspoken silence casts over the two of you as Yunho fell beside you, completely forgetful of the mess he made on your stomach. That was until he took another glance down when you rubbed your leg against his, making him reach for a tissue on your nightstand before wiping your stomach.
“I meant it, you know?” Yunho’s dark honey-glazed eyes cast over yours as he offers a small comforting smile.
“Meant what?”
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
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Copyright © 2022 by serendipityunho All Rights Reserved
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kardasior · 2 years
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☆ FREAK OUT / FAR OUT !     70s AU -> [ dominion records ]  tl;dr : late 60s + early 70s rockstar AU with d.amar as an up and coming rockstar working under the label dominion records 
if you want to goof off in this AU with me, feel free. im cringe.
more under cut
based off of my cringe ass fanfic linked here.
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the simplest summary is that it’s ds9, but instead of politics and war and misery, it’s about the music scene in the late 60s and early 70s. damar is a miserable, disillusioned rockstar circa 1970 who had a big name gig working under renowned mid 60s crooner skrain dukat but whose career went under when rock took off and we left the era of pat boone behind in the dust. while the majority of cardassians seem trapped in the old ways, damar is one of the few who’s managed to break on through to the other side and keep up with music’s rapid modernization. 
the galaxy’s biggest corporation, dominion entertainment, snatches him up first chance they get as their second go-round for industry domination. but the more damar struggles to make the kind of music that dominion records’ founder expects of him and the more pressure his annoying vorta manager weyoun puts on his shoulders, the more he feels like he’s a fraud and a sham -- and if they want him to play the part of the naysayer badboy forefront of rock ‘n roll, then its only a matter of time before they have a revolution on their hands. 
playing his final set of shows on freecloud before his contract is renegotiated and renewed, damar finds himself at a crossroads: bomb this tour and flop but stay true to his values and his love of music, or fake it ‘til he makes it and likely become the most successful industry plant the galaxy’s ever seen. he’s down to his final four dates playing at historic venue terok nor -- recently rebranded quark’s-a-go-go after the stardust strip’s sudden explosion of fame and fortune (and, obviously, its new owner, quark). his backing band consists of kira nerys on bass ( a once collaborator and now enemy after a bad fallout dealing with the cardassian record company in charge of dukat ) and julian bashir ( just some guy. ) on drums, two session musicians borrowed from benjamin sisko and his highly successful but otherwise still esoteric defiant recording studios. 
other characters include odo working security, jadzia as the owner of the local music store, vic fontaine as the hottest television host in the alpha quadrant and with whom damar scored an excruciatingly awkward interview with, elim garak as a rock videographer and local tabloid photographer, and ezri tigan as a music journalist. 
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑃𝑡.2 (𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎×𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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Part One/ Part Three / Part Four
Pairing: Badboy! Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Reader (Female)
Genre: Angst, Fluff, College Au.
Summary: Y/N has no idea what to make of the mysterious Park Seonghwa. Does he really like her or is he simply playing with her?
Flipping the light switches off, Y/N typed in the security code into the pin pad before closing the door behind her, the faint beeping from inside letting her know that the alarm was functioning properly. She honestly wondered at times about if anyone would ever think about robbing a coffee shop. Granted it made a lot of money during certain seasons, but unless you actually work in one, you probably wouldn't think so. Yet it was surprising to know it could make as much money as any famous fast food restaurant. Well.....with those sky high prices, it made sense.
She stopped and checked to make sure she had everything in her bag, not wanting to risk having left her keys inside and find out until she reached her apartment. Satisfied by the confirmation, she began her walk home. If it had been fall or winter, she would have seriously considered taking a bus, even though it wasn't that far away. But it was summer and thankfully there was still an hour left before the sun finally set. She truly believed she was lucky to have found a place to live that was close not only to her workplace, but also her school, even if it was a tiny studio apartment. She felt proud to say it was hers.
Feeling something tug on her sneaker, she looked down and realized one of her shoes was untied. She bent down and began tying it up again, carelessly placing her bag right next to her on the street. She was so focused on her task in front of her, she failed to notice the looming figure in front of her.
"You know anybody could just whisk away your bag and run at this moment?"
She snapped her head back up and saw Seonghwa standing in front of her, an amused smile on his face. He bent down and picked up her bag, dusting off the dirt that had gotten on the bottom part of it in the process.
"Tsk. Tsk. And here I thought you were a more.... what's the word? Meticulous person."
Y/N gave him a questioning gaze before standing up, quickly grabbing her bag from him.
"Not even a thank you?" Seonghwa shook his head.
"What are you still doing here? I thought you went home." Y/N said, clearly confused as to why he'd be there still.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow at her.
"I thought I told you back in the shop that I'd see you later?"
Y/N recalled the moment, it did seem weird to her that he'd say that.
"Well doll, it's later......and I wanted to see you." He explained, a slight smirk tugging on the corners of his lips.
Y/N let out a tiny scoff.
Seonghwa blinked at her response.
"I thought I made myself clear the other day Y/N. I like you."
Y/N blushed slightly at the memory of him confronting her back in school. She was hoping the shadow from the building in front of her casted enough to hide it from him.
"And I said there would be plenty of time to get to know each other.....well I'm free right now and obviously so are you. So why don't we get something to eat? My treat."
He grinned at her, obviously not expecting her to turn down his offer. Any other girl wouldn't say no to Seonghwa. But Y/N wasn't any girl, and she wasn't about to say yes to someone she hardly knew. Especially not when he acted so strange for her liking.
"No thank you."
She quickly responded and took a step to walk away from him, but his hand reached out and stopped her from moving any further.
"Why not?" He asked.
Y/N tried to think of an excuse, any quick excuse to get out of this.
"I'm not hungry." Was the best thing she could think of.
The loud grumbling of her stomach was a dead giveaway of her fat lie. After working 8 hours straight with only a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a muffin on her only break, of course she was borderline starving and needed something in her stomach before it began eating itself. Her hands clutched her stomach, hoping to silence the obnoxious noise, but ultimately just making it more obvious.
Seonghwa looked down at her figure and snorted softly.
"Seriously, I know a really good place here that sells burgers and shakes. Are you really going to say no to free food?"
At this point she could either tell him to fuck off and stomp away home, but ultimately she'd leave even more hungry and would still have to whip up something on the stove that would take approximately half an hour or more. Or she could accept his offer, but it'd mean interacting with him, not that it was necessarily a bad thing, but she honestly didn't know what to make of him. He's been straightforward with her all this time, but how was she to know he was being serious? For all she knew, he could just be playing with her. After all, isn't that what all bad boys are known for?
Guess there was only one way to find out.
Y/N looked around at the 50's themed diner she was in:
Black and white tiled floor that was so clean it almost looked slippery. Cherry red leather seats, either in the form of booths, tables or chairs on the front white counter that stretched at least 40 feet. An array of old records hanged on the wall, whether or not you could actually play them on a record player or if they were just flimsy decorations would forever be a secret. An old juke box was stationed in one of the corners of the counter currently playing The Beatles, its color combination of yellow and blue not quite appealing to the eyes. And of course, a pinball machine was placed near the entrance for kids to waste their quarters on. They even had a light blue 1955 convertible Chevrolet Bel Air for people to go take pictures of or with. At this point it wouldn't have surprised Y/N if waitresses came out of the kitchen in roller skates and started singing songs from Grease or Hairspray.
It became an even more ironic thought when she saw Seonghwa walk back to her with their food. Dressed in a white shirt, distressed jeans, black combat boots and black leather jacket with his hair slicked back, he could almost be a modern day Danny Zuko and for some reason, that thought made her bust a tiny giggle.
"What's so funny?" Seonghwa asked as he sat the tray down in front of her.
"Oh....nothing." She was not about to get caught.
Seonghwa looked at her funny, but ultimately decided not to pry.
"Here you go."
He slipped her food in front of her: a burger the size of her two hands and a 32 ounce chocolate shake with whipped chocolate and a cherry on the top. A well sized platter with regular fries and curly fries made it obvious that they were going to share them. She didn't mind though, the portions were so big she doubted she'd even finish half of it.
She dug into the food, her stomach thanking her for finally putting something in her body. She was so hungry that she didn't care if she was eating like how she usually ate when she was at home, messy and slobbish. She was halfway through her burger, when she caught Seonghwa just staring at her. That's when she started to feel self conscious. She quickly swallowed what was currently in her mouth and grabbed a napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth.
Seonghwa giggled at her.
"Don't worry about it. It's pretty refreshing to see a girl not care about how she looks like when she eats, and to actually eat. You have no idea how many girls I've brought here who only get salads and nothing else."
He cringed slightly at past memories of awful dates that make him wanna kick himself for even thinking they were attractive. He blamed himself though. He tended to only look at pretty faces and end up regretting it when he found out they were all self-centered, shallow, and prissy girls that just made his blood boil.
"Maybe that's why I like you. You're different."
He didn't even realize he said that out loud until she whipped her head up at him. He was stunned that he accidentally let that slip, but he was able to play it off coolly.
"How......how can you..... we've never even..?" Y/N couldn't even completely form her question but Seonghwa knew what she was referring to.
Sighing softly, he began:
"Well I'm going to sound like a total creep now but that's inevitable. It was a few months back, when you had changed majors and had to be transferred to our class..."
Seonghwa ignored the usual reprimand of the professor, telling him he was late again. As if he didn't do it on purpose. He just hated this class. It was undoubtedly one of the most boring subjects one could possibly take. He began to stare off into space, not even bothering to listen to what was being said.
He looked around at the familiar faces he saw in class, the same people from last year. Until a head of (insert hair color) hair caught his eye. She was definitely not there before. Seonghwa tried to think if he had ever seen her around before, but couldn't quite remember.
Unknowingly, he found himself staring at her more and more each time they had class together. He found out she had a habit of tapping her pen against her cheek when she was trying to concentrate, she kept everything in her bag organized and hardly socialized with anybody.
One time he followed her to her locker, just to briefly see what was inside of it. You can always tell a lot about a person based on how they decorate their locker. But Seonghwa only saw a few pictures of what he assumed was her family, few friends and a lot of sticky notes with motivational quotes written on them in various sharpie colors, with either stars or diamonds as decorations.
That just peeked his curiosity even more in trying to decipher who the mysterious girl was, and his curiosity turned to fondness for the girl, so he had no choice but to admit that he was attracted to her and wanted to get close to her.
"Wait. Is that why you were staring at me in class the other day?" Y/N asked after he told her all that.
"Took you long enough to notice too. You were so oblivious to it that it was kinda funny." He chuckled.
Y/N looked back at that moment and realized she still had so many questions left.
"But then why did you look angry after I looked away?"
Seonghwa shifted his position, sitting up straighter so he could look at her.
"Why? Cause you looked at me with such a bitch face and even rolled your eyes at me. I was kinda angry and hurt that you did that given how I feel about you." He explained.
Y/N looked at him confused.
"I did not roll my eyes at you."
"Uh....yeah. You did. You looked at me as if I was a bug or something." He corrected her.
"Well..... I was tired and hungry! I'm not in control of my actions or emotions when I'm in that state." She tried defending herself, feeling somewhat embarrassed that she had no control over her facial expressions.
"Yeah, I've noticed. You weren't all that happy 25 minutes ago when I asked you out on this date." Now it was Seonghwa's turn to roll his eyes at her previous behavior.
"This....this isn't a date!" Y/N exclaimed.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"Oh no? Do enlighten me then. What is this?"
Y/N thought about it for a moment.
"We are just 2 individuals, having a meal together and conversing." She stated.
"Why are we conversing though?" Seonghwa continued to pry.
Y/N hummed.
"Because you said you wanted to get to know me better?"
Seonghwa smiled at that.
"Sounds to me like a date then."
Y/N mentally face palmed. She practically walked into that one herself. She sighed as she picked up one of the fries and dipped it into her milkshake before eating it.
"And now I've learnt one more thing about you: we have similar tastes in eating."
Y/N watched as he mirrored her actions and dipped his fries in his strawberry milkshake. Y/N decided to just finish eating as soon as possible so she could go home early. The sun was starting to set and she didn't like walking home in the dark, even if rarely any crime happened in this neighborhood. She was planning on not saying anything else, but then something popped in her mind that made her ask:
"Wait a minute! The day after the.....incident." She began.
"You mean when you were a total bitch?" Seonghwa teased.
"Haha, funny." She threw a fry at him, causing Seonghwa to laugh even harder.
She had to admit though, he had a cute laugh.
"Anyways, the day afterwards, I heard 2 girls talking in the bathroom about you. They said that you were pissed off at me-"
"I kinda was." He interrupted her again.
"Let me finish!" She cried out rather annoyed.
Seonghwa bit his lip as he stifled another laugh. He found it adorable when Y/N got agitated.
"They made it sound like you were going to beat me up. Something about 'giving it to me'" She held up her fingers in quoting signals.
Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, trying to decipher what she meant. Then it hit him.
"Oh! No. Trust me, I wasn't going to beat you up. As for 'giving it to you' "
He mimicked her quotation signs, causing Y/N to glare at him for teasing her again.
"I was referring to the notepad you dropped. Remember? I gave it back to you?"
Now she face palmed literally as she realized she hadn't thought about that. And here she thought she was dead meat for sure.
"Was that why you were avoiding me the rest of the week? You actually believed I was going to fight you?"
Y/N swirled her milkshake with her straw, unable to look at Seonghwa in the eyes anymore.
"Y/N? I'm talking to you. You really believed that?"
The authority in his voice made her look up at him, his expression showing offense and indignation at the thought that she actually believed him capable of such a thing.
"Why would you think that?" He continued his interrogation.
"Well..... I don't know! Ok? Maybe cause I've heard so many rumors about you. You don't exactly have the best of reputations at school. Everyone says how you're...."
Her voice trailed off, afraid to finish her sentence, afraid to offend or hurt him in anyway .
"That I'm a delinquent? A criminal?"
Y/N blinked when he said that, as if he could read her mind.
"I know what people say about me, I'm not blind nor deaf to their gossip." He stated, not at all unfazed by what he often heard.
"So does that mean none of it is true?" She couldn't help but want the answer to her question.
"Well depends. Have I gotten into a lot of fights with other guys? Yes. Do I have a temper at times that gets me in trouble? Yes. Have I fucked a bunch of girls just for fun? Definitely. Do I smoke or drink often? I'm not denying it."
Seonghwa reached into his pocket and took out his lighter, twirling it around in his hand a few times so Y/N could get a glance at it before putting it back in his pants.
"But have I ever vandalized, stolen or done anything remotely illegal? No. Have I beaten someone up for no good reason? No."
Y/N listened to his words very carefully. She was amazed how he was calmly telling her all of this.
"And I most certainly have never even thought about lifting a finger against a woman. Especially not one I'm interested in." He confessed abruptly, causing Y/N to gulp her drink a little fast, nearly making her choke.
"I'm sorry." She apologized.
Seonghwa chuckled softly.
"Don't be. I get why you'd be scared. I just wish you'd get to know the real me......"
He reached his hand out and lightly brushed his finger on the top of her knuckles.
"Kinda like how I want to know you..."
The physical contact sent a weird feeling down her body. It was chilly, yet warm at the same time. She wanted to reach out and lace her fingers in his, and she would have, until a high pitched voice interrupted them.
"Seonghwa! Is that you?!"
They looked over to see a purple haired boy waving his hand in the air, as if his loud voice didn't make his presence already known. A pink haired boy was standing next to him, looking embarrassed as his friend jumped up and down. Having had enough of that, he pulled the boy by his arm and ran over to Seonghwa and Y/N's table.
"Hi! What a coincidence to see you here! Why didn't you tell us you would be here? You could have joined Yeosang and I. He promised to take me out to eat." He pulled whom Y/N assumed to be Yeosang closer to him.
The purple haired boy spoke so loud and fast Y/N had a hard time understand what he was saying.
"Promised? I was threatened." Yeosang replied, causing the other boy to let out a loud laugh, making Y/N think of a hyena.
"Hyung, where are your manners? Aren't you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?"
Seonghwa blushed and cleared his throat. It was the first time Y/N saw him get flustered and it was definitely funny.
"Y/N isn't my girlfriend-"
"Oh really? Great! Cause she's cute."
The boy wasted no time and held his hand out to her.
"My name is Wooyoung, I'm single, Bi, and I have a driver's license." He winked at her.
"For a moped." Yeosang corrected him.
Wooyoung sent a glare towards his friend.
"Y/N, these are my friends: Wooyoung and Yeosang. They go to our school, but you've probably never seen them cause they're a grade below us."
Y/N nodded and waved awkwardly at them.
"Yeosang, Wooyoung, this is Y/N. She's not my girlfriend, but she's off limits. Ok?" Seonghwa made sure to lock eyes with Wooyoung, silently warning him not to step any further into his territory.
"So if she's not your girlfriend, does that mean she's a fuck bud-"
Yeosang stepped on Wooyoung's foot, causing him to bend over in pain. Yeosang however smiled sweetly as if nothing happened.
"Anyways, it was nice seeing you Hyung. We wouldn't want to take up more of your time. Besides, we'll be seeing you tomorrow at Hongjoong's party. Right?"
Seonghwa nodded.
"You know I never pass up an opportunity to party."
"Will you bring Y/N with you?" Wooyoung asked, hoping she'd come.
Seonghwa looked over to Y/N, who tried to think of an answer.
"Uh... no thanks. I wasn't invited so-"
"Who cares? No one needs an invitation these days. It's a frat party anyways, a bunch of strangers end up coming in the end." Wooyoung insisted.
"I'll....think about it." Y/N knew she wouldn't.
"Ok! I'll take it as a yes. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Taking a hold of Yeosang's hand, Wooyoung made his way over to another table, the pink haired boy already looking exhausted at the thought of spending at least 2 more hours with his highly energetic friend.
Y/N smiled softly at them. They were definitely an odd pairing, but they seemed to compliment each other.
"It's getting late. Want me to take you home?" Seonghwa asked her.
"It's fine. I can walk. It's not that far." She refused.
"I insist. I want to make sure you get there safely." He insisted.
Y/N smirked at him.
"Are you really concerned for my safety or do you just wanna find out where I live?"
Seonghwa's mouth dropped at her insinuation.
"I don't..... ok you got me there."
She chuckled at his reaction, but ultimately got up.
"Ok. Fine. Take me home. The worst you can possibly do is murder me and throw my body in a lake."
Seonghwa shook his head and picked up his jacket. He made sure to hold the door open for her when they went out. Y/N didn't even notice he had stopped walking until she heard him whistle behind her. Turning around, she saw him standing next to a black Harley-Davidson motorcycle. She raised her hands and gestured him to explain.
"I told you I was taking you home."
He tapped the seat.
"So come on. Hop on doll."
He began taking out the spare helmet for her to put on. She walked back to him and placed her hands on her hips.
"You kept it parked here the entire time?" She asked him.
"Uh huh." He responded.
Her face was full of shock.
"Did you know that I would say yes to coming here with you?"
"Well not exactly 'knew'.......more like....hoped."
He winked at her before placing the helmet above her head, making sure to strap it tightly.
"Safety first."
After putting on his own helmet, he got on the motorcycle and waited for her to get on. She awkwardly threw her leg over the seat and hesitated to wrap her arms around him. Seonghwa huffed and simply grabbed her wrists to put them on his stomach.
As soon as he started revving up the motorcycle, Y/N tightened her grip around him. Even through his shirt, she could feel rock solid abs underneath it. It made her wonder what he looked like without a shirt. The thought temporarily distracted her from the worry of actually riding in a motorcycle for the first time.
Sensing her fear, Seonghwa grabbed one of her hands and gave it a light squeeze.
"Don't worry doll. I'll keep you safe."
*part 3 coming soon*
339 notes · View notes
hyucks-archive · 4 years
word count: 6,721
genre: fluff, angst if you squint, and a dash of badboy!jaehyun
member(s): jaehyun, featuring johnny
warning(s): fictional depiction of achromatopsia
author’s note: i just really wanted to write a flower shop au, but somehow it turned into this
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The deliveryman checks through the delivery invoice once more, ensuring that all that is on the list has been successfully handed over to you. “All good,” he says, handing you the delivery acknowledgement slip. You sign in the designated area, passed the slip back to him, and gave a slight bow, “Thanks, Mr Kang,” you say, wrapping your fingers loosely around the last bunch of flowers. Daffodils, to be exact.
“Don’t forget, those are yellow,” he says, pointing at the daffodils in your hands.
You smile, “Thank you. See you next week!”
Slowly, and carefully, you place the daffodils into the one remaining empty vase that sat beside the purple delphiniums. Taking a step back, you smile in satisfaction, imagining and loving how the bright yellow daffodils probably perfectly complemented the deep purple delphiniums. You dust off your gloved hands, making your way back to the counter, where there were some stray craft and wrapping paper laying around, which you needed to clean up. Just as you slid the scissors back into the stationery holder, the wind chimes sound, indicating a new customer.
“Welcome,” you greet, plastering on your best smile. The male bows, “Hi there,” he says, waving.
“May I know what you’re looking for?”
He purses his lips, eyes browsing through the very many flowers that decorated the place. He hums in thought, “Different flowers have different meanings, right?” he asks, eyeing the vases of fresh roses that were neatly displayed in a row.
“Yes, they do. May I know who you’re getting the flowers for? Or if there is any specific message you’d like to deliver through the flowers?”
As he ponders, the wind chimes sound again, your attention averting to the second customer. To no surprise, it was Jung Jaehyun, with a baseball cap atop his head, his face barely visible. He looks at you, so you flash him a smile and a slight nod of the head, as a sign of acknowledgement. You inform the male in front of you, “I’ll be a minute,” before walking over to Jaehyun.
“Do you mind waiting?” you ask. He shakes his head. You gesture for him to follow as you lead the way to the mini waiting area located in the corner of the store. He takes a seat while you turn to grab a fine china tea cup and saucer, the prettiest florals decorating its surfaces. Lifting the teapot, the fragrance of its contents immediately diffuses into the atmosphere, your lips forming a pleased smile.
“Here,” you say, placing the cup of tea on the table, in front of Jaehyun. “Fresh chamomile tea.” He leans forward and breathes in the fragrance of the tea, dimples appearing on the lower right half of his face, the only area that was visible. “Thank you,” his voice deep and rich. Jaehyun watches as you return to the customer, whom was finally able to make a decision.
“What flowers should I get if I want to profess my love? You know, something that isn’t as cliché as a rose?” he says. You nod your head in acknowledgement of his sentiments, clarifying, “Is she a long-term partner of yours?”
“Actually, no. Not yet, at least. I was going to confess to her tonight, with some flowers.”
Jaehyun notices how your smile changes into one of confidence as you gesture the customer’s attention towards the vase of purple lilacs. “I’d suggest gifting her a bouquet of purple lilacs. Purple lilacs are associated with the beginning of new love, symbolising the first emotions of love,” you share, pulling out a purple lilac for the customer to get a closer look. He nods in understanding, taking a good look at the lilac, “It’s really pretty,” he commends. “Can you wrap it up for me?”
“Would you like to write her a message as well?” you asked as you lead the way to the counter.
“Yes, please. That would be nice.”
“You can pick a card from here,” you say, gesturing towards the variety of cards. While the customer looks through the different designs, you walk over to the waiting area. Jaehyun isn’t bothered, he simply continues to give you his full attention. Meanwhile, you retrieve another set of fine china, pouring a second cup of chamomile tea. Placing it on the table, opposite from where Jaehyun is seated, you called over to the customer, “Here’s a cup of chamomile tea. You may sit here while you craft the message.”
Jaehyun continues to watch as you begin to wrap the purple lilacs.
Pulling out the wrapping paper drawer, you scanned through the labels, taking out a piece from the ‘light purple’ pile. Grabbing a pair of scissors, you bunched the stems of the flower together, delicately trimming them to ensure that they are the same length. Jaehyun continues to stare, noticing how serious your expression is when you are focusing on doing the best possible job you could with producing the perfect confession bouquet.
Completing the finishing touches with a shiny purple ribbon, you held the bouquet of purple lilacs up, admiring and imagining how pretty it looks. Satisfied with your work, you looked towards the waiting area, where the customer was still seated, intently writing out what you assumed to be a heartfelt message for his soon-to-be significant other. You couldn’t help the smile that naturally forms at the thought of how a simple flower holds so much meaning, that it could bring two people together. Meanwhile, Jaehyun wonders the meaning behind your expression.
“Done,” the customer says, placing the card into the translucent lilac-coloured envelope. He finishes the chamomile tea, gets up, and heads towards the counter, handing you the card while he reaches into his pocket for his credit card.
“I hope your wish comes true,” you say, completing the transaction. He doesn’t forget to express his gratitude, “Thank you. I hope your business flourishes,” before taking his leave.
Jaehyun gets up from his seat, walking over to you. You were busy clearing the remains of the scrap pieces of ribbon and the stems which you cut off earlier. He leans his body against the counter, persistent in making it known that he is, and has been, watching you. You weren’t in the least bit fazed by this. Something about Jaehyun’s presence was calming to you.
Whenever you were with him, you are tranquil. Blue – represents peace and tranquillity. Maybe Jaehyun is your blue.
“Why? Don’t act as if you’ve never seen me wrap bouquets before.”
Jung Jaehyun – that’s literally all you knew about him. Other than his face, of course. You knew nothing of his background, nothing of how he even came to know about your shop, not even his hair colour. All you knew was that he’d stop by once every week. There isn’t even a day of expectance. He just comes when he wants to, and goes when he feels like it. You’ve never questioned him before, and you didn’t intend to, not anywhere in the near future.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen someone come in without a flower in mind,” he says, tilting his head to the side so that he could see you better. You didn’t even bother to look up at him; you already knew the smirk he had on his face, for no good reason whatsoever. “I didn’t know you knew the meaning behind flowers,” he continues. “Or were you just lucky you know about purple lilacs?”
With your back turned towards him, you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “I’m a florist, Jaehyun. Of course I know the meaning behind each flower.”
Jaehyun doesn’t reply. A moment of silence later, you turned around, only to meet eyes with Jaehyun, who hadn’t moved an inch from his position. He was still slouched over the counter, staring at you. That’s when you noticed the cut on his cheek, the dressing on the wound on his forehead, and what you assumed to be a slight bruise by the side of his lip. You were stunned for a moment, but you were quick to recollect yourself, maintaining your calm and relaxed demeanour.
“No wonder you’re in a cap today,” you comment, looking away. You focused your attention to recording the sale in your sales log book, “I assume you’ve already applied ointment?”
“I came here so you could do it for me,” he replies.
“I can see the bandage on your forehead, Jaehyun.”
“Johnny took care of it for me yesterday. It needs to be changed,” he says. “Can’t you see the scar right here is already all dried up?” He points at the cut on his cheek, purposefully brushing his finger against it, feigning a dramatic ‘ouch’ as he slouches further, eyes glancing towards you for some form of a reaction.
You chuckled, reaching for the first aid kit that was kept in the cabinet below the printer. You gesture for Jaehyun to take a seat as you placed the kit on the table. “You’re always staring at me. What exactly are you looking for?” you asked, picking out the ointment, saline water, bandage, and cotton buds. “Nothing. I just like people watching, and you’re the only person here that I can watch,” he states, eyes still fixed on you.
Gently, you peeled the bandage off of Jaehyun’s forehead. He doesn’t even flinch.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened?”
With your vision focused on his wound as you cleansed it with saline water, you reply, “Is there a need for me to?”
“I thought you’d be curious.”
You contemplated for a moment. Were you?
“I guess I thought wrong,” Jaehyun says, interrupting your thought process. He looks away for the first time, looking past the variety of flowers you had on display. He shifts his head to the right a little, trying to get a better look at the flowers, but is forced to reposition his head with the gentle yet rough push on the cheek from you. “Stay still.”
Jaehyun’s eyes finds its way to your face once more, “Are there flowers with negative meanings too?”
You placed the bandage over his forehead wound, reaching for another capsule of saline water, “What kind of negative meanings?”
“Maybe a flower that represents your hatred towards someone?”
“Aconite represents hatred. Orange lilies represent hatred and disdain,” you say, finally finished with applying ointment on the cut on his cheek. “All done,” you say, throwing the used cotton buds and bandage wrappers into the bin. You placed the medicine back into the box, reorganising it a little, before closing the first aid kit and putting it back in its place.
“Maybe one day I should send bouquets of hatred to my enemies,” Jaehyun says, suddenly all smiley.
“Finally, you’re going to buy something other than a red rose?” you gasp, feigning astonishment. Another thing about Jaehyun’s weekly visits; he always finishes the night off by purchasing a single red rose. He never talked about who they were for, but you’ve never questioned him about it either. You were simply happy to be able to have a guaranteed sale even in the slower months.
“Who said I’d buy them from you? Can’t get your hands dirty by asking you to prepare all those nasty bouquets for me.” Jaehyun lets out a chuckle when he sees the smile that forms on your face along with the subtle shaking of your head upon hearing that. He watches as you pull out a drawer, his eyes darting down in curiosity. He notices how the entire drawer was so organised; everything had a specific spot, each of which, were labelled clearly. Although he has been here many times, it was his first time getting a look at what was in the drawers behind the counter.
“Wow, why did you label everything so specifically?” he questions, pointing to the label that read ‘light blue ribbons’, “Even down to the exact colours?”
“Huh? Oh, I just like to be specific,” you reply, quickly closing the drawer. Jaehyun picked up on the slight awkwardness in your voice, and he definitely took note of how quickly you averted the topic, “Shall I get you the red rose now?”
Jaehyun nods his head, so you walk to where the roses were placed. Counting from the left, the third vase housed the red roses. You pick one out, heading back to the counter to wrap it up with some silver plastic. You hand it over to Jaehyun once you were done, and he takes it from you with a smile. As usual, he places the cash on the table. As you collect the cash, Jaehyun takes the opportunity to take a good look at the henna on the underside of your wrist. Chrysanthemums, he notes.
“I guess I’ll see you next week?”
He meets eyes with you, nodding his head, “Thanks.” He waves the rose in the air, turns, and takes his leave. Pulling out his phone, he searches for the meaning behind chrysanthemums.
“Red chrysanthemums symbolise love, white chrysanthemums symbolise loyalty and honesty, violet chrysanthemums symbolise a wish to get well,” Jaehyun pauses, looking up at the mostly empty street. “Yellow chrysanthemums symbolise neglected love or sorrow,” he finishes. The image of the copper-orange chrysanthemum henna on the underside of your wrist flashes in his mind once more. The problem is, henna comes in only one colour.
“Which one is it?” Jaehyun murmurs.
Today was a slow business day. Initially, you were debating whether or not to just close the shop early, since it was already past four in the afternoon, a timing where it is extremely safe to say that no one will be purchasing flowers for the rest of the day. Instead, you find yourself seated opposite Jung Jaehyun at six in the afternoon, a pot of Osmanthus tea between the two of you.
“Don’t you like slow days like this?” he asks, watching people briskly walk by. You had your eyes on his cheek, half-focused on analysing how perfectly placed his dimple is, half-focused on whatever conversation you were having.
“Sometimes. Other times, I just really want to find an owner for all the pretty flowers here,” you reply, shifting your eyes to look around the shop. You can only imagine how beautiful the scene before you must be, but that’s all there is to it. Your imagination. You couldn’t help but lower your head, shifting your eyes to focus on your shoes.
“It’s boring, though,” he says, with a hint of what may have, or may not have been, a pout. You chuckle in response, “It’s because of slow days that you managed to learn and recognise all the different flowers here.”
“Maybe next time we should do something fun together. You know, something other than just sitting here, talking the night away?” Jaehyun turns to look at you, his smile soft and genuine. You often ponder upon the fact that Jaehyun is, what they term a ‘mafia’, yet there was the clear possibility that Jaehyun is a representation of what they term as ‘pleasant’. The two are obvious juxtapositions.
Whichever it is, Jaehyun’s smile had an effect on you. It makes you warm; almost hopeful. Yellow – signifies optimism and idealism. Is Jaehyun your yellow?
Jaehyun tilts his head to the side, waving a hand to get your attention. You looked at him, nodding your head, “Sure, why not?” You’ve never stepped out of your apartment, the florist’s, and the supermarket since forever anyway. Maybe this would be good for you. Maybe this is an actual opportunity for you. After all, the smile plastered on Jaehyun’s face as he stares at you, eyes gleaming with excitement at the sound of your reply, makes you feel yellow.
“Great,” he says, getting up. “I’ll take one red rose, please.”
Jaehyun takes note of the hyacinths on the underside of your wrist as you hold out the red rose, neatly wrapped. He looks up, flashes a smile, nods his head in acknowledgement, before turning to leave. “I’m looking forward to next week,” he says, waving as he leaves.
Once out, he pulls out his phone, searching up ‘hyacinths’.
“Yellow hyacinths symbolise jealousy, white hyacinths symbolise loveliness or prayers for someone, red hyacinths symbolise recreation, purple hyacinths symbolise asking for forgiveness, or deep regret,” Jaehyun reads aloud, brows knitting together. Again, it was inked with henna. There was no telling what colour you intended for the hyacinths to be.
Jaehyun knows well that you weren’t the type of person to simply choose a flower that you think is pretty. All of your actions and words always have a meaning behind them. There was just no possible way for Jaehyun to decipher these meanings without some form of a clue. It was beginning to frustrate him a little. He was beginning to doubt, if he really even knows you well enough.
He thinks about the hyacinths you had drawn on the underside of your wrist once more; why was there a compulsion to believe that they are meant to be purple?
You’ve been anticipating. Every time the wind chimes would sound, you’d snap to attention, with only one person that you’d very much like to see walk through the glass doors of the florist’s. As each day dwindled by, you began to wonder if everything was just an empty promise. Now that it was Sunday, the last day of the week, you can only be affirmed that it was indeed, nothing but an empty promise.
Jaehyun hasn’t showed up. There is only thirteen minutes left before you’d close up.
And at that moment, the wind chimes whistles as the sudden rush of air tickles them. You whip your head in the direction of the chimes, the last 1 percent of hopefulness your motivating factor, only for the overwhelming rush of disappointment to wash over you. Nevertheless, he smiles sweetly, making his way towards you.
“I know that look,” Johnny says, facial expression filled with tease, “Are you disheartened that it’s me?”
“A little,” you admit. Johnny lets out a low chuckle, “Honest as always. It’s no wonder Jaehyun loves frequenting here so much.”
“Nah, he just comes for his red rose. I sell the freshest ones in this neighbourhood, you see.”
Johnny’s eyes widens, before he breaks out into a hearty chuckle. He shakes his head, “Honest, but lacking in terms of wit,” he comments. You glare at him, replying with, “Rude.” You knew what Johnny was referring to. You weren’t dumb. You just acted oblivious. No harm in that, right?
“Hey, as Jaehyun always says, and I quote, “Lost time is never found again.” You really never know what’s going to happen,” Johnny says, resting his hands on the counter. He leans forward a little, in a half-whispering voice, he adds on, “I know something’s going on here.”
You looked down, fixating on the counter surface. Johnny’s right. Something is going on here.
You didn’t need to be a genius to know that a guy doesn’t just frequent a shop weekly for no good reason. A guy doesn’t just sit and stare at you all the time for no reason. A guy doesn’t ask you so many expository questions for no reason. A guy doesn’t show interest in the things you do, and the things you like, for no reason. Still, Jaehyun’s thoughts, Jaehyun’s feelings, they are all pretty much a mystery to you. You’ve never felt like you had the right to question him, to know about him. You didn’t want to fall.
There’s something about you that nobody’s going to accept at all. Not even Jaehyun.
“Um, hello? I’m still here?” Johnny says, catching your attention. You had drifted off into so much thought you hadn’t noticed that Johnny had made a round around the shop. He steps back into the spot before the counter, in front of you. Only now, he had a single flower in each hand. They were both irises.
He holds them out, showing them to you. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were slightly stunned. You could feel the nerves building up inside of you, almost towards a mode of panic. What were you going to do? What is Johnny trying to do? What’s he going to say? How are you going to answer him?
And then it hits you; Jaehyun’s voice plays in your head, “You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” You allow his words to replay in your head, again and again, like a recorder playing on repeat. Somehow, it was effective. You could feel the tension release a little, your heartbeat regulating once more. You couldn’t help the small smile that forms on your lips.
Purple – represents wisdom and spirituality. For who he is, and what he does, there were genuine pockets of time where Jaehyun didn’t seem like someone from the underworld. He seemed to always know what to say, no matter the situation. Maybe that is his magic touch? Maybe, he didn’t only teach you wisdom, he also taught you purple.
“Excuse me?” Johnny calls out. Once again, your eyes snap up to meet his. His features were slightly scrunched together, his lips forming a frown. An expression of slight… disgust? He raises a brow, “You need to stop zoning out on me like that.”
You shrug, apologising. Johnny quickly gets back on track with his queries, re-spotlighting the irises he held in either hand. “So, Jaehyun told me you know all the meanings behind every flower. Tell me about these two. They’re the same flower, but the colours make a difference, right?” He looks at you expectantly. You gulp, biting the inside of your lips on reflex. Do you take a chance? Gosh, heck it.
“Well, white irises are a symbolism of purity,” you begin, cautiously. As you spoke every word, you tried to gauge how on track or off track you were based on Johnny’s expression. He raises both brows; a bad sign.
“I meant these two irises,” he says. “Oh,” you reply, “I thought you wanted to know all of them,” you lie. But that’s good. One colour down, only three to go. You have a two-third chance of getting it right. Take the leap.
“Yellow irises symbolise passion.” Johnny nods in understanding. It’s fifty-fifty now. “And blue irises symbolise faith and hope.” Johnny deadpans. Shoot.
“I thought we understood I was asking about the meaning behind these two colours,” he says, turning to return the irises to their respective vases. “Right, purple irises symbolise royalty and wisdom,” you finish off. Luckily, it didn’t seem like Johnny had picked up on anything. He seemed to be riding on the idea that you were just overtly passionate in sharing your knowledge.
“Anyway, I’m here to get Jaehyun’s red rose,” he says, coming back to the counter. “And to let you know he hasn’t broken his promise, he just couldn’t make it today.” At that, you smiled, a burst of yellow. Is it possible? To go from disappointment to anticipation, in the span of the time it took for Johnny to say that one sentence?
Johnny is patient as you wrap the red rose. When you are done, he hands you the cash.
“Can’t wait to see you again,” he says, remembering to add, “Concealment makes the soul a swamp!” before rushing out the door, ridding you of the opportunity to say anything. Was that a jab at the avoidance of feelings, or something more? You let the curiosity go to rest, because you knew you wouldn’t be able to get any answers.
Johnny arrives back at the hideout. Jaehyun was already there, expecting his return. He greets his comrade with a smile and a shoulder bump, retrieving the red rose from Johnny’s hand.
“Did you get it?” Jaehyun questions, holding out his hand. Johnny smirks, “You’re lucky I am experienced with this kind of thing.” He pulls out his phone, unlocks it, and clicks into his gallery. He enlarges the latest photo he had taken, handing the phone over to Jaehyun. Jaehyun takes a good look at it – “Silver brunia balls,” Jaehyun identifies.
“What the heck is that?” Johnny questions, while Jaehyun had already keyed in his search.
“It’s a grey flower. It means chivalry.” Jaehyun couldn’t understand. Why chivalry, out of nowhere? Could it be that there was an encounter with someone chivalrous?
“Hey, but, do you know something?” Johnny says, tapping Jaehyun on the shoulder. The younger boy looks at him questioningly, to which Johnny continues, “As a distraction, I was just talking to y/n. Then I picked up two random flowers that were the same flower, just different colours. Held it out, and asked for the meaning behind the two flowers. I don’t know what it was, but y/n gave me the meaning of a colour of the flower that wasn’t even in my hand.”
Jaehyun raises a brow, “Maybe y/n thought you were asking for the meanings of all the colours.”
“Well, yeah, that’s what y/n said. Then I clarified myself, and y/n made the same mistake again. Like, is y/n just messing with me? That’s so weird.” Johnny dismisses the conversation, now that he was done with whatever he had to say. “Anyway, I’m going to shower.”
Jaehyun sits back down, staring at the red rose he was still holding in his hand. The more aware he became, the faster the inkling he had begins to realise.
Jaehyun pops his head through the glass doors, the sunlight shining from behind him giving him the most ethereal look possible, but you could barely see him. When he shifts away from the light, you aren’t able to pinpoint it accurately, but you could tell he has on much lighter colours than he usually wore. His smile was bright, almost excited, his skin fully healed back to its flawless state.
“Are you ready?” he asks. You looked at him, expression blank. “There’s still two hours until closing time.”
Jaehyun enters the florist, speaking as he walks, “Come on. The sun is supposed to set early today.” He arrives next to you, tilting his body forward, his head aligned in your direct vision. His smile grows wider, eyes twinkling in cooperation, “Let’s go, hm?”
Within an hour, through your very dark, tinted sunglasses, you find yourself in awe of the gorgeous view Jaehyun has made known to you. The soothing sound produced by the gentle waves make you feel calm and at peace; blue. This is one of the rare moments where you can feel nature, where you can connect to it, where you can draw your own picture of it, imprinting it in the deep depths of your imagination. You smile, looking far out. You kind of love this feeling.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Jaehyun says, eyeing your expression.
“Very.” Your simple yet straightforward reply causes a spark to light in Jaehyun’s heart. Granted, you always have a smile on your face. But for the first time, you smiled because of him.
“Let’s go sit over there.” Jaehyun gestures towards a picnic mat that was all set up and ready. “You prepared that?” You take a step forward, towards the mat. “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s just a piece of cloth. I don’t want to get my butt dirty.”
You roll your eyes, removing your sneakers, setting them neatly by the side. You take a seat, hugging your knees to your chest. You really enjoy the feeling of the ocean breeze tickling at your skin. Jaehyun sits himself beside you, internally amused at how amazed you seem to be at everything. “Have you never been to the beach?” he asks, attention on you.
You contemplate for a moment. Did you want to be honest? Jaehyun probably deserves a little honesty, right?
“Yeah,” you admit. Jaehyun listens intently, as you continue, “I’ve read about it in books though. The glistening waters, usually in a light, beautiful hue of blue, the golden sand, the white rays of sunlight, the sunkissed skin of those who frequent the beach,” you look towards Jaehyun, “I’ve read all about it,” you finished, flashing a proud smile. Jaehyun doesn’t return the smile. He could only guess the reason why you’ve never been to a beach.
But you knew the reason best yourself. You’ve never felt that you had the right, nor the ability to be able to be in the presence of sights that are so beautiful, that can only be appreciated in its full, blooming form. You’ve never had the confidence to come to face a scenery that you would never be able to take in as it is. All your life, everything was pure imagination. But Jaehyun… he gave you the confidence, the minute hope that you were capable of painting the perfect picture.
Ridding the many reasons he’d listed in his head, Jaehyun reaches into his pocket, pulling out the bracelet he had gotten custom-made, as what he would like to believe as a gift for you. But a part of him knew, that it wasn’t a mere gift. It doubled as a test, a test which would dawn on him all the answers he’s been looking for. He takes in a breath, bracing himself.
“Give me your wrist,” Jaehyun says, holding a hand out. You look at him, raising both brows. “Why?”
“Just give it to me,” he says, gesturing for you to hurry up. You place your wrist in his hand, waiting patiently as he brings out his other hand from behind his back. Gently, he hooks the silver bracelet around your wrist, the fit just right, with enough room for breathability. Your mouth parts slightly, truly surprised. You weren’t expecting anything.
Holding one of the precious charms between your fingers, you looked closely, “Are these alstroemerias?”
Jaehyun smiles, nodding his head, “It’s so well done, right?”
You nod your head, inspecting all six alstroemerias that dangled from the bracelet. Alstroemerias comes in six colours – pink, red, orange, yellow, white, and blue. Did Jaehyun select six different coloured alstroemerias? Or were they all of a single colour?
Jaehyun anticipates, pursing his lips as he watches you look at every single alstroemeria charm. Your next sentence is probably going to give him the answer he needs. He waits, he sees you in thought, and he couldn’t help but feel that the answer was already clear. Which is why he isn’t even surprised when you say, “Why alstroemerias?”
You are a florist. Jaehyun knows that. Jaehyun also knows that because you are a florist, you’d know exactly what his gift meant, without having to ask any questions.
“Pink and red alstroemerias represents warmth and affection towards a friend, right?” Jaehyun spells it out for you. He doesn’t want to put you under any form of pressure of having to guess what colours the six charms were. He sees you nod your head, your grin widening, “That’s really sweet of you. Thanks.”
Jaehyun recalls all of the moments that had happened before, where the red herring was dangling in his face, yet he wasn’t sensitive enough to pick up on them.
Jaehyun remembers standing across the street, watching as you mapped out the exact placement of every type and colour of flower. Initially, he had thought you were simply overtly obsessed with writing everything down. Now, he realises you were memorising the placements. Jaehyun remembers the time he had visited in the morning, which coincided with the time the delivery truck would come. He recalls overhearing how the deliveryman repeated three or four times, that the last box of flowers, were white carnations. He had thought the deliveryman just didn’t want you to forget that you had one more type of flower that you’ve yet to put away. Now, he realises you needed someone to tell you, to know which vase the flower goes into.
Even the extremely detailed labels in the drawers; you didn’t put them there for organisation. You needed them there. And the incident with Johnny, the forever dimly-lit florist’s, the tinted sunglasses, they were all screaming at him. Even right at this moment, it is already night time. But, could you tell? Why hadn’t he realised it sooner? He’s so good at being observant, at predicting the moves of the other gangs, yet he was so bad at paying attention to the one person that means something to him.
Jaehyun sighs, running a hand through his hair, as though frustrated. You rest a hand on his shoulder, voice soft, “Are you alright? Is something wrong?”
“Yeah,” he says, forcing a tired smile. Touching your chin with his thumb and pointer, he turns your head in the direction of the ocean, “Enjoy the view.” You don’t think much of it. As you continue to get lost in the comfort of the atmosphere, Jaehyun calls, “Hey.” Without turning to look, you hum in response.
“I’ll take care of you,” Jaehyun says, his eyes taking in the entirety of your side profile. No matter the angle, he couldn’t help but love the way your skin illuminated under the moonlight, the way your eyes twinkled from the reflection of the lights, the way the side of your lips were almost always tugged upwards. He watches as your lips formed the words, “Is that a promise?”
“No. It’s a fact.”
Your body stiffens. You could tell from his tone. Jaehyun meant what he said, it is sincere, it is genuine.
Grey – security and reliability. The blanket of security Jaehyun had just cast; it was grey. Your eyes shift to focus on Jaehyun, who was looking straight at you. His expression was comforting. His presence was assuring. And even though you have always and will always only be able to see him in greyscale, his entire being has never felt greyer than it does right now. He makes you feel secure, his presence reliable.
You return the smile.
On his way home, Jaehyun searches up the meaning behind tulips, the flower that you had on the underside of your wrist this time round.
“Pink tulips symbolise happiness and confidence, purple tulips symbolise royalty, yellow tulips symbolise cheerful thoughts, white tulips symbolise forgiveness, red tulips symbolise true, everlasting love,” Jaehyun reads aloud. He locks his phone, sliding it back into his pocket.
“At least they’re all positive meanings this time,” he says with a small smile.
He couldn’t help but wish for the tulips to be red.
Henna was a part of your every Sunday routine. This week, however, you had allowed the tulips to fade, and you hadn’t replaced the henna with any other flower. The pink and red alstroemerias that hung off the silver chain on your wrist is decorative enough.
“Warmth and affection towards a friend,” you recite with a soft smile.
Your attention is attracted to the entrance of the florist, Jaehyun making an entrance with his usual sweet, comforting smile. Jaehyun had a bag slung over his shoulder today. He sets it down on the countertop, greeting, “Hello.” He pulls a stool over, taking a seat opposite you.
“I’m here to prove a fact,” he says.
“What fact?”
Jaehyun holds a finger up, a sign to wait. You nod your head, patient as he reaches into his bag, pulling out a device. It was a rectangular device. There were two buttons on the side. Jaehyun pulls the top quarter off, revealing a right-angled triangle jutting out of the device. On its body, there is also a circular pop up with lines, seemingly to be where sound would come out from.
“Judging by your facial expression, I’m assuming you have no idea what this is?” he says, holding it up. You shake your head, “What is it?”
A glint of excitement twinkles in Jaehyun’s eyes. He reaches into the side pocket of his bag, pulling out a rectangular strip of paper. You could see that the paper was divided into six equal boxes. You weren’t sure what to expect.
“Do you know what colour this is?” Jaehyun asks, referring to the strip in hand. You blinked a few times, about to answer, but Jaehyun doesn’t let you. “Watch this,” he says, almost giggling from all the excitement. He presses the ‘on’ button on the device. You watch as he places the slant of the triangular top of the device directly against a box on the paper.
“Very light blue,” the device reads. Jaehyun giggles, amused by your shocked expression. Jaehyun moves the device downwards, onto the next box. ‘Dark purple,” the device reads. You couldn’t contain the shock and interest the device has piqued. You’ve never seen nor heard of such a device your whole entire life. But, more importantly, if Jaehyun brought such a device for you, then…
“It’s so cool, isn’t it? Now you try.” Jaehyun places the device in your hand, “It’s black, by the way.”
You look at Jaehyun. From your gaze, he knew what you were thinking.
“I figured it out on my own,” he says. You nod your head, shifting your vision towards the device in your hand. “Go on, try it out,” he urges.
You place the detector against the counter top. “White,” it reads. You smile.
“It’s a talking colour detector,” Jaehyun explains, “Now you don’t have to always memorise everything. You can just use it to know what colour something is.”
“So this is why you suddenly said you’d protect me,” you say, resting the device back down on the counter.
“Of course not,” Jaehyun says, looking at you with a serious expression. “Just because you have achromatopsia doesn’t make you any less able than me. You’re still an independent human being.”
It was as though time had stopped for a few seconds. The eye contact you shared with Jaehyun. For the first time, red – the feeling of love.
Abruptly, you press the colour detector against Jaehyun’s left cheek. “Light pink,” it reads. Jaehyun pushes your hand away, scrambling up onto his feet, taking a few steps away from you. You laugh, thoroughly enjoying how flustered Jaehyun is.
“Pink symbolises love and romance,” you tease.
“Really? That must explain why you’re always pink in the cheeks around me,” he says, almost nonchalantly. He watches for your reaction. You scrunch your nose, hitting Jaehyun in the arm. He laughs, genuinely loving the reactions he’s able to elicit from you.
“Anyway, as I was saying,” Jaehyun starts, refocusing. “I’m here to prove that fact.” He reaches into his bag once more, this time, pulling out an entire bouquet of roses. You scoff, brows knitting together in absolute confusion. Jaehyun holds it out in front of you, “This is for you.”
You scoff again, rolling your eyes. You weren’t sure if you should be laughing or offended.
“Jaehyun, more than half of these roses are dead,” you say, looking at the bouquet made up of three-quarters of dead roses, a handful of dying roses, and two relatively fresh roses. “Is this supposed to be romantic?” you question, in slight disbelief. Jaehyun seems unaffected, simply gesturing towards the talking colour detector, “Go on, find out what colour they are.”
You picked up the detector, pressing it against the petal of one of the fresh roses. “Red,” it reads. You immediately looked at Jaehyun. He had a shy, adorable smile on his face.
“Red roses are the traditional symbol for love and romance. Most of all,” he pauses, taking a step towards you. He isn’t extremely close, but he is definitely closer than he’s ever been before. Swiftly, he pulls you in by the waist, your bodies pressing against each other. You leaned your head back as much as possible, almost straining your neck, staring up at him with the widest eyes, and possibly, the pinkest face.
“The red rose will always be the best way to say ‘I love you’,” he finishes.
You are almost 100 percent sure he could feel your rapid heartbeat.
You didn’t know what to say. At least, you’ve uncovered the mystery receiver behind the single red rose Jaehyun would purchase every visit over the months. And you are definitely 100 percent sure that Jung Jaehyun isn’t aware that he is the only colour you needed in your world.
“Rose too,” you reply.
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
Please please write it as corny as you can HADHSHHA
But yeahhh aaah he knew we were being set up and she showed him pics of me and he called me cute😭😭 anyway she did tell him and said that maybe we could all just hang another time and he said yes just tell him anytime, but mannn I feel bad cuz what if he loses interest cuz he feels like I’m blowing him off😭😭😭
I plan to, have to dust off the classic badboy and good girl cliche
no bestie I don't think that's going to happen, it's not like you have any control over getting sick- just schedule a little something when you're better
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