#Intertwine Otome
insertisqueer · 1 year
Spoiler warning? Just one line from the game-
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insertisfruity · 1 year
I'm trying to sleep but ugh this game is plaguing me [Affectionate]
I'm just thinking abt the fanfic-ability of Intertwine. Bc like. Every instance you write, every change in the world, every individual story, au/canon divergence or a story that embraces the story's canon and original story lines, all are possible lives they could have lived/might live. Anything is possible when you have an eternity of lifetimes together. Yeah, maybe they all follow similar lives for a while, maybe minor changes set them on different paths. But imagine au fics, those could absolutely be worked into that. There could be a whole MULTIVERSE of worlds, all in which MC and Van are destined to meet at some point or another. Maybe it isn't one timeline, maybe its just the concept. Whatever the fuck you want, go ham. Write corny fanfic. They're Intertwined afterall.
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crescencestudio · 9 months
Intertwine: Another Life Out Now!
The Extended Edition of our original Otome Jam 2023 game, Intertwine: Another Life is OUT NOW!
Enter the world of Intertwine once again to experience some added content with new scenes, more voice acting, more art, and an extended soundtrack (you are going to WANT to hear the new title track)!
Now that you know where the red string leads, will you grab hold of it once again?
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❝  would you choose me... ❞
i’ve heard it said that love is a thread woven through destiny. to experience an inescapable pull—a free fall into sun-dappled bedsheets,  intertwined caresses, gossamer whispers.
i’ve heard it said that love is a tapestry woven from memories. experiences of a quiet comfort—a haven of sun-soaked bedsheets,  interlaced caresses,  silken whispers. 
i’ve experienced that love: sun-dappled bedsheets into sun-soaked, intertwined caresses into interlaced, gossamer whispers into silken.
what i would do to experience that love with you again—to follow this string into the next life, with you by my side.
if i did, would you come with me?
❝ ...in every lifetime? ❞
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Customizable Name and Pronouns
~25k Words (Estimated 2-3 Hours of Gameplay)
6 CGs
Interactive "Reincarnation" GUI Feature
Music Room Featuring an Original OST
Partial Voice Acting
A Love that Transcends Lifetimes
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otomegamesandme · 9 months
Top Otomes of 2023
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It's that time again! Normally this list is just whatever I played in the year and not new releases, but uh, for once I pretty much only played new releases lol. I'm gonna be honest, I hardly remember what I played because it's been a Year for me. But looking back, these are what stood out!
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Norn9 Last Era
Look, I felt the need to add Norn9 on here in some capacity because it was one of the first big otome titles I played way back in 2015. I've been wanting the fandisc ever since, and getting it felt like a dream come true. If you played Norn9 recently you might enjoy this less, but since it's been a hot minute since I last replayed the original I didn't mind the rehashing of the story through the boys' perspectives and I enjoyed seeing their lives after the events of everything! This also helped with my biggest issue of the OG game; world building. Things were filled out and plot holes fixed and overall, it was nice to be with the cast again!
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Titan Arum
I'm not sure I would have found this game if I hadn't joined the Velox Fabula game jam, but I really enjoyed this! Ironically, I also read one of the main inspirations for this game (The King in Yellow) this year as well, so seeing it being referenced was really cool. If you've been here a while, you know horror otomes are some of my favorites and I'm glad to have another one to add to the list of otomes I love!
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This was just a feel good game that had my whole heart. Van was a lovely character through all life times, and considering I played it during the Worst Part of the Year for me, it really helped get my mind off things! I also will never shut up about the GUI in this game, it's so beautifully designed and some of the best I've seen in a VN!
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Jack Jeanne
Is anyone surprised by my number one lol I was yelling about it for the entire month of July, and it was my most played Switch game of 2023 as well! The characters were fully realized and didn't just feel like the usual archetypes, the art was beautiful, the stories were wonderful (including the stories of the plays), and the music slapped. This game was truly the It Game of the genre this year and for good reason! Kisa is also one of my new favorite protags, she was fantastic. I'm really glad we were able to get an English release for this!
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minthe-drawings · 1 year
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'I'll love you in every lifetime💓'
Game by: @crescencestudio
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littlewhitecookie · 9 months
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Intertwined Destinies is an otome game in development inspired by magical girl.
This story is told over two acts. For now, the prologue and the first two chapters of the first Act are awailable on itchi.o. I try to upload a chapter per month, but depending on its lenght it might take longer.
I'm not an artist but I am a perfectionist, since it's only a demo be sure I'll redo any illustration I'm not happy with.
Don't hesitate to leave me any kind of feedback (even though I may not respond because I'm one LittleShyCookie), I'm always willing to improve.
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BEWARE: This story aims to address some mature subjects. If you are expecting a light and trouble-free story, you might be surprised after a few chapters.
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intynidad · 1 year
Yandere otome au
TW: yandere tendencies, kinda suggestive in some part, talking about death and violence (not towards reader)
(All characters are 18+)
Long post
Part 2!
You wouldn't call yourself an otaku, although you enjoyed games and anime, you weren't like those hardcore fans... that was until you got your hands on a copy of "By Love for Love: The Game."
This game was just your cup of tea, and you might or might not have become obsessed with it.
The game consisted of the heroine trying to win the heart of one or more suitors before her rival. It sounds cliché, but the twist of the game was that the heroine had to manipulate the chosen love interest to get rid of her rival, so they could take revenge or something like that. You honestly stopped paying attention to the plot halfway through because you were more interested in talking to the cute boys and girls!.
You were playing when you fell asleep at your computer.
You woke up to the feeling of soft silk and the scent of vanilla, and wait, what?
Your sheets were definitely not made out of silk, and your room smelled like cup noodles, not vanilla!
You woke up in a flash and looked at yourself in the mirror.
Y/N L/N, heir of the L/N company, and the rival of the heroine.
Oh for fuck’s sake…
Okay, okay, don't panic. Yes, apparently, you have been transported into the game "By Love For Love," but not as the heroine, but as the rival!
That was very bad news. You tried to remember some of the plot as to why the heroine wants you dead, but your mind just wouldn't work right now.
You knew you were the competition for the heroine, and you would surely lose if you chose to actually fight against her for the love of any of the love interests. So, you came up with a plan.
You would try to maintain friendly terms with all the love interests and choose a route that the heroine wouldn't take. This way, the tension between the two of you wouldn't spark.
But nothing could be as easy as it seemed, right?
The childhood friend
He was your favorite among all the potential love interests. He was sweet, caring, and a true sweetheart to be around.
He was absolutely delighted when you showed an interest in spending more time with him and started paying attention when he talked about his day.(what are this feeling?)
Initially, he stuck around because your parents were friends, and you had known each other since you were both in diapers. But now, it seemed like there was something more between you.
Your sudden change in attitude and the way you became so sweet and caring towards him caught him off guard. He couldn't fathom how he hadn't noticed your true nature until now.
He firmly believed that your destinies were intertwined, as if they were star-crossed. In his eyes, you belonged together because you had been together since childhood.
("Hey, we're going to stick together until the end, right?")
("You wouldn't leave me, would you?")
The older family friend:
He was a business partner of one of your parents, despite being just a couple of years older than you.
The older family friend that you were terrified off because beneath his charming facade lay an extremely sadistic nature.
You vividly remember how he ruthlessly disposed of the rival when the heroine chose his route, which made you extremely wary of him.
The older family friend that failed to comprehend that whenever you two met, you dared not make eye contact with him. Your fear and unease were palpable.
the older family friend that began to see you as a small, cute bunny in need of protection. "Aren't you the cutest!" he would remark, as if finding amusement in your vulnerability.
The Older family friend that almost broke the hand of one of his coworkers that insinuated that he would ask you on a date
The older family friend that starts to fantasize about taking you to his place and adorning your body in strong silk ribbons so you wouldn’t be able to escape his love (even tho something thinking of you pleading for help was something that made him all giddy)
The older family friend that slowly sharpens his pencil and fantasies about stabbing it on the eye of any bastard that dares to look at you
The heroine
The heroine, initially, despised you with a fiery intensity.
She couldn't fathom how you had the audacity to show up with your attractive appearance, seemingly disrupting her path to finding the love(s) of her life.
Every time you smiled at her with genuine kindness and inquired about her day, it only fueled her anger further.
Her resentment grew to the point where she started to keep an eye on you, not out of genuine interest but rather hoping to uncover some sort of compromising information that she could potentially use against you.
After some time -totally not stalking you- she ended up craving even more about you
She just needed to know everything about you!
The heroine that starts to use her influence and pretty face to spread rumors of HER love interest,hoping that it might reach your ears and you back down and go running into HER arms
The loner
They were honestly the one you knew the least about. Despite encountering this love interest in the game, you found yourself drawn more to the other characters and their storylines. Their appearance, personality, or initial interactions simply didn't capture your attention or ignite that spark of curiosity within you.
Didnt you know he was a huge masochist and the fact that you ignore him just make you want you more!
Oh how they wish you could look at them with disdain and call them a freak and told them how you despise them and-gosh they are drooling aren’t they
They are just a Pathetic little person that is begging for you to step on their throat and push until it cracks
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violettduchess · 4 months
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A/N: This won the poll and it was such fun to write 💜
Clavis x Reader
Prompt: Kissing While Laughing
WC: ~560
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“Where do you think you’re going? It’s about to pour!”
“Ack, Jin! My goodness, you scared me. I wanted to bathe and wash my hair but realized I don’t have any more soap. I was hoping to hurry into town and buy some quickly before it starts raining.”
“Look, the first drops are already falling. C’mon. I’ve got something you can have. Clavis gave it to me a few months ago for my birthday but I’ve never even opened it.”
“Really? Aw, you’re a lifesaver! Thank you so much!"
Half an hour later
“I’m here, sweet wife, but I thought you said you wanted a moment’s peace in order to— Oh......Oh my……”
“Me? I-my goodness, that certainly is……a look.”
“I borrowed the shampoo you gave Jin for his birthday and now I look like this!!!”
“You did what? Oh….oh....oh dear, my sweet lamb, my darling. W-why would you do that?”
“Clavis, stop giggling! This isn’t funny. LOOK AT MY HAIR!”
“I-It’s a most fetching shade of……what can we call it? Sunset? Marigold?”
“Clavis! IT’S BRIGHT ORANGE!! I look terrible….."
“Oh no, no my sweetheart. Don't sob. Come here, come to me. That’s right. Let your fantastic husband offer you the sweet comfort of his embrace and–ow!”
“Because it's funny! Don’t tell me the notion of that ladies man suddenly having hair the color of an orangutan isn't funny!”
“No, no my dearest one. No, you don’t. Come, let’s sit on the bed. That’s right, here’s a tissue. Come here, my love. Right here, let me hold you close. Ahhhh, isn't that better?”
“Now, let’s wipe away those pesky tears from your angelic face. While it certainly is a change….I can assure you, the color will fade in a few days.”
....Sniffle.... “Promise?”
“Yes, my sweet lamb. I made it myself. I know it will. Now.......come here, Mrs. Lelouch, and let me kiss you.”
“I look like a carrot," you whisper sorrowfully, barely able to get the word "carrot" out.
Clavis bursts into soft laughter, cupping your sweet but oh so glum face in his hands, gently wiping away the last stray teardrops.
“You are a most ravishing carrot.” He presses a kiss to the corner of your eye, cradling your cheek in his palm.
“I’m a pumpkin.” But your voice is wavering with the threat of laughter, a shadow of a smile on your lips.
“You are absolutely the most alluring pumpkin that has ever existed.” His mouth is by your ear, his teeth playfully nipping at your earlobe.
“I’m a clownfish.” You can't hold back anymore and your voice breaks with laughter on the word "clownfish."
His laughter intertwines with yours, creating the melody of a happy couple. He nuzzles your damp but still extremely orange hair. “You are the most attractive, beguiling clownfish in the whole sea.”
“Oh, Clavis.” You can’t stop giggling as you shake your head. He leans forward, pressing kiss after kiss to your lips.
“My beautiful sweet potato,” he murmurs, his lips brushing yours. “My exotic tangerine.” With a gentle push you fall back onto the bed and he is above you, a tender hand brushing the bright locks away from your face, his golden eyes aglow with affection.
“My darling, my sweetheart….let me show you how very much I adore you, always and forever, no matter what color your hair may be.”
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Taglist 🧡 @bellerose-arcana @alexxavicry @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @queengiuliettafirstlady
@redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey
@mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight
@ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics
@justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating
@portrait-ninja @starlitmanor-network @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381
@whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly
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hummingbird-games · 9 months
2023 In Review (Indie Games)
Last year's! | 2021
I apologize in advance for how long this might be. As a reminder, I don't bash games here so even if I hated something with every fiber of my being...I ain't sharing. As a second reminder, my more in depth reviews and live blogging has moved to Gem's Game Gems so I don't clutter the HBG's main blog. Okay. ON WITH THE REVIEW!!
Diffraction (Demo)- A rainy day otome indeed. I love the quiet gentleness of this game, the two romance options, and the fact that our MC is a photographer and struggling with her art and stack of life "failures" (because...SAME!!)
Alaris - I was asleep and now I am awake: I came late for the advertised fae and dragon lore, stayed seated and waiting for Fenir zjgjdf. Oh, and I guess the mystery surrounding our MC's abilities LOL.
The Summit Library - When I say I was maaaaaad when I realized I blew through chapter 1 and would have to go back to waiting for more content??? LOL, I was very miffed. Anyhoo, check out this title for the gorgeous art, another intriguing mystery (like what is *up* with the magic in the poor library?? who or what is to blame?? 👀) and of course the lovely characters we've been introduced to thus far.
Of Sense and Soul - I'm a regency romance girl. Like after you strip away the other stuff, I am but a poor woman with simple needs: a good ass love story 🤧💛 It's about the yearning and the slow burn and the will they/won't they/PLEASEEE they...I've never been so charmed by a demo, and the full game is going to be amazing I just know it!
Made Marion - This project is a game I've been keeping tabs on for a hot minute but hadn't taken the time to sit and properly enjoy the demo. I'M SO GLAD I DID!!! It's in early access now, so I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to carve out some time to play, but guysss Velvet Cupcake is doing the Thing?!? No idea which love interest I'll go for first, but I had a fun time meeting the Nottingham peeps in the demo.
Herotome (Super Demo) - Oh gosh. Oh gosh oh gosh oh my GOSHHH. Where do I even began?? (Really the question is where the hell do I end because this is one of those projects I talk about a lot/think about a lot and surprisingly haven't run out of things to say zkjfksjd). Another game I've been following for a while, it 100% lives up to the superhero genre in its aesthetic, the characters you interact with, the music and sound design, and of course the slowly unfurling story. Jade and Mia had come out as my top faves, Warden is still there, like hovering in the backgroud, shhhh but I have a special place in my heart for Griffin too (that conversation we have with her?? I have so many screenshots just so I can go back and reread and sear the words in my brain. Like a weirdo. Yup.)
Celestial Crowns - Stats building, celestial royalty, dating sim where you fuck around and find out your choices directly affect your MC's personality?? I'm sat. I supported the Kickstarter and now I try to practice patience for the full game's release siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighh.
Please note this is a SUPER abridged list for my sanity and I fell a little more in love with these 2 jams with each entry I played...
Intertwine - As embarrassing as it sounds, I've never given much thought to the "red string" thing, and I consume more than enough romance media LOL!! But Van is suuuuuch a beautiful man, the UI for this game is so interactive and lovely, the music is ALSO lovely, just lovely-love all the way around teehee. (Also this game encourages replayabillity so like, do with that info what you will.)
Spring Boy [Demo] - I believe this game is going through a complete rehaul, so my thoughts and feelings refer to the original jam entry I played. The art is bright and cute and it's a super super short demo, but I was intrigued by the other student we meet on our mission to plead with our professor about our bombed exam lol!
Assignment Due: Project Blue - IRl group projects??? Suck absolute ass. Group projects with a guy name Asher?? Suddenly it's my new favorite thing in the world 😁
Cryptid Campaign Manager [DEMO] - Remember the last time I looked over a cryptid dating sim??? Remember how I was SUCH a fool?? Good thing I didn't make that mistake again!! The prologue is such a tease but you get an idea of what the full game is gonna be like, and I'm excited to see where my career involving love (and politics) goes!
Heart Cage [Demo] - Yoooooo I stay my ass far far far away from yanderes (could never get into the trope or the character type). WELP. Guess I just needed to keep searching because I really downloaded this off a whim--well, the whim being one of my fellow dev peers playing and rating-- and proceeded to get sucked in 🤧I thought being a detective would be the highlight, but I guuuueeesssss I was more into the romance options than I thought. Oops.
Evernight - I tried to explain what this game meant to me on the side blog, but words failed me. I still don't know what to say other than I loved it?? Which is like ummm I say I love everything, and yeah I'm easy to please BUT Y'ALLLLLL if you play no other game, play this one. Please. Date a werewolf. Or a vampire. Or a fae. Plz. Also figuring out the mystery of your MC's abilities and past is just delightful, ugh.
Bright Oak (demo) - Anotha one I wrote about on the side blog!!! Play this one!!! The writing is lush and atmospheric and the characters are all delightful and it's another game with a mystery to untangle!
The Faithfulness of the Universe- This one gets the award for most unique all around entry that I played. Theeeeee prettiest pixel art to bless my eyeballs, and this tasty mystery concerning Fate and witch Faustina's future (or lack thereof 👀) and what it all means. As a player I very much want to know what it all means!
A Cup For All Seasons - Another game that needs its flowers y'all. It's short but super healing and super cozy and the voice acting and music really tie the gaming experience together???
The Working Woman's Guide to Burning Bridges - DEMO - It's the way I played the demo twice and I've been thinking about it ever since 😭😭😭🙃 obviously life happens and things come up, plus this was a demo. But. BUT!!! I am on my hands and knees prayinnggg the team gets together again to finish the game. I love playing as a stressed, lowkey bitter hot mess who doesn't have her life together 😂somehow the fictional version is soooo much more entertaining!!!
Keyframes (Spring Demo) - After the game College Craze, this is legit THE college, slice of life visual novel of my dreams. I cannot wait for the updated demo next year, and the Kickstarter whenever that rolls around. And now that the developer is on Tumblr, I've definitely been stalking the account and reading each new post like it's my day/night/weekend job 🤧
Hello Counsel 💋 - Okay I take it back, Evernight is like a 20/10 but Hello Counsel is like an 100/10 👁️👄👁️ This game is necessary for my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, alright? The banter ✅ the character designs ✅ the music ✅ the sizzling chemistry between Poise and Salem ✅ I wish this game had more buzz because IT'S SO GOOD!!! (also the dev, Miseri, is who I wanna be when I grow up. I've made it through almost their whole backlog of games and there are no misses and EVERY game is different from the rest and it makes it hard for a toodler dev--ME--to cope LOL)
Candied Hearts - Isekaied into a candy themed game?? Sign me TF UP!!! (Peppermint I love you dearly, you must understand.)
Fully Released & Played (at least 1 playthrough)
The Knight's Dilemma - I don't even know how I originally stumbled upon this??? I just know it had been in my backlog for a hot minute and I was intrigued enough to save it way back when. Y'ALL WHY DIDN'T I PLAY SOONER SKJFHFJFH! There's a couple different endings, I loved the voice direction, AND it's such a simple concept of a game that was just executed beautifully.
Trouble Comes Twice - If I had to make a top 5 list of romance VNs, guess who makes the list?? Guess. Guess guess guess. Have you guessed yet??? LOL! I have been in love with TCT since it's development days and with each passing month, waiting in anticipation, playing the Pateron beta builds, screaming on the main blog about every single thought I had about Jace and Hazel (shoutout to Jace for helping me figure out *me*) Lol if you're curious about said thoughts, those posts are on this blog and not the side blog.
Aelfric the Wondrous - 10/10 would love to forget my first play through JUST to have that experience fresh again 😭😭💛Cute and funny and a wonderful parody type game all around.
A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986 - Goodness, there's no excuse for why this took me years to finish but anyhoo, I finished, I loved it, I recommend it! It's romantic and achingly authentic and the art is soooo gorgeous I literally can't stand it 😭
The Things You Do For Love - Unhinged yandere manages to entertain and garner sympathy and laughter from Gemini. And that poly ending is chef's kiss too????
Band Camp Boyfriend - There are a handful of games I found and loved before I began my game development journey, and this is one of them. BCB is so dear to me, because of the story and characters but also because of the Dynamic Duo creators and their team behind the scenes. I was never a band kid I was a chorus kid but just as the band geeks loved this game to pieces, us normal folks do too!! Even the boys who I didn't like I STILL managed to find joy in playing their routes (still have a few more to finish at the time of this posting lol, GOTTA GET THE FINAL ROUTE YO). Anyway, this game more than delivered for me and I hope more people keep discovering it!!
Belle Automata: Chronicle I [RELEASED] - While only Chronicle 1 is out at the time of this posting, I already know that the 2nd and 3rd parts are going to be just as amazing???? I wrote about this one on the side blog, so here's my copypaste that still rings true:  
I love TNP (The Nightmare Prince) but Victor’s route hit the sweet spot for me. Maybe it’s the slow(er) burn nature of this route, maybe it’s the reserved nature of Victor and watching him slowly start to care (AND NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE FEELINGS TEEHEE) for me.
A Date with Death - I wrote about this on the side blog--again--. The demo. And then right after finishing a route. And then again where I was fully awake and still managed to sound deranged. No copypaste for that, I shall be nice. But yeah!! Another game where I was screaming at the sky about how much I love it and how I'll never know peace as long as I live.
Our Life: Baxter DLC - I need to offer an official apology to both Cove and Derek because falling head over heels, down the stairs, crashing into the parking lot, falling again but down a manhole for Baxter's infuriating ass was NOT on my 2023 bingo board??? HELLO???? I bought his DLC just to complete my OL collection. Was not expecting to love it this much. Was not expecting to be called to write fanfic and abandon all responsibilities to do this. WHILE DOWN WITH COVID TOO. Allow me to play the song of my people. *Send in the Clowns plays*
Our Cinderella - (this is so funny I'm taking about a side game before the main game LOLOLOLOL) Guys. Guysss. You guyyyysss 🥹if you're looking for a cozy, hilarious, equally oddly and wonderfully sweet short game, this is the one!! You may have your personal favorite Iggy ship (like me) but all the pairings are so amazing and just make sense lol!
Wylde Flowers - This is the only non visual novel game on here but it gets the spotlight because I did NOT spend 90+ hours on this game to gatekeep this beauty. No. It the coziest, the funniest, the funnest, the most addictive Switch game (after Teacup) I've ever played.
Fully Released (& still on 1st playthrough)
Garden of Seif: Chronicles of an Assassin - Life kicked my butt and then sat on me SO while I finally got my grubby hands on the full copy, I still have only played the entirety of the demo. But. We will return to this in 2024 and hopefully I'll have a full review for the next wrap up!
Our Wonderland - I looked back at the side blog and I can't believe it was only THIS year that I started OW??? Because I'd known of the game and the dev for longer than that??? So basically what I'm saying is that I was chicken shit for longer than I've been in love with this world that Developer Carrot has created kjzhhshggj. But OMG to get me, who is scared oh so easily to get hella invested in this clearly labeled horror game??????????????? And even with shit gets super absurd and hella disturbing, I cannot stop playing. At the time of this post, I'm only in Act 4, hence the category above, but it's only because I play each act in a sitting and lose track of space and time and myself. That's a compliment btw.
Okie!! That's 2023 in a nutshell! I played a looooot of really good games this year and while I would have liked to talk about them all, I think this list provides a nice overview.
Let me know if we share any favorites!
- Gemini 💛
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 10 months
this might be weird to ask on a writing blog but do you have any manga recs?
yeah i got some recs! i'm gonna assume you mean less talked about titles rather than more well-known but quickfire popular recs i have are: chainsaw man, fullmetal alchemist, jjba, fruits basket, jjk and hell's paradise. but onto my other recs:
children of the sea**: a troubled teen named ruka embarks on the summer adventure of a lifetime after meeting two boys raised by dugongs at her dad's aquarium in the middle of a mysterious event taking place in the ocean.
the summer hikaru died: it's been months since yoshiki's childhood friend and secret crush, hikaru, went missing in the mountains for a week. hikaru's the same as usual, with his jokes and silly rambles and yet, yoshiki can't shake the feeling that whoever came back from that mountain, it wasn't hikaru. much to his horror, it wasn't. but rather than face reality and grief, yoshiki decides to play along with "hikaru's" act (body horror)
dorohedoro**: in a world where there are humans and magic users, humans have it rough being virtually treated as second class citizens. day after day, year after year, magic users come to the human realm to experiment on them with their magic. and after having his head turn into a caiman, kaiman, wants to get it back in blood and have his true form restored (body horror)
witch hat atelier*: in a world full of magic and witches, it's always been normal human girl coco's dream to be one. but after accidentally discovering a truth of this world and her mom getting caught up in the spell, coco becomes an apprentice of witch qifrey. (it was recently announced there's an anime in the works!)
skip & loafer**: desiring to become a government official to revitalize her hometown in the japanese countryside, iwakura mitsumi's first step to accomplish this goal is by going to a uni prep high school in tokyo. she's got a foolproof 10-step plan to boot! but of course, life hardly ever goes as plan, not even for a prodigy (mc's aunt has great trans rep)
sign of affection*: as someone deaf all her life, yuki has dealt with discrimination in both small and broad strokes. nor has she ever experienced romance. this all changes when she meets backpacker itsumi, a guy who goes to the same uni. just as he opens her world, she opens his
debu to love to ayamachi to***: after waking up in a hospital with no memories to her name, plus sized yumeko is told she is there after surviving a suicide attempt. the thing is, yumeko isn't sure why when she's just so beautiful! with a strong desire to live life to the fullest, yumeko decides to do everything the past her was to afraid to do. all the while it is revealed that her suicide attempt was more of an attempted murder... but who could have wanted to kill her?
my love story with yamada-kun at lv999**: nothing is worse than getting cheated on especially after akane invested a lot of time and energy into her shitty ex's gaming hobbies. but through gaming, not only does akane find herself healing, she managed to get herself a pretty cool boyfriend too
NANA**: 2 women, 2 different lives, 1 name shared. komatsu nana is quick to fall in love and after a series of less-than-lucky relationships, she finally has someone she thinks is the one. abandoned by her mother and her ex leaving her band, osaki nana hasn't had the easiest life. but on the same night, on the same train, these two women meet and their lives become deeply intertwined
a condition called love*: when it comes to romance, hotaru's never experienced it besides stories of her friends relationships. but she soon finds herself about to experience the whirlwind of a lifetime when hananoi, the most popular boy in school, asks her to be his girlfriend
a bouquet for an ugly girl***: as her class' resident big girl, hana isn't expecting a blossoming spring in her high school career. and she's okay with that. she has everything she needsー otome games and gardening. but after her class' pretty boy catches her in the midst of changing the class flowers, their lives become a bit more intertwined
uruwashi no yoi no tsuki: yoi is quite popular at her school because of her neat short hair, beautiful face and overall princely appearance. in fact, it's gotten her dubbed 'prince' many times. but when the other prince of the school finally meets her, cupid's arrow quickly knocks him on his ass
frieren**: a manga that picks up after the journey has ended. the demon king has been defeated and the heroes have saved the day after 10 years of traveling together. 10 years? that's not even a 10th of elf mage frieren's life. but as her companions begin dying one by one of old age, she finds herself desiring to learn more about humans and the short yet impactful lives they still manage to have
dungeon meshi*: when a dungeon raid goes terribly wrong and laios' sister gets swallowed by a dragon, those that remain in his party decide to get it back in blood by saving laios' sister before she gets digested. in the mean time, there's nothing wrong with gordon ramsay-ing miscellaneous ingredients found in the dungeon along the way, right?
and if you like manhwa or would be down for some manhwa recs these are titles i don't see getting recommended enough
concubine walkthrough: a scifi & philosophical spin on the otome isekai genre that asks 'what is reality truly?', 'is your life any less real if you found out all your experiences were a simulation?' and 'what is reality to you?' where protagonist lee yona finds herself stuck in a VR edition of a game she only played once
a wicked tale of cinderella's stepmother: usually when someone wakes up in the body of a villainess, she's the same age as the protagonists. mildred, on the other hand, is stuck in the body of this story's cinderella's stepmother. with no husband and three daughters to take care of, there's only one thing she can really doー build up her daughters' sisterly bonds with one another and make sure they marry into good families (or that they can at least live lives they're happy with)
tricked into becoming the heroine's stepmother: at least mildred got the body of an important character, daisy on the other hand? she's in the body of an NPC you never even see in the story. bright side? this is a story she helped write and after meeting the presently six year old protagonist's father, she and father of the year decide to team up for the ultimate mission: making sure his daughter never meets any of the love interests
inso's law: ham dan-i is in a bit of a pickle when she wakes up and her new school uniform is completely different than the one her mom bought weeks ago. there's a drop dead gorgeous girl next door who claims to be her childhood best friend. even worse, like something straight out of a drama, there are four heavenly kings that rule her school. by the end of the day, dan-i has no other choice but to accept the fact........ her real life has somehow turned into a web novel. even worse, she's a side characterー the main character's best friend
plum: in a world where fruit stacking is a major sport, little plum decides to be the very best like no one ever was and moves to the big city to compete in the fruit stacking games along with making some friends and rivals along the way
webtoons that are probably popular enough if they have hardcover copies at my local bookstore but i wanna talk about it anyway
cursed princess club: as the youngest princess of the pastel kingdom, gwendolyn loves her family. her protective papa, her oldest sister maria who often awakes to woodland creatures doing her hair. her older sister lorena who makes flowers bloom with her every step. and her younger brother jamie who's so pretty, he sparkles. and they adore her just as much. but things come to a very reality shattering halt when their father introduces maria, lorena and gwen to blaine, lance and frederick, the princes of the plaid kingdom and gwen overhears frederick call her ugly, something she's never heard in her entire life. somehow, gwen finds comfort in a club full of cursed princesses (and one prince) who teach her how to start loving herself again
*) receiving an anime adaptation
**) has an an anime series or movie
***) receiving an anime adaptation & contains a story with a plus-sized protagonist that doesn't involve weight loss
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ilyuu-archive · 1 year
warnings : hurt/comfort, bits of angst, lots of comfort, implications of nightmares, scara is just someone i want to comfort alr cries
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@floraldresvi this is all your fault /j /lh
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“don’t leave me.”
you feel his fingers curled around your wrist, almost weak, and if you wanted to, pull away (as if giving you the chance to, when everything about him says don’t.) but, of course, you don’t. if anything, you stayed. you slowly slipped back into the sheets of the bed the two of your shared, creaking beneath you. seeing this, his hold on you only tightened a bit.
“please.” his voice cracks, and seldom did he let it happen. no more than a whisper, the word, and yet, in the quiet of the nigh of night, it’s almost too much. “stay. just… stay. don’t go.”
he lies on his side and it’s only then when you turn on yours do you see how frail, delicate, he is. an unsettling fog clouds his eyes and all he sees is you, you, you, and feels only you. he’s trembling. he tugs your hand to his lips, and it brushes just below the palm of your hand, your wrist - where your pulse rests just underneath.
he sighs, and it’s one full of relief if you ever heard one before - shaky, unsure, but enough of an affirmation for him.
“of course i’ll stay, kuni.” his breath catches in his throat with that name. “you don’t even have to ask or tell me, you don’t even have to say anything.”
you close your fingers on his and gently draw it closer to your lips, where you pepper his knuckles with the softest of kisses. his eyes follow your every move, even as subtle as it is. “i’ll stay with you for as long as i can, until the end. the very end.”
your other hand cradles his cheek, lightly stroking his skin as the faint moonlight, peeking from the slits of the curtains, coats him in a solemn light.
it’s not always that you see him in a fragile state, let alone to let another witness it. so vulnerable, always relying on himself rather than anyone else - because why would he? time and time again had the world hurt him, leaving yet another scar on his skin, and telling him that it’s time to cave into himself.
and you’d like to think he’d heal from said scars. they will leave traces, of course, and it’ll always serves as reminders that’ll continue to linger in remnants of memories, but no longer tender, raw. and you’d do anything for him on that path.
“no, i’m not going to leave you.”
his hand shuffles to your shirt, clutching onto it, catching wrinkles in the palm of his hand. “and…”
“and yes, i mean it.” your words are a lull, light, caring, and he finds himself being able to breathe again. “i don’t regret anything i said to you, did for you, let alone being with you.“
and in the silence that follows, all you do is hold his hand, intertwined, as it rests on the small space between the two of you as he finds himself feeling… airy, lighter, in the simple way the two of you are connected.
you’re here.
he holds you tighter.
you’re alive.
you smile.
you’re still alive.
“…what did i do to…deserve you…?”
“you loved me,” is the last thing he heard you murmur before slipping under unconsciousness. safe to say, he slept well that night.
with you close.
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general taglist (open!) : @zuyoo, @starz222, @haliyamori, @taokives, @tartaglia-apologist, @aimynx, @angelkazusstuff, @doumalove, @kpop-and-otome . . .
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insertisfruity · 1 year
Mini log of my reactions to Intertwine
Kind of like a Intertwine spoiler but not so spoiler thingamabober
If I explicitly mention any actual events I’ll warn first
1st runthrough finished, I was OBSESSED!! I didn’t realize you could keep GOING. I don’t feel like that is a spoiler tbh, honestly I hope if someone sees this they don’t make the same mistake I did and think it is over bc oml I am having such a good time o.O
Semi spoilers, incoherent ramblings!!
-I miss u :(
-Holey moley he made it.
-OMG <3?!
-uM. Sir. I don’t. I don’t particularly like that answer. Sir. SIR WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. WHAT DID IT MEAN WHEN YOU SAID THAT. SI-
-Aw ok its sweet again. <3
(Imagine I said “Wahhh” like Mario, bc that’s how I imagined I said it)
VAN <333
This post is a tad pointless, I guess it’s just for myself to remember my raw reactions lol. And also, idk! Maybe the creator will see this and be happy they made someone feel something :>
Bc they made something fucking incredible and should feel proud abt it.
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Intertwine: A Romance to Last
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Full Game Out Now!
Our Otome Jam 2023 Entry is here! We are so excited to announce the release of "intertwine," a short but sweet romance visual novel that explores the meaning of soulmates, destiny, and a love that transcends lifetimes.
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❝ would you choose me in every lifetime? ❞
✼   ҉   ✼   ҉   ✼ 
i’ve heard it said that love is a thread woven through destiny. to experience an inescapable pull—a free fall into sun-dappled bedsheets,  intertwined caresses, gossamer whispers.
i’ve heard it said that love is a tapestry woven from memories. experiences of a quiet comfort—a haven of sun-soaked bedsheets,  interlaced caresses,  silken whispers. 
i’ve experienced that love: sun-dappled bedsheets into sun-soaked, intertwined caresses into interlaced, gossamer whispers into silken.
what i would do to experience that love with you again—to follow this string into the next life, with you by my side.
if i did, would you come with me?
✼   ҉   ✼   ҉   ✼ 
Customizable Name and Pronouns
~15k Words (Estimated 1-2 Hours of Gameplay)
6 CGs
Partial Voice Acting
Van (Need I Say More??)
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Van: the One and Only Love Interest of Intertwine
The way his naked back is plastered all over this post. I’ve whored him out fr
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otomegamesandme · 1 year
Otome Jam 2023 Thoughts: Intertwine
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By: Crescence Studio
A recurring dream. A flash of deja vu. An undeniable connection.
Some say these are remnants of our past lives—echoes of the memories we’ve made in centuries past. When I ran into you on that fateful day…
I started to believe them.
This game made me experience a lot of joy after a pretty rough month, which means it immediately landed on my favorite lists for the year. I love Van so much, and the way this game is set up allows us to see so many different sides to him. The way each scene was played out and how they all strung together was simple but well done, and it made the ending so satisfying. I mean it when I say I was grinning like an idiot for the entire hour this game lasted.
The idea is simple, the setup is simple, but it's the simplicity and familiarity that makes this work so well and makes it easy to fall into. The art and overall aesthetic is gorgeous too (the GUI is so pretty, I think it's one of my favorite designs in any VN I've played thus far). The entire game is incredibly well done and I highly recommend it.
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ravenstargames · 7 months
Could you explain what lost in Limbo is?
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*JAZZ HANDS* ✨ AHEM!! Glad you asked, anon! I will assume you are not familiar with visual novels (for the sake of answering the question as best as I can if anyone else stumbles upon this ask), so let's break down Lost in Limbo to its basics! If you have any more doubts, you can always send another ask! 💜
*Also friendly reminder that English is not my first language and I also suck at explaining things, so I'll do my best ; v ;
✦ Lost in Limbo is a dark-fantasy romance visual novel...
As the title says! A visual novel is a videogame genre mostly defined by its interactive nature and for heavily leaning into its narrative aspects. It's like reading a 'choose your own adventure' book but seeing 'everything' that is happening on the screen. Interactive fiction, they also call it!
You basically play through a story, reading it, having visual depictions of the characters and the places as the story happens*, and you can usually change the story's outcome or some other aspects like relationships via choices or other forms of interaction. There's usually a couple of different endings to the 'same' story!
*Not all visual novels have choices, or have all their characters / scenarios depicted, etc. There's a lot of ways to do a visual novel!
Lost in Limbo is focused on the romance / fantasy genre, and the story takes place in a fictional world you'll explore as you play. You'll be able to experience the story through seven different 'routes', meaning you'll have to choose a character to romance and find more about the story and the cast through that very same romance. This kind of visual novels are often referred to as 'otome', 'amare', or 'dating-sim'. Each term has its differences so if you are interested, I suggest doing some research on them!
To keep this short, you can learn more about LiL in our Masterpost! Which needs another update!
If you are curious about this kind of games, you can check out different 'otome' games / dating sims on itch.io, Steam, and even the Nintendo Shop! OR TUMBLR!! Here are some personal recommendations of fellow indie devs that are working / have worked very hard on their projects!
✦ Alaris and Intertwine by Crescence Studio
✦ Made Marion by Velvet Cupcake Games
✦ Trouble Comes Twice by Foxglove Games
✦ Save the Villainess by Best Laid Plans Productions
✦ 3 Seasons by Hamilton Hour
So yep! A game. Interactive fiction game. You romance some hotties. You play through a story. You can die a few times and things can go downhill in numerous ways. You solve some mysteries and hopefully immerse yourself in the story. And a few more things!
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ikemenfangirl · 5 days
Deceptive Romance : Esper Love (English version of K*ll!ng Myself) mobile game
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❤️ A mystery romance with complex relationships ❤️ Otome + 1 female love interest
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━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Tile: Deceptive Romance : Esper Love (킬링 마이셀프) By: BRAEVE, PICKKISS Platform: iOS, Android Languages: English, Korean, Japanese ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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💥 “If you live like that, that ability, that life. Give it to me.”
You took the woman’s life as if you were destroying a mirror image.
The shadow of the four people involved approaching you.
Can you win your life and their love in the midst of the intricately intertwined mysteries?
A thrilling and dark love romance that changes everything with your choice.
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💜 Insope Kim CV: Kim Min-joo #김민주 Top S-class Esper
“You are my guide to fate”
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💙 Johan Eun CV: Min Seung-woo #민승우 A-class guide to learning about your past
”You’re just being deceived“
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❤️ Jenny CV: Yi Sae-ah #이새아 Class A Esper
“Why don’t we start over?”
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🤎 Taeil Gomg CV: Pyo Yeong-jae #표영재 Python Informant
”I can give you the information you want“
🍎 iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/deceptive-romance-esper-love/id6504544615
🤖 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BRAEVE.killingmyself.google
★ Multilingual EN, JP, KR
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