#Tina and Morty
minecraftdog · 11 months
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I found this photo recently and i. am. not. normal. since
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lasudio · 10 months
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VeronaHills, Round One: Traveller
It was supposed to be a short stop on the way to Three Lakes.
Trent, Trisha and Tina had planned to stay overnight at the campground in Riverblossom Hills. One night turned into two when Trent heard about a nice hill walk from one of the locals. The hill walk turned into a hike further into the woods - the Travellers were nothing if not intrepid - but they soon lost daylight, with only a distant glow through the trees to guide them. None of the travel blogs could have prepared them for what they came across.
Two people - green people, with vines across their skin - were clasping hands with a cloaked figure. To their left, a portly elderly couple leaned into each other; to their right, a man in an expensive, freshly pressed pinstripe suit ran his hand across slick grey hair. All were facing a stone circle surrounding a crackling fire. The glow.
It was an odd sight, but the walk had been tiring. Perhaps these people were resting. Trisha took a breath to calm herself with fresh country air. She gagged on a sickly sweet smell that slid into her stomach. Trent whispered a cuss word.
The green people began to chant in a low hum of unrecognisable syllables. Leaves dropped down and danced around them.
The elderly three moved towards the fire.
"Mom, dad," Tina said urgently, tugging on Trent's backpack. "Danny and Sarah said to follow them."
Trent and Trisha tore their gaze away from the glow to look at Tina. Two dogs stood at her side - one wiry ginger, the other white as snow. They turned and trotted towards the woods. The Travellers followed; they didn't, perhaps even couldn't, look back. Led by the ginger and the snow, they made it back to campsite - more precisely, a FOR SALE sign outside the cottage next to the campsite.
Three Lakes would have to wait.
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bluebomber182 · 9 months
I used dall-e 3 to create a series of Morty Smith X Tina Belcher AI Images
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To use dall-e 3, click on this link below. An account is required. I type in "morty smith and tina Belcher" in the prompt. I also type in other things like "morty smith and tina Belcher having fun in a amusement park"
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Sense of humor IS different among whites especially.
The Lobster: Super european dark comedy. Less than 30 minutes in, I knew the average USA citizen would not find it funny. But English people would find it witty. English (tech Greek) humor is dry. A lil daft. Taking a chunk of the humanity out of the humans to make a point...but it makes them less human. 'Look at this social commentary on humans if they didn't act human.' WOW. It felt like I was watching aliens try to be human.
YOLO Silver destiny (side note: LOVE smiling friends. Bring that back): it's so stupid, I would almost THINK that it was from the USA (tech says from Australia tho the show ITSELF says new zealand), but....it's one of those 'do anything, be offensive, bs' like rick and morty however without any of the meta, deep reflections upon society, or black comedy. This show feels like two jocks turned into women then partied across the cosmos. Rick and Morty but frat boys with vaginas. btw-so are we going to think it's funny forever when a man voices a woman? You see women voicing little boys, but rarely grown men. But grown men voicing grown women? Why TF not?
Now I am not saying USA* comedy is superior. Or mine is (I love puns. I KNOW puns are dumb). It's more I want to know how as a society, a culture, these senses of humor differ so much (and are consistent in their respective cultures). The Lobster was dark, violent, dry, and too on the nose. Like many english arts. The closest movie I could remember close to it was wristcutters: a love story (And I am pretty sure that is english too). Yolo was nonsensical (even more than rick and morty) but not in a fun way. Like she grabs a beer from her vagina, cracks it open on her vagina, then sits down and watches her friend dream having a bet she'll lose on their dream. I laughed ONCE in the episode, and that's a newer one**. It's mean spirited (seems to be a running theme in animation lately), and, kind of like velma, who is the target audience? Like velma, you kind of just piss off every audience...pleasing no one.
<SERIOUSLY VELMA IS TERRIBLE> Watch the pitch meetings of velma on youtube: he hits EVERY nail on the head of why it's fucking terrible>
*I say USA and not america because a year ago I watched top 10 things the world doesn't understand about america. And one of the top ones from EVERYWHERE was 'why do you fucking call yourself america? You are the united states of America. 'America' is canada, USA, and mexico.' And...they have a point. Kinda a big ego to say were are ALL of this.
*and I objectively asked if it's because the 'women' are the leads, but there's tons of comedies where woman are the leads I love. Parks and Rec, Birdgirl (which I found FUNNIER than birdman), and 30 rock. KIDDING. 30 rock is rich people writing about rich people to rich people and those who idolize them. I have NEVER met someone who LOVED 30 rock who I didn't find at least a littlepretencious. FUCK tina fey. She peaked on weekend update and mean girls (LOVE LOVE mean girls).
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perfettamentechic · 3 months
25 marzo … ricordiamo …
25 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Kathryn Hays, Kay Piper, modella e attrice statunitense. È stata sposata tre volte: con Sidney Steinberg, dal quale ebbe una figlia Shari Hays Wells, anch’essa attrice, con Glenn Ford e con Wolf Lieshke, impiegato nell’industria pubblicitaria.  (n. 1933) 2020: Floyd Cardoz, è stato un cuoco, imprenditore e personaggio televisivo indiano naturalizzato statunitense. (n. 1960) 2020: Mark Blum,…
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vee-nyx · 8 months
okay i am FULLY aware that there are much more important storylines to talk about in the ahsoka finale but HEAR ME OUT:
nighsisters originated on peridea and there are ancient statues of the mortis gods on peridea -> the nightsisters and the mortis gods are connected
baylan’s storyline is 100% associated with the mortis gods, whether it be the father or the son, so when/if he wakes them (which i’m sure will be a huge event in the force) the nightsisters might have a way of sensing it
(alternatively, the great mothers returning to the galaxy will probably produce a similar force event, especially once they’re on dathomir)
who’s a nightsister that spent years of her life reaching out in the force for any sign of other nightsisters and would probably seek out the source of any force signal?
(and we all know cal will follow merrin wherever she goes even after twenty years because that man is absolutely whipped)
you’re welcome dave filoni for figuring out how to bring the mantis crew into live action, i don’t even want any credit just cast cameron & tina and give me merrical safe and together and i’ll call it even
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miami-lolz · 1 year
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In hindsight, this quote hits a lot harder considering “Mortyest Morty” isn’t even his Morty. And he’s not the “Rickest Rick”.
Does not include any spoilers for Season 7.
I feel like this quote is slept on a lot because it makes you wonder if he was even aware of the implications of what he said or if he said it knowing Morty wouldn’t understand. I don’t even think he would want to admit it, but he’s not “The Rickest Rick” mainly because he cares. Specifically, he gives a shit about a Morty that isn’t even his.
It’s shown subtlety throughout the show, like in the Season 1 Finale, Ricksy Business, when Rick got teary-eyed over a slide show showing Morty throughout his life. In A Rickle in Time, where Rick is willing to let himself die to save Morty, his last wish is for Morty to grow up better than him. As jaded and backward as he may show it, Rick definitely cares. Rick has had to switch to multiple universes and watch various versions of his family including his original Diana and Beth die throughout the show. Morty was his only constant, though, and he’s grabbed onto that. But for as much as he cares, Rick has a habit of pushing away, which comes into effect in the later seasons. Morty tries to help and relate to Rick to an extend. He constatly extends a branch to Rick, who almost always puts him down.
However, the more Rick pushes away, the more frustrated Morty gets. He starts calling out Rick on his BS and has even cussed him out several times. He’s threatened to stop going with Rick in the early season, but those were practically mute. Rick could easily force him or make him forget he started refusing. Rick only started taking Morty seriously when he began acting out. The more that Rick pushes back, the more the Prime part of Morty comes out, usually at the expense of anyone around him. I think that is the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back and pushed him to leave in Forgetting Sarick Mortshall with the two crows thing. Something that still upsets Morty if someone mentions it in season 7.
It also makes you think that the reason Morty has gotten progressively more aggressive and violent over these past couple of seasons is that the Prime part of him is getting more prominent. For example, in Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat, Morty got so obsessive over a future that he didn't brutally die; he quickly brushed off Ricks's death. It's somewhat out of character for him, though. He also attacked other soldiers and the general populace, just for him to find out it wasn't really worth much. Rick is getting more combative because he sees that part of Prime in Morty, which scares him. The episode Looks Who’s Purging Now was the starting point for his volatile behavior; Rick seems genuinely shocked and somewhat horrified as Morty's anger problems get the better of him, and he lashes out, killing many people even when they are hiding. Rick lied to Morty because he didn’t want him to know what he could do. Near the end of The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, Morty threatens Ethan with the machine Summer used after he ghosted her and messed with her body issues. In the after credit scene, we see a deformed Ethan stumbling in pain, implying Morty used the machine on him.
In Promortyus, Morty also showed little remorse for killing off all the aliens and went out of his way to cause damage, though he regretted it once he had to come back. A Rickconvenient Mort, Jerry was genuinely disturbed to hear Morty admit he murdered the Tina-Teers. And during the scene, Morty was extremely brutal. Its not the first time Morty has committed some diabolical crimes for someone he's interested in or generally cares about. In the episode Mort Dinner Rick Andre, his violent streak hits its crescendo. Once he got fed up with the Narnia people, he committed mass genocide out of frustration, and by the end, he didn't show much remorse.
I think the most damning evidence is the episode Rickshank Redemption, where during a stand-off, Morty is so fed up with Rick yelling at him during a standoff that he shoots Rick in the head. Not an arm or leg but in the forehead. He absolutely shot to kill. And yeah, you could say it was a spur-of-the-moment action based on frustration and impulse, but I think that was put in the episode not just a funny bit but a glimpse of what Morty is capable of. It was Morty basically saying "If were all going to die, Ive earned the right to be the one to take you out." There’s something symbolical about Morty killing both his best friend and the person that’s hurt him for years.
Its an interesting dichotomy as Rick seems to be mellowing out; Morty is slowly getting more comfortable with violence and generally more confident with himself. Rick is someone who gives off the bravado of a uncaring, cold hearted galactic criminal. However, the truth is Rick is someone who cares deeply for the people he's close to, and gets no enjoyment out of violence. Morty, on the other hand, is someone who tries to be caring, mercy full and forgiving. That being said, deep down he wants to stop having to constantly take the high road and give back all the pain and abuse he gets from others. These personality traits between the two constantly clash and the longer the live together, the more you see their original persona's corrode.
The season six finale, Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation, adds to this as Rick compares Morty to a “suicide bomber” because he was reckless and says he gets that from Prime. But C-137 is the only constant in Morty's life. He’s been through multiple universes and timelines but has had the same Rick for most of his life. Most of Morty's issues stem from things he had done or witnessed with Rick C-137. For example, the Vat of Acid Episode is what I would consider Rick at his absolute lowest. It's almost the kinda behavoir you would expect Prime to pull. Messing with Morty's head and killing a bunch of other Mortys just to say, "I told you so." Even going as far as gaslighting him by saying he COULD have listened to Rick tell him how it worked, even though Rick probably wouldn't have told him either way. It caused communication between these two to break down. At that point, you can tell Morty doesn't have much trust or faith in him, and when Rick replaces himself with a robot that treats him just a little bit better, Morty immediately notices. He even thought Rick was messing with him and brought up the vat of acid episode. This is another example of how the Ricks action leaves permeate consequences and effects on Morty. Don't get me wrong, Morty is far from perfect and flawed, but so is Rick. They have real emotions and conflict, and it's these factors that separate them from Prime (at least from the glimpses of him that we have seen)
However, Morty does exhibit certain traits unlike what we've been lead to believe is normal "Morty" behavior. In Rickmurai Jack, Morty tries to lie to Rick and even goes as far as to age himself nearly 40 years to get him to come back. Another example is in The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, Where Morty coaxes Rick into going on an adventure with Jerry to keep him from committing seppuku, though there's a good chance it was just to get a break from adventures. Rick can’t really blame most of Morty's behavior on Prime because any behavior he picks up past season one is from him and him alone. But even then I don’t doubt that there are behavioral similarities between him and Rick Prime. The Prime universe was everyone’s personality amplified.
Rick almost likes to pretend his the top dog, the Rickest Rick but as few others, including Bird Person and the toxic version of himself, has pointed out, he’s not. He’s highly capable but he’s also vulnerable. Season 6 ended with Rick getting Morty more involved in the search for Prime, forcing him to face the truth of Mortys origin. But regardless one thing is for certain, Morty is really the Mortyest Morty in the finite central curve, and that scares C-137.
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bouncybongfairy · 7 months
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Glorious Purpose
Rick Sanchez x Diane
Summary: After Evil Morty goes through all the files in Rick Prime's brain, he discovers there is one remaining Diane that Rick Prime created in hopes of one day killing her in front of C-137 to taunt him. Evil Morty makes Rick aware of the situation and decides to use the mind-blowers helmet to show this Diane the memories he has of them together.
Word Count: 5.0k+
Diane was getting ready with her friend Rena at her apartment. It was Friday and after a long week filled with the stress of university and work she was ready to go out. They were both sitting on her bed, doing their makeup using the mirrors of several pallets. Ranting back and forth to each other about how irritating life was. Diane just started her sophomore year of college and was content with everything going on in her life. Grades were so promising that she was expected to graduate early, she was financially stable, and for once had an amazing friend group. She ran the straightener through her long blonde hair, making sure to spray down any flyaways. After announcing that the flatiron was available, she took the blunt and stood up, examining her appearance in the mirror that was attached to the closet door. She was wearing a pink pleated mini skirt and a white tee shirt that she purposely bought too small, it was cropped and didn’t go much farther than her second or third rib. It had the word CUNT in pink sparkly font and to complete the look she slipped her pink platform pump heels onto her feet. 
“You’re so fucking hot bitch,” her friend Tina said, standing beside her and taking a few pictures with her. 
“We both are,” Diane said, pulling out her phone and realizing they should have ordered the Uber 45 minutes ago. 
After ordering, they stood outside and smoked the remainder of the blunt. Diane got mad at Rean for dropping it onto her shoe but ended in laughter. The car ride was nice, they had a woman driver who complimented her nails and was amazed you could get duck nails to be so long. She was an older lady which made the interaction that much more sweet. They were dropped off in front of the entrance, where they waited in line, passing a pen back and forth with each other. Once they got their IDs checked by the bouncer, they made a b-line for the bar. Both ordered two shots of vodka each, downing them back to back. This bar was Diane’s favorite because, unlike a lot of today’s clubs, people actually danced. Not just standing around against a wall with their face buried in their phone. They also didn’t only play Hot 100s which is refreshing. They continued dancing with each other till the liquor kicked in. 
Rick was sitting in the garage, tinkering with a device Jerry asked him to make that will keep certain bugs from fucking with his plants. He set it down and stared at the wall for a second, ever since killing Rick Prime he’s been feeling like shit. Making him question if he was just using him to fill the void of no longer having Diane. Now that purpose and mission have been completed, what will occupy that need for purpose? Alcohol? Evil Morty coming through a portal into the garage broke Rick out of his numb dissociation. Morty came into the room at the same time, creating a wonderful little family reunion.
“I need to show you something,” Evil Morty said flatly.
“The same way I need both of you to get the fuck out of here,” he grumbled. 
“I went through Rick Prime’s brain files. He used the Omega Device on Diane but he found an existing pair of her parents. He locked them in the equivalent of a hamster cage and waited for them to produce a Diane. He was going to kill her in front of your Rick but obviously, we killed him before we could. I found the planet she’s living on, I don’t care what you do but considering you spent your whole life avenging her you might as well know,” Evil Morty said. 
“You’re lying, it’s probably a trap to lure inferior Ricks into a death trap,” Rick said, chugging the entirety of his flask and then refilling it. 
“I checked it out, I really don’t think it’s a baitline. He drew up blueprints of the location he was going to build to lure you and kill her,” he said, tossing the hard drive on his table. 
“If I get there and she’s not there, I’m killing both of you and bring you back to life over and over again and use that to fill the void of having no purpose,” Rick spat at Evil Morty as he opened the yellow portal,
“Yeah yeah, Loki called he wants his character arch back,” Evil Morty said. ‘
“Did he s-say both of us?” Morty C-137 asked as they all walked through the portal. 
Diane was currently bent over with her ass pressed against Rena as they danced to Bossy feat. Too $hort by Kelis. It was that point of the night when nothing seems real anymore and everyone’s morals began to loosen up. A blunt was hanging from her lips, she turned around so that she was facing Rena. Drunkenly deciding to have one more shot, practically skipping to the bar. Instead of getting a shot, she ended up getting a vodka cherry cocktail. She chugged the entire thing after Rena dared her to. Before returning to the dance floor, she made her way to the restroom. She was so intoxicated she didn’t even both hovering, she let her body plop down on the seat. She let her purse sit in her lap as she sat with her eyes closed for a while. This was the first weekend she had off all month, so the liquor was hitting harder than usual. Not to mention the only thing she ate that day was a chicken caesar salad at lunch. She finished her business and pulled out her phone to check how she looked, applying some lip gloss and fixing her hair before flushing. As she stood up, she stumbled a bit but sat her ass right back down when she saw a yellow glowing from outside the stall. 
“If you’re fucking with me right now I-” she heard a hoarse male voice grumble from outside the door. 
“Rick if I wanted to fuck with you I wouldn’t have helped you kill Rick Prime,” another young-sounding voice spoke. 
Diane was really nervous, especially because she was sure it was a man’s voice. She figured that Rena was waiting for her right outside so if she ran maybe she wouldn’t have interacted with the creep at all. Taking a deep breath in she opened the stall door and was taken back by what she saw. It was an older man with blue hair standing in front of you, tears were welding in his eyes creating an intense look on his face. 
“Is uh- is that Diane? Rick, you never said s-she looked like-” Morty said before being interrupted. 
“I’m going to take him home, looks like you’re gonna have an amazing time here,” Evil Morty said before dragging the other Morty into a portal by his shirt. 
“How do you know my name?” you asked, thoroughly confused and starting to wonder if your drink was spiked. He continued to stare, almost like he was in disbelief. He took a step towards her which made you step back into the stall.
“Dude what the fuck are you doing?” she asked. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
Seriously back-” Before she could finish, he blew some type of mist into her face. It immediately impacted her, making her slowly start to lower herself to the ground. Rick grabbed her which made her freak out a bit, like she was trying to get away but becoming too sedated to fight back. 
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he said, almost whispering. She bawled her hand into a fist and hit his chest weakly before passing out. 
When she woke up she couldn’t figure out where she was. Looking around at the random bed and the fact that she wasn’t wearing her clothes scared her. She was in a blue long sleeve that she was drowning in. Tears welled in her eyes, she looked over and saw her original clothes neatly folded in a pile near the bed. After wiping her eyes, not caring about the old makeup on her eyes, she went to open the door but found that it was locked. She started kicking and punching at it, hoping it would eventually give way. Starting to have a full-blown panic attack, she grabbed her heel and used it to bang on the door. This continued until Rick came through the door, which caused Diane to take a few steps back. 
“Let me out of here you fucking creep!” she yelled throwing her heel toward him, he didn’t even flinch because the throw was so bad. 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he spoke in a soft yet firm voice.
“I don’t give a fuck what you want- oh my fucking- is this guy fucking serious? You fucking kidnapped me!” she cried, running over to grab the other heel. 
“I understand that this is confusing but I have a device that can help you understand,” Rick said, holding the mindblowers helmet in his hands. At this point, she was feeling so deranged as if she could explode at any moment, “I invented this device that can show you depictions of someone’s memories, I loaded my own on here so you could-” Diane interrupted by charging at him, armed with her heel. He dodged her so that he was behind her and put the mindblowers helmet on her, then waited. 
The first memory was of the first time they met, both lived in the same neighborhood and went to the same school. That being said, they never really interacted with each other. Rick was similar to Morty in high school, quiet and awkward. Not to mention their extracurricular activities were polar opposites, she was a cheerleader and on the swim team. Rick was looking to be valedictorian and although he wasn’t very athletic, he had his charming moments. He gained confidence especially throughout his senior year from all the praise his teachers gave him. This is what led to Rick asking Diane on a date, she said yes because she secretly had her eye on him for a while. She always knew he was different but not in a superficial way. She liked how observant he was, most of the guys she was around talked about their health. Bragging about the stupidest things, like how much they could bench and how much alcohol was accessible to them. Those same boneheads were ready to fight if someone breathed wrong in their direction. There was one time when Rick accidentally bumped into one of the football players. As the jock cussed out Rick, who then walked up to Diane and asked her to hang out after the football game.
“Hey um, I know you’re on the cheer team but maybe after the football game we could get some takeout?” Rick asked, standing stiffly with his hands in his pockets. 
“That actually sounds really nice, I have to run but, I’ll see you then,” she replied with a small smile on her face. 
When Diane was at the game, she kept looking for Rick in the bleachers. He didn’t show up until the last 20 minutes of the game. When they made eye contact, she practically jumped in the air and waved with a big smile on her face. As they did their routine, she couldn’t help but stare as she danced. Seeing how intensely he was giving her a feeling she never felt before. Finally, the game ended and she gathered her sports bag and met him in the parking lot. He was leaning up against an old pickup truck. He not only opened her door but also put her bag in the backseat for her. She was still in her uniform and only then did she notice how short the skirt was. It was a stick shift and she thought it was hot watching him maintain conversation while operating the car. They stopped at Wendy’s and then made their way back to Dianne’s house, her dad worked night and her mom was always passed out by 9 pm. The first time Rick came into her room, she felt more embarrassed than ever. Normally when her little girlfriends came over, she felt really proud of her bedroom. When she showed Rick, it felt like she was showing an intimate and private. He set his food and backpack down and you excused yourself to change. While she was gone, he looked around the room for a bit. The walls of the room were navy blue and her curtains and bedspread were baby pink. He took in the little details like all the cosmetics she had scattered about on her vanity. The Beatles posters and other magazine cut-outs were stuck to the wall.​​ The way her room smelled like vanilla or the white cat that lay at her windowsill, it hissed at Rick when he sat next to him. That was when Diane came back out wearing a short babydoll nightgown that had matching bloomer shorts. Her blonde hair was still down but she’d washed the make-up off her face, letting her freckles show. 
“Is this okay?” she asked, playing with her hands, Rick didn’t speak. Instead, he shook his head, closed her agape mouth, and pulled his burger out of the paper bag. 
You’d think they would have initiated some type of sexual act but instead, they talked for hours while sitting on her bed. He opened up about the difficult relationship between him and his father. She explained how her mother is crazy and they can’t go more than 5 hours without screaming at one another. They talked about future goals and career paths. They ended up falling asleep well, Diane did with her head lying on Rick’s chest. He stayed up, rubbing her back and admiring her face as she slept. It was too easy just to say he found her attractive, he liked that every guy talked about her. He liked that every girl wanted to be her. The way she wasn’t just a pretty face, she could hold a conversation and had goals beyond just being a mother and wife. Sometimes at night, he would get angry while thinking about her being with some other guy. They wouldn’t love her the way he did, they wouldn’t care about her mind and well-being like he could. 
One night, Rick was doing his homework when the phone rang. It was 1971 so it was a push-button phone. Because there was no way to see a color ID, Diane would only let the phone ring twice before hanging up, singling to Rick that she was on the other line. Rick picked up the phone, happy to hear her voice until he actually did. She was crying, he could hear her mother screaming in the background. They’d been together for the past 6 months and Rick knew all about the relationship between Diane and her Mother. Her mother was Russian and really strict, a lot of the time she would throw the sacrifices she made in Diane’s face. Both her older brothers moved out and had families, so with only the two of them left at home, it was like a war zone. Maybe Rick was biased but Diane’s mother was over-critical of the 18-year-old. She did everything in hopes of impressing her mother but to no avail. 
“Rick? I need you to pick me up right now. I can’t be here anymore!” she cried into the receiver. 
“I’m on my way, I’ll be there soon just hang tight okay? I love you,” he said, his heart pounding out of his chest. 
“Okay, I love you too but please just hurry okay?” she asked, her voice quivering. 
“I’m coming baby,” he said, hanging the phone back on its receiver. 
He grabbed his keys and coat, putting his shoes on before leaving. Before walking out the front door, he stared at his dad, who was passed out on the couch. He didn’t even bother taking his shoes or tie off, he shook his head in disgust before heading out. It was raining pretty hard, he turned the heater on before making his way to Diane’s. She only lived about a ten-minute drive from Rick’s house. Pulling into the driveway and honking to let her know he arrived. Diane came out, putting a couple of her bags into the backseat. Her mother followed her, screaming in Russian. He knew Diane was mad because she was screaming in a mixture of English and Russian, her face was red and tears streamed down her cheeks. Hair was soaked from walking back and forth from her house to Rick’s car. He just watched making sure nothing got too physical between the two of them. Once she packed the last of her things in the car, she approached her mother who was standing on the porch, laughing at her. Rick cringed as he heard the taunting cackling coming from the older women. 
“He’ll leave, you think the world is a fairytale place. You think you’ve found  prince who will build castle. Shower you will jewels and riches you’re blinded by desperation. He will use you, and you’ll let him because you have no brain, beauty is not enough to keep man anymore,” her mother spat.
“Just because Dad left you doesn’t mean I can’t find a man who will love me for real!” Diane said, more like screamed at her mother.
“Your father left because of you, I made him happy, I did everything right. It wasn‘t until you come that he leave and drink!” her mother screamed. 
“I hate you, fuck you seriously you drove everyone away and then blame everyone but yourself, God you’re just such a cunt!” Diane screamed so loud that neighbors began coming outside. 
“Go be with prince, go get pregnant, you’ll see how he loves you when pregnancy strips you of beauty,” her mother laughed as she slammed the door on Diane. She just stood there, she was completely soaked from the rain, and black mascara tears ran down her face staining her cheeks. She screamed at the door, just stood and screamed. Rick went and put his coat over her shoulder and directed her to the car. She was hysterical, not even comprehending what Rick was saying as he tried consoling her. He drove her back to his house, she was shivering and sobbing loudly. Rick was driving with one hand because she was death gripping his other arm, crying into her sleeve. He finally got her to calm down enough so they could sneak past his dad. He carried her inside, she clung onto him like he was going to disappear out of thin air. Bringing her to his room, when he set her down to go get her stuff from the car. 
“No, please just stay here, please don’t go!” she cried, holding onto one of his hands with both of hers. 
“I left the car on and I have to get your stuff, I’ll be right back,” he said, she didn’t protest but he also had to pry her hand off his arm to go. 
He managed to get all her stuff on the first trip. When he got back upstairs, he sat on the floor for a while with Diane consoling her. After she’d calmed down for the most part, she wanted to take a shower. He had a bathroom attached to his room and got everything ready for her. He let her know everything was good to go but she wanted him to join her. He shook his head in agreement but couldn’t form any words. They’d been intimate before but never fully nude or actual intercourse. She got in before he did, and nervously he joined her amazed at what he saw. She was so statuesque, like the women in Playboy magazines. Her skin was so soft and it glistened as the water ran down her curves. She turned around to make eye contact with him, shamelessly looking down at his package before fluttering her eyes up again. When he imagined this moment he thought it would have been more sexy and intense but it wasn’t. Instead, they just sat in the water embracing each other’s skin. Even when her eyes were closed you could see how swollen they were from crying. They stayed there till the water got cold, Rick cut off the water and helped her out of the shower. He didn’t know what she would want from her stuff, so he gave her one of his shirts and a pair of boxers and socks. He even brushed her hair so it wouldn’t get matted as she slept. 
“Do you think she’s right, do you think I’m the reason my dad left?” she asked, her voice getting lighter and cracking towards the end. 
“You’re dad left because he was a pussy and didn’t want to own up to his responsibilities,” he said, crawling into bed with her.
“Promise? That she’s wrong,” she asked looking up at him, he knew she wasn’t talking about her dad anymore. 
“I would only leave you if I died,” he said, pressing his forehead into her. She kissed him until her lips were swollen and hurting.
Ever since that night, they were completely inseparable. Everyone rolled their eyes, thinking there was no way they would last. They assumed Diane would leave Rick for a more mainstream athletic guy but she didn’t. He went to all of her swim meets and she supported him with all his college applications and the stress of his job. He worked as a paid apprentice for a watch store, it wasn’t the most exciting job but they were happy. The time between then and graduation seemed to fly by. Rick was valedictorian and Diane had to beg him to wear something nice underneath his gown. They ended up going to college together at Stanford, living in an off-campus apartment. He was trying to earn his Bachelor of Science while she was working on becoming a veterinarian. This is when the honeymoon phase ended and things started getting more domestic. Even though things were different, it didn’t mean things were bad. 
One night after she’s eaten with Rick at the dining room table. He was still there, shoveling forkfuls of meatloaf and mashed potatoes into his mouth. He was working on his homework, his brow  Every now and again wiping his hands so he could use his abacus. As she finished up the dishes, her body was practically shaking with anticipation. Diane had been saving up for months to buy Hewlett-Packard’s first scientific calculator. 
“Look, baby, it adds and subtracts obviously but it can also compute logarithms, exponents, AND, trigonometric functions. It’s called the HP-35, God it looks so cool I wish I could get it,” he said, showing Diane the newspaper ad.
“Well why can’t you?” she asked. 
“It’s 395 dollars,” he laughs. 
“Oh,” she said, turning her head back to the TV. 
She saved up enough money, working as a vet tech to buy it for him. He’d recently proposed, and the fact that he was more focused on her ring and marriage that he would sacrifice something that would make his schooling so much easier really touched her. She finished drying and putting the last few dishes away, she went over to the hall closet and grabbed the shopping bag. Rick was still hunched over his plate while working on his homework. She set the bag on the table in front of him, this made him look up at her. He had a bit of food in his mouth which made her laugh, she picked up the napkin and wiped his face. 
“What is it? Did you have a chance to pick up my socks?” he asked, Diane laughed again before responding. 
“Open it and find out,” she said, kissing the top of his head. He cleaned off his hands and opened the plastic bag. When he saw what it was, he set it on the table, pushed his chair back, and engulfed her in a bear hug. He lifted her up and squeezed her tight so she couldn’t move. 
“I’m glad you liked it,” she breathed out, he set her back on the ground, took her face between his hands, and kissed her. 
“You really are my everything you know that?” he asked before kissing her. 
“I love you,” she said. 
They both graduated with their degrees in 1976 and things were looking so promising. Rick already found a job working at a biotech company with a great wage and Diane was working as the lead veterinarian at her clinic. They bought a house that was perfect, two-story with a big garage. This worked out perfectly because it turned into Rick's workspace. For a while they just worked, saved up, and went on vacations every once in a while but things were beginning to get complacent. Every day the same routine, both Diane and Rick began to wonder about the concept of children. There was no reason why they couldn’t start trying but Diane was scared. Actually terrified of what pregnancy would do to her body not to mention having to birth a whole baby. Diane came home early one day because she was feeling so sick. It wasn’t until she walked into the store and into the pharmacy that it dawned on her she could be pregnant.
They used to use condoms religiously but they’d been married for years now and to put it bluntly, they got lazy. She picked up a pregnancy test and then made her way back home. Rick wasn’t going to be home for about an hour so she ran into the bathroom to take the test. She bought 5, just to be sure it was completely accurate. She was pacing around the bedroom for a while, waiting for the tests to develop. She took her scrubs off and walked back into the bathroom, every single test read positive. For a while, she sat down and cried, sobbing even. She turned on the shower, in hopes that it would help calm her nerves. It wasn’t like she was nervous about Rick’s reaction, she knew he wouldn’t be mad or anything. She was just scared of no longer having control of her body. On the other hand, I'm thinking about having a little mini-her. As she cried in the shower, she couldn’t help but think about what her mother had told her. About what caused her dad to leave, she knew Rick would think she was silly for thinking this but her insecurities were getting the better of her. When Rick came home, he was surprised to see her car in the driveway, normally she got home after him. When he found her she was still crying in the shower. Rick was really worried until she directed him to the tests on the bathroom vanity. 
“Honey why are you upset, you don’t want to be pregnant,” he asked gently, turning the water off once he realized it was ice cold. 
“No, I just.. I don’t know,” she sighed, getting up and wrapping a towel around herself. 
“How do you feel?” he asked, taking his work clothes off as you changed into comfy clothes. 
“I think it’s just bringing up past memories of things like my mom and stuff,” she said wiping her eyes. Rick joined her on the bed, wrapping his arms around her. 
“I would never leave you, especially if you were or are pregnant. I know it’ll be hard because of your past but I love you and look on the bright side. We’re having a little baby,” he said, moving his hands to her belly.
“Yeah, we are. Isn’t that so weird?” she asked rhetorically which made them both laugh before sharing a kiss. 
The pregnancy went along smoothly, she still worked until she was 7 months pregnant. Taking a break to start nesting and planning for the baby. Diane didn’t want anything elaborate, the baby shower was very intimate. Only close friends and family her mother wasn’t invited. The birth scared the shit out of Rick, he had so much anxiety watching her contracting. She looked like a cat that couldn’t get comfortable, shifting positions and writhing around. She kept reminding Rick not to let them do anything crazy to her which he reassured her every time. She pretty much blacked out while pushing, her face was so red, practically purple. She was so exhausted that she kept dozing off while waiting for them to bring her back. As the doctor stitched her up, Rick watched making sure they didn’t give her the husband stitch. Diane’s face was bruised from how hard she pushed, she was sleeping curled up on her side. Rick held Beth as he waited for her to wake up. The nurses thought she was a redhead at first but after they bathed her they realized it was actually blonde. He talked to her the entire time, whispering how much he loved her on her forehead. She was perfect, like a little doll. Rick couldn’t believe he made her or how tiny she was. Diane woke up shortly after, immediately taking Beth into her arms and gushing over her. 
This was the last memory on the mind blowers, Diane ripped the helmet off herself and started crying. She felt like she was going crazy, the overwhelming feeling of watching herself live a completely different life made her want to throw up. Going to one of the corners of the room and just hyperventilating. Rick sat behind her so that his knees were on either side of her. 
“Did we really do all that together?” she asked, wiping her face.
“A version of you, yeah,” he said. 
“I can’t be that for you, I’m not a mom I don’t know how to do that yet. I wasn’t born like forever ago either,” she cried
“I’m not asking you to become a different person or my wife. I just worry about other Versions of me, getting a hold of you. They won’t be as… nice as me,” he explained. She turned around to face him, he looked sad and tired. Maybe it was because she was feeling overwhelmed and needed comfort but she moved to hug him. He wrapped his arms around her and she did the same. Tears streamed down his face, he was squeezing her so tight she couldn’t breathe for a second. 
“I’m exhausted and my head hurts,” she said, which made Rick stand her up and start the shower for her. While Diane sat, soaking in the hot water, Rick got her a pain pill to help her sleep and ease all the anxiety this entire ordeal had caused. He waited on the bed until she came out of the bathroom, showered, and changed. He wrote down his number just in case he needed anything before he went to leave. 
“Wait! Can you stay with me please?” she asked, sitting on the bed. He agreed and lay there till the pain pill he gave her kicked in. She ended up cuddling up next to him and sleepily protested when he tried to break free and leave.
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novapark · 1 month
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So I'm finally getting around to testing some lot projects I've been wanting to upload and out of nowhere Morty rushes into the house to slap poor Tina Test around. Like sir I am sorry but we don't even know you.
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Best girl Malva is currently only available as an NPC 😭
But Kalos Villain Arc on the way, only a new Sygna Suit for Diantha tho (She gets Shiny Diancie. I take it maybe we only get the first part this month, with us getting the second part and more Sygnas next month? Since we never had just one character getting a new outfit, and Sycamore apparently isn't getting his grid expansion. Also, confirmed, Diantha gets to be relevant in the battle with Flare, finally! Do her justice.) Kinda surprised that they're jumping to Flare tho with Paulo and Tina being taken by Plasma in the latest story addition.
Dawn gets Sensu Oricorio and Lisia gets Galarian Rapidash. Unless they turn out to be really kickass pairs tho, I'll probably skip. My eyes are currently on NY Volkner from last year.
Shauna is Spotlight, the Furisode Girl is our NPC Pair, and Sycamore and Kukui get EXs. Kukui, Blaine (finally, I long since replaced him with Sygna Morty, but he used to be my Sunny Day setter), Marlon, and Marshall get grid expansion.
Emma is in the game data but is currently unavailable.
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What Korvo’s Relationship with Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa Reminds Me Of
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1. Korvo and Yumyulack
Queen Elinor and Merida from Brave
Marge and Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons
Samson and Ryan from The Wild
Ruby and Agatha Gillman from Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
Gru and Margo from Despicable Me
Anne and Hop Pop from Amphibia
Bob and Tina from Bob’s Burgers
Rick and Katie Mitchell from Mitchells vs. The Machines
Marlin and Nemo from Finding Nemo
Dave and Simon Seville from Alvin and the Chipmunks Live Action Film Series
Luz and Camilla from Owl House
Blastus Metaljump and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
Teddy and Amy Duncan from Good Luck Charlie
Miley and Billy Stewart from Hannah Montana
Mirabelle and Alma Madrigal from Encanto
Kyle and Gerald Broflovski from South Park
Beef and Judy from The Great North
Blitzø and Loona from Helluva Boss
Cody and Big Z from Surf’s Up
Nimona and Balister from Nimona
Rick and Summer from Rick and Morty
2. Korvo and Jesse
Ming and Mei Lee from Turning Red
Aaron and Linda Mitchell from Mitchells vs. The Machines
Luz and Eda from Owl House
Hop Pop and Sprig Plantar from Amphibia
Marge and Maggie Simpson from The Simpsons
Beef and Wolf from The Great North
Dave and Alvin Seville from Alvin and The Chipmunks
Bob and Gene Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Flint and Tim Lockwood from Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs
Thrasher and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
3. Korvo and Sonya
Marge and Lisa from The Simpsons
Ralph and Vanellope from Wreck-It-Ralph
Bob and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Stolas and Octavia Goetia from Helluva Boss
Wolf and Judy from The Great North
Mabel and Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls
Twilight Sparkle and Spike from My Little Pony
Clementine and Lee from The Walking Dead Video Game Series
Marceline and Simon Petrikov/The Ice King from Adventure Time
Mecha-Jodi and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
Nigel and Eliza Thornberry from The Wild Thornberries
Masie and Jacob from The Sea Beast
Boo and Sully from Monsters Inc.
Rick and Morty
4. Korvo and Pupa
Marge and Bart Simpson from The Simpsons
Bob and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Beef and Moon Tobin from The Great North
Bo and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
Sully and Boo from Monsters. Inc.
Twilight Sparkle and Flurry Heart from My Little Pony
Sam and Agatha Gillman from Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
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drawmanations · 6 months
Tagged by @cyanichexanthine a while ago to list 9 favourite characters (ty for tagging me). This is very much late, my brain was just blanking. So, here's the list. It's in no particular order, apart from the first two
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
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You gotta expect Rick to be in here. RnM is my main fandom right now, and of course Rick would be a favourite character. He's sarcastic, snarky, an asshole and has a lot of emotional baggage.
I wouldn't say he's too complex, but definitely not simple.
2. Rick Prime (Rick and Morty)
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Prime is very interesting. We somehow get so much information with how little time we have. Although, most of it may be headcanonning. Tbh, I think that's why he's fun, we can headcanon Prime bc of how little screentime he has when you step back and look at the series as a whole.
Of course, we do know a lot about him from what we were shown. Like he's also a snarky asshole who likes to toy with other people and mess with them. Even when he was dying he could still get under Rick's skin.
3. Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
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Louise has that kind of chaotic energy I vibe with. I think she and Bob are two of the best characters in the show, though that's not saying the other characters are worse.
4. Peril (Wings of Fire)
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Peril is a very complex character with a very fucked up past.
When she was young, her mother was forced to give her to Scarlet, where she was then forced to grow up as a killer. Scarlet was very much abusive and she was isolated from everyone and everything.
Because of that path, everyone sees her as a killing machine and nothing more. Her attachment to Clay is unhealthy because of him being the only dragon to hear her our and see her for who she is, a traumatized dragon who only knows how to kill because of how she was raised. And I guess her having firescales and him having fireproof saes helps with that.
I like Peril because of how complex she is. And I hate how some of the fandom is victim blaming her.
5. Ex-Queen Scarlet (Wings of Fire)
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She's a villain. A queen. She slays. Scarlet is my favourite villain in wof. Her design with the melted face is awesome, I really love her sadistic attitude too, bc off course I do.
I would strangle Scarlet lovingly
6. Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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Mom Steve is all I have to say, and the fandom will get me. (I think... I'm not in the stranger things fandom, I just watched the show).
At first, I hated Steve, I thought he was an asshole and I watched to punch him. Now, if he dies, I will punch my TV. I've never switched so quickly with my liking for a character between two seasons of a show. I think... idk I don't watch many shows.
7. Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
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Jim is a cold and distant person turned adopted parent and I love him for that.
I also thought I would hate him. He seemed like lazy dude who would do nothing during the case. (Fun fact, I thought all the adults would be clueless and I would only like the kids, since most shows are like that). But he actually steps up in a big way.
I was worried that they would fuck him up in season 3 with him trying to break up Mike and Eleven. But, they made up for it, and I cried at the end of season 3.
I love him and Steve sm. Pls don't die.
8. Clive (Littlebigplanet 2)
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Okay, this may be a bit weird, but hear me out.
This man is the best character in lbp2. He's so fucking depressed and I love him. Clive and his world are my favourite in LBP2.
9. Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
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Best cartoon dad, hands down. He's so chill and actually pays attention to his kids. Plus he isn't rude, offensive or a baby waiting for his wife to clean up after him. He's just a dad trying to do his job while also having 3 (if Tina counts) chaotic kids.
One of my favourite characters in Bob's burgers, fr.
That's the list. Idk who to tag so uh-...
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
The Genderbend Children
So remember when I told you about the kids that might know your true job. Well Here's a few list of the kids that know about your true job.
Those that know for sure your a Seriel killer:
Bart Simpson/ Babs Simpson
Stewie Griffin/Susie Griffin
Louise belcher/Lewis Belcher
Cubert Farnsworth/Cube Farnsworth
Eric Cartman/Erica Cartwoman
Jessie Glaser/Jeff Glaser
Princess Tiabeanie/Prince Tobias
Kenny Mccormick/Kathy Mccormick
Moon Tobin/Sun Tobin
Andrew Glouberman/Andrea Glouberman
Judd Birch/June Birch
Maggie Simpson/Magi Simpson
Those who have a pretty good idea:
Violet Hart/Victor Hart
Meg Griffin/Mike Griffin
Tina Belcher/ Tino Belcher
Hailey Smith/Howard Smith
Ham Tobin/Hammy Tobin
Judy Tobin/ John Tobin
Lisa Simpson/Leroy Simpson
Jane Lane/James Lane
Daria Morgendorffer/Dario Morgendorffer
Connie Souphanousinphone/ Connors Souphanousinphone
Missy Foreman-Greenwald/ Mister Foreman-Greenwald
Summer Smith/Spring Smith
Those who are close to finding out
Quin Morgendorffer/Qint Morgendorffer
Dwight Conrad/Delight Conrad
Kimberly Harris/Kipperly Harris
Millie Tillerman/Miles Tillerman
Kyle Brofloviski/Kylie Brofloviski
Stan Marsh/Stacy Marsh
Nick Birch/Nicki Birch
Leah Birch/Leon Birch
Those who had no clue but learned the hard way
Ducan Harris/Daisy Harris
Jing Harris/Jang Harris
Chris Griffin/Christina Griffin
Morty Smith/Morta Smith
Bobby Hill/Bibbi Hill
Joseph Gribble/Josephine Gribble
Jay Bilzerian/Jacy Bilzerian
Gene Belcher/Genie Belcher
Cole Tillerman/Cola Tillerman
Wolf Tobin/She-Wolf Tobin
Val Bilzerian/Valerie Bilzerian
Kurt Bilzerian/Katy Bilzerian
Rallo Tubbs/Ronda Tubbs
Roberta Tubbs/Robert Tubbs
Cleveland Jr/Callie Jr
Ok I think that's everybody just know with the knowledge of your forbidden secret, they will keep it to the day they DIE 👌🦴🦷🗡🔪🥰
Leave Comments on the child or Teenager who I may have possibly forgotten and I will add it to the list.
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bluebomber182 · 1 year
I used elevenlabs and mrq's TorToiSe TTS fork called ai voice cloning in conjunction with adobe enhance speech to make a AI dub of a series of Tina Belcher and Morty Smith fan comics. I got the fan comics from the tumblr accounts of demalore, jelly-janelley, lilaccoffin and omniversalobservations
If you want to play around with the characters' voices in elevenlabs, you can use these files linked below. You should set clarity + similarity to 95% for accuracy.
Here's a tip if you're using elevenlabs. If you want the voices to convey emotion. You put in parenthesis and the emotion word. Like this
(sad) I'm sad.
You can also slow it down like this.
(slow sad) I'm sad.
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steel--fairy · 9 months
characters who aren't related in canon but are in my verse:
--green & leaf were raised by blaine after their parents death. very free range but still.
--brock and bruno are cousins
--agatha and bertha are sisters. their family moved around a lot when they were kids and agatha liked kanto more while bertha preferred sinnoh
--winona and anabel could be siblings? they have those similar ponytails which is flawless logic by pokemon standards
--wallace & lisia and wally. and kris. lisia, wally, and kris & daphne are all cousins : )
oh gosh theres also the thing i refer to here as [redacted] which is n is the middle brother between kris and daphne. he doesnt know this and daphne doesnt even know she has a brother bc of how young they were when he was lost so it never comes up even when they meet : (
also also bc i started this whole thing with the joke that all the characters with light green/turquoise hair are related, proton is wallaces cousin while katy is his....first cousin once removed? *looks at chart* yea thats the right one. she's lisias age.
--two very very distant relatives (like, to the point where theyre strangers who have no idea theyre related) stemming from my legends era ocs: morty & caitlin, and steven & cyrus.
also not my ocs but bc laventon/cyllene good, cyrus is also very very distantly related to leon and hop which is hilarious to think about
--fantina and tucker are siblings. they're from kalos and both moved to different regions at different points in time
--silver, mars, and roark are all siblings (listed youngest to oldest). they all have ariana as a mother. she was married to byron, had roark and mars, they divorced and she moved away and had silver with giovanni. and arezu is arianas ancestor.
--on that note, ilima is the descendent of palina and iscan. i think thats the most likely candidate for them
--valerie is the youngest kimono girl and gets to help summon ho oh/lugia with her eevee
--greta is viola and alexis' younger sister. greta moved to hoenn bc it has a better battling culture
--tina from pokemon masters is alders granddaughter. whether shes bengas sister or cousin idk. i think im leaning towards cousin.
--idk how yet, but i do vibe with piers & marnie being related to grimsley. their uncle perhaps? when his familys fortune fell, his much older sibling ditched him for galar (trying to make money from their commercialized gym challenge?) and then had some kids there. neither party knows the other well.
--there is some relation between shelly and nessa but idk what. shelly is her aunt perhaps?
--i love that art i reblogged a while ago of larry and juan being related. the difference in personality makes it SO funny. the art had them as cousins but i think brothers might be even funnier (and funny should always win). im thinking they have a sootopolitan parent and a paldean parent. had juan, roughly 10 yrs later had larry as a way to not get divorced, got divorced anyways, and then each one took a kid. they keep in touch tho
--wikstrom is giacomo's father. i considered larry but i think wikstrom works better.
--hassel is iris's uncle. his younger brother is her father and the girl sent to bring him back to the family is iris' older sister who never left the village
--also if miriam and iono dont end up related im rioting. miriam is iono's older sister.
--when i saw penny talking about her dad i immediately went oh! peony! and i do vibe with that but gotta admit... kinda hard to make them related lmao could just go the adoption route tho, nothing says they have to be blood relations
--......was about to post this and realized i forgot one of my oldest hc's which is archie is hau's dad (and therefore hala's son). it's so ingrained in me I forgot it wasn't actually canon lmao
anyways, i think thats it?
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perfettamentechic · 10 months
15 agosto … ricordiamo …
15 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Gianfranco D’Angelo, è stato un attore, comico, cabarettista, doppiatore e cantante italiano. Sposato con Anna Maria. (n. 1936) 2013: August Schellenberg, August Werner Schellenberg, è stato un attore canadese di etnia Mohawk. Ebbe ruoli importanti nei film. Sposato con l’attrice Joan Karasevich. (n. 1936) 2010: Laura D’Angelo, attrice e coreografa italiana. (n. 1956) 2005: Laura Carli,…
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