#Tips To Effective Homeschooling
mindfulstudyquest · 4 months
Some advices for online courses (because I've been homeschooled my whole life):
Make a plan: plan the subjects that you want to do, working hours (and of course, make a bit of time for yourself)
A dedicated space for work: working in bed or in a space where there is a lot of interactions can make it hard for you to focus so dedicate a space only for work (like a room only for work or a desk in your bedroom...)
No distractions: if you want to work effectively, put away all the things that you know could distract you (like phone, games or even books..)
Take breaks: it's very important to breath a little bit in between the work sessions so go walk outside or make yourself something good to eat..
Use the promodoro technique: very effective to focus and to know when to take breaks.
Discipline, discipline, discipline: remember that motivation is never constant when discipline is constant. You'll need a lot more of discipline during online courses and working from home.
Take care of yourself, eat healthy, drink and sleep well.
Anyway, I hope that helped some of you and I wish you all the best!!
ehyy! so this kind anonymous shared their tips and advices for online classes, thank you so much, I hope that this is going to be helpful for everyone interested!
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darkestredemptives · 3 months
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Hunter verse
At birth, Ethan was cursed by a vengeful fae to be doomed to darkness. His parents had been devout priests with knowledge of the supernatural, in their time of need and suffering they had stolen a precious pearl from the seemingly abandoned residence of an elder fae. As he grew his parents feared what he would become, the fae had sworn them they would watch their son become a monster, the same way in which his last memory of his wife, in the fae’s opinion it had been truly monstrous to take such a thing. To make their son something they would fear was a fair payment in the mind of the fae. A few times as he grew he was unknowingly visited by the fae, who wanted to ensure the curse had indeed taken effect, seeing the cursed mark on his forearm he would not visit again. It took the form of a dark blame tattoo that would grow with time.
Other supernaturals could see it but to humans, it was only visible to those who knew him. Ethan was homeschooled, learning from his parents about the supernatural as well as what happened to him, he didn’t know the truth of why the fae cursed him until his eighteenth birthday, his parents had been too ashamed. As an adult he began working in warehouses, wanting nothing to do with the supernatural and met his wife there, she was called Emily. They lived a happy life for three years in London until tragedy struck, he came home from a party one night to find a vampire leant over his wife’s drained corpse, seemingly lost in a haze Ethan was able to break a leg off a nearby chair and use it to stake the vampire.
Wanting to ensure this never happened to anyone else he spent three months mourning his loss before becoming a hunter. Training hard and fully putting himself into his studies he took a parting gift from his parents who soon died after. A mixture of blessed weapons, holy water, as well as iron and silver weapons. He soon discovered that he was able to sense the supernatural as he killed more and more, he felt guilty, wishing he had been able to prevent Emily’s death. Yet whilst growing up he had deep feelings of anger he felt the more he killed, the more bloodthirsty he became, he would be haunted by visions of blood and becoming a creature of the night, whether a vampire, werewolf or something else. The mark began to grow and would slow him down when he was injured, even incapacitating him and reducing his natural healing for some time.
Ethan became friends with another hunter called Asriel, on one fateful night he was on the ground about to become a meal for a vampire when the other hunter destroyed the creature, after healing up the pair hunted together for some time as well as shared tips and tricks.
Affiliated with @asrielbelacquaaaa
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omnibused · 2 years
Hello! Em is so charming, I also want to speak about her. How does she feel about the Dark Arts?
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"Magic is a tool, and nothing more." Her father would always remind her. As a child, during her brief stint of homeschooling; every time her family would look down their nose at her as if she were something lesser.
"Each of us is born with or without something or another, and we find the means to get by as we must. Some magicked or muggle, some deafened or blind, it makes none less or more than another; just in need of the right tool, the right implementation." He'd always pause, with a deep laugh and a smile - just long enough to conjure a harmless, green spark with which to tingle the tip of her nose.
"And ours, little gem, is magic."
It was a mindset she was surprised followed her as long as it did, even once she began formal schooling at Hogwarts. She certainly doesn't have a legacy of dark wizards on either side of her family (that she knows of) - but there are expectations from pureblood families; especially those who have produced a squib.
Still, approaching magic with such a gray perspective left her susceptible to considering alternative viewpoints. Even if those points of view would end up being the good intentioned cobblestones that ended up paving a road to hell. As you might imagine, making friends with those like Sebastian Sallow nudged her toward a cliff she precariously walked the edge of, trying to both reason with herself, and trying to talk sense into a stubborn friend.
Magic is a tool… it's meant to serve, to protect, to heal, when it is able. What makes one kind of magic more malicious than another? Could Diffindo or Bombarda not cause as much pain and grievous harm as Crucio? Are a person's pure intentions not enough to make the use of what would otherwise be considered dark magic acceptable?
'Remember: you have to mean it.'
The first time she heard it, so casually, it had chilled her to the bone… perhaps there could be a difference after all, if one truly had to want to cause harm to another for it to even take proper effect. She'd been wary of Sebastian's motives ever since he'd stepped so easily away from crumpling her like tissue, while sympathetic Ominis tried to soothe her back to her right mind. Her heart clenched with worry as she leaned on her classmate helping her back to their common room… and had scarcely let go.
She could learn to forgive, though when wronged, she never forgets. Doing the right thing the wrong way was, more often than not, how she did things herself - but gave only one opportunity for someone to prove their genuine intentions to her.
That said, I believe she could be pushed to the brink of considering dark magic necessary to her goals, magic is just a tool, after all. However, I think the wise words of experience from one like Ominis, or a close, level-headed, Hufflepuff friend, would be enough to pull her back.
Trust is the most difficult magic to master, for some.
Honestly, I appreciate you asking! I really enjoy devising in-depth back stories for my characters, but rarely get a chance to just talk about it openly. ^_^ ❤️
(I also definitely saw your ask about HCs and, truthfully, have been jotting down a bulleted list for a couple of days. I'll post it, soon!)
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aressida · 6 months
Australia News: 24.3.24.
1.) "The Australian dream of owning your own home - Albanese style. Coming to a city near you."
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2.) "Media Shame File: Journalists show their economic illiteracy daily when it comes to immigration, but even so it's worrying that the political editor of The Age doesn't seem to understand how unemployment can fall during record-high population growth."
I'd say they were fully aware of what they were doing.
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Make a submission: https://qldparlcomm.snapforms.com.au/form/eetsc---education-general-provisions-and-other-legislation-amendment-bill-2024.
It is highly likely that other governments will enact similar harsh laws if they succeed in Queensland. Do not let them.
Also "Our main points of concern:
we do not want to be restricted to using the Australian Curriculum.
reporting to EVERY area in the plan and PROVING educational progress is too much and not even required in schools.
determining if home education is in the best interest of the child is a parental right, this power doesn't belong with the Education department."
Parents should have the freedom to decide how best to educate their children because education is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
4.) NDIS - What is myplace?
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"Just a heads up for all you MyPlace people. There are already trade marked companies in Australia using that name.
Be warned you may be in danger of copyright infringement and court action.
I'm telling you this because I care that you don't get sued, and also because you really should not use someone else's business name. Be original rather than just copying someone else.
The MyPlace brand in Australia is to do with Government, Monitoring, Professional Sports Sponsorship, Public Education and The NDIS. Do you really want your name involved with that?
I wouldn't.
5.) Australia Immigration ->
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"Record immigration is causing a housing crisis that’s now a human catastrophe
The more serious governance issue is Labor federal government lying last year saying it would reduce immigration
One Nation exposed the Lib-Lab Uniparty “big Australia”
People want immigration cuts." - Senator Roberts uncensored - Telegram.
6.) "Getting a COVID jab is safer than taking aspirin."
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"Currently appears on the University of Melbourne website.
“The risk of rare side effects from COVID-19 vaccines like AstraZeneca are greatly exaggerated as they are far safer than many medicines people are taking every day.” "
- @PeoplePowerAus.
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Top Tips to Design Effective Homeschool Anchorage AK Environment
When you are planning the homeschool Anchorage AK, you must have a dedicated space to enhance the creative abilities and improve the overall schooling experience. having a dedicated space allows you to organize their materials and ensure the schooling is comfortable. however, the main concern is how to maintain a neat and effective space for homeschooling. Here are a few ideas that should help you get started.
1. Choose a space within the house that you can dedicate to homeschool. You may not need an entire room or special place; a specific place will do. The idea is to get your child to understand that entering this space means they have to work on their school things here. It will also help them get into the learning mode once there. You can use a spare bedroom or the dining area or any corner of the living room to get started. A designated area can help you foster the proper routine and structure needed to bring homeschooling alive. Moreover, you can ensure the kids understand it is homeschool programs Anchorage time when they are there. You can always use a couple of foldable furniture to make the space flexible yet dedicated.
2. When creating a dedicated learning space, you must ensure comfort is a crucial parameter. You can ensure that the furniture supports your good posture and ensures the chair or table is at a good height. You can create a workspace that accommodates the child’s size by investing in these furniture. You will make the entire environment uncomfortable by investing in an oversized furniture. You can always create a floor seating for reading or other creative activities. A simple rug or beanbag can get the job done. By adding a couple of sitting positions in the room, you make way for a more flexible homeschool environment.
3. You should have proper lighting in the homeschool Anchorage AK. If you have a natural light, it can enhance their mood. So, you should try to create a dedicated space near the window. However, if that is not possible, you can create artificial lighting within the room which can help in ensuring sufficient light availability. Begin by adding a desk lamp with an adjustable brightness. This would help them focus better on the reading and writing tasks. You should avoid the fluorescent lights as well. make way for soft lighting that brings in focus.
4. You should organize your dedicated space so that your child can focus better and are efficient with their work. Organizing all the materials is equally important. You should have a proper place for the notebooks, pens and craft materials. You can use bins or drawers for the items. Make sure to label each drawer or bin so that you are aware where to find these materials. In case of books or materials that you frequently use, you can consider having shelves or other storage organizers that keep it from becoming a clutter. You should use colour coded folders for your child so that you can access the different materials.
5. You can make the Anchorage homeschool programs interesting by creating separate zones for each of the activities they perform.
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i hate feelings because i have to feel them
this morning, after i responded to my mom's texts in defense of her support for trump, a dove crashed into our balcony door. it was fine. it sat on the rail for a moment and then flew off. about a half hour later another dove crashed into the balcony door again. this one was also fine, sitting in almost the same spot as the first dove on the rail before flying off.
i pay attention to omens like that. i looked up what it could mean and there were some sources that said doves can represent spreading your wings and taking flight, and birds crashing into your window but flying away unscathed can mean ending negative cycles to embrace positive change. a friend confirmed this when they said that both of these birds represent my relationship with my parents.
i feel like this is an uncomfortable time where i'm finally being honest with myself about how my mom's choices have effected my mental health. i don't think she's a bad mom, per se. i think she's done fucked up shit, and she's mostly owned up to it. but i've also not exercised boundaries with her very often or very firmly, and it's time i acknowledge that she's ignored them before. i know she doesn't mean to hurt me, but she has. i need to stop tip-toeing around her and be honest about this. it's been a long time coming.
she used to cry a lot. she tried to hide it usually. i remember a lot of tearful "family meetings" where my mom tried addressing my dad's behavior but it always turned into an argument with me in the middle. i learned to be cautious about my behavior and communication because i didn't want to make things worse. i thought that i could avoid my dad's unpredictable moods by being well-behaved. and if he was in a good mood then my mom would be happy too. they never made me feel as if it was my responsibility to support them emotionally, but i was an only child and i didn't have many friends. for years, it was as though my only relationships were with my mom and dad. i called her my best friend for most of my life.
we converted to catholicism when i was nine years old. she thought that religion might convince my dad to be kinder and gentler. i was not welcomed by the community there. i was excluded by the other kids because i was a convert, i guess. my mom homeschooled me with a catholic program for two years. i was taught that god could read my thoughts and that even thinking about sinning was just as bad as sinning. i beat myself up for my intrusive thoughts. i was taught that the pain i endured as a girl was deserved, a debt incurred by eve that i could never repay. my mom made me stand with her outside of an abortion clinic and pray. i remember someone drove up to us and said we were doing something bad. i didn't understand at the time. my mom voted for bush around that time because she thought he would ban abortion.
i know for some time she looked for religion elsewhere and she voted democrat. but she would make off-hand racist comments often. i don't know that they're any different from someone of her generation. she taught me tarot reading and astrology. i don't think she ever understood how much christianity fucked me up. she still apologizes for not leaving my dad sooner, but i don't think she understands how much her christianity instilled me with deep shame and fear long before i ever knew i was queer. it didn't help that she would always say bisexuals are just slutty because they're willing to do it with anyone. it didn't help that she invalidated me the first time i tried to communicate with her that i wasn't a cis woman.
she defined my sense of reality for so long. that ended a long time ago. i don't know what i was hoping for. maybe some part of me hoped that she was right and that i had nothing to worry about regarding my right to exist in america. but her perspective will always be that of a white woman in her 60s. i have always had to figure out my own way. it's my hope that i can do so now with complete confidence.
i can acknowledge that right wing politics preys on the vulnerabilities of her generation. but also i need to acknowledge that she's the kind of person who can't see beyond her own perspective. how much empathy did she really have for my autistic immigrant father?
even today she continues to be dismissive of my feelings. she has recently called me sensitive, asked me to explain my perspective on things but did not take it to heart. i can only believe that her love for me is genuine, and maybe i'm wasting my breath, but i'm not holding my tongue to protect her feelings when she so blatantly disregards mine.
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uncloseted · 2 months
Do you have any tips or things I should know as a tutor for Wyzant? I'm meeting my first ever student on the 19th and he needs some guidance with his online homeschooling program / English as a subject and writing. I've never tutored before so I just thought I'd ask :)
I love this! I always really enjoy tutoring and Wyzant has really helped me find new clients, so I’m really happy you’re trying it out. My biggest advice is that every client is different, and so it’s important to figure out what they actually need and how they learn best. Some clients I’ve had effectively want me to do their work for them, so they need a lot of hand-holding to do it themselves. Others really just need me to sit there so that they actually get work done. And a lot of clients really need help with the organisational aspect of the work they need to do or struggle to figure out where to start, but once they’re going, they don’t need a ton of help with the content. Once you have an idea of what kind of student you have, it will be much easier to figure out how to help them.
It’s also a good idea to get hold of any information they have on course expectations (like a grading rubric, rundown of the content that’s in the class, the goals of the class, important dates, etc), so that you can tailor the tutoring you’re doing to make sure it’s in line with what’s expected and keep the student on track.
On the more practical side, it’s super important to be transparent and upfront about pricing, especially for work where you’re not meeting face to face (like editing a paper). The biggest issues I’ve gotten into while tutoring is people being surprised at how long it takes for me to edit a paper well, and so they get upset when they realize they’ve spent more money than they expected. Saying “I think this will take x number of hours and cost y” ends up being really useful in preventing disputes down the line. But in general, in my experience, as long as you’re friendly and trying to be helpful, most clients will be happy. So don’t worry too much! I’m sure you’ll do a great job.
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pavitrtimes · 2 months
Engaging Millennial Parents: Social Media Tactics for Modern Kindergarten Promotion
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As digital natives, millennial parents have ushered in a new era of kindergarten promotion, with expectations for engagement, transparency, and authenticity that challenge the traditional approaches to marketing. For preschools, this necessitates a fresh take on digital marketing strategies, specifically tailored to this technologically savvy, socially conscious cohort. Here, we delve into their unique digital behaviors and unpack how preschools can effectively leverage social media to attract and engage millennial families.
Understanding Millennial Parenting Trends
Millennial parents prioritize the holistic development of their children, opting for educational environments that are not only academically sound but also supportive of emotional intelligence and creativity. They are increasingly reliant on social media to inform their parenting choices, seeking advice, reviews, and recommendations from their networks and influencers they trust.
These parents are looking for content that resonates with their values, which include a strong sense of community, diversity, sustainability, and technology integration in learning. To capture their attention, preschools must align their digital marketing approaches with these values and present their message in a relatable and accessible manner.
Social Media Strategies That Resonate
Create Relatable Content
Behind the Scenes: Share day-to-day activities and special moments from your preschool to give an authentic view of what children experience.
Values-Based Messaging: Highlight how your preschool's values align with those important to millennial parents, such as inclusivity, creativity, and eco-friendliness.
Leveraging Instagram for Visual Storytelling
High-Quality Imagery: Post visually appealing photos of your school's environment, events, and student work.
Stories and Reels: Utilize Instagram Stories and Reels to share quick and engaging glimpses into your preschool’s community and activities in a format that is highly popular among millennials.
Pinterest as a Resource Sharing Platform
Educational Resources: Curate boards with homeschooling tips, nutritious meal plans, and DIY educational activities, positioning your preschool as a resource for holistic child development.
Virtual Bulletin Boards: Create boards for different age groups or learning themes, showcasing the innovative ways your school facilitates learning.
Collaborating with Influencers
Parent Influencers: Partner with relatable parent influencers who share similar values to your target audience. Their endorsement can lend credibility and broaden your reach.
Educational Thought Leaders: Engage with influencers who are respected in the early education space to discuss trends and methods that may highlight your preschool’s approach to learning.
Engaging Storytelling Strategies
Testimonials: Use storytelling to share experiences from current parents and alumni, allowing prospects to envision their children thriving at your preschool.
Interactive Content: Incorporate polls, quizzes, and open questions in your posts to encourage interaction and build community.
Digital marketing for preschool has to adapt to the rhythms of millennial parents, leveraging social media to create genuine connections and showcase what makes a preschool special. Engaging this audience through relatable content, effective use of platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, strategic influencer collaborations, and compelling storytelling are essential tactics in contemporary kindergarten promotion. Preschools that embrace this approach will not only attract millennial parents but will also build lasting relationships with the families that become a part of their educational community.
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educonten4kids · 2 months
Homeschooling: Tips for Success
Homeschooling presents a unique opportunity for parents to tailor education to the individual needs and interests of their children, fostering a dynamic and personalized learning environment. Effective homeschooling tips encompass a wide range of strategies aimed at maximizing educational outcomes while nurturing a love for learning.
One of the foundational aspects of successful homeschooling is establishing a structured daily routine. This routine should include designated times for core subjects such as mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies, balanced with breaks for physical activity and creative endeavors. Consistency in scheduling helps create a sense of stability and predictability, which is beneficial for children's learning and overall well-being.
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Flexibility is equally important in homeschooling. Unlike traditional classroom settings, homeschooling allows for adjustments based on the child's learning pace and interests. Parents can adapt lesson plans, teaching methods, and learning materials to cater to their child's strengths and areas of growth. This personalized approach not only enhances academic progress but also promotes self-confidence and intrinsic motivation.
Incorporating a variety of teaching methods and resources keeps homeschooling engaging and effective. Hands-on activities, educational games, virtual field trips, and multimedia resources can bring subjects to life and cater to different learning styles. Utilizing online platforms and educational apps can supplement lessons, provide interactive content, and facilitate skill development in areas such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy.
Creating a conducive learning environment within the home is crucial for homeschooling success. Designating a specific area as a dedicated learning space helps children associate this environment with focused study and concentration. This space should be comfortable, organized, and free from distractions, allowing children to immerse themselves in their studies.
Beyond academic instruction, homeschooling tips also emphasize the importance of socialization and community engagement. Parents can facilitate opportunities for social interaction through extracurricular activities, co-op groups, sports teams, and community events. Networking with other homeschooling families, joining support groups, and participating in workshops provide valuable resources, support, and shared experiences.
Continuous assessment and feedback are integral parts of effective homeschooling. Regularly reviewing progress, assessing comprehension through quizzes or projects, and providing constructive feedback help parents gauge their child's understanding and adjust teaching strategies as needed. Celebrating achievements and milestones, both big and small, reinforces motivation and fosters a positive learning environment.
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In conclusion, homeschooling is a journey of discovery and growth for both parents and children. By implementing structured routines, personalized learning approaches, diverse teaching methods, and creating a supportive learning environment, parents can nurture a lifelong love for learning and empower their children to reach their full potential academically, socially, and personally.
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wallacewellsismydeity · 3 months
The Ultimate Overview to Homeschooling: Tips, Resources, and Success Stories
Are you thinking about homeschooling your kids yet feeling bewildered by the idea of handling such a huge duty? Worry not! In this thorough overview, we will certainly provide you with useful pointers and sources to assist you navigate the world of homeschooling with confidence. From producing a curriculum and establishing a helpful discovering setting to handling time efficiently and cultivating social links, we have actually got you covered. Whether you're a skilled homeschooling parent seeking fresh concepts or a newcomer seeking support, this article is your go-to source for all things homeschooling.Additionally, we'll share inspiring success tales from family members who have actually grown via homeschooling. Learn how they got over challenges, celebrated achievements, and created lasting memories with this special educational journey. Discover the happiness of customized knowing, versatility in scheduling, and the strong bonds that develop within homeschooling family members. Join us on this experience as we discover the globe of homeschooling and encourage you to make the most effective choices for your youngster's education and learning and health.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/homegrownfam5/home
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corcnaiism · 3 months
;-- modern verse: a deeper look into noctis — THE INCIDENT & AFTERMATH
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with the introduction of bad apples into his life, the noctis that everyone once knew became a distant memory. he had been consumed by peer pressure and the idea of needing to feel "free" — allowing himself to fall into a deep hole be couldn't figure out how to get out of. alongside his new addiction to drugs, he also became an alcoholic and a sex fiend, activities his "friends" all convinced him to partake in just so he could stick around and not be a total "loser."
he never wanted any of this, but he had lost control of his life.
noctis would rarely attend school and when he did, he'd be too high to fully be immersed — his graded reflected that. he would also rarely be at home and had to have gladio drag his ass from the streets or from a friend's place and back to his room with the security guard rightfully scolding him for his irresponsible behavior. his interest in music and building a band faded away much like his sanity as he no longer found joy in holding his guitar or vocalizing his feelings into a song. his relationships with his friends like gladio ( and ignis / wip ) hit rock bottom while he continuously lied or ghosted luna who didn't know better on the condition noctis was going through.
the hardest hit was his relationship with his dad who struggled to understand what was going on with his son and wondered tirelessly on what he did wrong as a parent. the two would constantly argue with each other when they did have the chance to see one another. it wasn't until regis went through noctis' room ( which was something he never had to do ) because of a tip he received from gladio ( and ignis / wip ) concerning his son participating in harmful activities that he saw with his own eyes the damage noctis was doing to himself. bags of cocaine and other unknown substances with empty bottles of alcohol hidden underneath his bed gave regis the horrible insight he had desperately been needing.
and so regis grounded noctis.
he confiscated every drug and drop of alcohol he could find as well as denying noctis access to the interest and his regular phone, giving him a makeshift one that was locked into only using the call feature with only a couple designated contacts he was allowed to use. regis would assure his son that he would be checking the phone bill if he decided to make other calls outside of the contacts and would extended the grounding period if he did so. regis had also decided to pull noctis from his public school and bring him back into homeschool, so he could finish the rest of his year under his surveillance because he thought it would work best for noctis to not be around anyone else — or the outside world to be exact — until he sobered up and learned his lesson. noctis would not be allowed to go anywhere without his permission and a bodyguard and, for the time being, he was only to be around the caelum estate and nowhere else.
noctis was pissed.
and restless.
without his daily intake of substances, he felt himself losing his mind. he couldn't sit still for long, his body constantly twitched, and he showed clear signs of an addict going through withdrawal. he would plead with his dad to give him another chance, that he promised to be a better person from now on, but regis did not falter. until he could see clear results with his own eyes, he would not let noctis free. it pained him to have to keep him in lockdown, but he didn't know what else to do. he wanted his son to recover from his addiction and if he needed to take away everything in order to do so, then so be it.
and for a good month or so, the method worked.
until the cracks resurfaced.
it was new year's eve when the doorbell rang, and noctis' friends from public school showed up to wish him a happy new year. but with his punishment still in effect, one of the nannies was the one who received the gift they presented to her to give to noctis since they were not allowed to see him. it wasn't much but a CD album of one of nocits' favorite bands to which, upon careful inspection from regis, was given to noctis. after a month or so, noctis had been granted permission to listen to music again, so the gift was ideal for him to enjoy.
however, that was not the only gift left behind by his friends.
as they were leaving, they threw pebbles towards noctis' window as best as they could without getting caught, which fortunately ( or unfortunately ) did catch the attention of noctis who happened to be in his room at that exact time. when he opened the window, one final item had been thrown, nearly missing the target as noctis struggled to catch it but did manage to — a rubber-banded tied piece of paper to a rock.
quickly closing the window and unfolding the piece of paper, he read through the contents and let out a shaky breath.
he had been invited to a house party for new years.
obviously, it would be near impossible to leave with so much surveillance on him, but noctis had memorized everyone's schedule at that point and recognized the smallest slit of time he could use to sneak around without detection — it was what he used to sneak around to the kitchen to fetch him some goodies during bedtime back in his childhood. but he had doubts, considering he had been going along with his punishment for a while now, and if he wanted to get back everything he had along with his freedom and trust of others, then he had to see it till the end.
but damn was it boring as hell, and he's been itching for that taste of ecstasy again — literally and figuratively.
one tiny little party wouldn't hurt.
as long as he made it back before the start of the security team's morning shift, then he should be fine.
just a teeny taste.
and so he made up his mind.
clocking out at his usual time ( because he knew any other time would cause suspicion ), noctis laid in bed fully clothed and pretended to sleep until the precise time gladio's team night shift ended, and the switch between their shift and the next commenced, giving him that slightest time frame to sneak around. with quick maneuvers like he had done so many times before in his childhood days, noctis managed to walk right out of the front door after deactivating the alarms and scurried his way away from the property, dodging as many lights and cameras as possible before slipping into the vehicle that had been waiting for him at the exact time the note had mentioned.
it was party time.
before arriving at their destination, noctis' friends indulged themselves by snorting a line or two to which he hesitantly had to decline when offered. it was a difficult move on his part because his withdrawals have been heavy and acute, and he felt himself wanting to dive right into the powder himself, but he figured that in order to sneak himself back home without evidence that he had done something wrong, then it would be best to stay as sober as possible.
though that mentality was quickly thrown out the window the minute he set foot inside the house party.
the excessive alcohol and drugs danced around him like whispers from the devil himself, and noctis was still far too weak to resist. like a mindless zonked zombie he became after he caved in and ingested his first bottle of beer, then the next, and then the next. he spent his time pulling stupid stunts like pulling people's pants down, dancing on top of furniture, and even canon-calling himself into the available pool that he luckily was able to pull himself out of before water clogged his breathing tubes.
with noctis now walking around in soaked clothes, he then plopped himself onto a bed and realized that he was sobering up far too quickly for his taste. the riddle of guilt began to linger, and he really did not want to deal with that and possibly have a mental breakdown in the middle of a party.
so instead of doing the right thing and head back home, noctis turned towards the other individuals residing within the same room he was in — whom were all taking lines or sloppily making out with each other — and snorted the remaining cocaine they left behind without any of them noticing. there came an agonizing groan afterwards since he inhaled more than ever took in his life in on go, but it was what it was.
the biggest mistake.
noctis had figured that distorting his brain to make him feel less shitty would work for him in the long run until he would get back home and cry it out later, but it would quickly turn out to be the worst possible idea he ever had. because for a couple of moments, he was "alright", just barely managing to keep himself standing as he caught up with his friends who were just as wasted as him. but it did not take long before the strong side effects of the large intake of cocaine mixed with alcohol started kicking him — a rapid heart rate, blurry vision, a pounding headache, and trouble breathing.
he stumbled his way to what he assumed was the restroom ( it was actually another bedroom with a few people inside ), and tumbled over to vomit. it grossed out the others who, instead of helping him, left him behind to deal with his problems. once his body could not vomit anything anymore, noctis collapsed on the floor feeling extremely dehydrated and feverish, chills running all through his body and a heavy pain like a boulder resting on his chest. his consciousness slowly began to deteriorate, and he could feel his life slipping form the tips of his fingers.
his world faded to black.
and he could've actually died that night if it hadn't been for someone accidentally entering on him: prompto — a character noctis hadn't met prior.
after a long while ( which had been around three days ), noctis had woken up to a bright hospital room, body weak and barely responsive but alive. he could hear faint voices in the background and see blurry shadows moving about, which were none other than his dad, gladio, ignis, and prompto frantically talking amongst themselves in both relief and grief at the sight of noctis waking up.
this was the beginning of his road towards rehabilitation. 
throughout his recovery at the designated hospital he was kept in, gladio, ignis, and prompto as well as luna — once she had heard of the news — would visit him for hours on end, talking about their days and doing their best to be noctis’ positive influence. there were several times he nearly relapsed but with the help of his friends ( and not the ones he used to spend time with; they were out of the equation ), and the unconditional love from his dad, noctis was capable of finding his strength and light back into his life. it was a long and tedious journey but a successful one at that. 
before long, noctis returned back to homeschooling where he managed to finish up his last year of high school and graduate. he hadn’t thought about going to college and instead wanted to start working to get his own money, so he could focus more on his dream of being in a band. with everything that had happened with him, he hadn’t been thinking much on it nor had practiced for a while so, once he returned back to the rhythm of it, he was clearly very rusty and needed to catch up. however this time, he wasn’t alone: gladio, ignis, and prompto all collectively decided to partake and make noctis’ dream a reality by joining his band with their respective instruments and talents. 
the best and only band he could’ve ever wanted.
which all leads into present time where noctis works at the same store as prompto ( a music or hot topic aesthetic store not sure yet ) and has moved out of his dad’s mansion to live with gladio, ignis, and prompto ( who are all his boyfriends in a polyamorous relationship / more details in the future ) in their own place as they continue to shine through their band by doing side gigs here and there. 
**details are subject to change
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hex-g3 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling: Tips, Resources, and Success Stories
Are you thinking about homeschooling your youngsters yet really feeling overwhelmed by the thought of taking on such a huge obligation? Anxiety not! In this detailed guide, we will give you with useful suggestions and sources to aid you browse the world of homeschooling with confidence. From developing an educational program and establishing a helpful knowing environment to handling time properly and fostering social links, we have actually got you covered. Whether you're a skilled homeschooling moms and dad seeking fresh concepts or a newcomer seeking guidance, this post is your best source for all points homeschooling.Additionally, we'll share inspiring success stories from family members that have grown with homeschooling. Find out how they got rid of difficulties, celebrated accomplishments, and created long lasting memories with this one-of-a-kind instructional journey. Discover the joys of personalized learning, versatility in scheduling, and the solid bonds that create within homeschooling family members. Join us on this journey as we discover the globe of homeschooling and equip you to make the most effective decisions for your kid's education and health.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/homegrownfam4/home
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ryoruma · 3 months
The Ultimate Overview to Homeschooling: Tips, Resources, and Success Stories
Are you thinking about homeschooling your children yet feeling overwhelmed by the idea of taking on such a big responsibility? Worry not! In this detailed guide, we will certainly give you with valuable tips and resources to help you browse the world of homeschooling with self-confidence. From producing a curriculum and establishing up a conducive knowing setting to taking care of time effectively and promoting social connections, we've obtained you covered. Whether you're an experienced homeschooling parent looking for fresh ideas or a newcomer looking for guidance, this post is your go-to resource for all things homeschooling.Additionally, we'll share motivating success tales from family members who have actually grown via homeschooling. Discover how they got rid of obstacles, commemorated achievements, and developed long-term memories through this distinct instructional journey. Discover the joys of customized understanding, flexibility in scheduling, and the solid bonds that create within homeschooling families. Join us on this adventure as we explore the globe of homeschooling and empower you to make the most effective decisions for your kid's education and wellness.
Read more here https://fx7.s3-web.au-syd.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/55/Gardening/Start-Small-as-a-Trial-Run.html
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kuzunoharaidou · 3 months
The Ultimate Overview to Homeschooling: Tips, Resources, and Success Stories
Are you considering homeschooling your children but really feeling bewildered by the idea of tackling such a large duty? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will supply you with important ideas and sources to aid you navigate the globe of homeschooling with confidence. From creating a curriculum and setting up a helpful learning environment to managing time successfully and cultivating social connections, we've obtained you covered. Whether you're a skilled homeschooling parent trying to find fresh ideas or a beginner looking for support, this post is your best resource for all points homeschooling.Additionally, we'll share motivating success tales from family members who have prospered through homeschooling. Learn exactly how they overcame obstacles, commemorated success, and created long-term memories via this unique instructional journey. Discover the pleasures of personalized discovering, adaptability in scheduling, and the solid bonds that create within homeschooling family members. Join us on this experience as we explore the world of homeschooling and equip you to make the most effective choices for your youngster's education and learning and wellness.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/homegrownfam4/home
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The Top Homeschool Programs Anchorage Challenges and How to Overcome Them
 When you enroll your child into homeschool programs Anchorage, you offer them certain flexibility and accessibility. It helps them carry on with education without the burnout while managing to choose the subjects they love.
They can prioritize their day easily with homeschool. However, just like any other program, homeschool has its own set of challenges and issues. You must ward off these issues before proceeding with the right strategies and insights.
These tips will help in enabling a successful and fulfilling homeschool journey for your child.
1. The biggest challenge as a homeschool parent is managing the time. you need to balance between your daily chores and homeschool commitments. You need to ensure there is structure and consistency without awarding them with a traditional school-like environment. Similarly, you need to blur the lines between home and school so that they don’t feel like they are at home and can finish the tasks when they want.
a. The best solution is to prioritize your tasks. You can effectively manage time when you have a priority list. You must know when it is time to focus on your household chores versus the time to reflect on personal care.
b. Having a raw home school Anchorage structure can also help you in major ways. make sure to personalize your child’s schedule and have some checklists in place for the best outcomes.
c. You can block dedicate hours throughout the day for your work. For instance, you can block hours when you would focus on office work, and then block hours when academics is a focus.
2. If you have two kids, sibling dynamics can pose a unique challenge in your homeschool journey. You may have two different types of learners with individual paces. Similarly, there could be arguments over shared spaces and so on. these can lead to conflict and cause issues within the learning environment.
a. You must have a ground rule for boundries and personal space. Make sure to help your kids learn about sharing and being considerate. This is an important lesson to navigate the challenges posed by homeschool programs Anchorage.
b. There will be projects where the two can work as a team. Use this aspect of encourage team work. You can easily help them learn cooperative and team work skills through projects
c. Create individual space for each kid so that they don’t lean into another’s space causing conflicts. You can have different desks or learning stations for them
d. You should schedule a few minutes of one-on-one time with each child so that there are fewer arguments between them.
3. The third biggest challenge is finding a curriculum that fits their learning needs and is proper for your family. There are the traditional textbook programs as well as online solutions. You may find it overwhelming to find something that fits you in all aspects.
a. To find the best fit learning curriculum, you must first understand the learning styles of each child. Do they learn via visual or auditory. Similarly, you must also look at their natural learning preferences.
b. You can research the various curriculums, study the reviews and then find something that fits your needs
c. Make sure to look at the curriculum sample and assess it before proceeding with the entire purchase.
The home school Anchorage journey comes with multiple challenges and issues. You must be adaptive and flexible to ensure it doesn’t bother your learning momentum.
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bitchimightbree · 4 months
The Ultimate Overview to Homeschooling: Tips, Resources, and Success Stories
Are you taking into consideration homeschooling your kids but feeling overwhelmed by the idea of tackling such a big responsibility? Worry not! In this extensive guide, we will provide you with beneficial suggestions and sources to help you browse the world of homeschooling with self-confidence. From creating an educational program and establishing a favorable discovering environment to taking care of time effectively and fostering social links, we've obtained you covered. Whether you're an experienced homeschooling moms and dad seeking fresh concepts or a beginner seeking guidance, this post is your go-to source for all things homeschooling.Additionally, we'll share inspiring success tales from family members who have grown via homeschooling. Discover exactly how they conquered challenges, celebrated achievements, and produced long lasting memories via this special instructional trip. Discover the delights of personalized knowing, adaptability in organizing, and the solid bonds that develop within homeschooling family members. Join us on this adventure as we check out the globe of homeschooling and encourage you to make the finest decisions for your child's education and learning and health.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/homegrownfam3/home
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