#Tis a gift
rexcantread · 11 months
@purple-flagz remember that gift I mentioned, uh yeah here ya go!
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I drew the God of Fact himself! Look how regal that man looks, also he got man titties! Istg I had so much fun drawing this!!
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foxsoulcourt · 4 months
greens, yellows + more for @bishybarnaby
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captain-mozzarella · 2 months
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Storm Bringer deleted scene
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justjettithings · 3 months
jedi gifting each other river rocks and sea shells because they can feel the living force through these objects and sense the beauty and life flowing through the environment it once inhabited
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aptx!kaito au in which Shinichi doesn't know aptx exists and feels insane that his leading theory is "a six year old is the mastermind behind Kaitou Kid"
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kaicko · 4 months
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Happy (?) Birthday Byakuya-bou !! 🏃🏻‍♀️🌸🎂
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somecunttookmyurl · 4 months
best prank my nan ever pulled was getting my granddad a pack of 100 cigarettes (if you've never smoked, you can buy 100 packs which is 5 packets of 20 encased in a plastic wrap, or a box)
she very carefully unstuck the outer covering and slid out all the packets
then she equally carefully undid the individual plastic wraps on the packets from the bottom (again, if you've never smoked, there is one of those little pull tabs at the top to take the top part off, but the bottom is folded over and stuck)
doing this without ripping the plastic is very difficult
she slid out all of the packets from their plastic gowns
she very carefully opened each box so as to not rip or damage it
she carefully folded back the inner paper
she removed every single cigarette
in one box, she replaced the contents with candy cigarettes
and then, painstakingly, she slid each box back into its plastic wrap
re-folded and stuck the plastic at the bottom
put them back in the outer plastic, with the candy cigarette one at the bottom (so as to be last) and restuck that
and gave the cigrarettes to my granddad
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brokehorrorfan · 8 months
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A24 has released X and Pearl fine art matte prints by Japanese artist Yuko Higuchi. Each limited edition 24x36 poster costs $50.
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anyroads · 2 years
Shameless holiday Etsy store plug!
It's that time of year again! Crafters, if you're looking for leather thimbles, I got you.
I've never been able to use metal thimbles and it was always a source of frustration because needles start to hurt your finger pretty quickly. A couple of years ago I learned how to make leather thimbles and it changed my sewing and embroidery game entirely. When I got a stack of leather offcuts, though, I ended up with way more material than I needed, so I started making extras and selling them. I started having fun with the kinds of leather I worked with and incorporating fun, colorful designs, and now I stock all sorts in my Etsy store:
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I only use reclaimed leather scraps from other Etsy sellers who I've built personal relationships with, several of whom also use reclaimed leather before selling their own offcuts to me. Each thimble comes wrapped in tissue paper, packing slips are printed on recycled paper, and shipped in unbleached envelopes with labels made from recycled materials.
Whether these are your thing or not, I hope you'll keep independent artisans in mind when you're buying gifts this season! They work hard, are underpaid, and need your support more than corporations.
(Also, if you see an Etsy ad on google or in the ad space of a website, don't click on it! Search for the Etsy store's name through Etsy instead. When you make a purchase after clicking an advertising link, Etsy takes a percentage and keeps doing so every time you go back to that store. Etsy already takes 25%-33% of sellers' profits in fees, don't help them take more! Links like the above that are embedded in an individual person's post are fine, just look out for ads on the side or bottom of websites, blogs, and social media pages, as well as google ads.)
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chipistrate · 6 months
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Vanny is full of Christmas Cheer!
My gift 4 @carouselrabbit for Viarayy's mutual gift exchange!!
Didn't have time to line- but I loveee these designs soso much I had to draw them when I saw them on your list<333 Vanessa is so damn pretty and Vanny's design is adorable ^^ Hope I did them justice<3
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foxsoulcourt · 11 months
🤍🌼🌟 Thank you for being you. I appreciate you, and am thankful to have made your acquaintance. Wishing you all the best! 🌟🌼🤍
Thank you Most Kind Person! I receive your gift + say thank you with flowers in return.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Gifts Chen Yi could have gotten Eddie instead of the pillow:
A piece of his clothing so Eddie could sleep with it
A cardigan or sweater to go in Eddie's collection
A vial of his blood (I do not kink shame here. We know something is up with Eddie and blood, and so does Chen Yi)
A new collar (since Chen Yi wants to own his ass so desperately)
A note that simply had a color on it, so Eddie wouldn't have to pick their color-of-the-day for the matching outfits for once
Spicy food
A wolf plushie since Chen Yi probably has the Little Red Riding Hood one
Rope. Just rope. No explanation needed
Tequila and some dice. Let fate decide the position future.
A text that simply has a picture of his new upper sleeve tattoo - a black and white chile plant with one tiny red chile pepper, but the red is dripping off of it like blood
And finally, video feed of Eddie doing things throughout the day with the note reading, "the only one looking at you is me." It lets Eddie know that Chen Yi is monitoring his every move and is a nice little callback to their first time
Gotta be romantic, but in a completely unhinged and unhealthy way, just how Eddie likes it.
But then again, Chen Yi knows what Eddie likes.
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Because he likes that shit too.
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acekimagenda · 6 months
Ehhh whatever I'm posting it even if it's not perfect enough
Happy new year everyone ✨✨✨ And the happiest new year to a certain man named Jeff who has been an inspiration for all kinds of unhinged things this year
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annqer · 9 months
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a friendly walk in a dark totally not suspicious back alley
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
The Many Post-Crisis Christmases of Tim Drake
Yes, everyone gets a few Holiday issues over the years, but Tim’s got his own special levels of trauma associated with the holiday.
A round up of every time Tim appears in comics about Christmas, sorted by year:
1990: Identity Crisis - Batman #455-457 aka Janet Drake’s funeral. Janet is buried on Christmas Eve. Jack’s still in a coma. Tim is living with Bruce at this point. Tim spends a lot of this storyline having nightmares and worrying by Jason’s memorial case. At the very end, Bruce and Alfred give Tim his personal Robin costume and Tim goes out officially as Robin for the first time.
1996: Holiday Bash I – “Just Another Night” it’s just a small mention here, but given future events it’s worth noting. Tim leaves a Christmas card for Alfred, and Jack takes Tim to the Caribbean for the holidays. Very in line with Tim’s behaviour during this period, where he’s noted for giving Babs thank you notes.
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1998: Holiday Bash III – “Alone for the Holidays” aka the single point in canon that supports Neglected Sad Boi Tim Drake. Tim is, as the title implies, alone for the holidays and moping about it. Jack and Dana are trapped in Chicago because the airport is closed due to snow (Why Jack and Dana are in Chicago is left to the reader). Babs and Dick call Tim over to the Clock Tower for a Loners Christmas Party. It will never not be funny to me that Alfred and Harold are at this Loners Party, but Bruce isn’t. Only a TRUE committed loner misses the family loners Christmas party.
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1999: Endgame, No Man’s Land (LotDK #126, Batman #574, ‘Tec #741). If you are unfamiliar with this classic story, Joker kidnaps 36 babies on Christmas Eve in No Man’s Land and threatens to blow them all up. Tim gets called away from Christmas dinner with Jack (as a note, Tim’s outside NML at the dinner, then immediately dives inside for this. Never bother trying to make sense of how often Tim got in and out of Gotham during NML) and is helping track down the babies. It’s…traumatic for everyone involved.
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2001: Young Justice #40. The Night Before Doomsday. This is the story where Santa dies and Young Justice find themselves having to deliver all the presents on his behalf.
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2006: Slayride, ‘Tec #826. Tim is running away from a group of drug dealers and is offered a ride by a passing car. The car is driven by Joker. Tim gets tied up with Christmas lights and eventually distracts him via an argument with Joker about the Marx Brothers.
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2008: “It’s a Wonderful Night” and “The Night Before Christmas”, DCU Holiday Special #1 2008. Two reminders that Tim has a hard time at Christmas in one!
“It’s a Wonderful Night” is a tear jerker where Dick goes looking for Tim to deliver a Christmas present. He finds him at a cinema watching a showing of It’s a Wonderful Life. Captain Boomerang Jnr is also there. Tim and Owen bond over their dead dads both liking the movie (which…given their dads killed each other, is a thing) and Dick gives Tim his old Robin costume. You WILL cry.
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“The Night Before Christmas” is a Titans story, particularly notable as far as Tim goes in that Tim and Cassie talk about how the holidays remind Tim of the people he’s lost (and look, for perfectly good reasons, given the above).
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