#Titans Hunters Warlocks Crucible
freshthoughts2020 · 5 months
from $40.00
An Intense Love That Can’t Be Expressed Through Physical Touch!
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flesh-into--gear · 11 months
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the fact lakshmi never ONCE recognized me in destiny 2 is an affront to me and my d1 guardian
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konigs-left-pec · 11 months
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If anyone is looking for a casual destiny clan, hit me up or apply by clicking the link! We're small and casual so it's more of a community. We do all content and we're interested in raids once we have enough people.
There's no pressure as we're all working adults with families, so we're mostly on in the evenings and weekends.
Just be kind and respectful. Toxicity won't be tolerated.
The Queen's Rangers
All platforms welcome.
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ramattrasimp · 5 months
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i think i messed up somewhere
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blackblood-tonic · 1 year
Just to unwind and totally sidelining an essay I need to write to draw this thing.
My Clan including my Titan and Hunter to fill the base
Based on : Draw The Squad Jail Blank Template
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hemedeto · 4 months
Destiny 2 journey to the final shape House of memories #motw
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a-driftamongopenstars · 6 months
inspired by the simple fact that we are all married to Shaxx :D happy Into The Light Launch day everyone!!
"Wait... You're married?"
The news come crashing on Crow's head as he and the Guardian perch at a nearby weapon station. How did he not know? And how could the Guardian choose him if...
Crow is unsure if he should be feeling frustrated or sad or angry, but the Guardian’s utter nonchalance about that fact is giving him a pause.
"Well, yes," they shrug as if Crow stated the most obvious fact in the world.
"To Lord Shaxx?"
"Uh-huh," they mutter, biting on their tongue as they reassemble their rifle with precision and care.
"Married to Lord Shaxx?"
Crow blinks.
He tracks another Guardian as they approach Shaxx to discuss this or that bounty, when they reach up and kiss the Crucible chandler's helmeted cheek before scurrying away to an upcoming match.
"They are also married," the Guardian adds quickly, preceding Crow's burning questions.
In the next few moments, there's an affectionate Titan lady, a shy and sprightly Hunter and a whole fireteam of Warlocks.
Confused more and more by the minute, Crow nearly forgets all about his weaponry.
"A few more visits like that, and I'm going to start thinking I'm also married."
When the Guardian looks up at Crow with a grin, he has to roll his eyes.
Of course he is also married to Lord Shaxx. Who isn't!
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It's time to make Ikora PROUD! Let's claim that statue in the courtyard! Let's WIN these Guardian Games!!!
Dawnblades, get those swords fired up. Voidwalkers, show 'em there's no escape. Stormcallers, let's see that "hurricane without."
And while we're at it, throw some Stasis and Strand at 'em, too!
Let's CRUSH the Titans and Hunters!!! Here, I've printed out Ikora Rey's Crucible stats for everyone- if anyone tries to tell you Warlocks can't fight, feel free to shove them in their faces.
Remember- we're WAR-locks, not PEACE-locks!
Ready, BREAK!!!
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xakuprime-4 · 2 months
So as the world's most normal Xaku main, I - in my infinite disappointment that Xaku didn't get their prime during tennocon - decided that I would try and recreate base Xaku in Destiny 2.
Details under the cut
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For all the Destiny players that have never touched Warframe; this is the base appearance of Xaku, and since their design is asymmetrical I had a feeling it would be very difficult to get close to it, but I really only had trouble with my Titan (the class I rarely touched from Launch to Witch Queen) since I would have less armor options for them as I would Hunters and Warlocks. Not to mention I've been a solo player for like. 97% of my playtime and never got to touch the old raid gear outside of being randomly invited to a clan and nabbing some Leviathan guns from clan engrams (thanks Hawthorne)
Anyways here are the appearances I managed to come up with from best to worst, with equipped shaders and armor pieces listed for those who cannot view the images.
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Helmet \\ Streetcholar Cover + Crucible Vermillion
Arms \\ Moonfang-X7 Gloves + Carbon Blood
Chest \\ First Ascent Robes + Carbon Blood
Legs \\ Tread of the Helen Lords + New Monarchy Regalia
Class Item \\ Solipsism (default) + Carbon Blood
Obviously Xaku doesn't have a robe, but as far as the positioning of the armor goes, I'd say it's pretty close to the original. The bond hardly matters at all but since I plan on using the Xaku look I decided I should at least make sure I can have some utility. Overall a solid set, and I'm happy with how this one came out.
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Helmet \\ Pathfinder's Helmet + SUROS Tone
Arms \\ Tangled Web Grips + Crucible Prestige
Chest \\ BrayTech Combat Vest + Crucible Prestige
Legs \\ Scorched Hunter Strides + SUROS Tone
Class Item \\ Renegade Hood + Spark of Joy
Obviously it's not the best, but it still works fairly well. Sure the arms could be on the other way, and the red pieces could use that shine (which I tried to do but shaders work in weird ways and I'm not spending 2 more hours trying to find the red ones that have shine to them) but still a solid look. I do really like the legs though. Helps with the broken look and the light blue almost looks like it could be the tendrils.
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Helmet \\ Dark Age Helm + SUROS Modular Shine
Arms \\ Moonfang-X7 Gauntlets + Carbon Blood
Chest \\ NPA "Weir-Walker" Plate + Warbrick
Legs \\ Cinder Pinion Greaves + Crucible Redjack
Class Item \\ NPA "Weir-Walker" Mark (Default Shader)
The Titan is just a mess. The helmet works great, the chest is eh but it works toward the original look, the mark is decent and only there because I needed to reduce clutter and the tube worked to act as a single tendril, but the ARMS. The LEGS. I spent so much time trying to find any of the ones that could possibly be asymmetrical in a way that may work for the design, but of course they're both just clunky looking. The set as a whole doesn't even look cohesive. At least for Xaku the mismatched parts work in their favor but this feels just wrong to me. Spent too much time trying to even find shaders that would make the parts look how I needed them too but in the end I'm not satisfied. There are probably some Eververse ornaments that would probably work better, maybe some raid gear, or some of the old armor I missed in past seasons and vaulted raids. But I just do not have enough for the Titan for this to be good, let alone worth it.
Anyways if anyone wants to try making their own Xaku's I'd love to see the results, especially for the Titan I'd really like to see them get something better than what I did. Or if you're inspired to make other Warframes in Destiny that would be cool to see. You could definitely make an easy Rhino on a Titan but I'm not gonna worry about that.
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ahungeringknife · 4 days
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I love you it's ruining my life 2
Kass hummed the song that was always playing in her head even while she was hunkered down behind a piece of cover. Shaxx’s voice boomed over the match about some play on the other side of the arena. The song was in her head and in her pulse and in her throat as she hummed it. She didn’t even realize she was doing it most of the time. She just did it when she was happy. Grey and Archie liked to tease her that it was like she was purring! That always caught her out. She didn’t know how to explain to them it was just… there… all the time.
Rolling out of cover as the red on her radar became more pronounced she raised her handcanon and surprised the Warlock with rapid shots right to the head, ripping through their helmet and exploding out the back of their skull. She didn’t reload and went headed for the B spot which was under contention. Ghost was keeping count of her Crucible mandated countdowns on her grenade and Golden Gun but as she rounded the corner on B the Golden Gun was up and there were three Guardians standing on B recovering after the previous firefight with her side. Kass smiled slightly as she infused her handcanon with Solar Light with a bang and it smoked in the air between them. They opened fire on her but it hardly mattered. They couldn’t flinch her off and in three shots she had B cleaned up with only Solar ash on the ground as she stood on the point. Some of her team came around to run with her as a ball once the point changed blue for them.
The match ended a few minutes later and Kass was back on the top of the song in her head. Her team was ahead by thirty points. Grey, Archie, and Nef found her as she was leaving the arena. The Titans clapped her on the back and shoulder nearly sending her flying. She was at the top of the leaderboard again. They were in good spirits as they left the simulation arena as it was rebuilt into something else with an absurd amount of white and blue glimmer.
The song was a bit louder than usual today after the match so when her friends left her for only a few seconds she was surprised by a member of the Crucible press. They were speaking to her but all she could hear was the ringing song between her ears. She stared at the reporter inside her helmet. Light crackled at her fingers erroneously. Why were they talking her? What did they want? What were they saying? What-
“Hey- scram,” a different voice cut in that also severed the song in her head. “Can’t you see you’re making a mess of yourself.” Ghost pulsed against her neck in her hood with Light and a display came up on her HUD at the Hunter who’d come over to tell the reporter to fuck off: Shin Malphur. Oh! She remembered him. He’d taught her how to whistle like a robin.
“Just trying to get a daily,” the reporter said but was cowed.
“Beat it. Go bother someone else,” Shin said, imposing himself between her and the reporter on her behalf. Thank the Light. She didn’t know how to deal with reporters.
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titanicfreija · 7 months
"Hey-hey, New Light!"
Freija dismissed the call, not recognizing the voice and not wanting to deal with anyone that could tell how young she was. It didn't help. The Hunter caught up to her and slapped her back with a clap of armor. "Hey, hey, hey, I saw the score, and I wanted you to know that I only did as good as I did because of you, okay?"
Freija blinked at the ground, eventually daring to lift her head when the Hunter didn't vanish.
"Are you new? Or returning after a long absence?" asked the Hunter, putting a hand on Freija's pauldron. "I'm Lin Po," he said then, and he took his helmet off to reveal a fair-skinned dark-haired human head. "Me and Delta over there are headed out for drinks, wanna come? We wanted to catch as many as we could on the way out, we've been in the same pool for a while now. Gives me a sense of camaraderie when we end up fighting with and against in the same runs, you know?"
Again, Freija blinked at him, not sure how to respond. Mostly she wanted to shower and ask Rise to remog all her armor so no one would recognize her on sight-- being reassured and invited out didn't feel real for some reason.
Lin Po saw someone behind Freija and she turned before he even moved. "Hey!"
"Oi," they replied, and Freija looked over to see a black-clad Hunter still in their Knucklehead. "Hey, it's you," they said to Freija, pointing. "How do you cap points like that? You came out on top every match, even when I was running with you."
"I died twice as often," Freija pointed out. "That's part of the trick," she sighed then and she buried her head under an arm. "I haven't recovered from the loss of an old piece of equipment. Shaxx said it was boring and unfair."
A sympathetic look crossed the bunch, and Freija felt much better about accepting the invitation.
"Hang on, I'll message the guys I was with," said the new Hunter.
The bar set a room aside for what they predicted would be a fairly big crowd, and the Guardians milled in to pay for a round each and hover around to discuss "business". Freija's misery led to an exchange of stories around rule changes, bans on devices and tools, and various other means by which Shaxx kept the Crucible from being unfair, and the fighters slowly learned names of their killers after recognizing the causes of death strapped to their back, and got to know them over discussions of the morning.
"You're the Warlock with that damn Igneous Hammer!"
"Getting shot really knocks your spatial awareness, I can't find the doors anymore."
"Wait, you're that Stasis Hunter with the void scout, aren't you? Green glowy Ghost?"
"Man, what happened? I felt kinda bad for shooting you that time."
"You! You're the one that ruined my twenty-streak!"
"Hell, I tried to tag along with you but you move like lightning! And I'm the Striker! You're... what, Void?"
"Yeah, you got me, but I got you back, tap for tap."
"Hey, you know you've got a gun, right? You kept trying to hit people instead of shooting them."
"Some dumbass kept storming the point by themselves, taking on like five of us at a time. Practically suicide. I wish Shaxx wouldn't do that to the Kinderguardians. Back in my day--"
"Back in our day, you spent a lot more time hungry and sober. Enjoy the luxury."
Freija enjoyed listening, even when someone was clearly talking shit about her or whining. Her comrades were pretty good about keeping talk about each other civil, and a few of them were stuck-up and proud of themselves (they were good but that didn't give them room to be assholes).
Except there'd been a Titan in blue circling the room, which was odd, until Freija spotted why he was circling-- Two other Titans following-- or chasing-- him.
Pretty obviously, he wanted to be here but couldn't find a way to escape the only reasons he apparently didn't want to be here. The other two Titans in matching steel armor followed and usually didn't directly interact, but he'd still get unsettled and move to the next group or next seat.
"Hey," she called to him as he passed. He let the helmet down out of manners, a purple Awoken with purple eyes and blue hair. She gestured at the seat next to her, so she'd be between him and his pursuers. "What's up?"
"Ah, nothin' much," he said airily, pretending nothing was wrong. If she hadn't just come from the crucible, she'd have missed his nervous glancing. "Had a big morning, this sounded like a nice, chill way to cool down. I don't recognize you, what's your guns?" He glanced at her hip at the Survivor's Epitaph. "Ah. I think I remember you."
She glanced over him and didn't recognize anything. "I'm running a hand cannon and grenade launcher right now, but I'm scooting kits. Name's Freija, I've been bottom of most of the scoreboards I'm on," she admitted.
The Titan flinched for her and laughed as he took the seat, turning it to face the room and keeping a nervous eye out. "I see. I spent a lot of time dead, pretty sure half the memories from this morning got blasted into Infinity's sands."
"That sounds a lot more poetic than it sounds," chuckled Freija. "We probably never ran together 'cos Shaxx was using us to weigh down our teams."
He reviewed a scoreboard projection on his datapad and frowned thoughtfully. "You're not bad-bad, though. You cap points. One time you got ten, that's nothing to slouch at." He smirked slightly and glanced up and relaxed. "Seemed directly inverse to your K/D, in fact," he added, scanning back through.
"I'll cap a point with my dying breath," Freija chuckled. "It's one of my favorite things to do, really, I'll sneak around back while everyone's fighting over B. Sometimes I just die, especially if they all die at once and come back around their point-- I'll get surrounded by five pissed off and freshly reloaded Guardians fast. But then that's leaving B and our point clear for those few seconds. And then if they don't, I have point C. Even if they claim it right back, they had to stop to do it." She grinned at the Titan and glanced around for the ones in gray, too, failing to find them. "You said you had a rough morning. How rough was it?"
The Titan slouched heavily and ran his hands through his hair to pretend he wasn't hiding his face. "I got a real zero."
Freija sucked air through her teeth and put a hand to her heart. "Ooof, ow. What'd happened that you got an ass-kicking like that?"
He didn't bother sitting up to gesture wildly with one arm. "It was just a bad game! First one of the morning, trying a new gun, called on the wrong grenade half the match 'cos I got into a habit in the field-- just a really bad match!"
"It happens," Freija laughed. She scraped at least three kills a match, today, but she would never forget her starting point.
"Ugh," he moaned in response, finally lifting his head. "I'm Tam. How long you been in the crucible?"
"A few years, off and on. Been on hiatus lately."
"That would be why you don't recognize this waste of Light," said a tenor behind Freija. She missed her helmet when she glanced at her "radar", and she turned to face the pair.
"What didn't he tell me?" she asked. They let their helmet down to reveal an Awoken with blue hair and green eyes that bore into Freija like bullets. He looked like he'd eaten something sour and was trying not to spit it out. The dark skinned blond human standing behind him seemed more easygoing but concerned nonetheless. Freija didn't pick up much hostility from the pair, not even from the grumpy one, but for some reason she still felt the urge to defend Tam. She wasn't sure she could, but she wanted to.
"He's been sabotaging matches for a week," the Awoken man stated, voice hard as steel.
"I'm changing my equipment," Tam objected under his breath.
"Yeah, actually," agreed the human casually. The Awoken shouldered between the human and the other Titans and he crossed his arms firmly, using his size to intimidate effectively.
"He's been sabotaging all week," he repeated, gaze on Freija.
Freija rose to her feet but it didn't help-- she might have stood as high as his chin. "Okay, so? If you know it's because he's trying something new, the fuck is your problem?" She set her feet and shoulders, but he had to be fifty pounds heavier-- it took effort to stand strong. No guns for sake of bystanders, plain old fist fighting was the rules, and Freija was embarrassingly bad at it.
"He sucks," the Titan declared.
Suddenly, Freija's capacity for fist fighting didn't matter-- Tam shot past her, fist raised and glowing with Arc Light sending sparks down his arm.
The other Titan caught his hand easily, twisted his arm until he bent off balance, then pulled and lifted so quickly that even Freija didn't see exactly how Tam hit the floor.
"So?" Freija asked, dismissing the mound of Titan writhing next to them.
"So he sucks," the Titan repeated. "I'm sick of it."
"Fuck you," griped Tam as he finally untangled himself from himself and got his feet under him.
Freija gave Tam a dry half-smile. "I won't say you deserved that. But you did ask for it."
Tam stopped brushing himself off and lunged at Freija, fist raised. "You shut up!"
Unlike the other guy, Freija wasn't good at this. Despite her lack of skill, Tam's armor was even clunkier than hers and while she couldn't block his punch, it didn't hurt much-- badly placed with poor form. Planting her heel and returning the blow to his chest sent him staggering into a table full of drinks.
"Hey!" shouted the tenders as the rest of the room turned to look.
"Fuck off, guy. We have to suck to get better," Freija told the new Titan. The human went to help clean up.
"I know." Tam got to his feet and tried to get away, but the big one grabbed the back of his armor to pick him an inch off the floor. "He's coming with me," the Titan rumbled. "Gonna get some practice. No more fucking up matches for himself and everyone else, he's gonna learn to shoot straight."
Tam, previously kicking and attempting to crush the forearm of his perceived attacker, stopped. "What...?"
The massive man lifted and twisted Tam in his grip to put them nose to nose "You. Me. Training grounds. Practice." He looked to Freija with the same hard scowl. "Coming? You need it, too."
"Go fuck yourself," Freija grumped, but she looked to the ceiling. "Sunny?"
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knightsbroadsword · 1 year
I had more ideas so have 3 more Guardians that remember stuff from before their resurrection.
Unbeknownst to him, a former retail worker Void Hunter cannot shake the knee-jerk reaction to the words "excuse me" being spoken from behind in clkse proximity. It's a more bone chilling sensation to him than the distant casting of an enemy Golden Gun in Crucible.
An Arc Titan getting outrageously angry with her Fireteam because they keep taking the piss out of the way she pronounces Savathûn as "Savverfoon". (You'll have to excuse her, she was British)
Two Solar Warlocks get the same idea at the same time, one says "jinx, you owe me a Coke" followed by a significant silence. Neither of the two knew what "jinx" meant or what a "Coke" was but they both knew they were in for a loooooong interrogation interview with the Cryptarchy when they reviewed the logs for this Strike.
Guardians that remember stuff.
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lordshaxxhandler · 9 months
It’s officially here! The return of The Burden of The Light! Please enjoy the rewritten and retelling of my own world of Destiny. I am so excited to share!
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Character Bio’s below
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Name: Thera Wylie
Pronouns: She/Her
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 5’10
Race: Human
Class: Lightless Civilian, Amanda’s right hand/assistant ops coordinator for the vanguard.
Love Interest: Lord Shaxx
Best friend: Amanda Holiday
Personality: Fun, outgoing, fearless, confidant, & girly.
Fun fact. Thera has an Exo arm starting from her elbow.
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Name: Celeste
Pronouns: She/Her
Eyes: Gold/Yellow
Hair: Snow White
Height: 5’5
Race: Awoken
Class: Warlock
Ghost Name: Astral (Female)
Coms code name: Cityhawk 723
Best Friend: Ikora, Behemoth-29, Siph, & anyone willing to get to know her.
Love Interest: Lord Saladin
Personality: Kind, caring to the point of worrying about others before herself, & confident almost ignorantly. A bit pretentious.
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Name: Behemoth-29
Pronouns: He/Him
Eyes: white
Height: 6’6
Race: Exo
Class: Hunter
Ghosts Name: Flare (Female)
Best friend: Siph & Celeste
Personality: doesn’t talk hardly at all unless necessary, Very intimidating but intentional and not, protective of his fireteam and friends, hides in the shadows and keeps to himself.
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Name: Siph
Pronouns: He/Him
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’0
Race: Awoken
Class: Titan
Ghosts Name: Spector (male)
Best friend: Behemoth-29
Personality: Friendly, funny but intimidating, focused to complete every mission perfectly, extremely protective of fireteam members.
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Name: Momo-7
Pronouns: she/her
Eyes: pink
Height: 5’7
Race: Exo
Class: Hunter
Ghosts Name: Usagi (male)
Love interest: Uzec
Best friend: Sage & Usagi
Personality: fun, bubbly, kind. A crucible star, her name is well known in the community of the Last City. She has a large fan base and even does some PR for the Vanguard on occasion.
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Name: Uzec
Pronouns: He/Him
Eyes: Orange
Height: 6’3
Race: Awoken
Class: Titan
Ghosts Name: Azami (female)
Love Interest: Momo-7
Personality: Extremely outgoing, pretentious, sees himself above others, friendly, nice, possessive and materialistic.
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Name: Sage
Pronouns: She/Her
Eyes: Orange
Height: 5’9
Race: Awoken
Class: Warlock
Ghosts Name: Lavender
Best friend: Momo-7
Personality: Sweet, loves to study rocks, crystals and bones. She has some Ahamkara bones she likes to listen to on occasion. Finds different materials in the wilds that she believes can help heal and send you into different worlds.
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Name: Buck-2
Pronouns: He/Him
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’0
Race: exo
Class: Titan
Ghosts Name: June Bug (female)
Good friends: June Bug, Devrim, Marc, & Hawthorn.
Personality: Friendly but intimidating, don’t touch his things, loves his animals and his homestead, prefers the rogue lightbarer life than the city life.
(More to come…)
Check out this link to learn about these characters lore
Lord Shaxx & his Ghost Moxie
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Since the helmet always stays on, for written and story purposes. This is my idea of how Lord Shaxx could look. So, for this fic, this is Lord Shaxx, but feel free to imagine him any way you’d like. This is just my version or idea. Also since there is no cannon name, shell or personality for his ghost, I created one for better story flow. Please meet Moxie, a sassy ghost who isn’t afraid to match her Guardians energy.
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konigs-left-pec · 1 year
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Match abruptly ended and Shaxx was definitely shouting something super OOC. I was so confused I don't even remember what it was.
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mba-yngboy · 3 months
I write a lot of stuff for my guardian, and my friends guardians, and I've collected a bunch of headcanons from myself and friends that I think would be cool to share. since you know, there's a lot of world building but not a lot at the same time
A/N: I use guardian a lot, but I mean light bearer. if I'm talking about The Vanguard, I will just call it the Vanguard/ Vanguards
(more below cut)
new lights aren't resurrected with armor or weapons, but it's not hard to aquire some. older, experienced guardians will discard their old armor pieces and guns for new lights in easy to obtain location.
it's pretty rare to know who you were before you died. dead celebrities and people who were resurrected in an old family home usually have an idea if they find material (my hunter knows her alive name only because of a family photo book, and my friends titan was a very sought after exo model)
how to input armor mods are a self taught thing. weapon mods are harder, and "redborders" is just entirely deconstructing the gun and trying to put it back until a guardian figures it out. it takes a few tries (and guns) to actually craft a gun.
a guardian has muscle memory for certain skills. if a guardian was a mechanic in their previous life, they have the skills of a mechanic without having to relearn. same with other skills. it's common for guardians to pursue a career (or even passion) for something their past life was proficient at
comms are inputted into all helmets and some guardians are lucky to have one on their wrist. they're used for silent communication, and sometimes can be upgraded to have games :)
glimmer isn't a physical currency. it's digital, and can be accessed through a guardians ghost, or wrist comms (or in a non-guardians case, phone/ tablet-like devices) and its a universal currency.
the people who choose to live in the EDZ usually aren't tied to the Vanguard. and the Vanguard do not mark claim over EDZ.
it's actually common to run into a guardian who does not associate/ hate the Vanguard. it's also common for guardians to team up together despite who you're affiliated with if it calls for it. they're all light-bearers, and will help save Sol together :)
anyone can enter the last city, but to go inside/ visit the Tower without being a Vanguard, a guardian would need a temp pass. it's a tedious process, and the pass is usually only a one time use. people in the EDZ can go to Devrim Kay and get one without having to sit through the entire process
everyone should know that Crucible is a televised event (one that happens regularly) but other events that guardians can watch/ join is sparrow racing, xtreme skimmer sports (think of it like skateboarding lmao) and even a guardian dating show
the use of weapons and harmful light/ dark abilities is prohibited in the Tower. weapons don't need to be closed carried, but should not be aimed and need to be used with trigger discipline. one too many accident have happened. and no suit jumping in tower either
there is a Vanguard "police force" and Vanguard jail. they're kinda like mall cops, and are all under command of Zavala
the top three vanguard are called The Vanguardians (it was Zavala's idea) (thank you Xeno)
Rahool is a collector/ trader. he's kind of like a pawnshop owner. he usually has artifacts and doohickeys and doodads. he barters exotic items for said artifacts and resells them at a lower price
(before TFS quest HCs) a guardian can swap between subclasses. not at the same time, but can usually spend about 3 seconds inbetween subclasses to shift energies.
it's common for guardians who live with other guardians to pick up skills from other classes. class abilities are a bit harder to learn (i.e a warlock cannot dodge, and a titan cannot make a rift)
it's also common for "supers" to not be the normal golden gun, or nova bomb. they are the easiest to teach and learn, but an experienced guardian can develop something that fits their fighting technique.
the green purple and primary ammo bricks are an item a guardians ghost will hold onto, to transmat it into ammo. it's a raw material only the ghost can manipulate. it gets harder to transmat it into new ammo for different weapons associated to that brick, so the loss of a few bullets or rockets is common
building a sparrow/ skimmer is common in areas. there isn't a shop where one can buy a sparrow, but there's usually a guardian or no-light who can be commissioned to build or fix a sparrow. it's a taught skill that most guardians know so they can repair their own sparrow
building and repairing a ship is also a taught skill, but you can buy pre-made ships. it's just a personal preference that a guardian builds their ship to make room for... activities? (my guardian wanted to have a bed in her ship, and a seat for her pet warbeast)
Ghost playdates happen frequently (just leaving them in a room together alone). when in a room alone like this, they usually turn into 9 year olds. they're curious by nature, so sometimes they get into trouble. (crank calls and getting tangled into wires is a common thing in The Family™️ household)
this only really holds true to The Family™️, but their clan lives together and all work together to keep their apartment building up and running. it's not rare for that to happen, a clan forming and living together but it is uncommon.
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lordsireno · 1 year
VsDestiny - RvB/Destiny AU info dump
Okay so yonks ago I said I'd info dump on the VsDestiny (RvB/Destiny AU) - Well better late than never- I've dug up the old doc :'D @randomfandoms153 this is basically for you because your tags reignighted my heart <3
The setting is basically RvB shenanigans in the Destiny world. The Red Clan and the Blue Clan live on the outskirts of the last city, since the Vanguard considers them too destructive to have in the tower (They can come in for bounties and the postmaster). They spend their days shooting each other in crucible or lazing about- until these 'Freelancers' bring along a bunch of drama. Project Freelancer is what emerged from the ashes of a failed offshoot of the Clovis Bray company, where the Director attempted to artificially make Guardians.
More details under the cut! Oh and other art can be found under #VsDestiny .
Sarge (Titan class) is the foremost expert on Exos, being one of the top engineers from the Clovis offshoot in his previous life. He was brought on as a soldier but found to have great skill with robotics. These days his work is primarily subconscious, where he glazes over when in repair mode. Standard robots like frames are his passion to work on, and his favourite creation is Lopez, who he built from scraps. He’s always looking for bigger and better firearms to add onto his eventual robot army! His ghost is called 'Shotgun'.
Simmons (Warlock class) is an experimental Exo type made by the offshoot, and its partly why he’s so drawn to Sarge. He appears human until his first death on the fireteam, where the fake skin on his left cheek does not regenerate. The sight of exposed metal begins to cause mental degradation (DER), but it’s thankfully stopped by Grif and the antics of the other Reds. His Ghost is called 'Ghost'
Grif (Hunter Class) has the highest death count, solely thanks to Sarge. He uses invisibility to get out of chores, and has tired to use Blade Barrage to light an oven. His Ghost is called 'Oreo'
Donut (Warlock Class) enjoys creating a fashion and loadout for every occasion, and has a scary amount of grenade stacks. His Ghost is called 'Little O'
Lopez (Wears Sarge's titan armor) - While technically only classed as a frame, he is intelligent and made with Exo parts.
Blue Clan:
Church (Hunter Class) awoke outside the city one day, and regretfully attracted other rouge guardians. He is an experimental Exo type and looked human up until his 'death', where upon he spoke through his Ghost Alpha (because it houses his true core) until Sarge fixed him.
Tucker (Hunter Class) While out patrolling, Tucker stumbled upon a young Eliksni. Unable to bring himself to kill it, and not willing to leave it alone in the elements (No other Fallen had been sighted in the area for months) he brings it back to Blue Base. Church complains about the alien smell, but after dealing with Caboose’s own attachment to alien things, didn’t fight about keeping it. It is dubbed Junior. His Ghost is 'Crunchbite'
Caboose (Titan Class) Has a strong connection to alien tech. No one knows how Caboose managed to sweet talk a Fallen Walker into coming home and joining the fireteam. Caboose claims he and Sheila have a special connection. He has the highest Guardian kill count, mostly thanks to Church. His Ghost is called 'Freckles'
Texas (Titan Class) is as terrifying a fighter and an enigma of a person as always. Likes to challenge people to 1v1 matches.
The Director picked up the remains of the Clovis offshoot and merged it with his own plan to make artificial guardians for the universal defence force. His first creation was Alpha, an experimental exo with a copy of his personality. The ghost ‘alpha’ is actually just the personality core. 
His experiment forces Freelancers to bond to Fragments of the original Alpha, killing them, which links them to ‘the light’ and allows them to revive. However, the actual process isn’t as perfect as assumed. 
The Fragments are weaker than standard Ghosts and must remain out during the full revival. They can be destroyed by ordinary weapons, and unless requested, won’t heal injuries over time. 
When a Fragment revives its Freelancer, it temporally overrides their consciousness to allow the body to be moved from further harm, and to piece back together their mind. The more adjusted the Fragment, the faster this occurs and lets the Freelancer to resume control. Similarly, the less adjusted Fragments are prone to remaining in control even after recovery. As well, the more times the Freelancer dies, the more time it takes to revive them, as their minds begin to dissipate and have to be wholly supported by the Fragments to continue to live. 
York, North and Wyoming all seem fine, but when it comes to Maine the issue becomes apparent as Sigma puppets him much longer. When Carolina requests two, they fight over her revival. 
Washington was the last Guardian made in the program, before its complete collapse. His Deaths are: Original bonding, the MoI crash, Recovery One, and saving Tucker. His Fragment is Epsilon, and after the MoI crash, he refuses to accept its existence. He doesn’t summon it, using old school tech like flashlights and radios, and will always physically get in and out of his ship. If asked Wash only offers the explanation that he isn’t on good terms with his ghost. 
After his third death at the hands of South, he remains as Epsilon for two days. 
When he saves Tucker, the Blues learn of how Epsilon puppets Washington after death. Tucker is creeped out by how only Epsilon speaks, and how like Church it is. Caboose believes that Church is trying to communicate with him and tells Epsilon their early adventures. 
And thiiiis was as far as I got apparently! Feel free to expand/alter if anything takes your interest!
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