#Too Young to Die
starry-eyes-love · 4 months
Part 2 of Too Young to Die Mini Series
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Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Too Young to Die- Mini Series Part 2 out of 3.
Pairing |  Massage Therapist Joel Miller x F!Reader with Autoimmune disease, no outbreak, AU.
Summary | Joel takes you on your first date, where you eat pizza and joke together. Quickly, Joel finds out what it looks like to deal with an unmanaged autoimmune disorder. Joel, never faltering, stays by your side the whole way. Fast-forward to three years later, and Joel still helps you deal with the complexities of your body as life changes forever.
Banner image by CAImages on Instagram, banners by @saradika-graphics
Word Count: 6.7K
Warnings | Series is: 18+, Smut, Minors DNI (but no smut in this part)
Language, joking, pizza eating with odd topping choices, hints of smut without any smut, kissing, illness, fainting, pregnancy, boyfriend! Joel, husband! Joel, age gap, no major descriptions of the reader except she is younger and has autoimmune disease.
A/N:  This took me way too long to finish writing this part.  I found that I kept adding more to the story.  I love these two goofballs, so strap in for some fun and relaxing banter, with a few surprises along the way :) 
“Darlin’, don’t you ever question if I fucking want you, ya hear me. Baby, I always want you, day or night; it doesn't matter. And for the record, it isn’t me who needs any prep time to get in the mood; it's you.”
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Your first date with Joel went exceptionally well. Conversation flowed easily amongst you where there weren't any awkward moments. Joel teased you for liking pineapple on your pizza, and you teased him for liking anchovies.
“Darlin’, you just ruin perfectly good pizza if y’do all that.”
“Well, at least I don’t put dead fish on my pizza, Joel.”
“Look here. I don’t want to hear any more sass from you, considering you put pineapple on your pizza and add marinara sauce.” 
Joel shook his head, clearly not thrilled with your pizza flavor choice. He also saw you dip your pizza into the ranch and then take a huge bite, humming to yourself at the flavor choice. Joel looked over at you, shocked like you were someone who had sprouted three heads.
“Darlin’, now you've gone and done it. Completely ruined the American way of eating pizza.” Joel was staring at you wide-eyed as you placed buffalo ranch sauce on top of your pizza. He was trying to figure out how a beautiful woman like yourself would have the oddest taste in food.
“Mr. Miller, I don't recall you being an expert at pizza toppings. If you were, the fact that you place anchovies on your pizza makes your entire argument invalid.” 
Joel laughed out loud at your attitude and shook his head. He loved the easy banter between you two. 
“You know, it's a good thing I find you cute, darlin', or I'd have to remind you just how much my argument has merit.”
“And what type of merit would that be, Mr. Miller, because there is none in this instance.”
“Well, baby, if you insist.” Joel sat up straight, placing his pizza slice down to continue. “Fish is healthy and nutritious; it gives you plenty of stamina for any extracurricular activities you want or need to do. Plus, it also makes certain things taste sweeter, too.” 
“It doesn't make things taste sweeter, Joel; that's a lie. Pineapple is the one that makes things taste sweeter.” 
“So, is that why you ordered pineapple on your pizza, darlin’? You wanted to make sure things tasted sweeter for me later?” Joel smirked at you, raising an eyebrow, knowing the offhanded sexual comment he had just made.
You sat in silence, feeling your cheeks flush a nice soft red. You had no idea that Joel was going to take it there, to a sexual place. You weren't mad at his flirtatious comment; you were just sexually flustered. It has been a long time since any man has given you any amount of attention. You found yourself shifting in your seat, trying to alleviate the slow throbbing that had started between your legs at the casual flirting and banter with Joel. When Joel saw this reaction, he knew that he had gotten under your skin, which was the purpose of his comment in the first place. 
“Why ya squirming, baby?”
You just looked at Joel with a soft blush on your cheeks.  You didn’t want to tell him that your stomach was in knots and that you were getting more and more turned on by him sitting in front of you. 
“Sorry, I’m just trying to get comfortable.”
Joel raised an eyebrow, wondering if your discomfort was caused by his teasing or if you truly were in pain. The longer he looked at you, the more concerned he became. He could see that you were worrying your lip, eyes cast downward like you were focusing on something.
“Darlin', are you still with me?” Joel asked, seeing that you didn't answer his question, the one he just asked if your discomfort was due to feeling ill. You never heard him because you weren't listening. You were too focused on your hands, twirling your napkin between your fingers and fidgeting, overthinking things again. Will Joel even want me that way, or will he leave just like all the others? 
“Hey, honey, I was just teasing about your pizza topping choice. Just joking, you can eat it any way you like, darlin’.” Joel touched your hand affectionately, trying to bring you back to the present.
“I know, it's just- what happens when all of this gets too hard?” You said, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“What? What do you mean, too hard?” Joel was now sitting back and looking at you with a puzzled expression. He was trying to figure out why you suddenly changed your mood. Two seconds ago, Joel was teasing you about your pizza topping choice. You both were relaxed, enjoying each other's company, teasing each other back and forth. But now, the confident woman that Joel had seen just a few seconds ago was gone. He frowned at your sudden change, finding it difficult to remain optimistic about the night's events.
Joel didn't tell or show you he was nervous about tonight's date. He thought that you were beautiful, even though you were much younger. You were on a different path in life. You were 29, looking at living life and planning for your future, while Joel was 47, divorced, and looking towards retirement and potentially becoming a grandfather in the next ten years with two kids that were almost entirely grown up.
Joel has never attempted to date a woman 18 years younger than him; you were the first. Joel didn't know if you could relate to him or if he could relate to you. But the longer you interacted with him, the more he felt at ease. That was until he heard your comment about something being too complicated. It was unsettling to him, especially when his love life and family life were the true definition of what complicated meant.
“Joel, I mean, you, me, and all of this. What happens when all of this gets too complicated?” You were waving your arms around, motioning at the two of you and your surroundings.
“Oh, yeah, I see. Uh, I can understand how this can all be difficult for you or complicated.” Joel felt his heart sink in his chest; he needed to end this before it got any further and before you got any more embedded into his life to hurt him. If you weren't looking for a relationship, he should cut his losses and end it with you. If you didn't like complicated, then you wouldn't like him. His entire life was complicated. Joel had baggage and a lot of it. He didn't want to lead you on if you weren't looking for some type of commitment because he wasn’t looking for anything casual. 
“Look, darlin’, if you're not sure, then maybe we should just-” 
“I like you a lot, ok? I haven't dated in a while, but you make me feel safe. And no one has done that in a long time. No one ever wants the complications of me being sick, so I get it if you don't, but I want this to work. I don't want you to hurt me, though, when you find out I'm not enough.” You raced the words out, feeling embarrassed for getting this out in the open, but from your past experiences, you knew that, eventually, this conversation would come up. You figured now was the best time to discuss this topic, especially before Joel embedded himself into your life. You didn't think Joel would want a serious relationship with you, being an older man. He probably wasn't looking for commitment, marriage, or kids. Those were things that you knew you wanted. What you didn't want was a one-night stand or a casual hookup. You can't separate sex from love, and you weren't about to start now, no matter how sexy the man was in front of you. You have always liked older men but never had anyone even care to look at you until now.
Joel was amazed at your admission and the guts it took to tell someone that, especially on the first date. But he was also frustrated at you cutting yourself down, saying that you weren't enough when you were. While Joel didn't diminish your feelings, being sick didn't count as a difficulty to him. Could it be a slight hindrance at times? It could, but it wasn't a deal breaker for him. Joel was more of a homebody now anyway, not really into the whole party scene and going out all the time. He didn't care if plans changed. He wasn’t a 20-year-old boy. 
Joel reached across the table with a small smile and took your hand. He whispered, “Baby, that's never gonna happen,” as he gently kissed the top of your hand.
“No? How- how come?” You whispered. Your heart was beating fast in your chest as Joel slowly moved his fingertips lightly up and down the inside of your palm. The feather-light touches sent tingles down your spine, especially when he kissed and lightly nipped your wrist. 
Joel needed to calm your and his nerves. While he didn't want to have this conversation now, he knew it was better to get these feelings out in the open so both parties could decide how to move forward. That was one thing he learned from his previous marriage: to speak your mind when something bothers you. 
Joel stopped moving his hand and looked into your eyes. He could see a mixture of shyness, arousal, and what he thought was also fear; not fear of being with him, but fear of him leaving you. You both were broken inside from past relationships, wanting someone to see you for who you were. Joel didn't know how the future would evolve for the two of you; he just knew that his heart was beating fast in his chest, and butterflies were in his stomach because of the beautiful woman in front of him—someone he desperately wanted to get to know.
“You wanna know why I know that, honey?”
You gently nodded your head.
“It's because I like you a lot, too,” Joel confessed, intertwining his fingers with yours and gently stroking his thumb on your hand. “Honey, I know you're sick, but that won't stop me. We'll figure it out. I haven't felt like this in a long time with a woman, and I’d be a damn fool if I didn't continue seeing you because of it. I don't want casual honey; I want an honest-to-God, committed relationship.”
Joel slowly reached forward and tucked a strand of your hair that fell out of your ponytail behind your ear. He gently cupped your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “So stop fussin', ok? We'll figure it out; it's just you and me, alright?”
You nodded your head, exhaling the breath that you were holding. Joel squeezed your hand once more as he got up to go and throw away both of your trash. As you watched Joel walk away, you knew that you made an excellent decision by agreeing to go on this date with him. You just hoped he was telling you the truth.
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After talking for the next hour, you decided to walk to a nearby park. As you slowly walked, Joel reached out and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers together. It felt so good to have him hold your hand. You could see that he was trying and wanted this to work as much as you did. It made your heart race and your head feel dizzy at the thought that someone actually and truly cared about you and wanted to be with you. 
The two of you talked about Joel's life before he became a massage therapist. He told you that he was a construction worker who owned his own business before he hurt his back. After a year of treatment, including painful back surgery to remove a few bulged disks, Joel had to leave that line of work and sell his business to Tommy, his younger brother, who still manages it today in Texas.
“How did you end up in Minnesota, then?” You had asked as you both sat on a bench, eating ice cream from the small ice cream truck nearby.
“Well, that’s kinda a funny story, really,” Joel commented as he stole a bite of your chocolate ice cream, and then you stole a bite from his plain vanilla one.  “My daughters, Sarah and Ellie, live in lower Michigan with their mother, my ex-wife.” He paused, seeing if this admission of being divorced and having kids would be an issue for you.  When you looked at him curiously, seeing that you wanted him to continue, he told you the rest of the story.  
“Well, Tess, my ex-wife, took a job in Michigan when I was 28 when we got divorced. At the time, she had completely signed custody of the girls over to me.  When I hurt my back when I was 32, she took me back to court and requested custody changes.”
“What kind of custody changes?” You slowly placed your spoon down from your ice cream. The cold was starting to give you a headache, and you began to feel sick again with your autoimmune.
“Well, she felt I couldn't care for the girls properly because I was injured and healing from back surgery. According to her, I wasn’t working, yet I still owned my business and received paychecks from it. But still, to her, I wasn’t a father who could provide well enough for our girls, which was untrue.”
When Joel looked up at you, he was immediately concerned. You were starting to look pale on your face, and you were beginning to sweat. “She felt she was a better-fit parent to raise our girls, and the court sided with her.”
“What? How?” You couldn't understand how a judge would find him unfit as a parent just because he had back surgery and was injured.
“Well, that’s where it gets interesting.  The man she was dating at the time, secretly dating, was the judge who ruled in her favor.” 
“Oh my God, Joel. That is- that’s fucking horrible.” You reached out and gently squeezed his hand. You were trying to stay focused, but you kept having moments of dizziness mixed with horrible pain in your back and joints. Your body was suddenly starting to give you a flare-up of your autoimmune symptoms. You always hated it when your body did this, but right now, you were embarrassed because this was not what you wanted on your first date with Joel.
Joel noticed that you were getting worse and more pale in the face. You had officially removed your sweater, and he could see that you were sweating profusely.
“Honey, are you ok? You're not looking good.”
“No, I'm fine. I just need some water, and then I'll be okay.”
Joel got up and bought two bottles of water from the ice cream stand where you two were sitting. When he returned, he handed you one of the bottles and told you to drink. You murmured, “Thanks,” and then asked him to continue his story.
He smiled slightly at you as you murmured you were feeling a little better to him. 
“Well, one thing led to another, and I sold my business and returned to school to get my massage therapist license. I wanted to help people with injuries or chronic diseases that make it difficult for them.  I had a few back surgeries again along the way, three to be exact, all here in Minnesota with a specialist.  I had to live here for an entire year after my last surgery.  Tess said that if I were willing to live here full time, she would be okay with letting the girls come every other weekend, during holiday breaks, and then stay with me every summer.  So that’s what I did; I moved here to see my girls.”
“Is Tess still seeing that judge, then?” You took your sweater and wiped your forehead. You were now getting horrible hot flashes. You knew that if your body didn't quit, you'd have to end your date sooner with Joel than you wanted.
“No, Tess found out that the judge was married, and he said that he wasn’t leaving his wife for her. Kind of a perfect ending to a shitty situation, if you ask me.” 
Joel knew something was wrong when he saw your face lose color and sweat dripping from your forehead. 
“Darlin', you don't look well.” Joel knew your autoimmune was unmanaged and that you’d report getting these horrible symptoms when it flared up. But he didn’t expect this to come on so suddenly like this, and it worried him.
This was life with your autoimmune disease. You lived with this disease every day, and sometimes days were good. Other days, like today, made living life very difficult. You had been hoping this flare-up of symptoms would pass, but something was wrong; you could feel it.
“Joel, I'm sorry, I-I don't feel very well. I think I need to go home. I'm so sorry I-”
“No, darlin', don't apologize, it's okay. Come on, I'll take ya home.”
“No, I drove. I can-”
“Darlin', I'm not letting you drive home looking as sick as you are. Now come on honey, I'll drive ya, and we can pick up your car later, okay?”
Joel stood up and walked around the other side of the picnic table, where you were seated. You were mad, hating that your body did this to you. You mumbled, “Great, you blew it again, woman. Finally, get a nice guy, and this crap happens; good luck getting him to go out again with you.”
Joel heard what you said, and it upset him to think that your getting sick would bother him. Yes, it did bother him that you were ill. But not because it messed up the date you two were having, but because of how you looked; he wasn't comfortable just leaving you alone. You were so pale in the face, and you were struggling to stand that Joel was more concerned that you may need to go to the emergency room before the night was over.
As soon as Joel was by your side, he helped you stand. He took in your features and saw how suddenly weak you had become. Your hands had visible tremors, and you kept wincing and grabbing your back.
“Hey, honey, can you look at me briefly.” Joel gently took your hand and was looking at you in the eyes. “First, I don’t care what other people have done before me, darlin’. I’m telling you that I want another date with you, alright?”
When you nodded your head, he continued. “But, more importantly, I'm uncomfortable just dropping you off at home. Is there someone I can call that can stay with you?”
Shaking your head, you mumbled, “No, Joel, I don't have any family around.” 
“What about friends? I'm sure you have some friends that care about you enough that they would come and sit with you tonight.”
When he watched you look down, lip trembling at his question, Joel knew that he had majorly fucked up. You, indeed, were alone. This illness took special people away from you at your age. You reminded Joel of a cancer patient going through treatment, especially with how fast the illness symptoms came on. He remembered his mom being like that before she died of cancer. It broke his heart to think that you were struggling through life with this illness and that no one in these moments cared enough about you. He knew you had friends, as you talked about them earlier. But apparently, those friends were only surface-level friends, and when difficult moments like this happened, they were nowhere around.
“Oh baby, c’mere.” 
Joel pulled you into his chest and held you for a moment. “How about this, darlin’, I’ll take you home and stay the night with you. Don't worry. I'll sleep on the couch or the floor if you don't have a couch.”
You just nodded, but as you turned to leave, something in the world must have happened because it felt like the Earth tilted on its axis. As soon as you took a step, your vision went blurry, your face hit the ground hard, and you didn’t remember anything after that. You had fainted.
As you turned to leave, Joel grabbed your water bottles and sweater. As soon as he turned back around, it was like slow motion happened for him. Joel watched you take two steps towards the exit, and then all color left your face as your eyes rolled back into your head. You fell to the ground like a ton of bricks.  As soon as he saw that you were collapsing, he mumbled “shit” under his breath and then was moving fast to get to your side.
“Baby, come on. Open your eyes for me. Come on, baby, can you open your eyes? Darlin', look at me.” Joel was kneeling on the ground, lightly tapping your cheek. He was trying to get you to wake up after your fainting episode.  As soon as you started to come back around, you began coughing horribly. Joel quickly turned you on your side, rubbing your back as you kept coughing.
“It’s okay, baby, it’s okay.  I’m right here, slow breaths, come on now.”  He was gently holding your head as you lay on your side, coughing and struggling to breathe after your fainting episode.
“Hey man- is she ok?” another man yelled, approaching the two of you.
“Yeah, maybe we need to call an ambulance,” a woman shouted as she quickly approached.
When he heard a third person add their two cents about the situation, Joel's patience had officially expired. 
“Yeah, I saw the whole thing happen. She just collapsed, and her father rushed to her side,” another man yelled approaching.
“STOP,” Joel yelled. Glancing down, he saw you wince at everyone’s statements and try to hide your face. This was the last thing you needed: a crowd of people telling you what to do.  
“I’m a medical professional, and I have it under control. I’m also her boyfriend, NOT her father, ok? She’s awake now, and she’s done coughing. She stated she didn’t feel well before she turned around. I was going to take her home, and then this happened.”
“Well, I still think she needs an ambulance called. I’m going to-”
“For the love of God, please leave me alone; I'm fine now,” you snapped, turning more on your side to cover your face. You were so embarrassed for fainting in front of Joel and for the crowd that was now gathering around you.
“We were just trying to help; no need to be rude,” one woman said, snapping at your comment. 
“Thank you for your concern and help,” Joel said, looking at the woman who snapped at you. “I honestly thought for a moment that I may have needed to call an ambulance for her.  But as you can see, she’s ok.  I’ll look after her and take her in tonight if she needs to be seen. Is that alright, honey?”
You gently nodded your head, looking up at him. Joel was holding you close to him, helping you feel safe. 
“Y’all go home now. We got it under control. Thanks for offerin’ to help.”
People were mumbling as they started to disperse. Joel and you never paid attention to what they were saying. 
“Do you think that we can get you to sit up without you passing out on me again?” 
Joel gently cupped your cheek, looking straight into your eyes with concern. He didn’t like seeing you sick like this. You gently nodded your head at him as you went to sit up.
“Easy. Nice and slow, sweetheart, don’t rush it.” When Joel saw your eyes start to cross again, he thought he should have let that lady call you an ambulance. 
“Woah there honey, come on now, look at me. Do I gotta call an ambulance for you after all, 'cause I will darlin’?” Joel placed his hand on your cheek, looking at you in the eyes.  He was shifting his eyes back and forth, looking to see how you were responding.
“I’m fine, Joel. Just give me a minute, ok. If I need an ambulance, I’ll call one myself.”
Joel shook his head, disagreeing with you. “Darlin’, I don’t think you’re qualified to make that determination and decision right now.”
You let out a long and exhausted sigh. To Joel's defense, he didn't know where you worked full-time when you were feeling ok.
“Joel, this is said with as much love and appreciation as I can right now, but fuck off, please. Believe it or not, I’m a Paramedic, and I know-”
“Paramedic or not, passing out and being dizzy doesn’t qualify you to treat yourself. You know this.” Joel hated reminding you of one of the biggest lessons in medicine: you don't treat yourself. He could see you were slightly annoyed and irritated with him and the other bystanders here. He decided that maybe a little humor might help lighten the tense mood.
“For the record, darlin’. I believe the proper term is ‘fuck me, please.’ And you say it when I’m doing just that.”
That made you smile and laugh at the ridiculous statement of telling off the one man still beside you. With a little bit of sass, you also added, “Yeah, and then when we’re finished, you'll moan; ah, fuck, my back.”
“Ah, there she is. There’s my sassy girl.” Joel was now laughing at your sassy attitude and statement that you just made. 
Joel looked down at you tenderly. Even though you were ill, you were still so beautiful. Joel cupped your cheek, slowly running his thumb up and down your skin. He watched you bite your lip, looking from his eyes to his lips. Tension started to fill between you both. The air was thick with it. Joel moved his hand to the back of your head, gently cradling it. He placed his forehead against yours, exhaling slowly, trying to control himself. He envisioned you underneath him but knew he couldn't tonight, not with you feeling under the weather. But soon, he'd take you in his bed and show you how a real man cared about a woman. But right now, he could give you something else. Joel slowly leaned in and gently pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was slow, soft, and passionate. 
When your lips parted slightly, he deepened the kiss, licking into your mouth and massaging his tongue against yours. When the kiss picked up in intensity, soon, you both were wrestling your tongues together, fighting to hold yourselves back. You let out a little whimper, moaning slightly into his mouth as your tongues continued to dance together. Eventually, when he pulled back, you found that you both were gasping for air.
“Baby, I'll take pain in my back any day if it means that I get to kiss you and hear you moan like that when I fuck you.”
“Joel, please-”
“Later baby, later. I promise when you're feeling better. Now, come on, let's get you home.”
You didn’t know how you lucked out and won the lottery with the man standing before you.  But goddamn, you were the richest girl in the world, especially when he kissed you like that. Joel wrapped his arm around your waist and helped you return to his truck to take you home. You didn't know then, but that would be the last first date you'd ever be on. 
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3 Years Later
Joel was sitting in his office, finishing up some much-overdue paperwork. He glanced up when he heard you enter, giving you a warm smile at seeing you. But when you didn't return it, he knew something was wrong. You looked exhausted, like you hadn't slept much, yet today was your day off.
“Are you ready to go, babe?” You were not trying to sound irritated, but you failed miserably. 
You were uncomfortable, 32 weeks pregnant with Joel's child, a daughter, and she had spent all day kicking you hard in your internal organs. You were tired and frustrated, really not in the mood for grocery shopping with your husband. So when you got up to Joel's desk, you leaned back against it, placing your hand on your swelling stomach. You were trying to ease some of your discomfort. But as you did, you felt your daughter pick up with the constant kicks again. Usually, her kicks would give you comfort and joy, but not today. Today, your feet were aching, your back was hurting, and you were exhausted. You just wanted to lay down and rest today, but every time you attempted to, your daughter would give you hard, steady kicks against your internal organs.
“I’m almost done, sweetheart, then we'll go.” Joel smiled, quickly finishing up with his final notes from today.  
Next week was Joel's 50th birthday, so this weekend, you wanted to throw him an outdoor barbeque with his closest friends and family to celebrate his birthday. You wanted to go shopping tonight for all the supplies for this weekend, and Joel agreed to go with you to help you pick out the items he wanted. He was looking forward to the barbeque, and you were too about three months ago when you first planned it. Now, you weren't too keen on the idea of hosting 30 people in your backyard when you were 32 weeks pregnant.
You let out another long sigh, feeling the weight of life once again kick the hell out of you. You reminded yourself that this is what you wanted, a baby to grow inside you. But right at this moment, you wanted to go back to the night Joel fucked you to conceive this little fire pistol and hit your husband right in the nuts. 
“You know there, little one, you can stop kicking Mama so damn hard for once, and just quiet down, please.” You slowly rubbed your belly where you were feeling a fluttering of kicks. When Joel heard your discomfort, he immediately put his pen down and sat back in his chair.
“Baby, come here.” 
You slowly shuffled over to your husband, standing between his widened legs, then gently leaned yourself back against his desk.  As soon as you took up your proper standing position, Joel immediately took his hands and gently held each side of your belly, feeling his daughter kick both of you.
“Shh there, baby girl, don’t be so hard on your mama.  Daddy missed you today.” Joel slowly leaned forward and kissed your belly several times while his daughter kicked.
You had a huge baby belly at 32 weeks pregnant and in your last trimester. If people looked at you from behind, they'd never know you were pregnant. But from the front, it looked like you swallowed a giant basketball. So, to put it mildly, you were exhausted.  
Joel and you had been married for almost two years when you popped positive on a pregnancy test.  You both weren’t trying for a baby. She came to you as a surprise, and you were so happy to have her.  You had stopped your birth control the night of your wedding, hoping to get pregnant.  But after two years and a lot of tests, you had given up on the ability to have kids.  The doctors said that your body wasn’t accepting pregnancy because of your autoimmune disease.  So you went on with life thinking that you couldn’t get pregnant at all.  Then, by some miracle, the first night that you and Joel spent in the new house that you had built, he fucked you on every available surface, knocking you up somewhere between the kitchen counter and the coffee table. But now, as you rapidly approached your due date, you found yourself struggling with horrible exhaustion with the simple things in life like walking.  You were lucky that your autoimmune disease had calmed down so much during pregnancy, a hidden fail-safe that most people didn’t know about.  The problem was delivery day was rapidly approaching, and you were scared about what would happen with your autoimmune after your daughter came out.  But today, you didn't concern yourself with those fears, as you were exhausted at the fact that she wouldn’t let you hardly sleep last night nor relax anytime today.
“Babe, what’s the matter?” Joel had stopped kissing your stomach and was now cautiously looking at his wife. You were breathing fast with your eyes closed. 
“Honey, are you ok?” Again, you did not respond. Joel called your name, but you never opened your eyes. Your eyes were closed as your breathing became erratic.
“Hey, come on, look at me. Baby, open your eyes and look at me.”
“Jesus Joel, what?”
Joel's heart was in his throat at your lack of responding to him for a moment. He still didn't like how you were breathing, but at least now you were looking at him. He could see that you were frustrated, so he ignored that you snapped at him.
“Honey, talk to me, what's the matter?” Joel slowly rubbed your belly as he felt your daughter kick again. Tears welled up in your eyes, frustration and exhaustion being evident.
“I’m fine, it's just, it’s hard today, alright?” You placed your head in your hands as you felt your pregnancy hormones take over, and a light sob escaped your mouth.
Pregnancy hormones were complex every day, but today, they were awful. You hated the constant need of wanting your husband to be inside of you. You were horny for him, sex being something you haven't done in a few weeks again because of scheduling conflicts. But your daughter was constantly beating every organ inside of you, turning your need for your husband into something you couldn't do yet again. You were so exhausted today and just feeling so overwhelmed with life.
“Woah there, Angel, come on, talk to me. Baby, why are you crying? Are you getting contractions, honey?” Joel lowered his hand, trying to feel if contractions were starting anywhere on your belly.
“No, it's just she’s been kicking like this all day.” 
When Joel realized your tears were out of the pain of kicks, and not contractions, and mostly frustration, he felt himself calm down. Joel gently rubbed your belly, trying to calm your daughter down.
“She's been kicking you all day like this, hasn't she?”
“Yes,” you winced as your daughter sucker punched the heck out of your ribs once again, causing you to wince and call out in pain.
“Woah, there, little lady, that was a powerful kick. How about we save those punches for when boys wanna come around later in life, huh? Give your mama a break and let her rest.” 
Joel crouched down and kissed your belly again, talking to his daughter and trying to get her to quiet down for you. When he felt a strong kick against his mouth, he sat back and then scolded her. 
“Excuse me there, Baby Miller, but kicking your daddy hard in the mouth isn't very nice. We'll have none of that behavior, young lady, ya hear me?”
“God, Joel, I love our daughter, but today, these kicks fucking hurt. I thought maybe you’d want me after shopping, but how do people do this?” You exhaled again as your daughter kicked your ribs on your other side, not as hard, but still a firm kick.
Joel slowly stood up and gently lifted your chin. When he spoke his next sentence, he wanted you to look at him straight in the eyes. 
“Darlin’, don’t you ever question if I fucking want you, ya hear me. Baby, I always want you, day or night; it doesn't matter. And for the record, it isn’t me who needs any prep time to get in the mood; it's you. But with kicks like this, I’m assuming it’s a no again for any intimate time, which is okay.” 
Joel raised his hands defensively, ensuring you understood that he didn’t expect anything from you. But when he turned to walk across the room to grab his raincoat, you mumbled sarcastically under your breath. “No, the real reason is I look like a stupid whale; that’s why you don’t want me.”
Hearing what you said, Joel immediately spun around and glared at you. He was upset you were talking down to yourself and how you looked. You were his wife, who was carrying his child, and god dammit, you weren't a whale, and he did want you. You were a sexy, beautiful, attractive woman, even while pregnant. Joel loved you, but your constant put-downs of yourself were starting to tick him off.
“What was that? What did y’say?” 
“Nothin’,” you mumbled, knowing that Joel heard you criticize yourself. You knew you should have just kept your mouth shut.
Joel slowly approached you and placed his coat on the chair. You looked down, slowly biting your lip. 
“No, little girl, eyes up here.” Joel gently grabbed your chin and tilted your head up. When your eyes met his, you saw that they were impossibly dark, pupils were blown wide with lust.
“First, darlin', you ain't a whale, so none of that. And second, you're my wife who's pregnant with my daughter; that's sexy by itself, baby. And for the record, I fucking want you.” Joel grabbed your ass and gave it a firm squeeze while slowly thrusting his hips against your closed heat. You could feel that he was already hard, but he didn’t rip off your clothes. That’s not what you needed right now, and you both knew that. 
Joel slowly reached out and started stroking your belly lightly while gently tilting your head to give you a slow, tender kiss. However, very quickly you were the one to deepen the kiss, nipping his lower lip and shoving your tongue in his mouth. Joel growled at your heated kiss, struggling to keep his composure with you.
“Darlin', if we don't slow down, I won't be held responsible for what I will do. Do not tease me, baby,” he said through gritted teeth.
But you didn't want to listen, nipping Joel again on the lip, trying to provoke a heated reaction from him. As he went to give you a gentle tap on your ass and to rip your pants off, you let out a sudden cry in pain. 
“Fuck, shit, ow.”
“Ok, darlin', enough horsing around, what's happening?” Joel snapped at you, no longer wanting to play this game of you not communicating with him when he could see your discomfort.
“It's your damn child kicking my freaking cervix Joel. God, why is she doing this today?”
“I don't know, baby, but how about we head home? I'll give you a massage and try to get her to calm down. You're stressed mama, and that's unhealthy for you and our daughter. Now come on, up we go.”
Joel made good on his promise to take you home and help you relax. About five minutes after he began massaging your belly, your daughter finally calmed down. Apparently, she just wanted a little attention from her daddy. About fifteen minutes after she settled in, you finally fell asleep, exhaustion winning. As Joel looked down at your resting form, all swollen and pregnant with his child, he smiled. Life was extraordinary, giving him the chance to have a family again, but this time when he was older and almost 50. 
Joel made dinner and let you sleep the rest of the night. Later, as he lay next to your sleeping form, he felt his heart swell with affection and love for you.  He reached out and gently touched your belly, feeling his daughter was finally calm and asleep. He stared at you in the dark, until his eyes felt heavy with sleep and he found himself drifting off to thoughts of you. Joel didn't care what people thought about whether he should be with you at such an older age. Joel was damn happy that you were in his life, and to believe that this all started because of a simple debate about pineapple on your pizza. And that was the best 50th birthday present ever: the chance to have happiness once again.
End Part 2
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fyeaheddiemunson · 1 month
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I don't know if it's because I'm well into my third decade of being alive that I've lived enough to fortunately not have a parasocial relationship with celebrities or what...but WOW. Through all the interviews I've watched of him the only things I have ever truly taken away about who he is as a person is he has horrible taste in fashion, music and food (all in my personal opinion). I don't have any idea who he is on a regular day...
Remember, you don't KNOW these people. They don't know you. It's mind boggling to that people are so quick to jump on a hate train because they're making up their own scenarios.
I know Doja has done and said terrible things on social media, I KNOW, I don't need to be so unkindly reminded. But I don't know much besides her crazy antics online, and that I don't particularly like her music. The way she comes across it's always seemed like she does those things for shock value, she's very animated. She's lost millions of fans over the years but look how many she still has. I don't know 🤷🏼‍♀️
But also, it's never anyone's business the details of someone's intimate life. He's an adult. Adults have relationships. Adults have sex. Adults have friends with benefits. Adults can do what they want and I shouldn't have to say any of this. People are creating their own headlines. Because people of the opposite sex are out and about together doesn't mean you can slap a label on them and attack them because your feelings are hurt.......you're hurting your own feelings.
If you feel like you "can't" be a fan anymore...then just don't be 🤷🏼‍♀️ it is what it is.
Also, is tagging anonymous asks a necessary thing to do? I don't think it is.
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Geriatric Fangirl™
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zegalba · 2 years
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Yoshitomo Nara: Too Young to Die (2001)
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So sad. RIP Matthew
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clownmonarch · 4 days
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too young to die!
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iamtryingtobelieve · 3 months
She loves the trash inside his world
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jirettaiga · 1 year
absolutely love nagase's belting it out here! He's amazing!
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Me at age 3: Mom, this steak tastes different
Mom: Yeah, I cooked it with some wine
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punkrockmixtapes · 1 year
M. Ward - "too young to die" (feat. First Aid Kit)
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majhox62 · 1 year
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manitat · 1 year
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2012: Too Young To Die... Kurt Cobain
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i-feel-supernatural · 2 months
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helmar-weiss · 3 months
The Pocket Brothers: Too Young To Die - Jamiroquai (Drum&Bass Cover)
Bass: JayM ‪@juergenmohr‬ Drums: Helmar Weiß Freut euch auf das dritte Video unserer neuen Groove-Staffel! 🎉 Dieses Mal präsentieren wir euch "Too Young To Die" von Jamiroquai in einer aufregenden Drum&Bass-Version. 🥁🎸 Über den Song: "Too Young To Die" ist ein Song der britischen Funk- und Acid-Jazz-Band Jamiroquai, veröffentlicht 1993 auf ihrem Debütalbum "Emergency on Planet Earth". Der Song thematisiert soziale und politische Probleme und ist bekannt für seinen groovigen Bass und eingängige Melodien. Aufnahmeort: Aufgenommen im Musikladen FMF Guitars & Drums in Frauenberg. Genießt unsere Version dieses Klassikers und abonniert unseren Kanal für mehr! #ThePocketBrothers #TooYoungToDie #Jamiroquai #DrumAndBass #Cover #MusikladenFMF Get ready for the third video of our new season! 🎉 This time, we present "Too Young To Die" by Jamiroquai in an exciting Drum&Bass style. 🥁🎸 About the Song: "Too Young To Die" is a song by the British funk and acid jazz band Jamiroquai, released in 1993 on their debut album "Emergency on Planet Earth". The song addresses social and political issues and is known for its groovy bass and catchy melodies. Recording Location: Recorded at Musikladen FMF in Frauenberg. Enjoy our rendition of this classic and subscribe for more!
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bark-infestation · 4 months
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I just wanna talk tough, look mean
Life is good at seventeen
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icway · 4 months
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my favorite place and one of my favorite people. truly missed. an absolute ICON.
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hbhm-music · 6 months
Now Appreciating:
too young to die - M. Ward, First Aid Kit
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