#Too little Don 🤔
nipuni · 1 year
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We went to see Phantom Madrid last weekend!! ❤️ Geronimo Rauch was amazing!! I'm going to write my thoughts on the whole performance under a cut for those interested 😊
I am going to be comparing it to the London version for reference since it's the only one I've seen live. I think my first impression was that It was better than I expected it to be! I read opinions about the Trieste production and I was a little worried but I found that I enjoyed a lot of the things I've seen being criticized.
The stage spinning around was awesome and added so much depth to scenes and made transitions very smooth. The backdrops were very nicely done!
As for costumes I think they were pretty good with the exception of Aminta's dress and the Masquerade costumes being kind of underwhelming.
The singing was good overall, although the translated lyrics are weird sometimes. The main songs translate well but some others become very confusing in Spanish, some wording seems forced and some notes are slightly altered to fit the phrases. Raoul is very calm and soft, maybe a little too much at times, Christine is very neutral and simple. Geronimo was amazing tho no notes!
Now the acting! I have opinions 😫 This show was very Christine and Raoul centric to such an extent that it flattened the plot for me 😬 Christine seems scared and disgusted from start to finish so there is no conflict in her character. She is never torn, she recoils from the phantom's touch during Music of the Night, and during Final Lair she sings the "pitiful creature of darkness" lines looking at Raoul the whole time backing away towards the phantom and steeling herself and only turns reluctantly at the last second to kiss Erik. She comes back to return his ring and just leaves it on the organ stool as soon as he turns around because she's scared to get close to him, when he sings "I love you" she shakes her head at him 🥹 like girl please give us something!!
Geronimo's phantom is a delight tho!! He whimpers, crawls, cries, screams, pants, it's great. He's acting his butt off and is the highlight of the show for me.
A thing that I really liked was in the end when the mob comes Erik is curled up in his bed crying and Madame Giry finds him there and tells him to hide under the covers and leads the mob away from him, I thought it was sweet and transitions into LND nicely.
OH also!! I really enjoyed the Phantom swinging on a rope across the stage during the ballet and Buquet's hanging, it's so good!! the flaming chandelier scene is also good!! in Final Lair they actually hang Raoul in the air which was very nice too! (and with his shirt still on) and even the angel wings and flying that I've seen people hating on was honestly so cool. It didn't look as goofy as I expected it to, it's very smooth and the lighting makes it scary, he casts thunder and flies!! the wings are not very visible since the scene is very dark. The light work was super good in general.
Masquerade and Don Juan were a bit of a let down, much simpler but not bad. I think my main issues were about the choices for Christine really 🤔 and I think some scenes needed more movement, especially the roof one (they couldn't move because they are sitting on a ledge)
The show in general feels a bit one note compared to the West End version but it was good!! I'm just nitpicky 😂 also I want Geronimo's autograph!! I love him 😭
Anyway if you want to see/hear more let me know on discord wink wonk 😁
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Chief wich one of ur ocs is the best to take out on a Halloween night? With full costume and shi
We don't have Halloween here but I got curious 🤔 -🎃
My monster/sheet ghost oc Casper only comes out around Halloween and raids countless neighborhoods to bring you your favorite treats.
Liu embraces their hidden horrors and walks around in their parasite form, ready to bite the next person that tries to touch their face and carrying you around like a purse dog
Screamscicle. Screamscicle. Halloween is quite literally year round for this goofball. They stitch together a new costume leading up to the big day nearly twice every month. It breaks their heart each year to decide between a scary, "are you sure those aren't real organs" costume and a soft, innocent "I demand all your candy" vibe. Either way, you'll be returning to town at the crack with trash bags full of sweets. If the town holiday is in swing, you'll get up to a bit of mischief before you head out. Please don't give Apple or Milk Tea heartaches...again.
Cinnabar and Izzy love autumn/winter as a whole. As the weather cools, Izzy is able to venture outside with you more - and Cinnabar loves to welcome you home with a fresh batch of rolls and your drink of choice. As for Halloween, Cinnabar makes or looks for matching costumes for your trio (any suggestions lemme know). She makes popcorn balls and rice treat bars for treaters that stop by before you head out for the night - hiding a few in the back for you.
Honestly all of the candy fiends are good for the holidays. Gumi and Lollie rob trick or treat with you, but they also make you goodie bags out of their own flesh and blood like Sucrose, Jollie and Mocha.
D.Kay, Devlin, and Silas are the night's greatest tricksters. D.Kay sets up a haunted house in whatever location they can find, and doesn't let anyone leave until their smiling - while also ripping their mask off and revealing the endoskeleton underneath... probably covered in the skin of the last person that fucked with you. Devlin and Silas stage robberies and shot each other dead to sell the show. Whoever brings you more junk - whether it be money, candy, or lawn statues, gets to pick the night's movie and eat sixty percent of their haul as you cuddle. Silas goes as Ghost face. Devlin is the headless horseman. D.Kay is....D.Kay
Alien takes you to go alien hunting.....it doesn't go well with their shiny ass costume and platform boots. Once again, the only thing that's extraterrestrial is the time that you spend together - and their bones as they crack their neck and scare passing trick or treats out of their bags. This is the one night you can get them to try some ghost summoning rituals and if there's a ghost in the mirror... There's no more mirror. They're cool with a ghost from an ouija board because they can touch your hand.
C.C takes you out to a rave...after starting the night at a haunted house with Amyas if he's involved and ditching him there. Ass out, tits out - C.C is showing you his best moves and doesn't quit until he's passed out on your couch. Unfortunately, you'll have to sleep there too as his claws are quite literally embed into your clothes/clothes.
Gus, Ventri and Rush... (With the reluctant help of Sir) put together a mini circus in your living room/backyard. Popcorn machine, balloon station, face paints. If you can think it, they'll probably do or have it. Ventri steers clear of the apple picking game because they are afraid of their paint rubbing off - Gus is found head first still in the bucket. Sir is a little Jealous of Rush's candy giving methods (they are a living candy machine that dispenses them through their mouth), but he'll just tongue kiss you to get over it.
It's already been shown in last year's Halloween event that Host upstages this all. His entire stage and crowd becomes a circus for you, and he dons a new persona to fit the part. You'll always be the star here, but he has so many wonderful things to give and reveal to you. Aren't you lucky?
Miller hosts a big stream. With your consent, they hold costumes up at different goals for you to put on. They're all met before the first hour is up, and you're left changing countless times during that period. Miller orders whatever your heart desires and ends the stream earlier than planned so you can get up to something without the attention
Pin is another who makes costumes for you, and they're probably the best of the bunch. If you hand out treats they made the perfect prop and scare for your yard. You can convince them to take off their body, but they'll make the most elaborate and attention catching husk if you don't. Rag doll, scare-crow, or what makes them happiest and whatever goes along with yours
Ruthieland is great for the holidays. Despite being over the age limit, you're given a bucket for treats and allowed to wear your costume. Farmer Crow is especially active and always looks for you in a crowd when it's time for one of their "staged" kidnappings. Ruthie hovers around you and just dumps all of his candy into your bag when it's refilled
All hell breaks loses with the fast food yans. Halloween is when the fog that separates your realty from the ball pit entity is weakest. The mascot traverses outside the establishment to find supplies for their big surprise. The janitor is barricading you in the break room with strange symbols drawn in blood on the door. The ice cream machine ghost is searching for you and comes across your other coworker still smoking in the bathroom. Kidney Guy has gained a few more mouths from a passing van of college kids... and is singing the monster mash to lull you into false security.
Elliot creates the perfect film for the two of you to watch, mixed in with a few classics. If you think you recognize any of the actors...no you don't. More popcorn?
To round things out with the person who I think is the worse on halloween.... it's V it's always fucking V. If he has his way - you'll be walking around in strings... only for him to get jealous at the thought of others seeing you when you've finally worn him down to go out and do something. At least he buys candy and rents whatever films you want to see?
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onejellyfishplease · 11 months
Double Mutated Don from my iteration TMNT Test Tube Babies meets all your messed up Donnie’s! What do you think happens? 🤔
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Inspired by sundews, lotus flowers, and waterwheels.
Abilities: - Regeneration: The plantification process caused his formerly missing limbs to regrow all viney - Vine tongue: The sundew is covered in sticky orbs that are used to catch prey, having one that you can control and extend up to a metre makes catching that prey even easier - Retained intelligence: He managed to keep enough of his brain to scheme and plot new was to catch prey - Photosynthesis: While not enough to sustain him, he can obtain nutrients from the sun (and needs to in order to keep his aggression down)
Weaknesses: - Fire: duh - Hunger: His constant hunger will easily distract him from any other goals, and while he usually understands that people are not food, all concept of “friend of foe” is completely out the window when he’s hungry, and the hungrier he is the more aggressive he gets - Smart but stupid: Logic is quick to leave him when given the possibility of food, meaning if someone has enough food, he could be trained like a dog (they would need a LOT tho)
What I think would happen:
Open Your Shell And Find Your Wings Donnie: Bugs are the natural prey of carnivorous plants like sundews and waterwheels, and being part beetle is enough to get DM (double mutated) Donnie to try and eat. OYSAFYW Donnie does have a pretty good chance at survival though if he is able to find enough food to pacify him.
Unmutated Donnie:
Is snack sized. DM Donnie usually able to grasp the idea that mutants aren’t food (sometimes) but non-mutant animals are fair game. Hopefully UM Donnie won’t be sentient by the time DM Don gets to him.
Probably has the best chance at survival. His cult is pretty widespread so he would have access to a lot of food to pacify DM Donnie. The real question isn’t really if he would survive, but more of if he would use his resources to train DM Donnie and use him to help with taking down enemies.
Plant monster battle! I could see a scenario where they might team up if they think they could get more food together, but that alliance would inevitably end the second they actually get any food. Neither seem keen on sharing.
Ooh i love this!!! very cool design for double mutated Donnie, hes just so scrunkly! the abilities seem very interesting too! do u have deigns for the other TMNT Test Tube Babies?
Also your sentence of 'hopefully UM Donnie wont be sentient by the time DM Donnie get to him' absolutely SENT ME, in a dark humor kinda way
and yeah most of these are pretty accurate! though i dont thinks theres any chance of teaming with SnapDonnie, he may be a little disinterested because DM Donnie seems to be mostly plants, but still there is a great risk of it just being on sight.
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sparrow-in-the-field · 4 months
Tagged by @arokel 🥰
Post as much or as little of your WIP as you like!
Is mine on the shorter side because I've only written one scene of my newest fic so far? Don't worry about it lol.
“But you know, a couch here, my record player over there, maybe a rug on the floor. A table here, nothing too big,” Bobby said, walking deeper into the apartment. He grinned at Don as he pointed to a spot against the wall. “I figure a piano could go there.”
“Oh, right, yeah,” Don said with a laugh, the sarcasm evident in his tone.
Bobby crossed his arms, giving a fond smirk. “I’m serious.”
Don met his gaze with a pointed look, but there was a hint of a smile in the corner of his lips. “Pianos are expensive, Bob.”
“I can save up for one.”
Don let the smile cross his lips, but he decided not to say anymore on the matter. He walked past Bobby, stepping into the kitchen.
I think all the usual people were tagged ( @kcsplace do you write fics? I feel like you've mentioned wips but maybe I'm mistaken 🤔 if so, consider yourself tagged!)
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inspiredwriter · 4 months
Leo 2018 and Stefany 2018 :*entra la guarida* ¡Chicos ya volvimos! 😃😄
Mikey 2018 :*deja de leer su rebista* Oh al fin Ya volvieron tortolitos cómo les fueron del centro comercial 😉😁🏢🛍️
Leo 2018 :*deja las bolsas en la mesa*pues bien tuvimos que comprar muchas cosas para los lobos bebés 😉😊🐺🍼🧸
Stefany 2018 : me alegro cuidaron a Fanny Luo mientras Leo y yo compraremos todo lo necesario😀☺️🛍️🍼 *se acerca a Anastasia*¿como esta mi niña Fanny? 😊😚🐺💓💖❣️
Anastasia 2018 :*acaricia a Vegas en la espalda* Fanny esta bien ya le dimos de comer jalapeños 😀😊🌶️y ya tomó su jarabe para las náuseas😃😁🧪🚫🤢 y Vegas la cuidod muy bien 😏😉💕🩷💝
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Vegas 2018 :*lame la oreja de Fanny Lou*Mrrr~😃🥰🩷❣️💞Wow~🐺😄👅💦💖💕❣️💘
Fanny Lou 2018 :*se acurruca con Vegas* Wow~😃🐺💞💕🩷Wow~💕💗💖
Stefany 2018 :*acaricia la cabeza de Fanny Lou* Oh mi dulce niña hermosa me alegra mucho que estés bien y tus bebes🤗🥰🐺👶💝🩷❣️💞
Anastasia 2018 : ¿Cuánto tiempo nacerá los bebés? 😟😕👶🐺
Leo 2018 :*se rasca la cabeza* no lo sabemos ya pasó una semana y Don dijo que hay que esperar Cuando ya tenga el parcto 🤨🤔🤰🐺(pensamientos💭) Espero que el parto no escupa fuego en sala médica de Donnie 😬😰🚫🔥
Stefany 2018 : es cierto Lee, todo el mes la alimentamos muy bien para que sus bebés estén bien y sanos 😃😄🌶️👶
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Fanny Lou 2018 :*se baja del sofá y se acuesta el suelo*Mrrrr~😣🐺Wouuuu~😩😫💦💓💕
Mikey 2018 : Stefany, veo que Fanny no se siente muy bien 😕😨🐺
Stefany 2018 :*se acerca y le zoba la barriga de Fanny Lou* ¡¡Oh por dios veo que Fanny ya está a punto de dar a luz a su bebé!! 😰😱🐺👶*agarra el brazo de Leo y lo sacude* ¡Lee, tenemos que llevarla la sala médica con Donnie rápido! 😨😫💦
Leo 2018: I don’t understand how this could happen, it’s too early!😨😱💦 *Grabs Fanny Lou in his arms and opens the portal* Ooh, our girl has become very heavy over the last week...😖😕🐺🗡✨ *Comes through the portal to Donnie's med bay* Don, this is urgent, we have an emergency!😫 Fanny gives birth prematurely!😰🐺🤰👶
Donnie 2018: *Turns around in his chair* This is nonsense, Leo, it doesn’t happen🤨🙄
Stefany 2018: *Walks through the portal, along with Vegas* Donnie, do something, my Fanny is feeling very bad!😰😢🐺
Donnie 2018: *Puts on the scanning device* Oooh, banana pancakes, I guess I miscalculated and she was pregnant much earlier..😲😰 *Adjusts a blanket on the hospital bed* Put Fanny in my bed as soon as possible😤🧼 *Runs to the tap and washes hands* I will help her with deliver the babys, fortunately I've already read how it's done🤔📖🤰🐺👶 *Puts on gloves and a gauze bandage*
Leo 2018: *Lays Fanny Lou down on the bed and strokes her neck* Fooh, I wonder how many wolf cubs she will have?😮‍💨🤔🐺👶
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Fanny Lou 2018: Ooow~😣🐺💦 Wooou!😩💦
Stefany 2018: *Hugs Fanny Lou's neck* Don't worry Fanny, everything will be fine, Donnie will take care of you😥💝💗💕
Donnie 2018: So please leave the med bay, I have to help Fanny and I need you not to distract me😠😤🧤🩺🧻🛏
Leo 2018: Okay, genius, if privacy is so important to you🙄😒 *Hugs Stefany's shoulder* Don't worry, my little flower, we just need to wait a little before Fanny gives birth to the wolf cubs🥺🤰🐺👶💖💘💞 *Whispers to Stefany in her ear* Let's call our family here~🤫🥰🗣️💗🩷💞 Today is our happinessly day😄😃👶🐺✨❣️💕
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kmp78 · 8 months
« If you know you know. 😭😭😭 »
I don t know 🤷‍♀️. 🤔
*Sophia Petrillo voice*
Picture it: December 2015. A week or so before Christmas.
We are Vyrting with Lord Leto and the topic of Christmas plans comes up:
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And we foolishly, naively, actually believe him until a day before Christmas when that lying sack of manure turns up in...
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...Vail, Colorado. 🤨🏂🏼🌨
Meanwhile on the East Coast Miss Kauffer also boards a plane for her Christmas vacay...
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...and I shit you not: sparks up a panic like you wouldn't believe because HELLS BELLS IS SHE HEADING TO COLORADO TOO?! 😱😳😵
We spent hours (HOURS!!!!!) decoding that pic and looking up plane interior decors and Air France flight routes (because of course we narrowed it down to Air France due to that red headrest 😂) and came to the conclusion that since Air France doesn't have flights from NYC to Colorado, that means she's not heading down there to sip cocoa and warm up his frozen peen by the fireplace phew! 😮‍💨
And sooooooo Christmas Eve and Christmas Day come and go and we all enjoy a nice and quiet and calm break until the 26th comes along and we get news that Birthday Boy is on the move...
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...and then this little minx decides it's time to set the whole fucking world on fire and ruin everyone's good time and Christmas cheer by revealing that she has, in fact, been playing "hide the Christmas sausage" in Vail after all. 🙌🔥💀
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That's a (very blurry but of course simply HAD TO be posted 😏) gingerbread house with a marquee that says:
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Which, yes you guessed it, is a famous restaurant in...
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Vail, Colorado. 🫠
You probably won't be surprised if I say the blog pretty much exploded after that and I'm still exhausted from thinking about it... 😂😩
VK really knew how to fuck a fandom up. 😏
And on his birthday too... 😂😭
And of course she deleted that pic pretty much immediately after we had cracked the code. 😏
Like a good trolly troll should and would. 🙌
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rin-bellatrix · 2 years
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U. N. I.
"You and I were meant to be more than friends." - Mating Ritual
Fiona couldn't be happier. Her new boyfriend is not in love with her sister. They've got a piece of the vault key under their belts. And Rhys isn't too bad of a kisser. But he's a bit too preoccupied with other matters to take up space on cloud nine beside her...
Written for @admiralsweko 💕
Header art by @sanzosin (bc this piece was the inspiration for a scene in the fic hehe 🤭💕)
Written for prompt #3 "A breathy demand: "Kiss me" - and what the other person does to respond."
From this kiss prompt list
Takes place a few months after "It Takes Two" so I guess this is technically the second part/chapter to that? 🤔
Bottom white heart divider is from this post and the white star divider is from this post
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Fiona relaxed back into the large, expensive office chair at Rhys' desk. She had occupied this seat before, but now that she was the "official girlfriend" of Atlas' president, it felt more like a throne in this moment than a simple piece of furniture. Then again, she could just be riding the whimsy of being up on cloud nine.
Everything was going right for her lately, and she was determined to enjoy it while it lasted. Because life had taught her that things could only go so good for so long. There was a hurdle in her near future, an obstacle that she'd have to overcome. She didn't know what it was, just knew that it was coming.
That, however, was something to worry about when it came to her doorstep. Right now, she could relax and recline back into her boyfriend's overly expensive office chair.
Kicking her feet up on the edge of his polished desk, she knew that he'd be torn when he finally entered his office. On one hand, he'd be thrilled to see his lady love (she had left for a couple of weeks to run several errands for Sanctuary, only returning about an hour ago). On the other hand, he'd surely complain about her using his desk as an elevated foot rest.
But a pouty Rhys was just too cute to pass up, plus ruffling his feathers every now and then was still her favorite pastime. Two birds, one stone as the saying goes.
The entrance to Rhys' office open with a depressurized hiss, the two large metal doors unlocking and sliding away from each other to allow entry. In walked the man himself, coupled with Zer0, a once former assassin, now primarily an elite bodyguard.
"-And I just think that maybe, we can revive that old department and see what good can come of it, ya know?"
The hologram in front of Zer0's high-tech headgear flashed a ? quickly, followed by a nod and a :). The alien vault hunter easily kept pace with Rhys' long legs, the two tall men crossing the office floor in no time.
"What old department?" The female vault hunter asked, her voice making Rhys jump.
"Fiona! Oh my God I didn't see you- when did you get back?"
She snickered, trying to curb the instinctive urge to be smug. "Oh, a little while ago~"
Atlas' CEO shook his head and turned to his friend at his side. "Zer0, why didn't you tell me she was in here?"
The alien assassin shrugged his lithe shoulders and responded in his usual structured inflection. "𝚂𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝. 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚢. 𝙽𝚘 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚖."
At Rhys' reddening cheeks, Zer0 donned a bright ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) across his sleek visor.
Fiona stifled a giggle, watching as Rhys shooed his lanky bodyguard out of the office before turning back around to face her, his hands on his hips. As the electronic doors shut behind Zer0, the former vault hunter flash a quick ;) at her from behind his employers back, until the doors sealed and she could see him no more.
Smiling at the assassin's playfulness, Fiona raised her eyes up to meet Rhys'. She found him avoiding her gaze and frowning, an overall agitated vibe coming from him. "Hey, what's wrong...?" she asked, lowering her boots down to the floor and sitting forward to examine his facial expression.
Atlas' head sighed deeply, running his human hand through his hair in a show of frustration. "Nothing... And everything, just- it's a lot. And none of it is going my way and I'm trying to find the best outcome to every scenario and I keep getting stuck-"
"Hey hey hey, it's okay, c'mere Rhys..." Fiona stood, walking around his large desk to take hold of his arm, guiding him to his chair. She pushed him gently down into it and stepped to the side, settling her hands over his broad shoulders and digging in. Her boyfriend sighed again, this time in pleasure as she worked at his tense shoulders.
"Tell me what's wrong, one thing at a time. We'll figure something out together, okay? Two heads are better than one, after all."
Rhys reached up and patted her hand, showing his appreciation silently. "Well, first off... We have a lead on the second vault key piece."
"Already?" Fiona couldn't hide her shock - it was rare to find even one piece, nevermind two pieces within such a short amount of time. Atlas' research division was truly something else.
"Yeah..." he answered, sounding much less enthused about the fact than she was. "Problem is, now that we're getting closer to forming a full vault key, the commander of the Crimson Raiders wants to take possession of the pieces we find." He lifted his cybernetic arm, turning his palm up and pulling up an ECHO recording of Lilith, head of the ship Sanctuary where she had just come from.
"Hey Atlas, my name's Lilith but you might know me as The Firehawk. Word around the block is you've been collecting vault key pieces. Yeah, I'm gonna need you to stop that and hand over everything you have pertaining to the vault key. Can't have a warmongering corporation claiming a vault for themselves, or all the other weapon companies are gonna wanna ride that train too. Look, Athena is vouching for you and all, but to be completely honest, I just don't like her. And I'm not sure if I can trust her word, you know? Especially considering that at one point, you both worked for Jack... So yeah, you have twenty-four hours to comply or we're gonna have problems. Big problems."
The recording ended there and Rhys dropped his metal hand back into his lap. Fiona rubbed his back soothingly, trying to dispel the dark cloud hanging over his head.
"Rhys, don't worry about it. I've met Lilith a couple times, she's way more chill than that. She was just... Casually threatening you to try and scare you into submission. Look, I'll talk to her and let her know that you're not some evil, scheming corporation out to use the vault's contents for taking over the world or whatever."
Her boyfriend turned to look up at her, still looking hopelessly dejected. She tsked and ran a gloved hand through his wavy hair, using the motion to keep him facing her.
"I'll talk to her," she repeated, meeting his eyes this time as she made a promise out of her words. "Don't worry. Worst case scenario, she takes our vault key pieces and the Crimson Raiders open the vault, in which case at least we can be assured that no evil syndicate is putting the vault to evil use. And maybe we can get some treasures out of it seeing as how you were the one to find two-thirds of the vault key. Best case scenario, she let's us open the vault! Wouldn't that be great?"
Rhys pulled back from her touch, but before Fiona could feel the faintest hint of rejection, he took her hands in his and looked up to meet her clear jade eyes. "Fiona, to be honest, I personally don't care about the vault or its contents, I was doing this to help you out."
Properly confused, she furrowed her brow at his revelation. "Rhys, what are you talking about?"
"Well, you're a vault hunter now, and I wanted to help you find a vault." Here he squeezed her hands, looking elsewhere for a moment before gathering himself and locking eyes with her again. "I know...that I haven't been a super amazing boyfriend lately because we've both been so busy, and I just wanted to make it up to you. I just wanted to make you happy. And what makes a vault hunter happier than opening a new vault! So... I tried everything to secure this key for you and it looks like you might not even get much of anything from it... I'm sorry, Fi..."
Fiona couldn't believe her ears. Rhys, sole owner of one of the major weapons manufacturers, wanted a vault but not for the betterment of his company, but because he felt guilty about their lack of interaction lately...? It was one thing to get the first piece of the vault key to impress her and ask her out. It was another to say that he wanted her to have the entire vault all to herself. Every time she thought that he couldn't surprise her anymore, he always managed to do just that.
"Rhys, you idiot..."
She swiveled his chair around until he was fully facing her, before reaching up and cupping his bewildered face in her hands. Leaning down, she slanted her mouth over his and ignored the sound of her hat tumbling off and hitting the floor. She kissed him firmly, her persistence making him respond after a moment of surprise. His touch grazed her shoulders, before gripping her firmly and trying to pull her down onto his lap. She braced her hands over the arms of the chair, nibbling his bottom lip which made him elicit the softest groan she had ever heard.
Smiling slightly against his mouth, she pulled back to look down at him. He gazed at her with open affection, reaching up and smoothing his mechanical hand down her short hair, his other hand reaching up to cradle her face. Fiona looked over him, taking in the adoration clear in eyes, the faint rosey tint to his cheeks, the sheen of wetness over his parted lips, down to the way his Adam's apple bobbed on his tattooed neck. She had never felt an infatuation like this for anyone else before, and she counted herself lucky to have been the one to steal away his heart.
"Rhys... I don't need a vault to be happy. As long as you and Sasha are safe and happy, then I'm happy too. I can't believe you'd try to give me a whole vault as a gift... Unbelievable."
The young CEO grinned bashfully, charmed at his girlfriend's sentiment and utterly in love with the way she was looking at him right now. To him, this was worth all the trouble he recently had and then some. If Lilith wanted the vault key pieces, he'd give them over no problem. As long as Fiona kept looking at him like this, then everything was okay.
"Hey Fi?"
"I love you."
The vault hunter, who seemed in this moment more interested in the president of Atlas than in hunting for vaults, grinned happily and straddled her boyfriend's lap. He eagerly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
"Hey Rhys?" she purred, sliding her arms around his neck.
"Yeah?" he replied avidly, his loving gaze never leaving hers.
"Kiss me..." she ordered, and he wasted no time in slotting their mouths together again.
His hands slid up her back underneath her jacket, reaching up to tug the outerwear off her body. As soon as she shucked it free from her hands, she reached forward and started unbuttoning his vest. She made quick work of that and began on his shirt. He squeezed her hips and she hummed into his mouth, slanting her face in a different angle to deepen the kiss. He sighed pleasantly against her, his hands shifting up her arms until he was able to get a firm grip on her shoulders, pushing her back until they broke away.
"You didn't say it back..." he groused, his petulant attitude softened by his pink cheeks and kiss swollen lips.
Fiona could play this game, if that's what he really wanted. "You never answered me when I asked about what old department..."
Rhys blinked, as if the moments before she had sat in his lap were far off distant memories. When the confusion cleared in his heterochromic eyes, he brightened up and looked almost boyish in his excitement. "Oh, that! Well it turns out that Atlas used to run a pet food division, like a really long time ago, and I was just futzing around with the idea that we could, ya know, maybe bring it back. I think it'd be nice to be able to produce things other than weapons, right? What do you think?"
"Huh, that would be interesting. I never knew Atlas had something like that, seems kinda off-brand for a weapons company."
"Yeah, that's why I'm kinda excited about it. We could expand to so many different projects! Imagine, Atlas apartments... Or an Atlas hospital! I was even thinking maybe a grocery-"
"As adorable as it is watching you get so hyped up for future endeavors, I'm trying to threaten your chastity here."
"Yeah..." Fiona pushed aside his partially open shirt, letting her fingertips graze over the curved edges of his blue chest tattoo. "Is that okay...?" She kissed him sweetly, just long enough until she felt his hands settle on her hips again.
Atlas' president smirked up at her. "You trying to score a... Touchgoal?"
"Oh shut up and kiss me already...!"
"I will, after you say it back..."
Fiona rolled her eyes, but her obvious affection for him kept her expression playfully frustrated. "Okay, fiiine... I guess you could say that on a good day, if I'm feeling generous and benevolent, and you're not being too annoying..." He was nodding along, trying to encourage her to continue. "...Then, yeah... I love you too..."
Rhys was positively beaming. "See? Was that so hard?"
"I believe I already told you to shut up, Strongfork."
"Geez Fi, it's almost like you have a crush on me or something," he snickered, leaning in to kiss her with a smile on his lips. He was pleased at the embarrassed flush over his girlfriend's face. It was rare that he could get one up on her but oh so worth it when he did.
Fiona, on her part, fell eagerly into their kiss, mostly for the fact that she knew it was probably the only way she could actually get him to shut up. And also for the fact that yeah, she really was trying to score a touchgoal.
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Fun fact, in case you didn't know: in the first Borderlands game, there's a mission you do where you have to collect dog food for someone and the company that produces that food is actually Atlas!
Here's a post where Andaxay and I talk about it if you wanna see photographic evidence of the dog food can and read Andaxay's short head canon about Rhys' possible new business venture 💕
BTW if you want more rhyiona fics, I really ✨ H I G H L Y ✨ recommend Andaxay bc her writing is SO in character that she's literally one of my all time favorite writers 💖 Here is her pinned post with links and summaries to her collection of Rhys x Fiona fics
©rin-bellatrix 2022
☆ borderlands masterlist ⋆ main masterlist ☆
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mushangaa · 7 months
Poor you. Now I'm going to start asking and I won't stop🫠💙🩵
1. Splinter have 6 of them?? OMG, can I please have names of two new?? For what I understood: Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, someone like Venus (I think), and...?
Please I need the names.
2. So, they live on a ranch? 😍 Or they have a farmhouse or something like that...? 🤔
3. You mixed two things I adore: horses and the turtles. 🐎💚 For what I have understood, all the horses have their names (and mostly I hope their special personalities!✨) I want you to show me every single one of them 🫠🧡
4. I saw two little younger turtles in this au. How old are them- wait. How old are each of them?? 🫨
5. I saw a little comic. They share rooms? 🙉🎉 I saw Leo and Don sharing one (and I saw they decorated their door! Please can I see other doors??) and who are others sleeping with? Just tell me how many rooms this beautiful house has. One or more bathrooms? Guest rooms? Big kitchen? 😏
6. Are everyone friendly with the horses? Or is there someone who is a bit scared to ride them, so someone likes ponys a bit more? 🥹 I noticed Leo have his favorite: the stunningly beautiful black and white horse- Comet. S-sorry... He is a boy? (I'm asking for the horse, I know Leo's pronouns 😂)
7. Is the ranch (or the farm) only for horses? Or is there more animals? Cows? Chickens? ... Dogs, cats? 🐶🐱
8. How big is their land? Huge mansion far away from citys and complete landscape forest? Or a smaller house near the road? Or something in the middle? 💚🙊🐢
9. No ninjitsu? Or ninja masters? Or horse competition winners? 💥🏅
10. How... Oh. I just realized I can't write forever😢
Take your time in answering me (if you have the nerves left😶‍🌫️) ! ! !
But PLEASE don't make me wait for too long...! I love you!
...I will give you no peace from this moment be ready for me I will haunt this au forever you will never get rid of me😈
Ok, that's it. I can wait😅
💫💚💙🩵 🐎 🩵💙💚💫
Poor me? Nahhhh blessed me. You’re my favourite kind of person who just bangs open the door and gets me going with “TELL ME” and I’m like “hell yeah let me shake my brain like an 8 ball and all I have not pinned down yet shall be freestyled on the spot because that is such a normal way to worldbuild” soooo welcome, you are fine to badger me and you are very loved fyi.
Lets go.
1. Splinter have 6 of them?? OMG, can I please have names of two new?? For what I understood: Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, someone like Venus (I think), and...? Jepp. 6 kiddos. Splinter went from no kids to 6 kids and to this day it is one of the most horrifying and most beautiful moments in his life. The how and why is a bit of a weight on his mind but he loves his children and he could not imagine a life without them. And yeah, Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey and then we have Frida (which was the name the showrunners intended to use for Venus de Milo so I rand with that bc I love both the idea of finally getting that girl a painter name instead of a sculpture and also Frida Kahlo kicks ass and so does my Frida so it fits like a fist to a punchable face) and Jennika the spunky gremlin child (she is the one with the yellow headband) she and Mikey are frequently up to no good.
Basically you can segment the kids in 3 groups: Big siblings (Frida, Raph), Disaster Twins (Leo, Donnie) & Baby Gremlins (Angie, Jen) 2. So, they live on a ranch? Or they have a farmhouse or something like that...? They have a farmhouse with attached barn for the horses. They also have a coop for chickens (and one accidental cockatrice) and some goats. They have some field with wheat and pumpkins and stuff. They trade their stuff with the neighbors and sell the rest. They have a chill little simple live going on so far and the only reason why they have such a huge house/land in the first place is bc daddy Lou made some big cash back in his human era as movie star so he put that to good use for himself and his kiddos.  
3. You mixed two things I adore: horses and the turtles. For what I have understood, all the horses have their names (and mostly I hope their special personalities!✨) I want you to show me every single one of them Sooo I am still on the fence on how many horses there are because the thing is this, Splinter started collecting horses as human, mostly adopting his former “co-workers” from the movie sets when they retired or just bought them outright in their prime if he just happened to fall in love with them a lil too much on set. So he has a lot of them and took them with his family to the yokai world. Most of the horses of his kids are actually the second generation because some of the horses had foals so… I assume he has a good herd going on there. But the named ones are for now: Super Nova(lil Leo’s horse), lovely mare, dotes on Leo, was born when he was 10 so they grew up together and he jokingly will refer to her as his other, cooler twin. She, like her rider, is a bit of a showoff, loves flashy jumps, likes to win. Fibonacci(Donnies horse), a bastard, does not get along with almost anybody. Bitey. Very driven towards excellence which is why he gets along with Donnie because Donnie also strives for excellence and trains very diligently with Fibonacci to achieve greatness in dressage. Dandelion & Buttercup(Angies & Jens Ponies respectively) Lil menaces, they look cute and they know it and use that to their advantage frequently to nab snacks and cause mayhem. They frequently get out of horse pasture and nobody can figure out how they even do that and mostly just notice when they find them wandering on the property or on some glorious occasions in the house (mainly the kitchen). Sunflare(mother of Super Nova, Lous favorite horse but do not tell the other horses that) Gentle older mare, retired movie star, loves to bask in the sun and chill but has a feisty streak and likes to show the younglings “how it’s done” if Lou feels up for some stunt demonstrations. Comet (F!Leos mare, the black and white Percheron, she travelled through time with him so she is the coolest horse) Very chill horse, steady, does not get stressed out by anything really, which is easy to understand because her rider is huge and dangerous and can just pull swords out of thin air – why should she worry about anything? She is also a (legally, probably? Don handled the paperwork) emotional support animal. She will calm Leonardo down from panic attacks and in general is the strongest shoulder for him to lean on. Used to guard a herd of cattle prior to the stories beginning and now she is in the past with an injured baby version of her rider and the baby versions of his siblings and a lot of younger horses and she feels her work cut out for her but she can handle it. Pulsar wild black horse. [Redacted] I am a bit slow on the references truth be told, mainly because drawing references is the most daunting and boring thing for me lol But I will draw them eventually if only for the sake of making a height chart to orient myself on while doing the comic XD You can see Nova on the chapter cover (https://www.tumblr.com/mushangaa/742702413191970816/i-shock-denial) And Pulsar is in the very first sketchpage that kicked off the AU (https://www.tumblr.com/mushangaa/732381668257792000/202310-full-view-yeah-so-i-actually-just) And, if I get the last few comic pages for the tmnt AU comp done soonish you’ll see Dandelion, Buttercup and Fibonnaci too.  
4. I saw two little younger turtles in this au. How old are them- wait. How old are each of them??
So… Frida is 18, Raph is 17, Leo and Donnie are 16, Jennika is 13 and Angie is 12. Especially the younger ones really lean into being the babies they are in no hurry growing up. Lou is 51 and would love to have a normal mildlife crisis like other people his age but instead he gets injured son and future version of this son in the span of a few weeks. Leonardo is 36 and traveled with Comet through time and assumes he is so fired from his old gig because they left the herd behind they were supposed to bring to another ranch.
5. I saw a little comic. They share rooms? I saw Leo and Don sharing one (and I saw they decorated their door! Please can I see other doors??) and who are others sleeping with? Just tell me how many rooms this beautiful house has. One or more bathrooms? Guest rooms? Big kitchen?
I need to design the whole house in the sims or at least as good as I can or make some kind of other plan for reference because for the mini comic I just went on vibes tbh the whole layout is not yet fixed. But yes, Leo and Don share a room, the rest does not, each has their own room even the little ones. Don and Leo share because they would cry and wail when they were younger if you separated them so they share. Technically there is a free room across from theirs that has been left empty for the day that one or both of them decides they are older now and need more space/privacy but that did not happen yet and after the accident Don would riot if he could not be close to his twin to keep an eye on him. Furthermore F!Leo is now currently set up in that room anyway because he needed somewhere to sleep too so he has it now. The rooms of the kids are up on the first floor. Main floor has a big living room, Splinters room, and yes, huge kitchen. They have a small bathroom up top and a bigger one on the main floor and yes it is chaos and mayhem sometimes when it comes to bathroom usage. Frida gets up at the crack of dawn just so she can use the bathroom in peace for example. The main thing about this house is the atrium style middle tho in my opinion. The hallways are in the middle, all rooms wrap around those and the middle is just.. open. So they can have conversations at the rails of the open middles from one floor to the next all the way down to the basement which is practical but also makes it loud. You can’t exactly hope for a private convo there gotta take those to the rooms with doors obviously. The living room has no door for example, just thick drapes that can be closed to keep the warmth of the fireplace confined to the room or to shut out the light from the atrium for movie marathons.
6. Are everyone friendly with the horses? Or is there someone who is a bit scared to ride them, so someone likes ponys a bit more?  I noticed Leo have his favorite: the stunningly beautiful black and white horse- Comet. S-sorry... He is a boy? (I'm asking for the horse, I know Leo's pronouns)
All of them are friendly with the horses, they basically grew up on horseback because Splinter taught all of them how to handle the horses and ride them very early on. The horses are very important to him so he made sure that his kids know them and grow up alongside them. The little ones (Angie & Jen) like the ponies a bit more because they are lil tricksters like them so they are like a chaos unit.
They also start their days with tending to the horses, they are a lot of work and get frequently exercised. Of course Leo and Don pay special attention to their respective horses but they also ride the others here and there, the rest of the sibs also ride the horses frequently. They are also the quickest way into the nearby village as opposed to go by foot and if they have to check the borders of their land they also use the horses for a quick round. The horses are a big part of their lives. Comet is female. Leo (both versions) vibes better with mares.
7. Is the ranch (or the farm) only for horses? Or is there more animals? Cows? Chickens? ... Dogs, cats?
Oh yeah so I already answered that kinda up there but yeh it is a farm they do farming and have horses because their dad adopted a bunch. Other than that like I said a few goats for milk and cheese and Chickens for eggs and 1 (one) cockatrice. That one got accidentally mixed in when they incubated some eggs and they only realized much later that one chick is not like the others when it grew a lizard tail and leathery wings beneath the feathery ones but by then Raph was already very much in love with her so they kept her too. She protects the other chickens. They do not technically have cats but there are feral barn yokai cats that just showed up and vibe there and as long as they do not go into the house Splinter is okay with letting them stay there.
8. How big is their land? Huge mansion far away from citys and complete landscape forest? Or a smaller house near the road? Or something in the middle?
Yeah they kinda have a huge house (again, Splinter used a lot of his cash from his fame days to get a neat setup for his suddenly expanded family) Big Mama, who is a huge fan of his movies and him helped him with setting stuff up, securing the land and permits and stuff and how to navigate the yokai world a bit better in general. But yeah so the house is big and a bit out there, their land is big and surrounded by neighboring farmlands – it takes quite a hike for them to get to any neighbors and even longer to get to the nearby village. The Hamatos are known in the area and also known for being private but decent folks, keep to themselves, don’t cause much trouble. Splinter just ached for a simple live after becoming mutated and suddenly acquiring 6 kids you know?
There is a forest a little ways away bordering their land too and a beautiful lake. The kids love to go there.
9. No ninjitsu? Or ninja masters? Or horse competition winners?
No no, the kids know how to fight. Lou has been trained that part of his story is kinda still in line and living among yokai he figured it would be good if his kids know how to fight if things get dicey but he taught them more self-defense than anything at first. Then Donnie suddenly showed signs of mystical powers and bit by bit it manifested in the other kids too so Splinter put his apprehension for his old family and their stuff aside to teach his kids more and help them navigate those powers. Tho he wants his kids to keep those talents on the down low around other yokai if possible. Don and Leo have won a ton of competitions in eventing. See, Big Mama runs horse competitions to entertain people and she is really into it. She might also have an underground battle arena maybe but that is a big maybe. Then again it is Big Mama and shady is her middle name so who knows what she does beside hosting the very respectable Nexus Horse Tournaments. And Leo and Donnie are showboats, they love competing and they love their horses and they love to one up each other so they started early and are very known for being exceptional riders. Big Mama adores them. 10. How... Oh. I just realized I can't write forever Pshhh you can, I don’t mind I might just take a bit more time if I receive another big ask like this because I have a tight schedule usually and limited energy for everything I gotta pack in a day sometimes. But I love such big asks all the same and I am very thankful for the interest in my lovely little AU <3
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thepupperino · 1 year
Tag Game Tuesday
Hello again friends! Thank you to @celestialmickey and @energievie for the tags! 🥰
Name: Keely
Age: 28
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Lol about 4.5
Which do you use more: tumblr mobile or desktop? Mobile!
A hobby you’d like to pick up: Embroidery! I did it for a little bit but I’d love to do it more.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I literally checked Crayola’s website and I’m going with Blue Bell or Parakeet Blue. But now I’m curious what color I give off 🤔
What was your average screen time last week? 6h 28m, which is less than I expected tbh.
A song you put on every playlist: I don’t think I have one—my music taste is too all over the place. But I do love this song:
Favorite holiday: Halloween 🎃
Something on your bucket list: I think it would be cool to visit every continent!
You’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? I wanna be a fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️
What show takes up the most space in your brain? Lmfao Shameless of course
And finally, share something you’re looking forward to: My trip to Denver/hopefully seeing Taylor Swift!
Tagging @too-schoolforcool, @xninetiestrendx, @michellemisfit, @sweetbee78, @juliakayyy, @heymrspatel, @deedala, @sirrudo, @callivich, @ian-galagher, @harrowhark-a-vagrant, @suchagallabitch, @crossmydna, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @leave-a-whisper, @gardenerian, @rereadanon, @ardent-fox, @purplemagpie, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @grumble-fish, @depressedstressedlemonzest, @themarchg1rl, @gallawitchxx, @dagangeraa, and @tanktopgallavich
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lea-andres · 4 months
Okay but us both mistaking the art for a real cancelled thing aside LOL, if you could make a wild west gotham show, what would you do? 👀 im v curio,,,
(I'm glad it wasn't just me lmao)
Definitely some sort of Lone Ranger flavored situation lmao. Bruce Wayne dons a mask and a goth bat/cowboy outfit thing to do like... vigilante bounty hunter stuff.
The horse would definitely be a character. "Lea, that's silly" We have Bat-Cow. Next question. Actually fuck it, invite Bat-Cow too. Can't be cowboys without cows.
I stand by my earlier remark about how Penguin should be a oil baron/business tycoon trying to level the town for... Idk take your pick. Oil, gold, laying out the railroad... He fits that part so perfectly.
Lazarus Pit was definitely found while mining and the mining town turned into the League of Assassins (I don't know if I'd keep that name in a cowboy story, but they're definitely a cult worshipping this magical pit they found, because tbh what else are you gonna do in a mining town lmao.)
I don't know what to do with Joker... Or Riddler for that matter... Scarecrow DEFINITELY fits with little alteration, Mad Hatter could fit if you followed his 60s iteration and leaned out of Alice in Wonderland and into hats specifically (I mean... c'mon. Hats are a big deal to cowboys, they're basically their sunscreen) Catwoman still works, of course.
And then of course, what the artist of the Harley and Ivy art was cooking there. Perfect, 10/10 lmao.
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boomboxboi · 1 year
Hey hey I recently discovered your page and I absolutely love your headcanons; they’re adorable !
If asks are still open I’m curious to know how you’d think the GangStars would do pet/house-sitting 🤔
I enjoy making them and I appreciate the ask!
And a very valid question to ponder!
Bruno Bucciarati
If he wasn’t perpetually busy, he would LOVE to pet/house sit!
He also would do a damn good job at it.
He loves helping out his community, after all.
Bonus points if it’s a big and goofy dog.
He’d also go on walks with the big goofy dog.
In a fresh pressed suit.
And a power stride.
He does tend to delegate the task to other members of his team.
But occasionally (aka when he CAN) he will do it himself.
Leone Abbacchio
He’s indifferent.
It’s not that he dislikes animals.
But unless he really likes that person (aka if they’re Bruno, Fugo, Mista, or Narancia), then he’s not going to really go out of his way unless he’s told to do it (by Bruno).
He hates how wet dogs smell.
But cats are okay.
And so are little dogs.
Especially little dogs.
Abbacchio has purse pet vibes, to me.
Pannacotta Fugo
The fact that he would be trusted with such a task, despite his anger issues, would honor him.
He would do his absolute best.
Of course, something goes terribly wrong.
Not because he miscalculated anything or was irresponsible.
But because that’s just how Fugo’s luck works.
He won’t be asked twice by the same person.
But Bruno will always vouch for him.
He’s responsible.
Narancia Ghirga
He would be beyond thrilled!
But you probably shouldn’t trust him.
One, he will try to throw some crazy party in the house.
And he’ll skip corners or simply forget all the details.
But all the pets literally love him.
He gets asked more than Fugo.
Fugo hates this because Narancia is not responsible.
But secretly?
Narancia just has a way with animals.
Especially little ones like rabbits, gerbils, birds, etc.
Guido Mista
Just behind Bruno (and Giorno), Mista is probably the best person you could ask.
He’s not irresistible and doesn’t forget.
In fact, he’s meticulous.
After all, he has to look out for the Pistols.
He also will happily do extra tasks if needed.
Like take your pet to the salon or parks.
Maybe he’ll train them little tricks, too.
But people overlook him.
They think he’s irresponsible because he comes across as lackadaisical.
Giorno Giovanna
He’s stupidly good and trustworthy.
Just like he knows ALL the plant facts, he knows ALL the animal facts.
And he loves animals.
Your pets are in the absolute best care with Giorno.
Fugo will often ask him simply HOW he gains everyone’s trust so easily with their homes and fur babies.
He also gives good pet advice.
Is your cue baby sick?
He likely knows what’s wrong.
He should have been a veterinarian and not the friggin’ Don.
Maybe in another life.
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gctchell · 5 months
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@damnedrainbows asked: 🤔🤔🤔 (and a sex canon for lucifer for his wifey)
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1) Listen, they have the ability to shapeshift. Lucifer's more masterful and has a much bigger variety of what he can become, but Lilith's selection is nothing to sneeze at, either. Combine this with the fact that they trigger silly moods in one another so easily and you got a goofy couple who both enjoy transforming into animals and running off on their own Creechure Adventures lmao. They can disappear for hours because they get so caught up in it, and if Charlie can't contact either of them, she can safely assume they're just off on one of their little Milo & Otis excursions.
Sweet Rings, have they been through some adventures. This ability in HELL of all places? Oh yeah, they've been in situations that get the heart racing and adrenaline pumping. Sometimes it's a nice day where they're literally re-enacting the damn Untitled Goose Game, sometimes it's a chaotic day where they are starring in their own Don Bluth feature film. Honestly, it's a great way for the Queen & King to keep connected to their domain. They see a lot of things when they're this tiny.
After Lilith came back home, it was Lucifer who got this ball rolling again after he shyly offered up the idea to his wife. Lilith was sick and she needed to get re-acquainted with the energies of Hell for her health, and what better way then skittering around together in creature form? They could not go as wild and far as they used to, but they still did it and they had fun, and it helped her a lot. Finally when she was better, they fell right back into this little hobby of theirs full-fledged.
It's good medicine for Lucifer, too. It gets him out and about, it's good for his head and helps ease the depression, and Lilith likes to keep that in check.
2) As the Hotel Parents(tm), they like to gather everyone together on Friday for a movie night every week. They insist upon it! They know it's a good bonding activity and that it's simply nice for everyone to coexist in the area for an hour or two in peace (for the most part).
On Tuesday, they take suggestions for movies and add it into a bingo cage to draw on Wednesday morning during breakfast. It's a fun little routine for the two of them, though they've had to deal with the process getting pranked or entirely thrown off course a time or two for someone who wanted to rig the results. Charlie loves the whole routine top to bottom - she is her parents kid.
3) Light sensitivity and overstimulation to it is something that Lilith is all hands-on-deck for taking care of, or at least providing relief for; the Queen of the Night hushes light sources - let them be electrical, magical, or flame-oriented, she extends her magic to snuff it out. If there is an instance where this is not ideal, or not possible, she creates dark barriers to shroud Lucifer for relief. They're cool and encapsulating, and he can walk anywhere with them. On the outside, it almost looks like a huge black egg with legs going for a walk.
It's not tangible, he can reach outside of it if he likes. It feels like pushing through a light stream of cold water.
Lilith is masterful in home crafts, and one of these skills branches into toiletries. They still shop for their favored brands, but she's made their own soap, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners for years to run alongside it. She had a lot of fun figuring out how to create bath bombs and went wild with it, and naturally, it did not take long for her to steep into the sensual side.
Lilih & Lucifer have their own private stock of these special bath bombs; there are combinations that heighten sensitivity, and then there are the really fun ones that they use quite often - the aphrodisiac bath bombs (encouraged to drop while in the bath for a better experience).
Pop them into the warm or hot water and they get to work; they fizz and spin with their lovely colors of red and magenta, black and white, all while gradually releasing more and more of the effect - it gets stronger the longer it goes on. Combine this with the steam, the heat, and the vapors of the water, and these two are going crazy with lust during bath time. They can get carried away. They might have broken a tub or four because of this lmao.
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I'm not brave enough to ask yet (and I don´t have an actual faceclaim too), but that form for OC Couples Costume Aesthetic alone gave me some ideas 💡 And something to think about in general)) Thank you, @arrthurpendragon for this inspiration 🤗
I just know that my OC Jessy doesn't like parties (both of them, tbh, but this is about the one for Remake) and Luis would try and sweet talk her into visiting one. Successfully. Dancing, singing together, taking part in funny or silly contests - he'd start the activity and she won't be able to resist his enthusiasm and just be like "to the pit with consequences" - and joins in. Scary stuff (jump-scares mostly, as after Valdelobos and Spain it's somewhat hard to scare them, unless it's bugs-related) - she'd be clutching Luis's hand silently and slowly relaxing into his reassuring touch. And he'd definitely give her a sideways hug as a reminder that they are alive and at the party, not trying to survive again.
They would make the sweetest duo and the cutest couple, and the best team.
Jess would choose a costume of Miss Martian. Because of the cape - it's her little weakness 😁 And here I learned that water-resistant face paint really exists. I still remember my surprise when I learned about liquid bandage being real - I was absolutely sure that it's just some fictional thing)) And now it's almost the same with the paint))
As for Luis... A pirate, maybe? Ioz from Pirates of Dark Water is the one I have in mind)) Or a musketeer? Or even Zorro, hmmm? 🤔 The one from Generation Z. I'd be curious to see him as someone from TMNT universe, btw. Casey? Or, maybe, he'd even go for Superboy? As a matching costume 🤔
And they will definitely find an opportunity to snatch some alone time at the party for kissing or making out.
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randomvarious · 9 months
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Today's compilation:
Hits House 2001, Vol. 2 2001 House
Alright, well, I don't know how necessarily true this is, folks, but if you look at the back cover of this CD here from France that's packed with a full helping of house gems and jams from the early 2000s, you'll notice that a whole lot of these tracks are marked as being exclusive. And the label that put out this comp, Absolute Sound, which is a sublabel of another French company called Happy Music, *did not* go on to then release most of these 'exclusives' as 12-inches on either their own label or on Happy's. And some of these were pretty popular, well-distributed tunes too!
So either I have a really great comp on my hands here that played a significant role in partially shaping the sound of house music for 2001, by publicly serving up a bunch of tunes for other labels across the globe to then pick up, or maybe that 'exclu' label is being used a bit more gratuitously than it would seem to imply 🤔. Being that none of the songs on this CD are the full-length versions, the specific edits that were supplied on this release could've been what earned them their 'exclu' tags in the first place (which would feel like a little bit of a sleight of hand), or perhaps these songs' inclusions on this CD marked their first ever official appearance in France? 🤷‍♂️
Either way, while the fact that all of these tunes are cut annoyingly short and aren't afforded the necessary breathing room in order for them to achieve their full, delicious impact, it really can't be denied just how chock-full of bangers that this album still is. I think 20 out of 22 of these songs came out in 2001 itself, so let this be an opportunity for you to transport yourself back to that year and allow some of its finest house tracks to just wash over you for over an hour 😌.
Now, it's not very easy to pick a favorite among this batch, but I think Sandy Rivera and LT Brown's "Come Into My Room" might be the one. First of all, it's, of course, a tune that uses the extremely popular filter technique—that approach where certain elements get looped repeatedly, and sound like they're being submerged underwater at first, but then progressively continue to sound clearer and clearer, until they satisfyingly breach the surface. This concept was all the rage in the global underground house space for a long while it seems, and yours truly still happens to be a complete and total sucker for it 😋.
And while its constant implementation can be seen as an unfortunate means to reducing house music down to something that's more formulaic, filtering still has a natural way of generating a level of anticipation for the listener, as they know to await and enjoy the climb-up to that peaking breach, and it also automatically means that, in a genre that's often ridiculed for its overall repetitiveness, that because of the filtering, although the elements themselves will be much the same, they won't actually sound exactly alike with each successive bar, which ends up lending the song a little bit more variety than what was once standard.
So, yeah, I love that track; and not just because of the filtering itself—because there's sooooo many filter tunes out there—but because of what that filtering is applied to: a constantly chirping lead pair of guitar notes and a contrastingly deeper synth piece that accompanies them, which is also further enhanced by some rumbly bass pulsations too.
And another thing that I think's worth mentioning is that Sia—yes, that Sia—is on this release as well. Maybe you're not aware, but long before she went on to become a total 2010s pop sensation who donned her own intriguing face-obscuring wigs in order to retain a semblance of much-desired anonymity, she had actually already been active as a solo musician for well over a decade, and this somewhat popular house remix of her "Drink to Get Drunk," which was done by UK duo Different Gear, is a pretty good one that matches her unique voice to an electro-dubby synth melody.
So, at the end of the day, while every single song on here is most likely better enjoyed in its full-length version, this still makes for a pretty terrific time capsule of house music from 2001. I'm highly skeptical that most of the songs that are labeled as exclusives are actually exclusives though, but if they really are, then damn, is this thing extra special then!
Kings of Tomorrow - "Finally" Lil' Devious - "Come Home" Slow & Newland - "Being in Love" Soul Dujour - "Here We Go Again" Modjo - "Chillin'" Deep Swing - "In the Music" Different Gear vs. Sia - "Drink to Get Drunk" Sandy Rivera feat. LT Brown - "Come Into My Room" Harry "Choo Choo" Romero - "Tania" Gypsymen - "Babarabatiri" Banda Sonora - "Guitarra G" Freshmove feat. Darryl Pandy - "You Can Do It" Intrallazzi & Fratty - "The Love (L'amour)" Cerrone - "Give Me Love" Static Revenger - "Happy People" Simpson Tune - "Bring It Down" Eminence feat. Kathy Brown - "Give It Up"
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kmp78 · 9 months
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Is that actually Lordy’s shirt…🤔 these chicks…😂🙄
I don´t know if JL´s shirts are that massive... 🤔
Looks more like she´s trying to pass off some sort of “little girl” vibe with baggy clothes which she is of course 15 years too old for and waaaaay too raggedy-looking for! 😂
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Don't mind me just backtracking a few asks to get back to that period discussion because im slow af.
I imagine that WS!Donnie has heard about how horrifically painful periods can be, but also heard about how it's different for everyone (i.e. Some are crippled by pain, and others have no pain at all), and because of that, he has a little internal freakout over the situation. Would probably ask a dozen questions to make sure they are okay and check if they need anything.
He also already found out their favorite brand of chocolate and is on his way over with some as they speak.
You may backtrack as far as you like! I'm having like ten conversation and, for me, any of them will keep going as long as someone has something to say!
Ah, the classic Donnie overthink. it is applicable to literally any iteration of Don Bon and I love it! ✨
Haha I can't speak too much to what I've got planned, but you have sparked a curious question in me: how long has he been tracking their cycle? 🤔
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