#Top 100 Storylines we never got to see
60.  Karamel Endgame for „Supergirl“
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Was this ever going to happen? The speculation was there, after all „Supergirl“ was ending, and no one was expecting the show to just, you know, stop. While I personally think the ending was kind of fitting even thought the writers did not think the ramifications of Kara outing herself completely through, the forever goodybe between Kara and Mon-El caught me of guard because … why?
I mean, yes, we all know Kara would never leave Alex behind, but since there is time travel, why rob the fans of the possibility of an happy ending even if they are not showing it to us because they want to keep Supergirl around in the present for future crossovers? The really annoying part is that we actually won’t ever see Supergirl again. There is very little chance of her appearing in Season 9 of „The Flash“ and there is no Supergirl in „Superman & Lois“, and even if there were, it would not be Kara, just some Doppelganger of her, so who cares? The Season 4-6 Writer’s Room was very Anti-Season 1-3. In the end it seems like they actually wanted to purge Kreisberg from the show by undermining his storytelling. Which is a shame, because it’s not like he was writing the show by himself, and people liked it, and a lot of people thought that the first three seasons were better than the last three - and not because of Covid or Melissa’s pregnancy. So I don’t think we would have gotten this under that Writer’s Room, but especially looking back, it would have been a better decision to have the show end with Kara going away with Mon-El for whatever reason than to have her stick around and never see her again anyways.
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markantonys · 6 days
bridgerton s3 part 2 thoughts! full spoilers for the whole season, and i will also discuss some book spoilers relating to the future siblings - i haven't read the books and never will, but i know the main points of most of the siblings' stories due to Existing Online. haha i also briefly discuss some wheel of time book spoilers because i was reminded of a certain WOT couple at one point in these episodes!
first things first: I AM SO EXCITED THAT WE GOT NOT ONE BUT TWO (2)!!!!!!!!! CANONICALLY QUEER BRIDGERTON SIBLINGS!!!! AND MY TWO FAVORITES, AT THAT!!!! but i will save that for discussion at the end of the post because it is BY FAR my favorite aspect of these episodes.
but even with that aside, i definitely liked this half a lot more than part 1! screentime felt more balanced and it didn't feel like the sideplots were eating up as much time as it did in part 1.
penelope and colin storyline
they were Fine to me in part 1, but their story was more compelling in this half since we moved on from bland run-of-the-mill childhood-friends-to-lovers and into the meaty and much more unique emotional drama of how penelope being lady whistledown affects their relationship. just as i'd hoped for! and i thought the pacing of this was pretty good too because colin found out early enough that he had enough time left in the season to react properly and work through it, rather than it being some 11th-hour reveal that's hastily swept aside to make way for the HEA. it was juuuuust when i was starting to feel that the "colin makes a hater comment about LW in front of penelope, causing her to look ill with anxiety" shtick was getting old that he found out the truth, so, pretty good timing.
colin was more interesting in this half due to wrestling with the whole "penelope is LW" reveal, but overall, in the season as a whole, he was kinda giving us nothing. they really dropped the ball on him because he just never at any point felt like the co-lead character of the season. for daphne & simon and kate & anthony it felt like a pretty balanced exploration of both characters as individuals on top of the romance, but this season it was 100% the penelope show and colin felt basically like a prop. and penelope's a great character and had great stuff this season, so i enjoyed all the time spent on her, but we needed more for colin to go along with it. after 8 episodes, i still don't feel i know much about who he is as a person besides that he's nice and loyal. although on the flipside, i have no problem with male characters whose entire personality is loving their wives haha i love that shit! so a warm welcome for colin into the Wifeguy Club!
speaking of wifeguys, time for my WOT connection, which is that penelope and colin were SO gawene-coded in a couple scenes that it actually killed me! colin's lil arc of feeling kinda jealous of/intimidated by penelope's power as LW at first and most importantly his "what use can i ever be to her when she's so self-sufficient and doesn't need anything from me?" worries, culminating in him realizing "if the only thing i do in my life is love and support such an incredible woman, i'll be completely satisfied" (paraphrasing), i was like, that is soooo TOM gawyn with egwene being amyrlin!!! and when penelope had that line to him about like "i don't need you to take care of me, i never loved you because of what you can do for me, but because you're kind" (paraphrasing) i gasped and clapped my hand to my forehead because it was almost exactly what i had egwene saying to gawyn in my fic chapter that i posted mere days ago!!!!! literally shook to my core haha i was the leo dicaprio pointing at the TV meme x10 in that moment.
eloise and cressida storyline
wonderful to see eloise and penelope's friendship mended! i thought that whole arc was really well done this season, and especially in this half when eloise is dealing with her ex-bff being engaged to her brother who doesn't know she's LW but eloise knows and feels caught in the middle, just lots of messy, complicated emotions in that whole situation and they did a great job with all that.
i really enjoyed cressida in the first half of the season, but in this half it felt like she got a bit too much time. she also kinda reverted back to her mean girl ways (though out of desperation rather than malice), which was less interesting than the different, softer side we saw from her in the first half and made her time in this half feel like more of a drag. but overall, she's a very layered character and the actress did a fantastic job with her, and in this half of the season i always understood why she was doing what she was doing and sympathized with her. it can't be said that she didn't fuck around and find out, but i still felt bad for her in the end! i really liked the moment when colin with his rose-tinted glasses was like "but your family will forgive you and all will be well!" because that's what family has always been like to him, and cressida was like "ummm no, some of us have shitty families and you bridgertons are too naive to realize that", it was a very good moment.
(i will also say, i know this is a highly unpopular opinion for a queer bridgerton fan to have, but i was never on the eloise/cressida train haha i can 100% see the vibes that others picked up on, but they just never did anything for me for whatever reason! i know eloise was the "obvious" choice for a wlw bridgerton but i personally am so SO thrilled that they went for francesca instead, i guess just because i connect so deeply with her character in a way i never have with eloise. also, now that i'm thinking about it, i think eloise vibes the most like aroace to me, i struggle to picture her having a relationship with *anyone* of any gender.)
other storylines
i'm so happy for violet and marcus!! crossing my fingers that we'll see more of them in s4 since their romance is only just budding; it would be so interesting to see him interacting with her kids and getting integrated into the family dynamic (and for us to meet his kids too! though i acknowledge we don't need MORE side characters haha). and i loved the danbury siblings scenes and them getting to the root of their childhood issues and working them out. and of course, violet and lady danbury continue to be THE best duo of all time <33 i adore their friendship so so much, i can't even describe how much!
we got more time with kate and anthony in this half, and all of it was perfect. they're gonna be parents!!!! though alas, it seems like they've made their final exit from the show with them going off to live in india for a while. sad to see them go, but not surprised at all. i see lots of book fans whining about the prior leads leaving and how it's weird for daphne to not be at her own brother's wedding etc, and i do agree that the show/family is gonna start feeling kinda empty as the older siblings & spouses exit, but that's just a necessity of this medium. you can't have main cast be contracted for 6 more seasons just to show up for 2 lines of dialogue per season and hang out in the background of wedding scenes. you can do that in a book, but you can't do it in a tv show. just something we have to live with! and a lot of the complaints take such a "how DARE these actors want to move on with their lives and do other projects instead of dropping everything to prioritize having a minor role on bridgerton for the rest of this decade" tone, which stinks of Fan Entitlement.
i am curious about what might become of penelope, because it sounds like she's kinda continuing whistledown but just as herself and in a more responsible manner that won't hurt people (tho idk how a gossip column can possibly NOT hurt anyone haha the whole "penelope shouldn't give up LW because it's Feminist and Empowering and Gives A Voice To The Voiceless" narrative kinda had me going X Doubt). update: i just saw an interview with the showrunner where she confirmed that penelope will be in s4 and have a storyline. nice!
the featheringtons had much less in this half which i was glad about and they were taken more seriously and not just treated as comic relief, and portia had some really good scenes with penelope.
there was also much less of the mondriches, which i was fine with; i'm very fond of them and enjoyed their stuff this season, but it felt appropriate that they took more of a backseat in this half. i was sad will had to give up the club though! it felt like he had to fully capitulate to the ton and give up his own work that he's passionate about in order to win the esteem of snobby aristocrats, which was a bummer. the showrunner interview mentioned we'll be seeing them again in s4 and will be seeing some more of will's friendship with benedict, so i'm happy about that!
we've all been yearning for bi benedict ever since s1, and i can't BELIEVE it actually happened!!!! i'm over the moon!!!! and i'm so glad i watched the episodes straightaway without having seen any spoilers first so i got to experience the "holy shit, are they............are they going where i think they're going????" adrenaline rush completely pure and unknowing. it was the absolute most wonderful surprise!!! i'll give a lil summary here for those who are curious about how much queer content there actually is.
so, in episode 7 (or maybe it was the end of 6?) benedict gets invited to dinner with his female FWB and her male friend, who turns out to be her other FWB. AS SOON AS this invitation was extended i was like "oho, is benedict going to be needing 3 tickets to challengers?" so imagine my delight when it turned out that indeed, the 2 FWBs invited him in hopes of a threesome! benedict has a very brief moment of connection with/attraction to the man, and then he gets propositioned, but he's flustered and leaves. he returns to talk to his own FWB the next day and she explains to him about bisexuality and he's like icarly interesting.jpg and says that he's met men who like other men in the past but that he himself has never felt attracted to a man "before" (implying that last night, he did, for the first time). he does some soul-searching and then leaves his own brother's wedding reception to go have a threesome, which is extremely biconic of him. (at the wedding he also gives eloise a nice speech about how love is infinite, in the context of her worrying that colin and penelope marrying each other means they'll have less time for her, but it vibed to me like benedict is poly as well as bi, but who knows if that will go any further than this FWB threesome situation; i'd imagine his endgame will still be a monogamous relationship, but you never know!)
this storyline concludes with the female FWB admitting that she's caught feelings for benedict and wants to become serious (and monogamous) with him, but he politely turns her down because he feels "free" for the first time and wants to keep exploring life and isn't interested in a serious relationship right now, and might not ever be. my only gripe with the storyline is that i wish the male FWB had been introduced an episode or two earlier so we could watch benedict building a connection with him and feeling a budding attraction for an episode or two before the initial threesome proposition occurs to trigger him to actually acknowledge that attraction; as it is, it all happens kind of abruptly and our boy speedruns his entire bi awakening in the span of a single episode, bless him lmao but i'm assuming neither FWB will appear in s4 (they felt like one-season characters to me), so if so, it's fine to not spend too much time developing those specific relationships. the Point of the storyline was for benedict to realize he likes men too and likes non-conventional relationships, and that was accomplished with flying colors!
later on there's reference to "next year's masquerade ball" and i know a masquerade ball is where benedict first meets his endgame love interest in the books, so it seems just about guaranteed that s4 will be about benedict's book. i'm super curious about what direction it will go in! in the book, it sounds like their trope is Forbidden Romance, with the forbidden aspect being class difference (he's an aristocrat and she's a servant), so adding some kind of queer element as an additional reason for why it's Forbidden feels like a viable option, especially after s3 took pains to establish that benedict is interested in queer/non-traditional relationships.
but what form might that hypothetical queer element take? a monogamous m/m romance with genderbent sophie? or could we see trans or genderqueer sophie, in line with the cinderella metaphors about masquerade and disguise and identity and presenting differently in different environments? or might they go for some kind of poly or open relationship endgame for benedict? i don't know! there's so many options! it's also entirely possible that sophie will remain a cis woman and benedict will have a monogamous endgame with her, which i would also welcome because it is actually VERY rare to see rep of bi people ending up very happy in monogamous different-gender relationships, while still remaining firmly bi (most of the time bi characters end up in same-gender relationships, or end up in different-gender ones while dismissing their prior same-gender attractions as just a phase, or are chaotic sluts who cheat because they aren't content with only being with one person).
now on to francesca. we know for 100% fact that her love interest has been genderbent into a woman, because she was introduced at the end of the final episode! so francesca's endgame love story is guaranteed to be wlw, which is so exciting! (for context, her book endgame love interest is john's cousin michael stirling, and in the show she met john's cousin michaela stirling, so that's how we know with 100% certainty.)
taking it back a bit to the rest of her story this season, we see her and john courting, then getting engaged and married in a small wedding at bridgerton house with just the family, because they both hate being the center of attention. it was all incredibly wholesome introvert4introvert content and i adored it!!!! kept going "this is literally my ideal marriage" during so many of their scenes haha
but there is somewhat of a question of, is francesca actually attracted to john/men in general? throughout the season and even after the introduction of michaela stirling, i assumed yes; francesca clearly adores john and states that she loves him, and her body language around him seemed to me to show attraction. but after finishing the season and reading discussion online, i saw people saying that francesca seemed disappointed with kissing john at their wedding (which i'd interpreted as her just feeling shy about kissing him in front of people) and that it was a marked contrast to how flustered and interested she is when she meets michaela. so for me, the jury's out on whether she's more bi-leaning or lesbian-leaning; now that i know canon wlw francesca is a thing, i'd need to rewatch the season again to analyze her behavior with john more closely to decide what vibe i'm getting there! because on first watch it wasn't even on my radar to consider that maybe she's not actually attracted to men.
i will admit, i would be kinda disappointed if she *isn't* truly in love with john, just for the fact that i found it so delightful and refreshing to see a quiet romance that's so different from the loud melodramatic ones, as is discussed many many times during francesca's storyline this season. and i did notice that francesca tripping over her words upon meeting michaela is exactly what violet had said she did when she first met her late husband, and violet was bringing this up to say "but your way of loving john is different from that and that's valid". so i definitely CAN imagine that maybe they're making a deliberate point here that, actually, the reason why francesca's love for john looks so different from other characters' for their spouses is because she does NOT in fact have spousal love for him, but rather platonic love that she's misinterpreted as romantic. but i would just be mildly annoyed if The Point turned out to be "actually, violet is right and True Romantic Love must always be flustering and tongue-tying and dramatic" lmao but that's a personal gripe for me as a very quiet person who loved seeing the type of romantic relationship i would prefer depicted with francesca and john; i can also see the counterargument that a storyline of a repressed lesbian trying to untangle her actual feelings from comphet and societal expectations would be very powerful and important! and particularly interesting to explore in this regency context.
now on to some bigger book spoilers. so from what i understand, in the books, john dies, leaving francesca as a widow, and her love story with michael is about dealing with grief and learning to open herself up to love again after loss. i've seen the argument that francesca actually being a lesbian who wasn't genuinely in love with john would cheapen this storyline, and i can see that point for sure, but otoh it's abundantly clear that she does have a very deep care and love for him regardless of whether or not it's romantic/sexual, so i think no matter what, we will still see her being very affected and pained by his death and struggling with guilt about falling for someone else (his cousin! a woman!) etc.
what i'm most curious about here is the timing! there was some leak that michaela's actress is allegedly booked as a small part in s3 and a main role in s4. i'd been wondering if maybe they would start combining books, but in the interview i read, the showrunner confirmed that the plan is still to do only one book/sibling per season, so it seems that s4 will only be benedict's book. which makes sense, because i believe in the books francesca is married to john for 2 years before he dies and then it's another few years before she starts romancing michael, so i'd guess s4 will just see francesca develop a friendship with michaela and then maybe john dies towards the end of the season, then we do a timeskip between seasons and s5 is about francesca and michaela. but then there's still eloise to contend with, maybe she would be s5 and francesca not until 6.
i really really hope we'll get some francesca-benedict bonding next season (or s5/6 depending on the timing of francesca having her gay realization; it seems still subconscious for her as of now) since they are officially The Queer Siblings!!! i need to see them find this out about each other and talk about it together and be confidants for each other. it will also be so fascinating to see violet & the other siblings react to a queer bridgerton endgame romance. violet wants her kids to be happy, but she sometimes struggles with realizing that what happiness looks like to them may not align exactly with what happiness looks like to her, so i could definitely see her needing to take a moment to readjust her perspective and realize that francesca not being able to legally marry michaela in a public manner known to all of the ton and have biological kids with her doesn't mean they can't be just as happy as her straight kids and their partners. (on that note, i remember that in the past people have suggested francesca could be a great candidate for a wlw bridgerton because her status as a widow allows her a lot more societal freedom than a never-married woman, so i love that the show went with her! i can totally see her endgame being that of a respectable widow living peacefully in the countryside with her Dear Friend.)
i remember straightaway francesca set off my gaydar in 3x01 when she was reluctant about entering the marriage mart and dismissive at the idea of finding True Love and going ??? when people asked what qualities she wanted in a husband, and there was a scene of her talking with other debutante girls and i went "man i would love it if she got a girlfriend" but never in a million years did i actually think that was a real possibility! so i'm SO thrilled that they're going there, and like i mentioned before i quite like that they went with the polite introvert sister instead of the outspoken rebel sister to be the gay one because it just feels like a subversion of expectations and stereotypes for me, and because all season i'd been seeing so much of myself in francesca and then, finding out she's gay like me!!!! cherry on top!! and then for michaela, in the books i believe michael is yet another rake, which the show sets up for michaela too with her joking about being even more scandalous than john's stories might make her out to be - the rake is the backbone of the regency romance genre, so getting to see a wlw version of the trope with a female rake is going to be SO much fun!! esp with the setup that francesca is fairly society-conforming as of now; michaela broadening her horizons could be something interesting to explore.
wow this post got super long lmao i'm just so excited! canon queer bridgerton siblings singlehandedly turned this show from "i casually enjoy it as a few hours of fun which i forget about soon after it's over" to "i'm literally frothing at the mouth i need the next season NOW" and That is the power of representation, baby!
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coal15 · 10 days
My opinions on the whole multi-shipping Buddie and Tevan situation. But first, [steps up on soapbox and yells into bullhorn] HAVE NO BEEF WITH ANYONE WHO FEELS DIFFERENTLY THAN ME SO I'D REALLY APPRECIATE NOT GETTING ANY "YOUR OPINIONS ARE STUPID AND PROBABLY SO ARE YOU" COMMENTS IN MY REPLIES. **If any such comments do appear in my replies I would ask the rest of you to please simply ignore them. You won't change their minds so confrontation will do nothing but further poison the waters.
Ahem. Carrying on. Warning, this post is LONG. Like, practically a novella.
I'm still a multi-shipper at heart in the sense that I will always love my memories in the Buddie fandom and how vocally we showed our support over the last six years--yes there was a SUPER PROMINENT contingent among us who directly engaged with and verbally disemboweled every actress who played a li on a regular basis, (and who harassed Oliver to the point of him quitting twitter) but most of us had the sense to direct our ranting at the fictional character or writers/showrunner/network with varying degrees of anger or indignation. Now speaking just for myself, in my time as a Buddie fan I never commented on the physical appearance of any li, so seeing a lot of buddie-or-bust folks now referring to Lou as "ugly" "rectangle-faced" "gross looking," etc has been disappointing. I hope they represent the minority. So far it looks like they do.
On to my reasons for and/or role in shutting down non-Buddie romances: While I never took to engaging her personally, I voiced harsh criticism of GW over her "honorary latina" comment, likewise EG for her transphobia and non-apology apology ("I'm sorry if you felt offended). And while I wish bucktaylor had stayed besties (preferably bi besties since there was no reason Buck couldn't have his bi awakening with a woman), my issue with them dating was at first just a lack of romantic chemistry and the fact that Taylor never apologized for what she did to Bobby or even admitted it was wrong. But as the relationship dragged on I watched the life drain out of Buck. They were stagnant as a couple and the look on Buck's face when he said ily back to her was . . . laughably unromantic. The only growth his character got from that relationship was him being the one to end it. As for eddieana, on top of lacking chemistry they were just plain dull. The end.
Moving on to Buck's kiss w/Lucy: I actually like AK and was excited to hear about her coming to 9-1-1. She was fun af as Lexi on VD so I was looking forward to seeing her play a different character. Aaaaannnnnnd then KR immediately ruined her by making it abundantly clear that she was created for one sole purpose: to complicate a man's storyline and spark off a love triangle--and she did so in the most offensive way possible. It was appalling, negatively affected Buck's character, and thankfully KR's response to the intense backlash was to pivot so the love triangle never manifested. But the damage was already done. No one had any interest in watching them poke/flirt for the rest of the season. I was deeply offended by such a misogynistic use of a female character and it still boggles my mind that a woman created her.
Anyhow, all this was a long winded way of saying that my reasons for wanting those li gone went well beyond my investment in Buddie. Though I did strongly believe no romantic narrative for either of them could ever compete w/the Buckley-Diaz Family, at the end of the day those romantic arcs were ruined for me by writing mistakes, problematic actresses, and lack of chemistry (which is admittedly subjective and something we all approach with shipper goggles to some degree--if you think you 100% absolutely don't you're lying to yourself). I stand by a lot of the reasons Buddies were so opposed to those li being endgame. Yes, plenty of us took things waaaaaaay over the line re: direct personal attacks against actresses and/or non-buddie fans, but I think far more of us than not did argue in good faith and toward the right people. We just didn't stand out as much or get as much engagement because . . . well, toxic behavior is rewarded on sm with more clicks, shares, likes, quotes, etc. Attention seekers gonna seek.
As for why it's so hard to ship happily on sm: in my experience a handful of problematic or outright unhinged fans (on both sides) will go around stirring shit, provoking arguments, and soon the dog pile effect kicks in because everyone wants to defend their tribe. Arguments go in circles, spin off, get more and more petty, until most of "us" end up discussing amongst ourselves about how "they" are a bunch of [insert string of negative attributes here], which then in itself provokes a reaction from "them." Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually way too many of "us" are hissing and snarling at "them" more often than theorizing about or celebrating our ship . . . the thing we enjoy . . . and it's really hard to detach from that cycle, especially when things get personal. I recommend total non-acknowledgement, but even I struggle to hold that line when I read something I think is terrible. I'm making an effort these days to just keep scrolling thru my feed until I hit something happy, and if there's a negative comment somewhere in the thread to give it ZERO engagement of any kind. Not. Easy.
Which brings me to where I am today. During my time in the Buddie fandom I assumed that for most of us the actual queer rep mattered more than any one ship. Hell, if Taylor had been the one to wake Buck up to his bisexuality--and admitted what she did to Bobby was wrong--they might have grown on me as an endgame couple. I've accepted "meh" endgame couples before as long as everything else on a show stayed solid. I also thought that Buck could never, ever look at anyone with bigger hearteyes than the way he looked at Eddie, but . . .
. . . Enter Tommy. As soon as they kissed, and in their albeit limited screentime afterward (thanks a lot shortened season!) I learned a lesson: there are different kinds of hearteyes. In my opinion Buck looks at Eddie with complete adoration and love, yes. Total hearteyes. But the way he looks at Tommy is . . . "Oh, that's what Buck looks like when he's absolutely smitten, that's how he acts, that's what a romantic crush looks like on Buck. Wow." It wasn't better or worse than his hearteyes or vibe with Eddie, just conspicuously different. It re-framed the way I see the Buckley-Diaz Family as well, and the way I read their chemistry. As I mentioned earlier chemistry is subjective, and once I actually had something queer to compare with Buddie's chemistry, I stopped rooting for romantic Buddie. I wouldn't exactly be furious if they went canon since I did spend all those years rooting for them and it would still be a high profile queer storyline, but I would rather see the Buckley-Diaz Family and Tevan coexist. I think they can, and I think it would be beautiful.
So here's where I stand with my preference and opinions today:
Falling in love doesn't mean everyone else in your life gets demoted. Feelings aren't like pie. Maddie doesn't love Buck any less since she fell in love with Chimney. Athena didn't love her daughter any less when her son came along. There's not a finite amount of love and you're serving out pieces of it. You can love more than one person with all your heart. And that's how I feel about Buck and the Buckley-Diaz Family. He and Eddie are more than friends, different than brothers, they just . . . have their own dynamic. It's unique, special, and vital to both of their identities. And those facts will not be altered by either of them falling in love w/another person. If anything, the Buckley-Diaz Fam has become more special to me since I started rooting for a Tevan endgame.
Queer rep matters more to me than Buddie. Buck coming out as bi wasn't and shouldn't be seen as a step on the road to "winning" the ship I wanted for years. It is completely awesome progress for us whether they're endgame or not. Ditto for Tevan. Also, at the end of the day I ship Buck+Happiness and Eddie+Happiness, and right now Buck seems to be falling for Tommy. What happens with Eddie remains to be seen.
Looking at the whole picture, I will always love Buddie and kinda wish they'd gone canon in s4 or 5, but I think that moment has passed and I'm not mad or bitter about it. I adore the Buckley-Diaz Family, I adore Tevan, and I want to see them both thrive in s8. Now if you'll excuse me, my fingers have begun to bleed from all this typing.
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andreal831 · 9 months
Why does Celeste get so much hate?
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My latest Celeste tiktok edit got me thinking about the different treatments of Elijah's love interests and Klaus' love interests. Specifically, Aurora and Celeste.
Because when you think about it, they are basically the same character. And yet, Aurora is treated with a lot more sympathy than Celeste.
Celeste was first introduced as a past love of Elijah. Elijah states that she was one of two great loves that he has ever had. We see that he was so consumed by this love that he, for the first time in 800 years, waivered from his family. This made Klaus angry and he had her brutally murdered.
Similarly, Aurora was Klaus' first love (yes, I know there is a debate on first or second love. I think she was his first). Klaus was so in love with her, that he wanted to bring her on the run with him and his family. However, when Aurora reveals that Klaus was responsible for his mother's death to Elijah, Elijah accidentally compels her to breakup with Klaus. He then proceeds to compel her to pretend to be Rebekah for 100 years.
To me, there are very similar stories. Except, at least Aurora isn't murdered. Because of this, they both turn to revenge against the Mikaelson family for the harm the Mikaelsons have committed against them. They even have similar runtimes on the show -- Celeste is on TO for 13 episodes and Aurora is on for 17 episodes.
Yet I've seen a lot more people support Aurora's hatred of Elijah and get angry at Celeste's revenge against Klaus. The most logical, and probably accurate, reason is that Klaus is the fan favorite and the show centers every storyline around him, reducing Elijah to a background character. Which reduces his love interests down to background characters. This is a big reason why people will "never forgive Elijah" but don't care that Klaus killed Celeste.
But the arguments against Celeste are often that "she was doing too much." While the same people will support Aurora because she is the female Klaus. Celeste essentially toyed with the Mikaelsons for the better part of half a year, but Aurora buried Rebekah at sea, murdered Camille, and tried to murder Elijah and Freya. If Aurora wasn't doing too much, I don't think it's fair to be angry at Celeste for trying to get her revenge.
I also see so many people saying 'if Elijah hadn't compelled Aurora, they would still be together,' but where is that logic with Celeste? I don't even think Celeste and Elijah get their own ship name when she was just as important to Elijah as Aurora was to Klaus.
Aurora typically makes lists of people's top favorite characters. She was so popular that they brought her back in Legacies. Celeste hardly got a mention once her character was killed, even though she was an ancestor on the Other Side and still could have played a role in the witches.
The TVDU has a habit of sidelining POC characters and it seems Celeste is just another woman of color who does not get enough credit. After all, her plotting is what set all of The Originals into motion.
(Celeste doesn't even come up when I search the tags)
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Honeybee pt. 1, Joel Miller x Beatrice
Heyy guys, this is my first story ever, i’m excited to share it with you and please let me know if you like it, if you think i should change some stuff or if you find some grammatical errors or something, english isn’t my first language but i do try to keep my writing as grammatically accurate as possible. Also i’d like to note that i’ve never seen tlou and this story has nothing to do with that storyline I just stole Joel to be the love interest because Pedro Pascal is hot. <3
part 2:
”Honey, if you don’t wake up right now you’ll miss your flight.”
I heard my mothers voice come quietly from downstairs, i checked the old alarm clock that I found in our attic, it makes a slight buzz noise whenever i pay attention to it, 8:01.
fuck, the flight’s leaving in 2 hours and i’ve done absolutely nothing,
I start to get up and notice how the rain outside is making a tiny puddle onto my floor, right under my slightly open window.
We arrive at the airport just in time,
whoever decided that you should go to airports 3 hours ahead of time can go to hell.
”Beatrice, honey, please call me the second you land and- and when you find your host family at the airport, a- and also when you get to their house, just keep me on the line at all-”
My mother stammers on but I cut her off.
”Mom, it’ll be fine, I’ll text you when i find them, okay?”
I say to her, as i pull her into a hug trying hide the fact that my eyes have begun to tear up.
”I’ll miss you honey, just have fun. I had the most fun when i was an Au Pair in America, you’ll have a great time baby”
My mom says into my hair while hugging me tight, her cashmere blouse smelling of Chanel N.5 and my tears.
”Ladies and gentlemen thank you for flying with us from London to Texas, we hope you had a great flight and we wish you a nice trip!”
The pilot announces as the plane wheels hit the ground, I can already feel the Texas heat through the windows and I instantly begin to regret wearing my thickest, sweatiest Levi’s and a huge hoodie from Brandy Melville.
I walk around near the exit area filled with people holding signs and ”Welcome home” banners, I look around until my eyes land on possibly one of the hottest men I’ve ever seen, he has to be way older than me, he’s got salt and pepper hair and a stubble on his chin, his clothes look rustic and I’d bet a 100 bucks that he had just come from a ”Hottest cowboys ever” convention, my eyes land on the sign he’s holding ”Beatrice Anderson”
Oh my god, he’s here to pick me up,
my heartrate begins to rise and my legs feel more and more like jelly as I walk over to him.
I say while smiling awkwardly.
”Are ya Beatrice?”
He asks in the most charming accent I’ve ever heard, I swear his voice couldn’t get any sweeter.
”Uhh.. yeah, who are you, I mean, I- not to be rude I just thought my host family would pick me up.”
God could I sound more like an idiot.
”Yeah, well they were real busy, I’m Joel, I help ’em around the farm sometimes”
He smiles, and I can almost feel my knees giving out.
We walk over to his truck, it’s red and looks like something you’d see on the side of the road just waiting for a scrap yard worker to pick it up, Im suddenly very aware of my heavy, sweaty clothes and decide to just take off my hoodie, who cares if I just have a white lacey top underneath, it’s like a 100 degrees.
”Just hand me your bags and you can go sit!”
Joel yells from the other side of the truck, where his keys were just hanging on from the drivers side door.
He walks over to me and I swear his eyes went up and down and lingered a bit too long on my top, but whatever, I might just be tired and delusional from being on the plane.
The car ride wasn’t too bad, we didn’t talk much, he just played some of his music, I actually knew one song, I used to listen to it every night back when I was sixteen,
”Sultans Of Swing”. At one point as he went on to change gears, his hand grazed the side of my thigh, i dont think he even noticed but my face was red the rest of the ride.
The car stops in front of a beautiful white farmhouse, I look out the car window and see horses, a field, and a red, old looking barn. I see a woman and a man standing in front of the front door, but oddly, no children. We get out of the truck and Joel hands me my bags
”Jus’ head on up, the Smiths are a real nice couple”
He says to me through a slight smirk and his dark brown eyes stay fixed on mine.
”Uhh yeah, thanks for the ride.”
I say to him while taking my bags from him, our hands touch and he pulls away.
”I hope I’ll see ya around, Honeybee.”
He says in a low voice as he gets back in his truck, I didn’t even have time to process the new nickname when I saw my host family running down the driveway.
”Hey! Oh how was your flight, we’re so sorry that we couldn’t pick you up ourselves, hope Joel wasn’t too mean to you.”
The woman says, laughing after the last sentence.
”I’m Mary and this is my husband Luke!”
The husband, Luke, extends his hand out for me to shake.
”It’s nice to meet you, I’m Beatrice, the trip here was fine and Joel was really nice actually.”
I say through a smile.
They lead me up the beautiful mid ceuntry wooden stairs up to my bedroom, it was a simple bedroom with a white and blue floral wallpaper, a big wooden bed in the middle of the room, a wooden coffee table next to the bed, and a vintage looking dresser in the corner. The evening sun was shining nicely through the open window and the white curtains were flowing lightly as I set my bags down and tried to feel at home.
I learned the next morning at breakfast, that I wasn’t here to be an Au Pair for their children, they lived alone, I was here to take care of their house and farm while they were at work.
”So we’re leaving soon, don’t worry, Joel will help you get started and if you have any questions he’ll be happy to help you”
Mr. Smith says to me.
Oh my god I’m seeing Joel again today,
I try to focus on eating breakfast, I look out the huge dining room window and there he is, wearing old jeans, a dirty white T-shirt and brown cowboy boots, he turns around and faces directly at the window, I turn my head away from the window and pray to god that he didn’t see me staring.
If you want more parts please let me know because I love writing and wanna make more parts but if no one likes my writing i wontt
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leosmasktails · 1 year
I’ve been thinking way too much about Peepaw Leo and Casey, so I decided to write a drabble where future Leo also got sent back in time with Casey, but the Leo’s are homies because it’s been a while since everything went down :)
This is a fluff bomb and I’m not sorry ;)
Oh also, Leo = present day Leo, Leon = future Leo :)))
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic so if you’re not into that please just scroll! :)
(As always, everything is 100% platonic and just meant to be family fluff!!!)
Warnings: None I believe lol
Word Count: 1,837
That Brought Me Back
Casey had been sitting quietly in his room, reading a Jupiter Jim comic book that Leo had lent him earlier that day.
He had gotten so wrapped up in the storyline that nothing had pulled his attention away from it for a good half an hour, except for the sudden shriek that echoed throughout the tunnels of the sewers.
Casey jolted upright, grabbing his hockey stick and venturing out into the lair to find the source of the shriek, which was now sounding more like… laughter?
He continued forwards warily, keeping his hockey stick out in front of him until the laughter got louder and louder.
Casey stepped foot into the main area of the lair that was dubbed ‘the hang-out spot’.
The scene that Casey witnessed before him wasn’t what he was expecting to see today, but now that he thought about it, he wasn’t really surprised.
Leo was sitting on top of Mikey’s shell, digging mercilessly into his youngest brother’s underarms as Mikey kicked his legs underneath him.
“LEHEO!” Mikey cried as Leo noticed the presence of another person in the room.
“Alright, alright,” Leo grinned, stepping off of Mikey and letting him recover.
“What’s up, Case?” Leo held out a hand for Mikey to take, pulling Mikey to his feet.
“Oh, I heard Mikey shriek and I just wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Casey chuckled, setting down his hockey stick against the wall.
“Oh yeah, he’s fine! Just sensitive-” Leo teased.
Leo giggled and turned back to face Casey.
“What about you, huh? You ticklish?” Leo grinned mischievously.
Casey managed to hide his reaction, fully aware that no matter what he answered, Leo was going to test it out on him anyways.
“I don’t think so,” Casey shrugged, leaving Leo and Mikey both looking perplexed.
“You don’t think so?” Leo questioned, folding his arms over his plastron in disbelief.
“How could you not know?” Mikey scoffed, a little bit of his Dr. Delicate Touch side seeping through.
“I mean, I literally lived in an apocalypse, I guess I just never got tickled much.”
“Fair point.” Leo admitted.
“You know what we gotta do, man.” Mikey deadpanned before looking at Leo and smirking.
“Yep,” Casey didn’t even put up a fight and laid on the floor awkwardly in-between Leo and Mikey.
Leo and Mikey knelt down and gave him confused looks.
“Casey, my man, I will find a way to break you.” Leo tried to break the tension in the air.
“Okay.” Casey responded nonchalantly.
Mikey stared at him in awe at how he wasn’t getting all riled up at this point.
Even Donnie was more reactive than this.
Leo hovered his hands over Casey’s torso. Still no reaction.
“Are you gonna do it?” Casey questioned, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice.
He just wanted to get this over with.
“Okay, mister, well when you put it that way!” Leo shot back equally as annoyed.
His favorite part was the build-up where his brothers would start to giggle with anticipation before he even started, but clearly that wasn’t happening here.
Leo poked Casey in the stomach, yet the boy only laid there like nothing had even happened.
If anything he just looked bored.
“Lift up your arms.” Mikey demanded, his face scrunching with determination to get Casey to laugh.
“Whatever you want, Mikey,” Casey folded his arms behind his head as if he were relaxing, closing his eyes to add to the building disappointment of both of the turtles.
Mikey scratched away at Casey’s underarms, but still, nothing.
“Not even a smile?” Leo groaned as he attempted to squeeze Casey’s sides.
This kid wasn’t giving them anything whatsoever.
“Can I sit up now?” Casey asked, a smug look faintly painted on his face.
“Yeah, sure, whatever, dude.” Leo sat back and rolled his eyes. He wasn’t actually annoyed, just disappointed he didn’t have another person to torment whenever he felt like it.
Casey sat up in-between the turtles, both of them sitting there in silence as Casey propped himself up.
“Wow, you guys are in a bad mood.” Casey joked, looking over at Leo and studying his face. He was similar enough to Master Leonardo that could tell he was only being dramatic.
“Leo?” Casey poked the red-eared slider in the side, eliciting a small squeal from said turtle.
Casey’s eyes lit up at the sound and he looked over to Mikey, who couldn’t keep up the ‘upset’ front any longer and flashed a smile across his face.
Leo huffed and turned so that he wasn’t facing them.
Mikey rolled his eyes and gave Casey a look, quickly darting his eyes to Leo and back to Casey. He knew what Leo wanted.
Mikey quietly shifted himself, preparing himself to launch at his older brother as he gave Casey a look saying: ‘Watch this.’
“Cowabunga!” Mikey shouted and shot himself at Leo, tackling him over and getting right to the point.
“Mihikey! Dohohon’t!” Leo’s giggles immediately filled the once empty silence in the air.
Casey scooted over to the action, jumping in to help Mikey get revenge on Leo from earlier.
“CAHASEY!” Leo’s laughter became louder when Casey scratched his fingers along the side of his shell.
“What are you guys doing in here?” The older slider’s voice cut through his younger counterpart’s laughter.
Casey stopped torturing Leo abruptly, butterflies growing in his stomach as soon as he heard his sensei’s voice.
He might have been able to put on an act for the younger mutant turtles, but his sensei was a different case.
“We’re just having fun!” Mikey carried on with his ticklish onslaught on Leo, sending Leo into a fit of giggly laughter again.
Leon couldn’t help but smile at the scene in front of him.
He missed these moments with his brothers.
“MIHIKE! GEHET OFF!” Leo rolled over and threw Mikey off in the process.
“What? You scared of being embarrassed in front of Leon?” Mikey teased. Leo only stuck his tongue out at him buried his face in his arms.
“Oh that ship sailed a while ago.” Leon chuckled, “But I’ve also seen my fair share of little Junior here being embarrassed too.” He added, making Casey’s cheeks flush to a light pink.
“Casey told us he’s not ticklish.” Mikey rested his elbow on Leo’s back and propped up his head, “We even tried to get him but he didn’t even smile.” Mikey looked defeated.
Casey had turned to face the other way to avoid the turtles from pointing out his blushing.
Leon’s brows furrowed with confusion, Casey had always been a pretty sensitive kid…
The realization hit him almost instantly.
“Oh, he didn’t now, did he?” A devilish smile grew on Leon’s face as he turned to make eye-contact with his surrogate son.
Casey’s face had turned a shade of beet red as he began slowly inching away from the three turtles.
“Where are you going?” Leon smirked at Casey, lunging for him and grabbing his arm so that he couldn’t escape.
The teen couldn’t help the giggles bubbling up in his throat, desperately prying at his sensei’s hand in an attempt to get away.
Leon pulled Casey into his lap sideways, his hair a mess all over his face as he pleaded with Leon and pushed his hand away from him.
The one advantage Casey had was that Leon currently only had one arm, but he was still a hell of a lot weaker than the full grown mutant turtle man.
“You’re really not doing a good job of selling yourself to them here, Case.” Leo grinned down at Casey already going crazy in his lap.
Leon pulled his arm back and wiggled his fingers down at Casey, sending the boy into a fit of laughter as he once again attempted to block Leon’s hand.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!” Leon was amused with himself, finally slipping past Casey’s hands and drilling his fingertips gently into Casey’s stomach.
Casey’s laughter rang out and bounced off of the walls, all of them unable to help the smiles they wore at the sound Leon was eliciting from the usually quiet teen.
Leon skittered his hand around Casey’s torso, hitting a sweet spot on his ribs that sent him squealing.
Leo and Mikey felt betrayed by this.
“Dude! How did he do that earlier?” Leo was thoroughly impressed with Casey’s little performance he had put on only minutes before.
“It’s all in your head!” Leon responded as he continued digging his fingers into the crook of Casey’s neck, a stream of nasally giggles leaving Casey’s mouth, “It’s a tactic I taught him when he was younger, but we used tickling as a way to build up those skills.”
“That’s neat!” Mikey chimed in.
“So, what I’m hearing right now is that he wanted you to tickle him?” Leo questioned, sitting up straight, “Because his walls broke down the moment you brought it up.”
Leon looked from his younger self back to Casey squirming around in his lap, the pure childishness of it warming Leo’s heart.
This is what Casey should have always looked like.
Happy, not worried about an apocalyptic invasion, carefree, the list went on for miles.
“Maybe,” Leon shrugged, “I can’t say I blame him though.” He winked at the younger slider, bringing a small blush to the teen’s face.
He kept forgetting Leon knew all of his thoughts.
Leon chuckled and pulled his hand away from Casey, letting him breathe and calm down.
“Thahat was soho mean!” Casey whined, now pouting in Leon’s lap.
“Oh, that brought me back!” Leon scooped up Casey into a crushing hug, “You used to be so little, oh, and you were just the cutest thing!” Leon shook him around in his arms.
“Sensei!” Casey’s giggles were full of embarrassment as he pulled himself away from Leon’s hug, falling backwards and landing on his palms.
“I speak no lies!” Leon shrugged, laughing when Casey’s cheeks went pink again.
“Yeah, yeah, enough with the sappy stuff, grandpa-”
Leo threw an arm around a very flustered Casey’s shoulders and pulled him backwards, “I told you I would find a way to break you! I just never said it would be this version of me!”
Casey rolled his eyes at Leo’s logic.
It still weirded him out how similar the two Leo’s acted, even though he knew they were the same person.
“Wait,” the wheels in Casey’s brain began to turn, “If he’s also you, wouldn’t that mean he has the same sensitive spots as you?” He looked up at Mikey, who immediately picked up what he was putting down.
Leo sat in silence before a grin took over his face.
“I like where your head is at, Case.” Leo craned his neck upwards to look at Leon, Casey following his movement.
Leon perked his head up to see three very mischievous looking teenagers staring him down.
“Okay, Peepaw,” Leo released Casey and cracked his knuckles for dramatic effect.
“Your turn.”
Part 2
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mk-wizard · 1 year
Top 15 Games that SHOULD get a 100% Reboot/Restart
Hi. I felt like doing something positive especially after my last post, so as a follow up, here is a list of games that I think should get the reboot treatment. And when I say reboot, I don’t just mean remake with fancier graphics and bonus features. I mean restart altogether with fresh new storylines that go their own way though in some specific cases, all they need is a new look. Note that this is my subjective opinion and nobody here has to agree with it. It’s just a fun suggestion.
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1- Metal Gear - I don’t mean Metal Gear Solid, I mean Metal Gear in general. In fact, I think the “Solid” should be retconned entirely because it not only stopped being about Solid Snake who is the hero, he was done dirty with a pathetic ending and the only sequels we get now are prequels. Not to mention the constant drama and tragedy became nauseating. My advice is to restart from the beginning by rebooting the games that date back to the NES as are with better writing and then after that, only do a half-reboot of Metal Gear Solid and then go its own way while respecting Snake as a main character. Solid Snake is a staple in war themed games and set the standard of how we create them. He should REMAIN the main character and have his endings always remain open with him still standing with dignity.
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2- Dino Crisis - I don’t think I need to say much here. Everyone is dying to see this game get remade and it’s not hard to see why. With the exception of the third game and the spin off, Dino Crisis 1 and 2 are amazing. They are dinosaur themed games that actually feel like survivor horror games and not like shooter games with the dinosaur gimmick. This series deserved a reboot and a third game that gives it proper closure.
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3- Parasite Eve - Like Metal Gear, this series did dirty to its main character (Aya Brea) in such a way that they wrote themselves into a corner. Only the first game feels unique and special while the second and third instalments have an identity crisis, a confusing weapons and spell system, and a tank control that never belonged. Only the first game should stay as is with a simple remake and then, its sequels should actually be true sequels that keep the battle, spell and control system as are. Let’s just forget that PE2 and The Third Birthday ever happened.
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4- Silent Hill - Let’s be honest. Harry Mason is the most underrated male protagonist in survivor horror because unlike all the others, he is not a man of action, not a badass and very relatable for it. He is a widower, a writer, a pacifist and one heck of a dad who literally jumped into the underworld to save his daughter. Now, while I like a lot of the sequels, this series lost its way. With the exception of Silent Hill 2, I think Harry and his daughter should have remained the main protagonists of the series. Harry is proof that real men come in all flavors and having one like him is different while still showing the best attributes of masculinity.
PS: I know Silent Hill 1 got a reboot, but it was bad. Period.
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5- Turok - Before there was Dino Crisis (and I’m not discrediting it), there was Turok. The titular hero who might I also add is aboriginal which is a very underrepresented group in fiction period who literally kills dinosaurs with his bare hands. He is a badass and he while he has gotten reboots before, none of them hit the mark yet, but creators should not give up on him. He is worth the effort and if they keep trying, they will strike gold.
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6- Castlevania - This series is ICONIC and nobody ever gets tired of it. It should make a comeback and it is one of the few series where being 3D would make it better. And considering that medieval settings in video games is all the rage now, it would be great to see Simon Belmont back in action. Heck, I would even be open to seeing a Belmont fighting evil in our modern times in 3D.
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7- The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time - Now, I stand by that this series doesn’t need a reboot, I think this game specifically should get a remake because it is a great game that reshaped the series into how we know and love it now, but it was very buggy and the graphics were not that great even for their time. Everything else about it is great, but it does need a facelift.
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8- Prototype - A forgotten gem if there ever was one. This series is unique in that it is the one game where you play as the monster who is also an anti-hero. Yet again, its series did its main character (Alex Mercer) dirty though on top of that, left too many questions unanswered. This series needs a reboot with a much better storyline. If you haven’t seen it, play the first game and you’ll see my point.
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9- Tomb Raider - Now, we can all agree that this series has lost its way. While I am all for origin stories and I admit it makes sense for Lara Croft to not be hardened or toughened up from the start. Keeping her as a weak frightened girl doesn’t make her realistic nor does it make her a likeable heroine. And I am woman enough to admit that being athletic, confident, daring and badass is a part of Lara Croft’s character. I don’t want her to be realistic. I want her to be cool and fun to play. This series needs to go back to its roots when it was fun and Lara was allowed to shamelessly be herself.
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10- Dead Rising - Another case of a game losing its way and its main protagonist becomes someone they’re not. The second instalment was the only game that felt true to what the series is supposed to be and even then, it felt like a spinoff not a part of the main story because Dead Rising is Frank West’s story. Another thing that also stood out about this game is that unlike most zombie themed games, the main character is not only not a fighter, he’s a total lover in all the great ways. Frank is (or rather, was) compassionate, honest and it isn’t for nothing that you only got the best ending when you would save everyone. Heck, he would save people who tried to kill him. This series should get a total reboot and a total rewrite after game 1. And can we please not give Frank a heart of stone? Him being loving is what made him great.
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11- ObsCure - Another lost gem with a unique premise and group of protagonists. This game plays up our childhood fear of the dark because the monsters in this game literally are allergic to the light and the setting is in a highschool. It feels like Scream meets the Blair Witch Project making it a lot of fun, and the monsters are so delightfully creepy. Plus, the story was compelling. Sadly this series only got one sequel which was actually great, but never got that third instalment that would wrap everything up. I say we give this series a reboot, so it can finally finish what it started.
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12- Resident Evil Outbreak - I know this is a spinoff series, but it’s one of the best in the series. It fills in a lot of gaps in the main storyline and any game that allows you to have your own tyrant fighting alongside you is awesome. It also has a multiple ending system which was well done and very rewarding when you get the best ending. I think this should get the reboot treatment and even have a third game that expands the aftermath further.
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13- Resident Evil Dead Aim - Another one of the best spinoffs in the RE series because it expands the story specifically in how tyrants are made and how the variants work. And to be honest, I even liked the characters. I would love see new life breathed into this compelling game even if it just remains the only one of its kind.
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14- Days Gone - I don’t care what anyone says. Any game that allows to play a biker with the spirit of an honourable warrior is badass. Also, can we talk about how this is one of the few games where the main protagonist is married and remains loyal to his wife even long after?! He may be white, male, straight and Christian, but he is still pretty progressive and embodies the BEST part of masculinity. The parts that drive a man to be romantic, noble and heroic. This game with extremely misjudged to the point of bigotry and it deserves a proper reintroduction because it was going places.
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15- Half-Life - This series helped Valve get its jump start and it had the most unique and most iffy type of protagonist in an action/sci-fi game possible yet worked: a scientist. After all, who expect the skinny nerd with the big thick glasses to save the day? Yet, it worked and this game has tons of monsters that became iconic in video game lore. What’s really sad is that a third game was in works, but never saw the light of day. I say we reboot this series and give it the chance to honour its promise to give that third game at long last.
Bonus - Other honourable mentions here are Left 4 Dead because Back 4 Blood stinks, Alone in the Dark though I hear a reboot is in the works, Doom, Devil May Cry and the right way please, Bloody Roar, The Suffering, Fatal Frame, The Evil Within and any other fantastic game series that either went bad due to bad sequels or never got the chance to keep going.
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
hot takes oooooo
1) I don’t actually think we need another fantasy high season, people just love the characters and nostalgia. So many amazing storylines were concluded in sophomore year, I think Adaine is the only character who has the most continued growth to do as she works through her anger and her relationship to her sister
2) Ruehob was my least favorite part of ACOFAF, like they were both incredible individual characters with marvelous stories played amazingly, but I think them ending up together was a mistake. Hob abandoned one devotion for the court and just traded it in for another devotion to Rue, still without figuring out who he is or what he wants as an individual. And Rue never acknowledged how their idealism hurt Hob and how they pushed SO hard for him to do something else (which just happened to be what Rue wanted)
1- agreed. the bad kids have Gone Through It, let them finish out high school in peace. if the seven hadn't happened, i'd maaaaybe see an argument for doing a senior year (skipping junior year entirely), but they've already dealt with what happens when a high school adventuring party graduates.
2- i'm of two minds on this one. if they were real people? absolutely 100% hob needs to take some time, be single, learn who he is outside of an all-consuming devotion to someone or something else. and hob is a top tier blorbo for me, so i'm for sure with you on disliking that they got together.
but they aren't real, and there definitely is something delicious and fun about that kind of fucked up obsessive love. and without it, we wouldn't have gotten hob's incredible speech in the finale, which was the best kind of devastating. i think about regularly.
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xceanlynx · 8 months
This gotta be the last time I'm talking about it.
In my humble opinion, the "Boston is/isn't being punished by the narrative for being promiscuous" discourse here on tumblr/twitter/tiktok is starting to boil down to if you believe the producers intended for us to feel pity/sympathize with Boston or not - which is just a more convoluted way to say authorial intent vs. death of the author, i.e. a never-ending discourse. Let me try to explain my train of thought:
I, for one, prefer death of the author. To me, it doesn't matter if authors had a certain intention or not: if it wasn't 100% crystal clear, any grounded (as in with evidence) interpretation is just as valid as the original intent. Once the story is public, it is ours to interpret.
This is how I choose to interpret media, that's the way I think makes more sense to my beliefs. There is no "wrong" way to do it. If someone thinks the authors opinions and intentions matters when interpreting, that's fine, that's just not the way I and other people prefer to do it.
So when it comes to Boston's development and narrative, to ***me*** (gotta be very clear again), it doesn't matter if the authors wanted us to sympathize with him. It equally does not matter if they hated Boston and wanted us to despise him. It does not matter what they wanted to do. To me, what matters is the media they put in front of us.
And, to ***me*** and many others in the audience, there was a harsher punishment for him based solely in his sexual habits. I'm sure you can find the think pieces and evidence in many posts here on Tumblr, but I'll give you my main 3 points (and 1 side point).
You can skip them if you're as tired as I am:
Boston's friends constantly judging him by his sex behaviors - while the other presumed slut Top (I say presumed because, other than Boston - arguably, since Top was practically coerced by him - he never showed interest in people other than Mew) was given praise since he wanted monogamy now;
Boston was recorded non consensually twice + having said recordings spread by others (even being threatened to have his recording shown to his presumed homophobic father);
Atom falsely accusing him of sexual assault because he didn't want a relationship with him. Side note: this one gets me the most because some people use this storyline to justify the "narrative wanting us to sympathize with him" opinion. Look, I'm sorry, but if they wanted us to do that, Boston would have had no consequences for his false assault, and Atom would have for his false claim. Instead, we got Boston choosing to not graduate (a punishment first inflicted on him by his friends for his, I repeat, false accusation of a crime) and Atom confessing his own crime to his sister and receiving a "oh, you did bad but I'm proud you're out now" as a response. We got absolutely no catharsis from this storyline;
Boston is the only character to have an absolutely miserable final scene. Yeah, it was Nick's final scene too but he wasn't miserable, he was free from that really toxic dynamic. The only promiscuous character is the only one to get absolutely nothing by the end - as in visual media, what we actually saw with our eyes. I know he is most definitely better in NY, but we never got to see it. The classic show, don't tell wasn't used (and with a miserable ending scene like that, we needed to be shown, not just told by other characters that he is doing good);
Actually, scratch that: Boston wasn't the only one shown pursuing multiple people at the same time unapologetically. Do you know who the other one is? Boeing, a non character, plot device of a villain that also got a bad ending. Do y'all see my point?
This is what I got from his character development. This is what was shown to us, Boston being constantly berated within the narrative by the fact that he is a slut. In these points I did give my personal opinions, but the core of it was based on actual scenes from the series. Don't get me wrong, I believe there was a way for the narrative to simply portray him as a villain - if they focused more on the betrayal aspect of topboston car night than on the broad aspect of Boston sleeping around. But they didn't do it. They chose a language that in the real world would be slutshamey without a doubt.
And don't fool yourself, there is real slutshaming happening in this fandom. It may be directed at a fictional character, but the behaviors criticized are real. Real people can be slutty like Boston, and they should not face criticism because of this. Wanna hate on Boston? Please hate him for being a shitty friend, or for sleeping with Top, or because he lied to Nick. Not because he sleeps around.
I still don't know the crew's intention with his character, and I don't claim to know. I do have opinions on what the directors/writers/cast actually think of a character like Boston, but again, it does not matter when it comes to us as audience and what we think of it.
Am I saying this way of ignoring the intention of the authors is the correct way? NO. I just urge you to remember that we do not have all the information on the intentions of the crew. Actually, we have more evidence of them simplifying Boston's character as just a "slutty villain" (eg. Jojo's comment in a podcast - I believe it was the LoveCast? Don't quote me) than we have evidence of them wanting us to sympathize with him. Am I saying that this is what they had in mind while producing the series? NO. And even if it was, IT DOES NOT MATTER what they had in their heads. What matters is the finished product, and the finishing product, to me and many others, was a slutshamey narrative.
You can still have your opinion, disagree and all with whatever I said here. You aren't inherently wrong for thinking the authors had the intent to make us sympathize with Boston, as I said, we don't have access to their original thoughts. What I do not think it's cool is that there are people simply dismissing valid criticism, calling them absolutely wrong, as if the very skill of interpretation is static and monochrome. If everyone understood that, I guarantee there would be way fewer condescending posts here on Tumblr, on Twitter and Tiktok.
That's it. I'm done talking, this will be my last post about it. I doubt anyone will change my mind on this, especially the last paragraph part, but feel free to share your opinion.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
I still think it's a shame that we haven't had anything in the show related to johnny and miyagi emotionally -- what I mean by that is that, yes, we've had him mentioning larusso's sensei that beat him and his friends up (during his "daniel was the real bully" rewrite of events), and there was daniel in the training-bit that pointed out that miyagi was a badass who defeated kreese (was it in the training bit, I think so), but johnny had nothing really to say to that, and there's "no be there," which was framed as a joke (that's a whole other tangent)
off the top of my head -- which, it has been a few months since I've gone through the whole thing -- that's all we've had, but miyagi saved johnny's life, and I think that's worthy of writing something about. johnny is consistently derisive about miyagi-do, but quite apart from whether or not he thinks teen!daniel could defeat him at the all-valley, miyagi definitely got kreese without breaking a sweat, and johnny's ptsd-envisioned almost getting choked to death several times on this show, but it always ends before he gets rescued
idk, this is kind of not-fully-thought-out, but it's to do with the way that the show never fully completes the inwards spiral it was doing to bring johnny into the karate kid story (it may in s6... but since johnny's storyline is now "new baby out of nowhere, not at all related to any of his growth and certainly not carmen's" it's doubtful). s1 johnny is supposed to be abrasive and unwilling to have anything to do with miyagi-do (except for when he does, episode 9 my beloved), and then bit by bit he's being brought from his "side" of the narrative into daniel's narrative, which he merely played a part in initially (I say, as if I haven't read 100 fics in which he and daniel got it on at prom) and has been unwilling to see what that part entailed, because if they weren't equally matched nemeses and he did just beat him up several times because he didn't like him, then what does it mean that his father-figure tried to kill him for failing to beat him at a teen karate tournament?
they pay lip-service to some of that with the whole miyagi-fang + training montage bit, but of course s5 then does nothing with it, but what I mean is that if johnny really belonged in daniel's story - because this is the miyagi-verse, not the daniel or johnny verse - I really wanted him to acknowledge the role miyagi played in his life, and to be respectful of that. he's acknowledged that kreese was bad for him, and nearly killed him, but that's idk... the anger and betrayal part of it all. on the other side of that was daniel's mentor/father, a story which he didn't belong in (perhaps doesn't feel like he deserved to be in, cycle of abuse etcetc), but for a moment intersected with his, and now deliberately intersects with his, he wants to intersect with his, and miyagi's ghost hovers over all of it
it's unfortunate that they dragged johnny back to a safe place (for them), where his character development barely still applies, and it's probably-definitely to do with getting him away from daniel, so "not-talking-about-miyagi" isn't the highest on the list of things that has jarringly thrown johnny out of the main storyline and into his own weird stepford hellscape, but it's up there for me alongside "you're alright larusso," as the most puzzling omissions from the show, because it's... it's right there. the easiest character development in a show that's all about being incredibly on the nose with its arcs
once upon a time I thought "nah, they'll leave it for the end, because it's the perfect ending," but now we are... here. whatever end s5 was doing. and it's a little bit more *chuckles, you remember that johnny told daniel that he was alright and handed him the trophy right? you remember that miyagi stepped in to save johnny's life when he was a kid right? you remember that those were two significant scenes that happened... right?*
ah well vive le fanfiction, especially with this show 😂
TL;DR I think johnny saying a few words about miyagi (respectful ones, not s1 johnny ones) would bring johnny into the karate kid story properly, by acknowledging the role miyagi played in his life
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13.  The Avalance-Baby (Legends of Tomorrow)
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We kind of got a glimps into things to come in Season 7 with Sara and Ava being made aware of their future daughter, which gave them the idea of wanting to become parents in the first place (time-wimey-paradoxy things going on here again). However their plans of having Ava carring their baby to term after finding a sperm doner went array, when they found out that thanks to Alien DNA Sara already was pregnant, by none other than Ava.
Which is the last thing we ever heard of that particular storyline, since there was not a single word about it in the „Earth Prime“-Comic. (Probably because it was a late addition or because they did not want to spoil it in case the book would be published before the last episode of the season aired). So while we know that Sara somewhen got out of Time Prison, we have no clue what happend to Ava or the baby or if the baby was even ever born.
The pregnancy would of course had been a major storypoint of Season 8, but since the show was not renewed Caity’s joke of being pregnant forever became the sad truth. We will never see the baby being born or learn if it is even the same child we saw in Season 7. We will never learn if and when Avalance setteled down and how they built their little family. Because we don’t desereve a Final Season or even a Special or anything else that finishes telling Sara Lance’s story according to everyone, who has the power to tell us the end of this story.
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thingsisayinmyhead · 11 months
Thoughts about Good Omens 2 Episode 4
I've made an effort to tag the spoilers every way I could think of, but just in case, once again, details under cut.
1941 - there has been so much fanfic written about the post-church bombing scene and we finally found out what canonically happened- and it was better that I could have possibly hoped!
First of all - we get Crowley with his hat and Aziraphale as the Amazing Mr. Fell - can't top that. And we got zombie Nazis! Can't go wrong with zombie Nazis.
My wifi decided to give me extra drama and kept cutting out right as Crowley is aiming the gun at Aziraphale's head. I had to reset it like five times to finally get through the scene. Everything about it was perfect: Crowley finally admitting he'd never fired a gun, the panic on his face as he has to aim at Aziraphale, Aziraphale's bumbling attempts at magic. The funniest part is that it never occurs to these two idiots that they could just walk away - just NOT do the trick when they found their miracles weren't working. Way to commit to the bit, Amazing Mr. Fell!
Now I want to talk about that photo swap. It seems Aziraphale is actually good a prestidigitation when it counts. There's a popular fanfic trope where Aziraphale turns into this super-strong badass angel, but only when Crowley is threatened. Maybe the canonical version of that is he can only do magic when it helps Crowley.
The "shades of grey" conversation was an important character development point for Aziraphale. In the episode 3 flashback, he struggled with the concept of what was good and what was evil. This time he finally realizes that maybe there are things that aren't 100% good or evil.
I wonder if we'll see the zombie Nazi's again in the present day storyline.
Aziraphale maybe smarter than all of the Angels and most of the demons, but he's not smarter than Shax. That's the first time I've seen anyone other than Sgt. Shadwell get the better of him. We also get a window into Shax's motivation here - she's been angling for Crowley's job for centuries. She finally gets it and finds out it ridiculously easy so how is the ambitious demon to make a name for herself - find the missing archangel.
I liked the beat when Crowley tells Aziraphale "I was worried something happened to you. " Awww. But then Crowley seems even happier to see his Bentley. Poor Aziraphale! You know, season 1 seemed to paint a picture of Crowley pining for an oblivious Aziraphale for 6000 years. This season we see a pining angle - delighting in every scrap of affection Crowley gives him - an an oblivious demon. Love it the contrast!
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ramblingroommate · 18 days
Part 2 of 911 episode 1x1 (part 1 here)
Okay so now that I’m sane again (lie) after finding out Ryan fucking Murphy is also behind this show and have accepted what that will probably mean for my mental state (another lie), I’m ready to get back to the episode (wariness levels are suddenly 100%)
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Oh wait what? Really? I’ve been seeing this man’s face on my dashboard for the last two years and never realized he had a birthmark on his face? Well now I feel dumb lol
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Wait he doesn’t run into burning buildings? Isn’t that the whole thing about being a firefighter? This might sound dumb but I’m asking because I actually found it weird when they went to save that one kid who almost drowned. Is it different in the u.s.? Because over here they would call an ambulance for strictly medical emergencies and the firefighters for fires or car crashes and things like that
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I have to say the characterization that’s been established is pretty strong and interesting even from this early on! I mean… half of these characters have barely had any lines yet and I still feel like I know at least one thing about each one of them. That tracks now that I know Ryan Murphy is involved in this: his shows may have a thousand flaws but he (usually) has really strong great characters. Over the top perhaps, but great. Let’s see what we have so far:
Chimney is insecure so he lies to his girlfriend about the stuff he does at work. The fact that he met her on a dating website for people who are into people in uniforms (he’s basically her wet dream) and he still has to lie because he doesn’t feel interesting enough? That says A LOT
Hen is sassy and is always ready with a witty comeback. It may not seem like much but she has had exactly ONE line so far so… not that bad
Bobby is the easy going reliable captain who cares about the others but has a Secret Past TM. I know from the memes that the fandom calls Bobby the father of the group but twenty minutes in and he just straight up says it
Buck is the young reckless guy, he likes sleeping around and doesn’t take things as seriously as the others do. From what I’ve read over the years this apparently changes with his character development but right now that’s where we are
All of this and I’ve barely seen half the first episode! I can see why people like this show already. I’m a sucker for shows with well defined characters (and I like that a lot of their traits are coming up naturally)
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A baby in a wall… is this a true story? Why does it sound familiar?
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… he’s such an idiot, I love him already
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I’m curious about this cop character and how they’re gonna handle her storylines. I’m saying this because I used to really really like police procedurals (castle, criminal minds, white collar, lie to me…) but then real life events turned me off them. This seems to be a show mainly about firefighters saving lives so there probably won’t be any over the top cop storylines. I’ll keep an open mind anyhow
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No one kept the elevator door open, I like that sprinkle of realism.
Also I’m finding Buck’s character really interesting. First half of the first episode and he’s already been established as reckless and impulsive BUT also as responsible and careful with the baby. He is careless when he takes the fire truck out to get laid but he cares a lot when he is inside one trying to keep a newborn alive.
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Yeah he definitely cares a lot but is also… naive? In a way? He got attached really quickly and needed Bobby to remind him that their job doesn’t reach beyond those doors.
I don’t know, I’ve read posts before talking about how much Buck cares about people and maybe I’m jumping ahead? It feels like that’s what they’re going for tho
Also I just realized: we’re never going to find out more about that young mother are we? We really are following the first responders point of view… after we reach the hospital it’s not our responsibility anymore.
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Buck’s reaction to the mother is also really interesting because it was VERY unprofessional but also understandable in a very human way. Don’t get me wrong: he was 100% wrong and Athena was absolutely right in tearing him a new one, but he’s also young and saw something really awful. I like when characters are flawed and make bad decisions and the show can point out they are wrong while still not paint them as bad people.
Also, I like Athena. So far she’s the typical hardass cop we have seen before, but the actress portrays it really well
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Well that was unexpected.
My first gay character on the gay firefighter show? Yay
Jokes aside, I didn’t expect this. The daughter reaction was pretty... unrealistic? I don't know. Going out of her way to say that she supports gay people IN GENERAL but not in this very specific case because it's their dad and there are going to be repercussions on them feels... a bit too scripted? Like... I can imagine two writers saying "make sure she says she supports gay rights and her anger has nothing to do with that or else people are gonna get mad".
She's a teenager and her parents have been fighting for days (or even weeks?) and she just found out her dad has been lying to them AND her parents are probably gonna divorce (even if they say otherwise)... it doesn't feel realistic that IN THAT MOMENT she would be going out of her way to make sure everyone knows she supports gay rights and that's not what she's angry about. That is a conversation that could have come up later on? I don't know, it also feels like I'm getting stuck on a detail that's not really important so I'll shut up now.
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This feels like a more realistic reaction! She is clearly a very proud woman, so her feeling humiliated and lashing out makes sense. Also her acting is amazing.
Also this is getting wayyy too long so I'll make a third part.
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gojuo · 10 months
Having to witness Ragged Tarpits and Becky with the Blue Roses fraudulent ass wedding ceremony in fucking DORNE of all places was borderline vomit inducing, but the fact that production got two of the most mid looking actors to play them was most pleasing to me. Ragged especially looked like a foot in Viserys' old, musty unwashed 2 dollar wig. Never getting over it lmaooooooooo.
Anyway, I do not acknowledge any of that shit as canon and D and D better pay for their sins. Inshallah.
IM CRYINGGGGGGG cuz you wanna know why? Bc that RxL wedding bullshit was so obviously D&D dog ass fanfiction because they wrote themselves into a corner by erasing Young Griff from the show, the guy the entire Southern Plotline is going to revolve around in TWOW and ADOS. I mean they literally split his storyline into four and gave it to other characters:
The legitimate heir part and most of the Westerosi lords' support being with Aegon against Dany went to Jon.
The Golden Company + being King of Westeros once Dany arrives and having the people's love and support against her and the final showdown with her went to Cersei.
Varys + Tyrion + JonCon's trauma of the bells went to Dany.
Jorah got JonCon's greyscale.
Jon's arc has never been about being "the rightful hidden heir". Those are the fantasy trope cliches GRRM has always been subverting. It's Aegon that is the legitimate heir, and what you'd expect is for him to save the day and live happily ever after ... but that's not going to happen. The legitimate heir, the true hidden prince, is going to die, horrifically. And so is the other legitimate Targaryen (Daenerys). But the one that will come out on top is the bastard.
Now, I don't want to make it seem like Jon's character purpose is being a bastard, because that's the wrong conclusion in my opinion. The point and most important aspect to Jon is being Ned Stark's bastard. And then he's going to find out the man he believed to be his father is not his father at all. The issue with this is that people conflate that with legitimacy which is also the wrong conclusion because that's exactly Aegon's plot, not Jon's. The point of R+L=J is the fact that Jon Snow will no longer be Ned Stark's bastard son, which will devastate him.
However ... how-fucking-ever ... D&D decided to forgo this important facet of Jon and did decide to not write the THIRD HEAD OF THE DRAGON into the story but give the part of Aegon's plotline of being the legitimate heir in the books to show!Jon, which left a very big problem: How were they going to justify why there was a legitimacy battle going down between Jon and Dany when Jon can't even be the legitimate heir if his parents are not married? Which they weren't. Because Rhaegar only needed a Visenya for his already-there Rhaenys and Aegon, and as would-be king he could just legitimize his own bastards without any trouble. So he did not need to marry Lyanna to have a child with her per se, especially not the Visenya she was supposed to bear him. And I especially do not believe Lyanna was in any way or form in love with him or that she went with him willingly, considering what we know of her.
Besides, when Rhaegar returned from the Tower of Joy after making sure he raped a baby into Lyanna to King's Landing to ride off for the Trident, he said this to Jaime about Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon:
“And the children, them as well,” said Prince Lewyn.
Prince Rhaegar burned with a cold light, now white, now red, now dark. “I left my wife and children in your hands.”
“I never thought he’d hurt them.” Jaime’s sword was burning less brightly now. “I was with the king … ”
ASOS, Jaime VI.
So you see how he still refers to Elia as his wife, meaning no damn annulment took place? He can't even fucking annul a marriage that is fully legal and totally consummated, and prophecy-obsessed Rhaegar 100% would never cast away his two children HE DEEMED TO BE 2/3 HEADS OF HIS THREE-HEADED DRAGON and he sure as fuck did not make Aegon, literally the son he believed to be the PTWP (as seen by Dany's vision in the HOTU), a bastard. D&D just shot themselves in the foot because they gave Young Griff/Aegon's book storyline of being the legitimate heir to Jon and had to make sense of why it would be him to be the legitimate heir when Rhaegar's legal wife was not Lyanna but Elia.
The entire bullshit way RxL went down in the show was just more proof to me that Young Griff is the real Aegon since D&D just had to make Jon a legitimate son. LMFAO.
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chibivesicle · 1 year
I must say I enjoy your long trigun critiques and episode breakdowns, but I gotta interject that the statement about Stampede "-since we really don’t get that feeling that Vash sees all life as sacred." is objectively wrong. I watch frequent reaction videos from a variety of anime fans who've never seen the OG show. They immediately pick up on the abnormal amount of mercy Vash displays towards literally EVERYONE, no matter what they do. Saving Jeneora Rock despite their betrayal, immediately trying to save the nebraska's the second their life is in danger, then physically getting in between father nebraska trying to kill E.G. the Mine. How he says to Meryl's face that being known as a coward and his own personal pride aren't worth anyone dying. First time trigun fans are picking up on these facts, and already starting to theorize why he acts this way, how does it tie in to the small slice of his backstory we've been shown so far, which I'm sure will get elaborated eventually. You can like the campy 90's hero staring at the camera proclaiming "LOVE & PEACE!" because I do too! But it's also abundently clear he doesn't have to do that in Stampede, that aspect of his timeless persona is still making itself known even to people who are totally unfamiliar with Vash the Stampede as a character.
Hello there,
Sorry for the slow reply, I had hoped to get to it during the week but work was very busy and I had to kick this to the weekend. Having time to mull over your comments, I agree that the very over the top Vash in the '98 anime and early on in the manga really set the tone for how he behaves. And with that being our only version of Vash until Stampede - it does take a lot of effort to go past a reactive point that Vash seems overly passive. I see this version of Vash and immediately react that he's too passive b/c he isn't being very forward. Previous Vash, well he in part made it a big deal in part by being distracting to de-escalate situations. I feel there was real logic to that approach, but it required him to be incredibly assertive.
It may not be the reply that you are looking for, but I think I would have a better feel for Stampede Vash if the story had more time to breathe and more time for character development. Honestly, my biggest sticking point with this series is the pacing and the rapid storyline. We don't need filler but this does not allow for the characters to have any room to breathe nor is it set up for a character arc or growth.
You are correct that Stampede Vash does demonstrate his philosophy through his actions and that he does not want to cause harm, but compared to many other elements of the storytelling - and this is where I'm going to highlight this is how I feel about it, just me - I think they are being too subtle with Vash. That's totally my own opinion, but since I'm seeing him as too subtle in his actions it makes it harder for him to stand out above the chaos. Knives was brutal in episode three and the contrast with everyone else being quite brutal makes it hard to be subtle. It also does dive into the epic levels of Vash guilt from the get go, but I feel something is missing. I think it in part, it goes back to the lack of character internal thoughts/dialogue in this show. If Vash had a thought of "Okay, this man is dangerous, I need to move to x location." Or even if we got other characters thoughts about his behaviors. It really wouldn't hurt the overall story. I don't want 100% epic internal dialogue, but sometimes, good internal thoughts go a long way for the viewers. Especially, if the character is trying to play it cool or keep it professional. We only saw chatty diversion Vash in episode one and that was it.
I think the other aspect is the choice for Vash to be set up as a more subtle character for his actions, while most other characters are what I'd call overly aggressive or assertive. And that does create a contrast of Vash being different from them it, again, to me feels out of sync with the rest of the storytelling. Perhaps, my critiques will change if I give the series more time to slosh around in my brain. I've known the original Trigun for over twenty years and I've watched it at different points in my life so I can say I see it in very different lights. The most recent watch had me liking Meryl even more as an older professional and understanding why her character was pretty darn awesome in the original anime. In a way it is unfair to compare a form of media that I've know for over two decades with something new . . . but it is also the nature of the beast.
My biggest fear with this version and the brutally fast pace is when we finally get the flashback to Vash and Rem and whatever equivalent to her, "My ticket had a blank/empty/unknown destination." speech, it won't give us enough information for us to understand where Vash is coming from. Hopefully, they don't do that, but I'm not holding my breath here.
I think one of the other things is that even when a form of media gets really dark, humor injected into it helps step things back. I've briefly referred back to the live action series Black Sails, mainly as I used it to compare with the meh ending of the manga Golden Kamuy. But it in a way has a dark undertone throughout all four seasons and lots of things are very bad, but it still has small amounts of humor which are timed just right that you never feel like it has pulled you into the abyss or also how the characters know they are likely fucked, but a self-aware snarky remark goes to show that yeah, they know their situation is ironic or will invite trouble. This is something that I wish Stampede would do - I get the vibe that Studio Orange wants it to be 'serious' but even in real world serious situations, someone is gonna crack a dumb joke and people are gonna laugh - 'cause what else are you gonna do? Even the Trigun Maximum manga had hella dark and depressing scenes but Wolfwood is there being a ham - 'cause what else are you gonna do when you got shit options?
This sort of veered off course, but yeah. The struggle to see Trigun Stampede without a lot of baggage is difficult.
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creedslove · 1 year
Loved part 3 so much!!!!!! <333
I just hope you don’t rush with the story, you’re an amazing writer I am so impressed, I usually only see smut or the storyline doesn’t resonate or feels forced. The fact that for once you’re giving so much thought into this, you’re building the anticipation, you have gotten us rooting for the reader, even if you write 100 parts of the story I know it’ll all be amazing because you’re great at delivering !!
For a long time I was looking for a fic with Pedro x reader but writers only choose his characters from shows/movies. I wonder what made you think to start writing about him and not his characters?
Take care writer, you’re putting amazing work out here, we love uuuuu <3
thank you so much anon, your words are motivating and really sweet! ❤️💖
I don't think I'll rush any chapters I mean, all the chapters were absolutely not planned, I wrote Betrayed as an one shot but people got into it and asked for a part two, which brought a part three, then part four and five (that's being written right now) I have absolutely no idea how many chapters we still have ahead, I just hope I won't go into any writer's block because I'm really enjoying this story and the ideas come naturally and when they don't, I get lots of amazing anon suggestions to work on, so I feel really lucky, to see people are actually invested.
I'm happy you are enjoying it, when I write a story, I try to write something interesting it would catch my attention and I would read it if I someone else had written it, you know what I mean? And I've always loved angst with happy endings, but I like the build up more than the ending when it's done properly and I noticed there's a lot Pedro stories that are rushed to the happy ending, which I don't blame because honestly who wouldn't want to live happily ever after with that man lmao and he is all the time a ray of sunshine to reader which I also enjoy because it brings us comfort when we read it but I thought to myself: what if he is just a normal guy who screws up like everyone else and is too stubborn to admit it? And people enjoyed that portrait! And we all project ourselves into reader, just like I said in another ask, in my mind reader is me just like she is you when you reader and so on, so we honestly just root for ourselves to be strong enough to fend for ourselves no matter how hot Pedro is while breaking our heart 😂😂😂
And the main reason why I began writing about Pedro is because I got into him because of him and not his characters. I had never watched anything he was on and I always saw people gushing about him on Twitter but never got the fuss about it, until about a month or so when whenever I logged on Instagram random pictures or reels of him would show up in my suggestions. I would usually ignore them until I came across that one where he talks about how people usually pronounce 'Pedro' and then he tells the interviewer his full name, using his beautiful accent and as I study Spanish I just LOVED the sound of that. Then other videos of him would appear and I would send them to my friend who really loves him because it reminded me of her. So I went from this guy isn't that ugly to he's not ugly at all to holy shit he's very handsome.
But the cherry on top was about three weeks ago I was going through a rough time where my immune system wasn't great or whatever and I was constantly sick, I had been sick for over a month before that and each week I would have a different problem lol and that week i was again sick and it just drained me emotionally because i was feeling so weak and all the antibiotics I took made me feel physically bad as well and my work schedule was hectic as always, long story short I was a walking corpse that week until I began dreaming about him at night.
The first time I dreamed about Pedro, it was silly but also really sweet, I dreamed I was at the mall, running some errands and with my headphones on, then the song 'Otro día que va' by RBD began playing and I sang along to it and it caught his attention because it was in Spanish so he made small talk and we began chatting, then he invited me for lunch and it was adorable because it was kinda a lunch day. So when I woke up I felt so happy and comforted about the dream and the following nights I also dreamed about him, he was always so sweet in flirty in my dreams and we spoke a lot of Spanish that spiced up things a little bit lol and by the end of the week I already had a massive crush on him, lol
But I wrote for one of his characters: Javier Peña because he makes me feel things™ and I'll probably write more when inspiration comes, just like I'll probably write for Joel Miller in the future because he also makes me feel things™ but so far, my main focus is nuestro dulce pedrito porque lo amo 💖
Thanks a lot anon, your ask was amazing and don't forget the only reason I write it's because of you all and how amazing and support of my work you all are!
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