soft--dragon · 3 months
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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leosmasktails · 1 year
I’ve been thinking way too much about Peepaw Leo and Casey, so I decided to write a drabble where future Leo also got sent back in time with Casey, but the Leo’s are homies because it’s been a while since everything went down :)
This is a fluff bomb and I’m not sorry ;)
Oh also, Leo = present day Leo, Leon = future Leo :)))
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic so if you’re not into that please just scroll! :)
(As always, everything is 100% platonic and just meant to be family fluff!!!)
Warnings: None I believe lol
Word Count: 1,837
That Brought Me Back
Casey had been sitting quietly in his room, reading a Jupiter Jim comic book that Leo had lent him earlier that day.
He had gotten so wrapped up in the storyline that nothing had pulled his attention away from it for a good half an hour, except for the sudden shriek that echoed throughout the tunnels of the sewers.
Casey jolted upright, grabbing his hockey stick and venturing out into the lair to find the source of the shriek, which was now sounding more like… laughter?
He continued forwards warily, keeping his hockey stick out in front of him until the laughter got louder and louder.
Casey stepped foot into the main area of the lair that was dubbed ‘the hang-out spot’.
The scene that Casey witnessed before him wasn’t what he was expecting to see today, but now that he thought about it, he wasn’t really surprised.
Leo was sitting on top of Mikey’s shell, digging mercilessly into his youngest brother’s underarms as Mikey kicked his legs underneath him.
“LEHEO!” Mikey cried as Leo noticed the presence of another person in the room.
“Alright, alright,” Leo grinned, stepping off of Mikey and letting him recover.
“What’s up, Case?” Leo held out a hand for Mikey to take, pulling Mikey to his feet.
“Oh, I heard Mikey shriek and I just wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Casey chuckled, setting down his hockey stick against the wall.
“Oh yeah, he’s fine! Just sensitive-” Leo teased.
Leo giggled and turned back to face Casey.
“What about you, huh? You ticklish?” Leo grinned mischievously.
Casey managed to hide his reaction, fully aware that no matter what he answered, Leo was going to test it out on him anyways.
“I don’t think so,” Casey shrugged, leaving Leo and Mikey both looking perplexed.
“You don’t think so?” Leo questioned, folding his arms over his plastron in disbelief.
“How could you not know?” Mikey scoffed, a little bit of his Dr. Delicate Touch side seeping through.
“I mean, I literally lived in an apocalypse, I guess I just never got tickled much.”
“Fair point.” Leo admitted.
“You know what we gotta do, man.” Mikey deadpanned before looking at Leo and smirking.
“Yep,” Casey didn’t even put up a fight and laid on the floor awkwardly in-between Leo and Mikey.
Leo and Mikey knelt down and gave him confused looks.
“Casey, my man, I will find a way to break you.” Leo tried to break the tension in the air.
“Okay.” Casey responded nonchalantly.
Mikey stared at him in awe at how he wasn’t getting all riled up at this point.
Even Donnie was more reactive than this.
Leo hovered his hands over Casey’s torso. Still no reaction.
“Are you gonna do it?” Casey questioned, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice.
He just wanted to get this over with.
“Okay, mister, well when you put it that way!” Leo shot back equally as annoyed.
His favorite part was the build-up where his brothers would start to giggle with anticipation before he even started, but clearly that wasn’t happening here.
Leo poked Casey in the stomach, yet the boy only laid there like nothing had even happened.
If anything he just looked bored.
“Lift up your arms.” Mikey demanded, his face scrunching with determination to get Casey to laugh.
“Whatever you want, Mikey,” Casey folded his arms behind his head as if he were relaxing, closing his eyes to add to the building disappointment of both of the turtles.
Mikey scratched away at Casey’s underarms, but still, nothing.
“Not even a smile?” Leo groaned as he attempted to squeeze Casey’s sides.
This kid wasn’t giving them anything whatsoever.
“Can I sit up now?” Casey asked, a smug look faintly painted on his face.
“Yeah, sure, whatever, dude.” Leo sat back and rolled his eyes. He wasn’t actually annoyed, just disappointed he didn’t have another person to torment whenever he felt like it.
Casey sat up in-between the turtles, both of them sitting there in silence as Casey propped himself up.
“Wow, you guys are in a bad mood.” Casey joked, looking over at Leo and studying his face. He was similar enough to Master Leonardo that could tell he was only being dramatic.
“Leo?” Casey poked the red-eared slider in the side, eliciting a small squeal from said turtle.
Casey’s eyes lit up at the sound and he looked over to Mikey, who couldn’t keep up the ‘upset’ front any longer and flashed a smile across his face.
Leo huffed and turned so that he wasn’t facing them.
Mikey rolled his eyes and gave Casey a look, quickly darting his eyes to Leo and back to Casey. He knew what Leo wanted.
Mikey quietly shifted himself, preparing himself to launch at his older brother as he gave Casey a look saying: ‘Watch this.’
“Cowabunga!” Mikey shouted and shot himself at Leo, tackling him over and getting right to the point.
“Mihikey! Dohohon’t!” Leo’s giggles immediately filled the once empty silence in the air.
Casey scooted over to the action, jumping in to help Mikey get revenge on Leo from earlier.
“CAHASEY!” Leo’s laughter became louder when Casey scratched his fingers along the side of his shell.
“What are you guys doing in here?” The older slider’s voice cut through his younger counterpart’s laughter.
Casey stopped torturing Leo abruptly, butterflies growing in his stomach as soon as he heard his sensei’s voice.
He might have been able to put on an act for the younger mutant turtles, but his sensei was a different case.
“We’re just having fun!” Mikey carried on with his ticklish onslaught on Leo, sending Leo into a fit of giggly laughter again.
Leon couldn’t help but smile at the scene in front of him.
He missed these moments with his brothers.
“MIHIKE! GEHET OFF!” Leo rolled over and threw Mikey off in the process.
“What? You scared of being embarrassed in front of Leon?” Mikey teased. Leo only stuck his tongue out at him buried his face in his arms.
“Oh that ship sailed a while ago.” Leon chuckled, “But I’ve also seen my fair share of little Junior here being embarrassed too.” He added, making Casey’s cheeks flush to a light pink.
“Casey told us he’s not ticklish.” Mikey rested his elbow on Leo’s back and propped up his head, “We even tried to get him but he didn’t even smile.” Mikey looked defeated.
Casey had turned to face the other way to avoid the turtles from pointing out his blushing.
Leon’s brows furrowed with confusion, Casey had always been a pretty sensitive kid…
The realization hit him almost instantly.
“Oh, he didn’t now, did he?” A devilish smile grew on Leon’s face as he turned to make eye-contact with his surrogate son.
Casey’s face had turned a shade of beet red as he began slowly inching away from the three turtles.
“Where are you going?” Leon smirked at Casey, lunging for him and grabbing his arm so that he couldn’t escape.
The teen couldn’t help the giggles bubbling up in his throat, desperately prying at his sensei’s hand in an attempt to get away.
Leon pulled Casey into his lap sideways, his hair a mess all over his face as he pleaded with Leon and pushed his hand away from him.
The one advantage Casey had was that Leon currently only had one arm, but he was still a hell of a lot weaker than the full grown mutant turtle man.
“You’re really not doing a good job of selling yourself to them here, Case.” Leo grinned down at Casey already going crazy in his lap.
Leon pulled his arm back and wiggled his fingers down at Casey, sending the boy into a fit of laughter as he once again attempted to block Leon’s hand.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!” Leon was amused with himself, finally slipping past Casey’s hands and drilling his fingertips gently into Casey’s stomach.
Casey’s laughter rang out and bounced off of the walls, all of them unable to help the smiles they wore at the sound Leon was eliciting from the usually quiet teen.
Leon skittered his hand around Casey’s torso, hitting a sweet spot on his ribs that sent him squealing.
Leo and Mikey felt betrayed by this.
“Dude! How did he do that earlier?” Leo was thoroughly impressed with Casey’s little performance he had put on only minutes before.
“It’s all in your head!” Leon responded as he continued digging his fingers into the crook of Casey’s neck, a stream of nasally giggles leaving Casey’s mouth, “It’s a tactic I taught him when he was younger, but we used tickling as a way to build up those skills.”
“That’s neat!” Mikey chimed in.
“So, what I’m hearing right now is that he wanted you to tickle him?” Leo questioned, sitting up straight, “Because his walls broke down the moment you brought it up.”
Leon looked from his younger self back to Casey squirming around in his lap, the pure childishness of it warming Leo’s heart.
This is what Casey should have always looked like.
Happy, not worried about an apocalyptic invasion, carefree, the list went on for miles.
“Maybe,” Leon shrugged, “I can’t say I blame him though.” He winked at the younger slider, bringing a small blush to the teen’s face.
He kept forgetting Leon knew all of his thoughts.
Leon chuckled and pulled his hand away from Casey, letting him breathe and calm down.
“Thahat was soho mean!” Casey whined, now pouting in Leon’s lap.
“Oh, that brought me back!” Leon scooped up Casey into a crushing hug, “You used to be so little, oh, and you were just the cutest thing!” Leon shook him around in his arms.
“Sensei!” Casey’s giggles were full of embarrassment as he pulled himself away from Leon’s hug, falling backwards and landing on his palms.
“I speak no lies!” Leon shrugged, laughing when Casey’s cheeks went pink again.
“Yeah, yeah, enough with the sappy stuff, grandpa-”
Leo threw an arm around a very flustered Casey’s shoulders and pulled him backwards, “I told you I would find a way to break you! I just never said it would be this version of me!”
Casey rolled his eyes at Leo’s logic.
It still weirded him out how similar the two Leo’s acted, even though he knew they were the same person.
“Wait,” the wheels in Casey’s brain began to turn, “If he’s also you, wouldn’t that mean he has the same sensitive spots as you?” He looked up at Mikey, who immediately picked up what he was putting down.
Leo sat in silence before a grin took over his face.
“I like where your head is at, Case.” Leo craned his neck upwards to look at Leon, Casey following his movement.
Leon perked his head up to see three very mischievous looking teenagers staring him down.
“Okay, Peepaw,” Leo released Casey and cracked his knuckles for dramatic effect.
“Your turn.”
Part 2
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gaybananabread · 4 months
@pocky-dragon Hello there! First of all I really enjoy your fics and headcannons and I was wondering if you have any headcannons/thoughts on Casey from rottmnt?
(I'm dumb and deleted the ask again-)
🏒Casey Jr Tkl Headcanons💚
~AN: Eergejehhesh my BOOOOOY! Pocky you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do something for this mans- Now that events are done, hopefully I can get back up and running! Thank you for requesting!~
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Things weren't totally serious, totally crazy all the time in his timeline
Before Raph and Donnie…moved on, everyone was fairly optimistic. I mean, sure, it was the apocalypse, but they had hope.
When Casey was little, all four brothers would take turns playing with him. While each one had very different interactions, they all universally loved doing one thing: tickling him.
After all the sadness, Big Leo still tried to keep things uplifting for the boy.
He rarely full-on tickled him, but a few light pokes or squeezes here and there were the perfect thing to put a smile on the teen’s face.
Big Mikey would abuse his powers and sneak up behind Casey, squeezing his sides or teasing his neck.
Occasionally, when the boy was really down in the dumps, holding his arms while Big Leo cheered him up with some tickles.
Let's all be honest here: he's a lee. No matter how hard he tries, he always ends up getting his ass handed to him.
Not that he doesn't adore it, of course.
He sees it as a fun way to bond with his new family, even if they do tease the shell out of him.
Worst spots are his hips, belly button and armpits. He likes all of them, though his melt spot is his palms; the best snorty-giggles stem from there.
Bushiest boi, will turn red as fresh cherries if you tease him right~
While he loves tickles from the whole Hamato fam, his favorite lers would have to be Raph and Leo.
He never really got to know Big Raph, but young him is a giant, compassionate teddy bear. A teddy bear that also happens to have a night job as a professional tickle monster!
As for Leo, he'd always felt close to the blue-themed turtle. Besides the obvious connections to his Leo, the guy’s just fun to be around.
The jokes get him giggling, and he feels safe around Leo.
Reigning loser of every tickle fight ever.
He's won maybe twice. Once against a very sleepy Leo, and again with a partner.
Self-conscious about his laugh, but the fam works daily to try and help him jump that hurdle! -♡
Little pill bug: his first response to anything tickly, from pokes to full-on tickled, is curling up into a tiny ball.
Adorable to watch, and even cuter to hear his little squeal when you get to his spots anyway!
Rarely happens, but he's still not bad!
Really giggly ler, likes to laugh with his lee.
Definitely gets flustered when someone asks to be tickled by him.
Again, rare, but it does occasionally happen.
He's afraid of hurting them, so only the gentlest of tickles and little scritches unless/until they ask for more.
When he does tickle someone, it's usually Leo, Mikey or April.
Leo is a sorta-undercover angst lord, and Casey likes to hear him laugh when he's bummed or overthinking things.
Mikey is just playful. He'll annoy Casey, mostly on purpose, and get what's coming to him. Other times, he'll be attempting to help the artsy turtle with his makeup and tickle him with the brushes. Intentional or not, I'll let you decide…
With April, it's almost always circumstantial. Dragged into a random tickle fight, Raph asking for backup, Donnie needing someone to do his dirty work.
April tickles him more than he ever gets her. Very few times does it happen, but he's capable of giving revenge tickles.
Doesn't usually tease, but he will compliment his lee's laugh and/or reactions.
“I love your laugh, it's so happy!” “Hey, don't be ashamed of the blush. Red's a good color on you!” “Was that a snort? No, don't hide it, that's adorable!”
It took a while to get to that point, but with self confidence and a whole family of support, he can finally start putting himself out there. Even if it is with something as goofy as tickling.
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Sorry for the bad title lmao I had no idea what else to name this
Little fun fact I wrote this in class, and then there was a fckn fire drill while I was smack in the middle of writing it lmaooo… but anyways I hope you like it.
Warnings: This is a tickle fic so if your not into that feel free to keep scrolling. Otherwise just a bunch of fluff :)
Summery: After Casey walks in on a certain situation, he gets dragged into it by accident
It was another average day in the apocalypse. Or… Casey thought it was. It was around… maybe lunch time? When he heard a burst of loud hysterical cackles coming from Donatellos lab.
When he ran to check who the noise was coming from, he walked in upon seeing master Leonardo, having pinned the scientist on the floor, and tickling the life out of him.
“LEHEHEOHOHO DOHOHONTT!!!” He cackled as the older twin dug into his brothers armpits furiously.
“Master Leonardo what’s going on…?” Casey asked, slightly confused.
“Oh nothing! Just trying to destress my little bro.”
Leo jokingly frowned at this and dug harder into his underarms, causing the others laughter to grow silent as he banged a fist to the floor.
Leo took this as a sign to stop (he didn’t want to kill him after all. And besides he wasn’t that cruel!), and he got off his brother.
Donnie curled into himself on the floor as he laid a giggly mess.
Casey giggled at the sight. “I didn’t know master Donatello was ticklish.”
“Oh yeah very much so.” Leo commented with a smirk.
“Yohou ahare ahahlso… EHEHEHE OHOKAHYY SOHORY!!” Leo had planted a light but quick poke to his side, making him scramble away.
“Hmm… what about you Case?” Leo asked his young ninja trainee with an even bigger smirk, “You ticklish also?”
The teen flinched at the question as a blush creeped to his face.
“N-no… I- w-wait!” Casey tried protesting as he inched backwards. But before he could make a run for it, Leo had already caught him by the neck of his shirt.
“And where are you going mister?” Leo teased.
“S-stohohop lehehet mehe goho!!” Casey writhed around in the elders grip. “Hey Donton wanna give a hand here?”
Although Donnie was still upset about being tortured not too long ago, he couldn’t resist himself.
Soon (thought it was difficult with all the struggling from Casey) they had the boy pinned, Leo sitting on his waist and Donnie pinning his arms above his head.
“You ready Case?” Leo asked him with a mischievous grin.
Casey shook his head silently as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to prepare himself for the inevitable.
Not a moment later, Leo began poking up and down his sides. Casey burst into bubbly giggles as he squirmed around a little under him.
“Ahaha nohohoho!!!”
“Awww is someone a tickwish wittle babyyy..??” Leo cooed teasingly with baby talk, making the younger go completely red. “NOHohoho!!” Casey exclaimed through giggles.
“Oh really? Then what’s this? Why you laughing?” Leo asked in mock confusion. Casey didn’t reply but kept giggling.
Leo began squeezing gently into his belly and Casey convulsed.
“NOHOHOHO!!!” He shrieked.
“Ohh bad spot?” Leo smirked with a tease.
Casey writhed around as the big green turtle hand tickled him senseless
“Ok Case,” Leo said suddenly as he stopped the tickling for a moment. “It’s tradition in the Hamato family that if you get tickled, we have to tickle your worst spot.”
Casey’s eyes widened and he giggled in anticipation, “Yohohure lyhyhying!!!” He protested.
“No I’m not! Right Donnie?” He asked his twin.
Donnie grinned and nodded, “Indeed it is true.”
“See? So where is it then?” Leo asked with a smirk.
Casey’s struggles increased. “Ihihihi wohohont tehehehll!!!”
Leo sighed, “That’s ok. We’ll find out on our own!”
He reached back and began squeezing his thighs and knees. It was Leos worst spot, but he thought it would be funny if it was the teens worst spot also.
But alas it wasn’t as it merely resulted in regular laughter.
“Hmm what about here?” Donnie asked, poking lightly at his ribs.
Casey flinched and squealed at the slight touch.
“Case what was that?” Leo asked teasingly.
“N-nothing!!!” Casey told him frantically.
Leo and Donnie looked at each other with wide grins and began counting down.
And at that they began digging into his ribs.
Casey was a mess of hysterical cackles and shrieks as the intense ticklish sensations coursing through his ribs.
“Ohh found it!” Leo smirked.
“STOHOHOHOPPP!!!” Casey shrieked. Soon his laughter went silent and they had to stop.
Casey was left a giggly and flustered mess on the floor.
“Yohou ok Case?” He asked. The teen was completely red and his hair was wild and everywhere, but he wore a smile of pure joy. It really warmed the two olders hearts.
“Yeheah ihim ok…” Casey breathed out. How did he get lucky enough to be taken in by such incredible father figures.
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jamiesgotchu · 3 months
save me, rottmnt lee!casey ler!leo post-movie tickle fic.....save me........
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 4 months
Lee Casey would be so adorable
day 20, a stubborn reindeer.
Summary: Casey dosent whant to wear a "silly" outfit so Leo needed to force him.
A/n: Okay so this is short but it's cause I'm going to Poland tomorow (a.k.a today since it's 00:16) soo yh sorry, and sorry cause you didnt say if Casey Junior or Cassandra (they are both called casey) so i just did casey junior. Enjoy! T-CESTERS AND PRO-SHIPPERS NOT ALLOWED.
Lee: Casey Jr.
Ler: Leo.
Warnings: Just tickles. Enjoy!
Leo was putting on his elf costume in his room, he jumped around putting on the elf boots before knoking a costume box over where a reindeer costume fell out of, the one he weared last year, Leo decided to take it and give it to Casey. Since he was excusing that he didn't have money to buy one, that he dosent know his size and more. Casey seemed hesitant as he said.
💚:Leo...i- *sigh* Leo... I don't whant to do this- it just looks silly and dumb! That's not what a warriors supposed to do!!
💙:But this is for fuuun come on don't be a party popper!
Leo whined holding the costume. He got quite offended by what Casey said. This might be silly but it wasnt dumb! Though the human teenager didn't agree with that and it started to annoy Leo when Casey started to explain that this looked dumb to him. Leo finally had enough and squeezed Casey's sides over and over agian making Casey shriek and snort from suprise while laughing hysterically.
Casey shrieked. Trying to get out but failing. As he finally gave up squealing.
Making Leo stop and smile at the pouting teenager.
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mysteriouslee · 10 months
Lee!Casey SR. hours
lee!Cassandra ler!Raph
Casey had been lounging around the lair for a while, she tried her best to connect with everyone but seemed to overwhelm people and she herself got overwhelmed with these new emotions, sights and just things she didn't generally understand like hugs from Mikey or humour from Leo or just social cues in general.She eventually went be alone, there was no one near the train tracks so she just sat behind one of the train cars, hugging her knees to her chest. After a while she heard heavy footsteps nearing her, she looked up and saw Raphael peering over her.
"Hey Casey, what are you doing back here" asked Raph which prompted Casey to panic.
"Uhh, Im just..CHECKING FOR BUGS!"she exclaimed but Raph bought none of it.
"Casey-" he said in a worried tone but was then cut off by Casey.
"NOTHING MAKES SENSE"yelled Cassandra.
Raph was a little taken a back and then raised his finger as he was about to speak.
Raphael scratched his head "Raph doesn't fully understans how to deal with that, I mean, you shouldn't feel ashamed of not fitting in"said Raph.
"I guess, but I still wish I could take it all in better somehow, I'm still getting used to the fact that you all think I'm even good enough to be here, especially April, She really has faith in me" said Casey.Raph nodded and put a hand on her shoulder. A light bulb popped in his head.
"LIGHT BULB" yelled Raph.
"Huh-" muttered Cassandra before she pulled into Raph's lap.
"You seemed stressed, Raph knows how to deal with stress."Raph said digging his fingers in Cassandra'a sides.
"*SNORT* STAHAHAHAHAP" shrieked Cassandra
Cassandra had only been tickled once before, she attacked by April and Sunita on a "Girls Night"TM. There she learned what it was, that one of her death spots was her sides and even learned that she may or may not enjoy it. She would never admit that though.
She pushed and kicked in Raph's grasp but the alligator snapping turtle kept a good grip as he scribbled, squeezed ans prodded. All she could do at this point it let herself laugh.Raph snickered, he could sense she was having fun. She then accidentally kicked Raph in face.
"OW! YOU'RE GETTING IT NOW" yelled Raph as he blew raspberries in her sides.
Cassandra squealed and threw her head back.She eventually patted Raph on the shoulder signifying she was ready for him to stop now, and which he did.
"That was adorable"said Leo and Mikey who had apparently came to see what the ruckus was all about
"SHUT UP" barked Casey.
"Oh but it really was" said April, coming from behind Leo.
Cassandra blushed deeper at April's remark.
Leo, Mikey and April walked off, April winking as she walked away.
"WHATEVER" yelled back Casey, she then looked at Raph and worded "Thank you".
"Any time" said Raph.
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mythica0 · 1 year
OMG IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR FANFIC!! Hwo about this idea with the Turtles and Casey Jones from the future. They are turtles so their feet are different from humans (of course they know that) so how abiut they try to cheer up Casey with the exuse to "observe" this difference? XD Of course only if is okay with you!
🧁: Casey jr.
🍫: Leo, Donnie, Mikey , Raph
Summary: The turtles use the fact that Casey has different feet than them as an excuse to tickle him.
A/N: ajajsjan I can’t take compliments- Asjdba. Anyways, enjoy! (PS, sorry for my followers for flooding your dash today woop-)
TW: this takes place post-movie… so possibly spoilers!
“Hey Casey?” Leo called out.
It was another day that Casey was in the quote on quote “good timeline” and not in an apocalypse, and he was still adjusting.
April helped show him around the city and figure out at least some semblance of social capabilities. He was settling in. But, he still liked to hang out with the turtles.
“Yeah Sens- I mean Leo!”
Leo chuckled a bit at the slip. Casey was still getting used to calling him Leo or Leon instead of authority titles. It was kind of endearing.
“Do you want to watch a movie with us tonight?”
Casey nodded. He still had quite a bit of pop-culture to catch up on, afterall.
“Alright! See you then!” As soon as Casey left the room, Leo grew a smirk.
Little did Casey know, they were planning more than just a movie night.
The turtles were talking about how Casey was adjusting to life, and realized that he probably had never been tickled before.
This was a fact that must be remedied! So they all decided that they would figure out a way to get him.
And later that night, the plan was ago.
At first they let Casey just enjoy the movie, but after about an hour, Donnie started the plan.
“Y’know. I’ve always wondered why humans have so many toes, like what’s the point? We only have two and we balance just fine.”
The others caught on to the start and played along.
“Yeah, I mean, look,” Leo started, poking under each one of Casey’s toes.
“One, two, three, four, five, so unnecessary!”
Casey froze up. He had been told what tickling was by his sensei, but he had never truly experienced it. However, he knew that was what this was. The slight tingle that shot up his leg and made him want to laugh.
Mikey added on, “yeah, and their heel is so short! See!” He dragged a finger down Casey’s sole, stopping at the edge of the heel.
That got Casey to let out a few giggles. “Guhuys!”
“What’s the problem Case, we’re simply making on observation.” Donnie smirked.
That’s when Casey knew they were doing this on purpose.
The four mutants then converged on the kid from the future, taking turns scribbling across his soles in the name of “observation”
“Hehe! Guhuys quihit ihit!”
“Hmm… no!” Mikey called out as he wiggled Casey’s toes.
Casey then squealed a bit, covering his blushing face with his hands.
The turtles stopped, Raph went to get him some water.
“I’ve nehever beheen tickled befohore.” He breathed through leftover giggles.
“We know.” Raph started.
“That’s why we did it! Now you know what it’s like!” Leo finished.
“Heh. I guess I reheally am part of thihis family now, huh?”
“What an astute observation!”
———THE END————————————————
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superfruitland · 2 months
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this duo means the world to me
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onebug · 4 months
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hey check out this original idea
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You're never going to be back home again.
I’ll Give You The Sun, Jandy Nelson | Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami | White Oleander, Janet Fitch | Homesick, Noah Kahan | Sick, Jody Chan | Chrystal Light, Erin Hanson | First Dog in Space, Brennig Davies | It's Not A Game/It's Just A Ride, Ride The Cyclone | Giovanni's Room, James Baldwin | “La Cueva”, Lessons on Expulsion, Erika L. Sánchez | Fiery grass against a blue sky, Casey Lee | That's Enough, Let's Get You Home, Will Wood | Journal of a Solitude, May Sarton | Faithful and Virtuous night, Louise Glück | Ask Polly: Help, I'm the Loneliest Person in the World!, Heather Havrilesky | Hammerhead, Penelope Scott
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soft--dragon · 1 year
Some Things Never Change
Leo and Casey are such a good duo, I love them ^^
Word Count: 1,642
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
After spending years in a Krang infested apocalypse, Casey was having to adjust to living a much calmer life. The turtles were more than happy to let him stay with them, but April suggested it may be better for Casey to stay with her and her mother. It would at least give him some time to rehabilitate into normal society and April could teach him about the present timeline. 
Though hesitant, Casey ended up taking up the teenage girl’s offer, and to his surprise, he quite enjoyed the surface world. Sure, sometimes it could be loud, chaotic and overwhelming, but once Donnie made him some noise cancelling headphones as a “Welcome-To-Your-New-Future” present, he quite enjoyed exploring the surface in the comfort of music. All background noise was filtered out, and he was free to roam the hectic streets of New York city, anxieties settled.
Though, as nice as it was to not be fighting every two seconds for his life, Casey still felt the need to train and remain strong in case of any future attacks. Sure the Krang leader was gone, but who knows how long it would be before he found a way back from the prison dimension? Uncle Draxum was working out a way to destroy the key permanently, but until then, there was still a threat of battle. 
So, instead of signing up for a gym membership with money he simply did not have currently - his luck of finding a job was about as good as April’s ability to hold one - he used the training room the turtles had set up in the abandoned subway. The gear there was durable, and no one would give him an odd look for swinging a hockey stick at a punching dummy and doing martial arts moves that were way too brutal to simply disarm a person. 
Hey, it was either do or die in the future, and Casey would prefer living thank you very much.   
Casey breathed out as he finished the attack, brushing loose strands out of his eyes with the rest pulled back in a man bun for training. (April had been incredibly excited to teach him different ways of styling his ebony hair now that he had time to wash and condition it.) While preparing for another series of movements, Casey suddenly yelped when something ghosted over the back of his neck. He whipped around, a hand clapping over his neck protectively. Leo stood mere feet from him, looking far too pleased with himself.
Casey made a garbled noise at the sight of his friend, exclaiming in alarm. “Leo? What the- how long have you been standing there?” 
Leo flexed an eye ridge up with a smug grin, pleased he’d gone unnoticed by the teenager. “Long enough to know you could probably take Raph down if you wanted to. You gotta teach me those moves, Jones, I didn’t know you could fight like that.” 
Now over the initial surprise of Leo’s appearance, Casey gave a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “I learnt them from you actually, in the future that is.”
God, you could hear Leo’s ego getting bigger.
“I taught you?!” The blue coded turtle’s eyes widened and an excited grin hiked up his lips. “Oh, my future self was so badass! And talk about an ironic turn of events eh? The teacher taught the student only for the student to become the teacher to the teacher.”
Casey blinked owlishly, an exasperated yet amused look taking over his face. “I’ve spent too much time around you, I understood all of that.”
Leo barked a laugh, crossing his arms smugly. “You idolised me in the future, Case, only fair you know my unique way of speaking.”
“Yeah, ‘unique’ is certainly a word for it,” Casey mumbled, turning back to the punching dummy he had been mercilessly beating up. 
Leo gasped in a faux offence, pointing an accusatory finger at the teenage boy. “Are you making fun of me?”
“What? No, whatever would make you think that?” 
Leo rolled his eyes at the blatantly obvious sarcasm. “Careful Casey, your Donatello is showing.”
“Better Donatello than Leonardo.”
“Hey! I’m way cooler than my twin, I'll have you know. Don’t play favourites… unless it’s me.” 
Casey snorted. While he was much more used to an older, serious Leonardo, he couldn’t deny this version of his sensei was able to match his energy and riff off of him easily. It was refreshing, being able to joke around with the blue turtle without the fear of being heard by the enemy. Though the freedom to mess around did make him distracted an awful lot more.
Casey rolled his shoulders out, preparing to attack the dummy again. “Was there a reason you actually came in here? Or did you just want to mess with me?” 
“Well, messing with you is pretty fun, so if you’re offering to be my cure for boredom, I’ll gladly take it.”
Once more, there was a soft sensation skittering over the back of Casey’s neck, causing his shoulders to leap up to his ears and his palm clamped back over the area. 
He gave Leo a sharp side eye. “Oi! Quit that.”
“Why? Are you ticklish?”
The sudden comment made the hairs on the back of Casey’s neck rise, swinging around to fully face Leo who was grinning knowingly. Oh. Suddenly this wasn’t a safe space anymore.
“What? N-No, I’m not.” Yup, way to go Jones, that was real convincing.
“Aw, you sure?” Leo was moving forwards, hands outstretched and wiggling his fingers tauntingly. The warm flush in Casey’s face was building quickly from the playful action. 
“Sensei- Leo-” Training forgotten, Casey stumbled backwards, his own hands raising in defence towards the blue masked turtle.
“Oh ho ho, lookie here, someone is going red.”
“St-Stay away!”
“What happened to ‘I’m not ticklish’, huh?”
“I’m not!”
“Then you won’t mind if I test that claim?”
Casey was running before the sentence was finished. Clumsily, he sprinted past Leo and through the hallway into the abandoned subway, tripping over himself despite his usual agility. The butterflies in his stomach were making his limbs feel weak, though his chest was warm and bubbly. 
“Leheheo!” He gasped, giggles spilling into his plea without him realising. “Goho ahahway!”
He was running for a few more seconds before realising there were no footsteps behind him. Skidding to a stop, Casey looked back and to his surprise, Leo was nowhere in sight. Casey wasn’t sure why he felt disappointed. 
He spun in a slow circle, eyes on the roof of the subway station for any sign of a blue bandana. There was none in sight. Casey’s shoulders slumped slightly, his mirthful eyes being replaced for something sombre. It made sense he supposed, Leo was just messing around and teasing him, though he thought the teenager might follow through. Whenever Leonardo threatened to tickle him, he chased him around the base and hid until Casey thought he was safe, only to be tackled to the ground and wrecked by the older turtle when he least expected it. 
…Hang on.
He used to hide until Casey stopped running-
Arms suddenly encircled around his waist and brought him to the ground with a scream, his fight or flight nature going ballistic for a moment before he caught sight of the green arms holding him. His head swung back to see Leo grinning widely at him, back pinned to the turtle’s plastron. Leo barked a laugh, squeezing the boy to him for a moment before letting off the pressure.
“I’m shocked Case, honestly thought you would’ve seen that coming.”
Casey spluttered, hands coming up to grip Leo’s arms and staring at him in bewilderment. “I-I didn’t think- I thought you wouldn’t-”
“What? You really think I’d threaten to tickle ya and not follow through? Damn, my future self has really let me down then.”
Casey didn’t get the chance to reply before fingers were worming into his hoodie, targeting the softness of his sides that were wildly ticklish. He yelped loudly and immediately slumped into the teenager’s grasp, gripping onto Leo’s arms as he kicked out frantically. “LEHEHEheheheo!” He shrieked. 
“Oh wow! Someone is very sensitive indeed!” Leo snickered, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh this hard.”
Casey wriggled in Leo’s lap, trying desperately to squirm out of his arms but Leo simply scooped him back up and slipped a hand down to scratch around his stomach. “Uh uh uh, you can’t be this ticklish and expect me to just let you go Casey, that’s not how this works.”
“Leheheo dohohohon’t!” squealed Casey, his boots scuffling into the ground in an attempt to sit up.
Leo snickered. “Oi, whatcha doin’? Trying to dig a hole over there? You’ve already dug one by letting the information slip that you’re ticklish, Jones.”
The mention of the dreaded 'T' word only caused Casey’s ears to burn brighter, the red flush on his face contrasting his dark hair brightly. “Stohohop teheheasing!”
Leo raised an eyeridge in a playfully taunting fashion. “Stop teasing? I’m just making conversation, Casey, why are you laughing so hard?”
“Yohohou knohohow whihihiy!”
“I’m afraid I don’t. You see, you claimed you weren’t ticklish and yet you’re laughing so hard over me wiggling my fingers? So if you’re not ticklish, then what on earth is happening here?”
Casey smacked his arm out of flustered annoyance, giggling borderline hysterically. “Ahahalright! Alright! I’m tihihicklish Leheheo! Ihihi lihihihied!”
Leo gave a very overdramatic, shakespeare-would-be-proud, exaggerated gasp and stared at his student in mock horror. “You lied to me? How dare you Casey Jones Junior! Your punishment shall be severe!”
Leo’s fingers were then clawing at Casey’s ribs, and the turtle swore that both the surface world and the Hidden City heard the scream the teenager let out. 
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lgbt-tree · 9 months
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Hi! Im not sure if requests are open so ignore this if they arent but do u think u could do a lee casey jr ler turtles fic? Maybe he’s “training” with the turtles and (being an apocalypse baby) he ends up taking it a bit more seriously then the rest of the turtles so they help him relax and show him its okay to be playful, and they discover along the way hes surprisingly v ticklish >:3
if thats not to much trouble ofc!! Take ur time and keep hp the great writing !! I hope u have an awesome day!!
Just Relax
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I love this request so much!!! Casey Jr deserves the universe ❤️
Warnings: Tickling so if that makes you uncomfortable feel free to scroll past :)
Summery: Leo helps Casey relax
The turtles were training. The invasion just ended, but they still needed to keep training in case something like that happened again. They were hero’s of New York City after all.
Now they had the addition of Casey Jones Jr. Raph was nervous that Casey wouldn’t be able to keep up with the rest of them, but Leo reassured him he would be fine.
They were all practicing punches, standing in a line. The turtles were more relaxed about it. Leo making jokes and messing with Donnie. Mikey trying to show off his skills. Even Raph was laughing. However Casey was getting more serious about it. He was so focused and his whole body seemed stiff with determination.
“Casey calm down,” Leo tells him with a smile,“you don’t have to try so hard…”
“Y-yes sensei!!!” Casey shouted frantically. Leo shook his head and chuckled. He knew just how to make him relax. He did have a brother who was always stressed after all.
He came up behind Casey and began digging into his sides. Casey flinched and burst into giggles, trying to get away from Leos hands. “Sehehensehei!!!” Casey giggled out, trying to push him away. “What did I say about calling me sensei Case? We’re friends, so call me Leo!”
Leo then tackled the boy to the floor, pinning him and digging into his armpits.
Casey burst into loud belts of laughter as he tried to squirm away. The rest of the turtles watched fondly as Casey writhed on the floor.
Leo then suddenly went under his shirt and dug into his stomach. Casey shrieked and burst into loud cackles.
“L-LEHEHEOHOHO!!!” He protested, pulling at the leaders hands.
“Found a weak spot!” Leo cheered, honing in on his belly. Casey just laughed and laughed, squirming around helplessly as he tried pulling away from the attacker.
“HEHEHEHELP!!!” Casey cried to the other turtles.
“Ok Nardo, that’s enough.” Donnie said with a sigh, in an almost bored like tone (though he had the hint of a smile on his face).
Leo soon finally stopped, with Casey trying to catch his breath.
“Whahat was that for?” Casey finally asked. “You were being too stiff and serious. You needed to relax somehow.” Leo explained with a grin.
“Yknow Casey,” Donnie said, “Leos pretty ticklish himself.”
Casey grinned playfully. “Is that so?”
Let’s just say the room was soon full of Leo laughter.
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yangfanbb · 9 months
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So Worthy is Blake's P.O.V I kinda had a feeling, cause it seems like it was Blake talking to Yang the whole time. Everyone was saying " oh this is Blake's chours" and " this is Yang's chours" and I'm just like idk I think this is Blake talking to Yang, now it seems like it is. Also Casey crushing on Yang too? Lol not a surprise everyone is 😄😄😄😄
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