#Top Funded Prop Firms
my-funded-capital · 9 days
List of Funded Prop Firms | My Funded Capital
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Discover a comprehensive list of funded prop firms with My Funded Capital. Explore top proprietary trading firms that offer funding opportunities for traders.
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2kmps · 25 days
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trust-fund baby!gojō satoru x tabloid journalist!reader | 1,046 words
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summary; you're a tabloid journalist on the brink of finally reaching the spotlight after an unsuccessful career. gojō is a self-serving trust-fund baby with nothing better to do than to see you crash and burn. it doesn't go well.
warnings; mc punches gojō in the face, gojō is a super shitty trust-fund baby, mc is a plagiarist, unwanted kiss, implications of manipulation on both sides, brief mention of blood at the end, not proofread.
thank u @stellamancer for the request!! 💙
a/n: my header for gojo needed to be as annoying as possible. I hate him. reblog this if u think it's cool ig.
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“You're a goddamn roach, Gojō.”
The Usurper King sat at his throne in perfect leisure, reclined in an ergonomic chair swathed in supple violet leather, long legs propped at an angle so anyone walking through the door would see his gleaming black oxfords—one new purchase among many others, and a white smile with elegant, symmetrical teeth. He had witnessed you enter his new office with a grin; a self-assured, imperturbable one that was immediately meant to put you in your place once you saw it.
It was rare that anyone saw his eyes as they were oftentimes hidden by a pair of blackout sunglasses. Gossip was a common topic at a tabloid firm, even more so internally than what was fabricated and published for soft-brained readers to chew on and shake around like a dog with a toy that cried when it’d get mean enough.
Most speculation was that he came to work high on something since he never liked to mingle among the peons on the main floor, a testament to his role in life as a trust-fund baby living the lavish lifestyle with the kind of time to put shit up his nose and in his veins. However, you'd seen the blues and whites of his eyes on occasion—pristine, but always a little dry from Japan’s seasonal agitators, so you knew that it wasn't the case.
It was simply that it fed into the perceptions he wanted people to have of him. Mysterious. Handsome. Rich. Those instead of the qualities you truly knew him for being: A lowlife, a roach, a fucking thief who’d never have to worry about the consequences of anything in life because he had money and half of the Japanese government on his side. It wouldn't do for the idolized poster boy for the country to fall into something so obscene such as a scandal or jail.
“You stole my article,” you said, leaning back against the door once you had it shut and locked behind you. “How dare you. That article was going to be my big break. But, instead you steal it and publish it. Why did you get Ichiji fired? He was the best editor-in-chief we had ever had. Did you do it to make yourself feel big, Gojō? Is this some double-whammy for getting back at me because I wouldn't sleep with you?”
That wasn't the case because Gojō hadn't slept with anyone, despite all the rumors proposing otherwise. The only reason you knew that was after an entirely too intimate dinner where he'd drank too much wine and not enough of his meal. He had confided that truth to you in the same manner as you had when you revealed to him that the article you were going to publish—your singular spotlight moment—had been someone else's idea.
A nobody. A new girl fresh out of graduate school who was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and brimmed with audacity to try to stand apart from the other tabloid journalists.
Miwa had wanted to change the trajectory of gossip; focus it on full-truths rather than the convoluted circuit of half-truths and exaggerations. She aimed for gossip to be pure and honest, extinguish those vapid fires of tried and true to experiment with something fresh.
She was intending to derail you before you'd even had your chance to reach the top. That was just something you couldn't have, so you pulled a few strings, finagled some things and ultimately ended up with her article in your lap instead, your name ready to be printed instead of hers.
Unfortunately, your repertoire of qualities lacked stealth and common sense, as Gojō had intercepted this early on and had decided that this would be easy entertainment to beat all the usual mundanity.
“Why are you getting mad at me?” Gojō slipped his feet off the desk and got out of his chair, posture slouched in a way equally cool and sloven. “You're the one who stole the article. I just gave it back to that girl you took it from. Don't you feel just a little ashamed?”
You lifted your chin as he got closer, tried stacking your spine as tall as it could go just short of standing on your toes to match up with him. “Don’t you feel bad that you kicked out an innocent, hard working man because you were bored and wanted to see how my life would explode?”
“This ain't about you, y’know?” Gojō was inches away now, black sunglasses tucked away in his chest pocket so he could see you uninhibited through those stellar blue eyes. You hated how he looked at you with fascination, a little thing he wanted to keep and bat around with his hands. “You're pretty self-centered, but I think you know that.”
You flattened to the door, feeling the slippery varnish against your fingertips as you tried to think of what to do with your hands while he studied you, leaning in closer.
Since this entire thing had begun, from the moment he injected himself into your life, you'd never known a moment of peace and be made sure you didn't. In a way, you thought this was God’s retribution for sacrificing every principle and ethics in favor of recognition in a career you'd never been particularly good at. What better way to smite than with a force veritably worse than you?
Gojō leaned into a stilted, passionless kiss, one completely different from others you had shared. But, those had come before you knew what he had planned to do to you, that his plan had been to steal away the glory that awaited all because he wanted to see how things unraveled.
You waited until he got his fill or was dissuaded, whichever came first, before winding up your arm and launching the peaks of your knuckles straight into the right side of his jaw. A slap wouldn't have sufficed, not with how pissed off you were, not for this asshole. So, you threw as much of your momentum and weight into that punch as you could, enough to catch him off-guard and send him crashing to the floor in a clamorous heap.
You licked your lips where he kissed you, where you saw blood trickle from the corner of his mouth when he looked up at you, for the first time ever, in pure shock.
“I'm gonna get fired anyway,” you said, flinging out of your hand and flexing each finger. “Might as well have made it count.”
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blankdblank · 1 year
Potato Sack Prince
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Can’t tell if I want it modern or not. Oc in Erebor is a bit strapped for cash and is having some personal troubles she needs to find money fast to keep that trouble handled. Such as a sick pet/relative, house damages by freak accident, their shop is going to be stolen by a plotting spouse of an ex who hates them, etc.
But word is rippling around of the Royal Family who are set to tour that part of Erebor to check that everything is in tip top shape and the people there are happy. Erebor is a big place and they do this in rotations to enable people to have word with the King if need arises with somewhat ease on a regular schedule. Then inspiration comes strolling into oc’s mind, the prince who will one day inherit who would look stunning even in a potato sack.
Paintings, small and easy to build a surplus of find the Prince in various poses. Standing, seated with legs crossed smirking to the imaginary painter capturing the moment because he knows how good he looks. Hair on point and his sword propped up at his side to hint he could wiggle out of that sack and wreak some havoc if need be like any self respecting Durin. Each and every one snatched up to fill oc’s purse and leave a fair bit of funds left over for the next fated disaster set to befall them.
The big day comes. Wide eyed and red faced oc sees their paintings being flaunted to the Royal Family, all who are thoroughly amused by the paintings. One in particular curious to meet the artist in question. Compliments are given and oc is short on words for their turn to speak to the amused King who knows his grandson is wildly curious about this citizen in particular who painted him so well without so much as a prior meeting to this day. Not much beyond a keep up the good work and confidence to instill upon a young talented artist.
Then one day a Royal invitation arrives to paint a portrait for the King. Oc nervously packs up their things and leaves early to be there most certainly on time. Polite, cordial and prompt. Compliments they hoped to be linked to their name. Quite unlike the giggling snort averting mess when they find that very same Prince lounged as proudly across his favorite fur decorated lounge in front of a roaring fire in wait for them. Noise that had his cousins Balin and Dwalin peek in to find him wiggling through loud laughter to get free to Oc’s duck behind a chair to try and compose themselves that only let a snort be half muffled by hands then laid firm across her mouth to muffle any more noise from her.
An intriguing beginning, and when his people were glum in their first days in the Blue Mountains that same Prince posed a new request to his now wife. Commission of a portrait to be hung inside the crudely shaped peak still in great need of years to come to shape it into something suitable to the surviving Longbeard clan to house their people in comfort. One that within moments had a sea of all citizens bent on touring it. To join in the curiosity, the laughter, the joy of seeing their future Potato Sack Prince’s gift to them.
A reminder laced with tears and weight of a lost home. One that in decades to come would have those same people buzzing before his second coronation, the first having been when Thror and Thrain had been lost, now for rule extending over the Blue Mountains and the currently being restored Erebor. Buzzing with wonder as to what pose their humble and majestic King would be in this time for this newest addition to their beloved potato sack gallery.
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dwagom · 1 year
thread by Angelo Carusone (@GoAngelo on twitter)
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1/ Given all the recent revelations about Fox News' internal machinations from the Dominion filings, I'd like to give a sense of just how delicate this moment is for Fox.. I'll start with advertisers, then talk about cable agreements and close with likely cascading litigation
2/ Advertisers. Fox News is already suffering with advertisers quite a bit. Yea, they have MyPillow and vegetable pill sponsors. But, overall, advertising isn'tas robust as it could be -- especially for prime time. For ex, Fox is currently Fox News' 4th biggest advertiser. Weird
3/ For the most part though, the really big and beloved brands largely eschew Fox. That said, pharmaceutical companies heavily advertise on Fox and then it's companies like @GM and @LibertyMutual that are largely left funding Fox partisan deceptions.
4/ By now though, most people know that advertising revenue is really just gravy on top for Fox. They could have $0 in ad revenue and they'd still have a 90% profit margin. That's because they have guaranteed revenue from cable companies.
5/ Every cable company pays a fee to channels to carry them - it's called a carriage fee. It's usual a nominal fee though. Not for Fox News. Fox News is the second most expensive channel on every one's cable bill (ESPN is #1). And that is by design.
6/ About 10 years ago, Fox News set out to leverage their rabid audience and insulate themselves from pressures of the ad industry. I won't get into how they did it. But short of it is, they lied and bullied their way into getting cable companies to massively overpay for Fox Ne
7/ Why's this matter? Well, Fox News has to renegotiate about 60% of all their cable contracts over the next year. And they not only need to keep their currently inflated rate, they need to actually increase it by quite a bit to offset the ad losses.
8/ These Dominion revelations are going to make it a lot harder for their efforts to be successful. There are ~90M cable subscribers. 87M who never touch Fox News are forced to basically pay a premium channel fee for it -- and now Fox wants more. Very winnable consumer fight.
9/ You all saw how effective these efforts were at getting cable companies to rethink their relationships with OAN and Newsman. It can absolutely happen with Fox. Want more? You can sign up at https://unfoxmycablebox.com
10/ There actually hasn't been renewals to really fight about yet, but they are coming. And in fact, the people that signed up at UnFox got an email back in December and helped ensure that Fox lost its very first carriage fight in its history. More on horizon.
11/ Lastly, these Dominion revelations expose Fox/Murdochs to additional liability. Make no mistake, Shareholders will file lawsuits in the coming months. I have already seen about half a dozen firms post noticed looking for clients to file such lawsuits.
12/ The effects on the Murdochs/Fox will cascade. But only if consumers act and ensure that Fox isn't about to force through massive increases in carriage fees and if media/others treat Fox like political operation that it is and not prop up veneer that it's a news network.
13/ Posting an update because the cascade is starting. The efforts to formalize legal action by shareholders is ramping up.
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quadrikaytopforex · 7 months
Unveiling the Power of TFT: A Proprietary Funding Account Program
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets, opportunities arise for individuals looking to dive into the world of trading. Today, we're going to shed light on TFT, a unique funding account prop program, and explore its many facets. If you're curious about how TFT can help you embark on your trading journey, read on to discover its benefits, rewards, and the true potential it holds.
**Benefits of TFT**TFT, short for Trading Funding Trader, is not just another run-of-the-mill trading program. It stands out for several reasons:
1. **Capital Access:** TFT provides traders with access to substantial trading capital, allowing them to scale up their trading activities. This capital is made available by the prop firm backing TFT.
2. **Profit Sharing:** One of the standout features of TFT is its profit-sharing model. As you generate profits through your trades, you and the prop firm share in the gains. This alignment of interests encourages you to perform at your best.
3. **Risk Management:** TFT comes with built-in risk management features. These are designed to protect both the trader and the prop firm, ensuring a balance between risk and reward.
4. **Educational Resources:** Successful trading requires continuous learning. TFT offers a wealth of educational resources, including webinars, courses, and coaching, to help traders hone their skills.
**Rewards and Incentives**TFT doesn't just stop at providing funding and education; it also offers enticing rewards for its top performers. Here are a few examples:
1. **Trader Bonuses:** High-performing traders can earn bonuses based on their trading achievements, further enhancing their profitability.
2. **Profit Milestones:** As you hit specific profit milestones, you can unlock higher levels of funding and even more substantial profit splits.
3. **Career Growth:** TFT opens the doors to a fulfilling career in trading. With consistent performance, traders can rise through the ranks and manage larger capital accounts.
**The True Potential of TFT**The true potential of TFT lies in its ability to turn aspiring traders into successful professionals. With the right strategy, discipline, and support, TFT traders have the opportunity to achieve financial independence and take their trading careers to new heights.
**What Makes Our Prop Firm Unique?**TFT's proprietary firm differentiates itself through its commitment to trader success. Here's what sets us apart:
1. **Customized Plans:** We understand that every trader is unique. Our program is tailored to suit your trading style and goals.
2. **Advanced Technology:** TFT provides access to cutting-edge trading tools and platforms to give traders a competitive edge.
3. **Constant Support:** Our team is always available to assist and guide you. You're never alone on your trading journey.**Join Our Community
**To get started with TFT and explore the incredible world of trading, join our various social channels. Connect with fellow traders, stay updated on market trends, and access exclusive content:-
**Twitter:** https://twitter.com/thefundedtrader- **YouTube Channel:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MJ6WPQVs1E
In conclusion, TFT is more than just a funding account prop program; it's a gateway to financial freedom for those willing to put in the effort and dedication. With its benefits, rewards, and exceptional features, TFT has the potential to transform your trading aspirations into a thriving career. So, why wait? Join TFT today and start your journey towards financial success.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
“We can’t put this photo in our christmas card.” for Sunset Curve
When Reggie took a part time job as a photography assistant, Luke grumbled about it a fair bit. But he was assured that it wouldn't interfere with gigs, and the money was going towards getting better quality merch (as well as topping up Reggie's pizza fund) so that was that.
Also, Mr. Molina told Reggie that as long as he paid for the film, they could use his studio to take pictures for an album cover, free of charge. Luke was a lot more excited about that prospect.
They had their demo recorded, but a killer cover might be just what they needed to really sell it to a major label. They had fought over just using their logo, to Reggie designing something, but a shot of the band, even if it was only in the liner notes would be epic.
So the guys gathered at the studio, laden with their gear and a few changes of clothes one night after hours.
Ray was there when they arrive with firm handshakes and a promise that he was sure they could use anything he had on hand. But then he looked Reggie right in the eye. "I'm trusting you here mijo, don't let me down, okay?"
"Never will Ray," Reggie assured him, then shot a look at the guys. They all nodded their heads, though Bobby looked a little sheepish as he poorly hid a graduation cap behind his back.
Ray sighed, wondering how much he was gonna regret this in the morning and handed over the keys with a silent prayer before taking off.
"Reg, can we do some fun shots too?" Bobby asked, holding up the grad cap.
"There's not like, a wealth of costumes here or anything, but once we get the cover done, I'm sure Ray won't mind. But you gotta chip in for the film, that stuff is not cheap."
Bobby nodded and started wading through the prop box with glee as Alex and Luke started setting up the instruments, and Reggie adjusted all the equipment. They decided on a generic black background, though Alex demanded they take one in front of the old school laser show like they had for picture day in school and Reggie heartily agreed.
They take a couple of serious shots, some of them mock playing, some of them giving the camera their best smoulder. Luke is pretty happy, so he sighs and told Bobby to go wild with props. It was rare to see Bobby, given his usual sullen nature, but he came alive when allowed to go wild.
There were some silly hats, some leis, lots of different props from teddy bears to books. They all got into it, making faces, playing with the backdrops. Even Luke was smiling as they posed for each photo.
Then they got to the winter wonderland backdrop, and Luke proposed they do one sexy shot, stripping off their shirts. "We can't put this on our Christmas card," Alex quipped.
"Maybe you can't Reggie said as he flexed.
In the end, they had gone through three rolls of film, and then spent an hour cleaning up. They had an album full of photos for their demo, plus a ton more just for them.
And when they went big, they made sure to thank Ray in the liner notes.
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hakesbros · 1 year
Native Real Estate: Homes For Sale San Antonio, Tx
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tradingtips · 5 days
Unlock Trading Success: The Ultimate Guide to Instant Funding Prop Firms
In the ever-evolving landscape of trading, instant funding prop firms have emerged as a game-changer. But what exactly are they, and why are they so significant in the trading world? Let's dive in and explore this fascinating topic.
Understanding Prop Firms
What is a Prop Firm?
A prop firm, short for proprietary trading firm, is a financial company that invests its own capital in trading. Unlike traditional firms that manage client funds, best prop firms leverage their own resources, taking on the risk and reward themselves.
History and Evolution of Prop Firms
Prop trading has its roots in the early days of Wall Street, where firms employed skilled traders to maximize their profits. Over time, this model has evolved, incorporating advanced technologies and diverse financial instruments, making prop firms more dynamic and accessible.
What is Instant Funding?
Explanation of Instant Funding
Instant funding refers to the immediate provision of capital to traders by prop firms. This model allows traders to start trading without the usual lengthy vetting process associated with traditional funding methods.
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How it Differs from Traditional Funding
Traditional funding often involves rigorous evaluations, capital commitments, and long waiting periods. Instant funding, on the other hand, bypasses these hurdles, offering traders quick access to funds based on their trading potential and performance.
Advantages of Instant Funding Prop Firms
Quick Access to Capital
One of the biggest draws of instant funding prop firms is the speed at which traders can access capital. This allows traders to seize market opportunities without delay.
Flexibility in Trading
These firms provide significant flexibility, allowing traders to employ various strategies without being tied down by stringent rules or substantial personal capital.
Low-Risk Opportunities
For many traders, the risk is a significant barrier. Instant funding prop firms mitigate this by sharing the risk, providing a safety net that encourages more bold and innovative trading approaches.
How Instant Funding Prop Firms Operate
Funding Process
The funding process in these firms is streamlined. Traders typically go through one step evaluation prop firm period, after which they receive immediate capital to start trading.
Requirements for Traders
While requirements can vary, most firms look for traders with a proven track record, a sound trading strategy, and a clear understanding of trading risk management.
Performance Evaluations
Regular performance evaluations are conducted to ensure traders meet specific benchmarks. These evaluations help both the trader and the firm align their strategies for mutual success.
Popular Instant Funding Prop Firms
Overview of Top Firms
Several firms stand out in the instant funding space, each offering unique benefits. Some of the most popular include FTMO, TopstepTrader, and MyForexFunds.
Comparison of Their Offerings
The Talented Trader: Known for its comprehensive evaluation process and generous profit splits.
TopstepTrader: Focuses on futures trading and offers extensive educational resources.
MyForexFunds: Provides a range of account types and flexible funding options.
How to Choose the Right Prop Firm
Factors to Consider
When selecting a prop trading firms, consider factors like the funding amount, profit split, evaluation process, and support services. It's essential to choose a firm that aligns with your trading style and goals.
Questions to Ask
What is the evaluation process like?
How much capital can I access initially?
What are the performance benchmarks?
Are there any hidden fees?
Requirements to Join an Instant Funding Prop Firm
Skills Needed
Successful traders typically possess strong analytical skills, discipline, and a deep understanding of market dynamics.
Trading Experience
While some firms welcome beginners, having prior trading experience can significantly boost your chances of securing funding and succeeding.
Financial Prerequisites
Most firms require a small initial fee to cover the evaluation process. This fee is usually nominal compared to the potential funding amount.
Trading Strategies for Success
Recommended Trading Strategies
Strategies like day trading, swing trading, and scalping are popular among prop traders. Each strategy requires a different approach and level of expertise.
Risk Management Tips
Effective risk management is crucial. Techniques like setting stop-loss orders, diversifying trades, and keeping a trading journal can help mitigate losses and maximize profits.
Common Challenges and Solutions
Dealing with Performance Pressure
Performance pressure is a common challenge. To manage this, set realistic goals, maintain a positive mindset, and avoid overtrading.
Overcoming Trading Losses
Trading losses are inevitable. The key is to learn from them, adapt your strategy, and stay disciplined to bounce back stronger.
The Role of Technology in Instant Funding
Technological Advancements
Technology plays a pivotal role in modern prop trading. Advanced algorithms, AI, and real-time data analytics empower traders to make informed decisions swiftly.
Use of Trading Platforms
Prop firms often provide state-of-the-art trading platforms, offering tools and resources that enhance trading efficiency and effectiveness.
Instant Funding vs. Traditional Prop Trading
Key Differences
Instant funding offers faster access to capital and fewer barriers to entry compared to traditional prop firm trading, which often involves extensive evaluations and higher initial capital requirements.
Pros and Cons of Each
Instant Funding: Pros include quick access and lower risk. Cons might include less comprehensive support and training.
Traditional Prop Trading: Pros include thorough training and higher potential funding. Cons involve longer waiting times and higher initial costs.
Case Studies
Success Stories
Many traders have found success with instant funding prop firms. For example, a trader might secure $100,000 in capital after a brief evaluation and quickly double it through strategic trading.
Lessons Learned from Failed Attempts
On the flip side, some traders fail due to poor risk management or lack of discipline. These cases highlight the importance of a solid strategy and emotional control.
Future of Instant Funding Prop Firms
Emerging Trends
The industry is evolving with trends like AI-driven trading, decentralized finance (DeFi) integrations, and more personalized trader support services.
Predictions for the Industry
Experts predict continued growth for instant funding prop firms, with increasing accessibility and more innovative funding solutions becoming the norm.
Instant funding prop firms are revolutionizing the trading world, offering traders quick access to capital and low-risk opportunities. By understanding how these firms operate and what they offer, traders can make informed decisions and capitalize on the benefits they provide.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q. What is the typical funding amount provided by instant funding prop firms?
The typical funding amount varies but usually ranges from $10,000 to $200,000, depending on the trader's experience and the firm's evaluation process.
Q. Can beginners join an instant funding prop firm?
Yes, some firms welcome beginners, although having some trading experience can increase your chances of success.
Q. How do instant funding prop firms make money?
These firms make money through profit splits with traders, evaluation fees, and sometimes through spreads and commissions on trades.
Q. What happens if I don't meet the trading performance requirements?
If performance requirements aren't met, traders might lose access to their funding or face reevaluation. Some firms offer second chances or retraining programs.
Q. Are there any hidden fees in instant funding prop firms?
While most firms are transparent about their fees, it's essential to read the fine print to ensure there are no unexpected charges.
Blog Source: Unlock Trading Success: The Ultimate Guide to Instant Funding Prop Firms
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my-funded-capital · 15 days
Top Funded Prop Firms | My Funded Capital
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Discover the top funded prop firms with My Funded Capital. Learn how we support traders with capital, tools, and resources to maximize their trading potential. Join us today!
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bespokefunding · 3 months
Trading Prop Firms
refers to trading accounts provided by proprietary trading firms, enabling traders to access capital and engage in trading activities. These accounts often come with unique features, such as leverage, risk management tools, and access to proprietary trading strategies. Traders can benefit from these accounts to amplify their trading capacity and potentially increase profitability.
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fxproptech · 3 months
How to earn money in proprietary trading firm
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Earning money as a trader in a proprietary trading firm involves a mix of skill, strategy, and discipline. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of proprietary trading, covering everything from understanding the market to selecting the right trading strategies and managing risk effectively.
Understanding Proprietary Trading:
Proprietary trading involves trading financial instruments with a firm’s own money rather than on behalf of clients. This allows traders to potentially profit from market movements while benefiting the firm. Unlike retail trading, proprietary trading requires a deeper understanding of market dynamics and sophisticated trading strategies.
Essential Skills for Proprietary Traders:
Analytical Skills: Sharp analytical abilities are essential for interpreting market trends and making informed trading decisions. Traders must be able to analyze market data effectively to identify profitable opportunities.
Risk Management: Effective risk management is crucial for sustained success in proprietary trading. Traders must implement strategies to protect capital and minimize losses, including setting stop-loss orders and diversifying their portfolio.
Technology Proficiency: Proprietary trading firms often leverage cutting-edge technologies and algorithmic trading to maximize profitability. Traders should be proficient in using trading platforms and tools to execute trades quickly and efficiently.
Selecting the Right Proprietary Trading Firm: When choosing a proprietary trading firm, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and due diligence. Consider factors such as the firm’s reputation, capital requirements, and funding options. Selecting the right firm can significantly impact your earning potential and trading experience.
Trading Strategies:
Market-Making: Market-making involves providing liquidity to the market by simultaneously quoting buy and sell prices for a financial instrument. This strategy can be profitable for proprietary traders, particularly in liquid markets.
Arbitrage Opportunities: Arbitrage involves exploiting price discrepancies between different markets or assets to generate profits. Proprietary traders can capitalize on arbitrage opportunities by identifying and executing trades quickly.
Risk Management Techniques:
Position Sizing: Proper position sizing is essential for managing risk and protecting capital. Traders should carefully consider the size of their positions relative to their account size and risk tolerance.
Stop-Loss Strategies: Implementing effective stop-loss strategies can help minimize potential losses in volatile markets. Traders should set predetermined stop-loss levels based on their risk tolerance and the volatility of the market.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
Staying informed about market trends, economic indicators, and global events is crucial for proprietary traders. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to staying ahead in the fast-paced world of proprietary trading.
Proprietary trading offers a unique opportunity for individuals to leverage their trading skills and potentially achieve financial success. By understanding the fundamentals, honing essential skills, and adopting effective strategies, aspiring traders can navigate the world of proprietary trading with confidence and maximize their earning potential.
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propfirm · 4 months
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Break free from limitations with Prop Firm Master's Funded Trader Program. Access capital, refine your strategy, and achieve your financial goals. Empower your trading journey with us. Start Trading Now!
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expertpropfirm · 6 months
The Expert's Guide to Making Profits with a Prop Firm Expert Advisor
Are you looking to maximize your trading profits with the help of a prop firm expert advisor? Then you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to succeed in the prop trading world and make the most of your expert advisor. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, a Prop Firm Expert Advisor can be a game-changer for your trading strategy. 
By automating your trades and utilizing sophisticated algorithms, these expert advisors can help you execute trades faster and more efficiently, giving you a competitive edge in the market. In this guide, we will cover how to choose the right prop firm, the different types of expert advisors available, and how to optimize their performance for maximum profits. We will also provide expert tips and insights from experienced prop traders who have successfully used expert advisors to grow their trading accounts. So, if you're ready to take your trading to the next level and make the most out of your expert advisor, let's dive in and unlock the secrets to profitable trading with a prop firm expert advisor.
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newstfionline · 7 months
Friday, November 17, 2023
The $2 Trillion Interest Bill That’s Hitting Governments (WSJ) The world spent the past decade-plus taking advantage of rock-bottom interest rates to binge on debt. An unprecedented bill is coming due. Governments are expected to spend a net $2 trillion paying interest on their debt this year as higher interest rates make borrowing more expensive, up more than 10% from 2022, according to an analysis of International Monetary Fund data by research consulting firm Teal Insights. By 2027, it could top $3 trillion. As debt servicing takes up more revenue, politicians face unpopular decisions to raise taxes, cut spending or keep running deficits that will add to interest costs.
Shifting US attitudes on Gaza War (Guardian/Reuters) Though the U.S. government remains Israel’s closest ally, the tides of public sentiment appear to be shifting. According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, public support for Israel has fallen significantly over the past few weeks and support for a ceasefire has risen as the world watches Israel bombard and invade Gaza. 32% of respondents said that “the U.S. should support Israel” when asked what America’s role in the conflict should be, down from 41% in mid-October. 39% said the U.S. should take a neutral mediator role in the conflict, 15% said it shouldn’t be involved at all, and just 4% said it should support Palestine. Still, 68% of respondents said that “Israel should call a ceasefire and try to negotiate” an end to the conflict. The survey data highlights a growing divide between the White House’s foreign policy and voters’ beliefs. While President Biden and some Democrats appear all too happy to prop up Israel with billions in funding and military aid, a vocal portion of Americans and a few progressive members of Congress say that Israel has taken the conflict too far.
Biden-Xi Talks Lead to Little but a Promise to Keep Talking (NYT) President Biden said on Wednesday that four hours of discussion with President Xi Jinping of China had brought about two significant agreements, on curbing fentanyl production and on military-to-military communications. But both American and Chinese accounts of their first encounter in a year indicated little progress on the issues that have pushed the two nations to the edge of conflict. Emerging from the talks, and a brief walk with Mr. Xi on the grounds of a mansion south of San Francisco, Mr. Biden told reporters that the conversation had been the “most constructive and productive” between the two men since Mr. Biden had come to office. The agreements they announced were modest, however, and their most important commitments were to keep talking and to pick up the phone in times of crisis.
Heavily armed Haitian gang surrounds hospital in capital and traps people inside (AP) A heavily armed gang surrounded a hospital in Haiti on Wednesday, trapping women, children and newborns inside until police rescued them, according to the director of the medical center, who pleaded for help via social media. The Fontaine Hospital Center in the capital of Port-au-Prince is considered an oasis and a lifeline in a community overrun by gangs that have unleashed increasingly violent attacks against each other and residents. People who live in the capital’s sprawling Cite Soleil slum are routinely raped, beaten and killed. The hospital founder and director, Jose Ulysse, told The Associated Press that gangs were torching homes around the hospital and preventing people inside from leaving. Ulysse said members of Haiti’s National Police force responded to his call for help and arrived with three armored trucks to evacuate 40 children and 70 patients to a private home in a safer part of the city. Among those delicately evacuated were children on oxygen, he said. Meanwhile, Kenya’s parliament has approved the deployment of 1,000 police officers in Haiti to help quell gang violence.
Is Argentina the First A.I. Election? (NYT) Argentina’s election has become a testing ground for A.I. in campaigns, with the two candidates and their supporters employing the technology to doctor existing images and videos and create others from scratch. A.I. has made candidates say things they did not, and put them in famous movies and memes. It has created campaign posters, and triggered debates over whether real videos are actually real. A.I.’s prominent role in Argentina’s campaign and the political debate it has set off underscore the technology’s growing prevalence and show that, with its expanding power and falling cost, it is now likely to be a factor in many democratic elections around the globe. Mr. Massa’s campaign has used A.I. to portray him, Argentina’s staid center-left economy minister, as strong, fearless and charismatic, including videos that show him as a soldier in war, a Ghostbuster, and Indiana Jones. The campaign has also used the system to depict his opponent, Mr. Milei—a far-right libertarian economist and television personality known for outbursts—as unstable, putting him in films like “Clockwork Orange” and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.”
Worrying Rumbles Near Reykjavik (CBS News) Iceland is literally quaking in its boots as the threat of a volcanic eruption hangs over its head. After experiencing over 700 earthquakes on Tuesday, the Nordic island nation was subject to another 800 quakes between midnight and 11:30 am local time on Wednesday. According to the country’s meteorological office, the recent spike in earthquakes combined with the detection of sulfur dioxide gas means that the likelihood of a volcanic eruption near the country’s southwest peninsula “remains high.” “The seismic activity is close to a populated area. It's close to infrastructure,” said an official from the Icelandic Meteorological Office. Magma buildup beneath the Earth’s surface has already caused cracks and holes to form in local roads, raising concerns about further volcanic activity.
U.K. top court rejects plan to deport migrants to Rwanda, in blow to Sunak (Washington Post) Britain’s top court on Wednesday unanimously ruled against the government’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda—a goal sought by successive British prime ministers and watched by other countries hoping to outsource migration issues while skirting international human rights obligations. The ruling brings some sense of relief to asylum seekers already in Britain who have received threatening letters from the government. It is also a huge embarrassment for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, leaving his flagship effort to “stop the boats” in tatters, ahead of what is expected to be a difficult election year.
‘Metal for Orcas’ (NYT) The first time orcas appeared near his catamaran, Florian Rutsch was surprised, but prepared. In May, when the crew of his catamaran, which he charters for high-end voyages and retreats, encountered an orca group while crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, he scattered sand in the water, which some sailors thought could act as a deterrent. Then he slammed the engine into full throttle, moving away from the group. The orcas left them alone. But his second encounter with the animals in November was less civil. This time, the crew tried another idea that had been passed along: booming a curated playlist of heavy metal—titled “Metal for Orcas”—through an underwater speaker. But the animals had moved quickly, targeting the rudder and disabling the boat’s steering. The crew had to call for help, and eventually Spanish rescue authorities arrived and towed the vessel to port. Since 2020, orcas—apex predators that are the largest members of the dolphin family—have been disrupting the journeys of boats along the coastlines of the Iberian Peninsula, causing enough damage to a handful to sink them. Researchers don’t know why. “It’s the talk of the town in the sailing community,” said yacht sailor Emma Gore. “Everybody is a bit on edge.”
Berlin’s renters face misery as housing crisis deepens (Reuters) On Berlin’s broad avenues, posters put up by desperate would-be tenants seeking accommodation have become a common sight. Home viewings draw long lines of hopefuls, despite rent rises that have far outstripped salaries in recent years. The German capital, where cheap and abundant apartments were a magnet for artists and young professionals as recently as a decade ago, now has a vacancy rate of less than 1%. The cost and difficulty of renting is forcing some residents to leave, even though businesses are desperate for skilled labour. In the last seven years, Berlin rents have jumped 44% while the average wage in the city has increased only 30%, federal and local data shows.
Myanmar orders civil servants, ex-military to prepare for emergencies (Reuters) Myanmar's military rulers have ordered all government staff and those with military experience to prepare to serve in case of emergency, an official said on Thursday, after the junta reported "heavy assaults" from insurgents in several places. Myanmar's military has battled ethnic minority and other insurgencies for decades but a 2021 coup has brought unprecedented coordination between anti-military forces that are mounting the biggest challenge to the army in years. Junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun said late on Wednesday the military was facing "heavy assaults from a significant number of armed rebel soldiers" in Shan State in the northeast, Kayah State in the east and Rakhine State in the west. He said some military positions had been evacuated and the insurgents had been using drones to drop hundreds of bombs on military posts. (Reports from the rebels said that the equivalent of an army brigade had surrendered to them.)
Their families wiped out, grieving Palestinians in Gaza ask why (AP) Entire generations of Palestinian families in the besieged Gaza Strip—from great-grandparents to infants only weeks old—have been killed in airstrikes in the Israel-Hamas war, in which the Israeli army says it aims to root out the militant group from the densely populated coastal territory. Attacks are occurring at a scale never seen in years of Israel-Hamas conflict, hitting residential areas, schools, hospitals, mosques and churches, even striking areas in southern Gaza where Israeli forces ordered civilians to flee. The al-Astal family lost 89 relatives, 18 of them children under the age of 10, including three babies not yet a year old, according to an Oct. 26 ministry report. The Hassouna family had 74 killed, including 22 children ranging in age from 1 to 10 years old, it said. The Najjars lost 65 relatives: Nine were under 10 years old and 13 were under 4. Grieving relatives, who maintain no one in their households had links to Hamas, ask: Why them? “Why would they kill children and an old man?” asked al-Naouq. “What is the military justification for bombing my house? They were all civilians.”
With 102 Workers Killed, U.N. Agency in Gaza Struggles to Provide Aid (NYT) At least 102 workers from the largest United Nations agency in Gaza have been killed in five weeks of heavy Israeli bombing. Most did not die in the line of duty but instead while at home, often in strikes that also killed members of their families, U.N. officials said. They were men and women. The largest number were teachers. Others included school principals, warehouse workers, engineers, a software developer, a gynecologist and a man in charge of staff safety. He was killed in his home along with his wife and their eight children, said Juliette Touma, the director of communications for UNRWA, the agency that cares for Palestinian refugees and their descendants across the Middle East. “It is a huge, huge loss,” Ms. Touma said. “Every day, we get more of these reports of our colleagues who were killed.” UNRWA, or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, was created in 1949 to aid the more than 700,000 Palestinian refugees who fled or were forced from their homes during the war surrounding Israel’s founding in 1948.
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my-funded-capital · 16 days
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Next Prop Firm Gets Funding Boost to Transform Proprietary Trading
With great pride, My Funded Capital announces a significant investment in the funded next prop firm, paving the way for revolutionary developments in the proprietary trading industry. With the help of this funding, we will be better able to nurture and develop elite traders, fostering success and innovation in the financial markets.
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