#best trading capital firms
moleshow · 3 months
I am a stupid person. Where should I begin reading about economics.
update: added pdfs for the books
where you should begin depends on what you want to know. my response is long so i'm putting it under a readmore
if you want to know about economic theory, that's one thing; if you want to know about economics in practice (i.e. the way economies operate), that's another. these things are related, but they're often in separate books.
if there's something you want to know about specifically feel free to ask--i may or may not be able to provide a suggestion on what you should read. my wheelhouse is mainly international economics and political economy so note that my recommendations are not the end-all-be-all of the field.
i've uploaded pdfs for all of these books here: https://gofile.io/d/hDB9vU i wasn't able to find a pdf of the 2020 edition of the Frieden but i was able to find the 2017 edition.
the first recommendation i have is unfortunately a textbook. theoretical foundations are important 😔
An Introduction to International Economics: New Perspectives on the World Economy by Kenneth Reinert
this book's focus is primarily on neoclassical economic theory (which is often what people mean when they say "economics"), but it provides a strong foundation for thinking about markets, trade, and currencies.
i also want to note here that economic theories are best thought of as lenses through which to look at phenomena. all of these lenses illuminate some things and obfuscate others. so the utility of a given theory is dependent upon what you're trying to examine.
2. The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade by Pietra Rivoli
this book is a lot of fun, and falls pretty squarely into the "political economy" camp. Rivoli takes as her subject a t-shirt from a walgreens in florida (if memory serves), and follows the chain of production, to find out how it got there--as well as where shirts like it might go after being purchased. along the way she looks at the dynamics of production in practice, so she looks at the role of labor, firms, governments, brokers, etc.
i would almost recommend starting with this one or reading it alongside the Reinert so you aren't raw-dogging a textbook.
3. Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century and Its Stumbles in the Twenty-First by Jeffry Frieden
for this one, you'll want to read the 2020 edition because the 2007 edition doesn't talk about the global financial crisis of 2008. this is a book that really is what it says on the tin--a history of global capitalism. it's particularly useful for understanding the origins and consequences of the postwar economic order. it contains some good discussions of keynesian economics and the neoliberal school of thought that followed.
4. World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction by Immanuel Wallerstein
this one's not a crucial read, but it covers a different way of thinking about basic economic units in international economics (i.e. not limiting one's economic analysis to nation-state units but instead thinking about the global economy as a system).
5. Running Steel, Running America by Judith Stein
i've put this book here because the latter half of the book essentially goes through how and why american production changed in the latter half of the 20th century, focusing chiefly on the production of steel. (this is another political economy book.) Stein illustrates the consequences of US foreign policy for the domestic economy, particularly during the 1970s--a crucial period. the whole book is worth reading, but the first half deals more with labor and politics so it's not directly related to your question.
feel free to reach out if you have more questions or need clarification on something here👍
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bananaofswifts · 8 months
01 - Taylor Swift
No one in the music industry wielded more power over the past year than Taylor Swift, who made history at stadiums, movie theaters and on the Billboard charts, leaving even the most seasoned executives speechless. While they’d long celebrated her staggering popularity as a singer, songwriter and performer, her force as a strategic business leader suddenly came into sharper focus — and industry veterans took notes as they watched some of her bravest and most innovative business risks reap remarkable rewards.
At 34, she is one of the music industry’s most charismatic and influential leaders — and she rewrites the rules.
“The piece of advice I would give to the other executives on this list is that the best ideas are usually ones without industry precedent,” Swift tells Billboard. “The biggest crossroads moments of my career came down to sticking to my instincts when my ideas were looked at with skepticism. When someone says to me, ‘But that has never been done successfully before,’ it fires me up. We have to take strategic risks every day in this industry, but every once in a while, you have to really trust your gut and take a flying leap. My rerecordings are my favorite example of this, and I’m extremely grateful to my team and fans for taking that leap with me because it absolutely changed my life.”
Sage advice for an industry in which instinct has largely been supplanted by metrics and data analysis.
In December, Time named Swift its 2023 Person of the Year. In September, after encouraging her 279 million Instagram followers to vote and linking to vote.org, the nonpartisan nonprofit said it received over 35,000 registrations. She appears on the cover of this issue of Billboard and in the No. 1 spot of our annual Power 100 issue because her force across the business of music is now unparalleled — and because she models commitment to innovation that the rest of the business will need in order to tackle the big challenges ahead.
Swift’s gambles have paid off handsomely over the past year.
Her massive The Eras stadium tour, which began in March after she controversially put all the tickets on sale at once, crashing Ticketmaster and sparking mass hysteria, grossed an estimated $906.1 million in 2023 and is poised to become the highest-grossing global tour of all time before it wraps in December, according to Billboard.
The Golden Globe-nominated Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour film, taped during her six-show run at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, Calif., in August, has grossed over $261.6 million worldwide since its October opening, according to AMC Theatres Entertainment. In January, the publicly traded movie-house chain announced that the film’s box-office take made it the highest-grossing concert/documentary picture ever released, surpassing Michael Jackson’s 2009 This Is It. Once again blazing a new path, Swift made a groundbreaking distribution deal directly with AMC Theaters instead of linking with a film studio.
Swift has shaken up the catalog market, too. When Scooter Braun infuriated her by acquiring the master recordings of her first six albums through his Ithaca Holdings and then sold them to investment firm Shamrock Capital at a profit, Swift rerecorded the albums with loving precision and added bonus tracks to the new releases. They performed phenomenally well, as she deftly used her tour to promote them. When her latest rerecording (and 14th studio album overall), 1989 (Taylor’s Version), spent its fifth week at atop the Billboard 200 at the end of 2023, Swift beat Elvis Presley’s record for the most weeks at No. 1 by a solo artist. Her industry market share last year was 1.72%. If she were her own genre, she’d rank ninth for 2023 — bigger than jazz.
“She’s the smartest artist I’ve ever worked with,” says Messina Touring Group’s Louis Messina, who promotes Swift’s tours and has worked with her since 2005. “She outworks everybody and she has always had this vision. If you’re around her, you can’t help but believe in her.” —Melinda Newman
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argyrocratie · 8 months
"What is the Houthi movement?
The Houthi insurgency is a Zaydi Shiite Islamist political movement established in 1992 to challenge Yemen’s longtime, and increasingly corrupt, leader Ali Abdullah Saleh. Following massive street protests, Saleh resigned his post in 2011. After the resignation, a national unity dialogue was held in Yemen’s capital Sana’a to try to resolve a host of Yemeni political conflicts. However, those talks eventually broke down, prompting the Houthis to advance on Sana’a with the goal of taking power. This sparked Saudi Arabia’s deadly US-backed air, ground, and naval invasion of Yemen, which lasted for seven years and killed an estimated 9,000 civilians, as well as significant numbers of Houthi forces, in repeated airstrikes. Despite the overwhelming force used by Saudi Arabia, however, the Houthis gained control over roughly a third of Yemen’s land—and two-thirds of its population—over the course of the war.
In April 2022, Saudi Arabia and the Houthis negotiated a truce that has nearly eliminated the fighting in Yemen. The truce halted offensive military operations, allowed fuel ships to enter Yemeni ports, and restarted commercial flights from Sana’a airport. However, it did not offer a comprehensive political settlement, leaving open the threat of renewed hostilities.
How have the Houthis become involved in the war?
After Israel began bombing Gaza on October 7th, the Houthi movement—which has long held what Yemen expert Helen Lackner called a “fundamentalist foreign policy position against the US and Israel”—announced that it was ready to intervene in solidarity with Palestinians. “There are red lines in the situation related to Gaza, and we are coordinating with our brothers in the jihad axis and are ready to intervene with all we can,” the Houthis’ leader said. As part of this effort, the movement has carried out 27 attacks in the Red Sea between November 19th and January 11th, most of them on commercial ships linked to Israel (although some of the attacks have targeted ships without a clear connection to Israel). The movement has also tried to fire on American warships and on Israel itself.
In the attacks on commercial ships, the Houthis have mostly fired missiles at them, though on November 20th, the group’s fighters seized a cargo ship and detained the crew members onboard. These attacks have discouraged shipping companies from traversing the Red Sea, the fastest route from Asia to Europe; many are instead sailing around the Horn of Africa, which adds $1 million to the typical cost of a roundtrip. On January 11th, the White House cited this trade disruption as a key motivating factor for the US’s bombings in Yemen, noting that “more than 2,000 ships have been forced to divert thousands of miles to avoid the Red Sea—which can cause weeks of delays in product shipping times.”
The Houthi movement’s attacks in the Red Sea, as well as the retaliation the attacks have generated, have revitalized the group’s power within Yemen. Prior to October 7th, the Houthis were facing discontent due to their authoritarian rule, their failure to pay salaries, and their control of aid in the face of spiraling poverty. Their confrontation with Israel, however, has seen “their popularity suddenly skyrocket, including in areas in Yemen where they don’t rule and in stark contrast to other Arab [states] who are at best being silent, or at worse, helping the enemy,” Yemen expert Helen Lackner told Jewish Currents. After incurring significant losses in their conflict with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Houthis’ firm opposition to Israel has also helped them to recruit more young men to their military who believe they will have the opportunity to fight in Palestine, according to Lackner.
In this context, experts say it is unlikely the spate of Western bombings will end the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea—and such attacks could even contribute to the group’s bolstered popularity. “They’re willing to live with some level of retaliation because they can then position themselves as having been targeted by this Western alliance that is serving the interests of Israel,” said Mohamad Bazzi, director of New York University’s Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies. Other experts have also warned that the US strikes risk provoking further escalations: For instance, the Houthis could decide to attack Saudi Arabia in a bid to up the pressure on American allies.
What is Iran’s role in the regional escalation?
While the groups responding to Israel’s bombing of Gaza—Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the Iraqi and Syrian paramilitaries—are spread out across the region, they are all supported by Iran, which has armed and financed them as part of an overall strategy to contest US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. This Iran-supported network is often called the “axis of resistance,” and the alliance’s close collaboration reflects an approach developed by Qassem Soleimani, who was a key Iranian military leader until he was assassinated by the US in January 2020. “A big part of his strategy in the region was for the groups to get to know each other, and to share training and expertise—and that continued after the assassination in Baghdad,” said Bazzi.
Experts emphasize that Iran does not have full control over the groups it funds and arms, which often pursue their own agendas. For example, the relationship between the Houthis and Iran, according to Lackner, “is a bit like Netanyahu’s relationship to Biden. If they agree, and they want to do the same thing, then they do it. But they are not afraid to diverge either,” said Lackner. For instance, the Houthis ignored Iran’s orders to halt their advance on Sana’a in 2014, which sparked the years-long civil war and the conflict with Saudi Arabia. In the current conflagration, Bazzi said, Iran is unlikely to be directing the various forces to pursue “specific attacks,” but Iranian military leadership is “probably involved in larger-scale conversations about the division of responsibilities of different parts of the axis of resistance.”
According to Bazzi, at this moment Iran is carefully calculating how to maintain regional credibility by showing support for Hamas, while not going far enough to provoke a war with powerful foes like the US and Israel. “The primary Iranian calculation is about regime survival, and they don’t want to do anything that seriously jeopardizes their survival,” said Bazzi. Parsi said that so far, Iran has benefited from avoiding risky moves—in contrast to Israel, which has diminished its own “global standing” with its operations in Gaza. “Israel’s pariah status globally—at least outside of the West—is something that the Iranians are drawing benefits from. But that only works to the point that this doesn’t escalate into a larger conflict,” he said.
How is the US responding to the regional conflict?
Since October 7th, the US has repeatedly said that it wants to prevent more fighting in the region. Early on, the US dispatched warships and fighter jets to the Mediterranean to deter Hezbollah from entering the fray. Biden administration officials have also ramped up diplomatic efforts to halt a regional conflagration: The president sent envoy Amos Hochstein to Lebanon to try to negotiate a solution to the fighting around the blue line, and reportedly warned Israel against escalation with Hezbollah in private conversations. In October, when Israel had made plans to pre-emptively strike Lebanon, President Biden called Netanyahu to tell him to “stand down” on the attack plans, and ultimately, Israel did not launch a wide scale attack, according to a December Wall Street Journal report. “The priority for the Biden administration is to limit or prevent the broadening of the conflict,” said Schenker.
At the same time, the US has carried out repeated bombings in Iraq, Syria, and now Yemen, even as officials continue to talk about de-escalation. “We’re not looking for conflict with Iran. We’re not looking to escalate and there’s no reason for it to escalate beyond what happened over the last few days,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said last Friday, after the first US bombings of Yemen. But yesterday, the US military again bombed Houthi targets for the third time in a week, and then designated the Houthis as a terror organization, blocking the group’s access to the global financial system. By targeting Yemen, experts say the US is significantly expanding the regional war—“escalating regional tensions and adding fuel to a conflict,” as Bazzi wrote in a recent column published in The Guardian. “The conflagration could spiral out of control, perhaps more by accident than design,” he noted.
Many Middle East analysts say the Biden administration’s attempt to avert regional war is failing for one main reason: its refusal to couple a plea for de-escalation with advocacy for a ceasefire in Gaza. “Seeing the wider regional conflict as something that can be managed separately from Gaza is the source of the dissonance [in the administration’s strategy],” Bazzi told Jewish Currents. “You can’t prevent the wider regional war effectively without addressing the core immediate issue, which is the Israeli assault on Gaza. It’s just wishful thinking in the Biden administration that somehow it can separate the two.”
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read-marx-and-lenin · 2 months
The young Soviet citizen is trained to compete with others in obtaining the best results. The Soviet worker, in his factory, competes with his fellow worker on the same principle. And it is the trade unions in the U.S.S.R. that are responsible, in the various productive enterprises, for the organization of this “Socialist competition,” which, during the first Five Year Plan, gave rise to the famous “shock-brigade” movement, and, in more recent times, to the movement called after the coal-miner Stakhanov. It is often said, by those who identify their interests with the survival of capitalism, that Socialism restricts initiative. But they rarely stop to ask: The initiative of whom? It is certainly a fact that in the U.S.S.R today, no person’s initiative may express itself by setting up in business on his own. Furthermore, it cannot express itself by a person running a business so successfully that other businesses in the same line are ruined as a result of this successful competition. Also, it is not possible in the U.S.S.R. to show initiative in the private employment or discharging of workers, in dictating to them on what terms they shall work, and so on. And, for the managerial staff of factories, it is not possible to show initiative in a way so common in a capitalist concern — in browbeating the wretched employees, in degrading them, and in using every method, gentle and brutal, to get more work out of them during the working day. Such forms of individual initiative are suppressed in the U.S.S.R.; but these are only very limited examples of personal prizes. In each separate factory different groups of workers competed against each other for the best results, the factory Press reported the competition, and the winners were rewarded. But this competition was very different from the competition between capitalist firms, or even between groups of workers in capitalist industry. For whereas, under capitalist conditions the winning factory is that which manages to obtain the orders and put the other out of business, and the successful worker replaces the less successful, in the U.S.S.R. no successful factory puts another out of business, and no successful group of workers causes another group to lose their job. On the contrary, when, a round of Socialist competition comes to an end, the best workers are often sent from the winning factory to help the more backward one; and, as between groups of workers, those in the best group help the others to raise their production to the same level. In this way, in the factory as in the school, Socialist competition is a means of stimulating production by introducing the spirit of the playground into the factory, and then ensuring the co-operation of winner and loser for the general benefit.
Pat Sloan, Soviet Democracy, 1937
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iwanthermidnightz · 8 months
1) Taylor Swift
No one in the music industry wielded more power over the past year than Taylor Swift, who made history at stadiums, movie theaters and on the Billboard charts, leaving even the most seasoned executives speechless. While they’d long celebrated her staggering popularity as a singer, songwriter and performer, her force as a strategic business leader suddenly came into sharper focus — and industry veterans took notes as they watched some of her bravest and most innovative business risks reap remarkable rewards.
At 34, she is one of the music industry’s most charismatic and influential leaders — and she rewrites the rules.
“The piece of advice I would give to the other executives on this list is that the best ideas are usually ones without industry precedent,” Swift tells Billboard. “The biggest crossroads moments of my career came down to sticking to my instincts when my ideas were looked at with skepticism. When someone says to me, ‘But that has never been done successfully before,’ it fires me up. We have to take strategic risks every day in this industry, but every once in a while, you have to really trust your gut and take a flying leap. My rerecordings are my favorite example of this, and I’m extremely grateful to my team and fans for taking that leap with me because it absolutely changed my life.”
Sage advice for an industry in which instinct has largely been supplanted by metrics and data analysis.
In December, Time named Swift its 2023 Person of the Year. In September, after encouraging her 279 million Instagram followers to vote and linking to vote.org, the nonpartisan nonprofit said it received over 35,000 registrations. She appears on the cover of this issue of Billboard and in the No. 1 spot of our annual Power 100 issue because her force across the business of music is now unparalleled — and because she models commitment to innovation that the rest of the business will need in order to tackle the big challenges ahead.
Swift’s gambles have paid off handsomely over the past year.
Her massive The Eras stadium tour, which began in March after she controversially put all the tickets on sale at once, crashing Ticketmaster and sparking mass hysteria, grossed an estimated $906.1 million in 2023 and is poised to become the highest-grossing global tour of all time before it wraps in December, according to Billboard.
The Golden Globe-nominated Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour film, taped during her six-show run at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, Calif., in August, has grossed over $261.6 million worldwide since its October opening, according to AMC Theatres Entertainment. In January, the publicly traded movie-house chain announced that the film’s box-office take made it the highest-grossing concert/documentary picture ever released, surpassing Michael Jackson’s 2009 This Is It. Once again blazing a new path, Swift made a groundbreaking distribution deal directly with AMC Theaters instead of linking with a film studio.
Swift has shaken up the catalog market, too. When Scooter Braun infuriated her by acquiring the master recordings of her first six albums through his Ithaca Holdings and then sold them to investment firm Shamrock Capital at a profit, Swift rerecorded the albums with loving precision and added bonus tracks to the new releases. They performed phenomenally well, as she deftly used her tour to promote them. When her latest rerecording (and 14th studio album overall), 1989 (Taylor’s Version), spent its fifth week at atop the Billboard 200 at the end of 2023, Swift beat Elvis Presley’s record for the most weeks at No. 1 by a solo artist. Her industry market share last year was 1.72%. If she were her own genre, she’d rank ninth for 2023 — bigger than jazz.
“She’s the smartest artist I’ve ever worked with,” says Messina Touring Group’s Louis Messina, who promotes Swift’s tours and has worked with her since 2005. “She outworks everybody and she has always had this vision. If you’re around her, you can’t help but believe in her.” —Melinda Newman
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Known for its extensive wealth and ruthless businessmen, Westeros is regarded as the financial capital of the world. King's Landing is the capital of the continent. The city is a bustling hub for international trade and home to multiple criminal organizations called the houses of crime. Being the head of a house was not an easy job, Rhaegar knew that better than anyone. In this line of work, meeting people and building deep relationships is difficult, so it was safe to say that he would never imagine that someone would simply stroll into his bar on a quiet night.
As the head of his house, Rhaegar possesses a remarkably shrewd and strategic mind, standing out as one of Westeros' most adept planners, always several steps ahead and exploiting his deep understanding of human psychology to manipulate situations and people to his advantage. His emotional depth adds complexity; brooding charisma contrasts with his guarded nature due to past loss and abuse. Fiercely loyal to family, and his inner circle, on them his trust is unwavering, going to great lengths to protect them. While his facade exudes mystery, occasional glimpses reveal genuine emotion, unveiling inner conflicts and moral dilemmas that shape his multidimensional character. He is a careful man which makes it quite curious when he does something seen as so careless, but that person pulled him to it.
Lyanna, a fiercely independent and determined woman, embodies unwavering resilience and adaptability, overcoming daunting challenges with resourcefulness and swift thinking. Possessing an unshakable sense of self, she stands firm against external opinions. With a deep commitment to justice and a steadfast moral compass, Lyanna deftly manoeuvres intricate situations, both physical and emotional, exuding grace and agility even in high-pressure scenarios. Her fiery spirit and loyalty drive her to challenge norms and carve her own trail, fearlessly embracing her authentic identity. A force to be reckoned with, Lyanna's resourcefulness, determination, and unwavering spirit shape her into an influential presence that inspires others to stand up for their beliefs and remain true to themselves. She hasn't had the best of lives, but always chose to be free than following what others wanted for her future. So putting that in jeopardy for a job isn't the unusual.
Arthur epitomizes wisdom, his insight penetrates beyond the surface, coupled with a strategic mindset, resourcefulness, and an innate sense of duty. His nobility and unwavering loyalty to Rhaegar Targaryen and the Dragons underscore his commitment. With qualities such as bravery, chivalry, and unwavering righteousness, he places himself in harm's way to safeguard others and their values. As Rhaegar's trusted ally, Arthur possesses not only intelligence, ambition, and political acumen, but also the skills of manipulation, negotiation, and influence. His exceptional combat prowess complements his sharp intellect, all driven by an unwavering duty and a fervent pursuit of justice, rendering him a formidable force both intellectually and physically. He has been in love with his best friend for as long as they knew each other, and he never thought he would love another, but then again life has it's ways.
Organized Crime/ Alternate Universe - Modern Setting / Alternate universe - Mafia/ Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence/ Polyamorous Character/ Polyamory/ Bisexual Character/ Pansexual Character/ Nonbinary Character/ Violence But Duh
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nicklloydnow · 3 months
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“In 1932, Adolf A. Berle Jr. and Gardner C. Means wrote a book entitled The Modern Corporation and Private Property. A critique of corporate management for being aloof and complacent, out of touch with the consumer and irresponsible to the stockholder, this volume became the bible of Marxists, left wing intellectuals and interventionist politicians. Under the banner of separation of ownership and control, the Berle-Means thesis led to an attack on the corporate structure from which today's top executives are still reeling.
With this background, one would have thought that the people urging a greater role for the public sector would have welcomed the advent of the corporate raider. For this new breed of capitalist has sent shivers down the spines of the denizens of the boardroom. Swooping down, launching "unfriendly" or "hostile" takeover bids, these corporate raiders have succeeded in replacing management from coast to coast in dozens of industries, and in frightening thousands of other out-of-touch chief executive officers into greater responsibility.
At least under the theory of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," it might have been expected that critics of the marketplace, noticeably the followers of Berle and Means, would have rallied `round the cause of the corporate raider.
In the event, however, this expectation has remained unfulfilled. Not only has the activity of the corporate raider been deprecated by the champions of government interference in the marketplace, but it has been roundly condemned by practically all pundits and commentators on public policy. In 1987, the left-leaning film director Oliver Stone distilled the common image of the corporate raider into the supposedly loathsome Gordon Gekko, brilliantly portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Michael Douglas. And this is the image of Gekko under which the corporate raider must labor in the present day.
Yet, despite this all-but-universal criticism, the unfriendly takeover bid has benefited consumers and stockholders, and served notice on complacent management across the board. In one celebrated case that unfolded shortly before Stone's film Wall Street was released, corporate guerrilla Carl Icahn put in a bid for a block of shares of Phillips Petroleum. Stung by Icahn's bid, Phillips' executives offered to improve a recapitalization plan they had been forced to put forth in response to an earlier planned takeover, this one by T. Boone Pickens. As a result, Icahn walked away with a cool $50 million, Pickens registered a profit of $89 million on a resale of his holdings to the company, all Phillips' shareholders gained from the better offer, and the oil firm itself was left far leaner and meaner than before.
Needless to say, neither Icahn nor Pickens nor any of the other masterminds of "the 1980s takeover boom," were publicly thanked for the good they had done. On the contrary: both men were not only mocked by Oliver Stone, they were also robbed of the opportunity to do any more such good by a rash of anti-takeover statutes adopted late in the decade. Henry Manne reported that hostile takeovers had "declined to four percent from fourteen percent of all mergers."
The conventional wisdom holds that this outcome is a good one for investors, but the facts show otherwise. No story of the corporate raider can ignore the role of the heroic Michael Milken. Assume there was a hotel worth $20 million as a present discounted capital value. Given an interest rate of 5%, this concern should throw off roughly $1 million to its owners. But stipulate that due to inefficiency, or general avarice, or to the fact that the CEO salary was far higher than justified, or a combination of all such phenomena, the owners were earning far less than that in dividends. And, guess what? The stock was trading at a lower value than might have prevailed, had these tape worm factors not been in operation.
Enter the "evil" Michael Milken. He swoops in, purchases enough of the stock in this corporation to kick out the old board and replace it with his own nominees. This is considered a "hostile" takeover by a corporate "raider." From whence springs the hostility? All Milken did was buy up a mess of stocks. Did he threaten any of these stock owners that they would walk the plank if they did not sell to him? No, of course not; we are talking arm's-length stock market deals here. We can logically infer that the owners of these stocks preferred the price offered them by the "raider," otherwise they would not have sold out. No, the "hostility," instead, stems from the CEO and his cronies who were mismanaging this hotel into the ground.
The Milkins of the world are akin to the canary in the mine; they are the Distant Early Warning Line for the economy.
When they get active, it is in response to something rotten that is going on. And what was the public reaction to this corporate raider? Instead of hoisting him up on their shoulders and holding ticker tape parades in his honor, he was given the back of the public's hand to his face. To wit, he was prosecuted by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider trading, violations of U.S. Securities Laws and other financial felonies. He pled guilty only after the authorities threatened to go after his ailing brother. For shame.” - Walter Block, ‘Defending the Undefendable II’ (2013) [p. 41 - 44]
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foxnangelseo · 3 months
India's FDI Policies Demystified: What You Need to Know Before Investing
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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played a pivotal role in shaping India's economic landscape, driving growth, innovation, and global integration. With its vast market potential, skilled workforce, and supportive government policies, India has emerged as a preferred destination for international investors seeking expansion opportunities. In this blog, we will demystify India's FDI policies, explore the significance of FDI to India's economy, and provide insights for foreign investors looking to capitalize on India's growth story.
Understanding FDI:
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) refers to the investment made by foreign entities, such as multinational corporations or private individuals, in domestic companies and assets of a nation. Unlike other forms of investment, FDI involves a significant level of ownership or control over the invested firm, facilitating long-term strategic partnerships and collaboration.
Significance of FDI to India's Economic Development:
FDI in India plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development across various dimensions:
1. Economic Growth: FDI injects capital into diverse industries, stimulating production, creating job opportunities, and contributing to GDP growth.
2. Technological Advancement: Foreign investors bring innovative ideas, best practices, and advanced technologies, fostering technological modernization across industries.
3. Export Promotion: Foreign companies often produce goods for export, enhancing India's export competitiveness and improving its balance of payments.
4. Infrastructure Development: FDI inflows frequently target infrastructure projects, enhancing India's transportation, telecommunications, and energy infrastructure.
5. Global Integration: FDI promotes trade and investment ties, facilitating India's integration into the global economy and enhancing its competitiveness on the international stage.
India's Appeal to FDI:
Several factors contribute to India's attractiveness as a destination for FDI:
1. Huge Market: With over 1.3 billion consumers and a growing middle class, India offers a vast market potential for foreign investors seeking growth opportunities.
2. Skilled Labor Force: India boasts a highly educated and skilled workforce, particularly in sectors such as IT, engineering, and medicine, providing a talent pool for innovation and productivity.
3. Government Initiatives: Programs like "Make in India" and "Digital India" streamline business operations and offer incentives to foreign investors, signaling the government's commitment to facilitating investment.
4. Infrastructure Growth: India is undergoing rapid industrialization and infrastructure development, offering opportunities for investment in sectors such as transportation, energy, and telecommunications.
5. Abundant Resources: India's rich natural resources present opportunities for investment in sectors like mining, agriculture, and renewable energy, catering to the growing demand for sustainable solutions.
6. Investor Protection: Bilateral investment agreements ensure the protection of foreign investors' rights, providing a secure investment environment and fostering trust and confidence among investors.
Current Scenario and Future Outlook:
India remains a popular destination for international investors, with FDI inflows expected to continue strengthening in the coming years. As India undergoes further economic reforms and policy changes, the importance of FDI in driving growth and development is likely to increase, positioning India as a top investment destination for foreign investors seeking opportunities in a vibrant and dynamic economy.
Key Considerations for Foreign Investors:
Before investing in India, foreign investors should consider the following factors:
1. Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of India's market potential, consumer demographics, and competitive landscape to identify investment opportunities aligned with your business objectives.
2. Regulatory Environment: Familiarize yourself with India's FDI policies, regulations, and legal framework governing foreign investment to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.
3. Sectoral Opportunities: Explore specific sectors such as technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and renewable energy that offer growth prospects and align with your expertise and investment strategy.
4. Partnerships and Collaborations: Seek strategic partnerships and collaborations with local stakeholders, industry associations, and government agencies to navigate the market landscape and leverage local expertise.
5. Risk Management: Assess and mitigate risks associated with currency fluctuations, political instability, regulatory changes, and market volatility to safeguard your investment portfolio and ensure long-term sustainability.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has emerged as a cornerstone of India's economic growth story, catalyzing development, innovation, and global integration. As we delve deeper into India's FDI policies and their implications for foreign investors, it becomes evident that the nation offers a compelling blend of opportunities, challenges, and potential rewards.
India's journey towards becoming a preferred destination for FDI has been marked by concerted efforts from policymakers, industry stakeholders, and investors alike. Through progressive policy reforms, initiatives such as "Make in India" and "Digital India," and a commitment to fostering a conducive business environment, India has positioned itself as an attractive investment destination on the global stage.
The significance of FDI to India's economic development cannot be overstated. FDI inflows have played a pivotal role in driving economic growth, stimulating production, creating job opportunities, and fostering technological advancement. Moreover, foreign investors have contributed to India's export promotion efforts, infrastructure development, and global integration, thereby bolstering the nation's competitiveness and resilience in the international arena.
India's appeal to foreign investors lies in its diverse market potential, abundant resources, skilled labor force, and supportive regulatory framework. With over 1.3 billion consumers and a burgeoning middle class, India offers a vast and dynamic market for businesses seeking growth opportunities. Additionally, India's highly educated workforce, particularly in sectors such as IT, engineering, and medicine, provides a talent pool for innovation and entrepreneurship.
The government's proactive stance towards attracting FDI, coupled with initiatives to streamline business operations and offer incentives to foreign investors, has bolstered investor confidence and fostered a conducive investment climate. Furthermore, bilateral investment agreements ensure the protection of foreign investors' rights, providing a secure and predictable investment environment that encourages long-term capital inflows.
Looking ahead, India's trajectory as a top investment destination for foreign investors appears promising. As the nation continues to embark on its path of economic reform and modernization, the role of FDI in driving growth and development is expected to become even more pronounced. With ongoing efforts to enhance ease of doing business, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and strengthen infrastructure and connectivity, India is poised to unlock new avenues for investment and collaboration across diverse sectors.
For foreign investors looking to capitalize on India's growth story, it is imperative to conduct thorough market analysis, familiarize themselves with India's regulatory environment, and identify sectoral opportunities aligned with their business objectives and expertise. Strategic partnerships, collaborations with local stakeholders, and robust risk management strategies are essential elements for navigating the complexities of investing in India and maximizing returns on investment.
In conclusion, India's FDI policies offer a gateway to a world of opportunities for foreign investors seeking to participate in the nation's dynamic and evolving economy. By understanding the nuances of India's regulatory framework, leveraging its market potential, and forging strategic partnerships, foreign investors can position themselves to reap the benefits of India's growth trajectory while contributing to the nation's journey towards prosperity and inclusive development. As India continues to chart its course as a global economic powerhouse, the role of FDI will remain pivotal in shaping its future trajectory and fostering sustainable growth and prosperity for all stakeholders involved.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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elsa16744 · 3 months
What is ESG Investing? What is the Best Way to Get Started? 
ESG is the next big thing in investing. It offers real-world performance factors that help investors consider how companies impact the regional community when making investment decisions. They also develop strategic thinking to work toward sustainable development goals (SDGs). This post will discuss what matters in ESG investing and to get started. 
What Is ESG Investing? 
ESG investing means investors utilize the three types of compliance metrics of corporate impact metrics to screen the target companies’ stocks or funds. Moreover, corporations seek to attract such investments through responsible and sustainable business practices. 
If investors want data on the beneficial effect of a company’s operations on the local community, they can use ESG services. They can get reports from a data-driven survey concerning the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) compliance standards. 
ESG audits enable informed investment decisions and portfolio management strategies. Investors can monitor whether a firm delivers its promised SDG metrics using such inspections. Likewise, consider the investors who invest their capital into the businesses that provide their employees with fair wages and respect. 
How to Get Started with ESG Investing? 
1| Specify Which Metrics Matter the Most to You 
Investors must identify the ESG metrics, like forest preservation or tax transparency, before selecting a stock or asset class. They must also consider how all metrics have a unique significance in several industries. For example, carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission risks will differ across data centers, agricultural businesses, and construction firms. 
If an organization wants to attract investors using sustainability performance, it can benefit from ESG consulting. Consultants understand the investors’ conceptualization of an ESG-first enterprise of investors and how companies can work towards improving their operations to fulfill them. 
2| Determine Realistic Goals 
Depending on the scope of the energy transition, adopting greener resources and production technologies can financially burden a business at the initial stage. So, investors, regulators, and entrepreneurs must use real-world data to estimate the progress rate of compliance improvement initiatives. 
An organization or exchange-traded fund (ETF) can fail to retain investors if the compliance milestones remain distant. Accordingly, administrators involved in regulatory policy changes that can impact an industry’s ESG dynamics must consider how long the corporate world will need to modify its operations. 
3| Mitigate Greenwashing Risks 
Companies might advertise their brand as “eco-friendly” or socially responsible. However, investors must watch out for the greenwashing attempts. Greenwashing refers to magnifying a company’s sustainability commitments with no on-ground implementation. 
An enterprise might declare it opposes discriminatory practices while showing inaction when an employee experiences workplace harassment. Another example can be an energy distributor not reducing its usage of coal and petroleum derivatives as fuel. 
Therefore, investors and fund managers must cross-verify the “green claims” that a target company makes during press releases or marketing campaigns. 
4| Get ESG Ratings Using Multiple Frameworks 
To test the legitimacy of a corporation’s SDG commitments, a rating mechanism based on multi-variate performance analytics can help in ESG investing. Today, many sustainability accounting frameworks exist. For example, the global reporting initiative (GRI) allows sectorial modules. 
Each GRI criterion addresses a family of interdependent services and products. So, an agricultural business will use a separate GRI standard, differing from the modules used in technology, finance, and manufacturing firms. 
How can investors get started with ESG score comparisons? Some online databases offer preliminary insights into how different brands and ETFs compete in this space. However, more extensive data becomes available through paid platforms or experienced consultants.  
ESG criteria will empower investors to evaluate the ecological or social risks associated with how an enterprise handles its operations. Fund managers and similar financial institutions can gain a more objective outlook on stock screening using industry-relevant assistance. 
Furthermore, combating the greenwashing risks will be challenging if you are a sustainability investor, but extensive analytical models will come to your rescue. Finally, investors must refer to multiple sustainability accounting frameworks or databases to check a firm’s compliance ratings. This approach is how you get started with ESG investing. 
Nevertheless, manual inspection is time-consuming, and ESG ratings keep changing due to mergers and new projects. So, collaborating with data partners capable of automating compliance tracking, controversy analytics, and carbon credit assessments is vital. 
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mariacallous · 7 months
From Spanish conquistadors to British colonialists, the prevailing story of European empire-building has focused on the rival ambitions of competing states. But as Outsourcing Empire shows, from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries, company-states—not sovereign states—drove European expansion, building the world’s first genuinely international system. Company-states were hybrid ventures: pioneering multinational trading firms run for profit, with founding charters that granted them sovereign powers of war, peace, and rule. Those like the English and Dutch East India Companies carved out corporate empires in Asia, while other company-states pushed forward European expansion through North America, Africa, and the South Pacific. In this comparative exploration, Andrew Phillips and J. C. Sharman explain the rise and fall of company-states, why some succeeded while others failed, and their role as vanguards of capitalism and imperialism.
In dealing with alien civilizations to the East and West, Europeans relied primarily on company-states to mediate geographic and cultural distances in trade and diplomacy. Emerging as improvised solutions to bridge the gap between European rulers’ expansive geopolitical ambitions and their scarce means, company-states succeeded best where they could balance the twin imperatives of power and profit. Yet as European states strengthened from the late eighteenth century onward, and a sense of separate public and private spheres grew, the company-states lost their usefulness and legitimacy.
Bringing a fresh understanding to the ways cross-cultural relations were handled across the oceans, Outsourcing Empire examines the significance of company-states as key progenitors of the globalized world.
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war-of-heirs · 2 years
The Great House of Vengar
House Vengar is a noble house that has held the Vengar Mountains for generations, acting as the first line of defense against the neighboring Sultanate of Nilea. The house is known for its fierce warriors and skilled tacticians, who have been able to repel countless invasions and protect the southern borders of the empire.
Their motto, "We are the Shield, as well as swords," reflects their duty to protect their people and their land.
Their sigil is a red sun on an orange shield.
The capital of the Archduchy, Saltport, is located on the east coast, serving as a strategic location for trade and defense. The city has a large port and is known for its bustling markets and skilled shipbuilders. The Vengars have used their strategic location to their advantage, establishing strong trade relationships with other kingdoms across the sea and utilizing their ports to export their abundant natural resources.
The Vengar mountains are known to have rich salt mines that the house has been mining for generations. They have built a strong network of salt traders who transport the salt to various regions in the empire.
House Vengar takes great pride in their control over the salt trade, as it brings them significant wealth and power. The house has even established their own salt caravan, which is heavily guarded and travels across the kingdom to deliver their salt to various markets. The Vengar salt is known for its purity and high quality, which has made it highly sought after by wealthy merchants and nobles. The house takes great care in maintaining the quality of their salt and enforcing their control over the trade, as it is a crucial part of their economy and power.
Archduchess Vengar is a formidable woman, known for her intelligence, cunning, and unwavering determination to protect her people and her lands. She inherited the lordship from her father, who had no male heirs and has ruled with an iron fist ever since.
As the first female ruler of House Vengar, Lady Vengar has faced many challenges and obstacles, but she has proven herself time and time again as a capable leader and strategist. She is deeply committed to the defense of the southern border against the Sultanate of Nilea and has taken steps to strengthen the fortifications and defenses of her lands.
Lady Vengar is also known for her shrewdness in trade and commerce. She has established lucrative trade deals with neighboring regions, particularly for the minerals and precious metals that are abundant in the Vengar Mountains.
Despite her fierce reputation, Lady Vengar is also a devoted mother and wife. She has two daughters and a son, all of whom she is grooming to be strong and capable leaders in their own right. Her husband, Lord Vengar, is a respected warrior and commander, and the two have a strong and loving partnership.
Lady Vengar's decision to abolish the male inheritance system in her house was a bold move that set her apart from the other noble houses in the empire. She recognized the potential of her older daughter and saw no reason why her gender should prevent her from inheriting the title and responsibility of the head of the house. This decision was met with some resistance from traditionalists in the house and in the wider society, but Lady Vengar stood firm in her belief that talent and capability should be the determining factors in succession, rather than gender.
Archduchess Vengar's eldest daughter has since been named as the crown heir of the house, and she is being trained to take on the responsibilities that come with being the head of one of the most powerful noble houses in the empire. Lady Vengar is determined to give her daughter every opportunity to succeed and has ensured that she is receiving the best possible education and training in diplomacy, politics, and military strategy.
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tuesday again 1/24/2023
new england winter: very cute and picturesque until you actually have to live here
psycada by abstract, the opening track off the album hiking lung. a brief instrumental that sounds like a hazy-cicada-shimmer summer. it is a blisteringly hot day where you don't really have to do anything but even though you're out on the porch swing under the deck with a freezy pop it's not doing much. the vocals remind me very much of The Dandy Warhols once the rest of the album slides into more of a garage/psych rock vibe. a sort of understated fuzzy im-lying-down-right-now quality. i think these vocals would be background instead of lead in a more energetic track.
the album has several good tracks for the "datacore" playlist, which is full of mellow medium-paced instrumentals bc if i am alone with my thoughts while i clean addresses i will die
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i have Bullet Train on hold at the library but tbqh this section is probably going to be me gloating over various crypto crashes for the forseeable future. Molly White of web3isgoinggreat.com reports on the Three Arrows Capital guys setting up a new venture to (checks notes):
Not only that [both partners currently on the run from their creditors], but the exchange plans to focus on claims trading — that is, the trading of claims held by creditors against debtors who are undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, like FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, or Mt. Gox (throwback!). The fact that 3AC was a major catalyst in kicking off the string of bankruptcies we saw throughout 2022 was not lost on observers, with Nic Carter of the Castle Island venture capital firm commenting that the endeavor "is akin to arsonists returning to the scene of the crime and offering to charge their victims for buckets of water".
mwah. very much glass houses since castle island is also on the verge of going under due to its almost total focus on blockchain infrastructure but GOD. what a sentence.
unpaywalled bloomberg article on the wayback machine here.
this is some of the dumbest fucking bullshit ive ever read and im so fucking happy i no longer have to care about this at a professional level.
Bullet Train (2022, dir. Leitch) asks "what if you put a whole bunch of assassins all on the same high-speed train?"
this is the glass onion of action movies. now i do like a perfect little puzzlebox of a movie made by people who really love movies, but this flavor of film is so fuckin smug about itself. this movie wants you to know it took AP Lit. this movie is a long variation of the whedon effect/"well THAT happened!” effect, where characters react to payoffs with the barest and briefest of setups an hour before in the movie. 
the thing that made me have a good time is this movie was directed by the guy who directed Atomic Blonde, one of my top ten movies and one of the best action movies of the last decade. LOVE an ensemble of goons all introduced with their own setup/backstory scenes. this film is seventy percent tightly choreographed fights with improvised weapons in tight spaces.
i am a simple woman. i like a bloody, disheveled man.
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alternating very fun and very unpleasant times with my big strong boy in wolfenstein: the new order. now, i am a little bit like "wow, you find the nazi prison camp level unpleasant? how shocking!" at myself. i was not really paying attention to the global rise of fascism in 2014 when this game came out bc i was busy dropping out of college and having a mental breakdown, but the nazis in shooters i have played or watched since 2014, especially call of duty: wwii, seem defanged compared to wolfenstein.
i will probably have more and more coherent things to say once i play more of this game, bc i am just about to bust out of prison at about ~9.5 hours of playtime. apparently this is the halfway point? after the first enigma code i looked up what the other ones do, decided i don't care about other game modes, and have not been trying especially hard to be a completionist about each level/unlock all the perks by doing different kills. i am talking to everyone and looking at everything and reading all the posters, and it is interesting how such a fast-paced shooter is adapting so well to me walking around and taking my sweet fucking time at whatever difficulty level is one below the recommended difficulty level.
a note on the plot-bearing moldy concrete. like yeah mold will grow on most things, including concrete, and yeah i guess the moldy concrete will kill you slower than the nazis will, but even though i love how lived in and cozy the kreisau circle hideout feels, it gives me the heebie jeebies. mold is quite bad for you. please prioritize another railing over another couch. also what the fuck math is tekla doing here??? i could not get a clearer shot even on max settings sorry
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GOD i loved the london nautilus moon exhibit. yes i WOULD like to dual wield shotguns shooting nazis while running up and around a giant moon model. level perfectly tailored for me. HOWEVER! i would rather be shot in the head quickly and cleanly instead of trying to maneuver an EXPERIMENTAL HELICOPTER through a bunch of tunnels in creepy and wet conditions. being shot in the head would, again, be a much much cleaner and quicker death than any potential helicopter crash over the water. i hate planes to begin with but holy fuck helicopters no FUCKING thanks (ign screenshot)
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for such a power fantasy of a game there sure are a hell of a lot of stealth sections. no stealth game is ever going to hold up to dishonored but boy did i really want these sections to feel more like dishonored.
fussing around with a f/allout: new vegas courier six/veronica/christine riff on classic noir film The Big Sleep for femslash feb. it's fun to write six even bitchier than usual
“Did you want to be the detective or the lady?” Six asked.
“Both of them were pretty cold fish.” It was very stupid to wait when she could have this immediately. Veronica flipped the covers back on her way over. 
“Harsh words to throw at a woman, especially when she’s already in your bedroom.” Christine clutched at Six’s silk pajama lapels as she was tipped back up. Six’s other hand dropped to play with her dressing gown tie. 
“Now, baby, a fish is–” They were never ever going to let Six live that one down. 
“You know,” Six said with as much dignity as anyone groping her wife’s ass could have, “being shot in the head — twice! took all the memories of fish from my previous aquatic life as a Shi Town mermaid.”
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yvonhduffet · 9 months
Understanding the Working Model of Forex Prop Trading Firms
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Most of the passionate people in trading know prop businesses but may need to learn exactly what they do. Property trading firms, or prop firms for short, are niche businesses that invite experienced traders to use their trading abilities on behalf of the company. Prop trading is distinguished from traditional trading by this special structure, which gives traders several benefits and chances in the financial sector.
Essentially, a prop trading company is a financial marketplace that provides funds to knowledgeable traders to trade stocks, commodities, and currencies, among other financial instruments. Through this extract, we intend to clear up the mystery surrounding prop trading and offer a thorough grasp of how it operates within the dynamic context of financial markets.
Business Model of Forex Prop Trading Firms 
Capital Allocation and Proprietary Trading Desk: 
Forex Prop Trading Companies differentiate themselves from one another based on the capital they offer their dealers. Capital allocation, which allows traders to profit from huge amounts of money above their own capital, is the cornerstone of their business plan. The best forex prop trading firms thoroughly assess risk before disbursing cash to traders.
These assessments consider the trader's approach, prior performance, and additional variables. Based on this evaluation, the company determines how much cash to provide each trader, ensuring that the strategy remains balanced and risk-controlled. Prop trading firms use the profit-sharing model in return for the provided funds. Traders do this by contributing a percentage of their profits to the business.
Trading Strategies and Risk Management: 
Exclusive Trading in Forex Businesses uses a wide variety of trading techniques to take advantage of the existing market opportunities and turn it into a profit. Some of the most important trading tactics and risk management techniques these organizations use are statistical arbitrage, high-frequency trading, algorithmic trading, and quantitative strategies. Using sophisticated algorithms and fast data feeds, high-frequency trading allows for the execution of several deals in a matter of milliseconds. Using predefined algorithms to carry out trading strategies is known as algorithmic trading.
These algorithms can examine market data, spot trends, and automatically execute trades by preset parameters. Statistical analysis and mathematical frameworks are used to find trading opportunities in the quantitative trading process. Finding and taking advantage of arithmetic correlations between various financial instruments is the process of statistical arbitrage. By employing this tactic, traders hope to profit from transient disparities in price or mispricing among connected assets. You can control your earnings and losses more with a very successful risk management strategy.
Technology and Tools: 
The capacity of Forex Prop Trading Organizations to utilize advanced technologies and apply skillful instruments to maneuver through the intricacies of the financial markets is critical to their success. Discover in this article how these companies' operations rely heavily on technology such as data analytics, trading algorithms, direct market access (DMA), etc. Large volumes of market data are processed in real-time by these companies using sophisticated analytics techniques.
Traders can obtain important insights that guide their trading methods by looking at past data and detecting patterns. Prop businesses use several trading tactics, one of which is algorithmic trading. These systems automate the execution of trades based on predefined conditions using intricate algorithms. A "direct market access" technique enables traders to communicate with financial markets directly and eliminates the need for middlemen. Forex Prop Trading Firms use DMA to provide quick and effective order execution by executing transactions with the least delay.
Regulatory Framework: 
Similar to other financial operations, prop trading is subject to several laws and rules that are designed to maintain market stability, equitable treatment, and transparency. Prop trading rules differ from nation to nation, but they are always intended to balance encouraging financial innovation with discouraging actions that would endanger the system. For instance, the US Dodd-Frank Act has placed several limitations on prop trading, especially for commercial banks. The purpose of these restrictions is to restrict trading activity that carries a high risk of destabilizing the financial system.
The minimum capital requirements for forex prop trading firms are frequently outlined in regulations. Regulators seek to improve the overall stability of the financial system and lower the danger of insolvency by setting minimum capital limits. Regulations also require prop trading companies to use effective risk management techniques, such as defining profit goals and using complex techniques like volatility/merger arbitrage to reduce risk. The execution of trading methods by forex proprietary trading firms is mostly dependent on prop traders. It is essential for a prop trader to be be clear about the legal and regulatory landscape in which they operate.
Success Factors and Challenges 
The best Forex prop firms rely on a number of variables to be successful, including personnel management, technology, technological adaptation, good risk management, and strategic alliances. Prop businesses must address the difficulties of market saturation, liquidity constraints, technology risks, market volatility, talent retention, and regulatory compliance to succeed in the competitive and constantly changing world of forex trading.
The reason being that forex markets are dynamic, there is a chance that prices would observe fluctuations quickly and unexpectedly. In order to overcome increased volatility, best prop firms for forex need to have strong risk management methods. Businesses that rely heavily on technology run the risk of experiencing cybersecurity attacks and system malfunctions. Strong cybersecurity safeguards, regular monitoring, and upgrades are necessary to mitigate these dangers.
Navigating the intricacies of financial markets requires a thorough understanding of the Forex Proprietary Trading Firms operating model. It involves more than just making profitable trades; it also involves understanding the bigger picture, including subtle regulatory differences, new technological developments, and risk management techniques.
Prop traders need to be aware of the legal and regulatory landscape, the value of utilizing technology, and the crucial role they play in the success of their companies, regardless of their level of experience. The robustness and success of the larger financial ecosystem are strengthened by ongoing education and interaction with the complex components of Forex Proprietary Trading Firms.
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quadrikaytopforex · 11 months
Unveiling the Power of TFT: A Proprietary Funding Account Program
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets, opportunities arise for individuals looking to dive into the world of trading. Today, we're going to shed light on TFT, a unique funding account prop program, and explore its many facets. If you're curious about how TFT can help you embark on your trading journey, read on to discover its benefits, rewards, and the true potential it holds.
**Benefits of TFT**TFT, short for Trading Funding Trader, is not just another run-of-the-mill trading program. It stands out for several reasons:
1. **Capital Access:** TFT provides traders with access to substantial trading capital, allowing them to scale up their trading activities. This capital is made available by the prop firm backing TFT.
2. **Profit Sharing:** One of the standout features of TFT is its profit-sharing model. As you generate profits through your trades, you and the prop firm share in the gains. This alignment of interests encourages you to perform at your best.
3. **Risk Management:** TFT comes with built-in risk management features. These are designed to protect both the trader and the prop firm, ensuring a balance between risk and reward.
4. **Educational Resources:** Successful trading requires continuous learning. TFT offers a wealth of educational resources, including webinars, courses, and coaching, to help traders hone their skills.
**Rewards and Incentives**TFT doesn't just stop at providing funding and education; it also offers enticing rewards for its top performers. Here are a few examples:
1. **Trader Bonuses:** High-performing traders can earn bonuses based on their trading achievements, further enhancing their profitability.
2. **Profit Milestones:** As you hit specific profit milestones, you can unlock higher levels of funding and even more substantial profit splits.
3. **Career Growth:** TFT opens the doors to a fulfilling career in trading. With consistent performance, traders can rise through the ranks and manage larger capital accounts.
**The True Potential of TFT**The true potential of TFT lies in its ability to turn aspiring traders into successful professionals. With the right strategy, discipline, and support, TFT traders have the opportunity to achieve financial independence and take their trading careers to new heights.
**What Makes Our Prop Firm Unique?**TFT's proprietary firm differentiates itself through its commitment to trader success. Here's what sets us apart:
1. **Customized Plans:** We understand that every trader is unique. Our program is tailored to suit your trading style and goals.
2. **Advanced Technology:** TFT provides access to cutting-edge trading tools and platforms to give traders a competitive edge.
3. **Constant Support:** Our team is always available to assist and guide you. You're never alone on your trading journey.**Join Our Community
**To get started with TFT and explore the incredible world of trading, join our various social channels. Connect with fellow traders, stay updated on market trends, and access exclusive content:-
**Twitter:** https://twitter.com/thefundedtrader- **YouTube Channel:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MJ6WPQVs1E
In conclusion, TFT is more than just a funding account prop program; it's a gateway to financial freedom for those willing to put in the effort and dedication. With its benefits, rewards, and exceptional features, TFT has the potential to transform your trading aspirations into a thriving career. So, why wait? Join TFT today and start your journey towards financial success.
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So that's where we're at, huh?
Disney recently did an earnings call, where these surprise sequels are usually first announced. That's where, in 2014, we first heard of TOY STORY 4, CARS 3, and INCREDIBLES 2 all happening at Pixar... And in 2015, when they announced that FROZEN II was a thing happening at Walt Disney Animation Studios... Not-sequel animated features, they save for elsewhere: D23, announcements in the trades, etc.
Time for some unorganized thoughts!
Well, that's a real bomb drop right there...
Even though TOY STORY 4, at least to those who liked the film like I did, was arguably a firm conclusion to the story... Maybe it's a firm conclusion to Woody's story, much like how TOY STORY 3 was to the toys' lives in Andy's room... Maybe TOY STORY 5, following Buzz Lightyear and the Bonnie's room gang, will be about the end of *their* story? It feels kind of wrong to me... Especially since Don Rickles has not been with us since 2017. Mr. Potato Head's few lines in TOY STORY 4 were a pieced-together zombie performance from lines recorded for the first three movies... Either that, or they just follow Woody and Bo Peep as vagabond lost toys... Also, Estelle Harris, the voice of Mrs. Potato Head, is not with us. But, like... Honestly, how much longer can you stretch this? I would've preferred if LIGHTYEAR had done well and had gotten a small series of spacebound adventure movies. To me, that was the best way to continue this franchise without having to make another TOY STORY movie proper... But you can't have everything I suppose, haha. I'm surprised this is their next big sequel announcement, and not something like... Say... LUCA 2 or whatever. (Hey, it is a possibility.) Heck, at this point, A BUG'S LIFE 2 wouldn't be too farfetched. Pixar made sequels to movies where some of the cast had passed away (CARS with Paul Newman and George Carlin, TOY STORY 3 happened after Jim Varney's passing), so... they could possibly make that movie if they wanted to.
These announcements are usually vague anyways, so who knows... Maybe it's just 90 minutes of Ducky & Bunny. That would be funny. Key and Peele spearheading a wacky TOY STORY spin-off where they just kabitz and goof around, I mean... What else could they possibly spin off? They won't be doing a WOODY'S ROUNDUP-style Western, for sure. LIGHTYEAR lost money and proved to be divisive. So much to think about, so much to ask... Who is even directing/writing? Lee Unkrich retired, Pete Docter is CCO of Pixar and is likely too busy to direct this (he was already working on SOUL before he was named CCO, and that's likely the last film he'll direct), Josh Cooley isn't at Pixar either. Andrew Stanton is off trying to get live-action movies off the ground, but I assume he'll at least contribute to the story/script, ditto Docter... It's all so weird.
Capitalism, ya know? If characters are beloved and your latest sequel makes over a billion at the worldwide box office, you bet 'yer behind it's getting another installment. The wheels keep turning. STAR WARS went on without George Lucas, etc. Maybe a reinvention is in order? Whose to say we can't follow *other* toys that are alive in this setting? I haven't seen LOST OLLIE yet, but it shows there are other ways to tell the "toys come to life" kind of story in a post-TOY STORY age. TOY STORY 5 doesn't have to be about Woody or Buzz or anyone we've met in the series on screen over the past 28 years. What about the humans themselves? What's Andy up to as a college student? Where did Al McWhiggin pursue after he got his comeuppance at the end of TOY STORY 2? (There was a sketch made during the making of TOY STORY 3 indicating that the toys at one point would've visited Al's Toy Barn, now known as Hal's Toy Barn. Under new management.)
TOY STORY 5 would mark the second-ever American animated movie series to reach five mainline *theatrical* movies, not counting spin-offs. (DESPICABLE ME is at five, soon to be six. SHREK is at six because of the two PUSS IN BOOTS movies.) The first ever was ICE AGE, whose fifth installment, COLLISION COURSE, came out and made enough money in 2016. I think Disney, since they shuttered Blue Sky, will just keep that franchise going as a Disney+ thing. After all, that BUCK WILD movie exists. Back to the fifth mainline movies... SHREK will be next, whenever SHREK PLEADS THE FIFTH bows...
On the Walt Disney Animation Studios front, FROZEN III was always a given. What it could be about, I don't know. Anna and Elsa, similarly, went their separate ways at the end of the sequel... Though travel is a thing, so... Again, I don't know what to add. I quite enjoyed FROZEN II and felt it was an improvement over the original, so yeah... FROZEN III, do whatever. Makes coin, helps fund original movies, it's all good and... Ahem, cool. When does it come out, anyways? Next year after WISH? FROZEN II will turn five that season. WDAS is doing one a year every Thanksgiving from here on out, so it could be one of the 2025 or 2026 releases, too. One of those "Untitled Disney" placeholders for live-action/CGI tech demo movies could go to a WDAS as well, if they want to get a sequel and an original out in a calendar year.
ZOOTOPIA 2 was a given as well, even if it has been a while since the original bowed in the late winter of 2016. I love the detailed and carefully-crafted world that Byron Howard, Rich Moore and the film crew created. ZOOTOPIA was an on-the-move 48 hours adventure, so we didn't get to see all of that big metropolis. ZOOTOPIA+, the Disney+ midquel series, showed us a little bit more, which was nice... But now a whole other movie? NOICE! I wonder if it'll work in elements from scrapped earlier versions of the movie... When it was known as SAVAGE SEAS/SAVAGE CITY, and was more of a James Bond-inspired movie. I think that's the logical next step, honestly, for Nick and Judy. From cops to spies. Especially in a day and age of us being more informed and aware of what the real-life police have done. That 1st movie is in some hot water now. Without getting too political, I'll leave this at "I'm curious to see what they'll do"...
That could also be a 2025/2026 release... Some 9-10 years after the first movie came out. Who directs? Does Byron Howard return, now that ENCANTO is done and out of the way? Co-director Jared Bush confirmed on twitter that he's still involved. Was it given to someone else?
For anyone not in the know on how animation works, the question would be "why'd they wait 10 years to make ZOOTOPIA 2?"... Animation takes a long time, originals and these sequels have to co-exist, but time is time... and maybe WDAS should consider upping that recently-opened Vancouver studio (who are currently at work on the MOANA Disney+ series) to feature-making status? Much like how the Orlando unit in the '90s and early '00s started doing whole features with MULAN and went on to make LILO & STITCH and BROTHER BEAR before their unfortunate shutdown? Again, Disney locked a bunch of placeholder dates for different movies... Whose to say WDAS can't up the load and release two movies in, say, 2025 or 2026? Why not two in the year Pixar does only one new movie?
So yes, this is all so very, very wild... In addition to the company marking WDAS and Pixar releases dates from 2024-2026 weeks ago, we now know that... TOY STORY 5, FROZEN III, and ZOOTOPIA 2 are all happening. I have *several* questions about TOY STORY 5, I look forward to seeing what Anna and Elsa are up to next time around, and I'm totally game for ZOO2PIA...
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.123 - Calling Your Bluff
Previous Chapter - Masterlist 1; Masterlist 2 - Next Chapter
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Kiera succeeds in making another jab at Jenkins; Jenkins then tries to compose a plan of his own.
“I only see one legitimate bank on this proposal sheet.” Kiera said, looking at the PDF files she had downloaded onto her laptop while bouncing Evie on her right knee as Natalie sat the glass of iced coffee she had made for them next to her before taking the seat close by.”
“Chase and Mountain Trust won’t go near him,” Natalie snickered, removing her jacket and splaying it across the back of her chair. “He had a bankruptcy in ’05.”
“What a fuckin’ hack,” She scoffed lowly, mentally scolding herself for breaking her own ‘no cursing’ rule. “Who’s Truist Capital?”
“AC firm out of Las Vegas.”
“Ah huh, so that’s how he does it. Dumb money out in Las Vegas, which is an endless supply.”
“Evidently not,” Natalie shook her head. “Look at his credit on the next file.”
“He has two mortagesag on his house?” Kiera arched her brow. “Natalie, this guy has leveraged everything. Every penny is tied up into this development. Moving the river really hurt him.”
“Look at file four.”
“He’s trading on the OTCC? I am not that lucky,” She hummed mischievously. “It’s at three dollars a share. I’m going to be on his board by Friday.”
“Aren’t you glad I brought the work to you?” Natalie chuckled.
“Ecstatic,” Kiera scoffed. “Now I just need to worry about this,” She continued, passing the file she had received from the courthouse towards Natalie. “He’s trying to file a lawsuit against me for moving my own river.”
“I’ll see what I can do about this.” She nodded, glancing over the papers.
“In the meantime, we should get down to the office. I have some things I need to pick up in town anyway,” Kiera explained, standing to her feet. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go change her diaper.”
“I’ll be right here,” She smiled, nearly jumping out of her skin when she felt her phone vibrating against her thigh. “I’m going to step outside real fast. I’m getting a call.”
“Mountain man,” She giggled, answering the phone once she stepped outside onto the porch. “Missing the desert yet?”
“I need your help.”
“Must’ve stirred up quite the fight.”
“When can you be here?”
“I’m working right now—”
“About what we discussed yesterday?”
“Yes. We’ll be in the office later.”
“Find a way to get out of her reach for a while. I have a meeting at four o’clock and need you sitting in on it.”
“Send Harmon to fill in—”
“No, I’ll send Harmon to take over your spot with her. I need you here. Big things need to be discussed and I’m not going to have that man filling in for you. I’m paying for the best of the best and he’s nowhere near on my radar.”
“I understand, so this is a “holy shit, drop everything” request?” She giggled.
“I’m talking the Armageddon rate.”
“Okay, well we’re going to run into town. Have Harmon waiting on me at the office. She’ll believe it.”
“She will, because I’ve been paying him to tend to her hand and foot when she’s there,” He replied sternly. “This is all going to plan. When you can, get me copies of the papers that were served on her. I need every ounce of information I can get.”
“I’ll gladly help you with that. I’m at her house now – need anything while I’m here?”
“Everything I can find.”
“Well, what I can tell you is that her husband served in the British S.A.S, two kids of their own, one adopted—”
“S.A.S? Military?”
“Certified badass if you need it simplified,” She breathed. “I can make him a target of my own if you know what I mean?”
“I can see a cheating scandal in his future,” He chuckled. “It’ll weaken her. That’s what I want. The ranch is in both their names. Weaken them and it’ll make this easier—”
“I have to go. I’ll fill you in later, okay?”
“See you soon.”
“Likewise, Phil.”
What Natalie didn’t know, Kiera had heard the entire conversation from the other side of the door, taking this as not only the perfect opportunity to derail the thundering train, but turn the tables on Jenkins himself by ruining his plan to weaken her family to its roots. With quiet steps, she made her way back towards the nursery to make it look like she had just finished up changing the infant who was growing closer to the toddler stage every day. “We ready to hit the road?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Natalie nodded, her poker face beaming boldly, completely unaware that Kiera saw through her as if she were glass. “We’ll take my car.”
“Aren't company cars just great?” Kiera smiled. I fucking can’t wait to take you and your boss down.
After the quick errand was over, Kiera and Natalie made it to the office in town where she could continue composing a plan with additional resources she would need. Knowing the information she overheard, she had another idea up her sleeve to hit to grab the bull by the horns. “Kiera?” Natalie chimed from Kiera’s office door.
“Come in,” She nodded. “Any luck?”
“Not yet, but I’m working on it,” Natalie replied with yet another fake smile that Kiera could see through. “My chief executive is hosting a meeting at four o’clock.”
“I didn’t have a meeting scheduled for today at four?” She scoffed, purposely sounding unaware of the situation.
“Not your chief executive, Mrs. Riley,” She giggled. “Mine.”
“Hm, didn’t think assistants had a chief executive…” Kiera replied with an arch of her brow. I’m so good at calling your bluff, please keep feeding me bullshit.
She watched as Natalie gulped out of nervousness, “I-I lied, I’m sorry. My dad is in town and wanted to have dinner—”
“You know how important honesty is to me, Natalie,” She arched her brow. “But I understand. You can go ahead and go.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll have Simon come and pick me up after I’m done working—”
“I have Harmon on standby just in case you need to get somewhere during your shift.”
“Actually, that’ll be perfect,” She smiled. “I might need him. Keep him closeby.”
“Will do,” Natalie nodded. “Thank you. I’ll let you know what I find out.”
“I’m sure you will.”
Kiera watched with a grin before leaning back in her chair to look over at Evie who was in the highchair Kiera had delivered to the office, smiling at her daughter before saying, “Today is going to be so much fun, sweetheart.”
The baby looked at her with her mouth agape, a steady strand of drool leaving the crook of her bottom lip before babbling.
“Ma-Ma,” Kiera encouraged, seeing that Evie was trying to enhance her communication with her mother. “There you go. Say Ma-Ma!”
Kiera gasped with excitement before removing her phone from her purse, aiming the camera towards Evie before repeating the same encouragement, “Evie, say Ma-Ma again! Your daddy is going to hear your first word with me!” She encouraged, seeing a black screen on the top right corner of hers, seeing that Simon was still showing his hate for FaceTime. “Simon, look at me.” She giggled.
“You know I hate FaceTime,” He breathed a chuckle. “I can still see you, though.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll just send you a video of your daughter saying her first word instead of hearing it as it happens—”
“No fucking way!” He replied, instantly adjusting the camera on his desk so that Kiera could see him. “She didn’t just say her first word, did she?”
“See for yourself,” She replied, aiming the camera to where Simon could only see Evie’s adorable and chubby face. “Sweetheart, say exactly what you just said to mommy. Ma-Ma.”
Evie’s eyes widened at the sound of her father’s voice, “Mm-dhgth—”
“There you go, sweetheart!” Kiera encouraged. “Say Ma-Ma!”
“She’s just babbling, love.” Simon teased, delusional at the fact that he knew Evie was about to say Ma-Ma instead of Da-Da like he wished.
“Did you not clean out your ears?” She teased. “Delusional, babe.”
Kiera looked at the screen after hearing Simon’s chair squeak from readjusting himself, propping his forearm on his desk as he peered closer, carefully watching his daughter’s lips form into shapes as she was trying to speak, his gaze sharp as he was determined to hear her first words being Da-Da. Go on, say it, little lass! He encouraged mentally.
“What was that?” Kiera continued to encourage to her daughter.
Kiera nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Simon’s laugh from the other side of the phone. “I wish I would’ve put money on what word she’d say first!”
“She didn’t say it.” Kiera shook her head.
“I heard it as clear as day, love. Now who’s being delusional?” He poked.
Evie smiled when she continuously heard Simon’s voice, “Da…d-da.”
Simon was so excited, having quickly figuring out how to screen record before Evie said it again, ensuring he backed up his phone to reassure himself that the video would stay in his storage forever. “That made my day!”
He smirked when he saw the look of disappointment on his wife’s face, “I swear she almost said Ma-Ma first.”
“Uh huh, don’t be jealous that our daughter’s first word was addressing me.”
“I’m not.”
“You must think I don’t know my own wife, love. You’re pouting. Need me to come and get her so you can pout in peace?” He teased.
“No, mom is going to come and have lunch with me and she’s been begging me to let her take Evie to her weekly brunch with Suzanne.”
“You mean weekly gossip session?” Simon arched his brow.
“Pretty much. How’s Jacob?”
“The lad is scaring me. He’s been quiet all morning then suddenly had a temper tantrum before I went to lunch. I get him calmed down and offered him a bottle and he took to it like he hadn’t had one since the day he was born.” He chuckled.
“He’ll grow out of that.”
“I hope so. I think he had a bad dream or something. It was just that sudden – he woke up out of a dead sleep and started crying.”
“Sounds like it.”
Their conversation was soon interrupted by the sound of Simon’s radio going off, “Lieutenant Riley?” His Chief announced.
“I need you in the briefing room.”
“Yes, sir.”
“It’s just a meeting, don’t worry.” His Chief snickered, sensing the tone of dread in Simon’s voice.
“Love, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?”
“Okay, babe.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Harmon? Bring the car around, please.” Kiera hummed with a warm smile from the table she and her mother shared at the café.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You have a driver now?” Eva arched her brow, resting her cheek lovingly against the top of Evie’s head.
“It’s quite nice. Not having to use my behemoth of a vehicle to get around is easy to get used to. Not using my own money for gas and just snapping my fingers and telling them a location to take me to.”
“Ultimate princess treatment, sweetheart.” She giggled.
“Far from that, momma. I’ve got some big plans and this is just helping me along with the process.”
“I know that look. I’d prefer to not know.”
“That’s a good choice, momma.”
Eva smiled as she shook her head, “Your father definitely raised you to get your hands dirty.”
“That he did. It’s how I’m going to protect our ranch.”
“I don’t doubt it, sweetheart. Although we don’t have a worry about anything, right?”
Kiera forced an assuring smile, “Right. My job is to make sure.”
“I trust you’ll make the right decision. You always do.”
“I will. Well, I better get back to work. I’m aiming to be home before dusk.”
“Please do. I’m making dinner tonight and I’d love for you and Simon to join me. The house is getting to be too big for just little old me.” She encouraged, pulling Kiera in for a warm hug before kissing her cheek.
“I’ll see you at dinner, momma.”
“I love you, sweetheart. I’ll be sure to spoil the heck out of her for you.” She giggled, referring to her granddaughter.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.”
When Kiera watched her mother leave with Evie, she stood on the sidewalk for a few moments before seeing a familiar face: Phillip Jenkins’ wife. “Mrs. Riley, I’m ready.” Harmon announced, twining his fingers nervously in front of him.
“Just a second,” She replied, holding up her index finger. “Hey, stranger!”
The woman gasped, “Kiera! So nice to see you!”
“Nice to see you, too! I love your outfit!”
“Oh, thanks! You were the inspiration!”
Kiera scoffed, “That’s a first.”
“Who’s this striping young man?” She grinned at Harmon, sensing his nervousness to the new conversation.
“My secondary assistant, but I’m willing to rent him out.” She answered, knowing damn well Harmon didn’t sign up for this. Instead, he worked for Jenkins directly as his own personal spy in hopes to tear Kiera and her family down in order for him to take her ranch.
“Well, if that’s the case, let me buy you a drink?”
“I’m not drinking unless I’m looking for trouble, but Harmon here is,” She snickered, playfully – and roughly – grasping his elbow and shaking. “Twenty-nine and has never drank in public. Pretty sure he’s still a virgin.”
“I can definitely solve that problem,” She smiled. “I gotta have a few drinks first.”
“You’ll get plenty of ‘em! I’ll be your designated driver.”
“Great! Let’s get this party started.” She smiled, willingly reaching towards Harmon’s arm and forcing him to walk alongside her, leaving Kiera to walk behind them. Too fucking easy.
Later that evening, the clock was pushing five o’clock by the time she checked her watch, hearing the jazz music’s tone intensify, she knew her plan was working by her terms.
And she couldn’t wait for Phillip to take the bait. Actually worked out better than I expected, she mused.
She originally was planning to get Phillip’s wife drunk enough to tell her what all she knew about Phillip’s plans, but Kiera ended up driving his wife and Harmon to Phillip’s house, continuing the drunken private party within his living room. Refusing to have a drop of alcohol herself, Kiera knew she had to do something to help ease her raging nerves of adrenaline while she waited for Phillip to fall into her trap when he finally decided to come home for the evening.
Instead, she resorted to a pack of herbal cigarettes to help her adrenaline.
Toying on her phone while the cigarette was pressed between her lips, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway caught her attention. About time.
“Why are you at my house?” He snarled. “Why are you here?”
“Some way to thank me for getting your wife home from her drunken stupor,” She replied. “Besides, I wasn’t going to smoke in your living room. As much as you won’t believe it, I do have boundaries.”
“I’m not listening to this nonsense.” He grumbled, storming through the front door and immediately getting a headache at the loud music and prude smell of lingering alcohol. How long has she been drinking?!
He nearly stumbled on his own two feet when he saw his wife straddling a younger man on their couch, a whiskey bottle in her hand while it looked like she was giving him a dance to the beat of the music. Once he got closer, he then saw that it was Harmon himself, instantly realizing that Kiera had gotten wind of his internal spy’s plan, knowing she had figured out a way to turn it on himself.
Instead of reacting, he simply turned around to face the doorway, seeing a smug smirk on Kiera’s face from the outside chair, tapping the air with her foot as that same leg was crossed over the other. He was numb once he realized that going after his own plans were not going to be an easy task.
But he wasn’t about to give up, either.
He was damned if he would surrender to a woman.
“I took you for a cuckold. Guess I was wrong,” She snickered. “Remember what I said, Phil.”
“I’m going to ruin you. I hope you know that. You, and your entire fucked-up family.”
“Awe, is Phillip mad?” She mocked. “Besides, this isn’t hurting you, this is just… fun,” She shrugged, taking another drag from the cigarette. “What will hurt you is when I purchase every share you’ve put up for trade tomorrow morning. I’m only telling you this now because I know there’s nothing you can do to stop it. I recommend begging your friends in Las Vegas for more money. They’d be stupid enough to do so because let’s face it, this has been way too fucking easy.”
“Fuck you.”
“How many times did you practice that?”
“You should practice some more because that didn’t intimidate me one bit,” She breathed a laugh. “Can you tell me the definition of power, Phil?”
“Something I’ve mastered, sweetheart.”
“It’s the ability to direct or influence another’s behavior or course of events,” She explained, boldly tapping on his chest with the backs of her fingers. “That’s what I have. I’ll buy up all of your shares and be on your board by Friday, or I can have Truist Capital suspend their agreement with you to be on the list with Chase and Mountain Trust in not doing business with you – both of these things can and will alter the effect on your life. That’s power and my friend,” She scoffed. “And you don’t have any.”
“You think that’s going to stop me from ruining you?” He huffed, avoiding eye contact with her.
“You’re exactly where I wanted you. It only gets worse from here,” She smirked, tucking the cigarette between her lips and removing the keys for the car Harmon had been driving and twirled them around her finger. “Tell Harmon and Natalie they’re fired.”
“They never worked for you.”
“Yes, they did,” She arched her brow. “This whole fucking time. Every bit of information Natalie has given me has been nothing but a wedge for my mallet. I know they’ve been passing information back and forth to you. Why do you think I told them exactly what they’d want to hear? Because otherwise, it wouldn’t have gotten me right here on your doorstep. Maybe you should try hiring an actual spy and then you’ll realize who you’re up against.”
She smirked as she watched him gulp at second thoughts. Who really is this woman?
“I’ll see you around. Unless you want to wave your white flag now?” She taunted.
“You’ll definitely be seeing me around. You’ll regret you ever met me.”
She couldn’t help but laugh, knowing just how humiliated she made Jenkins feel, “You should keep practicing that line."
"Maybe I will." 
"Keep remembering what I said, Phil. Generations."
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