#Top Ranked Engineering Campus
kookslastbutton · 1 year
Love's Remedy, On Fire ༓ jjk (m) l ch. I
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✑ Summary: Jungkook is a romantic. He comes from a highly intelligent family who wants him to carry out the lineage. Being this way, he goes to college to be a pharmacist but his friends say college isn't just about studying! With a little persuasion, he goes to his first frat party thinking his hat will help him pick up a girl-or woman he means.
Pairing: STEM major!virgin!jungkook x STEM major!hot girl!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, fluff, s2l, college au, mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,027
Warnings: jk is very cute and determined, jk a romantic, oc has philophobia (fear of relationships), oc is not mean here but she teases jk, feat Jackson and Jae-beom, if i missed warning lmk!
Now Playing: seven, summertime sadness, she’s kerosene, angels like you+
A/N: um ok I swear this was supposed to be a pwp crack fic about jk wanting to get laid with a hat on. This turned into a very angsty but fluffy series and I'm sorry 😬 lmk what you think and tysm for reading! 💞 I know title is sucky
ch. lI >> | series masterlist
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Over the entirety of his nineteen years, Jungkook was pushed to prepare for one thing—college entrance exams.
It was a huge deal and getting into one of the leading universities in South Korea was a must for him. You see, the Jeons were nobody to laugh at with the bulk of them being high-ranking medical doctors, engineers, and lawyers. Continuing this legacy, therefore, was far from a choice, Jungkook had to follow suit.
When the results of the exams came back Jungkook passed with flying colors. It wasn't a surprise though since he spent all his time studying his ass off until the dawn. Jungkook indeed got accepted into one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul and his parents, teachers, and friends were quick to give their congratulations. He felt good too...no, he felt damn good.
Now he was here he was, standing in the middle of campus with his bag slung over one shoulder and a few orientation papers in his hand. It was still the first week of classes and he desperately needed to get to the science building. (He had chosen to follow his father's footsteps and go into biochem).
"Excuse me," he asks with nervous eyes and a wobbling lip. "Do you happen to know where the science building is? I'm late for class but I can't seem to find it."
The student he walks up to for directions looks about his age. He isn't sure if she's in her first year like him but she looks competent with the way she's standing, feet spread apart and a hand on her hip. The skirt she's sporting is incredibly short but the top is full length. She's smacking on hot pink gum as well, popping bubbles every now and then.
"Keep walking straight until you see the statue of President Kim, then take a right. The science building will be right there." You hardly spare him a glance but you make the mental note that he's cute with his fluffy black hair and big lost eyes. You consider asking his name but you shrug the feeling. He was cute yes, but he was too cute which isn't your type.
Jungkook gives a small thank you and walks off. Your directions are vague, but hopefully finding the statue will help him. After a few steps, he looks over his shoulder to see you laughing with your friend.
You have a gorgeous smile.
Probably the last time he'll see you though, he thinks. Jungkook isn't sure how he'd be with a woman given the fact he's never been with one. Surely he'd do better than half the dumbasses out there but guys like him don't stand a chance with a woman like you.
You look like you go for the experienced type and that wasn't him. He goes back to what he was doing, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
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"Hey man, what's your name?" A young guy with bleached blonde hair slides into the seat next to him. Apparently, he wasn't the only one late. "I'm Jackson." The man goes in for a fist bump but stops when it's very obvious it won't be reciprocated.
"I'm Jungkook," he says, more concentrated on what his professor is saying than anything else. Jackson continues talking, however, despite his focused state.
"So, I'm assuming this is your first year?" Jungkook nods. "Me too. Where you from?"
"Cool cool, I'm from Hong Kong." Hearing this makes Jungkook shift his eyes over immediately. The last thing he expected was to meet someone from China. Was this Jackson dude just pulling his leg or was he being serious? Nevertheless, it intrigues him.
"I'm an exchange student." Jackson clarifies. "Always wanted to see what South Korea was like and I know Seoul's got a pretty thriving economy so..." He shrugs. "Figured I'd give it a go and my parents support it. As long as I stay on my doctor's track of course."
Well damn. A doctor was not what Jungkook assumed a guy like Jackson would be going for. This was a prestigious school but it's still a gen ed class they're in right now. Anyone from most majors could be taking it. If he had to guess, Jackson would be a businessman.
"Well enough about me though," Jackson quips. "What do you study?"
"Biochem. My dad works as a physician and my mom's a chemical engineer. I'm going for pharmacology."
"Shit bro," Jackson cusses freely. Jungkook doesn't mean to jump in response but he does. Being all formal talk at home, it's unventured territory. "You guys must be a family of geniuses. Wait...what's your last name?"
Jackson nearly falls back in his chair when he hears the name fall from Jungkook's lips. He covers his mouth with both hands to keep himself under wraps. "Are you serious? You're from the Jeon family? Fuck, man, I've been hearing about your family since I was a kid that's how influential your family has been in the medical industry."
Jungkook finds himself intertwining his hands. His family is well-established in what they do but it never occurred to him that they were that well-known. Sure his dad's been featured in a couple of magazines for his work and his mom's been given several awards for her research. But he didn't think they'd gone that publicly beyond their own town.
"Oh shit I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable talking about this? Promise you I'm not a creep or anything!" The urgency in Jackson's tone stirs up the classroom, peers looking over at the two of them in annoyance.
"Do you mind shutting up?" A chestnut-haired boy is the first to speak up. He looks thoroughly pissed, to say the least with his cat-like eyes narrowing at the both of them. "Some of us actually want to graduate here."
"Chill out man. We're sorry." Jackson gives Jungkook a small tight-lipped smile. "We'll talk later."
"We will?"
Jackson gives him a slap on the back. "Yeah it's a given. You and I," he gestures between the two of them. "We should stick together. Being that we're both new around here and we both studying med. Also, was going to wait to tell you but I wanna go to this awesome party that goes on that kicks off the year. You'd think I'd be confident to go by myself but if you're free, I could use a buddy."
A party. Some blonde-haired boy who could very likely become the center of attention wants him, Jeon Jungkook, to go to a party? Jungkook spends most of his time playing video games, studying chem tables, and watching p—well he shouldn't say that part out loud.
"If you don't want to then I get it." Jackson scratches his head. "I don't wanna pressure you or anything. We did just meet and I just thought you looked cool so...."
"Okay." Jungkook accepts before giving it much thought. Besides studying, he was told college was a time to also let loose and have fun. Freedom and all that. That's what his friends back home told him at least. They also mentioned getting laid but...who would give him that fat chance?
If anything, maybe he'll get a friend by going to this little party. Jungkook shoots a small smile in return.
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"Okay listen," Jackson says, opening the door to his black Lexus. "I heard this party gets crazy so just be smart and don't get into too much punch."
Jungkook hops in the passenger seat. "But I love punch." He straps his seatbelt in, totally unaware of the punch Jackson"s referring to.
"It's spiked Kook. And I'm guessing your alcohol tolerance is pretty low?" Jackson twists the key and pulls out of the campus parking lot. He doesn't mean to be insulting or anything but his new buddy doesn't look like the party-hardy kinda guy.
In fact, Jungkook decided to....well, wear a hat to this gig. It's not a baseball cap, beanie, or even a greasy cowboy hat.
It's a sunhat. Black at least.
"By the way Jungkook. I don't wanna sound like a dick or anything but can you explain the thing on your head? Because the rest of you looks great, black dress shirt and jeans."
"Oh um." Jungkook rubs his hands on his thighs. He's embarrassed to tell Jackson the truth but he's his buddy now, right? Maybe this can be a bonding thing for them. "I thought it was cute? I mean I wanna...ah." Jungkook lets out a nervous chuckle.
"What is it, man? I promise I won't judge."
"I wanna," he starts again. "Uhm you see I heard that if you wear something out of the ordinary that people will like you more or something. Like they'll be interested..."
"Mhm, cute and out of the ordinary things huh? What kind of people are you trying to impress Jungkook?" Jackson gives a knowing smirk. Who knew his buddy schemes these kinds of stuff.
Jungkook speeds through the answer. "Grs."
"Say it properly and slower."
"Wanna get a girl....woman! I mean...a woman." Jungkook sheepishly grins at Jackson. Please don't laugh at me, he begs silently.
"You dog!" Jackson pushes Jungkook's shoulder. "My little buddy is a man, well well well. So are you looking for a girlfriend or something else?"
"Wife!" Jungkook bugs out his eyes, no hesitation at all. Jackson struggles not to give even the slightest snort. Didn't Jungkook know what kind of party this is?
"That's very sweet but this isn't the place you're going to find a wife, Jungkook. That's more like if we were going to a speed dating thing....this, this is a frat party, little bro."
Jackson pulls up to the front of the giant, lit-up house. They could hear electronic music blasting outside and all over the lawn were shirtless guys and scantily-dressed women. Some were off making out while others were drinking in groups.
Jungkook tenses at the sight. He used to fancy black tie parties where everyone is dressed to the hill and drinking is moderate. Jackson is right, he is not finding a wife here. Dammit. But he really doesn't want to give up his hat.
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"Yo Jackson," a guy with pitch-black hair greets the man with a fist bump. So that's how it's done, Jungkook observes. "Glad you could make it!"
"Jae-beom, what's good man?! I wouldn't miss this party for the world. I brought a friend." He ushers Jungkook to come forward. "This is Jungkook. He's in my class."
"Nice to meet you Jungkook!" Jae-beom moves in for a fist bump which ends up making contact with Jungkook's fist. It's not as sharp as with Jackson but it's a fist bump. "I used to work with Jackson over the summer. Always stealing my tips this man!"
"Hey, I did not do that!" Jackson gives a hearty laugh and shoves Jae-beom hard enough for him to lose his balance a little. "You kept leaving for a smoke. I had to wait your tables half the time!"
"I wasn't going for a smoke Jack—woah hey baby. What's your name?" The man shifts his focus to the girl walking past them. She has bright red lipstick, a black crop top, and jean shorts.
"Fuck off." She snaps before looking at Jungkook. "Cute hat by the way."
Everyone looks at Jungkook at that moment who's motionless. They hope to god he says something back but he only stares. The girl smirks at him and quirks her head to the side. "What's your name? I gotta friend who'd be all over you in a heartbeat, though she'd never admit it."
Jackson throws a mouth over his hand, eyes wide in amusement. This girl did not just propose Jungkook, his buddy who's looking for a wife, to get off with her friend.
"Um...yeah no. No, it's okay but thanks." Jungkook can barely sound the words. This girl in front of him was really, really hot but intimidating. "Yes thank you but I'm looking for a..."
"Don't-" Jackson lunges forward.
"Wife." Jungkook smiles at the girl a little too angelically. "I'm Jungkook though. What's your name?"
The girl bites her lip. "Well, it's too bad then Jungkook. Because you're so fucking cute and I know you'd like each other. Why don't you meet her? Even if it's just to say hi?"
Jungkook looks at Jackson who only shrugs. "Up to you man."
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Jungkook makes his way through the heavy crowd. He bumps into a few people on the way but thankfully he's able to still see the girl, apparently who goes by Crystal.
Jungkook isn't convinced it's her real name but if that's what she wants to be called who is he to dispute?
Once they get to the other side of the room, Jungkook spots a woman with a tight black dress on. It falls mid-thigh and has laced-up sides. When they near the woman Jungkook feels himself sweating bullets.
"__!" Crystal taps on your shoulder. "I brought you, someone, to meet. This is Jungkook!"
You turn around, drink in hand. You look fucking stunning. Jungkook can't believe it's you. He's seeing you again and he wishes he didn't wear this damn hat now! He goes to yank it off but Crystal stops him.
"Hey, the hat's cute. Keep it on!"
"I-but," he looks at you. "But it's making me hot." You're making me hot.
You give a shrug. "Do what you want Jungkook. It's your head at stake." You take a sip of your drink. You really did not expect to see the shy guy from this morning be at a frat party. "Good to see you again."
"Oh, you know each other?"
"We had a slight run in this morning. Baby had to get to the science building." You take a scan at what he's wearing. Black shirt that cuts at the elbows, denim jeans, and sneakers. Not bad compared to the sweater he was wearing this morning.
"I'm—I'm not a baby." Jungkook can't stop himself from feeling offended. Whether you meant it to be condescending or not, he doesn't want to be seen as a baby! Especially not to you. "I'm a man, okay? I go to the gym and stuff."
"Okay I'm sorry," you say. "I just call everyone baby. I didn't mean anything."
That doesn't seem to relax Jungkook. "I can lift a fuck ton of weights too." He stops once he hears himself cuss out loud. Usually, he does that in his head....goddamn it.
"Mmm," you step towards him, careful not to touch him. Usually by now you'd already be in the bathroom getting railed by some punk but not tonight. Jungkook has your attention. "Can you now? I'm not sure if I believe you. You're kind of a twig, not to be rude or anything."
Jungkook's face turns to a darker shade, eyes piercing into yours. "I can show you I'm not lying."
"Go ahead, do what you will." You fake a yawn until you find yourself suddenly in his arms. They're a lot stronger and more muscular than you thought. "Jungkook! Put me down!"
Everyone at the party starts staring over, giggling at each other. Jungkook gives a satisfied grin. "I have you in my arms, what are you gonna do now? Not believe me again?"
"I-" You're certain your face glowing with embarrassment. "Um no, I believe you Jungkook. Please, set me down."
"Not til you say it --." He challenges-brat. "Say I'm not a baby."
"Jungkook I told you I call everyone baby. It wasn't-okay you're not a baby. Obviously, you lift a lot now please put me down."
Finally, he does what you ask, a proud face on. His hat is a little crooked so you reach out and fix it. It's a reflexive response, you don't even know what you're doing let alone Jungkook.
"Oh, sorry your hat was just-"
"Please go out with me. On a date I mean?" He's so terribly timid but he can't help himself now. He had you in his arms and you're just so beautiful and charming. He needs to know more about you. It's a must.
"Well, I-" Everyone waits for your answer, very nosy clearly. You look at Jungkook with his big eyes and pouty lips. You don't wanna say no but relationships aren't your thing. And it seems that is defiantly all he's in for.
Jungkook's shoulders sulk. He isn't expecting a yes but he was hoping that maybe you'd give him a tiny chance.
"Come on __," Crystal whispers. "Look at him. Don't you think he's cute? Like really cute?"
You look at your best friend with weary eyes. He's so cute but, there's that but. That relationship but. He's going to be the type to want to do all the couple things and snuggle and everything. Jungkook needs someone who is willing to do all the stuff and you? You're not good at any of it.
"I'm sorry Jungkook," you start. "I don't know if-"
"One date __. If it's a no I won't bother you again. I just....I just think you're really gorgeous and I wanna get to know you. That's all." He takes the hat off his head, letting his fluffy hair run free. You kinda wanna touch it if it didn't makes things weird.
His words, however, make your heart thump the tiniest amount. The only time you've ever been called gorgeous is when guys try to get in your bed. It's all you've known other than maybe from a relative. Gorgeous is used pretty regularly, you know that, but this time it's used in an entirely different context.
"I'll tell you what," he says, pulling out his phone. "I'll give you my number and if you change your mind text me or call. I won't bug you and you can delete it right after this if you want, I promise."
You end up taking his number and Jungkook leaves to go back to his buddies. "You should go out with him __," Crystal says.
"I don't know." You watch him stride away. "I'll think about it."
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A/N: what am i doing? Idk im running away now bye! lmk what you think and tysm for reading! Comment/ask to be on taglist 💞
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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leclerced · 9 months
- is lando like president or a legacy or whatever it’s called ??
- how do they meet her
- is their relationship public
- also they def let her ramble post math sesh because she needs to prove she is smart just at other things and they let her because they love her voice (i’m projecting)
i think it’d be fun for him to be president or a legacy so he has rank in the frat and has his own room and stuff!!idrk anything ab greek life bc i didn’t go to college /: ironically i live next to a college campus and live on frat row .. its just bc its a nice area
her and oscar spend a lot of time in the library and meet there. they have a bunch of minor interactions before talking, making eye contact and smiling, getting their coffee cups swapped at the library cafe, passing each other around campus and smiling or waving a little even though they don’t know each other’s names. one, they both see someone fall and look to see if the orher saw before reacting and its like the jetpack video!! he makes that face and she’s giggling and is like, jesus this boy is so cute i need to know him. why hasn’t he talked to me yet??
another time, she’s trying to get a book from the top shelf and can’t reach it and he happens to walk by so she asks him to get it for her. a few days later he can’t find a table to sit at and he asks to sit at hers. they start chatting and end up sitting together more often then hanging out outside of the library.
she tutors lando or they have a project together in a class. bc of that, he interrupts her and oscar’s library hangouts. i can see her and oscar just hanging out and being friends and then she’s bringing lando to the library. he’s super flirty and distracting while she’s trying to work/tutor him. he gets jealous and makes a move next time they hang out alone, asks her if she wants to go on a date sometime, and she’s like, “finally, dumbass, i’ve been waiting for you to ask that. but also i have a date with lando with lando on friday and it would be rude to cancel it.” and oscar crashes his date, lando crashes his date in revenge. it goes back and forth so all their dates are threeway dates that end up being really fun
i can see it being public but not defined to everyone if that makes sense, they don’t really feel the need to explain themselves. strangers wouldn’t know but friends and stuff would and i can see the frat knowing more than others because her and oscar have privileges there and have keys to lando’s room. oscar’s not a party goer, but she’d party with lando while oscar hangs out in lando’s room. she goes upstairs once she’s feeling needy and when lando can’t find her downstairs, he knows exactly where to look.
oscar would understand her rambles and love them because he learns from them, and would ask questions at the right moments and lando’s confused about everything she talks about but he loves her and she plays with his hair while she talks so he’s happy as can be.
can we talk about lando with a competency kink?? lando has a hard on because oscar teaching her is hot, he’s so smart and lando doesn’t get the math either but his dad is rich and would build the school a library or whatever if he failed. gets so turned on when she’s rambling about her favorite subjects and oscar’s watching intently, absorbing all the info she’s spewing. it goes in one ear and out the other in lando’s case, his mind filled with thoughts of other things.
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medicdoodles · 1 year
A mashup of IDW and Seige canon of Ratchet and Deadlock, meet and run his underground asylum.
Based on Dialogue trees you get from Futomimi and Sakagahi, when you do the Aferlife Bell quest in SMT Nocturne.
For Ratchlock day.
(Next Chapter) || (Last Chapter)
There's a stain shaped like a human.
Work hard, do your best, and eventually you'll get somewhere.
When Ratchet transferred from the highest ranked schooling from Vaporex to the political charged state of Iacon, he expected pointed comments. He expected turned up faces. What he didn't know was how much he would be pushed into being an engineer.
Sure he has some skill in the field, many of his professors have left comments on it but never has he imagined being one. However, Ratchet found that his study to become a medic was going nowhere. Everywhere he went all of the classes would refuse his application, but he didn't give up.
If he wasn't going to be an official student he could still go to classes. When other mechs would sneak out or skip lectures he would slip in. Medic trainees would pay him to do their homework and he took it. All this hard work pays off, he gets the top scores, his engineering career is going well too. When his colleagues get hurt he can repair them better than the campus doctors. Then he graduated...
He gets hired to work on ground bridge operations. It doesn't excite him but it was honest work, and he could save enough money to carry equipment for a first aid kit. Once he was shipped off to the outskirts of the Dead End, that's where he finds his calling.
Since all fast travel in the area was decommissioned, Ratchet was forced to drive out to all locations. It wasn't too bad, but since he was the only one willing to do this job he was on his own. That's when he sees in person just how much Cybertron has abandon.
Streets filled with broken mechs and ruined buildings. There's no hope here, and his white paint lights up against the ash filled air, stains the vision of the city. It was silent until a siren went off in the distance. Despite him knowing the police's pensions for brutality, seeing it with his own eyes still frighten him.
"You're going to be okay." He hears a bot the panic in his voice. "Just hang in there, I'm going to get you help. Just hold on." Ratchet makes it to the voice. It was two bots in the middle of the road, both covered in blood. However, one person is down, closer to death.
"I don't think I can...", said bot also coughs up more blood. "Just wait for me to pass on. Then you can scavenge my parts."
"It's not fair." The mech brakes eye contact, looking to the sky. Then he looks towards the siren lights driving away. "They killed the wrong bot..."
"Let me try to help." Ratchet walks up to two mechs. The back mind is yelling at him, he's a ground bridge operator, an engineer, never even picked ot study medic. He can't do this, but he also can't stand here doing nothing. "I can't promise anything, but please I want to help."
They both look at him with a befuddled faces. He knows they shouldn't trust him but something must have broken because they allow him to help. They let him operate, and by the end of it all they thanked him, and for the first time since he left his home village, he felt proud of himself.
That's when Ratchet knew the direction of where is life is going. He would make money fixing and maintaining public works, taking other jobs, and making as much money as he could to build a clinc. He set it up in the center of Dead End, chosen it to give it resistance the fastest access to him. He worked himself tirelessly between these jobs and for the first time in his life. He managed to find success and happiness.
Do you think my life was a success?
I see... yeah you might be right.
Just when I thought I achieved happiness, my fortune collapsed like a house of cards.
Then the outside world gotten word about it. The Senate at first only saw the healing of Dead End's bots. That they would start to walk around and they would fix the left over peices of the city. Had enough energy to walk around and wanted to start working.
However, Ratchet soon discovered that this was unwanted. That if Dead End successfully pulled itself together and made it possible to be something, then the fundamental ideology of Functionism would be thrown into question. If that where to happen, what other mechs would go against the class systems set forward by them.
It couldn't stand, so they made sure it didn't, and so they set off a bomb. Framed as an accident during transit from the military bases, they had approved of it being set off. Then they approved of some police officers to do a quick sweep of firing rounds to hit what remained. They're mission wasn't to kill anyone but if the managed too, it wasn't seen as a bad thing.
At the time Ratchet was sent off planet to see if he could assist in fixing a space bridge from Lunar-2 to Tyger Pax. Of course when it played on the news he tried to ground bridge there, but couldn't. His first transporters where destroyed, when he did get back, his clinc as well. Then when he made it home, his house was raided too.
Nothing made him feel so powerless than when he was stopped at the front door. A mech had pinned him against the wall of his assigned room and warned him away from returning to Dead End. That if they found out he went back he wouldn't be able to keep his face.
Worse was when the said mech had his hands wonder all over his body, and said next time he gets sent out he has permission to do as he pleases with him. Ratchet also finds all of his funds were frozen out, and when he does get access to them all of the money had disappeared.
You should be careful. You never know what tomorrow may bring...
After all of that, Ratchet still tries to help. He still returns to assist all the mechs of the city. They still look at him with hopefully eyes, but understanding that they could never crawl out by their own strength. Many where mad at him for even letting them entertain the idea. Others where mad for him, after all it was one thing to steal from bots with nothing on them. It was another to kick the bot who tries to give a hand to someone who needs it.
Most bots however, joined the Decepticons. They believed that if the government had been threatened by their peaceful solution then they would coware at their revolution. All of this would lead to their planet dying, not that the blame could be one sided. The Senate and later the Autobots would fight them to standstill.
Ratchet would find himself in the middle of it. At first he tried to stay neutral but the bots of Dead End where quick to bring up the attack. Then it was shaking down his person and finally braking into his home and ransacking his equipment.
Traitor was branded on his door, then on his frame. When Ratchet returned to work with a still orange smelter on his left hip, his friend Wheeljack, help him join the Autobots. For a time he was safe, the squad he joined even allowed him to repair any bot whom he wanted, even Decepticons were allowed to be fixed.
Do you think my life was a success?
That's what everybody else thought, too.
...until that one day.
That was until a superior officer had came down for a vist. When they saw Ratchet repair two mechs with purple badges, they made it clear to him this would stop. If he gets caught again they would charge him with treason and he would be place on the enemy list. That's when he knew he had to go.
Being a deserter was a lighter charge than being a traitor. With his life on the line again, Ratchet has to go, because he could never leave a bot to die. In his spark he could never leave a mech to die without trying. He gives Wheeljack his coordinates, he trust that mech to only uses it when absolutely necessary.
Or at least he did.
The next time he sees his former colleague the bot had brought in toe a former bailiff turned Assassin. They force Ratchet to hand over everything on his person. The bots he was traveling with where tied down and put into custody of the Prime.
For the first time in my life, I had the urge to kill.
He was left on the ground, one push away from the cliffside. Wheeljack had saved his life but at the freedom of others. That's when he tells him to never find him again. That if he truly is sorry, he would only give that location to mechs who need it. They both promised something that day and that would be the last time he would speak to him, or it seemed.
So much anger,
As the war went on, Ratchet would travel. He would make a portable ground bridge went to the next battlefields and collect both parts and bots left behind to die. Like a Grim Reaper, he walks the path of death. However, he wouldn't take life he would do his best to keep it.
Rumor about his presence as a super natural entity made it easier to avoid authority. Many bots who believed in apparitions would come with him quietly. When he repaired them all of them would stay by him. When two bots of different factions would meet, it was almost always up to him to keep them civil.
Then he ran into Deadlock. The bot he gained feelings for. At first he didn't recognize him, but in private the mech tells him about the time they first met. That he was standing in the middle of the road in his friend's arm about to die. Then he adimts about the time he almost turned him to Megatron.
But the only way he could place Deadlock to the incidents is when he spoke those words to him. "Come on Doc, don't think like that. Everyone has kindness in their hearts."
That's when Ratchet's spark drops. This was the mech who was sent to capture him. Who knew of his habit of helping injured bots and almost trapped him into the Decepticons. Whenever he looks at Deadlock now, all he sees is a bot who has changed course, and doesn't he deserve a chance at it.
Ratchet of course also has a bad habit of letting mechs who hurt him do it again. So they both come to an agreement, he repairs Deadlock and takes him to back. The mech agrees to help him out with his operations.
So that's what they did. Ratchet would travel around and Deadlock would follow in tow. Keeping him safe and holding down bots when their reflexes kicked in. Later when their party had gotten too big to travel around and the building became to full. Deadlock drove off without a word.
Weeks became months and when two years passed by the mech came back. He tells Ratchet that he managed to find a bombed down theater that still had functional power. It was large enough for housing and medical care. When he shows him Ratchet is so relieved that he kisses him on the spot.
Deadlock field goes haywire but he doesn't reject it. Instead he grabs Ratchet's frame and frags him hard and wild, places him on the stage. With his groveling voice yells into Ratchet's microphone pick ups that he can't wait when the crew comes in. That after a long shift of picking up bots and patching up frames they would do this again, and next time they will have an audience to perform for.
That was the only time they had. As most of it was being too exhausted with fixing the building. Making sure that it look destroyed from the outside, having to only fix the bottom floors without collapsing the building from the top proved to be difficult. Even with the mechs he saved helping out, many issuses of resources and planning was still too much to worry about.
So Deadlock planned to search again. He spends his last night just sitting next to Ratchet. Telling him not worry, and he will comm every day just to reassure him of his safety. Ratchet gives him his ground bridge. Tells him to come back immediately after he finds something he thinks will help and that he will pick up his calls even if he can't talk back.
That was the last time they speak together, because once Ratchet was properly situated he update Wheeljack of his location.
There's a stain shaped like a human.
That's when he finds Impactor and things spirals out of control. Between Wheeljack taking Optimus Prime here, their entourage raising tempers and talks about Megatron abuse of the Matrix. Ratchet has to leave.
Many of his mechs encourage him to stay. Prime has no power here and if they want his help he should force the Autobots to promise to leave them alone. He doesn't answer them, he knows Wheeljack has betrayed him before. That the army has force his hands, but something tells him complying is the best option.
He turns to Impactor, tells him to tell the bigger bots to take care of the sick. Ratchet knows that mech has turned himself around and regained his spark. So it comes to a surprise that the mech follows behind him. Defending him from Elita-One and even sacrificing his own frame by pulling his comm out.
They violated him and still Impactor smiles at him, stays with him and gives his life for him. He sees his spark give out, but never sees his new found love of life leave his body.
That mankin died. He died the instant he became human. You see humans cannot exist in the vortex world...
As he boards the Arc, Ratchet gets a call from Deadlock. When he reached to answer the distance is to far.
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schraubd · 1 year
Build Back Better Colleges
In the wake of last week's anti-affirmative action decision, Larry Summers wrote an editorial urging that elite colleges respond by becoming less exclusive. Grow. Admit more students. Add more programs. Invest in education.
I could not agree more. And it's something we need to do on all fronts. Yes, the Ivy Leagues should get bigger. But the great public universities in our country should also be expanded on. The University of California system is one of the great engines of economic mobility and advancement in large part because it is huge. But there has not been a new UC campus created in almost twenty years, and UC-Merced is by far the smallest undergraduate campus in the entire system. You have to go back another forty years for the most recently established UC campuses which are of a size comparable to the system average (both UC-Santa Cruz and UC-Irvine were established in 1965). Why not create a new UC in Sacramento, or in the Bakersfield or Modesto? Or hell, put one up in Redding? 
Higher education is in a weird moment where there is simultaneously an approaching demographic cliff that will obliterate demand at the bottom end of the scale even as student demand for the top schools surges to unprecedented heights. I don't have answer to the former problem. But the only way to respond to the latter is to increase capacity in "elite" institutions, and that in turn will take a massive investment in education to absorb the tidal wave of demand. 
It's not enough for colleges to exist -- we probably have enough dorm room beds already in the United States. They have to be great colleges -- colleges that are well-supported and well-endowed and well-resourced so that the students who attend can afford to go and know that they're getting an excellent education from top-level professors. Certainly, the far longer-standing crisis in graduate education means we don't lack for supply in the last category. But we also know there's a huge difference between setting up a new fly-by-night program that exists just to exist, versus actually investing in new educational opportunities. UC-Irvine Law School immediately stormed to a top-50 ranking from nothing when it was founded in 2006 because, unlike most other newly-established law schools, it boasted a level of public and private investment that showed it was serious about being a serious institution.
The problem we're experiencing is not actually one of bad minority students taking away the rightful spoils of White and/or Asian students. The problem is one of meritocracy and equalization paired with scarcity: an explosion in students applying for (and being qualified for) "elite" positions with no increase in the number of elite positions available.
Equality means that more and more people have at least nominal potential access to elite institutions, which means that it's harder for any one individual person to access these institutions, which results in a terrifying and never-ending arms race to become (and stay as) one of the elect few, which generates new inequalities in terms of who has access to the resources that allow them to win the arms race and who doesn't.
In a very basic way, it is true that "equality" is the problem here. In the old days, if you were an elite, you could be pretty confident your kids would stay elite so long as they were basically competent: with relatively few people who could or were allowed to compete for prestigious social positions, being "okay" generally was good enough. 
Once the doors are flung open, though, you're competing against everyone, and now it's off to the races. Today, we don't want to say that "only the children of elite university attendees should attend elite universities"; we want to say that every child should have an equal chance to join the Talented Tenth. But saying that means that, if you're in the top 10% right now, you're committing to the notion that your kid should only have a 10% chance of staying in your social strata, and that's a very unpleasant thought that only grows worse as the gap between the top 10% and everyone else increases. But unless your solution is "we should go back to reserving elite roles for the current incumbents", this is necessary feature of an egalitarian social sphere combined with extremely limited "elite" social roles. So if we're not going to accept going back to overt exclusion, we need to tackle the omnipresence and power of scarce "elite" roles. The only actual way to ease the sting of redistributing the pie is growing the pie. The actual, actual villain here is terrifying inequality -- the massive and growing gap between the power, influence, autonomy, and life chances of the elites versus everyone else, which makes so that not getting into Harvard feels like a death knell.
The only way to ease the sting of redistributing the pie is growing the pie. If you're panicking at the seemingly impossible task of seeing yourself or your child admitted to an elite institution, ending affirmative action will not help you. Nor, if we're being honest, will ending legacy admissions. The only thing that will make a difference is a true commitment to investing in education to such a degree that there is space for each of our outstanding youth to receive an outstanding university experience. There's no shortcut, no scapegoat that can substitute for that.
We are blessed as a nation right now to have surfeit of incredibly talented, hard-working, diligent young people who are eminently qualified to attend a great university and deserve to have that chance. The only thing standing in the way is our own willingness to pay for it.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/TOEo6B0
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By: Rikki Schlott
Published: Sep 6, 2023
Harvard University is officially 2023’s worst school for free speech.
The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) released its annual college free speech rankings on Wednesday, which dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school “abysmal.”
“I’m not totally surprised,” Sean Stevens, director of polling and analytics at FIRE, told The Post. “We’ve done these rankings for years now, and Harvard is consistently near the bottom.”
Despite being the most acclaimed academic institution in the country, Harvard received a 0.00-point free speech ranking on a 100-point scale — a full 11 points behind the next-worst school.
FIRE says the dismal score was “generous,” considering Harvard’s actual score was a -10.69, according to its
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Harvard’s score was dragged down by the fact that nine professors and researchers there faced calls to be punished or fired based on what they had said or written — and seven of the nine were actually professionally disciplined.
“I thought it would be pretty much impossible for a school to fall below zero, but they’ve had so many scholar sanctions,” Stevens said.
The score is calculated based on factors including how strong the school’s policies in favor of free speech are and how many professors, students and campus speakers have been targeted by authorities for their speech.
Bonuses are applied if the school’s administrators stand up for the rights of those whose free speech was threatened.
The rankings also take into account student sentiment about free speech based on polling FIRE conducted in partnership with research firm College Pulse.
Harvard’s lowest rank comes despite the fact that more than 100 of its professors banded together earlier this year to form a Council on Academic Freedom to defend open inquiry on campus.
“We are in a crisis time right now,” Janet Halley, a Harvard Law School professor and member of the council, told The Post in April. “Many, many people are being threatened with — and actually put through — disciplinary processes for their exercise of free speech and academic freedom.”
Second-worst on the list was the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, followed by the University of South Carolina in Columbia, Georgetown University in DC, and Fordham University in the Bronx and Manhattan.
Although Columbia University took the prize of worst school for free speech last year, it ranked 214th out of 248 this time around.
The number one school for free speech was Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. The school earned 78.01 out of 100 possible points. 
“I’m not necessarily surprised that a technological school has a better speech climate, primarily for the reason that they don’t really talk as much about controversial topics,” Stevens said. “They’re there to make things work as engineers.”
Auburn University, the University of New Hampshire, Oregon State University and Florida State University rounded out the top five.
FIRE’s survey of 55,000 current students from 254 universities also yielded some staggering results.
Fifty-six percent of students worry about getting canceled for something they said, and 27% said it’s acceptable to use violence to stop campus speech in some circumstances.
As FIRE continues to be inundated with allegations of free speech violations, Stevens says the erosion of campus discourse should concern everyone.
“I’d say the state of free speech on campus is stagnant at best, and possibly a little worse than last year.”
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universitykart2932 · 6 months
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Assam Down Town University, Guwahati
Assam Down Town University was established through the Assam Down Town University Act, 2010 in the state of Assam, India in 2010. The university is located in Panikhaiti, Guwahati, the capital of Assam.
Assam Down Town University is one of the top University in Guwahati, Assam. Here are the details about ADTU - Courses, Fees, Placements, cut off, Ranking, Facilities, Reviews.
Assam Down Town University become set up via the Assam Down Town University Act, of 2010 withinside the kingdom of Assam, India 2010. The college is positioned in Panikhaiti, Guwahati, the capital of Assam. The campus is primarily based out of a 42 acres campus overlooking the Brahmaputra River, best 12 km from the Assam State Secretariat, Dispur; the capital complicated of the state of Assam.
Accreditation and Ranking
Assam Down Town University[ADTU], Guwahati was approved by UGC and accredited by NAAC.
Courses Offered 
Assam Down Town University [ADTU], Guwahati courses are offered at various levels like Undergraduate Degrees (i.e BBA, BCA, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Computer Science, etc.), Postgraduate Degree (i.e MBA HR (Human Resource), MCA, Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science (M.Sc.) Computer Science, etc.), Pharmacy Degree (i.e. B.Pharm, D.Pharma) and Doctoral levels and many more. You can also find a brief overview of the different courses the university offers across various disciplines with their specializations on the Course page.
Facilities and Infrastructure
Residential Accommodations:
Boy's and women's hostels were made to be given to college students for convenience. The seats want to be booked earlier than the beginning of the semester.
The central library of the college is stretched over a place of 12,000 sq. ft. and includes greater than 25,000 books, country-wide, and worldwide journals.
Well-geared up and technologically superior laboratories were set up below the worried departments to impart realistic know-how to the college students.
Cafe/Mess Facility:
The cafeteria on the college premise offers snacks and exquisite drinks to the college students. The cafeteria can accommodate a very good variety of student
Admission to this university is selected on the basis of an entrance exam conducted on the National level.
ADTU recorded 95% placements withinside the 12 months of 2021. The maximum CTC supplied became INR 30LPA, even as the common bundle became INR 8 LPA. The college has collaborated with greater than three hundred recruiting companions and secured greater than 700 processes gives for its college students.
Some of the pinnacle recruiters encompass multinational and country-wide companies together with Amazon, BYJU’s, Wipro, TCS, Cognizant, Capgemini, IBM, HCL, Accenture, P&G, Cipla, Nestle, HP, Genpact, Apollo Group, NIMHANS, Taj Chennai, Lemon Tree Group of Hotels, and Radisson Group amongst many others.
The quality and facility of Assam Down Town University
Assam Down Town University (ADTU) is one of the leading universities in North East India, offering its students a unique amalgamation of professional and academic excellence. ADTU has coupled the experience of top industry leaders and renowned academicians to foster a worldly approach toward life and its challenges among the students. Being the largest educational group in Assam, AdtU has more than 8000 students and over 250 faculty members.
Vision and Mission of ADTU
The students coming from various parts of India as well as from abroad, AdtU is fast growing into a center of ethnical and cultural diversity. A continuous emphasis on modern teaching methods, global links for research, students exchange programs, world class infrastructure, assured placement, diversity of students and industry-institute interactions have consistently placed.
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vasu211 · 11 months
The Best Choice for a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering in Haryana
Pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering is a significant step in one's academic and professional journey. It requires a combination of dedicated research, expert guidance, and the right academic environment. When it comes to the best colleges in Haryana for a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering, Geeta University stands out as a top choice. This institution, located in the Delhi NCR region, offers a comprehensive and conducive environment for research and academic excellence. In this article, we will explore why Geeta University is the best college in Haryana for a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering and how it ranks among the top universities in the Delhi NCR region.
Geeta University: A Premier Educational Institution
Geeta University, has a rich history of providing high-quality education across various disciplines. Over the years, it has earned a reputation for excellence in research, teaching, and overall academic performance. With a commitment to nurturing scholars and fostering innovative research, the university has become a top choice for students looking to pursue a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering.
Key Features that Set Geeta University Apart
Faculty Excellence: Geeta University boasts a highly qualified and experienced faculty in the field of Computer Science Engineering. Professors, with a strong background in research and industry experience, mentor students through the complex journey of a Ph.D. The faculty is dedicated to providing guidance, research opportunities, and knowledge transfer, making it an excellent choice for aspiring researchers.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Geeta University's campus is equipped with cutting-edge infrastructure, including advanced laboratories, research centers, and a well-stocked library. These facilities offer students the ideal environment for conducting research and accessing valuable resources.
Research Opportunities: Geeta University actively promotes research in the field of Computer Science Engineering. The university's collaborations with industries, government organizations, and research institutions provide students with numerous research opportunities. This helps students stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.
Scholarships and Financial Support: Geeta University understands the financial constraints that students may face during their academic journey. To alleviate this burden, the university offers scholarships and financial support to eligible students. This makes pursuing a Ph.D. at Geeta University more accessible to a wider range of candidates.
Interdisciplinary Approach: Geeta University encourages an interdisciplinary approach to research. This approach allows students to draw knowledge from various related fields, enhancing the depth and breadth of their research. The flexibility in research topics and methods is a significant advantage for those pursuing a Ph.D.
Geeta University's Ranking in Delhi NCR
Geeta University's reputation extends beyond Haryana, with a strong presence in the Delhi NCR region. In the competitive landscape of educational institutions in the National Capital Region, Geeta University consistently ranks among the top universities. Its recognition is a testament to its commitment to academic excellence and the quality of its programs.
Competing with several esteemed institutions in the Delhi NCR region, Geeta University has managed to carve a niche for itself as a leading university. It competes not only in terms of academic programs but also in terms of research output, faculty expertise, and overall educational experience.
Geeta University's location in the Delhi NCR region also provides students with unique advantages. This thriving metropolitan area is a hub of economic and technological development. Students can easily access industry collaborations, internships, and job opportunities, which is invaluable in building a successful career.
Why Choose Geeta University for Your Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering?
Research-Centric Approach: Geeta University places a strong emphasis on research, providing students with the perfect environment to conduct groundbreaking research in the field of Computer Science Engineering. This focus on research prepares students to address real-world challenges and contribute to the growth of technology.
Experienced Faculty: The faculty at Geeta University comprises renowned scholars, researchers, and industry experts who are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of researchers. They provide personalized guidance and mentorship throughout the Ph.D. journey.
Industry Connections: Geeta University's location in the Delhi NCR region offers students unparalleled access to technology companies, research institutions, and government organizations. This network of industry connections provides students with unique opportunities for collaboration and exposure to cutting-edge developments.
Scholarships and Financial Aid: Geeta University understands the financial constraints students may face, and it offers various scholarships and financial aid options to support students in pursuing their Ph.D. dreams.
When considering the best college in Haryana for a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering, Geeta University emerges as a clear choice. With a strong commitment to research, experienced faculty, top-notch infrastructure, and a prime location in the Delhi NCR region, Geeta University offers students a comprehensive and dynamic platform for academic and research excellence. Its consistent ranking among the top universities in the Delhi NCR region further solidifies its position as a leading institution for higher education. Choosing Geeta University for your Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering is a decision that can open doors to a successful and fulfilling career in academia or industry, making it a wise and promising choice for aspiring researchers.
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breadbandit · 1 year
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Location: Arlington, TX
Average Cost of Tuition: Undergraduate - $12,208 / Graduate - $11,044
Acceptance Rate: 93%
Average GPA: 3.47
Average SAT Score: 1000-1220
Average ACT Score: 19-26
# of Students (as of Fall 2022): 40,990
Top 3 Most Popular Majors: Nursing (3,456 Graduates), Business (386 Graduates), Biology (324 Graduates)
more stats and info below!!
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UTA is considered to be very inclusive to all genders and sexual orientations, scoring a 5/5 on the Campus Pride Index. (Read more about what that means here: https://www.campusprideindex.org/campuses/details/8553?campus=university-of-texas-arlington)
UTA's Best Colleges Ranking: 299/443 in National Universities, 156/227 in Top Public Schools, 104/212 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs, and 135/618 in Nursing. (Read how colleges are ranked here: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/how-us-news-calculated-the-rankings)
UTA's planetarium is one of the top 3 largest in the state of Texas. Not only does it provide a fantastic view of the night sky, but it is also used to host parties, as well as live shows. (Read more about the planetarium here: https://www.uta.edu/planetarium)
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SGT University - Learn What Makes It Unique
SGT University is a place where we strive for greatness. And nothing short of greatness.
SGT University in Gurgaon is a leading educational university, ranked as one of the best private university in Delhi NCR – ranked Platinum by QS I-Gauge and placed among the top institutions of the country by India Today.
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Lately, the University has been making waves in the academic and research world, with its advanced centers of excellence like CCSP for cosmology. The university has been in existence for over a decade and has a reputation for being a preferred choice for students looking for quality education in private universities.
Here are ten points that make SGT University, Gurgaon unique:
World-Class Faculty
SGT University has a world-class faculty that is committed to providing students with the best education possible. The faculty members are experts in their fields, with many of them holding PhDs from prestigious universities around the world. Many of the professors at SGT University feature among the top 2% of scientist in the world conducted by Harvard University.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities that are designed to provide students with the best possible learning experience. From well-equipped labs to modern classrooms, the facilities at SGT University are second to none. The University boasts of an e-library with a huge collection of resources from world-reputed journals available for free. It also has a fully Wi-Fi-enabled campus.
Wide Range of Courses
SGT University offers a wide range of courses across various disciplines, including engineering, management, law, pharmacy, nursing, and more. This provides students with a diverse range of options to choose from. The university has 18 Faculties and more than 160+ courses, taught by more than 500+ professors.
Innovative Teaching Methods
The university uses innovative teaching methods to enhance the learning experience of students. This includes the use of technology in the classroom, hands-on learning, experiential learning, and real-world case studies.
Emphasis on Research
SGT University places a strong emphasis on research and encourages students and faculty members to engage in research activities. The university has a dedicated research department for each faculty that supports research activities and provides funding for research projects through government grants and MoUs with other universities. Atal Community Innovation Centre at SGT University is a special wing dedicated to providing funding to start-ups and helping them get investors.
Strong Industry Partnerships
The university has strong partnerships with various industries, which helps to provide students with practical knowledge and exposure to real-world scenarios. This also provides students with ample opportunities for internships and placements. Not to forget SGT Medical Hospital which provides special training and internships to medical students.
Student-Centric Approach
SGT University has a student-centric approach, with a focus on providing students with a supportive and nurturing environment that helps them achieve their full potential. The university has a dedicated student services department like Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) that provides support to students during placements.
Cultural Diversity
The university has a diverse student body, with students from various parts of the country and the world. This cultural diversity provides students with exposure to different perspectives and cultures.
Collaborative Learning Environment
SGT University fosters a collaborative learning environment, where students are encouraged to work together and share knowledge. This helps to enhance the learning experience and encourages teamwork and collaboration. Making SGT one of the top private universities in Delhi working on cutting-edge pedagogy and learning methodologies.
Strong Alumni Network
SGT University has a strong alumni network, with alumni working in various industries and fields. This provides current students with a network of professionals to connect with, which can help with internships, placements, and career guidance.
In conclusion, SGT University in Gurgaon is a unique university that provides students with a world-class education and a supportive learning environment. With its emphasis on innovation, research, and collaboration, SGT University is well-positioned to continue its growth and maintain its position as one of the top 10 private university in Delhi NCR.
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lpuengineering · 1 year
Top Engineering College in India
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LPU is among the Top Engineering College in India. Admission open 2023-24 for all btech Courses. Check courses eligibility, fee, ranking, placements, syllabus & specialization. LPU is the best single-campus university poised with latest technologies and world class facilities for delivering effective and quality education to the students. The university is regarded as a hub of educational excellence and its academia-industry connect offers students with opportunities like Live and Entrepreneurial projects to enable practice-based and project-oriented learning in students. With more than 200 foreign tie-ups, LPU prepares its students to up skill as per global standards. To meet the industry demands many events like Hackathons, Tech Fests, Competitions etc. are organized on a regular basis. Over the years LPU has become the favourite place for numerous tech corporate giants like Cognizant, Infosys, Microsoft etc. to recruit talent. LPU ranks among the best engineering colleges to pursue an engineering degree.
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nainamalhotra123 · 2 years
Geeta University: A Leading Destination for Computer Science and Engineering Education in India.
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) has become one of the most popular and in-demand fields of study in India. With the growth of the digital economy, there is an increasing need for skilled CSE professionals in various industries such as software development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and more. As a result, many universities in India are offering CSE programs to cater to the growing demand for qualified CSE graduates. Geeta University is one such institution that has emerged as a top destination for CSE education in India.
Geeta University, is a private university located in the city of Panipat, Haryana. It was established in 2022 and is affiliated with the University Grants Commission (UGC). The university offers a range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in various fields, including CSE.
Geeta University's CSE program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the ever-evolving field of computer science. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including programming languages, algorithms, data structures, computer networks, operating systems, database management systems, software engineering, and more. The program also includes practical sessions, projects, and internships to provide students with hands-on experience in real-world scenarios.
One of the key features of Geeta University's CSE program is its focus on industry-relevant skills. The university has established partnerships with leading IT companies to provide students with exposure to the latest technologies and industry trends. This enables students to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and develop the skills needed to succeed in the industry. The university also offers a range of certification programs, including Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Oracle Certified Professional (OCP), and Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), to help students enhance their employability.
Geeta University's CSE program is taught by a team of experienced and qualified faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. The faculty members use a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities, to ensure that students have a thorough understanding of the subject matter. The faculty members are also involved in research and development activities, which helps them stay updated with the latest developments in the field.
The university has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities to support its CSE program. The campus is spread over 35 acres and includes modern classrooms, labs, a library, a sports complex, and more. The labs are equipped with the latest hardware and software, including high-performance computing systems, servers, and networking equipment. The library has a vast collection of books, journals, and online resources to support research and learning.
Geeta University's CSE program has been recognized by various accreditation bodies and rankings. The university is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an "A" grade. It has also been ranked among the top 100 engineering colleges in India by NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) and Outlook-ICARE (Indian Centre for Academic Rankings and Excellence).
In conclusion, Geeta University has emerged as a leading destination for CSE education in India. Its CSE program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the industry. The university's focus on industry-relevant skills, experienced faculty, modern infrastructure, and accreditation and rankings make it a top choice for students seeking quality CSE education in India
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f1 · 2 years
Horner confirms McLaren have expressed interest in Red Bull engines from 2026
Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner has confirmed he has held initial talks with McLaren over a potential deal to supply power units to the Woking team from 2026. A new generation of F1 power units will come on stream in 2026, featuring more power form the electrical side of the unit, plus higher efficiency and better safety measures. Red Bull have committed to building their very own engine for the new regs, in partnership with Amercian car giant Ford. And at the season opener in Bahrain, Horner was asked whether McLaren had any interest in using Red Bull power from 2026, after McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown had recently visited the reigning champions’ campus. POWER RANKINGS: Who starts the year on top after the season opening Bahrain Grand Prix? “I thought he [Brown] was coming for lunch,” quipped Horner. “It’s obvious that, as a power unit manufacturer for 2026, it’s inevitable that discussions are going to be held regarding potential powertrain supply, and that’s only natural that we would speak with potential customers,” he added. (L-R) McLaren Team Principal Andrea Stella, Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner and Ferrari Team Principal Frederic Vasseur And McLaren boss Andrea Stella didn't deny conversations have taken place. “We have a solid partnership with HPP [Mercedes High Performance Powertrains]. At the same time, it’s obvious that looking far forward, you want to understand what's available. So, I think that's natural. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise,” he said. McLaren aren’t the only customer team weighing up their options as Williams boss James Vowles recently said that his squad are reviewing whether to continue to use Mercedes power units from 2026. The Silver Arrows currently supply McLaren, Aston Martin and Williams. READ MORE: ‘One of the worst days in racing’ – Wolff says Mercedes need to be ‘radical’ after Bahrain reality check Audi will enter Formula 1 in 2026, while Red Bull are partnering with Ford With Audi and Ford entering the sport with Sauber and Red Bull respectively, there will be even more choice for customer teams in 2026. And with Mercedes, Ferrari and Renault (with Alpine) already in F1, Horner said the new brands joining would mark a “halcyon period” for the motorsport. “To have that many manufacturers coming into the sport, I think is great for Formula 1 to have that variance,” said Horner. "We're going to be welcoming Audi, we're going to be – as Red Bull-Ford – embarking on a new journey as well, plus, obviously, the incumbents, and as you say, if anybody else chooses to join in in the meantime. TECH TUESDAY: How Red Bull cleverly interpreted the 2023 floor regulations to hit the ground running in Bahrain “So I think it's it fantastically exciting for Formula 1. It's a halcyon period for the sport and to have manufacturers wanting to be involved, you know, is a testimony to the strength that the sport currently enjoys. “And we've just got to make sure that for 2026 we get the product right, because bringing… newcomers and so on in, we've got to ensure that the engine regulations and the chassis regulations marry up, that the product that we have isn't compromised, or it doesn't detract from the kind of racing that we've seen these cars starting to achieve,” said the Red Bull boss. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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ssaviation · 2 years
SS Aviation Academy
Join SS Aviation Academy, one of the best Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Colleges in Kerala. The institute is located in Kochi, Kerala, and provides quality training for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. SS Aviation Academy is approved Under CAR 147 by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Govt of India. 
The infrastructure, campus, quality of training, teaching faculty, library, workshops, and laboratories of SS Aviation Academy are setting a benchmark for how to provide the best for the students for performing well in their academics and getting placement after completing the course.  The Administration of SS Aviation is determined to provide the best to each of the students and thereby ranked top among the AME Colleges in Kerala. 
Aircraft Maintenance engineering is one of the shouts-out branches of aviation engineering and does it in the Best Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Colleges in Kochi, which is the best decision for AME Aspirants of Kerala.   
SS Aviation Academy is offering pilot training, Air Hostess & hospitality training, aeronautical engineering along with Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. The institute can undoubtedly be considered the Best Aviation Academy in Kerala.  
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mehratimeshub · 8 hours
Top Engineering Colleges in Delhi NCR with NIRF Ranking 🎓✨
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Explore the top engineering institutions in the Delhi NCR region, ranked by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). This curated list highlights colleges renowned for their academic excellence, innovative research, and strong industry connections. Discover details about each institution, including courses offered, faculty expertise, campus facilities, and placement records.
Whether you're a prospective student or a parent, this resource provides essential insights to help you make informed decisions about your engineering education in one of India's most vibrant educational hubs.
🔗 Visit now (Top Engineering Colleges in Delhi NCR with NIRF Ranking) and start your journey!
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guidanceshiksha · 10 hours
Build a career! By choosing the right course
Education is the foundation for human development,which helps in enhancing the knowledge and skills.It’s not just a legal right it is a fundamental right according to article 21A which states that education is necessary for social and economic development and personal growth.
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Education is a powerful weapon which helps in societal transformation.It is very important for the future to get the quality of education.
Criteria to choose the best college:
Academic factors: The accreditation and ranking  provide a sneak peek  of colleges’ commitment to student success, faculty expertise and academic rigor.
Reputation: National and international rankings, awards and recognition alumni success and network reveals a college’s reputation.Quality of faculty and experienced faculty directly impacts the reputation of the college.
Location: The location where the college is situated should be accessible.
Extra curricular activities: Along with academics it is very important to provide sports and recreational activities, clubs and organizations for the growth of the student.
Career and placement: Career placement plays a crucial role in making the future of the student. Colleges should provide internship and experiential learnings, alumni networks, career support and services.
Choose the best choice according to your priorities
Overwhelmed by the choices? Trust the guidance of shikhsha's experienced counselors to guide you the best.
Guidance shiksha was established in March 2019 with the aim to provide all the relevant information regarding the course they concern and suggest the appropriate college.
They provide all the information regarding the tuition fees and academic structure of the colleges.
They sort all the problems regarding the admission and scholarship a student is facing.
They help to build a strong profile of the student.
They also provide services like preparation for the competitive exams such as GMAT, IELTS etc.
They guide the student to choose the best course as per their interest according to their budget.
Top Engineering colleges in india 
IIT madras which is known astop engineering colleges in india with great placements and academic programs.
IIT Delhi which is known for the innovative research and great alumni network along with best academic programs.
IIT bombay is very well known for the campus life and the bravo placement.
These three are the top choices one can go for. Besides these, the top private engineering colleges in India are colleges like BITS pilani, VIT, SRM institute of science and technology etc.
Still confused, explore the site https://guidanceshiksha.com/top-private-engineering-colleges-in-delhi. 
Top LLB colleges in india
Having a career from the top LLB colleges in India is very important.
National Law School of India University, Bangalore. 
National Law University, Delhi.
National Law University, West Bengal.
National Law University, Jodhpur.
Beside these best government colleges there are also the private colleges of LLB in India named OP Jindal University, Nirma university, Christ University etc.
Selecting the right college is a very important decision for a career.Unlock your potential at India's top institutions, where academic excellence, expert faculty, and exceptional placement opportunities come together to launch your dreams.
For more guidance please visit the website https://guidanceshiksha.com/ 
Orginal Source:- https://guidanceshiksha.livejournal.com/2275.html
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yourpediaglobal · 1 day
Top 10 Universities for Masters in Computer Science
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Today, the rapidly evolving field of Computer Science is ushering in breakthrough research discoveries that are transforming humankind faster than ever before. No wonder why countless students from all corners of the world are deciding to pursue higher education in Computer Science. A research-oriented master’s program in Computer Science leads you through a corridor that opens gates of first-rate research activity in the electrifying fields of Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Cryptography, and many more disciplines.
Below, we have listed the top 10 universities in the world that offer the best Master’s programs in Computer Science. This list is curated based on program features, career opportunities, and degree research activity.
Stanford University
Ranking amongst the world’s top universities, the prestigious Stanford University has earned an excellent reputation across the globe since its establishment in 1891. Stanford University lies at the heart of Silicon Valley and combines top-notch academics with winning athletic programs. Stanford offers a terminal professional degree in Computer Science that does not lead to a PhD. The candidates must complete 45 units of coursework in the program.
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carnegie Mellon University is one of the most prestigious private research universities in the United States. It has a strong reputation for offering excellent programs in the area of Science & Engineering. Commonly referred to as CMU, the institute is highly selective concerning admissions and accepts applicants with a stellar academic record along with spot-on recommendation letters and a statement of purpose. Also, CMU is known for its excellence in music and drama all across the world.
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
Located on the San Francisco Bay, which is entitled as the ‘City of Learning’ is home to the flagship campus of the University of California Berkeley. UCB’s MSCS program is a research-oriented degree program and is best for students who wish to pursue a research career. This MSCS degree leads to a career in industrial R&D or Ph.D. It is a 2 year full-time program and students can also opt for the 5-6 year MS/PhD program that is focussed on research preparation for PhD.
University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge stands tall in Cambridgeshire, England since 1209 as the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world followed by the University of Oxford. The University has educated one of the key figures in the scientific revolution, Issac Newton, and the most influential naturalist known for his contributions to the science of evolution, Charles Darwin. Cambridge’s high-caliber students and alumni are highly sought after in the global recruitment markets.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)
Founded in 1867, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is USA’s leading public grant research university. It is an R1 Doctoral Research University indicating the highest research activity, consisting of 16 schools and colleges offering over 100 graduate programs. UIUC also operates a Research Park, acting as an innovative platform for industry influencers like Yahoo, Caterpillar, Dow, and Capital One. UIUC offers a research-oriented degree that requires 28 credit hours of coursework and 4 credit hours of thesis. It can be counted towards the Ph.D. in Computer Science. Students must complete three different courses, each from a different area from core areas like Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Database and Information Systems, Scientific Computing, and Graphics/HCI, among others.
Cornell University
Founded in 1865, Cornell University is New York’s leading private research university. Cornell is one of the prestigious Ivy League Universities in the U.S. that is regarded as the best group of educational institutions in the country. The CS MS is a very small, highly selective, four-semester program for students who wish to deepen their knowledge of computer science through advanced coursework, research, writing, and teaching. The program is ideal for self-motivated students who have expository skills, enjoy the research environment, and like working with undergraduates in introductory courses.
Harvard University
Located along the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University is recognized as one of the most prestigious and selective universities all across the globe. Harvard is accredited with being the top employer in the USA, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Harvard’s master’s program offers students experience with mathematical techniques for modeling and simulation of complex systems; parallel programming and collaborative software development; and methods for organizing, exploring, visualizing, processing, and analyzing very large data sets. Generally, students take 8 courses to complete the Master of Science degree.
University of Oxford
Oxford University is famous for the exceptional teaching, research, and learning opportunities it offers and its long history of excellence. Located in the “City of dreaming spires” as coined by the Victorian poet Matthew Arnold, Oxford University has educated world leaders. Oxford is consistently ranked in the world’s top five universities. The MSc in Computer Science at Oxford is a full-time, twelve-month program designed to teach the mathematical principles of specification, design, and efficient implementation of both software and hardware. It teaches the advanced techniques and ideas that are being developed in application domains and the rich and diverse theories that underpin them.
Princeton University
Located in New Jersey, Princeton University is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Popular Princeton alumni are U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, actress Brooke Shields, and former first lady Michelle Obama. The master’s degree program at Princeton is a two-year, full-time program. All admitted students are initially enrolled in the Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.), a thesis-required track. Teaching experience is considered to be a significant part of graduate education.
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