#sgt university career
SGT University - Learn What Makes It Unique
SGT University is a place where we strive for greatness. And nothing short of greatness.
SGT University in Gurgaon is a leading educational university, ranked as one of the best private university in Delhi NCR – ranked Platinum by QS I-Gauge and placed among the top institutions of the country by India Today.
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Lately, the University has been making waves in the academic and research world, with its advanced centers of excellence like CCSP for cosmology. The university has been in existence for over a decade and has a reputation for being a preferred choice for students looking for quality education in private universities.
Here are ten points that make SGT University, Gurgaon unique:
World-Class Faculty
SGT University has a world-class faculty that is committed to providing students with the best education possible. The faculty members are experts in their fields, with many of them holding PhDs from prestigious universities around the world. Many of the professors at SGT University feature among the top 2% of scientist in the world conducted by Harvard University.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities that are designed to provide students with the best possible learning experience. From well-equipped labs to modern classrooms, the facilities at SGT University are second to none. The University boasts of an e-library with a huge collection of resources from world-reputed journals available for free. It also has a fully Wi-Fi-enabled campus.
Wide Range of Courses
SGT University offers a wide range of courses across various disciplines, including engineering, management, law, pharmacy, nursing, and more. This provides students with a diverse range of options to choose from. The university has 18 Faculties and more than 160+ courses, taught by more than 500+ professors.
Innovative Teaching Methods
The university uses innovative teaching methods to enhance the learning experience of students. This includes the use of technology in the classroom, hands-on learning, experiential learning, and real-world case studies.
Emphasis on Research
SGT University places a strong emphasis on research and encourages students and faculty members to engage in research activities. The university has a dedicated research department for each faculty that supports research activities and provides funding for research projects through government grants and MoUs with other universities. Atal Community Innovation Centre at SGT University is a special wing dedicated to providing funding to start-ups and helping them get investors.
Strong Industry Partnerships
The university has strong partnerships with various industries, which helps to provide students with practical knowledge and exposure to real-world scenarios. This also provides students with ample opportunities for internships and placements. Not to forget SGT Medical Hospital which provides special training and internships to medical students.
Student-Centric Approach
SGT University has a student-centric approach, with a focus on providing students with a supportive and nurturing environment that helps them achieve their full potential. The university has a dedicated student services department like Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) that provides support to students during placements.
Cultural Diversity
The university has a diverse student body, with students from various parts of the country and the world. This cultural diversity provides students with exposure to different perspectives and cultures.
Collaborative Learning Environment
SGT University fosters a collaborative learning environment, where students are encouraged to work together and share knowledge. This helps to enhance the learning experience and encourages teamwork and collaboration. Making SGT one of the top private universities in Delhi working on cutting-edge pedagogy and learning methodologies.
Strong Alumni Network
SGT University has a strong alumni network, with alumni working in various industries and fields. This provides current students with a network of professionals to connect with, which can help with internships, placements, and career guidance.
In conclusion, SGT University in Gurgaon is a unique university that provides students with a world-class education and a supportive learning environment. With its emphasis on innovation, research, and collaboration, SGT University is well-positioned to continue its growth and maintain its position as one of the top 10 private university in Delhi NCR.
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sgtuniversityggn · 11 months
SGT University: Empower Your Business Career with Top BBA Course Specializations in Gurgaon
Are you looking for the top BBA colleges in Gurgaon? Explore SGT University's BBA program, which offers various course subjects, a specific duration, affordable fees, direct admissions, and numerous career options. Enroll now and strive for success in the business world!
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Choosing the right college is crucial for a successful career in the business world when pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree.
SGT University, located in Gurgaon, stands out as one of the top BBA colleges in the region. The university offers a comprehensive program that empowers students to master this subject.
This article will delve into the various aspects of SGT University's BBA program, including course subjects, duration, fees, admissions process, career prospects, and available specializations.
Why Choose SGT University for Your BBA Education?
SGT University is renowned for its excellence in business education, making it the ideal choice for aspiring business professionals. Here is why SGT University stands out among the top BBA colleges in Gurgaon:
Experienced Faculty: Highly qualified and experienced faculty members at SGT University provide expert guidance and mentorship throughout the BBA journey.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: SGT University offers modern infrastructure, including well-equipped classrooms, a dedicated business lab, a library with an extensive collection of business resources, and access to online learning platforms.
Industry-Relevant Curriculum: The BBA program at SGT University aligns with the latest industry trends, ensuring students acquire practical knowledge and skills relevant to the dynamic business landscape.
Comprehensive BBA Course Subjects to Enhance Your Business Skills
SGT University's BBA program covers many subjects to give students a holistic understanding of business management. The BBA course subjects include:
Principles of Management
Financial Accounting
Marketing Management
Business Communication
Human Resource Management
Business Law
Operations Management
Entrepreneurship Development
International Business
Strategic Management and more.
Please note that the above syllabus is tentative and subject to change. Learn more about the complete BBA Syllabus at SGT University.
BBA Course Duration: A Perfect Fit for Your Academic Journey
The BBA course at SGT University lasts for three years, divided into six semesters. The curriculum thoughtfully balances theoretical knowledge and practical exposure. This allows students to develop a strong foundation in business management while gaining hands-on experience through industry internships and projects.
Affordable BBA Course Fees at SGT University
SGT University understands the importance of providing quality education at an affordable cost. The BBA course fees are structured to be accessible to many students. The university also offers scholarships and financial aid options to deserving candidates based on merit and need. Learn more about BBA Course Fees here.
Smooth and Streamlined BBA Course Admissions Process
SGT University follows a smooth and streamlined admissions process for the BBA program. Interested candidates can apply online via the university's official website. The admissions team reviews each application and shortlists candidates based on their academic performance and entrance examination scores. Shortlisted candidates are then called for a personal interview to assess their potential for the BBA program.
Exploring the Wide Range of Career Opportunities After BBA
A BBA degree opens up a world of career opportunities across industries. Graduates from SGT University's BBA program have succeeded in various roles, including:
Business Analyst
Marketing Executive
Human Resource Manager
Financial Analyst
Operations Manager
Sales Manager
Supply Chain Manager
Project Manager
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) About SGT University's BBA Program
FAQ 1: What sets SGT University apart from other BBA colleges in Gurgaon?
SGT University stands out due to its experienced faculty, industry-relevant curriculum, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and focus on holistic development.
FAQ 2: Can you provide an overview of the BBA course subjects at SGT University?
The BBA program at SGT University covers various subjects, including management principles, financial accounting, marketing management, business communication, and more.
FAQ 3: How long is the duration of the BBA course at SGT University?
The BBA course duration at SGT University lasts for three years, divided into six semesters.
FAQ 4: What are the fees for the BBA course at SGT University?
SGT University offers an affordable fee structure for the BBA course, and scholarships and financial aid options are available for deserving candidates. Learn more here.
FAQ 5: What is the admissions process for the BBA program at SGT University?
Interested candidates can apply online through the official website. The admissions team reviews applications based on academic performance and entrance examination scores, followed by a personal interview for shortlisted candidates.
SGT University is a premier institution for those aspiring to pursue a BBA degree in Gurgaon. By choosing SGT University, you embark on a journey towards a successful business career, equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic business world. Take the first step towards your future today and join SGT University's top-ranked BBA program.
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cumikering · 1 month
Neighbour Ghost x reader 7
2.3k | angst, drinking irresponsibly If Simon could do it all again (part 1) (part 8/end)
“You don’t look good, sir.” The sergeant stood at attention, looking straight into his lieutenant’s eyes.
Simon had to commend the balls of Kevlar required to walk right up to him to point the fact out unprompted, but that was why he liked Sgt. Eric Jefferies the most. You had no time to waste when you raced with death on the regular - he would tell anyone they didn’t look good.
He knew he didn’t - it was the same bland face he had the pleasure to look at in the mirror each day. Annoyed, but not surprised by the darkening circles under his eyes, stark against his pale complexion. It didn’t help that he nicked himself in the jaw shaving that morning.
“Dining hall, sergeant,” he grunted.
“You’re barely eating, Riley,” Lt. Ramsay said, the same bloke who’d catch him sneaking back to his room. “You know you’re contributing to the food waste when you don’t ask for seconds, yeah?”
It was true, and the table chuckled, but Simon continued to shove whatever was on his plate into his mouth. It was enough to not starve.
“He never leaves his room anymore, not even on the weekends,” another lieutenant quipped, but was promptly elbowed by the officer next to him.
That, too, was true.
Simon had nowhere else to be, like how it always was before his mum came to Hereford. These days his flat was too empty and cold with the hole in his chest. He never came back after that night.
It wasn’t like he was thriving in his quarters either, but it was still a little better – at least it was untouched by you. Though his nights were dreamless at first, he kept waking, and waking until the dreams started.
It was a glitch in the universe, wasn’t it? That the memory that played in his mind to insanity was the last time he saw you, about crawling back to your door with limbs that didn’t feel like his, vision swaying with the lights, coming on and off, his heartbeat ringing in his head.
It’s not supposed to end this way… I want to try…
He sighed at another disturbed night. Tea would slow his mind. Instead, he found the box of Darjeeling you gifted him to take back to base. ‘So we can have the same tea over the phone,’ you’d said.
Was there a way to escape you, make you stop haunting? He needed an exorcism.
He put it back in his drawer. One day, it wouldn’t have to hurt anymore.
And the nightmares came back. It was once, then twice, and thrice a week of waking up in cold sweat in the dark.
Simon’s performance slipped. There was a reason sleep deprivation was a popular torture method. He requested sleeping medications - his career was the last thing he had and he wasn’t about to let it go. Any unrestful sleep interrupted by the vivid images his sickly mind conjured up was still better than no sleep at all.
Quitting you was impossible when the thoughts still followed. If pushing you away didn’t work, maybe basking in the memories would, even if it hurt more. Aching for your warmth, the scraps of it, he’d go anywhere you’d been to see your ghost. The pain was better than the void.
“You lads are volunteering at the soup kitchen this Saturday,” he announced to Sgt. Jefferies after hours.
“Saturday, sir?”
“It’s good for you. Reminds you why you’re doing all this.”
“Can’t tell me what to do,” he teased. “You’re not my L.T. on the weekends.”
Simon’s stare didn’t waver and the other bloke’s smile dropped.
“Copy, sir. I’ll tell the others.”
When the four burly SAS soldiers entered the kitchen, chatter and clanks stalled as all eyes turned to them.
“May… May I help you young lads?” one of the middle-aged ladies said.
Simon recognised her from his last visit, but he quickly realised this was a silly idea. He was out of place, knowing no one there.
He flashed half a smile. “Just wanted to give a hand. Got any lifting to do?”
The lieutenant and his sergeants hauled the food items to the kitchen, including the bread which he taught his sergeants to half and butter. They were offered to peel potatoes, but Simon decided it was wise to leave it to the pros instead.
People still avoided his gaze while his boys exchanged pleasantries with the other volunteers; Eric even got called handsome by the group of older ladies he impressed with his strength as he hefted the sack of potatoes. While the night was as pleasant, it wasn’t the same if you weren’t there to hold his hand and laugh at his jokes.
When the boys invited Simon to the pub at the end of the night, he said no. He thought he was ready, but even after weeks, coming back to his flat was just as sickening.
The silence pierced. Despite all the lights flicked on, the place made his skin crawl, the space too vast and empty. But he didn’t become a lieutenant from succumbing to his emotions.
As he lay in bed, he recalled that you too slept there once. That the mattress once dipped with the gentle weight of you, but unlike the bed that bounced back, you’d left a lasting imprint that disfigured his soul.
Simon wondered what you were up to, if you knew he was there drowning, miserable in his cold room. He couldn’t decide if he preferred your door to be closer or further: closer so he could catch a glimpse of you without meaning to, or further so he wouldn’t be so tempted to go over and get on his knees.
You said begging only reduced you to nothing, but for you, he’d beg and beg. There wasn’t much to lose when he wasn’t much to begin with. He was a stray for a reason.
He tossed and turned, and was granted a wink of sleep before the same bloody dream flashed in his mind.
I don’t care how hard it gets…
He sat up, feet thudding on the floor as he rubbed his face with a heavy sigh. It was always that one moment, like a broken record. Why couldn’t it be you on a night out, or kissing you on the kitchen counter, or simply, you smiling? It was a curse. If only the heart could follow where one’s feet went.
With no plans on coming here, his sleeping pills lay on his desk at base. He looked through the cabinets to distract himself, finding various bottles of dusty, unopened spirits he was gifted. They weren’t his cup of tea.
So he packed, to get his mind off you, from spiralling and digging a deeper grave for itself.
It was time for a change. With the accommodation he was provided, he never needed to rent, but he did anyway in case his mum ever needed the place. It was a good call he did, but with the divorce on the way, keeping it was pointless. He’d rather spend the extra money on his mum and nephew.
Yes, he came to remember- not to forget, but you wouldn’t leave, would you? In the dead of night, when he pulled the hoodie he’d forgotten about out of his wardrobe, he decided he’d had enough of his bloody flat and drove back to base.
He still had another weekend to before his next deployment, a two-month mission. He’d finish packing then.
“You’re right, sir, it feels good volunteering.” Eric grinned at his lieutenant. “We’re going again tomorrow. Also one of the ladies is introducing her daughter to Sam. See you there then?”
Never again. “Dining hall, sergeant.”
Simon was a fool for not finishing his lunch sooner and bolting, instead lingering for the announcement. With how atrocious he did on his tests, he must have been beyond high to still hope for a miracle, that despite everything, he still had a chance at a promotion.
He didn’t make to the top 3.
Amidst the wishes from the table, Lt. Ramsay’s turned to him. His grateful smile faltered.
Simon’s fists clenched. It was supposed to be him, his. But who was he to be mad. It was the fruit of his incompetence. He knew this was coming. Things were going to shit. The unforgiving truth was staring right at him mercilessly: he had nothing else.
He left for his office.
“Sir, sir!” Sgt. Jefferies called. “We’re heading to the pub tonight. Come with us.”
He gritted his teeth. Word travelled too fast.
“Let’s get out of the base for a bit,” he continued when he caught up to his long strides. “It’s the last weekend before we ship out.”
Simon eyed the display of vibrant bottles behind the bar as he listened to his sergeants’ orders, the names foreign to him. Above, the telly showed a rugby match rerun no one paid attention to.
“Jefferies, how much you reckon it takes me to get pissed?”
He chuckled. “You, sir? At least 10,” he said before taking a swig of his beer.
“Nah, 15 sounds more like it.” Richie, the designated driver for the evening piped up.
Sam downed his first two shots, hissing as he slammed the glasses on the bar. “Agreed. Do you know how much he lifts?” He nodded at Simon’s biceps, bulging under his loose black shirt.
It was a genuine question. Simon didn’t want to get pissed, he only wanted to forget. He didn’t mean to go over his limit he had no idea was at seven.
Drunk Simon was a weeping, blabbering mess. It didn’t help that he was massive, because his sergeants had trouble getting him to the car before Richie drove him to the address of his flat he barely managed to gurgle out before passing out.
“Sir, you’re paying for the bloody cleaning if you get sick in my car!”
Why did he think this was a good idea? He was never a drinker, barely even touched alcohol socially. It was the poison that turned his dad into a demon, and it too became his downfall. The only thing he thought he would always have – his resolve, let him down too. He’d lost you, his mum whom he was supposed to protect, his future, and now his dignity.
Desperation was a lethal sentiment.
And that dream came again, that he stumbled to your door. Legs wobbly, his vision in and out as the world spun in slow motion.
“Luv… Luv, it’s not supposed to end like this,” he slurred, the same line he always opened with.
A marionette, a prisoner in his own head, it was a loop he couldn’t escape. The awful show had to commence to end the same way each time.
“I’m sick of losing and I wouldn’t know what to do when you leave, after how much you’ve given. Instead, I left when you needed me. I should have been there for you, gone through all this with you, no matter how hard it got.
“If you would give me a chance, I’ll quit the SAS. I’d start all over again. I’ll butcher the carrots and apples with the bloody peeler, I’ll let the steakhouse mess up our reservation and eat a dozen soapy tacos… If you ever show up at my door with your pie again, I swear I’d kiss you, not scare you. And I’ll never let go. If it has to hurt, I want it to be you.”
The door clicked open, and like how it always went, it meant the dream was coming to an end.
“You make it worth it,” he muttered as his vision faded.
Simon gasped for air, this time staring up at blinding lights. He shielded his wet eyes, chuckling to himself.
“Bloody hell, I think I’m sick on the inside.”
“Only your past, but you are not your past.” Your voice echoed in the distance.
His body was too heavy to move. “Could you forgive me, for all of this?”
“Could you? You need to forgive more than you need to be forgiven.”
He laughed as another tear slipped.
Simon woke on his couch, still in his clothes from the night before. Dreaming of you always drained him, leaving him hollow and out of touch with his body.
He sat up with a groan, rubbing his face as the dizziness settled. He didn’t remember much after getting dragged to Richie’s car. Judging by the gnarly bruise on his arm, he probably fell last night, but he was glad he found his way back to his flat in one piece.
Stumbling to the shower, he hissed when his toe stubbed one of the boxes on the floor. It was a horrendous decision to drink so much, still having to pack the rest of his stuff. He leaned over the sink, staring at his bloodshot eyes.
His sergeant was right. He didn’t look good. He never did. What the fuck are you doing to yourself, Riley?
With his hair damp, he made his way to the kitchen. As he realised he’d packed all his tea stash in one of the bloody boxes, a series of knocks echoed in his flat.
He grumbled. It better be important for someone to disturb his peace, especially with the pounding of his head. He couldn’t be bothered putting a shirt on before he swung the door open.
It was you, a pie in hand like the first time he met you all those months ago.
“Hi, is Simon in?”
His heart lurched as he crushed you in a hug.
“Thought you said you were going to kiss me.”
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Super Secret Supplemental - SHIELD
S.H.I.E.L.D (or the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) was an international peacekeeping, law enforcement, and counter-terrorism agency sanctioned by the United Nations. They were led by a director who reports to the World Security Council and the agency was composed of members from various nations.  SHIELD was founded to combat technologically advanced threats on world security (specifically the menace of Hydra); and they remained throughout the years on the front lines, fighting terrorism, supernatural threats and extraterrestrial menaces as an international intelligence agency.
Following the Secret Empire event, SHIELD was formerly dissolved.  Some elements of the organization remain operational, overseeing ‘black site’ prisons and handling the transition of its duties to other intelligence agencies.  
Many individuals have served as agents and operatives for SHIELD over the years.  Some of the more notable agents include the following:
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Colonel Nicholas Fury Sr. was one of the organization’s earliest recruits and he quickly matriculated to the role of director.  The character is portrayed by actor Samuel L. Jackson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; Nick Fury’s first appearance was in the pages of Sgt. Fury #1 (1963).
Commander Timothy Dum Dum Duggan had been Fury’s colleague among the Howling Commandos during the Second World War.  He joined SHIELD and would go on to be Fury’s right-hand man, rising to the rank of director for a time.  Duggan additionally headed up SHIELD’s Godzilla division as well as its monster-oriented new Howling Commandos.  Actor Neal McDonough portrayed the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Duggan first appeared in the pages of Sgt. Fury #1 (1963).
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Agent Maria Hill became the director of SHIELD following Fury’s ouster and served in the position during the first Superhero Civil War.  Hill stayed on as second in command during the time that Tony Stark acted as director.  Her hawkish attitudes and supreme distrust toward super powered individuals ultimately led to her being dishonorably discharged from the organization. Maria Hill features in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, portrayed by actress Cobie Smulders.  The character first appeared in New Avengers Vol. 1 #4 (2005).  
Natalia Romanova, also known as The Black Widow, joined SHIELD following her defection from the former Soviet Union.  She has served on and off with the organization throughout her career as an Avenger and solo super hero.  Actress Scarlet Johansson portrays the Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The heroine first appeared in the pages of Tales of Suspense #52 (1964).
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Sharon Carter, Agent 13, is the niece of Peggy Carter who fought the Axis Forces alongside Captain America in the Second World War.  Agent 13 would go on to have many abetters alongside Captain America and the two became lovers.  She was believed killed in action but later returned and resumed both her position as an agent of SHIELD as well as her romance with Cap.  Actress Emily VanCamp portrays Sharon Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Agent 13 first appeared in the pages of Tales of Suspense #75 (1965)
Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, maintained a partnership with SHIELD throughout many of his adventures in the modern era.  He was offered the directorship over the organization in the wake of the Dark Reign storyline. An evil doppelganger of Rogers would go on to take over SHIELD, using it to forward the agenda of Hydra.  Although the doppelganger was ultimately defeated, the ordeal resulted in the official dissolution of the organization.  Actor Chris Evans portrays Cap in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The hero first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (1941).  
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The Inhuman heroine, Daisy Johnson, was sought out by Nick Fury during a time in which he was conducting covert affairs for SHIELD.  Fury placed Daisy in charge of an unsanctioned operation to topple a regime in Latveria.  Having gained Fury’s trust, young Daisy was offered level 10 clearance at SHIELD, effectively making her Fury’s second in charge.  Following Fury’s ouster, Daisy briefly served as the organizations director before Maria Hill’s political maneuvering forced her out.  Actress Chloe Bennet portrays Daisy Johnson in the television series Marvel’s Agents of Shield.  The young heroine first appeared in Secret War #2 (2004).
Agent Melinda May earned a reputation as one of SHIELD’s most effective field operatives.  Her quick thinking and highly proficient combat skills helped her save the day on many occasions, earning her the nickname ‘The Calvary.’  May was chosen by section commander, Phil Coulson, to lead a team to take down a terrorist cell that had obtained the mystical Uru sword.  Following the dissolution of SHIELD, May has gone on to become an agent for The FBI. Actress Ming-Na Wen portrayed Agent May in the television series Marvel’s Agents of Shield.  The heroine first comic book appearance was in Agents of SHIELD Vol. 3 #1 (2014).  
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Agent Gabe Jones served as a member of the Howling Commandos during World War II.  Following the war, Fury recruited Jones to become an agent of SHIELD.  Jones became a top operative and was a crucial part to bringing down the nefarious organization known as The Secret Empire.  He would later be a part of the SHIELD task force to contain the monster Godzilla.  Jones featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe portrayed by actor Derek Luke.  The hero first appeared in the pages of Sgt. Fury #1 (1963).
Having graduated top of his class at the SHIELD training program, Agent Jasper Sitwell earned a position as Director Fury’s chief assistant and secretary.  In this role, Sitwell (then known as Agent 22) periodically stood in as temporary director during times in which Fury was on assignment or otherwise unavailable.  Sitwell later acted as the official liaison between SHIELD and Stark Industries, which led to many adventures involving Iron Man and the hero’s many foes.  A decidedly less heroic version of Jasper Sitwell featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, portrayed by actor Maximiliano Hernández.  The agent first appeared in the pages of Strange Tales #144 (1966).
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Agent Victoria Hand had been an accountant at SHIELD who voiced significantly hawkish views on how the organization should be run.  Her notions caught the attention of Norman Osborn who had been made director of SHIELD following the Secret Invasion event.  Osborn promoted Hand as his chief lieutenant and she essentially acted as director in that Osborn was often preoccupied with his various diabolical schemes.  Hand remained with the organization following Osborn’s ouster and the new director, Tony Stark, assigned her as the official liaison to the Avengers.  She was later killed in action.  Actress Saffron Burrows portrayed Hand in the television series Marvel’s Agents of Shield.  The agent first appeared in the pages of Invincible Iron Man Vol. 2 #8 (2008).
The enigmatic Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine joined SHIELD because she was bored by her life of privilege and luxury.  Her keen tactical mind and fierce combat skills helped her rise through the ranks and she soon became a top agent.  She also became romantically involved with Nick Fury, ultimately leading her to be transferred to the European branch to avoid the appearance that Fury was showing favoritism.  The Contessa would briefly act as director of SHIELD yet was secretly involved with a villainous cabal known as Leviathan.   Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus portrays the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The Contessa first appeared in the pages of Strange Tales #159 (1967).
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Alphonso ‘Mac’ Mackenzie had acted as a liaison between SHIELD and the CIA before formerly becoming an agent of SHIELD.  He quickly became a top agent, frequently working alongside fellow agents Jasper Sitwell and Jimmy Woo.  Something of a luddite, Mac was highly distrustful of SHIELD’s increasing reliance on advanced technology.  His suspicions in this regard proved crucial in preventing the organization from being taken over by The Deltite Corporation, thwarting the plan to replace all top agents with Life Model Decoy androids.  A version of Mackenzie featured in the television series Marvel’s Agents of Shield, portrayed by actor Henry Simmons. The agent first appeared in the pages of Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. #3 (1988)
Agent Sidney Levine, often known as The Gaffer, had been a fighter pilot during World War II.  Following the war he became involved in creating special effects for Hollywood.  He ingenuity for gadgetry resulted in his being recruited into SHIELD.  Working in conjunction with technicians from Stark Industries, The Gaffer was responsible for many of the organizations most ingenious weapons and devices.  The agent first appeared in Strange Tales #159 (1967).
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Phillip Coulson served as an Army Ranger stationed in Afghanistan.  During his service he became close friends with fellow Ranger, Marcus Johnson.  After Johnson learned he was the son of Nick Fury he ended up recruited into SHIELD and Coulson signed up alongside him.  Coulson would go on to become a top operative and oversaw his own squad of agents.  Coulson was later apparently killed by Deadpool in the opening salvos of The Secret Empire Event.  Yet it turned out that Coulson was resurrected by the villainous of Mephisto who then used Coulson as a pawn in the creation of the government-sanctioned super-team, the Squadron Supreme of America.  Actor Clarke Gregg portrayed Coulson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  His first comic book appearance was in the pages of Battle Scars #1 (2011).  
Marcus Johnson, born Nicholas Fury Jr., grew up unaware that he was the son of Nick Fury and that he had inherited the ‘infinity formula’ from his father.  This led him to being targeted by the villainous Orion who sought to extract the formula from him so to save his own life.  He was saved and ended up following in father’s footsteps, joining SHIELD.  Nick Fury Jr first appeared in Battle Scars #1 (2011).  
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Agent Jimmy Woo worked for the FBI leading a task force hunting down the international crime lord known as The Golden Claw.  He was later recruited into SHIELD and aided the organization in finally taking the Claw down.  He remained with SHIELD participating in many missions and acting as part of SHIELD’s Godzilla Unit.  Years later, The Golden Claw resurfaced and Woo would go on to take over the Claw’s organization, reforming it into the Atlas Foundation and a force for good.  Actor Randell Park portrays Jimmy Woo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The agent’s first comic book appearance was in the pages of Yellow Claw #1 (1956).
A former captain in the United States Air Force, Clay Quartermain was recruited into the ranks of SHIELD during its battle against the forces of The Golden Claw.  He continued on with the organization and embarked on numerous missions.  His garrulousness and boastful nature rubbed some of his fellow agents the wrong way, but he proved himself highly capable and was put in charge of SHIELD’s Hulk-Busters unit.  He was later apparently killed while investigating the mystery of the Red Hulk.  Clay Quartermain first appeared in the pages of Strange Tales #163 (1967).
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Agent Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Morse, also known as Agent 19, served as a field agent and scientist for SHIELD, sharing numerous adventures alongside Ka-Zar of the Savage Land.  Fearing that her work with SHIELD could endanger her family, Morse faked her death and began operating as the costumed hero Mockingbird.  Not long thereafter, she became a frequent ally of Hawkeye.  The two fell in love and eventually married and together they formed the West Coast branch of The Avengers.  Actress Adrianne Palicki portrayed Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird in the television series Marvel’s Agents of Shield; whereas actress Linda Cardellini has played Hawkeye’s wife and former SHIELD Agent 19 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The heroine first appeared in the pages of Astonishing Tales Vol. 1 #6 (1971).
Junior agent Roz Solomon served as a member of SHIELD in the organization’s environmental sciences division.  A staunch environmentalist, Solomon investigated an illegal oceanic drilling practice conducted by the Roxxan Oil Corporation and ended up sharing an adventure with the Mighty Thor. Following the dissuasion of SHIELD, Solomon accepted an offer by King T’Challa to become a part of his Agents of Wakanda program.  The intrepid young agent first appeared in the pages of Thor: God of Thunder #12 (2013).  
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Commodore Lance Hunter was born in Kent, England and served in the Royal Navy before becoming a top operative for MI-6.  He was later put in charge of the organization, S.T.R.I.K.E. (or the Special Tactical Reserve for International Key Emergencies) which acted as a sister agency to SHIELD in the United Kingdom.  Hunter would go on to have numerous adventures alongside Nick Fury, Captain Britain and Captain America.  During his missions in conjunction with SHIELD, Hunter sparked up a romance with SHIELD agent, Bobbi Morse. The pair briefly rekindled their romance following Bobbi’s divorce from Clint Barton.  Actor Nick Blood portrayed a version of Lance Hunter in the television series, Marvel’s Agents of Shield.  The hero first appeared in the pages of Captain Britain #19 (1977).
Agent Monica Chang was the chief of SHIELD's Artificial Intelligence division. She was tasked with the interrogation of Hank Pym after the virus with which he destroyed Ultron evolved into the A.I. known as Dimitrios, and started mounting cyberattacks against secure military and intelligence targets. She ordered Hank Pym to help her destroy this new threat, for which Pym created a new team of Avengers: the Avengers A.I.  Chang acted as a part of the Avengers A.I. until Dimitrios was destroyed and the team disbanded.  The heroine first appeared in the pages of Avengers A.I. #1 (2013).
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Doctor Jemma Simmons had been a science officer at SHIELD when she was recruited into Phil Coulson’s special operations unit investigating the mystical Uru sword.  Simmons later aided Coulson in garnering the aide of the Inhuman known as Karnak in a kidnapping case.  During another mission, Dr. Simmons was infected with a virus manufactured by the terrorist cell, AIM.  The virus proved fatal yet Simmons was saved when Deathlock transformed her into a partial cyborg.  The agent originally appeared in the television series, Marvel’s Agents of Shield, portrayed by actress Elizabeth Henstridge.  Simmon's first comic appearance was int he pages of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 3 #1 (2014).
Agent Leopold Fitz had been a fifth level SHIELD operative who showed a tremendous aptitude for mechanical engineering.  He was recruited by Commander Phil Coulson to act as a part of his special operations squad to address a terrorist group that had obtained the mystical Uru sword.  Fitz remained a part of Cousin’s team until it was disbanded.  Fitz originally appeared in the television series, Marvel’s Agents of Shield, portrayed by actor Iain De Caestecker.  The agent’s first comic appearance was int he pages of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 3 #1 (2014).
The organization first appeared in the pages of Strange Tales #135 (1965).  
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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USAF F-35 Demonstration Team announces new pilot and commander
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/02/2024 - 08:30 in Demonstration Squads, Military
U.S. Air Force Captain Melanie "MACH" Kluesner, pilot of the F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 421º Fighter Squadron, became the new certified pilot and commander of the F-35A Demonstration Team, during the Heritage Flight Training Course of the Air Combat Command at Davis-Monthan Air Base, Arizona, on March 1º, 2024.
Kluesner comes from a military family and was inspired from a very young age by her parents, both U.S. Air Force pilots, to become a fighter pilot.
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U.S. Air Force Captain Melanie "MACH" Kluesner, commander and pilot of the F-35A Lightning II demonstration team, and Major Kristin "BEO" Wolfe, commander and outgoing pilot of the F-35A Lightning II demonstration team, walk on the flight line at Davis-Monthan Air Base, Arizona, March 1º, 2024. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / 1st Lt. Nathan Poblete)
“When I was a child, I really appreciated my parents, family and friends who believed in me and encouraged me to follow my dream of becoming a fighter pilot,” Kluesner said. "My father was a demonstration pilot of the Pacific Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon in the 1980s and my mother was the first class of women graduated from the Air Force Academy. She graduated in pilot training as a qualified hunter, but at that time women were not allowed to pilot fighters. My parents are a great inspiration to me and have incredible stories of their careers."
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U.S. Air Force Captain Melanie "MACH" Kluesner, pilot and commander of the F-35A Lightning II demonstration team, prepares to conduct an air demonstration certification flight at Hill Air Base, Utah, on February 22, 2024. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / Staff Sgt. Kaitlyn Ergish)
After graduating from the University of Southern California, Kluesner was commissioned with the U.S. Air Force in 2014. She is a veteran combat fighter pilot with more than 1,000 hours of experience in a variety of aircraft, including the T-6A Texan II, T-38 Talon, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-35B and F-35A Lightning II.
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"It was a long way to get where I am and there is nothing more rewarding than doing a job you love for something that is bigger than yourself," Kluesner said. "To be the demonstration pilot means spreading this message to the next generation and I am very excited for the start of the air show season."
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The commander of the F-35A Demonstration Team is not only responsible for an itinerant team of 14 maintainers and support personnel, but also reinforces the team's mission around the world each year, showing the F-35's combat capabilities and its unique experiences to recruit, retain and inspire thousands of spectators in each air show.
"I think it's very important for people to realize that if you want to be a fighter pilot or serve in the Air Force, it doesn't matter how you look or if you fit the specific mold," Kluesner explained. "What matters is to be willing to remain disciplined, work hard, work as a team and worry about serving your country. I am honored to be in this position and I hope that everyone who watches the demonstration will feel inspired to dream big, just as I was when I was a child."
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Demo TeamLockheed Martin F-35A Lightning IIUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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26 February 1943
            Bill Duke is an American actor and director who is best known for his playing Cooke in Commando (1985) and worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger once again in Predator (1987) playing Sgt. Mac Eliot.
            Duke played Eliot who was a mercenary and a member of Dutch’s private military team. The group is sent to Guatemala for a supposed rescue mission, they come into contact with the alien creature, the Predator who stalks them and kills them off one-by-one. Eliot open fires on the Predator but only wounds its leg. Eliot is unable to explain what he saw to the rest of the group, but knows the creature isn’t human or animal. He says to Dillon "Out there. Past them trees. You see it?”. Eliot’s good friend Cooper is killed by the Predator and Eliot wants revenge and approaches the creature, when the Predator kills him. Eliot’s character is best known for shaving his face, whilst shaken up and nervous.
            Besides acting Bill Duke is also a director who has directed the television series The Twilight Zone and Sister Act 2. He has also appeared in American Gigolo (1980), Dallas: The Early Years (1986), Henry’s Crime (2010), Starsky & Hutch (1978), Charlie’s Angels (1978) and Starman (1987).
            Duke was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, US. He grew up working in numerous jobs and then studied English, dance and drama at University. He started working on Broadway in 1971 and studied film and acting further which led to his successful career on film and television.
            Duke later became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation in Ethiopia in 1973 under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Today he is aged 81, is married and lives in Los Angeles.
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#billduke #sgtmaceliot #maceliot #predator #predator1987
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 5 months
New Seasons of “WWE Rivals” & “Biography: WWE Legends” Beginning February 25 on A&E
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Following at 9pm ET/PT, “Biography: WWE Legends” continues to convey the intimate, distinctive stories of the lives and events that molded some of the most beloved WWE Legends into the stars they became. Through archival footage and first-hand account interviews, each episode will examine a different Legend and showcase their career highlights and the effect they had on the industry and fans. The season begins with examining the enthralling life and career of the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history, Randy Orton, with other Legends featured this season including
Sgt. Slaughter, Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon, Diamond Dallas Page, British Bulldog, and the longest-reigning WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Reginald VelJohnson (born Reginald Vel Johnson; August 16, 1952) is an actor. He is known for playing policeman characters such as Carl Winslow on the sitcom Family Matters, and LAPD Sgt. Al Powell in the films Die Hard and Die Hard 2. He played an air traffic controller, Bob Abbot, Air Collision. He was born in Queens, the son of Eva, a nurse’s aide, and Dan, a hospital attendant. He attended Benjamin N. Cardozo High School where he was classmates with George Tenet. He obtained a BFA in theater from New York University, where he had a chance to work with the Black/Hispanic Shakespeare Company. He is known for playing police officers in films and on television. His early career included a brief appearance in Ghostbusters and an appearance in Crocodile Dundee. He played a police officer in Turner & Hooch. He would play an ambulance driver in Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. He had his breakthrough role as Sgt. Al Powell in Die Hard. He reprised the character in the sequel Die Hard 2. He portrayed Sgt. Powell in the GameCube video game title, Die Hard: Vendetta. He has done mostly voice and guest star work. He has made guest appearances in several TV shows, including The Equalizer, Diagnosis: Murder, Twice in a Lifetime, Will & Grace, Monk, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Eve, Crossing Jordan, The Parkers, That's So Raven, and Bones. He had a minor role in Like Mike. He appeared in the short films Reverse, Nerve Endings, and Time Upon A Once. The following year he appeared as the "Sgt. Al Powell" character from the Die Hard series in an episode of Chuck. He started a recurring role as Principal, Superintendent Strickland on I'm in the Band and Funnyordie.com's, Just 3 Boyz. He has appeared in The Formula. He voiced Principal Winslow in the animated adaptation of the comic Invincible. In both the comic and the television series the main character attends a high school named after the actor, and the character itself is named after his previous role as Carl Winslow from Family Matters. He voices several minor characters in the series. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/ChUUGrXOn_8tQl3ykGKztfQGNpDHRK0jOTH2yE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sgtengineering · 27 days
What is B. Des Course? Check the best college for B.Des in Delhi NCR
Welcome to the exciting world of Fashion Design, you’ll embark your journey to unleash your creativity and explore the art of transforming fabric and ideas into wearable masterpieces. If you’re someone who has a creative soul with a passion for style, a B Des. Course is a perfect path for unlocking your dreams
It is an excellent starting point for the people who want to start their career being a fashion designer. To enter in the artistic world of fashion, SGT University is the best platform to chase your dreams. To enhance the skills such as artistry, technical, painting, sketching, sculpting you need to pursue the B Des. Course from one of the best B Des. College in Delhi, NCR.
The following article collects all the information needed to pursue this course. This article consists of an introduction, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, course curriculum, fee structure, and career opportunities.
Fashion is about something that comes from within you. In the ever-evolving world of fashion, designers are the driving force behind the latest trends and must-have looks Being a fashion designer we can explore our creativity in blending art, culture and personal expressions into wearable masterpieces. As a fashion designer, you'll have the power to challenge societal norms, push boundaries, and create pieces that resonate with people from all walks of life. It is not about just painting or sketching dresses or models it a diverse field that includes technical skills, trend forecasting, research skills, and having a deep understanding of materials required and construction skills. The fashion designing course will equip you with the tools and knowledge that will provide you a unique vision of life to explore the world.
What is B Des. Course?
A Bachelor of Design – Fashion Design or B Des. Course is an undergraduate course. It is designed for the students who want to study in the field of fashion in depth. The aim of B Des is to provide the students with a comprehensive education in the theoretical and practical aspects of fashion industry. The program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge and creativity to become a professional in the dynamic and ever evolving field of fashion design. To enroll in this course. It is preferable to choose the course in SGT University, the best B Des. College in Haryana. It is now time to dream and achieve your goals.
Factual details
A four – year undergraduate degree comprises two semesters annually, which come under BA courses. this course is offered by the Faculty of Fashion and Design. In which students gain creative insight and technical understanding of design products by enrolled in subjects like pattern making, garment construction, draping, surface ornamentation, fashion illustration, etc. and undergo industrial training and internships which makes them ready for numerous industries. Every semester offers a variety of courses that assist in learning about the designing and in – depth study of fashion. However, the course curricula of various colleges and university vary. At SGT University, the curriculum is designed to help students to meet the requirements necessary which help them to earn high grades to accomplish their objectives. SGT University is regarded one of the best private university of B Des college in Gurgaon because of this.
B Des. Course Admission Procedure
Also Read: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat 2024 - Celebrating Unity in Diversity
The admission process for B Des. In Fashion Designing varies college-wise. But the admission process at Sgt. University, the best private university in Delhi, NCR, is very simple. All you need to do is first go to the official website of SGT University, the best private university in Delhi, NCR. Then fill out the application form, and there will be a personal interview through assessment, during which your seat will be reserved and you will be ready to proceed in your career.
Why is SGT University the best private university for B Des. Course in Dehli NCR?
The best B Des. College in Delhi NCR, SGT University, the Faculty of Fashion and Design, offers a B Des. Course. The UGC recognized SGT University, which was founded in 2013 with the main goals of advancing research, innovation and multidisciplinary education. SGT University is recognized by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an A+ ranking, which spans more than 70 acres. Its vision is to encourage brilliant individuals through value based, cross – cultural, integrated and holistic education that employs modern and advanced techniques combines with ethical ideals to contribute to the development of a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It is considered one of the best B Des College in Haryana.
B. Des Course Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who have passed minimum 3 years Diploma and after 10 and 1 or more years after 10+2 with 50% marks or equivalent in any branch of Fine Art/ Painting/Applied Art/ Sculpture/ Fashion and Apparel Design/ Craft/ Mass media/ Photography/ Advertising/ Graphics/ Animations etc or other relevant or allied fine arts and fashion design subjects.
B Des. Course Curriculum
Candidates who want to pursue their career in Fashion and Designing can enroll in B Des. At SGT University, the best B Des. College in Gurgaon. The syllabus of this course has been discussed below:
Semester 1
History of Fashion Art
Fibre to Fabric
Fashion Communication
Environment Science
Basics of Drawing
Material and Accessory Studies
Market Survey
Semester 2
Art Appreciation
Machineries and Equipment
Introduction to Fashion Industry
Influential Fashion
Fashion Illustration I
Elements of Color and Design
Semester 3
Cultural Studies and Traditional Embroidery
Production Techniques
Knitting Technology
Human Values and Ethics
Fashion Illustration II
Pattern Making I
Construction Techniques I
Computer Aided Design
Semester 4
Fashion Marketing and Merchandising
Leather Science
Fashion Forecasting
Surface Ornamentation
Pattern Making II
Construction Techniques II
Computer Aided Design II
Soft Skills
Semester 5
Trade Policy
Consumer Behavior and Retailing
Discipline Specific Elective
Any One Foreign Language:
German I
French I
Dyeing and Printing
Draping I
Pattern Making III
Construction Techniques III
Project – Term Project
Semester 6
Socio – Psychological aspect of clothing
Quality Control Assurance
Any One Foreign Language:
German II
French II
Advanced Fashion Illustration
Fashion Photography
Visual Merchandising
Draping II
Project – Term Project
Semester 7
Design Development Process
Any One:
Entrepreneurship Development
Brand Management
Project – Design Collection
Semester 8
Design Collection II
Graduating Fashion Show
Any One:
Professional Portfolio
Digital Portfolio Development
B Des. Course Fee
The total fee for pursuing the B Des. In Fashion Design is INR 75,000 per semester at SGT University, the best B Des. College in Delhi NCR. it also provides a scholarship based on your exam scores.
B Des. Career Opportunities
Choosing a B Des in Fashion Design course can enhance your career prospects and broaden your opportunities in various fields. Here are some you can explore;
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robotsfromtomorrow · 1 month
Episode 809: The Greatest Bronze Age Batman Stories, Part 1
Having finished with the Man of Steel, today’s episode is the first of three looking at the best Caped Crusader stories of the Seventies to the mid-Eighties with the DC3Cast’s very own Vince Ostrowski! Come for the Neal Adams, stay to find out more about double-threat Frank Robbins, the mad genius of Bob Haney, Ra’s Al Ghul, Bruce Wayne and Sgt. Rock teaming up to fight Nazis, Batman’s Congressional career, and much more. All that, and just what the hell a hellgrammite is!
Comics referred to in this episode are:
The Brave and the Bold #79-86, 93, 94
Batman #217, 232, 234, 237, 242-244, 250, 251
Detective Comics #400, 402, 404, 407, 420, 421, 429
Swamp Thing #7
All comics are available as individual issues on DC Universe Infinite except for Batman #242 and 250.
Batman #242 is collected in the Batman: Tales of the Demon collection, and Batman #250 is collected in the first volume of The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told collection series.
  Robots From Tomorrow is a comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at RobotsFromTomorrow.com. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel at this link. You can also follow Greg and the show on Bluesky. Stay safe and enjoy your funny books.
Check out this episode!
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skshospitalmedical · 5 months
Choosing the Best Medical College in Haryana for 2024
So, whether you aspire to be a doctor, surgeon, or researcher, the right institute makes all the difference! It’s not just about academics. It’s about crafting your future. Dive into the lineup of medical colleges in Haryana to find your perfect fit for 2024. Your future career starts here!
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Medical College, Chhainsa 
Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College, Karnal                  
ESIC Medical College, Faridabad
SHKM Government Medical College Nalhar, Mewat
SGT University
Maharishi Markandeshwar Deemed To Be University, Mullana
Pt Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Rohtak                    
BPS Govt. Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat               
Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak
Ready to take the next step in your medical education? If yes, SKS Hospital Medical College & Research Centre shines as the ultimate pick as the best medical college in Haryana. Choosing SKS means setting off on an incredible journey toward becoming a skilled healthcare professional.
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aditi4 · 7 months
Which is the top University in Delhi (NCR) for M.Sc. Forensic Sciences ?
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Forensic Sciences is a specialized program that equips students with the knowledge and practical skills necessary for a career in forensic investigation, analysis, and crime-solving. Several prestigious universities in Delhi NCR and Haryana provide exceptional M.Sc. Forensic Sciences programs, including Geeta University. Let's explore some of these top institutions:
1. Geeta University, Haryana: Geeta University offers a comprehensive M.Sc. Forensic Sciences program, encompassing forensic analysis, crime scene investigation, forensic biology, and forensic chemistry. The university's state-of-the-art facilities and practical approach to forensic education make it an excellent choice for aspiring forensic scientists.
2. Amity University, Noida: Amity University's M.Sc. Forensic Sciences program focuses on forensic investigation techniques, forensic medicine, and criminalistics. The institution's emphasis on research and practical exposure ensures a holistic learning experience.
3. Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi: Jamia Millia Islamia offers an M.Sc. in Forensic Science covering various forensic disciplines like forensic biology, forensic chemistry, and forensic physics. The university's well-equipped labs and industry collaborations enhance students' practical understanding.
4. Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU), Haryana: MDU provides an M.Sc. Forensic Sciences program emphasizing forensic analysis, criminal investigation, and forensic evidence collection. The university's interdisciplinary curriculum prepares students for careers in forensic research and criminal justice.
5. Galgotias University, Greater Noida: Galgotias University offers an M.Sc. in Forensic Science with specialized modules in forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology, and forensic psychology. The university's practical approach and expert faculty enhance students' understanding of forensic sciences.
6. Lovely Professional University (LPU), Punjab: LPU's M.Sc. Forensic Sciences program covers forensic biology, forensic chemistry, and criminalistics. The university's focus on practical training and modern forensic techniques prepares students for a diverse range of forensic careers.
7. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University offers an M.Sc. in Forensic Science emphasizing forensic analysis, forensic pathology, and forensic toxicology. The university's interdisciplinary approach provides students with a broad perspective on forensic sciences.
8. SGT University, Gurugram: SGT University's M.Sc. Forensic Sciences program includes modules on forensic ballistics, forensic document examination, and crime scene investigation. The institution's industry collaborations and research opportunities augment students' practical skills.
9. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), Delhi: GGSIPU provides an M.Sc. in Forensic Science focusing on forensic genetics, forensic serology, and forensic anthropology. The university's interdisciplinary curriculum prepares students for a career in forensic analysis and crime investigation.
10. Kurukshetra University, Haryana: Kurukshetra University offers an M.Sc. Forensic Sciences program with specialized courses in forensic chemistry, forensic biology, and forensic toxicology. The university's emphasis on practical training enhances students' investigative skills.
Aspiring students looking to pursue M.Sc. Forensic Sciences have several reputed options, including Geeta University in Haryana, and other renowned institutions in Delhi NCR and neighboring areas. Evaluating these universities based on their curriculum, practical exposure, faculty expertise, and industry tie-ups can help students make informed decisions aligned with their career aspirations in forensic sciences.
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sgtuniversityggn · 1 year
Best colleges for BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Starting the Journey into AI & ML
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become crucial technologies across various industries. They have changed the way we work, and interact with technology. Pursuing a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning meets the growing demand for professionals who possess a strong foundation in both AI and ML.
In this article, we will explore the significance of BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how it can shape your career.
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Introduction to BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a 3 year UG course that combines computer science with AI and ML concepts. It is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical applications of AI and ML technologies.
This program equips students with the skills required to develop intelligent systems, analyze complex data sets, and build predictive models using ML algorithms.
BCA in AI & ML Syllabus
The curriculum of BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is carefully crafted to provide students with a strong foundation in computer science, programming, mathematics, and statistics. Additionally, it includes specialized courses in AI and ML, covering topics such as:
Data Structures and Algorithms
Probability and Statistics
Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Reinforcement Learning
Big Data Analytics
Cloud Computing
Learn more about the complete BCA in AI and ML syllabus at SGT University.
Job Opportunities for BCA in AI & ML Graduates
Upon completing BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, graduates can explore various career opportunities in both established companies and startups. Some of the common jobs in this field include:
AI Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer
Data Scientist
Business Intelligence Analyst
AI Researcher
Robotics Engineer
Data Analyst
Software Developer
Data Engineer
Salary Potential
BCA graduates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can expect competitive salaries due to the high demand for AI and ML professionals. Entry-level positions typically offer salaries ranging from 6 to 8 LPA according to Upgrad.
Future Scope of BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
The future scope of BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is promising.
As AI and ML continue to advance and permeate various sectors, the demand for skilled professionals in this field will only increase.
Industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, and transportation are actively adopting AI and ML technologies, creating a wealth of opportunities for BCA graduates.
How to Excel in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Studies
To excel in BCA studies, follow these tips:
Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest advancements in AI and ML through academic journals, conferences, and online resources.
Practice Coding: Develop proficiency in programming languages commonly used in AI and ML, such as Python and R.
Hands-on Projects: Engage in practical projects to apply theoretical knowledge and build a strong portfolio.
Collaborate and Network: Join AI and ML communities, attend meetups, and participate in hackathons to collaborate with peers and learn from experts.
Continuous Learning: Embrace continuous learning to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving field of AI and ML.
Why Study BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from SGT University?
The following reasons make SGT University the best colleges for BCA in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning:
A future-proof career in technology.
Specialization in AI and ML.
Expertise in cutting-edge technologies.
Strong industry demand for graduates.
Access to renowned faculty and resources.
Networking with industry professionals.
Gateway to innovation and research.
BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning offers a comprehensive education that combines computer science with AI and ML concepts.
With the increasing demand for AI and ML professionals, pursuing BCA in this domain can open up exciting career opportunities and provide a strong foundation for future growth.
Enroll now at SGT University to learn this course.
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thebibliomancer · 7 months
11 Days of Comics! 7/11: Universal Soldier #1 (1992) "The QUICK and the UNDEAD"
Hey, a comic based on the major motion picture!
Any Universal Soldier fans out there? It had Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. It had five sequels. Gotta be at least one fan out there, reading this.
Anyway, this comic is written by Clint McElroy of the podcast McElroys. I was vaguely aware that he had a small career in comics but look at me running into one of his comics in the wild.
You can tell this comic was released in the 90s. It has a holographic cover, on Dolph Lundgren's visor.
So I've never seen the movie so this is all new to me. Cannot speak to whether this is a good adaptation of one-third of the movie.
But it all starts during the Vietnam War.
Jean-Claude Van Damme's character Luc Deveraux is a US Army soldier. Dolph Lundgren's character is Sgt. Andrew Scott. Scott went a little indiscriminately murdery and killed nearly his entire platoon and a nearly an entire village. Also, made himself an ear necklace, a necklace of ears.
Luc refuses orders to shoot a tied up woman and tries to get her to safety. Scott blows her up so Luc bayonets him and Scott shoots him and they're both dead.
But instead of shipping the bodies home or burying them, the brass has the bodies put on ice to save them for something.
Something universal or soldiery.
The story shifts to later, present day. Which is probably the 90s. Which is a long time to hold onto some corpses. Surely there are fresher corpses that could be used.
Some vague terrorists take over the McKinley Dam and hold thirty people hostage. The situation is too complicated to just send a team storming in without getting hostages shot. So a special team is sent in.
Some super good soldiers who are maybe zombies. Because they take gunshots like champs and emote like a doorknob.
Universal Soldier GR44 (Jean-Claude Van Damme) freezes when looking at GR13 (Dolph Lundgren) and its commented that its never happened before.
Meanwhile, Veronica Roberts (Ally Walker) gets fired from her journalist job because she keeps showing up late to broadcasts because she's working another story.
So she figures that cracking the case on the mysterious Universal Soldiers team that took out the terrorists but whose identities are super classified.
Veronica sneaks into base and peeks in a mysterious crate which she thinks is a dead Universal Soldier. Which means that the army was lying when they said no casualties!
But GR44 sits up out of his ice chest and does her a frighten.
Base security realizes that there's an intruder and sends the Universal Soldiers at her. The Dolph Lundgren Unisol shoots Veronica's cameraman despite orders being to bring the intruders in.
So Jean-Claude Van GR44 grabs Veronica and runs off with her, remembering Scott shooting villagers in Vietnam.
He's not sure why he's doing what he's doing but Veronica takes charge of his confusion and orders him to get her out of there.
GR13/Scott also seems to remember his past life as he stares off after GR44 and darkly calls him a traitor.
And that's one third of the comic book adaptation of Universal Soldier, written by Clint McElroy!
... It's weird that its not funny. I know its an adaptation so the tone was set by the movie. But I only know Clint McElroy for funny stuff.
Anyway, I haven't seen the movie. So I'll just assume that it ends with a boxing match.
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murphymodel · 9 months
SGT University's MBA in Fashion Management Program
With the fashion industry being one of the largest and fastest growing sectors globally, pursuing an MBA in Fashion Management can open up a world of opportunities. SGT University offers a comprehensive 2-year full-time MBA program in Fashion Management to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take on leadership roles in the dynamic fashion industry.
The MBA in Fashion Management at SGT University provides a strong foundation in core management concepts while also focusing on the nuances of the fashion business. The curriculum includes courses in finance, marketing, organizational behavior, supply chain management, retail management, fashion merchandising, fashion forecasting, and more. Electives allow students to gain deeper insights into entrepreneurship, luxury brand management, fashion communication, sustainability in fashion, and other emerging topics.
Through case studies, projects, and simulations, students apply classroom concepts to real-world scenarios in the fashion industry. The program's focus on experiential learning provides hands-on exposure to the latest industry practices and trends. Students also benefit from guest lectures and workshops led by fashion industry experts.
The MBA program lays emphasis on developing key skills like business acumen, critical thinking, analytical abilities, leadership capabilities, and innovation. Soft skills related to communication, collaboration, and ethics also form a key part of the curriculum. Students are groomed to take on managerial and leadership responsibilities in a range of fashion business roles.
As a pioneering institution in professional education, SGT University offers state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities to support the MBA program. Students have access to design studios, computer labs, industry-standard software, prototyping facilities, and more. The university also provides opportunities for international exposure through student exchange programs with partner institutions.
With a high-quality MBA degree from SGT University, graduates are equipped to excel in diverse fashion industry roles such as buying and merchandising, fashion marketing, retail management, branding, fashion consulting, entrepreneurship, supply chain management, and more. Leading recruiters in the fashion, retail, lifestyle, and FMCG sectors actively recruit MBA talent from the university.
The dynamic curriculum, experiential learning methods, industry connections, and career-focused approach make SGT University's MBA in Fashion Management the leading choice for those aiming to become future leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in India's booming fashion industry.
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sgtuniversityharyana · 9 months
Expert Interviews: Insights from Professors at India's Best Universities
It's quite uncommon for us to perceive an educational institution from an educator's perspective. We often regard them as mere providers of knowledge, overlooking the fact that they are individuals with well-informed viewpoints, extensive experience, and a keen ability to identify both outstanding students and reputable colleges.
In this article, we get to talk to professors from one of India’s best universities, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University in Gurugram, Haryana, and ask them about their background, how they landed up at SGTU, and what they like about their current place of work. The names were promised to be kept anonymous in order to ensure honesty in the answers.
Their words were illuminating and should help you all understand what a top-notch university really looks like and what to look out for when applying to a college yourself.
1)     Name: Professor X
Years of Experience: 24
Program taught at: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
SGT University is not just a workplace; it's a vibrant academic ecosystem that encourages growth and excellence. I am glad to have found my way here, after spending nearly two decades in the corporate sector as a Systems Engineer. Aside from getting the opportunity to teach some amazing young minds, the university allowed me to complete a Ph.D. and fully pursue my research interests, which I never thought was possible after all this time. The strong support from my colleagues has made my experience here even more fulfilling. I can proudly say that I am contributing and growing at the best engineering university in Haryana.
2)     Name: Professor C
Years of Experience: 12
Program taught at: Faculty of Indian Medical System
It was a bold step for people like me to pursue a career in Ayurveda, even a decade ago, when it was still not given the respect it deserved as a field of science. When institutions like SGT University decided to introduce a whole new wing dedicated to Ayurveda, I immediately decided to jump ship from practicing to educating. The institution's commitment to academic excellence is evident in every aspect of its operations. Both faculty and students receive unmatched assistance and resources. I am so happy to have been here since the program's inception and to have watched us develop into the best Ayurveda university in Delhi-NCR and the best BAMS university in Haryana.
3)     Name: Professor P
Years of Experience: 34
Program taught at: Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management
It's an absolute pleasure to be a part of one of the best hotel management colleges in Gurgaon, SGT University. I have grown to greatly value the university's unwavering dedication to developing its students into industry leaders. Our state-of-the-art mock facilities, culinary labs, and industry partnerships have allowed me to provide our students with real-world insights and practical skills that are highly sought after in the hospitality sector. I never thought I would enjoy teaching so much, but with the brilliant aspirants at SGTU, it is just ever so easy.
4)     Name: Professor N
Years of Experience: 16
The program taught at: Faculty of Fashion and Design
Working for a top design house all those years, the favorite part of the job for me was being able to guide all the interns that used to work with us. Teaching them about the workings of the industry never got repetitive or boring for me. In a way, I was always meant to be an educator, and I am very happy that I got this opportunity at one of the best fashion design colleges in Haryana. I am honored to work for a university that is influencing the direction of the fashion industry and turning out designers who are imaginative, socially responsible, and ready to leave their mark.
A career as a teacher has its stresses, but it can be extremely rewarding too, especially if done with the right institution. Seeing the extensive experience of the educators here, combined with all the resources available to them, it is of little surprise that SGTU is looked at by many as one of the best universities in India.
Find more at: https://sgtuniversity.ac.in/
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