#Tornado prower
sonicnerd · 11 months
Art Dump
My Sonic OC's and Characters
- Amy Rose
- Miles (Tails) Prower
Now my OC's
- Tornado Prower
- Jessica Rose
- Cipher
- Jackie (Jack) the Bat-Chidna
- Millie the Hedge-Fox
- Zakaria the Fox
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So yeah
This ain't even all my Sonic drawings, I got sketch books full-
If any of y'all sonic fans that see this want to draw my OC's plz @ me cause I like seeing other ppls drawings-
(use the tags too-)
Have a good day/Night!!!!!
July 7/2023
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deolkai · 6 months
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Tails and Tornado III
I’ve struggled on those levels but cyclone is truly something wonderful
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archiesoniconline · 7 months
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Sonictober2023 Day 26! Theme: Free Will.
As the inventor of the roboticizer, Uncle Chuck now wonders if the opposite is also possible. Can a non-living object like a puppet be granted new life? It would certainly require a lot of tinkering…
Art by @arantarisuyamu
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cdobbinsart · 2 years
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We're only at the beginning of this one-way dream Commissions available: https://artistree.io/request/cdobbinsart
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0vergrowngraveyard · 4 months
i need tails to be just as excited when it comes to flying as sonic is with running, specifically flying with his namesakes
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 2 months
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theelvishfiddler · 1 year
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The Under-City Junkyard Crew
More of the Sonic & TMNT crossover featuring Donny, Tails, Dawson, & Leatherhead (and eventually April once I figure out how to draw sonic style humans)
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raystarkitty · 1 year
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Been talking about StH kinsonas with friends, this is Tornado! With Prime rules, every AU design is canon 😎
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abnormalcleric · 2 months
Sonic - Bipolar
Tails - Bipartisan
Amy - Biased
Shadow - Bianual
Knuckles - Bi-himself
Robotnick - Binary
Metal Sonic - Bionic
Silver - Bisexual
Blaze - Bilingual
Vector - Billionaire
Charmy - Bicolored
Espio - Bifocal
Sticks - Biological
The Tornado - Biplane
Dave - Biodegradable
Cream - Binocular
Rouge - Bismuth
Big - Big
Chris - Bilocation
Mighty - Bicep
Cosmo - Bi Felicia
Chaos - Biochemical
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life's been going to shit recently but i stumbled upon this video of a guy having the time of his life welding and was like what if that but Tails
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sonicrescale · 9 months
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PREV | Chapter 1 - Page 1 | NEXT
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upodupo-reblog · 3 months
just some art I had
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One is an attempt at planning for an au and the other was just for fun.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
STH - Finalizing the Pre-Departure Checklist
Notes: I actually have another fic that I've been intending to have finished today, but partway through writing the conclusion of that fic I got distracted by the idea for this one, so here is this for now. I will clean it up later. Spoilers for the ending of Sonic Frontiers, as well as for the Sonic 1 ending cutscene from Sonic Origins.
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Filled water canteens, check. Canned food and energy bar provisions, check. Instant coffee canister, check. Miles Electric, check. Wooden comb, check. Dry shampoo, check. Blankets, check. Magnet gun, flash bombs, emergency grenades—check, check, check. Everything he needed for at least a few days of travel was ready and accounted for, packed in a backpack. After looking through the bag for a third time, just to make sure he was absolutely ready, Tails tossed it into the cockpit of the Cyclone. He had her parked outside for once, behind his Mystic Ruins workshop, ready for takeoff. It had been so long since he’d flown her; she was a solo-craft, not suited for multiple passengers, and so she saw much less use than the Tornado did. But this was a solo trip, and the Cyclone provided him with land travel as much as she did air. She was much better suited for this journey. With one last look at the back door to his workshop to make sure he’d locked it, Tails spun his tails so he could jump into the cockpit—
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna leave without saying goodbye.”
His concentration broken, the rhythm of his tails halted just enough for Tails to land back on the ground with a stumble. Sonic’s hand caught his arm before he had a chance to topple over, and Tails turned stunned eyes on his big brother’s teasing smile as Sonic eased him back onto his feet.
“I left a note,” Tails said, his mind still catching up with the fact that he’d been alone behind the workshop not a second ago. Trust Sonic’s speed to—
“A note? All these years, and that’s all I get? A note?” Sonic put a hand over his heart. “That hurts me, Tails. Right here.”
Tails rolled his eyes. He knew played up theatrics when he saw them. “You already knew I was leaving. We saw each other a day ago. And you hate goodbyes anyway, so—”
“You’re right. I do. And I’ll probably leave this one before it’s over, but . . .” Sonic shrugged. “I still want to see you off. Make sure you’ve got everything you need.”
Sonic cared. Of course he did. And Tails understood, because he cared about Sonic, too. How many times had he made sure that Sonic had all the tech he could possibly need before a dangerous mission? How many times had he used a drone to deliver a forgotten canteen or extra aqua bubble powerup just in case something went wrong? This is what they did—they looked out for each other. That’s all Sonic was doing now, and Tails knew that.
But he was supposed to be proving his independence, proving that he could stand on his own. And that meant not needing someone to look through his provisions like he was a kid going on a field trip. Tails ran his tongue along his teeth and looked away, turning his eyes up to the sky. Cirrus clouds—a good sign. Just what he needed for an easy flight. “No worries. I’ve got everything covered.”
“Good.” Sonic leaned against the Cyclone, and after a moment, tapped her side with his knuckles. “Not taking the Tornado, huh?”
Tails blinked, caught off-guard by the sudden topic change, and looked back over. “No, she’s yours.”
“Pft. I’ve been meaning to give her to you for ages now. Should’ve done it a long time ago.” Sonic crossed his arms loosely over his stomach, an easy smile on his face, but there was something different about it Tails couldn’t quite parse. “You can take her if you want. You should take her.”
As—touching? weird? confusing?—as it was that Sonic was suddenly handing over ownership of the Tornado, Tails couldn’t let it distract him. He shook his head. “Even if you want to give her to me, that doesn’t change the fact that you can fly her, and you might need her. Besides, she’s got a double cockpit now, and I’m flying solo. It’s better for her to be here in case you go on a trip where you need to take someone with you. Amy, or Knuckles, or someone.”
“. . . Yeah. You’re probably right.” Like with his smile, there was something off about Sonic’s tone. And Tails couldn’t identify exactly what it was that he was hearing, but whatever it was, it told him that Sonic probably wasn’t going to be taking the Tornado out of the hangar any time soon. “So. You’re all set to take off, then?”
“Yep.” Tails patted the Cyclone’s side, ran his hand over her freshly dried coat of paint.
“Got a destination in mind?”
“Nope. I’m just gonna go wherever feels right. See where the wind takes me, you know.” Not unlike what Sonic himself always did, meaning that Tails was following in his example yet again, but he was going to try very hard not to think about that.
“Sounds like my kind of adventure. And everything’s in working order—GPS, comms . . . ?”
Tails felt the fur along his back stand on end, and when he turned to look at Sonic, his agitation must’ve shown in his face, for Sonic held his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Hey, I know you can take care of yourself,” Sonic said, and for what it was worth, he did sound sincere. “I just want to make sure—”
“I know,” Tails said, and honest to Chaos he didn’t mean to sound so terse. “I can handle it. I’ll be fine.”
“I know,” Sonic said. “But you know, if something came up—there’s nothing wrong with calling in a little backup. Heck, if it wasn’t for you, Knuckles, and Amy, I’d still be a cyber-zombie back on the Starfall Islands. We all need a little help sometimes.”
“If it wasn’t for us, you wouldn’t have been corrupted in the first place,” Tails muttered.
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” Tails forced a smile as he met Sonic’s eyes again. “Look, I know this is a bit . . . different. And I know you’re just trying to look out for me, and I appreciate it, I really do. But I’ll be fine. That’s what this whole journey is about, right? Proving that I can make it on my own? It’d be disappointing if it turned out I couldn’t, so—”
“Nothing you do could ever be disappointing,” Sonic said, and something uncomfortable wormed in Tails’ gut at the look on Sonic’s face. He turned away again, his tails swishing around him. “But that’s not . . . having your own adventure doesn’t have to mean cutting yourself off from everyone, you know. So you don’t need to call for backup. So what? Doesn’t mean you can’t call just to say hey.”
Tails frowned. “I never said I couldn’t.”
“Great.” There was a smug grin in Sonic’s voice—one Tails had heard so many times over the years, usually right after one of Eggman’s plans had just been ruined. “Then I look forward to hearing from you at least once a week.”
“What?” Tails looked over, aghast, and was met with the exact smile he knew he was going to see. “You can’t be ser—”
Sonic held up his hand. “Doesn’t have to be a phone call. You know I hate talking on the phone. And it definitely doesn’t have to be every day, because we both know I suck at keeping track of what day it is. But just, you know. An email. Once a week. Doesn’t have to be long. Just a couple lines to say hey, let me know how you’re doing, if you’ve seen anything cool in your travels. Just enough so it’s not like you disappeared off the face of the earth.”
It was— Tails wanted to scream, just a little. Because it wasn’t an unreasonable request. It wasn’t like his plan was to disappear off the face of the earth. It’s not like he was trying to cut himself off from his friends. But that also—it wasn’t the point. He wanted to be independent, wanted to prove that he was more than the burdensome little brother that Sonic always had to look after, and if Sonic was still looking after him via weekly check-in emails, then didn’t that defeat the point?
“You never sent weekly check-in emails when you were traveling,” Tails muttered, and he hated how petulant he sounded.
“Yeah, well. That’s big brother privilege,” Sonic said, and perhaps sensing the argument even before Tails opened his mouth, added, “And not the best example set, fair enough. That’s my bad. But I’ll send emails too, in response to yours. We’ll keep in better contact this time. Deal?”
It wasn’t what Tails had had in mind, when he’d decided to go off on his own. But it wasn’t an unreasonable request. Sonic was actually admitting that something he did in the past maybe wasn’t the greatest idea in the world. And from the look on his face, Tails could tell that this really mattered to him.
And for some reason, that made Tails’ throat feel a little choked. He nodded, in lieu of being able to say anything, and Sonic’s posture finally relaxed.
“Okay. Good. Glad we got that sorted.” Sonic stood up straight, free of the Cyclone. He considered Tails for a moment before a half-smile curled his muzzle. “And—one more thing.”
Tails tilted his head, his throat still a little too thick for him to trust his voice. Luckily, Sonic took his head tilt for the cue to continue that it was.
“I don’t think I ever told you this, but—you remember how we met on West Side Island, right?”
Tails nodded. He didn’t know how he could forget.
“Well . . . did I ever tell you why I was on West Side Island?”
Tails blinked, the confusion he felt enough to finally unstick his throat. “No. But it was because Eggman was there, right? He was harvesting animals to use as batteries for his badniks, and so he could build the Death Egg.”
“Well, yeah. But also no.” Before Tails could question what that was supposed to mean, Sonic continued. “Eggman was on South Island before he went to West Side. It just so happens that I was also on South Island, and so I freed the animals there and chased him off.”
“Yeah, I kn—”
“I chased him off as Super Sonic. With the Chaos Emeralds. And before the Chaos Emeralds scattered, they showed me something.” Sonic grinned, his eyes bright. “Wanna know what they showed me?”
“I . . . guess?”
“You. Well,” Sonic waved a hand through the air, “not you exactly, but they showed me West Side Island, so that’s how I knew to go there. And that’s where I met you.” Sonic grinned, and lightly poked Tails on his forehead. “So what I’m trying to say here is, even if you decide to skip out on your weekly email, you can rest assured that the Chaos Emeralds won’t.”
Tails stared at Sonic for a second as he put the pieces together, and then blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Are you saying the Chaos Emeralds are going to snitch on me?”
Sonic laughed, and ruffled the fur atop Tails’ head, heedless of Tails’ attempts to swat his hand away. “Bro, you have no idea how fast they’ll snitch on you. They were snitching on you before we even met. So if I were you, I wouldn’t give ‘em a reason to do it again.”
The fur atop his head now thoroughly ruffled, Tails blew his bangs in a vain attempt to get them back out of his eyes. “The only thing I’m thinking about giving them a reason to do is mind their own business. Do they seriously have nothing better to do than spy on people?”
“Who can say? The Chaos Emeralds work in mysterious ways.” Sonic shrugged, but his expression softened. “But that’s just a backup plan. Just in case . . .”
“I know. And they won’t be needed. I’ll be fine,” Tails said, and added, because he knew Sonic needed to hear him say it, “and I’ll email. Once a week.”
Sonic smiled. And before Tails could say anything else, or could think to turn to the Cyclone, Sonic darted forward and pulled him into a hug. For a split second, Tails wasn’t sure how to respond; one arm thrown around his shoulders was one thing, and not too uncommon a thing at that, but a full-on hug was a different story altogether. Those were so much rarer. But Sonic’s hug was secure and warm, and knowing that it would be the last time for a long time that he’d have the chance to hug his brother, Tails hugged him back just as tightly.
But the hug was over as quickly as it happened. Sonic stepped back, his hands on Tails’ shoulders. He was still smiling, but—Tails was sure he was imagining it, but it looked like it was wavering a little.
“Take care of yourself, partner,” Sonic said. His voice sounded a little tight. “I’ll . . . see you later.”
Tails nodded. “You too, Sonic. I’ll be in touch.”
Sonic nodded, and gave Tails’ shoulders one last, bracing squeeze. In the next second he was gone, and Tails was once again standing alone beside the Cyclone.
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archiesoniconline · 5 months
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In case you didn't know, our back up story in Sonic the Hedgehog Online #253, "Follow the Leader!", was made by our pals over at Sonic Galactic, with art done the ever talented @deegeemin! Give it a read if you haven't, and check out Sonic Galactic's demo too! http://archiesoniconline.com/?comic=sonic-the-hedgehog-online-253-cover
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sundaywithshadow · 2 months
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Sonic: Tails suggested doing a test flight with the Tornado after he did something with the engine! I'll never get tired of flying with my best buddy.
Shadow: I tend to prefer more grounded vehicles, but I'll admit there's something special about feeling the wind as you see the world from above.
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paranoidteabag · 2 days
daily clicks!!!
reading comics while your little brother works on his plane
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day three of this!
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