#Torra writes
torra-does-stuff · 5 months
You struggle your way deeper into the ruins, avoiding ancient automata alive without a battery source and traps designed to lock those who fall into them in a mental prison as they wait for guards who will never come, going further and further until:
You slide into a Storage Port, knocking out a few cartridges while you stagger back, holding your head. Once you begin to recover you decide to inspect the fallen data, trying to find anything that isn't corrupted beyond repair and- GOTCHA! One cartridge for your reading. You slide it with a click into your data reader as the holographic display struggles to flicker to life. Damage from earlier encounters...
Sighing, you slide the reader back into your pack. At the very least, it should be able to read and interpret the cartidges data.
You take a drink of water, smack your face, and dust yourself off. You've still got a ways to go before you reach the center of the ruins, and once there you'll-
You try not to think of that, and run off into the darkness.
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chibitorra · 2 years
I usually never share my writing, but I really wanted to write a story based on the bizarre situation I’ve found myself in irl with someone I love that seems to have a lot of similarities to Charles’ past.
For context, irl I have the same name and similar appearance to his ex-wife, who he found out cheated on him. So, I’m doing the same with my farmer insert and Charles. Obviously, my name isn’t Taylor, but I wanted to give my farmer insert a gender mutual name, since it seems they’re trying to keep Charles’ ex gender neutral. 
It would be really cool if they wrote Charles a bit more scared when things start getting romantic... actually focus on the trust issues and trauma he probably has from having his trust betrayed by someone he loved. And his fear that it’ll happen again. He starts to get there when he talks about how lonely he is in the winter, but I guess we’ll see when the new heart events get released. 
Anyways, here’s a snippet of a story I’m calling Kintsugi Hearts. If you don’t know what Kintsugi is, look it up, it’s really cool. 
Taylor peered in the glass doors of the doctor’s office, and her heart sank when she saw the front desk was empty. Sure, sometimes Charles left the office to get some fresh air, or even get his hair worked on next door, but the fact that he wouldn’t talk to her last night… well, it made her worry to say the least. Taking a deep breath, she pushed in the door as the familiar chime of the bell sounded.
“Just a second, I’ll be right with you!” she heard Yuri call out from the back, but no Charles. She approached the counter and glanced at his computer, which didn’t even appear to be on. Her heart sank further.
Finally, Yuri popped her head around the corner to see who was visiting their humble office, and her face brightened when she gazed upon Taylor. There was something off about her smile though, she noted, like she was feigning her warm exterior.
“Taylor, hello! Here for some more vitamins?”
Taylor rubbed her arm nervously. If she didn’t know about her crush on Charles, she was about to figure it out. “N-no… I actually came here to see Charles. Is he in?” she asked her.
Yuri’s face fell for half a second, something Taylor would have missed if she had blinked, before lighting up again in that false smile.
“Sorry, Charles is out today, he wasn’t feeling well… Pollen n’ all, y’know?”
Taylor sighed. Of course. “It’s always something,” she muttered half under her breath. If it wasn’t his stomach, it was his damn pollen allergy, or his bad back, or… something. It was always something. He was avoiding her, and she wished she knew why.
“Why don’t you come back tomorrow? I’m sure he’ll be back in by then,” Yuri offered. Taylor shrugged, knowing her disappointment was showing on her face. “Okay.”
She turned to leave, when something peculiar caught her attention, making her pause. The small desk calendar Charles kept next to his computer was still in April. That’s odd, she thought, with it already being the 10th of May. Charles was usually really good about keeping up with the calendar. Yuri took notice of her pause, and tilted her head.
“Is something the matter?”
“Oh—Sorry, it just looks like Charles forgot to change the calendar, that’s all. I can fix it.”
Yuri was eerily quiet, and this time she didn’t even try to hide the gloom on her face. Taylor reached over and flipped the page over to May, and suddenly a lot of things made sense. She realized with a jolt why he never responded last night, why he always seems so wishy-washy as of late… why he hated springtime.
It wasn’t about the pollen. It never was, she realized as she gazed upon the hastily scribbled words over the current date… words which had also been scribbled out in red ink.
“May 10th. Anniversary.”
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locitawritingsblog · 6 months
Clown From The Past
Hi guys ! So I wanna try something pretty challenging. It's based on Xiono Story that I wrote on wattpad. Hope you guys like this one.
Chapter 5
Torra, Ayu, and Vivian checked out every single toys and dolls to make sure they were good to donate. "Ooh. Look at this...." Vivian took an ewok doll from the box and cuddled it.
"This is so cute."
"I thought you're a fan of loth-cats." Ayu said.
"I am. Ewoks are also my favorite. They may be small but they have a great spirit of fighting." Vivian stared at Torra "Can I have this one please, Mrs. Xiono, please...?"
Torra chuckled "Sure Vivian. You can have it." Vivian cheered "Yes ! Thank you !"
During that, Ayu noticed Neeku enter the garage "Uncle Neeku, can you help us to bring these to the bottom ?" "Of course..." But Torra and Ayu suspicious after hearing his creepy tone.
Neeku put his evil face as showing them a knife "... After I'm done with you all, girls !" The girls were panicked as Torra taking their girls' hands.
"Hey, don't go anywhere. " Neeku chased them into the boxes maze. Soon after that, Kaz, Yeager, and Tam entered the garage and heard the screams.
"Oh no..." Kaz said.
Yeager suggested "Alright, everyone, split up. We have to get them before Neeku does." Kaz and Tam nodded and they three split up into the maze.
Torra, Ayu, and Vivian were still chased by Neeku "How come your uncle can be so creepy ?!" Vivian asked to Ayu. "I don't know, I never see like that before !" Ayu responded.
"Yeah, that not sounds Neeku at all." Torra said. "You think he's in cotrolled somehow like Aunt Amanda did ?" "I guess so." "Okay girls, you two split up ! I distract him !"
Ayu and Vivian nodded as they ran faster. Torra took the middle of box pile which closing the right road, letting Neeku chase her only instead.
Neeku groaned as chasing Torra faster. "Neeku, please ! This is not you !" She begged to him but Neeku didn't care as he was still in cotrolled by creepy clown.
Without Torra realized, her hand was pulled as few boxes fell down to stop Neeku. Neeku groaned loudly while Torra resisted who pulling her hand.
"Let me go !"
"Honeylatte, it's okay, it's me."
Torra regconized the voice as staring at her husband "Kaz..." He pulled her into a hug "Thank goodness, you're okay." Then he kissed on her forehead.
Then he mentioned something familiar, he saw a book of a creepy clown face on the cover. "Wait..." He took a book "This cover is exactly the same clown when I first time saw."
Kaz opened the book as Torra look around by each page. "What is this book all about ?" She asked curious. "It said...the creepy clown spirit will haunt the next family generation unless they can bring the spirit back in this book." He read.
"Whoever was in your family, he or she already put a big risk." Torra thought. "We have to stop this...and I have an idea."
Meanwhile Ayu and Vivian watched around them to make sure the creepy clown not seeing. "I think we good for now." Vivian whsipered to Ayu when she was shocked that Neeku was going to stab her best friend.
"Ayumi, look out !" She warned.
Ayu turned around and was panicked but luckily Yeager threw a doll to stay Neeku away from her. "Grandpa !" Ayu rushed to hug him. Yeager rubbed her hair "Glad to see you okay, Ayumi." "But not for long." Vivian pointed at Neeku was ready to face them.
"You're not gonna hurting anyone." Tam and controlled Neeku had a fight. "What's wrong with you ?! How come you became so creepy ?!" But suddenly his eyes became red and spoke in whisper "Because your friend is gone and he was too easy to trick."
Tam was so shocked until he kicked her out but Yeager got her. He then laught creepy.
Then he heard Torra speaking to him "Hey, you, clown ball..." The controlled Neeku was mad by it "That's right, I'm talkin' to you !"
But soon after that, the controlled Neeku felt something would definitely came to him.
Kaz sighed "Hope this works..." Then he read the spell on the book in whisper "Creepy clown, I order you to come back into this book immediately."
He immediately threw the book as close as he could. The controller just realized that when he felt was pulled of something.
"No ! This can't be ! NOOO !!!! This is not the last time you all see me, especially you, Xiono !"
The creepy clown spirit was pulled out from Neeku's body and it was entered into the book within' second with a holo lock appeared.
Kaz could sighed in relief as Torra cheered "We did it !"
Neeku finally awoke "Uh, why am I in the garage ?" "It was a long story, Neeku..." Tam helped him up "...Just glad you're alright."
"Thank you for everyone to donate all these. I hope all those kids in need at Bluebella will be happy what we gathering." Queen Florence smiled as accepting two boxes of old clothes and toys. "Your welcome, Queen Florence. We just glad we could help as much as we have." Kaz said while the others nodded.
"We should go. Our appointment to get some food for the kids are on the way to Bluebella." The queen said to her daughter.
"Hey Blair, maybe you can have a sleepover here sometime ? What do you say ?" Ayu offered.
Blair was excited "How about it, mother ?" She asked to her mother "Well, that's alright, my darling. We'll prepare for this upcoming." Blair cheered.
Ayu joined to cheer as Torra put her hand on her daughter's shoulder while Kaz couldn't stop smiling, watching his daughter enjoying her life as he wished for.
The End
I'm so sorry it took so long to finish this chapter.
I tag @cassie-fanfics , @genericficerblog , @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @zaya-mo , @thebadbatch2022 , @fulltimecatwitch , @catcucumber-salad and anyone else who wants to.
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locitapurplepink · 6 months
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The Winner of The Most Favorite Star Wars Resistance Short || The Need for Speed
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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Here's a double whammy of after-BPS cute headcanons which I made up on the spot
As Sarah learns to treat Ed better, she starts inviting him to her games with Jimmy. It doesn't matter that Ed's older, he has plenty of fun with them regardless, and she slowly realizes she loves her brother deep down :) Eventually she even ends up joining him in cozy movie nights in the basement when Edd and Eddy aren't available.
Another one, Rolf asks Kevin to teach him how to skate and do tricks cause he likes it so much. He also gets his own bike so they can ride off into the countryside and have fun racing each other, the son of a shepherd deserves to break away from the usual grind every now and then.
Hope you feel better soon!
Ty mystic!!
Gosh I love these so much??
One day Sarah is suspicious by eds silence so she goes to see what he's up to. A quiet ed is much like a pet that suspiciously quiet: usually up to no good. So she storms down there to check it out and finds him slumped over on his bed, sad because edd and eddy are busy. Eddy probably had detention and/or is grounded while edd is doing homework at the library. She feels bad for him and offers him to join their game. Reluctantly, but she does it. Ed ends up making them laugh so much. Sarah can't remember the last time she laughed so hard with him. She starts to regret the way she's treated him over the years, and tries to actively make it a habit to include him if he's all alone. Ed sometimes makes them watch monster movies which scare Jimmy, but overall they have fun. They sometimes make him watch Disney movies as revenge but Ed loves them too.
... i realize this is basically what you said but extended, but I love it!!
And I love rolf and kev too!! I like to think rolf would try to impart some of his own knowledge onto kevin too! Like a "you teach me I teach you" tit-for-tat. On days when kev swings by when he's busy rolf will teach him about the things he's growing. Eventually Kevin will know more about produce than most people, and his dad is impressed when they go to the grocery store and his son can tell him all about the mighty rutabaga. Maybe Kevin even starts his own secret garden where he tries to grow his own produce to impress rolf. I could see him having a tomato vine lol.
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theothermina · 2 years
Billy Batson trying to get advice on girls from his GodChat(tm)
Solomon: *dead air noise* …..uh, my God is telling me to tell you to pick up the torra or the- the what? The eh “old testament” to see why that not a good idea
Hercules: I *was* married
Billy: oh!
Hercules: then I killed her in a rage and now I’m famous for the make up tasks I did to repent😃
Billy: 😳…oh
Atlas: I was too busy holding up the world to talk to women
Zeus: 😏 I-
Everyone else: No!
Zeus: 😒
Achilles: I’m gay, bro
Billy, 11 years old: …advice on boys…?
Achilles: *starts off with general advice that’s interesting, but useless as it’s based in 2000+ year old Greco-Roman societal rules and expectation then loses the plot and waxes poetic about Patroclus for two hours*
Mercury: write some poetry. Chick dig poetry
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fulltimecatwitch · 10 months
something I noticed while rewatching and writing my Resistance fic is how in certain situations Kaz and Torra act differently ( which doesn't necessarily mean bad ) in contrast to other residents of the Colossus because they both grew up spoiled lol
like in "Vortex 500" when they get food at Vronki's casino they both just gorge it down without even stoping to see what it is because clearly they are not used to being hungry or how in general they both take more risks and care very little about the consequences because they've never had to deal with them( ex" how Torra mentions it will be "fun" to sink the Colossus only to realize later all the real risks and implicationsnof the situation or how Kaz just assumes Yeager will pay for repairs for the Fireball only to realise he'll actually have to work for them)
again i'm not saying it's bad because you can clearly see that after the war they grow out of their privilege and start taking more responsibility but it is interesting and i think it is also why they get along so well
anyway, i have lots of thoughts about class and privilege in Resistance and the Colossus
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mysticbeaver · 9 months
2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 18, 19 for Eddy (I know I'm too late, but I would like to know, please).
Thanks for the ask!!! No worries about it being late:) Good to chat (even if I talk a load of bologna 😁)
Under the cut
2.Favorite canon thing about this character?
Because I can't think of anything better right now, I'll say his seemingly vintage taste in music. Although maybe it ties in with everything he owns being vintage hand-me-downs. And on second thought, it's hard to say if Barry White and Tom Jones are supposed to be old-school in-universe, considering the kids' idea of party music is 60s surf rock haha.
6.What's something you have in common with this character?
You know, I always think I'm mostly an Ed and an Edd, but then I think "maybe we all have the three Eds deep down inside of us 😁" guess I sometimes like to imagine situations in which I could be a show off/be funny in front of an audience... A very Eddy desire.
7.What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I always love older fanart of him just having that slightly disheveled look and maybe smoking a cigarette, looking cool 😁 makes me imagine him with that slightly chiller demeanor (assuming he grows out some of his temper and controls his euphoria whenever he's got some big idea hehe)
8.What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Boring answer, but like everyone else I have not much interest in negative adult Eddy portrayals where the creator blatantly doesn't take the BPS developments into account. Give this kid a chance for chrissakes! Thankfully this is limited to some more, ahem, 'casual' fans 👀
14. Fashion aesthetic for this character.
In my lack of fashion sense, I'm just gonna mention a picture in my mind...leather jacket? (Maybe because of @torra-and-the-toons 's design?) Coupled with worn baggy jeans...
And is it weird I can see Eddy looking good in that sweater/collar-shirt combo if he were to dress more elegant? I swear I've seen it somewhere in fanart. Or him just wearing a hoodie... Is there look Eddy can't pull off??? Talk about a stubby no-neck chump 😎
15. Favorite ship?
It's... EddEddy, isn't it. Interestingly, it was never my OTP, and I wasn't interested in it when I first got in the fandom, but I slowly made myself learn to appreciate it. Nowadays it's certainly a ship I "default" to with those two characters. On the other hand I once went through a KevEddy phase... I still have a soft spot for it (no doubt thanks to lovely fanart by @mar-saturn and @chocowhomps ). It's also very interesting to me that there's at least 3 people I know of currently in the fandom (or who were actively in the fandom in the last year or so) who managed to ship both EddEddy and KevEddy, mmm 🧐...
18. Relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
First thing that comes to mind is his brief mentoring of Jimmy, even if it's a negative influence. "They grow up so fast... *dries tear*" And his one-on-one friendship with Ed is interesting to think about, especially how it might have started considering Edd supposedly came a little later in the picture (not by much though as they were still very young)
Also his crush on Nazz is kinda cute... I headcanon they'll be easy friends once they're a little older :)
19. Relationship they have in canon with another character that you don't like?
Honestly I'm stumped! Can't think of anyone right now haha. Maybe his disrespect of Rolf's culture/hospitality, if that's a thing? But I can't say if that's necessarily despicable or just part of the character's writing in certain episodes, or what.
Thanks for the ask again!
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antisatiric · 1 year
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
as a matter of fact, i have! aside from twain, who i won't count out of fairness, i have a good few fandom affiliated ocs that i have and have not written on tumblr. camille renaudin, for instance, started out as a genshin impact oc, but she's more fandomless these days. i also have connor torra for baccano, leslaw and cyran (originally) for the witcher, and luminous for log horizon---although, admittedly, that's about all. i'm actually really terrible at making ocs for fandoms because i have very rigid standards for myself about how much canon disruption is acceptable.
as for the ocs i haven't brought to my multi (yet), i also have past witcher ocs like owain, and my main bg3 tav iarai to be added when i finish that playthrough.
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
yes, absolutely!
admittedly, most of these are dnd related ocs. the usual suspects i write with are more of canon writers so i don't have a lot of experience on tumblr specifically developing relationships, but that isn't to say it hasn't happened.
the main one is obviously my writing of luminous. i don't discuss him much because nobody has an interest in him, but he was originally meant to be a minor npc in the log horizon campaign i used to run---one of my players liked him so much that his character completely expanded and he ended up being one of my favorite characters i've played, ever. connor torra is similar in this respect---the campaign i was playing him in ended after a few sessions, but i think his interactions with meechi and dionisio really shaped how i aim to portray him on my blog vs how he was played ingame.
oh, and back in the day, there was a person in the bungou stray dogs rpc who had an oc for jane austen. i don't interact with the writer anymore but that blog influenced my eventual slide into a more serious and well-rounded portrayal of twain that you see today.
munday. / eagerly accepting!
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torra-does-stuff · 5 months
You have found some kind of info remnant- a speech maybe?
--I see you there, a lost son among the densest of trees reaching for the heavens. You remain alone, trapped in an endless cycle of pain and suffering, pleasure and jubilance, tears from sorrow.
What a pitiable existence. Have you truly not found your way out of it? Is there naught you can do to derive a greater meaning from this?
Perhaps there is yet to be done here, at this nexus of creation within your mind. Ratios mixing and diluting, energy and information shining through photons moving in these woods you find yourself in. Harness them and find a path out, or become one with the bush, only observed as part of a whole.--
...This seems rather outdated but perhaps useful in... some circumstances. You save it, continuing to search these old ruins for more knowledge
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chibitorra · 2 years
I get so mad when people throw around the word “toxic” to describe a person who doesn’t do what they want them to do.
And even more so when people who aren’t actually toxic believe them. 
Idk, maybe I’m old fashioned, and the definition of toxic has changed over the years, but I’ve always thought of someone who’s toxic to say or do something to others to get their way in a situation, regardless of how it makes others feel. To make someone do, or stop doing, something for no other reason than a selfish one. 
Yet, I just had someone tell me that someone else I care about is toxic because he has bad mental health. He doesn’t always hang out because he’s in a really dark place, and that’s okay! At least, I think it is. I’m not going to force him to come out when he’s clearly not feeling well. I’ll just try again at another time. But to call that toxic is kind of a stretch, I think? He’s not acting the way he does specifically to hurt me, he’s just the one who’s hurting. 
I’ve been through toxic, and he’s anything but. He tries his best, and sometimes his best isn’t a lot, nd that’s perfectly fine. What matters is that he’s trying. He’s not telling me how to act or what to do. 
I’ve had an old roommate who threatened to kill my cat because she meowed for dinner.
I’ve had an ex who tried to force me into things I wasn’t ready for, and then made me feel like the victim because I wasn’t giving him what he wanted.
I’ve had friends who told me they would kill themselves because I didn’t want to hang out, and wanted a day to myself... 
Being toxic is about manipulation and intent. People who are actually toxic will do or say what they want to get their way, they don’t care what you want or have to say. 
But doing what you have to in order to care of yourself should never in a million years be called toxic just because someone else doesn’t agree with your decision. 
Stop throwing the word around to make people feel bad about themselves. People who do that are the real toxic ones. 
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locitawritingsblog · 2 years
@tiny-badbatcher asked me to write about Kaz and Torra's relationship and this is second time of this pairing. It took awhile to figure and I got one.
Memories to Keep It
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Kaz & Torra
Based on Xiono Story series (my fanfic)
Torra still felt gulity what happened at her husband's blanket. She knew his blanket was a gift from his uncle from years ago who he was used to love spending time with.
She forgot to feed her pet, Buggles which making him so hungry and looked anywhere that he could eat or bite. He looked at Kaz's sunflower blanket.
Even through Kaz forgive her but she still felt that she didn't deserve it.
At night, Kaz just finished doing his face mask and heading to the bed but quickly mentioned Torra was down as rubbing Buggles' back.
"Hey, is everything alright, Honeylatte ?"
Torra sighed "Not really. "
He hold his hand "You know you can tell anything, right ? That's what our marriage for."
She took breath as staring at him with tears in her eyes "I feel guilty about ripped your special blanket. I know that you forgive me but I feel like...I don't deserve it. I started thinking if you'd...rather left me than this."
Kaz shook his head as wiping her tears "Torra, don't say like that. I know that you didn't mean that on purpose and I know how much you love me since you were acting crazy when we first time met."
Torra chuckled "But you chose me to race against with."
"Let's say that a nikto friend told everyone on this station after I accidentally talked about my dream to be the best pilot. It was driving me crazy." The couple laught.
At the same time, Buggled walked to Kaz and slept on his lap "But at least I survived." He rubbed his back.
"You see, Honeylatte. Even through I don't have stuffs to remember but at least I have good memories in my mind like Uncle John was used to put me on his shoulder and pretended to be my ship and we flew away." He told her.
"Since you told me this, I've been seeing you play that game with Ayumi and she really enjoy it." She replied.
"Yep, and I still would do that again."
"Until she's too heavy to carry." She teased.
"Hey... " "Kaz, no, stop it.." Kaz tickled Torra on her stomach, she laught loudly until the couple lay down on the bed.
After that, Kaz touched her cheek "Torra, no matter what happen between us, I won't leave you. You're a part of me that need to stick together with."
Torra took breath and smiled "You're a part of me too." Then the couple kissed each other while Buggles laid down between them.
"Sweet dream, honeylatte."
"Sweet dream, my love."
And they all fell asleep together.
The end
Hope you like this one.
I tag @foundationsretail , @tiny-badbatcher , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @thebadbatch2022 , and @girlzrok-archive
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locitapurplepink · 2 years
Today is my special day 🎉
I wanna do star wars resistance writing prompts/requests only to celebrate it.
You guys can check it out here before you request on my sideblog @locitawritingsblog on the ask box or put on the comments.
I did two requests for Kaz and Torra's relationship/moments before so I decided to make some some options that you can choose from.
Kaz and Yeager
Kaz and Tam
Tam and Neeku
Yeager and Tam
Kaz and Neeku
Yeager and Doza
Doza and Venisa
Doza and Torra
Torra and Venisa
Or you guys can choose any pairing but contract me first, alright. Then the rest of instruction will be on that link at the top.
Every request/prompt will be my every birthday gift 🥺🥰
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torra-and-the-toons · 2 years
There's been another comic idea in the back of my mind that I've been really hesitant to think about because I don't want to get distracted from In the Ed...
I draw comics because I don't like my writing, though that doesn't stop me from trying lol. Perhaps I'll write this newer idea as a fanfiction, and work on it in between being burnt out from drawing.
The idea is more along the lines of most of them out there, BPS never happened and the eds struggle to find themselves in adulthood. Slow burn angst with a happy end. No supernatural horror elements in this one.
Who knows, either way I want to do something with it eventually.
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ct-hardcase · 3 years
people will really be like "oh you have to watch the first two seasons of tcw before it picks up" "tbb is only in its first season it'll get better" "get to twilight of the apprentice then rebels is good" then watch 5 episodes of swres before deciding it's awful
[d*nt rb]
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fulltimecatwitch · 2 years
i am finally on winter break besties and as promised i am back with ✨️resistance posts✨️
so after thinking about it for a while i wanted to write some headcanons about what i think could have happened with Kaz after s2 of Resistance ( aka a fictional s3 )
-After rescuing Tam, team Fireball and the Colossuss finally manage to rendevouz with the Resistance on Ajan Kloss
- Poe is thrilled to see that Kaz is alive ( he will deny it if you ask, but he was worried sick about what had happened to the kid after he heard the Colossus was on the run)
- Kaz finally joins the resistance as a pilot, but since they are laying low he mostly deals with transporting things or guarding ships
-he is ocasionally sent as a spy to gather some intelligence and what not because despite what everyone might think he is actually competent at it
- speaking of intelligence, shortly after they arrive he learns that Commander Pyre actually survived all the havoc and so Kaz makes it his personal mission to find him and take him down.
- He tries to contact his parents but to no avail, Leia tells him that ever since the destruction of Hosnian Prime no one has heard of them ( apart from that one transmission in S2 that cinfirms they are alive )
- Kaz doesn't take this well, but Leia tells him since they are valuable targets they are probably laying low somewhere and assures him that she will help him find them
- Tam struggles to fit in at the beginning since everyone knows she used to be in the FO but with encouragement from Kaz and Torra she slowly begins to meet new people and make new friends
- Leia introduces Tam to Finn and the two inmediately become close, they bond over their past with the FO and Tam even teaches Finn to fly
- Kaz and Rey also become really good friends after she shows him how to fly the Falcon. They talk a lot about flying and ships, sometimes Kaz also asks her about her strange jedi powers because he still can't believe it is real
- Because Rey has only seen a few planets, she will sometimes ask Kaz to tell her everything about every planet he's ever been in, he willingly does so because he has travelled a lot and surprises himself by talking about Hosnian Prime, it feels surprinsingly good and healing to do so ( ugh i might actually write a snippet of this conversation later because it is too good to pass )
- Anyway, time goes on and suddenly almost a year has gone by, Rey has gone on her mission with Poe and Finn and suddenly everyone is on their way to Exegol
- i already wrote a little about Kaz at Exegol so let's keep it short and just say he kicks some imperial ass there
- After Exegol, Poe asks him to join Black Squadron to help him find and take down the remainings of the first order and Kaz accepts eagerly thinking this might be his opportunity to get Pyre (he wanted to get Hux as well but Poe tells him he doesn't need to worry about that anymore)
- He finally manages to contact his parents and as Leia said they were hiding on a farming planet
-they urge him to come back with them to the Core Worlds so they can start again,but Kaz feels that he still has a resposability with the resistance after the destruction of Hosnian Prime so he declines but tells them he will visit when he has time
- he can tell his parents disapprove, but it's not like he need their permission anymore
- Flying with Black Squadron is both thrilling and hard. He finally gets to spent a lot of time flying as he always wanted but they get the most dangerous missions, looking for some of the most dangerous people of the galaxy so Kaz has to remain sharp all the time ( but we already know he is a hell of a pilot tough)
- A lot of times the missions don't go to plan, hard decissions need to be taken, people get hurt and its hard for him to see how much control the First Order still holds over the galaxy and all the atrocities they commited on smaller planets
- Overall, cleaning up the mess of war is almost as bad as the war itself but Kaz still feels that he owes it to everyone he couldn't save to take down as much of the first order as he can
- After months of missions, he finally gets a promising lead on the location of Commander Pyre ...
that is it for now :) i'll make a part 2 in the next few days
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