interactivesignage · 1 year
Whitepaper: 7 Möglichkeiten Für Objekterkennung Auf Touchscreens
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Die Erkennung von Objekten auf großen Touchscreens greift das bekannte Prinzip der Barcodes von Kassensystemen auf und bringt es auf ein neues Level: Versehen mit einem speziellen Marker-Chip oder einem bedruckten Code können beliebige Objekte von Displays in Echtzeit erkannt und verarbeitet werden.
In diesem Artikel:
Sofortige Information
Spezieller Zugang
Daten speichern & transferieren
Natürliches Benutzerinterface
Spiele & Effekte
Lesen Sie hier den vollständigen Artikel:
Whitepaper: 7 Möglichkeiten Für Objekterkennung Auf Touchscreens 
Weitere Informationen zu eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologien, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Plattform
Online Shop für Touchscreens, Tische, Kiosk-Terminals & Videowalls
Touchscreen Objekterkennung
Interaktive Smart Signage Retail Technologien
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eyefactive · 1 year
Whitepaper: A Brief History of Touchscreen Technology: From the iPhone to Multi-User Videowalls
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Years ago, touchscreen technology was fictional as it could only be seen in movies and read in books. Significant technological advancements have emerged from the generations that have passed, especially for touchscreens, which now explain their presence in the daily lives of humans. The touchscreen technology can get traced back to the 1940s, but much evidence points out that touch screens were not possible until 1965.
In this article:
The origins of touchscreen technology
Apple's iPhone: Touchscreens for the masses
Current touchscreen technologies
Touchscreen Software
B2B applications and multi-user technologies
Future touchscreen developments
Read the full article here:
Whitepaper: A Brief History of Touchscreen Technology: From the iPhone to Multi-User Videowalls
Learn more about eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologies, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Platform
Online Shop for Touchscreens, Tables, Kiosks & Videowalls
Touchscreen Object Recognition
Interactive Smart Signage Retail Technologies
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rrkrsingh · 2 years
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madmantechnologies · 1 year
The Future of Interaction: Exploring the World of Touch Tables
Touch tables have become an interesting and cutting-edge way to interact with digital content in our quickly evolving technology ecosystem. Touch tables enable a new level of involvement and collaboration in place of conventional screens and interfaces.
The Evolution of Touch Tables
Touch tables, also known as interactive tables or multitouch tables, have come a long way since their inception. Here's a brief overview of their evolution:
Early Beginnings: Touch tables can trace their roots to the development of touch-screen technology in the 1970s. Early iterations were basic and primarily used in research and industrial settings.
Consumer Adoption: In the early 2000s, touch tables began to gain popularity in the consumer market. Microsoft's Surface Table, introduced in 2008, was one of the first commercial touch tables, capturing the public's imagination.
Advancements in Technology: Over the years, advancements in touch-sensitive technology, including capacitive and infrared touchscreens, have improved the responsiveness and accuracy of touch tables.
Do you know what are the advantages of the touch tables? And their benefits?
Intuitive Interaction: Touch tables offer a natural and intuitive way to interact with digital content, making them accessible to people of all ages and technical backgrounds.
Collaboration: Multiple users can interact with a touch table simultaneously, fostering collaboration and teamwork in various settings.
Engagement: Touch tables provide an engaging and immersive experience, whether for learning, entertainment, or making decisions.
Customization: Content on touch tables can be easily customized and updated, allowing for dynamic and adaptable experiences.
Data Visualization: Touch tables are excellent for visualizing complex data and information, making it easier to understand and analyze.
Touch tables represent a significant step forward in human-computer interaction. Their versatility and potential applications across various industries make them a compelling technology to watch. As technology continues to advance, we can expect touch tables to become even more sophisticated and widely adopted, enriching our lives in ways we are only beginning to imagine. Whether you're in education, business, or simply interested in the latest tech trends, touch tables offer a promising glimpse into the future of interaction and engagement.
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techniktagebuch · 7 months
Um 1985
Computerkurs im Jugendzentrum
Im Deggendorfer Jugendzentrum findet zum ein Computerkurs statt, an dem ich schon deswegen teilnehmen muss, weil er von meinen Freunden Hayo und Peter abgehalten wird. Peter hat vor noch gar nicht so langer Zeit im Karstadt-Schaufenster programmieren gelernt, aber mir kommt es so vor, als hätten die beiden Kursleiter schon immer alles gewusst. Dass es sich tatsächlich um Fähigkeiten handelt, die man lernen kann, und zwar nicht nur man, sondern auch ich: Das werde ich erst viel später verstehen. Dafür kann aber dieser Kurs nichts.
Farbfotografie gibt es schon und sie ist auch normal. Aber da sich im Keller des Jugendzentrums ein Fotolabor befindet, in dem man selbst Abzüge von Schwarzweißfotos herstellen kann, wäre es ja blöd – und außerdem teurer –, in Farbe zu fotografieren. Wahrscheinlich liegt es an diesen Überlegungen, dass die erhaltenen Bilder vom Computerkurs schwarzweiß sind.
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Auf diesem Foto, das ich vielleicht selbst gemacht und entwickelt habe, vielleicht aber auch nicht, greift Kursleiter Hayo gerade der Kursteilnehmerin Martina auf pädagogisch fragwürdige Art über die Schulter auf die Tastatur. Mit dem Rücken zur Kamera ist Kursleiter Peter zu sehen, links von ihm eine Schultafel, auf der er mit Kreide BASIC-Befehle angeschrieben hat. Auf dem Röhrenfernseher oben ist vielleicht das Programm zu sehen. Davon erkennt man auf dem Foto nichts, obwohl die Buchstaben sehr groß sind (25 Zeilen à 40 Zeichen.
So sieht das Publikum aus (fünf Frauen, drei Männer und ein unklares Bein).
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Ich kann aber nicht behaupten, dass auch nur eine dieser Personen angelockt wurde, von da an den Computerraum des Jugendzentrums zu nutzen.
Zum Kurs gibt es Material, drei kopierte, handillustrierte Seiten. Sie sind nicht handillustriert, weil die Kursleiter so gern zeichnen, sondern weil es noch keine andere Möglichkeit gibt. Unten links ist zwar ein Plotter abgebildet (das Kästchen mit dem Stift und dem Arm), so was hat aber niemand von uns. Auch wenn wir einen hätten, ginge das Zeichnen einfacher und schneller.
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An Geräten der "Eingabe Peripherie" ist hier abgebildet: Tastatur, Joystick, ohne Abbildung: "Lightpen", "Touchtable" und Mikrofon. An die Existenz eines Lightpen habe ich zum Aufschreibezeitpunkt 2024 eine sehr vage Erinnerung, die vom Wikipediaeintrag bestätigt wird. Es ist ein Mausvorläufer, mit dem man auf einen Röhrenfernseher deuten kann, und dann wird die Deutrichtung erkannt und verarbeitet, obwohl der Fernseher eigentlich nur in die andere Richtung funktioniert. Ein bisschen wie bei den magischen Sehstrahlen! Gesehen habe ich so etwas aber nie oder allenfalls mal auf der CeBIT. Was ein "Touchtable" gewesen sein könnte: Keine Ahnung.
Auf Seite 2 wird erklärt, dass Hardware "alles zum anfassen und kaputtmachen" ist, und dass man sich Software ungefähr wie "Musik auf einer Schallplatte oder Cassette" vorstellen kann. Dann geht es um RAM, ROM und Cursor.
Der Titel von Seite 3 ist "*** Wie Sag Ich's Meinem Computer ? ***" Die Erklärung beginnt mit dem Satz "Auf den ersten Blick fällt auf, daß die meisten Computer eine Schreibmaschinentastatur haben." Der Rest des Absatzes handelt davon, dass man unbedingt die RETURN-Taste drücken muss, wenn der Computer eine Eingabe übernehmen soll, sieben Ausrufezeichen !!!!!!!
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Das @-Zeichen ist zwar schon seit 1971 in E-Mail-Adressen im Einsatz. Für uns, da hat das Kursmaterial recht, hat es aber wirklich keine Bedeutung. Die schnellsten von uns werden 1993 eine Mailadresse haben, etwa acht Jahre nach diesem Kurs.
Am Ende des Kurses, der nur einen Nachmittag dauert, erhalte ich eine Urkunde:
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Dass mein Name und "wahnsinnig viel Erfolg" unterstrichen sind, ist eine Anspielung darauf, dass solche Dokumente zu dieser Zeit noch oft im Offsetdruck hergestellt werden und man dann nur noch mit der Schreibmaschine auf der gestrichelten Linie die individualisierten Teile des Textes einträgt. Es ist also eine ironische Unterstreichung, die behauptet, dass diese Urkunde nicht am Computer und mit einem Nadeldrucker hergestellt wurde (was für ein zeitgenössisches Publikum offensichtlich ist).
Es ist der einzige Computerkurs, an dem ich in meinem Leben teilnehme, abgesehen vom Versuch von Jan Bölsche, mir zehn Jahre später anhand von Notizen auf Kaugummipapierchen die Programmiersprache C++ beizubringen (erfolglos). Der Rest passiert dann autodidaktisch.
(Kathrin Passig, aufgeschrieben 2024 anhand von auf dem Dachboden des Elternhauses wiedergefundenem Material)
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roppongi-division · 5 months
It was in the evening in the city of Roppongi and Kai Quinlan was sitting in his living room relaxing after a long while of mixing and recording music, despite his family's protests, he wanted to get some work done today despite it being his birthday and now that he had, he was more than willing to spend the rest of his day relaxing and spending it with the people he loves most.
The doorbell got his attention, sighing, the DJ got up and walked towards the door. Upon opening it, he frowned as he saw no one outside until he looked down and his eyes widen at the amount of gifts left on the doorstep. Thankfully not all of them were big so he didn't have too much trouble carrying them back to the living room where he placed them on the table.
Wondering where to start, Kai eventually just shrugged and went for the biggest one in the pile which turned out to be...
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A tesla coil-esque touchtable, Kai let out a whistle upon seeing it. He had seen them before but never did had the time to purchase one, there was also a card along with the present.
'Happy Birthday to my 2nd favorite Wolf!
Hope you're doing well, tell the wife and "kid" I said hi, also consider this both a present and a thank you for all that you've done for me.
- Vox'
The next gift revealed to be...
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A glow in the dark wolf statue and dreamcatcher, much like the turntable, this one also came with a card.
'Haaaaaappy Birthdaaaay, Wolfie!
Voxie told me that it was your birthday today and I wanted to get you something special! That, and as a thank you for helping me with my upcoming song! Hope you have a good day~
- Jinx <3'
The last (or well, last two) present(s) revealed to be...
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A miniature disco ball and a headphone hanger, just like the last two gifts, this one as well came with a card.
'Happy Birthday, Kai!
Long time no see! Are you and Mireya doing well? Also tell Zakari, I said hi! I heard it was your birthday today so I sent you some gifts, I do hope you like them! Hopefully one of these days we can meet up and catch up on each other's lives, I bet you have all sorts of exciting stories to tell.
I hope you have a very wonderful birthday!
- Sayaka M.'
Happy Birthday Kai! 🖤
Hours later...
"Is your father still in his studio?" Mireya asked, as she was carrying three large boxes of pizza into the dining room where Zakari was.
"Yup." Zakari answered, sitting at one of the chairs. "Ever since he got those birthday gifts from earlier, he hasn't left the room since."
"Well can you please go tell him that dinner's ready?" Mireya asked. "He's the one who insisted on having pizza for his birthday. And it wasn't exactly easy to find a place in Japan that makes New-York style pizza."
With a sigh, the son got up from the dinner table and walked to his father's music studio. He was thankful it was on the same floor as the kitchen and dining room.
"Hey dad," Zakari called, with a knock on the room door. "The pizza's here. Mom said come and get it."
Unfortunately, there was no response on the other side of the door.
"Dad?" Zakari called again, but still no response. The 22-year-old sighed and prepared to open the door. He knew his father didn't exactly like to be disturbed when he was in his studio, as he often went in there to think and come up with ideas.
But the young lad was starving, and he really wanted to hurry up and eat! So, taking the leap, Zakari opened the door to the studio... only to find the room completely dark.
...Well, almost completely dark, save a brightly-colored disco ball that was now hanging up in the middle of the ceiling, a ghostly green dreamcatcher that was acting as a nightlight, and a tesla coil-esque touch table that was currently shooting off static electricity inside a large clear like bulb. Zakari blinked as the place looked like a genuine nightclub or dance parlor.
Looking off to the side, he saw the man in question, his father, Kai, with his signature headphones on, bobbing his head to a hard rock beat, no doubt for the musician known as "Vox". Knowing better than to disturb him when he was in, what him and Mireya called, "The Zone", Zakari softly closed the door behind him and walked back to the kitchen.
"He said to go and eat without him," he said as he returned to the kitchen where his mom was waiting. "Just to make sure you save him a box."
His mother, believing her son's lie, sighed and placed her husband's pizza box on the stove, before grabbing a couple of slices of pizza and heading to the living room. As she left, a small smirk appeared on Zakari's face as he quickly filled up his plate with his own slices. When he was done, he headed back to his room, but not before passing the music studio where his father was still working. He smirked as he quickly ran upstairs, a sly look on his face.
"Sorry pops. First come, first served!"
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multitouch-labs · 4 years
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simongateportfolio · 5 years
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SAAB / Touchtable
Sthlm OPG17
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hookngao · 4 years
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The smooth Touch screen roulette table assembled utilizing Microsoft's new Surface Technology should  CMD368 change the entire scene of gambling machines and is looked at by numerous organizations. With computerized poker players becoming various of times lately these advanced touch screen tables will get a fury of progress by they way you play roulette on an actual table. After the achievement of computerized tables for poker where a player could strip up cards cautiously, roulette tables are to being required to hit market very soon.
The Multiplayer Roulette framework created by Sweden's TouchTable with worked in inch contact LCD and a goal of  can oblige up to seven players and can even perceive every individual's wagered independently. Created with serious exploration and friends' restrictive innovation this touch-screen roulette table is now causing a ripple effect in different gambling clubs and roulette clubs.
Distinctive computerized items for upgrading the quick play in gambling clubs have been created as of late to accelerate the games and diminishing the odds of any cheating and inconsistencies in the gambling clubs games. Other than being quick aced and smooth in its viewpoint this touch screen tables will expand the proficiency of the game dealing with more quantities of players all the while on single table which will altogether build the matter of gambling clubs.
As of now promoted as advanced symbol of gambling clubs this roulette Touch screen tables may not consider the to be world as soon in light of the fact that numerous veteran players will contradict it in view of its quick moving games which won't permit them utilizing their cheats and hacks which they have learned following quite a while of involvement.
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interactivesignage · 6 months
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Auf der EuroCIS 2024 präsentierte eyefactive bahnbrechende und innovative Touchscreen-Lösungen, die das Einkaufserlebnis neu definieren.
Lesen Sie die vollständige Pressemitteilung hier:
eyefactive, ein Vorreiter in interaktiven Touchscreen-Lösungen, präsentierte auf der EuroCIS 2024, einer führenden Fachmesse für Retail-Technologie in Europa, seine neuesten Innovationen. Die Messe fand vom 27. bis 29. Februar in der Messe Düsseldorf statt.
eyefactive stellte einen 55'' PCAP-Touchscreen mit Optical Bonding, hoher Helligkeit und Objekterkennungs-Technologie vor.
Die Multitouch-App ShoppingAssistant bot Omni-Channel-Integration, Mitarbeitervergütung und ein erweitertes Produktsortiment in den Geschäften.
eyefactive bewies seine Kompetenz durch die Zusammenarbeit mit geschätzten Partnern wie Extenda Retail AB, diz kiosk BV und Pyramid Computer GmbH.
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eyefactive · 11 months
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eyefactive now offers new models of their interactive semi-transparent touchscreen cabinets HYPEBOX up to 86'' inches.
Experience the product presentation of the future today: Present interactive digital information on a virtual layer while the product is simultaneously visible inside the showcase behind the transparent touch screen..
The complete solution from one hand: The HYPEBOX is ready to use instantly and offers a variety of additional configuration options and extensions. Choose your individual color and download customizable apps directly from the integrated AppStore.
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rrkrsingh · 2 years
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mi5chief · 5 years
PUB SIWW Interactive Multitouch Table - Make studios
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irictech-blog · 6 years
📌#دیوار_مجازی و یا #دیوار_هوشمند 🔸امکان ایجاد افکت های خاص هنگام عبور مخاطبین 🔹اضافه کردن بازی های مجازی بر روی دیوار 🔸سرگرم شدن مخاطب و تمایل به حضور دوباره در محیط مورد نظر شما ! #شرکت_آیریک #touchtable #restaurant #interactive #3dmapping #touchscreen #touchmonitor #touchkiosk #kiosk #android #architecture #motiongraphics #creative #creativestudio #attractions #virtual #virtual_carpet #تجهیزات_نمایشگاهی #شرکت_آیریک #نورپردازی_ساختمان #هولوباکس #استیج #استیج_مجازی #شیشه_هوشمند #شیشه_مات_شونده #شیشه_متغیر #تلویزیون_تاچ #تلوزیون_شهری #ویترین # طراحی_داخلی #led #تلویزیون_شفاف #غرفه_آرایی #تالار #آتلیه #سمینار #کلیک #تجهیزات_نمایشگاهی #فن_هولوگرافی https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTi7jHhZrZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1udjfl28f6rzr
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gianmarialemura · 6 years
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2010 big open Gastone Touch screen Restaurant - #masterchefexecutivegianmarialemura #gastonegian #maidireristorante #touchscreen #restauranttouchscreen #openspace #open #openrestaurant #giarre #etna #touchtable #restauranttouchtable (presso Giarre Riposto, Sicilia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqK9JatgAf4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jn7rme09vcdv
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mattsname · 7 years
@tawesomeone plays around with our awesome surface table. We can custom program any type of interactive presentation. 👍👍 #vrnerds #multidea #lngstudios #touchscreen #touchtable #interactive (at One Pacific)
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