#Trading Scams
camellia-salazar · 2 years
Yo, tf2 mutuals who know about this sort of stuff please tell me if I should trust this or not.
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So I lost some taunts to a guy named NewMe and he is saying that he's gonna get my stuff back. At first when I tried talking to him he lied about it but then when I found a way to replace two of the taunts he then message me about getting them back. Also he told me to go to another website and I was definitely not trusting them.
I don't really believe them, but I went for it anyway. I I then requested for a refund on the replacement taunts in steam but then after a while NewMe didn't respond so I cancelled the refund request.
Then today they started messaging me about getting them back in another website. They even sent in a bot (which is in the pic btw). The bot send me a trade offer but I refused it then the bot started to ban me I think. My brother was in on this too (he kinda started this mess and dragged me into it but I don't entirely blame him).
So anyways my brother said that he's lying about the banning thing because he was supposed "banned" from trading but he wasn't. So he told me that they were lying about the banning. And I believe him at first until NewMe started questioning my account and sh*t.
Also apparently I'm timed now. But I ain't going for this:
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This looks like an unfair trade to me. Even if I get my taunts back there's no way it'll make up for all this loss. They said that I'll get all my stuff back but that's what my brother believed before our stuff seemed gone forever.
Idk what do you guys think?
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validreviews · 1 month
NorneSecurities.com Reviews: Forex Trade Scam 2024
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Nornesecurities.com: Unmasking the Deception Behind Blockchain Investment Scams
In the dynamic world of finance, where innovation intersects with opportunity, the rise of blockchain technology has heralded a new era of investment possibilities. Yet, amidst the promise of transformative change, there lurks a dark underbelly of deceit and exploitation. One such entity that preys on unsuspecting investors is Nornesecurities.com—a platform that masquerades as a beacon of financial prosperity, only to ensnare its users in a web of deception and financial ruin. Join us as we delve into the sinister practices of Nornesecurities.com and expose the dangers of placing your trust—and your money—in their hands.
1. The Illusion of Unimaginable Returns: At the heart of Nornesecurities.com's scheme lies the promise of unimaginable returns through blockchain investments. With enticing claims of astronomical profits, the platform lures in unsuspecting investors who dream of overnight wealth. However, the reality behind these promises is far more sinister—once the initial investment is made, users soon discover that their funds are irretrievable, and the promised returns nothing more than a cruel illusion.
2. Blockchain Technology as a Facade: Nornesecurities.com leverages the buzz surrounding blockchain technology to lend an air of legitimacy to its operations. By touting blockchain as the backbone of their investment schemes, they prey on investors' lack of understanding, exploiting their trust in emerging technologies for nefarious purposes.
3. The Inability to Withdraw Funds: Once users have fallen victim to Nornesecurities.com's deceptive tactics and made their initial investment, they quickly discover that withdrawing their funds is an impossible feat. Requests for withdrawals are met with excuses, delays, and ultimately, outright refusals, leaving investors trapped in a cycle of frustration and despair.
4. Lack of Regulation and Oversight: Nornesecurities.com operates in a regulatory gray area, evading the oversight of established financial authorities. This lack of regulation allows the platform to operate with impunity, free from the constraints that govern legitimate investment firms, and leaving investors with little recourse for restitution.
5. Fabrication of Positive Reviews: To further bolster its facade of legitimacy, Nornesecurities.com engages in the fabrication of positive reviews and testimonials. By flooding online forums and review sites with glowing praise, they seek to deceive prospective investors into believing that their platform is trustworthy and reliable—a cruel deception that only serves to perpetuate their scheme.
In Conclusion: The rise of blockchain technology has unlocked a world of possibilities, but it has also paved the way for exploitation and deception. Nornesecurities.com stands as a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows of innovation, preying on the hopes and dreams of unsuspecting investors. By exposing their deceitful practices and warning others of the risks involved, we can shine a light on the dark underbelly of blockchain investment scams and protect investors from falling victim to their snares. In a world where trust is a precious commodity, it is essential to exercise caution and skepticism, lest we fall prey to the wolves in sheep's clothing that lurk in the shadows of the digital frontier.
For more information, contact [email protected]
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isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 166]
Keep at arm's (sword's) length
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anthyies · 1 year
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they’re fighting
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justbearsart · 17 days
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My side of a ship art trade w/ @braindos :>
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honestsister · 7 months
Something that bugs me is when people call Arvio a flirt or compare him to Albert when he's just a Silly Lil Guy. A Goofball. His brain is full of side hustles and a crippling fear of debt.
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elbiotipo · 8 months
I don't know how else to say this, but the level of wealth, entitlement and lack of social awareness you got to have to ship a "rescued" dog from China to the US and adopt it is obscene and gross
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So I personally never interpreted anything in the Lights Out AU to mean that Barns is dead. However, what might have thrown that permon off is the fact that two characters routinely argue "mom says it's my turn to cuddle the arm"
ok yeah i can see where the confusion might'a come in....
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validreviews · 1 month
ActaSwiss.com Reviews: Forex Trading Scammer 2024
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ActaSwiss.com: Unveiling the Risks of Investing on a Dubious Platform
In the realm of online trading, where opportunities abound and risks lurk in shadows, discerning between legitimate platforms and potential traps is paramount. One such platform that has come under scrutiny is ActaSwiss.com. While it may tout itself as a reputable destination for traders and investors, a closer inspection reveals a different reality—one riddled with red flags and dubious practices. Join us as we explore why ActaSwiss.com may not be the safest harbor for your hard-earned investments.
1. Lack of Regulation and Oversight:
ActaSwiss.com operates within a regulatory void, free from the scrutiny and oversight that govern traditional financial institutions. The absence of regulatory supervision leaves investors vulnerable to potential abuses and fraudulent activities, with little recourse for restitution or protection.
2. Unsubstantiated Claims and Overblown Promises:
The platform entices traders and investors with grandiose promises of high returns and minimal risks, but such claims often lack verifiable evidence or substantiation. Savvy investors recognize these as classic hallmarks of schemes designed to lure unsuspecting individuals into financial traps.
3. Absence of Transparency and Disclosure:
Transparency is the cornerstone of trust in any financial endeavor, yet ActaSwiss.com operates behind a veil of secrecy. Critical information about the platform's operations, team members, and investment strategies remains shrouded in mystery, leaving investors in the dark about where their money is truly going.
4. Reports of Suspicious Activities and Complaints:
A chorus of complaints and reports of suspicious activities has emerged from users of ActaSwiss.com. These include allegations of payment delays, unresponsive customer support, and instances of funds mysteriously disappearing from users' accounts. Such testimonies serve as cautionary tales of the risks associated with entrusting one's investments to unscrupulous platforms.
5. Fabrication of Positive Reviews:
Perhaps most troubling is the revelation that ActaSwiss.com may be actively engaged in fabricating positive reviews to bolster its reputation. These deceptive practices aim to create a false sense of credibility and trustworthiness, luring unsuspecting investors into a false sense of security.
In Conclusion:
While ActaSwiss.com may present itself as a beacon of opportunity in the world of online trading, its façade crumbles upon closer examination. The lack of regulation, transparency, and reports of suspicious activities paint a stark picture of a platform mired in deception and deceit. Investors would be wise to heed these warning signs and exercise caution before entrusting their funds to ActaSwiss.com or any similar platform. In the quest for financial success, prudence and skepticism are indispensable allies against the allure of false promises and dubious schemes.
For more information, contact us [email protected]
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enpr-ss · 8 months
Etho made the advancement [Barter Economy] Etho made the advancement [Dealing From The Deck] Etho made the advancement [Best Trade Deal]
ZombieCleo made the advancement [Barter Economy] ZombieCleo made the advancement [Dealing From The Deck] ZombieCleo made the advancement [Best Trade Deal]
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beritavalas · 1 year
Broker OctaFX Aman Atau Penipuan? Merespon Tuduhan Investasi Bodong
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pspspspspspspst · 1 month
How dare Jonathon sims subject me to economics. What is a stock market I’m going to kill you
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bravest-notts · 9 months
my midst evangelist mutuals will be happy to know i started listening today! it's very good so far. really cool worldbuilding, very interesting setup getting slowly dripped in over time. they do a great job of setting up the tension where i'm sure that these background class frictions and political motivations are going to boil over at some point in the near future but as of right now, i can't begin to guess what that tipping point's going to be.
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pirategrime · 4 months
the misinfo about the renewal ad campaign is so annoying. believe me i get the impulse to get the popcorn and rubberneck (especially if you were never an ofmd fan in the first place) but can we please not just straight up lie and accuse people of theft
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the-anime-man · 6 days
The amount of scammers trying to take advantage of the fact that a real world genocide is happening in order to get a quick buck is genuinely fucking sickening and if i keep getting asks from days olds accounts trying to send me their paypal i am going to scream
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
Need someone to make a “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” meme but with old school runescape
#GOD it was such a ride#my first ever account got hacked by someone who was doing that ‘runescape censors your password even if you type it backwards’ scam lol#another time i got scammed in a trade#someone pretended they were going to give me this whole set of armour in exchange for some gems i had#then took them back at the last second so i lost my gems#it was just uncut emeralds but i was really upset about it#i hadn’t figured out what to do with them yet so i thought they were valuable#some people there were SUPER nice though#i remember cutting down some trees on a new account; trying to get my woodcutting skill up#and a level 3 person with the default avatar walked up and started cutting down a yew tree. i & everyone else around was shook#someone said like ‘yo are you a bot or an alt or something’ and he said ‘oh i just don’t train combat. i don’t find it interesting’#he had like level 70 in woodcutting and a lot of others but never did combat#i also befriended somebody who was way higher level than me just randomly and we used to talk whenever we were both online lol#i complimented her ‘socks’ (actually boots) and she straight up showed me the dungeon you can go through to get them#which was awesome#and then when the grand exchange opened i lost like a weekend of my life#i was always getting nerfed by random events as well. that was the other thing#i really miss it sometimes. i don’t miss how grindy it was though#i think that was why i liked to train combat. it felt like less of a grind because you could break it up by picking up loot and organising#your loot. i used to always train prayer by burying the bones as well lol#on my best account i had probably level 20 prayer due to this#tl;dr you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me (2006 runescape)#personal
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