#Transiting Neptune stations direct
ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Transiting Neptune stations direct
Wednesday, December 6, 13:20 UT, 24°53’ Pisces
Caveat: this may not have much of an impact on you unless Neptune is prominent in your chart: closely in aslect to the Sun, the Moon, &/or an angle; or strong Pisces &/or 12 House energies.
I always feel like I should solicit a guest blogger to write about Neptune doing things. Not only is this planet tucked away in my 12th House - not only is it not very well integrated with the rest of my chart - but it’s conjunct my North Node, ie, something completely alien to my skill set (the South Node).
Anyway: Neptune stations direct. We’ve spent the past five months (since Neptune stationed retrograde on June 30) going more inward with our spirituality, or our escapism. If we’re trying to “go with the flow,” we’ve been looking within for direction.
Neptune stationed Rx at 27°41’ Pisces, and now stations direct at 24°17’ Pisces. If you have an important placement between those degrees (or between 9°17’ and 12°41’ of the Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius) - you’ve felt some kind of dissolution (disillusion?) over the past weeks and months. Moving forward, we have a better sense of our “guiding vision” freed from the shackles of ego and glamour.
Neptune’s next station is on July 2, 2024, at 29°56’ Pisces. Almost Aries! Which is a whole ‘nuther can of worms in itself. Let’s not borrow trouble, but deal with Neptune/Pisces on our plates right now.
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elminx · 19 days
Energy Update: September 2024
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September is an “8” Universal Month [9 (September) + 8 (2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8] in an “8” Universal Year. 8 months are represented by the infinity symbol and the ouroboros – they are everything, and nothing, all at once. Everything comes full circle in an 8 month, often represented by the highest highs and the lowest lows. What comes up must go down. But, alternatively, what goes does must come up. In this way, 8 months can be seen as a type of equalization. This is very in line with the astrology of the month, where we return, on an astrological level, to what has gone before – in more than one case, for the last time. This will be a month to revisit unfinished business.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury moving through its post-retrograde shadow in Leo, Venus in Libra, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Saturn and retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto just barely in Aquarius. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have entered Libra, Venus will have moved into Scorpio, Mars into Cancer, and Pluto backward into Capricorn.
The Nitty Gritty
Everything comes full circle this month as we enter our first “8” themed month in our “8” themed year. This may feel like a homecoming for some, but for others, it will be a roller coaster ride straight into unfinished business. If the feeling of the year has been “change before you have to,” this is your astrological reminder that we are approaching eclipse season, which always strongly emphasizes the HAVE To side of that equation. Not only will we be experiencing a lunar eclipse, but we will also see all of our personal planets change signs and Pluto transition back into Capricorn for the very last time. The world is shifting again, and we may need to find that solid ground will be difficult to come by in the weeks ahead.
This year has been colored by Pluto, our dwarf planet of death, change, and transformation, which has been slowly transitioning from the cardinal earth sign Capricorn (where it has been sitting for the last 15 years) into the fixed air sign of Aquarius. Our outer planets move very slowly and dictate the overarching feeling of the times; their transitions from one sign to another generally coincide with intense societal changes and times of turmoil and transformation. On the 1st, Pluto moves back into Capricorn for the very last time.
Pluto plays the long game. Like its namesake, it slowly degrades the area of life it touches. In Capricorn, Pluto has been breaking down our outdated systems of government and institutions. Pluto is a cosmic reminder that all things must die in their time so that something new can be born in its place. We are experiencing the final death throws of what was – but it won’t be pretty. Like all earth signs, Capricorn can get exceedingly stuck in its ways, and it often takes more than one quake to shake things loose.
Because this happens on the first, the energy of Pluto entering Capricorn from the back end will set the tone for the entire month. You may feel like you are regressing in some way in your life. A situation may arise that you thought was taken care of. This will be strongest felt by those with personal planets around 00° in the earth or cardinal signs. Where Aquarius rules innovation and the future, Capricorn rules the past and tradition; society may take a step or two back away from progressive measures or future-focused thinking.
The good news is that this Pluto in Capricorn retrograde won’t last long. Pluto will station direct in October and reenter Aquarius for the final time (for the next 248 years) on 11/19/24. The 80 days in between may be quite challenging, though. Something may need to change – inside your life and in the world. It’s decision time. The big flex throughout September (and into October and November) will be to let go of what needs to leave your life.
Our Lights: the Sun and the Moon
Our Sun will be in Virgo and Libra all month long, which means that this month marks the transition from Summer (Virgo) to Autumn (Libra) on 9/22. Also, because our lunar nodes will remain on the Aries-Libra axis through the new year, we are entering our second eclipse season. The Sun in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, 9/8, which may show up in our lives as a check-in with our goals and what we must do to stay in alignment. Remember, we are in an “8” month in an “8” year, so things may feel all over the place at times – it’s okay, now come back to the center.
Virgo season tends to be about cleaning up, physically and metaphorically. The summer is drawing to a close, and it is time to prepare for the new season. As mentioned above, this whole year has been about endings and the hint of new beginnings (represented by Pluto’s planetary movements), and it may feel like we are down to the wire. This month’s big flex will be to take the new moon on 9/2 to clean up what you can and then let the lunar eclipse on 9/17 take you where it’s going to.
Our new moon on 9/2 is at 11° Virgo and is a 3/2 new moon.
6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3. 3 (Virgo New Moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
The new moon is relatively unaspected, so we look back again to the numerology. Notably, the new moon carries “11” energy twice over; first, it falls in the 11th degree of Virgo, and, secondly, it is an 11/2 new moon. This is one of three Master Numbers in numerology – it heightens the energy of the final number (2). The number 2 is one of movement and connections – with the number 2, you are either adding (1+1=2) or subtracting (2-1=1). Through this, we can infer that this is a new moon that will get things moving.
Remember, Virgo is a sign of refinement. As the second of our two Mercury-ruled signs, Virgo lives in the mind, but rather than being the Idea Man (Gemini, nongendered), Mercury begins the work of perfecting and honing down in Virgo. This can feel like criticism (especially if you don’t have Virgo in your natal chart), so stay aware of touchiness in yourself and others around the new moon. Clean it up. Fix it up. Do what you’ve been putting off. Future-proof your life. Virgo’s new moon energy has a lot in common with the energy of Mercury retrograde, but it will pass far more quickly.
The Sun in Virgo will square off with Jupiter in Gemini around 9/12, which may feel unlucky but is, more likely than not, simply a bit challenging. Remember, Virgo is LOOKING to refine. That challenge is there so that you will better understand what you have to do.
Our lunar eclipse on Tuesday, 9/17, will be at 25° Pisces and is a 9/8 full moon.
12 (Pisces Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9. 9 (Pisces full moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
This is the real deal (even by Eclipse standards) due to a couple of major planetary aspects happening around the 17th, most notably Mars in Cancer forming a rough cardinal square with our lunar nodes in Aries and Libra.
But wait, Minx – how come the lunar nodes are in Aries and Libra, but the eclipsed moon is in Pisces? This is our first indication that our lunar nodes are reaching the end of their stay in their current signs. The lunar nodes are sitting at 06° and will move on to the Pisces-Virgo axis early in 2025. While this switch happens, we often see off-element eclipses that fall in the “wrong signs.” In this way, we can use this early Pisces lunar eclipse as a bit of an augury of what will come in the three years ahead when the lunar nodes transit Pisces and Virgo.
The eclipse won’t be close to the lunar nodes (11°), but Mars will be in a tight t-square, so expect tensions to be high. This is undoubtedly red-flag weather, so lie low and stay out of the arena if possible. When Mars is poorly aspected, the chance of violence goes up. We are also experiencing two strong oppositions on either side of the eclipse – Venus in Libra will oppose Chiron on Monday, 9/16, and Mercury in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn on Wednesday, 9/18. Note that all three of our personal planets are involved in the days around this eclipse – it will feel personal for most of us.
Standard eclipse advice applies here: Eclipses (like the sign of Virgo) tend to be a hit of instant alignment. The lunar nodes can be viewed as an arrow in the sky pointing from the South Node and towards the North. In our natal birth charts, the nodes show the natural flow of energy in our lives, and in the transits, they show the natural flow of energy happening at the time of the transit. Age-old astrological advice is to TRUST what happens on the days of the eclipses and, to a lesser degree, on the days between the set of eclipses, which dictates the “season.” Eclipses have a way of opening some doors and closing others. I’ll write more about the eclipse as we approach this lunar event.
Mercury has finally exited its retrograde at the end of August and will chug its way quickly through the last bit of Leo, through Virgo, and into Libra by the end of the month. Virgo is the sign of Mercury’s domicile, so 9/9 to 9/26 will be an excellent time for all Mercurial pursuits (writing/language/technology/travel).
Keep in mind that before we get there, Mercury still needs to retrace the last dregs of its post-retrograde shadow. This includes the third of its trines with Chiron in Aries on 9/2 (the day of the new moon) – this could bring up some touchy bits from our total lunar eclipse back in April, which included a conjunction with both Mercury and Chiron not far from the spot where Chiron still sits in Aries today. Chiron spots can feel very touchy if you aren’t used to them (see also: don’t have a strong Chiron element in your birth chart or haven’t undergone a serious Chiron transit). A good way of looking at it is that the pain is there to show us what isn’t working so we can fix it. Again, this will be a month of refinement.
Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow at 04° Virgo on 9/11 and doesn’t make any other aspects until it opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces on 9/18. This is our planetary check-in or check-up. As mentioned in the section about our Luminaries, this happens a day after our lunar eclipse, so it may serve as the cosmic right time to take stock of what has happened and what we can do about it. Mercury in Virgo is very proactive, and Saturn wants us to be our best selves – we CAN use this opposition to our advantage even if, on the outside, it doesn’t seem advantageous.
Mercury squares off with Jupiter in Gemini on 9/22, making for a tense day of many misunderstandings. You may wake up the next morning to realize those mountains were mere molehills. Don’t take things too seriously, and it will pass quickly.
As Mercury moves towards its ingress into Libra on 9/26, they will trine Uranus in Taurus, oppose Neptune in Pisces, and trine Pluto in Capricorn – this is business as usual and will probably pass unnoticed.
Once Mercury enters Libra, they will meet up with the Sun and the South Node in an early stellium, which may illuminate (the Sun) new ways of thinking (Mercury) about our past (South Node). We are deep in eclipse season and should meet the last days of September with our eyes wide open.
Venus will be in the sign of her domicile, Libra, until 9/22, when she enters Scorpio, the sign of her detriment. In Libra, Venus can be entirely consumed with the ideals of traditional relationship roles, and in Scorpio, she turns her eyes towards secrets and – in the worst-case scenario – revenge! The first half of the month strongly supports relationships (at least the easily codified and societally acceptable ones), but things are not always what they seem with Venus. Keep in mind that Venus in Libra can sometimes be a bit controlling – especially regarding how she wants her relationship to appear. As Venus enters Scorpio, she can quickly become the scorned lover – even if she hasn’t actually been scorned!
In Libra, Venus can become so obsessed with her ideal of a relationship that she refuses to look at reality. This may come to a head on 9/4 as she meets up in conjunction with the South Node at 06° Libra. Relationships of all kinds will be on the chopping block that week, but most significantly, those that aren’t built on mutual support and understanding. Our lunar nodes on the Aries-Libra axis have been forcing us all to confront our personal biases around Independence versus Togetherness, and this time may be especially fraught for couples with different needs on this spectrum.
On 9/15, Venus trines Jupiter in Gemini, which is a good day to have a good day. On 9/16, she opposes Chiron in Aries, which might be a wake-up call to where we live in excess or otherwise outside our means or comfort zones. We may have to pay for the overindulgences of the day prior. She will trine Pluto in Capricorn right before she enters Scorpio, a reminder that we can’t always carry our past into the future.
While she is in Scorpio, we have to remember to watch our tongues and keep a check on our revenge fantasies. If the person did you wrong, fine, but if your own expectations just hurt you, you may need to check yourself through the end of the month.
Mars spends most of the month in Cancer, the sign of its fall. That means from 9/22 to 9/30, both of our relationship planets will be in uncomfortable positions. It’s worth noting that Mars will be in the sign of its fall earlier in the month, while Venus will be in her domicile.
Relationships may be tense all month long. Mars in Cancer is naturally square to Venus in Libra. Though the two won’t meet up in exact aspect with one another here, it still shows that partners in any given relationship may not see eye to eye with one another (regardless of gender). Mars will be better aligned with Venus in Scorpio, but neither is a peaceful or kind placement for relationship continuity. Just be aware and stay aware all month long. People, in general, are likely to be moody and a touch emotionally manipulative.
This spark exists all month long, and when Mars in Cancer forms a cardinal t-square in the skies as we enter eclipse season, we add the fuel. The problem that Mars in Cancer has is that Cancer’s natural motis apprendi is to move in a sideways direction (like its namesake, the crab), which often appears to be subversive or manipulative to others. Aries is all forward motion and wants nothing to do with this sidestepping, and Libra can tolerate it, but it’s not quite their way, either. This is a battle of the Cardinal Giants, and of any of the modalities, cardinal signs are the ones that don’t back down.
Mars is our problem child of the month; emphasis on the term child here. Mars in Cancer can be at his most petulant – throwing a full-on “Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what to do!” temper tantrum because he didn’t get his way. Whatever comes up for us during this upcoming eclipse season, Mars is not going to like it. Not one bit.
Mars never likes giving up control, that’s for sure. It’s worth noting that we are working our way towards a Mars retrograde in Leo in December. You could say that the pumps are getting primed for a very real meltdown yet to come.
At the end of the month, on 9/30, Mars trines retrograde Saturn in Pisces, which is yet another cosmic check-up on ourselves to round out the month. We end the month in the middle of an eclipse season that spans the line between Aries-Libra and Pisces-Virgo, which means that from a lunar nodal perspective, we are about to pass from sign 1 back into sign 12. This mimics the energy of Pluto reentering Capricorn for one last stay. As above, so below.
The month ends much as it begins. The double loop of the 8 always completes itself.
Looking Ahead
October is Libra and Scorpio season. We will have an eclipsed new moon in Libra and a full moon in Aries later in the month. Jupiter will station retrograde, and Neptune will station direct. Once eclipse season ends, we will have a bit of a reprieve until Mars enters Leo in November.
The Details
9/1 – Uranus retrogrades 27° Taurus, retrograde Pluto enters Capricorn (29°) 9/2 – New Moon 11° Virgo, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 9/3 – Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces 9/4 – Mars enters Cancer, Venus conjunct South Node in Libra/opposed North Node in Aries 06° 9/7 – Mercury in Aries square retrograde Uranus in Taurus 9/8 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo 9/11 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 04° Virgo 9/12 – Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini 9/15 – Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini 9/16 – Venus in Libra opposed Chiron in Aries, Mars in Cancer square the lunar nodes in Aries/Libra 9/17 – Lunar Eclipse 25° Pisces 9/18 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 9/19 – Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 9/20 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces 9/21 – Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini 9/22 – Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Sun enters Libra, Venus in Libra square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Scorpio 9/24 – Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 9/25 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces 9/26 – Mercury in Virgo square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury enters Libra 9/28 – Sun in Libra conjunct South Node/opposed North Node in Aries 06° 9/29 – Mercury in Libra conjunct South Node/opposed North Node in Aries 06° 9/30 – Sun conjunct Mercury 08° Libra, Mars in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces
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astronlogia · 9 months
Astrology observations #1
In love Scorpio Mars can be obsessive about their partners to the point that they can’t focus on anything else. Cancer is the most difficult sign to have in Mars.
Having a north node opposite ascendant transit can mean you will meet important people in your life. A 1H stellium means that you will appear selfish to others.
A person with venus sextile Neptune can make them blind in love.
If someone has Saturn retrograde in natal chart they should check their progressed chart to see if it will station direct or not in their lifetime.
Having progressed moon conjunct venus mean you can meet your perfect lover. 
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mercurytrinemoon · 11 months
Astro observations: celebrity edition part 2 aka latest news roundup
⭐️ Dua Lipa announced on her instagram that she's actually a Gemini rising as opposed to Libra. Now my Gemini detector told me that ages ago but I accepted the Libra rising just because it's my default token "plain good looking and polite" sign BUT it actually now makes much more sense in terms of house placements. Her Venus is now cazimi in the 3rd house - house associated with creative writing and thinking. The ever-changing and fast-moving Mercury is now in her 4th house of family and home situation and she's actually been always moving a lot between England and Albania. That healthy domicile Mercury as well as the Sun-Venus conjunction in the 3rd shows her close connection to family overall.
Funnily enough, her discovery took place during Mercury station in her 4th house. Talk about finding out your true roots (astrological, in that instance).
⭐️ We also now have the birth time of Elon Musk, who turns out to be a Cancer rising. Jupiter in his 5th house of children now makes perfect sense with his 11 kids (and probably counting).
⭐️ If you're wondering why Ariana Grande is the way she is, look no further than Moon conjunct Jupiter - aka her 7th house ruler multiply; as well as both being square to the Sun. Usually Sun square Jupiter can point to legal issues and excess while Sun square Moon often points to broken families. Now add that together and you have… a homewrecker, yaaay!
⭐️ I was thinking a lot about Blink 182 and Tom Delonge (his chart resembles mine a bit) due to him rejoining the band last year and now releasing a new Blink album. Natally, he has a retrograde Gemini Mars so I looked at his progressed chart to see the stationary period. Turns out his progressed Mars stationed direct early 2014, followed by progressed Sun entering Aquarius. Early following year the band announced that he left permanently. One of the things he focused on was research on the UFOs and work with the government. Of course, keep in mind progressed Mars stations for quite a while and his issues with the band lasted throughout the whole 2014 so it makes sense that the final split occured a year later. And why Mars? Well it can literally speak about our focus in life and our direction - where we put our energy. Not to mention Mars rules his MC so it brought him a massive turn in his career. So makes sense.
⭐️ Britney Spears just released a memoir book. Putting aside the questionable fact on who really wrote it, it stirred up a lot of drama. Her chart is one big mine but today I'm only focusing on current transits: she just had an eclipse in her first house of Libra. That eclipse landed right on her Pluto, which natally squares Venus (talking about toxic relationships and exposing them). Pluto itself is making last hits to those degrees as well as it's stationing direct in the late Capricorn. Interestingly I think Jupiter being in her 8th house can point to this as well - it lights up all the secrets and talks about working on past traumas. Now, you're also probably thinking, why was she involved with so many iffy people in her life? A lot of things in her chart point to that but what always struck me was her 7th house ruler - a malefic Mars - being in her 12th house of enemies. And it squares Neptune so they're also liars and exploiters.
⭐️ There's been A TON of celebrity breakups during this Venus retrograde season but I'm gonna quickly focus on Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner because their charts are an interesting example. Their synastry is mostly having planets in sister signs but this also means that if one of them gets hit with a transit, so is the other. Involve Saturn in that transit and you get trouble. Saturn is currently in early Pisces, where Sophie has some of her planets in the 12th house (loss, enemies). Her Mars (disputes, cutting) is at 4° of Pisces while Joe's Mars is at 7° Virgo - right opposite that. Saturn transit stirred up some proper drama: and Saturn is also coldness, being restrained and cut off. On top of that they also have their rising signs in the opposite signs of Aries and Libra and we just started having eclipses in those signs earlier this year.
Not to mention Joe's Leo Sun got hit by Venus retrograde and a Uranus square. Among other stuff.
FUN FACT: according to my research they met for the first time in October of 2016 when Jupiter was in Libra. So, interestingly, not only they had Jupiter going through their angles but Jupiter in their Davidson chart is in Libra.
⭐️ Taylor Swift is currently going through her 10th house profection year (Leo). It would make sense then that her career would take a turn this year considering that Venus was retrograding in Leo. Of course as it turned out she had a massive succes with her ongoing world tour, which is said to become the highest grossing tour of all time.
⭐️ A Vogue article popped up about Rita Ora's and Taika Waititi's wedding that took place a year earlier (they kept all the info and date private until now). Jupiter played a huge role in them getting married (as it often does, especially for a couple like them, who have it strong in their charts, which I wrote about HERE). At the time of their wedding Jupiter was at 8° Aries, which for Rita is that sweet spot between her Sagittarius Sun and Venus (4° and 10° respectively) and Leo Jupiter (13°) - as it completed a grand trine in her chart. Transiting Sun was also 12° of Leo, highlighting that trine even more.
Man I love astrology.
For Taika it was pretty prominent as well although his Jupiter aspects were more sign-based. He had a Jupiter return; his Moon is somewhere in the middle of Sagittarius so he received these fire trines as well. Interestingly, at the time of the wedding Saturn was at 22° Aquarius - exactly opposite his Leo Sun but also sextile his natal Jupiter. So for him it had a bit of a Saturnian flavour that called for stability and maturity.
⭐️ Similarly, I just read the other day that Frances Bean Cobain got married earlier this month. She has a Venus-Jupiter conjunction on top of her Virgo ascendant (interestingly Kurt had the trine between Venus and Jupiter - so seems like a family pattern). Also interestingly, transiting Jupiter is currently trining both her Venus and Jupiter (on the day of the wedding it was trining Venus exact), thereby her natal pattern got repeated. Jupiter is also her 7th house ruler.
Her now husband, Riley Hawk is having a nice transit of that Jupiter over his Taurus Moon - and remember, Moon rules the women in your family as well as your wife.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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July 2024 Astrology Forecast: Crises as Opportunities
July 2024 Astrology Forecast:
The Astrology of July 2024, colored by the double activation of the 29º degree, indicates that significant changes are on the way and emphasizes the role of crises as opportunities. The month begins with Neptune stationing retrograde at 29º of Pisces, just a few days after Saturn stationed retrograde, also in the sign. During the upcoming months, both planets are going to travel backward through the sign of the Fish, offering us an invitation to reflect on what is dissolving in our lives and what effort is required on our part to materialize our dreams in the 3D reality.
Throughout the month of July 2024, we experience a gradual shift from Cardinal Water energy to Fixed Fire energy as Mercury, Venus, and the Sun leave Cancer and enter Leo. This shift invites us to leave our comfort zone, open up to the world, and consciously choose to wholeheartedly participate in life. During the upcoming weeks, we are going to experience a New Moon in Cancer and, just a few hours before Leo season begins, another Full Moon in Capricorn, this time at 29º of the sign and conjunct Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Around this time, deep insights into our emotional and psychological makeup and opportunities for radical transformation will be available.
Here are the main Astrology events coming up in July 2024.
Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces & Mercury enters Leo
Jul 2, 2024, 06:40 AM EST & Jul 2, 2024, 08:50 AM EST
The new calendar month begins with Neptune stationing retrograde at 29º Pisces and Mercury entering Leo. Neptune’s shift of motion invites us to direct more energy inward and question our existing approach to inner and spiritual exploration. This transit supports a contemplative and internal focus and inspires us to search for answers within. Neptune retrograde in Pisces is an opportunity to redefine our relationship with our spiritual practice and our spiritual values and refine our attunement to our intuition.
Mercury’s ingress into Leo invites a shift in our thinking and communication styles and inspires us to express ourselves more confidently and creatively. During this time, we are encouraged to share our ideas with the world and embrace opportunities to be heard. Mercury in Leo inspires us to communicate enthusiastically and think creatively while being aware of the value of sharing our opinions and ideas. This combination of energies favors creative endeavors and artistic projects as well as all forms of self-expression connected with language, writing, and speaking.
New Moon in Cancer
Jul 5, 2024, 6:57 PM EST
The New Moon in Cancer is an opportunity to come into a new relationship with our emotions and our vulnerability. It is an opportunity to renovate our relationship with our past, our family, and our emotional needs. This event begins a lunar cycle centered around renewing the way we approach self-care, self-nurturance, and emotional self-awareness. The New Moon in her domicile offers us an invitation to create our personal definition of “home” and invites us on a journey inward, reminding us that it is our responsibility to make decisions that honor our hearts and protect our sensitivity.
Venus enters Leo
Jul 11, 2024, 12:19 PM EST
Venus’ ingress in Leo brings a desire to feel seen and appreciated and reminds us to value celebration, creativity, and authentic expression. This transit represents a powerful time to work on our social skills, creativity, and ability to find pleasure in life. Venus in Leo is an opportunity to reclaim our connection with our radiance, with our childlike enthusiasm, and with our joy. Venus in Leo reminds us of the value of creative expression, the power of being intentional about aesthetics, and the importance of play: this transit inspires us to experiment and make art for art’s sake, without worrying about how it looks or about whether we are doing it right.
Mars enters Gemini
Jul 20, 2024, 4:43 PM EST
Mars’s ingress into Gemini marks an increase in the pace of our intellectual activity and fuels our desire to learn more about everything. This shift suggests a growing intellectual restlessness as well as an experimental and open-minded approach to sexuality. Mars in Gemini transit can be associated with stronger tendencies toward impulsive and tactless speaking. During this time, we are reminded of the power of words, we are reminded that words can be weapons and that it’s our responsibility to use them with awareness. Mars’ journey through the sign of the Twins is also a reminder of the power of our thoughts and of how our thinking can either energize us or deplete us.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Jul 21, 2024, 06:16 AM EST
This month’s Capricorn Full Moon happens on the 29º degree and conjunct with Pluto at 0º of Aquarius. This lunation marks the culmination of a journey of psychological and emotional transformation and facilitates revelations and insights about structural changes that need to be made in our inner and outer lives. During a collective and personal time of transition, we are required to gain awareness of how we need to mature and get better at discerning what is our responsibility and what isn’t. The Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto invites us to release defense mechanisms, layers of protection, and unconscious strategies we employ to indirectly have our needs met.
July 2024 Astrology Forecast
Leo season begins
Jul 22, 2024, 03:45 AM EST
The Sun’s ingress into his home sign of Leo reminds us to nurture our connection with the creative impulse, keep our inner flame burning, and invest our energy in what gives us energy back, in what we are passionate about, in what brings us joy. While the Sun is in Leo, we are inspired to explore our creative urges without expectations, without goals, andwithout seeking external approval. The Sun’s yearly transit through Leo inspires us to connect with our inner child’s playfulness, lightheartedness, and joy and reminds us to celebrate life and ourselves more often.
Mercury enters Virgo
Jul 25, 2024, 6:42 PM EST
As the month comes to an end, Mercury enters its Earth domicile of Virgo. Here, the Messenger supports our ability to focus on what is most important and inspires us to delve into self-analysis and self-improvement. This transit invites us to incorporate more discernment into our lives and to distinguish between what serves us and what doesn’t. During Mercury’s journey through Virgo, we will be motivated to focus on solving problems, improving functionality, and managing daily tasks efficiently.This transit inspires us to explore a new way of thinking about health and try taking care of our wellness considering all the dimensions of it.
July 2024 Astrology Forecast: Our Invitation
During July 2024, all the planets entering Leo are also going to oppose Pluto in Aquarius, highlighting power struggles and control dynamics, especially within relationships, while suggesting a higher likelihood of experiencing intellectual confrontations. In the upcoming weeks, we will have chances to gain awareness of how we manage the dance between fear and desire when it comes to being seen, being in the spotlight, and being authentically and creatively expressed.
Before leaving Taurus and entering Gemini, Mars is going to cross Uranus, marking a surge in our desire to rebel from constrictions, assert our freedom, and make drastic changes. Around July 15, when this aspect goes exact, we can expect rebellions and disruptive turning points, both on the world stage and in our individual lives.
Lastly, as previously mentioned, the anaretic 29º degree will be activated twice in July 2024, by Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces and by the Full Moon in Capricorn. The 29º is a point of both crises and opportunity: the activation of the “anaretic degree” highlights the fact that a change is soon due, that we are going through a potent collective transition. The energy of completion, culmination, and transformation will be strongly present for the entire month of July 2024, a month likely to be filled with opportunities to make life-changing decisions, solve unfinished business, and create space for new beginnings. -Moon Omens
Cosmic Eye by Talon Abraxas
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sensualnoiree · 23 days
astro notes: daily transits 8/28
Wednesday brings a shift from the extroverted energy of the previous day to a more introspective and emotionally sensitive atmosphere. The Cancer Moon encourages withdrawal into the comfort of familiar surroundings and emotional security, while a potent Venus–Neptune opposition highlights the tension between idealism and reality in relationships. This day may involve confronting unmet expectations or disillusionment, particularly in matters of the heart. However, the end of Mercury’s retrograde phase in Leo offers a turning point, redirecting focus toward new creative endeavors and forward momentum.
Key Influences
Cancer Moon Ingress (1:48 a.m.):Emotional Withdrawal: The day begins with the Moon’s ingress into Cancer, shifting the emotional tone to one of introspection and sensitivity. After the more extroverted and sociable energies of the past days, this lunar placement encourages a retreat into the safety and comfort of home or familiar environments. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is associated with nurturing, emotional security, and a deep connection to one’s inner world. This ingress may heighten the need for self-care, reflection, and a focus on personal or family matters. It’s a time to attend to your emotional needs and to seek out the comfort of close connections.
Venus–Neptune Opposition (29°08' Virgo–Pisces):Romantic Disillusionment: Adding to the emotional sensitivity of the day is a significant opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. This aspect can create a sense of disillusionment or disappointment in relationships, especially where there has been an overemphasis on idealism or unrealistic expectations. Venus in Virgo seeks perfection and practicality in love, while Neptune in Pisces is the dreamer, often blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. This opposition can manifest as a painful realization that a relationship or romantic situation is not living up to the ideals you’ve held, or it may bring to light where you’ve been playing the role of martyr or rescuer. The challenge here is to find a balance between romantic idealism and grounded realism, and to release any illusions that are no longer serving you.
Mercury Stations Direct (21°24' Leo):Creative Redirection: In the afternoon, Mercury stations direct in Leo, marking the end of its retrograde phase and signaling a shift in focus from review and reflection to forward movement. Mercury’s retrograde in Leo may have prompted a reevaluation of creative projects, self-expression, and personal goals. As it stations direct, the energy begins to support new beginnings and the resumption of plans that may have been delayed or reconsidered during the retrograde period. This is a time to harness the bold, creative energy of Leo and to start putting ideas into action with renewed clarity and confidence.
Integrating the Influences
Morning Sensitivity:Emotional Retreat: The Cancer Moon encourages a gentle start to the day, with a focus on emotional self-care and nurturing. This is a time to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and to turn inward, attending to your own needs and the needs of those closest to you. The energy supports activities that promote comfort, security, and a sense of home, whether that’s through spending time with loved ones, engaging in comforting rituals, or simply allowing yourself to rest and recharge.
Navigating Disillusionment:Romantic Reality Check: The Venus–Neptune opposition may bring some challenging emotional experiences, particularly in the realm of relationships. It’s important to acknowledge any feelings of disappointment or disillusionment that arise, without letting them lead to despair. This aspect asks you to see things as they are, rather than through the lens of idealism or fantasy. Use this energy to gain clarity on what you truly need and desire in your relationships, and to release any roles or expectations that are no longer aligned with your reality. This can be a time of significant emotional growth if you’re willing to confront the truth and let go of any illusions.
Afternoon Shift:Creative Forward Momentum: As Mercury stations direct, the energy begins to shift toward forward movement, particularly in the areas of creativity, self-expression, and personal projects. This is an excellent time to revisit ideas that may have been on hold during the retrograde and to begin taking concrete steps toward your goals. The clarity and confidence that come with Mercury’s direct motion in Leo can help you to express yourself more authentically and to pursue your creative ambitions with renewed vigor.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or etsy sensualnoiree to book a session with me :)
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
A Powerful Day for Business: Clarity, Intuition, and Transformation (April 25, 2024)
Today brings a potent astrological alignment with key planetary transits influencing our decision-making, intuition, and drive in the business world. Understanding these cosmic influences can empower you to make strategic choices and propel your business forward. Let’s delve deeper into each transit and explore how you can leverage their energy for financial success.
Mercury Stations Direct in Aries
After a potentially confusing period with Mercury retrograde, the fog finally clears as the communication planet moves forward in fiery Aries on April 25th. This shift marks a prime time to relaunch marketing campaigns that were put on hold during the retrograde. With clear thinking and renewed focus, you can effectively communicate your brand message and re-engage your audience. This is also an excellent time to clarify financial reports and address any lingering uncertainties. With a firm grasp on your financial standing, you can make informed investment decisions. Additionally, Aries’ boldness can spark innovative investment strategies. Don’t be afraid to explore new financial avenues, but ensure you conduct thorough research before committing.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Mars in Pisces
The emotional Moon in transformative Scorpio harmonizes with dreamy Mars in Pisces throughout this week, creating a potent mix of intuition and drive. This transit is a double-edged sword for business owners. On the one hand, it fosters a strong sense of gut instinct. Pay close attention to your intuition, as it can guide you towards lucrative strategic investments. However, temper the idealism of Mars in Pisces with a healthy dose of market research. Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment — ensure your investment aligns with market trends before diving in. This transit also favors partnerships. By appealing to your counterpart’s emotional needs and values, you can negotiate win-win partnerships that benefit all parties involved.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces
The Moon in Scorpio connects with mystical Neptune in Pisces, fostering compassion and imagination throughout this week. This transit is a goldmine for creative marketing campaigns. By tapping into the emotional depths of Scorpio and the imaginative power of Neptune, you can develop marketing strategies that resonate deeply with your target audience. Consider exploring new marketing channels that align with your brand’s emotional message, such as storytelling or cause-related marketing. However, be mindful of the potential pitfalls of this transit. Neptune’s influence can lead to unrealistic profit projections. Ensure your creative vision is grounded in financial reality before implementing any major marketing campaigns.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Pluto in Aquarius (Ongoing)
The Moon in Scorpio aligns with transformative Pluto in Aquarius throughout this week, pushing for deep change and letting go of what no longer serves you. This transit is a powerful catalyst for business transformation. It’s the perfect time to restructure your business model to increase efficiency and profitability. Consider eliminating underperforming products or services that are draining your resources. Embrace innovative technologies that can streamline your operations and enhance your customer experience. This can also be a great time to secure funding for transformative projects. Investors are likely to be impressed by your vision for the future and your willingness to embrace change.
By understanding these key planetary transits and leveraging their unique energies, you can navigate this powerful week with confidence. Remember, astrology empowers you to make informed choices and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. So, embrace the clarity, intuition, and transformative power of this cosmic alignment, and watch your business flourish!
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 4 months
Neptune in the Anaretic Degree (29th Degree) -- What YOU Need to Know
     On May 3, 2024, Neptune shifted into the anaretic degree of Pisces, marking a major milestone for the outer planet and us. In astrology, the anaretic degree refers to the 29th degree of any sign. This degree holds a unique significance, often regarded as a critical point of transition and culmination within a zodiacal sign. Understanding the anaretic degree requires delving into the broader context of astrological symbolism and the cyclical nature of the zodiac.
     This degree—the 29th degree—has always been a degree of interest to me, as I have one of my personal planets in the degree. It is one of the “fame degrees” but I’ve always attributed a lot of my troubles, lessons, and struggles to this degree. I’ve also realized over the years just how critical this degree is in the good parts of my personality: my drive, urgency, and tenacity to DO SOMETHING. With that in mind, I’d like to dive deeper into the 29th degree in astrology, paying special attention to how it manifests in this ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces.  
Anaretic Degree Meaning in Astrology
     At its core, the zodiac consists of 12 signs, each representing different archetypal energies and qualities. As the Sun traverses through each sign over the course of a year, it reaches its culmination point at the 29th degree before transitioning into the subsequent sign. This transition embodies a sense of completion, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
     The term "anaretic" is derived from the Greek word "anareta," meaning "destroyer" or "bringer of necessity." In traditional astrology, the anaretic degree was often associated with challenging circumstances, indicating a sense of urgency or crisis that demanded resolution. However, modern astrologers interpret this degree more broadly, recognizing its potential for pivotal moments of growth and transformation.
     When a planet occupies the anaretic degree in a birth chart or during a transit, it can amplify the sense of urgency and intensity associated with that planet’s energy. For example, if Mars is at the anaretic degree in a natal chart, it may signify a strong drive to initiate change or take decisive action in the areas of life represented by its sign and house placement.
     Similarly, when considering transits or progressions involving the anaretic degree, you want to pay close attention to any planets or points that make significant aspects to that degree. These configurations can indicate key turning points or moments of reckoning, where important decisions need to be made or significant events unfold.
     For instance, if a New Moon occurs at the anaretic degree of a sign, it may signal a powerful opportunity for new beginnings or the culmination of a long-term project or goal. Conversely, if a planet stations retrograde or direct at the anaretic degree, it could suggest a period of intense reflection or a profound shift in direction.
Neptune in the Anaretic (29th) Degree
    Neptune is one of the outer planets in astrology and holds profound significance in shaping our collective and individual experiences. Often referred to as the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality, Neptune represents the realm of the subconscious, imagination, and transcendence. It influences our perceptions, ideals, and capacity for empathy, blurring the boundaries between reality and illusion.
     Pisces, as the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, is associated with themes of spirituality, compassion, and transcendence. Symbolized by the Fish, Pisces embodies the collective unconscious and the journey towards spiritual enlightenment and unity with the divine.
     When Neptune is in Pisces, its influence is heightened, as the planet is in its natural ruling sign. This placement accentuates the mystical and ethereal qualities associated with Neptune, amplifying its influence on both a personal and collective level. Neptune in Pisces fosters a heightened sense of spirituality, creativity, and sensitivity, inspiring us to explore deeper realms of consciousness (as well as our collective obsession with idealized beauty standards) and connect with the divine.
Work with Anaretic Neptune with my popular 2024 Birth Chart Reading. Learn how to work with the themes of 2024—along with Neptune in the 29th degree—to enhance your communication, build better relationships, and foster transformative personal growth.
Explore the lessons, opportunities, and karma of YOUR 29 degree placements with a Critical Degree Birth Chart Reading. This reading will illuminate the areas of your chart where urgent transformation is needed and help YOU harness the power of these critical degrees to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.
     The 29th degree of Pisces holds particular significance, as it represents the culmination of Neptune's journey through the sign. At this critical degree, the energy of Neptune is intensified, marking a transitional phase between the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. With Neptune sitting in the anaretic degree of Pisces, we may experience a heightened sense of spiritual awakening, creative inspiration, or emotional sensitivity.
Learn MORE about the Anaretic Degree of Pisces, including YOUR horoscope at CosmicCannibal.substack.com
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
do u happen to know what sorts of astrology things are happening atm im trying to figure out y i feel poisoned and abandoned >_<
DUDE idk what it is about this day specifically but so many people i know had a really abnormally bad day. i'm thinking it has some connection to mercury stationing direct right ON the north node in aries that happened today ? because aries is ruled by mars & rn mars is in pisces getting really close to neptune. so all the bodies transiting aries rn (mercury NN venus chiron) are kind of being inhibited by a fog.. and mars conjunct neptune in itself is intense, it's a real dissolve of certain karmic contracts since neptune is getting ready to leave pisces this is the last time we'll ever see them conjunct in pisces, in our lifetimes. we're also still under a jupiter uranus conjunction which only happens once every 12-14 yrs, and the last time it happened in taurus was 1941. so there's that.. we're just barely coming out of eclipse season, merc retrograde too it's just been relentless. that whole aries season w/ mars in pisces, was not my fuckening cup of tea..
but hey we got some nice stuff coming up, in a few days venus enters taurus & mars enters aries, so they'll be in their home signs & WAYY more supported. mercury is direct again too. if life been feeling like u been trying to drive w the brakes on, all this shld help to lift some tension away. defnitely pay attention to what's calling u to surrender during these next few days w the mars/neptune merge. definitely rest a lot!! cus things are about to accelerate in May. defnitely look into the pisces/aries/taurus areas of ur own chart for more specific clues. Good luck, 2012-chan, stay safe out there... <3PMD9
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pallastrology · 6 months
april notes
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artwork by maurice hagemans
i feel like march has been really intense... anyone else? i think the aqua/pisces/aries mix can be tough, and with the coming of spring it's a very impactful time of year. anyway, april starts out with the moon trine mercury, in sagittarius and aries. this is a nice transit, though very fast; your feelings and thoughts work together harmoniously to find the heart of the matter. complementing this is venus, which is currently conjunct neptune in ephemeral pisces, and sextile uranus in collected taurus. two very nice aspects here, bringing some much-needed calm and compassion to us before the storm that is mercury going retrograde hits. for general advice on mercury retrograde, see this post! throughout the first week of april, the moon will join pluto in aquarius. coupled with mercury in retrograde, i would say be cautious; not scared, but collect yourself and your thoughts before you speak up. don't go in blindly and don't give into your every desire. venus soon ingresses into aries, which can make it harder to ignore those desires, especially when the moon forms a conjunction. while it's good to chase your dreams, remember to stay grounded!
when the moon joins mercury in aries, we might be feeling pent up and ready to blow. if you can, look for an outlet that doesn't involve direct communication with others, unless you have a trusted person you can vent to knowing that they really get you. it's a good time to exercise or go hiking if you're into it, to burn off some frustration and clear your head. the new moon in aries on the 8th can amplify these struggles. again, i would say, do something physical (i like to clean my house around the new moon, it's a good workout and helps me feel calmer and less chaotic), and refine (or start to form) your plans. don't necessarily make any huge leaps right now though. later on, mars joins saturn to form a conjunction in pisces; this placement signifies immense inner strength and endurance. this is a good time to remind yourself that you're stronger than you give yourself credit for, and to be proud of how hard you are working to achieve your goals. it may bring up issues of balance, however; are you a workaholic? are you not putting in the effort/resources you could be? some reflection and a plan might be useful if you're feeling unbalanced.
later in the month, jupiter joins uranus in taurus. watch out for overindulgence and impulsivity! that being said, you've been working very hard, and it's okay to enjoy the fruits of your labour. just remember to appreciate the little things too, and not get caught up in sudden dreams and desires that, ultimately, steer you away from your goals. on the 20th, the sun ingresses into taurus, and we arrive at ox station! it's time to focus on our values and self-worth, our home life and environment, our work ethic and spending (or saving) habits, and take some time to enjoy the sweeter side of life. a little treat can go a long way, but let's stay focused. the sun square pluto in aquarius puts a bit of dampener on an otherwise warm and inviting transit, but it's nothing to fear; squares indicate a power struggle, yes, but they also indicate a lot of energy. how you channel that energy is up to you.
the full moon on the 24th could be quite tense, as pluto in aquarius makes it a t-square. while stress and tension aren't pleasant sensations or states to be in, this full moon could be a kind of catalyst moment; we often think of the full lunar phase as a time of release and reflection, and i think this will hold very true here. i'm personally expecting to feel like a wreck by this point, but often, for me at least, those "breaking point" moments help me gain clarity and rearrange what isn't working, or what's causing me stress. i hope that your full moon won't be stressful, but if it is, try doing something relaxing and just giving yourself the space to feel what you need to.
right at the end of the month, venus ingresses into taurus, which is a very comfortable placement. this transit asks us to lighten the load a little bit and get creative in life; to enjoy ourselves and find the balance between work and pleasure. to value ourselves the way we do our loved ones, and to build trust in ourselves and our inner circles. trust goes both ways of course, so we are tasked with being honest and reliable this month. wishing you all the best, as always.
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alohaastro · 23 days
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Moon transiting Cancer, Wednesday, August 28th, brings you the opportunity to increase your empathy for those who are hurting, or to have greater compassion for your inner child, as the moon in a nurturing water cardinal water sign pulling away from Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini forms a T-square aspect pattern with Venus in Virgo, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries. The potential for releasing trauma, transforming pain, or finding a new way to adapt to changes - or to change your feelings about circumstance that might not be to your liking - comes to you via the amplified favorable support of a Grand Trine which creates the body of a Kite aspect pattern involving Venus in Virgo loosely conjunct the South Node in Libra, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius, directing the power of the Grand Trine to Neptune in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries at the top of the Kite. There is a higher and gentler way of thinking, doing, and being today which comes from the beauty, healing, inspiration, and sacrifice of Neptune, and the compassion, nurturing, and release or sharing of feelings, which the Cancer moon brings. As Mercury in Leo stations direct today, those with aging parents might experience a reversal of the parent and child roles as they take on the care of a parent, and some who are struggling with issues around conception, child behavior, or family dysfunction could have a shift in perspective or a breakthrough. Any relationship you are in which has a strong parental or authority dynamic could go through a surprising twist if you communicate from the heart. The planets are showing you joy and sorrow, youth and age, naivety and wisdom, perfection and imperfection now.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Transiting Neptune stations direct
Sunday, December 4, 00:15 UT - 22°38’ Pisces
Caveat: unless Neptune is a player in your chart (strong Pisces and/or 12th House energy, Neptune in strong aspect to the Sun, Moon, and/or an angle), you may not feel very much from this station.
And, you know, even if Neptune is a player, you may not feel this one right away, or very powerfully, either. That isn’t how Neptune works. It could be a very long time from now when we finally realize some extremely subtle turning point happening.
According to astrologers Douglas Bloch and Demetra George, in their excellent primer Astrology for Yourself, transiting Neptune is all about “the opportunity to experience a greater spiritual perspective and sensitivity.” The difference between Neptune Rx and Neptune direct, is that with Rx the processes are more inward - and when direct, directed more externally. We may be ready to act out, and be more demonstrative with, our inner spiritual work. Sort of like “walking it like you think/feel it” and not “like you talk it.”
Way way way back when, growing up in the Episcopal Church, we were taught about “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace” - which is one of the most Neptune-like ideas, ever - but that’s also a good description of Neptune’s direct (outward and visible) and retrograde (inward and spiritual) processes.
We can find some outward visible way based on which of our natal houses holds transiting Neptune. In the 4th House, you might look at setting aside a space in your home for meditation and prayer; in the 9th House, go on a pilgrimage!
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elminx · 6 months
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April is a “3” Universal Month [4 (April) + 8 (2024) = 12 = 1+2 = 3] in an “8” Universal Year. 3 months are about connection and building – three can be a party OR a crowd, depending on your perspective. With all eyes on Aries season and the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron, AND the North Node in Aries over the month, it’s more likely to be the latter. We’re focused on independence and our own journies during this time.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun, Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node in Aries; Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces; Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius. That’s a huge cluster of planets all in sequential signs overstretching the last two and the first two signs of the horoscope. This shows that this is a fundamental shift and ending going on – likely in the world around us and our own lives. We’re also deep in between eclipses and entering retrograde season.
By month’s end, all of our personal planets except Mercury will have changed signs. The Sun will have moved on into Taurus, and Venus and Mars will have moved into Aries. Additionally, Mercury will have retrograded and stationed direct again.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on the sign of Aries as it will be involved with most of the major astrological transits of the month. Ten of the fifteen total aspects in April are conjunctions and all but two will be found in the sign of Aries. That’s a lot. Expect the energy to be fast, dry, hot, and ornery all month long. Aries is a sign of endless ambition, or, at least, endless energy. Aries need focus (given by their ruling planet Mars) and an unobstructed pathway to be at their best. Neither of those two things will be in ample supply.
This is to say that this will be a rough Aries season. Everyone will want to be doing, going, and accomplishing but getting nowhere fast. There is a major culprit here as the energy of each astrological season is augmented by the planetary ruler of its sign (in Aries’s case, Mars). For most of the month, Mars will be mired in the watery depths of Pisces. While Aries is sign #1, Pisces is sign #12. Pisces has seen and done it all, or at least that’s what they like you to believe. Pisces doesn’t move fast, they abide like The Dude – they’d rather spend their time daydreaming and fantasizing than accomplishing much in the tangible world. Mars can’t find any solid footing in the sign of the fish and we all may end up feeling like we are treading water (or drowning) if we try to maintain too much control.
This is going to manifest as a shitstorm of epic-level temper tantrums.
Let’s be real here: Aries isn’t known for being the most mature sign.  That’s not what they are here for.   Astrology teaches us that all sign energies have a place and Aries’s is to be the trailblazer.   As Sign #1, Aries is SUPPOSED TO step out into the world on their own.   It is their cosmic design to run ahead and scout things out.   Part of emotional maturity comes from the ability to stop and consider how your actions affect another – although it’s a powerful skill, it naturally inhibits some types of growth and innovation.
Aries tends to keep its blinders on for a reason.   Nobody gets to the top of the mountain if we all slow down and keep pace with the person who can’t climb.   The mature Aries knows that they are wearing blinders and when to take them off.   
Most actual Aries types (Sun, Ascendant, Moon, or Mars in Aries, at least those that have lived long enough to have experienced a Saturn return) have learned this lesson.   The problem comes when EVERYBODY ELSE has to stew in this thwarted Aries energy.
I’d say pack your patience, but I doubt there will be enough patience to go around.
April won’t begin with a bang but with a liminal whimper as Mercury stations retrograde at 27° Aries on the first. We’re already deep in this story – Mercury has been in Aries since 3/10 (in its pre-retrograde shadow since 3/18) and will remain there until mid-May. This is a very long stay for our fast-moving planet which normally takes 2-3 weeks to transit a sign. This shows us that there is work to be done around Mercury in Aries themes: notably owning our voices and speaking up for ourselves. You can read more about the Mercury retrograde here.
Important dates involving the retrograde: 4/1 Mercury retrogrades, 4/11 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, 4/15 retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron, 4/19 retrograde Mercury conjuncts Venus, 4/25 Mercury stations direct It’s worth noting that from 4/15-4/17 and even a bit beyond that, we will be experiencing a major Aries stellium between retrograde Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and the North Node. These dates will be a big hit on your Mercury retrograde story, however that shows up for you.
Standard Mercury retrograde advice applies from 4/1-4/25 but most especially on the above dates: check your work twice, save often, think before you speak/send, and enjoy the strange winding path rather than worrying about your destination. Apply the above advice metaphorically and physically in equal measures. Mercury retrograde is a good time to focus on work you’ve already started: practice the words that start with re: review, revise, rethink, retrace…
As if to deepen the mood, Venus will conjunct Neptune on 4/3 in late Pisces. Que the mists and probably some waterworks, too. Even your emotions seem unreal. Neptune is considered to be the higher octave of Venusian energy – while Venus focuses on human love, Neptune can tap into universal love. Both are at home in the watery sign of Pisces (Venus’s exaltation and Neptune’s home sign). It could end up being a sweet day in amongst the muck. This transit will pass quickly.
On Thursday 4/4, Venus enters Aries and takes on her mantle as the Starlett.   Venus is in her detriment in Aries which is a fancy way of saying that the natural (giving/receiving) energy of Venus is at odds with the aggressive cardinal fire energy of the Ram.  Whereas Venus – especially in her rulership of Aries’s sun-sign opposite, Libra – is focused on connection and togetherness; Aries is focused on the self.   If you want to get along with Venus this month (work in the arts, fashion, or need to get along with people at all), maybe throw here a little something-something on and around this date.   Roses and red wine would do nicely.
Since we’re counting: Mercury isn’t at their best in retrograde, Mars isn’t at his best in the waters of Pisces, AND Venus is not at her best as she’s in detriment in Aries. We can presume that we will face some personal challenges with all our personal planets afflicted in some fashion.
Venus in Aries may make you want to make your mark or step out into the limelight. Spoiler alert: nobody is watching.
This leads to our total solar eclipse on Monday, 4/8 at 19° Aries. This is our major pain point of the month as it will be exactly conjunct to Chiron and closely conjunct to the North Node. This may be our major pain point for the entire year. Chiron is the Wounded Healer which shows that the pain can be healed but this comes with a major caveat: the way out of Chironian pain is THROUGH the pain. This isn’t the kind of situation that can be laughed away or repressed easily and there’s a huge danger here in trying to put a bow on a pile of shit and call it your new pet. Truth be told, with the North Node so closely involved, you may not be able to look away even if you want to.
This won’t apply to everyone, of course. And I don’t mean to be scare-tacticy here. If you don’t need deep soul healing, the above obviously doesn’t apply. But in this “post-pandemic” world, I’m not sure that I believe there is a person who doesn’t need some deep soul healing. This lunar event could really work for you, you just need to work for it.
As always, standard eclipse advice applies: eclipses occur on the nodes of fate – what happens in and around the dates of the eclipses should be weighed at least slightly more heavily than what happens during the rest of the year. If something suddenly enters or exits your life, pay attention and BELIEVE IT. This is our second to last eclipse cycle on the Aries-Libra axis and that puts a lot of strain on the dichotomy of selfness vs. togetherness. Stay aware of where you and your Others naturally fall on that scale. Retrograde Mercury is widely a part of this stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron, North Node) so try not to fight about it because there is no common ground to stand on right now.
If you’re traveling in the US to view the totality, stay safe out there and try not to travel on the interstate within 24 on either side of the event if you can. (and keep in mind retrograde Mercury rules travel so things may take longer than normal)
I wish I could say that we will get a reprieve but the consequences of whatever has just occurred are coming in hard on the back end with a rough Mars-Saturn conjunction at 14° Pisces on Wednesday 4/10. Saturn doesn’t mean to be nasty about it, but without lessons, you would never learn a thing. This will be a great cosmic pause. One of Saturn’s domains is time in the sense of limitation. As time passes, some choices become off-limits. Existence is fleeting.
Note whether that stokes fear or wonder (or both?) in your heart.
Situated in Pisces, the ruler of the 12th house, Saturn is working to reexamine some of our deepest-rooted trauma stories. The twelfth house rules the unconscious (where we store all of the things we don’t want to look at) and Pisces can sometimes be said to have accumulated all of the baggage of the signs that have come before it. This ties in with the pain point of Chiron in Aries which is getting triggered by all of our personal planets transiting over it.
The way to overcome some of Saturn’s inertia repeats the month’s themes: you’ve got to get into the shadowy bits of it and do that weeding. Saturn stops you so that you can dig into the ground and find the roots you have grown that are holding you back.
Cut them and grow new roots.
We won’t see another aspect for the rest of the week which is probably a good sign that we need to think about what we have done. (that doesn’t have to have a bad connotation)
There is a twisted-up knot that has something to do with the pain of aloneness that’s aching to come forth. A boil of some kind, even. On the week of 4/15, it comes to a head. The Sun has pulled away from Mercury, Chiron, and the Nodes but Venus has moved up to join them. In this way, that mid-Aries stellium stretches from 4/8 through to 4/19 as our personal planets apply stress and pressure to Chiron and the North Node. Or better said, Chiron and the North Node apply pressure to our personal planets.
Aloneness means a lot of different things to different people. An Aries type can think of nothing better, most Libras can think of nothing worse. That is the pressure we will be sitting under all month long. Aries and Libra are alike in many ways but, in this, they are divided. Errevocakly so. This will put a huge stressor on relationships between people with very different attachment needs and styles. I would expect some relationships to end permanently, especially those with one or more of the partners involved who have a personal planet Libra. Possibly Aries as well. I wouldn’t count out Cancer or Capricorn, either.
If it ends on the date of the eclipse, there’s no saving it. If it ends after that in the month, you may have a second or third chance. But what is happening right now has a reason. I think that is important to remember.
Spoken like a true Moon in Aries native: sometimes love ISN’T enough.
Sometimes you just need some space, yo.
it seems like everybody needs a healthy dose of empathy for their others but there is zero empathy to go around. Venus will be directly conjunct to the North Node AND Chiron this week – expect some theatrics. As I mentioned earlier, she’s in her Starlet form and let me tell you, she is not getting the attention she wants or deserves. Watch out. Venus certainly isn’t at her most vindictive in the sign of Aries, but she won’t think twice before slashing a few tires to get her point across.
The Sun enters Taurus on 4/19 which may be somewhat of a reprieve. It depends on how far you’ve pushed Venus though because she IS the natural ruler of Taurus, the Bull. Don’t wave any red flags for the rest of the month, okay?
Mars in Pisces sextiles Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus as well which is…interesting. Somebody could hit it big – Jupiter and Uranus form an exact conjunction on Sunday 4/21. If you need Chance to be on your side this month – on and around 4/19-4/21 are the days to choose. Watch out for overspending or overindulging during this time though, high reward tends to come with a lot of risks.
The Sun will be square to Pluto. Things are changing. If they are changing in your favor will depend on a lot of your perspective and your ability to duck and roll as the towers fall.
The rest of the month is a downward slope and as we shift out of eclipse season it may begin to feel quite pedestrian. It’s a much-needed break.
On Tuesday 4/23 we have a full moon at 04° Scorpio that may seem dark and dramatic, but it pales in comparison to the edgy eclipses. Just don’t actually tell Scorpios that I said they weren’t the best, okay? Stay aware of vindictive bitches, you know who I mean. Scorpio full moons can bring out the worst in people who are looking for somebody to blame. Mars, the ruler of our Scorpio moon is just barely still in Pisces, too. Expect it to be both heavy and wet. Maybe even a washout.
The rest of the month just rolls downhill as the energy finally begins to right itself. On 4/25, Mercury stations direct at 15° Aries. On 4/29, Mars enters his home sign of Aries. On 4/30, Venus enters her home sign of Taurus.
May will be a much easier month. We just need to get there.
The Details
4/1 – Mercury retrogrades 27° Aries 4/3 – Venus conjunct Neptune 28° Pisces 4/4 – Venus enters Aries 4/6 – Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius 4/8 – Solar eclipse 19° Aries, Sun conjunct Chiron 19° Aries 4/10 – Mars conjunct Saturn 14° Saturn 4/11 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 22° Aries 4/15 – retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries 19° 4/17 – Venus conjunct North Node 15° Aries 4/19 – Sun enters Taurus, retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 17° Aries, Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 4/21 – Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Chiron 20° Aries, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in 21° Taurus 4/23 – Full moon 04° Scorpio 4/25 – Mercury stations direct 15° Aries 4/29 – Venus enters Taurus, Mars conjunct Neptune 28° Pisces 4/30 – Mars enters Aries
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saturniandevil · 2 years
2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s 2023 Forecast_, hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, Leisa Schaim and Diana Rose Parker. As a recap of previous events our hosts connect recent AI art controversies to Venus squaring Neptune (artists vs illusions), and predicts that the Pluto in Aquarius transit will intensify these debates. Saturn in late Aquarius has seen the first successful energy-emitting controlled nuclear fusion reaction, and Austin points out that new technologies often take around 30 years, or a complete Saturn cycle, to show up in everyday life.
Major Transits
Mars Retrograde -stations direct January 12th -egress to Taurus March 25th
Saturn from Aquarius -> Pisces -ingress March 7th -begins conjunction with Neptune In the writing previous runs of Saturn in Pisces have shown us influential fantasy worlds like those of Dune (without which there’d be no Star Wars) in the mid-1960s and A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) in the 1990s, as well as nonfiction like The Communist Manifesto in the 1840s. Saturn in Pisces has also shown up in drug news, such as the synthesis of LSD, which may connect to psychedelics starting to be legalized for therapeutic use today. If these significations seem Neptunian, that’s because Saturn is copresent with Neptune in this sign. They’ll be within orb in 2025 and '26, going exact in February of 2026. This sign will also be the Saturn return of Amazon and Fox News, and in biology that of the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep. In natal charts we have the examples of Robert Downey, Jr., whose Saturn return marked a turning point in his substance use issues and career, and Rachel Carson, a biologist whose book about the effects of pesticides in our world helped launch an environmentalist movement. In general we can expect “problems with chemicals.” Pisces wants us to all be one, but Saturn reminds us how one part is hurting people more than others.
How do you put boundaries on the boundless? You may feel like you’re floating, but even the ocean has a floor. Diana predicts we may see more collective grief over lost loved ones or what could have been during the height of the pandemic. It’s also worth noting that Saturn has been in his own domicile for the last few years. Now he’s ruled by Jupiter, who will be in a different sign every year, lending a different quality to Saturn’s transit.
Pluto in Aquarius (March 23rd - June 11th) A previous example of this transit is the Luddite movement against both the technology and labor conditions of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. Austin predicts this to weigh on the AI conversation and Diana brings up that the recent labor movement will also factor in. Chris reminds us that Pluto takes the tiniest things and blow them up to wide importance. Pluto in Aquarius coincided with the Hatian and French Revolutions as well.
Jupiter in Aries until May 16th -in Taurus for rest of the year -begins conjunction to Uranus Jupiter immediately squares Pluto (0♒) when he enters this sign. Jupiter-Pluto contacts have shown us billionaires further expanding their wealth and explosions of conspiracy theories in recent years. Revolutions and movements questioning the good of the people & basic needs will be especially relevant in Taurus. Jupiter predicts cultural waves in both art and politics, which will be especially relevant now that he’s ruled by Venus. Similarly, Diana hopes we see new food inventions such as advances with fake meats (M&M’s were invented during the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus). Jupiter will come in and confirm things that Uranus has been working on, such as the rising labor movement (40 hour work week was standardized under one). In this case, the innovation is rest.
Venus Retrograde in Leo (July 22nd - September 3rd)
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Venus transits are on cycles of about 8 years, so expect to revisit themes from around 2014. The US Supreme court legalizing same-sex marriage (conjunct Jupiter), and our podcast hosts started working together. Are any important relationships coming up on 8 years? (Austin, who met his wife and later got married on Venus in Leo, jokingly recommends waiting a full Venus cycle to commit). Shortly after entering Leo, Venus squares Jupiter and approaches Mars--but slows down and retrogrades before overcoming him (unlike in 2020). This retrograde is also tinged by a square to Uranus, though Jupiter’s copresence may stabilize things a bit. Sense of self will be a key theme here, especially in relationships. After the rx, when she enters Virgo early in October, where Saturn in Pisces will hit her like a cold bucket of water.
Eclipses shift from Taurus/Scorpio axis to Aries/Libra axis
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The Mars retrograde and direct station on the 12th hangs pretty heavily over this January. Mars is supercharged by the fact that royal star Aldebaran is nearby, which can bode better for personal charts than world news. However, keep in mind that the effects will move more slowly, and that a direct Mars is still a malefic--we march forward, but into battle just yet. Expect conclusions or major turning points in conflicts that began at the retrograde's start in early October. We'll still be seeing some cleanup as he enters the post shadow period (leaves degrees he retrograded over) on the 15th. Here's the graphic from Stella on Reddit:
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Mar's ruler Mercury is also retrograde going into January, and stations on the 18th. It's almost like Mars won't be fully direct until Mercury is too. It might not be fun to cut things off, but it's better than flailing around wildly with the knife. Once both these planets are direct, Jupiter in Aries will pick up a lot of momentum. The Mercury retrogrades this year will mainly occur in earth signs, so prepare to reevaluate the material realms in your life.
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It's also worth noting that the US Pluto return goes exact a few days before 2023 starts, and Pluto will return to these degrees when retrograding in September. With a conjunction to Mercury we can expect to see more disclosures around hidden information about those in power.
Speaking of outer planets, the Saturn (♒)-Uranus (♉) square that's been plaguing us for the past couple years will finally fade as we enter the year. The conflict of chaos & order over society and basic needs will finally fade. With Saturn in Pisces, no one's in control!
We've got an electional chart for January 25, 2023 at about 7:20AM local time. Adjust until the rising is at about 5 degrees of Aquarius, putting the Sun right on the Ascendant. This is one of the last charts for great Saturn elections for the next 30 years or so, as he's in domicile, in the first house and of the favored sect. Great for technology, rapid communications, and endeavors that will start out slow but last for a long time. Venus in the first house will help smooth over the aesthetics of this election as well. Here is the circle chart for Denver below:
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Valentine's Day is a little weird with Moon opposite Mars, followed by a Venus-Neptune conjunction the next day and a Saturn-Sun conjunction even after, where emotional conflict runs into idealistic dreams, which is soon crushed by reality. The Full Moon on February 5th at 16 Leo close to Uranus at 15 Taurus activates the last of that waning Saturn-Uranus square, while the Saturn-Sun square on the 16th is the last Sun-Saturn conjunction in a Saturn-ruled sign for the next couple decades. We can clearly assess what's real and make a final inspection of the wreckage from Saturn-Uranus's stress-testing. Whatever made it through the Aquarius part of your chart has a lot of endurance.
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March calendar. 3/2 Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mercury to Pisces. 3/5 Saturn to Pisces, Virgo full moon. 3/15 Sun conjunct Neptune, 3/16 Venus to Taurus, 3/17 Sun conjunct Mercury. 3/19 Mercury to Aries, 3/20 Sun to Aries, 3/21 Aries New Moon. 3/23 Pluto to Aquarius, 3/25 Mars to Cancer, 3/28 Mercury conjunct Jupiter, 3/30 Venus conjunct Uranus.
March is a big, dynamic month full of shifts. Mars (♊) leaves the mutable signs alone and tags in Saturn (♓) to do so instead. Medieval and Arabic astrologers often counted the Sun's ingress into Aries as the start of the New Year for the world, which fits with this month bringing so many new beginnings. We're going to get two New Moons during Aries season, one of which is an eclipse, so expect a lot of Aries energy. Around the Ides of March we've got Mercury conjoining Neptune at 25 Pisces, then the Sun, with Mars at 25 Pisces squaring them, al while Venus in late Aries square Pluto in late Capricorn. These transits also highlight the third Mars-Neptune square of the latter's trek through Gemini--it's our last chance to reveal what's been murky before Mars leaves his shadow period and the sign of Gemini overall. Mars-Gemini gives us fighting words and Mars-Neptune gives us deception, so be careful where you step in the fog of war.
Mercury is doing pretty badly at the beginning of the month, being combust, squared by Mars, and stuck around Neptune--our intelligence reports will not be accurate or timely. The next week Pluto moves into Aquarius. Chris wonders if this may result in a mass disappearing of certain kinds of technology. This area of Aquarius has seen a lot of activity from Saturn and Jupiter in recent years, and Pluto will deepen those issues for a couple months before retrograding in the fall. Venus will conjoin Uranus on the degree of November's eclipse in Taurus, which can make relationships more exciting. Mars moves into Cancer, trining Saturn on the 29th-30th. It's not a particularly glorious place for Mars, but we're finally getting back to Mars as usual (direct). We may be sullen, but at least we're not shooting ourselves in the foot anymore.
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This month gives us eclipse season and the second Mercury retrograde of year. We also get a Jupiter-Sun cazimi in Aries, resetting the Jupiter cycle for the next year. The hybrid solar eclipse eclipse will be annular for some regions and total for others (visible over the South Pacific, mostly). Here are the eclipses for 2023:
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Both eclipse seasons go back and forth between the Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio axis as the nodes move. Additionally, the spring eclipses are in Mars-ruled signs with Mars in Cancer, while the fall eclipses are ruled by Venus in Virgo. Thus we're moving from one Mars-Venus axis to another, with the eclipse ruler in either fall or detriment. In personal charts, this will be highlighting two sets of houses for us all. Once April 19th or so comes around, we'll find ourselves between eclipses with Mercury retrograde and Jupiter joining the North Node--a bit of a hangover from the Uranus in Taurus issues we've been seeing. Definitely expect more shipping and supply chain issues. Mercury's retrograde cycle will continue through to the next month.
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The first of the month gives us the Mercury cazimi, which is a halfway point & turning point for the retrograde. With Pluto's station, we've got a lot of changes occurring in May. The eclipse is at 14 Scorpio, echoing the previous Uranus eclipse in November in Taurus. However, this is the final eclipse in Scorpio (though there's one more in Taurus) for the next few years. We'd expect the pressure to ease from fixed signs now that heavy-hitters are moving into mutable and cardinal signs, but the fixed signs are still feeling some residual effects for the first half of the year. Jupiter ingress will attempt to stabilize some of the trouble as he enters Taurus. His squaring Pluto and later Mars in Leo will bring some tension as well, though. Diana thinks of forest fires with Mars in Leo, with Pluto in Aquarius serving as a sudden gust of wind. Jupiter is on the North Node as well, who'll cooperate with Jovian money endeavors but not his loftier pursuits. Pay attention to which house of your chart Jupiter enters, as he may provide some stability to the rockiness we've been seeing in Taurus since the lunar eclipse in fall of 2021.
When Jupiter conjoined Pluto in 2020 there was a massive expansion of wealth for the already wealthy, and now with a square between the planets we could see a more proletarian version of wealth expanding (or at least some kind of struggle around it). Pluto's station in Aquarius should also give us a picture of his trek through this sign over the next decade or so. Conversations around control and manipulation of information may arise, which Chris connects to social media as one of the richest men in the world just bought a widely used website. Diana brings up that these apps are often intentionally designed to encourage addictive behavior, so Pluto's compulsions and obsessions and tendency to expose the dark underbelly will manifest in the tech world. We may see a contraction in tech, as issues of power and control over social networks and other large scale communications arise. Is this paranoia or rational fear?
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Venus now enters sign in which she will retrograde, hinting at the territory we'll visit multiple times. She's approaching Mars and opposite Pluto, intensifying relationship dynamics. However she's also applying to Jupiter in her sign of Taurus, stabilizing things a little. Venus and Mars will square Uranus together before she retrogrades. Meanwhile Neptune and Saturn slow down and station, bringing emotional drag as they square our chipper Gemini Sun. When Saturn enters Cancer, the sextile to Jupiter in Taurus may bring some fertile clay for creative, sensitive, or peaceful endeavors. The overall energy is pretty loud and extroverted: if people find something distasteful, they won't be quiet about it! However, we may not see the stormy emotional undercurrents underneath this acting out.
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Venus will square Uranus at the beginning of this month, slowing down before going retrograde on the 22nd. Mercury enters Virgo, heightening the tension between Saturn (♓) and Mars (♊). Mars-Saturn squares in the fixed signs gave us new editions of a problem we already knew about (notably changes in lockdowns and restrictions during peaks of the pandemic in the US), but in mutable signs we may get introduced to new problems nearby. Either way, Saturn stonewalls Mars's impulses. Saturn and Mars get frustrated because one's hitting the gas while the other hits the brakes, but Venus stops the car entirely and starts driving in reverse towards unfinished business earlier in the trip. Pluto will also square the Nodes in Aries/Libra after regressing into Pluto. Chris points out that gay marriage was legalized in the US under Venus in Leo, so this retrograde may see challenges to Congress's recent Defense of Marriage Act. She's also stationing right next to Lilith and considering Pluto's activity, so Austin predicts abortion will come up again, as Lilith was right over the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
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Venus retrograde hangs over this month, although her cazimi on the 13th marks its halfway point. Inanna confronts her sister in the underworld and begins to get carried out. Venus emerges from under the beams right as she squares supportive Jupiter. Mercury begins to slow down and stations retrograde with Mars as a neighbor. Constructively, we can edit and cut things down, but interpersonally we may share harsh words. The Full Moon in Pisces will be tinged by Saturn's copresence, especially because it occurs on the degree on which Saturn stationed in June. We get a taste of what Pisces is going to feel like for the next few years, though Jupiter's sextile immediately after provides some support. It's soggy and wet, but we can grow things.
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Mercury is the only planet in domicile for the whole month: retrograde the first half and direct for the second. With exaltation in Virgo as well, he's at his loudest! Mars is also in Libra as we enter the month, approaching a square to Pluto and a conjunction to the South Node (Tail of the Dragon) towards the end of the month, as well as a sextile to Venus. The Aries Full Moon will be eventful as a result of all this Mars activity.
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We've got two eclipses this month as we revisit Pluto in Capricorn themes (including the founding of the US--think bones of the institutions that built the nation). Mars conjoins the South Node in the days preceding the eclipse, and squares Pluto days before he stations direct. Venus in Virgo makes us eager to critique, which is especially relevant to the US's upcoming elections season. The eclipses in Libra and Taurus will also bring major beginnings and endings to these areas of our charts. The solar eclipse at 21 Libra is a South node eclipse, which usually brings up things we've already dealt with--think "the unquiet dead." The Taurus eclipse right before Halloween has Mercury conjunct Mars opposite Jupiter. Mercury-Mars can be combative with piercing words. They will spitefully challenge the peace, stability, and excessive comfort Jupiter in Taurus has been trying to bring. However, this is the last of the fixed sign eclipses that started in 2021, bringing a major ending to that chapter of our lives. There's one more wild card with Jupiter approaching Uranus, but it's a more constructive energy, like finally being able to implement the changes we want.
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This new Moon is the first one for awhile that's not an eclipse, and Saturn's significations in Pisces should intensify as he stations direct. Venus in Libra sextile Mercury in Sagittarius will bring us some pleasant communications and decorum. "I didn't mean what I said when Mercury was conjunct Mars!" Mars's cazimi with the Sun acts like a coal nearby that's glowing with the potential for a fire that isn't burning right now--at least until he opposes Uranus, when the tension that's been building up may find an outlet. The Mars cazimi is also trine Neptune, which may add some ease.
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Mercury will station direct a few days after Jupiter--things will move forward at the end of the year. Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Taurus will be in mutual reception with each other, bringing the two goods to us after some brooding in Scorpio. During Venus in Scorpio we might get the kinds of fights started by someone misunderstanding what your words--you can't take back what you didn't say! The tight opposition to Jupiter at the beginning of Venus in Scorpio can be fun, if not particularly useful. A trine from Saturn can make Scorpio Venus's obsessions more productive.
And that's a wrap for 2023! Thanks for reading all of this (:
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houseofchirontx · 2 months
Welcome to your August 2024 Astrology Forecast! This month, the celestial movements present a rich tapestry of opportunities and challenges that can guide us toward personal growth and deeper self-understanding. In this forecast, we’ll explore the significant transits and how they influence our mental health, wellness, mindfulness, and daily lives. By aligning with these cosmic currents, we can harness their energies to foster positive change and inner harmony.
New Moon at 12º Leo
August 4th, 2024
6:12 am CST
On August 4, 2024, at 6:12 am CST, the sky will light up with a vibrant New Moon at 12º Leo. This celestial event invites us to set bold intentions and embark on creative projects. The New Moon in Leo, known for its fiery and expressive energy, will be further amplified by a sextile to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. This configuration infuses us with motivation, enthusiasm, and the courage to pursue our passions with confidence. It’s a potent time for new beginnings, creative ventures, and personal growth.
Mercury Station Retrograde at 4º Virgo
August 4th, 2024 - August 28th, 2024
Mercury stations retrograde at 4º Virgo on August 4th, beginning a period of reflection, reassessment, and reorganization. This retrograde starts with Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo, focusing on refining communication, relationships, and values. However, the square to Mars in Gemini suggests potential conflicts or impulsive decisions.
Impact on Life: Be mindful of how you communicate during this time. Misunderstandings may arise, so practice patience and clarity in your interactions. As Mercury retrogrades back into Leo on August 14th, the emphasis shifts to revisiting and realigning your passions and self-expression.
Mindfulness Tip: Embrace meditation and mindfulness practices to stay grounded and centered. Reflect on your communication patterns and seek to understand rather than react.
Venus Enters Virgo 
August 4th, 2024 - August 29th, 2024
Venus enters Virgo on August 4th, bringing a focus on practicality, service, and detail in our affections. This period emphasizes the need for purity and perfection in relationships and aesthetics.
Key Dates:
August 19th: Venus squares Jupiter in Gemini, creating tension between desire and excess.
August 19th: Venus opposes Saturn Rx in Pisces, challenging the balance between idealism and reality.
August 22nd: Venus squares Mars in Gemini, potentially leading to conflicts in relationships.
August 27th: Venus trines Uranus in Taurus, bringing unexpected developments and excitement.
August 28th: Venus opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, which may cause confusion or idealization in love matters.
Wellness Insight: Focus on self-care routines that align with your values and practical needs. Use this time to declutter and organize your space, creating an environment that promotes peace and productivity.
This lunation forms a T-square with the Sun in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, urging us to balance personal expression with collective needs.
Astrological Influence: The T-square involving Venus in Virgo, Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, and Saturn Rx in Pisces adds layers of tension and growth opportunities. This configuration challenges us to harmonize our desires with our responsibilities.
Community Focus: Engage in group activities and community projects. This is a time to collaborate and share your unique gifts for the greater good.
Sun Enters Virgo
August 22nd, 2024 - September 22nd, 2024
As the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the focus shifts to health, organization, and service. Virgo season encourages us to refine our routines and strive for efficiency.
Life Application: Use this period to set health goals and establish disciplined routines. The Sun’s ongoing square to Uranus in Taurus emphasizes the need for adaptability and innovation in our daily lives.
Mercury Station Direct at 21º Leo
August 28th, 2024
Mercury stations direct at 21º Leo on August 28th, bringing clarity and forward momentum. This shift occurs while Mercury is square Uranus in Taurus, suggesting sudden insights or disruptions.
Growth Opportunities: Embrace the insights gained during the retrograde period. The sextile to Jupiter in Gemini provides opportunities for growth and positive communication.
Action Step: Revisit your creative projects and communication plans. Implement new strategies that align with your evolved understanding.
Venus Enters Libra
August 29th, 2024 - September 23rd, 2024
Venus moves into Libra on August 29th, emphasizing harmony, beauty, and relationships. During this transit, Venus opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, urging us to balance idealism with reality in our connections.
Relational Insight: Focus on constructive conflict resolution and deepening emotional experiences. The trine to Uranus in Taurus brings excitement and innovation to our interactions.
Final Thoughts
August 2024 is a month rich with celestial activity, inviting us to navigate its dynamic energies with awareness and intention. By understanding these astrological influences, we can align ourselves with the cosmic flow and make the most of the opportunities for growth and transformation. Embrace the lessons and insights this month offers, and remember to prioritize your mental health and wellness as you journey through these transformative times.
About the Author
Hi, I'm Jasmeen, a professional astrologer, Reiki Master, and mental health professional. I founded House of Chiron to blend traditional astrology and psychology, helping clients achieve personal growth and emotional well-being. Visit House of Chiron for more insights and personalized sessions. Thank you for joining me on this cosmic journey!
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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Neptune Stations Direct December 6 2023 After over 5 months of apparent retrograde motion, Neptune stations direct on December 6th at 24°53’ Pisces.
2024 will be its last year where it spends the entire year in the sign of Pisces. In 2025, it begins to transition into the sign of Aries, where Saturn will meet Neptune and also transition into Aries.
Neptune (with Uranus) symbolizes the celestial realm (or upper world) in shamanic and alchemical astrology. Neptune provides us with a greater understanding of the heart's place with spirit in the great ocean of timelessness.
Neptune's metaphysical interaction with our phsycial reality takes place in times of confusion, dreams mixing with limits and boundaries being dissolved along with spiritual alterations and potential transcendance.
When Neptune stations direct (or retrograde), it is a still point in the stillness of placid lake. In other words, this planet invites in a chance to simply "be" and recognize that we also operate beyond the rational/logical/egoic expressions of being human.
Neptune will stay direct until it reaches 29°56’ Pisces on July 2, 2024. --InSpiral Nexus
Omni Neptunus by Talon Abraxas
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