#Translate to Enlgish
xyzphiner · 1 year
Whatever, Sloppily Love (Translate, 20230813) [Eason Chan - 是但求其愛]
If love seeks only happiness1 (If love sloppily seeks happiness) – I asked and not ask love to be sorrowful? (should we also seek sorrowfulness in love?)
Clumsy for half of my life -- I can't comprehend what love is. Looking back, I never earnestly planned for my future. Now living in solitude, I get to reflect and examine what love is and then you are here.
Amidst the chaos, I met you. The romance camouflages everything into hope and anticipation. I suddenly feel that our affection is so deep, so adorable for a moment. Through the echo of my confession, I realized that sentience was never the same as love.
If one seeks only a lifetime of love (If one sloppily seeks forever love) -- you asked and fear – only fear – casually trapped in this love until the end of my life. (and fear -- only fear – trapped in this love until the end of my life.) [and fear my only fear of this love is to be trapped in eternity.] You endeared your parents, I hold compassion for my dear friends, we are both good people no matter how.
If love seeks only sincerity (If love sloppily seeks someone sincere) – I asked and not ask love to be faithful? (should we also seek loyalty in love?) Even if our ideologies and philosophies are mostly aligned yet we fail to harmonize then it isn't worth discussing how match we can be.
Upon parting (upon encountering) I wasn't expecting a deep hug sparked the unexpected flames between us. I hallucinated that we could resume this once-upon-a-time relationship for a moment. As I comprehend that moment and reminisce this feeling is not love.
If one seeks only a lifetime of love (If one sloppily seeks forever love) -- you asked and fear -- only fear -- casually trapped in this love until the end of my life. (and fear -- only fear -- trapped in this love until the end of my life.) [and fear my only fear of this love is to be trapped in eternity.] You seek perfection at work, I work diligently for my future, how could we have attention divided?
If love seeks only sincerity (If love sloppily seeks someone sincere) -- I asked and not ask love to be faithful? (should we also seek loyalty in love?) Even if our ideologies and philosophies are mostly aligned yet we fail to harmonize then it isn't worth discussing how match we can be.
If love only seeks peace of mind (If love sloppily seeks to be at ease) and fear – only fear – this love to be casually stable. (and fear -- only fear -- this tranquility of love.) [and fear my only fear of this love is stability.]
If love only seeks this lifetime with regrets (if love sloppily gives this lifetime with regrets) should we ask for another life? (Should we not ask for another life?) [Should we ask for another sloppy lover?] {Should we not ask for another sloppy lover?} Depends on the abilities of the two and if their scars of love are a perfect match.
The love of diversity -- the seven prismatic colors, the five flavors of taste even more dust would fall into the five aggregates of clinging.
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videoworm · 1 year
My brain is awful about words. Like i can visualize precisely the (oh no i forgot the word for this... give me a minute) process (!) . I can visualize the process exactly in my head but a word??? Words are so unrelated to the pictures i have in my head. How am I supposed to get to them
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hello-eeveev · 5 months
so i don't stalk my stats on ao3, but they interest me, right? and if i notice one of my fics is getting close to a milestone, i like to be able to catch it. like, all things and otnoa were sitting at 199 and 399 respectively for a hot second recently, so i was on round number watch for them bc that's exciting to me lol. esp bc i love those fics and it makes me happy to see so many people like them (same for all my fics but those two especially bc otnoa is so personal and all things is my series underdog. it didn't get as much attention as some of my other fics but it SLAPS, imo)
all this to say: hi! did you know that How to Rest is at 199 kudos? If any of you are like me and like round numbers and clicking the button to make them appear, and you like the fic, you could be the 200th! obviously please only read it if/when you feel like it, and give kudos if you want to, not because i'm excited about a number. i want the number to be earned; that's 90% of why it's so exciting. but if you were waiting for a reason to read it, maybe now’s the time!
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I'm not sure you would know, but I'm asking anyways: Why is HG going back to perfectly good, well written profile voice lines and rewriting them, then only recording the new lines in english for the voice pack release for that character? I've seen it with amiya and haze, and honestly it's so bad and irks me so much it makes me wish we never got voice packs at all.
They've been randomly changing lines WAY before we ever got EN voiceacting. Lappland's most recent change for example, actually reverts ones of her lines back to the original English translation. It was changed from being a food reference to saying "slice-and-dice" about two years ago, and now it's back the the original again.
They even seem to be rerecording English lines; Nearl and Platinum's Enlgish VAs used to pronounce it as "Kah-zee-mee-rez" and now it sounds closer to "Kah-zee-miersh".
Given that a job position for English localization seems to be always open on Hypergryph's website, I can only assume they've been going through multiple translators or perhaps even have multiple translation teams that keep overwriting each other's lines, as you can see something the Luo Xiaohei's event having differently translated title logos and actual titles, despite being the same name.
It may sound wildly disorganized, but I really wouldn't be surprised if that's the structure Yostar loc has. I know gamedev tends to do much worse.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
saw someone, when busting the myth that medieval people were illiterate (this is a nuanced topic that can't be reduced to 'myth' or 'fact') be like 'well [christians] had to be able to read their holy texts'
my dude…. the bible wasn't translated into the 'common language' (i.e. enlgish) until late in the reign of henry viii, something which caused a lot of religious controversy and was considered heresy
like.... the language barrier was an intentional control tactic, by the church, to ensure the only people who got to interpret those texts were the clergy
the rich, who could access resources to learn those languages, were the only non-clergy who had the privilege of reading and understanding christian texts
like... this was a pretty big driving factor in the schism and reformation...
like my friend, if you are going to myth-bust... do your research? you can't assume that what was true for jews and muslims, was true for all other religious people
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johncraft2003 · 2 months
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shout out to google translate for this wonderful translation from japanese to enlgish
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kebriones · 8 months
Do you ever watch movies in english
I think a better question would be if I ever watch movies in greek. 99% of the movies I watch are in english, with english subtitles if i need them. There are very few greek movies that I've watched. and I don't like greek subtitles on english movies because they are more confusing than helpful. I also watch older animated movies and stuff like spongebob in greek because they have stellar voice acting and translations, sometimes superior to the original, but none that came out after 2010, that's around the time when greek dubs took a nosedive. Unlike other countries like germany and france, we never dub movies and series with actors here, they play in enlgish on TV and cinemas. The only live action thing I can recall being dubbed here were shitty foreign soap operas from brazil and stuff.
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tskumoyuuma · 5 months
during last period the teacher who helps run english club suddenly asked me if every week i could find 2 articles about america and american events n create worksheets about the articles so we could go over one in every english club meeting. n my immediate thought was "the students wont want to do this and neither do i really want to make them on top of my actual job" (since english club is just me volunteering my time after work to do fun activites in english w students). but cause i cant say no i went to work, but w the little time i had since english club was today after school, i could only think "uh ok article about the solar eclipse" but finding a simple english article about it that my students could understand is. so difficult. n i was already busy today doing actual teacher shit so the best i could manage was cut down an article explaining what a solar eclipse is n how to safely view it, plus adding word translations n barfing out three true or false questions on a worksheet. so english club happens, n its the first time all the new first years came, n everyone is just staring blankly not understanding anything. so the other teacher has to explain a Lot in japanese n then at the end basically says to the students "todays article was very difficult but maybe future articles will be easier n have pictures to help" n like. maybe if u had given me time id have been able to rewrite the article myself w easier english and included pictures, but i barely had time to even write a few translations at the bottom of the page. even w the video i very very quickly found showing the eclipse, i could feel the disappointment from the students as they were leaving cause we advertised english club as a club where we have fun w enlgish, which is mostly what happened last year! but this teacher did this last year, where she keeps trying to making enlgish club into another little classroom instead of a club. last year she said every club meeting should start w someone making a speech in english n then everyone should make a comment or ask a question. but as soon as she got too busy to check in w the club we v quickly abandoned that n i took over to have them do more fun things, like games n stuff. and now i keep flipping between being angry that this teacher would give me such little time to do something like this causing the students to not understand, and being so sad n worried that some students will stop coming to club if thats what they think itll be the whole year. i want english club to be fun, i want them to enjoy learning english, cause they have enough studying during actual class. n im worried that cause this teacher is now a first year teacher instead of a third year teacher, she'll have more time to keep controlling english club in this way and even the second years will start dropping out.
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5-7-9 · 12 days
Youtuber getting blasted in the comments section for being racist or weird when actually this Youtuber has dyslexia and didn’t mention it in the video with their complaints about “weird names”
Don’t worry, they’re not racist. They’re just dyslexic 👌
Plus, it’s not like those non Enlgish names were written in English letters in the first place. Who was the guy deciding to translate the names anyway??? Even learning basic English will help you understand why a word has complex reasons for sounding different 💀
I blame English for not learning how to read other language’s writing
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marissapaul · 2 years
12/19 day 4: Witches & The West
i listened to M. Sague's album while reading for today. i love listening to non-english music. i'm a big fan of k-pop (twice is my ult if any of you are into kpop) and i just listen to a large amount of music that isn't in english in general. i think that music is able to tell a story regardless of whether or not i understand the words. in fact, i make note to not look up translations for the non-enlgish songs that i listen to because these songs all have a story to tell me and i don't think that i need to know exactly what they are saying to draw strength and knowlede from them. Miguel's album is definitely being added to the rotation. he mentioned in his talk that he was not formally trained musically, and i think this album is a powerful testament to why formal training doesn't always matter. it can be nice to understand music theory and why certain notes and chords make us feel a certain way, but this is a genuinely great album and it came not of eurocentric music study, but of an indigenous tradition from which Miguel draws strength. i think that is what i am most reflective about today, unpacking the idea that science and technology are how we know things about the world. that just simply isn't true. the taino belief in a 260 century long story of humanity is proof. of course human technology has seen an explosion over the past two centuries, but that doesn't mean that humans knew nothing of the world for the past two hundred thousand years, most of which remain hidden to us (in large part thanks to the culturicide that took/is taking place at the hands of colonization/imperialism). in fact, humans knew quite a bit about the world around them and i think it is so powerful to pull from non-european and non-scientific understandings of the world. just to be clear, i'm not anti-science in any way, i just recognize that the science we have today is not empirical, it is heavily biased, and it was created through culturicide and racism. but as i find myself growing older, i find that i draw infinitely more strength from the past than i do from the pursuit of empirical truths about the world.
there is something so powerful about a 260 century long journey. as i've said before, i grew up in the southern baptist church and until i reached high school i was one of those kids who thought that the world had really only been around for two thousand years. and not only was that such a short amount of time, but we were separated from most of that history by the atrocities that occurred throughout the medieval ages, early modern era, the age of exploration, settler colonialism, chattel slavery, and jim crow. up until college i was also one of those kids who thought that racism was solved by the civil rights act of 1964. this left a forty year history that i found myself to be a part of. i find it so powerful then, that indigenous people had such a large (and ironically, more empirically true) vision of the past. drawing from the strength of 260 centuries rather than forty years of supposed peace is something that i wouldn't have been able to fathom a decade ago. but i am a part of a much longer history than that. i have found comfort and meaning in queerness through history, through knowing that for thousands of years there are people's whose brains were just a little different, people who loved different, lived different. and that is beautiful. i carry on that beauty. we have been given these forms so that we might be stewards of the universe we find ourselves in and i think that is so beautiful. the way the shamans are described in the caney circle entries affirms this. of course i do not mean to apply anachronistic terms to historical figures, and i certainly do not claim to be a shaman or anything of the sort, but there are clear and strong parallels between how shamans are described here, and my own autistic journey. sensing from childhood that i was different, artistic talent, being right-brained (and masking for twenty years as a left-brained person) are all things that i relate to. i also meditate and practice breathing, i drum, and i have been known to partake in consciousness-expanding substances. and thanks to today's readings, i have a new cultural touchstone from which to draw from when describing my experiences and the way my brain works either outwardly, in my academic writing, or in personal journaling.
this is a super awesome song from the wakanda forever soundtrack. it was made in collaboration with the adn maya colectivo rap group who rap in their indigenous language as a way to keep that culture and language alive. i really appreciated the exploration of indigeneity in wakanda forever. it was always going to be hard to create a movie that was going to be as good as the first black panther, but ryan coogler knew from the beginning that he wanted to take this direction. in fact, he even remade the character of namor into an indigenous one in order to tell an even more complex story about diaspora wars, the subaltern, and colonization. in the movie we get to see the pain of people being subjeted to small pox, to having their land stolen, and to not being able to die and be buried in the land they once called their home. but the movie doesn't dwell on that pain like movies with white directors love to do. the movie goes on to show how Talokan (analogous to Mayan people) went on to create beauty and safety in spite of what colonization had forced upon them. and i don't think it is totally correct to call namor the villain of the movie. his motivations are valid, and ever since reading American on Fire by Elizabeth Hinton, my view of violence has changed dramatically.
in the book she explains that it was not destruction of property by the hands of black revolutionaries that was violent. theirs was merely a measured response to the violence that they had subjected to. the police state is violence, the american judicial system is violence, the suburbs are violence, stop and frisk is violence. demanding to not be treated in such a way is not violence. so going back to wakanda forever, i don't think it is correct to call namor an absolute villain. in fact, the end of the movie is literally these two parts of the diaspora coming to the realization that they should not be fighting each other, because that just perpetuates cycles of violence and subaltern in-fighting that the bourgeois class depends on. they instead realize that should be united against the white supremacist systems and institutions that created such a world in the first place. and they come to this realization through the use of consciousness-expanding drugs and a connection to the ancestral plane! i think this is such a beautiful film and i was only able to enjoy it so deeply because of the learning that i have done in the past few years about the subaltern and colonization and the atlantic world and enslavement and non-white spirituality.
and that is why i love academia. it gives me the language and tools i need to understand the world around me, the media i am consuming, the art i come in contact with, and the different modes of being that i am exposed to. i am forever indebted to my WGS professors that have given me space to understand that it is not absurd to talk about wakanda forever in conjunction with my academic journey. the third chapter of my thesis is about transgender childhood and i close the chapter with an m'baku from wakanda forever, "the world has taken too much from you for you to still be considered a child" and my advisor loved it! but that is not a decision i would have made even six months ago. but that movie was one part of an archive/toolkit that i have assembled in order to construct my thesis, and it isn't silly or non-academic to acknowledge such.
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awacatin · 3 years
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WHEEZE. Thnxs 4 unfollowing so I could SS this. Ty for 666 follows!!! Jeje
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doctorguilty · 4 years
Absolutely enamoured with this music video in a way I don't know how to put into words I just ended up seeing a segment of it in an episode of off the air and I HAD to look up the source all I can say is it's defs added to my list of comfort videos
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these are very helpful subtitles. its amazing what netflix will do to make things a little easier for people who have trouble hearing
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wasglossbombed · 3 years
i keep my comfort manga under lock and key
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neechees · 4 years
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Famous Cree Chiefs;;
Mistahi-maskwa ᒥᐢᑕᐦᐃᒪᐢᑿ: Chief “Big Bear” was appointed to chief of his band at the age of 40 upon the death of his father, Black Powder. He was part of one of the largest battles against the Blackfoot, the Battle of belly river, which the Cree lost. He was often called upon to defend his people and was well liked among them, and was one of the few Cree Chiefs against signing Treaties with the Crown, due to the fear it would hinder Cree life and freedom. Pîhtokahanapiwiyin ᐲᐦᑐᑲᐦᐊᓇᐱᐏᔨᐣ: Known as a peacemaker and one of the most famous Cree Chiefs, Poundmaker was a signatory of Treaty 6 and a defender of his people. He was named for his talent in making Buffalo Pounds, structures made to capture and hunt Bison. In 1885, during the Metis Rebellion his band was attacked by Canadian troops and a battle ensued. After the rebellion was suppressed, he surrendered and was convicted of treason and imprisoned. Most actions Poundmaker took were done so with the hopes of achieving peace for his people, which ultimately led to him signing Treaty Six, despite his initial hesitancy. After his arrest, he was recounted as saying  “You did not catch me, I gave myself up. I wanted peace”. Miyo-Kîsikaw  ᒥᔪᑮᓯᑲᐤ: Chief and powerful Medicine Man of the River Cree people in Saskatchewan, Fine Day was a well known warrior of the Cree. He took part in the Northwest Rebellion and Battle of Cut Knife, and acted as Battle Chief on behalf of Chief Poundmaker, though when his warriors had the upper hand on retreating Canadian soldiers, he was restrained by Poundmaker from attacking and obeyed. He was called “brave in all things” and his memories of the North-West Rebellion were published by the Canadian North-West Historical Society in 1926  Ahtahkakohp ᐊᑖᐦᑲᑯᐦᑊ:  Known in Enlgish as “Star Blanket”, was a Chief of the House Cree near Fort Carlton in Saskatchewan, and was a signatory of Treaty 6 alongside his friend Mistawasis (”big child”). Star-Blanket signed the treaty with the hopes that Crees could live peacefully alongside settlers, and that adapting a new way of life would ensure their survival during the buffalo’s onsetting extinction. He was known as a heavily capable and good leader, and Ahtahkakoop First Nation Reserve is named after him. Kapepamahcakwew ᑲᐯᐸᒪᐦᒐᑵᐤ: Taking more of a military approach, Wandering Spirit was Big Bear’s War Chief who was in favor of a more aggressive resistance to colonialism on Cree territory, and took part in the Frog Lake Massacre, which Big Bear was against. Wandering Spirit did so due to the local Crees starving and being denied food by the Indian Agent, who was known for being cruel. Wandering Spirit was hanged alongside seven other Crees who took part in the fight, and is rumored to have sung a love song to his wife on the gallows. Payipwât ᐸᔨᑇᐟ: Also known as “Flash in the Sky”, Payipwat or “Piapot” was so named due to being kidnapped by the Dakota as a child, and then returned to his people with much knowledge of them. Piapot became a spiritual leader of the Cree-Assiniboine / Young Dogs Band, a mighty band and division of the Downstream People in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. He advocated for his people to be moved to the Cypress hills for their safety due to ongoing colonialism, and became an advocate for Treaty Rights for Crees after being pressured into becoming a signatory of Treaty 4. Piyesew-Awasis ᐯᔭᓯᐤᐊᐘᓯᐢ: Another signatory for Treaty 6, Thunderchild initially did not approve of the treaties for the same reason as Big Bear, and was a member of Mistawasis “Big Child”’s band. After some negotiations, Thunderchild evenually signed onto Treaty 6. Due to oncoming starvation and issues, Thunderchild’s band moved in to live with Poundmaker’s band, though he refused to participate in Poundmaker’s warriors in the Northwest Rebellion. Thunderchild became a fierce defender of Cree culture, religion, education, and treaty rights.  Asiniiwin ᐊᓯᓃᐏᐣ: Also translated to mean “Stone Child”, Rocky Boy was the son of Chief Bobtail, and was the leader of the Cree-Chippewa in Montana. Crees had recently gone South from Alberta in hopes of finding Bison and avoiding starvation. Rocky Boy was generally called well liked, well recieved, and well recommended by many in the area, and is known for his legacy of attempting to do well by his people and keep the peace. However, it is also rumored he was assassinated. He did not see the establishment of the reservation where he led, but Rocky Boy Reserve in Montana is named for him.
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wikluk · 2 years
I started writing my thesis with the methods of translation used in The Witcher video games between the Polish and the Enlgish version and I’m finishing it with writing about Polish żurawiejki written for Polish Army, like, two centuries ago... IDK where I’m going but it’s fuuuuuuuuuuun anyway lol
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