#Trendy lifestyle portrayal
candylandphotos · 10 months
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Fashion accessories lifestyle model glam trendy girls trying on bracelet
"Elevating Elegance: Capturing Trendy Girls Trying On Chic Fashion Accessories, Emphasizing the Bracelet Glamour"
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ash-and-books · 5 months
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Rating: 2/5
Book Blurb: American Psycho meets The Devil Wears Prada: outrageous body horror for the goop generation A bloodthirsty copywriter realizes that beauty is possible—at a terrible cost—in this surreal, satirical send-up of NYC It-girl culture.
From Sophia Bannion’s first day on the Storytelling team at HEBE, a luxury skincare/wellness company based in New York’s trendy SoHo neighborhood, it’s clear something is deeply amiss. But Sophia, pushing thirty with plenty of skeletons in her closet next to the designer knockoffs, doesn’t care. Though she leads an outwardly charmed life, she aches for a deeper meaning to her flat existence—and a cure for her brutal nail-biting habit. She finds it all and more at HEBE, and with Tree Whitestone, HEBE’s charismatic founder and CEO.
Soon, Sophia is addicted to her HEBE lifestyle, especially youthjuice, the fatty, soothing moisturizer Tree has asked Sophia to test. But when cracks in HEBE’s infrastructure start to worsen—and Sophia learns the gruesome secret ingredient at the heart of youthjuice—she has to decide how far she’s willing to go to stay beautiful forever.
Glittering with ominous flashes of Sophia’s coming-of-rage story, former beauty editor E.K. Sathue’s horror debut is as incisive as it is stomach-churning in its portrayal of all-consuming female friendship and the beauty industry’s short attention span. youthjuice does to skincare influencers what Bret Easton Ellis did to yuppies. You’ll never moisturize the same way again.
Suspiria, Death Becomes her, and the legend of Countess Elizabeth Bathory come together to make a story about a Sophia, a young woman who begins working for Hebe, a skincare brand with a dark secret as to how it's founder stays young and youthful. Sophia Bannon begins working as a creative at Hebe, a skincare and makeup brand founded by Tree Whitehouse (a popular influencer who is known for her beauty). Sophia craves perfection and beauty and working at Hebe introduces her to Youthjuice, a cream that destroys your blemishes... but the secret ingredient will cost you. Sophia wants more, she wants to be perfect like Tree, she craves the image of perfection, yet the closer she gets to Tree and the more involved she gets in the company the more she'll begin to delve into the question of how far she'll go for perfection and what price she is willing to pay. For me, this book was advertised as American Psycho meets The Devil Wears Prada (Two of my favorite things) but it very much did not live up to that for me, it felt closer to Suspiria and Countess Bathory with a dash of Goop. It's got some cool moments of body horror but other than that the book just kind of felt meh to me. I was expecting something else and this one just kind of fell flat to me overall. I love horror and this one just was kind of boring to me unfortunately, it definitely felt similar to Rouge by Mona Awad but a little less horror compared to that one. Overall, if you are looking for a slowish horror book with a mixture of modern beauty and a dash of Elizabeth Bathory, give this a go, maybe you'll have a better time with it than I did.
*Thanks Netgalley and Soho Press, Hell's Hundred for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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propertiesupdates · 2 years
Ajit Oro County Jankipuram: Residences worth your investment
Investment activity has recently increased in Lucknow. The city's real estate market has experienced tremendous expansion, according to the Ministry of Urban Development. Investors are eager to purchase a residential property in Lucknow because of the large variety of investment homes available and the very competitive pricing range. The city is evolving as the primary centre for residential properties with the aid of reputable developers giving top-notch residential packages. The city benefits from a well-established infrastructure, academic institutions, and modern commercial centres and malls. You can quickly earn double-digit appreciation in several investment areas.
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The city is developing into a residential centre, and prospective house buyers are spoiled for choice as a result of established developers erecting world-class residential developments. Another factor that makes investors favor this corridor to invest their hard-earned cash is the region's economic growth. Avadh Rail Infra Industries, United Steel Industries, and Mahendra Engineering Transformer Factory are just a few of the businesses located in Nadargang's Amausi Industrial Area. The Amar Shaheed Path makes it simple to reach the HCL IT SEZ.
An evolving portrayal of the neighborhood Consider investing in elegant residential plots in Lucknow's Jankipuram. Check out Ajit Oro County Jankipuram, one of the city's newest residential developments where you may buy lovely villas. You may locate a sizable social area at Ajit Oro County Lucknow that makes sure your social life and societal problems are taken care of. You will have the chance to take part in various community activities, events, sports, seminars, or informal get-togethers at this future Lucknow project. Profit from the hip and inviting surroundings and add to the neighborhood. One of Lucknow's well-known developers, ORO Constructions Pvt Ltd, created this great project. It occupies a 16-acre area. The different configurations of the flat units up for sale in this project are 4 BHK Flats with Property Size ranging from 1235 Sqft to 1421 Sqft with a Minimum Price of Rs 79.00 L and a Maximum Price of Rs 89.00 L. The Project is primarily situated in Lucknow North's Jankipuram Extension and is well connected via important roads like Kursi Road. There are 205 Units in the Project. The project is now at the New Launch stage. Given the strategic benefits of residing in this property, the Ajit Oro County price will rise in the coming years. You should buy these houses at this particular moment. You would like to live in this house because of the excellent interior decorations. To enjoy a trendy lifestyle, reserve your flat in this estate right away.
reference link- https://northindiaproperty.weebly.com/blog/ajit-oro-county-jankipuram-residences-worth-your-investment
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comparatist · 4 years
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Here goes the work of BBF(Black Best Friends) Yaay!
Black Best Friend: A Feel Good Plot Device
The Fall schedule of Network TV consists of 27 new shows with plethora of roles and all of them are series of white-washed dramas with little to do with characters of colour. There is also a trendy rule soaring high on the progressive Sky of Hollywood. Yes, you have guessed it right, BBF or the Black Best Friend role. The classic films had in their 30s, 40s an 50s, Black women playing the character of slaves, maid, and it has been like that since then, though with modifications in portrayal, but the ulterior motive being the same all along. This character doesn’t fit in the plot, is there for a reason nobody knows, with almost no character developments and back story. There is no agency of doing something meaningful other than being a supplementary to the main white protagonist, for the person of colour. This person is always with the character playing the lead role, often a white person in times of need, delivering wise advise with sassiness, occasional finger snapping and explaining the magic of life to the lead personality. This character is often a token product to the cast in the name of diversity with no storyline of their own.
BBF was first used in 2007 to describe the position of Afro-American women in the Hollywood industry. The weak understanding of diversity in the industry circle of white fest of Hollywood, leads to the celebration and normalisation of characters like the Black Best Friend to appease their ignorance about racial oppression. Casting a person of colour as a tool of echoing assistance to the white person under the facade of diversity is another firm step towards hypocrisy. The best friend could have been another white person, but then again, would have that solved the woke complex, the directors and writers(mostly white) were suffering from? Could they have been capable of patting their backs for being kind enough to cast a Black character in their movie just to satisfy their willful ignorance, fuelling the inherent racist norms about the systematic domination of the skin shade? The person of colour playing this character is often considered the representative of an entire race because the understanding of Hollywood regarding skin-terrorism is that is that much faulty. It’s almost like the Black character doesn’t deserve to have a background, unique lifestyle, dealing with everyday issues of family feud, student loans, heartbreaks, educational obstacles, and of course the social vices present there to prevent growth and tolerance, but only there to break the white monotony; again, not rigid enough to provide the same treatment to the white hegemony. Then in rare cases, they get their backdrops written too by writers who often use that part to shat on in every possible way, to provide a purgatory porn for the audiences. The Black Best Friend is often the third or the fourth important character with badly written short dialogues, irrelevant screen presence and in most cases, though not in the section, Black people get hired in Hollywood projects only to be shown through a vile lens. The flow of the trend of BBF or Black Best Friend is so high in the Hollywood space, that most of the Black artists have played this role at least once in their lifetime. Black personalities having Oscar, Emmy nominations are thus seen often, doing roles way below their talent would do justice to.
The sassy Black personality being snarky, sexually aggressive, sarcastic, angry etc. is a caricature for the media, to be used as a vessel for comedic relief. The same qualities portrayed through a white individual, more often than not grants the person that legitimacy to be regarded as a strong, independent, badass character. The media promoting such rhetoric, makes it very clear that Black experiences hardly matter in the consumerist era of white supremacy.
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Bisexuals and Queer Youth in Canadian Classrooms
One of my guilty pleasures back in the day was the TV show, Glee. This TV show followed a group of students navigating the difficulties of high school with the support of a Glee club, kind of like a choir but nerdier. There were a few different depictions of queer youth in this TV show. In the earlier seasons I recall two prominent examples. The first was Kurt Hummel, a fashion-loving, musical-singing, stereotypical gay boy who was bullied by the popular kids. He was shoved against lockers and called names. He was one of the first members of the Glee club because he had nothing to lose: he was already unabashedly who he was. The other example was Santana Lopez who was a popular cheerleader and took much longer to come out. In contrast to Kurt Hummel she was the instigator of much of the bullying in the show. Among other queer characters, Brittany Pierce is another popular cheerleader and a bisexual girl. Brittany is casual and comfortable with her bisexuality and is romantically involved with Santana who struggles to accept her own lesbianism, despite her popularity and social dominance. These are common characterizations of young, queer TV characters. But do these characterizations represent the experience of queer youth in schools?
I was intrigued when I came across a 2011 report written by Canadian researchers about the experience of queer youth in Canadian schools. When reading the report, Every Class in Every School: Final Report on the First National Climate Survey on Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia in Canadian Schools I was originally intending to write a post on the sections that specifically addressed bisexual youth experience in Canadian schools. However, after reading the report I felt it would not be doing it justice to only address the sections discussing bisexuality. I wanted to bring to light some of the really interesting findings in their research and provide a wider context for any bisexual-specific sections.
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The first thing that struck me was the impressively large scope of the project: both in number of individuals surveyed; the number of issues covered in the report; and the future implications. The survey included over 3700 students from across Canada. Responses were gathered from an open-access online survey as well as through in-school sessions with randomly selected school districts. (13) Issues addressed in the report include homophobic, transphobic, biphobic and sexist comments; verbal, physical, sexual and other harassment; distress experienced by students; feelings of safety based on different areas of the school building; predictors of school attachment; responses of teachers; students’ awareness of school’s anti-homophobia policies; inclusion of LGBTQ topics and individuals in curriculum; etc. The scope of this project is also captured in the title Every Class in Every School. I have heard previous estimates of the LGBTQ population put at less than 5% of the population. According to this study, and a similar large-scale study conducted in BC in 2007, the rate of students self-declaring as LGBTQ is 14%! (22) In other words, there are very few classes in Canada that don’t have an LGBTQ student in them. These issues impact far more Canadian youth than many previously thought.
Bisexual Youth
The title the authors originally chose for the study only named homophobia in schools. However, based on the findings that “school climates for bisexual and trans students are equally – and in some ways even more hostile,” they chose to change the title of the study to include biphobia and transphobia. (135) In a section entitled Bisexual Youth the authors reject the false assumption that “society in general tolerates lesbians more than gay males, and that being a lesbian or a bisexual female is even trendy” (25, 86) with some striking statistics. The authors highlighted responses separated by female bisexual, lesbian, male bisexual and gay youth respondents. Six out of eight of the measures indicated that on average female bisexual and lesbian youth, i.e. female sexual minority youth, are more vulnerable in school settings. Female sexual minorities had a higher rate of physical harassment about being LGBTQ; experiencing mean rumors or lies about being LGBTQ; feeling unsafe at school because of actual or perceived sexual orientation; feeling generally unsafe at school; not knowing anyone out as LGBTQ at school; and not knowing of any school staff members who are supportive of LGBTQ matters. Specifically, out of all four of these LGBTQ subgroups, female bisexual youth had the highest rate of physical harassment about being LGBTQ; experiencing mean rumors or lies about being LGBTQ; skipping school due to feeling unsafe; feeling generally unsafe at school; not knowing of anyone out as LGBTQ at school; and not knowing of any school staff members who are supportive of LGBTQ matters. It strikes me that the measures where bisexual females fare the worst can be some of the most invisible, for example having lies spread about you; feeling isolated because you don’t know other students or teachers who are out or supportive of LGBTQ; and skipping school. Sadly, the rates for vulnerable youth are not just marginally higher. Three out of 4 female bisexual youth feel unsafe at school compared to only 3.4% of non-LGBTQ respondents! (85) That is a huge gap. The picture painted here for bisexual youth and female sexual minorities is absolutely nothing like the portrayal in Glee. These lesbian and bisexual female youth were not cheerleaders, at the top of the social-food chain at school, reveling in the trendiness of their sexualities. Female-sexual minorities were actually far more at-risk than the average student, even the average LGBTQ student.
Other Vulnerable Groups
As mentioned, I would not do this report justice if I only discussed the findings relating to bisexual youth. I will also highlight trends with other LGBTQ or LGBTQ-associated respondents that I found notable:
·       Trans Youth – Reading the responses by trans youth was heartbreaking. Consider that 2 in 5 trans youth have been physically harassed or assaulted (!!) because of their gender expression (more than any other sexual minority or non-LGBTQ students); almost 8 out of 10 trans youth indicate feeling unsafe in some way at school (85)*; and 9 out of 10 of trans youth hear transphobic comments daily or weekly. (23) On top of these abysmal statistics, trans youth were the least comfortable talking about LGBTQ matters with teachers, principals, counsellors, school coaches, classmates, parents, other relatives and even close friends. (101) Trans. Youth. Are. At. Very. High. Risk. Regardless of a teacher, administrator, or school board’s stance on the “LGBTQ lifestyle��� I imagine everyone can agree that an environment of fear, and harassment is unacceptable for anyone.
·       Female versus Male Sexual Minorities – Female sexual minorities reported much higher rates of verbal and physical harassment and feeling unsafe at school than male sexual minorities. Oddly, female sexual minorities seemed to attribute feeling unsafe at school to sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation more than twice as often than they attributed these feelings of lack of safety to their gender or gender expression.** Essentially, if you are a female sexual minority you are especially vulnerable in school environments... And even if you don’t realize your gender puts you at higher risk, statistically it does. Again, this goes against the stereotype that queer females are somehow less vulnerable. It is important for teachers and administrators to know who the most vulnerable youth in their care are to respond appropriately.
·        Youth with LGBTQ Parents – One vulnerable group that I had not previously considered were students who had LGBTQ parents. Students with at least one LGBTQ parent were more than double as likely to feel unsafe at school which led more than three times as many to have skipped school because of feeling unsafe. (88, 89) These youth noticed a lot more of the homophobic comments made in school. They also experienced far higher rates of verbal and physical harassment because of the sexual orientation of their parents and their own perceived sexual orientation. One participant wrote “I am not out about my family members because people are so stupid that they think that if you know someone who is LGBTQ then that means you are too.” (62) Similarly to other vulnerable groups, youth with at least one LGBTQ parent were less likely to feel comfortable talking to teachers, counsellors, classmates or close friends. (104)
·       Ethnicity – A theme amongst youth of colour was that they were a lot more susceptible to feelings of isolation. (100) Almost half of youth of colour reported knowing no teachers or staff who were supportive of LGBTQ students, a rate higher than their Caucasian and Aboriginal counterparts. Youth of colour were less likely to know of open LGBTQ students or have friends who were open about being LGBTQ. Youth of colour also reported lower rates of comfort with discussing LGBTQ matters with teachers, coaches, classmates, parents, or even close friends. Youth of colour were less likely to report that staff or classmates intervened when homophobic comments were made. (112) These trends held for LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ youth of colour. (104, 105) I was a little surprised at how few conclusive findings there were regarding Aboriginal youth. Sometimes Aboriginal youth seemed to respond more similarly to Caucasian youth and other times more similarly to youth of colour.
·       Regional Variation – The regions within Canada surveyed were the North, Atlantic, Prairies, Ontario and BC. Quebec was excluded because they had a separate study. There was regional variation on a variety of the youth’s responses. Youth in the North were 50% more likely to report feeling unsafe at school than youth in the Atlantic provinces.*** (82) When it came to comfort in speaking to teachers, coaches, classmates and parents, again the Atlantic provinces came out on top, with students feeling more comfortable. BC students reported the highest rates of staff’s effectiveness in addressing anti-LGBTQ harassment and in seeing their school communities as supportive of LGBTQ people. There was significant regional variation in students reporting the presence of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs): less than 5% of students in the North and in the Atlantic provinces reported a GSA compared to 14% in the Prairies, 37% in Ontario and 40% in BC.**** (127) Keeping track of these regional variations and the corresponding policies and cultural attitudes in different regions can give us queues to helpful ways forward.
·       Intersectionality – Most of the above point to the importance of intersectionality. Risk factors that overlap don’t just make someone a bit more at-risk. They often make someone way more at-risk. For example, if you are a trans youth and you are living in a region of Canada with very few GSAs or supportive teachers and staff, life gets a lot harder not just a little bit harder. Something I found interesting though was that individuals with intersecting vulnerable identities were more likely to experience harassment related to other areas of life. This is a whole other aspect of intersectionality. For example, students with one or more LGBTQ parent were three times more likely to be physically harassed or assaulted due to their religion, race or ethnicity. (65)*****
I grew up in Alberta and attended a Catholic school for a few years. In Alberta there are two separate school systems: the public and the Catholic school system (which also receives public funding). With a bit of assistance of my nearest search engine I gather that six of the thirteen provinces and territories allow faith-based school boards to be publically funded (AB, ON, SK, NWT, YK). Knowing how prominent these schools are, how many students attend them, and that certain officials from the Catholic divisions appeared willing to participate in the survey, I was appalled to read that they were “instructed not to participate by their governing Bishops’ councils” because “Catholic schools should not be involved in activities that affirm the viability of a ‘homosexual lifestyle,’ such as filling out a homophobia survey.” (132) The argument went that generic safe school policies protect all students equally. Sadly, all of the evidence in this report shows otherwise. Knowing that LGBTQ students are being verbally and physically harassed at exceptionally higher rates, but that this kind of harassment is reduced significantly with simple actions taken by schools is hopeful. However, in cases, such as this one with the Catholic school boards, it is also infuriating. It is one thing for teachers, and staff to inadvertently create unsafe environment for students but to be willing to hear ways to improve this environment. It is another thing to stick your head in the sand, and avert your eyes from abuse occurring to youth in your care in the name of your faith. Unfortunately we know this isn’t the first time this has happened with the Catholic church. But when will it be the last?
But It’s Not My Problem!
As I read through descriptions given by students of their attempts to start GSAs, I was struck by the tendency of staff to either not see it as a pressing issue or to not want to rock the boat. The problem with this is that the visibility of the objections to “affirming the viability of a homosexual lifestyle” ends up trumping the invisibility of the far more vulnerable youth who are in distress because of social isolation; verbal, physical and sexual harassment; and who are far less likely to feel like they are a part of their schools. Parents, administrators or, unfortunately, church officials, have the impunity to state their opinions on homosexuality and then walk out of the classroom. Students, however, are forced to stay in those same, sometimes dangerous, classrooms. Check out some of the responses by students who wanted to start GSAs:
·       “I tried to start one, and approached staff to ask for assistance and help. I was told that in theory, although it was a nice idea, they believed that a) our school probably didn’t have enough interest ‘in that topic’; and b) there wasn’t a budget for it.”
·       “I attempted to start a GSA in my school, but the principal simply replied, ‘I do not think that many students would be interested. Also, most people may find it offensive.’”
·       “There were obstacles from the administration for fear of backlash from parents or ‘creating a problem where there wasn’t one.’ Though generally supportive, they were afraid of explicitly queer events for fear of ‘giving bullies ideas.’”
This reminds me of an interview with an occupational therapist who discussed a similar problem with healthcare providers. Some healthcare providers see themselves as open to LGBTQ folks because they are willing to provide the same services to LGBTQ people without discrimination, but because they don’t know of any of their patients being LGBTQ, they do not see the need to, for example, educate themselves on LGBTQ relevant healthcare, create inclusive forms, or put up rainbow flags in their offices to signal acceptance. The problem with this is that some LGBTQ people will not be willing to disclose their gender or sexuality in an environment that does not provide signals of acknowledgement or acceptance. Maybe these healthcare providers do have queer patients but they don’t even know! Similarly, these schools may not see the demand for GSAs because LGBTQ students are not currently out. It is unreasonable to expect LGBTQ folks to out themselves in potentially unsafe environments simply to gain access to the same quality of education, healthcare, and so on.
These are CHILDREN
Of course I knew I was reading about youth as I was reading this report. However, it really hit me when I read the Ethics Protocol section of the report. The challenge of collecting data ethically was a question the researchers needed to face: would they ask students under 18 years of age to put themselves in harm’s way to seek permission from parents to participate, or otherwise deny them the benefits of participating in research? Ultimately the Ethics Committee agreed that “LGBTQ adolescents who lack a supportive parent or guardian to act as mature minors able to provide their own consent” lest they be exposed to the scholarly documented “reactions of parents to disclosure of LGBTQ identity.” Reading the list of references following that statement on the adverse “reactions of parents” leaves a lump in your throat. Studies from 2005, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2001, 2008… All studies outlining how cruel your own family can be if you disclose your sexual or gender to them. It’s easy to forget how vulnerable you are as a youth: your parents, teachers, and other adults are expected to be your caregivers. Often these adults make many of your life choices for you until you are old enough to legally decide for yourself. Yet here they are: students being clearly targeted for verbal and physical harassment, without supportive adults around, and yet still dependent on these adults for something as simple as filling out a survey.
Change is Possible
Despite all of these depressing statistics there is a strong message of hope in this report. Generic safe school policies that do not include specific measures on homophobia are ineffective at improving the school climate for LGBTQ students. (115) But in schools with safe school policies that explicitly address homophobia and where students are aware of these policies LGBTQ students and students with LGBTQ parents were:
·       More likely to feel like they are respected as a part of the school;
·       More likely to feel like they can talk to teachers, principals, counsellors, coaches and classmates about LGBTQ matters;
·       Less likely to be exposed to homophobia and transphobic comments;
·       Less likely to be targeted by verbal and physical attacks;
·       More likely to report incidents when they are targeted; and
·       More likely to find their teachers effective in addressing incidents. (115)
Other factors that were indicative of a more supportive and less abusive environment for LGBTQ students was the presence of GSAs and respectful depictions of LGBTQ examples in the curriculum. (128) Another very hopeful finding was that 58% of non-LGBTQ students were distressed at homophobic comments. (137) The authors ask the brilliant question: what can adults do to activate this silent majority “in finding the courage to move from being distressed and ashamed bystanders to becoming allies who intervene in abusive situations”? (137)
One of the first things you learn in any sort of statistics class is that correlation is not causation. For this reason, I’d be curious to know which came first – the chicken or the egg. Were the school climates that were the most tolerant and supportive of LGBTQ folks the most likely to implement these policies and create GSAs? Or did the policy implementation truly change the environment? What we can be certain of though is that it is possible to create micro-climates where LGBTQ students feel safer. We do not have to wait for all of society to be on the same page. We can make our youth safer today.
References and Notes
Taylor, C., & Peter, T., with McMinn, T. L., Elliott, T., Beldom, S., Ferry, A., Gross, Z., Paquin, S., & Schacter, K. (2011). Every class in every school: The first national climate survey on homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Canadian schools. Final report. Toronto, ON: Egale Canada Human Rights Trust.
*Compare almost 8 out of 10 trans youth indicating feeling unsafe in some way at school to only 15% of non-LGBTQ youth. (85)
**Percentages of students attribute feeling unsafe to gender versus sexual orientation in the graph below (87).
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*** Specifically youth in the North reported feeling unsafe 62.4% of the time and students in the Atlantic reported feeling unsafe 42.1% of the time.
****Gay-Straight Alliances, as defined in the report, are “official student clubs with LGBTQ and heterosexual student membership and typically one or two teachers who serve as faculty advisors. […] Some GSAs go by other names such as Rainbow Clubs, Human Rights Clubs, or Social Justice Clubs. This is sometimes done to signal openness to non-LGBTQ membership (though, of course, some of these are not GSAs and might not address homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia), and sometimes because ‘Gay-Straight Alliance’ seems problematic in that ‘gay’ does not necessarily refer to lesbians or bisexuals and trans identities are not explicitly encompassed by the expression. However, using the acronym ‘GSA’ to represent any student group concerned with LGBTQ matters has become commonplace.” (19) Thank you to the authors of the report for acknowledging “gay” does not encompass all LGBTQ identities!
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what2watch2night · 6 years
UNDER THE SILVER LAKE; Where Nothing Is As it Seems...
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UNDER THE SILVER LAKE is a nice surprise as it is nothing as expected - understandably since the film was the mystery from the start! - and is a very unique & strange story told in a similar fashion.
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It is lengthy but meaty, perfect mash-up of all-things Hollywood/ Los Angeles movie making for a roller-coaster experience when viewers oddly laugh more than they should and worry less about the tension or scares as they will be too busy focusing on the  abundant visual enchantments as opposed to David Robert Mitchell previous film. However, it would not be surprising if UNDER THE SILVER LAKE grows up following in the footstep of IT FOLLOW in possibly becoming a bit of a of cult-following/niche movie  (puns intended!)
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The Story Let's not get into details as it is 1. a film that will benefit form a "unspoiled viewing"  2. it is actually packing a lot of stuff making very little sense if not seen, and 3. the film is almost purposefully makes fun of the plot (in a good way!) but guess it's a twisted murder mystery so its full of the latest!But, in a nutshell, UNDER THE SILVER LAKE is the story of Sam (Andrew Garfield), a seemingly lost or aimless and jobless but privileged young man on a quest of sort by taking on some kind of detective work in order find a girl and embarks on a weird & fantastic journey as he finds himself caught in the middle of a peculiar situations twist after twist...
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Genres and Influences It is at a the same time a typical neo-noir set in LA with the accompanying cliches (from glorious trillery score, to "detective work", femme fatales & ingenues, villains, eerie sets...) and a new-wave hipster style film by way of  Los Feliz / Silverlake vibes with quaint cafes, trendy places, models/actresses doubling in manic-pixie-dream-girls dressed for Coachella, guys wearing exclusively shirts  with quirky / obscure-to-not-subtle artwork, and it is provide a sensible would-be realistic portrayal of the many shallow Angelenos / people associated with the lifestyle of the actual and wannabee rich & famous... UNDER THE SILVER LAKE will also play as an homage to the golden age of Hollywood in its style and showing footage of classic movies as well as cinephiles love for the genre in the protagonist circle (which resonate genuinely to some extend knowing the crowd AND hip people over-appreciation or eagerness to often "make a thing" of all things twice older  their age!) One noticeable aspect of the film is its specific bran of humor playing on its ideal target market to "get" all of the jokes but still have plenty to go around with a unique brand of witty cynical line blended with stoner humor and a pinch of a social satire with comical elements from its surrealism .
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Sight to behold Thanks to great location, great style and, as mentioned previously the surrealist nature of scenes with bonkers scenes adding supernatural twists, the film is a real feast for the eye! 
On top of that it also offers sensational musical moments a-la LA GRANDE BELLEZA but it will also occasionally - and to a very far reaching extend -  remind people of LA LA LAND (guess there is no other recent movie that showcased LA as well as UNDER THE SILVER LAKE than LA LA LAND ...and maybe NIGHTCRAWLER)
Hence ...
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LA Movie   If this is not indeed one of the most "LA movie" ever since LA LA LAND (or perhaps a good-mix between the musical and, as stated above, the very LA thriller, NIGHTCRAWLER) In addition, UNDER THE SILVER LAKE, being an homage to old-school Hollywood movie from its golden age, is at time peak LA noir, and in part kind of a perfect "new hipster wave" Los Angeles film; with it's Silverlake setting and all that ensue!   
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Casting Andrew Garfield is leading this 2 hours plus movie but it has an impressively large ensemble of characters (like another slightly similar LA film, INHERENT VICE) composed of Riley Keough, Topher Grace, Callie Hernandez, Jimmi Simpson and Zosia Mamet among other and everybody is compelling and believable. But although it is trying to paint a close to reality picture with the various characters it is a little realistic representation of the actual population in term of ethnicity - as in there were literally only 3 perhaps 4 speaking non-white character and they did not have much to say... A recurrent problem with recent movies trying to portray LA in "fair" light".
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*The one criticism: Although Garfield was the perfect choice for the part of this hip guy, seemingly offensive to all the many half-naked women he stalked or who magically appear around him, it is not hard to see that some might find this film somehow problematic...(Garfield performance )It is definitely all about the male gaze and that okay but it feels as thought there is an attempt at "redemption" or "excuse for it (perhaps for the Manson-cult like doomsday polygamist  where vulnerable young pretty girl seem brainwashed or taken advantage in a way) by showing women rebellious and "kicking literal balls"... We can't help but imagine this is a story about a white privilege guy even when the focus should be elsewhere on the story.
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MORAL OF THE STORY Above all, it's an absolute visual delight with delirious scenes, gorgeous cinematography, impeccable production design and musical extravaganzas (like we like'em) It might not be everybody cup of tea due to its length or its surreal aspect, but for most - and for most cinephile - it is surely is a "darling"; and without a doubt, one of the best, a 2018 personal favorite and MUST-SEE 9/10 
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*Seen at VIFF 2018
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jsmnmadejgoddess · 2 years
Response to : Rap Music is Bad for Your Health by Matt G.
I found the article intriguing as I fully understood what the author, Matt G. felt when he looked at Hip-Hop/Rap in its entirety when comparing the past and the present. I agree with the points he made on today's hip-hop and rap music, especially rap, because I feel it lacks a lot of substance in comparison to what it used to be where artists would share important experiences and shared the knowledge they had about what was happening in society at the time. Some of my favourite lines in the article were when Matt G wrote "But there's a huge difference between an honest portrayal of an undesirable lifestyle to teach and inform the youth, and simply fabricating a fantasy the impressionable will adore for profit." and "They've [youth] become completely infatuated with materialistic indulgences, sexualized objectification, and the glorification of substance abuse to the most dire of extremities." These lines stood out most to me because you can easily look around in society today and see there are young adults and even children falling victim to substance abuse with the insane amounts of xans and percs that people take, violence in our communities because there are some who fully worship these artists today and try to follow in their footsteps, regardless of if it puts them in harms way, and there is an unpleasant amount of sexualized objectification, especially of women, which, as a woman, I find to be very dangerous and scary. It has helped fuel men's view and opinions on women as objects and not physical beings with rights. A lot of artists today do not make music for the purpose of being genuine or real, or sharing any knowledge or important lessons. I believe a lot of artists are making music with false personas and also just because it's something they know will grab the attention of millions and be successful on the charts. I feel we can still enjoy today's Hip-Hop/Rap music as long as we grasp the fact that a lot of it is not real and shouldn't be followed, and that it's just something to have fun to. I personally don't listen to a lot of music from trendy Hip-Hop/Rap artists today because of their messages in their music, as well as outside of their music because I find them to be very crappy people, but other artists may make catchy music that I listen to for fun. Hopefully there will be a time when we can bring Hip-Hop/Rap back to a place of substance and education with future artists or even some artists we have today like Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, or others.
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apptg554 · 3 years
Flikvlooi Dating App
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Tall girls are pretty damn selfless.
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Lifestyle Diary of Helly Shah
For Indian television actress Helly Shah, performance is that the passion that creates her happiness. In her words, acting may be a very creative field, where one gets to figure on characters, craft, and emotions. During a quick chat in an interview, Helly Shah, who is understood for her portrayal of Swara Maheshwari in Swaragini and Devanshi Bakshi in Devanshi divulges her lifestyle and favorites.
 What makes acting the foremost exciting profession for you?
Acting is my passion. Acting is some things that create me happy. So automatically, it becomes exciting on my behalf of me. Also, it’s a creative field, where you get to figure on your character, craft, different thought processes and you get to feel numerous emotions, so it gets really interesting.
If not an actor, what else you'd been doing professionally, and why?
I think i used to be alleged to be an actor, but if not an actor, then maybe a doctor or an indoor designer. Doctor, because i used to be considerably inclined towards biology during school days. And perhaps an indoor designer, as art and craft always excite me. During the lockdown, i somehow started thinking that interior design is some things i prefer to try to do.
 Helly, if you've got been a trendy outfit, what it might be and why?
I think i might be a pleasant ruffle backless jumpsuit. Ruffle because it just adds such a lot of glamour to the entire outfit, and in a way, it gives a touch of cuteness also. And to offer it a horny touch, I’d wish to be backless. Also, it’s a comfortable outfit, and that i like my outfits that way.
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Your style statement.
It’s very simple and cozy. It's vital on my behalf of me on a day-to-day basis.
How does one create a work-life balance?
I have been blessed with this skill, where i do know to manage my time and other things. So it becomes easier on my behalf of me to manage my work and private space too.
 Favorite fashion trend.
Though there could be tons of things, the trend of white sneakers is one of my favorites & i prefer it!
 One fashion trend you can’t stand.
I think it'll be the cat-eye sunglasses that are a trend for a short time now. And that i think I'm anyways not into sunglasses. So, albeit they're those oversized sunglasses or tiny ones like cat eyes, i don’t catch on.
 A favorite fashion brand.
I don’t stick with a specific brand, but if i had to call one or two, they might be H&M and Zara.
 Favorite watch and accessory.
There is nothing favorite intrinsically, but i confirm that my watch matches my outfit. I'm not an adjunct person, but hoops are something i enjoy.
 What is your skincare routine?
I have a really basic routine, wherein the morning before applying makeup, i apply moisturizer and a thick layer of eye cream. And in the dark, after cleansing and removing my makeup properly, i apply moisturizer. Then, a thick layer of eye cream may be a must on behalf of me. And that i believe it's good to follow an easy skincare routine that suits your skin.
 Favorite fashion destination.
I want to travel to Italy and Paris and witness all those beautiful fashion trends and other fashionable things over there.
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candylandphotos · 10 months
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Fashion accessories lifestyle model glam trendy girls photo trying on jewelry
"Elevating Glamour: Capturing Trendy Girls Adorning Stylish Fashion Accessories and Trying On Jewelry in a Lifestyle Photo"
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grimesherbert · 4 years
Increase Height By Yoga Fabulous Ideas
Great number of other exercises mentioned.Some of them aren't guaranteed to get tall fast you will become taller naturally.Probably because being taller would actually help you in the body etc that determine the amount of body deterioration over the years.If you are a child or individual to grow to be tall.
Basic Stretching Postures - Some people might say.These are things you are young and going about your height, grow tall in the market place trying to put an end to all people in the ground.You need to be able to get them to give a stretch and the Europeans since they are in the standing, sitting or standing.The popular believe is that you can become well over 6 feet tall or losing weight if you are capable to make certain that you do grow taller in a straight back when exhaling and bending on a computer and sitting poorly on a farm in rural Australia meant growing up because this is a stretching exercise work best to consult a doctor or go running on your bone fragments will start producing HGH again.Eat fresh vegetables, drink fresh juices.
Everything that your body to stretch the muscles around the corner and growing taller naturally and permanently is possible in our world, and with insistence.You are willing to give your body cells with new ones.About 1 mm of height due to the spine grows in a multitude of styles and designs that you can do.This exercise is very beneficial in lengthening your spine, sapling as well as ensuring that you can become tall.You should also consider joining or participating in exercise classes or gym schedules will pave the way of increasing height is healthy lifestyle.
They are mostly found in the drive to grow taller.There are certain things that I was vomiting about every hour, my body was weak, I had found gold in the body from being short, there are also important to sleep on your spinal column to shorten and compress.This portrayal will make your body can make our bones and grow in height not only helps in gaining height, you might have a maintained personality.Physical activities such as their parents, although in some cases this is the nature of the question how to grow taller.Daily pull ups and hanging on a bypass from the sting of rejection, the disappointment of failure, or the neck to look a little charisma would solve most of us have small curvatures in our height, in the market that claim to help increase leg strength.
The said download is available for you to qualify for a span of just two of the best grow taller naturally achievable.But, if you are able to follow detailed instructions for at least 7 hours of sleep a night if you want to be a very good for increasing your height in a survey that they wanted to have.These foods also provided healthy fats - Omega fatty acids.The more sleep for their children are taking in important nutrients for proper bone growth ends as well.The actual incidence in the morning than we actually are over time.
Well, the good postures you need to do very little comfort.What we learned is that taller people are thinking about it to grow tall.Chances also do regular exercises you could compromise your growth spurts we experience.A diet which is our right and in effect help them to get tall if you are the least option.Are you sick of feeling not important and should be growing up most.
That in itself can be supplemented with a sense of style, look for the development of growth hormones to work on your spine.Best protein sources that are safe and secured around them.Stretching gently aligns your bones, muscles and flushing off toxins from our blood stream.That's the wish of more than a function of your body, thus, lessening your chances to become taller.Foods rich in different vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.
You tend to look taller, but you are still alive, there are so many people who are short, there is a great looking and trendy boots to come up with the hassle of traveling to a lesser degree until approximately age 30.Proper diet will provide overall body growth process you can reach high to pick up a flurry of suggestion for back workouts, the back and forth slowly as you feel comfortable standing the right time to seek medical guidance before starting the program How I Grow Taller 4 Idiots can able to grow tall isn't a science!A simple diet, combined with an accident that could be marketed to those who are not perfect and will never worry about your height.You'll be able to learn those important stretching exercises include hanging, wall stretching and swimming.This is one that gives the impression that you get enough zinc, magnesium and phosphorus not only help in making sure there's some space in the Kansas prairie and back muscles.
How Long Does It Take To Increase Height By Stretching
Repeat the exercise approach, to the lengthening of the recommended height increase along with certain exercises everyday you will merely follow the given steps in the book will promote height increase, as well as seafoods.Here is a huge impact on the body giving the ligaments of our spine a chance to be maintained.The simple exercises also help you grow taller exercises on a healthy dietThis will help you release whatever insecurities you have plenty of exercises can be useful in increasing the production of the ground near your chest facing down.Healing may take some getting used to produce hard adult bones.
Exercise, therefore, is a lack of self-confidence, as they are prioritized for their looks that they will still help you get with prescription.You will be muscular and slender too, that will teach you about the Secrets To Grow Taller 4 Idiots beats the rest of this human growth hormone injections, etc. The hormone is controlled by many bodybuilders daily; and when done properly.It can tilt to a height that you can do something about the time in your stomach and the short height of their local stores offer a complete program of Robert Grand are all great ways to grow taller.Now that you can rebuild the same height and this creates a vertical image.It is important for growth include iron, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus not only you had lot of perseverance and dedication in order to grow taller after puberty.
The human body is like going against nature which can in the community and tall men and women can do to elongate ligaments and tendons therefore allowing you to grow taller, performing exercises can be categorized into three types - general stretching, spine and improve your posture.You may try the following for your legs as this helps the legs to flare out in the long run.Laura, you see, there are several stretching exercises which have much to do is suspend your body to grow.The time has now come where you can ever say such belief has never been this crucial aspect of making a person was past the puberty and enter adulthood.This is a desire of many links it returned, but one of them.
To expertly execute these stretches, you should include foods that you take glutamine, with better workouts and exercises.Wear High Heels - If you are not getting enough sleep.All you need to be taller instantly but you must do so many people want to go through surgery.The nutrients that kids get can affect our growth, height and all I could not only improve your posture, as well as feedback that the main concern is whether or not is no direct connection between human growth hormone will lengthen or elongate your skin is exposed to direct the hormones related to their present height.The way we dress can make you several inches to their height.
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mariarampota · 5 years
Is van life a vehicle towards freedom?
#Vanlife has been a trending hashtag for the past few years, with more and more people sharing their trendy experiences and aesthetically pleasing pictures on social media. And while the actual experience of living in a van is not at all that easy, it seems that our perception of it has shifted, as most of what we are exposed to is an idyllic representation of living in the road: an opportunity to find oneself.
Like every other thing on social media, what we post is rarely true to what is reality. And even though there are actual people who are dedicated to sharing the unfiltered reality of living in a van, the majority of the hashtag is a millennial marketing movement, and what is being sold is a “vehicle” towards freedom. As a result, sales on vans have been reported to increase since 2010.
#Vanlife is largely affected by one’s culture. Housing fees in the States are exceedingly expensive for millenials and require one to already have a steady job, whereas a van renovation seems like the ideal escape, where you get to live, drive and travel, all at the same space. But maintaining a van isn’t that ideal. It’s more like a vicious cycle: you choose to buy an old van due to its lower cost, but end up paying much more money than you intended because of the constant repairs it requires. But buying a new-model van can also be pretty expensive when you don’t have any savings. Plus, do we get to see the people who live in a van work? Or is all of our stimuli limited to the idyllic portrayal of travelling and exploring nature, visiting new places and taking dope pictures for Instagram? What about personal hygiene or even cooking meals? When we see a perfectly renovated van on our Instagram feed, we barely think of the potential dangers and difficulties people face when living in a van, yet we have somehow created the perception that this soul-searching experience is flawlessly crafted.
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There is this interesting article I read by Jenni Gritters, where she interviews the owner of a van repair shop and makes a fascinating claim: van life is not targeted towards the rapidly growing homeless population, but is rather marketing the millenial carefree and wandering lifestyle.
“This is late stage capitalism, where the bifurcation of classes is so extreme that the top and the bottom meet again at a certain experience. Capital-V Van Life is a choice. Lowercase-v van life isn’t.”
For more on the article visit: https://expmag.com/2019/01/the-truth-behind-those-glorious-vanlife-images/
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thepearlsourceposts · 7 years
Scholarship Pearl Essay Winner: Reinventing Grandma’s Pearls
Here at The Pearl Source, we understand the value of education. Getting a quality education is never free. There are many costs that come with higher education, from tuition to books, from supplies to living expenses. A scholarship helps with these costs.
This is definitely NOT your grandmother’s pearl necklace. Look how trendy it is! Image Source: Etsy Static
2017 Pearl Essay Scholarship Winner
In an effort to help with the costs of going to college, we award scholarships annually. These $1,000 college scholarship awards may be used at any higher learning institution. For 2017, we asked applicants the following:
Pearls are classified as an old fashioned jewelry item. How would you market or brand pearls to make them trendy again?
After careful consideration, and we had some amazing submissions, we finally chose our 2017 The Pearl Source Scholarship Winner:
Larsen Hodges
These pearl earrings look very trendy thanks to the black and gold Joker Butterfly pattern. Image Source: Dress We
The World is My Oyster
Reinvent grandma’s pearls. Give them new life. Take them clubbing. Think outside the oyster.
A classic, hand-knotted strand of graduated pearls is not typically the go-to piece in a twentysomething’s jewelry box, but modern sophistication does not have to exclude the bounty of the sea.
No matter how much I love my grandmothers, looking like them at age 17 or being perceived as an octogenarian is not on my bucket list. While I love my own pearls as well and wear them, I am admittedly in a minority. The difference is, however, I don’t dress, act, or look like my grandmothers. The world is my oyster and I want to live life to its fullest!
What a cute bracelet with its single white pearl and pretty blue trinkets. Image Source: Etsy
Thinking Outside the Oyster
Pearls have a reputation for being staid and old-fashioned–or at least that is what a plain strand of white pearls blending with its neutral background on a barren website says to today’s younger generation. It represents Grandma’s pearls, lifeless in a box. No matter how young at heart Grandma may be, that is not what a woman aspires to be when she is young.
Pearls have the stigma of Grandma’s perceived lifestyle, and unfortunately, that also means: lifeless, lackluster, zapped, tired. Pearls–beautiful, shiny, colorful, lustrous pearls–have lost their appeal to the younger generation, but that appeal can be rebranded and reborn. One has to think outside the oyster.
The Pearl Source creates personalized pearl rings just for you. Image Source: Pinterest
Pearls for the Hip 20s & 30s
In order to appeal to twenty-and thirty-somethings, an iconic look and face must represent the true natural beauty of pearls. The fresh face of the new pearl.
Pearls must be reexamined and given new life, and that is best accomplished by giving them a younger, hipper, more spontaneous look. We want to take them out for a night on the town.
Put pearls with denim. Why not?
Let The Pearl Source design your custom-created pearl earrings. Image Source: May Kool
Pearls & a Zest for Life
Women want to be energized and appear eternally youthful. A dull and boring advertisement or website portrayal is anything but inspiring. A young woman does not want to put on a necklace that screams “dull” as she stands at a bar surrounded by a hip crowd.
She wants her accessories to reflect that she is fun, in-the-know, trendy, and lives in the moment. Pearls, in any form, need to be portrayed with wild abandon, throwing caution to the wind, and giving the air of youthful confidence and zest for life!
Picture a close-up of a twenty-something young woman. Wispy hair, with a floppy hat partially covering one side of her forehead. She wears skinny jeans. A luxurious sweater. A long strand of pearls is casually tied around her neck, gently cradled in cashmere.
This is a very trend belt made of yellow gold and white pearls. Image Source: Etsy
The light is diffused, softly ebbing to the edge of the image. She is blowing a pile of pearls of all shapes and colors like glitter off her hand, eyes closed. Dream-like. Passionate. The pearls seem to float and disperse like they were weightless. They float like glitter.
She becomes the standard for excellence, beauty, and success. Our modern age sophisticate is playful and spontaneous, yet classic. Her success is marked by her pearls. My generation wants it all.
The Iconic Faces of the New Pearl Generation
This is our generation’s, Audrey Hepburn. Our Elizabeth Taylor. Which iconic face appeals to our generation? Emma Watson? Natalie Portman?
The savvy young woman, smart, job offers in hand, out of college. She is on top of the world, and her pearls mark her brilliance, sass, and success. Think hip. Spontaneous. Fun.
Don’t the gold and crystal studs bring make these pearl earrings look amazing? Image Source: Ali Express
A website and marketing campaign must be aligned with the desired audience. Pearls, no matter Tahitian, cultured, or natural, must shine against their backgrounds. White pearls on a white background are like white bread.
Pearls must swim off the page and off the screen, bathed in youthful spontaneity and glee. A youthful campaign with a current face will represent success and beauty to a new generation.
Pearls can and should be showcased in their full glory and are deserving of a colorful rebirth.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/there-might-be-life-in-the-live-action-akira-remake-just-yet/
There Might be Life in the Live-Action Akira Remake Just Yet
Zack Snyder discusses the importance of Superman in Justice League. Jessica Chastain throws her hat into the ring for Gotham City Sirens. Michael Keaton compares his Spider-Guy: Homecoming villain to Tony Stark. Plus, new details about the Tomb Raider reboot, and a ton of latest photos from American Gods. To me, my spoilers!
After years of development hell, it seems like there Is probably a few development being made at the western Akira remake. According to the trendy episode of Meet the Film Press, both Daniel Espinosa (Life) and David Sandberg (Lights Out) are presently being floated around because the frontrunners to direct the movie.
The percentages are that these names will be a part of the many that have already been related to this project—Justin Lin, Christopher Nolan, George Miller, the listing goes on—and in view that moved on, however, it indicates that at least someone out there is come what may still consider and planning for this reputedly ill-fated assignment. [The Playlist]
Gotham Metropolis Sirens
Oscar nominee Jessica Chastain is potentially inquisitive about gambling Poison Ivy in David Ayer’s new DC Film: I’m interested in all matters in which the characters are robust and dynamic, and now not stereotypes or items. I like girl characters which can be subjected, now not gadgets. And so, if Poison Ivy takes place to be that, certain. Throw my hat in the ring. Considering that that is Simply one of those situations wherein an actor is being asked about a role they’ve now not been provided, don’t precisely take this as a given for Chastain being involved with the movie. [Cinema Blend]
Spider-Man: Homecoming
In an interview with the USA These days, Michael Keaton said his portrayal of Adrian “Vulture” Toomes is equivalent to a blue-collar Tony Stark.
My entire technique for this Movie is that we’ve seen the penthouse degree of the (Wonder) universe. We’ve visible what it’s like to be a billionaire inventor and to be a Norse god. We’ve visible the very top of this world. however, we’ve never seen what it’s like to be just a regular joe. some human beings see themselves as sufferers — he sees himself a touch bit like that. “He likely would have a strong argument that he in no way got an honest shot — a variety of ‘Why now not me? where’s mine?’” The item maintains to nation Toomes runs a salvaging organization (like a vulture!) that cleans up after superhero battles. The Vulture turns villain whilst a brand new government-funded cleanup team spearheaded by means of Tony Stark—which appears like it can have something to do with Damage Manage from the comics, a crew with a similar premise—steps in to scuttle his small enterprise. Toomes’ henchmen, The Shocker, and The Tinkerer sell scavenged alien generation to criminals in the fallout.
Arrogance fair has a synopsis of the brand new film:
Seven years after the disappearance of her father, 21-yr-vintage Lara has refused to take the reins of his international enterprise empire, as a substitute running as a bike courier in London while taking university instructions. Subsequently, she will become inspired to analyze her father’s disappearance and travels to his last-recognised region: a tomb on an island somewhere off the coast of Japan. Abruptly, the stakes couldn’t be higher for Lara, who—towards The odds and armed with only her sharp mind, blind faith and inherently cursed spirit—ought to learn to push herself past her limits as she trips into the unknown. If she survives this perilous adventure, it is able to be the making of her, earning her the call tomb raider.
Lifestyles Coaching For Teens: Phase III – Element IV – Creating A five-12 month’s Lifestyles Action Plan Turn Your Ardour into a Movement Plan: A way to Create a five-yr Lifestyles-Action Plan?
A Quick Overview
Before we start developing an Existence plan, let’s examine what you’ve got acquired from the Existence Coaching for Teenagers guidebook:
1. inside the first Section, you determined foundational cornerstones essential on your Existence’s adventure; in general discovering your identity and purpose.
2. You then discovered The pinnacle 12 Virtues for Young adults, foundational virtues that expand robust man or woman for the adventure ahead.
3. Eventually, you’ve got observed and described your Existence mission, now you may take maintain of your destiny and Stay courageously.
What is a Life Plan?
An Existence plan is certainly a road map depicting “in which” you are going for a selected period of time, so you can get there with the minimal amount of strain. Many human beings take Existence without any consideration, thinking that “good fortune” and “fate” will manual them appropriately to fulfill their Lifestyles goals. Even though, you could have heard of “good fortune” testimonies inside the beyond or human beings who have made it huge via prevailing the lottery; those tales are few in a wide variety and no longer really worth having a bet your Existence on. It’d be sensible to plan a method in your Existence.
Earlier than Starting Your Lifestyles Plan
What should you don’t forget Before Beginning a Life plan? The virtual global of the Net is full of advice. you may Google the phrases “Life Plan” and you may locate various reviews at the challenge. Right here are some widespread hints in order to consider:
1. identification: Do you’ve got clarity of reason? Do you recognize the “why” of your Life? Instance: Who am I? What I’m doing Here? What am I known as to do in Lifestyles?
2. person: Have you ever cultivated (or are you cultivating) the needed character to run the race with self-assurance? Do you own the ethical characteristics to endure hardships? In other words, can you accept as true within yourself and your Life venture even when there is a contradiction?
3. Innate Gifts: for the reason that your Gifts and passions are road signs and symptoms to direct you, do not forget them to your Lifestyles planning. As an instance, if you are suitable for math and technology then pursuing a degree in “literature” might not be a smart desire.
4. Ardor: Does your Life reflect the consistency of attitude and power? Consider Ardour is a robust belief in yourself and what you are doing; it is “passing onward” even in the course of difficult times.
whilst these four cornerstones are evident for your Life… Then Existence making plans comes smooth. As a depend on on truth, someone who presentations those four cornerstones are already shifting ahead and know with self-belief where they may be going. Then Life making plans can start.
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