#Trial Muse: Anna
nightlightbrothel · 10 months
Most of the Anna family was known for making their livings as merchants. However, one of that had chosen to try a somewhat different route for making money: prostitution. She had heard it could be quite lucrative, and this new brothel seemed the perfect place to try it out. In fact, Anna was pleased to hear that she already had a customer! Dressed in nothing but a red bra and panties, she sat on the bed and greeted the newcomer cheerily.
"Hi there! I'm Anna! Good to meet you~"
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
age of my killers + age of my survivors (including muses w aus)
jonathan / the scarecrow: 40s. he's always a crusty older gentleman doing unethical science. now he gets to rejoice in serving fear itself, reveling in the groundhog day loop that leaves him with an endless supply of test subjects and the free reign to do with them whatever his black heart desires.
evi / the bride: late 30s - early 40s. her dbd lore is just a real world history take on her canonical fate in the sci-fi series she hails from. having been middle aged by earth standard, and leaving behind two sons (one in his teens, one just shy of 10) i think 30-40 works out reasonably for her age at death. she's a post-mortem killer who is remarkably well preserved, however, so who knows what she actually looks like in her wreath of flames.
danae: 35. she has an actual canon compliant timeline to work off of. she was born in august 1971, and was taken into the fog after her father's death in august 2006. additionally, at least in lore involving axem, the danae of the fog is unaware of several plot points from later that year, so she's not from post-2006, either.
anna / the h*ntress: thirty-ish. my general timeline is that she lost her mother around the age of 7-9 to account for her ability to survive when weighed against how quickly she lost more human perceptions. her skill progression would have been gradual and involved trial and error, at least where human prey was concerned. from this, i think it took her probably a decade even being an experienced hunter to get to the point she was annihilating families and soldiers alike, but her youth when isolated is key to her atrophied understanding of consequences where her actions involve others. indisputably grown.
lea (hel) / the raven: mid-late twenties. like anna, we have a vague timeline of events, but lea's is far more forthright. she lost her home when she was 8, and was brought up in her uncle's home for ten years after. if her hometown was isolated for more or less a decade solid to account for the breadth of his experiments and research, we're looking at a ~28 year old lea, but frankly the wobbliness of her own time as an enforcer means that the time she spent at her post means this could be off in either direction. her fc was 25 in the main resources i use for her, but she could be up to her early thirties if the cult truly dragged their feet.
mary / the rose: mid twenties. we know her people were destroyed in her early adolescence, and that she spent years traveling the baronies with her brother trying to make ends meet. we know she was coerced into the service of the red before she was twenty. she's spent a few years becoming infamous in her own world, before she was sent up to the entity as an offering at the end of her apprenticeship in the arcane arts. much like her pa, however, i feel her broken heart and struggles she has known make her come across aged before her time.
chris: 25. once again, we have a canon timeline to extrapolate off of. he was born sometime in 1973, and the mansion incident/antarctic outbreak went down during a months long span between july and december 1998. given he's dropped into the fog still in his st*rs drip, i'm inclined to believe he was snatched sometime post-mansion but per-antacrtic outbreak, possibly during his investigations in europe. however, i am willing to play him as being dropped in at any point in his canon timeline with plotting.
ada: 24-25. like chris, her wardrobe points towards a 1998 snatchpoint. while she has no canonical timeline given her mystery as a character, i generally assume her to be roughly on par with other main characters -- older than le0n, but equivalent to chris and jill. she's still spry and cut-throat, ruthless in a way her later characterization has begun to use sparingly. her barring the door then dropping a pallet on the mastermind gives me very 'rc ada' vibes. the audacity. she is truly that bitch.
sheva: 23. canon dates come through for me again. she's clearly from in or around the events of 5, and with a 1986 birthday, this puts her at ~23 in 2009. fun fact: of my evil residents muses in the fog, this makes her the character from furthest along in the timeline. in fact, the deschains coming from a bad future notwithstanding, she's the most modern character on this entire list.
okiyo (stray) / the empress: 23. her backstory is just a real world historical equivalent of the events in the xv tie-in film. it's just a bad end for she and okami (nyx) involving magic calling down the entity rather than the old wall. by this logic, she would be 23 during the reaving of her father's lands, and been perfectly preserved as such given the doll-like aesthetics of her horror.
steven: no older than 21. he was in the single digits when gilead burned. steven was 14 when his sister left. he is explicitly five years mary's junior. all characters are explicitly 18 or above, and given he ships with a h*wkins teen and no one bats an eyelash, i feel comfortable guesstimating him around 19-21.
max: early 20s. old enough to have been slaughtering pigs so long he's absolutely shredded, young enough to break the fog speed limit on foot. old enough that he was justified in what he did to free himself, young enough that the experiences didn't completely break him. it's always a tragedy, but him being comparatively young just makes it all that much worse.
charlotte and victor / the twins: 18-19. all characters are at least 18 due to laws regarding violence in media in certain markets. this tracks with the twins losing their mother at 5 and being imprisoned for a least a decade. thirteen years in captivity is totally doable with their lore. however, where victor died at 18 by this interpretation, i do not suspend my disbelief to charlotte surviving for very long with his remains affixed to her, given several of their systems would be connected by definition. if she even made it a year after the loss of victor, i would be shocked.
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“What if” ( For Mary or Jane! // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
Send “What if” and I’ll write a drabble on an event in my muse’s past – but on a different timeline.
What If Mary never helped Abraham hide Baker’s murder?
The trial had been a quick affair. Even with Abraham’s father being the magistrate, or perhaps because Richard was the magistrate, little time was wasted in deliberation. Abraham was found guilty of murder, and the penalty summarily dealt out.
Mary had never betrayed her husband, but she did not have to say anything for some of the facts to become known. The bulk of it came to light when Ensign Baker’s commander came to find out why the young man never showed up for his guard post. Abraham had hardly been in a fit state to do anything, and Mary… well… her husband had murdered the poor Ensign. A man who had simply been doing his duty, honoring his obligations in a way that Abraham had never seemed to understand… a man who spent more time fulfilling the role of a husband in her life then Abraham had in months… a man who had helped Abraham in his difficulties with Captain Simcoe… Abraham’s friend. And Abraham shot him…
The only secret Mary kept in her heart was about why Abraham shot the man. The general consensus in town had been that Abraham and Baker had a fight over her. Most people caught onto the irony that Abraham, whose illicit attentions to Anna were hardly a secret, would take such strong exception to another man noticing his wife.
That tale, while sordid, was better than the truth coming out. To her, Abraham proved himself to be an adulterer, a spy, a traitor, and now a murderer… but those facts would die when she did, and no one would hear them pass her lips.
Bouncing little Thomas lightly on her knee, she brushed a few strands of hair off his forehead before kissing it. Abraham had been gone so much recently; she suspected their son thought his father was on another business trip. In a few weeks it would sink in that Abraham was not returning. By then, the initial numbness would have transformed into a steady ache in her chest, a grief made up of betrayal, anger, sadness, and bitterness.
Richard sat across the study, pretending to read one of his books. Her father-in-law was still weak from his injury, his exertions during the Battle of Setauket had pushed him to the brink, and now she feared this shock would be too much for the aging man. He refused to speak on it though, brusquely telling her not to fuss.
Thomas gabbled to himself and reached up to tug on one of Mary’s curls, earning him another fond kiss. Then her smile saddened. The future of the Woodhull family sat squarely on his tiny shoulders… a huge burden for a child barely able to toddle across the room.
Looking up, she caught Richard watching the baby with a tight smile, the first one he had worn in weeks. Leaning over, she set Thomas on the ground gently. “Here Thomas… walk to your grandfather and show him how well you are doing.” She coaxed. “It will cheer him up.”
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tugadork · 3 years
Currently Developing An Ambitious Frozen III Fan-Fiction
Writer's block for me has been a persistent curse for a very long time, but over the past week and a half, there have been all these ideas taking shape in my head regarding a Frozen fanfic that would explore a continuation from Frozen 2 in a massive way. Now, originally, I had planned to make it revolve around Hans and only Hans, to write what he's been up to since Frozen Fever, with the intent of fully exploring his character in-depth as well as develop some worldbuilding for the Southern Isles and the rest of his family.
But the more I thought about this concept (and how some fanfictions have already explored it, though unfortunately most of the ones I've read seem to have been abandoned), the more other ideas regarding the other characters started to form along with it. Coupled with major inspirations from other terrific Frozen fan-fictions I've read (ex. Haunted Arendelle 2 by GoldenHeart-Stories, Pierced Hearts by FFcrazy15, Cry Havoc by Miss Muse Clues, The Next Unknown by simplesnowflake, pretty much everything Frozen related @calenheniel writes and what @bubchie have developed so far with their Hans solo project), creative juices I didn't know I still had started to rise up with a fierce passion to instead take on the task of writing what I think could be an epic, solid fan-made conclusion to the Frozen movies thus rounding it up to a trilogy (at least if or until Disney decides to officially greenlight Frozen 3 or a Frozen TV series, I think everyone is sick of them milking Olaf by now lol).
Though by comparison to what Disney would theoretically put out, I intend it to be much darker and explore serious themes of insecurities, self-hatred, powerlessness and self-reflection, coupled with a heavy dose of fantasy and mystical elements to go along with them since they're very much part of Frozen's DNA. Plus some comedy along the way because by god will levity be needed.
To be honest, I'm not an experienced writer. In fact, quite the opposite. I've written a lot of unfinished fanfiction stuff (non-Frozen related) about a decade back, but other than that nothing of this size and English is not my native language so I'm self-conscious enough to realize that, yet still try to make this as good as I possibly can and learning along the way. Though suggestions, feedback and constructive criticism are always welcomed if possible. 👍
I will post it on my fanfiction.net account once I complete the prologue (and then start work on the first chapter). Might be a while until then depending on how it goes, but I don't want to rush anything and instead take the time I need to make sure it turns out great.
To anyone interested, here are some non-spoilery bullet points I've written down so far to help with the writing process (there are more, but those contain major spoilers so I'm gonna keep them locked up for the time being), as well as this logo I made for the fanfic:
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- A big part of the story chronicles Hans' whereabouts after his actions in Arendelle. There will be some chronological time skips where you see what happens to him before Frozen 2, during, and then eventually after it. Frozen Fever is canon to this story as well since a crucial part of Hans' development happens in that timeframe.
- Anna and Kristoff's roles as the new ruling monarchs of Arendelle will be focused on, detailing the trials and tribulations they will go through while trying to adjust, Kristoff especially so. This is something I feel would be an organic continuation from Frozen 2's ending, especially since that movie didn't really foreshadow or give any concrete indication that any of them were fully prepared to be rulers.
- Anna will start to resent Elsa a little for putting her in this position without a long-term discussion first. (it always bothered me that Frozen 2 made it seem like she just dumped her responsibilities on Anna while going off to be the Fifth Spirit, the execution could have been miles better than it was imo. here though, it gives me a good opportunity to write some decent conflict and drama out of it)
- Olaf will continue to mature while still spouting some philosophical quips from time to time. Also a helping hand to Anna and Kristoff when possible and whenever he's not hanging out with Sven who's starting to miss spending time with Kristoff.
- A certain dilemma causes Elsa to start taking her role as the Fifth Spirit a tad too seriously, to the point where she stops appearing weekly in Arendelle for Family Game Night. This starts to cause a gradual rift between her and Anna, but her behavior also worries Yelena who tells her that she needs to find balance between her duty and her family, and reiterates that she should not sink too deep into the former.
- Worldbuilding for the Southern Isles and introducing Hans' family.
- Hans' actions in Arendelle will not be taken lightly. As much as I do like the character and would like to see him further explored in anything official Frozen related in the future (fat chance of that happening at this point though), I want to reiterate that I will not necessarily treat him as a misunderstood soul who was never evil. His backstory and the environment he grew up in will be shown and let you understand why he is the way he is, but what he did in Arendelle is still treated as deplorable and he'll face major consequences for it. Said actions will always hover over his head like a dark cloud throughout the story.
- Something dwells within the very murky depths of Ahtohallan.
- The Hans and Arendelle plotlines will eventually intertwine in a surprising way.
- Elsa. Will. Throw. Down. Boy do I plan to make her throw down. 8)
- There will be an inevitable reunion between Frohana and Hans, and it will go about as well as you'd expect.
- Further elements from Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen tale will be implemented and adapted in this story.
- Elsa will be tested physically and emotionally like she's never been tested before. There are a lot of important things at stake and it will take a journey inwards for her to finally overcome demons, both literal and metaphorical.
- Olaf and Hans will interact because I think it's a massive crime we haven't seen this yet. The comedic potential is limitless and I think everyone in the fandom can agree on that. 😂
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msfbgraves · 3 years
Happy to conform: Anne, Heidi, Laura and Us
This is an answer to @cupcakefoggy's musings on L.M. Montgomery's works, and Anne of Green Gables in particular, and I'm putting it here because the original thread was about modern blockbusters and it would be a bit weird if I brought up Heidi.
But I am going to bring up Johanna Spyri's Heidi because that is how Anne Shirley reads to me - a Canadian version of the same trope: girl gets left at elderly caretakers and melts everybody's heart with her spontanuity that is as vibrant as her natural surroundings. She even becomes fast friends with both a local ruffian boy with a heart of gold but fewer prospects even than her (Ziegenpeter or Goat Peter in Heidi, Jerry in Anne) and a rich girl she needs to break out of the confines of propriety (Diana in Anne, Klara in Heidi).
I liked Anne and Avonlea, because like Heidi's Dörfli, there's something soothing about a young girl pushing the boundaries of propriety while never really getting punished for it. I also like it when a domestic sphere is given weight. It isn't easy to run a household, and there are a lot of big and small dramas in a domestic setting. But yeah - Anne, and Adelheid (her full name) and Laura Ingalls Wilder always end up nice and settled and domestic and maybe that's just 19th century cottage core: oh, to have a happy family and a rock solid relationship with your breadwinner who stays very much alive. Most of the writers' lives weren't like that, either. To us it is a bit of a letdown and very normative. A happy marriage and having your weirdness safely mellowed and ultimately accepted? That's it? That's your reward? Hardly glory on the battlefield. I've often wondered after reading, as a girl- aren't there any books written about the trials and triumphs of being a young wife? Does exciting life end with marriage? And there are, but they're nearly all tragedies: Rebecca, Madame Bovary, Lady Macbeth of Minsk, Anna Karenina, Miss Julie (who never gets there), Fontane's Effi Briest, Ibsen's Nora or A Doll's House, Couperus' Eline Vere (who also never gets there). All cautionary tales, by men, of what happens when young women step out of line! Possibly a happy stable marriage was the absolute best case scenario these women writers could think of when not actively preaching revolution...!
Modern adaptions of Anne, Heidi, Little House etc usually end when the heroine is about to grow into an adult, because for many modern girls, a stable marriage is not something they automatically aspire to as the be all end all. Yet, maybe E.L. Montgomery was living vicariously through Anne because what is scandalous in a woman is cute in a girl and she did not want to become a suffragette... Modern tales of everyday women's lives are also often either pamflets about women's 'natural place' or the trials and tribulations of what is essentially overwork in having to combine the duties of a housewife with a full time job while hoping your partner doesn't abscond. Not very aspirational or fluffy either.
And because so much hasn't changed, it is maybe Anne Shirley, the most traditional, that gets adapted more. As the dramaturg of a Dutch theatre group once taught me: every story we tell is about today, whether we set it in the past or not. That's why you get the dissonant feminist takes, the upped 'action' and sex in Anne with an E. They're only celebrating the battles already won, not what is still a problem. I mean, why is nobody ever criticising high heels? Class is a point of discussion with Diana, but they could have made it slightly clearer that by living in Canada, Diana is already on the way down, socially, and by choosing to not go to finishing school in Paris, it will be significantly harder to marry among the world elite. Amy March would have very firmly told her so. If she absolutely had to go to college, Diana, you dimwit, at least attend the Sorbonne. But that's not very egalitarian, is it? That's not the world we want to see...
So maybe we like Anne Shirley precisely because she mellows out of her weirdness and conforms, the way we still want her to...
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dragonselfship · 2 years
gift giving
A few stray crows fly up to where he’s sitting, perching on his shoulders and desk, marking up his current drawing with their dusty little feet. Carmina must have returned; they always find him before she does.
He gently shoos them away from his artwork, rubbing a finger under their beaks and on the downy feathers of their chests as they move, watching him with beady eyes.
The Artist blends in almost seamlessly with her surroundings, tall and gangly not unlike the twisting roots of the tree within her tower. She turns her head slowly towards his voice, the ghost of a smile upturning her ichor-stained lips.
She chirrups a greeting that he doesn’t quite understand but accepts anyways, more crows flocking around him as she ascends the stairs.
He notes that she seems more upbeat than usual; her Trial must’ve gone well.
“How’d it go?” He pets the crow nearest to him idly- it nuzzles its beak into his hand.
She hum-growls, sitting on the railing to the left of him and gesturing towards herself. It seemed as though she was focused on something else.
He furrows his eyebrows and slowly stands from his chair, approaching her. The crows readjust themselves with him, occupying his empty chair and landing on his head.
She’s holding something in her hand (how, he was unsure), and she extends it towards him when he approaches.
A handful of miscellaneous trinkets greet him; a small gear, a smooth pebble, a chipped and rusted coin, a piece of colored glass. A smile splits his face, and he gingerly takes each treasure from her inky palm. “Thank you, these are for me?”
While he’s inspecting the gifts(the coin is actually a quarter, he notes- maybe from the meat plant?), she fetches a nearby sketchpad and begins to write.
Yes, I’ve been collecting.
“It reminds me of the things the crows bring to us.”He muses, thinking of all the miscellaneous treasures their feathered friends bring to them (from who knows where).
I suppose we have similar taste. She laughs, a hoarse tittering sound that he’s grown to recognize.
“Thank you so much, you know I love little things like these,” He meets her eyes, and she smiles earnestly, a sight that once upon a time may have unsettled him, but no longer. He places the gifts carefully on his desk, before turning back to Carmina and wrapping his arms around her midsection.
She grows tense, like she always does- but it doesn’t last, and she returns the gesture with a quiet myriad of chirps and whistling groans.
“Lyubov!” A gruff, familiar voice calls out from the floor of the cabin, followed closely by the sound of things being dropped onto the dining room table. Winter peeks over the upper railing of the banister. Anna gazes up at him with a tilted head, quietly watching him as if she hadn’t yelled moments prior.
Okay, sure. He descends the stairs, careful to avoid the steps that are broken or breaking. Anna waits for him patiently, pulling out a chair to sit on. She’s humming.
“What is it?” Nothing seemed out of place- Anna, her hatchets, her mask- everything was in one piece. As he approaches, she reaches into the pocket of her overalls.
“Dlya tebya.” She produces a large, brassy coin that shines in the firelight. In her hand it looks smaller, but when she places it in his own he realizes how large it actually is- almost as big as his palm. Most of the engraving on it has been worn off, as if passed through thousands of fingers. It’s warm to the touch.
“Woah,” He murmurs, rubbing over the metal with his thumb. She must’ve found it during her latest Trial, and man, what a find. He tries not to think about how exactly she got it. “Thank you, this is so pretty.”
She nods once, taking a hatchet from her belt. While she polishes the steel head, she hums.
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longveil · 3 years
Other Truths
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[ Photo by Rowan Heuvel on Unsplash ]
Behind the cathedral, by steps that led to the quietude of the cemetery, an apartment overlooked the dark waters of Stormwind Harbor.
Where Light, Death, and the Deep met.
The heavy brass door knocker shaped in a Kraken’s form (or was it the form of something more ancient and ominous?) had long been removed. The elaborate lock had been exchanged for something simple, something more appropriate to whoever might next occupy the space. Gone as well was the vague sense of unease, of unwelcome, that often had passers-by taking their steps just the slightest bit faster. The wards upon the entry, the others that guarded the residence from scrying eyes - were no longer present.
Not to mention some of the more... questionable items... that had once been kept within.
Past the door, beyond the stairs, the apartment itself was all but bare. The wooden floors waxed, the walls devoid of even the most carefully chosen decorations. Bookshelves and wardrobes, a painting of spires that reached high above a lush forest’s boughs, even the treasured armchair embroidered in red and gold.
All had been removed.
Only a bottle of voidblend on the counter remained, and two sisters left to regard the empty shell of two years with glasses in hand.
“Last chance, Seraa. You sure?” Annadia took a healthy swig from her wineglass. She pursed her lips after swallowing, glaring wordlessly at the dark contents.
Seraanna’s sip was more leisurely, yet no less deep. There was faint melancholy in her eyes as she looked about the empty space.
“This has been a pleasing truth of... its time, and there is no portion of the path traveled that fully carries my regret,” she mused. “The Harbor, the House, the Hall. Whether brief or long, all have... made their contribution and been embraced in turn. But their truths are not what make... this choice.”
Seraa held up her glass, considering the liquid within. Filled with the dark between the stars. “Shadow seeks all paths and embraces them as truth, Annadia. Yet it does not require that all... truths be palatable. Some truths require distance, and this I shall... take. And for all the exquisite... distractions that remain, the butterflies and serpents left behind, there are yet other paths. Shapes yet unformed, limned in the foxfire of... myriad truths.”
Annadia snorted. “Fuck ‘em. Fuck all this lot. And any still in this shithole of a city.”
“...no.” Seraanna slowly shook her head, dark tousled hair shifting with the motion. “Do not judge... their truth. It is neither yours nor... mine. But for me, I will seek elsewhere. And perhaps find,” she offered a faded smirk, taking another small sip from her glass, “a truth warmed by crimson... flame. What is Shadow without Light to cast it, sister? And a coruscating... flame casts more than a single Truth by its... dancing shape.”
“Anyone else,” the sin’dorei muttered, “I’d say something about moths. But you? She better guard that flame.”
“The foxfire thrives... amidst Shadow.” A final sip and Seraanna left her empty glass on the counter next to the half-full bottle of voidblend. “A gift, for whomsoever finds this place. It is time... we took our leave, sister.”
Annadia tossed back the last of the voidblend, grimacing at the taste as she placed her glass next to Seraa’s. “You know, back when I was ah, training, in Murder Row? There was one guy that went out on his own after he’d passed his trials. The rest of us were just, ‘You’re made - why are you leaving?’ And I still remember what he said. ‘There’s other things out there. I can always come back if I don’t like it, if it doesn’t work out. But if I don’t go? I can’t ever come back.’”
A cant to Seraanna’s head as she peered at the sin’dorei rogue. “Always my... dearest sister, feigning the shallows yet surprising in her depths.”
“Don’t tell anyone, huh?” Anna offered a crooked arm. “Come on, let’s go.”
“...yes. To other... truths.”
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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Netflix miniseries is based on a story that exposed the scammer in 2018.
Inventando Anna arrived on the 11th in the Netflix catalog and remained for days in the first position of the Top 10 of the streaming platform. Shonda Rhimes’ 9-episode miniseries was based on a 2018 investigative story. Written by New York journalist Jessica Pressler, the story soon made the cover of the New Yorker and took the entire country over with the absurdities Anna Sorokin did for a living. luxurious.
Of course, in the series the names of the characters were changed, but the I love cinema came to show you that this did not do much to hide the real identity of the scammer and the other personalities in the miniseries.
Making Anna: Does Anna Sorokin’s Boyfriend Really Exist? Chase may have been inspired by real people
In Making Anna, Anna Delvey (Julia Garner) is an heiress to a very wealthy Russian family, or at least she claims to be. That is until a journalist realizes there’s more to the story than Delvey is telling.
Have you ever seen the characters in real life? Check out the actors and people who played in the miniseries.
Table of Contents
Julia Garner | Anna Sorokin
Laverne Cox | Kacy Duke
Katie Lowes | Rachel DeLoache Williams
Anna Chlumsky | Jessica Pressler
Alexis Floyd | Neffatari/Neff Davis
Todd Spodek (The Lawyer) | Arian Moayed
Julia Garner | Anna Sorokin
Julia Garner practically entered Sorokin’s body to play the con artist in the series. Even the facial expression at the trial is the same! That is acting! Of course, we also give credit to the makeup department, who did a great job.
Laverne Cox | Kacy Duke
Cox played fitness muse Kacy Duke (who even wrote a book on fitness!). The two even look very similar, even with different hair in the photos, we see that the makeup did its job.
Katie Lowes | Rachel DeLoache Williams
Former friend and victim of Anna’s lies, Rachel Williams went to trial and even wrote a book about her experience and friendship with the scammer. Lowes and Williams have a similarity and the hair only helps to improve how much they look alike.
Anna Chlumsky | Jessica Pressler
Chlumsky plays the journalist who exposed Anna to the world. In the series, Pressler’s name has changed to Vivian, but we know the truth. In addition to the name, this was the series choice with the least resemblance between an actress and a real-life character.
Alexis Floyd | Neffatari/Neff Davis
There’s nothing to say about this casting, Alexis Floyd rocked it! The real-life Neff is still friends with Anna Sorkin, even after all the lies. She also lends a helping hand to showrunner Shonda Rhimes while writing the series. Just to improve the friendship, Neff was the only person who got their money back from Anna (and by choice of the scammer!)
Todd Spodek (The Lawyer) | Arian Moayed
It seems that these two have known each other for a long time! Todd (left) and Arian Moayed (right) make an amazing duo that we didn’t even know was real. Spodek defended Anna at her trial, and while he didn’t walk out of court with Anna free, the lawyer only became more famous than he was when the series came out on Netflix.
How the Inventing Anna Cast Looks Compared to Their Real-LIfe Counterparts
The show may not be perfect, but Julia Garner is.
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dragonskxn · 3 years
Anna finally getting arrested for witch accusations
And ur muse is conveniently there at the trial
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nightlightbrothel · 10 months
I will say Fjorm was just a request but Anna is just about perfect considering her money grabbing. She'd be fitting for a brothel.
You're not wrong, though I almost feel like she'd be more fitting as a receptionist than a proper whore. Still, I'm open to doing a test RP with her if you want. A little bit of a trial run before I commit to the muse, as it were.
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red-doll-face · 4 years
That last one about Michael was perfect!! I loved the new idea of the reader stumbling into the killer campground! Could I request an expanded idea on that scenario, but more so just a reader interacting with Anna, Michael, Danny, Evan, etc.? If that makes sense
I had to say, this was fun to write but I suck at characterization, I made everyone a little too nice but what else do we need in these trying times? I wasn’t sure if you meant like altogether, I might save something like that for a special event so I made little drabbles for each one I hope you like them!! Thanks @prophxtslash for the food fight idea 😂🥣
Warnings: nothing really bad. Just some food fights and palling around with the killers. 
Dead by Daylight Killers x gn Reader
Anna ‘The Huntress’
In the rare instances that survivors came across killers, sometimes, the killers couldn't break old habits. Mostly, the killers like The clown or even Freddy liked to bully survivors, only doing what felt natural, they claimed. But Doctor or Dr. Carter took a liking to tormenting survivors in and out of trials. Though, what he did could be classified as annoying rather than life-threatening, thus staying within the entity’s rule of being unable to harm survivors outside of the trial.
“Stop it!” You slapped at the man’s hand, touching along your arm and sending tingles that made it feel like your arm fell asleep. The little slap caused more pain than anything, accidentally brushing one of the live wires embedded in his skin. He giggles and grins around the mouthpiece that gaped his lips showing bloodied teeth. You were surprised he didn't drool all over everything.
“Leave me alone.” You whined, trying to walk away from him. You only came to see the Huntress, as she requested you make her a doll after seeing your interest in her mother's old craft supplies when you were in a trial against her. You observed the little balls of yarn and the needles tucked against a cabinet as she came in toting her ax. You turned, as she tilted her head at your curiosity. Afterward, she approached you with the items, handing them to you. Watching with glee as you began to weave the old fading yarn together.
Now, the Doctor, seeing the little doll in your hands, tried to take it from you. Unfortunately, for you, there was no else at the campfire today besides The Doctor who was here to see Evan who was not here, much like Anna. As the fog cleared up ahead, revealing the person you were waiting for, Dr. Carter took advantage of your distraction. He made for the doll sitting in your palms. A hatchet whizzed by and nearly clipped him, causing him to look up at her. She pushed him back with her mere presence, The Doctor unhappily leaving you alone, disappearing into the trees. She turned to you and you handed her her gift. Her lips pulled into a smile, squeezing at your hand and the present alike.
Michael ‘The Shape’ Myers
The only reason you liked him, he rationalized, was because you liked everyone. Perhaps, not everyone, but you could tolerate killers. When they acted decent enough. You liked the killers enough to come to visit him at this campsite, to catch anytime he lingered around with the rest of the killers. He didn’t like them but he couldn’t chance any of the killers becoming fascinated with you as he had. He sat rigidly on the log, breathing evenly, facing the fire. If you didn’t come, he’d recede into the fog again more than eager to leave the rest of the killers behind.
Like he had invoked you himself, you drifted in from the darkness, eyes settling on him. You shared a strange intrigue with each other, content to sit in silence with one another. You knew others thought it creepy or weird but no one had the courage to say it to Michael's face.
He should have known your friendliness exceeded just him. The man wearing the face of someone else approached you and you recognized him, letting him hold your hands and shake you around in something resembling a dance. You laughed and tried to calm him down, lest Michael become angered. He tilted his head as other killers gravitated around you, watching as you become uncomfortable around the burnt small one. He came close, unnoticed, listening as he uttered vulgar words to frighten you. You looked more uncomfortable than afraid.
The cannibal tugged you away from the pest in the sweater. Michael, having had enough of seeing you get tugged around like a coveted toy, shoved the burnt one out of his way, pulling you from the grip of the man with the yellow apron. You wrapped your arms around him, finding comfort in the midnight blue of his coveralls and the smell of autumn that clung to him. Michael took the key to his house from his pocket and threw it in the campfire, burning in the cold flames. The mist swallowed you both. He’d have you to himself. Michael was never the type to share.
Danny ‘The Ghostface’ Johnson
“Eat it!” You shoved a spoon at Danny, maskless today so you could try the fabled survivor pudding. You heard it was salty and gross. You didn’t really know who exactly made it and what it was for. Well, there was only one way to find out. Make Danny eat it. He refused, obviously. Keeping his mouth closed would not deter you.
“No way! Get that shit out of here.” He pushed it out of your hands and you choked on your own laughter watching half spill out of the bowl. You put some on the spoon and bent the weak plastic thing back. It sailed in the air only to splatter all over Danny’s face. He closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows as you covered your mouth in shock.
“I meant to miss that, I swear.” You tried to stop the laughter from coming out but it wasn't working. Your snickers turned into full-blown bellyaching guffaws as it dripped down his face. He spit out whatever made it into his mouth. He gagged and you shook and cried at his expression. He glared and threw some at you, watching as it oozed down the side of your cheek. You gasped and it was his turn to laugh in your face.
“So, you can dish it but you can’t handle a little pudding?” He mocked, taking a finger and scraping some off your cheek. He motioned to put it in your mouth and you slapped his hand away. You wiped it off and caught him by the sleeve, forcing him to stay still. You smeared it across his forehead, his hands trying to grab your wrists. He dumped some onto your lap and in retaliation you dumped the rest over his head, trickling onto the black leather of his Ghostface outfit.
“Oh my fucking god.” You said, your head hurting from the sheer hysterics you were in. Tears leaked from your eyes as the yellowish paste seeped into his hair. He got up and tried to catch you, slipping out of his arms and into the trees, giggling as the paste shook out of his hair.
Evan ‘The Trapper’ Macmillan
A man his age and size shouldn’t be doing this. He could almost hear his father’s condescending voice. It was a feminine pursuit, at best for emasculated men who were afraid of work. But here, no one cared what the methodical Trapper did in his spare time. Especially not the entity who only concerned itself with his ability to sacrifice the survivors. In his offtime, he liked to draw on the thin, brittle paper that was left on the estate and charcoal. He’d smudge lines this way and that until it looked at least a little like what was in his head. And if it didn't then he'd try again.
Currently, his favorite muse was sat on a rock, whispering to the Pig. Friends it seemed, talking quietly between themselves. You tilted your head and cracked a smile as she made a motion with her hand. He tried his best to capture the gleam of the fire in your eyes. The slope of your neck. The position of your legs. He went back to his drawing, unaware of Amanda's words in your ear.
“Yup. Look at him. He’s staring at you.” You smiled and leaned to hear her words, “Evan’s had his eye on you for what has it been? Is time a thing anymore?” You looked at him, his huge form hunched over a flat surface, fingers tinged black. “I think he’s drawing you. Let’s go see.” She hopped off the rock, dropping into a crouch. She motioned for you to follow and you both crept, following her lead. Amanda's specialty being her ambush, she was much quieter. When you both arrived unnoticed behind him, she pointed down at his drawing and nodded excitedly. It was you. Sitting on the rock you and Amanda were conversing on.
“Hey, that’s really good!” You said without thinking and Amanda facepalmed as you observed the drawing. The thin charcoal in Evans' hand snapped in two at the disruption. He turned slowly to see your warm face, eyes wide with admiration for his talent. He wished he had drawn that expression instead.
Sorry if u can’t actually crotchet or knit. If it makes u feel better, I can’t either. Thanks for reading and I hope u enjoyed it! 😳
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dweetwise · 4 years
Hello, can I request a headcannon with the killers that has s/o that has a German Shepard as a pet and would take to trail as to protect and guard s/o.
[yes you can i love dogs asdfdg this made me so happy ;w;]
sort of crack what else is new
Killers X reader with German Shepherd
Evan will pretend to be disgusted by doggo and avoid you two. “Real men don’t care about animals,” his father’s words echo in his head. Still, he won’t place any bear traps the entire trial out of concern for puppy’s safety. Please take the dog to meet him properly after the trial, he’ll warm up to the idea of pets in no time.
Philip loves animals. When he rings his bell and uncloaks to approach you, puppy is spooked and he’ll be so disappointed! He’ll throw the entire trial to hang out with you two, trying to build trust with the dog, and is so happy when it finally lets him pet it!
Max is, um... ABORT MISSION OK. He has some unresolved issues with animals (see: cow tree incident) and you’ll need to hide puppy and give Max a very stern talking to before introducing them. Once Max realizes animal = fren, he’ll become instant besties with puppy!
Sally won’t be overjoyed but is willing to put up with the dog for your sake. “Can you stop barking, I’m trying to have a conversation with my partner,” she’ll scold the dog when it, understandably, is confused by a floating ghost lady approaching its master.
Michael ignores the dog entirely. It could chomp down on his leg and he’d just keep walking. One time, you were whisked away to a trial while you were visiting Haddonfield with your dog, only to return after to find Michael laying motionless on the floor with the dog sprawled out on his face, Michael refusing to move to acknowledge the animal.
Lisa immediately lunges for the dog upon seeing it. “LISA NO DON’T EAT —” you start, when you see she’s just hugging the puppy tightly, while it’s frozen in place and very confused why there’s a tiny person covered in mud clinging to it. “I used to have a dog when I was a child!” she’ll excitedly tell you while giving head pats to the dog with her non-taloned hand.
Anna will look at puppy, cocking her head while humming, with the dog mirroring the action to listen to her lullaby. “You bring food?” she finally asks you, pointing at the animal with her axe. “NO! He’s my friend!” you’re quick to explain. Anna ends up training the dog to locate survivors in trials, and now neither of you are allowed to bring it into trials with you anymore.
Herman... oh lord have mercy. Herman giggles maniacally while approaching the animal, shock charging in his hand. “DON’T,” you warn sternly, protectively stepping in front of the growling doggo. He huffs in disappointment, before shocking you instead. Your scream is more from frustration than pain, but puppy launches himself at Herman, biting into the killer’s arm. “Hmm... interesting reaction,” Herman muses to himself, lifting his bloodied arm (dog still hanging on) and not seeming to care about the pain.
Bubba is terrified of the dog. Even when you manage to get him to pet it after gently coaxing both him and the dog, his hand is shaking. It’s going to take a lot of work to get him to trust such a ‘scary-looking’ animal.
Frank thinks German Shepherds are cool as fuck and fit his ‘badass’ image. He’ll often sneak puppy away from you, prancing around with it in the killers’ camp or trials to try to look tough. That being said, he’s secretly a huge softie and you’ll often find him cuddling the dog in his sleep when he thinks no one will see.
Joey just wants to chill with you and puppy. He’ll let the dog climb all over him and give him sloppy puppy kisses, and he’ll carry the dog around in his lap like a chihuahua. If your dog didn’t sleep in your bed before, too bad it does now because “He’s a family member and is not sleeping on the floor!” according to your boyfriend.
Julie is more of a cat person, but she’s more than happy to play with the dog. When she’s trowing the same stick for the 35th time in their game of fetch, you sneak off to repair a generator and neither of them notice.
Susie... well. “Who’s a good boy? A-who’s a good boy!? You are! Yes you are!” She loves the dog almost as much as she does you and will be extremely sad if you ever visit her without bringing your furry companion with you.
Danny won’t notice the dog at first, sneaking up to you in a trial and smacking your ass playfully. When you yelp in surprise, puppy growls and pounces on the killer, tacking him to the ground. Danny is screaming bloody murder while thrashing under the animal, while the dog is not even doing anything, just looking at him like ‘wtf is wrong with this dude’. It takes you a while to get puppy off of him because you’re laughing so hard.
Caleb is pretty cool with the concept of you having a dog. He doesn’t particularly like pets, but is willing to put up with it. Though he will snark at you to get the dog under control every time it starts growling when he kisses you or if, god forbid, it dares to jump on the bed with you.
Adiris will be like “Ah, a creature made to serve me”. She takes its leash and just... prances around in the trial, puppy following obediently behind her. When she gives the dog back, she’ll praise you for training it so well and give you a big smooch.
Kazan will be surprisingly accepting of the dog, as the most honorable samurai of his time had canine companions. It’s not the same breed, but hey, can’t be picky in the fog. Prepare for a couple of arguments when he wants to teach the dog to maul survivors and you just want it to be a cuddly friend.
Rin is wary of puppy and the feeling is mutual. She's pretty misinformed about the breed, but will be reassured when she sees how well-trained puppy is. Some mischief ensues when puppy once mistakes her floating leg as a new toy and takes off with it, causing an angry Rin to phase after it to catch up.
Pyramid Head will just stare at the dog, then tilt his headpiece in an unimpressed manner as if to say “Really?”. He’ll come around once he realizes puppy makes a fantastic guard dog, and he’ll let it roam the halls of the school outside of trials to look for intruders while he focuses on spending more time with you.
Amanda vibes with the breed being misunderstood and instantly wants to be a puppy mom. She’ll make a spiked collar for the dog, despite your protests. Will make a very pretty picture laying on the couch chilling with the dog, wearing her leather jacket and puppy wearing his new studded leather collar.
(Bonus: Clown running as fast as his chubby legs will carry him while Freddy is getting mauled by the dog into a bloody pile next to him. Clown slips on a pile of dog poop and the animal catches up to him, lunging for his throat. A small distance away, you’re watching the spectacle unfold with Quentin who high-fives you with a smug grin.)
(Bonus 2: The Demogorgon finds you in a trial, but puppy jumps in front of you and growls at the killer. Demo screeches, opening his maw wide and causing puppy to slink down in submission and whimper pathetically. Demo closes his mouth and cocks his head. Puppy starts wagging his tail and curious butt sniffing ensues between the dog and the killer.)
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kissofthemuses · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Ysabeau “Bo” Dennis ALIAS: Beth Dennis SPECIES: succubus (hybrid blood) OCCUPATION: private investigator FANDOM: Lost Girl
FACECLAIM: Anna Silk PRONOUNS: she/her AGE: 47 HAIR: black-brown EYES: blue HEIGHT: 5'9″ ORIENTATION: bisexual
MOTHER: Aife, Mary Dennis (adoptive) FATHER: Hades, Sam Dennis (adoptive) GRANDPARENTS: Trick BEST FRIEND: Kenzi LOVERS: Dyson, Lauren
MBTI: ESFP-A / “Adventurer” ALIGNMENT: neutral good TEMPERAMENT: melancholic ENNEAGRAM: type 4
POWERS: superhuman strength, seduce, calm down, or manipulate Fae and humans by touch, feeding by drawing and absorbing chi (life energy), ealing through siphon of chi and by absorption of energy created by sexual activity, resurrect Fae and humans by transferring chi into them, can see aura of sexual energy, stamina and agility, longevity
Threads Headcanons Musings Inspo
Little was known about Bo's early life beyond the fact that her birth mother, Aife, gave her up as an infant so that her evil father, a Dark King, would not keep her. She lived with her adoptive human parents as "Beth Dennis" and grew up in Grimley, believing that she was human. Her deeply religious conservative parents often took her to church and, moreover, they taught her that sex was evil. Despite her upbringing, during her first sexual experience at the age of eighteen she was unable to control her urges and unintentionally killed her boyfriend, Kyle Williams, by chi-draining him. Scared and confused, she turned to her parents for their succor, but instead, they revealed that she was adopted. They informed Bo that they knew nothing of her origins and that the only trace they had of her past was a baby photo of her with the name "Bo" written on the back. Angered, she ran away from home, creating different identifications in order to escape detection, not only fearing that she was being sought for Kyle's murder, but fleeing after killing a sex-partner.
In the show's first episode, It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World, Bo is seen working as a bartender at a hotel bar. This is where she first meets Kenzi, who is there pick-pocketing its clients. An aggressive male patron targets Kenzi, slips a date-rape drug into her drink, and then follows her to the elevator. Bo, who had seen what he had done and knew what he was up to, followed them, and to save Kenzi she chi-drained and killed him. When the body is later discovered, both Dyson and Hale, Light Fae who work as detectives in the human police force, surmise that the man was killed by a Fae and investigate further. When they realize Bo is the assailant, they abduct her and take her to The Ash for interrogation.
Dr. Lauren Lewis, the Light Fae's human physician and scientist, examines Bo and is able to deduce that Bo is a Succubus. Bo is confused but happy to find out that she is not abnormal and that there are others like her. Lauren informs Bo that with help she can learn to control her powers and no longer unwittingly kill someone in order to feed, which greatly relieves Bo.
Bo is forced by the Fae to prove herself in a "trial by combat", after which she is given the choice to align herself with either the Light or Dark Fae clan. But after Kenzi had risked her own life to find out what had happened to Bo and try to help her, Bo refuses to join either side, proclaiming, "I choose humans!"
Although the two Fae leaders of the local territory, The Ash and The Morrigan, were uncertain about Bo's decision to remain neutral, Trick convinced them to accept it in order to find out who had been responsible for concealing her existence for so many years.
With Kenzi as her "sidekick," Bo established herself as a private investigator for Fae and human clients, her neutral status allowing her to interact with Light Fae and Dark Fae for information, even if she is not protected against attacks by either clan.
In Caged Fae, Bo asked Lauren to be with her in a committed relationship. Although her succubus feeding needs eventually made it difficult for her to continue to be sexually exclusive, it was the first time Bo had willingly tried to be in a monogamous relationship and the first time she said "I love you" to a romantic partner.
Through events that transpired, Lauren became increasingly discouraged, driving her to examine the relationship they had together. In Delinquents, Lauren told Bo that she thought she would always be asking from her more than she could give in return, and revealed her unhappiness. After years with the Fae, what had happened to Nadia, and the battle against The Garuda, Lauren felt that she was losing herself, and thought they needed a break. Apprehensive and heartbroken, Bo agreed to a separation.
In Turn to Stone, Bo is informed by The Keeper of The Una Mens that her blood had chosen a side and it was Dark Fae.
In Waves, however, it emerged that Bo had deliberately aligned herself with the Dark so that she could find her way back to the Death Train and save Rainer from it. She had created the Succubus Declaration herself and had Rainer witness her signature, appearing as her sponsor. Knowing she would lose her memory of her month on the train when she left it, Bo set up a series of clues to find her way back to it and Rainer.
In End of a Line, Rainer's face suddenly materialized in a blank page of a book at The Clubhouse, and when Tamsin asked Bo who it was, a surprised Bo told her it was Rainer, the one who had hired Tamsin to find Bo; however, Tamsin informed Bo that the face was not that of "her boss" – which meant that Rainer was not The Wanderer.
While searching for information about Rainer in a history book from the Dark Fae archives, Lauren found the image of The Wanderer in it. She read the prophecy to Bo and showed her the image, and though it bore a resemblance to Rainer, Bo refused to heed Lauren's warning about her involvement with him. Afterwards, Rosette (The Knight) told Bo and Rainer that if by the seventh day of Rainer leaving the Death Train the two were not united as each other's spouse, he would die. To save his life and, she thought, for what was right for her family and good of the Fae, Bo went through with the handfasting ceremony. However, their becoming united was a trick by Rosette that made it possible for the portal to Hel to be opened and release the Lord of Darkness (Origin).
In Dark Horse, Bo concluded that she was, in effect, a hybrid after she asked Trick to tell her everything he knew about her blood. Trick explained to Bo that Aife had his Light blood — the blood of a mage — blood that drained life for nourishment or self survival. But the blood of her father, whoever he might be, allowed her to draw life from many victims, and transfer that life force to someone other than herself. She had inherited the abilities of both her mother and her father.
In Like Hell Pt.2, Bo discovered through Persephone that she was born in Hel (aka Tartarus).
Bo and Lauren continued to cooperate in Fae matters, but had not been intimate again. They were in Evony Fleurette Marquise's (The Morrigan) Marquise Medical Clinic, where Lauren had become its chief medical officer, when a cataclysmic storm created by the Ancients caused a blackout and, when alone, Lauren revealed to Bo the real reason why she was "working" for Evony. They seized the moment and made love for the first time since their separation (Here Comes the Night). After their coupling, Bo considered what she truly desired and told Lauren that she wanted to be together with her. Lauren was caught off-guard and hesitated; however, afterwards, she accepted being in a relationship again (End of Faes).
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sinnhelmingr · 3 years
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dbd ship bias go! // anonymous
Meg/Raven. This is one that me and my buddy Ferret are teasing, with Lea as the bird of prey and Meg as the rabbit caught in an eternal chase. But it’s more than that, it’s not as dire as it sounds. Lea will have to strike eventually, but until then she’s the one circling above, her shadow leading Meg away from what must be avoided, just as Meg listens to her and watches overhead, wondering if that old bird ever gets tired. Meg is the first one to really trust Raven’s intentions, and in turn Lea shows a bit more loyalty to Meg outside of trials -- and even in Trials, she has been known to show mercy that is uncharacteristic even for her rebellious ways. There’s a lot of potential here that I am very excited to explore, so these two get my top spot.
Huntress/Raven. Listen it is supertext that Raven is an androgynous femme who wants the big buff Siberian butch to tear her in half with her bare hands. Lea sees those aesthetics and is smitten from the word go. Now we have yet another raven/rabbit motif, but this time, it’s the raven that is at risk. Both have known the cold, the loneliness, and brought down far greater adversaries. There’s a thread of recognition between them that helps to balance their at odds aesthetics and eras. Delve beyond Raven’s stupid sub brain, and there is gold in those hills, at least as I imagine it. I live and die for the idea of Anna just scooping Lea up and making off with her tiny wife, and the two irritating their peers by being sugary sweet and gay af.
Charlotte/Raven. Two disfigured women from a historical period of faith being used to subjugate others, who were used by Fog cultists and ultimately lost so much of themselves in different ways. The two could really connect, I think, if they had a chance to work past their individual problems, and if Charlotte could open up to her, something might happen there. Unfortunately. I muse Victor, and in my brain he just goes bite maim kill whenever the two have a more physical moment as friends, such as hand-holding. That little man is going to go ballistic if Lea further monopolizes his sister’s valuable time. Still, I think the bite marks would be worth it for the two to have even a brief moment of happiness in their otherwise bleak lives.
Ash/Raven. This. This one came out of a shitpost. A joke with friends. Ash will flirt with any woman he sees at least once, just to get it out of his system, and respect their response in terms of if they’re reciprocating, humoring him, or clearly disinterested. Then there’s Raven, who cannot understand his strange little language and is baffled by his gestures. Ash calls her Sugar and tries to sweet talk her into turning him loose in Trials. He also jokes to his fellow Survivors that older chicks dig him and he has experience with time travel romances. Ash cannot get a read on whether Raven is into this, confused by this, or killing him because of it. Lea, likewise, cannot get a read on anything Ash is doing, and yet admits he has some charm and that it might be working on her regardless of the language barrier.
Plague/Raven. She’s a tall, sexy, half-rotted adherent to an ancient religion who sees the Trials as part of her duties. Raven is a tall, classically beautiful, half-monstrous adherent to an ancient religion who is made to see the Trials as part of her duties. It’s like poetry. It flows. Lea probably does want Adiris to step on her in much the same way that she wants Anna to snap her in half. There’s something about women who could absolutely wreck Lea’s shit that she just finds innately sexy. That said, IDK how they’d work around that language barrier or if I can even see Adiris being willing to play ball, but I hold the mere concept close to my heart and think about it pretty often when the subject of shipping Raven comes up.
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siilkyhearts-a · 3 years
4- Which of your muses is the most sensible? 5- Which of your muses is the idiot? :^)
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4. Definitely Makoto, she often tries to think with her head but can be a little blinded by rage or anger that time. Same with Blaze, she often focuses on her goal but also is considerate of others' safety. Chiaki is also one who has calmed down her other classmates and want them to focus on the trial or what's important. As for Kaede, she tries but it tends to backfire on her.  
5. Oh easy: Ibuki, Diane, Vanille, Kaede, Nene, Anna, Xion, Stocking, Uraraka, Botan, Marinette and maybe sometimes Sonic and Frisk too. :) They all can be reckless, impulsive, flustered, hyper...just all the things that they do and it either helps or backfires on them lol.
Multi-muse Questions
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Is that Wendy Slinkhard stepping out into Diagon Alley? Ministry records tell us that they were born on February 14th and are a twenty-three year old, half-blood werewolf who works as an assistant at the Diagon Alley Apothecary. Some have said that they can be described as being bright, hard-working, and selfless, however, they also see themselves as being secretive, distrustful, and uncertain. Apparently, she looks a lot like Kristine Froseth, whoever that is, and if they had to pick a side in the war, they would choose to remain neutral.
Full Name: Wendy Julianna Slinkhard 
Name Origin: Wendy was named after her maternal grandmother, Wendy, and her paternal grandmother, Julia. The name Wendy is of English origin and means friend or blessed ring. It was made popular by the novel Peter Pan, which had ironically been a favorite book of her father. Her middle name, Julianna means youthful, and followed the trend of the time of adding ‘Ana’ or ‘Anna’ to a name like Julie. 
Age: Twenty-three
Birthday: February 14th 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Relationship Status: Single
Positive Traits: bright, hard-working, selfless
Negative Traits: secretive, distrustful, uncertain
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Patronus: Heron- The heron is known for its outstanding determination and intelligence. Herons live in three elements: water, earth, and air, revealing that the animal appreciates diversity. You have a mind like no other and work on whatever you’re working on until you’ve finished it.
Boggart: Since being turned into a werewolf, her boggart would appear as her wolf form, usually with a bloody snout and a hungry look in her eyes. Wendy is most afraid of the wolf inside of her and what it means for her. 
Wand Type: Walnut, unicorn hair, 10 ½ inches, rigid.
Highly intelligent witches and wizards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut wands are often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability. A note of caution, however: while some woods are difficult to dominate, and may resist the performance of spells that are foreign to their natures, the walnut wand will, once subjugated, perform any task its owner desires, provided that the user is of sufficient brilliance. This makes for a truly lethal weapon in the hands of a witch or wizard of no conscience, for the wand and the wizard may feed from each other in a particularly unhealthy manner.
Occupation: Assistant at the Apothecary in Diagon Alley
Affiliation: Neutral
Key information / Biography:
The only child of an artist and his muse Wendy had a happy but unconventional childhood.  Raised amongst a group of artists and musicians, Wendy’s childhood was happy but never particularly stable. They spent a lot of time moving from place to place, and they never really had much money which caused tension between her parents. Wendy’s mother was the only witch in the bunch, and Wendy spent most of her childhood playing with the other muggle children of the other artists. As she got older she began to see the cracks in her parents relationship and she started to act out and grow anxious from her surroundings.
When Wendy was eight her father, Ian, left Jacqueline and Wendy to fend for themselves after a particularly nasty fight. Wendy doesn’t like to think much about this time of her life. Wendy remembers feeling more anxious than usual and her mother crying a lot before Jacqueline decided to move them back in with her parents in Ottery St. Catchpole. Living with her grandparents gave Wendy the first stable home that she had had and she started to flourish again, even as her mother began to fall apart. She became incredibly close with her Grandmother, who was her namesake, and she enjoyed spending time in the forest and baking with her grandmother. 
When she turned eleven she received her Hogwarts letter and it made her sad to leave her grandparents and mother behind, but she was excited to finally get to go to Hogwarts, which she had dreamed of for most of her childhood. Sorted into Ravenclaw, Wendy excelled in school. She had always had a hunger to learn more and she loved sitting in the common room debating different theories and solving puzzles. Her best subject was always potions, but she did well in most of her subjects. When she was fifteen, her grandfather passed away and a few months later, her grandmother followed suit. Losing her grandparents had devastated her and when she came home that summer, her mother told her that she planned to sell her grandparents cottage and told her that they were going to move in with Jacqueline’s new husband. Wendy fought her mother, begging that she keep the cottage for Wendy to live in when she graduated from Hogwarts. It was only after Wendy threatened to never talk to her mother again that her mother gave in and promised to keep the cottage for her. 
When she graduated from Hogwarts Wendy had several different offers to choose from at the Ministry and ultimately took a position in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Her life was going the way that she had always planned for it to, she was seeing a man that she thought that she might marry one day, was living in her grandparents cottage, and had a job that had a lot of potential for making change in the world. 
But it all came crumbling down in 1976. Impassioned by the work that she was doing at the Ministry, she wrote an article questioning the status of Werewolves that added to the debate of if Werewolves should be considered beast or being and sent it in to the Prophet on a whim, and it was later published as a guest column. Wendy hadn’t meant any harm in the article, but Fenrir Greyback had taken notice of it, and the following full moon after the article had been published, Wendy was attacked by a werewolf and bitten. 
Wendy doesn’t have any memory of the actual attack, although sometimes flashes of what she thinks was that night seeps into her nightmares. She can remember waking up in St. Mungo’s and the complete devastation when she was told what had happened. The Ministry kept what had happened quiet, not wanting to frighten other employees and Wendy resigned from her position from her bed at St. Mungo’s. Her mother rarely visited and when she did she kept her distance. Wendy didn’t tell a soul what had happened to her, the only people that knew were the healers that took care of her and a few people in the Ministry. 
The first time that she returned to her grandparents cottage after her release from St. Mungo’s, she quickly realized that she could no longer live there. It no longer held the happy memories of her years with her grandparents and instead became the place where her life was effectively destroyed and ruined. Broken-hearted, she had gone to her mom’s home where she was promptly shown the door. Her mother’s new husband didn’t want her around their new family and since her mother had never put her grandparents house in her name, she had no recourse to get the money from the sale of the cottage. 
With the little savings that she had from her few years working, Wendy found a small flat above one of the shops in Knockturn Alley. She became withdrawn from her friends, broke up with her boyfriend who had learned the truth about what had happened, and struggled with trying to figure out what her new life would look like.
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