#Trisha Galore
iuidic · 6 months
Hai! And welcome to my blog! My name is Robin (he/him) and this is a blog for me to talk and for YOU to ask me questions abt me and my ocs :3!! Some rulez abt questions first:
I may not always respond, dont take that as a personal thing, i am jst one dude! I'll try rlly hard to answer tho
I am a minor, dont ask me anything weird or I will find you :3
Dont ask any hateful things, I just wont respond. This blog for is fun, not for evil, negative things
Be nice, or don't and get blocked
NOOWWWW the fully completed oc list! Its rlly long so I'll jst do names and pronouns
Regretavator ocs!:
L33t (he/it)
Personal ocs!!:
Dib (he/they/it)
90s Gradient (they/he)
Suzuki Hamari (she/her)
Possum/Poss (he/zem)
Noo Noo (they/them)
Vi/Vivian (she/her)
Dion (she/her)
Franki (he/they)
Tomzie (they/them)
Amy (she/they)
Jess (she/her)
Octavia (she/her)
Robin (he/they)
Charlie (he/him)
Jeremy (he/him)
Gage (he/him)
Farren (he/xe)
Flynn (they/them)
Alphonse (any/all)
Winfred (he/she)
Gizmo (they/it)
Lydia (she/her)
Marianna (she/they)
Spike (they/he)
Nichole (She/her)
Trisha (any but fem presenting)
Runako (Runa) Miyuna (she/her)
Minori Ukyō (she/her)
And the list grows!! Ocs galore!!! Enjoy this blog :3!!!
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
a wild MOM has appeared! // starter for @stonedeafdog!
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Another month, another mandatory check-up at the military medical office. Trisha had already felt small whenever she went on these trips to Central, but actually being in the very building the city made its home around made her feel very, very, veeeeery tiny and odd, like a sore thumb in the middle of high-functioning efficiency. Even when she dressed her best ( which, albeit, was still quite humble ), military folks marched along in their full-suit regalia with badges galore and shiny blue caps.
She did not belong here and it showed. Most would feel the urgency to leave in her place, but the thing was these trips to Central felt wasted if they were done only for medicinal checks. She wanted to make something of the damn thing if it had to drag her out of Resembool every month! However, the sad fact was that her boys never had their timing lined up just right whenever she landed in the city, and it felt lonely to do.. well, just about anything without the proper company. Pinako came along whenever she was available, but this turned out to be one of those times where Trisha had to make the train alone due to automail rushes.
The farmer shifted on her feet and glanced about, hands rubbing over whitening knuckles anxiously. Then, her eye caught the sight of a very relaxed gentleman who, in her opinion, also stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone was rushing to and fro, carrying papers, visiting offices, chattering on the landlines, but he was just.. sitting there, no work being done at all. No doubt earning a scoff or shake of the head from his fellow officers as they passed him by. As such, he, Emil Roth, became what she hoped was her perfect target.
So, Trisha went on and made her way over to the state alchemist and gave him a few gentle pokes on the side of the head to greet him. Tap tap tap.
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Herrin Des Rings *MEIN SCHATZ* 😉
Ich wünsche euch schöne Pfingsten. Lasst es euch gut gehen und schaut euch mein neues Video an. Viel Spaß.
Eure Trisha
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
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Dressing to the nines. ~
Trisha can’t afford nice things so Claudia & Lizzie decided to spoil her for the occasion! She’s having a quiet heart attack hoping she doesn’t tear it or spill anything. :) Meanwhile, Malaria jumps at any chance where she can show up looking like a suspicious widow.
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guess who got back into The Wayhaven Chronicles again :’) pic crew time
Detective Zae Benenati nonbinary (they/them), bisexual, mommy issues galore. has a thing for Ava, has a bad habit of getting back together with Bobby when they’re down.
Detective Trisha “Trish” Ikeda cis woman, lesbian, bold of you to assume she has ever cared about a man’s opinion. soft and sweet for Nat, saltmates with Morgan.
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wlwinry · 5 years
that summer breeze (the way it’s calling me)
okay so ik ive got like seven other unupdated wips but lemme just. lemme just start another one. it’s an edwin tangled au and ed’s rapunzel and winry's the thief and it’s gonna be stupid and cute and sad y’all ready? y’all ready.
chapter list:
prologue: you are here!
chapter one: here
All good stories start with once upon a time. Not this one. This one begins with a lost prince, the sun, a thief, and a birthday. Throw in some glowing lanterns, a tower, tragic backstories on all sides and plenty of budding romance, and now you’ve got a thief in love with a prince-who-doesn’t-know-he’s-a-prince, magic galore--
And of course, seventy feet of magic glowing hair.
Once upon a time, there was a god, and a kingdom. No, wait—that’s too cliché.
              This is the story of how I died.
              Now, don’t worry! This is actually a very fun story, a little bit wacky, honestly, and it has a happy ending, I promise. It’s going to be loads of fun—but just, spoiler alert, right? I die at the end, and I’m not even the main character, so there’s no need to worry. But let’s start from the beginning. The proper beginning. With the source of all life.
              Our story begins with the sun. The god of the sun, to be precise, and the Kingdom of Xerxes. For you see, the royal bloodline of Xerxes was tied to sun magic. Half of those with royal blood, particularly the heirs to the kingdom, could wield it in some capacity, whether it was to heal, to protect, or to destroy. And among that half…among that half were a rare few who had so much magic, so much power that they were considered the children of the god itself. A single touch could heal a wound, their voices could turn barren wastelands into lush forests, and their fury could burn kingdoms to ash. There was only one every five generations, and these rare sun-wielders were called Sunspeakers.
              And it just so happened that one of the princes of Xerxes was a Sunspeaker.
              The eldest son of King Van Hohenheim and Queen Trisha Elric was legendary even before his tale truly unfolded. The Queen had fallen sick with a deadly illness, but the unborn child’s magic had healed her from the inside out. Against all odds, she survived—and gave birth to a healthy (if small) baby boy with eyes and hair of gold. This on its own wouldn’t mean much, as the king had the same coloring, but when touched by the sun…
              The boy glowed. Winding patterns covered his skin, like golden ivy, swirling over the skin of a child who had no idea what power he wielded—the power of a god. Immortality, eternal life, the ultimate weapon…all contained in the tiny body of an infant.
              Lesser rulers would have considered him a weapon of defense. Lesser parents would have used him to rise above their proverbial station. But the king and queen never considered either of those things for a moment, taking one look at their son and deciding that his power changed nothing. He was their son, their beloved child, and they would love him and raise him just the same as they would have otherwise. The kingdom rejoiced at the birth of their Sunspeaker prince, and on his first birthday, the two rulers lit a lantern and launched it into the sky to celebrate.
              But not all who learned of the prince’s power were good at heart. A man long-since banished from Xerxes, who sought eternal life, who sought the power of gods, learned about the birth of a new Sunspeaker and selfishly wanted the boy’s power for himself. One night, while the king and queen were sleeping, he broke into the castle—and upon seeing that the stories were true, stole the child, and vanished without a trace.
              He took the child far, far away, to a tower deep in a forest beyond the kingdom’s borders, and hid him away. At first, he tried to make him use his power immediately, to teach him how to destroy, but after the child burned away his own leg, he ceased. He taught the child a healing spell that would keep him alive and imbue him with strength, tricked him into believing his missing leg came from a wound inflicted by bandits who wanted to use his magic for wicked purposes. To control him, he led him to believe that his power was tied to his hair, never allowing him to cut it for fear that he’d “lose his magic”…and never, ever letting him leave the tower, convincing him of the terrible things that waited outside.
              But the boy grew curious, as all children do. Distracted himself with painting and books and baking, whatever he could get his hands on, but his gaze would always turn to the window that was his only connection to the outside world. He would wander to the sill, stand on it and lean out into the sun, drinking in the light, the feel of the wind on his face—but every time, his eyes would fall to the empty space where his leg should’ve been, and he’d remember what waited outside. The monsters that wanted his magic, the cruel selfish world that would take his hopes and dreams and desires and crush them without thinking twice. And he would step back, staring down at the world that waited below the tower’s one entrance, before closing the shutters and hiding away.
                Except for one night a year.
              Except for his birthday.
              Because the king and queen, even after years went by and the boy’s little brother was born, never forgot the son they’d loved and lost. They mourned him, and kept looking for him, desperate to find their beloved child—and their youngest ended up taking up the search, eager to find the big brother he’d never known. But that part of the story comes much, much later, long after eighteen years of watching lights soar up into the sky when his father was fast asleep.
              Just like they did when he was born.
              Every year, without fail, no matter what their kingdom was facing, no matter what illnesses befell them, the king and queen would launch a lantern into the sky, like a single, shining star calling him home. And every year without fail, the kingdom joined in, from the highest-ranking noble to the lowliest beggar, and lifted a lantern into the air for their little lost prince. Praying that he would see them, and know they were for him. Know that they hadn’t given up on their Sunspeaker prince yet, and never would.
              On that night, every year, the boy would sneak out of his bedroom and over to the windowsill, opening the shutters oh-so quietly so his father wouldn’t hear. He’d sit on the sill, leg dangling over the side, watching and waiting for the floating lights to drift into view. He’d watch until they faded, entranced by shimmering colors and the fact that a world so cruel, so cold, could make something so beautiful—and he couldn’t shake the feeling that, somehow, the lights were meant for him. But every time he brought it up, and begged to see them, even just from the cliffs above the valley, he was shut down.
              Brutally. Coldly, as his father seemed to do many things, flip-flopping from kind and warm to cruel in seconds. Slowly, he stopped asking, until he gave up on the thought of seeing the floating lights entirely. Until, well…
              Eighteen years went by, the boy unwittingly feeding his father’s power and growing more and more hollow, the kingdom growing more and more hopeless, and in the middle of it all, there was a crown. The boy’s crown. Protected day and night, beautiful and intricate, and most importantly, worth a fortune.
              So perhaps the prequel starts with the sun…but the story really starts with a thief, a crown, and the boy it belonged to.
              As for what happened next, well, you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?
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IThis is an one shot inspired by my last post. It is about Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens who goes back to Oakland after being in the Navy Seals and celebrates his 27th birthday at the local club, seeing something, more like someone, he likes. This contains angst and some light SMUT smut.
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Friday, Feb. 9, 2016
    It was a chill night on the birthday boy’s birthday. He planned on staying and play 2K like he had been since he got back. He sat on his couch in a pair of black and red basketball shorts and and a white long sleeve shirt that covered his marks with gold rim glasses on. He grabbed his cup of ice cold Sparkletts water playing the game in one hand. He finally made a three pointer right when his phone rung; he paused the game and answered. “Yo, this E”. 
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   “WASSSSSSSSSSSSSUP”, his friend, Jae, yelled making Erik laugh. “What up, my brutha”, he asked. “Aye, man. What we getting into tonight?” Erik chuckled and said “I ain’t gonna do shit. You already know how I am when it comes to my birthday. Nah, I’m good”. He all of a sudden heard a knock on the door; it was Jae when he opened it. “What the fuck you mean you ain’t gonna do shit? Its yo 27th birthday and they poppin at the club right now.” Erik folded his arms and said “first off, watch who you think you talking to and second I don’t feel like doing shit”. He flopped on the couch and looked through his phone. “Man, E. Yo ass tripping. Look at you. Sitting up here with yo PS and phone on hand tryna find some bitch to fuck when you can easily go out and get yo dick wet.” Erik rolled his eyes and kissed his teeth. He sat there thinking and finally stood. “Ight, man. Where we going?” 
“The Boom Boom Room”.
“Nigga, it sounds like it seems like cans of bounce that ass and unpaid child support. I’m good, ma g”, Erik said with a straight face walking to his bedroom. “No, there is some fine ass females and I KNOW yo ass love some black women, man.” Erik stopped and rolled his neck thinking ‘damn, they are my weakness’. He kept walking before he closed the bedroom door, he said “give me thirty minutes.” Jae clapped his hands in excitement and made his way downstairs. Erik had his dreads braided back with a fresh long sleeve black tee, dark blue jeans and leather combat boots on. He grabbed his phone, keys and wallet before locking up; they were on their way.
  Once they got in, it was actually a nice setting. Red lightening, huge bar and matching dance floor with Future’s Low Life playing. Erik looked around at all the women around; brown, light, caramel galore. He looked to the bar, at Jae then motioned for them to make their way. He strolled through the crowd passing through all the beautiful women and smiled to himself. I can get used to this, he thought. “Let me get a Jack and Coke on the Rocks” he asked the male bartender; he nodded and started to make the drink. Jae ordered the same and placed his debit card down opening a tab. 
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    “Thanks, man”, Erik said and patted his friend’s back. “Aight, aight. I gotta request to play this for Trisha from her secret admirer. This Bryson Tiller with..” The DJ played Don’t and before you know so many women were singing off key that made E and J laugh. E got his drink and began sipping when he looked over into the crowd and saw a brown skin woman with maroon shade box braids down to her behind in a nice white tube top matching skirt and white go go boots that made her short curvy frame, tall and appealing. She was swaying her hips to the beat while lip syncing the lyrics.
“Girl, said he keeps on playing games And his loving ain't the same I don’t know what to say-ay but What a shame If you were mine you would not get the same If you were mine you would top everything Suicide in the drop switching lanes And that thang so fire baby no propane Got good pussy girl can I be framed To keep it 100 girl I ain't no saint But he the only reason that I'm feeling this way Giving you the world baby when you get space Playin' game get me laid, baby let's penetrate oh baby.”
   Erik raised his brow slowly as he sipped from his cup and with half a smirk watching her carefully. The way she moved was like a magician which a watch dangling in front of him, hypnotizing him. When she turned, all he heard was “Y/N Y/L/N, get yo cute ass over her girl.!” She smiled, excused herself from her large group of friends and made her way to the men. She reached them and said “waddup, Jae. How you been, baby boy?” She gave him a big and he said “aw, y’know me. Trynna keep my ass outta trouble and what not. Who told you ass to look like a nice cup of chocolate milk, huh?”
“Bwoy, bye. I look good as hell. I got so many niggas in here approaching me and shit, it ain’t even funny.”
   Jae looked over at Erik and can tell he was in LaLa Land mentally drooling. “Aye, guess who back.” She looked at the man Jae was pointing at and asked “E? It can’t be.” Her smile warmed him up and he said “wassup.” She gave him a big hug with her arms around his torso and he placed his cup down on the counter. He placed his hand on her lower back and said “damn, a lot has changed, huh kid?” The last time they saw each other, it was their high school graduation. She went off to school in New Orleans where her father is from and he went to MIT, far away. She had a retainer in, with her natural hair slicked back in a ponytail and all. She was a little small thing but her woman curves came in. Back then, they were close friends, first kiss and also first sexual experience, ever. 
   Y/N rubbed her hands on his back and took in his cologne before adding distance between them. “How you been”, she asked with her hands behind her. “Been aight. What about you, love?”
“Been here and there. Just trying to save the world and all.”
   Jae added “yeah, Miss L/N been kicking ass at her firm sending all those cops to prison for life”. She dusted her shoulders off and said “I know they deserve it but its not gonna bring back all those people that lost their life for be ‘while black’. We lose our lives every day and some in other places end up getting away with because they ass wear a shiny badge. Nah. Not while my ass is around.” Erik smiled and nodded thinking how she was still the smart bad ass the he fell in lo-”
    “Y/N”, a male’s voice said coming towards them. He wore a turtleneck with black slacks and dress shoes with a light skin complexion. Jae said “aw shit. Here he come” in a whisper as he sipped more from his cup. “Who that”, Erik asked, she looked to him and said “my fiance”. He mentally was taken back but nodded in real life. “Hey, baby”, her man said and looked at the fellas. Y/N looked away and rolled her eyes. “Donald, this is Erik Stevens.” Donald looked to him with his right hand out and said “nice to meet you, brotha.” 
“You too, man” E shook his hand then looked at her. Donald looked at Jae with a stern look. “What up, Jae?” Jae looked away and said “Sup, nigga.” Donald chuckled and asked the bartender “lemme get a round for my lady’s bachelorette party”. Erik looked down at her confused and shook his head. Donald looked at her and said “I’ll be waiting for you at the table. Don’t take too long, baby girl.” Y/N looked up to him and nodded as he placed a kiss to her lips and made his way to the group. “What kinda nigga shoes to his girl’s bachelorette party”, Jae asked and Y/N folded her arms and looked around. “An insecure ass nigga”, Erik said with a straight face looking at her. She looked at him and half smirked. “Let us buy you a drink and let that nigga wait” E said. She smiled and ordered a Jack and Coke on the rocks. 
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    The club was jumping and Erik, along with Y/N was feeling just right dancing a rapping along to some throwback music as the lightening got darker. “So what up with that nigga? He ain’t yo type at all, ma?” She shrugged, running her fingers through her braids. “We met my third year at school and I guess we hit  it off.” Erik spun her in a circle, holding her close. “Y/N L/N, you telling me you in love with this nigga”, he pulled her body into his and spoke in her ear; she nodded. “Nah, I need to hear it.” 
“I love him”, she said but Erik chuckled adding vibration to her back. “Aight, girl. Yo ass lying like a muthafucka and I can tell.” He wrapped his arm around her waist as the beat to Wishing by DJ Drama plays. Erik pelvis began to grind against her and he swore she can hear a light moan from her. He got in her ear and began saying the lyrics.
“Baby you know who I am and girl I know just who you are We ain't gotta rush into shit 'cause being in love is too hard I'm tired of all these flashing lights, girl we should just fuck in the dark Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah yeah yeah Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga.”
    She lied her head back on his shoulder blushing slightly. Erik smiled down at her then to the table where Donald sat at alone; that’s when he got the idea. He took her hand and made their way into the ladies bathroom. “E, what are we doing in here?” He looked down at her and said nothing. She waved her hand in front of his face and he grabbed it pulling her whole body close to him. “Y/N, tell me you’re in love with him” he said as he sat her on the counter with her legs apart and him standing between them. “E, I”. She looked in his eyes as she felt his hands on her thighs. “What? What was you gonna say, baby girl?” His hands went up her thighs, pulling her closer as they were chest to chest. “Erik, I am.” Erik shook his head, laughing and she asked “what so funny, huh? What? You don’t believe me? You left me here alone for so long. You was my best friend, Erik. And you know that shit.” He stood back and said “you think I had a fucking choice, Y/N? I got accepted to the best school for me and I became a fucking Navy Seal. The fuck was I supposed to? Stay here?”
    Y/N looked at him and folded her arms getting off the counter. She started to remember when he left, no kiss, not thing. She wanted to be with him but he pushed her aside. Ignoring her. She felt neglected and hurt. She had to get over him because if she didn’t...boy oh boy. “FUCK YOU, ERIK!!! YOU LEFT ME ALONE KNOWING I WANTED TO BE WITH YO DUMB ASS!!!!! I WANTED YOU SO FUCKING BAD BUT YOU PUSHED ME AWAY. I WAITED FOR YOU AND HERE I AM THINKING YOU WOULD AT LEAST GIVE A BITCH A CALL BUT NO!!! NOT A FUCKING THING. I WAS NOT AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY WAS NOT GONNA WAIT FOR YOU.” She pushed him off and made her way to the door but he used his strong arm to push it closed looking at her. He stood there frozen. Only his eyes moved up and down at her frame then he slowly walked close to her but she stayed in place.
    He looked down at her and asked “fuck me? Nah, don’t say that shit because you don’t mean it, ma. You think I didn’t wanna stay. We both know for sure if I did, I would end up dead in the fuckin’ streets. Is that what you wanted for me? Dead?” She got quiet like he thought he would. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Look, Ima be 100. I love you, girl. But you know what I’ve been through. Everyone I loved left me. I didn’t want you to be the next one. But I guess it’s too late.” She looked to the ground and he got the message so he walked away. “E”, she said his name and he turned saying “what’s up”. He turned to see her looking at her with black lingerie panties in her hand. 
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   “Show me how much you love then”, she said and he marched to her saying “yes, ma’am.” He lifted her body up and placed her back on the counter. He dug in his wallet, grabbed a condom placing it on and stroked himself looking at her. He slid inside her slowly and was amazed on how wet she was. “Damn, you tight as fuck. Either, you ain’t fucked since we did or that nigga ain’t hitting it right.” She smiled while she moaned and moved her hips to match his thrusts. “Fuck, Erik. I missed you so much”, she said holding onto his wrists. He kissed her ankle and said “I missed you too baby.” He picked her up and started to hold her thigh as she bounced down on him multiple times (^like in the gif above^). They looked into each others and started to think about their first time together. They remembered how it was to feel each other for the first time. They realized they needed each other more than anything. 
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   The moment was so intense and passionate that they almost missed the door knob turning. Erik made his way into the stall and Y/N sat on his lap still; her back to him and still clenching his dick with her walls. “Y/N, you in here”, her friend asked. She looked back at Erik, cleared her throat and said “yeah, I’m fine. I’ll-I’ll be out in a minute.” She began bouncing again slowly making Erik’s head lie on her back and biting at her back with his grill. She smiled and her friend said “okay, well Donnie looking for you.” Y/N said “k” to dismiss her friend. Once they heard the door, she pulled her skirt up more and Erik pulled her top down to feel her breasts and hard nipples. “E, Ima come. Oh My God”.
“I know, baby. I can feel that shit. I’m almost there,” he groaned and whispered into her ear. She can feel her cream coat his member and held him closer. “I love you, Erik. Fuck, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, baby. Damn, girl.”
    They moved together as one and then h held her closer while she soaked both of them; afterwards he came into the condom. They sat for a few, catching their breath and laughing.  He got up with both of them and remove the condom discarding it in the trash. “E, I really did miss you.” 
    “I’m here now, baby girl. And I ain’t going no where, aight? I swear.” He washed his hands and stroked her chin before placing his lips on hers. He fixed her up as she giggled, situated himself and took her number into his phone. She looked around and when she bent down to grab her undies, E held them in his hand. “Nah, ima keep these. When did you stop wearing granny panties?” She smacked his chest and they both laughed when they approached the door but soon the smiles were gone when they saw Donald and her friends standing there with Jae smiling big at them. Jae said “daaaaaamn, y’all was going at it. All I heard was cheeks clapping and shit.” Erik kept his eyes on Donald as Y/N asked “what’s up?” Donald folded his arms and said “a little birdie told me that you ran off for a little session.” She looked back at her so called friend and played flicking her off looking like she was scratching her face. 
    “So you love him, right? So who is gonna be? A hood nigga that left you over his own selfishness or a real man that was there for you?” 
“The fuck you just called me”, Erik getting into his face. “I bet you won’t say that shit again.” Donald was about to push him when Y/N got in the middle. Erik looked him in the eye with an evil smirk and asked “so, who is it going to be baby girl?”
“Yeah, who”, Donald asked looking at Erik as well.
  She held their chests still and looked in between them. For some reason, she was stuck, frozen. She closed her eyes and said “I choose...” She looked at Donald then at Erik, took a deep breath and ....
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@muse-of-mbaku @im5ftbutmythroat66 @chaneajoyyy @melanin-samii @theunsweetenedtruth @doux-ciel @unicornluvin8765 @vikkidc @wakandantings @thadelightfulone @mzamethystp @simbiann @tropicalsun10 @babydoll756 @notoriouslynay @vminax @quinsly @pinkdemolition @quietstorm-73 @chaoticcashfancroissant @bugngiz @chocolatedippedinhoney @yafavcocoa @lostgalaxies
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alwayssummerblog · 6 years
10 Country Ugly Christmas Sweaters Inspirations
Happy holiday season MegaCountry readers! The annual tradition of the ugly Christmas sweaters has become an American pastime. We have parties, contests and even entire stores all dedicated to this single item of clothing. Every year, people from all across this country break out their most ridiculous, fun and festive garb to don in celebration of the season. Some of our favorite country stars partake in the custom year after year, and we’ve rounded up some of our favorite ugly Christmas sweater moments below. We’ve also included as where to snag one for yourself, whatever your style or preference.
1) Tim McGraw & Faith Hill
On a particularly funny and festive episode of Pickler & Ben, two very special guests donned some very spirited sweaters in celebration of the holiday season. Husband and wife country superstars, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill swung by the show to play a hilarious round of Holiday Pictionary. The drama of the game was made even funnier by the ridiculous outfits they all had on, making the video a must watch. You can snag their exact sweaters online now, or find your favorite now. Although we’ll warn you, there’s a ton of options, so be ready to browse.
Get your sweater from UglyChristmasSweater.com HERE!
2) Luke Bryan
In true Luke Bryan fashion, the Georgia native and country star released his version of an ugly Christmas sweater, featuring a very fitting image of the artist arm in arm with Santa Claus sharing a beer. And just when you thought it couldn’t be further in character, there’s a gold star tree topper and bottle opener easily accessible in the front.
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Photo Credit: LukeBryan.com
Get your Luke Bryan ugly Christmas sweater HERE!
3) Kelsea Ballerini
This ugly Christmas sweater comes with beautiful intentions. Kelsea designed and created this sweater herself, with the help of a DIY kit, to auction off with proceeds going to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Buying the kit or donating earns you a chance to win that exact sweater Kelsea has on in the photo.
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Artist: Kelsea Ballerini. Photo Credit: womanista.com
Buy Kelsea’s DIY kit HERE!
4) Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani & RaeLynn
With even more to celebrate than just the holiday season in 2015, RaeLynn was lucky enough to throw her engagement party surrounded by friends and loved ones decked out in Christmas apparel and accessories. While it’s hard to get a good look at their outfits in these photos, the star-studded party had us dreaming of our favorite movie lines and jokes on a sweater to don ourselves. Lucky for us and you, those exact sweaters are available at Party City. The sweaters pay homage to National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Elf and A Christmas Story. That’s not to mention their children’s and vest options! Check out the variety yourself.
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Thank you @amandacraig12 and @blakeshelton for being the best hosts! Me and @josh_davis_18 are so thankful ❤️ #destinedtobeadavis
A post shared by R A E L Y N N (@raelynnofficial) on Dec 20, 2015 at 9:23am PST
Get your Party City ugly Christmas sweater HERE!
5) Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood
It’s no secret to anyone that Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood cannot wait to break out their ugly sweaters every year. From entire ugly Christmas sweater themed episodes of Trisha’s Southern Kitchen, to their memorable 12 Days of #UglyXmasSweater Challenge, they are always looking for new and fun ways to incorporate the tradition year after year, including joining together in a two-person sweater.
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There's really nothing better than a beautiful girl in an #UglyXmasSweater love, g 12 days of Ugly Christmas Sweaters starts NOW! Link in bio to make YOURS or go to UglySweater.GarthBrooks.com
A post shared by Garth Brooks (@garthbrooks) on Dec 1, 2016 at 4:09pm PST
Get your Tipsy Elves two-person sweater HERE!
6) Kacey Musgraves
Kacey Musgraves has never been shy about her love for Christmas and its spirit. Her third album is even entirely dedicated to the holiday and full of festive cheer, as well as the typical healthy dose of humor and humility. Her ugly Christmas sweater merch, released originally in honor of the album’s debut, is exactly that. While that particular version is a few years old and hard to track down, there’s a comfortable sweatshirt with a beautiful image of the artist available online.
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🎄 Get your ugly sweaters now at kaceymusgraves.com 🎄
A post shared by K A C E Y M U S G R A V E S (@spaceykacey) on Dec 11, 2014 at 4:21pm PST
Get your Kacey Musgraves Christmas sweatshirt HERE!
7) Carrie Underwood
Carrie Underwood is not only a country star, but she’s also married to Nashville Predators’ captain, Mike Fisher. Carrie was sure to support him a couple of winters ago as his team battled it out in their hometown. Her incredible look had us brainstorming how all our favorite teams would look in ugly sweater lights. There are designs galore available on Fanatics, so be sure to represent your team at the office or family Christmas party.
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The Preds might not have won the hockey game tonight but my Christmas sweater game sure is strong! #predators #TackyChristmasSweater #BlueAndGold #ImpulseBuy
A post shared by Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) on Dec 22, 2016 at 8:29pm PST
Get your Fanatics ugly Christmas sweater HERE!
8) Reba McEntire
It’s hard to think of Christmas without Reba McEntire running through your mind. The second year host of the CMA Country Christmas special has released three Christmas albums of her own, and performed a number of shows wearing red and green as an homage to her favorite holiday. In honor of her gorgeous dresses, and ability to rock a button down sweater, we thought of Target’s new ugly sweater dresses that are available this season. It’s an adorable, fresh and easy twist on the classic look.
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Artist: Reba McEntire. Photo credit: Jason Kempin, Getty Images
Get your Target ugly sweater dress HERE.
9) Jason & Brittany Aldean
If there was ever a couple you could count on to have hilarious ugly Christmas sweaters, it would be Jason and Brittany Aldean. While the couple is always dressed up, this rap and rock look was especially awesome. You and your significant other have the in opportunity to replicate it with ease, down to the mirror selfie. All you need is a couple of funny sweaters. From vintage to party attire, you’ll find exactly what you need for your event below.
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Ugly Sweater Party, Here We Come!!🎄
A post shared by Brittany Aldean (@brittanyaldean) on Dec 9, 2018 at 5:26pm PST
Get your Ragstock ugly Christmas sweater HERE!
10) Kelly Clarkson
Back in 2013, the one-time American Idol winner received a bright red and heavily decorated sweater by none other than Ellen Degeneres. While a guest on her show earlier in the month, Ellen surprised the expectant mother with matching ugly sweaters. What’s especially fun about this sweater is the level of customizability. With a solid color sweater, the sky’s the limit as far as decorating. Ellen and her team obviously choose popcorn, tinsel, some gift wrapping bows and candy canes, but there’s really no limit to the number of combinations possible.
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Artist: Kelly Clarkson. Photo credit: Michael Rozman, Warner Bros.
For even more ugly sweater options, check out Amazon HERE!
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*Trisha’s Bücherwelten* #555 Hallo, ihr lieben Buchstaben-Stapler und Absatz-zu-Absatz-Springer. 😜😁  Ich bin wieder hier, in meinem Revier, war nie wirklich weg, hab mich ...
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*Trisha’s Bücherwelten* #465
Hallo, ihr lieben Bücher-Narren und Romane-Kasper. 😜😂 Herzlich willkommen auf meinem Blog, und danke, dass ihr mich während meiner Abwesenheit nicht vergessen habt. Da ich gestern und auch heute Morgen einen Migräneanfall hatte, konnte ich natürlich auch nicht meine Arbeit als Autorin machen. An solchen Tagen geht einfach gar nichts. Es ist schade, aber es ist nun mal so. Nun bin ich aber wieder…
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* Frühlicht-Gedanken* # 519
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*Zwielicht-Gedanken* #441
Guten Abend, ihr Lieben,
ich bin so froh, dass das Wochenende vor der Tür steht und ich mich ohne Ablenkung auf meine Arbeit als Autorin konzentrieren kann. Deshalb werde ich mich jetzt in einer guten Geschichte verlieren, bis mir die Augen zufallen.
Letzte Gedanken am Abend
Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen – oder wie war das? Das müsste Trump nun am eigenen Leib erfahren. Er sollte den…
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*Zwielicht-Gedanken* #410
Guten Abend, ihr Lieben,
im Moment habe ich die Schnauze voll. Ich will nur noch abschalten, und das werde ich auch nach diesem Beitrag. Ich hoffe, euer Tag war besser als meiner.
Letzte Gedanken am Abend
Unglaublich, dass mich immer noch Menschen wegen meines Tweets über Gesichtserkennung angehen. Offenbar hat er sich verselbstständigt. Meistens sind es Männer und einer ging direkt unter die…
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*Trisha’s Bücherwelten* #385
Hallo, ihr lieben Liebesgeschichten-Nasch-Leser und Schokiherzen-knusper-Schmökerer. 😱😜😂 Herzlich willkommen auf meinem Blog. Schade, dass der “Tag der Schokolade” so schnell an einem vorüberzieht – das ist übrigens eine wunderbare Kombination: Schokolade und ein gutes Buch. Das eine ist Nervennahrung und Nahrung für die Seele, das andere ist Nahrung für die Gehirnzellen und fürs Herz. Da bedient…
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*Frühlicht-Gedanken* #372
Guten Morgen, ihr Lieben,
es ist schon heiß draußen und es wird noch viel heißer. Das kann ja was werden. Eben habe ich meine Mutter auf die Arbeit gefahren, weil ihr Auto bis morgen in der Werkstatt ist. Auf dem Heimweg ist mir fast ein Wildschwein ins Auto gerannt. Hier bei uns gibt es so viel Wild, was ich natürlich gut finde, aber ich will auf keinen Fall ein Tier tot fahren. Ich bremse sogar…
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*Trisha’s Bücherwelten* #356
Hallo, ihr lieben Flohmarkt-Bücher-Sucher und Antiquariat-Fans. Schön, dass ihr mich besucht, um euch über meine Arbeit zu informieren. Heute habe ich zwar gearbeitet, aber nicht so viel, wie ich mir vorgenommen hatte. Es ist einfach zu schwül. Im Winter kann es nicht warm genug für mich sein, wenn ich meine Geschichten und meine Poesie schreibe, aber diese Hitze macht die Gedanken träge.…
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