#Triumphant Wigfrid
giantkillerjack · 1 year
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good news everyone I found a quick and easy way to clearly communicate which chest belongs to which character
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(The sign in front of Wes's chest is blank because his chest is empty and I am fucking hilarious.)
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melty-marbles · 4 days
some digital drawings and doodles from a little ways back
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aaand a unfinished comic
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 7 months
the universal response to pirate wigfrid was so epic we need to get back to that
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inbarfink · 5 months
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krakenandcracker · 11 months
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Dont starve ship commission. Wes x Wigfrid. -triumphant outfits-
art by me <3
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maskeddiany · 1 year
I saw the new triumphant skins but i'm dissapointed NO ONE TOLD ME THERE WERE NEW MOONBOUND SKINS
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malcaishere · 11 months
as a Willow main, sometimes I feel like her skins are disgusting. so, I will judge them.
Guest of Honor Willow isn't bad, but is basic, and I can't see Willow as a basic person - 7/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Guest of Honor Set? Wigfrid, Walter and Wanda, because it feels like the outfit was speacially made for them, showing their personalities
The Survivor Willow I feel like she's doing great at surviving - 6/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Survivor Set? Wx, I don't now why but I like it
The Triumphant Willow basic, but at least, is prettier than the Guest of Honor. also, she's probably sad because miss her lighter - 8/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Triumphant Set? Wendy and Wigfrid because they are mean, powerful and pretty.
Dragonfly Costume Willow being the dragonfly makes her happy, and she wears the best costume - 10/10
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The Gladiator Willow dislike her face paint, and the set - 5/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Gladiator Set? Wendy and Wigfrid, it isn't my fault that all their skins are beautiful because Klei likes them.
The Roseate Willow I hate this skin, first Willow hates flowers, second this alice band is horrible - 1/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Roseate Set? Warly and Wigfrid because they're charming. also Wurt because pink baby axolotl
The Snowfallen Willow cute and fluffy - 8/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Snowfallen Set? Wolfgang as Santa
The Verdant Willow I like druids but this one is stinky - 7/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Verdant Set? Wendy, because she wears a stunning dress, Wigfrid, because she is a druid with a good haircut, and Winona, because she is a lovely gardener.
The Victorian Willow poor little girl that sells matches - 9/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Victorian Set? Wendy, because she's at her sister's funeral, and this is a summary of her character.
The Woeful Willow the addams family is just great - 10/10
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The Magmatic Willow can't stand the fire hair - 5/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Magmatic Set? Wigfrid, she is dressed up like a superhero
The Merrymaker Willow cuter than her first christmas skin - 10/10
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The Swashbuckler Willow she looks good for a pirate - 9/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Swashbuckler Set? Wigfrid, she is the captain of the ship
The Masquerader Willow it's beautiful and extravagant - 10/10
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The Forlorn Doll Willow creepy, traumatized and probably psycho doll - 10/10
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Don't Starve Together Master List
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✿ No smut/lemon
✿ I only do gender neutral or female since I myself am not male
✿ Don't private message me, but instead use the request box
✿ Be aware that I have another life, so request could take awhile. On that note I'm more likely to do headcanons than one-shots because they take less time.
Now on with the show!
★= Platonic
☆= Romantic
[Fluff Alphabet] Keep it to 3 max if you make these requests.
~Romantic & Platonic~
☆ (Triumphant! Wilson x Female! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Willow x Warm Blooded GN! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Wolfgang x Strong GN! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Wes x GN! Reader)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
☆ (Slow dance)
~Platonic Only~
✿Wendy✿: [Nothing]
✿Webber✿: [Nothing]
✿Wurt✿: [Nothing]
★ (Wilba x Female! Reader)
✿Walter✿: [Nothing]
✿Wortox✿: [Nothing]
✿Wormwood✿: [Nothing]
✿Maxwell (I hate him too much)✿: [Nothing]
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s0meth1ngswr0ng · 1 year
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wigfrid's triumphant skin doesn't get enough love y'all
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
I saw that Don’t Starve is one of your fandoms and it reminded me that I used to play that game! I redownloaded it on my phone and was inspired to play it again (albeit with very limited content as it’s just the mobile version)
Funnily enough, I first played Don’t Starve a few years back because a yandere writing blog I liked wrote something about Wilson and Charlie. I had not context for that blog’s imagines on the game but seeing a character named “Charlie the Night Monster” really intrigued me
That is such a fun story haha!! And yeah, Charlie is really special 🤭 One of my favorite facts about her is that her presence smells like roses... Sooo many cool fic possibilities hehe
If you like Don't Starve you should give Don't Starve Together a try!!! It's on sale on Steam sometimes and I love the hell out of it... 😭💕 I got into DST in 2020 after some basic DS experiences and it consumed me for three months straight. It's the only online game I am actually good at. I still play it and I usually go solo - it's all doable, even if it's supposed to be a multiplayer and soloing bosses can be really fun if you pick the right character for your run (don't play Wendy if you aren't cave basing bc she's weak and you'll spend HOURS soloing bosses lol). Playing with friends or just random people is fun too, but tbh voice chat is best for quick and easy communication - trust me you don't wanna stop and type while you fight Deerclops lmao.
But: there is a massive learning curve. DST is very different from DS and you'll definitely have to invest some hours on YouTube watching either experienced players game or looking at guides/advice videos. I usually did the dishes while I watched guides and watched challenge vids before bed haha. One of my favorites is Joeshmocoolstuff, they don't talk during videos but I could watch them play all day. And I learned so so much. Really cool.
Also, consider getting Don't Starve and all the DLCs either via gog (more sales, really cheap, drm free) or Steam!! Especially the DS Hamlet DLC is incredibly fun, if a little short-winded, but it's so different from the base game, it's like starting all over. Especially the normal DS runs on pretty much any PC - and I think I've seen it without any DLCs (although I'd tell you to get Reign of the Giants at the very least, it adds a lot to the base game) for like 2.30€?? That's cheaper than the mobile version in my country haha
Also, the lore drops over the years (via DST and YouTube) have been sooo good. I have multiple wips in my docs that I'll probably never finish but I am down BAD for triumphant!Willow and have had so much fun playing around with Wigfrid's back story. The cast is amazing and fun and the lore gets deeper and deeper as you get better at the game... It just sucks you in 💕
Haha this reads like a total sales pitch but I'm just so excited to talk about DS lol thanks for giving me the opportunity!! (And I hope you get to try out DST one day, it really is so fun)
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
I'm officially too tired to keep working on my heavily modded Don't Starve Together server for the night. But I do think everyone should know that I intend to play as triumphant [corrupted by the shadows] wigfrid, and that all of the spiders and pigs in the game have been equipped with little Viking helmets. (Which will also have the side effect of the spiders becoming a huge fucking problem for anyone who crosses them. But don't worry. I'm sure it won't come up. After all, what are the odds that all the walls keeping those spiders in would be modded to spontaneously crumble once a player gets close??)
Also, I'm fairly sure I will be able to build a signpost in the game that teleports people directly into the heart of an active volcano.
If I'm correct about how this signpost transportation mod works, I will be able to build a series of genuinely instructional helpful signs, and then a penultimate directional sign pointing to one final, isolated signpost. The directional sign will read, "click on that signpost to be teleported directly into the heart of an active volcano." At which point, anyone curious enough to risk it will be granted the once in a lifetime opportunity to die in a pit of lava. I am the funniest man alive.
The heart of a volcano is, by the way, not an asset that exists in the game. Visually, you can mod in a massive volcano from Shipwrecked, but standing inside of it just means your character model is not visible while you move around that part of the map. However, if you fill that entire area with the patches of lava created by Klaus' fire deer (also an asset i am accessing thru a mod), and then you surround that by a moonstone wall, with a single patch of ice to keep the sign from burning... then it would be suitably unpleasant to spontaneous teleport into that location and not be able to see what is happening as you take massive fire and ice damage back-to-back as you attempt to correct your mistake. Which feels very appropriate for the game. On the upside, if you can escape, you'll have found my secret evil lair!
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happipoart · 4 years
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incredibly messy but-- more dullhan!wigfrid stuff! more or less their first encounter~
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quirinah · 4 years
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it’s not even been a week and im already being a massive nerd over wigfrid 
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I'm curious what your thoughts on Wigfrid's DST skins are, or more specifically the faces? e.g. Some skins for Wilson, Maxwell, and Webber change their expressions, but Wigfrid's are kinda all the same. I try to rationalise it as her needing a blank face to be prepared to perform, but at the same time each costume Should be the performance, no? Even her triumphant skin has a kinda :| look to it. Or maybe I'm just nitpicky since she's my fave, given some other survivors don't change faces either.
now that you mention it, yeah, her expression doesn't change literally at all between all of her avalible skins, triumphants included. i suppose it doesn't really bother me if only because i never really stopped to notice it (up until i checked the outfits, the only character's expression i could actually remember changing with their skin set was max's guest of honor head)
honestly when i'm looking at a wigfrid head i'm most concerned about. well, honestly i'm most concerned about whether or not they remembered her gaptooth in the portrait. but then after that i'm secondmost concerned about the hair as opposed to the face. so i guess i'm just not lookin at it
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inbarfink · 5 months
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friekeshow · 5 years
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"I will deströy my enemies!"
Oh boy, it's been a while since I've drawn anything Don't Starve related-
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