#Truffala Tree
stonedcoast · 6 months
LotR Bowl, Part 2
Welcome back! This week I’m wrapping up the LotR Bowl cannabis pairings introduced last week. If you’re wondering what the LotR Bowl is, last week’s post can be found here. And I’m working on the strains of Hobbit-leaf analogs that I mentioned last week, so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks.So, without any further adieu, I give you the cannabis pairings for The Lord of the Rings: The…
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Onceler /Jack Frost RP
"Those truffala trees had it coming. They're all burning in hell. That's How ba-a-a-ad I can be. " - Onceler
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"Nice job taking out the truffala trees. How did you do it?" - Jack Frost
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"I did it with this ass" - Onceler
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allycat75 · 3 months
Hey, remember those analogies on the SATs, Boston Dumb Fuck? I got one for you...
Republicans, who outwardly express their Christian values, while willing to vote for a vile, lying convicted felon and sexual predator, who on his first day in office vows to become a dictator, destroying democracy and seeking revenge on his enemies::: Makes them 💯 complicit in the destruction of our society, even if they say they had "no other choice"
Is to...
"Marrying" (fake, spiritually or real) an antisemetic, racist, fatshaming, arrogant, childish, vapid, vacuous, lazy, entitled clout chasing Lotlita::: ???
Do you get it? Answer is in the tag, you lying, untrustworthy hypocrite. This is your "brand" now. Have fun promoting those festering turds you have been making and hope they don't remind you too much of when you actually put in some effort, before you went full on CAA puppet, with their hand firmly up your keister (more Yiddish for the Nazi wifey to enjoy).
But as I always say, prove me wrong, you prick! Get some serious fucking help and do better. Find the last truffala tree seed and tend to your forest.
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mint-hiddenite · 4 months
Vriska Undertale
Abandoned Warehouse - Abandoned Warehouse
Amethyst’s Chamber - Asuka’s Chamber
Amethyst’s Room - Asuka’s Room
Ancient Gem Colony Ship - Ancient Troll Colony Ship
Ancient Sky Arena - Ancient Sky Arena
The Appalachian - The Appalachian
The Barn - The Barn
Barriga Residence - Crowley Residence
Beach City - Beach City
Beach City Funland - Beach City Carnival
Beach City Pier - Beach City Pier
Beach City Stage - Beach City Stage
Beach City Woods - Beach City Woods
Beach Citywalk Fries - Beach Citywalk Cookies
Beach House - Beach House
The Best Diner in the World - Requiem Cafe
Beta Kindergarten - Beta Bucket
Big Donut - Big Donut
Brooding Hill - Airplane Hill
Buddwick Public Library - Pines Public Library
The Burning Room - The Burning Room
Canary Cove - Rambunctious Crow Cove
Clock Tower - The Clock Tower of Cartesian Alignment
Cloud Arena - Cloud Arena
Communication Hub - Communication Hub
Cool Ranch - Cool Ranch
The Crab Shack - The Crab Shack
Crystal Heart - Zodiac Heart
Crystal Temple - Zodiac Temple
Dead Man’s Mouth - Dead Man’s Mouth
Delmarva - Delaware
The Desert - The Desert
Earth - Earth
Empire City - London
Fish Stew Pizza - Papa Louie & Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria
The Forge - Hotland Lab
Funland Arcade - Thunder Arcade
Galaxy Warp - Galaxy Warp
Garnet’s Chamber - Dirk’s Chamber
Garnet’s Realm - Dirk’s Room
Gem Battlefield - Troll Battlefield (based on Homestuck Battlefield)
Gem Homeworld - Alternia
Geode - The Bubble
The Great North - Snowdin
Homeworld Kindergarten - Alternia Bucket
Hospital - The Children’s Hospital (based on the Tumblr post)
Ice Cavern - Ice Cavern
Indigo Cave - Infinite Cave
It’s a Wash - It’s a Wash
Jersey - Ohio
Jungle Moon - Green Moon
Jungle Moon Base - Green Moon Station
Keystone - Illinois
Keystone Motel - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
Kindergarten - Bucket
Le Hotel - The Langham Hotel
The Lighthouse - The Lighthouse
Little Homeworld - Little Alternia
Lunar Sea Spire - Frog Temple
Maheswaran Residence - Hatsune Residence
Malachite’s Realm - Hexxus’ Realm
Mask Island - Gravity Island
Mayor’s Office - Mayor’s Office
Miller Residence - Sparkle Residence
Moon Base - Moon Helipod Base
The Moors of Marcoon - The Moors of Marcoon
Ocean Town - Atlantic City
Onion’s House - Little German Boy’s House
Pearl’s Arena - Onceler’s Arena
Pearl’s Chamber - Onceler’s Chamber
Pearl’s Dimension - Onceler Dimension
Pearl’s Room - Onceler’s Room
Pearl’s Tree - Onceler’s Truffala Tree
Pink Diamond’s Garden - Tallest Komaeda’s Garden
Pink Diamond’s Zoo - Tallest Komaeda’s Hive
Pink Dimension - Pink Dimension
Prime Kindergarten - Prime Bucket
Prime Kindergarten Control Room - Prime Bucket Control Room
Pyramid Temple - Pyramid Temple
Red Temple - Spirit Temple
The Reef - Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center
Ringo Zone - The Temple Universe
Rose’s Fountain - Nagito’s Fountain
Rose’s Landfill - Nagito’s Landfill
Rose’s Room - Nagito’s Room
Rose’s Secret Armory - Nagito’s Secret Armory
Sadie’s Room - Twilight’s Room
Sand Fortress - SCP Foundation Protected Site-01 (Overwatch HQ)
Sardonyx’s Room - Discord’s Room
Sea Shrine - Sea Shrine
Sky Spire - Sky Spire
Spacetries - Unitries
Steven’s Bathroom - Vriska’s Bathroom
Steven’s Conservatory - Vriska’s Conservatory
Steven’s Room - Vriska’s Room
Temple of the Frozen Fragment and Scorching Sand - Temple of Teal Libus and Fuchsia Pittanius
U-Stor - U-Stor
The Universe Family Camping Ground - The Undertale Family Camping Ground
Warp Space - Warp Space
Water Tower - The Muffin Water Tower
Wheat Field - Wheat Field
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izzybubs24 · 10 months
Representing Ecological Crises in Children’s Media: An Analysis of The Lorax and Wall-E - Page Bookmarks
'In children’s media, anthropomorphism is commonly used to engender a sense of sympathy with animal characters.' - pg 691
'The Lorax does this by ascribing human facial expressions and emotions to the animals living in the Truffala tree forest – the Brown Bar-ba-loots, Swomee-Swans, and Hum- ming-Fish. When these forest dwelling creatures are forced to flee their homes, the audience is encouraged to identify with their plight.' - pg 691
'In contrast, the 2012 adaptation of The Lorax frames the classic Dr. Seuss story as an individualised narrative of personal agency, rather than as a critique of the system that condemned the citizens of Thneedville to live in a barren wasteland.' - pg 692
'The book effectively conveyed the deleterious impacts of economic activity on the natural world through an innovative use of color'. (Wolfe, 2008). - pg 692
'The Truffala forest is full of vibrant color, but as the Once-ler scales up his industrial operations, the pages of the book change to more muted colors. In this way, the landscape is malleable, allowing Dr. Seuss to represent ecological impacts that might otherwise be too slow to observe in the physical world. And though the film adaptation acknowledges the impacts of the Once-ler’s operations on the surrounding environment, it does not deliver a full and reasonable depiction of the implications of unrestrained economic activity on the landscape.' - pg 692
'Anthropomorphism is likewise a fundamental element of Wall-E, but in this case, it is technology rather than nature that is personified.' - pg 691
'In truth, the technology of Wall-E exhibits more humanity than the actual humans, creating an emotional tie between audiences and technology. Wall-E’s anthropocentrism is also evidenced by the film’s failure to represent humanity’s impact on other species, focusing instead on the relationship between humans and technology.' - pg 691
'Ultimately, Wall-E fails to contend with the larger implications of technological development under capitalism.' - pg 691
While Wall-E deserves credit for its provocative illustration of ecological crisis resulting from unrestrained economic activity, the film nevertheless falls flat in its representation of the relationship between humans, economic activity, technological development and the natural world. - pg 692
'In this sense, The Lorax and Wall-E are essentially the same story – unrestrained economic activity resulting in the ruination of the natural world, resolved through a technologically mediated replenishment and renewal of natural resources.' - pg 694
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siennawright · 2 years
History of The Lorax Children's Book
Before The Lorax became a movie in 2012, Theodor Geisel (Dr. Suess) published the book on June 23, 1971.
An article about Dr. Suess’ inspiration behind The Lorax says that the book “sold more than a million copies and has been adapted into more than a dozen languages, may have drawn a more surprising element from nature, too” (Witter). The Lorax was one of the first environmental protection children’s books to be written, and since 1971, journalists and researchers have wondered where Suess’ inspiration stemmed to create such an imaginative story.
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In “How Dr. Suess’ 1970 Trip to Kenya Inspired ‘The Lorax’,” author Brad Witter explains that The Lorax was published only a year after the first Earth Day was celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970 (Witter).
At the time, Dr. Suess’ La Jolla, California home and community were suffering from deforestation of Eucalyptus trees as developers attempted to build more subdivisions.
Dr. Suess was experiencing ecological crises in his community in 1971 but experienced writer’s block when attempting to put his thoughts and feelings into words.
In September 1970, Dr. Suess traveled with his wife to Mount Kenya Safari Club in Africa to gain inspiration and clear his mind (Witter).
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They explored some of Kenya’s most endangered species along the Laikipia plateau, especially the patas monkey. Suess’ biographer, Donald Pease explains how the story came to him at this resort, and the manuscript was written in just one afternoon.
There are many similarities between the Lorax character, who speaks for the Truffala trees, and the endangered patas monkies, who heavily rely on a tree called the whistling thorn acacia for survival (Witter).
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Although The Lorax children’s book was written more than 50 years ago, this shows how environmental issues have been prevalent throughout history, and that this cautionary tale should be spread for years to come. 
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boyybites · 5 years
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His name is Pearl, his arms were severed when he was younger and he’s still recovering and working through that trauma. He’s a charmer by nature and doesn’t appreciate anyone touching him from the waist up.
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jessibbb · 4 years
Jessi I hope you know that hearing the fact that you enjoy the onceler has only increased my love for you
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neurotypical-karen · 5 years
I’m really glad I’m in a lot of school activities this year because it dramatically increases my opportunities to make school-sponsored window art, which I use to recreate loss.jpg at any any and every given moment.
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zread · 2 years
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Onceler, and y/n’s love story❤️
So u were in the truffala village surrounded by a lot of truffala trees you saw fish singing. And even saw the bees
Damn- I wanted to feel like it was a real dr. Seuss book but nahh😭😭 ok fr this time
So u were in truffala village and u were helping your family with like truffala trees 🤭 💀 ok serious!, and u were a kind of a lumberjack but you know u were making cider from the trees not rlly chopping them down-
Ok lemme stop-
So then, u hear a stranger singing, but never really paid attention to it though. So the onceler stops his horse to check you out 😏😌
Once-ler’s POV: “woaaahh, there melvin”
Onceler: “who, is that??😮😍”
Y/n: “alright ma’ all done!”
Then the breeze blows you long hair (or whatever hair length u have)
Then onceler takes a good look at you
Onceler: “😳😍😍”
You turn to see a stranger in his carriage with his horse looking at you, then u stop to greet him,
Y/n: “oh hi there! You need sumthin?”
Onceler wanted to say something, but he was surprised u responded to him, he never thought u would notice him looking at you.
Y/n: “um- sir? Y-you ok there?”
Onceler was imagining things with you (not in that way, like romantic way, of how he would treat you)
Onceler: “huh? Oh yes ma’am, im doing great! And you?”
Y/n: “pretty sweaty, but im doin just fine ty☺️”
Onceler: “so- when i was going about my day, i saw you, so i had to stop to look at you” (creepy)
Y/n: “oh? And whys that young sir?”
Then he starts flirting with you
Onceler: “may i just say, you are very beautiful has anyone ever told you that?”
Y/n: “oh🤭 why thank you so much😊 you’re not too bad yourself😏😌”
Onceler blushes inside
Onceler: “why, thank you young lady😍”
Y/n: “would u like to meet my family?”
Onceler: “sure, i would love too!❤️”
Onceler gets out of his carriage to meet your family so.
Y/n: “so stranger, this is my family, family this is stranger.
Oncler: “m-my name is actually, Onceler😅”
You apologize for the mistake or what ever💀
Y/n: “oh! im sorry, my apologies”
U just said sorry twice 💀✋🏽 ok back to the story-
Onceler: “no-no, you’re fine😊”
So u we’re rambling on about how u met the Onceler and he was not paying attention to a word you were saying, mans was too focused on your beautiful eyes.
Y/n: “onceler? Did u hear me?”
Onceler: “huh? Oh- yeah I remember☺️”
He has a cute happy face, and his face is red from looking at you🤭🙈
Y/n’s sister: oooh, sis i think he likes you”
Y/n: “omfg, be quiet!”
Onceler does like you i hope u know that💀 i mean it’s obvious- this is a onceler x reader story✋🏽✋🏽ok jees i cant stop this joking around i can never be serious!!!!!! Ok shut up-
Now you asked him if he would like ti stay for dinner
Y/n: “would u like to join us for dinner?”
Onceler: “i would love to”
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Once-ler’s POV:
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He thinks hes gonna do this-💀 help-✋🏽
OMFG STAHHHP!!!, so then your mom says
Y/n’s mom: “dinner will be ready at 7:00”
Y/n: “ok ma’”
So then. Onceler ask you if u would like to go to his tent with him, and its ok if u would say no
Onceler: “so um, would you like to go to my tent with me?”
Y/n: “sure why not”
So he takes you to his tent with him not only he just takes you to his tent.
Onceler: “you can do whatever, im just gonna chop down this tree so i can make a thneed”
Y/n: “a thneed?”
Onceler: “😧 you dont know what a thneed is?”
So he tells you what a thneed is and what its for.
Onceler: “and thats what it is”
Y/n: “ooh, so soft”
Onceler loved seeing you smile while u feel the thneed he made
Damn i want a thneed right now💀
And so as he was chopping down the tree and it fell, thunder and lightning 🌩 starts to rumble, and an orange furry furball came out of a stump 💀😭
So he asked him if he chopped down the tree and Onceler was playing dumb but u cant help but laugh you giggle at him, and he sees you laughing at him, playing dumb, so he smiles at you.
Lorax: “did you chop down this tree?”
Onceler: “uh-no”
Also Onceler: “*gasp* whats that?”
Lorax: *turns to the side*
Onceler: *drops mallet on tiny baby bar-ba-loot*
Onceler: “i think he did it”
Y/n: *giggles*
Onceler: *smiles while blushing*
Lorax: *not amused😑*
Also lorax: “so you’re telling me, u didn’t see me just come out of that stump, with all the lightning and thundering and stuff”
Onceler: “no but that sounds cool, can i see some of that?”
Lorax: “sure, ill show ya, but thats not how it works”
Then Onceler had an idea in mind of what lorax really wanted, (ps. This is my favorite scene💀)
Onceler: “no, and didn’t really happen, wait a second, i know what you want, *boops*”
Onceler: “i got this, yummy delicious marshmallow, for the cutest little guy i ever saw, -yum jum yummy yummy”
Lorax: “how dare you, gimme that, *snatches* hm! Im gonna eat this, but im highly offended by it”
He goes to Onceler’s tent string and kicks it out of the ground
Lorax: *kicks tent string out of the ground*
Onceler: “woahh!, hey!, moustache, would u stop that?”
Lorax: *kicks another string*
Onceler: “whats your deal? Man”
And it keeps repeating until…
*Baby bar-ba-loot, is tied to a string and Onceler was about to hit him*
Lorax: “hey! Stop right there!”
Onceler: *notices baby bar-ba-loot*
Lorax: “you would hit, natures’s most innocent creatures? *pets his soft wittle head*”
Pipsqueak: “ah😄”
Onceler: “what? I would never- hit this little guy🥺 😡 you in the other hand- i would gladly pound you and your moustache into the ground”
Lorax: “behold! The intruder, here would disrespect nature’s beauty- for shame”
Onceler had enough of his bull💀😭
Onceler: “listen here, you furry meatloaf, im gonna chop down as many trees as i want, and (ps) not going anywhere..end of story, *blows raspberry*”
He leads u inside his tent and when he did u also thought when he raised his voice at lorax, you got butterflies 🥴💀
The he slams the damn door on furry orange furball and yellow moustache man.
Then he fcking teleported like he was a fcking um- robot?💀💀💀
Then he was acting all spooky saying “you have been warned to Onceler😑💀
Lorax: “if you’re not gone by the sun sets on this valley, all the forces of nature will be unleashed upon you, and curse you, until the end of your days, YOU have been warned”
Then he tries to reach the fcking doorknob and still tries to be spooky 👻💀🔫
And he kept staring at Onceler😭✋🏽 trying to find the doorknob😄💀✋🏽
The Onceler opened the door for the tiny orange furball.
*door opens*
Lorax: “thanks”
Onceler: “yeah-ok🙄😒”
Lorax: “you have been warned”
*slams door a little*
Y/n: “well that was awkward…..😅”
Onceler: “tell me about it😂”
Y/n: “nice place you got here☺️”
Onceler: “thank you, I appreciate that😊😁”
Then dinner is ready and he asked you if after dinner u want to spend the night with him
Onceler: “so, abt earlier- do u wanna spend the night with me? I know we just met, but i dont mind”
Y/n: “of course i would love to spend the night over”
Then fast forward to u sleeping over at oncie’s place.
You watch Onceler knit his thneed before coming to bed with you.
Onceler: “there! There’s nothing unmanly about knitting- no sir- *yawns*”
Finally he gets in the bed with you and u hug him while you sleep cutely
Y/n: *snores cutely while hugging Onceler*
Onceler: “🥺❤️”
He then drifted into sleep 💤
He has his arm around your head so ur in his chest between his arm.
Onceler: *snores*
Then lorax had the barbaloots pick the bed up to put it in the river-
Lorax: “ok quick grab the bed”
They are trying to take the big ass bed and bring it outside but its too fcking big😂💀
Lorax: “cmon! Who taught you guys how to steal a bed?”
Then they finally get it outside after a long time of struggle 😂🔫
So they put that shit in a river-
You and Onceler are floating away in bed into a river💤
Until……they saw baby pipsqueak at the end of the bed waving at lorax
Lorax: “you gotta be kidding me- can he swim?…..of course he can’t swim”
Lorax: “hang on pipsqueak im coming to get you”
Lorax: “hey fishies, stop that bed”
So they pull that bitch of blanket right off the both of y’all causing you to shiver in between oncie’s arm
So u grab pipsqueak for warmth
Pipsqueak: “huh?😯”
Im pretty sure u know how this scene goes so imma skip this part because its long as hell-
Then u and oncie finally wake up to yall floating in a river
Y/n: “i- why are we in a river? Where are we?”
Onceler: “looks over to lorax telling them to look ahead of them”
So yall go into the water then out then spin the twirl and finally it was over- you Onceler and pipsqueak were laughing…..and stopped immediately when u saw the waterfall
Y/n Onceler and pipsqueak: “hahahha ahh, ohh noo,”
Yall try to stop the bed from going any further
Then the lorax had to drop a bolder on the bed but u move out of the way to where oncie was and pipsqueak oncie grabbed u
Yall fly in the air
Pipsqueak: *yelling for his life*
You grab pipsqueak, and Onceler grabs you while you are holding pipsqueak and yall on the ground and Onceler is on top of you- and your on the bottom- yall kissed on accident 🥴 and pipsqueak landed on the big barbaloot so hes safe
Y/n: “i- im so sorry about that😳😅😊”
Onceler: “no-no its ok it was my fault 😅😅☺️”
Yall are bloody red from blushing after that accident kiss😍 cuties!!!!!! Omgggggg
Lorax: “just get married already dang”
You and Onceler: “😳”
Then Onceler hugs lorax for saving him and you and then asked how his bed get in a river
Lorax: “well- i sort of maybe- i put your bed in the water,”
He drops the furball which made u laugh cutely and Onceler shocked of what he just heard from lorax💀
Lorax: “hey where you going?”
Onceler listens to lorax as he walks away and u following him-
Lorax: “and you’re choppin them down, so- we got a big problem”
Pipsqueak tugs on your nightgown 🥺🥺🥺❤️ which made u pick him up😭❤️
Onceler: “i wont cut down anymore trees, I promise✋🏼”
Lorax: “good”
Onceler: “cmon y/n, now would u excuse me sir im gonna go to bed”
You put pipsqueak down with the others as u do you pet his little soft head
You follow Onceler to his tent
Then u cuddle Onceler while sleeping then he turns the other side to a snoring orange furball
Then wakes up, and screams
Onceler: *turns over and waking up*
Lorax: *snoring loudly*
Onceler: *scream*
Lorax: *scream, then punches*
Onceler: “ow!, ok uh what are u um, i-“
Onceler: “question, what are they doing here?”
Onceler: “and a follow up if i may, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?”
Lorax: “before we explain, after the incident last night we found one of your socks and return it”
*slobber drips down from the ceiling fan and on to Onceler’s nose*
Onceler: “huh”
Onceler: “ewww”
Onceler: “exactly, and sleeping is the body’s way, of telling other people to go away”
Lorax: “i know but you looked so cozy! And it was cold outside, and we just fell asleep, no harm done”
Onceler: “no harm done?, no harm done”
Then Onceler saw u still sleeping and he gives you a kiss on the forehead🥺❤️
Lorax: “what was that? I just saw?”
Onceler: “huh? What do you mean? You saw nothing”
Lorax: “it’s about time you kissed her!”
Onceler: “we just met yesterday💀🔫”
Lorax: “i dont care”
Then he goes to drink his coffee first he had to go get his coffee mug.
Onceler: “ah- ok, i put my lips on th- well, i used to anyway🙄”
Then he goes to get his bowl
Then sees a big ass bird shitting a big ass egg inside of it
Onceler: “ew! Did you just-in my bowl!!?”
Then u finally wake up to Onceler sitting on the ground and lorax brushing his moustache with Onceler’s toothbrush
Lorax: “and why you have one of these? You dont even have a moustache”
Then he picks it up
Onceler: “*mhm???* ok, thats it-“
Lorax: “what i thought we made a deal last night?”
Onceler: “😀yes we did and i said i wouldn’t chop down anymore trees😠”
Lorax: “and i said i would keep and eye on ya🤨”
Lorax: “im starving, whats for breakfast?”
Onceler and lorax and you see a fat ass barbaloot eating a stick of butter and he shoved it down his throat.
Lorax: “breakfast is overrated😅”
Onceler: “you know what? Ive got work to do, yup, i gotta go into town”
You see that he’s changing in front of you you love the view 😏💀
Y/n: *looks😍*
Onceler: “and sell my thneed”
Lorax: “you chop down my trees to make this piece of garbage? *laughs*”
Onceler explain to lorax like how in commercials would
Onceler: “it can also be used as a hat, or maybe when its dry?”
Lorax: *shakes it off of his head*
Onceler: “alright im heading out”
Lorax: “you’re bringing the guitar?”
Onceler: “oh yeah😏 i got a little jingle, gonna blow some minds, sell yourself a thneed 😏 yeah”
*shuts door*
Then he’s at town trying to sell his thneed but hen they keep throwing tomatoes and shit at him💀
Then he says
Onceler: “you know what?, im done with this thing”
Then he leaves and goes back where u and lorax and the animals are then he coms back to u guys playing cards. Then he sits behind you wrapping his arms around your waist while you look at your cards
Onceler: “so…whatcha playin?”
Y/n: “im playing solitaire”
Onceler: “thats cool”
Y/n: “so how was town? Did you sell you thneed?”
Onceler: “😒no😔”
Y/n: “aww, cheer up🥺❤️ im sure you’ll sell it soon”
Onceler kisses you on the cheek and says “thank you babe i will never forget this”
Yes you and Onceler are dating now💀 it’s confirmed🔫
So he asked everyone whos hungry and leads them and you to his tent to make pancakes for everyone.
Then the tent and valley starts shaking
Onceler: “woah, what’s going on?”
Ppl were singing about how they want to buy his thneed and Onceler was so happy and excited that he is gaining so much from this
You and lorax: *looks at each other*
Pipsqueak: *dances along cutely🥺❤️*
Then Onceler calls his family telling them how they’re going to be rich so he calls them to come over to where he is
Then later on that day they come to the valley
First to come out of the Rv was a woman with orange hair she’s wearing purple fuzzy dress and matching fuzzy hat
Then these 2 bowling pin looking ass twin boys come out after her
Their names were his brothers bret and chet and the woman’s name was his Aunt grizelda then his mom came out her name’s Isabella then the dad came out last.
Onceler’s dad: “hey🤠 i love this guy!”
Onceler’s mom: “theres my finally successful son!”
Then she sees you next to him and shes like 🤨
Onceler’s mom: “whos she?
Onceler: “mom this is my girlfriend y/n”
Oncler’s mom: “shes not even that pretty but i guess🙄😒”
Y/n: “hi miss! Its so nice to meet you!”
She ignores you and tells the twins to start the Rv
She kiss him on the cheek 💋 and the lorax is grossed out by the dead fox around her neck.
And later on that day, his mom wanted to ask if he wanted to cut down more trees, and it will make him more successful.
Then you eavesdropping on your boyfriend talking to his mom.
Onceler’s mom: “I guess you can start chopping down some more trees”
Onceler: “i guess we can start chopping down a few trees hehe😅”
Then she leaves then he goes back to doing what he was doing and you hurry your ass to tell lorax of what you heard.
As you tell him then Onceler feels guilty but is doing fine.
Grizelda: “and where do u think you’re going?”
Lorax: “i have to speak with Onceler”
Y/n: “stop! put Him down”
Onceler cant believe his eyes on what he’s seeing right now so he closes his curtain
Lorax: “hey! You broke your promise, you gotta stop, this is bad”
Grizelda: “have a nice, day!!!😈 *throws lorax and kicks you out of the way*”
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Onceler is doing better in his family’s tent and not regretting what hes doing he sings a son of how bad is he being
Then later that same night there was hardly any trees left sad an scary dark and cold
You went to go to where your boyfriend is
Then bret and chet blocks the door where hes in, and you tell them that you are his girlfriend.
Bret and chet: “🙄”
So they opened the door
You go to the Onceler’s table he’s sitting there with is green suit and he’s wearing a big top hat 🎩
Y/n: “babe?”
Onceler: “um excuse me- what are you doing here?”
Y/n: “im you’re girlfriend remember?”
Onceler: “oh yeah,….no i dont”
Y/n: “i cant believe you forgot who your own girlfriend is, you really changed”
Onceler: “what do you expect im rich, you think im going to be with someone who is broke like you?”
Y/n: “😨😰🥺😭” 💔
Onceler: “ew! Please leave you’re getting my floor wet”
Then you storm out of his office crying 😢💔
Your oncie rlly forgot that you are his girlfriend
Then lorax sees you crying
Lorax: “hey, whats wrong kid?”
Y/n: “Onceler, he forgot who i am😭 he doesnt know who i am anymore 😭😭💔”
Lorax: “ill go talk to him ok?”
Then he sits at Onceler’s window
Lorax: *ahem*
Onceler: “what are you doing here?”
Onceler: “ i had to tell one person to get out of my office, and she stormed out of here crying, you want to go next?”
Lorax: “that wasn’t just a person, that was your girlfriend you just yelled at, and she’s crying about how you completely forgot about her”
Lorax: “are you happy now, your promises? Your mistakes, the man you use to be?”
Onceler: “look if you have a problem of what im doing, why haven’t you used your, quote on quote Powers, to stop me?😠”
Lorax: “I already told you, thats not how it works”
Then he yells at lorax all the way down stairs and you are on the tree stump still crying 😢
Onceler: “and nothing to to do, to stop me 🤬”
The last truffala tree gets cut down the Onceler realizes that there is no more trees and you and the animals leave but you leave to go back home to your family. Then pipsqueak wanted you to carry him then u pick him up like he was your k
Onceler: “melvin? Melvin😰”
Onceler: “y/n? 😰😢🥺”
Y/n: “what?”
Onceler: “where are you going?”
Y/n: “im going back home you obviously dont even know who i am anymore you called me broke and u let your aunt kick me 😠😢🥺😭💔”
Onceler: “y/n! Im sorry 😞 please dont leave me😢🥺”
Y/n: “goodbye Onceler😢😞💔”
Then he fell to his knees crying 😭😭😭💔regretting of how he treated you now that he sees every animal is leaving truffala village
The lorax is standing on his tombstone with the word “unless”
Then onceler takes off his hat for the lorax departing the earth then as he left and you left he regrets what he did
Then days later he goes to say goodbye to you because you and your family were moving away, because theres was no more trees.😢 but u didn’t wanna look at Onceler anymore because of what happened💔 then tears starts forming in his eyes as yalls car started to move
Its been 23 years after. You left Onceler,
You 46 yrs old now and hes 48, then.
You walk into town, and you noticed a familiar looking guy, walking around, so you stop to go talk to him.
Y/n: “hi sir”
???: “oh hello”
Y/n: “im sorry to bother you, but, you just look so familiar and, i wanted to makes sure u were them, may i ask what your name is?”
???: “oh my name?, my name is Onceler”
Y/n: “wait-“
Onceler: “wait”
Y/n: “oncie?”
Onceler: “y/n!”
Y/n: “omgg, I missed you!”
He hugs you so tightly, and tears formed in his eyes, feeling guilty of what he did 23 years ago🥺❤️ then he apologizes
Onceler: “y/n, im sorry about what i did, 😢 i know it was years ago but…..i never meant to hurt you🥺😞❤️”
Y/n: “aww, i know you didn’t oncie, 🥹 im just happy to see you again❤️”
Onceler: “are you single or free again?”
Y/n: “yes Oncie im single, and yess we can start over🥹❤️”
You and onecler, reunited after so long😭❤️
And you guys were a happy couple❤️
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yallaskedforthis · 3 years
Onceler x Reader !angst
The smog in the sky
The muck in the water
The plants were dead
The trees were gone
He needed to be stopped
You thought he might listen to you
The Lorax knew he wouldnt listen to him so he requested you to talk to him
And here you were
Outside his office
His office
Knocking on the door felt so challenging
Bang bang bang
"Yes?" He spoke
"Oncie?" You said innocently
He opened the door
You entered
"What is it marshmallow?" He asked
You're voice shrunk
"I- I need to ask you something"
"Anything" he spoke, his voice reminding you of the man you fell in love with
"I- I- I need yo- you too stop this" you asked your voice as soft as a truffala tuft
"Marshmallow? I'm not gonna shut down my whole company just because you want me too" he replied slight anger in his tone
"I- I'm sorry" your voice shaking
"That stupid thing set you up to this didnt he? God if you're on his side I don't think I'll be able to handle this" he joked
"Oncie, I don't think this is right. I need you to stop"
"NO" he raised his voice "I am never going to stop turning truffula trees into thneeds no matter who asks"
"I'm- I'm sorry" you apologized
"Get out of my office" he said angrily
"Oncie I-" "Get out"
You went to walk down the steps down to the ground as you looked up you both watched as the last truffula tree fell
You couldnt bear to look at him
"I thought maybe... maybe I could stop this. But I should've known you wouldnt listen... you never do"
"I cant stay anymore"
It hurt to say but you couldnt look at him without feeling guilt, knowing you couldve stopped it
"I have to leave... I'm sorry"
"Marshmallow please" he pleaded for you to stay
"I love you"
"Please... don't leave me... I cant lose you too"
You looked him in the eyes and with one quick motion your lips collided for the last time. As you pulled away he trailed after you longing for your lips again.
As you turned away, tears threatening to fall but you tried to stay strong. Behind you, all you heard was him breaking down pleading for you to stay. But you couldn't.
As you walked away, you let the tears fall not knowing if he could hear you or not,  or caring anymore.
You loved him and he loved you.
But you knew you couldn't be together forever.
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commienumber-fucker · 7 years
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The morning after I blow-dry my hair
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keroseneinhalers · 4 years
Sapnap loves fire with all his soul. He is addicted to fire. This has become a problem in his private life because as you know the dteam HATE trees. They commit at least three gender reveals per year just to sate their hatred of trees. But Sapnap is in love with a tree. He is in love with the last Truffala tree.
Henry (the smexy truffala tree) is the last of his kind because dream, George, and oncie have killed off all the other trees for dream’s gender reveal party! Henry is the hottest tree in the forest and their love is forbidden. If anyone finds out Henry (the uber sexy hot af truffala tree) will be brutally murdered by the tree haterz.
So every night sapnap puts on his fur suit and sneaks out to hold hands (bcause this is a Christian country) with Henry (the Chris Evens of trees but hotter and more feminist).
Sometimes they kiss but ONLY on the hand and they keep their socks on because otherwise it would be gay and nothing about this is gay.
Henry screams in agony. how could sapnap betray him like this they were in love for sake Jesus (who was Jewish).
Sapnap turns away and cries but the smell of fire is too strong so he gets out marshmallows and calls the dteam and oncie and they all roast marshmallows and no one asks sapnap why he has sap in his mouth.
They all take their socks off.
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official-ity · 4 years
Sapnap loves fire with all his soul. He is addicted to fire. This has become a problem in his private life because as you know the dteam HATE trees. They commit at least three gender reveals per year just to sate their hatred of trees. But Sapnap is in love with a tree. He is in love with the last Truffala tree.
Henry (the smexy truffala tree) is the last of his kind because dream, George, and oncie have killed off all the other trees for dream’s gender reveal party! Henry is the hottest tree in the forest and their love is forbidden. If anyone finds out Henry (the uber sexy hot af truffala tree) will be brutally murdered by the tree haterz.
So every night sapnap puts on his fur suit and sneaks out to hold hands (bcause this is a Christian country) with Henry (the Chris Evens of trees but hotter and more feminist).
Sometimes they kiss but ONLY on the hand and they keep their socks on because otherwise it would be gay and nothing about this is gay.
Henry screams in agony. how could sapnap betray him like this they were in love for sake Jesus (who was Jewish).
Sapnap turns away and cries but the smell of fire is too strong so he gets out marshmallows and calls the dteam and oncie and they all roast marshmallows and no one asks sapnap why he has sap in his mouth.
They all take their socks off.
did sapnap just give a blowjob to the tree while he killed it
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quack-ity · 4 years
Sapnap loves fire with all his soul. He is addicted to fire. This has become a problem in his private life because as you know the dteam HATE trees. They commit at least three gender reveals per year just to sate their hatred of trees. But Sapnap is in love with a tree. He is in love with the last Truffala tree.
Henry (the smexy truffala tree) is the last of his kind because dream, George, and oncie have killed off all the other trees for dream’s gender reveal party! Henry is the hottest tree in the forest and their love is forbidden. If anyone finds out Henry (the uber sexy hot af truffala tree) will be brutally murdered by the tree haterz.
So every night sapnap puts on his fur suit and sneaks out to hold hands (bcause this is a Christian country) with Henry (the Chris Evens of trees but hotter and more feminist).
Sometimes they kiss but ONLY on the hand and they keep their socks on because otherwise it would be gay and nothing about this is gay.
Henry screams in agony. how could sapnap betray him like this they were in love for sake Jesus (who was Jewish).
Sapnap turns away and cries but the smell of fire is too strong so he gets out marshmallows and calls the dteam and oncie and they all roast marshmallows and no one asks sapnap why he has sap in his mouth.
They all take their socks off.
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macabrity · 4 years
thoughts on little joe (2019) on hulu
tried watching little joe (2019) bc it’s a horror movie about a designer genetically modified plant but only made it halfway because:
weird lab protocols (like really. a kid can wander into the lab late at night because he has ONE keycard and the passcode is the NAME OF THE PROJECT?). also I feel like if you’re interested in biosecurity you wouldn’t let a grimy dog in the super sensitive greenhouse -____-
also the reasons for breeding it were. pathetic. “ooo it’s extra high maintenance but it chemically bribes you with oxytocin!” okay so grow an orchid like a normal person jfc not a freaky truffala tree from Horton hears a who that then Stockholm syndromes you
having BLUE tulip looking flowers glued to dieffenbachia is just. morally unacceptable to me
I hate ben whishaw
the typography and way the opening credits rolled were visually atrocious to the point of being almost unreadable
the score was discordant in a “im bad at this” way that was distracting and not in the cool horror way some good horror films do
emphasizing “reproduction” as the reason for this plant’s turn to evil mind control? as if there aren’t plants that have abandoned sexual reproduction in favor of asexual reproduction 🙄 or as if we haven’t bred sterile varietals before
weird acting even before plant mind control happened /:
that’s the short list of complaints! 0/10 because it lured me in with some hope and wound up being BAD PLANT SCIENCE
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