#Tsubayuki lopunny
askiceboundlopunny · 4 months
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Tsubayuki regains her composure quickly after her initial shock, and looks back up at the giant before her to answer them.
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"From what I know of it, yes. However based on what my mother has told me about it, how mega evolution affects you depends on what pokemon you are."
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"For us lopunny, we undergo a change in personality that makes us far more aggressive. This is most prominently shown in our general behavior and how we fight." She explained.
Her gaze began to drift back down as she was now seemingly looking past the giant, at nothing.
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Tsubayuki's tone was more somber as she reminisced before she realized she was starting to get off topic and returned her attention to Pikavee. "Do excuse me for rambling a bit." "In short, yes. I am indeed afraid of losing control of myself due to how mega evolution effects me."
"I do not wish to repeat the actions I made the last time."
- Hmm... perhaps you should ask about said actions.-
[ @ask-team-misfit ]
[Also the cameo megas from left to right: Noelle belongs to @ask-the-shiny-pokemons, Aries belongs to - @noblejanobii, and Phil belongs to - @pmd-waveringfate. Drawing these new mons was fun!]
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ormindoodles · 1 month
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Twitter outfits have always been a weakness of mine. So I physically couldn't draw these two gals rocking them.
And just as I finished up putting those two in their dresses, another meme outfit dropped. So there's a bonus with the snow bun.
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askadelcatty · 7 months
if you're still doing the thing, may I toss you Tsubayuki or Linda?
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how about both? Want your oc turned into an almian skitty or delcatty? The 1 year anniversary celebration is still going!
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askcursedtales · 1 year
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“My misdeeds are not my story to tell. You are best to ask someone else about them. I’m sure they know the history well enough,”
[ @askoinari ] [ @askiceboundlopunny ]
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ask-valiant-victory · 4 months
Tsubayuki: "So your god made you with the purpose to kill and ruin the lives of those beneath them. And made sure you did not have the ability to think for yourself to question it." She said with a somewhat stern tone. Her arms folded under her chest as she raised an eyebrow. "Did they at least leave you with emotions?" The lopunny asked, sounding genuinely curious of the answer. "Such an existence already sounds miserable. And you even live in a place almost as dull looking as mine."
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Valiant looked up at Tsubayuki as she spoke, it seemed he had calmed down somewhat. So much to the point, that he felt comfortable enough to show his face again. His voice, however, was still monotone and lifeless.
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He partly mumbled the last bit while he brushed the hair away from his face, "I was not originally created to have emotions. You see when my only goal is to complete the given tasks, I do not need them. They would just get in the way." "And before you say anything... I cannot understand or miss something I've never had. It does not bother me... but..."
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"If my existence was truly as miserable as you describe, I would not know. I cannot feel despair or misery. However, every so often..."
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"They... tend to change depending on the situation."
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"I did not always have these and as far as I'm aware, these are not emotions just sensations. But... aside from those on occasion. I have felt nothing else. Normally, I cannot feel pain or... anything of the sort either. In fact, I was not aware of what 'pain' felt like until..." He pointed to the collar around his neck. "It hurts quite a lot when I disobey... It was the only time I felt anything so horrible and so visceral. I would even say learning what it felt like started my sudden ability to occasionally feel things." "But no... I do not have emotions, or at least not in the mortal sense. And if I did? I would not know I have them."
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leilani-and-kass · 4 years
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“But this island... it has this beach and a jungle and the big fiery mountain over there that Kass lives in and a berry jungle with lots of the yummy pink berries! It... probably sounds like any of the other billion million... thousand islands in the world, doesn’t it? The only place that that looks like it doesn’t belong here is Kass’s home on the fiery mountain. It’s... I don’t what it is, but I don’t like being there. It’s too hot in there, it’s stinky, it looks broken, like something happened there a really, really long time ago... and when I have been there, I always felt like there was someone else there besides me and Kass.”
Leilani sighs. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you more about this island or where I came from. I... just woke up here one day, and it was different from the island my tribe lived on, and everyone was gone.”
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askbohemiancompany · 7 years
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Both flying types stared at one another as they wanted to address both of the normal type’s concerns over Roldabonz’s withholding of information. They also brought up the valid concern over what his companion Patton knew as well. Weather had nearly been killed by him twice, and for odd reasons was allowed to live once.
After their raid at Haines’ hideout to save Gwen, the company managed to nail them both for questioning. Weather turned to the lopunny and nodded, concurring with her statement. “You aren’t wrong. When we questioned him Freddy, Lenox and I managed did manage to get the information from Patton in regards to my past.”
Lenox looked uneasy as she recalled all of what both mons told them when pressed for information. “It wasn’t just about what we found from them, it also brings up more questions for us.”
Inside the company’s interrogation room Freddy was sitting in front of both Patton and Roldabonz, the door of which was facing Freddy’s back. Flanking Freddy were Lenox and Weather, both staring intently at the hero duo. Weather’s held a massive degree of anger and distrust towards the bisharp, which Patton not only noticed but showed his nervousness. Lenox’s focus was more towards Roldabonz. When the electric type tried to shoot her a warm smile, she softened her gaze for a moment but returning to some form of sternness after a time. Next to both mons was a beverage to drink from. For Roldabonz he had a can of coke and for Patton it was a bottle of water.
“Alright, gentlemen. I appreciate your compliance with the circumstances of our interrogation.” His focus turned to Patton first. “We will start with you. Out of everyone here you seem to know the most out of everyone. Plus you raise more questions than answers.” Patton did not say a word, but his nervousness was on full display. The metal ‘assassin’s’ forehead began to show sign of perspiration. “Let’s start with your background. How does your body work and how did you fall in league with Keenan?”
Weather looked agitated at not getting into the questions involving him first, but he knew this guy had ties to the mon that killed Len’s family. He would need to wait.
Dead air came from the nervous bisharp. Taking a sip of his water bottle he then turned his attention back to Freddy. “I was bred by OPP to be an assassin for the government. They paid OPP a sum of money and they modified a pawniard into a freak with some magnetic powers a-and a body that feels like it is missing its limbs.” Patton began to dig his claws into his head as he began to recall his life as a weapon and his early years when his body was being modified. He looked very panicked. “Then that bastard, that fucking squid bastard put some mental hooks in me. Made them specific. Made them-”
Freddy put his hand on his shoulder as if to get him to stop or hold his breath. Rol also extended his had for the same purpose. “Okay that’s good enough. How about how you ran into Keenan?” After Freddy questioned that, Lenox turned her attention to the green steel type. How did someone that was a government assassin fall into line with Keenan?
“...I was sent by the head of OPP to find and assassinate Keenan and their dusknoir partner. I did not know about their other five constituents.”
“Wait five? I thought it was just you, Keenan and the three others?” Everyone was just as surprised as Freddy, except Rol, who looked like he knew what was coming.
“I’ll get to why that number shrank, but I got outflanked. One of my mental triggers is that I run when I am out of my league. It did not work in time and I was found and knocked out. From there everything was hazy and that from then I started to listen to Keenan.” There was a pause, Patton had a pained expression on his face. “Keenan had brainwashed me into taking orders from them. This was a common practice they used in order to keep others in line. The aggrontaur did not even want to fight, but they kept brainwashing him into a killing machine for whenever they wanted to raid something. And that’s all their plans amounted too. Kill, loot, destroy. All to ‘get at OPP’. There was no nuance in their plans, yet they use telepathy to get everyone in line.” Patton sounded bitter and angry as he discussed working with Keenan.
All of this made the pit in Lenox’s stomach worse. So Okyasu was not the only victim of Keenan’s machinations. Their fate was still in the air, but in due time, she would get info from Rol and maybe Patton about their location. If there was any solace for the hawlucha, it was that Keenan was an awful leader that could only get others to comply when they are under their form of brainwashing.
“There is something that has bugged me the more I heard about your many encounters with Weather. Everytime you and Weather have fought, you have nearly killed him. You have also gone on record saying is a threat. What do you know on Weather?” This caused Weather to turn his gaze to the steel type.
“Yeah. I know a decent bit.” Before continuing he began to chug part of his water bottle. By the time he was done, only one-third of its contents were left. This led to an impressed reaction from everyone watching. This mon was very nervous and he could down drinks better than any of them.
“I only know about what was briefed to me, but here is what I know. Weather is part of a government project called Project Weather Report. Project Weather Report was intended to both be a weapon that could be used in different regions to pacify countries of pokemon that would uprise and cause problems for colonies that abide by world police rules or hurt human civilizations. I was never briefed how, but you managed to break out of captivity on the private island facility that they were housing you in.”
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“The reason this did not garner enough attention was that all it did was torch part of a pokemon colony that was not registered as an independent nation. When you started making your way towards Unova many were called in to stop you. Mostly mercenaries and pokemon bred for this sort of thing.”
“You were stopped, but you were lost in the whole conflict. OPP had to eat this loss in order to prevent that information from going public. And given how destructive your power is unchecked, of course I needed to try and kill you. I’ve seen first hand at what your powers could do.”
Everyone in the room was floored by what the assassin told them. Weather took this the hardest. So the reason he had amnesia was due to OPP doing something to him? He needed to know more. What did this Amy woman have to do with anything? Was she connected to the operation or no?
“I...I...” the dragonite felt like his whole world was spinning. There was way more to his life than he realized and it could possibly involve more people than he pertained. Weather stepped out of the room for a moment. No one could have blamed him for that, given what was dropped on him.
“That does raise one question. A while back when you fought Weather alone, you managed to deliver what would have been lethal blows to him. Weather told me you dropped him off at a local clinic to heal his injuries. That is massively contradictory given your understandable reasons.” Freddy still sounded blown back by what the bisharp told him, but this was something that confused both him and Weather.
“Remember that detail about Keenan’s brainwashing? Well, they wanted to recruit Weather into their fold, but due to the conflicted programming from OPP and Keenan, it led to me acting contradictory.” Patton folded his arms. “Hell when Keenan attacked Arcadium, I’m not even sure if I would have brought him to Keenan due to how their mixed brainwashing actually.”
All of this information was very illuminating. One of the takeaways was that everyone was shocked Patton had not gone crazy, despite still being a mess of a pokemon. Everyone had a twinge of sympathy for him after all was said and done.
Freddy paused to let the information sink in. “I see. Going off that do you have any idea what happened to Keenan?”
After ruminating over the question the bisharp finally spoke up. “I have no idea.” The toxicroak’s brow was raised out of skepticism.  Lenox seemed agitated. “I do not believe that for a minute. Rol what did you do to that bastard?!”
Roldabonz was taken aback by her sudden outburst but was not surprised. “I...killed them.” There was a silence in the room. No one believed the electric type when he spoke. “Right. And what you did with the body?” Freddy said, sounding more skeptical than believing. “I’m not at liberty to say.”
Freddy let out an exhausted sigh. “Alright moving on.”
“No we aren’t!” Lenox made her way towards the desk and was glaring daggers at Rol. “I do not believe for a minute you killed Keenan. What did you do to them?”
“Let me assure you that Keenan, as you know them, is dead.”
“What does that mean? What does that mean?!”
“Enough Lenox!” Lenox grumbled, livid at Rol dodging her questions and Freddy for stopping her on a matter pertaining to her.
“Final question then Lenox will ask you her questions. Did you at all have any connections to Mariah? Like did you encounter her at any point or work for her?”
Patton paused. “Sorry. I don’t know who you are talking about.”
Freddy sighed. He then turned his gaze to Lenox. “Lenox. Do you have any questions for either of them?”
She knew that Rol would not answer about Keenan no matter how hard pressed. So she wanted to ask one thing. “I know my mom used to work for OPP based off looking into OPP’s history, but I need to know: did she... lead to Keenan’s and the dusknoir’s creation?”
The electric type went silent. “There were a lot of people that can be blamed for Keenan’s creation. But I beg of you, remember your mom as she was. No matter what you find.”
“At this point, I do not trust Roldabonz after what he has withheld from me, plus I do not believe him for a minute when he tells me that he killed Keenan. I know he is not going to tell me the truth about what happened to them, but I’m going to try and find Keenan. Then they will pay.” Lenox growled. “Plus he did not even tell me anything about my mother and just dodged giving me a full answer.”
Weather gave Lenox a concerned gaze. He then turned to the audino and lopunny. “Well, that should answer your questions you should probably go.” The dragonite put his arm on Lenox’s shoulder and escorted her into another room.
(Image done by dailygardevoir)
(Version without Patton can be found here)
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Tsubayuki@Duskfall: "Hmm. I must say you are a very interesting looking hybrid. One that at first glance I may even think to be a bit intimidating." She crosses her arms and holds her chin in an observant manner as she looks over the gallade hybrid. "However, your disposition seems like it is quite the opposite of your appearance. I do understand the phrase 'Do not judge a book by it's cover.' However if you would not mind me asking, is there any particular reason or cause?"
[PoV: Chevalier]
It was several minutes after we separated from the rest of the group. Asmund’s words still stung, more than I wished it did.
I gave quiet reassurances to Elisabeth and Alicia that I’m fine when they continued to ask me, even though they weren’t entirely convinced…they made sure to give me space. Elisabeth went off because she spied a pub within the town, Alicia however merely visited one of the local shops…but made sure that she’s able to keep an eye on me to make sure that I’m okay.
I lean against one of the buildings, hugging myself with my arms. The various people of the town walk by, occasionally giving me glances that are a mix between uneasiness and curiosity.
These glances...they make me shrink back, I could feel their thoughts and judgement on me...
A sudden voice makes me flinch, I had to clench my lips shut in order to prevent a yelp from escaping. I quickly look at the source responsible, in which I see a Lopunny as white as snow.
She comments about my appearance, which...wasn’t too negative. She continues to speak me about my appearance, even adding a phrase that sounds somewhat...familiar. Eventually...she ends her talk with a question, and seems to wait expectantly for an answer.
I feel myself shrink somewhat, pressing even more against the wall due to the unwanted attention of a stranger. But at the same time…the Lopunny seems…nice enough, and…her curiosity is...somewhat...understandable… That...and her question, which ends up asking me about why I’m shy instead of my appearance...
I...should probably answer her...
I take several quiet breaths to steady my nerves, to prepare myself to start speaking.
“I…a-am not a fan of s-socializing.” I speak up, the gaze of my dark eyes trying to zip away and look anywhere but the Lopunny. “It’s just…”
My words die out, leaving nothing but a pair of moving lips and soundless air escaping. I eventually close my mouth, struggling internally to find the proper words.
With the GoT, I always found some strength when it comes to talking with others. They all are part of the same group as me, possessing a similarity that makes me comfortable enough to interact.
But this Lopunny…I know absolutely nothing about her, so it’s…difficult to even talk.
“It’s j-just…” I start again, but the words die for a second time. I grit my long fangs together, the sharp razors clear for the Lopunny to see. “I…f-feel like I’m…”
Come ON! TALK!
“I don’t like being judged!” I shout, forcing the words out so that they won’t keep hiding within the depths of my stomach.
I start breathing heavily, my wings spreading open and continuing to press against the brick wall as I hug myself tighter. “I…d-don’t like it.” I whisper. “W-When I was…”
When I was in the HWDP, I was made for no great purpose. The Humans judged me on my worth, whether on how well I can do something and how well I look.
The constant scrutiny, the eyes looking for any fault that would end with my destruction, it was…terrifying. I hated it, to be seen as nothing but a lab experiment and a potential mass of flesh to be thrown away…
…like all of the rest of the hybrids in the same program as me… Only me and another called VAM-05 were left alive, but even I’m unsure on what happened to her in the end...
The judgement…it was painful, it made me paranoid. I kept fearing what the scientists thought of me, what their gazes held and what their next action was going to be.
This...is made me despise interacting with people I don’t know, since I don’t know what they think of me. Am I some freak that needs to be destroyed? A monster that should be caged? Am I piece of meat that should be ogled at?
I don’t know…and I hate it.
With the Guardians of Twilight, I find comfort in their company because we’re all part of the same group. We all have the same goal, the same purpose, even if I don’t know many of the members…the fact that I’m in the same group as them shows that we all share something in common.
Because we all share something in common together, it means that they won’t judge me...because that means they would be judging themselves as well.
But with strangers…I...just don’t know.
Throughout this entire thought process I was silent, I don’t know how long this went. It could’ve been only seconds, or several minutes...
In the end, I let out a quiet sigh. “I…just don’t like talking to strangers.”
I didn’t want to tell her, I couldn’t. What would she think of me then? Would she pity me? Be disgusted in my weakness?
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askiceboundlopunny · 6 days
[In response to this]
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There were many thoughts going through Tsubayuki's head as the quiet sound of crackling ice crept up the fluff of her ears and hair while she listened to Valiant blame himself for the situation his arceus put him in.
She couldn't stand it.
What was worse was finding out that he couldn't even escape it through death. His cruel god would simply bring him back over, and over again. Because why would they let such a convenient tool go so easily? The very idea sounded like a living hell to her.
But even so, no matter how much the disgust and anger coursed through her, she once again could not take it out on this mon. Who was becoming rather uncomfortable with the information he had to process, so much so that he began hugging his legs.
The lopunny spent the next few minutes sitting quietly to calm herself down, her expression remaining unchanged from her normal stoic gaze in hopes that Valiant wouldn't notice the very strong emotions she's hiding.
She had a lot of things she wanted to say. But the zoroark was making it clear that continuing to explain much more about emotions wasn't going to get either of them much further. However she couldn't just leave Valiant to believe that this purgatory his heartless god trapped him in is his fault. So after a deep misty breath, the rabbit finally broke her silence.
"I know that all this is difficult to understand. So you would prefer to continue this conversation another time, then I will respect your decision if you truly do not wish for me to continue." She stated with acceptance and understanding. "And you would be correct, your situation would cause anyone misery. However I want you to know that none of this is your fault." Tsubayuki continued, her eyes shifting to the empty space between her and Valiant, as she did her best to maintain her calm demeanor and tone as the topic shifts to his arceus once again.
"Especially since it sounds like, based on the reasons for killing you have given, arceus cares not for the thoughts or lives of others, let alone your own." The rabbit found herself clenching her fists against her legs with those last few words.
"Their reasons for killing are disgusting and petty. You likely knew this in your past lives which is why you began to refuse commands despite the resulting punishments." Tsubayuki pointed out, returning her focus to the zoroark in front of her.
"That is not to say that there are not reasons to take the life of another. I must confess that being forced to kill is something I have had to do myself before." The lopunny's expression softens as she continues. "Be it in self defense, defending others, or protecting my home. Every time I did, I felt things similar to guilt myself. So I can understand. Why you would choose to spend as little time doing what you are told as possible."
[ @ask-valiant-victory ]
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ormindoodles · 4 months
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Okay, I know Easter was a month ago but... I already started it and I couldn't NOT finish drawing the girls in the bunny suit now could I?
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team-timepunch · 7 years
Tsubayuki@Ambrosia: I must say, in all my years I have yet to meet a time traveler. The idea itself is an interesting one, however unless I am mistaken you seem like you have yet to gain full control of this ability. A troubling thought to say the least. Who is to say it will not happen again soon? And you seem to be bothered by this as well, worrying about those you care about. An understandable concern. But if I may ask, and I bear no malice in this question. Should you find that your family is not in this current time, what would you plan to do next? I sincerely hope that is not the case, however the possibility is there.
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The Lucario sighs at the weight of this question and rolls her shoulders as if trying to reduce the tension brought about by it before then looking at the snow white rabbit, but when she was about to answer nothing came out. She looked down, her ears pinning themselves back as she tried to figure out an answer to this difficult question but she herself didn’t have a plan for that either. Wasn’t like she could just go back into that limbo between time with full control, she only knew how to pull herself out of that state.
Once more Ambrosia looked up the Lopunny, only this time she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before giving her best smile.
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“I don’t have the answer to that question right now.” She stated with a sudden regain of confidence. “But if it does turn out that they’re not here, then I’m sure that by the time I get around to that unfortunate truth, I’ll have a plan and will be able to execute it with no troubles, alright Luv~?”
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Hmm... how about 💎 for kelviks to the snowbun and or Linda if I'm allowed to do two. If not than just the snow bun. :]
It’s rather uncommon for others to seek judgement from him, so he would’ve raised his eyebrows if he had any when these two asked him for said judgement. One thing that’s incredibly certain is that Kelviks’ opinions set in stone, whether it be positive or negative.
“You desire judgement, yesss?” He hisses. “Very well... I shall grant it to you....”
First, let us start with Tsubayuki.
“Appearance...standard for Lopunny, average muscle...from what Kelviks has seeeen. However taller, much taller indeeed.
White coat, rarity...never seen before... However, Kelviks sees its connectiooon. You contain power, power not normally found in Lopunnies... Yes yes, Kelviks knooows.
Heh heh... Eyes contain an...ageless look, been alive for long time... Still young to Kelviks, very young...not even a thousand yearrrs.
You are not a fighterrrr, or...one that seeks combaaat. You can kill, but refrains from doing so. Respectable, Kelviks understands.
A capable individual, but not worthy... If you desire rating, Kelviks will say...six...out of teeen.”
And now for Linda.
“Powerful, Kelviks can see clearlyyy. Creature of two fleshes, contain blood of...dragooons.
Purple coat, unusual indeeed. Very tall and contain strong muscles, wears necklace of Might Stones....trophies from past battles yesss?
Very strong, Kelviks can seee. Fought many battles, found enjoyment in theeem. Challenge many, fight many, defeat many...
Strong indeeed, perhaps worthy...perhaps not. For rating, Kelviks will say...eight out of teeen.”
In the end Kelviks didn’t simply just judge them on their physical appearance, but also on the way they carry themselves.
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askmegadiancie · 8 years
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Mmm, shame you’re not a Buneary, because that would be perfect. But even then, there’s no guarantee...
I’m looking to form a bit of a team... It requires Pokemon of certain species... And abilities... Hm...
I think I have an idea now!
[ @askiceboundlopunny ]
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Tsubayuki@Aster: These two teammates of yours, they seem like they can be real test of ones patience to manage. However I can assume such patience would be one of the few things necessary to keep them in line. And if I were to judge I would say that you look like you would be one of the few to be up to such a task.
Together though, I must say you all are a rather interesting trio. A group I would not see working together at first glance, and as such cannot help but wonder how it came to be. If I may ask, how exactly did your team form? I will admit I am rather curious.
[PoV: Aster]
When a second Pokemon approached me, I looked at her curiously. Although the Greninja from earlier was of an odd coloration, this Lopunny is far more different. Her white coat and the unusual aura around her is more than enough to tell me that she’s no average species, if not signifying that she’s something far greater.
When she pointed out the behavior of my teammates, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Yes, Carnation and Dahlia are…quite the handful.” Unable to contain myself I let out a tired sigh as I rub my forehead, already feeling a headache coming along by simply thinking about the two. “It truly is difficult to keep them in line, since they are always at odds with each other.”
When she changed the topic to the three of us as a whole, I couldn’t help but gaze up at her with a look of confusion. However said expression quickly vanishes when the Lopunny asks the question of how we even came to be. I don’t necessarily blame her for this curiosity, since it does seem like our group shouldn’t have even formed.
“Well,” I continue slowly, carefully choosing my words. “We used to be only a team of two, only me and Carnation. Dahlia…she joined us two years ago at the request of our superiors, so she is considered a ‘recent’ addition.”
The specific reason was because Kendra was recently liberated from a HWDP facility and had no place to call home, because of this she was brought to the ‘Rehabilitation Branch’ of the GoT to teach her of the world and how to live among society.. Eventually she made the choice to fully join the GoT as a way to pay us back and make use of her abilities, and so after much consideration…the leaders of the GoT decided that me and Venya were the ones to work with her.
Venya is the only one who had great issues with it, however perhaps because her hostility it made Kendra feel ‘at home’ of a sorts. So despite the conflict, I would like to think that it worked out in the end.
I don’t voice my musings aloud, since this is something that Kendra herself must tell others. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you of the specific reasons on why.” I sigh. “This information is for Dahlia to tell only, so if you desire to know…then you must ask her.” I use a free hand to brush my side-tail over my shoulder and behind my back. “But that’s essentially it, it originally started with only two of us…but Dahlia was assigned to us to create the Floral Triad.” For a brief moment I the sides of my lips rose. “Despite the…constant drama, I personally believe that the three of us work very well together.” 
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askiceboundlopunny · 4 months
[In response to this]
The lopunny was disheartened to hear Valiant's answer at first. But soon she started to become angry as the zoroark started to elaborate.
No. What she felt was stronger than simple anger.
She was livid.
His god created him to be a mindless tool to keep them from getting their hands dirty. And robbing them of the ability to think or feel just so they don't deal with the hassle of justifying what they demand. Such disregard for another being was sickening to Tsubayuki. So much so to the point that frost was forming in her clenched fists.
The more she thought about what Valiant was robbed of, the angrier she got.
And yet...
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She couldn't direct it at Valiant. Even if he could not grasp how she was feeling. He didn't deserve it as he isn't what she's angry at. Instead a puff of mist left her nose as she let out a heavy sigh.
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"I suppose it is true that you cannot miss what you never had. But just as you cannot understand what it would be like to have emotion. I could not understand what life would be like without them. Nor would I want to know what would have become of me without them. And even then." She added as a pensive look grew on her face. "It seems as though your god could not fully remove a core component of a soul." She pointed out, taking a moment to keep herself calm as simply talking about this arceus is infuriating her.
"And it sounds to me like you feeling pain opened you up to experience other feelings from instinct. Even if they are very basic, and I can imagine living so long without them is why you would sound confused by them." Her expression softens as she gives a smile. Sympathy clear in her eyes.
"If you would like. I could help you be a little less confused and give you a name to those feelings you have described."
[ @ask-valiant-victory ]
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ormindoodles · 11 months
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"Do you truly believe that you are able to stop me from showing Arceus their mistake of allowing me to come to be? I would ask you to reconsider."
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