#linda Mienshao
askiceboundlopunny · 6 months
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The mienshao paused for a moment, turning to look off towards horizon as she thought about how to answer Dravol.
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Time froze for the fear incarnate as her light activated from Linda revisiting an old memory. And was left horrified by what she witnessed in it. However she quickly snapped back to reality when she heard Linda continue, who didn't notice the look on her face yet.
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"It's not something I talk about that often. But it's also something I can't really ignore. It's been taking a long time and has been a lot of work. But hey, I wouldn't worry about eavesdropping. I'll be able to handle it one day. And it's not like there are any walls out here for privacy."
The dragoness let out a sigh as she turned to face Dravol and attempts to change the subject.
"Anyways, what about you? What's stopping you from going home?" She asked before she realized something was bothering the delcatty.
"Hey are you alright?" She asked with both a tone and look of slight concern. "You look like you saw a ghost or something."
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ormindoodles · 1 month
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Twitter outfits have always been a weakness of mine. So I physically couldn't draw these two gals rocking them.
And just as I finished up putting those two in their dresses, another meme outfit dropped. So there's a bonus with the snow bun.
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askadelcatty · 7 months
if you're still doing the thing, may I toss you Tsubayuki or Linda?
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how about both? Want your oc turned into an almian skitty or delcatty? The 1 year anniversary celebration is still going!
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ask-team-misfit · 11 months
Linda@Pikavee: The dragoness appears genuinely impressed at the sight of the mon before her. "Never thought I'd see someone other than a legendary this big for a long time." She chuckles with a friendly smile. "You're almost as big as my great grandma was made out to be in the stories I've heard about her." She chuckles a bit as approaches the giant.
"I bet with you being as tall as you are, you probably draw a lot of attention despite how you act. And I can respect not wanting to senselessly hurt people either. But that has me wondering... How do you get by?" She asked with a furrowed brow. Her tone was of genuine curiosity and almost sounding concerned. "Like, do you even know how to fight in the first place? I can't imagine you'd get many chances to get some experience given how intimidating taking you must be for most people."
What Linda was musing about with her drawing attention made Pikavee think back to her mishap in Sciliva. How her simply existing before those humans and Pokemon attracted every manner of interest, disbelief, or disgust.
This train of thought led her to recall the one warning she had ever been given by him.
Stay away from downtown.
Perhaps he was right.
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[ ID: A grayscale bust drawing of Pikavee slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. She appears somewhat concerned or timid, and her eyes are downcast. Her ears are drooped down. Pikavee's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Pikavee: "Y-yeah... I know. I am kinda big."
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[ ID: A grayscale bust drawing of Lief oriented similarly to the previous image. He looks particularly carefree or playful, winking with his right eye. He's blushing slightly, with the blush shown in color. Lief's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Lief: "Missy, don't sell yourself short! I think only a handful of gods are taller than you like that!"
Pikavee winced from his comment a bit, though she tried to ignore it.
Pikavee: "B-but it isn't all bad, really. I have a wonderful human back home that takes care of me. He makes sure that I get plenty to eat, a-and I get to sleep outside... and I kinda know how moves work thanks to him."
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[ ID: A grayscale bust drawing of Pikavee oriented similarly to the previous image. She's smiling somewhat meekly, but appears more casual. Her ears are upright. End ID ]
Pikavee: "And besides, battles are very uncommon in Sciliva. They're kinda looked down upon..."
Lief blinked at her, staring at her funny ever since that first bit of what she explained.
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[ ID: A grayscale bust drawing of Lief oriented similarly to the previous image. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. At the left is an angular question mark. End ID ]
Lief: "You were definitely sheltered, huh. Also what's with this human thing?"
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leilani-and-kass · 2 years
Linda@Kass: "Well hey, feels like it's been a while since I've seen you around. What's this I've been hearing about you fighting battles for a skitty? Surely people have been trying to mess with me." She asked with a smug grin. "I thought your thing was kidnapping kids, but I guess you now take orders from them?" She chuckles a bit. "Curious what I'll hear next about you if all that's really true. Doing berry picking for a weedle maybe?"
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"Yeah, yeah, laugh at the dragon that got humiliated by a wimpy little Skitty, it's hilarious, ain't it? Like it's my fucking fault that happened to be the one powerful Skitty in this entire Arceus damned world. Don't even tell me you wouldn't think the same thing seein' a normally weak Pokemon like that!"
"... Besides, that little freak had an army of dragons, and if I remember right, you're a Dragon type too, ain't you? They would have had you under their paw in their little army, too! Don't even try to deny that!"
"... Grrrr... but still, maybe you're right, and I am growin' soft. Too trusting. It's because of that damned Popplio kid, gotta be."
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ask-noonescity · 10 months
Linda@Monarch: Shadow pokemon huh? If I understand this right, you only become one if you give into a curse. And from what I hear, it sounds like you just need to keep your cool. But I do wonder, if it's really that straight forward, wouldn't someone knocking your ass out also be a way to keep it in check? Not much you can do if you're out cold.
TW: blood
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"Black Jack has thought about it - You can even ask Ombre about it she would know more since shes the head of this branch - why are you asking me??" he huffed out in annoyance before looking away as he sighed
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"Thats legit all that it takes for you to turn into your own cities boogey man - I dont think knocking someone out all the time would be humane" He said glancing away before hes feeler reached over to the mienshao now pointing to her "But if its a shadow 'mon tracking you...."
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"They like fresh meat straight from source..."
♠Ask hints
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Dragon dames (Closed RP)
( @usualhapparpblog )
Deep in the cave known as victory road, a tall purple weasel is wandering about the corridors passing glances to and fro. “For a place said to have a lot of tough pokemon living in it, it’s been pretty damn quiet.” She comments to herself followed by a sigh of disappointment.
With her hands on her hips she continues walking and thinks to herself. “Did word about me get around that quickly?” She gains an annoyed frown while pondering on that thought. “That’d be annoying because this place seemed promising after fighting those rydon and medicham.” She shrugs as she continues on, keeping an eye and an ear out for any pokemon that could be lurking nearby.
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dragonoak--kingdom · 8 years
Linda@Queen Bambi: Hello there your majesty, I was here for the princess to see what knights you have to get her back. But I seem to have gotten distracted by this lovely garden. *She gives a friendly chuckle before continuing* Jokes aside, surely you have some sort of royal guard to keep stuff like that from happening right? If so who would you say is your best? And do you always have them close by?
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Queen Darina: I do not intend to insult. I am certain if there were to be such a incident to occur, myself would be the first to action. Fighting has entirely been my passion since a child, and I have certainly had many centuries to perfect it.
[ @askiceboundlopunny ] 
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askiceboundlopunny · 8 months
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Linda held Kass in place with a strength and grip that felt like she could break off his horn if she held any tighter, as she spoke her threat casually with an underlying irritation in her tone that was clear the mienshao's eyes.
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"Now if you're really so curious, this 'quest' wasn't my idea in the first place. And it's not about the mega stones either. But they do know that I have a few of them. Although what's it to you if they do?" She asked rhetorically as she loosened her grip a bit for the other dragon could pull himself free if he wished. "A soft little dragon like you is in no position to be judging me on anything unless you want to learn how to fly."
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ormindoodles · 4 months
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Linda used Superpower!
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theorangelopunny · 7 years
💎 For the orange fluff bun to judge purple dragon weasel :]
Blayz: Ms. Linda? Well, She’s really tall ya know? And her fur is a really pretty shade of purple! Though, I do have to wonder how she got that bright pink hair. Does she dye it? There’s a certain friend of mine who maaaay just get a little upset at her for doing so, aheheh!Although... while her fur is really pretty, her teeth look razor sharp. I dont wanna get caught by those...8.5/10!
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thetakenpokemon · 4 years
Linda@Miyako: The dragoness wears a smirk as she approaches the legendary hybrid. “It seems a normal lopunny is difficult to find these days. You’re the third one in a row that I’ve seen with something to set them apart from your kind. But if someone told me that there was one of you out there that had THE dragon of ideals in their blood, I would have called them crazy. And yet here you are.” She stated as she tried her best to mask the excitement in her tone. 
Her tails swayed back and forth behind as she placed a hand on her hip. “Now I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care to see just how much of their power you inherited for myself, since I’ve always dreamed of a fight with zekrom since I was a kid. But I can wait for that until after I hear how you ended up with it. Was it something you were born with, did you earn it through a test, or something else?”
She leans in a little with an eager look in her eyes. “Of course if you want to just have a spar instead I’d be more than fine with that too.”
[PoV: Miyako]
And here I was thinking that I’d have to go out of my way to talk to someone, but it turns out that someone seems to be taking the initiative. When I turn to address the source of the voice, I realize that I need to look up in order to even match the gaze of the person.
Wow… She’s…really tall…
She asks about the frequency of Lopunny hybrids, but here’s the REAL question: What is with Mienshao hybrids being so ridiculously tall?!
I thought Nynette was pretty big, but this girl here looks to be taller than her by a good couple of inches. This is definitely something I need to tell Nynette when I get back, since I can only imagine the surprised look on her face when she learns that she’s not the tallest of her species anymore~ 
...Not that I can NOT tell her, since…it’s impossible to hide information from her to begin with.
Sure Yinomi can always detect lies, but you can simply just not speak when around her. Nynette? She has Yinomi beat since that Mienshao can literally just rip the information from your mind. I suppress a shudder and focus back on the current Mienshao before me.
As she continues to speak, a grin widens on my face. “You got that right!” I exclaim with a laugh when she mentions about me having the blood of Zekrom in my veins. I couldn’t help but puff my chest, feeling pride swelling within me.
When she asks me a question soon followed with a challenge to spar, my red eyes glitter with excitement. The opportunity to fight? Sign me the hell up, it’s a rarity that I ever get to find someone who’s wanting to have a throw-down! Usually I have to force my ‘sisters’ to fight me!
Just as I’m about to accept her offer, I remember the reason on why I’m actually here. It…wouldn’t be a good idea to participate in any fights - even if they’re a friendly spar. I don’t think Iniko or Zenoclio would be very happy about it…
Yinomi wouldn’t be happy either, but I don’t give a fuck about her opinions. It’s the others that I’m worried about.
Visibly deflating, I let out a sigh and rub the back of my head. “Any other time I would’ve accepted that offer to spar in a heartbeat. I don’t believe my ‘sisters’ would be very happy if I were to start fighting with the locals, even if it’s consensual.”
As for her question? I think about it for a little while. Sure they said that there’s no actual reason to withhold information about our origins, is it really worth the risk? She’s asking about how I came to be after all…
Oh what the hell, it’s not like she can use it against us to begin with.
“For how much of Zekrom’s power I have...” I start. “I have most of it? All of it?” I scratch my head in thought before ultimately shrugging. “There’s not really any other Zekrom of decent caliber that I can make a comparison, but seeing how strong I am? I’d like to think that my power is one-for-one~”
“Now, in terms of how I became part Zekrom? I continue, unable to contain my laughter. “To be blunt, this isn’t really common knowledge. Then again it’s not a secret we’re keeping either, but more on the fact that it’s lost knowledge - lost to history, that is.”
I look at my clawed fingers, the black talons causing arcs of blue electricity to dance between them as they touch together. “I wasn’t born as a hybrid. I was just a standard Lopunny, having two standard Lopunny parents. Nothing really special about me if I’ll be honest.” I look back up at the purple Mienshao. “I actually was transformed into what I am now after discovering Zekrom’s Power. It infused itself into my being, transforming me into something that can properly bear its power.” I gesture to my entire self. “As you can see quite plainly, making me part Zekrom is the solution.”
I pause, realizing I should probably further elaborate since this might give her the wrong idea. “...Not that I was actively looking, I had no idea what I discovered when I first ran into it.” I continue before pausing again, recalling details that I haven’t had a need to recall in a…long while. “Well, I guess that’s kinda wrong too. I guess that I should say that I was…drawn to it without my knowing?”
Hmm, I guess memories can be rather hazy when you haven’t thought on them for a while. Not to mention it HAS been a long…long time ago since that fateful event…
“Sorry, trying to sort thing out.” I sigh again, shaking my head before crossing my arms. “To summarize: it chose me. It pretty much subconsciously guided me to it, and transformed me into what I am now. Went from your run-of-the-mill Lopunny into the rabbit who bears the power of the Dragon of Ideals~!” I grin widely at her, trying my best not to come off as TOO proud of my circumstance.
Well, I am kinda proud of it…
“’Course, I’m not the only one who’s part Legendary.” I say somewhat absentmindedly, scratching my cheek. “My other ‘sisters’ became a hybrid the same way, where they were chosen to become bearers of the power of their respective Legendaries.” I give a nod. “And that’s pretty much it on that matter.”
Now that I’m done answering, I decide to inhale strongly through my nose. The scent of the Mienshao filling my nostrils, answering one question about her that I was kinda bothering me.
I couldn’t help but offer a fanged grin. “…Gotta say... Ignoring the fact that the whole power thing needs to choose you, you most definitely don’t need it. I can already tell that you’re extremely formidable as you are~”
I start walking in circles around her, using my hands to occasionally lift her ribbons or tail to get a proper look at her body. “Quite obvious that you got dragon blood in you, I can smell it~” I purr. “Strong body, potent power, honed killer’s instinct…” To say that I’m impressed would be an understatement. “Girl, just by looking at you? I can tell that you’re an apex predator wherever you go~”
Man, I really really REALLY want to fight her. People in the outside world are rarely this strong - with the exception of the really powerful Dragons and stuff. I can only imagine how much fun I’d have…
I stop right in front of her, ending my somewhat personal inspection. “You know? I really like you!” I laugh. “Sure you being really strong and part-Dragon does contribute to it, but you wanna know the biggest factor?” I tap the side of my head, my grin growing wider. “It’s because you’re really idealistic~ Yet that’s not all! Not only do you got big goals and dreams, but I can tell that you’re making those dreams a reality, seeing how I can practically smell the power radiating from you!” The more I speak, the more fired up I become. “You say that you dreamed of fighting against Zekrom when you’re little? The mere concept of fighting a Legendary is something that others rarely think of. Hell, even those born in power would almost never entertain the idea of going against one.”
Maybe... Just maybe...it wouldn’t hurt to have one teensy, weensy little spar…? I mean, it shouldn’t be THAT big of an issue, right…?
No! Bad Miyako! You have a mission to focus on! Fighting can come AFTER you’re done!
It wouldn’t really hurt if it lasted for like a minute or so…right...?
I shake my head, trying my best to rid myself of those tempting thoughts. If I caved in now, I definitely would get chewed out by the others.
With my head at least partially clear, I remember something that kinda flew passed me. That specific thing would be called introductions.
I look at her sheepishly. “So... You got a name?” I rub the back of my head again. "...Even though my experience in the outside world is a bit on the limited side, I know for a fact that meeting someone like you is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” Well, not that it really applies to me to begin with. “So not knowing your name would really suck.”
I jab a clawed thumb at myself. “If you want mine, you can call me Miyako! Miyo also works, since that’s what my friends refer to me as~”
Well, more like that’s what my ‘sisters’ call me, but that’s besides the point. This girl? She’s already my friend, and she has absolutely no say in this.
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leilani-and-kass · 4 years
Linda@Kass: A snerk escapes her as she struggles to keep a straight face after what she just heard. "You're joking right? You have to be joking. You, having a trainer? That's hilarious!" She chuckled out. "With the tough guy act you put on all the time I never woulda thought you'd let yourself be domesticated." The dragoness leans in a bit with a smirk on her face. "Come on I gotta know, what all did you make him do to keep you from eating him?"
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“I know it ain’t the same with all Trainers. There are a fuck ton of them out there that are complete assholes that deserve any form of punishment coming to ‘em. Including... heh, including being eaten by a crazy bitch like you. But Joshua was not like that!! He loved Pokemon more than anything else in the world!”
“Kinda sounds like you don’t understand shit about a proper relationship between a Trainer and their Pokemon. I was never anyone’s pet trained to sit up, speak, or play dead. Me and Joshua were partners who worked together on any shitty thing that thrown at us. And not just Joshua, either. Archie, Camilla, Alistair, Clementine, Roscoe... I know it sounds cheesy as hell, but they were more of a family to me than anyone related to me by blood!”
I’m strong now, but I wasn’t hatched this strong, ya know. I was a wimpy little Jangmo-o once, just as you were probably a weak little... uhhh, whatever the fuck you were however long ago. And I never would’a gotten strong if not for any of them!”
“Oh, but like you know anything about that, being the ‘big badass lone Lycanroc’ that you think ya are. I oughta toss you into that volcano, if anything.”
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Sisterly Bonding (Closed RP)
[ @askvulpinecurses ]
Linda’s ears twitched at the sound of what she thought was giggling and stood upright looking around to try and find out where it was coming from. However before she could look for too long, something jumped onto her head causing jump a little in response. 
“Ahhh!” Is what initially came out of the purple weasel in response to this surprise attack. However after hearing the voice of the little mon that landed on her, she couldn’t help but smirk as she looked up at Hecate with furrowed eyebrows. She was legitimately impressed that the kid actually managed to surprise her like this. Not to mention land on her from where ever she was hiding.
Linda giggles a bit at the little absol on her head. “I didn’t know I was supposed to be the one hiding. But I’ll admit you did surprise me.” She says as she looks up at Hecate. “So. Do I win?” She asks with a friendly smile.
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thetakenpokemon-rp · 4 years
[Continued from here] | @askiceboundlopunny
When she mentioned that there is an empty field nearby, I bite my lips - said action nearly drawing blood due to my sharp fangs.
She does have a point, we can have a lil’ teensy spar with no one getting caught up in it...
Nope! C’mon Miyako, you’ve been over this before! You know how things will turn out, the last thing you need is to get in trouble. If you cause any issues at all, there’s a really big chance that they’ll just send you back!
I’ve been wanting to leave my home for a long time, this is the first time I’m even talking to someone who lives outside! Is it really worth the risk?
Realizing the possible consequences, I manage to barely push the temptation to the back of my mind again. I take a shuddering breath and force myself to put on a straight face.
When I start listening to the giant Mienshao talk again, I hear her speak about fighting my other sisters. Now that causes me to pause, the sheer concept of the thought being absurd to me.
Now I can understand the prospect of wanting to fight a Legendary, but to fight MULTIPLE Legendaries - Bearers or not?
At that point I don’t think the word ‘ambitious’ would even be enough to describe that sort of idealism. Not to mention this girl is talking about it as if it’s actually going to happen, seeing her wording and tone of voice.
The best part? It’s for sake of creating a legacy to pass down to her eventual descendants.
She’s not fighting for power or dominance, but for glory.
I start laughing, giving her a playful punch in the thigh - softly of course, gotta keep my strength in check after all. “Girl? Where have you been all this time?!” I give her a full fanged grin, unable to contain the sheer mirth and joy that I’m feeling. “I honestly think that it’s incredibly cruel that you weren’t one of the people who inherited a Legendary’s power, since I have a feeling that you and I would have an absolute blast together if you were a Sister! I can only imagine the shenanigans!”
I start rubbing my chin, my smile turning to a mischievous grin. “You speak of the prospect of fighting the others? That’s a thought, now that I think about it~ There’s definitely several who wouldn’t be keen on sparring, but I know that there’s a couple who’d accept if asked~”
I hum in thought as a few names come to mind. “Renaetta? She’d love the prospect of taking someone on. She’s definitely someone who I often spar with, so it’d be very interesting to see her take on someone else.” My eyes glint with excitement. “If you manage to get Kazashi to warm up to you? She’d definitely be down for a fight, although I have a feeling that she might give you some difficulty due to her nature.” My expression becomes sheepish. “...or at least I assume so, since I have a rough time whenever I spar with her.”
The more I think about it, the more excited I become. “Ulyssia? I’d love to see someone else take her on, especially with how much she amplifies herself with that ‘victory’ power of hers.” I let out an irritated snort. “Definitely kinda unfair in my opinion, since that boost of power really catches you off-guard when you think you have the upper-hand.”
“Tanayah though?” My smile returns. “She’s insanely fast, so I’m not too sure on how well you’d handle her.” I let out another laugh. “Corrina? I’m gonna straight up assume that she’s a no-go because of that Dragon blood in you. I can’t fight her at all since she’s the ‘Ultimate Dragon Slayer’ due to the Legendary that she’s a Bearer of. So if you were to go up against her? I’d say that you wont’ stand a chance.”
Man... Just thinking about all of this is making me seriously want to reconsider my stance on not fighting. There’s a lot of potentials on how a fight can turn out when it comes to my other sisters. For Linda herself? All I’m doing really is just guesstimating due to the amount of power I sense in her, so I have no idea on what she’s actually capable of.
Which is why I REALLY want to take her on, since I want to see what exactly she can do!
Like, it would be a relatively fair fight too since the power of us Bearers is weaker when we leave the Isle. Well, more like leave the vicinity of the temple that Xiomara takes care of - which is still technically the same thing.
It shouldn’t be an issue, right? It IS consensual, both of us want to have a wee scuffle to test each other’s prowess...
...And of course, the moment I start questioning myself, the Mienshao brings up the empty field again.
The more I listen to her, the more I feel my objections slip away.
No one will get hurt except us.
We can let loose and really test our strength against one another. She definitely wants it, I definitely want it. What problem is there?
Not to mention we can come riiiight back once we’re done...
At this point I realize that my body is crackling with electricity. The energy radiating from me charges the surrounding air, giving off the faint smell of ozone.
Yeah... Right back...
With a claw I reach and grab Linda’s wrist. Not even bothering to withhold my strength I pull her down so that her face is next to mine, allowing our gazes to match without the need for me to look up.
“Well, what are we waiting for~?” I purr at her.
When discerning the emotions that’s in my eyes, the first one that would come to someone’s mind would be...lust.
They wouldn’t be wrong either. In fact? They’d be spot on. I am feeling lustful right now. Lust for battle. Lust for the chance of a good fight.
I don’t care if I’ll get in trouble or not. I am NOT going to miss this opportunity, and I am going to savor it~
I release the Mienshao’s wrist, giving her a playful wink. “Remember Linda, you initiated. So don’t leave me hanging, alright~?” I singsong before turning around and walking towards the direction of the field, the anticipation making me the most excited that I have ever felt in a long, long while.
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“A shot of poison to catch her off-guard, where I’ll signal Naida to assist me. I plan to rush and push the girl to her limits in a fight while switching between close and long range, not to just wound her, but so that the poison courses through her body more quickly the harder she tries to keep up with me. Whenever Naida arrives, we’ll corner her and continue to wear her out until she can no longer fight. That’s when I’ll administer an antidote before she succumbs, enough so that she’s conscious, but no longer able to resist us.
After all... her bounty prefers her alive, and I plan to do just as what is desired.”
[ @askiceboundlopunny ]
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