#Tutorial Recreation
thewickling · 1 year
I realized that the updated Tag Search function makes it way easier to attempt to parallel search relationships including a specific character.
This method works better for characters who are not glitter and shipped with every person and creature and object under the sun.
This tutorial is written for people not familiar with tag ids. If you know how tag ids work, you should read the last two paragraph of this tutorial first.
You can find the Tag Search by looking at the menu at the top of the AO3 page that’s off to the left side.
Click Search and click Tag (the third option from the top).
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Type in your character. If the character only ever appears in one fandom, you also include that. If the character you want to search as a very common name, you will probably have to include a fandom to avoid pulling in unrelated tags. Do not include more than one fandom otherwise the result will only pull up any tags that exist in all the fandoms you listed.
Select Relationship for type
Select Canonical
Hit Search Tags
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The results should pull up every relationship that includes that character for that specific fandom or if you did not restrict by fandom, every relationship that has character with an identical name to the character you’re searching for.
For the character I picked, “Arm”, there are 29 results.
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Open the Work Search page in a new tab or window. You can find a link in the same menu as Tag Search.
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Or you can also open it through button labeled Work Search beside the Tag Search heading.
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On the Work Search page, find the Any Field box. 
This next part will be time-consuming but you will need to format all the relationships you want to parallel search like this: "X/Y" OR "X & A"  OR   "B & Z".
The tags need to match how they were shown on the Tag Search page. Each relationship needs to be placed between straight quotes. Curly quotes will break this search. Between each relationship tag, there needs to be an OR in all caps, but not one at the start or end.
After you’ve formatted things like this you can paste it into the Any Field box. (You could have just composed your search in there but if you’re parallel searching many relationship tags, doing it in notepad or something may make it easier to see what you’ve already included.)
There are filter options on this page. If you want to sort by completed or such, this is the point you need to do it at this point. This kind of search does not allow you to filter after you have clicked search. Unlike filtering on a specific tag, there is no filtering sidebar. A few other caveats:
If you want to exclude tags, you will have to input them into the Any Field box alongside the relationship tags. Those excluded tags will need to be formatted like such: - "tag 1"  - "tag 2"
Basically they just need a minus sign in front of them. You do not need to include OR between them.
If you include more than one tag in the Character, Relationship, or Additional Tag boxes, the search will only bring up results that match all of your search parameters. So if you inputted “Fluff” and “High School” into the Additional Tag field, it would only bring up works that have both the “Fluff” and “High School” tag as well as any of the relationship tags in the Any Field.
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I just want search for every work that includes Arm so I have no other filtering added. It looks like something below.
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Once you’ve finished setting up your search, click the search button.
In the case of my search, I only set it up to pull up any of the 29 relationship tags I found  that included Arm. When I saved this screenshot, there were 412 results.
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A few important things to note. While AO3 doesn’t really restrict how many text characters you put into the Any Field box, most browsers have a limit. So if you want to parallel search a lot of relationship or any tags in fact, you may run into your browser breaking your search.
If you’re searching a high number of tags, it’s better to use tag ids instead because they’re shorter and so you’ll be able to include way more information with less text characters. The tutorial works similarly except the list will be formatted like such: filter_ids:123 OR filter_id:456
You will not need to put quotes around a tag id. To find a tag id, you can open a specific tag and look at its RSS Feed, or by using the following script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29917-ao3-display-tag-id  
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taxonomicons · 2 years
WWDITS Episode Idea: The documentary crew is sick and they allow the vampires to film with the cameras on their own.
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thelooniemoonie · 7 months
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been really getting into painting pansexual clouds for some reason
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rohirric-hunter · 23 days
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crowind1 · 5 months
Me, trying to do a complex animation for the first time in life:
✨I have no idea of what i am doing✨
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isa-ah · 2 months
woke up soo gross this morning bc i had to take benadryl in the middle of the night so i spent today researching godot from a comfy position instead of doing anything actually productive (lol) & i managed to make trigger areas, a working one time flag for a character to call you over, interaction text that pops up and prioritizes based on location, and a shooting mechanic that mostly works (my little guy spins like a pinwheel which was too objectively funny to fix tonight). progress =')
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snoopsday · 3 months
this is giving me a HEADACHE but i’m figuring it out !!!
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kaiowut99 · 3 months
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GX Finalized-Subs!114 (WIP): Screaming into Place
Getting some work going to prep everything for finalizing my subs for GX 113 and 114, and as part of that, I thought I'd try to take a crack at an error that happens here which first turns up in 113's preview for 114, and then wasn't addressed in-episode, subsequently being kept by the dub too.
So, as Judai orders Neos to attack Professor Satou's Attack-Mode Scab Scarknight, Satou activates his Scab Scream Trap Card, which reduces the Battle Damage there to zero before letting Satou send Scarknight to his Cemetery/GY to destroy Neos and summon Crying Scarknight through it. The way it plays out, Satou declares the activation, tells Judai that he won't lose to him, and the card here glows as we fade into Scab Scarknight before it starts to glow and chip away, its pieces flying towards Neos and making him go boom.
But given that, I thought it an error because it doesn't really make sense for Scarknight to be the card glowing, since the effect Satou described isn't coming from it--and throughout the series, shots like this are used as a card's effect comes into play, typically as a Magic or Trap Card gets activated on the field. (And since it's in Attack Mode, Scarknight's card wouldn't be on the field with it [it'd be horizontally under it if it was in Defense Mode].)
So, I thought I'd apply some AfterEffects skills (and a Light Rays tutorial) to try and fix it, giving me what I have here after messing around for a few days (albeit very briefly each day bc work). First, I made a proxy for Scab Scream in Photoshop, then CC-Power-Pinned it into place in AE with some color correction and light blurring. After that, I tried to see if any YouTube creators made AE tutorials on lighting up a card like the original shot, to no avail; most of them were around setting and then flipping cards up in 3D, which while useful wasn't quite the goal, lol. So, I found one on the CC Light Rays effect and was able to play around with it enough to get something that I liked in replicating the original glow here decently.
To account for the fade into Scarknight, I took this into Sony Vegas, where I faded it into about 12-14 frames of Scarknight post-fade that I reused (the original shot actually loops it some too--the dub, meanwhile, hilariously faded into a still shot of Scarknight because of how they dubified the card, and you can tell because his aura suddenly jumpstarts). I then played it a few times (or 20) with the audio from the episode to make sure I felt it natural with the SFX and all, lol.
But overall, hopefully that looks good! Not as 1:1 as I'd like, and if anyone has dabbled in AE for things like this, it would be nice to make it a bit more similar (I would've liked a way to make a few points on the art light up rather than just the total center, for example [and it did make sense to center it on Scarknight's body in the Scream art], or try to recreate the glowing lines around the card more [which I couldn't really keep due to the fade to Scarknight]). I did toy with the idea of masking out the original light-up spots for use with a new solid-color layer to redo them some, or masking Scarknight out from Scab Scream's art and making a light-up glowing effect from that, but wasn't really feeling how those were coming out. But that said, I think this'll work nicely enough--though yeah, open to improvements on the off-chance anyone else has dabbled with making cards glow like this in AE, lol.
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slugsketches · 1 year
I want to learn how to do pixel art but SPECIFICALLY I want to learn how to do it and emulate the scan line effect
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I just think it'd be super neat
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sasukemoe · 1 year
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Yeah i have no idea how to render like this again..it really sucks and makes me so upset because it literally looks so good and i wanted to create more outta this style :(
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mikelogan · 1 year
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we were supposed to be just friends you don't live in my part of town, but maybe i'll see you out some weekend depending on what kind of mood and situation-ship i'm in and what's in my system i think there’s been a glitch (x)
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yellow-yarrow · 1 year
i spend all day trying to make a ragdoll in blender, and it sucks, now i remember why i hated working with 3d
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theskyexists · 1 year
Have in fact, managed to make wallrunning. WORK
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gophergal · 1 year
I spent a literal fucking hour trying to figure out why some code wasn't working, only to realize I forgot one little fucking tag. What the fuck how do people do this
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
i thought i knew who that last anon was talking about cause i also saw a few gifsets that looked WAY too similar to your style. i went to check their blog and they’ve deleted 💀
i think this is the same person i came across as they deleted very recently... they had a very similar style but what really bothered me is they straight up copied some of my gifs from my ladies meme as in, same colour scheme, same scenes, same style 💀
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handern · 2 years
this isn't a whining moment or anything more like, trying to figure things out by putting them out there like I know that what's holding me back art-wise is a) that if a drawing isn't anatomically correct I start to overheat and I start over so everything looks so fucking stiff in the end because b) I don't understand how perspective works so in order to achieve an anatomically correct pose with minimum perspective, I end up drawing something stiff
it's been ten years and I still have the same reaction to learning perspective than when I was told to do math in school aka : you show me how it works and I get it and everything goes ok then ten seconds laters I have already forgotten the steps and the result is absolutely disgusting so I quit
I've known these facts for years but despite my best efforts I still can't seem to get a good grasp at anatomy or perspective which I guess is what sucks when you're trying to teach yourself how to draw and you can only rely on online tutorials with nobody to tell you live where your mistakes are
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