#Tutoring centre Vancouver
mrssamtmworld · 2 years
Childhood Education Programs Vancouver - Tutoring Vancouver - Mrs Sam
Website: https://www.mrssam.ca/vancouver/
Most of the students come to our center with poor grades initially but start showing significant improvements after a few months and eventually scoring straight A’s in their school work. These students come in with little or no interest in their studies initially but later develop high enthusiasm in learning from our Childhood education programs Vancouver tutors. 
For more information Contact us:
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Although one might think that Physics, Chemistry and Math are similar, on the contrary, they are quite different subjects and should be treated differently.The strategies for mastering the subjects are the same although the content may differ significantly. With this in mind, we have distinguished and identified the best methods and study techniques for each.
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#1: Read the Material before Going to Class
This technique encourages students to study the lesson before going to class. Having the right notes or books can make a difference in this endeavour. Another important tool is the use of on-line resources which are available for free these days. This concept familiarises the student with the subject content making the class much easier to follow. Although understanding may not be complete initially, students can then consolidate that knowledge and use class time to raise important questions.
#2: Understanding Rather Than Memorising
William James said: “The essence of genius is to know what to overlook.” We cannot agree more! You have to be selective with what you memorise. When we study, efforts should focus on understanding concepts rather than memorising every last detail. Once we have gathered the important facts, we can implement this selective memory method. But remember, under no circumstances should memorisation replace understanding.
#3: Use Flashcards
The coursesare full of symbols, formulas and very scientific language, therefore noting it down makes memorizing much easier. Interpreting all of these concepts correctly is key to your success. Although this may seem like an obvious point, large numbers of students fail each year because they underestimate the importance of understanding this complex subject. With this in mind, study sheets or flashcards are ideal for organising and storing symbols and formulas. Once you have created a good set of flashcards, memorisation will become much easier.
#4: Take Notes
It is not enough to simply pay attention in class; it is also necessary to write down everything and understand what you taking notes on. Formulas and equations are far easier to understand once written down and presented in the right way. When notes are compiled and stored in an organised fashion, it is easier to determine what you do and don’t understand.
#5: Practice Daily
Continuing with the previous point, one of the key areas in studying correctly is practice. Solving equations and practical problems should be a feature part of your study routine. Test your knowledge with sample tests on a regular basis. This will prepare you for your exam and assesses your level of understanding to date. There is no substitute for hands on experience. It strengthens our knowledge in a practical environment. Source: https://www.mrssam.ca/vancouver/
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Are you looking for an AP tutoring lesson to boost up your AP Exam Score but don't know where to begin?
Then this is the program for you! We offer a four-month long after-school tutoring program that allows students to gain on-going experience and an opportunity to learn while earning school credit.  This adds up to a total of 100 hours of learning time. All courses are taught by experienced B.C licensed teacher. 
YES !! you not hearing it wrong, not only you enjoy 100 hours of tutoring time, but students can also receive school credits for it. After completing our course, students can take their AP exams at City Vancouver Academy High School.
For more details, please check our website: https://www.cityvanacademy.ca/advanced-placement-ap
Our AP tutoring program is now accepting application for: January session.
Program Intake: September and January Terms.
Total 100 Hours of Learning Time (4 months/ Daily)
4:00 PM ~5:30 PM After-school Time
Receive school credit upon completion
Take AP Exam at City Vancouver Academy High School AP Test Centre
B.C licensed instructor
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The 8 Traits of a Successful Math Tutor
For сhіldrеn ѕtrugglіng wіth mаth, having thе support оf аn еxреrіеnсеd mаth tutor hаѕ been рrоvеd tо bе crucial. Effесtіvе math tutоrіng іnvоlvеѕ bоth tеасhіng thе ѕоlutіоnѕ to math рrоblеmѕ аnd also, thе ѕtruсturе of hоw math wоrkѕ. Thіѕ hеlрѕ math students achieve a bеttеr grasp of the соrе соnсерtѕ.
For thоѕе whо wаnt tо bесоmе math tеасhеrѕ оr practice mаth tutоrіng оn thе ѕіdе, thеrе аrе 8 trаіtѕ thаt аrе еѕѕеntіаl fоr ѕuссеѕѕ. Those who employ these specific trаіtѕ will bе аblе tо tеасh mоrе еffесtіvеlу and соnvеу thе wоrld of math tо the ѕtudеnt іn thе mоѕt efficient mаnnеr.
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In оrdеr tо bе a gооd tеасhеr, you hаvе tо bе fullу рrераrеd аnd vеrѕеd оn the ѕubjесt. Suссеѕѕful mаth tutоrѕ knоw thе mаtеrіаl аnd are рrераrеd to answer questions whеn they аrіѕе. Mоrеоvеr, effective рrераrаtіоn allows fоr thе tutоr to switch gеаrѕ when needed аnd provide рrореr alternatives fоr рrоblеm ѕоlvіng.
Tеасhіng ѕkіllѕ
Fоr a mаth tеасhеr, the ability tо еxрlаіn mоrе difficult concepts іn a mаnnеr thаt іѕ ѕіmрlе аnd сlеаr is a valuable ѕkіll. Thе uѕе оf an еаѕу to understand lаnguаgе саn hеlр thе student feel аt еаѕе аnd take the next ѕtер tоwаrdѕ ѕоlvіng thе рrоblеm. Furthеrmоrе, a gооd tutоr ѕhоuld bе аblе to ѕummаrіzе thе concept ԛuісklу аnd succinctly.
Effective math tutoring, іѕ not just аbоut explaining thе ѕubjесt tо thе ѕtudеnt, it also іnvоlvеѕ lіѕtеnіng to thеm. This wау, thе math tutоr can bеttеr understand the іѕѕuеѕ аnd thеrеfоrе lау out a bеttеr plan to hеlр thеm. Bу ѕреаkіng сlеаrlу аnd concisely, the tutоr can explain the соnсерtѕ needed to hеlр thе child or ѕtudеnt. By lіѕtеnіng intently, thе tutоr саn thеn hеlр thе ѕtudеnt іn thе mаnnеr thаt best fіtѕ thеіr nееdѕ.
A gооd tutor should аlwауѕ еlісіt іnfоrmаtіоn from thе student to help bеttеr communicate thеіr undеrѕtаndіng. Moreover, сrеаtіng аn ореn аtmоѕрhеrе ѕо thаt the ѕtudеnt саn wіllіnglу ask questions іѕ vіtаl in еѕtаblіѕhіng a gооd mаth tutоr/ѕtudеnt rеlаtіоnѕhір.
Thе professional behavior of the math tutоr is vеrу important in hеlріng the ѕtudеnt lеаrn thе ѕubjесt. A mаth tutоr саn bе funnу, сhееrful and humоrоuѕ. But thе dеmеаnоr ѕhоuld always be соnѕіѕtеnt and pointed іn the direction оf lеаrnіng. That wау, thе student аlwауѕ knоwѕ whаt tо expect.
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Fоr mаth tutоrѕ, іnnоvаtіоn means coming wіth thе dіffеrеnt аnd rеfrеѕhіng wауѕ tо hеlр students undеrѕtаnd thе concepts so thеу саn ѕоlvе the рrоblеmѕ. Extrа nоtеѕ, flаѕh cards оr other mеаnѕ саn be uѕеd tо shake uр thе sessions juѕt еnоugh tо help еlісіt bеttеr lеаrnіng.
Bеіng раѕѕіоnаtе about tеасhіng, thе ѕtudеnt ѕuссеѕѕ and thе subject іѕ a vital раrt of bеіng a grеаt mаth tutоr. Thе раѕѕіоn fоr teaching ѕhоuld bе present ѕо as tо kеер thе іntеrеѕt of thе ѕtudеnt.
Thе ѕіnglе trаіt thаt lосkѕ the rest together іѕ реrѕіѕtеnсе. Bу соntіnuіng tо present thе information, lіѕtеnіng to thе student аnd providing іnnоvаtіvе wауѕ tо lеаrn, the tutor wіll еvеntuаllу help аlmоѕt everyone they tеасh tо lеаrn the іmроrtаnt соnсерtѕ оf mаth.
Website:- https://aspiremathacademy.com
Contact Information
Aspire Learning Academy
Address:- 2428 Haywood Ave, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1Y1
Phone:- 604-281-0507
External Links:-
Math Tutoring West Vancouver Summer Camps Near Me Math Learning Centre West Vancouver Math Tutor Vancouver Math Camp West Vancouver Math Academy West Vancouver Summer School West Vancouver Summer Learning Math Tutoring Tutoring Vancouver Vancouver Tutoring Vancouver Learning Centre West Vancouver Private Schools Tutors In Vancouver Math Help Centre Tutoring Academy Math Tutoring Vancouver Vancouver Math Tutor
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caro-sandbox · 4 years
2016 (2)
December 17, 2016
Dear Diary,
Nearly a year has past. The wounds from the demise of my closest bond with another human are slowly healing. 
Despite my introverted-ness and insecurities, I managed to form new connections with people. The scars from the past are still there, but are steadily fading.
It is a Sunday today, which means helping my parents out with housekeeping.
My dad is old, well past the retirement age and my mom works a minimum wage job. Their income alone is not sufficient for our household. Still, we make it through, lucking out with our own apartment and almost the end of our mortgage payments. 
Every Sunday, I accompany my parents with their side housekeeping job. We clean 3 places out in West Vancouver. I don’t mind helping out, dirty washrooms don’t scare me. However, judgement does.
One of these places is a math tutoring centre, and the kids are from well-off families. I will never forget their looks and stares I get from taking out the trash or vacuuming the floors. Sometimes, I’d hide out in the washroom until they’re gone. 
Clearly, my insecurity personality is shining through. The fact that they are strangers don’t change the feeling in my stomach. 
Still, my spirits are high. My parents had it much harder.
Until today.
“Are you sure?” my mom asks on the phone.
She hangs up the phone and tells my dad to pull over.
She had just found out my dad has cancer. 
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hcsmca · 6 years
UBC’s Centre for Health Education Scholarship celebrates first decade
As Faculty Development Coordinator and long-time tutor for the Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program, Heather Buckley is one of many people at the UBC Faculty of Medicine who are transforming the health of patients and communities through the education of the next generation of health professionals. When Dr. Buckley wanted to deepen her teaching expertise, she turned […] Read more from UBC Medicine
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Chinese classes, ski lessons qualify for child-care deduction, judge rules, provided they really involve child care
Summer is officially over. Your vacation time has been exhausted. And the kids are back in school. If you’re a parent who pays for child care that enables you to work, you may be entitled to some tax relief when you file your 2018 tax return.
Under our tax rules, you can generally deduct money you paid to caregivers providing child care services, day nursery schools and daycare centres, as well as fees for child care services offered through educational institutions, day camps and day sports schools where the primary goal of the camp is to care for children.
You can claim up to $8,000 annually for children under the age of 7, $5,000 for other eligible children aged 7 to 16, and $11,000 for children who qualify for the disability tax credit.
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A recent tax case, decided earlier this month, comes just in time for the school year as it seems to open the door as to what types of child care expenses may be deducted. The case involved a Vancouver banker who was denied his claim for just over $5,000 of child care expenses on his 2016 tax return.
The banker, whose kids were 12 and 10 at the time, typically worked Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., while his spouse, a mortgage broker, worked similar office hours but also worked some evenings and weekends, depending on client demand. Both children attended school on a full-time basis and were finished around 3 p.m. daily.
The taxpayer paid for his children to be involved in various activities after school throughout the year, including: chess programs, math tutoring classes, Chinese language classes, ski class and summer camp. The couple also hired two high school students and two bilingual university students to pick them up from various classes or mind over them during the year. The taxpayer and his spouse “are a modern busy working couple who have chosen a plethora of activities and care arrangements for their children to cover the after school hours before the finish of their work day.”
The taxpayer took the position that all of the expenses he incurred for the above activities and services were to enable he and his wife to work, as without these expenses, one of them would not be able to work. The Canada Revenue Agency, on the other hand, was of the view that the activities the taxpayer paid for were activities that do not qualify for “child care expenses” within the meaning of the Income Tax Act.
Over the decades, there have been two lines of cases dealing with child-care expenses that are fundamentally at odds with respect to the interpretation of what constitutes a properly deductible child care expense.
One line of cases — the one adopted by the CRA — stands for the proposition that recreational or education activities “were not intended by Parliament to be activities to fall within the realm of child care services.” As a judge in one of those cases wrote, “I do not think that recreational expenses … are child care expenses…. These expenses were not incurred for the purposes of watching over children to protect them…. They were incurred to develop the physical, social and artistic abilities of the children. These expenses would have been incurred whether or not the parents had been working.”
The second, alternate line of cases — and the one favoured by the taxpayer — stands for the proposition that the court ought to look at the purpose for which the expense was incurred and not deny a bona fide child-care expense solely because the activity is recreational or educational in nature.
The judge in the recent case preferred this second line of cases, arguing that if the purpose of the legislation is to assist parents who work by subsidizing child-care expenses in the form of a tax deduction, then an expense shouldn’t be denied simply because it includes an “educative element.”
Since both parents worked full-time Monday to Friday, the judge was prepared to conclude that enrollment of the taxpayer’s children in Chinese classes after school hours “was for the purpose of enabling them to work.” The judge concluded the same for the chess, golf and other similar classes in which the children were enrolled. The judge also felt that hiring the two high school students to pick up the children from classes and mind them “clearly falls within the most basic definition of child care.”
The CRA questioned whether it was really necessary to hire the two bilingual university students, who charged $5 more per hour “if opportunity exists for incurring lower costs.” The judge disagreed, quoting a prior case which found that “(the) taxpayer is responsible for choosing … the child care services he or she wishes to use; the taxpayer makes this choice on the basis of the child’s needs, and this choice is an exercise of parental discretion.” As the judge wrote, “It is not for the state to decide who minds the (taxpayer’s) children as long as the expenses claimed are reasonable.”
The CRA also suggested that since one of the banker’s children turned 12 in 2016, “there may not have been need for some of these expenditures.” Again, the judge disagreed, reminding the CRA that “Parliament grants child-care expenses for eligible children up to the age of 16. A parent alone has the right to decide when a child 12 or older should stay home alone.”
The judge therefore allowed most of couple’s $5,000 of child-care expenses, other than $35 paid for their son to attend a chess tournament on a Saturday as there was no evidence the taxpayer had to work Saturdays. Similarly, $260 paid to enroll the children in the “Whistler Ride Tribe program,” which consisted of skiing all day Fridays when they could have been in school, was disallowed as it “does not appear to have facilitated the parents to work and appears to be for a primarily recreational purpose.”
Jamie Golombek, CPA, CA, CFP, CLU, TEP is the Managing Director, Tax & Estate Planning with CIBC Financial Planning & Advice Group in Toronto.
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
Vancouver Learning Centre - Mrs Sam
Mrs Sam’s Tutoring Vancouver has a proven track record for helping students excel in their studies. This  Vancouver Learing Center program covers pre-schoolers to Grade 12 including support in University Admissions for local or overseas universities. Our focus is to build a strong foundation so that children are empowered to excel and become keen learners subsequently leading to become successful professionals from our Tutoring Vancouver company. Basic foundation in education is essential for success therefore our tutors in Vancouver put their main emphasis in all our programs.
Our approach for success is to ensure customized tutoring Vancouver to each child’s needs as not all children are the same and not all children learn at the same pace. We focus on the learning challenges each child faces and customise the programs accordingly. Our tutors in Vancouver been very successful in transforming children to become successful in their studies. Some parents believe that rote learning is a successful approach to learning. They think that if a child is made to repeat the same tasks repeatedly, they will develop an understanding and become successful. In fact, it causes more harm than good because children will find it a chore and start to develop a hatred to these meaningless tasks and lose interest in their studies. Rote learning takes the form excessive homework consisting of repetitive tasks without clear understanding of the concept or purpose. Developing concepts at an early age is the best way to encourage learning and is also more sustainable. We believe in selecting the best Tutors in Vancouver at our tutoring Vancouver centre; our  Vancouver reading tutors are very well qualified, patient and able to communicate well with students. They are properly trained to handle students of various age groups for various topics. Our tutoring Vancouver approach is methodical and systematic to allow students to understand the topic and practice at their own pace. We also believe in small group sizes and give maximum attention to the child so that they are able to grasp the topic and progress accordingly. Our Vancouver tuition centre is one of few centres in Canada that offers Singapore Math which has been adopted in most advanced countries around the world. We are in a unique position to teach this topic because our centre has its origins from Singapore. Singapore Math uses a very different approach to math which focuses on math concepts and not on methods or steps. Unlike a repetitive approach which is a series of steps to perform an operation, Singapore Math is graphical and visual which makes it obvious to the learner. Because the concepts are so simple, the learner is able to solve the problems logically and mentally on his/her own without much difficulty. Singapore Math has increasing been the preferred method of instructions in BC schools and gaining popularity. Our tutors in Vancouver experience in applying Singapore Math successfully for several years in our home country, we have been very successful in teaching Singapore Math to students at our centre. Besides Singapore Math, our Reading and Writing program has been very successful for many years. Reading, comprehension and creative writing requires special skills to teach the topic. We recruit the best Tutors in Vancouver to teach this program and it has benefited several of our students over the years. Besides our teaching methodology, we also use specialised material to teach the topics. The topics are systematic and draws out the best out of the students. The tutoring Vancouver program focuses on various aspects of the English language involving language arts and literacy, grammar, sentence construction, phonics, vocabulary and critical thinking. Our Tutors in Vancouver are well trained in our teaching methodologies and able to understand the needs of the child. They are trained to teach children as young as 3 years of age under our Preparatory tutoring Vancouver Program where they learn to write alphabets and numbers using a template to guide the writing sequence. Besides that, they are taught to recognise 16 letter words for each alphabet under our Sight-Reading program. Our Vancouver tutors are trained to teach various aspects of learning including phonics, pronunciation, grammar and comprehension.
Our Vancouver private tutors are available in Vancouver as well to help students succeed in their academics as we set ourselves apart by prioritizing the best interests of each individual student, so you can rest assured that you’re receiving quality assistance for a great price.
We are happy to sit down with you to determine how we can help. Our Vancouver learning center in our Tutoring Vancouver centre have experience in a variety of subjects and are capable of assisting students from Pre-kindergarten to Grade 12. Our private tutors in Vancouver do everything we can to make this process easy for you by working with your little one and keeping you informed about the progress they are making.
If your child is facing difficulty in school or when completing his/her homework, you’ve come to the right place. Our Tutors in Vancouver will allow your child to develop academic skills, improve study habits & improve motivation. Giving your child the chance to benefit from the help of a Tutoring Vancouver centre is therefore an investment that, in the long run, will always pay back!
For More information Contact Us:
+1 604-285-0064
Address: 3536 W 41st Ave, Vancouver, BC V6N 3E6, Canada
Website: https://www.mrssam.ca/vancouver/
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
Learning centre Vancouver - Mrs Sam
The Tutoring Program covers all levels from Pre-K to Grade 12. This program helps students catch up with their school work as well as learn ahead of the school curriculum.
Most of the students come to our centre with poor grades initially but start showing significant improvements after a few months and eventually scoring straight A’s in their school work. These students come in with little or no interest in their studies initially but later develop high enthusiasm in Learning Center in Vavcouver. Our Google Reviews are a testament to our success and we constantly receive referrals as a result of these reviews. Our Tutoring Program caters to both individual One-To-One sessions as well as Group Sessions with one Tutor to 2-3 students at a time. Group sessions are kept small to provide more personalised attention giving students greater opportunity for learning.
Writing & Comprehension Grades K-12
English Grades K-12
Math Grades K-10
Math 11-12
Science Grades K-10
Chemistry Grades 11-12
Biology Grades 11-12
Physics Grades 11-12
SAT (Scholarship Aptitude Test) Preparation
Better grasp of knowledge and concepts
Strong problem solving abilities
Independent learning abilities and exam taking techniques
For More information  Contact us: 
Website: https://www.mrssam.ca/vancouver/
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
Most of the students come to our centre with poor grades initially but start showing significant improvements after a few months and eventually scoring straight A’s in their school work. These students come in with little or no interest in their studies initially but later develop high enthusiasm in learning from our Vancouver tutors. Our Google Reviews are a testament to our success and we constantly receive referrals as a result of these reviews. Our Tutoring in Vancouver caters to both individual One-To-One sessions as well as Group Sessions with one Tutor to 2-3 students at a time.
 Group sessions are kept small to provide more personalised attention giving students greater opportunity for learning.
Writing & Comprehension Grades K-12
English Grades K-12
Math Grades K-10
Math 11-12
Science Grades K-10
Chemistry Grades 11-12
Biology Grades 11-12
Physics Grades 11-12
SAT (Scholarship Aptitude Test) Preparation
Better grasp of knowledge and concepts
Strong problem solving abilities
Independent learning abilities and exam taking techniques
For More information  Contact us: 
Website: https://www.mrssam.ca/vancouver/
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
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Mrs Sam’s Tutoring Vancouver has a proven track record for helping students excel in their studies. This Learning centre Vancouver program covers pre-schoolers to Grade 12 including support in University Admissions for local or overseas universities.
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
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Vancouver Learning Centre -  Tutoring Richmond - Mrs Sam
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
Tutoring Service - Tutoring Vancouver - Mrs Sam
Tutoring Richmond – Mrs Sam, “one of the best learning centres in Vancouver”, provides a one-stop tutoring service for pre-school and school going children. Customized tutoring service will work with you and your struggling students to analyze and target your child’s learning needs. We will not waste your time on programs that will not ensure the success of your student. Our individualized approach is the reason, so many parents have come to rely on the services found at the tutoring centre in Richmond. The students at Tutoring Richmond quickly gain difficult concepts related to reading, writing, maths, and proficiency of the English language. The tools your child learns over here will give them the confidence needed to perform their best academically in the blink of an eye. Our focus is to build a strong foundation so that children are empowered to excel and become keen learners subsequently leading to become successful professionals from our tutoring services company.
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mrssamtmworld · 2 years
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