#Tw proship
sy5t3merr0r · 14 days
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there's only one right answer... I think we all know which one it is don't we? ;}
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Transcript: i remember seeing this one roleplay blog reblogging (normal/platonic) art of sans and frisk acting like their ship child and saying shit like "oh mom told me about this story!" like omg if anyone did that to my art I would've just deleted the entire post. don't do that to non-ship art no matter what ship it is. frisk was a KID in most of that art too-
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beetlepies · 4 months
aint no motherfuckin way. /neg /ooc
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portpebble · 2 years
stop aging up characters who are canonically children only to make them fuck I hate you and also just go make some goddam ocs. aging up characters to explore their future as they transition to adulthood and how they’ve developed as a person and how their relationships have changed or stayed the same over the years? Glorious, wonderful, cherishes it forever. but if you age them up just so you can feel better about looking at two kids and going “yea they should have sex” GET AWAY FROM ME
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some-pers0n · 5 months
You can just say it's a mistake. It's so much worse to try and excuse it
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woomycritiques543 · 5 months
Proof that Vivziepop is a pro “shipper”:
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For context:
Vivziepop drew a 16 year old boy in a garter belt while also being ok with Ralphielle ||’s behavior:
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moistrodent · 2 months
Why do people say alastor ships are asexual erasure? Alastor is never once said to be aromantic. ASEXUAL PEOPLE CAN BE IN RELATIONSHIPS. I AM ASEXUAL. I like charlastor because it’s cool to me! And episode 5 is such a retcon. And the whole “shipping Charlie with someone who isn’t Vaggie is lesbian erasure.” SHE’S BISEXUAL. THAT’S BISEXUAL ERASURE. JESUS CHRIST. Charlastor isn’t incest, I literally disregard episode 5 because it’s a retcon. Vivziepop is just bad at writing, I’m not a proshipper. And Charlastor is a lesbian ship. They are both women to me. Fuck you Vivziepop. I disrespect your limbo.
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simpingforclaudette · 2 months
(tw: proshipping & pedophilia)
opening the abigail tag on ao3 and seeing a proshipping fic between abigail and joey | anna-maria ruined my day, maybe even my entire week actually.
how can someone miss or straight up ignore the point of the fucking movie this hard.
there’s absolutely no ambiguity about abigail and joey | ana lucia’s bond and their last interaction in the movie. there’s nothing up for interpretation. no shades of grey.
if you interpret their relationship as anything other than platonic (frenemies/reluctant allies to possibly actual allies) and/or found family, you either have the worst media literacy skills in the entire world or you need to have your computer drive checked by the fbi or both.
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nightmaretherabbit · 22 days
Guys I found another sicko/neg
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They ship William with his kids. So yeah block and report
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oldmanjenkins985 · 2 months
someone’s morals cannot be accurately judged through their fictional interests because at the end of the day it isn’t a reflection of their morals. You post on ao3 too, do you think everyone who writes about murder, cannibalism, taboo relationships etc is endorsing all of these things irl? And if you think they do, how can you tell?
fact is that the only think you CAN judge people for is their behavior, because that is ultimately what leads to actual crimes. Not someone fantasizing about Barbie dolls
also, ao3 was made by an incest shipper
Hello anon, just because I write about murder, cannibalism, and other stuff, does indeed not correlate to me supporting those things. Hence, why I make my main character, the bad guy. Erik has a sympathetic backstory, but he also willingly murders thousands of innocents including a fucking baby.
I am making it very clear in my writing that killing and eating people is bad because the character doing it is a bad guy. As for canon MD characters, they did it because they were given a false mission and later with Uzi it's because she literally got possessed. Erik is fully conscious and aware he's slaughtering sentient creatures while J calls them barely sentient toasters.
But when you actively support incest, to the point you get giddy when new evidence pops up that supports your incest theories, that's fucked up.
as for ao3 being made by an incest shipper, I'll need some evidence before I can believe that.
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uninformedartist · 10 months
Of course you would want such a sick Pin Viv, I'm not going to post again on Raphielle, the one with a literal r*pe ship (also the user selling the pins draws A LOT of disgusting art of Angel, Val etc aswell). This woman is sick and disgusting she don't give a flying fuck at this point, she's ok with having pro shippers and people with r*pe ships on her staff ha even buying merch from them too.
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I'm taking a break, this woman makes me sick.
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sy5t3merr0r · 2 months
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Errrr my hands slipped and.... errr
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Transcript: man why is it always Fell aus that get the weird gross ships and stuff?
Like pardon the direct naming of these aus but like Flowerfell??? [REDACTED]fell???? [REDACTED]fell????? That one gross Mafiafell comic?????
not to mention the weird designs people give the humans in these AUs even without shipping involved!!!! Why do people draw storyfell chara like that!!!!! that's so weird and kinda very gross!!!! also stop giving fell humans collars!!!!!
[Mod note: Two of the AUs mentioned were censored by the mod (me) to avoid people either harassing or supporting the creators due to them being lesser known and having relatively active blogs to this day. FlowerFell remained uncensored because it is already well known, and the creator is no longer on Tumblr. “That one gross MafiaFell comic” is not specific enough to be censored.]
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I didn't know where else to ask this, so if you don't post this, I understand, but wtf is a proshipper/comshipper?
I mean, based off of how everyone acts about them they're clearly problematic, but what do they do that's a problem?
I genuinely don't know what they are, and google is telling me things that don't seem like the whole truth based off of the way people are acting. I need to know so that way I can make sure I'm not friends with problematic people irl or online.
Can someone help pls?
TW/CW: mentions of abuse, pedophilia, incest, harassment, and pro/comshippers
"Proship" has technically two definitions, with antis (people against proshipping) saying it stands for "problematic ship" while proshippers themselves say it stands for "pro shipping" (in the sense of "pro" meaning "to be for/support"). No matter which way you see the label being shortened to, it means they support every type of relationship, including incest, pedophilia, abusive relationships, and other horrible things. Proshippers claim they do this because they're "anti censorship", "anti harassment", or they "want people to be allowed to ship whatever they want no matter what". But these are gross sentiments to have considering the context they specifically use it in and relationship dynamics we're talking about (though, yes, you can be anti harassment and anti censorship without being a proshipper, it's just terms they use a lot to claim what they're doing is good). They think that every ship has a right to exist, though importantly, to ship something is to support it, so there is no "I ship it but I don't support the relationship". The act of shipping in it of itself is supporting the relationship.
Comship is for "complicated ship", and is synonymous with proship. Same thing, different label. Both will think of any excuse under the sun to try and say why they're actually not that bad, but they're all twisted words or exaggerated truths. Granted, antis don't always handle situations regarding proshippers the best, there have been cases of antis going much too far or sending harassment. But proshippers will have you believe antis are these super brutal abusers in fandoms who harass people 24/7, and that's not true at all. Proshippers also frequently ignore their own histories of severe harassment to make themselves look better.
There are some beliefs pro/comshippers have that you can have and it won't automatically make you one of them. You can believe in anti censorship and anti harassment, in people being allowed to ship without being harassed, or in representation of complex relationships without being a pro/comshipper. It's how these sentiments are applied that make the difference. "Ship whatever you want" should not extend to pedophilia, incest, abusive relationships, or other similarly disgusting themes. Representation of complicated dynamics should not be used to support or normalize those dynamics if they're unhealthy/abusive/ect. Anti censorship and anti harassment shouldn't equate to showing people this disgusting content without their consent, or to children just because "it happens". That doesn't make it okay.
The reason the labels are so often confused is because there are people that use them in the wrong way or where the label wouldn't apply. A healthy relationship between two consenting full-grown adults can't be pro or comship. It's when you start subtracting from that is when it becomes genuinely harmful (abusive, nonconsensual, barely legal, or involving children). Normalizing or supporting these relationships is harmful and in several instances has done active harm to real people. The only ones who debate this are people who are part of those groups themselves who try to scramble for every possible excuse as to why it's okay (it isn't). I'd be here all day if I explained every single pro/comship argument and why they're wrong or don't apply the way they think it does, but as a general overview and definition this should work
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There's a picrew called RADCREW and it features stuff like pro- pedophilia, transid, zoophilia, incest, necrophilia, etc..it's very gross and claims being a "critinclus" is being an exclu which it isnt? Anyways just watch out for them. They're gross. Also they're a pro-shipper! Disgusting
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
honestly why do you still like solangelo? like they’re not that interesting at all, the dynamic sucks ass and tsats was horse shit there’s nothing going on for that ship
1/ No ship is ‘not interesting’. You’re just not interested.
2/ No ship dynamic ‘sucks ass’. You just dislike it.
3/ Half of my shipping list is rarepair with 0% chance of interacting. Do you think I’d be bothered by ‘there’s nothing going on for that ship’? I’m free on my own, no need to cage me in.
4/ Don’t ever send this (about any ship not just Solangelo) to me ever again.
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