#Twelve Titans Music - Persistence of Hope
fanaticforlife · 1 year
TVD - Damon Salvatore Tribute
“-Why don't you let people see good on you?
-Because when people see good they expect good. And I don't wanna have to live up to anyone's expectations”
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artbytaggerung · 1 year
9 people you would like to get to know better
Was gay, did crime, stole from @hardwiredweird
1. 3 ships - Romy, ColdFlashCanary, Kastledevil
2. first ever ship - how should I fucking know I've been shipping since I could read, presumably Peter Pan and Wendy (from the book I hated the cartoon) in the way only a six year old could have a ship. If we're talking a for sure romantic ship, Anidala.
3. last song - Persistence of Hope- Twelve Titans Music
4. last movie - The Princess Bride
5. currently reading - I never have time or RAM for reading lately so I'm listening while I'm working to Battle Ground by Jim Butcher. Like a masochist.
6. currently watching - Does it playing while I'm working count? Gargoyles
7. currently consuming -...uh....I may not have eaten yet today...
8. currently craving - Philly cheesesteak
9 people to tag -Tag, you're it.
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darkreeds · 2 years
read ephesians 6:10-20 with this music on and your life will never be the same
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untamedfanvids · 4 years
Author: moonclaim
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realcemr · 4 years
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zodiac-queens · 6 years
Goddesses that represent Creativity and Manifestation for the Zodiac Signs
Aries - Saraswati
origin: Hindu
Call on Saraswati when you need intellectual enlightenment and an extra blessing in creative pursuits.
A personification of one of the most important rivers in India, Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and arts. Legendary for her beauty and grace, she’s known for her brilliant white skin, which represents the light of knowledge. She’s celebrated during a festival in the spring, Vasant Panchami, where people worship her to achieve enlightement through knowledge. Her companion is a white swan (hamsa), who in myth is believed to be able to separate milk from water - a representation of Saraswati’s ability to separate good from evil. She travels on the swan, an animal that’s a symbol of spiritual perfection and transcendence, so she’s also called Hamsavahini, meaning “she who has a hamsa as her vehicle.”
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Taurus - Tyche
origin: Greek/ Roman:Fortuna
Call on Tyche when you want good luck and fortune on your side. Make her traditional offerings with honey, milk, and cakes in the shape of a wheel.  
Goddess of fortune and luck, Tyche is a blind goddess who is often portrayed with a blindfold over her eyes. This is a nod to fortune not discriminating upon whom it bestows luck; and it also refers to Tyche following her intuition rather than her sight to better determine the wind of fate. The daughter of Titan gods Oceanus and Tethys, Tyche gained immortality and was elevated to a goddess by Zeus after she helped him save Olympus from Gaia’s schemes during a battle with the Titans. She’s often portrayed with a wheel of destiny and a cornucopia, as she oversees both the direction of one’s luck and the abundance of life. A fickle goddess,Tyche can turn one’s fortunes quickly. Since soldiers adored her and often carried her symbols into battle, her legend spread across many continents.
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Gemini, Virgo - Benten
origin: Japanese
Call on Benten when you need an extra boost of luck on your side - especially when it comes to creative endeavors.
Benten is the Japanese sea goddess of eloquence and beauty. Talent, wealth, wisdom, romance, and music all fall under her domain. She was the only goddess among the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, a group of gods who traveled together on a treasure ship, and the only one who grants good luck and happiness. She’s also the patron goddess of geishas and lovers of art. Daughter of a dragon king, Benten married another dragon who was terrorizing the island of Enoshima. His love for her transformed him into a perfect gentleman. Together, they live in Lake Biwa which is shaped like and named after her favorite instrument, a short-necked lute. Benten is often depicted with white snakes as her messengers - so it’s goodd luck in Japanese culture to see a white snake.
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Cancer - Chang-O
origin: Chinese
Call on Chang-o when you’re seeking the answer to your secret wish or question, especially during a full moon.
Chang-o is the Chinese goddess of the moon, where she resides with a rabbit and a three-legged toad. Before her current residency, Chang-o lived on Earth with her husband Yi, and archer, and was an attendant of the goddess Hsi Wang Mu. When Yi shot nine of the ten suns out of the sky, the couple was stripped of their deity status as punishment. Chang-o begged Hsi Wang Mu to help them out of their mortal sentence with her magic peaches, and Hsi Wang Mu took pity on them by making two elixirs from her fruit to make them immortal, though not gods, again. Chang-o decided to drink both potions, hoping to become a goddess with the extra dose of magic  but instead become so light she floated up to the moon. She did indeed become a goddess again, but she is now forever tied to the moon. The annual Moon Festival, also known as the Autumn Harvest Festival, is held in celebration of Chang-o and the power of the divine feminine force of yin in yin and yang.  
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Leo - Aditi 
origin: Hindu 
Call on Aditi when you want to create your own world of happiness. 
Mother of the endless universe, Aditi is one of the earliest sky goddesses in the Hindu pantheon. Her name translates to “limitless”, just like her reach and powers. She existed before time and is said to be the goddess of the past and the future, controlling all of time. Aditi is also the source of the stars, suns, planets, and moons and then gave birth to twelve Adityas, who were spirits that became the twelve Zodiac signs. They take turns ruling the cosmos by month and created all the gods and goddesses. 
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Libra, Pisces - The Muses
origin: Greek 
Call on the Muses when you’re looking for inspiration and a boost in your talent; especially the one who oversees your specific area. 
Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, the nine goddesses overseeing arts and sciences are also known as the Muses. Each of the Muses oversees a different aspect of creativity; Calliope is poetry; Clio, history; Euterpe ,lyrical poetry; Melpomene, tragedy; Thalia, comedy; Terpsichore, dance; Polyhymnia, music and storytelling; Urania, astronomy; and Erato, erotic poetry and mime. However, if one Muse is present, anyone can petition them for their inspiration in any aspect. Gifting mortal endeavors with their divine spirit, Muses are loving and joyfull, often singing songs of praise. They also bestow mortals with talent and skill. Often they’re worshipped with milk, honey and wine. 
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Scorpio - Ran 
origin: Norse
Call on Ran’s strength and persistence in pursuing all that you desire in manifesting a paradise of your own. 
Goddess of the sea, Ran is a beautiful mermaid who lives in a golden paradise under the waves. Ran has a magical fishing net that she uses to capture ships and sailors, bringing permanent guests into her home. Known as a dangerous goddess, ran was blamed for shipwrecks, men overboard, and disappearances at sea. Because of her reputed love for gold and finer things, sailors would tuck coins into their pockets for protection - so that she could take those instead of their souls. With her husband, Aegir, Ran had nine beautiful daughters, known as the spirits of the waves. 
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Sagittarius, Aquarius - Athena
origin: Greek/ Roman:Minerva
Call on Athena when you need to access your inner intuition and wisdom.
Daughter of Zeus, Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, arts, and war, making her a triple threat and a central figure of feminine and intellectual strength. Although known as the goddess of war, Athena represents the reason and strategy aspect of battle. She’s often portrayed with an owl on her right shoulder, representing wisdom, and Medusa on her shield, representing Athena’s ties to earlier mythologies from pre-Greek cultures. Athena is also credited with gifting the world with art, and teaching humans weaving, pottery, and architecture.
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Capricorn - Nüwa
origin: Chinese
Call on Nüwa when you want to create something beautiful out of the raw material of your life.
Half human and half dragon, Nüwa is an ancient Chinese goddess of creation. She wandered the Earth alone until she saw her own reflection in the Yellow River and molded the first human out of the clay on the riverbanks. Much to her delight, the figure, which had legs instead of a dragon tail, came alive and called her “Mother”; so she made many more. Nüwa made males and females so that they could reproduce and granted them mortality. After growing tired of making so many people,she dipped a rope into clay and spattered drops around the ground. This is the legend of how nobles (the molded clay) and peadants (the droppings) were made.
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source: Ann Shen - Legendary Ladies
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tanikawrites · 6 years
Welcome to the Dark Side – We have Kiddies
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‘The Promised Neverland’ PILOT Review 
 With so much to indulge in from the seamless animation, atmospheric score and debilitating action, it is hard to know where to start addressing how perfectly this horror story has been put together. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to argue that ’The Promised Neverland’ doesn’t deliver one of the most ambitious Pilots to date, many other critics and viewers agreeing that this tale of orphans attempting to escape from their malevolent ‘carers’ gives international anime moguls the likes of Attack on Titan a well-earned run for its money. We are immediately captivated by the mesmerising aesthetics as well as the engaging characters in our protagonists of Emma, Norman and Ray, but what is especially engaging is how sublime this production is - how beauty only enhances our experience of terror, and how refreshing it is that a narrative need not be rife with gore and violence in order to make us want to peel off our skin. MANY SPOILERS AHEAD
The plot essentially revolves around the thirty-seven orphans who live in supposedly blissful harmony at Grace Field House - a Victorian-esque establishment enshrined in woodlands where the children are free to do as they please; the three at the head of the ring being the sprightly Emma, ingenious Norman and pragmatic Ray. The only rule that is that the children are never allowed to approach the ‘gate’ or cross over the fence which snakes through the trees; for so long as everyone behaves under the ever-vigilant eyes of ‘Mom,’ there should be little to worry about. The existence of the gate in itself then is the immediate red flag that undercuts this bucolic reverie, the Pilot being quick to establish the essential parameters of the story (quite literally) so that we are made aware of the stakes from the inception. The gate is the very first shot we see as the three friends speculate about what lies beyond, this becoming more intriguing if one were able to compare this to Chihiro’s passing under the gate in Spirited Away. In that case, it was about the protagonist’s adventure to escape from the land of the spirits in order to return to where she belonged, so we are set up with a similar narrative yet with a distinctly darker undertone.
We still can’t exactly fathom why, however - is it the Professor Layton-esque background composition? The animation’s resonance with the sharpness of Tim Burton? Both these qualities in comparison to the colour and majesty of Miyazaki’s Oscar-winner sets the insidious charm of this anime into further relief, and if we are aware that Chihiro’s fate was to run into unruly spirits, we are led to dread what exactly lies beyond for our heroes here. After all, it isn’t difficult to become instantly attached to our heroes with Emma being established as a typical shonen-heroine. Athletic, full of beans and mollycoddling the other children, her charisma establishes her as the foremost protagonist that the action will mainly revolve around. Her companion Norman too comes across as kindly and affectionate, he being noted more for his status as a genius amongst the children, whilst the more reserved Ray is an object of mystery; spending most of the episode observing from the side.
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The unfolding action soon divulges that the maximum age that the children are known to stay at the orphanage is twelve years (the three main protagonists already being eleven) and apparently as soon as the children leave to supposedly join their adoptive families, they never make contact again. The way we obtain this information then is incredibly effective in establishing that initial sense of unease and dread then as we learn this via the kids themselves. They lament over how their old friends never bother to visit or write, this being very telling of how it is not so much that they don’t - but can’t. It then becomes even more heart-rending when children start detailing their dreams about the lives they want to have once they leave the house, this causing you to squirm as the narrative is emphatic about the humanity of these kids and how easily the viewer can become invested in them. This then makes the truth of their situation more mortifying and our suspicions established at the beginning perhaps worse than justified. The house, their home, is a farm; their beloved Mom works to perfect meat for Demons, and the delicacy she specialises in are the kids, her ‘precious children,’ themselves.  This revelation coming about when Emma and Norman sneak out to the gate to give Conny, one of their youngest and latest to leave the house, back her toy bunny, firmly establishes that the stakes are set and that the rest of this story will be a race of survival. The persistent motif of the clock suddenly makes sense; it is illustrated as looming in the background behind Norman and ticks ominously around the moment of truth. There are additional symbols that are established to evoke our curiosity like the red flowers growing out of Conny’s corpse, and the meaning behind the ID numbers tattooed to the children’s throats becomes increasingly formidable. But what is especially evocative is the role of the villain that is established in Mom. After all, throughout the episode, she has a smile plastered to her face and we frequently hear just how much the children - Conny and Emma in particular - love Mom very much. Now her expression is cold and mask-like, allowing us to make sense of how her former warmth seemed two-dimensional and her hugs mechanical, as she is nurturing not living beings but expensive merchandise. The use of expression and the music is the critical component of this terror - something which anime will perhaps always have the upper hand in over live-action as every detail is able to cut into us far more seamlessly than any real human expression can. As is common in anime, the most particularly captivating aspect is the eyes, and in the gothic fashion, they really are the windows to the soul - the perfect insight into how Emma and Norman’s realities have been ripped apart to become void and null.
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This is only doubly effective of course due to the execution of each scene in the anime, as one moment of normality will be suddenly undercut by terrified eyes and make us seize in turn. This is even more pronounced with the use of music as it is usually a relaxed or jazzy accompaniment of the action but will be cut and jarred suddenly by screeches or silence. This is taken the fullest advantage of then in that final shot of the Pilot as we initially see Norman trying to comfort a bereft Emma with the promise of escape. The music which accompanies this is a heavenly soothing chorus, a typical melody to embellish that sense of hope, only to be horrifically punctured with a shot of Mom’s that will knock the wind out of you every single time. She’s holding Conny’s bunny and we’re thinking the same thing: she knows. 
So the horse has bolted - the game more than any harmless round of tag but a trial of life and death. What makes that final shot even more significant is how we might be used to being presented with seemingly unconquerable odds in all forms of media, but this anime wants to firmly establish how this is going to be more difficult and disturbing a journey than most. This Pilot has completely distorted the meaning of ‘Neverland’ forever, as Peter Pan’s concept of children never growing up has been awfully literalised. The place we once wanted to run away to now has become that which we are desperate to sprint away from, the irony being that you could not be more excited to see how Emma, Norman and Ray are inevitably going to be forced to make their first move.
Tanika Lane
Image (Gifs) Credit: dragonsofarcadia, kizunah, mangastream
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musicaepica · 5 years
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Nuevo vídeo en Youtube: Most Powerful Music Ever: Persistence Of Hope by Twelve Titans Music
Para verlo, visita: http://epicmusic.family/YiI7
Publicada en el canal de Youtube: MrEpicOSTs
#MúsicaÉpica #EpicMusicFamily #TrailerMusic #EpicMusicWorld #EpicMusic #MrEpicOSTs #MusicaEpica #Youtube
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drivenmvmt-blog · 5 years
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Inspirational Music: Persistence of Hope - Twelve Titans Music . . ‼ Follow @drivenmvmt ‼ . . #drivenmvmt #driven #drive #inspire #embody #changetheworld #mindset #inspireothers #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalmusic #motivate #motivationalmusic #motivationalquotes #quotes #workhard #hope #greatness #passion #passionate #limitless #bemore #beyondourlimits #persistence (at Riverside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-Ty9aBIXY/?igshid=1qhnxwfqzfhcu
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spacegranted · 7 years
Dr Who: The Tag Game
Tagged by: @cat94208 (hah, I didn’t see this coming but thank you!) 
Tag Game: Doctor Who Edition
Doctor you started with: I’ve started with the Ninth Doctor. Actually it were my friends who made me to sit down with them and watch the first episode. At first I was like “what, everything is so strange, I don’t understand a thing” but then, oh boy, I fell in love with this show. I watched New Who nonstop and then started Classic Who from Terror of Autons because I was attracted by Delgado.
Favourite Doctor: Twelve and Three are my №1, I think I would take a bullet for both of them. But Nine is very close to the top too.  
Favourite Companion: Jo Grant, my precious, carring, badass baby. It’s like impossible not to love her. I mean, just look: 
Jo: *is chased by giant stone robot who killed a person in front of her*
Robot: Execute! Execute! 
*five minutes later when robot turns out not to be evil*
Jo: Oh, Mr Robot, will you be alright if we leave you here for some time? I worry for you so much!
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Favourite Episode:  Classic Who: “The Three Doctors”, I suppose? Idk, there are so many underappreciated episodes like “the Mind of Evil” or “The Mutants” or “the Time Monster” (the Atlantis Part). 
New Who: Every.goddamn. episode. with Twelfth Doctor. Especially from series 9 and 10. Peter Capaldi is the gift we do not deserve. 
Also I am very passionate about “The end of the world”. It is a masterpiece. Absolutely legendary. I laughed so hard while watching it because MUSIC THERE. OH GOD.THAT MUSIC. But then it suddenly became so damn sad, and I was like “oh yeah emotional rollercoaster I like that” *sobs*
DW OTP: I think it’s kinda obvious? Three x Jo is my favourite OTP for sure and you can engrave “spacegranted” right on the monument on my grave. 
I suppose it’s because both Third Doctor and Jo are types of people who can’t help but touch everybody around them so when they are together we get double amount of touching which cause a lot of adorableness and unnecessary feels. 
 Yes, Jo, you can randomly put your hand on Doctor’s body, why not.
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Yes, Doctor, you can hold Jo’s hand all the time because you worry for your girlfriend companion
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Favourite line/quote:  “Hello, Stormageddon. It’s The Doctor, here to help. Be quiet. Go to sleep. No, really. Stop crying. You’ve got a lot to look forward to, you know. A normal human life on Earth. Mortgage repayments, the 9 to 5, a persistent nagging sense of spiritual emptiness. Save the tears for later, boyo. Oh, that was crabby. No, that was old. But I am old, Stormy. I am so old. So near the end. But you, Alfie Owens. You are so young, aren’t you? And you know, right now, everything’s ahead of you. You could be anything. Yes, I know. You could walk among the stars. They don’t actually look like that, you know — they are rather more impressive [uses his sonic screwdriver to make a starry sky appear on the ceiling]. Yeah! You know, when I was little like you, I dreamt of the stars. I think it’s fair to say, in the language of your age, that I lived my dream. I owned the stage. Gave it a hundred and ten percent. I hope you have as much fun as I did, Alfie”  
Favourite Character that isn’t the Doctor or a companion: 
Good Guy: God bless Brigadier. His facial expressions are priceless
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 Bad Guy: Omega, definetely. He is very interesting character, powerful, well-mannered (well, when he isn’t having his tantrums), emotional, a bit sassy, and I actually sympathized him while watching the series. 
BrOTP: Tenth Doctor and Donna, I guess.  
Favourite DW fic (if you have one): First of all, big thanks to @cat94208 for inroducing me to the fanfic “Variation on a theme”. I really enjoyed it. But back to the question: I absolutely love all fics by Primsong about Three and Jo but my favourite one is “The Shining Furrow”. It’s just so...good? I reread it sometimes and every time it’s still such a pleasure.  
Favourite DW fanart/blog (if you have one): @thelonelygodzilla‘s art is the reason why I am alive and yet I die of feels every time I see it. 
Idk, The Doctor and Jo in his/her works look so good, so pure, so in love  
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But why stop on fanart when we have official art?Let me tell you this...
*inhales deeply*
I LOVE THIRD DOCTOR TITAN COMICS SO MUCH! Like, how the hell it’s even real? How the hell it’s canon? After more than 40 years we suddenly get this story and oh God, what a time to be alive. 
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If you could pick anyone to be the next Doctor, who would it be? (Why, if you feel like explaining): Can we just have a new circle of Peter Capaldi? Like Twelve regenerating into Twelve would be so nice. I would actually pay to see more of him on screen. I just hope Big Finish will catch PCap right after his leaving and do some (by that I mean as much as possible) audios with him and Bill and maybe other companions and Clara. pLeAsE. 
But if I really have to choose I pick Tilda Swinton because she has very unique appearance and it would be a fresh start for the show. 
If you could pick anyone to be the next companion who would it be? (Why?): I know that I am supposed to pick an actual actor but...guys, listen. 
Newt Scamander as companion of New Doctor. They would travel around the universe saving different creatures, visiting amazing places and do other good stuff.   
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Favourite fan theory: Shame but I don’t know any theories about DW
Other fandoms: Legend of Aang/Korra, Harry Potter, Overwatch, Skyrim, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, MCU (is there a fandom for classical russian literature? Because I am totally in it).
Tagging: @spicydinosaurwings948 @starpanda42 @question-mark-umbrella @bisexualbrigadier @yellowbessie @the-zombie-space-kat @ultradangerouspie @vintagetvfan @tinyninjajo @fegeleinantics @hamfistedbunvendor @karlimeaghan @liria10 @thehippiewhovianat221b
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themusicenthusiast · 7 years
Saturday, April 15th, 2017 – Just Another Line in the Story Your Life Will Tell: A Revived SouthFM Shakes Off the Dust During a Nostalgic Set at Trees
The celebration at Trees on this Saturday night may have centered around Big Story and the release of their debut record, however, there was something else that was every bit as monumental-arguably even more so-going on as well: a legend of the D-FW music scene was returning. A couple years or so out from a fairly vague Facebook post Paco Estrada made hinting at another chapter in SouthFM’s presumably finished book and nothing had happened. No further statements had been made about resurrecting the titan that had become one of North Texas’ elite bands. I don’t think many people thought much of it, especially as they continued to support Estrada’s current endeavors; and while SouthFM may have reunited to perform Swallowing the Pill acoustically last December, by all accounts even that was a one-off thing. Just a reason for the former band mates to join forces on stage one last time before finally leaving it to rest for good. And then came word of this show, SouthFM listed as main support for Big Story, where they promised some classics along with a few new songs. And so it was, ten and a half years after their initial breakup and a few reunion concerts in between, that SouthFM would once again become an active force the music scene. And at the risk of sounding sacrilegious, it did seem appropriate that they would begin their second coming on Easter weekend. With three-fifths of the final lineup returning (Estrada, guitarist Chad Abbott, and bassist Dave Shafer), the two remaining positions were filled by Andrew Pederson, the drummer being a familiar face to anyone who has seen Estrada in the past couple of years, while Cody Sowell picked up the duties of lead guitarist. Trees was packed, to the point it was hard to tell which of the final two bands had the most sets of eyes on them, the spectators cheering when as the lights dimmed shortly after 10:30, eagerly awaiting whatever was to come. “The Wound” clearly set the stage, the instrumental piece tacked on at the end of the third cut from Swallowing the Pill playing over the PA system. It made one feel as if they were listening to the record itself, the opening riffs of “Killing Me” roaring into action as soon as it had concluded.
One of their signature songs and, best of my recollection, the routine closer, was surprisingly moved to start of the set, and while it may have felt a bit odd, it came across as a powerful opener. It immediately had all of the longtime fans enthralled, being the first of many songs that several patrons joyously sung and shouted along with. That feeling of elation wasn’t confined to just the crowd, Estrada being unable to hide the grin on his face, which was all too noticeable even as he sang. “…Your love, you see, is killing me. And I don’t want to waste more time telling you how I feel...” It was as if that, in that moment, it was truly hitting him that he would be performing these songs again, a flood of emotions and memories coming with them, and he was loving it. Those authentic reactions would persist throughout the show. The quintet would prove to be masters of the segue this night, Sowell lightly picking at his guitar as Pederson supplied some gentle percussion for a transition piece that led them into “Push Me Away”. With each passing minute, this new lineup was starting to find their footing and develop their live chemistry, while the original members grew more confident in their performance. Shafer in particular, as the bassist began to thrash around more as they hit the second chorus of that one, really loosening up and getting into it all. Mixed in with the handful of fan favorites they were able to work in to their brief set was a couple new songs, and afterwards, they struck with the first. It was interesting one, and personally, my favorite of the new ones. Interesting in the fact that it so perfectly showcased the songwriter and lyricist that Estrada has evolved into, even transcending where he was at when writing that twelve-year-old record. However, it also felt like a natural progression for SouthFM, fitting nicely within their wheelhouse thanks to some catchy riffs and at times downright brilliant guitar work from Abbott. The robust percussion solidified it as a captivating number. “…Open your eyes. Open your heart,” the first verse concluded, the chorus beginning with, “Only love…” Everything about it embodied positivity and it felt rather inspirational. A couple more classics separated them from the next new number, and there was little doubt that “Surface (Wake Up)” was one of, if not the top song everyone was anxiously waiting to hear. “These are not the words that I would like to be saying to you… And I hope that in the morning you will feel the same way that I do…” several of the spectators chimed in, assisting with the choruses. It was one of those rare and magical moments where you get to see just how closely people identify with a certain song and how much it means to them. In the local scene especially that’s seldom seen, though only reaffirms that “Surface” is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written thanks to the honest sentiments and sheer vulnerability that it captures. “…Can we ever take the chance to see what happens? What we really want we fail to mention…” Another instrumental song from the album bled things into the next song, the delicate sounds of the instruments keeping it concealed for a time. Some haunting notes then rang out as Abbott proceeded to pick at his axe, unmistakably being the opening of “Regret”. Arguably their best song of the night, Shafer was able to provide plenty more backing vocals, accenting Estrada’s voice quite well as they were layered atop one another. That was also the song where Sowell appeared to truly immerse himself in the music. He had no more reservations of making certain he was getting each note right and instead just followed his gut, still nailing his parts as he at times shredded on the guitar. That song alone was quite the display to witness, Estrada taking a deep breath before the bridge, preparing himself for the rapid-fire part. “And kiss me in our darkest hour, kiss me when it’s pouring rain. Kiss me when the full moon begs and when the sun awakes again…” As usual, the emotion and passion he was packing into the lines bled though on his face, which further reminded everyone why he is one of the most talented vocalists there is; while Pederson ensured the song came to a phenomenal close, his drumming sounding more forceful than it had all night. With this 36-minute long set nearing its end, Estrada addressed the crowd, mentioning how excited they were to be there and on the bill, while also quipping that it was the night of “big singers” and shouting out J.R. from Stareview, who had played before them. “Randy’s not that big, though,” he noted, soon recalling when he first met the current frontman of Big Story. “He was a cocky young asshole,” said Estrada, before Shafer began bantering with him, asking him if anything had changed. “Now he’s a grownup cocky asshole,” remarked Estrada, who noted he had asked Randall Stephens if he’d mind him saying that about him. As he spoke, he was fighting against a growing chant of “SOUTHFM!”, the fans declaring their adoration for the band. The other new tune seemed a bit slower at times, adding a decent balance to a set that was otherwise dominated by intense rock tracks, and though it did have some serene moments, it also swelled to become a striking number. And that was when it happened. It was at the second chorus when you saw a shift in the overall demeanor of the musicians as they truly hit their mark and gelled with one another. It finally looked and felt cohesive, as if they were all crucial components of a much larger machine rather than five people each doing their own thing on stage. And with one song left to go, that couldn’t have come at any better time. Given the way the show had started, there seemed only one song capable of bringing the set to a close. Estrada turned his back to the audience, arms folded behind him while some fuzzy notes courtesy of Abbott acted as the segue. After a decent amount of time to build suspense Sowell sprang into action with the exhilarating riff that defines “Vesica Piscis”, a fitting and thrilling end to a show that offered but a brief glimpse of what the iconic Dallas group is still capable of. Thrilling due to its exceptionally high-energy, and fitting because of the holiday weekend, the story making it all too easy to draw some religious connections. “And he said, ‘Son, don’t you know it has to be this way? Your wounds will bring them life.’ And he said, ‘Son, don’t you know it has to be this way? So maybe someday they’ll understand grace.” This wasn’t the SouthFM that was easily in their prime in the final year or so of their existence, nor was it a SouthFM covered in dust and cobwebs, straining to shake it all off. It was something in between the two. Understandably, even after many years together, Estrada, Abbott and Shafer can’t just dive back in and have the same level of chemistry they enjoyed before. Factor in the two new members and the dynamics are completely new; and the only way a strong bond between them can be forged is by getting in the live experience. There’s no substitute for it and that is what will allow them to mesh with one another and eventually become a force to be reckoned with once more. Bearing all that in mind, it was a solid show. Sowell and Pederson did look new to the group, though they played it off as if they at least had a few shows under their belt, each bringing a good bit of energy to the mix to boot. As for the other three, while not to the point of merely relying on muscle memory and the confidence that comes with that just yet, none of them appeared too far away from that. After a few more times on stage it seems reasonable that performing these songs will be back to being second nature for Shafer, Estrada and Abbott. To the die-hard fans this was still akin to a religious experience, the simple act of hearing those five old songs again being euphoric. And that was just scratching the surface, a set clocking in at about half an hour forcing them to cherry-pick what they felt everyone wanted to hear most. They did a great job of that, everyone probably wishing they had heard this or that, though I don’t think anyone felt like they had missed out on anything. It will be fun see how this all unfolds, a new album already in the works, even if it’s only in the formative stages at the moment. Hopefully more shows will follow soon as well, and at least one where they’ll have ample time to delve into their catalog. But for now, it’s just great to know a band like SouthFM is back on the active roster. There aren’t many bands of that caliber anymore, and at least the scene has one more shining star then it did. Stay tuned to their FACEBOOK for news on future shows; and for those whose libraries’ may be lacking some SouthFM, you can download their full discography (for free, if you desire) on BANDCAMP.
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nicolamalfi · 5 years
Twelve Titans Music - Persistence Of Hope
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: November 8, 2018
"Bram Stoker's Dracula" "Cape Fear" "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" "Filmworker" "Ghostbusters" "Morris From America" "National Lampoon's Animal House" "The Raid: Redemption" "United 93"
"12 Monkeys" (Arrow)
Terry Gilliam emerged from the world of Monty Python and became one of the most fascinating director of the '80s and '90s, directing masterpieces like "Brazil" and "The Fisher King," both available in the Criterion Collection. To be honest, I remembered liking his Oscar-nominated 1996 loose adaptation of "La Jetee" but kind of put it on Gilliam's second tier. It's closer to the first, as evidenced in this gorgeous new Blu-ray release from Arrow Home Video. First of all, the 4K restoration is mindblowing, one of the best HD transfers of the year. Gilliam's world has depth and nuance in ways that it never has before, enhancing the overlal experience of the film. Second, the film's themes of responsibility and that form of insanity when it feels like you're the only person who really knows what's going on in the world still resonate. I still have some performance issues (Stowe, an actress I usually like, is bland) but this is the kind of visual feast that's perfect for a company that loves movies like Arrow. It gets me even more excited for next year's "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote."
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Special Features Brand new restoration from a 4K scan of the original negative by Arrow Films, approved by director Terry Gilliam Optional DTS 5.1 Master Audio and 2.0 stereo soundtracks Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing Audio commentary by Terry Gilliam and producer Charles Roven The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys, feature-length making-of documentary by Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe (Lost in La Mancha) The Film Exchange with Terry Gilliam, a 1996 interview with Gilliam and critic Jonathan Romney, recorded at the London Film Festival Brand-new appreciation by Ian Christie, author of Gilliam on Gilliam The Twelve Monkeys Archives Theatrical trailer Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Gary Pullin
Speaking of filmmakers who meant the world to me in the '80s and '90s, one of my favorite film stories of 2018 has to be the critical adoration for Spike Lee's latest film, one of his most searing and impressive in his recent filmography. I don't go in for the "Return to Form" stories around this flick though because Lee never really dropped as much as people think ("Chi-raq" is great) and I also think this movie is a tier just below his career best films like "Malcolm X," "Do the Right Thing," and "25th Hour." However, I'd be fine if it overperformed during awards season just to make up for the dozen or so times that Spike Lee was taken for granted this time of year. It's passionate, fascinating, funny, and moving, with great performances and more ideas for viewers to dissect and discuss than a dozen other films combined. It's an essential film of 2018. 
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Special Features A Spike Lee Joint - Ron Stallworth, Jordan Peele, and the cast discuss working with the iconic director BlacKkKlansman Extended Trailer Featuring Prince's "Mary Don't You Weep"
"The Incredibles 2"
Does Pixar know something we don't? For years, everyone clamored for a sequel to "The Incredibles," to the point that it looked like it might never happen or people might not care when it eventually did. Of course, it did happen and it was GIGANTIC. It's the highest grosssing film in the history of Pixar, bringing in over $600 million domestically and over a billion worldwide. It is the ninth highest grossing film OF ALL TIME, and the highest grossing animated film of all time. Oh, and it's gonna win an Oscar for Best Animated Film unless there's voter tampering. And, of course, Disney/Pixar has delivered for fans with a gorgeous Blu-ray that includes a great transfers and extensive special features. One thing that's particularly nice is the inclusion of the short film that played with it, "Bao." Pixar often shuttles their shorts off to special releases, but it's nice to have "Bao" where it belongs, as well as a new short film called "Auntie Edna."
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Special Features All-New "Auntie Edna" Mini-Movie 10 Deleted Scenes With Introductions Super Stuff  Heroes & Villains Ralph Eggleston: Production Designer Strong Coffee: A Lesson in Animation with Brad Bird  Paths to Pixar: Everyday Heroes  SuperBaby  Commentary  Theatrical Short: "Bao"  Making "Bao"  Outtakes & Stories  Character Theme Songs, Vintage Toy Commercial TV Spots, Toolkit Montage and Global "Incredibles 2" Trailers
Little was more fun this Fall than watching the buzz that I heard at Sundance about Panos Cosmatos' "Mandy" filter down from the mountains and out to the rest of the world. A movie that RLJ basically tried to shunt off to the video market was too batshit crazy to stay there, resulting in sold out screenings at places like the Music Box here in Chicago. Movies like "Mandy" don't make over a $1 million domestically, but that's a threshold that this wonderfully strange movie crossed. And it still feels like it's just getting started. I've already lent my copy to a friend. I'm sure other people are doing the same. "Mandy" ain't going anywhere, and strikes me as one of the films from 2018 that people will still be watching in 2028. 
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Special Features Behind the Scenes - Featurette Deleted & Extended Scenes
"The Princess Bride" (Criterion)
Speaking of movies that persist, there may be no film released in more special edition DVD and Blu-ray sets than "The Princess Bride," which has gotten Special/Anniversary/Limited editions since the DVD was invented. It's hard to believe anyone who's had a DVD player for any amount of time doesn't own it by now, but the Criterion release offers ample reason to upgrade. Of course, it will always be about the movie itself, which has never looked this good, courtesy of a 4K restoration. Believe it or not, Criterion also found a way to produce new special features, including two about William Goldman's beloved screenplay, and an interview with the film's art director. The set also includes tons of archival material that was on previous DVDs and Blu-rays. This really is the ultimate release for one of the most beloved films of its generation. It's a great idea for a holiday gift for the movie lover on your list. 
Buy it here    Special Features New 4K digital restoration, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray Audio commentary from 1996 featuring director Rob Reiner, screenwriter William Goldman, producer Andrew Scheinman, and actors Billy Crystal and Peter Falk Edited 1987 audiobook reading of Goldman’s novel The Princess Bride by Reiner New program about Goldman’s screenplay New program about Goldman’s tapestry based on his novel Archival interviews with Reiner, Goldman, and actors Crystal, Cary Elwes, Christopher Guest, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, Fred Savage, and Robin Wright New interview with art director Richard Holland Programs about makeup, fencing, and fairy tales On-set video diary filmed and narrated by Elwes Five behind-the-scenes videos with commentaries from 1996 by Reiner, Scheinman, and Crystal Trailer PLUS: An essay by author Sloane Crosley and, for the Blu-ray edition, Goldman’s introduction to his Princess Bride script from his collection Four Screenplays, in a lavishly illustrated, clothbound book
"Teen Titans Go! To the Movies"
The film adaptation of the Cartoon Network hit kind of flopped at the box office, opening in 5th place (although it's worth noting that it only cost $10 million and made five times that worldwide). I hope more people catch up with it at home as it's a surprisingly funny, smart movie that deserves a bigger audience than, say, "The Grinch." In a week year for animation, it's a standout, offering jokes that work for both kids and adults. 
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Special Features Lil Yachty Music Video: "Teen Titans GO! Rap" Sing-a-long with Silkie "DC Super Hero Girls: The Late Batsby" Mini-Movie Red Carpet Mayhem Teen Titans GO! To the Movies: WB Lot Shenanigans "Everything is Fake": Exclusive song not in the movie "Teen Titans GO!: Translated" Storyboard Animatics: Time Cycles The Final Battle
from All Content https://ift.tt/2SWSq9Z
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igotthe411 · 6 years
The Beginning
Our plane landed in Malaysia on January 3, 2018, and now I would like to share our exciting experience in a foreign country, provide real facts on the process, funding required, and the trial and errors that come with traveling to an international country with children. I must inform you that I did not attempt this move blindsided.   I spent months researching the benefits of living/touring in Malaysia.  One of the biggest sellers was watching YouTube videos of actual residents/tourists and their experience in a different country.  But I found out quickly that everything you see and hear on YouTube videos is not what it appears.  I hope that my trials and errors will help others who are considering traveling internationally.   I’ve been here three weeks and find myself sitting on the floor (yep, that’s right) trying to figure out what I’m doing.  I’ll explain later.
Let’s start from the beginning.  It all began with my kid’s interest in Asian culture.  Watching it from afar is different from experiencing it.   For years, they have been spending a lot of time watching animes (a Japanese term for hand-drawn or computer animation such as Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball, Yu-gi-oh, Pokémon), Korean dramas via YouTube videos, and listening to KPOP music.  I didn't see the fascination because I was too busy living my so-called good ole American life and California dreaming.  That changed over the years due to my kids’ persistence in involving me in their wonderful world of Asian knowledge.  In other words, they wanted to broaden my horizons.  They even tried to teach me some basic Japanese and Chinese phrases.  I also began watching some of the music videos of some of the famous KPOP entertainers such as EXO-K, EXO-M, B.T.S, BigBang, B.A.P, Jackson Wang, NCTU, and Jay Park.  But, I had to draw a line when it came to dramas. I am not a fan of subtitles.  When the kids voiced their desire to live in Asia, I decided it was time to do some research.  Besides, I was bored with my job especially when there wasn't any room for advancements.
Now the story begins. By August 2017, I was overworked and underpaid at a local hospital and wanted to make a significant change.   I spent two months applying/interviewing for teaching jobs throughout Asia just to learn that I was too old!  Well, I did receive one offer, but it came in the form of a 'blank contract.'  Yep, you read it correctly.  An empty freaking contract in a different language.  In case you are asking, 'how do you know if it was blank if it was in another language?'  Simple; there were blank lines.  My name wasn't anywhere in sight.  It was as if they found a random contract online, emailed it to me, and thought I was going to be stupid or desperate enough to sign it.  After the shock, I considered filling in the blanks to help the school out a little but thought better of it.  I kept asking myself, "did they send me a blank contract?"  I'm supposed to be working with educated professionals.  What happened to the professionalism or common sense? Anyway, I contacted the person who worked as the mediator between the school and myself (take into consideration that there is a language barrier as well as twelve-hour time zone separating us).  She mentioned in a previous email that the school wanted to offer me a job and to check my email for the contract.  I was surprised because I didn't have an interview with the school because the interviewer was "traveling”.  That would have been good to know before wasting fifteen minutes on WeChat.  I guess no one else was qualified to interview me, huh?  Professionalism, at work again.  Well, I contacted the mediator after the ‘supposed’ interview, and that is when I learned about the interviewer being on travel, and they wanted to hire me.   I received the contract a couple of days later.  I contacted the mediator again and explained about the blank contract.  She said that the school was going to send a correct one.  After a week, I contacted the mediator to see what was going on and asks her some basic questions such as; living subsidy, travel arrangements, work visa, meals, health benefits, holiday/sick pay, etc.  She didn’t’ know the answers and had to check with the school and then get back with me with their answers.  
Days went by before she contacted me with answers.  I decided to decline the offer when she stated that I would have to share an apartment or get my own, but the school would assist me in finding living quarters close to the school and pay a rental subsidy.  I asked if they would pay the deposit (two months’ rent upfront), and was informed it was my responsibility to pay the deposit, but the school will assist with some of the rent.  So, I asked if they would pay for travel expenses and they informed me that the school would pay for half of the plane ticket after I have worked three months and the rest at the end of my contract.  Okay, nothing was working out.  Final question. Would they pay for my work visa?  They would only pay a portion of the visa, but I would have to pay for all the associated fees.  Now, I'm thinking - they want me to uproot my family to a different country to help teach their students, but they don't want to pay for anything.  How would that benefit my family or me?  It wasn't. I wasn’t asking for the moon.  These accommodations are usually included in an English teacher's contract.  Shouldn’t have been a big deal.  Not unless the school didn’t’ register for a work permit.  I guess I’ll never know. The only reason I was seeking employment is for the work visa. I assumed that if I received a working permit, my kids would also receive one.  But the facts are - I would have to work 30 days, come back to America and apply for S1 visas that will allow my kids to stay longer than 180 days.  To wrap this up, accepting a teaching job would have meant coughing up thousands of dollars just to get to China and then thirty days later pay for a round-trip ticket from China to America and wait possibly weeks for S1 visas.  And all for a mere $1200 a month income.   I don't think so. I voiced my concerns to the mediator who said that the school still wanted to hire me and are working on the contract.  Suffice to say, three weeks later I didn't receive it.  I wasn't expecting it or wanted it.  The whole process was unprofessional from the beginning.  What's frustrating is that during the waiting period, I was still completing applications and having interviews (just to be informed that I was too old).  I was offered another teaching position during the time I was working with the first school, but I turned it down because I was foolish enough to think that the contract would come through and I didn't want to go through the whole process again.  Working twelve-hour shifts and trying to interview during my time off was exhausting. Well, that's how searching for a teaching job worked out for me.  Time to move on.
In November 2017 I started looking up visa-free places to live in Asia and came across numerous websites.  I'm going to lists a few for informational purposes: Visa requirements for United States citizens
Visa-free countries for US citizens
The 99 Countries Americans Can Visit for Free After carefully researching the reliability of the sites above, I came across a news feed on the first page on one of the browsers I was using at the time.  It referenced the cheapest places to retire.  I don't have the actual link, but I found a few links that provide the same information:
The cheapest places in the world to live
Top 10 Cheapest places to retire in the world
5 ultra-cheap overseas retirement destinations   After all the researching, I settled on Malaysia with Thailand as our second choice.  Our original destination was Japan, China, or South Korea but they either required visas or too expensive to live.  Now that I have a location, it was time to see if the articles were accurate.  It was time to see the price of the living breakdown in Malaysia.  I have provided two links; one in Malaysia currency which is MYR, RM, or ringgits; the other in USD. I chose the city of Ipoh, Malaysia because it is listed as one of the most affordable places to live in Malaysia.
Cost of living in Ipoh, Malaysia (USD) Cost of living in Ipoh, Malaysia (RM) As you can tell from the second link, which is in RM, the numbers are higher, but when you switch over to the USD link, it becomes more apparent on how much you are really spending. We have come to the end of this first blog which introduces you to the how, why, when, where, and who.  Please join me in the next blog, The Preparation, where the fun is just getting started. FYI - Please visit "Resources" for more information.
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musicaepica · 5 years
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Nuevo vídeo en Youtube: Twelve Titans Music - Persistence Of Hope
Para verlo, visita: http://epicmusic.family/0r6R
Publicada en el canal de Youtube: Twelve Titans Music
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musicaepica · 5 years
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Nuevo vídeo en Youtube: Twelve Titans Music - Persistence Of Hope | Epic Powerful Uplifting Inspirational Orchestral
Para verlo, visita: http://epicmusic.family/9Xla
Publicada en el canal de Youtube: EpicMusicChannel (EMC)
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