#UGHHHHH not excited to deal with him again because!!! who the fuck do i go to for help????
marsipaniscool · 8 months
halfway tempted to yell “post up hoe” at his (?) hiding place half tempted to spend the night with a friend
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ssreeder · 2 years
ive decided that I'm gonna write my RIA reviews here from now on so here it is 🙌🙌
ok i don't really like like being mean to character that haven't done nothing actually bad but jet it's starting to get into my nerves, i was fine with him till the FUCKING LETTER LIKE OMFG JUST CHILL FOR A FUCKIN MOMENT AND DON'T TRY TO BE A FUCKIN HERO!!#!!@?@? (still not wishing his death but who knows what will happen)
anyways this chapter wasn't as bad for my mental health as I though it would be even though I have to admit that i kinda felt like crying with the sokka and zuko argument bc they are my sweethearts and i love them to death and i can't deal with angst (i have sobbed SEVERAL times with this fanfic and im still reading it, i mean that as a compliment)
i loved the tent meeting scene it was really nice and for a moment RIA didn't feel as angsty as it is, zuko talked a lot and got angry!!!!!!! shen teasing the boys was funny and i loved it❤️
and the katara letter ☹️ I had the feeling that she wouldn't get the letter just like in canon but it was really ughhhhh to see it actually happen
two more chapters ughhshhs I'm excited!! I'm guessing it gonna end around the whole ba sing se attack just like in canon so I'm excited about azula ❤️🤲❤️🤲🤲❤️❤️
an amazing chapter as always and it was 20k!!! i love your writings and i could complement it for hours but this is already too long (prob gonna reread LIAB/RIA and write you an essay on how much i love everything about it)
thank uuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jet doesn’t deserve to die, but I also know he didn’t handle the situation very well… Jet tends to make bad decisions though……..
I’m going to warn you now my beautiful friend, things between the boys are going to get worse before they get better… so be prepared next chapter lol.
(I accept your crying compliment because I strive to make people cry when reading <3)
It’s the damn Dai Li!!! Ughhhh…. I’m sorry but I’m not really sorry. :D
I will read every essay you leave me and probably gush over you and obsess over you and just feel so awesome that you like my story that much. You’re amazing this was amazing let’s do this again really soon :):):):):)
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desparikon · 5 years
Fanfic misfires feat. Murdoc #2
The Valentine’s fics I’ve been working on aren’t happening, soooo
1. Jack/Murdoc
2. Murdoc/Mac (theme: hair clip)
3. Murdoc/Bozer (theme: birthday)
4. Murdoc/Bozer (theme: cheesy Christmas movies)
Murdoc backhanded Jack, a line of blood welling up when a metal detail on his glove caught against his cheek.
Jack's hand flew to the scratch. "The Hell is your problem?!"
Murdoc shrugged. "Oops."
He shoved Murdoc back, nearly causing him to lose his balance. Before Jack could take advantage of the opening, Murdoc slammed his foot into Jack’s knee, and threw him to the ground, but was drug down by Jack’s grip on his sleeve.
This time, Jack was able to get a handle on Murdoc before he caused too much trouble. He dug one knee into Murdoc’s stomach, the other trapping an arm against the floor. Murdoc struggled violently, so he gave his other wrist a warning twist as he pinned it to the floor.
“Hold still!”
“Make me!”
Jack fisted Murdoc’s hair, immediately convincing him to go still. They glared at each other, silently continuing their combat as they caught their breath.
It was Jack who broke their staring contest, growling quietly, “Fuck it,” before leaning down and crushing his lips against Murdoc’s, holding him tightly in anticipation of resistance.
Resistance that didn’t come.
A quiet moan was all it took to break the tension.
Jack relaxed his hold on Murdoc’s hair, running his hand through it before letting his hand drift to Murdoc’s neck. Murdoc rolled his stomach as best he could against Jack’s knee, encouraging to him to go lower. Jack obliged, and earned a needy moan as he pulled on Murdoc’s shirt before trailing lower, lower--
"--c? Mac?"
"Huh? Yeah?"
"Hey, don't worry." Jack rubbed his hands soothingly over Mac's shoulders. "Next time Murdoc shows up, I’ll deal with him. I won’t give him a chance to get near you again.”
Mac hoped any blushing was invisible under the soft lighting. "...Thanks, Jack."
"Doesn't that get annoying?"
Mac looked up from his project to where Murdoc was sitting on the kitchen counter, watching him with a pleased smile. He sighed and stood up straight. "You, interrupting me?"
"The hair flip. You've done it eight times in the past five minutes."
"I didn't notice." Now that Murdoc had brought attention to it, he realized that his hair had once again fallen into his face.
"You really get in the zone."
"But it apparently annoys you. Guess next time you're holding scissors, I should be concerned that you'll cut my hair instead of stabbing me." A knowing smile pulled at the corner of his lips. They both knew Murdoc was past the stage of wanting to kill him.
"No, it just makes me want to touch it even more. And it's...one of the little things you do, that I think about. Did think about." He reached into one of his pockets. "I have something for you."
He dropped off the counter, and walked around the table to stand in front of Mac before holding up the tiny present.
"Hair clips?"
"To keep your hair out of the way. I made sure to pick the package with blue ones, so they'd match your eyes."
Murdoc gently swept Mac's bangs to one side, and slid the first clip in, pulling them out of Mac's face. He added a second clip to make sure it was doubly secure.
"Fancy." His fingers lingered in Mac's hair, unable to resist the softness.
"Feels kinda weird." Mac lifted a hand to run his own fingers over the clips. "But I think they'll hold."
It still made him feel slightly shy when Murdoc did nice things for him, like seeing happy Murdoc was something forbidden. He moved his hand over the hair around Murdoc's ear, even though it was already neatly tucked behind it.
"You didn't bring any for you."
"Blue doesn't match with this outfit."
"Murdoc! You're here!" Bozer wrapped his arms around Murdoc's neck, and kissed his cheek.
"Should I be worried, seeing how excited you are at me just walking in the door?"
"I wasn't sure you'd actually show up." Bozer took Murdoc's hand, and led him from the front door to a chair at the kitchen table. "Sit. I have a surprise for you!"
"So your text said."
"First off, you have to close your eyes."
Murdoc hesitated, but decided that Bozer's energy was only eager, not malicious, so did as instructed.
"Don't peek."
He heard Bozer retrieve a plate from a cabinet and set it on the kitchen counter, followed by quiet noises as he moved items on the counter.
"I was thinking about last time, when you were trying to tell us that your birthday is on April 1st."
"Because it is."
"Uh-huh. But, it got me thinking about how it doesn't have to be your birthday to celebrate." He sat the plate on the kitchen table. "Ta da!"
Murdoc opened his eyes to find a double-sized cupcake sitting in front of him. Yellow cake filled with rainbow sprinkles, and topped with a large spiral of chocolate icing that was almost as big as the cupcake itself. More rainbow sprinkles finished it off.
"You made this...specially for me?" Murdoc kept his gaze low, his eyes glistening with tears.
"Of course! I wanted to do something in honor of all the birthdays I know you didn't celebrate. Maybe you didn't care, or other people in your life didn't, but I'm here now, and I care. Because you being alive makes me happy."
"Wilt, I..." A few tears escaped down his face. "I love it."
"And no birthday's complete without making a wish!" He pushed a candle into the icing, careful to disturb as little of it as possible, and lit it. "Happy birthday, Murdoc!"
Murdoc smiled to himself before blowing out the flame.
Bozer rolled his eyes and turned on the TV. Murdoc was currently lying on the living room floor on his back, eyes closed.
“Guess I don’t have to worry about you complaining about what I pick to watch. Since you’re dead or whatever.”
He opened the channel guide, and scrolled to see what the cooking channels were showing. The guide lagged for a few seconds, and the cursor landed on one of those channels that focused on feel-good programming. The Christmas season meant sappy, made-for-TV romance movies, and the current movie was of the Cinderella variety.
Definitely not his type of movie. But perfect for annoying Murdoc.
The ballroom scene was already underway, and the airy music, combined with conversations about the prince, got Murdoc’s attention. He slowly turned his head toward the TV. Bozer couldn’t see Murdoc’s face, but he was glad for the TV that it wasn’t alive to be able to see his glare.
“What. Is. That?”
"Oh my Goddddd! Murdoc! She's dancing with the prince! But he doesn't know that she's the owner of the Christmas tree shop!"
Murdoc gave a long, pained moan. “Ughhhhh...the life is being sucked out of me! And it’s not even the good kind of sucking.”
“Quiet! You’re ruining this beautiful moment.”
“This movie’s stupid. Change the channel.”
“What’re you gonna do? Come over here and make me?”
Murdoc rolled onto his side, and stared up at Bozer. “If I have to get up...”
“You want the remote that bad? Here.” He dangled it off the couch, and waited for Murdoc to scoot himself within arm’s reach before pulling it back up. “Mine!”
 “Now you’re in trouble.”
“Oh no! Murdoc’s gonna punish me!” Bozer tackled Murdoc before he could be pulled off the couch, and slapped at Murdoc’s hands. “You like that?!”
Their limbs tangled as they playfully wrestled, but Bozer straddled Murdoc to keep him from gaining the upper hand. Pokes into his sides caused him to wildly jerk.
“Don’t tickle me! I’ll tickle you!”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Bozer  firmly held one of Murdoc’s wrists as he wriggled underneath him, attempting to protect his exposed side with his remaining free hand.
“Your Highness, I do believe that’s mistletoe hanging in the doorway.”
Their attention snapped back to the TV. Gay prince? In one of these movies??
The scene continued, revealing that something about the mistletoe was going to lead the prince to his mystery woman.
Murdoc scowled. “How dare you have these guys walk under mistletoe and have nothing happen! I hate this movie!"
“You’re just jealous that you weren’t there when someone put up mistletoe in the war room.”
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allimariexf · 6 years
So I think people either loved or hated 7x16, depending on whether or not we are into the Flash Forwards or not. I LOVED IT. And honestly I DON'T KNOW HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO CONTINUE TO LIVE AFTER THAT OPENING.
I don’t have coherent thoughts yet, so here’s just a list of things that murdered me I loved:
"I love you so much." / "I love you so much. I'll love you even more after this baby's out of me." AND HIS SMILE AT FELICITY BEING FELICITY.
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AND THE WAY HE KISSES HER HEAD, FOR SOOO LONG! (3x09 parallels my heart!)
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lots more freakout under the cut!
Meanwhile, NYSSA YAAYYYY (and Katrina Law with prego belly lol)
and yes, obviously this poses a bunch of questions about what happened to Thea and Roy, but I believe (since Roy is clearly a part of the story they’re telling here) that that will be addressed
AND JUST can we please appreciate this that NO MATTER WHAT Felicity had Nyssa by her side all these years!? Like, maybe not living next door, but Nyssa definitely was a regular presence and just WOW. How awesome for both of them. 💗😭💗😭
I think a lot of people aren’t liking Mia’s attitude? I want to be clear that I LOVE HER!. I do agree that Mia's tantrum at Felicity was a little fast...and super overblown, but whatever. There’s more to the story than we’re seeing. She’s clearly felt isolated her whole life and probably felt a little betrayed by her mom’s secret. We’ll probably find out more about their relationship, but even if we don’t, whatever. It’s a means to an end and I choose to just go with it.
(oh and btw confirmation that Felicity isn’t dead. Big duh. Better confirmation: SHE IS WEARING HER WEDDING RING. 🙌🙌🙌)
The fact that Felicity financed William’s startup is both
not surprising, like we were expecting something like that all along, but also
MURDERING ME WITH FEELS because like he thought she abandoned him 😭 and that he was alone 😭 and that she didn’t care 😭 and like 😭😭😭😭
AND THEN MIA SAYS "Guess she might have been watching over you, after all” and honestly WTF HOW DARE!?!?!?!?!
AND THE FACT THAT WILLIAM HUGS HER AND FORGIVES HER AND CHOOSES TO FIGHT WITH HER IS JUST 😭 And they are really going with this redemption theme in all directions and UGHHHHH it’s not FAIR
OKAY SO I’m going to put a pin in this: "For once in your life, mom, put your family first." because
"Being a hero means choosing other people's safety above your own." I DO NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL.
and I think there’s more to it that than, and I know we’ll see it soon, and in short
Felicity Smoak is a hero without a mask
a badass since always
a beacon of hope
the heart and soul of Arrow
and this has always been true. Having her say it is just 🙌
Mia saying "What the frack!" YASS! and “I need some air.” just 💗💗💗
Felicity introducing Mia to the riff raff was 100% badass: "This is Mia. These are mine and Oliver's impeccable genetics." just the perfect blend of sass, wit, pride (in her daughter), and (I think) pride in her and Oliver 😍 Could not have been more perfect.
FELICITY IN THE FIELD WITH THE TEAM, WITH HER CHILDREN!? Just go ahead and murder me some more, okay??? 😭 And Felicity in the green mask. And all three of them being so fucking badass. And such a good team. 
“Overwatch. No one’s called me Overwatch in a very long time.” 😩😭😩😭
also William handing Felicity down the stairs is such an Oliver move and OH GOD MY EMOTIONS!
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And finally, I just need a very big moment of appreciation for when Felicity says: "There's always another way."
Felicity as the one who showed Oliver that there’s another way, and then her way became his way, and that hope, that optimism, IT IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THEM 😩😩😩
HERE IS THE LINK (go to it and “like” it because @clarissa-adelefairchild makes the absolute best Olicity clips and we should show our appreciation) and at 1:48 she says “There is another way” and then at 2:18 she says THE THING 😭💗😭💗
also bonus, William and Felicity being awesome partners!! 😭 and Mia’’s line: “Oh good, now there are two of you” 😂
And then the final scene with Mia and Felicity.....................YALL. I CANNOT SPEAK OF IT. Just 😭😭😭😭😭😭
So anyway, to wrap up, my very loose, not-thoroughly-vetted spec for the rest of the flash forwards this season (contains spec and spoilers):
I do not believe Oliver is dead, at all. The way they speak of him in 7x16 (in the present tense, without any “reverence” that you would reserve for a fallen hero, etc.) only make me more certain of this.
furthermore, I don’t think there’s much of a mystery as far as Oliver is concerned in the future. I think it’s only a mystery to the audience. Again, no one seems particularly concerned about him in the future.
this leads me to believe that he’s alive, but that people have made “mental peace” with his status. I think this means he’s thought to be either a) EVIL or b) CRAZY and that he might be believed to be locked up or in some other way neutralized.
but I also believe that that’s UNTRUE and only what Oliver and Felicity want people to believe; I think they’re working on something together, whether taking down Galaxy One or something even bigger.
BTW I still think most of this episode tracks with this spec.
my main question being that, if Galaxy One and the Ninth Circle are basically the same, then it wouldn’t make sense for Felicity to have said that “this is not about Oliver.” So...questions remain. We’ll definitely find out sooner rather than later.
So coming up with have the Canaries episode, where we’ll possibly wrap up Black Siren’s storyline...which would explain her absence in the future.
and everyone wants to know WHERE IS JOHN DIGGLE: well, I predict John’s upcoming episode (Spartan - is it 7x19? I think?) is when we’ll finally see him in the future, I think. Bit clearly he has something to do with the anti-Argus group, and clearly that will stem directly from the 7x19 storyline that will deal with John/Lyla/Argus/Ben Turner/baby Connor/John’s dad?? 
and everyone also wants to know WHERE IS THEA: and I think we’ll definitely get answers to that as well, when we dig further in to Roy’s storyline.
I AM SO EXCITED FOR WHERE THIS IS GOING, YALL. I still have my fears. I still have many lingering questions. BUT I HAVE FAITH IN THE PLAN! 
YEEEEEEEEEEESH THIS WAS LONG. gonna tag a few who might care?
@ixxmcmxciv @lucyyh @msbeccieboo @faegal04 @dmichellewrites @tangled23works @babblingblondegenius @jules85 @it-was-a-red-heeler @blondeeoneexox 
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jdsass · 5 years
What a life🌚
Baekhyun was hiding. The enemy could be anywhere here and he tried his best to move forward, sneak between the buildings to stay inconspicuous, without making any noise. He was almost there. He heard someone shifting outside the room and he checked his pistol and slowly moved in the shadows. He held his breath and he was about to aim when a loud "Ping!" resounded the entire room followed by multiple other pings and in a moment of distraction,he had shifted in the wrong direction and now he was dead sure that had given away his position to his enemy. Shitshitshitshit what if he had been found? Oh God this is seriously going to be a mess he can't die yet... Not at this stage when he is almost there, being one of the two sole survivors at this point, definitely not now and-
He had been shot.
Cursing under his breathe, he glared at the 'You have been killed by User:Kimjongdaewifeu' message mocking him on his screen. He was literally moments away from his chicken dinner and he was so furious he let out a wild cry and reached for his phone, the root cause of his misery, fuming with rage. Whoever is the one behind this notification,he is so gonna murder that motHERFUC-
WAIT. WHAT? A new video from SeChan? Aren't they on their vacation in LA right now? Must be one of their random vlogs. His confusion only increased further when YouTube displayed the title of the video, "SeChan-What a life- MV". It was followed by multiple messages of '@real_pcy tagged you in a post' and '@oohsehun tagged you in a post'.
Wow. So the father and son were definitely NOT on a vacation, but they had the time to compose and record a song, and even shoot a music video for that? On top of that they had the audacity to hide the entire thing from him. Or was it one of their old compositions? He doesn't remember seeing or listening to anything called 'What a life,though. He scrunched up his nose further in confusion and clicked on one of his Instagram tags. He was, indeed tagged in a picture of his husband and son wearing some expensive af suits and smirking at the camera (Goddamn he so badly wanted to wipe that smirk off of his husband's face) and he read the caption below. "@baekhyunee_exo for you🥂".
Huh. What does that even mean? Did they dedicate the song to him? He was confused all the while trying to fight the blush creeping up his face 'God Baekhyun control yourself you're not a fucking teenager you've been married for 19 years now ughhhhh' and then he scrolled down further to see his son has posted few more pictures too and tagged him in them. He decided it's time he check out the MV for himself and clicked on the YouTube notification.
The music was fresh. Totally their style. Baek was in awe at how did they manage to pull this off in literally 15 days. Pride swelled up inside him, his family has, indeed, been blessed with talent. He was even singing along with the chorus. This is gonna be a chartbuster! He immediately started replaying it once the song ended,and now the initial adrenaline rush is gone, he actually started paying attention to the lyrics and the things that he missed during the first listen. And thats when he noticed something.
"Come out if you have time
Gather around for a meeting
Circle, square, triangle, and x
It’s boring playing games everyday..."
Park.Fucking.Chanyeol. Did he just write a diss track. He can't belived that he got openly called out by his husband for being a homebody and not moving when they called him to join them on this trip. in his defense, he had a few urgent stuff to deal with, as the co-creative director of the clothing line brand he created. And he absolutely can't believe that little shit, his son, agreed to his Dad's idea? Was all the love he had shown towards his Appa a frigging lie?!???!!!! Watch him throw his shoes at this ungrateful excuse of a son the next time when he comes and tries to snuggle with his 'Baekhyunie Appa'.
But seriously though, the song was really good and Baekhyun can't help but be proud of them both and that thought, made him go soft for both his husband and his son. Not to mention how good looking the both of them were. That gave rise to another wave of exasperation inside him that now there will be a herd of fangirls ogling at his husband and his little kid. He rolled his eyes at the thought and smirked to himself, because he is the one who officially owns the ~non-existent~ ass of Park Chanyeol. Still, decided to do some snooping around, and he switched to one of his private accounts to scroll through the comment section and fight those annoying idiots.
"Oppa we're so proud of you! This is a bop🎇🎉"
"Oh God the visuals, the music, the concept everything is DOPE! We love it!!!💝💗💖💓❤️💚❤️💙💟♥️"
"Love from India!❤️"
"Stream Stream Stream!"
Seeing these type of comments filled him up with excitement and joy. The fans like it so much, too. Intellectuals.
Baekhyun scrolled past the typical comments and decided he had done enough of undercover work and thought of exiting the comment section, that's when he noticed few stuff written in hangul. He thought he saw wrong, and squinted his eyes to see what was written once again.
A loud snort escaped him. Inappropriate scenes? Oh if only he could, he would show everyone the REAL inappropriate. And what did the poor yacht do? When did girls dancing on a yacht became a crime? Can't two gay men party with girls? Also why does it hurt these idiotic fangirls, when they can't even seem to digest the fact that their 'oppars' won't even spare a glance at any woman, let alone these dancers. He had his devilish grin on, and he started sending a plethora of attacks ranging from a middle finger emoji to comments like 'I hope you choke and di e, bitxh' (very mature, Baekhyun) to everyone who attempted to even touch his babies, his earlier annoyance at both of them totally forgotten, and he was starting to feel happier inside the more people he fought..
His little counter attack session was interrupted by a phone call. He saw the caller ID and his face lit up but in a nanosecond, the fury came flooding back.
"YAAAH PARK CHANYEOL! DO YOU WANNA DIE?!!!!" he literally started screaming into the phone and he was able to hear his son cackling in the background.
"I told you Dad, keeping the speaker mode on and putting that phone 5 metres away was a good idea. I knew that Appa was gonna scream like that!" his son managed to somehow speak all the while wheezing and trying not to die.
"Did you like it, Baekhyunee?" the deep voice of his husband brimmed with expectation and adoration sent a shiver down Baek's body. Oh God no wonder this giant puppy of a human can literally get away with anything he does, Baekhyun sure becomes a puddle of goo whenever he hears his husband's voice spoken to him closely and intimately. He can still hear the faint dying whale noises of his son somewhere in the background.
"Ofcourse, you big baby. I loved it. But you sneaky little shits hid a whole song production from me. I'm mad."
"Well then how do you want me to make it up to you, Baek?"
"Ew can you two please stop for now and continue this when I'm not here I don't wanna know the details-"
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yourjughead · 6 years
Legacy 2.0
From Sweet Pea x Reader perspective.
You must read the OG Legacy parts linked in the fic for the story to flesh out correctly, part 6 and 7 do not take place in this version for obvious reasons . This is so long i dont actually expect anyone to read it through but it took a lot of work and if you do read all of it that would make me really happy.
Part 1 “Who the fuck does he think he is?!” “Calm down Pea its not that big of a deal” “It is to me” you just rolled your eyes at your Second and then returned to watching him pace your back office of the Warehouse while you sat up on your desk. “He crossed a line and then kept crossing it, he was trying to wind me up” “He’s new give him time” “He's a Legacy, he should know all of this stuff already, we shouldn't have to teach him” Sweet Pea stopped pacing in front of you, he put his hands on your thighs to prop himself up. “You know he’s into you yeah?” “Really? Do you think so?” you put on this fake excited voice and widened your eyes, he just rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and pushed back off your legs. “Hey Pea” you pulled his attention back to you effortlessly “What?” “Your jealousy is showing” “It's not jealousy, it's concern” he whined and caught you by the shoulders and shook you playfully till you slid off the desk and were chest to chest with him. “Peaaaa stop making something out of nothing, you might end up liking him, you could be friends” you gave him little jabs into the chest and then he threw his heavy arms around your shoulders and hugged you entirely, he then threw all his weight against you and you whined laughing under the force. “Stoooooop” you tried pushing him back as he continued to exert more force, you both laughing. “You're.crushing.me” “Good” you then moved quickly to the side and we went hands to the desk. “You're the worst Second” he put his hand to his heart feigning hurt. “I'm the best Second, one day you'll be mine” “Dream on little boy, not unless i get shot and die” “I can't wait for the day” of course this was all witty banter between partners in crime, confidants, best friends. “Shut up, you couldn't handle my job” “What you mean never turning up to school and having everyone bow down at your feet” you chuckled lightly and returned to sit at your desk. Of course he knew there was more to it than that but you didn't like talking about it as much. “And don't you forget it, I'm the Don” “Your dad is the Don” “I'm the Don adjacent” “Well will the Don adjacent be gracing us with her presence at school this week?” “Ughhhhh i went today didn't I?” he just threw you look and you once again rolled your eyes. You didn't like school, never have, wasn't for you and that suited everyone except for Sweet Pea but only because it meant less time with you and more time for him wrangling the jrs in school, that was his job after all. Babysitting. You got to spend less time focusing on school and more time on the gang while he got to babysit, it was leverage you loved to use. “I won't be in for at least two weeks, I’ll leave the babies to you” “Oh course you will, life of a working mom, maybe I should get a second” “You're my second you don't get a second” “They could be your third” “Or I could just make you work three times as hard” “You could-” he slid onto the desk and you stared up at him from the chair “-but then there would be no time for fun” he gestured over his shoulder to the sound of jrs flooding the Warehouse ready to relax after school. You rolled your eyes and signalled for him to leave and have fun before pulling your chair back into your desk. “No no you too” “Pea” “Yn” “Pea” “Ynnnnnn” “Dont” “Don't what” he jumped off the desk and half circled your chair. “Don't do THIS!” you half shrieked when lifted you from your chair and threw you over his shoulder laughing while you shrieked bloody murder and attempted to catch your breath though tears of laughter. “Am I interrupting something?” the both of your heads shot to the door and Sweet Pea dropped you to his side and the two of you were like like two kids caught with your hands in the cookies jar. “No sir” “No dad” you both answered in unison. “Hmph, yn, meet me upstairs we have work” he deadpanned and then left the room, you and Sweet Pea immediately releasing a sigh of relief. You loved your Dad, you did but it would take Sweet Pea taking a bullet for you or something for him to approve of you two together. He didn't believe in a leader falling for their second which was fair enough but not to you two. It was the elephant in the room and that's how it would stay. “I better…” “Yeah” ~ Part 2 ~ “What.just.happened” “We were ambushed” “Wow really Fangs I would have never guessed, get out” “Yn” “Get out!” you threw yourself down in your office chair and put a hand to your head. Fangs looked at Toni and Sweet Pea panickedly. You looked out from behind your fingers and that got him to scatter. “Toni go help Fangs with diagnostics, yn and i will be with you in a second” she nodded slowly, leaving. Sweet Pea rested against your desk and watched you stress out. “Yn...yn were you and Jughead…” your hands dropped to your legs and you gave him as completely over it look. “Really? Really Pea” “Sorry, I just...did you two…” “REALLY SWEET PEA?! RIGHT NOW! WE JUST GOT AMBUSHED AND YOU'RE ASKING ME ABOUT JUGHEAD?!” “I FUCKING KNEW IT! YOU LIKE HIM” “WELL I CANT FUCKING HAVE YOU CAN I!” and there it was, you clasped your hands over your mouth and tears started to form. “Ynn i got here as soon as i cou- what's going on? Why is it every fucking time I come into this damn office I feel like I’m interrupting something between you two that shouldn't even be fucking happening! Sweet Pea you are on full security with Fangs and-” “I dont need a baby sitter dad-” “I’m not talking to you right now YN. We’ll discuss this further later Sweet Pea, get Fangs and ill meet you in 20” Sweet Pea nodded and looked at you like his heart was breaking and it was, he knew exactly what your dad was going to say to you when he closed that door but he had to anyway. “Yn you know my opinion on you and Sweet Pea” “Yes dad, I’m thinking of getting it tattooed on my arm” “Don't be smart with me. Where were you tonight, i heard from some others you were nowhere to be seen before the attack” “I was with FPs son, we were just talking, it was his first gathering and he was feeling overwhelmed and-” you were trying to keep your voice as level as possible as your dad stared at you with his piercing eyes. “Now there’s a good match, Legacy blood sticking together” “Dad, we have more important things to do then talk about my love life” “Hmm, I’m putting you on look out where you'll be safe” you released audible annoyance and he waved it off before leaving. ~ Pt.3 ~ The hospital emergency doors were flung open viciously as Serpents ascended on the ER like seagulls flocking a single piece of bread. They all went in their own directions to where they knew where their closest were being treated after another ambush. Sweet Pea stomped the wards, ran the wards looking for you, not even sure what really happened. “Oh my god yn!” you leapt off the seat outside of Jugheads room and into his arms. You were completely clung to him and he had actually lifted you from the floor, you were sobbing into his chest while he had buried his head in the crook of your neck. “They-they wont l-et me go i-n and see h-im right now th-ey’re just cle-aning him up after sur-gery” he let your feet touch the ground again but didn't let you go as your voice shook. “Yn it's going to be okay darling, he’ll be okay, I’m so glad you're okay, i was so worried” “I could have been shot, i could have died” “Shhh” he stroked your hair gently wishing you to stop crying, it hurt him in every cell of his body. You both stood like this for over an hour until finally you and Sweet Pea were allowed inside with Toni following soon after. ~ Part 4 ~ That was it for you, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. You completely pulled back from life involving him, including interaction with any of the Jrs. You became more involved with Senior work which made your dad entirely happy and Sweet Pea worried. ~ Part 5 ~ “IM GOING TO KILL HIM YN” “Morning Sweet Pea oh please come into my office without knocking, How are you? I’m good, your party was fun last night, yeah it was a mess” you cocked an  eyebrow at him over the desk after finishing your sarcastic conversation. “Yn, i don’t care if he took a bullet for you-” “-Your sense of care for me is overwhelming” you stood from your desk to lean against it. “You know i care about you, I’m not in the mood for our usual banter yn” “Calm down Pea, the vein is going to pop out of your head, what’s wrong?” you stepped closer to him, catching him by the forearms and rubbing them gently. “I know what Jughead did” you took a step back but not releasing his arms. “It’s water under the-” “It hurt you, he hurt you. I'm going to bury him under the warehouse” he broke from you and began angrily pacing the room. “I don’t even care about the fact your dad is singing his praises, he hu-” “Ding ding ding, we have the root of the problem” “It’s not the root of the problem” “Sweet pea-” “Why aren't I good enough for you?! I work hard, i pull my weight, I’m always there for you, we have a laugh together and yet- that’s not enough” Sweet Pea tried his hardest to stop his voice from shaking but to no avail, he was coming undone at the seams. “Pea” “No, no just forget it, i understand the rules i just don’t like them, forget I said anything” he went to leave but you caught kind of rushly and dragged him back to meet you. This was not the first time you two had kissed but it was the first time you did it sober and it was so much better, especially since you’d actually remember this one. It went from sweet to hungry, almost violently hungry. “Pea-Pea lock the door” you pressed him backwards breathlessly, still kissing when you blindly locked the door behind his back. His mouth connected with your neck and he pushed your head back for more access and you went willingly. It was his turn to push you back until the backs of your legs hit the desk. He tucked his arms under you to lift you, you gasped and knotted your hands in his hair, he dropped you down on the desk and you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him in deeper. You tugged his jacket off and it didn't even touch the ground before you were pulling off his shirt. You ran your hands up his toned abs and across his pecs and back to his shoulders while Sweet Peas hands ran up and down your thighs. “Maybe we shouldn't do this in your office” “Yeah you're right” they were just words, he still pulled your shirt over your head before you reconnected to his neck, making sure to pay special attention to his tattoo. He pressed your back against the desk and lifted you slightly for you to shift out of your pants, him doing the same. “Umm Do you have a-” “Yeah two seconds” “Isn't that very presumptuous of you, do you have a lot of office sex” he laughed as you reached for your desk drawer and tossing him the condom upon retrieval. “Wouldn't you like to know” you winked as Sweet Pea  pushed you back to the desk, kissing down your chest and stomach while you hummed. His mouth returned to your neck and you could feel his growing member near your heat, you helped to guide him and then you both gasped with the sudden overwhelming pleasure of being this close. Sweet Pea pulled you by the hips further down the desk before he began moving properly. You dug your nails into his back while your own arched. He groaned loudly and you put a finger to his lip shushing him to be quiet, remembering there are probably people buzzing around the door. “I don't want to be quiet, i want everyone to know you're mine” you rolled your eyes before beckoning him to continue moving as your band tightened. It was building pressure begging to be released and when it was you clung to his chest and tried to muffle your moans in his shoulder, he doing the same to you briefly after. You two laid out on the large mahogany desk for a bit before getting dressed again. “I, i can't believe that just happened” “It was only a matter of time Pea” you shoved him as you slotted on your serpent jacket. “You know Pea, Jughead is going to do itiation” “Good for him” “Which means the gauntlet and you have to promise me you wont completely mangle him okay?” “I make no such promise” “As your girlfr- or emm” “As my girlfriend what? If anything that gives me more of reason to nearly kill him” you rolled your eyes heading for door but not before interlocking hands with Sweet Pea. “Wait your dad might be out there” “I dont care Pea, i can handle him, i want to be with you...aww look you're blushing” “I am not, you are!” he totally was and you found it utterly adorable.
Props to you if you read the whole thing honestly.
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