#UK Restaurant Ordering System
faust-the-enjoyer · 5 months
Anonymous asked: Adoptive!dad!simon x adopted!kid!reader but it starts off with the reader being a foster kid whos lowkey kinda scared of simon
You Remember the First Time You Called Him "Dad"
Tags/warnings: gn!reader, kid!reader (mid teens), foster!father!simon turned into adoptive!dad!simon, sfw, familial, mentions of the military, mentions of therapy, mentions of mental health issues, implicit mentions of child murder, uk foster care system, a bit of angst, fluff, crying.
A/n: aaaaaaaah i loooved writing this!!! I did my research to write it too!!! Hope you like it anon!
-Divider by (@/saradika-graphics)!
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After being discharged from the military due to his mental health, Simon got monthly compensation from the military, and started working as a butcher again, all while going to therapy at the same time. Since he's pretty much done from working as a soldier, he had to find other things to do, he had to learn to help himself, and find purpose, find a new life for himself.
After going to therapy for a good couple of months and being on medication, he found that his life became...repetitive and dull in a way. It's the same thing over and over again, work, therapy, and the times that he went out with his old teammates didn't change things that much, considering they were on missions on many occasions, dating didn't help either, that didn't work out, he's not one for that.
He'd talk about it with his therapist, he'd talk about with his friends, and he'd get a lot of advises, but none that appealed to him. He didn't know what to do, but sometimes, he'd see one of his co-workers at the butchery with his kid sometimes, seeing couples and single parents out with their own as well, and it all just reminded him of his nephew, that poor kid, Joseph. Although it opens up old wounds that never healed, he did think it over, and even asked his therapist for advice over it, and he finally decided to foster a kid after months of thinking about it and considering it.
He wanted to do a short-fostering plan, just in case it doesn't work out for whatever reason. The application took a couple of months in order for him to become a foster parent, but he didn't mind, he worked on his mental health at the time, and even cleaned out a room in his apartment for the kid that'll be there. After making an inquiry at a local foster care agency, and after a social worker visited him and the process took place, he was given some parenting training, and finally matched up with a kid to take care of, that is, you.
Your first meeting was with him and your two's social worker in a small restaurant, he was a big guy, piercing brown eyes, some scars here and there, and a black surgical mask that he took off when he sat down and started talking to you. He was just a bit scary, just a bit though.
After the social worker introduced you two, Simon took the initiative and started talking to you. "R/N, you can just call me Simon, alright?", he asked in a calm tone, and you nodded, it made sense since you two just met, and he really just wants you to be comfortable. After you two chatted a little and he paid for the meal, the social worker walked you two to his car, and talked to you, you were more than willing to stay with him if that meant some stability in your life, even if he was a little scary, so you agreed to stay with him, and he agreed to foster you, and you said your goodbyes to the social worker.
You didn't want to sit in the front passenger seat, this was all too new to you, and Simon didn't make it any better either, all broody and quiet, with that somewhat harsh look on his face, though he doesn't mean to seem like this at all, he really just wants you to feel safe around him, so he lets you get into the backseat and sees you put your little bag of belongings on the seat next to you, "Put your seatbelt on R/N.", and that you do. Five minutes into the drive and he starts talking.
"So, your school's pretty close to where we will, and to be honest with you kid, I'd prefer to drive you every day there, but tell me, what do you prefer?", he asks, eyes on the road, he'd prefer to drive you because it's safer, and he honestly hopes you just choose that, "...I...ok, um, I don't wanna take the bus, so...", you trail off, you can't even talk about what you want, let alone address him by his first name. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Car it is then.". The rest of the drive is filled with him questioning you on the meals you like, and inquiring you about your hobbies.
As the days passed, you two slowly warmed up to each other, and his kindness would show; in the first couple of days of you settling in, he took you shopping, giving you a certain amount of money and telling to buy whatever clothes you needed, he also encouraged you to buy that plushie you had your eye on but didn't openly say you wanted because you're "too old" for it. He'd ask you to cook dinner with him as way as to spend time with you, letting you chop all the vegetables with your not-too sharp knife, and letting you add them and the spices into the pot.
Hell, it would even extend to other things as well, he wouldn't hug you unless you gave him the green light, nor would he enter your room without knocking or asking for your permission first. And in the first week of picking you up from school, he asked if you if anyone was bothering you, and if you made or already have any friends, if you needed any school supplies, or if you wanted a packed lunch. On the first weekend you stayed at his apartment, he ended asking Johnny to borrow that old gaming set he doesn't use anymore just so you (and him) can play on it.
But you were still scared a little, this new environment was too comfortable, too quiet, your mind kept telling you that something was wrong, when you knew there wasn't. Week by week, your fear would slowly melt away, though it was quite slow, yet the social worker was quite delighted during the check-ups that happened.
One night after brushing your teeth and getting into bed, it started raining, that was fine, relaxing even, until you were deeply asleep and got frighteningly woken up by the loud thunder, heart throbbing, body shaky, you needed water, you needed to calm down. You went into the kitchen, heavy breathing echoing throughout the room, you were so shaken up that you accidentally broke the glass of water you were trying to get out of the cabinet, shattering the glass all over the floor, and prompting Simon to wake up and run to the kitchen, only to find you shaking above the broken glass and breathing heavily, you looked like you were on the verge of tears from how overwhelmed you felt.
He carefully walked up to you quickly, "R/N? You alright? Did you step on the glass?", you look up at him, and the waterworks are on, he can't say anything to you in this state and he knows it, so all he does is usher you into a tight hug. "Shh...shh...it's alright, you're not hurt, you're fine kid...", after calming you down, he sits you on the couch and hands you a cup of water, covering you with a blanket and patting your head, "You can tell me what happened, I won't be mad, I promise.", he sighs, he doesn't know what happened, but he wants you to feel safe in this moment and just breath.
You drink from your cup and set it on the coffee table, breathing in and out, "I was just sleeping, but the thunder woke me up and I just...", "You got scared kid?", you nod, eyes still tired from having your sleep interrupted in such a horrifying manner. It's still thundering loudly outside. He sighs, "Alright, tell you what, since you don't have any school tomorrow, how 'bout you sleep on the couch, and I sit near you, yeah? How does that sound?", you think it over, at least he'll be there if you wake up scared again, "Ok.", he gets up and sits on the armchair next to the couch, letting you lay there and get comfy with the blanket and couch pillow. As you slowly close and rest your eyes, you suddenly open them wide, "Wait...you'll sleep on the chair?", "Yeah, what, you've never done that before?", he lets out a small chuckle, you smile a little and put your head back onto the pillow. After you fell asleep, he got up and quietly cleaned up the broken glass in the kitchen, then returned and sat back down, slowly falling asleep too.
As the months passed, you fell into the routine that you two had, it was a calm one, a comforting one that made your worries disappear. He tried his best to be a father to you, a parental figure to you. He'd pat away any creases in your school uniform, make you lunch boxes, and openly told you to rant to him about school and your friends, about what you wanted to do and be in the future. He wanted to know more about you, and if you ever had any issues, you knew to come to him for help, and you did. He never shamed you for it, never made fun of you, he always helped you out, even if your problem seemed "trivial".
He wanted to know what you liked to do, where you liked to eat. On some weekends after you'd do your homework, he'd take you to a small amusement park then to try a new restaurant, and once he even let you have that sundae you've always wanted to try. On some weekdays, he'd help you with your homework after dinner, telling you how proud he was of you, and after, you'd help him with the dishes. He gave you a monthly allowance ever since you started living with him, letting you buy whatever you wanted (within reason), and you wanted to help him with the house, so you started doing some chores, it was perfect, cozy, loving, what you've both wanted. What he offered and gave you was what every child deserves and should have, you both know that, but neither of you ever had that.
You found someone you can lovingly call your parent, and he found a kid he could proudly say was his. It's been a good year since he fostered you, and now he's sat on your bed, talking to you, "R/N, I...would you like me to adopt you? It's possible you know, just some paperwork, I've just...been thinking it over.", your eyes glimmer with joy and content, and a smile is painted on your lips, "Yes!". A man of his word, after discussing it with the social worker and getting the paperwork done, he ended up adopting you out of the foster care system, now having you as his child, permanently. You were so happy, so so so happy.
A couple of days after the adoption process was done, you sat next to him on the couch as he was reading the newspaper. "Simon.", "Hm?", "Can I call you "dad"?", his eyes widen a little, and he has to hold back some of his emotions, or else he'll cry in front of you, "Yeah, yeah can call me "dad" if you want to kid.", he lets out a small chuckle, ruffling your hair. You laugh, "Thanks dad.", it's a much more comfortable term than his first name, one that suits him.
Gaz: So how's everything with the kid?
Simon: Dead good, they're happy.
Gaz: I told you you'd be a good father, you didn't need to worry so much man.
He sets his phone down and looks at you studying for your exams in the living room, a small content smile on his face. He's glad that he can start anew, and he's glad that he's able to give you what he never had; stability, and a loving parent.
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I have been having ✨A Time✨ recently, both writing and personally, so my sharing today is a 🔥Hot Mess🔥 (much like my brain rn). Feel free to skip if you have no patience for my rambling.
But first, thank you for the tags today @fatalfangirl @j-nipper-95 and Wednesday @palimpsessed @artsyunderstudy @forabeatofadrum @ivelovedhimthroughworse @chen-chen-chen-again-chen
Adding just a few tags today because I don’t want to burden too many people with my word vomit @cutestkilla @captain-aralias @shrekgogurt @ebbpettier @whogaveyoupermission @aristocratic-otter @facewithoutheart @raenestee @thewholelemon @hushed-chorus 😘
On to said rambling. Really, truly. Last chance to back out from delving into Writerly Indecision Hour. You have been warned. Below the cut for length:
Ok! I have mostly been trying to get chapter 6 of Depth of Reason up and running. I know what I want the bulk of the chapter to be about, but I have been having trouble writing the start and getting them to that point. I have two separate documents going, one with 1k, the other with 2k, and both of them feel like they aren’t quite how I want to start. Why don’t I just jump into the parts I want to write and go back to do the start later, you might ask? Well, for better or worse, I usually have to write in a linear fashion and writing scenes out of order rarely work for me.
So! My plan was to start with Simon and Baz out to lunch with Penny, getting some legal advice on how best to take on the Coven. My first attempt had a some Simon/Penny banter as they walked to the restaurant, as I wanted to toggle back to their relationship, and checking in on Penny’s pregnancy. Here’s a bit:
“Are you feeling okay?”
She sighs. “Yes, just a side ache. My body has become far less efficient these days. I hate it.”
“You’re growing a human from scratch. I’d say your body has become far more efficient than it’s ever going to be in your life.”
She shakes her head.
“I don’t know how my mother did this five times. I’m barely halfway through this pregnancy and I’m already tired of getting winded going up a flight of stairs and getting heartburn any time I eat something spicy.”
“Maybe your mum just really had it bad for your dad.” I waggle my eyebrows at her.
Penny groans and laughs at that. “Please stop, you’re making it worse.”
Not bad, but I got stuck a little further down once they got to the restaurant with Baz. Basically, I wanted some tension with Penny not fully on board with how Simon has been handling things and taking it out on Baz. But then I got stuck on how I wanted said tension to go. So then I started another document getting straight into the legal advice. Here is a bit of that:
“That fact of the matter is, Baz broke the law simply by existing as an unregistered vampire,” Penny continues. “According to the Dark Creature Management Code of 2018, any individuals who did not voluntarily come forward and self register within 90 days of either their birth or their turning, depending on the type of creature, was in violation of said code and would be subject to the legal ramifications set forth under—”
“Penny,” I stop her. “We already know all of that. You don’t have to read us the whole law.”
Sigh. This bit gets tricky, too. Basically, I need to lay out what their plan of attack is and how they are going to take on The System. I need to strike a balance between giving the reader enough legal background without it being a snooze fest. (Cue Simon trying to speed her through the legalese to get to the crux of what they need to do.) I started this bit with having Penny compare the World of Mages’ judicial system to the UK at large, assuming it was much like what we have in the US. Upon further research…it is not. And my ability to understand and parse out this differences is limited. Therefore, I am going to have to take out some of these explanations and just lean heavily on my made up WOM system for this fic. Which led to this (slightly aggressive) note to myself in the middle of a scene:
the Watford scene is what I wanted this chapter to really be about. The other stuff is just the lead in to get there. But some of it really is important.
This writing struggle is compounded by the fact that I broke my toe this week, had my car brake down, and I’m in the middle of report card and parent conference season at school. Plus dealing with all of my other obligations with family and such while limping slowly about. Anyways! If you read this far I love you and appreciate your interest in my struggle. 😅 I genuinely enjoy reading posts like this about other writer’s processes and road blocks, because it makes me feel like I’m in good company when the words don’t just flow with ease. If it feels like the muses have temporarily abandoned you, believe me, I get it! Here’s to hoping they bless us again soon. 💛
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Hear me out… But please, please, please let’s use our text comprehension and critical thinking skills before dog piling on me. Thanking yous.
Note: this is NOT a pearl clutching post.
Rant below the cut.
TW: kink; kink in public; consent
We don’t kink shame in dis haus. The lawd knows we enjoy kinky stuff.
However, I gotta say that kink requires consent from everyone participating in it, either actively or as a voyeur. There are hard limits to be negotiated, boundaries to be respected, agreed safety systems for when things become uncomfortable/unsafe.
Hence kinky activities taking place in dedicated spaces (their home, pride, clubs, dungeons, whatever is your flavour) and with consenting adults. Now, when you take your kink into the public space, you are forcing everyone around you to take part in it. And children exist in the public space regardless of many people wanting them to never leave the house until they are 18 or something. Children cannot consent to be part of someone else’s kink scene. And no, this is not a “But think of the children” stances that fundamental evangelicals use to tear apart people’s rights.
The demonisation of sexuality and sex declined over time although it still bores influence on society’s thinking on what is ‘the norm’ and ‘acceptable sexual expressions’. This often led to criminalisation of sexuality and sexual practices which deviated from the established norm (heterosexual PIV for procreation purposes). Sodomy or masturbation were labelled sinful, which required an exorcism or other religious interventions (Tosh, 2014; 2017). Heterosexual sodomy was a crime in the UK until 1994 when the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act decriminalised it for adults. Check Buggery Act 1533 and the famous trials it’s brought us if you are curious. The Mental Health Act in the UK uses the same language to describe sadists in a consensual community and in the forensic setting of convicted serial killers. Thus, making it possible that a diagnosis of sexual deviance can be used to commit a person to a mental institution (Tosh, 2017). The DSM-5 conflates both and casts the assumption that everyone with a sadist or sexual deviant label is dangerous or a risk to commit extreme violence.
We cannot get on a high horse and scream that we are heavy on consent and respect when we take our kink to a fucking Ikea! Has anyone in that store consented to watch their Pup Play? Were there children around? My guess would be yes because it was a Saturday and they were in the restaurant. Children cannot consent to sexual activities. Even if it’s “just” light Pup Play with no sexual acts (I’m referring to touching, penetration, and such, don’t get smart on me now) happening in front of them.
We can be our own worst enemies. We cannot advocate to not being stigmatised, prejudiced against, judged for our preferences, yell from the mountain tops that we do consent better and turn around and force everyone around us to take part in our scenes. We can still be imprisoned and have our lives destroyed because of our preferences.
I know the Daily Record is a steaming pile of shite of a newspaper. Don’t come for me on that one but this is where the footage came from.
Another example
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
TikTok prankster Mizzy has been locked up for 18 weeks by a judge who said his pranks were “not funny” and were motivated by his “desire to be famous”.
The star, real name Bacari-Bronze O’Garro, was found guilty of two counts of breaching a court order prohibiting him from sharing videos of people without their consent at his trial last month.
In one of the offending videos, passersby were visible in the background as Mizzy said to the camera: “The UK law is a joke.”
At Stratford Magistrates Court on Tuesday, Judge Matthew Bone sentenced him to 18 weeks’ detention in a young offender institution and told him “put bluntly your pranks are not funny.”
Wearing a black jacket and black trousers, O’Garro did not react as his sentence was read out.
Judge Matthew Bone
After his trial last month, the father-of-one was banned from using social media after he was found to have “deliberately flouted” a court order prohibiting him from sharing videos of people without their consent “within hours” of it being passed.
He was found not guilty on two further counts of the same charge having denied all four charges.
As he sentenced him, Judge Bone said O’Garro’s actions had been motivated by a desire to “receive money and designer clothes from sponsors”.
“Your further offending was motivated by your desire to be famous.
“Your actions caused innocent members of the public significant harm and distress.
“You claimed on national television the law was weak.
“Put bluntly, your pranks are not funny.”
O’Garro’s trial heard how he began sharing videos of people without their consent on the same day the criminal behaviour order was passed on May 24 this year.
It was shown footage, shared on O’Garro’s Twitter account on the night of May 24, featuring him in Westfield shopping centre, Stratford, after he appeared on Piers Morgan’s TalkTV show and mocked the British judicial system.
In the video, passersby were visible in the background as Mizzy, from Hackney, said to the camera: “The UK law is a joke.”
Other videos shared on O’Garro’s Snapchat account, which were also in breach, showed him grabbing hold of a schoolboy by his uniform and another showed him fighting a man with dwarfism, which O’Garro claimed were hoax videos made with their prior agreement.
O’Garro’s claim that one of his friends, who had access to his login details, posted the Twitter videos without his consent, was dismissed by Judge Matthew Bone as “inconceivable”.
In mitigation, O’Garro’s lawyer Paul Lennon said he was a “young man” and had shown a “lack of maturity.”
The social media star is completing a creative media production course at a sixth form college, and started a job as a waiter in a restaurant earlier this week, Mr Lennon said.
“He is very academic and is predicted to achieve a distinction,” he added.
“He is making attempts to better himself.”
The judge handed the prankster an 18 week sentence for one of the offences, and 14 weeks for the other, but ruled they should run concurrently.
The judge also “strengthened” the star’s social media ban, ruling that he could not share any videos, act with others to share videos or contribute to other people’s social media accounts for two years.
He was also ordered not to trespass on private property, or enter the E12 area of London.
O’Garro was also ordered to pay a £154 surcharge.
Speaking after the hearing, DCI Yasmin Lalani of the Met Police said: “I just think it is appropriate, when you have disregard for the law, I think it is a fitting sentence and I hope that he gets some help.
“I think it is a loud and clear message that nobody is above the law and that you have got to be held accountable.
“I think the right result has come through, more for the public as well, because I think the community were upset with the lack of respect for the law of the country and the distress and harassment he was causing, it was a blatant disregard for the harassment and distress for the community.
“It is really for the age range of the very young to the elderly, members deserve to live, work, play and be safe in their own area.”
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ourgeekrealm · 1 year
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Welcome to our first blog post featuring Haven Weymouth Bay Resort! Let me know if it was helpful and if you have any questions at
Having stayed at Pontins (That’s a whole story in itself for another day) and Crealy last year, our introduction to self catering UK holidays was greatly mixed so we headed to Weymouth Bay Haven with relatively low expectations and were pleasantly surprised….
So let’s get the bad out of the way as finding moths under the kids beds and the previous occupants swimming knickers on the sofa were not the greatest introduction to caravan life but credit where it’s due; Haven have a free app that you can download for quick check in, reporting any issues, booking activities with a downloadable park map https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/my-haven-experience/id1517363519
Using the app, we were able to log all issues that were dealt with within 2 hours by 2 friendly, empathetic cleaning ladies… we popped out for a swim and returned to a sparkly clean, spacious, surprisingly modern caravan.
We, specifically were allocated Windsor 18, there is an option to choose your own spot prior to check in for a fee. As we had never been we just went with the Haven allocation and was pleased with how close to the main facilities, restaurant and pools we were located, it was around a 10 minute walk to the sports field for the outdoor activities.
The caravan has 2 bedrooms and bathrooms, which I wasn’t expecting as the floor plan only showed 1 bathroom, so make sure you bring 2 floor towels if you have booked a Silver caravan. This with 2 young boys was a pleasant surprise but if more than 1 person wants to shower, you will still need to wait as the temperature and pressure can drop quite low.
We had ample room within our caravan for self catering, full sized fridge/freezer, oven/grill & extractor, but make sure you bring dishwasher tablets as I wasn’t expecting a dishwasher and no tablets are supplied. There is a decking area to the front, accessed by sliding French doors and a small grass and patio area to the side of the caravan but the sun was a little fleeting here, may be better in the summer when the sun is higher but as we were out a lot of the time, it didn’t really effect us.
There is another Haven park next door called Seaview, however we chose Weymouth Bay as the facilities seemed better, especially the outdoor lazy river pool. It is not open year round but thankfully we had beautiful weather so both pools were open. The indoor pool isn’t huge but as it is managed through a booking system that staff keep on top of, it didn’t feel overbooked or too busy at any time, both pools are heated to a comfortable temperature and our children enjoyed their daily swims. Prior to arriving you are allowed to book up to 10 swim slots (1 slot per person) but on arrival, you are able to book additional slots if you wish. There is also a pool shop which sell armbands, floats, goggles etc and was extremely well priced.
Adjacent to the pools are the reception, owners lounge, restaurant, arcade and large play park area. Haven have another free app that you can download to order food & drinks to your table, https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/haven-serve/id1457311497
however the app doesn’t show correct pricing or the full menu, I thought the cocktail deals looked fantastic at just over £10 a pitcher but upon ordering, the price was nearly £20 a pitcher instead so quite the difference, I raised the issue with bar staff but they said they had no control over the app and it had been reported to Head Office.
When he had ordered food and drinks, it was well priced and tasted good, my partner ordered the big burger and it was literally the size of our 3 year old’s head so great value. The chocolate fondue dessert was delicious, we ordered 1 thinking we may need another to feed the 4 of us and it was ideal so another great value dish. Yes, we have had better meals but for the price paid, location and proximity to the large play park, it suited our needs perfectly.
The play park is modern with an array of slides, climbing frames and swings set within a sandy zone for the little ones and play bark area for the older children, however both areas are great for all ages with our children spending hours here over the 5 days.
The arcade has a varied mix of games for varying ages and budgets, many of the machines give out tickets which my children loved collecting and cashing in for lots of sweeties and toys at the end of our stay.
There are so many activities available, we weren’t able to fit them all in during our 5 days but our boys managed to do: Ball sports - football, rugby and basketball, Dodgeball, Archery and Crazy Golf.
Both boys also enjoyed being Wild Wizards; making special wands and potions from items they collected within the woodland area and doing the mini aerial climb, where they were harnessed to a low level climbing course. Our 7 year old had grown over the 1.2m recommended height during the time of booking, he still enjoyed it but definitely more suited to under 6’s.
The highlight of all these activities for our boys was Ranger Chad, Chad was friendly and kept the boys interested throughout all activities with his laid back but in control style. He even lent us a butterfly net to rescue our football from a river and our boys fondly call it chads net as he let us keep it.
A short 10 minute walk from the ball field area, brings you to Weymouth Bay Beach, we are avid walkers so walked many hills and surrounding areas but there are flat buggy trails for the less adventurous that take slightly longer.
Weymouth Bay is a shingle beach but has all the local beach amenities you can need, including mini theme park, restaurants, cafes, bars and most important to our boys, an ice cream bar! However, if on a budget, the ice cream on the beach is considerably cheaper and delicious, you can also hire beach chairs for £5 a day here. There is also a tourist shop selling souvenirs and seaside paraphernalia, the beach is shingle so not many sandcastles being built but our boys still loved digging, building rock castles, skipping stones and playing in the water.
If you pop in the car, or the bus (there is a bus stop outside Haven with excellent links) only a 5 minute drive away is Weymouth Beach, we didn’t go to the sandy part so I cannot comment on this but enjoyed a couple of mornings at the Sealife Centre and Sandworld. The Sealife centre doesn’t have the largest selection of fish, especially sharks (to my youngest’s dismay) but it was the best Sealife we have been to with outdoor play space, water park and general theming. The restaurant serving pizza was well priced and the pizza was delicious! All staff were friendly and knowledgeable. I will do a feature in the future on Merlin parks and businesses which will include Sealife as we make our way around the country.
Sandworld is a family run business with an interesting history, small but well priced, especially if you complete the optional quiz as the children were spending longer at exhibits than they probably would and learned so much about sandart. There are also multiple areas for building sandcastles and creating your own sandart. We were blown away by the talent and look forward to returning when artists come in the summer to watch them at work.
Summary - 4.5 out of 5
Haven offers a comfortable family holiday with as many activities and facilities you could ask for, with an active family on a budget, you couldn’t ask for anymore. Weymouth Bay has opened our eyes to reasonably priced caravan holidays, yes it was nice having a hot tub and luxury lodge at Crealy but the extra costs didn’t balance, we paid only £222 for our 4 night break in a silver caravan and have already booked to return next May half term and are looking at other Haven locations in the UK, the blight of brexit and covid on our airports doesn’t seem to be fading so UK, we’re happy to stay!
Book now at https://www.haven.com/parks/dorset/weymouth-bay
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We are quite excited to host chef, restauranteur, 
author, and activist, Meeru Dhalwala, who will share her compelling story of creativity through the lens of June’s global theme ‘reverie’.
Meeru moved from Washington, D.C. to Vancouver in February 1995 and has since been cooking and running the kitchens and menus at Vij’s and Rangoli restaurants. Vij’s has been hailed by the New York Times as “easily among the finest Indian restaurants in the world.” (Rangoli closed after 17 years in May 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Meeru also wrote all three award-winning Vij’s cookbooks.
In 2021, Meeru created a small community business built from her learned ethics in the food industry: My Bambiri (baby) Foods. My Bambiri sources from BC organic farmers and sells on income-based pricing: three price options based on a family’s specific finances. She has also partnered with Food Stash Foundation to sell My Bambiri at their markets for low-income families who face many economic and social barriers. In October 2022, Meeru relaunched her annual international food fair called “Joy of Feeding” that is held at the UBC Farm Centre for Sustainable Food Systems.
Meeru holds a MSc in development studies from Bath University, UK, and brings her passion for humanity into her business and cooking practices. She is one of Vancouver’s most prominent promoters of women in business, climate change and sustainability, and healthy-elegant cooking. She proudly sits on the Board of Directors for the Green Party of Vancouver. For her professional and community work, Meeru has received honorary doctorates from both University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.
Every month we like to ask our speakers a handful of probing questions to give us a deeper glimpse into their life and relationship with creativity:
How do you define creativity and apply it in your life and career? I imagine and then come up with ideas. Lots of ideas, of which most aren’t realistic, but contribute to the final ideas that I/we can execute. I love the process of ideas popping or slowly coming to form in my head. I love the crazy ideas that are impractical and the ideas that could make stories if I were a novelist. I say the word “IDEA!” in the Vij’s kitchen and staff stops whatever we’re doing, get excited and hear the “IDEA!” Half of them result in all of us just laughing b/c while even saying it, I realize it’s not practical or just sounds silly coming out. My kitchen staff doesn’t rely on me to run the daily kitchen—cooking, ordering, loading, prep, etc.—but they rely on me for my “IDEA!” And if I love my idea, I don’t let it go.
Where do you find your best creative inspiration or energy? From running in my neighborhood—not any neighborhood or trail. Running is combination of my familiar surroundings and my body igniting me—my brain is dancing while my body is doing all the physical work. Whatever is on my mind—whether my family, trying to save some aspect of the environment, imagining being dead, imagining my comfort place on this earth, a work issue, coming up with recipes, etc.—it’s done with abandon while I’m running. Within 10 minutes, I lose myself in imagining, pondering…and daydreaming about my past in relation to today.
What’s one piece of creative advice or a tip you wish you’d known as a young person? Find a solo activity during which you feel abandon and…yes, lose yourself in reverie! I run. All those times when I was crying or stressed about my home life or school life, if I had gone out running and released that stress energy, the weight would have lightened and so many windows would have opened. Doesn’t have to be a physical activity—it can be knitting or drawing.
Who (living or dead) would you most enjoy hearing speak at CreativeMornings? George Eliot or Graca Machel. Intellectually attuned and gracefully passionate, brave women. Middlemarch is still relevant as a compelling storyline and observation on humanity’s social concoctions. Women and children’s rights activist Graca Machel was the First Lady of Mozambique at an important and crucial time. Her husband (the President) was assassinated via a plane crash. Later, she became the First Lady of South Africa, as wife of Nelson Mandela.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Fly to Vancouver from Washington D.C. to meet a guy I was talking on the phone with for a month (back in 1994) and, after spending 5 days with him, deciding to marry him asap. I left my hometown, friends and career in human rights and economic development to move to Vancouver. It resulted in a new and completed unexpected career, two beautiful children and 17 years of marriage. I don’t know how, but I grabbed the confidence in love before it escaped in the form of common sense.
If you could open a door and go anywhere, where would that be? My partner is a dry suit (meaning he dives in cold waters) scuba diver and travels to all waters of the world to dive, take photos. His “comfort place” in this world is the silence and being solo under water—complete opposite from mine. He lies there with his camera, watches and waits for creatures to swim, fully in zen mode. This level of silence and alone-ness intimidates and fascinates me. I would LOVE to turn myself into an invisible and weightless being, and be on his shoulder while he does this. I would not want to disturb his zen. For me, this would be like magically living in a dream.
What are you proudest of in your life? Giving motherhood my all, by which I don’t mean just love. The most important moment of my life so far is when I first looked down at my newborn and felt/saw the look in her wide eyes, settling on her mom’s face. I call this “Newborn Eyes”. Newborn Eyes are the energy of my personal life. I’m proud of fully and honestly engaging with my two daughters as humans and not as my extensions. I’m proud of calling them out on their shit and not worrying if they like me or not, or if they’ll rebel. I’m proud that I never stopped being me for the sake of being a mother.
If you could do anything now, what would you do? Have each human above the age of, say 6, in this world watch the animated documentary film “Flee” for its subject matter and b/c its engrossing storytelling. I want all of us watching at the exact same time so we are aware of sharing this experience together, as one. So, a bit of magic or super sci-fi high tech required here. Some of the bravest and most loving people in this world are “refugees” and “migrants”. These are labels for some, but for me they are my mom and dad.
What books made a difference in your life and why? The Employees by Olga Ravn. This book is potentially our real future with real humans co-existing with AI types of humans. It’s beautifully written. It’s a very short book and I read it twice in a row.
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montdigital1 · 1 year
What Is a Tiffin Box Indian, Tiffin Service?
In Tiffin Box Indian is a lunchbox used to carry a simple Indian meal. They are usually carried or transported to a workplace or school but can be found in homes as well.
Traditionally, a tiffin box consists of three or four stainless steel compartments that are stacked on top of one another and clamped down from the sides or top to hold all the food. They have a lid and side clip to prevent spillages, a handle for carrying, and are easy to clean. If you are looking for Indian tiffin then you should search tiffin service near me keyword on Google.
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Tiffin boxes became the ideal way of transporting home-cooked meals in a time when restaurants were rare and hotels scarce. They kept flies away, kept the food warm, and allowed for a full thali-style meal.
The term tiffin is now applied to any home-cooked light meal, such as lunches prepared for working Indian men by their wives or school children by their parents. The word is also used to describe tiffin centres, which are restaurants serving these meals. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
Dabbawalas, a network of dhoti-wearing tiffin wallahs in Mumbai, provides a vital service of speedily delivering piping hot home-cooked lunches to office workers in the city. The dabbawalas use a complex system to get thousands of tiffin boxes from people’s homes and deliver them to the offices of their customers close to lunchtime. Today, tiffin service offers a variety of cuisines including Indian, Chinese, and even continental dishes.
In many parts of India, it is still a common practice to carry a tiffin for lunch. However, the advent of delivery apps such as Zomato and Swiggy has made it redundant. As a result, some Indians may be wondering what to pack in their dabba for lunch. You can get tiffin service in Slough, Berkshire UK.
What Is Punjabi Tiffin Service?
Are you looking for a Punjabi tiffin service near me in the UK? Punjabi tiffin services are a great way to get delicious Indian food delivered straight to your door. These services are perfect for people who don’t have the time to cook themselves or don’t want to eat boring meals.
What is Vegetarian Tiffin?
Are you looking for a vegetarian tiffin service near me in the UK? Vegetarian tiffin is an English term that refers to a light meal or snack taken between meals. It is usually served at restaurants, catering companies, or in a home setting. Typically, these tiffins contain a combination of vegetarian dishes and non-vegetarian foods.
What Makes a Good Tiffin?
The key to a good tiffin is to make sure that the base of the dessert is made from the correct ingredients. These ingredients should include butter, sugar, cocoa powder, and raisins. You can tiffin menu on the website.
If you are looking for a delicious, easy-to-make traybake, this chocolate tiffin recipe is perfect. It is dairy free and only four steps are required to turn this no-bake fridge cake into a scrumptious chocolate tiffin that everyone will love. You can get Indian home cooked food delivery near me according to your location.
Tiffin recipes are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing any of the nutrients that you need for a healthy lifestyle. They are also easy to make and make the perfect edible gift for any occasion.
What Can I Add to My Tiffin?
I often use a mixture of shortbread cookies and digestive biscuits in my tiffin recipes as they are both low in saturated fat, high in fibre, and easy to crush. Crushed graham crackers are also fine, though they will not have the same level of fibre as shortbread. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
To start, melt the vegan butter in a saucepan with maple syrup and cocoa powder. When it is melted, stir in the crushed shortbread cookies and raisins. Transfer to a lined 9x5 loaf pan (sprayed with non-stick spray) and place in the fridge for about 2 hours to set. You can order Indian tiffin online from the website.
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kyndaris · 2 years
Humdrum Blues
A couple of days after what felt like an excellent and fun date with Shrek, I had a meet-up with another of the hopefuls. His codename? Honestly, it’s pretty hard to come up with these. And there wasn’t anything about him that really jumped out. So, for now, let’s simply call him ‘Spring.’ The other ones I thought of using would only serve to be insulting for a group of individuals that I somewhat connect with but don’t delve as deeply with.
What to say about Spring? Well, initially, he initially portrayed himself as a worldly individual. After all, with borders lifted and international travel reinstated, he was enjoying a quick holiday in London (of all places)! In the land of Harry Potter and mythical legends, he was enjoying the sights and sounds of a proper autumn.
To be frank, I was perfectly jealous. After all, I had wanted to visit the UK again back in 2020. Of course, those dreams were summarily dashed with the coming of COVID-19.
So, after a few chats - where I complimented his cosplay game (although he didn’t actually make them himself), he was eager for a meet-up in person. Consequently, he set up a date a few days after his return to Sydney. That day, of course, being a Monday. For him, it was fine. He was, after all, still on leave and could enjoy a workday outing without the pressure of work the next day. Unfortunately, he didn’t quite take into account my own circumstances: a working woman that had a job in the new central business district (CBD) in the heart of Western Sydney. But hey, I’m a flexible lady. So, I accepted going on a date. On a Monday.
When we first started chatting, Spring was eager to show me around the city and talked about all the Japanese food in and around the Galeries (which, honestly, I could have also told him about), but then he forwent all our previous discussions and asked if I liked Italian. Blindsided a little and a bit miffed that I wouldn’t be enjoying sushi or a nice bento set, I told him that Italian was fine. Armed with that knowledge, he made arrangements for a meet up outside an Italian restaurant near the Apple Store on George Street in the heart of the city. 
Little did I know that he hadn’t actually booked anything. He was hoping to wing it because it was a Monday night and there wasn’t that many people out and about.
If I could shake him, I would. Who flip flops this much in life? Still, at this stage, I didn’t quite know about his tendency to posit suggestions before changing his mind abruptly. Forget women, Spring is the very epitome of Katy Perry’s Hot N Cold. 
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
After arriving at the city a bit earlier than the designated meeting time, I made a pitstop at Kinokuniya to take a look through the new released at Kinokuniya. Even then, I arrived at the restaurant with minutes to spare. Spring was already there, though, staring at his phone as he waited. 
Introductions were then properly made before we entered the establishment. Seated at our table, we made our own separate orders on our phone and then chatted as we waited for the food to arrive.
So far, so good.
And yet, to be perfectly honest, dear readers, after what felt like a great date with Shrek, I was already highly resistant to the idea of this one going anywhere. Which, I realise now, was very unfair to Spring. Maybe if I had given him more of a chance at the start? Or been more open? 
Alas, I was already pinning my hopes on Shrek. 
Despite starting at a disadvantage, Spring was still able to draw me into a proper conversation. At least for a while. We chatted about his recent trip overseas and the flaws of the London Underground. We even talked about how odd it was that they had commercialised their transit system. There was also some chatter about hobbies and interests. As well as our approaches to finding love on the dating app.
Spring was very adamant about the fact that he only had the capacity to chat with one person at a time. Whereas I’d opened up my options by playing the field a little by chatting to multiple people and then comparing each individual I did meet (either in real life or online)  to see what it was that I wanted out of a relationship and whether or not we might be compatible. After all, there was no guarantee of anything in life and it seemed foolish to waste time and energy by investing into the wrong person. Especially if I wasn’t very interested in them as a life partner. Something it seems Spring knew about intimately for, shortly afterwards, he told me that he had dated two women previously. Both relationships had lasted about a year before he broke up with them. Why? Because he hadn’t grown feelings for them and felt that they weren’t as invested in his interests as he was. This was, also, despite them trying to learn more about his hobbies and actively trying to make the relationship work.
Never once, during our chat, did he ever mention if he bothered to learn what his previous girlfriends liked. Or being invested in their hobbies or interests. Initially, during the date, I thought little of this fact, and was actually trying to advise him that many of my married friends didn’t always share the exact same passion for every little thing. Nor were they joined at the hip. For that kind of codependency and devotion was nigh impossible. I told him that as long as the couple share a certain outlook on life and have similar values, there is a strong chance that love can eventuate. Spring didn’t seem convinced and I walked away from the date knowing that I certainly didn’t feel like I was up to ‘loving’ everything that he did and eschewing my own likes.
Of course, by the time I had given it some thought and was telling my work colleagues about the sordid details of my date the next day, I began to realise how problematic Spring’s wants in a relationship were. And yet, pressured after having a belly full of pasta, I’d agreed to a second date! Curse my luck!
After all, when it comes to most fandoms, I skirt across the surface. In all honesty, it’s best to describe me as a jack of all interests and master of none. And perhaps that’s a good thing. Because I certainly don’t want my personality to just be defined by a single label: weeb, gamer, writer, reader, etc. I indulge in a lot of different shows, exposing myself to a variety of genres. I like dabbling in different side projects when I have time and mixing it up on the odd occasion (or as my routine allows). True, I have a few favourites but I like to keep my mind open to new things.
Spring, on the other hand, seemed very focused and intense on what he liked. The feeling I got was that he wasn’t one that would expand much of his horizons. And so, what he wanted from a relationship was basically a social media echo chamber. His future partner had to share the same interests. No doubt, they also had the share the same ships. The same opinions. And literally be a female clone of him.
That, to me, was not something that I wanted to be a part of. It spoke of a very self-centred viewpoint. Relationships, based on the things I’ve read and witnessed are about compromise and open communication.
And, maybe it’s an idealistic viewpoint, but I don’t want to feel beholden to someone else’s view. I am independent. i am woman. And to quote Katy Perry once again: Hear me roar!
There are multiple facets to who I am. Watch as I troll my friends about male representing nipples and in the next second, see me flop on the couch, controller in hand as I game. I am unapologetic in what I like and I am blunt in my assessments of others. And yet, if we are good friends, though I might tease and talk shit to get a laugh, I like to think that I’m also a good listener. A shoulder to cry on when the going gets tough. And also readily available to provide acts of service to those in need without thought of reward or recompense.
Fortunately for you, dear readers, I was unable to close the chapter on Spring at the end of the first meetup. And so, of course, there’s a part two to this tale. I hope you enjoy my poor decision-making skills!
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uksresort · 2 years
Top Exciting Things to Do in UK's Resort - You must Know
The ideal holidays have everything at your fingertips, allowing you to focus just on spending time with loved ones. Planning a resort vacation near your hometown allows you to experience a fantasy vacation with glistening pools, fantastic restaurants, top-notch indoor, and outdoor activities while avoiding needless travel time and distance. 
One Day Picnic Resort has so much to offer that make sure you have enough time to do all you want to while you're there. In order to ensure that you take full advantage of everything at resorts that offer, we've put together this list to assist you in getting ready for your upcoming resort vacation.
Let the Music Play!
Music is the soul of every party. There's no better way to get the crowd on their feet and spice things up than some big foot-tapping numbers. Make sure you invest in a good music system and put in some great speakers that deal with that bass. To level up the party, hire a DJ and let him run the night.
Set the Mood with Good Food
An amazing party is not complete without great food. Opt for a buffet so your guests can indulge their taste buds with dishes of their choice. Take into account the preferences of your visitors and treat them to a delicious portion of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Of course, don't forget the desserts!
Keep your Spirits Up
The food is usually complemented by fizzy drinks that set the mood for the party. Hosting a party at a resort is the best idea since you have unlimited access to liquor, eliminating the need to buy it in bulk. Apart from refreshing drinks, you can also entertain your audience with some amazing bartending skills and be the talk of the town.
Enter for a Topic
Theme parties are the best way to get your guests excited even before the party starts. Create a hype in the crowd as everyone dresses for the main reason to stand out. Do not forget to decorate the place according to the theme. You can go for dreamy lanterns, colorful balloons or interesting accessories and make the party come alive.
Pick a Fun Resort
UK’s Resort is the best place to host parties. Unlike houses or pubs, they offer a relaxed atmosphere by the serene sea. Great food with great music and mind-blowing cocktails, you can let the professionals take the blame while you enjoy your party together with your guests.
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hudsonmckenzie · 1 month
How to get UK work permit visa from Dubai?
Due to the increasing number of openings for restaurant managers and cooks, obtaining a UK work permit from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, or the Middle East is an excellent way to find employment and launch a successful career in the UK.
UK work permit visa
The growth of the commercial, hotel, and service sectors is driving up job prospects in the United Kingdom. Individuals with diverse origins and nationalities are eager to sample cuisine from around the globe. In the UK, this creates a lot of career chances for cooks and restaurant managers. Companies looking to fill positions in the hospitality sector also look for qualified applicants. The acquisition of a UK work visa satisfies the need for effective labor. The role of UK immigration lawyers in Dubai is quite vast in this program.
It's interesting to note that companies are eager to hire candidates from Dubai because of their exposure to the global workforce and experience in related fields. Thus, after fulfilling all qualifying requirements, the UK work permit visa offers trained youngsters, professionals, and talented workers in Dubai a great opportunity to seize employment prospects in the United Kingdom.
A UK work permit visa: what is it?
The UK invites professionals, trained youth, and skilled workers to work in the country under the Tier 2 visa program, also known as the point-based skilled worker visa program, in order to have an efficient labour force.
Candidates who are interested in working and staying in the UK can apply for a work permit. Professionals and skilled workers in fields and industries with high labor demand that are on the Tier 2 Shortage Occupation List are more likely to be granted a work permit under the skilled worker visa program. Healthcare, IT, finance, administration, teaching, hospitality, engineering, and other significant businesses and professions are among those included on this list. Due to a lack of qualified workers in the UK's hospitality sector, firms are searching for suitable people abroad, such as the United Arab Emirates.
What are the requirements for a UK work permit visa?
Interested candidates should have a legitimate job offer from a Home Office Licensed Sponsor in order to be considered for the skilled worker visa program. It is significant to remember that qualified candidates must fulfill requirements related to English language competency and skill, trade, or occupation.
Candidates for restaurant management and chef positions must fulfil the eligibility requirements listed below:
➨ Education – Class 12 (minimum)
➨ A valid Certificate of Sponsorship from an employer holding a valid Sponsor License
➨ Language proficiency skills (IELTS – 5 bands in each module or section)
➨ Prior work experience of 8-10 years in related field (hospitality industry)
➨ Security clearance certificate
➨Enough funds
The skilled worker visa program uses a point-based system to award applicants based on their level of education, work experience, sponsorship certificate, and language competence. Candidates must have outstanding academic records, a strong IELTS (language proficiency exam) score, and eight to ten years of relevant professional experience in order to get the maximum number of points. A minimum score of 70 points is required for applicants to be eligible for immigration.
Young professionals, skilled laborers, and trained youth can create prosperous careers and a bright future in the UK with the help of the skilled worker visa program. It is significant to remember that the UK skilled worker visa program permits holders to enter the nation for up to five years while working. Additionally, if candidates are successful in finding a new job opportunity or company in the United Kingdom, the period of their visa may be extended.
Interested applicants should consult a UK immigration lawyers in Dubai to ensure they fully understand the requirements and process, saving them time, money, energy, and resources.
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Laundry Services Procurement Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide
The global laundry services category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2023 to 2030. Growth of the category can be attributed to rising demand from the hospitality & healthcare sector, consumer prioritization for well-maintained and clean garments, rapid urbanization, rise in disposable income, and emergence of online and on-demand laundry services. Moreover, the category is witnessing an increase in end-usage among restaurants, educational establishments such as schools and colleges, and salons. For instance, in hotels and hospitals, it is crucial to maintain immaculate uniforms and linens, due to stringent hygiene and quality standards. 
Outsourcing laundry services provides several benefits to end-users such as cost savings, time efficiency, and compliance to safety regulations (e.g., using authorized cleaning agents). Few of the key challenges in this category include equipment management (e.g., replacing ageing equipment and maintaining new equipment), rising operational costs, meeting customer preferences that vary according to end-use, staff shortages, and technology integration. For instance, in Q4 2023, the laundry cost index increased by 9.3% due to a rise in global energy prices. Moreover, in 2023, regional laundry service providers in Australia and New Zealand faced labor shortages due to a rise in labor costs. In another instance, in 2021, certain key laundry service providers in the UK struggled to meet demand from hotels and National Health Service (NHS) facilities due to staff shortages.
Key technological advancements driving the global laundry services category include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), use of smart and digital laundry equipment, waterless laundry, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled cleaning appliances, and software-driven management systems. AI and ML use algorithms to assess data from laundry equipment which is then used to optimize laundry processes with respect to time and efficiency. ML can help in predicting maintenance issues in laundry equipment and evaluate laundry preferences of customers. Smart and digital laundry equipment such as smart washing machines are endowed with self-cleaning programs and can be operated via smartphones. Moreover, they also have features such as automatic detergent dispensers and smart diagnostic tools. Additionally, features such as Radio Frequency Identifications (RFID) help smart machines to determine the type of wash required. IoT enabled cleaning appliances are equipped with ‘Wi-Fi’ and ‘Bluetooth’ options to facilitate the monitoring of incident detection, machine status, wash cycles, and remote supervision which makes it easier for service providers to enhance operational efficiency. 
Order your copy of the Laundry Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Software-driven management systems are equipped with cloud-based technologies and can provide real-time feedback related to operational efficiency and service performance. Waterless laundry can reduce the quantity of water being consumed by 90%, thus making it cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
The laundry services category is fragmented and consists of a large number of global market players, turning the category to be competitive. Key players in the category set themselves apart by continuously upgrading equipment with latest technologies, improving turnaround time, optimizing service quality, engaging in strategic partnerships, adopting effective marketing strategies, having a strong digital presence, and emphasizing customer satisfaction in order to enhance their service portfolio and to stay competitive. Moreover, key players are actively focusing on improving environmental sustainability by using energy-efficient equipment and eco-friendly detergents, and ensuring frugality in water usage. Additionally, key players are also focusing on improving the overall customer experience by offering tailored pricing plans, contactless pickup and delivery, on-demand and express services, and catering to personalized packaging preferences. Buyers in the category possess high bargaining capability owing to an extensive supply base.
Labor, equipment, detergents and chemicals, maintenance and repair, energy, and other costs such as rent and utilities, transportation and logistics, sales and marketing, compliance, insurance, and taxes are the key components of this category. Labor and equipment account for the largest share of the cost structure. A prominent pricing structure used in this category is unit pricing or per-piece pricing, in which rates are charged based on the number of items being laundered. Another key pricing structure is weight-based pricing, wherein the prices are determined by the weight of the laundry load. Periodic pricing or subscription-based pricing is also used, wherein customers pay a pre-determined fee on a weekly or monthly basis in exchange for services. Few key service providers have a tiered pricing that varies by volume, frequency, and type of item. Few of the key factors affecting the prices are fluctuations in labor costs, rise in industrial electricity prices, and high cost of equipment replacement and upgradation. Additionally, the pricing may vary based on the length of contracts.Buyers and service providers prefer longer-term contracts for added security and stability, steady pricing structure, and stronger partnerships. According to data published by FRED, the Producer Price Index (PPI) for commercial laundry and dry-cleaning machinery and equipment in the U.S. increased from 333 in December 2022 to 348 in May 2023, which contributed to a rise in the total costs of commercial laundry services in the U.S. during this period.
Asia Pacific dominates the global laundry services category, holding a significant portion of the global market share. Key driving factors for this region include rapid urbanization, improved demand from emerging economies such as India and China, and rapid growth among leading end-user segments such as hospitality and healthcare. Few of the leading players such as Alliance Laundry Systems LLC have been focusing on capacity expansions in Asia Pacific to cater to the high demand. Key driving factors in developed regions such as North America and Europe include high degree of urbanization, emphasis on time-saving solutions, technological advancements, and stringent hygiene guidelines in facilities such as hotels and hospitals. Asia Pacific is expected to continue its dominance during the forecasted period due to a surge in the number of facilities such as hotels, hospitals, restaurants, salons, schools, and colleges that are outsourcing commercial laundry services. Comparing the prices charged by various service providers, assessing service capabilities based on pickup and delivery options, lead time, and minimum order volume, evaluating the experience level of service providers, comparing technologies used in equipment and service provision, measuring service quality based on customer testimonials, and checking adherence to safety and environmental norms are some of the best sourcing practices considered in this category.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Sodium Cyanide Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Carbon Steel Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Laundry Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Laundry Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 7.0% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 5% - 10% increase (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Unit pricing, Weight-based pricing, Subscription-based pricing, and Tiered pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Industries served, years in service, revenue generated, geographic service provision, employee strength, certifications, type of laundry service, technological capabilities, minimum order volume, pickup and delivery options, lead time, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Key Companies 
• Alliance Laundry Systems LLC
• Alsco, Inc.
• Aramark Corporation
• Cintas Corporation
• Lapels Dry Cleaning
• Laundryheap Limited
• Marberry Cleaners & Launderers, Inc.
• Rinse, Inc.
• The Huntington Company
• Tide Cleaners
• UniFirst Corporation
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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stocktake-online · 2 months
Restaurant Management System | Book Your Free Live Demo Now
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Effortlessly manage your restaurant's inventory with StockTake Online Software. Designed for UK businesses, our user-friendly platform helps you track stock, reduce waste, and save money. Perfect for restaurants, cafes, and bars, StockTake Online ensures you always have the right ingredients on hand. Enjoy real-time updates, detailed reports, and seamless integration with your existing systems. Simplify your stock management today with StockTake Online!
Key Features:
Real-time inventory tracking
Automated order management
Comprehensive analytics and reporting
Easy integration with existing systems
Why Choose StockTake Online?
Boost productivity
Reduce waste
Increase profits
Don't Miss Out!Book your free live demo today and see how StockTake Online can revolutionize your restaurant operations.
Contact Us: Visit our site stocktake-online.com or schedule your free live demo.
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Ensure Your Commercial Property's Gas Safety with a CP17 Certificate
As a commercial landlord or premises manager with gas appliance installations, UK law mandates you to guarantee the continuous safety of every appliance. Has your safety certificate expired? Without a valid certificate, your insurance may not cover any gas-related incidents.
For your peace of mind, maintaining a current Landlord Gas Safety Certificate (CP17) is crucial. Failure to do so could result in prosecution if an incident causes injury.
### Legal Responsibilities Under the Gas Safety Regulations Act of 1998
The Gas Safety Regulations Act of 1998 stipulates that commercial landlords and property managers must ensure all gas appliances are safe for use. Annual inspections by a gas-registered engineer are required to confirm the safety of all installations for the next 12 months.
A Landlord Gas Safety Certificate CP17 is issued when all gas appliances, pipes, and flues comply with industry regulations. If any appliance fails to meet these standards, a remedial works quotation will be provided.
### Importance of a CP17 Certificate
Commercial property owners and landlords must prioritize gas safety. CP17 certificates ensure that all gas installations in various commercial buildings, from office blocks to nursing homes, meet health and safety standards. Whether you operate on an industrial estate or manage a restaurant, a CP17 certificate guarantees your premises are safe.
What is a CP17 Certificate?
A CP17 certificate is issued following physical testing and visual inspections by a registered commercial gas safety engineer. These checks cover all gas appliances and visible pipework within a commercial facility, ensuring they are in safe working order.
Inspections include boilers, cookers, fires, fittings, chimneys, gas meters, and flues. Engineers also assess extraction systems for proper combustion gas removal.
Why a Gas Safety Certificate is Essential
UK law requires commercial property owners and landlords to protect the health, safety, and welfare of their tenants, employees, and visitors. An annual gas safety check and inspection are mandatory, and failure to comply can result in severe penalties, including fines up to ��5000 or imprisonment.
Regular servicing and testing of fire detection systems are also required by law, particularly for businesses at higher risk of fire, such as fast food joints, bars, and restaurants.
The Necessity of a CP17 Certificate
A CP17 certificate includes a comprehensive inventory, inspection, and testing of all gas appliances. Insurance claims may be void if an accident occurs when the certificate has expired. It is advisable to provide a detailed list of all gas devices to ensure thorough checks.
CP17 inspections can be conducted between the 10th and 12th months from the date of the previous certificate if the property has been continuously rented. Timely scheduling of new gas checks before the previous certificate expires is essential.
UK Gas Plumbers: Your CP17 Certification Providers
At UK Gas Plumbers, we offer swift and reliable Gas Safety Certificate examinations and other gas safety services to ensure compliance with industry regulations. Our gas-safe registered engineers will meticulously check all gas appliances, flues, and pipework, addressing any issues that require immediate attention.
Once we confirm compliance, an electronic Gas Safety Certificate CP17 will be issued. We also provide reminder emails two weeks before your certificate expires, ensuring timely scheduling of your next inspection.
Comprehensive Gas Safety Services
Our professional engineers offer 24/7, 365-day services in London, including gas certificates, CO & smoke alarm installation, CP42 kitchen safety certificates, PAT testing, and annual boiler servicing.
Contact Us Today
Ensure the safety of your commercial property with UK Gas Plumbers' comprehensive services. Contact us today to book your appointment and stay compliant with gas safety regulations.
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tillmachineuk · 3 months
Affordable EPOS system for hospitality business
In today's competitive hospitality industry, finding an affordable EPOS system tailored to the specific needs of businesses is crucial for effective management and customer satisfaction. An affordable EPOS system for hospitality businesses in the UK encompasses several key features that ensure operational efficiency without compromising on quality or service.
First and foremost, affordability in an EPOS system means more than just a low initial cost; it implies a comprehensive solution that delivers value over time. Such systems typically offer flexible pricing plans that cater to different scales of operations, whether it's a small boutique hotel or a bustling restaurant chain. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their EPOS capabilities according to their growth trajectory without facing prohibitive upfront costs.
Moreover, an affordable EPOS system in the hospitality sector integrates seamlessly with existing hardware and software infrastructures. This integration capability is crucial as it minimizes disruption during implementation and ensures smooth day-to-day operations. Whether it's linking with kitchen display systems, online ordering platforms, or loyalty programs, the ability to sync effortlessly enhances operational efficiency and customer service.
Additionally, cost-effectiveness in an EPOS system often translates into enhanced features that streamline processes and improve customer interactions. For instance, robust inventory management functionalities help in maintaining optimal stock levels and reducing wastage, thereby lowering operational costs. Real-time reporting and analytics empower business owners to make informed decisions swiftly, boosting profitability and efficiency across multiple locations if applicable.
Furthermore, affordability doesn't equate to compromising on security and compliance. A reliable EPOS system for hospitality businesses in the UK adheres to industry standards for data security and GDPR compliance, safeguarding sensitive customer information and ensuring peace of mind for both businesses and their patrons.
In conclusion, an affordable EPOS system designed for hospitality businesses in the UK goes beyond the initial price tag to offer scalable solutions, seamless integration, enhanced features, and robust security measures. By investing in such a system, businesses can streamline operations, improve customer service, and ultimately drive profitability in an increasingly competitive market landscape. Whether it's a quaint bed and breakfast or a bustling chain of restaurants, the right EPOS system tailored to specific business needs can be a transformative asset, paving the way for sustained growth and success in the hospitality industry.
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uk-visa-updates · 3 months
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Making sure your restaurant satisfies UK customers' expectations
Meeting the expectations of UK diners involves a combination of excellent food, outstanding service, and a welcoming atmosphere. UK diners have diverse tastes and high standards, so it's crucial to understand their preferences and deliver an exceptional dining experience.
Here are some key strategies to ensure your restaurant meets the expectations of UK diners.
1. Understanding UK Dining Preferences
Variety in Cuisine
UK diners appreciate a wide variety of cuisines. From traditional British dishes to international flavors, offering a diverse menu can attract a broader customer base. Ensure your menu includes vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options to cater to different dietary preferences.
Quality Ingredients
Quality is paramount for UK diners. Use fresh, locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. Highlight the origins of your ingredients on the menu to show your commitment to quality and sustainability.
2. Exceptional Customer Service
Friendly and Professional Staff
Train your staff to be friendly, professional, and attentive. Excellent customer service can significantly enhance the dining experience. Ensure your team is knowledgeable about the menu and can make recommendations confidently.
Efficient Service
UK diners expect efficient service. Strive to minimize wait times without compromising on the quality of food or service. Use technology, such as digital ordering systems, to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
Handling Complaints Gracefully
Handle complaints gracefully and professionally. Train your staff to listen to customer concerns, apologize sincerely, and resolve issues promptly. Turning a negative experience into a positive one can build customer loyalty.
Check: Steps by Step Guide to Open a Restaurant in the UK as a Foreigner by UK Business visa Consultant.
3. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere
Comfortable Seating and Ambiance
Create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Pay attention to seating arrangements, lighting, and decor. A pleasant ambiance can make diners feel at home and encourage them to return.
Cleanliness and Hygiene
Maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Regularly clean dining areas, restrooms, and kitchens. A clean environment reassures diners about the quality and safety of your restaurant.
4. Consistent Quality and Presentation
Consistent Food Quality
Ensure consistency in food quality and presentation. Train your kitchen staff to follow standardized recipes and plating guidelines. Consistency builds trust and keeps customers coming back.
Regular Menu Updates
Update your menu regularly to keep it fresh and exciting. Introduce seasonal dishes, limited-time offers, and chef specials. Regular updates show diners that you are innovative and committed to providing a dynamic dining experience.
5. Engaging with the Local Community
Local Community Events
Participate in local community events and festivals. Engaging with the community can enhance your restaurant's reputation and attract local diners. Offer to sponsor events or provide food for local charities.
Building Relationships with Customers
Build relationships with your customers. Remember regular customers' names and preferences. Personal touches can make diners feel valued and appreciated.
6. Utilizing Technology
Online Reservations and Ordering
Offer online reservations and ordering options. Many UK diners appreciate the convenience of booking tables or ordering food online. Use a user-friendly platform to streamline the process.
Social Media Engagement
Engage with your customers on social media. Share updates, promotions, and behind-the-scenes content. Respond to comments and reviews promptly. Active social media engagement can build a loyal online community.
7. Catering to Dietary Preferences and Allergies
Clear Menu Labels
Clearly label menu items to indicate dietary preferences and allergens. Use symbols or descriptions to highlight vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and allergen-free options. Transparency builds trust and ensures diners can make informed choices.
Accommodating Special Requests
Be willing to accommodate special requests. Train your staff to handle dietary restrictions and food allergies with care. Providing personalized service can enhance the dining experience for all customers.
The SmartMove2UK’s Success Story: Mr. Roop Pratap Chaudhury recently started a new restaurant, Colonel Saab, in London, and was assisted in the process by Mrs. Falguni Y Parekh, a UK Immigration Solicitor and Founder of The SmartMove2UK.
8. Offering Value for Money
Competitive Pricing
Ensure your pricing is competitive and reflects the quality of your offerings. UK diners appreciate value for money. Offer set menus, early bird specials, and loyalty programs to attract price-conscious diners.
Portion Sizes
Offer generous portion sizes. UK diners often expect substantial portions, especially for main courses. Ensure your portion sizes provide good value without compromising on quality.
9. Gathering and Acting on Feedback
Encouraging Customer Feedback
Encourage customers to provide feedback through comment cards, online reviews, and surveys. Understanding their experiences and preferences can help you make necessary improvements.
Using Feedback for Improvement
Use the feedback to make informed changes. Address recurring issues and implement suggestions that can enhance the dining experience. Showing customers that you value their input can build loyalty and trust.
10. Promoting Sustainability
Eco-Friendly Practices
Adopt eco-friendly practices in your restaurant. Reduce waste, recycle, and use sustainable packaging. UK diners are increasingly concerned about environmental impact and appreciate businesses that take sustainability seriously.
Highlighting Sustainable Choices
Highlight sustainable choices on your menu. Feature dishes made with organic, locally sourced, or ethically produced ingredients. Promote your eco-friendly practices in your marketing materials.
Ensuring your restaurant meets the expectations of UK diners requires a combination of quality food, exceptional service, and a welcoming atmosphere. By understanding local dining preferences, engaging with the community, utilizing technology, and promoting sustainability, you can create a dining experience that delights customers and keeps them coming back.
What are UK diners' top priorities when choosing a restaurant?
UK diners prioritize quality food, excellent service, and a comfortable atmosphere. They also value sustainability and appreciate restaurants that offer diverse menu options catering to various dietary preferences.
How can I improve customer service in my restaurant?
Train your staff to be friendly, professional, and knowledgeable. Ensure efficient service and handle complaints gracefully. Regularly review and update your service protocols to maintain high standards.
A guide to essentials – how to apply for a Sponsor Licence for UK employers!
What role does technology play in meeting diner expectations?
Technology enhances convenience and efficiency. Online reservations and ordering, digital menus, and active social media engagement can improve the overall dining experience and meet customer expectations.
How important is sustainability to UK diners?
Sustainability is increasingly important to UK diners. Many customers prefer restaurants that adopt eco-friendly practices, use sustainable ingredients, and minimize their environmental impact.
How can I gather useful feedback from my customers?
Encourage feedback through comment cards, online reviews, and surveys. Actively listen to your customers and use their feedback to make necessary improvements to your menu, service, and overall dining experience.
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tonysamia · 4 months
A little about me and about Weevi
I know LinkedIn is primarily for business content, but adding a personal touch can make your posts resonate more and reach a wider audience. Hi, I’m Tony, a Digital Transformation Consultant. I moved to the UK 1.5 years ago with my family, starting an exciting new journey here. On the business side, I bring over 18 years of experience in the digital sector, particularly in web design and digital platforms. I've helped many businesses optimize their online presence through my work with Koein, a leading digital solutions agency in the MENA region and globally. One of our flagship platforms is Weevi (weevi.com), a multi-channel online ordering solution for restaurants and shops. Weevi offers a comprehensive suite of features: Branded website Mobile app Delivery tracking app Loyalty system Integration with POS systems and delivery providers Full dashboard to manage inventory, orders, customers, and more ... Weevi is available in more than 15 countries and continues to expand, thanks to its multi-lingual and multi-location capabilities. It’s continuously evolving, adding new modules and features that enhance user experience, flexibility, and overall functionality. Trusted by big brands such as Burger King Lebanon and Iraq, Zaatar w Zeit, Kababji, Salata, Buddies London, and many others. After serving hundreds of clients with the Weevi platform, we discovered a significant need for such a solution in markets worldwide, especially for restaurants looking to enhance their online presence and streamline their ordering systems. Weevi’s pricing model, based on a reasonable monthly subscription rather than commission, offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional aggregators and food ordering platforms. I believe Weevi can help businesses achieve their goals and save on costs. We already have many clients in the market and are eager to expand further. We are open to business collaborations in the UK and any other markets, including partnerships with POS systems, payment gateways, delivery platforms, and any other systems that enhance our clients' experiences. I welcome any suggestions, advice, or collaboration opportunities. Thank you in advance!
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