#UK reptiles and amphibians
calochortus · 6 months
Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) by Will Atkins Via Flickr: female
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
Can you share some good photos/resources of reptiles native to the UK?
Well, as you may know, there aren't that many reptiles native to the UK.
You have 3 snakes:
Grass snake, Natrix natrix
Adder, Vipera berus
Smooth snake, Coronella austriaca
You have 3 lizards:
Common lizard, Zootoca vivipara
Sand lizard, Lacerta agilis
Slow worm, Anguis fragilis
Some resources:
The British Herpetological Society (thebhs.org)
List of reptiles of Great Britain - Wikipedia
Reptiles & amphibians | Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (arc-trust.org)
ID Guide British reptiles – British Naturalists' Association (bna-naturalists.org)
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Grass Snake (Natrix natrix), family Colubridae, England, UK
aka Ringed Snake or Water Snake
photograph by Mark Ollett
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Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca), family Colubridae, found in much of Europe
In the UK, this snake is found in limited locations in the South of England.
photograph by Mihai Si Furia Rosie
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Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis), female and male, family Lacertidae, found over much of Europe, and into western Asia
This lizard is found in isolated populations across the UK.
photographs by George Chernilevsky 
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
There's a marked difference between how quickly mammals (including ourselves) age and how quickly many species of reptiles and amphibians do. This discrepancy, one scientist proposes, could be due to the dominance of dinosaurs millions of years ago, during a critical period of mammalian history. Microbiologist João Pedro de Magalhães from the University of Birmingham in the UK describes his "longevity bottleneck" hypothesis in a newly published paper. Here's the thinking: when dinosaurs ruled Earth, it was necessary for the much smaller mammals to be able to reproduce quickly in order to survive, which means the genes for longer lifespans may have been discarded as evolution progressed. "Some of the earliest mammals were forced to live towards the bottom of the food chain, and have likely spent 100 million years during the age of the dinosaurs evolving to survive through rapid reproduction," says de Magalhães. "That long period of evolutionary pressure has, I propose, an impact on the way that we humans age."
Continue Reading.
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bonefall · 11 months
I'm really sorry if you already answered but I did look through the whole lexicon and used control+f. Do we have words for Lizards/Newts//Salamanders/Reptiles?
I wanted to see the Clanmew names for 2 OCs Lizardsong and Salamanderclaw. The second being a Skyclan Daylight Warrior!
The word for reptile is "Skeep"! It is a wingless, typically scaled animal without fish "wings". So, it actually includes amphibians as well. This is because there are very few reptiles in the UK; Clan cats don't see why an amphibian is not simply a water-reptile.
So to them, a lizard is a four-legged reptile with a tail. It includes all of the newts that they encounter on a regular basis, even though these are technically amphibians. What are you gonna do, teach the cats cladistics?
Lizard (Generic) = Ssassa Adult newts and lizards, without breeding season adornments. Has 6 species.
Sail (of a fish or a breeding male newt) = Saoss The dorsal fins on top of a fish or a breeding male newt.
Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) = Sipssa Eggs are much rarer in this part of the world than you might think. Like its name suggests, the viviparous lizard typically gives live birth, which is likened to the adder. This is the most common lizard in the area, encountered by all Clans.
Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) = Hwoossa Named for being seen mostly in WindClan's sandy lowland heath, because this IS an animal that lays eggs. It needs sunny, sandy areas to be able to hatch a brood.
Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) = Fyenssa A contraction of "Flame's Lizard," for the quirk where these newts will often hide in piles of cold, wet wood, only to flee out when a fire is lit. The most common newt to encounter, feel free to translate as "salamander!"
Palmate Newt (Lissotriton helveticus) = Horrssa The "shade newt," so named because this one generally prefers forested, green areas. Its tail is much fatter than the other newts.
Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) = Gisis What was once the Tribemew word for all lizards now only describes the great crested newt, the largest and most respected of the "lizard" classification. An accomplished hunter with an impressive sail during its breeding season, on both the back and the tail.
Some extra facts about newts and lizards in general...
Scientifically, all newts are salamanders, but not all salamanders are newts. You could translate any one of these words as "salamander."
Through their lives, newts will have terrestrial phases and aquatic phases.
Britain's cold climate and isolation as an island means there are very few reptiles in general; amphibian species outnumber them because it is very wet.
Slowworms are technically a lizard, but Clan cats believe they are a snake.
Clan cats also believe that snakes were not originally reptiles, but worms. There is a story about a cat who hunted them to extinction and then had to recreate them from memory, forgetting that worms don't have scales.
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jaketeachesdeath · 6 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility!
Hope you all have a safe and much loved day
Theres a few creatures out there that can manipulate thier genders. Fish, Molluscs and even some Reptiles and Amphibians but probably my favourite example is not so much a change for breeding survival as far as reproduction goes.
Its one I think is far more fitting for the way that humans present themselves. The Marsh Harrier, this Bird of Prey is the biggest of the Harriers in the UK. Locked into the south of England they became the target of persecution until just one nesting female remained. Now thats to efforts to save this largley migratory bird have seen a rise to over 400 breeding pairs since the 1970s.
They are easily recognisable, fantastically coloured and a very characteristic V shaped wing position in the sky. The unforgettable awe inspiring tumble between pairs in courtship displays of talon locking. This species is sexually diamorphic. The females are larger a smooth brown plumage with a dense golden crown and throat. The males are usual are most intensely coloured long grey wings that extend out into black tips, a pale neck and head trailing back into a gingery underside and a brown upper
Interestingly though there's some levels of change. At thier first moult in winter their juvenile plumage can make things a little murky, now the first full body moult at 2cy can make them sexually distinguishable. However come the summer of that cycle males can start looking remarkably like females, even into the summer of 3cy. Now whilst these males cant match the size of the females they do blend in rather well. Then some of the older females cam develop male type plumage and some birds even keep an almost juvenile plumage
So I think its a casing point to say you just have to do you. Whilst gender identity and gender expression are two different things I think gender expression goes a long way to help folk feel comfortable in thier own skin
It might be the males adopt a female cover for protection, it could be older females want to be left alone by males we dont know but its doesnt change the fact whatever the reason they are still worthy of protection and admiration
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infodumpingaboutnature · 10 months
Here’s some sad news: the Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) is now genetically extinct due to interbreeding with domestic cats.
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(Photo credit: Project Saving Wildcats)
The Scottish Wildcat was a subspecies of European Wildcat that lived in the highlands and forests of northern and eastern Scotland for thousands of years. For the past 2,000 years they lived alongside domestic and feral house cats without too much interbreeding going on according to genetic analysis of wildcat fossils. However, around 70 years ago the wildcats and house cats started interacting more since the wildcats were rapidly losing habitat. House cats began breeding with the wildcats and now their populations have become so intertwined that the species is now genetically extinct. This is yet another reason as to why you should not let you pet cats outside without supervision, or at the very least spay and neuter them! Over 63 species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians have been hunted to extinction by cats and that number is only growing. Cats are one of the most destructive invasive species in the world, and this is coming from a cat lover!!!
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(Photo credit: Charlie Bishop)
However, there is some hope. There are efforts to try to breed genetically pure Scottish Wildcats in captivity and release them into the wild as well as talks of bringing in different subspecies of European Wildcats to help bring in more genetic diversity into the population. Sadly, rewilding projects in general are facing a lot of pushback and this is especially true in the UK.
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fraterribilis · 4 months
The taxonomy of Sly Cooper: Part 2
So, the first entry of this series was pretty well-received. Here's part two. This time we'll be focusing of the villains of the first Sly-game, The Fiendish FIve.
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Raleigh was actually kinda difficult to pin down, as he is pretty much just a generic non-descript frog. Looking at a list of amphibians in the British Isles didn't exactly narrow it down, as the UK also has several non-native species of frogs with varying degrees of naturalization. Eventually I settled with the species that I thought best matched his colouration, the marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)
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At up to 4 inches long, the marsh frog is the largest and one of the most widespread frog-species native to Europe, although it isn't native to the UK, being introduced in the 1930's. Within the UK it is primarily found in south-eastern England. Researchers are still undecided as to wether or not it poses a threat to the local ecosystem.
True to their name, marsh frogs are generally found in marsh regions, being more tolerant of saltwater and pollution than other frog-species. Like most frogs they primarily feed on insects and other invertebrates, but thanks to their size they can also prey on smaller fish, birds, and rodents.
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In contrast, Muggshot was fairly easy to figure out. He is unsurspirisngly an american bulldog, particularly of what is called the "bully"-type. Domestic breeds generally aren't my forté, but I'll do my best.
American bulldogs were originally an offshoot of the english bulldog, which were brought to America following the colonization, where they were primarily used as livestock guardians and catch dogs. The "bully"-type ( also known as the "Johnson" or "Classic"-type) was created by dog-breeder John D. Johnson in the mid 19th-century, by crossbreeding standard american bulldogs with an english bulldog, resulting in a line of dogs that are bigger, more muscular, and with a more pronounced underbite than the standard variation, all very reminiscent of Muggshot.
Primarily used as guard dogs nowadays, american bulldogs are considered to be a loyal and courageous breed with strong protective insitncts. They riquire rigourous training and exercise in order to stay healthy (and make sure they don't skip leg-day, like a certain someone)
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Mz. Ruby also proved to be alittle bit tricky. I had originally pinned her as an american crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) given that she lives in Haiti, where the only native crocodillian is the american crocodile. The Sly Cooper Wiki refers to her as an american alligator (Alligator missisipiensis), but there is nothing in-game that confirms this. However, i then realized that she is probably Cajun given her accent. The Cajun culture originates in Louisiana, where the only crocodilians are american alligators, so that kinda seals the deal.
You wouldn't really know that just by looking at her though. Alligators are distinquished by having short, broad snouts with an overbite. If we look at Mz. Ruby, while her her snout is kinda broad, she sure as hell doesn't have an overbite.
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Petty taxonomy bullshit aside, american alligators are found throughout the swamps, rivers, and lakes of the south-eastern United States. They are the apex predators of their environment, and eat pretty much any animal they can get their jaws on. Although their range overlaps with that of the american crocodile in Florida, the two species generally don't compete over resources.
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American alligators are some of the most cold-resistant reptiles, being able to survive temperatures as low as 40 degrees fahrenheit or 7 degrees celsius. Should the water they live in freeze over they can go into a kind of suspended animation, by digging a hole in the ice to breathe through, whilst lowering their metabolism and bodily functions to a minimum. Not quite the breaking of the laws of life and death that Mz. Ruby has got going on, but still pretty cool.
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Moving unto the Panda King, and yeah... There is no getting around the fact that he is clearly meant to be a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). I briefly toyed with the idea of him being one of the many extinct species of Ailuropoda, but that was too far-fetched.
Giant pandas are of course renowned for their cute appearance, strict bamboo diet, and for being the face of animal conservation. Though infamously endangered by habitat-loss in their native mountain range, they are considered less endangered nowadays, being given the IUCN-status of Vulnerable.
And no, pandas aren't an evolutionary dead-end or a lost cause in terms of conservation, and don't deserve to go extinct. Anyone who tells you otherwise likely doesn't understand ecology.
The giant panda is notable for having an extra long sesamoid bone on its front paws, in additon to its five fingers. While not a true finger, this bone practically works like an opposable thumb, which comes in handy when handling bamboo shoots (though it'll take some time before they master the art of pyrotechnics)
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Finally we have Clockwerk, the immortal arch-nemesis of the Cooper Clan. His in-game description doesn't give us much to work with, other than that he is an owl of some kind. We do know that he apparently had an orange plumage before becoming a cyborg. Due to his large size and having a base in Russia, some people have identified him as a eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), which I can defintiely see.
I however subscribe to the theory that Clokcwerk was originally from Ancient Egypt, and thus like to think that he's a pharaoh eagle-owl (Bubo ascalaphus).
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With a wingspan of about 3 feet, the pharaoh eagle-owl is actually one of the smaller members of its genus. It is found throughout Northern Africa along with parts of the Arabian Peninsula. It likes to nest around cliffs and river valleys, where it primarily feeds on rodents, reptiles, and other birds, but occasionally takes on prey as large as hares and desert foxes.
The ancient egyptians associated the owls with wisdom and knowledge, but also regarded them as symbols of mourning and death. Owls were sometimes mummified alongside humans, as it was believed that their night-vision would help guide the deceased through the darkness of the underworld.
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pfhwrittes · 6 months
actually the rspb website is a great resource for anyone that wants to mention british wildlife (in particular birds) in their fics and they're unsure of the variety of little funky birds we have over here.
have another link to the website.
the woodland trust is a wonderful resource for the various animals we have in the uk too. they cover various species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians you can find (as well as my beloved insects). they also have a handy tree identification guide.
have a link to the woodland trust website.
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learnplants · 2 months
Today's plant is very special! I mean they all are, but this one more so! This plant is called "Pteridium Aquilinum" but more commonly called brake fern or bracken! It's a plant that's native to the UK, but can live literally everywhere except for Antarctica!
In terms of conditions to live in, Bracken doesn't care! It's been found in the middle of forests, road verges, bogs and swamps, on the coast, in land, anywhere! It doesn't care about pH, soil type, amount of sunlight, wind etc!
It looks quite different from regular plants as well! Bracken grows great big green fronds that are divided and alternate down the stem! New fronds grow from the base of the plant, unfurling as it goes until it stands upright at about 2 metres tall and 1 metres wide! However, it doesn't last! In the colder months of autumn and winter, the fronds turn a brownish-red and die back down to the base, but if it's still warm enough, they'll stay for the winter!
The stem, or for the more fancy term, the "Rachis", looks hairy as it grows and pushes up in the spring to help form the fronds! The root system, or the "Rhizome" grows about a metre downwards but can spread out over hundreds of metres, allowing a large area of bracken to actually be a single plant!
Here's the most unusual thing about bracken, it does NOT produce seeds! It instead uses a much older method of spreading young plants... Spores! Like a fungus! They collect in these spore cases called "sporangia" underneath the fronds and let the wind carry the spores out! How cool!
Bracken provides good nesting material for birds and provides cover for amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals! Fritillary butterflies love bracken, and are usually seen flying about them in April all the way to mid-August! It's also a good source for a massive variety of moth caterpillars, such as the garden tiger and the orange swift!
In mythology, Bracken is mentions many times over! For example, there's a legend that says if you hold the spore on st Johns eve, you'll become invisible, which is even referenced in William Shakespeares Henry V! It's also thought that witches hate bracken because if you cut the stem in half, it makes the greek letter for X, which was a symbol of Christ!
Uses now a days include culinary! Some Asian countries will eat the young fronds like vegetables or in a soup! But this is very risky, you'd bracken fronds contain Hydrogen Cyanide, which as you can probably guess from the cyanide, is not very healthy! You can get very very sick and possibly die from it, so it's probably best not to try it yourself! It even contains some carcinogens that can cause throat and stomach cancer! Other than poisonous food, it can be burned for ash to make glass and soap or it can be used a fertiliser!
Bracken doesn't have any pest or disease issues, but it does however cause issues for other plants! Because bracken is so damn good at growing, due to it's massive root system and it's use of spores, it tends to completely dominate it's environment! Which means we all need to try our hardest to maintain our ancient forests, by donating or otherwise supporting organisations that do this, such as the woodland trust in the UK!
Overall, Pteridium Aquilinum, or Bracken, is a very unique plant that grows massive, and causes a fair amount of disruption to forests! But without any more delay, here it is!
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sylveonyiezoo · 1 year
Planet Zoo ideas!
For if you are burnt out or don't know what to make! ♡
1) Monkey World! ♡
Create a zoo full with only primates! I got this idea from the Mokey world ape rescue centre in Dorset I use to visit all the time as a kid! It's also incredibly fun to make enclosures for these animals in game!
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2) Reptile House! ♡
Create a massive building full of reptiles! This is a fun challenge because it makes you improve on creating buildings as well as utilising exhibits! I also LOVE making habitats for the monitors! You could also add amphibians and insects because in most reptile houses they usually also have them!
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3) New Zoo! ♡
Create a zoo in a biome you have never or don't use often and fill it with animals you have never made habitats for! This is a good idea for me personally because half of my zoos are African and I really need to branch out! I make too many enclosures for lions and meerkats! Here are some animals I have never seen someone use in planet zoo!
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4) Where are you from? ♡
Make a zoo based on where you are from! Select your country and biome and fill it up with animals that live there! (If you are from the uk like me I suggest just making a European zoo because there isn't many native British animals in game.)
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5) Big Cat Sanctuary! ♡
Create a sanctuary or a rescue centre for cats! There are quite a few in the game right now from all around the world! This will help becoming better at mixing themes in one zoo!
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If you do any of these, reblog and show me <3
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scb-tour-and-travel · 2 years
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Murchison Falls National Park lies at the northern end of the Albertine Rift Valley, where the sweeping Bunyoro escarpment tumbles into vast, palm-dotted savanna. First gazetted as a game reserve in 1926, it is Uganda’s largest and oldest conservation area. This stretch of river provides one of Uganda’s most remarkable wildlife spectacles. Regular visitors to the riverbanks include elephants, giraffes, and buffaloes; while hippos, Nile crocodiles, and aquatic birds are permanent residents. https://scbtoursandtravel.com Murchison Falls is notably blessed with over 144 mammals,556 bird species,51 reptiles, and 51 Amphibians. With a great number of African elephants, Murchison falls is impressive all year round. The aerial survey noted over 900 individuals and 1,330 and is at an increase. Historically Giraffes exclusively inhabit the northern sector of the park. Buffalo populations have spiked to over 10,000 while Uganda kobs have leaped to more than 35,000. #uk #uganda #uwa #exploreuganda #explore #murchisonfallsnationalpark #murchison #scbtoursandtravel #trips #usa #dubai #qatar #ugg #falls #all #nature #tourism #tours #uganda🇺🇬 #visit #visituganda Book with us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or WhatsApp us on +256789671811 / 0705078394 or call us on 0393249630 https://scbtoursandtravel.com (at Scb tours and travel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckj6TT7I5yg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gaystropod · 4 months
I think if i lived in the UK id kill myself... u guys have the worst biodiveristy ever.... 6 reptiles... 7 amphibians... only 100 mammals... crazy
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squishyfauna · 1 year
I've mostly posted on Instagram but since I've been on Tumblr way longer I wanted to actually start up here!
I follow from @starlightorchestra and if you're a reptile/amphibian fan then I have a pet blog @fellowshipofthenoodles ❤️
30s. Queer. UK. Disabled. Neurodivergent.
DID system (will use we often and draw art related to our alters)
Witchy. Reader. Gamer. Reptile keeper.
No niche, we can't decide a specific thing to draw and it's more fun to do what we want anyway - expect furry, feral, humanoids and herps
Using Clip Studio Paint on a Windows Surface Go
No commissions unless we're friends (Sorry!) - No requests unless we say otherwise (happy to hear suggestions though!)
We never draw NSFW, our art is safe for all ages
We do have an Etsy shop
Our art is tagged with #squishyfauna but we want to reblog from other artists here too and share the love!
We have a Discord for mentally ill artists
Anyone drawing feral NSFW
Anyone drawing sexual images of underage characters
Racists, nazis, sexists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, TERFs, SWERFs, gender critical, trans med (probably other but hey, if we don't like what we see we use the block button liberally).
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vansandhands · 1 year
Guide on Moving House With Pets
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Website: www.vansandhands.com
Moving homes with pets can be confusing and anxiety-inducing for pets. To ensure a smooth transition, it is essential to visit your current veterinarian, arrange a separate room or space for pets, and consider other options like hiring a pet sitter or booking a kennel or cattery. Ensure your pet is tethered securely in your vehicle and has all necessary vaccinations.
 Read Top Tips for Moving Homes with Pets in the UK, to learn more.
Take a stroll around your new neighborhood in the days leading up to the move to help them adjust to new situations. Let home moving services in London know about any pets moving with you upfront, especially if you are transporting exotic species like tropical fish, reptiles, or amphibians.
On D-day, use pheromone diffusers to help pets relax and avoid anxiety. Regularly check in with your pet, lock any doors and windows behind you, and provide them with clean water and toys to keep them occupied. Plan meals carefully, avoiding feeding your pets two hours before the move to prevent travel sickness.
To move homes with pets in the UK, it’s essential to stay at home for the first few days, update their details, be patient, and ensure each room is secure. Keep cats indoors for a week, and alert former neighbors about the move if they see them. If your pet exhibits signs of sadness or depression, seek expert assistance. Be gentle with your pet and don’t panic!
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lifeafterlifeparks · 2 years
In Heat: Climate Change’s Cold-Blooded Disruption of Animal Reproduction
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Climate change is having a profound effect on the world around us. Many are well talked about like increased forest fire activity, heat waves, and droughts. But there are many subtler and equally disastrous changes afoot for worsening the biodiversity crisis. One of the lesser-known impacts is the effect rising temperatures has on the sex ratios of amphibians and reptiles. As the Earth's temperatures continue to fluctuate in extreme ways, it causes significant changes in the ratio of females to males being born for certain species. An out-of-sync ratio has obviously serious implications for the future of these species and the ecosystems they inhabit as reproduction is impacted.
In many species of amphibians, the sex of an individual is determined by the temperature of the environment during a critical period of development. This is known as Temperature-dependent Sex Determination (TSD). In species with TSD, warmer temperatures during development typically result in more females, while cooler temperatures result in more males. This process is essential for maintaining healthy populations of amphibians, but it is also highly sensitive to changes in temperature.
As global temperatures continue to rise, this delicate balance is being disrupted, leading to significant changes in the sex ratios of amphibians. In some cases, warmer temperatures are causing a disproportionate number of females to be born, which can lead to a lack of genetic diversity and reduce the overall fitness of the population. In other cases, cooler temperatures are resulting in a greater number of males, which can lead to competition for mates and further reduce genetic diversity.
One of the most well-studied examples of this phenomenon is the red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas), a species found in Central and South America. Researchers have found that as temperatures increase, more females are being born, and the ratio of males to females is becoming increasingly imbalanced. Another example, a study of the European Common Frog (Rana temporaria) in the UK found that warmer temperatures resulted in a higher proportion of females. Similarly, a study of the Western Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata) in Canada found that warmer temperatures resulted in fewer males. Similar effects are found on Sea Turtle populations and other reptiles.
In addition to TSD, some species have genetic sex determination, where sex is determined by the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. However, even in species with genetic sex determination, temperature can still play a role in determining sex. For example, researchers have found that exposure to warmer temperatures during development can cause male-typical gene expression patterns in female embryos of frogs.
Amphibians are a diverse group of cold-blooded animals that rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. This makes them particularly vulnerable to changes in their habitat. Beyond sex effects, temperature fluctuations caused by climate change stand to devastate the population.
The effect of climate change are much more complicated than they may seem on the surface. As global temperatures continue to rise, the delicate balance of TSD is being disrupted, resulting in imbalanced sex ratios and reduced genetic diversity. This could have serious implications for the long-term survival of amphibian populations, which are already facing numerous threats, including habitat loss, pollution, and disease.
When you join Life After Life you save two frogs with one stone - you secure a sustainable death care plan for your loved ones, and you increase green space and endangered habitat in your community. In addition to being the most energy efficient way of sequestering carbon at the root of climate change, developing lush park spaces combats the heat island effect in metropolitan areas, cooling down the surrounding area.
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thepondbuilders · 2 years
The Pond Builders
Ponds are one of the most popular features in British gardens, and for a good reason. They provide a haven for wildlife, a place to relax, and an opportunity to get closer to nature.
Ponds are a great addition to any garden, providing a place for wildlife, relaxation, and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But did you know that ponds can also play an essential role in water conservation?
Ponds are a great way to store rainwater, which can be used to water plants during dry periods. They can also be used to top up swimming pools and water features or for irrigation. We can reduce our reliance on mains water by using ponds to store water and help conserve this vital resource.
How Pond Builders helps build ponds in the UK
Pond builders is a company that helps build ponds across the UK. We work with individuals, businesses, and organizations to create custom-built ponds that are both beautiful and functional. Our team of experts has years of experience in pond design, construction, and maintenance, so you can rest assured that your pond will be built to last.
Modern technology
We use the latest technology and materials to build our ponds, ensuring that they are built to withstand the British weather. Our ponds are also low maintenance, so you can enjoy your pond without worrying about constantly cleaning it.
We understand that every garden is different, so we offer a range of pond sizes and styles to choose from. We can also create custom-built ponds to suit your specific needs. The ponds we build can be used for various purposes, such as fish breeding, irrigation, or simply as a water feature.
We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of a pond, which is why we offer competitive prices. We also provide a range of financing options to make it easier for you to afford your dream pond.
Creating a haven for wildlife
Ponds provide vital habitats for many wildlife species, including amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Creating a pond in your garden will provide a home for these animals and help support the local ecosystem.
Pond Builders can help you create the perfect pond for your garden. We offer a range of sizes and styles to choose from, as well as custom-built ponds to suit your specific needs.
The Pond Builders team is passionate about ponds, and we would love to help you create one in your garden. Contact us today to learn more about our services or get a free quote.
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